cirilee · 5 months
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time for a redraw !!!
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theclogsgirloftheday · 2 months
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Sunday Girl
(Source : https://www.karlenkoncept.com)
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prinnamon · 1 month
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la la la la la la giggity giggity geeks in love
arlens n kates. these aren't masterpieces but there isn't enough art of them in the world ok? and it's my job to change that.
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kvkarlenvardanyanarts · 2 months
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Episode 483: The three faces of Willie
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dare-g · 8 months
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Daughters of Darkness (1971)
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spacebabe51 · 2 years
the ✨experience✨ of watching Dark Shadows
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dancurtisowesmemoney · 2 months
Dark Shadows' Hottest Character?
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9franklin3 · 6 months
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clemsfilmdiary · 6 months
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Eyes of Fire (1983, Avery Crounse)
Also known as: Cry Blue Sky
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fitsofgloom · 2 years
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Biting Satire In A Different Vein
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karlenandgail · 8 months
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Things get tense in the antique shop...
“There is only one problem, she is no longer here.  And not just here as in New Orleans, she is no longer of this Earth.” Armaund stated in a flat affect.
Karlen felt his entire world implode.
“No…no, it can’t be!”  Karlen stood and his face became hard, his back straightening, and his posture aggressive.  The men were lying to him, he knew it.  His eyes began to shift to a golden whiskey color as his intense stare alternated between Armaund and Jean Pierre.  “I know she said she was going somewhere she wasn’t sure I’d be able to find her, but you’re lying.  She is not dead.  I will NOT,” his hand slammed into the table open palm, causing both the other men to flinch back in shock at the resounding boom that echoed off the lathe and plaster walls, “believe that she is dead.  WILL. NOT.  Now, tell me where she is, or I will find out on my own.” By the time that he finished, his voice was a growl, and there was a muscle ticking on his jaw.
Armaund looked up at Jean Pierre, this was not the reaction they had quite anticipated.  After having talked with Gail before she left and even Anna, devastation was more in line with what had been expected.  But, it seemed the prince did know Gail, and was determined to find her.  It was time for their slight misdirection to end.
“My husband does not lie,” Jean Pierre said plainly.  “He did not say she was dead.  He said she was no longer of the Earth.  Which she is not.”  His head tilted to the side, with a slight inclination.  “She is safe, and she is alive.  You understand that those of us who have been protecting her could not allow just anyone to learn of her location. She does not remember your name, but Your Majesty, I knew from our first meeting who you were.” A wry smile formed on the immortal male’s face.
“Then stop fucking around and tell me where she is, or take me there.  The longer you delay, the shorter my patience for this bullshit gets.”  Karlen was ready to call upon his brother’s soldiers if need be to force the two in front of him to tell him where she was.  He would do it.  He would search to the end of creation, never had he been this close in three centuries.
“There is one problem, sire.” Armaund swallowed.  “You will have to set aside your title and all benefits from it to go where she is. There is another you will have to bow to, and she does not take kindly to be challenged.  Pull that explosive reaction there and you will be put on your ass, if you’re lucky.  If not, Kellen will be negotiating for your resurrection.”  He took a deep breath, how did Abriella deal daily with demons and not obliterate them.  They were such babies.
“Excuse me?”
“Sit.” Jean Pierre now sounded like the one in charge.  He too was not going to tolerate more outbursts.  Once Karlen had, he too again took a seat. “She is not within the human realm, and where she is has royalty that does not tolerate such behavior and will not care who your brother is if you act like that.”
“Imperium.” Armaund responded this time and loved watching the color drain from the demon’s face.  Oh, lovely, he’d heard of it and the spectacular woman who ruled it.  “Any more questions?” There was a bit of a smirk on the immortal’s face now.
“Why is she there?  You said she’s safe?”  Karel was now completely confused.  What in the nine hells was Sophia doing in IMPERIUM of all realms.  The one where his brother held now sway, if not the exact opposite.  What would happen when the found out who she was to him?
“She is a dear friend of the Queen, who is going to have one of her other friends try and help her find you.  Imagine that.  Your Sophia is also very dear to the two of us and one of our friends who is in Imperium with her.  She is quite safe.  As long as you relinquish title and standing for the time you are in Imperium, there will be no issue.”  Had Karlen been from any other realm, but Uffern, it would be different.  However, the realms had been at war in the past and Armaund knew that if Karlen tried to walk in there as a Crowne Prince, that it would not go well and might end up with him in the stockade.  All that would do was cause Gail more upset.
“I would die for her, my title and standing in any court mean nothing if she is that close and I cannot reach her.  What do I need to do in order to be seen by the Queen and King?  I will do it now.” Karlen didn’t even hesitate.  His crown had never done anything for him in Uffern but make his life a pain in the ass dealing with Korben and Persephone.  Kellen and Calliope were the only two sane ones.
Jean Pierre was impressed, he had expected Karlen to try to bargain, but this was almost too easy.  He wasn’t sure he believed it, but he knew Abriella would see through any deception in a second.  “Wait here.  I will go talk to Abriella.  Armaund, please see to our guests needs while I am gone.”  His husband nodded to him.  He knew he would, but he wanted Karlen wondering what was going on.
In an instant Jean Pierre was in the reception area of the Palace in Imperium.  He waited, knowing a guard would soon appear to see who arrived and what they wanted.  He was not disappointed when Thenasus wandered in, full gear, looking surprised to see the immortal Grigori standing there.  “Is something wrong on Earth?”  The demonic nephilim’s eyes narrowed in question.
“Tell Abriella that Gail’s Prince has arrived in New Orleans and is currently having coffee with Armaund and I.” Watching Thenasus’ eyes widen almost had Jean Pierre chuckling.  “If she could please come most expeditiously, we would appreciate it.  He is…touchy…and a bit impatient to see his redhead.”  Jean Pierre smiled.
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givesmethewillies · 2 years
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"Not even the jaw of the wolf itself is more devastating than this cane when it's in my hands."
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kvkarlenvardanyanarts · 3 months
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Episode 485: His last night on Earth as himself
Mad scientists Julia Hoffman (Grayson Hall) and Eric Lang (Addison Powell) are conferring in Lang’s lab. Lang is putting the finishing touches on a Frankenstein’s monster into which he plans to transfer the “life force” of recovering vampire Barnabas Collins. Julia, Barnabas’ best friend, has been opposed to this experiment, but now has accepted that she can’t stop Barnabas and Lang from going…
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Wishing a happy birthday to Dark Shadows star John Karlen!
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