#Literally I'm only like this because of all the lore that wasn't in the movies that I know about and is now slightly altered.
nosferatufaggot · 2 months
I got season one on DVD. Haven't watched yet. Not to be the G3 hater people don't like, cuz truly I'm not, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the live action movie when it first came out. I frankly really didn't like it other than Frankie. I love the original and didn't like all the changes and I still don't like the changes. So, I was already upset once the movie was over. Then the new show had it's premiere. Frankie wasn't voiced by the actor who played Frankie (and I was under the impression that this would be in the same universe as the movie so I was upset) AND THEN Toralei was posh british. That truly was the tipping point for me.
I really want to give this a fair shot because I know I would 100% love it if not for my already huge love of G1. I'm gonna watch this a few times. I know my first time watching this I'll just be a hater going "BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!" even though my mind and myself understand that this is different from G1. My heart will feel the betrayal and I'm just gonna have to get used to it. I so badly want to like this and I know I will once I jump over that hurdle. I've already seen a few episodes I like aswell.
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nightwolf14292 · 1 month
Some of my Thoughts About Batman: The Animated Series as Someone Who Knows Very Little About Batman Lore (PART 1)
(This is just the first three episodes because it's late and I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed now lol)
•Bangin intro has me very hyped
•Police blimps
•"No one is taking a vigilante force onto my streets." Commissioner Gordon.. Wtf do you think Batman is-? Do you know who Batman is at this point in the series?
•Gotham citizens have a hard time telling the difference between an emo and an actual anthropomorphic bat despite the fact that they look nothing alike
•Batman really likes using smoke bombs
•From reading the episode descriptions, and from watching this first episode, it seems like a lot of these villains are just drug addicts- •Drug addicts who really like bats, in this case
•The anthropomorphic bat was a doctor's fursona all along •There's a ridiculous amount of furries in Gotham
•They really like breaking windows. This is only the first episode and like.. Three windows have been broken already
•Christmas tree rockets
•ROBIN SPOTTED •WHICH ROBIN IS THIS •I KNOW THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM •Whichever Robin it is has sass, but I think all of them do •"Well ba-humbug to you too 😒" - Robin •THEY'RE WATCHING MOVIES AND EATING DINNER TOGETHER ON CHRISTMAS THIS IS A CUTE FAMILY MOMENT ASJSHAHSJAK •Unfortunately the Joker is here to mess that up tho T-T
•"Looks like I'll have to teach daddy some manners.." Uhhh, Joker..? 💀
•Look at this lovely father & son Christmas bonding, saving people and getting shot at with canons 💕
•I feel like the Joker having turrets shaped like him is really on brand somehow, despite knowing little to nothing about the Joker's said brand
•Batman just has a freaking baseball bat 😭🖐 •"They don't call you Bat-man for nothing! 😀" - Robin
•According to the five minutes of research I just did, I think this Robin is Dick Grayson which is, according to the longer then five minutes of research I did last night, the OG (AKA the first) Robin.. So before Bruce's orphan addiction fully formed, I suppose?
•What did Bruce do to you, doctor guy- •This doctor is, like, really passive aggressive ;-; •Also kind of rude of him to just spout nonsense about Bruce's father and Bruce's father's death as if that wasn't an incredibly traumatizing experience for Bruce lmao •BRUCE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO BE DEPRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE SCARECROW IS HERE AND HE HAS A GUN- •The villains in this series are kinda obsessed with guns just as much as they're obsessed with drugs
•So Scarecrow takes the "Scare" part of his name literally and makes people hallucinate their fears? •Damn Bruce, dealing with some trauma right now?? 😭😭 I feel like a lot of characters with parent problems (whether those parents are dead or not) have visions and dreams of their parents being like "you suck lmao" to them
•Commissioner Gordon does, in fact know who Batman is right now, so wtf was he talking about earlier with the whole "no vigilantes" thing -_-
•yeah I'd probably call someone a lunatic if they kidnapped people and performed human experimentation too, scarecrow
•Guys I think Bruce needs to go to therapy (again? Has he already been before?) because he's having- like- a panic attack over this Scarecrow guy and his parents and all that.. •I mean my mans hands are SHAKING and his visions going all blurry •YEAH YOU TELL HIM ALFRED, GIVE HIM THOSE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND FEED HIM SOUP ALL RIGHT
•Bruce literally can not catch a break in this episode he went from having panic attacks because of the fear toxin to just.. Getting beat up by random, also fear gassed people 😔
•They like blimps a lot
•Just broke another window
•Tiny plane that looks like it's made out of cardboard
•They also like explosions a lot
•Why's this Jonathan Crane guy so scared of bats •He also has elf ears lol
•Thomas and Martha Wayne? Bruce's parents names acquired
•(This version of)Bruce looks stupid in sunglasses
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villiedoom · 1 month
~ How I create my creatures and how difficult it is (looong post!)
I decided to make another post about "how I create my creatures" and "how difficult it is", so that I can link it if anyone else asks ~
Related posts:
How did you come up with these creatures? And how long have they been around?
How and how long ago did you come up with these creatures? Was it difficult to reproduce them in a 3D model or in a drawing?
Post about my worldbuilding
About dreams
My old and new 3D models
. First of all, I don't think I ever had the idea to create creatures, it rather happened naturally on its own and my imagination creates them unconsciously. For me it usually feels like they are alive and live independently of me, and just visit my mind sometimes, giving me the opportunity to see them, feel them, or learn a little about their story. Often they come to me in a dream or in a vision, like an insight or intuitive feeling. I just see them in my head - these can be clear images, or rather vague ones, more following a feeling than a visual image.
. All these "how to create a world" and "how to create a character" tutorials don't make sense to me. I don't know how to follow them and they don't work for me. I either get it on my own or I don’t.
. My creatures can have different versions, lives and interpretations, which also comes from the intuitiveness of my approach. I just see them that way. Because of this, I can't join Koties, Vaerafes and Varlafs into one species. They are connected and kindred, but they are not interchangeable, no matter how much I want them to be, although I sometimes worry that their similarity may confuse people who are not familiar with my lore.
. I don't create, I rather learn and express my knowledge and impression of my characters. Creating characters and stories for me is literally just me drawing fanart of these cool movies that my imagination shows me, leaving me deeply impressed. And I never know everything about them.
. Some of my characters are my imaginary friends, and some can be very personally related to me. They are my family, my guides, or are like my angels and demons. I don't believe in other worlds like I did when I was younger, and I'm not spiritual, but my characters are living persons for me.
. They just live with me and grow with me. My characters stay with me even when I don't want to see them anymore, and come back years later even if I wanted to forget them. At the same time, they may leave and connection may disappear, and I don’t know how it works. For me, it's just a natural part of my mind.
. I create for myself. My art is not a project, not content for the masses, and it was not intended to be fully revealed and explained to the public. I also never share my stories in detail, as I'm very sensitive about them. And despite the fact that my 3D models brought me and my creatures a lot of attention, I still greatly want (and need) to keep them personal and connected with me and my journey. I don't want to feel pressured to tell and explain everything.
. Drawing them, living with with them, loving them was and remains not always easy. There were moments when I was terribly despaired, when I hated them, when I associated them with fear and frustration only. I have a lot of pain, depression, anxiety and despair behind them. I sometimes feel like all that I invested in them may not be worth it, but I gave all my love, energy and life to them, despite everything, and there were moments when only they motivated me to live. I love them and I just can't give up on them <3
. Learning to draw them and create models wasn't easy either. Sometimes I felt that I would never learn. These are years of learning and growing, hundreds of drawings, sleepless nights, searches, visions and inspirations along with despair and analyzing all my drawings over and over again. New ideas and characters, and returns to old ideas and characters. Sudden realizations that I need to change something. Inspiration, obsession, anxiety... all of it.
. Many thousands of saved pictures and photos for reference, and a long search for a balance between heavily relying on photo references and anatomical models, and fantasizing about alternative anatomy which suits them better. I made really a lot of comparisons to real animals and a ton of analysis just for myself and my personal learning and use.
. I wonder about their anatomy and how it works, but if I have to choose between what feels right and what biologically makes sense, I will choose what feels right. What is more important to me is what I saw in my fantasy, what it means to me personally and how it resonates with me. Otherwise, I don’t see the point of fantasy to exist in the first place.
. Learning and searching a lot for years. Despite the fact that I am an intuitive-feeler, I sudy, think, search and analyze a lot. I usually just don't feel safe to share what happens behind the scenes, meaning all the sketches and concepts, but I made a lot of them.
These are some sketches. First image is concepts and models of Vaerafes and Koties from 2012-2013 to this day. Second image is the evolution of Moonhorses, which is smaller but is a good example.
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. There will be mistakes, as well as wrong ways and ideas that will die or change. I'm an experimenter so I had really a lot of these. There is no perfect finish here, it is endless evolution and change. I know I will change Vaerafes in the future, and vice versa - I also know that some of my earlier ideas and characters can come back.
. I experiment and try different styles. It's very exciting for me to give different interpretations and visions of my characters. I believe art is a language and it's okay to know and use different ones. I may draw my creatures in different ways and in different styles, but their essence, idea and soul do not change. I rarely post them, but these experiments help me understand them better.
Another example of a stylization use - my Setow creature as a realistic model and in a stylized illustration. By the way, stylization is more canonical for Setow.
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. It's sometimes very difficult to maintain a balance between my inner harmony, my inner knowlege, feeling, intuition and journey, and anxiety about other people's reactions, judgment, interest, interpretation and sometimes negativity, humiliation, misunderstanding and blame. I'm still looking for balance.
And in the end - all the attention I get sometimes overwhelms me and makes me feel lost, but I'm also really glad that my art and creatures create interest and there are so many people who like them! I'm grateful to you all and I hope that my journey can be inspiring for others too, for people who also like drawing and imagining their characters. I value genuine love for imagined and created worlds, and this love can come in many forms.
(It took me really a lot of courage to share this post and some of my sketches and concepts, but I hope you enjoy it! ^^' )
~ 💙
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klanced · 5 months
i just finally watched the batman (2022) and need a repository for my thoughts
anyway yes i know i am the voltron blog but you all must understand. and this is key to my lore. that i am an insane batman fan. i haven't kept up with comics in recent years but i am a total sleeper agent when it comes to batman and i've been waiting literal months to watch The Batman (2022) and i finally watched it last night and have been marinating in my thoughts since. and also my parents are tired of hearing my ranting and watching me walk around in circles.
this is literally the best looking batman film in years, if not the best looking one ever. the color grading was like a balm to my eyes, especially after the slog fest that is some of the other superhero movies... even with the constant rain the city never looked washed out, reeves and his set designers made such awesome choices when it came to fluorescent and neon lighting... the DINER SCENE!!!!!!!!!!! also omfg the way they made battinson the Red and Black Batman like what an excellent color combination. i loved it. i need to buy some of the theatrical release posters post HASTE.
more than anything this movie was SHOT like a comic book and so many scenes looked like they were ripped straight from a comic book, like i could visualize the paneling and everything... so freaking baller.
my family wasn't super impressed but i think it's because they expected an action movie but No You Don't Get It. batman sees the world as a gritty detective noir movie but to everyone else in gotham they're living in a horror movie and that is BATMAN CINEMA!!!!
when the riddler was arrested i was like 'wait there's still 40 minutes?' and then i preceded to have my mind completely blown. i kept questioning what reeves was doing only for him to IMMEDIATELY correct me minutes later. literally, let this man cook he knows what he's doing. when bruce lit the flare i didn't immediately get it -- and then the little mayor's boy reached for batman without any hesitation. and then the crowd began to follow him, closing the distance. and then he began to lead them to higher crowd. And Then I Got It.
2. gotham
yes i'm devoting an entire section just to the city.
gotham city is one of the hardest things to get right in any kind of batman media. like gotham is Not Normal and that should always be something hovering in the background. but many directors just don't bother because gotham architecture is so fundamentally different from normal sensibilities that building lore accurate sets would be both incredibly costly and almost impossible to do. but matt reeves tried and the movie was so unbelievably better for it.
bvs gotham was basically just new york city and don't even get me STARTED on how futuristic minimalistic modern the nolan movies were. ugh.
but when bruce and alfred were in their penthouse suite surrounded by fifty layers of gothic style trim my dad verbally said 'are they in a fucking church or something' and like YES DAD! that's the POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotham is supposed to be borderline CAMPY GOTHIC like the city itself is not just a setting, it's a full blown supporting character. the city looking batshit is essential lore and PIVITOL to the world building that has produced a man dressed up as a bat to fight crime like you DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! batman is divorced from our reality but he is GROUNDED IN GOTHAM!!!!
actually side note i've been playing gotham knights on the PC and 1) the game is way better than critics gave it credit for and 2) GOTHAM LOOKS SO GOOD IN THIS GAME. THE LIGHTING IS CRAZYYYY. best adaptation of gotham city fr, i loved the arkham video game series but the panache. the style. it became so diluted after arkham asylum fr.
my one criticism is that reeves needed to make one more rooftop set it was so silly that all the characters kept returning to the same gcpd roof with the bat signal on it.
3. plot
FINALLY A MOVIE WHERE BRUCE IS A DETECTIVE. i've waited literal years for this. i do wish batman had been a little bit more active/proactive in the plot, i.e. not strictly following with riddler's games, but this is also early batman so i'm more forgiving of his rookie mistakes... however in the second movie i expect him to be on his BALL GAME!!!! give me plot-armor-borderline-prescient batman PLEASE MR. REEVES I BEG OF THEE.
LOVED this adaptation of the riddler. using the zodiac killer as an inspiration for the riddler was amazing, brilliant, showstopping, spectacular. and they kept a little bit of camp in paul dano's performance which i appreciate. i don't think we'll ever go back to batman forever levels of camp, but that's okay </3
there was a nod to the character of hush in the movie (at least that's how i'm choosing to interpret it) but i don't think they could ever use hush in the future because they already adapted so much of his gimmick for the riddler... but that's okay tbh i don't think hush is that interesting anyway.
at its core the batman was a buddy cop movie and i LOVED that. jeffrey wright KILLED it as lieutenant gordon and the dynamic between batman and gordon was amazing. excellent usage of our favorite future-commissioner, you could really see they already had an established rapport but their bond was becoming even stronger... their conversation in the interrogation room was so amazing, as well as their scene with the penguin.
my one criticism is that alfred became non-existent after a certain point. also lowkey the lego batman movie did a better job at the 'bruce realizes that his trauma has made him reluctant to form bonds or deepen them because of his fear of losing anyone else' subplot. lego batman movie on top!
4. characterizations
everyone and their mom has already talked about how this version of bruce wayne is more focused on developing his identity as the batman versus his identity as brucie wayne so i won't repeat those essays. but i will say that i have such high hopes for bruce's development in the sequel. like the way the movie ended with him emphasizing how he needs to become a 'symbol of hope for the city' reads to me as him preparing to finally re-enter gotham society as Billionaire Bruce Wayne and i am SO READY FOR IT.
but what i actually want to talk about is how amazing catwoman's development is. i love how much backstory they gave her in this movie. i will always love the nolanverse version of catwoman but you really learn almost nothing about selina in TDKR. but in the batman selina's is this fully fleshed out character. you can immediately guess what her life has been like. and her motivations in the story... the way she was prepared to run until she found annika... and then she immediately changed gears and focused on vengeance for annika and her mother... god, i love it.
cobblepot's character was also so, so good. you can intimately tell that he's a two-faced bastard who's spent years being a yes-man purely so he can climb the social ladder. i know colin farrell is going to rock the HELL out of that monocle in the sequel.
5. hopes for the future
i know it's too late but i reallyyy don't want joker to be in the sequel. i unfortunately think that's more or less guaranteed though since they've already casted barry keoghan. and his performance was really good. i'm just tired of seeing the joker in batman media. (inb4 keoghan absolutely kills it in the sequel and makes me eat my hat). i don't really consider batman to have one arch nemesis, only that the joker has consistently ruined batman's life more often than all the other villains.
literally the one hill i will die on is that reeves NEEDS to include robin at some point. PLEASE. you can't have batman without a robin, he gets so lonely. literally that's all i want. i want battinson to become a dad so, so bad. you have no idea.
and (and this is key) robin must be a kid. a pre-teen aged 14 or younger. "oh but that's so unrealistic, child superheroes totally break the immersion" well I DON'T CARE. FULL THROTTLE ON THE CHILD ENDANGERMENT. let children fight crime, for the culture.
[okay, okay. make it a robin origin story where dick grayson is introduced and is plot-relevant but he doesn't actively patrol and fight crime and only becomes robin at the very end.]
introduce robin in batman 2, and then have robin be a participating older teen/adult in batman 3.
my incredibly indulgent ideal batman 2:
at least two years have passed (bruce is more or less settled and has finally hit his stride). he has mastered air gliding and now attacks villains from the rafters instead of just constantly walking out of the shadows. i want to see arkham-level combat So Bad.
selina is mentioned, but doesn't really appear (and there are no other love interests.
actually wait i change my mind about joker. joker can be included in the movie IF the red herring "main plot" is that he's using a circus as a base of operations (because clowns and circuses).
i say red herring "main plot" because the movie starts with a joker crime spree, so you think the movie is going to be all about the joker, but then he leads batman to his circus base and it turns out that PSYCH! THIS IS ACTUALLY A DICK GRAYSON ORIGIN STORY. because joker's base of operations is haly's circus.
batman is snooping around looking for evidence and that's when he comes across dick grayson, age 10.
kid dick grayson. PLEASE. PLEASE.
batman decides to visit the circus as bruce wayne. You Know What happens.
plot plot plot
bruce has to balance hunting down the joker while also protecting this little kid he pretends he isn't totally attached to.
this is incredibly indulgent because i have no idea how you would balance joker screentime with that of the court of owls. idk. that's what's fanfiction is for i guess c:
i have decided that over winter break i am going to rewatch all the batman movies from 1980s onwards so i can revise my Batman Cinema power rankings. i will create some kind of metric or spreadsheet so i can grade and quantify each movie.
hell i should also replay all my favorite batman video games. because those are basically just movies anyway. and i miss kevin conroy :(
thanks for reading. god i love batman.
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lettheladylead · 3 months
Hi! I was looking through Magica De Spell’s Wikipedia page today and it says that Magica has a sister named the Wicked Witch of the West, who has children named Witch Child and Warlock. I couldn’t find any information of them online so I was wondering if you knew anything about them, if they exist at all.
If they don’t, do you think you could instead do a character post on Magica’s cousin Matilda? Your old family tree posts helped me a lot in understanding Duck lore.
Aw I'm glad those posts help!! I'm still down for making them 'cause it's a lot of fun for me to find old comics and do some research.
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So before I talk about Witch Child, I wanna clarify some things that are relevant to the character.
This is another case where Americans can't stop themselves from taking "sister" and "aunt" literally. Aunt can be used to refer to any older woman in someone's life. Sister is frequently used in stories about witches (because a coven is like a sisterhood/sorority, it's a whole thing). Neither imply blood relation! Even "cousin" is often used to refer to friends/neighbors. Different cultures and languages treat words like that very differently than Americans do.
Witch Child, Warlock, & Witch of the West are all from a very specific time period of Brazilian duck comics where Magica and Madam Mim (from The Sword and the Stone) were living together/dating/???? and interacted with other Disney movie characters. In this specific timeline, the ducks live amongst regular humans which is very strange but you just gotta accept it. Magica also lives in Duckburg I think? It seems like she and Scrooge just run into each other randomly so I believe she and Mim have a house in Duckburg for whatever reason
"Witch Child" is not her name and I don't know why she's referred to like that on InDucks/other wikias. Her name in Brazil (where she was created) is Magali, in Italian she's Maghetta/Maghina/Streghella (inconsistent names in translations are very common), and in French she's Seraphine. None of her comics have an official English publication so again idk where "Witch Child" comes from! But I'll probably refer to her as Streghella for the remainder of this post 'cause it's easier that way.
OKAY now for details:
In Streghella's first comic, Magica gets a letter from a friend asking her and Madam Mim to babysit her friend's daughter. Streghella is whiny and rude and a troublemaker. She ruins a magical career opportunity for Magica and it's pretty funny
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Then there's a whole bunch of comics where she just appears for no reason, making trouble. She's a surprisingly powerful witch but she just loves to piss everyone off, especially Mim.
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Another important note about Streghella - she was only really drawn by two comic artists during the height of her appearances (in the 70s, pretty much). The above drawings were all done by an artist named Jim Fletcher. But she had a lot of appearances drawn by an artist named Glenn Schmitz, who drew her completely differently.
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I don't know if I would've realized these were even the same character if it wasn't documented lol but y'know they didn't have the same resources in the 70s that we have now so they did what they could.
Anyway, from what I can tell her personality stayed mostly in tact through most of these comics. Whiny, stuck-up, nosy, but also very funny and magically powerful. She would occasionally interact with Scrooge or HDL but mostly her appearances were in Magica and Mim comics.
Oh there's one comic where she looks like this for some reason?
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BUT THEN what's interesting is Streghella making a few appearances years after her comics all came out. First there was one comic in 1995, then twice in 2011 and once more in 2016. There's also apparently a 2020 appearance but I couldn't get my hands on it :(
In her 1995 appearance she looks really cute but her personality is, well. Personality-wise she's completely unrecognizable. Now Magica makes comments about Streghella always trying to be good and getting in trouble for being good all the time.
(Ignore the bad english translation I was just popping pages into google translate lol)
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She's still a troublemaker in the sense that she tries to trick Magica and Mim into consuming a potion that will make them good, kind people. But then the comic ends with Magica doing something nice by choice and it's cute but yeah the character is nothing like her original self.
Her first 2011 comic is where she...wants to go to a Jonas Brothers concert and chats with April May & June online to try and make it happen. Something like that. It follows along with "Streghella is too kind and Magica tries to teach her to be evil" from the '95 comic, but for some reason the colorist made Streghella a brunette. Idk! They also forgot her iconic hat!
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Next 2011 comic has Huey Dewey and Louie accidentally traveling to a magic academy. It's very Harry Potter-y? I guess? Streghella is friendly and does some magic. You can tell it's her 'cause of the pigtails and bows. But still no hat :(
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In her 2016 appearance, she's been reading April May and June's blog and wants to help them with some problem. Magica is like no be mean and Streghella's like no I want to help! You get it.
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This comic is pretty fun. Magica turns herself into Grandma Duck and puts a truth potion into some cake Streghella bakes for the Duck Family and gets a bunch of secrets out of them.
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There's also a joke at the end where Daisy accidentally reveals Brigitta's age to everyone (we don't get to see it) but according to this comic, Brigitta is much older than she looks lol Not that we didn't already know that.
Anyway so that's all there is to know about Witch Child/Streghella. She's cute!
Warlock time!
Warlock is Streghella's brother. He's only in four comics total and they're mostly very early comics - his real name is just whatever Streghella's name was at the time but with an -o at the end. If she's Maghetta, he's Maghetto. If she's Maghina, he's Maghino. You get it. He'd probably be Streghello if he had a named appearance more recently.
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His personality is not very distinct from Streghella's. He's also magical and a troublemaker. In his first comic he arrives in the mail, in a, like...little jail cell? Crate? Idk? And then Magica and Mim eventually box both kids up into the crate and ship them away.
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(Yes that's supposed to be him, apparently.)
He appears in the magic school comic as well...
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And that's it! There's not really anything else to know about him.
Last but not least...the Witch of the West! Actually, that's a lie. Least. She appears just the one time. And I'm gonna be honest. I don't think she's the biological mother of these bird children.
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'Cause yeah she's a human witch. Idk if she's from another Disney property or if she's supposed to be the witch from the Wizard of Oz. Idk man. But Streghella calls her "mama" and she refers to Streghella as her daughter so I'll take those ones literally.
There's nothing much to say about her - she doesn't have a name and all she does is drop her kid off with Magica and then reappear when Mim and Magica threaten to lock Streghella inside a bottle.
NOW if you're wondering...how do these characters connect to the previously known characters that are related to Magica De Spell?
They do not! The fact that Streghella has made a few recent appearances means you can decide how you want her to fit in, but trying to blend these different canons will not be seamless. You just gotta take what you like. Streghella frequently refers to herself as Magica's apprentice so you can always take that route, too.
Aaaaaaaaaand since you asked, I'm happy to talk about Matilda! God there are too many Matildas in duck comics. I have never met a woman named Matilda in my life. It's fine.
Matilda De Spell (not an official name but I call her that anyway) - Magica's teenage cousin! Is she actually, biologically, Magica's cousin? Probably not. But it's fiiiiiiine.
I did actually scanlate all three comics that Matilda appears in, so you can read them if you'd like:
There's not really anything to know about her outside of these comics. She's tomboyish, spunky, fun. Really looks up to Magica. I think their dynamic is fun and I always like to see more teen characters lol I think I've portrayed Matilda as Amelia De Spell's younger sister but that's definitely not canon, just me trying to stick the blondes together.
Anyway sorry this ended up being such a long response. I haven't had the opportunity to research random duck characters in a while. I hope this has the answers you wanted :)
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robotslenderman · 9 months
Remind me, what was the Nords version of Lord Nerevar’s death again? Was it the one where they had one dude shout so hard the sky itself got sick or was that a different one?
I love the Nord version
The Dunmer are like "yeah so there was a battle and the Dwemer poofed and shit happened yo"
whereas the Nords just fucking. took this entire-ass historical event. and just SHOVED A BUNCH OF SHIT IN IT THAT NO OTHER VERSION MENTIONS. AT ALL.
it's like a super bad movie adaptation and it's fucking hilarious.
So in the original tale, Dagoth Ur learns about the Tools of Kagrenac and tells Nerevar. The Tools of Kagrenac would allow the Dwemer to make a mechanical god by being used on the heart of a dead god called Lorkhan, which is sacrilege to the Chimer. Nerevar prays to Azura and she confirms it. Nerevar goes to Dumac, the King of the Dwemer, about it. Dumac, who doesn't know what Kagrenac is doing, is like "first of all, how dare you." So Nerevar's like "well a literal goddess I just consulted confirmed it so fuck you I'm gonna fuck your shit up."
Nerevar goes to fuck Dwemer shit up.
Here Dunmer accounts diverge wildly, and the fact you never find out which one is true is what I love about the lore of this game. The gist we know that's true is that Nerevar fought Dumac, the Dwemer disappeared, the Tribunal became gods and Nerevar died at some point of his injuries.
The details are fuzzier. Some accounts say that Dagoth betrayed Nerevar. Others say that Nerevar betrayed Dagoth. Some say the Tribunal were present, others say they weren't. Some say Nerevar and Azura wiped out the Dwemer. The generally accepted story is that the Dwemer wiped themselves out, but some accounts blame Nerevar. And then of course the most disputed topic of all -- the truth as to how Nerevar died, whether he was injured by Dagoth, whether the Tribunal killed him, etc etc.
No mention of Nords, to my knowledge. It was all Chimer and Dwemer stuff, and the whole thing is a very tragic tale I still get sad over when I'm drunk enough, eleven years after playing the game.
The Nords took one look at this story and basically turned into total Americans about it.
So THEIR super special secret OC was a dude who was dead and CAME BACK TO LIFE to lead their forces into Morrowind and to the Battle of Red Mountain! Why??? because their god was stuck in the mountain or something? Which wasn't entirely off-base -- Lorkhan is also known as Shor, and Shor is a Nord god, and his heart was in the mountain and a major focal point of all this history-bending bullshit. So the Nords were like "we can't have this story about our god without it being about US, too! WE WERE TOTALLY THERE AND LED BY THIS SUPER COOL GUY."
So their SUPER SPECIAL OC marches into the mountain only to find out IT WAS A TRAP, Shor's heart wasn't REALLY there, and the EVIL ELVES literally then go and and DROP A FUCKING MOUNTAIN on them. Also even though it was a ruse and their god wasn't actually there, he also WAS there????, and got the mountain dropped on him too, because EVIL ELVES. Also their SUPER SPECIAL OC killed the Dwemer king and made all the Dwemer disappear.
At which point Vivec showed up and "blasted [him] into hell".
I'm guessing Vivec somehow managed to add that little bit into Nord lore because it sounds like something Vivec would do. Both in the sense that he'd talk about how he wrecked this guy's shit because Vivec loves making himself look awesome but also in the sense that he'd insert that little addendum into history because he thought it was funny.
In another Nordic version of this story their SUPER SPECIAL OC joined forces with their god, instead of getting a mountain dropped on top of them, and fought Nerevar and Dumac. Dagoth took advantage of the chaos to randomly stab Dumac. Nerevar was like "the fuck, dude? I wasn't done talking to him" and stabbed Dagoth. So Shor took advantage of this stabbing to stab Nerevar himself, but not before getting stabbed right back by Nerevar.
Everyone dies, except the super special OC.
So yeah, the Dunmer have this point of history that's super controversial and the Nords just basically yoinked the whole thing and shoved their OC into it and made a hilarious Hollywood movie over it.
I'm seeing an aside note about a dude getting sad that his Voice "failed him" at Red Mountain so I'm guessing that COULD be the guy who yelled at the sky, not sure.
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jennathearcher · 5 months
Let's Talk About: Disney's Wish
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(DISCLAIMER: It is my understanding that BDS has asked for a more targeted boycott when it comes to companies that are involved with the conflict in Gaza, and for Disney to be subject to public pressure instead. It is entirely up to individual discretion whether they want to include Disney in their personal boycott or not.)
So now that I've had a few days to let this movie kind of settle in my brain, I've been moved to write up my own comprehensive (albeit spoiler-free) review because I'm already tired of seeing Bad Faith Takes, and I have MANY THOUGHTS.
Things you should know about me prior to me launching into this review -- I am a Disney girl, I have been a Disney kid my whole life, and I've gotten really good at separating my love for Disney movies and Disney magic from my criticism of the Disney company. I've been REALLY excited for this movie pretty much since I saw the first official image of Asha and instantly fell in love with her design, and the hype only grew with the release of trailers and other promotional material. I also avoided listening to any of the songs prior to seeing the movie in theatres.
With all that being said, let's dive in.
Okay, so, first impressions -- I LOVE this movie. I am absolutely the target audience for Disney magic and nostalgia for Disney movies, and I love the idea of this movie being a kind of love letter to the now 100 year long legacy of Disney movies. A lot of the little nods, references, and Easter eggs in this movie worked for me. All in all, seeing this movie in a theatre absolutely felt like a warm hug, and I can already see it becoming a sort of comfort movie for me personally.
I can tell that a lot of love went into the creation of this movie -- if the animation style or the music isn't your thing, that's completely understandable, but it rubs me the wrong way to see people acting as if they're objectively bad, when that's definitely NOT the case. In fact, they're quite GOOD; I would go so far as to say that the music and animation of this film are its two greatest strengths.
I've seen some criticism of the fact that the songwriters who worked on this movie are pop songwriters and not musical songwriters -- but I personally feel that this unique stylistic choice really WORKED for this movie, and made it stand out from other Disney movies. This movie has some of my personal favorite songs that Disney has ever produced.
As for the animation, the blending of 2D and 3D animation is en vogue at the moment, and I love seeing how different movies use the style in different ways (i.e. the comic book style of the Spider-Verse films, the cartoony style of The Bad Guys, the moving painting effect of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, and the grimy, graffiti style of TMNT: Mutant Mayhem). For Wish, this movie is literally a LIVING STORYBOOK, and the animation is absolutely indicative of that. This is a GORGEOUS movie.
(It's also hardly the first time that pop songwriters have written for Disney movies, or even for musicals in general, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.)
With all that being said, I definitely have my criticisms of this movie -- all of which go back to issues with the STUDIO that effected the finished product. Wish has a rich, lush world with hints of deeper lore, but I feel that this movie really suffered from being "the Disney 100 legacy movie." Like I said, I love Disney nostalgia, but this movie takes it to a level where it can be distracting, and I ultimately feel that it wasn't given enough room to really be its own, individual thing. This is, at the end of the day, meant to be an original fairy tale -- and there are absolutely loose threads and hints at storylines and character arcs that were just….left incomplete.
I really think that the writer's strike ended up effecting the final product of this movie negatively, and resulted in an unfortunate waste of potential. In an ironic way, I kind of wish they HAD delayed the release date so that they could work on it more, but again, it was the "Disney 100th anniversary movie" so the release date was a part of that as well.
This movie feels like it should be so much BIGGER than it is, and that the story should have paid off in ways that it just DIDN'T -- because of a lot of aspects of the film being shoved into the prototypical, and frankly lazy Disney boxes.
I feel so strongly that Wish really was on the verge of being something revolutionary, and through unfortunate circumstances and poor choices made on the part of the studio, it wasn't able to fulfill that full potential, and that's such a shame. I personally am really hoping for sequels -- or at least, fanfiction tends to fix everything.
Comparing this movie to other Disney movies, such as Moana, Raya and the Last Dragon, and Encanto, all of those movies tell a fully fleshed out, cohesive story, with character arcs that feel natural, and really strong themes that challenge our expectations. The sad fact is that Wish doesn't have this -- it TRIES, and there's very much elements of that present, but it's only HALF of a story, really. It feels unfinished, or like it wasn't allowed to push the envelope in the ways that the creators likely wanted to (at least that's my impression).
At the end of the day, it is REALLY impressive that Wish is as good of a movie as it is, with all of this in mind. Every other aspect of the film is VERY strong, and there are some important, powerful messages that shine through (strong messages about the power of self esteem and self love, and the power of community coming together). But the story is ultimately what unfortunately suffered here, due to what is more than likely yet another case of there being too many cooks in the Disney kitchen.
So, yes -- I LOVE this movie, but more than that, I am in love with everything that this movie COULD and SHOULD have been.
That being said, I will continue to aggressively love this movie. Out of spite :P
(I will also likely go into more spoiler-y, specific depth on this movie once it's out internationally after the holidays, and once more people have had a chance to see it -- idk if you guys can tell just from reading this but I am suffering alone in hyperfixation HELL right now :P)
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inklyqueen · 1 year
Literally all the critics are so up in their egos
Also Spoiler warnings for the Mario movie because I'm crying and yk it's opening day I'm not that kind of bitch
I don't think many of them understand that they've got it made rn, and they've never experienced the world some of us are living in
And I don't mean it in a mental health sense or anything, I mean in an actual survival as an adult sense
I was literally surprised by how much I related to Mario specifically. He's the oldest. I'm the oldest of six (under a technicality, two of them are my dad's girlfriend's kids but yk). I'm sure his parents have preached that he needs to take care of and watch out for his younger brother (I'm assuming they're still twins in this universe, Mario was always the older twin in the games and other lore), and I've been preached that too. I'm the same way with my siblings as Mario is with Luigi. Throw trash at my sister, see that happens. "The more you fuck around, the more you're gonna find out." And at the end of the day, my parents will be only in my memories at some point, and all I'll have left is my siblings, granted if I never get married, have kids, etc (God willing I hope, not the point though) It seems to me that Mario is incredibly aware of that too, that one day they'll both be at an age where it's literally only him and Luigi and that they may literally be the only one the other has.
What also struck me was the set-up they showed with the boys. They still live with Mom and Dad, still in their childhood bedroom(s?), just trying to find their footing, I assume they want to be independent of their parents. They put their life savings into a commercial to get their company off the ground. I'm assuming they didn't have very much in the first place, especially from the speech their father gave about how "you can't just give up a steady job for a dream," and how Mario (at least specifically I'm assuming) can't hold down a job in the first place. How he's the one that's bringing Luigi down, as if Luigi can't make a decision for himself, and Mario's like his legal guardian or something. It very much seems to me that they've literally leaned on each other for almost everything more than their own parents, and that's screaming volumes for me.
I still live with my parents, and I get the same grief as well over how I haven't gotten it all figured out still. C*vid was zero help, I wasn't even a year out of high school when it hit, I was just starting college and things were not going very well. I'm just now figuring out my degree program, what I want, trying to get my career off the ground, and getting money back in the bank. I can't afford rent, God no, and I'm blessed to have a job that covers tuition now.
But it seems to me that critics don't understand that. For some reason they want this incredible fleshed-out character arc, plot and overreaching plot, Oscar and Emmy winning from day one piece, and besides the fact that this is technically intended for children, some of the ones I've read are literally making just under upper-to-upper class pay and lifestyles by being that judgemental. They don't have to worry about gas (or the electric bills if they have an electric car) in the tank or food on the table or making rent. One said that they "failed to give Mario a personality" (paraphrasing), when literally I'm seeing myself and my survival struggles in this short moustachioed plumber with older sibling anxiety.
Which, I'm pretty sure he's got a mild touch of GAD, or maybe that's me projecting. I'm not a licensed anything. Also added bonus points because I'm shorter than all of the siblings that are at an age to have actual height. One of my siblings is in high school rn and she's taller than me by a good eight inches. I'm six years older than her.
I'm literally out here doing the best I can with a $200 Insurance payment coming and $80 in the bank.
So yeah. Mario is a really good character.
So thankful for him.
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azure-steel · 3 months
So I watched AC again for like the billionth time a couple of days ago, and after an in-depth conversation with @ghostofnibelheim/ @roleplay-abiogenesis2 about it I've been thinking about it a whole lot since.
Like, I know the remnants are supposed to represent the difference facets to Sephiroth's personality;
Kadaj: Ruthless, cunning and vindictive. Incredibly intelligent making him the brains of the outfit.
Yazoo: quiet yet charming. Very attractive, Cool calm and eerily collected.
Loz: strong, tunnel visioned, immature, overly emotional and sensitive due to immaturity.
At least without looking it up that's what I get from their characters. They are all very extreme representations of everything that makes Sephiroth, well... Sephiroth.
But then there's Cloud whom they refer to as their "Big Brother" and "Black Sheep" even though his relationship with Jenova and Sephiroth as a whole is vastly different. Not a remnant as such, but a clone and the first and only largely successful one at that considering that it's stated in lore that Sephiroth's DNA cannot be replicated. But like, Cloud isn't a true clone as such, he's just been brutally tampered with to hold parts of Sephiroth/Jenova inside him which is where Sephiroth's obsession with him comes from.
Reunion is the mass joining of all of Jenova's parts to make the whole and Jen!Sephiroth needs the missing pieces Cloud harbours to make that whole. I mean I'm telling you what we already know, I'm just attempting to make it all make sense again in this rambling theory we have here.
Because the Remnants lack the ability to pinpoint where they need to look for Jenova's head in the movie. They know that's their goal, and they have the knowledge to know where to look for clues, but no direct attraction to the calamity's exact location where as Sephiroth did have this instinct about him, as does Cloud to a lesser degree. He knew what to do, and where to go, Jenova's goal etc. The remnants don't and rely on other sources to tell them their next step.
But it isn't until Kadaj gets a hold of Jenova's remaining cadaver that he's able to summon Sephiroth but... Is that really him? Or is this Jenova shape shifting again and showing Cloud what he fears and hates the most? (A bit like Stephen King's IT where the creature feeds on fear and and morphs into the things that you fear the most) or is Sephiroth and Jenova so interlinked now that there's no discernable difference anymore?
Because I always struggled with this part of the story. Crisis Core showed us that Sephiroth was actually a good man, with good morals. He didn't agree with his orders and actions but felt he had no control over them. Orders were orders and he'd been so heavily indoctrinated by ShinRa from a very young age to just do as he's told when he's told to do it.
It wasn't until Genesis literally sprouted a wing and flew away that he grasped the notion that being a free man was even a possibility and planted that seed. But even then, he just talked about "quitting" and getting away rather than destroying everything. He showed little to no signs of mental instability, only that he was desperately lonely and extremely unhappy in his situation.
Nibelheim happened so very suddenly. One minute he's of sound mind and the next he's utterly insane. The descent into that insanity was so incredibly short (where no one tried to help or even attempt to relate to his better nature of which he DID have one. You did Sephiroth so fucking dirty here, Squeenix...) that I feel we're lead to believe that he just gave up after finding out the truth which gave Jenova that chance, in Sephiroth's moment of weakness, to take over. I'm sorry, but ain't NO WAY this man, so calculated in his assumptions despite how sheltered he is would suddenly just be like I'M CETRA NOW LETS KILL EVERYTHING. It makes absolutely no sense.
But again, come AC we're again being forced fed the notion that Sephiroth is the one in control, that he's so intune with Jenova that he can continue to respawn and cause devestation because the planet can't digest him when he enters the lifestream...
... Apart from the fact that it actually CAN!
See, after the fight in AC, when Kadaj returns and is dying in Clouds arms, Aerith calls to him, and he is accepted into the flow of the lifestream, which tells me that the parts which make up the remnants are actually human, not alien. These extreme facets of Sephiroth are what made him HUMAN and NOT Jenova. That the two are so closely knitted together that the lifetream cannot split them apart on its own hense why Sephiroth is constantly being rejected by the lifestream, not just because he has a strong will to survive and exact Jenova's bidding, but also because his make up is so very complex, thus giving him this pseudo immortality as it were.
I mean, Angeal never came back, maybe that was a simple case of just not wanting to? I don't know at this point.
But my point is that I believe the remnants do not have Sephiroth's reunion instinct because their make up is wholly human, because Sephiroth was actually conceived naturally and birthed to a human mother despite being tampered with in the womb. But he was still a person before the hatred and the crazy and the remnants show us that.
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mitochondriencocktail · 4 months
You still doing these? Because
And You Can Have It All:
For 50-somethings: 8
For warriors: 25 (what would be home for them😭😭)
And 30 for both!
8. Do they have any favorite activities to do together? (mid-50s Bookclub AU)
(I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE FOR THE LORE DUMP and I'm counting this as 30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say! also because I basically wrote a plot summary...)
Ok so this snippet of a universe was a briefly planned AU I had where Bojan is a divorcee who joins a book club upon Martin's insistence, and ends up meeting Jere. Cue: a guy in his mid-50s with two kids grappling with his sexuality suddenly and, because he's older and divorced, he's actually surprisingly pretty chill about it? Well, as chill as any version of Bojan could be. He still panics a bit and appreciates Jere's patience, but he is head over heeeels with this Jere.
He remembers suddenly what it's like to fall in love except this feels like even more because it's all clicking for him now. The pieces of himself in his marriage that, no matter how hard he tried, how much he loved his ex, just never felt like they slotted in correctly.
And this Jere is someone who's dated a bit, fallen in love, but found that nothing really stuck around for too long. He traveled to London for music and focused so much on his career, that his romantic life was neglected for most of his life. Only now, older and settled in, the music thing unfortunately not working out for him (and Bojan too, that's how they actually initially bond), he starts opening himself up to the possibility of a real, lasting relationship.
BUT to answer your question, they love going hiking together. Taking in the views, still being active. They're definitely one of those couples that are like, "We're not slowing down until we're forced to!" Lots of couples cooking classes (Bojan Tries), dinner dates, getting frisky in an empty movie theater at first to "make up for lost time."
But once that initial frenzy calms, they settle in. They still do the occasional big fun outing, go to sports games, check out a museum, etc, but they do what they did upon first meeting in that book club: read together :)
25. What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting? (Warriors AU, also counting this as 30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!)
OUGH my heart. So, yeah, this was the tragedy universe for them. It wasn't super fleshed out, but let's see what happens as I keep typing.
For them, I pictured a world where they literally could not be together due to the political set-up. What that was exactly, kinda murky because if I ever delve into fantasy politics, I'm someone who'd want them to make sense ;o; But perhaps two warring factions, a dispute over kingdoms and resources with lots of tangled societal consequences. Bojan and Jere having met by fate, enemies to friends to lovers, and stolen what little time they could together, but ultimately duty-bound to their lands lest they accidentally reveal too much and endanger the other. Dying by each other's hands not as enemies, but as means to live eternally with one another.
HOWEVER, if they did live happily, having survived running off and managing to not be found, I think they'd do their best with whatever meager cottage they can find. Somewhere secluded, perhaps by a coast, since they both love to be near the water. Back in those stolen, happy moments, they'd jokingly (but also heartbreakingly) talk about how they'd have a nice garden, filled with flowers and vegetables, but then one of them would point out that coastal homes are often rocky where they are -- shattering the illusion, the daydream.
Bojan would love to adorn the house with trinkets and baubles, some just for sentiment, others for superstitious reasons. Jere would bring in seashells and glass from along the shore. They'd work equally here, I think, if only because it's their dream that they share together in equal parts.
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Watched The Last Voyage of the Demeter last night and I... Just can't understand how even Stephen King and Del Torro are fans? I'm happy so many people enjoyed it but I found it baffling in its disregard for the plot, the characters and any and all lore, and just good cinema? It's such a pity because I was so hyped. And even more of a pity because the movie is SO beautiful in regards to set, filmography and score. Gah!
Spoilers below
The rules set up in the book? Toss them: not a single rule aside from Dracula only coming out at night (which is not even a fixed rule in the book) is followed. Dracula isn't bothered by crucifixes and does not use his morphing power to become other creatures. Which means the iconic final scenes of the captain being bound to the ship an dog-ula jumping off the ship did not happen.
creature design: by the time dracula leaves his castle he's looking like a nice old man with an eccentric mustache and can speak perfect English. He planned his departure for decades at least. This Dracula looks like a half-decayed corpse monster, which I could have understood as a creative decision (i.e. dracula not bothering to look nice since he'll kill them all anyways) but dracula is also weakened and seems to be barely able to understand English. I'm supposed to think this creature managed to plot to have his coffin brought to the ship and multiple residences having been set up in the UK for him when he's this weak and monsterly? And the design after looking at it for a while doesn't look monsterly, just very ugly and dumb. And the burning scenes for the sired crew looked bad. very bad. The gruesomeness was cool though.
Book-dracula is dumb, he's dumber: so book dracula is dumb because he ate his way through the crew before arriving safely, right? and his hubris gets him killed in the end as well. But this thing? Even more dumb. Book dracula planned his trip for decades at least. He's got tons of wooden crates with dirt because he knows he might need to be able to hide in them when another coffin is found out. But it also has the added benefit of making it harder to find him, because there's many identical boxes, and if the crew were to start searching, the odds of finding him before he managed to escape were lower. This dumbo has x amount of random crates, and then one MEGACRATE with his crest which is so obvious it's stupid. Also: what's his game? Hiding or not hiding? He hides his first body but not the blood on the ship? But then some other killings he's not even ashamed of being seen? Why?
bad movie making: why add additional people? Is there a point to Clemens' backstory? He didn't use his doctor skills a lot and his backstory has no pay off in the end. Anna is just an infodump. The boy is a great actor and lovely, but he was just inserted to draw on our heartstrings. On top of that the movie doesn't set up its reveals properly. Sure, dracula sired/half transformed some of the crew and Anna, but with the first man he is first just a transforming mess, then becomes possessed at night when dracula practices control over him, and at dawn he's suddenly sensible somewhat? He's immediately dying to sunlight. Then Toby. No transformation, just straight up dead? And then turns monsterly during the day??? That's another way of it happening, no logical repeat. Then Anna is suddenly revealed to have been slowly dying? But it wasn't set up by any kind of sun-sensitivity or her temporarily losing control over her actions? A shame.
Dumb actions; they hammer the ship shut so dracula "only has one way out". But dude? he's literally gotten into every room of the ship without explanation or broke his way through. Why wouldn't he be able to now? Are the characters amnesiacs?
This was so frustrating because I LOVE the books, and I love almost all dracula movies, and there's a lot of bad ones and B-movies and even C-movies. Bad special effects, gore and unfaithful adaptations don't phase me. But I need the characters to be consistent and not dumb, for there to be some rules about vampires, for the movie to be consistent and for the plot to make sense, for characterization to be a chekhov's gun instead of random trivia.
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
Lots of people are coming out with their best shows/movies/anime etc. of the year, and since you have such impeccable taste I'd love to hear yours! Only if it's okay ofc! Have a wonderful rest of 2022 and great 2023!
ok this is the only end of year reflection i have the capacity to do tonight, lemme thiiink ummm it was a big year for things tbh!!! I'll just ramble i guess, first up...
SEVERANCE: possibly the best first season of a show I've ever seen, and absolutely the best s1 finale of a show I've ever seen, huge ups to @tricktster for recommending it. you've probably heard it a million times but if you haven't, GO WATCH SEVERANCE, it lives up to the hype.
THE REHEARSAL: the magic trick that this show pulls is so bizarre and unprecedented it's like. impossible for me to even talk about. the entire time watching it i was gaping at my tv in open disbelief. it does and says so much in the wildest ways possible I'm still obsessed.
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS S4: three words, Baby Colin Robinson
ANDOR: I'm not a star wars guy at allll. not even a little bit. my expectations have never been high. but when i saw @variastrix loving it up on my dash i was like okaaay and holy shit. SO good. the prison arc especially was just like OUUUGHH THEMES AND DIALOGUE OFF THE CHARTS!!!
SPY X FAMILY: what's especially fun is that we were in Japan while the second part of the season was dropping and Anya was fucking eeeeverywhere!!! everyone agrees with me cannot get ENOUGH of that funny little girl!!! best execution of fake dating trope everr the more convoluted the better.
MOB PSYCHO 100 III: ......like. c'mon what is there to even say. what's there to saaaaay! it's in my top 3 anime ever! the subversion of shonen anime has basically ruined all other stereotypical anime for me forever because it's just. so much better. so much funnier and more poignant to watch the most powerful boy ever strive to be a better person. i love that little guy and his silly conman role model
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE: i feel the same way about this movie as anyone else. saw the trailer, hooked instantly, then when i actually watched it i walked out going "this is the greatest movie I've ever seen??????" insanely shot, cast incredible, the whole premise simultaneously huge as a multiverse and small as an immigrant couple in a laundromat. this movie defined my cosmic outlook on life. that nothing matters, so we should make the most out of what and who we love. in any other year this would've been my far and away fave. but then came:
NOPE: you guys follow me. you've heard it already. this movie ..... this..... FUCKING MOVIE.... haunted me from the moment i saw that chimp covered in blood. it scared me so bad i wasn't even sure if i liked it but then i thought and kept thinking AND I THOUGHT AND KEPT THINKING AND I HAVEN'T STOPPED THINKING this movie this god damn movie. it's a social commentary, it's a blockbuster popcorn hit, it's about animals, it's about people, it's a creature feature, it's funny, it's glorious to look at it's glorious and i love it so so much. Jean jacket really is a beautiful name for a baby girl.
VAMPIRE SURVIVORS: this game is like if you broke gaming down to it's purest chemical form and injected it directly into your bloodstream. it's a game that might be perfect in its simplicity. it's also really funny that i can be a stinky old garlic man, i like that a lot. it's free on mobile what are you waiting for.
HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST: i feel so fucking bad for this series not once, but TWICE releasing at the same time as two of the greatest games literally ever made (i still have to beat elden ring oops) because i love these games SO MUCH! they scratch a very particular itch for me which is plenty of upgradable weapons/armor for me to chase, incredibly in depth lore, and post apocalyptic robot dinosaurs. literally no notes. i love games like this that're like "we know what you want. you want to kill a spinosaurus with a bow and arrow and afterwards treat yourself to some incredible American vistas, here, take it, enjoy." it's an incredibly Me game. probably my goty if measured by how much fun i had playing it.
BRONCO BY ORVILLE PECK: the biggie. life changer. this beat out pony for me. makes me wanna be a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies so fucking bad i can taste it. like....im already thiiiis close to being a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies and when i listen to curse of the blackened eye on my morning walk, looking at the snow capped mountains, I'm there. I'm a cowboy baby. also saw him live and sobbed he's insane, the talent, he's just showing off he's nuts.
LAST NIGHT IN THE BITTERSWEET BY PAOLO NUTINI: through the echoes specifically. came up randomly in a mixed playlist and swiveled my head so fucking fast. one of my favorite artist finds of the year.
NOPE OST BY MICHAEL ABELS: that's right bitch nope gets featured TWICE, idc!!!
DANCE FEVER BY FLORENCE + THE MACHINE: this is the album to finally get me into Florence + the machine, before i was just into the hits but this album.... King? FREE???? DAFFODIL???????? good god welch
FISH!!!!!!!!!! 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟💙💙💙💙✌️✌️✌️🥰🥰🥰🥰🐠🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🦈🦈🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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yanderefreud · 1 year
also i want you to rank the multiversal stevetonies: 1872, 616, ults, mcu, and any others you want to include ✨
So number one is extremely unsurprisingly going to be 616. They're the ogs and absolutely no one does it like them. The slow burn, the extremely unresolved homoeroticism, and the angst (the ANGST!!!!!),, all of that is just unparalleled. None can compete with that much lore and all those moments of them just saying sappy gay shit like "you gave me a home" or "i'm not half as good at anything as i am when i'm doing it next to you", or absolutely heart-wrenching things like "it wasn't worth it" or "he loved you, and he admired you, even when you fought"
After some deliberation with my own self I have decided that 1610 (Marvel Ultimates) is my second favourite. I just love the dynamic A LOT. Imagine you're this repressed homosexual man who was transported a billion years into the future and you fall in love with the most obnoxious man ever and then you find out he's dying. The struggle of reconciling with your own self and then trying to pursue something with someone who might as well be dead. There are just so many possibilities
MCU is going to be a respectable third. I have a lot of fondness for it because it is what introduced me to stevetony (when I first saw the helicarrier scene all I remember was thinking "these guys have sexual tension and I want to be there when they resolve it"). One complaint I have is the initial hostility that they had, because I think A LOT of people got hung up on that lmao. I don't really watch marvel movies anymore, not even old ones bc they just make me sad :-(. Still, they have some absolutely incredible moments like "i'm home" or "do you trust me" "i do" and "i thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes (thanks natasha)"
1872... Oh 1872. I have a lot of feelings and not enough Canon content, and that's the only reason why it's so low on the list. I love how Steve was literally the CATALYST for Tony becoming Iron man like. That is so sick omg... He was so grief-stricken that he literally went mad. I also fucking love their interactions "I think you pulled enough corks for today, Stark. It ain't even noon" "oh why hello there sherif. I guess you have nothing better to do than infringe on my constitutionally guaranteed right to pursue happiness (can't argue w that ngl)"
Avengers Assemble!! I actually fucking love them ngl but the reason why they're number five is that there isn't enough angst. Where is the bloodshed and death and tears????? I need to see grown men crying and screaming in agony thanks. Other than that, I love their dynamic and how fucking domestic they are. They are so married they're making my parents look single omg like GET A ROOM GUYS. My favourite thing that Steve ever said in that show was "iron or not, you're still the man" hell yeah boy get that dick
Marvel's avengers 2020 (the video game!!). God. I did not play it myself but I have seen Stevetony scenes and they are so SICK. Tony being so fucking DEVASTATED at Steve's death is really entertaining and makes me very happy. He should continue being sad hehe >:-))
Other than that, I haven't seen any other universes w them in it. There's EMH, and I'm planning to watch it eventually (I'll let you know what I think!) and as for 3490, I think that needs a separate post in itself. I hope this answered your question hehe ty <33333
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solarsavoy · 11 months
Fandom Saturday, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
I finally watched the movie at the behest of my husband, and it was awesome. There were a few times when the lore had me feeling a little lost, but for the most part I was able to keep up with everything. To avoid any major spoilers, I'm just going to focus on a few things I picked up on that my hubby found unique. This was his third time watching it, and now he wants to watch it again because of what I pointed out.
All the women are badass.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I hate it when things are one-sided. Some of the men are weak or bumbling idiots, but literally every woman in there is a badass. The wife is the sweetest motivation, the daughter is surprisingly quick witted for her age, Michelle Rodriguez is Michelle Rodriguez, the Teafling is calm and cool and obviously their trump card, the ultimate sorceress is, well, the ultimate sorceress, and this is all well and good except it's horribly unbalanced by the fact that there are no women failures, no women struggles, nothing. Like, really? It'd only be really bad if there were no equally badass men though, and thankfully there is at least one, but it's still a bit unbalanced for my taste.
Second, it is so obvious that Doric is in love with Simon.
Now, they sort of ease the shipping of these two, but to me, it was fairly obvious. This is the main reason my husband wants to watch it again. Simon is the only one she responds to 95% of the time. Sure, a fair amount of it is insults, but she only insults Simon. Edgin says something stupid, she might respond, but Simon says something, and oh, she just has to put in her two cents about what a failure he is. She's always looking at him. She stands closest to him. She is so focused on him, it's ridiculous, and when I pointed this out, Deo was... extremely surprised he hadn't picked up on that, but it was true. After that, he noticed. When >insert heartstring dramatic end here< happened, who was she snuggled up to? During the fight, she was ready, but who did she first protect? (It certainly wasn't Michelle Rodriguez, but hey, she doesn't need protection. XD) And when Simon was feeling unconfident, who was there to insult him? Hm. That's an awful lot of focus on a human, in a group of humans, that she supposedly hates. Hmmm. XD
Anyway, it could be because I'm a writer myself, but I ended up calling just about everything in the movie. Like, something comes out and I'd say "oh, that's important", or "oh, they're not gonna use it for that but this", and everything was correct, but that still didn't take away from the movie. It was a really good movie and I highly recommend it. Thank you for joining me on my first Fandom Saturday in a while. ^^
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
okay no pressure at all but oh my god PLEASE tell me abt your riddler lore I'm literally all ears
Okay. I have a lot of things and also not at all. So I will give some details and maybe elaborate it later.
- He was born in Gotham but raised in Metropolis. He HATES Metropolis. He isn't the biggest Gotham fan either, but he really really dislikes Metropolis.
- He made a promisse to never again change for the sake of other people at age twenty and that it's the more important thing in his rather flimsy moral code.
- The only time he cheated in a puzzle was when he was ten in school on a context for all Metropolis students were the winner would get to meet Lex Luthor. His dad and a lot of his teachers knew he had cheated but coudn't prove. That made they believe he always cheated and that he wasn't truly a genius.
- While Lex used to be his childhood hero, adult Edward HATES Luthor.
- He changed his name at age sixteen and moved back to Gotham. He never went to college. School had made him hate formal academia.
- Sometimes he repeats sentences, always to a prime number, mostly three times, because of his OCD.
- He goes to Oswald private room a lot during his visits to the Iceberg because he has sensorial inssues or because the number of guests, drinks or the position of the tabbles was annoying him. He used to just change the position and/or expulse guests and later to complain to Oswald but that was the better solution. If Oswald wasn't his friend he would have been permanently banned.
- He rarely kills. He only does it if he is sure the person has absolutly no future potential or if they are triggering one of his compulsive episodes. A normal Riddler will not kill you, but if you are in his way to leaving a puzzle or figuring an answer he is obcessed with than he will not think twice.
- Has difficulty understanding other people emotions. He can read their motives like data but the emotion behind it? Absolutly not. He accidentaly angers people a lot because he is unnable to realize he is doing it.
- Treats his henchpeople pretty well, he had his intelectual property stolen by cooporations before becoming the Riddler and he was a working class kid, he knows the importance of unions and workers rights. Also most of his henchpeople could beat him up pretty badly so better not to risk.
- Query and Ecco are less employers and more friends. Contrary to popular belief he never slept with them (except sleep in the sofa during movie night) and never wanted to. They are friends and the girls date.
- Hates cops. Really hates cops.
- He and Ivvy are the most political aware Rogues. Unfortunally they hate each other. Particulary because on their first meeting Edward kept teeling plant facts to Ivvy and Pamela considered it pretty condesceding after all she has a doctorate in botanical biology, she doesn't need a man teling her things about her expert area as if she will be shocked by it. They still have to interact to each other a lot because Edward is friends with Harley and Selina. Later Pam and Eddie become friends over having to help Batman rescue Selina from Joker but it takes a looong time.
- It's the pettiest man alive. Will throw tantrums over the smallest things.
- Expensive clothes. Expensive tastes. Cares a LOT about his aparence. Was called a dandy multiple times by multiple people including Amanda Waller, Scarecrow and Green Arrow. This people in particular also called him fruity at least once. He has no idea if they meant as an observation or a slur (exept Waller, Waller totaly meant it as a slur).
- Started as a villan at age twenty-two.
- Robins use him to help with their homework.
- Black Canary once sended him a questionary in Arkham to help her get ready for the Justice League Quiz Night (Batman had to miss because he had a parent-teacher reunion on Damian school and suddently anyone could be the winner it was great).
- Provided the questions for the Justice League Quiz Night more often than not. He has no idea of this fact.
- Provides the questions for the Iceberg Lounge quiznight. But was forbiden to host it after entering in too much fights over dumb answers.
- Has some small question mark shaped scars and the first 12 numbers of PI shaped scar in his arms because he used to draw it in his skin with a switchblade when having an episode. The only good thing Arkham ever did to him was that he was able to stop doing that and start to just draw then with a green marker instead. He does have a big question mark shapped scar in his chest that he got from police brutality and that he lies it's a tatoo even though it's very obviusly not a tatoo.
- He has a very high pain tolerance but also a very low one. He will take a lot to be taken down but he will scream like a litte girl over it even if it a very small bump.
- He had an adverse reaction to Arkham medication once and had a convulsion and ended up in the enfermary for days. Ever since he hates meds and unless he has no choice will only pretend to take then and spill it out.
- It's the second Batman Rogue with higher rehabilitation chance according to Tim Drake villan list, losing only for Harley (Ivvy does not get second because her rehabilitation is only viable if Harley convinces her, she won't do it by herself, Batman places him as third and Harvey as first but Tim thinks is just Bruce being too hopefull with Harvey, Kiteman isn't on the list because he is not a treat).
- In my AUverse he did help Steph during her early Spoiler days, mostly as a revenge to Cluemaster but also because he thinks of Steph as a niece though he will never admit it.
- Loves to steal art. He keeps some of it. Seels the rest and if he is feeling nice he just sends some back to their country of origin.
- He can draw pretty well and does art comissions under a fake name on Tumbrl/Twitter when bored. He also posts fanart. Mostly Batman. But also some fandom fannart. His fanart were a great adition to the Gravity Falls fandom for one. That being said if you don't credit the fannart he will send an impossible virus to your PC.
- Security companies are forbiddem to tell they are imprenatrable in Gotham because both Riddler and Catwoman see that as a personal challenge.
- He sold state secrets. He also just divulgued state secrets online. He has some state secrets hiden that he just never felt like telling anyone becauee what it's the point of a secret if everyone knows it.
- Has compromising information about EVERYONE but he won't divulgue it unprovoked. He hates to have to stop the fun of being the only one to know but his pettiness speaks louder.
- Knows most heros secret identities including all the batfamily he just can't tell them because what would be the point? Different of Hush Riddler he never really did anything with it besides teasing.
- The only time he used his knowledge of heros identities was when he needed to go to an high society party to figure the answer to a puzzle (and meet a famous artist he was a huge fan of) and he sended an e-mail convincing Oliver Queen that if he wasn't his plus one he would spoil his secret identity with proof. He choose Oliver because Bruce was hard to threaten and he would porbably just be beaten by Batman or worse Bruce would take him and purposifully make soo he coudn't met the guy.
- Actually needs his cane for mobility because of a childhood injury (ironicaly not caused by his dad).
- Is a great swordsman. Also uses his cane for it.
Yeah. I think that is it. If you have some specific question about him or about my versions of the rogues feel free to ask. And thank you for the question it was fun.
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13eyond13 · 6 months
Don't know if it's late, but your top 5 fav books (fictions)?
Ahhh, a good yet very difficult question. I sometimes have very fond memories of books I read years ago, yet they do not hold up for me at all when I reread them again at an older age? So some of the ones I might put on this list in the past I might not feel the same about anymore, so unless I've revisited it recently I don't feel confident enough in my memories to really add them to the list. I went to my GoodReads account and looked at everything I had logged, but I'm quite fussy about the criteria I use for this? As in I feel like the book has to be so beloved by me that it almost feels like it's one of my oldest friends or something. And I just don't feel confident stating that about most of the books I have read, even the ones I've given 5/5 stars. In the end I might only be able to give a top 3 list, but other than 1. Death Note the other two I love the most are: 2. The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith - I just have such a big crush on Patricia Highsmith's writing style, and I'd say she's probably my favourite writer right now. I don't know how to describe it other than it just draws me in every time with its deceptively soothing and understated prose, and I also love the aesthetics of her settings and characters and plots. This is by far my favourite work of hers. Tom Ripley is one of my all-time fictional characters, and if you're a fan of creepy conman stories and anxiety-inducing thrillers than you'll definitely enjoy reading this one. I had such a good time reading this entire series a few years back and grew really attached to hanging out with Tom, though he really is only at his best and most interesting and complex as a character in this first book, I think. (BONUS RECOMMENDATION: Both the American 1990s The Talented Mr. Ripley movie and the 1960s French movie Plein Soleil are worth a watch as well! I think the 90s one does some interesting things to translate the story from the page to the screen, and certainly doesn't shy away from the homoerotic undertones - also has a fun scene-stealing performance by Jude Law as Dickie. And the French one is just beautiful to look at - particularly because of Alain Delon at his prettiest and scariest, who I unfortunately developed a massive embarrassing crush on as soon as I laid eyes on him!) 3. Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice - There wasn't a book in the world I was ever more obsessed with at some point in my life than this one when I was 15/16! I created an elaborate comic adaptation of this story for a book report that took me entire months of my life to make, I was just that obsessed. It just hit the spot for me so perfectly at the time because I was a lonely and confused little thing that was still very much caught between the guilty obligation of my strict religious upbringing and the frightening burgeoning realization that MAYBE I wasn't actually that straight (because boy-oh-boy is the vampirism in this book and Louis's guilty wrestling with his nature very easily read as a metaphor for struggling with being gay, hahaha). I loved Louis so much, I identified with him so strongly and immediately, and I think Anne Rice is just great at painting a descriptive scene and fleshing out a unique universe full of colourful characters and worldbuilding/lore that stretches back for literally millennia. Upon rereading it again older I definitely found the prose to be a bit silly/purple and the melodrama a little eye-rolly at times, but you know what, that is exactly what a Byronic gothic novel is kind of supposed to sound like, too. Lestat is obviously the real star of the show in The Vampire Chronicles, and Claudia is also a stunner of a character, but Louis has my heart simply for being the one to initially invite me into that interesting world, and for feeling like the only bro who truly "got me" during that particularly angsty and guilt-ridden period of my life. (BONUS REC: the 90s movie starring Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Kirsten Dunst is a really good adaptation of it as well!)
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