rug-glitch · 6 months
the more I create content with my YW I realize how perfectly I made her intertwined with Daseins story by accident like gonna go down the list here:
When she first gets to the spiral she realizes here she has the ability to do good things and in turn she wants to be good she wants to be something/someone who is loved and wanted because she wasn't back home
now she is never taken advantage of like Dasein but this line of thinking breaks for her after the events of arc 2 and going on to arc 3 she believes the "bad person" she was always told she was is who she truly is (she only goes through the events of arc 3 because she has no choice and believes by finishing this it will lead her back to the punishment she deserves which is being sent back home however she doesn't know there is truly no going back there)
after the events of arc 3 she has a total breakdown where she rejects it all and this stems from the fact she saw raven and spider the embodiment of light and shadow were flawed beings too this is turn makes her question what she has been struggling with this entire time and shes so burnt out she can't care anymore along with this she didn't return to her old life the whole idea she was only here because she was good? was that true or is that just how she coped?
which leads us into arc 4 where they meet and Daseins journey just reminds her so much of her own the trying to figure out good and bad and the doing the right thing stuff for her shes just brushed it off to be ill help people when they need help there is no grand reason its just simpler that way
however it really stings when he tells her shes a good person because it takes her back to wizard city when she was new to this world eager to help because she could there was no grand reason behind it however this where people sung her praises maybe she didn't change much after all this time? shes still doing the "right" thing to do Dasein helps her realize this and she can't argue really when he points out the flaws in her logic
By traveling with Dasein though it helps her come to terms with just the fact she wants to help like he does too. there is no grand reason behind it but maybe it isn't so simple either
However what really turns her around is losing him at the end of lemuria. They had grown close and he died before his journey even began and shes angry that it was him, someone so earnest, someone she truly thought was good. It brings up a lot of conflicting feelings but overall she decides her purpose in existence is to continue on for him where he couldn't.
he is her purpose for existing mid arc 4 I must stress this
Novus is a huge relief to her but also now she is ready to go the full mile for Dasein like he was given a 2nd chance AND SHE IS GONNA DO EVERYTHING IN HER POWER TO LET HIM HAVE IT
except its not that simple his dream she tries her best to respect it she tries to mediate and its a very painful lesson as she watches it come apart at the seams and sees Dasein fall into the same feelings she once had
BUT SHES STILL GONNA GO THE FULL MILE she refuses to give up on him she won't let him be alone it was painful for her to handle this stuff alone and if she can make it a little less heavy SHES GONNA
AND THAT SHE DOES and I think at this point they both realize they aren't here for any reason but more so they are here making that reason they are a brick in the world they wish to build after all!
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izukult · 3 years
haiykuu boys react to a long distance partner surprising them
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, nishinoya, tsukishima
established relationship | warnings: swearing, my fan behavior, why are my head canons so long in this gd it’s like a tiny story without structure
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hinata shōyō
-SUNSHINE BOY (i went crazy for this one i’m so sorry)
-you were sugawara’s old middle school penpal which turned online friend
-so obviously you’d heard about his volleyball team and the new first year star players
-and one thing led to another where he introduced you to hinata
-actually you were facetiming suga and you saw hinata and told your old friend you thought the tangerine boy was cute and then koushi “accidentally” put you in a gc together
-you and hinata have been dating for about four months
-you’ve heard everything to a t, including small little remarks from tsukishima to every toss, kill, and miss your boyfriend and kageyama managed
-side note but it’s so cute this boy is so whipped for you if you don’t respond for a certain amount of time he’ll find some dumb excuse to talk to suga just so he can shift the convo to making sure you’re safe
-so you’re going to meet suga finally
-like FINALLY you’re so excited
-but you’re also boutta see your boyfriend!!!!!!
-buuuuuuuuuut your boyfriend didn’t know
-so it’s safe to say you were a little nervous about it
-you made suga swear up and down that he wouldn’t tell any of his teammates that you specifically were coming, but he did ask to make sure it was okay to have a semi open practice
-so you’re standing outside the volleyball gym with sugawara, backpack with hinatas favorite snacks over your shoulder. practice had already started so suga was late, but he still stood outside with you and let you prepare yourself
-you felt like you were about to throw up even though that’s shoyo’s thing
-suga walks in before you and you follow shortly after, holding in a sharp breath.
-there he was. standing on the other side of the gym, talking to who you knew as kageyama
-he hadn’t seen you yet, but other member of karasuno had
-”yoo who’s this hottie” bald, flirtatious, you had to assume its tanaka
-hinata was in the middle of jumping for a spike when he saw you, and he froze and fell to the ground, stumbling to keep his balance
-the gym got quiet at the tangerines reaction, but he was just staring at you.
-and then he was doing that “woosh” run he always told you about and before you knew it his arms were around your waist and his head was buried in your shoulder.
-everyone (literally EVERYONE) was looking at you two but you just laughed and placed a hand in his hair (which, holy fuck, is soft)
-you mouthed an apology to suga and he shrugged you off, and focused your attention back on the boy in front of you
he pulled back just enough to look at you, leaving his hands to rest on your back. his eyes were filled with tears (cute) and he offered you a smile.
“you’re here” his voice was quiet, for once, but it didn’t have any lag this time. and it was so fucking beautiful.
“i’m here.” you nodded, eyes scanning the features of his face. he chuckled lightly, a tear falling to his cheek as he shook his head.
“you’re so pretty.” his voice was watery and he moved his head back in your shoulder before you could utter a compliment back.
-he stayed attached to you for like minutes okay and this man completely ignored the teasing of his classmates.
-eventually you tried to pull him off you so he could get on with practice (and so you could watch him practice) but he refused to get off
-”bubs. babe. honey. you gotta get up”
-”hey hey hey, what about showing me a cool spike?”
-”i am literally asking you to do your favorite thing in the world sho,”
-”new favorite thing is holding you.”
-eventually you did get him off of you and he practiced the HARDEST he had
-after practice he introduced you to everyone as his girlfriend even though you’d literally been introduced to them like an hour before
-his eyes stay on you and he constantly tells you how pretty you are face to face and how you smell good and how soft your hands are
-it would sound stalkerish if you werent whipped
-its ok hes whipped too
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kageyama tobio
-no idea how youd meet this mf online
-maybe some volleyball forum or like arguing over which setter was betting in youtube comments
-or if you know nothing about volleyball,,,,
-i have no fucking clue BUT
-he doesnt mind long distance honestly
-he doesnt have to get worried about completely embarrassing himself and he never has to make like physical moves
-but he does wish he could hold your hand sometimes.
-but he ignores it🙄
-so you are like obsessed w this bitch u r in love w him🤢🤢
-and ur a good 90% sure he luv u too
-so you plan a trip to him
-you do it all out. you talk to his mom, you find the cheapest hotel that’s perfect distance between his house and his school bc ur just that cool
-and you even make up an excuse to kageyama for why you won’t be on your phone during the flight
-you know he’s gonna be at practice bc you know his schedule cos gf things
-you stocked up on banana milk (aka you brought like four)
-you hit him up yknow yknow
- “hey bubs i’m back<3 how’s practice going?” you’re literally standing outside the gym but you want to make sure you’re not coming in at a bad time
-after like three minutes he texted u “good:). just got done with a practice set.”
-so now you’re going and you’re excited and you’re Nervous
-you open the door and you’re met with a rly tall guy with a headband on
-“hi, can i help you?”
-“uh, is kageyama here?” and he turns his head, and you follow his eyes, and there he is
-and he’s already staring at you
-a ball is lightly held in his hands
-if anyone who didn’t know him saw him they would genuinely think he’s angry
-but it was kinda the same look he’d give you when you talked about things you cared about on facetime
-so maybe that’s love? 😳😳😳
you give him a little wave
-“sup kags”
-he’s just staring
-blankly staring
-which you should’ve expected
-“sorry, are you mad? i should’ve told you i was coming, that’s my bad i just thought i could surprise you and it would be really nice and then you wouldn’t be stressed out sorry-“
-literally why are you saying all this all of his teammates just like “wtf”
-he shook his head quickly and opened his mouth to say no but just continued to stare
-“i- uh- you want to watch me set?”
-you LAUGH. and i mean LAUGH girly and he just turns all kinds of red and you know his team is gonna be on him for that
-“yea! if that’s like, allowed?” daichi doesn’t care so you are literally balling
-you watch him play and like at first he’s REALLY awful like rly bad but then he kind of tunes everything out (i.e. you) and gets back in his groove
-afterwards he comes over to you and asks you what you think and he’s looking at you like this is normal but you can tell he’s shaking and he kisses your forehead REALLY REALLY FAST and mumbles a quiet “i’m glad you’re here”
-he opens up w affection more along the trip
-he appreciates the banana milk. sm.
-from then on out he constantly brags ab having a gf to the team
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oikawa tooru
-he suspects smth is up to be honest
-he’s like “ohhh shawty gon do sum😫”
-(he doesn’t fucking call you shawty)
-but to be fair he figured more like you were gonna send him smth rather than send yourself
-surprise again he’s AT PRACTICE who would’ve guessed
-but this time you come at the end of practice because seijoh has like set schedules and oikawa tells you everything so
-you’re just standing by the door waiting for him to come out, ignoring the literal group of girls forming at the end of the hall knowing dAmn well they are your bf’s fangirls
-oh well
-you hear his voice before you actually see him
-he’s giving someone tips on their serves and you hear someone make a snide remark at him and you only assume its iwa
-he’s in the middle of a sentence and he just stops.
-there’s a good couple of seconds where he completely loses composure
-which is not tooru like
-you took a step closer and smiled
-”is this the oikawa tooru fanclub?”
-”nah it’s actually the oilykawa hate club” it’s the same voice from earlier and it’s definitely iwa
-you laugh a little and keep looking at your boyfriend
-”that’s even better”
-he just walks up to you and gives you a real, genuine smile
-pushes a piece of hair behind your ear
-and KISSES u
-”what are you doing here, pretty? come to see me play? if so, i hate to break it to you, but you’re late”
-you just roll your eyes and kiss him again
-once you two are alone he literally cries
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sugawara koushi
-literally the only one who can keep his cool out of all these mfs (aside from tsukishima)
-however, when you show up to his practice wearing the hoodie he sent you like two months earlier, he lost his shit
-you set it up with daichi and everything beforehand.
-(and daichi literally made sure suga would look like a setting genius the day you showed up)
-he had just made a really good set when you walked in and you clapped
-”nice one, koushi”
-he looks at you like 😦 & is just like “you- what- you’re- how- why?”
-lol and then he goes on “not why like i’m not happy you’re here just how”
-and all the third years think it’s so funny to be honest, because typically suga can keep his cool
-he eventually gains his cool and shines you one his signature amazing smiles (which, is somehow better face to face)
-omg he goes over to you and once he gets there he turns to his teammates and like
-”this is my s/o!!!”
-mf is BEAMING
-he’s so happy
-you find out right after he gives literally the best hugs ever i live by that and i will die by that
-he doesn’t kiss you til you two are alone
-and its so fucking sweet and personal he puts his forehead on yours and tells you you’re the most beautiful person hes ever seen
-he is literally so in love w you
-i love him.
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nishinoya yü
-ok he’s so loud
-literally the second he gets a gf everyone knows
-he shows the team pictures of you literally anytime one of them will look
-he luvs u
-he is your BIGGEST fan no doubt
-you make a nice meal? he wants to post about it
-you have a nice outfit? he will put it on his story
-you breathe? expect an “omg baby im so proud of u”
-so when you show up, he reacts the way you expect him to
-so like obviously this man isnt checking his phone during practice
-but he puts his phone on dnd and has you as his only favorite contact
-so you can text him if its an emergency during practice
-you know that, he knows it, the team knows it
-he gets the little ping!
-and he’s out the game
-no one is recovering the ball #peaceout
-he jogs over to check because you never text his number during practice bc you respect his passion for volleyball
-the text just says “come outside:))”
-he’s like wtf?? but bitch gonna do what u say😐
-he sees you and he just yells “holy shit” so loud dude
-daichi goes to call him on his language but steps outside and sees the short libero hugging the person they’d all seen in the photos, he just goes quiet
-nishinoya will not shut up as he hugs you
-he’s literally just hyping you up and asking you literally every single detail about how you’re there, where you’re staying, when you’re leaving, how your flight was, everything
-you just kiss his forehead :)
-literally only good vibes
-you guys have such a good trip bruh
-after you leave he literally just cries while looking at pics of you two together
-^ he took so many pics and vids of you pls
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tsukishima kei
-unlike the others, you wouldn’t meet him at practice
-you don’t really know his team, nor does he tell you about them outside of mostly complaining
-you do know tadashi, but like you’ve only talked to him in a gc all three of you are in and never like alone
-you did not tell him you were coming because you’re 100% convinced he would’ve accidentally told tsuki even though he can keep his own shit secret lol
-you just show up at his door when you know he’s home
-and he’s texting you as you’re there and he had actually had a moderately rough day so you told him you were gonna order him food from his favorite restaurant
-which, technically wasn’t a lie you just had to make an extra stop
-you knock on his door (once you’ve prepared yourself because you honestly have no idea how he’s going to react)
-and he opens it ready to give a half hearted thank you to some delivery guy
-but instead his s/o
-he just stares at you
-he looks like a fish
-after like fifteen seconds you decide to try to break the ice bc you are nervous
-”delivery here for uh one…” you pretend to look at the paper, you’re doin a whole skit here “one dumb bitch. are you dumb bitch?”
-he just rolls his eyes and shoves your head
-he walks back but he leaves the door open
-”take your shoes off”
-he’s not even looking at you smh but you smile so fucking wide bc that’s the kind of reaction you were honestly hoping for
-(what you don’t know is he will literally break his whole hard exterior act if he looks at you right now and he is not ready for that)
-you put the food on the table and move to stand next to him
-and after a bit he finally looks at you
-and you look at him
-and you smile
-and he does too,, kind of
-(which is so fucking cute,)
-and you just keep starin at him and bite your lip to keep from grinning
-and after a couple minutes you clear your throat
-”can i hug you?”
-bro he’s so fucking whipped he doesnt even answer he just wraps his arms around you and puts his head on top of yours
-and he mumbles a thank you and its so fucking SWEET
-he does open up more the longer you’re there and u have a very good trip mwah in luv
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sneezefiction · 4 years
meet the family
Tsukishima x Reader - Scenario
request: “hii gracie🥺 i've kinda been obsessed with ur stuff recently and just wanted to a scenario with tsuki having a s/o (fem reader but idrc honestly) who has really protective brothers and has to like try and "earn" their respect idkkk but yea im totaallyyy not requesting this cause i have really protective brothers.... :/ anyways again i love ir stuff hope u have a good day:) -🕊”
a/n: ahhh i enjoyed writing this so much !! it really helped me tap into Tsukki’s personality a bit more. thank you so much for the request <3
warnings: anxiety, low self-esteem
wc: 1050
“They’re gonna hate me.” 
“No, they won’t.”
“They’ll think I’m lame.” He counters.
“But you’re not.” 
“How long do we have to stay for?”
“It’s just dinner, Tsukki, you’ll be fine.” Your reassuring voice helping calm his nerves, even if just by a little bit.
The questions and statements are scattered throughout the length of the car ride. Tsukki’s fingers lightly drumming on his thigh. Trickling down the window, the tapping of gentle raindrops doing their best to soothe the passengers inside. You delicately place your free hand onto his, the other carefully gripped around the steering wheel.
You glance over.
He cleaned up so nicely for tonight, knowing how important it was for him to meet your family. You helped him pick up a pair of skinny, dark jeans and a dressier top. The colors in the shirt made his beautiful, honey-brown eyes pop. 
And you love those eyes… but right now they’re anxious.
It took many months of dating and several brutally honest, late-night conversations, but you eventually learned just how severely Tsukki struggles with self-confidence.
Your heart sinks, knowing the internal dialogue going on inside him. The one that’s at war with his more logical side. Tsukishima has learned how to stand up against the darker demons, but that doesn’t mean he’s not ferociously battling to find his worth.
However, tonight is especially rough because there’s one tiny detail he can’t seem to get over.
Your brothers.
From how you described them, he was pretty sure they’d want nothing to do with him. That he’d be regarded as a piece of trash, in need of throwing out. 
Because Tsukishima isn’t exactly a sweet guy.
He’s also not fazed by others disliking him. He already dislikes himself enough as it is. So confidence doesn’t affect how he lives his day to day life… but it definitely affects how close he is willing to get to a person. 
In all honesty, Tsukki showcases his worst traits so that only those who really want to be near him, will stick around in the end.
But somehow, even with his rudest comments and his standoffish demeanor, you gravitated toward him. You made it clear that this wasn’t a short term interest. You aren’t some shooting star, acting as a wish giver, getting his hopes up only to sail right past him.
He doesn’t deserve you.
He’s sure your brothers will realize this and make it known to you.
But, for now, you actually want him.
And you make him feel wanted.
So here he is, one year into the relationship, mentally preparing for his demise. All for you.
You pull up in the bumpy, gravel driveway, your palm still warming up the top of his hand. Car doors click open and shoes crunch around on the pebbly ground.
You make your way up the steps of your old, familiar home, a heavy wave of nostalgia washing over you.
Tsukki follows right up, meeting you at your side and gently grasps a couple of your fingers. It’s his way of saying, “I’ll be okay.” You let out a breath you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding in.
A couple knocks on the door and you’re welcomed swiftly by warm, enthusiastic faces. Your two brothers bring you into a group hug of sorts as you reconnect for the first time many months. 
Their gazes then wander over to Tsukishima, eyes looking up and down, sizing him up, identifying their sister’s first longterm boyfriend.
Tsukki holds his stoic face for a moment and then lets a friendly smile shine through. He has perfected the art of squashing his nerves in front of normal human eyes. Only you can tell he’s grappling with his mind in this moment.
“Boys, meet Tsukishima. Tsukishima these are my brothers!” You introduce calmly, signaling your brothers to greet him with the same energy they gave you.
“Hey, Tsukishima, how goes it?” One of the two speaks up.
“Nice to meet you both. It’s going fine, the drive was really pleasant.” Tsukki responds cordially.
“Oh, I’m sure it was. Both of you come on inside.” The other replies, leading you indoors.
You make yourself at home, kicking off shoes and hanging up your jacket.
You turn around only to realize that your boyfriend is suddenly missing along with the other two boys.
Poor fella, I hope they don’t do anything strange, you hope to yourself.
Ah, of course. Confrontation, my favorite, Tsukki mentally remarks. Apparently, even under stress, he still manages to drip in sarcasm.
Your brothers have quietly pulled him aside in the short time you took your eyes off him.
Oh, what he would give to be back at home, lying down and listening to music with your arms wrapped around him.
But the thought is short-lived. He’s eye to eye with your family and needs to take whatever shit he needs to take to get through tonight. 
“Look,” The taller one of your brothers starts, “clearly y/n likes you a lot.”
Not exactly the most intimidating way to start an interrogation, Tsukki muses.
“And we want her to be happy…” continues the other.
Tsukki nods slowly, waiting for the “but.”
“So are you willing to do that for us?” They finish, one of them setting a firm, trusting hand on his shoulder.
“Because we want to like you, but first we have to like how you treat our y/n.”
Tsukishima’s eyes widen only by a fraction, but he’s sincerely confused. He was expecting something… tougher? Scarier? Hell, he’d anticipated being roughed up at least a little bit.
But it was nothing like what he’d imagined. It was short and to the point. They just needed to know that he would be there for you, since they can’t always be by your side, fending of your enemies and fears.
Their question isn’t a difficult one to answer.
He wants what’s best for you because he loves you. He would do anything to make sure you were secure and cherished.
The words come easily to Tsukishima’s lips.
“...Yes. You can trust me with y/n.” Tsukki nods thoughtfully. 
“I won’t ever hurt her or let anyone touch her.” He promises them. It’s simple, but honest.
He was overthinking it the entire time. Your brothers didn’t want him out of your life… they just wanted you protected. Safe and cared for. Treated with respect and integrity.
They don’t hate him.
They don’t think he’s lame.
But it’s definitely not “just dinner.”
No, this is just the beginning of Tsukishima’s proving himself to you. Proving himself to your family, that he can love you well.
That he can defend you.
Fight for you.
So he reconvenes with you for dinner with a newfound conviction, thanks to your brothers.
He now knows he has to be confident. Confident in himself and in his choices.
If not for him, at least for you.
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sweetpeachjones · 6 years
YMUB pt. 7
Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6
A/N: Thank you for putting up with me
 For my anon n @pupyluv247 xoxoxo
"Ugh, why is it so damn hot in Oakland?" You lie in your silk sheets tossing and turning desperately trying to find some comfort. It wasn't the temperature that had you going crazy like, your hormones were raging. It has been 3 weeks since you moved out and got your own place. Three weeks since you and Erik spoke. He would call and you ignored his calls you ended up changing your number altogether. He would come by the office and your secretary would block him. If he got belligerent security was called and he would leave but Erik was persistent and it was a matter of time before you had to face him. You decided on taking a cold shower before drifting off to sleep, however, your cell phone was almost begging you to call Erik. He didn't know where you lived and tonight wasn't the time to found out. The glow of the phone irritated you so much that you took the battery out and put it in ur drawer. Only then you were able to get some rest. The next morning after finishing your first appointment, you were waiting for your second when you received a call from the University. "Hello Mrs. Stevens" "Yes" "Oh hello this is Shelia from the Black  Excellence committee and I wanted to inform you that you and your husband are going to be nominated with humanitarian of the year award." "Oh wow well I'm honored." "I'm glad you are you guys have done so much work for our city and beyond it's time you have been recognized. So the ceremony is Aug 11 a month from now and I will email you further details okay." "Okay, thanks so much." "No thank you and have a wonderful day." As soon as you hung up your secretary buzzed in about Erik calling. You told your secretary to say you were in a meeting. As your second appointment walked in. At 5 pm you prepared to leave as you walked out the door you smelled some familiar cologne you knew immediately who it was, you reached into your pocket and grabbed hold of your switchblade just in case. You stalking me now." You said flatly and kept walking. You didn't have to look back to know he was following you. "You can't keep ignoring me Y/N" "Wanna bet, what do you want" "You of course" "Oh thought I was unless to you." You turned as you walked in the parking deck Erik quickly follow seeing you walked to an unfamiliar car.
"What's this?, Where's your car?"
"None of your business but I bought this baby as soon as I moved out. I figured you would have some sort of tracker and found out where I am." You fiddled with the keys as you dropped them in water the other day, it has been malfunctioning since then. You pressed the unlock button only to have the car alarm go off. Frustrated u bang the keys on the roof, Erik silently watched you throw a temper tantrum. He calmly grabbed the keys from you pressed on some buttons, silenced the alarm and unlock your car door. He opened the door for you and waited til u got in. You said nothing as u got in and he slammed the door. You wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face as he waited for you to say something. You didn't you just started the car. "Is there something else you need." "Yeah, did u get the call from the school,?" "I did, and?" "Sooo we need to make arrangements to pick up" "No I'll meet you a block from the venue and we will ride up together so no one is suspicious." "Why can't I pick u up" "You seriously need to ask me that question, move out my damn way." You put the car in drive and pulled off unnecessarily hard. He jumped back just in time before you ran over his toes. The night of the ceremony You spent all day with your stylist and glam squad aka your sister and boy cousin and they primped and prepped for tonight evening. You settled on a rose gold evening gown with diamond accessories. Once done you looked like an Aphrodite herself. You had an Uber XL bring you to the designated spot you and Erik agreed upon. Erik was leaning against the car looking up and down the street apprehensively waiting on your vehicle. Once the driver pulled up he open your car door and you stepped out. Erik's jaw dropped as you walked towards him. He was looking extra delicious in his black tux and gold accessories. His gold slugs gleamed at you when his smiled and held out his arms awaited a hug. You hesitated but he wasn't having that as he pulled you in a tight bear hug. You almost melted being in those strong arms and he had the nerve to wear your favorite cologne you bought him. He was making it damn near making possible to have an orgasm off sight and smell alone. His hands were dangerously close to your ass as you pulled away. Any fondling and you would just have to have him. "Erik we have to go" We have time, he said as he leaned in closer to kiss your neck "Uh huh I ain't here for all of that." Girl bring your sexy ass here, grabbing ur waist, we need to get in character. Finally kissing his way on your neck and earlobe. You were minutes from giving in. "Erik", you whispered "Yea baby", he answered as his hands were creeping under ur skirt. If he went any further it would have been game over. "If you don't get your fucking hands from under my skirt, I swear your eyes gonna match your outfit." And with that, you pushed him away. He sucked his teeth, knowing u want it just trying to fight but let you win this round. He Chuckled and said "okay princess off to the ball" holding the car door open. You glared at him for his little smart ass comment as you climb in the vehicle. He still managed to slap your ass HARD. One pulling up to the venue, the site was immaculate, you couldn't wait to get out the car. You almost felt intoxicated breathing the same air as Erik. You needed a drink fast. As you stepped people were calling you to take pics, you felt like a star because this was your nite, well yours and Erik. Y'all pose for several pictures but looking like the happiest couple in the world. If they only knew. Inside were pictures of you two at various points of your humanitarian work. Pictures of y'all with kids from Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa you working alongside women making dinner, pics of Erik building with hospitals and schools with the locals. Relief efforts after earthquakes and flooding both of y'all dirty from hard work but happier as ever. You almost felt nostalgic about how good you felt working and those happy faces of the people you help and the long steamy showers with Erik after a days work. It was too much emotion at once and you couldn't get to the open bar faster. As you made your way to the open bar Erik followed you like a hawk. “What would you like to drink ma'am?” “I'll have a whiskey.” “She will have apple cider” You looked at Erik with a fake smile. “Oh, honey, you are sweet but I got this”, adding venom in your voice. “I'm sure you do buttercup, just pace your self”, also adding base in his voice. The bartender looked confused feeling the conversation was deeper than face value. " I'll have a red wine please" Erik glared at you. "What doctors recommend at least one cup of red wine a day." Someone tapped you on your shoulder and turned to see a group of students that wanted to congratulate you personally. Among the crowd was Davida standing there looking bashful. You saw her and you attitude immediately went sour. Erik look shocked and nervous as he to was surprised she was here. He told her about but didn't think she would show up. You downed your first drink fast. "What the fuck are you doing here?", you whisper angrily. "Look Y/N, I didn't come here to fight or cause drama, I want to make amends with you and whether you like it not we're gonna be family." You stood in silence looking at her like she done lost her damn mind. Erik started to say something but you interrupted him you looked at her stepped closer so she can hear you. "I am not Erik so you can't-fool me. I know that baby is not his and your just looking for a meal ticket, if that's how you eat then fine but I'd be damn you ain't eating off MY plate." And you walked off leaving Erik confused about the conversation and Davida dumbfounded. The ceremony went lovely, you had just the kick in the ass you need to focus on the event and not think boning your sexy yet unfaithful husband. When it was time for you and Erik to accept your awards he spoke first. You kind of zoned out until he mentioned of opening a center for women's empowerment in your name. You were shocked to say the least and was speechless. Everyone clapped and cheered whispering amongst themselves. " Wow, such a beautiful couple. " Oh wish I had a marriage like that" Sadly the only ones who weren't fooled by the hype didn't clapped which was you, Erik, and Davida. You stepped outside to get some fresh air as took a sip of your drink a deep voice stirred you out your thoughts. You look to the sound and almost choked on your drink, It was your old mentor from grad school Ellis Watts. He was 6 years older and you guys had a hot sex fling for while Erik was back home and you were away at school. After all these years he still looked good. “OMG, what are you doing here?” “Well, I was in town and heard you were being honored so here I am.” Y'all embrace for what seemed longer than needed. You realized lots of people was around so you decided to go to this secluded spot in the gazebo in the backyard. "I'm so glad you came to support me, I figured we left things kinda weird." "Well I know you were just homesick and missing your boyfriend. But we did have some great times together., He sighed you it was hard to let you go, I thought about almost every day" "Hmm imagined if I didn't leave, where could we have been." "Are you having some kind of doubts about your marriage, are you happy?" You didn't answer as you tried to fight back tears. You wept silently as Ellis hugged you and let you cry. He rubbed your back to soothe you. You looked up at him as he was at least 5 inches taller than and pecked his lips as a thank you,  the kiss got more intense as your arms moved to around his neck. The kiss ended abruptly when you heard a pounding thud and you open your eyes quick enough to see Ellis on the ground holding his jaw. Confused you see Erik in complete rage. He gave Ellis no time to recover as he pounces on him punching him in the face. Somehow Ellis overturned Erik and both were giving and taking blows. STOP IT, PLEASE STOP ERIK GET OFF HIM! you yelled. Erik stopped and look at you. Leave Erik! I'm not going nowhere until you come with me! You noticed a crowd was drawing and assume the cops were next. Fine just go I'll follow. He quickly left and you pulled some napkins out of your purse. I'm so sorry about that, you said as you cleaned Ellis's lips. That's fine really if I'd have you as my wife I'd be fighting anyone who looks your way. You laughed to yourself and finished cleaning him. Y/N!!!!! you heard Erik yell. "You better go, I'll take it from here." "Okay here's my card call me ok" You left just as quick to catch up with Erik. Both got into the car y'all came in and left. "Driver our house" "You mean your place, I don't live there anymore." "STFU, and why the fuck was you kissing on that nigga?" "You seriously asking me that while your baby mama pregnant AF at our event." "That's beside the point though, no knows the issue with her however you kissing another nigga who ain't your husband's at an event for us!" He had point but fuck him "Fuck u Erik I ain't gotta explain shit!" The rest of the drive was silent. Once the car pulled up, you quickly hopped out and stormed towards the door. Erik was right behind with you with the keys. When he opened the door, you started for the stairs but Erik grabbed your arm and swung you back to him and pinned you to the wall. He was still pissed. "So you fucking that nigga?" "Fuck u, Erik" "I'm not asking you again!" "Unlike the piece of shit, you are I don't have to fuck every dick that walks by." "That's cause you know that my pussy and can't no nigga fuck you like I can. How long as it been a month maybe two I know that pussy is wet AF right now begging to eaten and fuck properly.” You just turned your head cause he was absolutely right. Then he went for the kill sucking on your earlobe as his hands went under your dress. "Just as I thought", he picked you and found a better way to release his emotions. The next morning The sunlight plus the urge to pee woke you up. Erik has arm tightly around your ribcage keeping you snugly against him. You look down and you were completely naked. You subtle movement woke up the sleeping beast behind you "Where you going?" "I have to pee" "Mhmm well come back" He moved his arms like granted access. After you did your thing you looked in the mirror while you washed your hands. You noticed the passion marks and slight bruises over your neck and chest. Last night was everything you needed and more but you couldn't continue this cycle.  You needed to leave. You snuck out the bathroom and went towards the dresser, you quietly got some casual clothes and almost melted how neat your drawers were. You kept your clothes in a certain way while Erik just threw his in the drawer. The fact he took the time to fix it how you like making you all warm and fuzzy inside. But damn that! You gather some more clothes shut the drawer quietly. The sound you heard almost made your heart stopped. “Where you going” “Huh” “I said where are you going, getting out of bed walking towards you.”
You looked like a deer in headlights didn't know your next move. “We're you leaving me?” “I can't stay here Erik” “Who said you can't your my wife this is your house.” He was getting loud almost frightening. He snatched the clothes out of hands and threw them across the room. "Oh you were gonna leave me and go with that nigga wasn't you. After I gave you something special something near and dear you gonna fuck a nigga and leave you got me FUCKED UP" he grabbed a glass vase of flowers and threw them across the room. You watched the water and flowers go everywhere but you couldn't let him intimidate you. "Oh save your bullshit Erik, we both know you bought that center out of guilt. And as much as you have been fucking around you should have no reason to question what I do." You stormed towards the door finding your courage but he blocked the door and got on his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Okay, baby, I'm sorry. You're right, I'm trying to do better, I'd want to make this right. Please stay." His sniffing made your heart broke and you just wanted to lay in bed and cuddle and forget this ever happen. But it did and these are the consequences. "The only reason you want to make this right is that you got her pregnant. Now I looked past the other times but you are making a fool of me. And I can't be here for that now move I need to go." Erik stood up but his demeanor was deadly. "Fine you wanna take your ass to him then go." He reached behind him and locked both doors. "But you gotta find another way to leave other than this front door" "What negro move" Erik's was stiff as a boulder. He instead grabbed your arm and led you towards the balcony. Your first thought was he gonna throw you over so you kicked and screamed making it difficult. He pushed you on the balcony and locked the sliding glass door leaving you out by yourself. Erik, Erik open this damn door! You banged but to no avail, he didn't answer. He climbed back in bed and turned the TV up loud to drown you out. Frustrated you stop knocking and looked for a solution. You looked over and saw the pool, if you jumped you could make it, since you're on the third floor the deep end would have to be your target. But you wasn't much of a swimmer. You had no other option. And hitting the ground wasn't one of them.  You looked behind you and Erik was facing you but looked at tv. You climbed over holding on the balcony as you made your jump. All Erik saw was your red shirt floating past the balcony rails. "I know this bitch didn't!" He ran downstairs as he saw your body enter the water in a weird way. Since you didn't bob back up he knew something was wrong and the blue liquid was starting to turn red. Oh, shit y/n! He yelled once he got to the patio. He dove in and retrieve your unconscious body. He gave you CPR as you weren't responding. "Come on baby breathe dammit" He blew one more time and pumped your chest until you spit up water. He was so happy he cradled your head in his arms and noticed the cut on your forehead. He carried you bridal style in the house as he went and got the first aid kit. You started to protest but he wasn’t having it. He just took care of cleaning you and laid in bed as the painkillers took effect. He didn't want it to happen this way but as far as you and he was concerned his wife was back.
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@imaginewhoever @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bezzywazhere @wakanda-inspired
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leamen · 3 years
my friend met a friendly homeless guy the other night who showed him a community shelter and the idiot gives him acid as thanks even though the homeless guy was already clearly on other drugs and at the shelter the homeless guy blacked out and they kicked my friend out well they told him to come back a few hours later but my friend just ran away scared today a group of homeless guys went up to him at the park and said "well look who decided to show his face" he ran away he's been hearing things all day and a couple hours ago he told me he was hearing people talking about him as the killer bc he thinks he killed the homeless guy i really don't know if he's delusional or if something really really bad happened but he can't spend another night on the streets it's cold in montreal now i booked him a hotel room in the city and told him to rest up and we'll figure something out tomorrow and this fucking guy sends me a dick pic as a joke saying it was a selfie i'm sure he's just exhausted and delirious but i'm kind of upset he better be embarrased and apologize tomorrow morning i spent 300 dollars on his hotel bc he's in downtown i was so worried
lol he seems a funny guy the best he can do rn is get some good rest n food n water in him. hopefully getting his basic needs fulfilled will get the voices away how’d u two meet
we haven't met yet but i've known him on discord for a couple years he moved to montreal from alberta on my insistence he was depressed and his life was going nowhere and i felt the same living in new york until i moved to toronto i really opened up there and i thought him moving to montreal would be the same for him
did it end up worse?
but he ran out from his job last month yea couldn't pay rent and now he's homeless
wdym he ran out
he had a panic attack and stopped showing up
what was his job
at a restaurant i feel like an idiot when i moved to toronto i had at least a couple friends there and my mom knew people there i lived on couches my first month there and my friends helped me a lot but this guy went in totally alone i really should have known i feel really bad that's why i'm moving to montreal next month to help get him out of the mess i sent him in he thinks i'm being a good friend right now but fuck i'm really an idiot
so ur just gonna throw away everything u have in toronto?
i already did over a year ago when i lost my job in toronto and had to come back to new york at the start of the pandemic i lost all my friends way of life a lot of things important to me
cuz of the pandemic?
the pandemic
i met a girl i loved very much and i watched our relationship crumble and turn bitter over the course of a year we should have broke up when i left i thought going back to school would help fill me with purpose but i just crumbled in school too and now i'm taking another gap year im just fucking everything up
no ur not. ur putting in as much effort as u can in one shitty situation after another whatever the outcome is, ur heart is in the right place eventually things will straighten out. there’s no changing the past, but u seem to have a lot of options ahead of u. u just gotta play ur hands right i’m glad u found sweetness when u did. it changed my life n i hope it’ll change urs
i dont know where my heart is i haven't been myself in over a year
from what i can tell ur an amazing person
u kno when someone u know is just out of it one day and not being themselves it's been like that for a really long time for me
i definitely know what ur talking ab the haze
i don't know who i am anymore i'm not good with words right now but i don't want to be who i used to be that version of me is too far away but i don't know who to become i can't describe it properly right now im just blabbering at this point im glad my friend didn't get mugged or arrested or worse i had a discord b4 but i tried to disconnect myself from anything to face my fear and to be totally alone but im back so i failed
u didn’t fail
the ppl in sweetness are nice
i tried that too n when i returned i was ashamed then i realized i had to accept those ppl into my life. i had to let them let me connect ya know ya know i haven’t known who i am for a long time as well. what helps me is getting into art, in whatever medium it may be. i personally chose conversation as my art form, hence the dream conversations in my story. just having a conversation whether it be with real ppl or made up ones that i write up helped me think ab myself i’m terrible at introspection and my own identity so i literally just ask ppl to describe me or what what they think of me lol ppl r always ready connect
i used to be the opposite i don't know myself anymore and im not really paying attention but i used to be so aware of my own state and attuned to subtleties i used to be really upbeat and happy go lucky but it's been so long since i've felt naturally like that i'm not sure if it's true for me to say that's the real me anymore maybe who i am now is the real me
i learned a long time ago that there’s no such thing as a “real me” the you before was the real u n the you now is also the real you. you are always you, it’s just that ppl change
what about personas and masks
ur going through a rough arc rn, but that doesn’t mean that it’s u forever
to me the true self is the one with nothing to hide you wrote about it in your story how you change a bit of yourself to everyone a different you tailored to different people but the most unchanged version of you i thought that was true self it's hard because i'm in a rough arc now but it's not the first time ive beat depression before and won but it feels like cancer it feels like remission is way harder to beat and it hurts the most to see your progress crumble and you go back to right where you started
definitely, but the fact that ur talking to me rn means that u haven’t been beaten yet letting it out to someone definitely helps a ton
[a different you tailored to different people] i believe those r all just different parts of one you
i wonder
because ppl can’t be one thing all the time. ppl r too complex for that it’s the ability to adapt and change that makes us human. knowing that things will always end up changing for u can be scary but it can also be comforting there’s always room for a new or a more
thanks for reminding me i already know this deep down inside but it's very deep down and i don't feel it there's a lot down there i'm not ready to face yet
as long as u know it’s down there n as long as you’ll get to it eventually, it’s ok to take ur time
i cant be taking my time not when i have so much time to make up for agh
just make sure ur not pushing urself too hard
sorry i think im just being difficult thank u i at least needed someone to talk to about what happened tn
no definitely not i very much enjoyed this conversation feel free to talk to me any time !
u as well
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Do all of the question you posted because we wanna know everything about you
Ya know what fuck it I’m bored and this might be a laugh1. Are looks to important in a relationship?- yeah to a certain extent but they’re definitely not the most important thing 2. Are relationships ever worth it?- of course!3. Are you a virgin?- lol no4. Are you in a relationship?- nope 5. Are you in love?- I think I’ll always have a really strong affection for my first love but I’m not sure if I’m still completely in love with them 6. Are you single this year?- I had an extremely brief relationship at the beginning of the year lol7. Can you commit to one person?- tbh I’ve never really given commitment a try so who knows 8. Describe your crush- he’s a right dick tbh but sometimes can be a softy 9. Describe your perfect mate- idk cause i think it’s just all about the chemistry you have with someone, there’s not a specific set of physical or personality traits that make someone the perfect person for you 10. Do you believe in love at first sight?- nope11. Do you ever want to get married?- I’m open to it but leaning towards no12. Do you forgive betrayal?- too easily13. Do you get jealous easily?- not really14. Do you have a crush on anyone?- see question 515. Do you have any piercings?- ears, smiley and nipple16. Do you have any tattoos?- mandala on my left forearm 17. Do you like kissing in public?- ehhhhhhhhhhh not really20. Do you shower every day?- only on the days I’m leaving the house lol I’m grotty srry 21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?- I have no idea 22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?- dunno fam 23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?- yeah I think if it was the right person 24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?- no fucking way 25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?- I’m open to it 26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?- nope 27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?- not for me but I have a sneaking suspicion there may be a song or two about me (Christ that sounds arrogant)28. Have you ever been cheated on?- probably without my knowledge my ex was a bag of shit 29. Have you ever cheated on someone?- yeah sort of but it was on my aforementioned bag of shit ex and we weren’t officially together sooooooooo allow it 30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery?- hell yeah I’ve considered pretty much every plastic surgery in the book but I think if I was gonna get anything it’d be lip fillers 31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?- of course 32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?- YES33. Have you ever had sex with a man?-yep 34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?- nope 35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?- yep36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?- oh yah 37. Have you every liked someone who your friends hated?- my friends hate literally everyone I’ve ever liked 😂 38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?- yah and I ended up liking them the most who knew 39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?- yeah i had a massive boner for my old maths teacher ngl 40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?- nope41. Have you had sex so far this year?- hell yeah42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?- idk like 10 minutes? Is that normal?43. How long was your longest relationship?- my only official relationship was like a week long I have a terrible track record i feel attacked 44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?- n/a next question pls let’s move on 45. How many people did you kiss in 2011?- omg I actually know the exact answer to this cause my first proper kiss was in 2011 and that was the only kiss that year so just one 46. How many times did you have sex last year?- idk I wasn’t keeping count…should I start keeping count? I’m gonna start keeping count 47. How old are you?- 1948. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?- why the fuck are you telling me this, why is it your sole purpose in life to emotionally destroy me, you’re a psychopath 49. N/A50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?- HELL YEA I’d probably just melt 51. Is there someone who you would do absolutely everything for?- my best friend y'all 52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?- I haven’t totally given up but I’ve become far less invested cause they’re so far into drugs and just never let me be there for them, but if they ever said they needed me I would be there for them in a heartbeat 53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?- you know what it actually seems to have pissed off quite a few people and i have no idea why, but there are a couple people that don’t know but I know that they’d be pissed off if they did know 54. Is there someone you will never forget?- of course55. Share a relationship story- one a time a guy broke up with me because he said he ‘wasn’t;t ready for a relationship’ then two months later he got a girl pregnant so….karma’s a bitch 56. State 8 facts about your body- I’m extremely unhealthy so my body is literally broken that’s it that’s all you need to know it is a broken shell that drags around my dead soul57. Things you want to say to an ex - was I ever special to you 58. What are five ways to win your heart?- spontaneously come visit me, make a big deal about me getting to know your friends, getting to know my friends, watch rlly trash tv and movies with me, don’t ever tell me what i can and can’t do 59. what do you look like?- check my face tag babes 😘 60. What is the biggest age gap between you and any of your partners?- only a couple years 61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?- probably how outgoing they are 62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?- rlly good head 63. What is your definition of 'having sex’?- when ur junk gets involved in any capacity 64. What is your definition of cheating?- I don’t think you can define it you just know it when you see it 65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?- why don’t u come over and find out 😏 66. What is your favourite role play?- have never role played 67. What is your idea of the perfect date?- Netflix and chill tbh 68. What is your sexual orientation?- bi but preference to guys 69. What turns you off?- the patriarchy 70. What turns you on?- 'I’m vegan’71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?- idk too many 72. What words do you like to hear during sex?- NONE. PLS DO NOT SPEAK. OUR YORKSHIRE ACCENTS WERE NOT MADE FOR SEX OK 73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?- buy me nice underwear 74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?- sense of style 75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?- sacked off work to come cheer me up that was cute 76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?- n/a i don’t do sweet 77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?- hey if it ain’t illegal then it’s none of my business you do you78. What’s your dirtiest secret?- i lost my virginity in a field but tbh that’s barely a secret anymore79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?- the guy I’m seeing gives my pets more attention than he gives me 80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?- errrr either the last time I saw my best friend or the last time i spoke to my dad 81. Who are five people you find attractive?- i find everyone attractive ngl 82. Who is the last person you hugged?- ahhhh it was actually this guy I’d met once before and I saw him out on Saturday night and i was fucked so decided that cause we’d met once we were best friends so went up and gave him a big hug lol big up Luke 83. Who was your first kiss with?- this guy who was in my class at school and I had the BIGGEST crush on him and omg felt so lucky when he kissed me but now he’s just a massive chav and probably has multiple children to several women so good job Eden you really know how to pick em 84. Why did your last relationship fail?- cause I don’t think we really even liked each other, we had nothing in common and it was the most half arsed thing from beginning to end 85. Would you ever date someone off of the internet?- yeah as long as I could meet up with them irl
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