fandomanic677 · 2 years
New on C.C.A.B.A...
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Time to make lose the will to fight!
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Who will win?!
Richy thinks this is sick!
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Beifong family headcanons bc why not:
- Su taught Baatar how to dance. He realized how much she liked to dance and all he could do was a waltz, so one day he asked her what her fav dances were and to teach him so they could dance together. It took a while, but eventually he got there, Su loved every second of it
- Huan, despite being artistically inclined, cannot draw. He tried really hard but it always looks like it was drawn by a middle schooler. He’s also really into music.
- Opal always wished she had a sister and after Kurvira arrived she thought she finally got one, only to realize that she was the exact opposite of Opal and would rather hang out with her brothers. So, whenever she wanted to have a tea party she roped Wei and Wing into it, claiming that since she was their big sister they had to do what she said. (little did she know that they actually enjoyed it)
- Most people can’t differentiate between the twins and they’ve used it to their advantage several times. Suyin only knows about four times that they’ve done this.
- Also I feel like Su is the type of person to sing in the shower and also having a relatively good voice, like she’s not bad but karaoke is the only time she’d get away with it.
- Whereas Lin has an amazing singing voice, but rarely uses it.
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
Is Kurvira basically Su's foster child?
In a way. Her biological parents couldn't handle her, so they ended up just. Dropping her off at Zaofu. Suyin did refer to Kuvira as Opal's sister a few times in flashbacks and it's obvious that she wanted to play a more motherly role in Kuvira's life, however it doesn't seem Kuvira was receptive to that? She clearly always felt a lot of distance between her and the Beifongs, as she mentioned a few times in the comics. She didn't seem to consider herself part of the family and i don't think most of the Beifongs did either. Suyin just has issues™️.
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I think (well in my opinion) they should write a graphic novel, of Suyin’s teen years, after she left Republic City.
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It’ll show us what Suyin was up to, while in the custody of her grandparents. Su might be a bit of a brat at first, but eventually realizes her selfish attitude, which led her to have an epiphany. (Including how deeply she hurt Lin).
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Suyin tried writing letters to Lin, to let her know how sorry she was for hurting her, but Lin never responded. (Which was understandable). Leaving the relationship of the sisters strained.
Also showing us , in her teens, traveling the world in a pirate ship, joining a traveling circus, and living in sandbender community.
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Eventually in her 20’s, when and how she met Bataar, and bought a large plot of land which eventually became Zafou. She made the city happen with the help of Bataar, of whom she eventually married and had 5 children.
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Including her adopted daughter Kurvira.
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That’s all I have, please leave a Comment and Reblog for any other ideas. And please no rude comments.
Thank U
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pedanticat · 2 years
Varrick is an interesting character in terms of morality since when you boil down his schemes and manipulation, he was actually trying to help the South. And that itself is surprising since you think he'd align with the North and supply them but no. Despite the fact that it's would have been easy money for him, he's loyal to his homeland and wanted to help them out. And if I remember correctly, he was also very against Kurvira spirit weapons. I really like the fact that for all his eccentricity and trickery, he wasn't simply just a businessman character that was interesting in making money. He love inventing things and has a surprisingly strong moral code.
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debcroft13 · 2 months
I need some avatar the last airbender rp right now
some muses
Ta min
although i can rp anyone really 'i've rp smellerbee suki, kurvira.
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owlkaittt · 4 years
let’s get one thing out ...
kurvira ???
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she is a main reason why tlok is on my watch again list :)
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like , look at her ! she can really rule the empire without a second guess
she makes all lesbians tremble
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her with her hair down ? total simp for her
look at her eyes tho , green eyes can really make you fall for them so quickly
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even if she tryna kill you , she still looks good 👑
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watermelon0cean · 2 years
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Young Kuvira doodle! 
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I think the reason i really love Amity's character/redmetion arc compared to others (specifically Catra and Kurvira) is because comparatively her wrong doings are wayyyyy less devastating to the rest of the cast/world.
Like i loved she-ra and watching Catra's downward spiral was really good writing but i feel like they didnt spend enough time with the actual "redemption" part of her arc so when it came down to the others forgiving her for destroying their homes, hurting their love ones, hurting them both physically and emotionally, betraying everyone who stood with her, pretty much kid show-murdering the queen, ect, they didnt really convince me that the other characters should've or would've forgiven her. Its really hard to make up for being a major part of an imperialistic take over and because of that it feels cheap to me that everyone forgave her so quickly. (No shade if you like her though. A lot of this is my own personal opinion and i never really vibed with Catra's character like the rest of the fandom and i get that kids shows have a different level of morailty to them. I dont think Catra's arc was horrible i just think it needed more time in the end.)
And Kurvira's redemtion arc in the "Ruins of an Empire" comics is a complete mess. Korra as a series made her the stand-in for fascisism and she straight murdered one of the main characters father's on screen and the comic book just seems to push her super sad backstory to make you feel bad for her. Im sorry, but forgive me if i dont see the connection between "i had a bad childhood" and "now im a fascist". The comic expects us to forgive Kuvira for causing a damn war for no other reason than her own ego because "she took accountability for her actions", but it doesnt stop to consider that maybe her actions aren't forgivable in the first place and that its completely okay for the other characters to still treat her like a villain.
But whats Amity's crime? Being a privileged teenage brat, thats it. Shes a 14 year old girl who has no outlet for her emotions so she deals with her problems by lashing out and being mean to others. The worse thing she does is set Willow's mind on fire which is immediately fixed by her within the episode it happened. Amity isnt a fuckin war criminal shes just a bully which, while still shitty, is still in many ways forgivable. And the story doesnt focus on her tragic backstory to make you feel bad for her it focuses on her self improvement and how she distances herself from toxic enviroments. And because of that her arc feels so seamless, she slides so easily into friend/crush/girlfriend.
I just think its neat.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
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Oh boy here we go! a friend did this and I thought it’d be fun. 
Shego (Kim Possible), Kurvira (Legend of Korra) Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2), Julieta and Agustin Madrigal (Of course), Sirius Black (Harry Potter), and finally Eda (Owl House). 
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Popular opinion bc you're not allowed to disagree bc I'm right: Kurvira is a big ass Lesbian™ and she's Hot & also deserves a gf & I just dont know who. Anyways Asami is sexc and thats a fact while Korra's out here thinkin she a top bc she can pick her Wife™ up but everyone knows she's a bottom & theres no denying it. That jock is just so hopeless sometimes😔
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look this gif in the eyes and tell me with a straight face that this woman is heterosexual
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smellss · 4 years
memories - korra x fem!reader
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gif credit: @faroeislandsdyke
request: @marvel-winchester17
“I just started following you, I know, but like I feel like no one ever actually writes Korra x fem!reader. Like I love Korra so much and I honestly have no idea on what it would be about but I fucking love fluff 🤍🤍”
hello lovelies, this request was so much fun to write i love writing for korra, i know she gets a bit of hate but i think she’s definitely up in my top 5 characters from both series. i also completely agree that there is not enough korra x fem!readers around but if anyone could point me in the directions of some good ones it’s would be very useful... enjoy! - smells x
the rain sloshed in y/n’s shoes as she walked up the stairs, to her apartment
spirits great day to not bring a raincoat y/n
the keys jingled in her hand as she unlocked the door
“home sweet home” she mumbled to herself taking her shoes off and placing them by the door
“korra, babe?” the girl yelled through the apartment
“ i guess it’s just another night with me” the girl sighed walking to straight to the shower to take off her sopping wet clothes
after the battle with kurvira y/n assumed that everything would go back to normal, much to her dismay it was more crazy now more than ever
with korra and i on these crazy different schedules i feel like i never see her
y/n thought as she hummed to herself washing her hair listening to the noise of the rain on the window
her pajamas on y/n walked to the fridge, to see a note on the fridge
won’t be home till late again, ramen in the fridge for dinner
- love korra x
y/n took the sticky note off and smiled it was stuck on top of the photo they took the day they moved in
“korra put me down” y/n laughed as her girlfriend had her over her shoulder running around there new apartment
“see i told you that i was strong enough to carry you” laughed korra putting you down
“of course you are almighty avatar” y/n said resting her forehead against the young avatars
“i love you y/n” korra exclaimed kissing the girl slowly
“i love you too korra” y/n whispered to herself putting the photo back on the fridge
y/n gazed out the big window in the kitchen as she ate her dinner, it overlooked the entire city the new spirit portal where downtown used to be all the way the air temple island where y/n and korra first met
“meelo come on, just show me how to do the air scooter i promise i’ll be extra careful” y/n begged the small boy
“fine but if my dad finds out you’ll be the one to blame missy” meelo exclaimed starting to show y/n the movements
“okay okay fine” y/n smiled nodding furiously copying the air bender
“look meelo i’m doing it” yelled y/n riding around on the ball of air
“Y/N LOOK OUT FOR KO...” meelo yelled before watching the girl crash into someone a bundle of legs and arms colliding
“oh my goodness i am so sorry, i did not watch where i was going” rambled y/n opening her eyes to see who she was lying under
“hey um don’t worry the air scooter took me a while to get as well” the stranger said looking down at her with a blush dusted face and crooked smile
“avatar korra, o spirits i am so sorry” y/n exclaimed a blushing mess quickly getting up offering her hand up
gosh has she always been this pretty
stop y/n this is the avatar you are thinking about
“hey don’t worry about, the air scooter is a pretty tricky move to get it’s very impressive you got it straight away” korra said chuckling brushing herself off
“oh um thank you i’m y/n by the way” blushed y/n stretching her hand out for a hand shake
“korra but you um already knew that” korra laughed out awkwardly shaking her hand
“gosh you too are clueless” meelo exclaimed shaking his head walking away
the two of girls turned to each other and laughed
y/n smiled looking out towards the rainy city yawning feeling the exhaust of the day taking over her
she slipped into korra’s side of the bed taking in her scent before moving onto her own side
“goodnight korra, where ever you are” y/n mumbled sleep talking over her
as she was drifting off, a jingle of keys could be heard and a shower starting y/n in a sleepy state assumed it was the rain outside playing tricks on her but as she felt the side of the bed dip and two arms slither around her waist she knew it could only be one person
“mmm korra” y/n rolled to face her girlfriend pecking her on the lips
“hello babe, i didn’t mean to wake you” korra whispered brushing back some stray hairs off the girls face
“s’okay” y/n yawned “i can’t sleep as well without you here” the girl exclaimed moving closer to her girlfriend placing her face in the crook of her neck loosely wrapping her arms around her waist feeling the warmth she’s been missing so much
“i’m sorry i’m home so late but i had to finish up work, so i could have tomorrow off isn’t that great we can go out for breakfast maybe even see asami and the air bender kids” korra exclaimed excitingly
“what do you think y/n?” looking down to her girlfriend to see she had fallen asleep in her arms
the avatar smiled placing a kiss on her forehead
“i love you y/n” korra whispered pulling the girl closer to her and entangling her legs
the rain gently drifting the young avatar off to sleep
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misterewrites · 3 years
Bonding (Kainora week)
Hey everyone! E here and with a special oneshot ! My friend is help running kainora week over here @kainora-week and I agreed to at least write one thing for her so it is day 3: Formal Wear.
Set between season 3 and 4, Jinora is asked to make an appearance at a Earth Kingdom Noble party as a part of a deal to ensure they turn over power to Prince Wu when the chaos finally is under controlled. Kai is tagging along and isn't exactly thrilled about the idea.
That's it for me, almost done with the next underground chapter but till then enjoy, have a great week, stay safe, wash your hands and wear your masks!
if you want a easier place to find and read it, check it out over here at https://archiveofourown.org/works/30242472
“Are you mad at me? This has to be some kind of punishment. Some kind of cruel torture for all the scams I ran. Mako put you up to this, didn’t he? Jinora how could you?!”
Jinora let out a tired sigh “Kai, you’re being more dramatic than Ikki.”
The master airbender gently fixed her boyfriend’s collar, loosening it to allow her fellow airbender actually breath.
Kai took a deep breath, ignoring the burning sensation he felt in his cheeks “More dramatic than Ikki? Now you’re just trying to hurt me. Sorry!” he rose his hands in surrender at Jinora’s raised eyebrow “I-I just never dealt with this.” he gestured to his formal Earth Kingdom Attire.
“I know” Jinora agreed softly, smoothing out the wrinkles in the clothing “But you’re going have to. At least for tonight.”
“I don’t see why I have to go.” Kai fumed “It’s just a stupid party for a bunch of crusty nobles.”
“This is more than that.” Jinora’s voice became firm “With the chaos in the Earth Kingdom, alliances are important. These nobles are agreeing to turn over their power to Prince Wu when Kurvira finally calms everything down.”
Kai scoffed, rolling his eyes with distaste “Rich people giving something up willingly? And I’m a pink platypus bear.”
Kai’s blush worsened as Jinora playfully pinched his cheeks “My cute platypus bear and now you’re pink.”
“So.” Kai replied quickly, trying to hide his embarrassment “Is your dad okay with this? Me and you on this mission. Alone. Together.”
Jinora gave a halfhearted shrug “If he’s got a problem with this, then he’s got a problem. There’s no real option. With all the turmoil in the Earth Kingdom, we’re already stretched thin. Dad needed an airbending master here to show we support this show of unity and since he’s busy trying to negotiate with the spirits in Republic City, it’s me. It isn’t like we have another master just laying about.”
“And me? Why am I here?”
“Because” Jinora answered simply “Having someone born and raised in the Earth Kingdom might keep the nobles calm.”
Kai was not convinced by that response “You’re aware I hate the Earth Kingdom, right? You’re really telling me no one else was available? Not even Otaku?”
Jinora gave sly grin “Well, I didn’t exactly tell anyone else.”
“I’m a terrible influence on you.”
“And I’m a positive one for you. Balances out. As all things should be.”
“And I’m guessing he made you promise no romantic hijinks on this trip?”
“I made no so such promise.”
Kai cracked a smile “Alright, maybe it won’t be as bad as I think it’ll be.”
“It’s worse.” Kai huffed, eyeing the giggling group of noblewomen with disdain.
Kai knew it was going to be a terrible time the moment they were announced to the rest of the party: Everyone spared them a single glimpse then proceeded to ignore them.
“Not a very friendly bunch, huh?” Jinora murmured awkwardly.
Kai scoffed dismissively “Don’t take it personally. They’re jerks to everyone.”
“I guess…”
Kai glanced to his girlfriend, the frown on her lips tugging at his heartstrings. He yawned loudly, knocking Jinora out of her stupor. She tilted her head quizzically at him and flushed a bright red when he wrapped an arm around her lovingly.
“Kai! What are you doing?! There’s people around.”
He couldn’t help but smile at how easily he could make his airbending master and general badass girlfriend turn a lovely shade of red.
“You can’t sulk, that’s my job. You’re the eternal sunshine ball remember?”
“True….” Jinora replied though unconvinced by Kai’s words.
Kai nudged her softly “Really. You shouldn’t take these people seriously. Most of them made their money by just existing, living off their family’s legacy and doing nothing with it. But you?”
Jinora felt Kai’s hand slip into hers and give it a squeeze.
“You’re a master airbender.” Kai beamed with pride “You are the granddaughter of avatar and you didn’t just sit on his legacy. You’re changing the world, you’ve saved the world. You can talk to spirits and you make a cute spirit projection thingy.”
Jinora’s fake smile melted into a real one.
Kai’s cheeks were tinged with pink but he didn’t stop “You have done amazing things, selfless things. Don’t let anyone make you feel lesser especially these plebes. I think we wasted enough of our time. We made our appearance and I think it’s safe to assume the nobles are going to keep their promise. They probably wanted to say they got an airbender to show up so they can boast to their friends.”
Before either of them could stand, the group of giggling noblewomen made their way over with a glint of familiarity in their gaze.
“You there!” The oldest one called, pointed at Kai as if he was an attraction at the zoo.
“It’s Kai.” He muttered with barely contained rage.
“Whatever.” She waved him off, uninterested “I’ve seen you before.”
“I doubt it.”
“Yes I have.” The woman insisted “I know have and since I’ve had the finest education, I know I’m right.”
Kai bit his tongue. This was an important mission and it was important to keep civil. Jinora should be proud of him given his usual response was to run away or throw an ill timed comment.
“You were a bus boy.” The noblewoman said with such certainty
“No. I doubt he’d have the hand eye coordination.” one of her friends sneered.
“And that hair?” the other chuckled cruelly “No one would’ve hired him.”
“True.” The leader replied coolly “But I know I’ve seen you somewhere. Somewhere embarrassing.”
“Kai…” Jinora whispered but he was too caught up keeping his rage in check to notice his girlfriend tugging at his sleeve.
“You were poor!” The noblewoman beamed cheerfully. She stood up proudly as if somehow her outburst was something of worth.
Kai’s cheeks burned brightly with a mixture of shame and rage but the trio paid him no mind.
“Yes.” The noblewoman continued, unaware of the rising tensions she had caused “You were out somewhere in the countryside. Some armpit little town daddy was forced to visit and dragged poor me along.”
Her lackeys cooed comfortingly.
“You were doing these little flips and tricks in hopes people would give you money. Of course you barely got a thing so naturally your clothes were just awful. No flair, no style. No wonder I didn’t recognize you. These fancy duds are nice but I’m guessing they’re borrowed. There is no way in a million years you could…”
“Stop it.”
Kai blinked, unsure he heard Jinora correctly. He never, ever in his several months knowing his girlfriend heard her speak with such a dangerous edge in her voice.
“What did you say?” The noblewoman turned up her nose, clearly offended at being interrupted “Do you know who I am? Who my father is?”
Jinora gave a false smile, its coldness sending chills down the trio’s spine.
“You missed the part where I cared.” she spoke with a steely calm “You will not disrespect my fellow airbender in this manner anymore.”
“Airbender?” The leader quizzically titled her head before realization dawn upon her “OH! You mean...him? And yourself?”
Jinora gestured to her traditional air nomad attire “So not only are you unnecessarily rude, you’re blind.”
“How dare...”
Jinora took a step forward, a vicious gust of wind trailing behind. The trio trembled under the sudden cool breeze.
“I understand you’ve lived a sheltered life.” Jinora spoke with the same cold smile “So I will say this once. There are more important things than your silly little shallow problems and the next time you think you can threaten me, I want you to remember I am not only an airbending master, I am the granddaughter of avatar Aang himself. It is my duty as an air nomad to enlighten and help people. Consider this your first lesson.”
Kai could feel his heartbeat speed up at the sight of his girlfriend, fierce and protective all for his sake.
Jinora held his hand tenderly as she motioned for them to leave “Come on Kai, let’s go have some real fun.”
“Yes sweetie.”
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pedanticat · 2 years
As I started my rewatch of book 4, I was curious to see how they handle Bolin still buying into Kuvira rhetoric for as long as he did but it makes sense. While he's unnerved by Kuvira's actions, Kuvira knows exactly what to say to Bolin in order to make him believe that she's doing the right thing. And it does make sense for Bolin's. Since book 1, Bolin has always been a bit easy to manipulate due to his trusting nature and big heart. Varrick himself used that to his advantage in book 2 when recruiting him for his plan (though less out of maliciousness and more so wanting to give Bolin a purpose + was far less villainous than Kurvira). So while it may be "dumb" that he's still following Kurvira, it makes perfect sense, especially since he believed that he was helping make a difference.
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kuvirasrubberducky · 4 years
I love Kurvira so much, and she doesn’t even know I exist.
And I think that’s very homophobic of her.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
I was just asking, I wanted to be sure if it was true. because I see many people demonizing Azula for being problematic but I don't see anyone saying anything about Kuvira and her behavior. It makes more sense that Azula is problematic or mean considering the environment where she grew up and her father being abusive. from what i remember Kuvira's parents did not abuse her or brainwash her (i think bryke tries to make kuvira the victim when she really isn't). She created concentration camps, she is a fascist. She is an adult she knew what she was doing, she was the captain/leader of all that. (Kuvira did not deserve to be abandoned by her parents she was only a child but Azula's life was worse, she deserved a redemption more than Kuvira)
Maybe I may sound aggressive but that's how I always express myself, I hope you don't take it personally
Oh no, you���re good. I think that this one is on me lol. I definitely  misread the tone of your last ask! Sorry if my reply was harsh! 
Kind of long so under the cut. 
But that’s fair. I can see how that’s annoying because I’ve noticed the same. I feel like Azula gets demonized so much and others get cut slack where she is torn apart. I love both Azula & Kuvira so I’m in their tags rather regularly. Kuvira seems to get significantly less demonizing. And that’s bizarre to me because Azula is so much younger and she didn’t kill anyone. While I love Kuvira, I see her has less redeemable because she can’t unkill the people caught in her collateral damage. 
The thing with Kuvira though is that, while she wasn’t abused or brainwashed, neglect was implied. At best, Kurvira’s parents had a rambunctious child that they didn’t know how to handle so they handled her wrong. The vibe I got from her parents is that they were expecting a well-behaved, easy temperament child. And so when they got a child who was more feral and reckless they didn’t want to deal with her.  This eventually led to implied neglect or miscare which ultimately led to them abandoning her.
I think that she was a victim to a degree; like you can’t dump a child off just because they are hard to control. It’s like abandoning a puppy when it grows into a dog and it’s not cute anymore. They literally thought that their child was too difficult so they left her had Suyin’s place with a curt, ‘she’s your problem now.’ And that can cause some serious damage to a child; trust and attachment issues among other things. Self-confidence issues. ‘If my parents didn’t even want me then no one will’. And this manifested in this twisted desire to ‘not leave her nation behind’. 
Saying that Azula had it worse do Kuvira didn’t have it bad is the same logic used by SOME Zuko fans to dismiss Azula’s abuse (”well Zuko got burned and banished, he had it worse than Azula so he deserves to heal more than Azula”). Pain, trauma, and the like aren’t competitions. Just because Azula had it harder doesn’t mean that Kuvira didn’t also go through something hard. The type of trauma Kuvira experienced was very different than the trauma that Azula did so it’s very hard to compare them. On top of that, everyone reacts to trauma differently. Some people can handle more than others before they snap.
By extension it’s healing/recovery isn’t a competition. One person doesn’t deserve healing more than another person because they had worse trauma. Imo everyone deserves a chance at healing, love, and recovery. 
Though I do agree with you in that Kuvira did a lot worse than Azula. Based on actions, I’ve always felt that Azula was more redeemable. As mentioned above, Kuvira can’t unkill people. She also had concentration camps and a lot of innocent people were pulled under. Azula had a very low collateral damage rate (and most of that damage was property destruction and not bodily harm). She also stuck to military personal and leaders rather than citizens and the gen pop. Age alone for me is a big one though; Kuvira is an adult. Azula is a child who was groomed and indoctrinated. These are the two reasons why I see Azula as more redeemable. 
But I’m still glad that Kuvira got redeemed because (at least in fiction) I think that everyone should have a shot at redemption. I just wish that Azula could get one too because it makes more sense to me. Basically I’m happy that Kuvira was redeemed but given the choice between a Kuvira redemption and an Azula redemption, I would pick an Azula redemption. 
Of course all of this is just my personal take. 
And don’t worry, you don’t sound aggressive! :)
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