#Loki season 2 episode 6
existential-labrador · 6 months
So I’ve taken this from a fan made compilation ‘trailer’ (posted before episode 5) of released footage that we’ve not seen used yet (here)
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This definitely seems to be in Don’s neighbourhood, the question is, is this Sylvie saying, this is your life, go back to it? Or is it our Mobius watching his separate variant (Don) enjoy his life?
Oh GOD I hope it’s the latter 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also why is it Sylvie and not Loki with him? WHY?
(Gonna have to write a fic where it’s actually Sylvie proving to Mobius that Loki likes him by showing him the moment Loki fixes his hair 🤣😭 that will help fix my undoubtedly soon to be broken heart)
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janewkn · 6 months
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yup, that’s it.
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msblueberrybi · 6 months
Still mulling over the finale (as in it was very powerful and emotional, so it's complicated), but on a lighter(?) note it was very interesting to me that they make it a point for BOTH Mobius and Sylvie to be in the frame, next to each other, when Loki was giving his final speech.
Like... you had to keep it uncertain, Marvel, didn't you...
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 6 months
lmaooo loki really spent centuries learning physics and mechanical engineering only for it to be completely useless 😔😔😔
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fan-of-chaos · 6 months
Loki's writers after they had Loki say "I'm scared of being alone" for the first time in season 1:
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bluesylveon2 · 6 months
After watching Loki S2 Finale, I realized that Renslayer had to take Sylvie because she was loooking at “the bigger picture” 😭
Also, I wish they included an end credits scene with Loki doing something but I think he has to hold on to the timelines until the next part of Phase 5/Phase 6. I thought it was sweet that he didn't kill Sylvie. It would suck for Sylvie to get free will and then he has to kill her
Edit: Both the first episode of Loki S1 and S2 finale are titled "Glorious Purpose" meaning it all went full circle and there is no season 3 😭
Edit 2: I LOVE THE CALLBACK TO ANTMAN QUANTUMANIA!!! Too bad the TVA does not know about what happened AFTER Kang was defeated....
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klarion-the-witch-boy · 6 months
A Non-Spoiler/Very Mild Spoiler Review of LOKI Season 2, Episode 6:
Well. I've learned how to cry quieter since Infinity War came out, anyway.
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calliogreenpea · 6 months
Not to be an MCU boot licker but I don't think I'll ever experience media like that again sorry my mind has been blown into pieces I have no idea how to feel HOW did they do that I'm shocked but also GOOD JOB they did it??? WHAT MY GOD WHAT THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING
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bigbootychuuya420 · 6 months
Loki season 2 episode 6 kicked. My. Ass.
Spoilers below the cut;
I have never burst into tears like that before, it was during loki taking all the multiverse threads or whatever and just waltzing his way on up that I just started bawling my eyes out. I didn’t even know what I was feeling, tears just started falling down my cheeks as I was just blown away. I found this episode was amazing, the pace awesome, the way Loki was owning his shit and doing everything to keep everyone safe awesome, the music and just everything technical that went into this episode, a w e s o m e.
The way they showed his delemma and his struggle coming to terms what he had to do, it was either let everyone he cared about and the entire multiverse die, or killing one of the only people he has ever felt a connection to in his life (cause while I don’t like the selfcest I do like how they were able to truly understand one another). Him going back to Mobius and asking him how to take comfort in killing and being told “there is no comfort, you just gotta chose which burden to carry” and so he choses the hardest option; sacrificing himself so that everyone he loves lives and is able to live the lives they want with nothing holding them back (and a nice bonus being everyone in the multiverse gets freedom, but we know WHO he was doing it for) but giving into his greatest fear of being alone. He chose the struggle of having to stay behind and keep everything in order so that the people he loves gets a chance while damning himself to a literal eternity alone. Cause idk about you but I don’t think anyone’s getting to him any time soon, idek where HE is. The old “he who remains” spot probably? But that’s a huge ass tree man Idk…Also the music, tension, lighting and just everything with that scene felt so powerful and made me really feel like “oh shit this is it??”
And the way his sacrifice SHOWED AFTER!? The change from the mechanical vibes of everything just doing what needs to be done, the path always being paved, no freedom into a living breathing thing where it’s shown that Loki has made it so the mindset is to help the multiverse grow and to nourish it. It was beautiful, and just the change from the war room having like what 3 ppl? With one being stuck in the last, one asleep, and the one who actually was like yeah let’s move forward with fuckin freedom?? To a whole ass room of people being busy and showing to actually out in effort to make this work and allowing there to be freedom and no genocides (is that the right word?) happening just because someone stepped on the wrong leaf. After season 1 being filled with this oppressing air of a bureaucracy, there being an almighty and those who carry out their every whim without questions, it was so refreshing to see that there’s actual life to it now. All because of my BABY 😭😭
And then there’s Mobius’s scene, where after the entire season, if not the entire series, of him saying that he’s okay with what he has and how he just wants to focus on the now, to the how he’s scared he’ll see something good and have the temptation to go and try to live it for himself, he finally lets go. After Loki’s gone (ig there’s still gonna be a jet ski unused 😔😔), he’s just shown waiting around, finally ready to see his life on the time line and finally take his life fully into his hands. The MUSIC!! THE LIGHTING!! THE SOUND!! All of it was like a punch to the gut cause he just was gonna stand there and let time pass, im gonna sob my fucking eyes out AGAIN!! He finally is just able to live and breath, take his time looking at what he was protecting without the constant stress of the job waging on him, finally at peace after like 500+ years!!! And omg, his story about how he used to be a hunter but was too scared of killing a kid even though they were gonna be the cause of 5000 deaths was so beautifully done, I just felt like it reinforced how he was always the outliner of the TVA, his wake up moment after probably centuries of just doing his job. God he is just so JAMSKDNALS Y!KMKW!? LOVE THAT GUY!!
I also just loved all the characters this season, everyone felt so charming and I loved everyone. Tho I still have a love/hate relationship with sylvie, but after rewatching s1 im leaning more to the love side. Cause she just sticks to her ideals and she’s like traumatized so can I really say anything? She’s cool af, bad ass for sure!! And I’VE LOVED LOKI FROM THE START, 2012 (DIDNT WATCH THE THOR MOVIES) - TO NOW BBY!! Tho after seeing some edits I think ima watch them all, apparently they’re like, hidden gems. Or only some ppl like em ig?? Anyways, no one’s probably gonna read this cause it’s just a recap of well, everything rather then an actual me feeling shit, but if you made this far thanks!! Have a wonderful day!! Or night!!
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annoyingboing · 6 months
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the minute change in his expression…. she’s happy that she can keep her friends safe, but he misses them so much
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26aspen-edits · 6 months
Marvel has never made me this emotional, what the fuck man, I feel so hurt for some reason
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thatgreyjedi · 6 months
Y’all Disney is going to be paying for my extensive therapy from the past 4 months…
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msblueberrybi · 6 months
Even though the victory through the power of friendship and teamwork would probably be kind of corny, I'm not sure how I feel about the victory through INDIVIDUAL SACRIFICE... Why does it always have to be an individual, especially in the American media, who saves everyone at the expense of their happiness and often lives?
Don't get me wrong, incredible character growth for Loki, no doubt about that, but what is it with Individualism all the time? And yeah, I feel like it made absolute sense to end on that, especially with how the episode was going, but also... I feel like saving everyone through the power of love doesn't have to be tragic...
I don't know, I'm rambling, because I'm both happy and unhappy with this.
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urmom973729 · 6 months
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mythical-magik · 6 months
Thoughts on Season 2 Episode 6 of Loki
Am I the only one that doesn’t feel satisfied with the last episode? Some parts were perfect, but it feels like somethings missing, like there’s holes in it. That episode didn’t go the way I thought it would at all.
I think I actually prefer the theories of Loki going through the timelines to recruit the members again. Or Sylvie found a young Mobius, then her and Loki kidnapped him and he finds out.
I knew there’d be a separation between Loki and Mobius but this isn’t how I thought it would go. I thought there was going to be some huge truth bomb dropped instead of what actually happened.
I’m so used to seeing Mobius with Loki that when he’s not, it genuinely doesn’t feel right. Mobius looked lost, sad, lonely, unhappy when he was at his desk at the end.
One thing I’m obsessed with is the clothing transformation of the TVA uniform to the Cape and Horns. It was phenomenal. That was HIS MOMENT!
Ravonna’s ending was perfect. I feel like there’s something missing there but nonetheless I loved it.
I’m glad OB, Casey & B-15 are all okay. That ending in particular was okay. I’m happy everyone’s fine but it feels so … lacklustre, so flat, as if something were missing.
The scene between Mobius and Loki in the time theatre - not what I thought was going to happen. At all. A little disappointed. I don’t really get the point of it - like Loki obviously got what was needed from that conversation so good for him.
It’s got me asking, ‘what was the point of making a thing of Loki & Mobius’ friendship. Why focus on that.’ Because it seemed like that was what was taking up season 2 in the first 3 episodes. Then right at the end it’s SYLVIE who’s supporting Mobius as he goes back to see that life he was avoiding. Maybe she felt obligated- she knows that if Loki could have been there he would have. It felt as if the friendship didn’t mean anything in the end - like it didn’t even happen to begin with.
Moving on. I blew the whole ‘mobius grabbing the lapels of lokis jack’ so far out of context. I thought there was going to be begging, I thought there was going to be a heart felt moment but no. Turns out he doesn’t trust Loki? Why’s he mad- he’s actually trying to save you. Let him do his thing, you trusted his this far.
The end of season 1 scene; I joked when I said they should have killed Sylvie off then, then when it was brought up that killing Sylvie was an option I regretted it. Glad she’s okay and alive but they wasted her character, I genuinely don’t get why they kept her for season 2, she was irrelevant. The only thing I could think of was it shows a parallel of how mobius changed Loki, and the polar opposite of both these Loki’s.
This whole episode felt off until the very end, with Loki being the new ‘He Who Remains’. I was expecting that. I feel like this episode was rushed. It needed to be slowed down.
If I had to rate it out of ten, I’d give it a solid 7/10. Also I was fully expecting to see Thor and I don’t know why. No-one is dead, so I’ll take the win! There’s always next time. I’m just glad the Series is over, waiting week after week, left on cliff hangers does something to a person.
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ariana1881 · 6 months
Nah, all that praise???? They knew what they were doing😏
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