l1veleak · 26 days
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could not even wait until the end of the race. he lives to stir the pot and nothing else
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alotofpockets · 3 months
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Accidental | Leah Williamson x Chelsea!Reader
Summary: Where you accidentally injure your girlfriend.
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.1k
A knock on your front door pulls you out of your focus on getting ready, you head to the door and open it. “Hi Lia, come in!” She enters your home and greets you with a hug. “I’ll be right back.” Back in your bedroom, you grab your training kit, and start changing. From the bathroom your girlfriend calls out for you, “Baby, I forgot to bring my clothes, can you please grab them for me?” You walk to her overnight bag, and pull out the Arsenal kit she packed. 
In the bathroom Leah is waiting for you in a towel. “Here you go, my love. Though, I do think it’s the wrong colour, because London will be blue tonight.” Playing for rivalry teams could have been hard on your relationship, but in your relationship it had never been a big deal, and you could joke about things like this without hurting each other’s feelings. “Ah, so you are colour blind then, because it will definitely be red.” She jokes back. You peck her lips, “I’ll head down and keep Lia company.”
The big rivalry between the teams, and between some of the players within the teams had also been the reason that the two of you kept your relationship private. Lia knew of course, as well as both your family’s, but not your other teammates or the public. You were both happy with that, and it had worked for you for the past year. 
When Leah got downstairs, she greeted her best friend with a hug. “Sorry to keep you waiting, y/n was trying to get me to wear a Chelsea kit.” The smirk on Leah’s face gave her away instantly. “That would have been so much better, I should do that next time!” The three of you share a laugh, before you have to head out. “See you at the stadium my love.” You kiss your girlfriend goodbye. “Good luck out there today!” You wave to the both of them and get into your car, while Leah and Lia get into Lia’s car. 
The London Derby was well underway, and Arsenal had taken a 2-1 lead. Both teams were fighting hard, which came with a number of free kicks for both teams. Every time you moved up the left flank, you were challenged by Katie McCabe, one of the Arsenal players you always had a tussle with on the field. Both of you were quite aggressive in your playing styles, so on the field it was like you were each other’s enemies. Things like this had also been taken into consideration when you and Leah had decided to keep your relationship private. Right now, your mind was fully focussed on getting past McCabe, but with a rough pull on your arm you were taken to the ground. You were frustrated with her move and wanted to get right into her face about it, but Guro anticipated you being angry, and was already standing between you and McCabe to hold you back. Katie got a yellow card, and Chelsea got a free kick from just outside of the penalty area. 
Lauren got in position to take the free kick, while you positioned yourself at the near post with Leah defending you. When the referee blew the whistle Lauren showed with her hands which one of the set pieces you had practised was the one she was going to deliver. She sent the ball flying in your direction, you jumped up and tried to turn your body mid air. Before your head connected with the ball, you felt your elbow crash into something, or rather someone. Your focus was off of the goal and the ball flew far over, as your girlfriend crashed to the ground from your arm hitting her in the face. “Are you alright?” You hold out your hand to help her up. “Yeah fine.” After helping her to her feet, you both run away from the goal again, like the rest of the players, but when Leah grabs her face, your hand is instantly on her back. “Are you sure you are okay, Lee?” Without answering you she falls to her knees and hands. You wave over the medics instantly, before you’re able to crouch down with her you feel a pair of hands push you backwards. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough, y/l/n?” Your eyes meet Katie’s angry one’s looking back at you, you raise your hands and back up, right now all that mattered was Leah’s well-being and fighting with her teammate wouldn’t help. Still you watched from a distance as the medical team was assessing her with the referee standing next to them. The referee signalled to the Arsenal staff that a substitution needed to be made, next she made her way to you, and gave you a yellow card. Usually you would fight it since it was accidental, but it was your girlfriend that was walked off of the pitch by the medics, and all you could think about was the fact that you had injured her.
Your focus was completely off the game, so it was to no surprise to you that you were subbed off soon after Leah was. You jogged to the sidelines where Maika was ready to come on for you, and gave her a quick hug before stepping off yourself. After taking your coat and your bottle from the staff, and shaking hands with the coaching staff and your teammates, you headed into the tunnel instead of taking a seat on the bench. 
Determined to find Leah, you made your way through the halls of Emirates Stadium. With your next turn you saw Lia sitting opposite a closed physio room, “How is she?” Lia shakes her head, “I don’t know, they’re still checking her out, I haven’t heard anything yet.” You start pacing the hallway instantly. “She walked here herself, I’m sure she is going to be okay.” It was like you didn’t even hear Lia. “Y/n, why don’t you sit down?” She said putting her hands on your shoulders. “No, I can’t.” Lia knew there was no changing your mind, so she let you be as she sat down herself again. After a couple more minutes of you pacing around the hallway another figure comes around the corner, checking on her teammate. You were so out of it that you hadn’t noticed the person coming closer until you were pushed against a wall. “Who gave you the right to be here?” It took you a moment to realise what was happening, Katie had you pushed against the wall by your shoulders. “Katie, get off of her.” Lia tried but to no avail, Katie was full of anger. “What are you doing here?” She spat in your face. You push her off you, “I am checking on Leah, what does it look like I’m doing?” A slight annoyance in your tone.
Lia tried to come between the two of you again, now that Katie wasn’t at your throat. “Katie, please calm down.” Katie shook her head. “She’s the reason Leah is in there, why are you on her side?” She didn’t wait for an answer from Lia and turned back to you. “Why don’t you go home and wait for an update on Leah when it gets posted online?” You finally had enough of Katie’s antics, and exploded. “Because she is my girlfriend, McCabe. I fucking injured my girlfriend, and you are being a piece of shit to me, which isn’t helping. So, please just shut up, I feel bad enough as it is.” Katie is taken back by your sudden outburst, and the information shared within. She looked over to Lia for confirmation, who simply nodded her way. “Well, shit.” The Irish woman said and took a step back and sat down in one of the chairs. 
You slide down against the wall, the interaction with Katie having one positive result, no more pacing the hallway for you. The three of you sit in silence, waiting for an update on Leah. When the medics come out they talk to Lia, but of course you and Katie hear them as well. A concussion, you gave your girlfriend a concussion. “Can we see her?” Lia asks. “Yes, just keep the volume down and don’t turn on the light.” She talks with the medics about the next steps, but you don’t hear them anymore. The words “She has a concussion.” Play over and over again in your mind. You were the reason that she would be out of the game for a couple of matches, what if she would hate you over it? 
Katie realised that you were struggling and moved your way. “I’m sorry for being an ass to you. Leah clearly means a lot to you, so I am sure that you do to her as well, and that means she is going to need you in there.” You let your eyes meet Katie’s, the anger you saw in them earlier, replaced by a softness you couldn’t place yet. She reached out her hand to help you up, “What do you say we go see her?” You let her help you up and follow Lia into the room. 
Leah’s eyes open slightly when the door opens, but she closes them as soon as the slightest bit of light enters the room. Katie quickly closes the door to keep the light from the hallway out. “Who’s there?” Lia starts by saying her name, Katie follows, and you follow them, “and y/n.” You could see Leah tense upon hearing that you and Katie were both there. “Relax love, she knows.” Her shoulders untense, and you walk to her side and grab her hand. “I am so sorry for hurting you.” Leah squeezes your hand, “It’s not your fault, it was an accident.”
The three of you sit in the room with Leah until the medics let you know that she can leave. You decided that Leah was going to stay with you during her recovery. Since Leah wasn’t feeling well, you didn’t feel comfortable driving her on your own, so Lia offered to drive the both of you back to your place. Katie offered to pick up some stuff at Leah’s place, and drive Lia back to get her car. With that plan in place, you headed home. Leah leaned into your side in the backseat, her head heavy and painful. 
After almost a week Leah was starting to feel better, light wasn’t bothering her as much anymore, and her headaches were less present. The first few days had been rough, her head was pounding, and she was very nauseous most of the day. Luckily her symptoms got less day by day. You didn’t have many visitors, because that would be too much for Leah, but Lia and Katie had come by to bring you supplies every now and then.
You drop your phone on the bed in frustration, not realising that Leah had woken up already. “Hey baby, what’s wrong?” Your chest felt thigh, you didn’t want her to worry about this as she had too much going on already. “Nothing love, it’s fine.” She knew you were trying to hide what was bothering you, so she grabbed your phone that was still laying open on the bed. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, the screen was filled with your Instagram notifications. Each one of them that she read worse than the other. People were sending hate your way for hurting Leah. “I am so sorry this is happening baby.” She pulled you closer to her and hugged you tight. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You shrug, “I didn’t want to bother you. You’ve had enough going on, I didn’t want to add to it.” She kisses your forehead. “You’ve been taking great care of me, but it’s okay if you need someone to take care of you too. I am always here for you, remember?” With a nod of your head you let her know that you know. 
“I have an idea, but you need to tell me if you’re okay with it, because if you aren’t that’s okay too. I am just so angry at the people sending these kinds of messages your way.” Leah told you your plan, and you let her know that you were okay for it.
----- leahwilliamsonn just posted to her story
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Of course the comments didn’t stop with that, but they lessened and were overruled by the nice comments people were sending both your ways now. The reasoning might not have been ideal, but you were both happy that you didn’t have to hide your relationship from the world anymore.
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trulyhblue · 4 months
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Lauren Hemp x Aussie! Reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, awkward, OG Man City
A/N — I'm in a Hempo phase rn so be prepared. Short one today x
You dreaded the days when you weren't playing football.
It was the one thing you couldn't live without, your adoration for the sport was larger and more demeaning than anything else. The solidarity, solace, and peace you found in running up down the wing, the ball at your feet. The feeling of utter elation when the ball went into the goal, past a defender, through the goalkeeper's reach. The celebrations, the assists, and everything else in between.
You could talk forever about football.
Except on Media Days.
You hated the unknown of it. You had managed to excuse yourself beforehand from most of these shoots since you weren't among the best-known players of the club — save that for Keira, Gee, and Lucy. But on the rare occasion that you were chosen for the quick photoshoot or challenge with one or more of the girls, you remained relatively quiet, speaking when you must and laughing when you should. You had no trouble with any of the girls, it was just in front of the public's view, and you were squirmish.
You pulled yourself out of bed after hitting snooze thrice, hearing Alanna ramp on downstairs. You made sure to stay in bed for another ten minutes. You changed into your team's tracksuit and a random top, making your way downstairs, slouching into one of the stools by the kitchen counter.
"Oh, wow." Alanna chuckled, holding out a coffee towards you. "You look delighted. Excited for today, are we?"
You simply offered her a grimace, taking a large sip of your coffee, hoping the taste would clear your evident distaste for the day ahead.
Alanna was a social butterfly. She was used to feeding into the Media's hand whenever they came becking. Most of the City girls were the same, it was a very jovial team that trusted one another well enough to have fun in the security of their job.
All the girls had arrived by the time Alanna and you had trampled in, wearing matching blue kits. Hayley was laughing with Georgia in front of a couple of cameras, a ball at their feet as they struggled to keep the ball off the floor. Gee tried to kick at the Aussie's feet, by didn't catch the ball in time to get the point. Raso threw her hands up in triumph, the cameras panning to Gee rolling around on the floor.
On the other side of the indoor training field were Lucy and Keira, standing around a giant-sized game of Janga, talking to the PR Managers behind the camera as they posed questions to the two of them as they played. Alex, Lauren and Chloe were sitting by a desk, on their phones as they waited for their turn to be called up.
The gush of blood that rushed to your cheeks when Lauren smiled towards you sent Alex and Chloe into a fit of giggles. The duo were always around to tease the two of you with your beyond-obvious, mutual pining. You wouldn't call it embarrassing, but there were certainly times when one of you would go out of your way to gain the other’s attention.
When you first met, Lauren tried to give you a tour of the facilities, but she ended up getting both of you lost. She apologised over and over profusely, and she dreaded the awful, first impression she had left you with.
You and Alanna sat beside them, greeting them with conversation before falling into a satisfied silence. Your next game was the Manchester Derby against United. The team had been training non-stop this past week, today is the first day without strenuous drills and exercises. Nevertheless, it was still a day at work, and to be honest, you'd rather be sweating ten times over than talking to a camera.
The thought of doing a video alone daunted you as you watched Hayley and Gee from afar. On a regular day, Hayley would be your Media Partner; the two of you always did videos with one another. On the odd day that you didn't, it'd be Alanna. If not Alanna, it was with a group of you. Now that you thought about it, the two Aussie girls were the only ones you had done a video with one-on-one. The feeling of someone different was tormenting. As the five of you sat silent on your phones, you hoped and prayed all of you would be doing a video together.
While you kept to yourself for the most part, save for the Aussie girls, you would go out of your way to make sure Lauren was your partner in drills. You’d try your hardest when she was watching, and vice versa. The blonde would hit the ball as hard as she could into the back of the net, and you’d be that landed with the assist. In games, you had been quickly dubbed as a duo due to the chemistry you seemed to have in the game. Fans would swarm at any interaction you’d have with her.
But to their dismay — and apparently most of your teammates — you and Lauren had never been in a video together.
But, to your surprise, you spoke too soon.
"Alright, Ladies, are you ready?" One of the PR girls came up with an iPad, scrolling through whatever it was she was looking for, and glancing up. You noticed Lauren straightening up beside you, holding her arms over her chest, waiting for the woman to finish her sentence.
You found yourself catching sight of the slight furrow in the girl's eyebrows; the concern written all over her face. You knew she was worried, and you supposed you were too. "We've got Greenwood, Kelly, and Kennedy over there. You've got interviews."
You tried not to look too relieved at the news, hiding the smile in response to the girl's identical groans. No one liked Interviews. They were serious, solemn, and no fun whatsoever. It was always boring questions about your job as a Midfielder, or how you maintained a balanced life outside of football. It wasn't the fans' favourite video to watch at all, but it was more for the professional side of it than the Media. Everyone had to do it. You were just glad that today it wasn't you.
"Hempo and Y/l/n, we've got an auto-complete interview."
"That's not fair, those are so much better," Alanna whined at that, throwing her head back like a toddler. "Hempo, surely we swap."
Lauren pursed her lips together, cheeks going a bit red at all the eyes on her. Alex and Chloe waited for her response, a smirk aligned on each of their faces.
"Nah, leave her Lani." Alex sounded, prodding the blonde with her elbow.
Lauren's cheeks went a deeper red when Chloe laughed. "Hempo's been wanting to do this for ages."
"Shut up, Kelly." Lauren snapped in a mutter, turning away to march off towards the direction of the lone white background and chairs. You turned to see the two Brits giggling to themselves, dragging Alanna over to the back doors.
"Have fun, Y/n/n."
"Hope you're as excited as Hempo!"
You shrugged them off, sauntering over to the set-up. Lauren was already sitting on a stool, playing with the rings on her fingers, wearing a prominent scowl.
"Are you alright?" You asked, sitting on the spare chair, tensing when you accidentally knocked your knee with hers.
Her pale cheeks disappeared, replaced with the blush you saw from before. "Yes, they're just annoying. Very annoying."
"Having a laugh, I 'spose." You reasoned, though the blonde didn't come off as too convinced. "But you're right, they're silly."
The blonde simply hummed in response, the both of you listening to the man behind the camera.
"Okay, guys, this is really straightforward." He said, readjusting the camera as he spoke. "You just got to introduce yourselves before you start, then we'll give you a board full of questions and you've just got to answer them. All good?"
Everyone watched the two of you nod. No one could deny the definitive awkwardness between the two of you, and the obvious hesitance toward what you were about to do. It was safe to say neither of you was fit to talk on and on, especially under the scrutiny of viewers.
You didn't know the cameras were already recording, choosing to fiddle with your hands as you waited. You could tell by the definitive look on Hempo's face that she was just as reluctant as you were. The blonde glanced at you from the corner of her eye, shuffling in her chair before she muttered towards you.
"You have an eyelash."
You spun to face her. "What?"
Lauren's face reddened, her beady brown eyes widening at your sudden response.
Without thinking, she pulled her hand out from her pocket, reaching to pinch something off your face. She was gentle when pulling away, holding her finger up to reveal the eyelash she had picked. She watched as you blew it off, giggling meekly at the benevolent interaction.
"You ready?" One of the people asked behind the camera, making the two of you leave your intimate bubble. "When you're ready."
Lauren nodded towards you. "You can start."
You sighed, trying to hide the smile that crammed your lips. "Hello, my name is Y/N, and this is Lauren Hemp," You waited for the blonde to finish your sentence, but when you were met with silence, you took one look at her stupefaction and continued. "And today we're going to be doing a... what is it?"
Lauren lifted up one of the boards that balanced against the end of her chair. She picked it up, surveying it, reading out the bulk letters at the top. "An auto-complete interview."
"Right. That's what we're doing."
The two of you left the introduction at that, an empty silence vacating the set.
Thankfully, a voice sounded from behind the camera. "Who's starting?"
Lauren shrugged, filling the ungainly silence. "I can."
You both stared at the board in between you. "I think you peel them off." You spoke, motioning at the tape that covered half the sentences. Lauren took your advice, skinning the first sticker to reveal the question.
"Who is Lauren Hemp's team?" You read out, making both of you giggle. "Oo, that's a good question."
"I play for Manchester City." Lauren played with the tape in her hand as answered. "But I play for England in the National Team."
She peeled off the second one, waiting for you to read it. "Who is Lauren Hemp's favourite teammates?" You spoke, rubbing your head in deceitful confusion.
Lauren laughed, glimpsing at you with a beaming smile. "We haven't known each other for long."
"Yes, but I'm very charismatic." You shook your head, sighing. "But go on, who is it?"
"Well," She thought to herself for a second. "I'm close with all the girls but... I'd have to say Esme, of course. She's my best friend."
"No brainer, clearly." You made a point to roll your eyes, huffing about, but it was plain to see that you were only joking. "Alright, who is Lauren Hemp's... boyfriend?"
There was a bit of an awkward interlude, leaving everyone looking around the pitch. Lauren, however, fell into a cynical fit of laughter, with you following shortly after.
"No boyfriends for me."
You didn't know why, but your stomach recoiled at the thought of Lauren with someone. It was a great relief to hear that she wasn't. "None at all?" You couldn't help but ask.
Lauren was quick to reply. "No, no boys... or girls at all."
"Right." You replied, placing the board onto the floor, hoping no one was noticing the pink across your cheeks. "Who's next?"
The next board was displayed between the two of you like before, except this time, your name was typed across it. Lauren shuffled closer to you, pinning the board to her side. “Go on then.”
You peeled the first question off. “Who is Y/N Y/L/N’s favourite team?”
Lauren looked at you, laughing when you were silent. “Well, I'm not answering, you are.”
“Yeah, well, hold on, I'm thinking.” You scoffed, pretending to whack the girl playfully with your board. She swatted you away, grabbing the board from where it rested on your thigh and smiled.
“I'm gonna say the Matildas because why else,” You could hear the Blonde’s indistinguishable disapproval, clicking her tongue. You’d later find out when watching the clip that she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest affectionately. “But yeah, my childhood club was Sydney FC, so I’ll stick with my roots.”
“But she plays for City,” Lauren added, both of you giggling at your ambiguity. You never liked these types of questions, especially when the media took them out of context. You love City with all your heart, but it was easy for people to twist things and make it out that you didn't mean what you said.
“But I play for City, yes, and I love it.” You repeated, proceeding in ripping off each of the stickers as the game went on.
Lauren was patient when it wasn’t her go, adding in her opinion and a subtle joke every so often, basking in your immediate reaction each time. You bounced off one another like wildfire, seemingly knowing what the other was going to say before it was said. You were intellectual in what you shared, favourite meals, celebrity crushes, words of advice — pretty much anything the questions asked. Without knowing, you and Lauren discovered more and more about each other without directly asking. Your relationship blossomed, even with the presence of the cameras, into something tangible, free, and warm.
When it got to the end, you were still holding the board, fiddling with its edges as Lauren wrapped up the last of her questions. Somehow, you felt a little upset that the video was coming to an end. You wanted these questions to keep on coming. You would spend hours listening to the girl talk about what she loved and who she was. But by the time the last question lingered, you feel into comfortable silence.
Ever so slowly, Lauren inched her hand closer to the board you were holding, brushing her pinky and ring finger across your thigh as she did so. You pretended to conceal your flustered state by smiling, giving her the board to chuck away.
You didn't know how you coped when you felt Lauren keep her hand on your thigh.
“Well, that's the end of the video,” She finished, looking towards the camera, then to you.
You smiled back at her. “We hope you enjoyed and if you what to see more—”
“Well there's no more videos of us.”
“But go check the channel anyway.”
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manchestercity — watch our fan-fav duo answer your questions on our youtube channel!!! 🩵🩵🩵
Coming out later today 💪🏻💪🏻
tagged: laurenhemp, yourusername
alexgreenwood — I'm as excited as @ laurenhemp, right @ chloekelly???
^ chloekelly — the real ones know 😂
^ user19 — what r they talking about Lol???????
^ chloekelly — yeah, Hempo, what are we talking about?
^ laurenhemp — STOP
User1 — they are so cute omg
^ user2 — IKKKKK
user22 — Alex and Chloe’s comments?
^ user25 — they know something we don't
^ alexgreenwood 👀
^ user22 — HELP
yourusername — hope you all enjoy 🩵
^ manchestercity — 🩵
laurenhemp — thanks for having us!
^manchestercity — 🩵
^ user3 — the blue heart is just so 😍
User4 — “you've got an eyelash.” “what?” UGH THE SOFTNESS OMG
^ user5 — the way Y/N lets Hempo brush it off and blow it away 😭😭
^ user6 — they definitely had no idea they were recording.
user10 — they will win us the league.
^ user11 — why didn't they work together sooner?
^ user10 — fr
laurenhemp (pretend its you, luv u keira)
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laurenhemp — winner winners
tagged: yourusername
Comments are limited.
Yourusername — stargirl 🌟
^laurenhemp — 🫶🏼
alexgreenwood — yeah the girl(friends)
^ chloekelly — yeah the friends…
A/N — this was really rushed and cut up but there isn't enough Hempo fics out there. I rlly didn't do her justice tn 🫠
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gunnerfc · 1 month
Just Friends, Right? | Lauren James x Chelsea!Reader (18+) [Sunday]
Summary: A night celebrating the end of the season leads to a drunk hookup with one of your closest friends who you happen to have a crush on
Warning: drinking, top lauren, bottom reader, strap use (r receiving)
WC: 2.3k
Night After Night masterlist 
You panted as you waited for the ref to blow her whistle, your team a few seconds away from securing a league title. You jogged slightly as your defenders kept the ball between them and away from the opposing team. From the corner of your eye, you watched the ref raise her whistle to her mouth before blowing on it to end the game.
The Chelsea fans in the stands cheered as your team celebrated on the pitch, hugging and cheering at your success. After a tight hug from Guro, the Norwegian was replaced with Lauren, your best friend. The forward’s arms were wrapped around your waist tightly as the two of you stumbled slightly. Your arms wrapped around her neck, keeping her close to your body.
You and Lauren have been best friends since you met in Chelsea’s youth academy. Over the years, how you felt about her changed into something more romantic but you kept them to yourself. The two of you were always together, so much so a few of your teammates found it shocking you weren’t dating. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you beamed as you all but yelled in her ear. Lauren dramatically flenched at your loud voice but her smile matched yours as she let go of you. 
“I’m proud of you too,” her voice was quieter but still held the same weight as yours.
You were pulled away from each other for media but all you could think about was how it felt having her arms wrapped around you. You tried your hardest to focus on the questions being asked but your thoughts strayed to your best friend often. You were thankful when you told you were good and made a quick lap around the pitch to thank the fans for their support. 
Your teammates were already blasting music in the locker room when you entered, loud cheers and laughs mixed in as well. Everyone was quick to shower and change, an earlier agreement to celebrate at a local bar on everyone’s mind. As you changed into something more casual, you felt eyes zeroed in on you but when you looked around the room, everyone was focused on getting ready. 
As you turned your head back to your shoes, Lauren’s eyes locked on you once more. Her feelings for you had grown into something more over the years as well but she was scared to tell you and push you away. Her eyes scanned up and down your body as you stood, shamelessly checking you out while you weren’t paying attention. 
The forward jumped from her seat when you started heading to the door, her arm reaching out to hold the door for you to exit first. You sent her a small smile when you noticed her holding the door for you. Lauren exited the locker room right after you, her stride matching yours as you both headed for your cars. 
Neither of you spoke as you walked to your cars that were parked next to each other, your teammates’ loud cheers filled the silence between you effortlessly. “See you at the bar,” you sent her a playful wink as you got into your car, a small surge of confidence filling your body. 
Lauren chuckled as she got into her car, letting you leave first so she could follow you. A few of your teammates who left before you had already gotten tables and a round of drinks. You took the shot Millie offered you when you sat down, downing it quickly. You grimaced slightly as the alcohol burned your throat. The defender laughed at your reaction before she was pulled into a conversation. 
Lauren sat opposite you at the table and while she was listening to Fran, her eyes stayed on you. The forward nodded along to what your teammate was saying though every time you moved her eyes followed you. Maybe with some liquid courage, she’d be able to tell you how she felt. 
You could feel Lauren’s eyes on you as you laughed along with Erin and Millie and you had to resist the urge to lock eyes with her. If you did, you would have ended up confessing you’d been in love with her for the past year or so. You gladly took the drinks offered your way, hoping that it would distract you from the big crush you had on your best friend. 
You and Lauren seemingly matched your drinking and every time one of you had a new one, so did the other. You both giggled as you watched some of your teammates dancing along to the music that was playing. You weren’t sure how long the team had been out, but when a few of them started leaving you knew it had been a while. 
You downed the rest of your drink, sighing when you placed the glass back on the table. “I think I’m gonna head home,” you called out to whoever was listening at the table. You might have been drunk but you knew you weren’t in the condition to be driving. 
“Yeah me too,” Lauren’s voice echoed in your head as you clicked through your phone trying to find the Uber app. 
You groaned when you were unable to find it, a grumpy pout on your face as you turned your phone off. Lauren laughed softly at your defeated look before pulling her phone out to order an Uber. “You can just stay with me tonight, I live closer anyways,” the forward shrugged as she finished ordering the car. 
You nodded happily, your mood changing instantly at the thought of spending the night with your best friend. You two made your way outside after telling the team goodnight, the cool London air hitting your face the second the door opened. You shivered slightly as you two stood waiting for the Uber, the cold affecting you more than you would have thought.
Lauren laughed softly before pulling you into a hug, “C’mere,” she teased as her arms wrapped around your body. You sighed softly as her body started warming yours, your head resting on her shoulder. You two stood together for a few moments before the Uber pulled up and you whined softly when Lauren let go of you. 
You sent her a small smile when she opened the door for you, letting you scoot in first. You said a quick hello to the driver, grateful that the heat was on. Lauren was quick to follow you, closing the door behind her and letting the driver know you were all good. 
You leaned your head to rest on Lauren’s shoulder, her thigh pressed next to yours while her hand rested on her thigh, close to landing on yours. The car ride was comfortably silent as you headed to Lauren’s place, the alcohol in your system starting to make you tired. 
You thanked the driver once you had arrived, telling him goodnight as you got out of the car. You two hurried into her place, ready to be out of the cold and somewhere quieter than the bar you were at. After taking your shoes off and throwing the light jacket you were wearing off, you two dropped onto her couch. 
The silence that filled the room felt heavy, both of you thinking similar things as you stared at the blank TV in front of you. You turned your head to stare at Lauren’s side profile, your eyes scanning her features as your breathing picked up. Lauren turned her head toward you when she felt you staring, her eyes dropping to your lips quickly before her eyes met yours. 
You slid closer to her until your thighs were touching again, your foreheads almost touching as you stared at her lips. She licked them softly, watching as you mimicked her. “Can I kiss you,” you whisper, your chest heaving a bit faster than normal. 
Lauren nodded before leaning in, her lips grazing yours before pulling you into a deep kiss. She moved one of her hands to rest on your cheek to hold you in place as you both sighed into the kiss. The kiss picked up slightly, a light moan from you driving Lauren crazy as her hand moved from your cheek to your thigh.
The position you were in was becoming slightly uncomfortable so you shifted forward, moving until you were straddling her lap. You moved your hands to rest on her cheeks, her hands falling to your waist, holding you close to her. Your hips rolled as you kissed her, your sleepiness having left your body the second she kissed you.
You were too focused on her lips to realize she stood up, your legs automatically wrapping around her waist as she brought you to her bedroom. You had slept in her bed plenty of times before, but this time it would be different. Your back met her mattress softly, her body pinning you to it as she propped herself up. 
Lauren moved her lips away from yours and down your cheek to your neck, leaving light kisses on any piece of skin she could find. You moaned when her lips sucked a bit harder, a hickey sure to form in that spot later. One of her hands pushed your shirt up your body, the piece of clothing in her way. 
She pulled away from you to help you take your shirt off, throwing it to the floor to be picked up in the morning. Her hand was back on your body, running up and down your torso as her lips moved down your chest. As quickly as she took your shirt off, your bra was treated the same way. Her lips left small kisses around your bare breast, your body jerking slightly as she kissed your hardened nipples. 
Lauren pulled away from you completely as she moved off the bed, your breathing heavy as you watched her move around her room looking for something. “Take the rest of it off,” her voice was rougher than normal as she gestured to your pants. 
You listened quickly, the rest of your clothes joining your shirt and bra on the floor. You could feel how wet you were and it only grew when you finally looked at Lauren again. Your eyes dropped to the strap on in her hands, your thighs rubbing together softly as you thought about her fucking you with it.
The forward was quick to strip her clothes off, tossing them to the floor before harnessing the toy to her body. You lay back against her bed, watching as she moved to the end of it. You waited for her to tell you what to do, ready to follow her orders the moment she said them. 
“Hands and knees,” she ordered, though her tone was still soft, not wanting to make you do anything you didn’t want to do. 
You bit back a small moan as you listened, balancing yourself on your hands while you waited for her to touch you. Lauren’s eyes trailed over your body from behind as she knelt behind you. Her hands traced your body before landing on your waist, her grip tight yet soft as she held you. 
You whimpered before a raspy “please” escaped your lips. Lauren’s eyes rolled slightly at the sound of you begging her before moving one hand to line the strap on up with your dripping cunt. She thrust her hips slowly, easing the toy into you to let you get adjusted to it.
Your head dropped as you moaned louder, your hips attempting to push back against her. Lauren smirked at your eagerness, her hands keeping your hips still until she bottomed out. She pulled the strap on out of you slowly before roughly pushing it back in, a loud gasp from you echoing off her bedroom walls.
Her hips roughly snapped against yours, the last bit of softness she had left her body when you moaned her name for the first time. You gripped the cover under your hands tightly as she fucked you, the sounds of her skin hitting yours had your head spinning even more than it was. 
“L-lauren, please,” you begged as your breathing hitched when the strap on hit that familiar spot. 
Her hips moved faster, she was determined to give you one of your best orgasms ever. She leaned down to place kisses on your back before returning to her original position. You could feel the familiar coil in your lower stomach tighten each thrust and you knew you were going to cum soon. 
“You wanna cum,” she grunted from behind you, a smirk on her face as you blabbered out a response. 
“Y-yes! Please let me cum,” you whined, your arms giving out from under you as your head hit her mattress. 
Lauren drilled into you as you came with a loud, drawn-out moan. She slowed her hips slightly but kept going, helping you through your high. You whimpered at the oversensitivity, your body jerking slightly from your orgasm.
Lauren pulled the toy out of you and took it off to toss it to the floor. Her hands ran up your back softly as she helped you roll over. Your eyes were closed as you tried to catch your breath, though it was hard to accomplish with her lips leaving light kisses all over your body. 
“Fuck,” you rasped, swallowing softly as your eyes fluttered open. Lauren moved to lay next to you, propping her head up on her hand, her eyes locking with yours. She laughed softly at your exhausted expression, though she wore a similar one. 
“What about you,” you pouted, your brows furrowing as you tried to sit up. 
“Maybe in the morning, you’re exhausted, y/n/n,” she teased, her hand pushing you back onto your back.
You huffed, but you knew she was right when your eyes fluttered closed and a yawn escaped your mouth. You were going to hold her to her words, determined to treat her the way she treated you. Lauren watched as you fell asleep, this wasn’t how she imagined telling you how she felt but if it didnt happen, she wasn’t sure if she ever would.
She placed a light kiss on your forehead before helping you get comfortable, sleeping taking over both of you.
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wosoamazing · 4 months
Williamson v Williamson
Summary: It’s the Semi-Final Match against England, you’re playing against your sister for the first time, you lose, but an absolute legend wants your shirt.
A/N: Just a short one, can’t decide if I like it or not but oh well. (Tried to keep it as real as possible but obviously some things are fictional)
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Today’s match was a monumental one, not just on a team level but on a personal level. Today was the Matildas’ Semi-Final match against the Lionesses, it was make or break. It also meant you would be versing your sister today, someone would finish the game better off than the other.
The game was going well, you were even, 2 all, you and Sam had both managed to score and so had Ella Toone and Lauren Hemp, it was looking like a large chuck of added time would be needed and then possibly penalties, that was until Alessia Russo scored England’s third goal in the 86th minute, that was it, there was no way you could come back from that now.
The final whistle blew, and you just collapse onto the ground, you played so well and tried so incredibly hard, but it wasn’t enough. Your team isn’t going to the gold medal match now, there is no guarantee of a medal, all because you couldn’t get a second goal past Mary Earps. The media and public caught many heart-warming moments of Lionesses comforting their fellow Aussie club teammates, Aussies comforting Aussies, but the moment that had grappled the world’s attention was when, one of the Lionesses defender’s and their goalkeeper sat down on the pitch either side of the youngest player of the match, a young Matilda, a complete stranger, club rivals if anything. However, they weren’t strangers, they had been to your house many times, they were your sister’s friends but somehow no one had thought about that. However, them not being strangers doesn’t lessen their gesture in anyway though.
Mary Earps and Millie Bright had come to comfort you, they sat down either side of you, “Hi,” you mumbled to them, wondering if they heard you as your head was in your hands.
“You’re a good player kid, you-” Mary started speaking but was interrupted by you “Obviously not good enough though, I wasn’t good enough score another fucking goal, a single goal” you yelled.
“Hey, none of that, you know you had the most attempts and the most shots on target for the whole game, they said it could even be for the whole tournament, you were fucking incredible,” Millie told you as she pulled you in for a hug.
“You truly tested my abilities today Kid you did really really well, and you should be proud of yourself, one of the hardest strikers to keep for I would say.”
“Thank guys, I’m sorry for yelling, you both played really well today too, well at least Mary did” your comment sent the three of you into fits of laughter, you then chatted to them for a few more minutes, they were friends after all, and even though you did just loose to them you hadn’t seen them in ages.
“We better go,” Millie said as she saw your sister walking over to you “But first, can I swap shirts with you kid?”
“Sorry Millie, but there’s already a shirt with my name on it,” you nodded you head in the direction of your sister.
“I see what you did there, Leah’s not wrong about you being smart too” Mary said as she grabbed your hand to pull you up.
“What can I say, I can’t help being the better Williamson,” “Shit, I think someone heard that, run” Marry said to Millie as she started running.
“I must admit today you were the better Williamson,” you hear you sister’s voice say as she placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you around, “Now, I think that shirt is mine, it does have my name on it after all,” she joked, you both quickly took off you shirts before putting the others on, you both posed for some photos, before you were called over for an interview.
“Well, I think it’s time we let you go, best not miss the team huddle” “Yeah probs shouldn’t miss that one might get in a bit of trouble, thank you it was great chatting with you” “Likewise good luck”
“I think yellow looks better on you,” Tony said as you joined the team.
“Yeah, so do I,” “Well, I’m relieved, saw you talking to Sarina before, got a little worried.”
“Too bad you already gave your shirt away, Beckham messaged me, asked if I reckoned he could have your shirt, he was thinking about coming down from the box,” Sam said, she had a serious tone in her voice so you couldn’t tell if she was lying or not, but then you caught your sister talking to a guy out of the corner of your eye, it was the David Beckham.
“Wait, you’re not joking, you’re being real” Sam nodded, “Shit, I need to go get my shirt back from my sister,”
“Nah, it’s all good, he said he’ll just make sure to get your Bronze Medal mat-” “Girls focus, I’m pretty sure I’m more excited about Beckham than you are but can we just debrief quickly?” Tony said cutting Sam off.
“So, I guess this isn’t a good time then?” an ever so familiar voice said as a pair of hands you could recognise from a mile away were place on your shoulders. Everyone looked to the person standing behind you, you didn’t bother you knew exactly who he was, “Tony, if you don’t mind, maybe they’ll listen to the real DB,” you internally cringe at those words, when you were little you idolised Beckham so instead of saying MVP or the real VP as some might say you instead insisted on saying the real DB, you hadn’t heard it in years, luckily your family forgot about it, but obviously someone remembered and told him.
“Take it away,”
“Girls, wait move over let me in,” you all shuffled and he slotted in between you and Charli. “Okay let me start again. Girls you played amazingly today, but you were outplayed, your attempts were good, there were some I can’t believe she managed to save let alone believe they were from a sixteen-year-old,” you blushed “but some of them were too clumsy, a lot of those shots could’ve gone in if they had more power behind them, you hesitated to much, questioned whether you should pass or shoot, your decisions need to be instantaneous, but overall amazing work, great defending and great goal keeping, its England you are always going to concede to England especially to that team right there, their hungry and so are you but you know what the difference is, they believe they can’t get there but I’m not fully convinced you lot are. Great game though, very entertaining, thanks girls, and thanks to the real DB, I’m hoping I get picked for the shirt next game” he said to you, you nod at him, before heading down the tunnel.
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propertyofyoutube · 26 days
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You could chose them both - FLUFF
Your_g1rls_g1rl: Ima type my idea. So it's y/n is a fan, and she meets Sammy and colby and immediately ask for a pic. They say yes, and she is really not so they stop on either side of her, kinda fighting over her, and they literally both ask her to coffee and are really trying to be the one she choses, but she's a ditsy queen and doesn't realize
WARNINGS: NO SMUT!, pure fluff, Sam and Colby fighting over reader. Bad language.
“Honestly I wouldn’t even think twice about him…” your best friend, Lauren said as you both walked out of a gift shop during your weekend break in Las Vegas.
You sighed as you locked your phone once again, “I just can’t believe… that after everything he has the cheek to post with her on instagram!”
Lauren suddenly stopped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks as she placed both hands on your shoulders, “listen to me y/n…”
You sighed as you looked into her eyes, crossing your arms.
“He is a no good, truck driving, boot loving, cousin fucking hillbilly!” She passionately spoke, it was clear she was never a fan of your ex boyfriend.
“He’s never fucked a cousin!” You laughed as you interrupted her.
“Stop defending him!” She snapped back, “he is a cheating son of a bitch and karma will bite him right in the ass!”
You studied Lauren’s face as you tried to hate him as much as she does.
Lauren’s tone changed as she continued much softer, “and you… well you are everything. You’re smart, beautiful, kind… and goddammit you’re sexy as fuck!”
Suddenly your eyes fell wide, “I don’t fucking believe it…”
Lauren’s face scrunched up, “well you should fucking believe it!”
Your eyes snapped back to Lauren as you’d actually been looking over her shoulder, “no…” you spun her around with a chuckle, “is that not Colby Brock?”
Lauren’s eyes fell wide as a smile spread across her face. She looked over at Colby who had just walked out of a store and before she could speak Sam followed him out, “and Sam!” She said excitedly.
Lauren slowly turned to face you, “you gotta ask them for picture…” she said seriously as you tilted your head at her.
“And why can’t you?!” You laughed as she shook her head quickly.
“Um… social anxiety says… no!” Lauren replied with a chuckle. “Please! I’ll take it for you!”
You looked over at Sam and Colby as they talked and laughed, your face scrunching up as you thought about it.
Lauren grabbed your shoulders once again, “hey think about it! An instagram post like this, would definitely outshine hillbilly ex’s new bleached blonde.”
You looked at Lauren rolling your eyes as you saw Sam and Colby starting to head in your direction. You exhaled sharply, “fine!”
You glanced over as you took a deep breath, Sam and Colby were just about to pass you as you spoke out, taking a step towards them, “excuse me?”
Sam and Colby’s eyes both darted towards you as you switched from one set of blue to the other. “Hey…” Sam said softly as small smile appearing on his face.
“What’s up…” Colby spoke with the same tone, their eyes refusing to leave your face as they both stared at you, the corners of their mouths turning upwards.
You couldn’t help but feel your stomach fill with butterflies with the way they were looking at you. But you thought nothing of it, trying to focus on building up the courage for your questions, “um… I know this is lame, but could I maybe get a picture with you guys?” You said with a nervous smile, “big fans…” you said awkwardly as you glanced at Lauren who stood frozen clinging to her phone.
Sam and Colby refused to look away from you as they both spoke up together, “yes of course!” They both quickly looked at each other, confused looks spreading across their face. They both know that look anywhere, they had the hots for this girl… both of them.
You looked between them awkwardly as they looked at each other, “okay… shall I just-“
Suddenly Colby cut you off, “yeah sorry, come stand here!” He said reaching out to gently place his hand on your arm. His smile wider than ever as he glanced down at you.
“I’ll stand on this side!” Sam said quickly as he stood on your right. He quickly put his arm around your back, his hand gripping your waist as he pulled you into him slightly.
Lauren slowly help up her phone to take the photo and quickly noticed the way the boys looked at you and then to each other.
“What’s your name?” Sam asked, still looking down at your face.
“Y/n…” you said as you looked at Lauren who suddenly had a smirk on her face.
“That’s a really pretty name.” Colby said catching you off guard as you turned to look at him.
Sam noticed Colby’s efforts and didn’t want him winning that easily, “perfect name for the most beautiful girl.” He said softly as you quickly turned to look at him. Your face frowned in confusion but you just presumed they were being overly nice, so that they kept up their social media persona.
“Okay smile!” Lauren shouted as you looked at her, blinking a few times to gather yourself as your slowly lifted your arms around the backs of the boys. All three of you smiled as Lauren snapped a few pictures. “All done!” She said excitedly as she lowered her arms.
Neither Sam or Colby let go as they both looked back at you. You waited for a moment before slowly releasing yourself from between them.
Colby looked up at Sam and noticed his cogs turning and wanted to get in before he did, “so, y/n… would you maybe wanna get coffee some time?” He asked, peaking your interest as you turned to face them.
“Oh.. i-“ a smile appeared of your face but before you could reply Sam cut in.
“Or dinner? Maybe…” he said with smirk. Colby’s eyes darted towards him, his smile dropping slightly.
You snapped your head at Sam, “oh um…” you wasn’t sure what to say, and definitely didn’t understand what was happening right now. Especially because both Sam and Colby clearly want to see you again, which alone blew your mind. Why you? But you convinced yourself that they properly just liked your aura. “Well, we’re in Vegas until Monday,” you said as they both looked at you eagerly. “You could call me.” You suggested.
Sam and Colby quickly pulled out their phones, “yeah sure what’s your number?” Sam said quickly as Colby gave him a death stare once again.
“Or you can give to me, he’s terrible with his phone!” Colby laughed. Sam was not impressed by his comment.
You looked between the boys feeling awkward as they bickered slightly, “why don’t you both take it…”
They smiles returned as they looked back at you. You read your number out as they both added it to their contact lists. You looked at them with a soft smile.
“Thanks, we just uh…” Colby said looking at Sam.
“Got some stuff to sort out.” Sam finished as he looked at you, “and then I’ll call you.”
“Or I will.” Colby added as they both looked at you.
You looked between them with a slightly frown forming. “No problem.” You smiled, “nice to meet you both.” You said as you slowly turned back to Lauren who waited for you.
“Yeah you too!” They both shouted after you excitedly as you giggled. Sam and Colby looked at each other before walking away quickly.
Lauren waited until they were out of hearing range, “No fucking way!” She said excitedly.
“What?” You laughed as you took her phone to look at the photos.
Lauren looked at you gobsmacked, and shocked you hadn’t realised what was happening. “Hello!! Earth to y/n!” She said as you quickly looked up at her confused. “They were both hitting on you!”
You froze, unable to form words for a moment as you stuttered, “they were not!”
Lauren threw her arms up in disbelief, “y/n I love you… but damn you can be so delusional!”
“I am not!” You said quickly with a laugh.
Lauren rolled her eyes before linking her arm with yours continuing on your shopping trip, “you know… they’re both going to call…” she said with a smirk. “Who you gonna choose?”
You shook your head in disbelief, “look, even if you are right… and they did both call me… I.. I don’t think I could choose…” you said looking at the photo of the 3 of you. Both of their smiles warming your heart.
Lauren chuckled as she watched how you looked at them, “you could choose both…” she said as you looked at her confused. She giggled before she continued, “What happens in vegas… stays in Vegas.” She bit her lip excitedly as you rolled your eyes.
Deep down, if Lauren was right, you would want them both… but you had no idea what you were in store for….
Authors note: I loved this litter request… who wants part two? 😏🖤
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All Star (Millie Bright x GN Reader) Featuring WSL + BPL players
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Warning: Swearing, Mature content
Sam Kerr XL VS Erling Haaland XL
A massive day in English football that was arriving. The Women's Super League and The Premier League were in a agreement to have a All Star match. Both teams made up from Stars of the WSL and the PL and the week would draw a lot of inspiration from the NBA all star week, Contests, Celebrity match, etc
Even though their was some concerns about the players playing too much, the game would be in off season and players had a choice to play if they wanted too. The idea of playing with some of the best in the country and friends was a exciting idea so when where contacted to be apart of Pep's side you jumped at the chance
Much Excitement was gathering for the event, especially since you was contacted to be apart of the Haaland XL and would take on the Kerr XL. The days following up to the event was press, media and training with the teammates for the match. The likes of Haaland, Mead, Foden, Son, TAA, Leah Williamson, Walker and more. Whilst the other team would have Sam Kerr, KDB, Russo, Millie Bright, Daly, Ederson and more.
During training camp you met with friends like Mead, Leah and Heung Min Son and new like Haaland, Lauren Hemp, Thiago Silva just to name a few.
Training camp was filled with banter, fun and energy. You loved being around the league's top stars that sometimes it you had to pinch yourself to see if this was real.
"Ok team, this will be the line up for the game. everyone will have time on the pitch. Even though this is a game of fun, I'm sure we all don't like to lose" Pep said in a light hearted tone which was responded with smiles and head nods. The slide would show the line up and you study it.
GK - Mary Earps
DEF- Walker, McCabe, Le Tissier, Sliva
MID - Williamson, Son, Foden
ATT - Y/N, Haaland, Hemp
You smiled at the line up, This team looked good and the bench was good too. You felt a nudge behind you to see Haaland and received a high five turned into a fist pump. Hemp who was sitting next to you also did the same. Leah, Son and Foden would just be magic. the back 4 screamed hard work and aggression and Mary had that passion to motivate the entire team. You, Hemp and Haaland is a dangerous trio. Hemp with her pace and quick thinking, Haaland is well Erling Haaland and you were the Top Goal scorer in the F.A cup and Champions league last season. This Team was powerful.
The meeting went on as Pep gave game plans and who would most likely deal with who. Like the defence and Mary having to hold off Sam Kerr and Salah. Midfield up against Rice, KDB, Cuthbert and Toone.
"Y/N, Hemp,Haaland. You will most likely be up against Trippier" You rubbed your chin, he can be a challenge "Steph Houghton" You lean forward excitement filled you as you go up against a lioness legend "Harry Maguire" You smirked at the easy challenge "And Millie Bright" Your smirked turned into a full blown evil smile, Not only would you a Arsenal Striker go up against a Chelsea captain but you LOVED challenges and Millie fitted that category. You looked at your attacking teammates who also looked intrigued and ready untill "I got a tenner on F/N making one of them break" you hear McCabe say from the back who made the room laugh, you turned to her with you smile on show. What did McCabe mean by her bet? Well you had a reputation..............for being one of the biggest shit talkers there is.
Whenever you were marked by a defender you just talked...and talked.... and talked until you were in their head or made them so irritated that they would try and two foot you and not be able to focus most of the time you catching them off guard and finding yourself through on goal
One thing that everyone knew about you when playing
No one could shut you up.
"I SAY TWENTY!" Hemp shouts taking the bet on you gave an eye roll
"THIRTY AND A ROUND OF DRINKS ON ME IF IM WRONG!" You had to double take as Son jumped in on it which threw you off "SONNY!" you said flabbergasted as the rest of the team were taking that bet
"HUNDRED!" You turned to Pep and gave him a really look
"I HAVE ONE FOR YOU F/N!" you turned back to Leah " Millie is a tough one and won't be easily broken" You tilted your head a little bit, interest building "If you can get Bright to break, I will be your assistant for a 24 hours" The room filled with oohs as you crossed your arms leaning back, biting your tongue, feeling a nudge from Hemp as Son put his hands on your shoulders and shock you "Go on!" Son said "Yeah you can make her suffer" Hemp said You smiled at your friends
"And if I don't?"
"You would my assistant for a full day" You smirked and leaned forward "And then McCabe's for another 24 hours" Your smirk dropped god knows what Katie would make you do. The Team were enjoying every moment of this after the brief thought, You knew you were the best at it when it came to cracking people. You turned to Katie who had the most terrifying smile you have ever seen in your life and past lifes. Leah walked over to you with a smug and extended her hand "do we have an accord" she said in a posh accent
"I Accept" You stood up and shock to the team clapping and voicing excitement. As Leah back to her seat you gently pulled her towards you with a evil smirk "Sonny!" You said gaining the Korean's attention "Yes?" "You don't happen to have a spare Tottenham shirt i can borrow right?" You asked in a innocent voice to which Leah's grin dropped and the blood drained from her face as the room started to giggle. "Yes i do, Why would you need one" He said smiling innocently "Just thinking Leah suits white and black clothing" Leah gave you a glare before returning to her seat.
The bet was on!!!!!
After many training sessions, interviews, social media posts, recordings for tv and youtube
The day was here, The team arrived at a sold out Wembley Stadium. Fans were on a high to watch football, see interactions they thought they would never see. The whole team was excited and determined to have a great match.
The team would go out for the last training session on the field before the game, it was there you would see the other team on the other side of the pitch and there she was. Your challenge Millie Bright, you looked at the Lioness she was quite the looker and you shamelessly checked her out. But then had an idea that hopefully would work, It was simple. She just needed to look at you. and thankfully she did.
She caught you looking at her and she nodded at you but frowned at little when you didn't nod back. She waved but all you did was smirk and went back to warm up. You were all ready trying to get inside the Chelsea captain's head.
The match was about to start, you walked out to the field with your team and waiting to shake the enemy teams hand and say good games and such. As you looked around you had to admit. Being in Wembley, on the pitch in front of that crowd was something.
You felt like a immortal everytime you played there, the cheers, the atmosphere. To you Wembley was the stage where legends made. And you know that after you scored the last minute goal for arsenal in the F.A Cup final against West Ham last season. You loved it here.
You were shaken out of your thoughts as you saw Sam Kerr approach you, clasping your hand and both winking at each other before saying "Have a good game" and this would continue down the line until you held Millies hand and gave a smirk which made frown a little bit.
As the match kicked off, you went to your position and found yourself marked by Millie. You glanced at Hemp who gave you a smile and raised her eyebrows at you
"This gonna be a great match" you said to Mille "Yeah it's crazy it's happening" She said in a happy voice
"Too bad i didnt get the male chelsea captain to deal with"
"Ooh is that How's it gonna be?" Millie replied in a amused voice as she glanced at you as you just gave a smirked.
A couple minutes later, you would find yourself running through on goal and was heading towards goal as you feel Millie trying to push you off the ball as Eddison was ready to challenge you. As Millie tried to kick the ball away she ended up dragging you down but you got a kick out of it but Eddison's fingers tip skimmed the ball enough to divert it to the post.
Next thing you knew you hit the ground hard as you felt someone fall on you. You looked at who was on top of you and was Millie "Sorry if that was a bit rough, you ok?" She said with her own smirk trying to get back at you. You couldn't help but get hot under the collar feeling her hot breath fall on you as she was on top of you but you remained composed
"Nah I'm good. I like it Rough, especially in the postion" you said in a flirty voice as you looked Millie up and down who responded with a flabbergasted face before she quickly got up and brushed herself off. You evilly cackle to yourself loud enough to hear.
Later as your team received a corner you would take your postion and felt a strong presence behind you. You glance to see Millie. She stood next to you as she got ready to fight in the air. You felt her hand on your waist.
"Oh Millie" You said in a fake shock but flirty voice. To which Millie give you a seconed look and glared at you. But heard McCabe cackle and you saw Kerr in front of you starting to chuckle. And a friendly bump on the arm by walker. But at that moment you heard the whistle and the ball was kicked in by Hemp and you locked on to the ball and was about to jumped but saw Haaland jump into the air for the header. You would jocky agaisnt Millie and you managed to throw off balanced so she couldn't challenge Haaland who buried it into the net.
Thr crowd cheered as the team chased Haaland but before you ran, you looked to Millie who was in the ground.
"That wasn't the brightest idea, Brighty!" You said before running off. Not noticing Rachel Daly heard the pun and couldn't help but feel proud at the pun. "It'd beginning to look like you gonna be wearing that spurs shirt Leah" Daly said as he walked past a worried Leah. Millie was being broken down slowly.
The game was 1-1 and you weren't slowing down with the jabs either, you tell Millie irratation was rising. "You seem to not be enjoying the match Millie. What could be wrong?" Nothing. You were standing behind her and couldn't see her face as you started to walk in front of her getting ready to make a run for the ball as the counter attack was coming "It's a nice view by the way Millie"
"You backside"
"E-excuse me!" You heard her say in a shock voice as she stuttered the sentence out. In that moment before she could register you sprinted off towards the goal as Son lobbed the ball towards the goal as the chased it. "LITTLE SHIT!" You heard Millie shout trying to chase you down. The sentence threw her off long enough for you acceleration to get distance on her. You saw Maguire coming in for a tackle to which you did a Ronaldo chop to the left sending Maguire sliding in embarrassment. The crowd rained oohh and cheers, as you continued but the slight delay of the move let Millie catch up and you then would pull off a Cruyff turn which resulted in something the world rarely saw with Millie Bright. You sent Millie falling face first onto the ground, you didn't looked back as you ran towards the goal you were one on one with Eddison. Calm and collected to curled the ball past the Brazilian into the goal which led to cheers and claps as you ran off to find Son to thank him for the assist. "LETS GO SONNY BOY!" As you embraced each other and felt others join the bundle. Not knowing Bright was at her limit
Half time would come along and you would walk back to the locker room not before noticing a glare from Millie
You sat down waiting for Pep to talk about the game plan and you felt hands on your shoulders "I can't see much from my postion but I think you winning this bet L/N" you hear Mary Earps say. You turn to her "yeah I feel bad though, hopefullyshe doesn't kill me" you grimaced "Oh she is gunning for you. I saw her face and know what that face means. Whatever happens Just apologise after the game. Hopefully you haven't pushed her too far that we never see you again" She said patting you in the back. Rest of the team walked in over the next couple minutes.
After the talk about the game plan and getting ready to go back out, you see Leah "You seem quiet Leah" Leah sighed
"Cause she bit off more then she could chew" Foden cheekly said as he grabbed a drink "Are you really gonna make her wear a Tottenham shirt? Couldn't be me" Declan Rice said giving you a friendly punch on the arm Leah groaned in annoyance "I'm getting annoyed here" She voiced in the room "So is Bright, You gonna be a good assistant" hear McCabe say as you and her step put of the locker room "ATLEAST I DIDN'T GET BOOKED A YELLOW!" You hear Leah shout at Katie before the door shut behind you, leaving you and Katie laugh as you walk back to the field
You were running into the box as a counter attack was on and Rice lobbed the ball into the box and you went to for the ball but felt a pain in your back sending flying as you jumped and just narrowly missing the goal post and falling to the ground. You gasped the wind was knocked out of you and winced "Jesus" you said sat up and saw Millie staring at you "Oh are you ok? I didn't break you did i?" She said in a sarcastic tone. You smirked "Yeah I deserve that one" you winched as you sat up "Yeah ya did brat" as she walked towards to you and extended her hand. You accepted her hand "Though I must say, You hit me so hard I started to angels. Then one helped me up" You winked at her "Oh for the love of"
*Whistle blows*
You notice the sub board
You run off to the sideline not before clapping and sending love to the crowd, high fiving the team and the enemy team
You glanced at Leah and wiggled your eyebrows. You won the bet and she looked miserable and fearful for that 24 hours
You approached your replacement Bethany England who became a close friend of yours during the All star team training.
You doubled high fived her "She all weared down for ya Bethy" She smiled and shook her head "GO GET ONE" You shouted to the the Tottenham captain
The match ended 5-3 to your team. You would shake hands and show respects
"Oi Millie!" You saw her coming towards you, You put your hands up as a sign of meaning no harm "You really a tough defend-Oof" She shoulder barged you into a stagger and walked to her team. You looked at her leave and then glanced at Daly who gave you, you are in trouble and I fear for your life look. You were shaken from your thoughts by two Tottenham players calling you. You turned with a smile and jogged to Son and Bethany for the trophy lift.
You be lying if you said you didn't feel bad about Millie. You admit you did a bit much especially in efforts for a bet. You found yourself in a secluded area of the hotel both teams would away for the night. You asked Leah if you could have Millies contact details in efforts to apologise. To which she did even after the endless teasing from the team after losing the bet. The team all agreed that Millie cleary let you in her head. You messaged the lioness
"Hey Millie, it's Y/N. Leah gave me your number. I wanted to apologise for my actions I got carried away and went to far in my shit talking today and I am at the hotel and I wanted to apologise in person. If you want nothing to do with me I understand"
"What door number and I will you at 11 pm"
You responded with the door and was left on read thus leading to you waiting outside your door with it open with anxiety building
"OI L/N!" You eyes snapped to the voice and there she was a furious lion that was Millie Bright marching towards you that you would say was murderous intent. Oh she gonna kill you. You put your arms up in defence
"Ok Millie, I'm sorry I really messed and you are very right to be piss-" You were cut off by Millie shoving into your room sending you stumbling. You hear the door slam and felt Millie grabbed you and put you agaisnt the door. You breath quicken as her face was inches away from yours as her breath was heavy and her eye were starring into your soul.
You gulped
------------------Mature Content-------------------
She grabbed both your wrist pining them above you head as she aggressively captured your lips with hers, shocking you, you tried to fight out of it. but couldnt help kiss back. She put her hand under your shirt rubbing your abs and grinded against you. You couldn't help but submit to this lioness. The frustration you gave her today made her lose it
You started to moan as she controlled you like her own toy. You could feel Millie smirk before slipping her tongue in your mouth. You were in bliss, Millie was pushing all the right buttons like you pushed hers on the field.
She stopped for a breather "Holy-"
She then kissing your neck lightly making you shut up tried to fight back moans.
"Such a brat" her kissing became harsher and harder making you curl your toes and move you hands against Millies hold but she was freakishly strong.
Millie stopped and locked eyes with you
"You are going to make up for today" you looked at her helpless as you felt her hand move from your waist to your backside and she grouped. "I can't wait to see that view." She said in a devilous voice as she grouped your backside You were in a trance, you couldn't look away from her and you were still trying to control your breathing.
"But since I didn't get a trophy today, I'm going to take another one and mark it" She said lickling her lips before biting down on your neck and sucked on it. Making your wide eyed. Squeezing you fists and your voice caught in your throat. You let herself submit under her control as she continued to grope and pull you towards her grinding movements. "F-fuck M-millie" you said as you felt her mark your neck
"We will" She said grabbing you and throwing you onto the bed and pinned you down. You were still trying to process what was happening.
"What's wrong? I thought you like it rough?" She said in a seductive voice lifted up your shirt to your neck. "And this postion" you placed kisses from the top of your abs and went lower
Making you feel scared but filled with excitement
She went Iower
You moaned as you closed your eyes
She went lower
It was at this moment you was Millies trophy for the rest of the night
-----------------Mature Content End--------------
You eyes fluttered open as you felt a hand play with your hair and stroke your head. You turned into the body you were intangled with and pressed your face into thier chest.
"Morning my Trophy" you heard the voice of Millie as you felt the vibrations of her speaking and looked up to her still half asleep. You felt her move strays of hair out of your face "You look cute when your all tuckered out" she said teasing you giving you pleasant flashbacks of the events of last night. "You say it like I didn't enjoy it" you gave a weak smile "Oh I know you enjoyed" She sat up slightly and drew you closer to her as she pecked your lips "I heard you enjoy it" You started to sheepishly smile, she pecked you again "I felt you enjoy it" you hid your face in her neck, pecking her neck and ribbing you face trying to hide
"Looks like I figured out how to finally shut you up"
The End
Well that was a different type of story I'm used to writing well the end part. I hope you guys enjoyed it and got a laugh and a gasp out of it.
I really wanted to write a story involving male and female footballers and I tried to make it work. Please let me know if you liked that idea btw
Please send feedback, If you want more Millie imagines request them 😁
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doudouneverte · 9 months
Next stop... Manchester
a/n: I had to rewrite it but it's okay. Feedback is really appreciated by the way
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*Not my PIC*
Pairing: Chloe Kelly x Léon!Reader; Mapi Léon x sister!reader; Ella Toone + Georgia Stanway x Female!Reader (besties)
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
words count: 3334
London - Manchester. Manchester - London. Whatever the direction, it became a usual trip for you during those recent years. Well, dating a Citizen player while you played for Chelsea, and let's not talk about the fact that you played for Spain and her England, meant you had to make compromises sometimes. 
You came to the WSL in the 2017-18 season; you played for Everton after some good seasons at Athletico Madrid. There you met Chloe; everything was new for you, so she helped you install yourself in the country. She showed you a lot of places, and you met a lot of people who'd become part of the England squad. At the end of the 19/20 season, you moved from Liverpool to London, where you signed a contract with the Blues.
At Chelsea, everything was good except when you had to play in the Champions League finals against your sister and her team. Unfortunately for the London club, you got injured in the semifinal. Without  one of their best defenders in their squad, the Blues lost against FC Barcelona. Except that the other worst moments was when you played against your girlfriend; you know how good she is, and it's really difficult for anyone to defend against her (except McCabe, but she's not really defending).
After three years in the capital's club, you received some interesting offers from different clubs: Bayern, Wolfsburg, Real Madrid, and even Lyon, but you decided to join another club in blue, well, sky blue. But your girlfriend is totally unaware of that, like almost everyone else, because you wanted to surprise her.
Today was a particular day; the Lionesses should take a flight to Australia the next day, and your girlfriend decided to spend her free time with you. It was still early in the morning when your phone started buzzing next to you. It was disturbing, but you didn't want to wake up yet until the woman next to you groaned.
"Y/n, I swear if you don't tell whoever texted you to shut up, I'll throw your phone through the window." Chloe said with her head pressed harder against the pillow.
"Calmate hermosa; I'll check that." You said before grabbing your phone to see a lot of messages from more people than you expected. 
¿Vienes a casa para vacaciones?(Are you coming home for vacation?)
Leila[8:30 a.m]:
The girls know
Ella[8:40 a.m]:
Please tell me you don't join the wrong side
Lauren[8:42 a.m]:
are you really coming?
I need to tell Chloe
Niamh[8:43 a.m]:
Sam and Guro are still pouting
Mama P[8:44 a.m]:
Jessie is still crying you need to do something
Mama M[8:44 a.m]:
Don't forget your sunscreen
Mama P[now]:
Magda reminds you to not forget your sunscreen
"Who are they?" The blonde was a little more awake than earlier.
"Just Magda and Pernille...and Niamh and Mapi." You replied before quickly texting, 'don't tell anything to Chloe; it's not official' to Ella and Lauren.
"Okay, now come back to sleep with me." The winger said, but you reluctantly declined the proposition.
"I really want that, but the girls are coming for lunch and I need to cook something," the Mancunian groaned and grabbed her phone.
"It's only 9 a.m."
"Yeah, I know, but I also have to call my sister and make our breakfast." You informed her and kissed her forehead before leaving the bedroom.
Chloe wanted to go back to sleep, but she couldn't without you, so she just checked her notifications and saw a text from Lauren.
Lauren[8:43 a.m]:
I have a big surprise for you
Chloe [8:57 a.m]:
I heard someone say that we will pair together for the world cup
Like always🙄
Your girlfriend knew there was something that her friend didn't tell her, but she didn't want to push her. When the winger finally came to the kitchen, she saw you cook with one of her Manchester City training kits. She approached you carefully, wrapped her arms around your waist, and landed her head on your shoulder.
"How can I help you?" She asked you.
"Just sit and look pretty." You commanded.
A few minutes later, Chole was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through TikTok while you were cooking. Everything was good until she found a tik-tok talking about the departure of Ona. It was not surprising at first, but the video caught her attention when the person behind it started to speculate about your possible departure to join Barcelona too. Of course, some fans had theories about you coming back to Spain after a lot of years in England.
You were too focused to not burn your breakfast and texted your sister that you hadn't noticed your girlfriend looking at you suspiciously; honestly, some theories started to gain her attention. She knew that last season you denied the offer of a Spanish team that wanted you, justifying it by the fact that you wanted to finish your contract with the Blues, but now what is keeping you in England?
"Babe? What do you think about going to Barcelona?" The winger asked you.
You took a moment to think about it. "Uh, I don't know; we need to schedule for the next season and wait until you come back from Australia, hopefully with a trophy, and I also need to ask Maps if it's good for her to let us stay in her apartment." You explained, totally unaware of the true meaning behind this simple question.
"Oh, okay." There was a little silence; she continued to scroll on her phone until you finished your episode. You turned your eyes off your phone and made your way to the blonde, leaving some kisses on her face, making the English girl giggle. "What are you doing?"
"I'm hungry." You replied.
"But you're cooking."
"Yes, and I finished it, so let's do something together." You finished your sentence with a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck.
"Babe, the girls are coming in 2 hours." She stopped you.
"I know."
"And you just cook the breakfast."
"I think I can do something in a little more than an hour, so let's have a little time for us." You said lifting her from the chair made her yelp and almost let her phone slip.
"Twenty minutes." She whispered firmly, just a few centimeters away from your lips.
"Twenty minutes." You agreed before leading her to the bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, you were both in the bathroom taking a bath, and she was sitting in front of you with her back against your chest. You were playing with her hands and the water, trying to steal some kisses between her giggles.
"Did you finish packing your things?" You asked, and she hummed to reply. "Are you sure? Did you pack some tissues? Alana said it was really cold there during this period of the year."
"Yes, don't worry. I checked everything twice." She replied, you wanted to say something, but she cut you off. "No, I'll not unpack everything to let you check." She prevented you.
You sighed and landed your head on her shoulder. "I'm just worried, mi corazon. The last time you flew somewhere without me, you almost forgot your passport." You reminded her, and she chuckled.
"Yes, but don't worry, Lauren will not let it happen again." She joked, and you nodded.
"Okay, I love being here with you, but we will have a lot of hungry girls in one hour, and I need to start to cook." You said getting out of the bathtub.
"How can I help you now?" Chloe asked again.
You thought a moment before replying, "Nothing; just stay there and look good for me." You said and gave her a little on her forehead.
"There is someone who's really looking good right now." She replied with a flirtatious tone.
"Pervert!" You shot just before taking your towel and leaving the room.
An hour later, you were finishing a paella request by almost every girl while you were making conversation with the citizen until someone rang at the door. When Chloe opened the door, she was met with none less than ten girls chatting loudly. You smiled when you heard the noises coming from the living room. You didn't have time to go to the kitchen before hearing two voices enter the room.
"Y/n!!" Georgia called you very excited.
"Why do you always look surprised to see me, knowing I almost live here?" You asked and accepted her hug.
"I missed you." The midfielder said.
"Me too, pequeña soldadera (little warrior)." 
"You still use this Spanish nickname?" 
"Always." You said with a cocky smile before walking to the other girl in the room. "Hola, I didn't think you would come." You said to Leila, your national teammates, well, not anymore because you were one of 'The 15'.
"Where do you want me to be? I mean, I'll never say no to free food and cooking by the best Spanish cooker in Manchester, no, in England." The older defender said.
"You say it because Ona came back to Barça?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Maybe." She replied, almost questioning herself; you gasped and playfuly slapped her arm.
"Don't worry, Y/n, you're still my favourite Spanish cooker." Georgia said while the three of you were joining the others in the kitchen.
"You say that because you don't have any Spanish teammates in Munich." You replied, and the girls laughed.
In the living room, there were more guests than you planned. There were Ella Toone, Alessia Russo, Maya Le Tissier, Katie Zelem, and Mary Earps, your Manchester's players friends—well, it was no longer valid for Alessia—and there were Chloe's City's teammates: Alana Kennedy, Lauren Hemp, Alex Greenwood, Laila Ouahabi, Laia Alexandri, and Esme Morgan. And some pluses: Keira Walsh and Lucy Bronze were here because they were ex-city players; McKenzie Arnold, who was brought by Alana (you always liked her, so why not); and of course your best friend Georgia Stanway, who brought Leah Williamson to complete their famous trio.
"Now that I see it from here, it's a lot of people." Laila said.
"You even invited some people who don't play for Manchester." Georgia commented, referring to McKenzie and Leah. You and the defender just looked at her before exchanging a confused look.
"A veces me pregunto cómo se hicieron mejores amigos. (Sometimes I'm really wondering how you two became best friends.)" The older woman said to you.
"¿Por qué? técnicamente no es falso. (Why? Technically, it's not false.)" You replied before a body crashed against you. "Wow, calmate Ella." You said laughing a little.
"Please tell me you'll choose the right Manchester." The offensive midfielder whispered to you with a big pout.
"Uh, yes? I mean, yeah, but why do you ask?"
"The girls find an article saying that since Ona made her comeback in Barcelona, you could leave too." Alessia informed you. In the corner of the couch, almost no one noticed, but Chloe tensed when she heard what Alessia said—almost no one because Laia wrapped an arm around the winger to ease her mind.
"Okay, I don't know what you're talking about, but let's eat because it'll get cold." You avoided the question, and that didn't go unnoticed by three players.
After eating in a very good atmosphere, you spent all your time cuddling Chloe and making jokes with Leah and Laila about the fact that you weren't selected for the World Cup. Some girls decided to watch a movie, and you happily agreed. You were in the kitchen making some snacks when you heard someone clearing their throats. Before hearing some footsteps, you turned around to see Ella, Georgia, and Laila exchanging looks.
"Are you alright, girls?" You asked a little confused.
"Y/n, can we talk?" The Red Devil asked a little shyly.
"Yeah, I just need to give this to the girls." You said referring to the plate of snacks in front of you.
"Yes, of course, we will wait." Georgia said you noticed something strange in her tone, but you didn't question it. Only two minutes later, you were back in the room with the three women.
You sat beside Ella in front of Georgia and Laila. "Is there something wrong?" You asked when none of them spoke.
"Y/n, we've known each other for a long time now, don't we?" Ella asked, and you nodded.
You clearly remember the day you met her for the first time and the time you became friends. It was during the season 17/18, you just left Athletico Madrid to try your luck in England at Everton. There you met Chloe for the first time, and it instantly clicked; it was love at first sight. For Tooney, you met her the first time you played against her, when she was playing for the other team in Manchester.
For Georgia, you met her in the street of the city before you saw her again on the pitch, but she was very kind with you, and for someone who had been in a new country for only a few months, you were very grateful. She helped you progress in English, and she even gave you some advice with your girlfriend when she was just your crush.
And for Laila, you met her for the first time while you visited your sister in Spain while she was playing for Barça. When you made your first step on the senior national team, she helped you (with your sister, Jeni, and Alexia, of course) with everything and every question, and you both play as defenders, so you trained together. When she came to Manchester, Mapi made a promise to take care of you, even if it was you who helped her the most when she was still installing.
"Yeah?" You replied, a little unsure of where it would end.
"So can you be honest with us? So about earlier, you know we will not be angry if you leave." Laila reassured you.
"Yeah, I know it's just that everything is complicated, and I don't want to leave Chloe." You said. Talking about her, your girlfriend was about to make her way in the kitchen, but she stopped when she heard her name. She knew it was very bad, but she couldn't help herself.
"Is it Barcelona?" Georgia asked, and you nodded, making the midfielder grumble, "Why do they want you when they already signed Ona?" 
"Because we didn't play at the same position." You said. "But they're not the only ones who made offers. There are also Wolfsburg and Paris Saint Germain." 
"Why don't you come with me to Bayern?" 
"No, if you need to leave, you should come to Manchester City."
"Or you can join me here."
"Okay girls, let's forget about it; they gave me until the end of the month to accept it or not. Now, let's just watch a movie and chill until you have to leave." You stopped their debate. Before you could see her, Chloe quickly came back on the couch beside Lauren, and you sat on her other side.
The rest of the day, your girlfriend seemed preoccupied by something, but she refused to tell you what.
The lunch was very cool; everybody was happy, and the girls didn't split anything. The next day, the girls had to leave, and you had a flight to Spain that you couldn't miss.
Your holidays were pretty good; you were just enjoying life with your sister, but somewhere you were missing your girlfriend. Because the World Cup was in New Zealand and Australia, you weren't awake at the same time.
On the other side of the world, Chloe was missing you, really missing you. She could handle every time you spent your holiday in Spain with your family, but now it wasn't a holiday for her, and you should be here with your national team. Unfortunately for her, every time she thought she couldn't miss you more, Lauren James, and Niamh were talking about you.
For you, after a week and a half in Spain, you had to fly back to England before going to Australia. You arrived in Australia between two matches of the Lionesses and, more importantly, just two days before the public training.
Knowing you would come to their training session, Lauren Hemp and Ella couldn't stop teasing Chloe about how much she missed you.
At the training, everyone was more focused knowing that it was public. You successfully found a place not so far from the ground as to not be immediately recognized. Chloe nailed it pretty well; she had only one thing on her mind: finish this and quickly come back to the hotel to call you.
When training finished, the citizen stayed behind to talk with fans and take pictures. She was not alone because Georgia and Ella were following her and, most importantly, looking for you. Stopping in front of a group of girls, the three started to do as usual until something caught Georgia's attention.
"Hey, look at that," she said to Ella, holding a Manchester City shirt someone gave her.
"It's the new one." Ella commented, and the Red Devil turned the shirt to find a big surprise. The two midfielders exchanged a confused look before looking at the crowd and finally seeing you.
"No way," Georgia whispered.
"It's a betrayal." You saw Ella mouthing Being too focused on you, they didn't see their teammates coming until the shirt slipped out of the Bayern player's hand.
"Where did you find that?" Chloe asked, but she didn't wait for answers before starting to sign it. It was just after she finished that she decided to look at the back. She paused for a moment. She thought it was a mistake or just a joke until she heard someone speak.
"I hope you like my surprise." You said this after you noticed she was too stunned to speak. Hearing your voice brought the winger back to reality; she looked at you, more surprised and happy than she ever was.
She didn't wait too long before she trapped you in a bone-crushing hug. You stayed like this for a few seconds until she pulled away, immediately closing the gap between you with a lovely kiss.
"I missed you too, mi corazon." You said after you pulled away when oxygen was needed.
"But what are you doing here, and most importantly, what is this?" She asked and showed you the shirt she just signed.
"Let's just say that I have a new team, and I wanted to announce it to you before you see it on the internet." You replied.
"So it's not a joke? We'll really play together next season?" She asked like it was the most unthinkable thing in the world.
"Yes, we will." You confirmed.
"But, Barcelona, and your sister?"
"Well, yeah, I'm really impatient to play with my sister again, but I think it can wait a little longer. And technically, I'm more related to Athletico Madrid than Barça."
"I don't know what to say. It's incredible; I would never believe that this day would come." She cupped your face and pressed her lips against yours just before being interrupted by her teammate.
"Traitor!" Ella yelled, making you laugh.
"Don't worry, I have another one for you." You said before throwing a shirt at her. She made a fake disgusting face, making you laugh again.
"I only keep it because you're my best friend." The United's players informed you.
"Yeah, yeah, but don't forget you also played for them."
"Sorry, I can't hear you." She said with her hands pressing against her ears.
"Okay, now I think you need to go, but don't worry, I'll come stay there to hopefully see you lift the trophy." You said to your girlfriend before giving her a last peck on the lips.
"I already miss you." The blonde striker said.
"I know; now go and win this for us." 
"I promise."
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Nice Sleepover? (Alessia Russo x Reader)
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After what felt like years you finally get off the plane in Manchester. You got loaned to City from Barcelona, being from Manchester it's a perfect loan for you, as you've been at Barca for just over a year and needed a little change of scenery.
Lauren was of course there to greet you at the airport with a sign which said "Queen of Nutmegs". You giggled and jogged over to her and gave her the biggest hug. "I'm so happy you're playing for us Y/N, I can't believe it still!" she says giddily whilst clinging onto you. "You'll be ready to play in the Manchester Derby as well!" "I can't wait to beat them with you, It'll take me back to the U19 days" you smile. Years ago you used to be an unbeatable force for the England younger squads, you with the assists and her with the goals. Being reunited was fantastic but also terrifying for those who faced you. After a long week of getting to know the team and staff at City alongside some training days, you crash on Lauren's spare bed at her shared house the night before the Derby. She slumps on it next to you whilst you both aimlessly scroll through your phones. You can't help but get stuck on an Instagram post by Alessia Russo, there is an audible gulp when you looked at the photos of her and Lauren spotted it instantly. "Now why is my best friend dribbling over Lessi?" Lauren said whilst looking at you with a big smirk on her face. "I'm not dribbling, it's just been a long time since we've seen eachother" You sighed and drop your phone on the bed. You used to have quite the crush on Alessia back in the day which hasn't really gone away, and haven't been interested in anyone since. You still talk every so often with national camps but nothing like you used to. "Now now young Y/N, don't go acting like this on the pitch, we need to win, yeah?" She slapped your hand gently "I'm off to bed, sleep well and don't dream about Miss Russo, you need to stay focused!" she giggled as she leaves the room, leaving you to sigh and get cuddled up in bed. ---- You're getting ready in the locker room after the warmups for the away game at Old Trafford. Feeling confident for your first game you pulled over your sky blue shirt whilst hearing a wolf whistle from Leila, you saluted her and gave her a wink in response. When you start to approach the tunnel the nerves hit, Lauren notices it and instantly puts her hands on your shoulders, gripping them tightly. "We will win, and I swear we will get a classic Y/LN-Hemp assist and goal for our first match together!" Lauren cheers whilst patting your shoulders firmly. You look over to your side to see the one and only Ella Toone grinning at you, you give her a nod and a smile. "Y/LN! Shame you aren't in red! Would look better on you" She cackles at you, you've missed her dumb laugh. "Never in your wildest dreams Tooney, red isn't my colour. Think you'd look pretty stunning in blue though" You wink. You and Ella used to play together for Astley & Tyldesley when you were younger. Your parents and her parents are close friends so you've always been fairly close. You still talk every now and then but since moving to Barca not so much. Not like it's in a bad way, more so that you're both very busy but will always be there for each other. She gave you a brief hug in the tunnel before you head out. "Good luck on your first game for City, shame you'll be losing" she chuckles whilst giving you a gentle smack on the ass which you instantly laugh at. You all start walking out onto the pitch and the game starts. As a midfielder you're already seeing loads of action in both attacking and defending. Around 20 minutes in you see a Alessia making a run to receive a ball in from Ella. Before Alessia can receive the ball, you cut in with a fantastic slide to clear the ball from her. This sends Alessia tumbling over you and she lands on top of you. You couldn't help but get a little flustered as she lifted herself off you whilst looking into your eyes. You shake it off and return to the game. You look to your side and see Lauren looking at you, very amused at what she had just witnessed. The game continues with a fair amount of back and forth between the two of you, she even fouls you when you're trying to connect a longer pass to Hemp, which you brush off as she gives you a hand up. As half-time comes around the score is 1-1, one goal from Toone and the City goal from Chloe. You get told that you'll be likely to stay on for the full 90 with Lauren, to try and secure another goal. You run back onto the pitch and into position feeling energised and ready to win. 74 minutes in you receive a pass and run it up the wing ready for Lauren when you feel a pair of boots collide with you. You instantly tumble to the ground and clutch your ankle in pain. One amused looking Alessia Russo stands over you whilst the ref is waving a yellow at her whilst she's protesting. She wipes the sweat off her face using the bottom of her shirt, you can't help but glance and melt at the sight "Oi, she's getting in your head, we've got this" Lauren gives you a quick hug from behind before jogging off ready for a free kick. The free kick is taken by Leila which you receive and effortlessly cross it to Lauren, who of course scored an excellent goal. She points at you and runs full sprint to jump in your arms. "I TOLD YOU WE WOULD DO IT! Y/LN-HEMP BACK IN ACTION!" Lauren screamed whilst the rest of your teammates are yelling and hugging you both. The game restarts and the goal has lit a fire in the United girls. They're playing more forcefully and riskier. You notice a Toone-Russo connection again which you pull off a bit of a dodgy tackle which earns some colourful language from Alessia in frustration. This earns your first yellow card for the team which you accepted as you knew it was a dodgy tackle. 2 minutes of added time and you're making a run up from the midfield, the United girls are playing ultra defensive to prevent a last minute goal from City. You receive a beautiful pass from Chloe and as you’re running closer to the box you see a flash of blonde hair. Knowing who is about to attempt to tackle you, you manage to nutmeg Alessia and run through the defenders, the city fans break out in loud cheers as your nutmeg was clearly well received by your club. You get to a 1v1 with Earps and chip the ball over her effortlessly. 3-1. Your teammates are going absolutely nuts over your goal.
The final whistle is blown after your goal. You couldn't be more pleased with your performance, especially after receiving the player of the match award. You walked around the stadium chatting with the United girls and swapping shirts with Ella for some photos, she takes a photo herself of you in a United shirt and makes a joke about it looking hot on you. You continue walking around the stadium and take photos with fans and chat with some of them for a bit before going and cleaning up. After getting clean and changed Leila pulls you aside "Hey Chica! We are all going clubbing tonight, coming? I heard your favourite player will be there" she gently shakes you with excitement. You knew you had to go as it would be your first outing with the girls, even though you'd rather go sleep at Lauren's. That and a chance to reconnect with Alessia is all you want to do right now. You sigh and nod at Leila resulting in her squealing. --- You enter the club which both teams and staff have hired out for the night and spot some of the team already here, who are waving frantically to get you to go over. You decided to just wear casual blue skinny jeans and a white shirt to keep it casual and comfy. Some of the girls dressed up but some went with the same theme as you. As the night goes on you spot Alessia and Ella at the bar, you quickly make your way over and pay for their drinks before they can tap the machine. They both turn to put a face to the mystery arm with a card and smile when they realise. "Thank you Y/N, you really didn't have to though!" Ella says whilst giving you a strong side hug. "Ah it's the least I can do after breaking your winning streak" You wink as you take a sip of your drink, to which Ella gives you a shove for. Alessia wraps her arms around you and gives you a squeeze. "I've missed you Y/N, we need a catch up later" She says and you agree to meet up with her later on in the evening. The night goes on, the drinks are flowing and everyone is fairly drunk, which has resulted in the majority of you dancing and chatting between the clubs. You and Lauren are throwing some wild moves which has both teams laughing. Leila has joined in but isn't dancing as enthusiastically as you and Lauren, but still enjoying herself. "God you're still awful at dancing" Alessia shouts in your ear with you laughing in response. "Speak for yourself, Leila thinks I'm a great dancer right?" You shove Leila who just throws her arms around you whilst still dancing, which results in you shaking your head laughing.
“Clearly I need to tell the Barca girls to teach you to dance like us Spanish do!” Leila sasses back whilst dancing away from you to go to the bar. She runs back to yank Lauren away from you and Alessia, very obviously trying to get the two of you alone at last.  
"It's been so long since we've seen each other right?" She yells to you. You can barely hear her over the music and you give her a puzzled look in return. She drags you over to a quieter corner before you can answer her. "Well, it's not every day I get dragged around by a pretty woman" You say whilst Alessia shakes her head at you. "Always been a flirt haven't you?" She smacks your arm in response. You both talk for what feels like hours, you discuss the fouls on each other during the match and apologise, you buy her a couple drinks and seem to be gravitating closer to each other. Your hand is resting on her thigh instinctively which she blushes at. "Just fuck already!" Tooney yells in your ear, you cough at how forward she was about your not so little crush on Alessia back in the day. Back when you were in the youth teams you had a massive crush on her, Ella used to tease you for it but eased when Alessia had a boyfriend for a while. "Who says we haven't already" Alessia smirks at Ella whilst she's staring at you with her jaw dropped. Alessia also takes the opportunity to move closer to you and hold your waist. "She's joking, we haven't. She would've told everyone how great I was if we did" You joke with Alessia now blushing again. "I have a strict rule of no footballers actually. Especially if I have to play with or against them, too distracting for me. Conflict of interest or something like that" Alessia says to Ella who scoffs, not believing a word of it. "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever Less. You'll change your mind soon enough" Ella winks as she grabs her drink and dances away. --- All you feel is your pounding headache as you groggily open your eyes in the morning, or at least it feels like the morning. What really wakes you up is the one and only Ella Toone swinging open the door. "Morning Alessia!" She draws out the A's in her name until she gasps, noticing another person in bed with her best friend. "Well clearly you had a good night, and on that note I'll leave you both to it!" she shuts the door quickly. You realise you are pretty much naked under the sheets cuddling Alessia, who is also in the same predicament as you. "So... " She drew out the O. "Well, it was gonna happen sooner or later wasn't it" You mumble to her. "We don't have to tell anyone and can forget about it if you want" she says quickly. "No, no. I honestly just wish it wasn't a one night thing Lessi. Not like that but like a more official thing where I can take you out and spoil you and...yeah" You sigh. She kisses you gently, breaking you out of your rambling state. "Tooney was right" Alessia sighs back with you giving her a questioning look "My dumb rule for no footballers was my way to try and throw you off. I've had a bit of a crush on you since we were younger. I only dated others because I thought you weren't interested" "Well same goes for me! Ella used to harass me for when I used to crush on you" You laugh as you both chuck some clothes on so you can face chatting with your friends downstairs. You borrow Alessia's United jumper and some joggers, you bundle up your clothes from last night which Alessia brings you a carrier bag to put them in.
“So um, where does this leave us?” You ask her quietly.
“Well I’m looking forward to you spoiling me on some dates Y/NN. If you want a label we can always just say ‘dating’?” She smiles and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze, you smile and nod in response. You both head downstairs to see Alessia’s teammates and face Tooney after her walking in on the two of you.
"Nice sleepover?" Millie laughs as she spots you both entering the room. "Mmm was nice, didn't get much sleep though" You say whilst looking at Alessia, which earns you a smack on the chest. "I knew you'd fuck!" Ella sings whilst dancing around the kitchen like a lunatic. "I better head off, we've got some defensive training today. I'm also due a telling off for my yellow for fouling Alessia" You chuckle as you put your shoes on in the doorway. Millie grabs her car keys as she didn't drink the night before and she offers you a lift to Lauren's house. "Wait!" Alessia scurries over to you and gives you a gentle peck on the cheek "Dinner tonight or something? Like a date? I've missed you" she nervously rubs the back of her neck saying the last part quietly. "I'd love nothing more, I'll text you when I'm free beautiful. For the record, I've missed you too" You kiss her gently on the lips, a feeling you never want to forget. --- You arrive home and thank Millie for the lift. You open the door to see Lauren sat on the sofa, ready to interrogate you. You plop down on the sofa with a satisfied sigh. '"Now where were you last night?" She scoots up closer to you and notices your shirt "TAKE IT OFF" she yells whilst tapping the United logo, she starts yanking your shirt off for you in rage with you protesting. Leila had stayed over for the night so she walks into the living room with Lauren and you playfighting with your jumper half off. "Guys! Stop! What's going on?" Leila breaks up your playfight "Y/N do not wear that filth around us!" she then also starts tugging your jumper off successfully. You chuckle as you quickly go get changed for training so that you don't have to worry about it later. You sneak back into the living room hoping they didn't hear you walk back in. "Right go on then, spill. You better have a good reason to have been wearing a united jumper" Lauren says patting the sofa which you slump next to her on. Leila is watching the conversation intently, clearly wanting to know all the gossip. "So I spent the night with Alessia, and we are hanging out later" You say nervously, not knowing how your best friend would react. Luckily for you she's over the moon, slapping her legs in excitement. "I knew you guys would eventually do something! I'm so happy for you!" she squeezes you into a tight hug. "We have to plan a romantic night for you two, I've got so many ideas". Do we want a part 2 or should I try something else? It's my first fic so I'm still get used to how this all works! I'll happily take requests too:)
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g12xxx · 1 year
Love is blind live reunion review:
Netflix needs to take a BIG L and they deserve to get dragged all over social media.
• love Brett and Tiffany, they look so happy. They needed more screen time in this reunion and they only got asked one or two questions.
• Kwame and Chelsea are still together. Umm I did like that kwame apologised to Chelsea and her family. I’m glad that they bought up the pool scene but they should of bought up kwame and Micah’s conversation at Chelsea’s birthday. At least he took accountability
• The best part of this reunion were Zack and Bliss calling irina out. Zack to Irina “ if we’re real, you went on this show to get famous” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ he told the truth. I love that Bliss and zack always defend each other and that they took the high road by forgiving irina.
• When Irina was starting to ‘cry’ and the audience was laughing 😭🤣☠️☠️. Her and Micah should have called Andrew.
• Irina’s apology was something. Like pick a struggle Irina. I’m not even surprised that she started using mental health as an excuse of treating people horribly. I will give credit where it’s due to Vanessa for calling her out as well. I will also give irina credit for showing up at the reunion. The fact that she even dm’d bliss to say she dodged a bullet, seriously she has no shame.
• loved Bliss’s response to irina. She just classy and her face when irina was saying how she loved bliss and Zack relationship lol
• The energy that Vanessa had for Paul and marshall should have gone Micah and Jackie. She had so much grace for them then the men
•The only person that called micah out was Zack and to be quiet honest the mvp of this reunion because Nick and Vanessa are horrible hosts.
• Vanessa was so annoying. She asked Paul what he meant about the nurturing comment. He explains himself and I understood on what he was saying but she kept going at him repeatedly just SHUT UP!! Vanessa’s bias was showing
• I’m glad that Zack came to Paul’s defence. Zack was about say what micah had said in the car regarding Paul and Vanessa cuts him off ,REALLY!!! 😒
• The fact that Micah’s friends especially Shelby wasn’t even called out is a joke.
• Jackie and Josh 🤡.Jackie was on social media talking about how she has all this receipts and that she will bring them at the reunion. Well she didn’t even show up. Vanessa was not asking the questions that need to be answered at all. Just playing bestie’s with Jackie. Marshall facial expression killed me 😂
• Jackie’s excuse regarding the ring girl please, it’s all bullshit. How sad must you be to still keep the ring a year later. When Josh was talking I didn’t care.
•When Vanessa said to Marshall if he had considered Jackie’ s feelings I’m like REALLY!! what about his feelings they weren’t considered as well. There was no follow up regarding text messages and Jackie being homophobic but Marshall apologised regarding him saying that Jackie had a strong jawline. Vanessa didn’t care she already chose a side.
• Vanessa asking the cast when they are going to have a baby was unnecessary, awkward and mind your business.They only been married for a year. Then she was talking about her ovaries, please just SHUT UP nobody cares.
• I don’t who the idiot was that thought that showing Bartiste in this reunion was good idea because it wasn’t. Lauren and Cameron would of been better option.
• I liked the clips of 3 married couples hanging around together. It was lovely to see. Zack singing to Bliss 😂😂😂 Bliss loves it, they are so in love.
Cut truth or drink from 3 married couples (YouTube) was more entertaining than the reunion and that says a lot.
Nick and Vanessa cannot host another reunion, they are terrible. Love is blind Brazil have a better hosts and reunions. Lots of questions not asked and they should of let the audience ask questions. Micah and Jackie should have been held accountable for their behaviour, not given them a free pass. It’s funny that Zack was the only one that called out Micah but not the hosts of this show 🤦🏽‍♀️.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
About JDM. I agree that in a ideal world no one should be talking on behalf of everyone else, show business or not, "normal work place" (ah ah) or not. But we re not in an ideal world, and people are bound to make mistakes in the heat of the moment..people are human and flawed, even tv super stars.
Also, not to blame her because she does what she wants of course, but MMB never spoke herself publicly on the matter so its kind of hard to know what she thinks.
Also again, the pb for me should not be, as i 've read, that he's a man talking on behalf of a woman. Im not saying there isnt mysogyny or sexism in hollywood or "the real world" (ah ah), but as far as im concerned (and im not a man before anyone comes at me for this), he spoke as a collegue abt another collegue . Well, former collegue, now. Also, apparently he's one of NR best friend, so if ur best friend is attacked and u feel its unfair, yeaaah u re gonna publicly defend him.
Mind u: NR didnt speak himself for quite a long time after the inital mess, i think the first thing he said was after a few weeks with an answer to a fan on line who was like "eh norman have u seen whats being said" blablabla, and he answered something like "what did i miss? 😎" in a sort of ironical/cynical way. Correct me if im wrong.
But my point is that i personnally saw a collegue speaking for a collegue, and a friend defending a friend. If it had been Lauren Cohan saying "eh guys your wrong!" Would people have been more kind to her because its ok for a woman to talk on behalf or another woman?
JDM might no be super close to Melissa but last time we checked, they were more than fine with each other (i still think abt this lovely bts picture of both of them for 10.12, yes, its just promo but still).
And he didnt say anything bad abt her. He just said "they love each other, they re both very sad abt the situation and Norman's not the bad guy here". Maybe he knows them better than we do?
Was it clumsy of him? Yes. He might have actually been hurt for Norman and didnt think straight, who knows?
Was it inappropriate? Not his role? Probably. But the argument of him being a man here, while i do in a way understand where its coming from, still cant help but feel uneased by it. I for one think if we are going to be outraged, we should be outraged at whoever is speaking on behalf of Melissa, but im pretty convinced that if Lauren or Danai had defended Norman, nobody would have bat an eye. We are complaining because he's a man, and because he's supposedly the closest to Norman amongst the cast. Feel a bit unfair.
Its ok if u or your followers disagree of course. Again, im not saying that there isnt a pb with men vs woman in hollywood or the world in general, i just think that in this case, this is not the pb.
The idea that Melissa needed a break is inherently sexist because it implies she couldn't keep up with the same workload that her male colleagues had been given. Also, blasting it on Twitter has major ramifications for Melissa because people are far more likely to accept that a woman needs a break vs. a man needing one. You may recall that Andy said himself that being overseas, away from his family, became too difficult, yet no one criticized his fans for demanding Rick back for four years.
Even if contracts allowed a lead actress to back out that way (they don't), even if it was true that Melissa needed a break (-_-), it makes her look flaky and weak to other studios who might consider casting her on another project. Melissa and AMC legally agreed to announce that the location was "untenable" for her, nothing else. That's important. Regardless of whether or not JDM said what he said to defend his friend, it went off script and that's unprofessional.
Do I like that Norman was being cast as the evil villain? No. Do I think he was the evil villain in all of this? Ultimately...no. I'm frustrated because usually when a show is dealing with a controversy, the go-to strategy is to not say anything until the situation is further assessed, yet AMC and one of their male leads acted pretty fast to directly address the backlash in defense of another male lead. Melissa didn't get the same treatment. In fact, she's been dealing with fans saying sexist and ageist things about her and Carol for years without anything being done about it. And for the record, that doesn't have to mean calling out every fan who insults them. It is worth noting though, that the one person who did come to Melissa's defense last April (in an appropriate way) was Laurie Holden, who is no stranger to mistreatment herself. That should tell us something.
So in conclusion, anon, the issue here might not come down to a man speaking for a woman, but there is absolutely a gender bias in this whole mess. JDM's actions have unfortunately changed my perception of him, and while I might be able to support Norman again eventually (provided Melissa does too and provided I don't feel alienated as a Caryl fan), it's probably going to take a lot more than a Narol tweet for me to support JDM again (not that I had much interest in watching the same drama unfold between Negan and Maggie anyway). Every time I see someone insist that Melissa needed a break and try to scold others for "robbing her of her choice," it makes me angry all over again because how can you ever really undo all that damage?
ETA: If a woman had jumped the gun like JDM did, she would've been fired so fast. JDM still has his show.
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inspotlight · 1 year
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y'all,   2022   has   been...   a   wild   ride.   i   don't   even   know   what   to   call   this   year   or   how   i'd   describe   it   if   i   had   to.   i   came   back   to   indie   full-time   this   year   and   have   made   incredible   friends   upon   my   return.   so,   i   just   wanted   to   take   a   second   to   shout   some   people   out,   and   with   only   24   hours   left   in   the   year,   what   better   time   to   do   so?   
holly   —   hi,   petal!!   ;)   i   thank   god   for   every   year   i   get   to   go   into   with   you.   heading   into   nine   and   i   couldn't   be   more   thankful   that   i   get   to   call   you   one   of   my   best   friends.   i   can't   believe   it's   been   almost   nine   years,   too.   we   have   seen   some   shit,   huh?   i   wish   you   a   year   full   of   happiness   and   love.  | @lovemaim
CJ   —   bonjour,   little   chaos   gremlin!!   every   year   i   wanna   say   "we   haven't   known   each   other   that   long,   but..."   BUT   WE   HAVE!!   it's   been   like...   six   years   now?   five?   i   don't   do   math,   you   know   this.   and   i   am   so   grateful   to   have   you   in   my   life.   you   are   caring   and   kind   and   i   just   adore   you.   i   wish   you   a   year   full   of   your   wildest   dreams   and   desires   coming   true. |   @shadowbrn
kenna   —   hello,   angel!!   we've   only   known   each   other   for,   like,   two   months?   and   in   that   time,   i   feel   like   i've   gained   a   new   bestie.   you   just   get   me,   y'know?   there   is   nobody   i'd   rather   deconstruct   the   alphabet   show   or   defend   our   baby   boy   (   ricky   AND   josh)   with.   i   wish   you   the   most   magical   year,   especially   your   big   internship   in   d.c.!!   | @melodyplucked
lauren   —   ur   not   in   indie   but   i'm   tagging   you   anyway   bc   i'm   being   affectionate...   i   would   die   for   you.   like,   so   highkey.   i   miss   you   so   much.   i   am   so   glad   the   universe   gifted   me   with   you   (and   now   krystal,   too!!   i   can't   wait   to   meet   her   irl!!).   i   hope   i   get   to   see   you   soon   because   it's   been   too   long   :(   i   wish   you   a   year   full   of   love   and   joy. | @tifffanyvalentine
@l1terae , @hawkiinsitter , @salvatoraes , @shesdaylight , @daevilhorns , @hidefire , @fleuramor , @fullofhcart , @fangedbrbie , @hcpemikaelscn , @aquariusvibes , @pointlarusso , @modelscience , @untwined , @dvarapala , @reignedchime , @divinitystained , @obsessher , @lcvelj , @g1nas , @loetise
thank you for making my year so special !!
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kazanskysharris · 2 years
Restored Faith
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Content warnings:adult themes,cussing,emotional trauma,drunk driving
Summary:When Gabby gets a phone call from her fathers friend she drops everything and runs to help.Not knowing she would run into a old friend who left without saying goodbye.
When you are growing up,you never truly believe when your parents tell you that the friends you have growing up will not always be in your life.Gabby Kazansky was the daughter to Tom and Sarah Kazansky.
Gabby’s father was known as iceman in the line of being a aviator at top gun.Gabby first met Bradley Bradshaw in middle school,when she was introduced to him by her father,Bradley’s dad went by the name of Goose at top gun sense then they had always been attached to each other’s hips.
Bradley had asked Gabby out in high school,but their relationship quickly faded as he wanted to focus more on other things,but that didn’t mean their friendship faded it had actually began stronger.While in high school,Gabby and Bradley met their best friends Lauren and Harris,their group were well known as trouble makers,Gabby though somehow always the one to be adored even when she was apart of it all.
Gabby had been in a toxic relationship her first two years of high school before she met her other two friends,an when she had Gabby slowly fell in love with her best friend Harris.He was the definition of what a man should be,he was kind and honest.Harris and Bradley was the perfect friendship duo,everyone loved.
They would race busses,even to the point they would catch on fire and crash.Saturday was country line dancing at hangout spot they loved,which they all adored.Harris secretly taught Bradley how to dance after he confessed he didn’t know how to but Bradley couldn’t help but start to fall in love all over again with his best friend seeing her dance with Harris,but he couldn’t say anything the way the two looked in each other’s eyes,like the other person was the greatest and the one who hung the moon,even still he protected Gabby because being her best friend would always come first.
Bradley knew Harris’s love for Gabby was real,he defended her no matter what the situation was.While the two talked and he decided to try to bring it up in a teasing way while washing their car,Harris had sprayed Bradley with the hose telling him to never talk about a women like that.Even after Gabby’s ex Adam had came back into the picture for a moment Harris showered her with love and Bradley watched as Harris’s heart broke seeing Gabby’s eye black and swollen,Harris had gently moved hair behind her ear and kissed her for the very first time.
Their senior prom came quicker then ever and that would be the last night they would see Adam,still when he went to start something Harris defended her,but so did Bradley and Lauren.That night would lead to Bradley showing off his moves he took a year to learn,but that would also be the last night everyone would see each other,senior prom was the night after graduation.
Lauren moved to Illinois,Bradley left with no goodbye.Gabby and Harris got in a car accident that would leave Harris dead,Bradley would get the voicemail from his mother but he still couldn’t bring himself to show up to his funeral.Harris was like his brother and he couldn’t bare to see Gabby heartbroken,those two were soul mates.
Years had passed and Gabby had been walking out of a local Casey’s,into the warm humid summer air,as her phone rang reaching for it.The call was coming from Pete Mitchell also known as Maverick,the man she always heard stories from her father who he told could be his wingman anytime.Gabby knew Maverick he had been there while her father trained her how to fly a jet at the age for six,even if she didn’t understand why she the time.
When Maverick asked her for help,she dropped everything she didn’t question him not even for a second,only her fathers voice ringing in her head that if you think,take a second your dead,you leave your friends dead and Gabby couldn’t let more people die as she raced to the deck and getting into a jet.
Gabby took a deep breathe as she felt her hands tremble for a moment as she looked up at the sky,mumbling fly cold,keep your thoughts clear an focus whats ahead.Something her father kept repeating when he taught her at such a young age,she missed him in everything she did but she knew he was still here in a way,watching over her.
Gabby had flew in front of mavericks jet flying off quickly directing the missiles somewhere else as maverick ignored rooster when he asked who that was,until they landed and Gabby got out taking the helmet off her now blonder hair fell and curled around her shoulder just slightly.
“What’s your name?” Jake had asked Gabby as she rolled her eyes.
“That doesn’t really concern you but if you keep that up you will find out but I don’t think you don’t want me as a enemy which you don’t.” She smirked slightly shoving him by his shoulder walking past him over to Maverick hugging him,her blood feeling as it froze as she saw rooster getting out of the jet Maverick had been in.
“Bradshaw?” Gabby questioned if it had really been him,an not just in her head.
“You two know each other?” Hangman aka jake asked rooster.
“Yeah we kinda grew up together” he gave a faint smile as Gabby faintly just nodded.
“Well it’s really great to see you doing well” Gabby confirmed while keeping it short but sweet as her eyes fell down his body seeing how much the Bradshaw had in fact grew up.
“How could you just walk away?” She asked him while everyone stopped to see what was going on as they watched rooster swallow his own spit.
“You may of started to hate me,but Jesus Christ Bradley he was like your own brother.” Gabby yelled at him.”he taught you how to dance,he never judged you no matter what and you couldn’t even show up at his funeral” as tears filled her eyes maverick pulled her away gently to inside as she fell into his arms hugging him.
“Why-why would you have me come here if you knew he was here,you know how much I hate him for what he did-he left without saying goodbye and then he couldn’t even show up to Harris’s funeral” Gabby ranted now realizing she was having a panic attack.
“Hey kid-come on take a deep breathe.it’s all gonna work itself out,I called you because I knew I could count on you like I could always count on your old man” Maverick confessed to her,as it slowly distracted her from the fact she wasn’t able to breathe before hand.
“You really think I’m as great as my dad was?” Gabby asked him,focusing on her breathing as Mavericks had gently rubbed over her back smoothly.
“I really do kiddo” Maverick confessed gently giving her that sort of father figure she secretly was missing after her fathers passing.
“How about you tell me about everything?” He asked her seeing rooster was secretly listening in as he helped her up,making some coffee.
“I’m not sure what’s to tell” Gabby shrugged her shoulders.”we were kids.”
“I’m sure but that doesn’t mean it didn’t leave some scars behind.” Maverick told her as she slowly looked down at the warn olden table.
“I was in this really toxic relationship growing up where all that mattered to him was sex” she hesitated on confessing that part of Maverick but felt relieved seeing more worry then disgust.
Gabby laughed as she thought back on the memory’s.”there was this night I ran into Bradley again after middle school,an I met my best friends Lauren and Harris” she glanced up thanking Maverick as he handed her a steamy cup of coffee.
“It was like this dance in a parking lot,but Adam who was my toxic ex hated that I loved dancing with Harris.We had these races with busses,oh you would of laughed seeing rooster in his overalls” she smiled taking a sip of the coffee watching as Maverick sitting down interested in the story.
“We were as close as it could ever get,our own little family,Harris taught Bradley how to dance and when we went to his barn..” she trailed off smiling as tears filled her eyes feeling childish for still being emotional.
“It’s where I fell in love I think for the first time and knew it was true love,it was the relationship that restored my faith in what a guy should be” she confessed.
“Harris was-“ she smiled looking up.
“The worlds best dancer,an big brother and son”swallowing her own spit feeling like she couldn’t swallow not knowing she was making Bradley cry behind the corner hearing the past in her words.
“He never walked away,he took care of me and his sisters-he loved me and I think he was the first person to truly love me.” She coughed when she took a drink.
“Prom night after graduation where was think drunk driver,Harris didn’t drink and there wasn’t alcohol at the dance anyways but it flipped the car and when I woke up my vision was red I had always summed from my forehead that was bleeding..he was dead before anyone else got there..his last words was that he loved me and to watch out for his little sisters” Gabby confessed as she wiped her eyes feeling like her chest had weights on them.
“I’m so sorry Gabby,nobody should ever have to go through that” Maverick told her as he asked her to stay and that he would always be here for her,in fact tomorrow night was the navy gala and if she wanted she could go with him but she had told him she really just wanted to go get some rest.
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emisirrelevant · 10 months
Happy We Are the Tigers Week Day 5 everyone!!
Today's prompt: Mistletoe
You probably know the drill by now, but here I am, presenting you with another song commentary/analysis to celebrate the day. Since the prompt is Mistletoe and I really couldn't come up with anything super creative, and I can't draw to save my life (shoutout to those who have been blessed with talent in the fanart department) today's song commentary/analysis will be Wallflower, as Mistletoe is a plant, and thus reminded me of the song, which also has a reference to a plant.
Okay, now that I'm done explaining my reasoning for picking the song, let's get into it.
•Um I absolutely LOVE how this song starts. Such a catchy little hook.
•Oh GOD I cannot WAIT to hear Lauren and Wonu sing this together as Riley and Cairo again.
•"Nobody remembers 4th grade Riley" way to start a song lol
•"she will never speak up" she just has other methods of communication, ok, and if that involves murder, well-
•"She's scared to be wrong" Well Cairo got her there, tbh
•"The type of little kid who gets paralyzed with fear when she gets called on" OKAY sorry Cairo but I can't defend you here, I was this person in school irl so
•"It was me who decided you could be so much more than they could see" HIT AFTER HIT, whatever Preston put in this song... MAN, I love it
•"If I never saved you what would you have done" I wonder if either of them ever thought how toxic/dependent their relationship with each other was
•"You would be no one" Singing this instead of saying it, idk if that softens the blow or is just equally as bad-
•"So forgive me for doing what's best for you" Alternate universe, what would it have been like if Cairo and Riley didn't see each other's situations like this- like what if Cairo didn't feel like she needed to "save" Riley and vice versa
•"So forgive me for trrryyyyYYYing to make this easier" WONU GIVING VOCALS here
•"I'll always be on your team" Until your best friend gets arrested
•"You are nothing, you have nothing, without me" again, if my best friend told that to me, much less SANG that, idk man. For musical purposes though, damn.
•"Everyone remembers sophomore Cairo" how Cairo says nobody and Riley says everybody, says a lot about their personalities and I love this little detail.
•"Cause she'll never be wrong, anything but wallflower" Can we get an opposite word for wallflower to call Cairo?
•"But who has your back every single time you crack" The way Riley sings this line later in The Breakdown tho
•"See it's me who's beside you constantly making sure you don't see how much everyone is trashing us for"
•OOH YES and this is my favorite part
•They are the moment right now
•I also loveeee watching this in the slime tutorial, the stage blocking in this song is great
•One thing I did note when listening to the song again, is how Cairo sings that line about having Riley's back, but interestingly Riley when she sings about Cairo never does. Cairo says she stepped in to save the other kids from teasing Riley, but Riley just sang about how Cairo mouthed off and got into fights, not even if she helped Cairo at all.
•I wonder if that's really subtle foreshadowing now that I think about it.
•When they both separate and sing their own part of the song-
And meanwhile Cairo's all like "BUT WHO HAD YOUR BACK WHEN YOU HAD A HEART ATTACK"
•Chef's kiss chef's kiss chef's kiss
Is it really a duet with your bestie who may not actually be that, giving enemies to lovers if you don't sing "YOU ARE NOTHING, YOU HAVE NOTHING, WITHOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
•"Riley is a wallflower" DUH DUH
•I love how it ends like that, like Cairo has to feel like she needs to be the one who has the last word
•This song is a 10/10 about those kinds of friendships.
I love my cheerwives.
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wwwyzzerdd420 · 1 year
Blog Rules
Be cool (LIVE)
Be funny (LAUGH)
Be kind (LOVE)
@artbartcart is where I reblog all of my art
All posts are okay to reblog unless otherwise indicated, but I don't really make posts that I care about keeping private.
If you're blocked, it's probably because you're either a transphobe (this includes idiots who think transandrophobia isn't a thing and their sisters the TERVEs), or a HP fan. If none of these apply, then probably kept recommending your posts en masse to me and I wasn't into it- contact me if this is the case and you want to be unblocked (Note 18Mar23: I am now also blocking idiots who defend the labels TMA/TME. Do not ask to be unblocked if you are in this category because ANY PERSON can be the victim of transmisogyny and pretending otherwise only hurts people)
Name? Monty
Pronouns? He/Him/His
Gender? Faggot / Ska / Man 2 (Man: The Sequel) / MLG video, circa 2015 / Lovecore but Evil™️
Full Legal Name? Lamont Ignatius George-Martin Abernathy
Birthday? 20 April 1994
Favorite Movie? Step-Up 6. F9 Borat
Childhood Best Friend? Lauren Garcia.
Mother's Maiden Name? Owens.
Street I grew up on? Dogwood Ln.
Current Address? 215 S Ft Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL 33756
SSN? 675-93-9612. (Don't judge 😅 I use this blog to remember this kinda shit!!)
Password to bank? !Snooki1 (I also use this for all my social media!)
What happened? I really don't want to talk about it
Wait is all of that up there actually true, I'm losing my mind? Yes, all true, my real info
Don't you care about internet safety? No, not really.
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mkkaris-archive · 2 years
Tumblr media
I can sense vibrations. Even the tiniest movement. Including your voices when you speak. Did you two just waste my time?
► general information
FULL NAME & ALIAS: makkari CURRENT TEAM(S): the eternals AGE: 7,000+ years GENDER IDENTITY: cisgendered female SEXUALITY:  undefined NATIONALITY: n/a ETHNICITY: black/mexican presenting MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: earth-199999 ( mcu )
► appearance
FACE CLAIM: lauren ridloff SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: none HAIR COLOR: black EYE COLOR: brown ACCENT: n/a CURRENT COSTUME: this without the glowing gold
► background
CURRENT HOME: the domo PAST OCCUPATION: defender of earth / killer of deviants CURRENT OCCUPATION: eternal looking for missing friends SNAP STATUS: survived
► relations
SIBLING(S): none PARTNER(S): druig ( partner ) CHILDREN: none BEST FRIEND: druig ADVERSARY: the deviants
► headcanons & fun facts
her likeness is depicted in ancient egyptian art
speaks sign language
can sense vibrations when people speak but cannot hear
deafness helps her not hear her own sonic booms
may be the fastest out there
became a recluse who lived on the domo by herself, collecting/stealing artifacts
has not defined what she is with druig
one of the “physical” eternals
► wanted connections
kingo / phastos / sprite / thena -- the eternals. family.
eros -- hopefully helpful eternal.
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