#Jupiter Mining Corporation
keeksybee · 10 months
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I’ve been seeing Rimmer outfit appreciation post lately and I wanted to add the OG JMC uniform, I mean…look at him. It doesn’t wash him out either which more muted colours can do.
He must have so proud when he put it on the first time, 16 years old on his first away mission (I’m assuming the JMC works like the UK military and you can join at 16) regulation boots polished to gleaming, tie done over and over until it sat just right, sewing over his arm patch again with meticulous precision just so he could be sure it wouldn’t come off. So full of hope, he was going to become an officer, he was going to make his family love him, he’d be successful just like his brothers, sure he hadn’t been able to get into the academy but school isn’t for everyone, plus he’d get a more hands on education in a real mining ship, no theoreticals here, just the unaltered experience, he was going to prove them all wrong, he was good enough, he wasn’t a failure, he wasn’t worthless, he was going to be one of the greats. He’d taken a grinning picture next to the Dwarf before he’d gotten on board the first time and sent it to his Mother, he’d never heard back about it.
Oh how naive he’d been, he’d think to himself years on, how childishly, ignorantly naive. How stupid, how worthless, suddenly the uniform he’d been so proud of caused him no amount of shame, he shamed it by never getting as far as he wanted, by the time that Lister comes around he’s fourteen years and two menial promotions in to a devastatingly pathetic career that his family (or at least his parents) enjoyed pointing out him immensely, his brothers were marginally kinder, Frank had even given him an awkward side hug and quoted a Bible verse about everything working itself together for good that he didn’t believe in, but at least he’d tried, Rimmer begrudgingly admitted to himself, John had showed his support by having his wife interrupt their Mother with wedding inquiries when they were engaged, then baby preparations when she’d degraded him for what he deemed too long, his wife was genuinely nice, their parents hadn’t liked him marrying her as pretty or as intelligent as she was, probably because she was nice, she baked and he was always the first to try a new recipe, she was the only one of the in laws who remembered to invite him to family celebrations and events, she even had coffee with him when he was shore leave on Io, her voice was soft and her hugs were warm, she would shoot him these commiserating looks over the table, and Howard, well he hadn’t said anything, which was better than joining in, Howard stayed mercifully silent and he was known for his sharp tongue.
Despite all this the uniform was a strange comfort, even though it was a constant reminder of his failures. It wasn’t that he didn’t have “normal people clothes” as he put it, or couldn’t fit in a pair of jeans, that had gotten a slap across the back of the head, it was that the clothes made him feel oddly vulnerable, he’d always imagined he’d ware them on shore leave or a weekend partying with friends, friends he’d never made, they made him insecure, so they sat in the bottom of the wardrobe locker untouched. He knew it was sad, but so was the rest of his life.
The song has very little to do with the post other than being something angsty I’m sure would listen to and Josh Groban deserves some appreciation for that performance.
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starbug · 5 months
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
Derivative astrology timeee
7H = Spouse/ Marriage
10H = Career
10 houses away from the 7H is the 4H
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Your FS will probably be someone who is quite popular or even famous in their career field. They’re probably a very creative person as well. They might potentially be any type of entertainer so, singer, actor, comedian or dancer. They might also have a job that involves children’s entertainment.
Your FS might be a realtor or someone who builds/ flips homes for a living. They might have their own brand/ business that sells self care products. They might also be very creative and artistic so a painter, poet, or singer is very possible as well. They also might be some sort of nurse, teacher, or social worker for children.
Your FS might be a writer, journalist, public speaker or teacher. Their career field involves education and/or the mind. Your FS might also be some sort of influencer or their career involves social media. (Specifically for Gemini) Your FS might be some sort of vet, doctor farmer, trainer or life coach. (Specifically for Virgo)
Your FS might be someone who is very invested in the fashion, art and music world. Specifically for Taurus they might be a singer, interior designer, chef, model, or someone who works with nature. Specifically for Libra they might also be a model, politician, lawyer, couples therapist, or a party/ event planner.
Your FS might be into the athletic field. They themselves might be an athlete or coach a team. They might also be a personal trainer. They might have an independent brand, label or business. They’ll most likely have a job that involves leadership so directing or being a CEO.
Your FS might be someone who could do any career and they’d be successful at it. Specifically, they might be the most successful in a career that involves traveling and exploring the world. They might be a professional traveler, tour guide, flight attendant, pilot, or professor who teaches abroad
Your FS might be into business and marketing. They are most likely into the more corporate side of business and heavily invested in investments and stocks. They might also be some sort of doctor. They also might be apart of a management company or they manage a bunch of people themselves.
Your FS might be into all things science and electricity, they might also be a social media influencer as well. They might be some sort of scientist, engineer, electrician, or neurologist. They might have some sort of online business or their career in loves being online. So maybe a YouTuber or Streamer.
Your FS might have a career that involves glamor and spirituality. They might va more flexible and laid back job. They might be an actor, musican, producer or singer. They might be into tarot, reading palms, astrology, and they might teach all of these things as well. They might also be into film and photography.
Your FS may have a career that is secretive, private or invades their privacy. They might be in a career field that involves research, physiology, investigation, or witchcraft. They might be in a position of power as well so some sort of CEO or business person who is really good at investing. They also might be into the police force, military, or banking.
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What’s yours? Mines Scorpio 4H with Pluto/ Moon Sagittarius. 4H ruler being 4H Sagittarius Pluto/ 9H Taurus Mars.💋
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blag-fidray · 3 months
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Jupiter Mining Corporation - Starbug
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freezing-kaiju · 2 months
AJIN Demi-Human
We start with a dark horror and possibly scifi about ethics in science, immortality, and an outlaw fugitive alien plot as a boy finds himself part of a group of immortals declared legally inhuman. While I have some misgivings about Oh No I Was Secretly A Creature All Along plots, I do fucking love horror and there’s a lot of ways for those plots to hit hard in the trans and gay and autism organs and be really important!!!!
Dimension W
The New Tesla Energy Corporation has monopolized the fourth dimension and the coils that connect to it. A duo of bounty hunters, one human and one robot, make money via repossessing illegal coils and seek out the answer to the mysteries within the dimension. I really wanna watch this one for a few reasons, the primary one of which is 'there are multiple fat women'. It seems to have freaks and weirdos and fun times, and its comedy is emphasized more than most of the other ones on this list so it might give some needed levity!
Kyoukai no Kanata
A bumbling monster hunter with blood powers meets an immortal via trying to shank him and ends up in an arrangement where she'll keep trying to kill him to boost her confidence while hunting monsters in what I hope is a monster-of-a-week show that came highly recommended by a friend as her favorite anime, or one of her favorites, so i have high hopes! Script's by the hibike euphonium guy and the power system seems quite interesting!
A puppeteer (if he’s as good as Sakon will remain to be seen) stops his Road Trip To Meet A Golden Sun Jupiter Summon to stay for a bit in a town and, as happens to anyone who stops for too long, gets attached to the place and also meets a girl who might be said jupiteresque being. My friend informs me that it's gorgeous, sounds amazing (so I'll make sure to get clips), and has "nice sad vibes"!!! And it’s…listed in a “provincial horror” listing… hoho
Heike Monogatari
A child who can see ghosts and the future walks tirelessly through the tragedy of the war between the Taira and Minamoto families before the dawn of the first shogunate. It's wildly beloved by a friend of mine, and also centers a historical event i know some but not all about and definitely need to know more about the Taira side of. Seems like a beautiful drama, one I could lose my heart over.
SSSS Gridman
Digital kaiju! Digital hero! Digital amnesia! A monster of the week show about an unknown amnesiac summoning and merging with Hyper Agent Gridman to fight digital, possibly virtual monsters while making friends(?) in the real world! It's the one thing Tsubaraya Productions has that isn't Ultraman, and I expect some tokusatsu vibes from it along with the mecha stuff, i've also heard it has gay girl megatron??
Akudama Drive
It's a prison break and crime story set in a tech dystopia, starring a scene girl shoplifter, and featuring a bevvy of unpersoned convicts in what seems like an excellent ensemble clusterfuck!!! The Danganronpa crew made this thing! It's also beloved by a friend of mine, and I've heard it'll be a generally excellent tragedy of a time
A reporter gets saved from assassins by a woman she might do yuri with, and the summaries I’ve found seem to imply a plot about terrorism and mystery! It’s a Type-Moon work that isn't part of the fate, tsukihime, OR melty universes! It might still have magecraft, but it's tagged sci-fi too, and a type moon take on scifi sounds interesting... it’s also based on. *checks wikipedia* a…perfect-Famitsu-score visual novel for the Nintendo Wii. So I might need to dig out some old hardware to watch this thing. For fun’s sake!
Killing Bites
A guy unintentionally becomes the underground wrestling promoter of a ?werewolf? Woman who murders his friends and wins him a shitload of money. The end goal? According to the summary, control of the economy!!! This was recommended as garbage and good lord I need garbage so much good god I need to put some trash inside of me.
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spotforme · 2 months
something about Io being Jupiter's closest moon and Rimmer signing up for Jupiter Mining Corporations that's making me unwell but it's too late and i can't really put it to words. i feel like Rimmer just took the first ship out that had the possibility of climbing the rank ladder
like Io is closest to Jupiter, JMC must pass through there often, we know they have no standards on who they recruit. gosh he must have really wanted to get out. and there must have been a first time he saw Earth. i can not wrap my head around that.
fuck like he and Lister literally come from different planets! (or moons idk) how lonely does that sound?!
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funnywormz · 1 year
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property of the Jupiter Mining Corporation
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sungsuho · 1 month
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dante / nico / andres / ares / iris / mercury / pluto / neptune / saturn / jupiter / venus
- xe/xym
- 20 y/o
- mexican (white passing)
you can use any of my names, i dont have a preference!
my art blog is @irismews
my oc specific blog is @choijaehui
my cats blog that i sometimes post on is @thedobber
please dont follow if you're a minor, i talk about gay sex too much
any original posts of mine typically are tagged under a catchall '<thing its about> posting' tag, but i have a couple fandom specific ones too
o/rv posts are under #omniscient posting
s/ctir posts are under #s classes posting
corporate slave posts are under #corporate slave
sasa/miya posts are under #mya posting
i typically censor posts that i dont want to show up in tumblr searches like that ^
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funny things my friends have said about me under the cut because i love them:
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restless-sea-art · 2 months
Armored core 6 has basically taken over my brain like an infectious parasite or ameboid of some sorts so I’ve went down the rabbit hole of fanfiction and fanart, which has in turn inspired me to write my own head canons down, and one replay of armored core 4/4A and well….
Anyways here’s how I imagine a few the corporations/pilots from 4 would work in 6’s timeline. Some info is implying a Liberator ending as I plan on using these in a post liberator fanfic
These companies are all old money, pioneers of core theory With their developments in the field of AC research, and in turn helping propel humanity out into interstellar colonization. While no longer being the only fish in the pond they still command respect from earths governments and
Global Armaments
Global armaments is a house in decline, having already been on the back foot in the wars that ravaged earth, they were slow to make the jump into extraplanetary exploration. Things not being helped by whatever market niche they could carve being overtaken by the Balam group. Nevertheless, many a mercenary in the earth sphere take a shine to their AC designs, finding them a nice compromise between the Dafeng and Balam design philosophies. They maintain colonies in orbit of mars, the home planet of one of their top pilots Unite Mons.
A company that’s always been at the forefront of AC development, they maintain colonies in orbit of earths moon where they act as a nation in and of themselves, leaving their earth activities to their subsidiary Akvavit. Rumors say that they had a massive share in the rubicon research institute and have the biggest off planet stockpile of coral though many investigations from earth sphere officials and the PCA have found no truth to these claims.
Bernard Felix Foundation
BFF is a corporation with close ties to the earth government, lending its top minds to the development of advanced MT’s like the PCA LC/HC lines. BFF was initially an aerospace engineering firm, spearheading humanities colonization of the stars with its research. It now commands a series of colonies in the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter, and is ruled by an aristocracy stationed out of earth itself. The general culture of which models itself off of the Knights of old, befitting the groups roots in Europe.
Joshua O’Brian
AC: White glint
A mercenary in association with the organization Collared, though not an association he’d like to have, Joshua is an ace among aces, only being rivaled by Anatolia’s mercenary. His interest has turned to rubicon after Balam and Arquebus’ retreat from the planet, seeing the newly formed rubiconian government as a potential client.
Anatolias’s mercenary
AC: Thinker
Callsign: Crow
An old soldier, having fought many battlefields since as long as they can remember. Their past is shrouded in mystery, with a select few knowing who they truly are. They fight to support their home of new Anatolia, a small mining colony in an O’Neil cylinder that, after the resource they mined dried up, could no longer support itself. Comes to rubicon after word of a mercenary known as raven having played a pivotal part in the conflict
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retrogressivereadings · 7 months
5 July 2023
At Least 16 dead from toxic gas in Johannesburg, South Africa.
At least 16 people, including 3 children have died in toxic gas leak incident at a non-formal settlement near Johannesburg, South Africa. The toxic leak was caused by a gas cylinder being kept in a shack at the settlement. Authorities say that the gas cylinder was used by criminal miners to process gold resources in the shack using processing equipment. Illegal gold mining is pervading in South Africa.
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Moon aspecting Chiron @ 13° Pisces aspecting Jupiter and Pisces for an unharmonious arc.
The toxic gas leak may be within a long history of several environmental factors, such as heat or pressure from accumulation of air within this contained shack.
Sun aspecting Moon @ 0° Gemini aspecting Jupiter and Pisces for an unharmonious arc.
This may be within causation of seizing a collection of goods for corporations tied to capitalism.
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midnightactual · 9 months
Shoyo-Bestgirl Feng
Autistic, Gremlin, Excited
Air (Void?)
Clean (More a constrained chaos)
Noble (but a scamp)
Violent but probably lack of context for otherwise
Unsure? Government or Corporate maybe?
Augmented (Genetic Enhancements)
Military Officer, Professional Go Player, Wildlife Caretaker
Swords and they're the sharpest ever, Is nonverbal so probably communicates in an alternative fashion to others from her mech
[ For I'll write an Armored Core VI Verse/AU for your muse ]
World: Uranus (Sol 7) Catalog Number: n/a Type: ice giant, various colonies Climate: artificial, temperate Population: 12 million Satellites: 27 Notable Features: orbital ring and dockyards
Helium-3, the lifeblood of the interstellar economy, is not an easy thing to acquire at industrial scales. Lunar deposits were costly to extract and rapidly overexploited to fuel human industry. While insatiable demand drove the early development of the Jupiter colonies, Jupiter's deep gravity well, intense radiation belts, and differentiated atmosphere made atmospheric mining at scale prohibitively costly. Saturn was ultimately little better, and the market was primed for a cheaper supply. Uranus, with a much weaker gravity well and more importantly still an unsettled distribution of helium, was exactly what humanity needed, despite being located at a markedly greater distance. The ease of extracting power from its magnetic field, which is tilted from the rotation of the planet, was another plus.
Today, Uranus hosts a largely automated helium-3 extraction industry, providing the bulk of the supply in Sol and neighboring systems. Atmospheric mining is conducted via massive atmospheric platforms—part aerostat, part aircraft—which routinely transfer their haul to low orbit via cargo drones. These are subsequently collected by skyhooks descending from the orbital ring. This ring, having been constructed through extensive mining of the Uranian moons, hosts most of the human population, and sustains itself using volatiles from the planet and ices from said moons. While the orbital ring is under the tight control of a unified governing authority practicing dirigiste economic policies, the resulting "national champion" corporations promote the interests of Uranus vigorously, not just in the remaining early colonies of closed O'Neill cylinders around the planet, or on its moons, but throughout the outer Solar System—much to the chagrin of the Jupiter colonies.
Name: Shoyo Fēng Augmentation: Generation Nine Occupation: corporate security officer Affiliation: Fēng Tactical Solutions Registration Number: Sl4649 Callsign: Tacit Armored Core: Intervals
Although most of the Uranian corporations have their own internal security details, external physical security is almost inevitably contracted to Fēng Tactical Solutions, which de facto constitutes the Uranian military and is publicly traded but majority-controlled by its namesake family. Given their limited recruitment pool and the need to function across a wide range of environments (so-called ECOAS operations—earth, colony, asteroid), the company places a particular emphasis on skill and first strike capability to minimize losses. Their defensive forces are limited and their offensive forces are organized into role-specific strike teams.
The newest member of the Fēng family to appear in the corporation's combat roster, Shoyo was initially assigned to a Muscle Tracer guard unit, but proved to be a poor fit for the duty assignment despite her stellar simulation scores. It was eventually judged that her talents were being wasted, and she was reassigned to an Armored Core-based reconnaissance and scouting team. The unit in question routinely dispatches its members solo and notably farther afield than the usual talking grounds of the outer Solar System, to include other systems.
While Shoyo's unusual text-and-gesture-only style of communication proved a hindrance in team formations, the cryptic impression it leaves has proven oddly fitting to her new line of work.
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A fairly high-tech AC, Intervals was—perhaps somewhat paradoxically to those from more terrestrial backgrounds—constructed with melee combat in mind. Relatively nimble while retaining good armor and defense, it features higher stability for its weight.
Functionally a light assault unit, its typical combat pattern is closing with assault boost while using vertical plasma missiles to suppress targets, then continuing to apply pressure with its machine gun as it closes to melee range. The laser blade provides excellent mobility in this regime and can sweep multiple targets, while its laser slicer and assault armor make for devastating follow-ups. A nightmare once it's within enemy ranks, it also poses a substantial threat to any AC that would underestimate its close-range power.
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thevaudevilledemon · 10 months
Death Battle: Grif & Simmons vs Lister & Rimmer; Who I think would win.
So, the polls are in for Grif and Simmon vs Lister and Rimmer, actually I've pre-written this so until yesterday I did not know who everybody voted for, (Though I had an idea).
With the polls now being in, I wanted to share my own opinions on this battle, because this was genuinely a really fun thing to think about, I'm a huge fan of both Red Dwarf and Red vs Blue, so digging into my memories of both and thinking about their strengths, weaknesses, arsenals, tactics and defenses was a lot of fun, however, in the end one duo had to die, and I think the winners of this battle would be...
Lister and Rimmer
"But Vaudevilledemon!' I hear some of you wanting to say, 'Grif and Simmons have actual military training, military grade weapons and armour, and have accomplished so much more than Lister and Rimmer, two normal ass looking dudes who have mining equipment."
So, let's talk about that, because the reasons I think Lister and Rimmer would win, kind of boil down to similar arguments, but let's take a look at each point separately.
1. Training Grif and Simmons have actual military training, whereas Rimmer's only experience in the military was a re-enactment society and temporarily commanding over wax-droid versions of Einstein, Stan Laurel, Elvis, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Queen Victoria, Jean-Paul Sartre, Noel Coward, Santa Claus, Pythagoras, Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe, Pope Gregory, St. Francis of Assisi and the Dalai Lama... Red Dwarf could get weird.
However, it's worth remembering that the entire reason Grif and Simmons were part of the Blood Gulch Simulation was entirely because they sucked. Simmons was too much of a coward and Grif was too anti-authoritarian, so they were picked by Agent Florida, alongside Sarge, to be part of the plan to protect the Alpha A.I. in Blood Gulch, so they're training doesn't really amount to all that much, but training doesn't mean much if you have better weapons, but do Grif and Simmons have better weapons?
2. Weapons Grif and Simmons have standard battle rifles and Magnums, alongside SMGs, and a few other weapons they picked up and have lost, like Grif's Brute Shot and Suppressor, or Simmons Rocket Launcher. However, most, if not all, of these weapons have a limited ammo supply, which they have drained through pretty quickly. "Hey Grif, you remember that one bullet you have left? I just thought of the perfect use for it."
On the other hand, Lister and Rimmer have Bazookoids, mining equipment intended to blow apart rocks, and can fire plasma blasts. These devices do not eat up their power supply as fast, and have a heat seeking mode, useful for finding heat emitting resources, or hitting a spot multiple times. Plus, let's not forget that the Red Dwarf has crates of explosives, it is a ship under the Jupiter Mining Corporation (JMC) after all, and the Boys from the Dwarf have found several pieces of technological advancements over the years, including several forms of teleportation and time travel, a matter destabilizing gun, a triplicator, a DNA resequencer, and a bio-printer.
Even if we gave Grif his confiscated weapons, and Simmons the rocket launcher, Lister and Rimmer do have a slightly better, or at least a more varied, arsenal. But Arsenal doesn't matter if they can't get past their armour, and here is the big sticking point in Lister and Rimmer's favour.
3. Armour So, Grif and Simmons have military grade armour, which is great, and gives them an advantage over Lister, who has no armour. So, it is possible for either Grif or Simmons to get a lucky hit on Lister, and Rimmer is already dead, but a hologram.
Now, Rimmer has three stages of Hologram, soft light, hard light and diamond light. Soft Light is intangible and has no real physical presence outside of the light bee, hard light has more physical properties, plus is virtually indestructible, and Diamond light is (all information coming from Tongue Tied - The Red Dwarf Fandom Site) super-powered, with abilities like Super strength, super-speed, light manipulation and the ability to make anything he touches intangible or solid at will.
So, with his hard light form, Grif and Simmons have a slim chance of taking out Rimmer, and with Diamond Light, they'd have zero chance. Even if we assume that bullets can penetrate hard light and damage Rimmer's Light Bee (Like what happened to Ace Rimmer in Stoke Me a Clipper), the amount of time it would take for him to properly die, would be more than enough time for him to deal a fatal blow to Grif and Simmons, especially since their armour isn't completely durable, like when one sticky grenade to the face almost killed Donut.
Remember, it took a long time for the alternate universe Ace Rimmer to fully die in that episode, so it’s entirely reasonable that our Rimmer would take a similarly long time.
And about all those accomplishments
5. Feats and accomplishments Yeah so, Grif and Simmons have done a lot of massive stuff, like fighting against the Meta, saving a planet from a corporation's attempt to eradicate all its inhabitants, and something to do with Time A.I. and Shisno paradoxes, I dunno, I liked Singularity but the rest of the arc was... meh. Anyway, it is clear Grif and Simmons have some major feats under their belts, it's just that those belts are also wrapped around everyone else.
Grif and Simmons often share their feats with the other Reds and Blues, like Donut, Sarge, Lopez, Caboose, Tucker and let's not forget the real heavy lifters, Carolina and Washington.
Lister and Rimmer are kind of similar in that regard, plenty of great feats, such as defeating the Inqusitor, plugging a white hole by playing pool with planets, destroying a rogue simulant ship and literally giving the universe an existential crisis, yes that happened, but they also share these feats with Cat, Kryten... and that's usually about it.
Let me put it this way, assuming that they are all doing equal lifting, Lister and Rimmer would be doing a quarter of the work while Grif and Simmons would only be doing about a ninth, and that is being really generous with the numbers. We can argue more specific numbers, but it doesn’t matter the specifics when Lister and Rimmer share the work amongst less people.
6. Ways that Grif and Simmons could win However, there are ways that Grif and Simmons could likely take the victory, so let's run through them and counter them.
A) Hacking into Rimmer's light bee and shutting him off - Simmons could potentially do this, but it would mean getting access to a terminal, which has direct access to Rimmer's hologram projection unit, most likely the Hologram Projection Suite, and on a ship the size of a city, the chances of Simmons just happening upon the floor or terminal to shut Rimmer off is low, unless he had a dose of the luck virus, but that's a Red Dwarf thing.
B) Waiting for Rimmer's battery to drain - Once he's out of power he's vulnerable, but we don't know exactly how long Rimmer's battery lasts, or if it can even die while on board the Red Dwarf.
C) Blow up the Red Dwarf - So, the Red Dwarf has been blown up before, the improperly wired Triplicator caused the ship to blow up, however, the Red Dwarf itself has no self-destruct bomb, so the only way for them to blow up the whole ship is to utilize the on board explosives, which is not foolproof as Lister and Rimmer are clever and could hide the explosives, or even plan a trap around them.
So, while I’m not one-hundred percent on Grif and Simmons taking the victory, I can still see them taking a few victories, but I think the Boys from the Dwarf would take more thanks to their craftiness and Arnold’s hologramatic status.
That really is the crux of these arguments, it’s not “Who would win one hundred percent of the time?”, it’s “Who would win most of the times?”. If you run one battle a hundred times, both sides will win at least once. So, I can see why most people voted for Grif & Simmons... even if I’m fairly certain most of them voted because they’re shipping trash (No judgement there), but for my money, I have to pick the crafty, hard to pin and much more clever smeg-heads from space, David Lister and Arnold Rimmer.
However, whether we think Grimmons would win or Listold would win, we can all agree... Venom vs Bane was a terrible match-up, right?
This was fun, I think I’ll do this again sometime.
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hi dear :) just saw that you wanted to practice reading birth charts so here’s mine:
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oh and off topic but i think that the synastry between you and your crush is very cute and has a lot of great potential!
take care and stay safe 🤍
Thank you so much sweetie! ☀️☀️
So I see your mars in the second house of value and in capricorn. Very much a go getter aspect for earning money and a creer ! It corresponds greatly with your taurus moon in fifth. Your emotional ‘relaxing’ world, your inner child comes forth when you’re having fun, like doing leisure activities. In taurus, ruled by venus, it flourishes when you’re relaxing, indulging in beauty and coming to rest on a say vacation or fun trip to enjoy. You’d be the ideal person to have a very serious and high end corporate career and enjoy your yearly bonus in the bahamas. You’d be the ideal person to live that life, completely fulfilled unlike some others who were pretty much born to not fit into that scheme kind of scheme. Your mars is focused on ‘getting that bag’, your moon is focused on really just enjoying herself, and together they live in harmony in this perfect exact trine. Your libra sun in your tenth (!!) house trine your saturn creates this perfect charming and professional individual you’d like your company be introduced to. Your mercury in libra in eleventh makes you great at diplomatic small talk. All i’m saying is that you’d be the perfect CEO😂 fair and agreeable, but really about the business, which will create a square tension with your mars, but I believe in this case it will be good tension. Your uranus and lilith in third house make you voice certain revolutionar ideas that are sharp, interesting and make a lot of impact. And you know how to make those ‘rebellious’ thoughts into action and agreement, and overal the discipline to make them work with uranus trining saturn. That makes us 2002 kids (more or less) a funny year with not as much typical ‘youth culture’ but revolutionary social media posts that happened to inspire thousands of people to become activists, in just a simple few characters. This what I’m talking about in our generation, coincides a lot with those points like lilith and uranus falling in the third house, which makes those young people sag risings with pluto in first. Very magnetic individuals with a lot of ‘all or nothing’ style in their way of being. Optimistic sag plutonians with an almost intrusively expansive power to teach and educate anyone anywhere. Your chart ruler jupiter is in your 8th house and your venus is in the house op jupiter, the ninth, in virgo which is ruled by chiron and mercury. You have that notorious BDE and knowledge thirst 😂 To travel and gain understandings of the world. You might be somewhat of an intellectual even! I bet you’d love backpacking around the south of asia, getting to know every single culture and eating with strange people and learning all about foreignity, but the thing that’s stopping you fear of getting bedbugs bugs or getting sick from eating street food.. I also see mars apart from trining your moon exactly, opposing your jupiter exactly and that jupiter is sextiling that moon exactly! With mars opposing jupiter, you may feel that whatever it is your after and you’re passionate about/you’ve achieved, it’s never enough. Another great career woman aspect 😂 god. This can be a good thing, but I also see this aspect in a lot of men who cheat in their relationships and are womanizers. That trining and sextiling your moon, also with a venus trining your moon wider, there’s a lot that you can love and like that moves you, that can really nurture that emotional world in the fifth house of yours. You might fall in love easily because you feel passionate easily, and you might come to a point in your life where going after something will mean building a whole new emotional base skeleton and leaving your old ground behind, and you will feel it’s worth it. Leaving that job for another one, moving to another country, falling in love with a different person and then divorcing, you’re a person who gets easily inspired to make such radical movements. It may be hard on your psyche, because humans can’t really choose what they feel.
Now you goal in life: your north node is conjunct your path of fortune, both in cancer and the seventh house. Now I’m not telling you to find a husband and get married and be like a mooney cancer to fulfill your spritual path, instead find a sense of guardianship and sensitivity in the things you care about. Create that long lasting relationship that has an actual impact on your life. Work is not the only thing that takes work. Relationships and family do too! And paying attention to taking on those qualities will bring you success and fulfillment in life 💞💖
I love to see a chart with a lot of aspects. I think it creates a dynamic person with a lot of vibe and stuff to discover. 🦋🦋
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In the not-too-distant future, where the cosmos has become the new frontier, there existed a young woman named Lira Cosmo. Lira, a recent top-of-her-class graduate from the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, had a vision that soared higher than the skyscrapers of her home city. Unlike her peers, who were navigating the complexities of labor laws on Earth, Lira was determined to pioneer the field of Intergalactic Labor Relations.
Her ambition was fueled by a dream to create a harmonious working environment not just for humanity, but for all sentient beings throughout the cosmos. She believed that the principles of fairness, equity, and cooperation could be adapted to any civilization, regardless of its location in the universe.
With her distinctive spacesuit adorned with the patch of her alma mater, Lira embarked on her journey aboard the starship ILR Endeavor, named in honor of her school. Her mission was to negotiate labor agreements and establish worker rights on distant worlds. Her first assignment led her to the bustling space colony orbiting Jupiter, a hub for interstellar trade and cultural exchange.
Lira quickly became a star in her field, known for her ability to communicate with diverse alien species and for her unyielding commitment to justice. Her helmet, with a visor reflecting the swirling nebulae and stars, became a symbol of hope for workers across the galaxy.
One fateful day, a distress signal from a mining colony on the asteroid belt reached the ILR Endeavor. The miners, a motley crew of humans and aliens, were in the midst of a labor dispute with a powerful corporation that threatened to escalate into a full-blown conflict. Lira was dispatched to mediate the crisis.
Upon arriving, she stepped out of her spacecraft, her helmet reflecting the turmoil and beauty of the cosmos. She listened to the grievances, empathized with the exhausted miners, and negotiated with the unwavering executives. With her expertise and the wisdom of her Cornell education, Lira crafted a revolutionary agreement that balanced the needs of both workers and management.
The success of the asteroid belt negotiation placed Lira at the forefront of a new age where interplanetary relations flourished under the principles of mutual respect and fairness. It was a testament to the influence that a single visionary from the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University could have on the infinite canvas of space, shaping a future where all labor was valued and every worker was heard.
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funnywormz · 1 year
share about lister and rimmer? 👉👈
ALRIGHT HERE I GO >:-) putting this under a readmore bc it kinda ended up being an abridged version of the history of the red dwarf universe as well as lister and rimmer lol so it's long as fuck <3 . this is mostly gonna be based on the tv series, not the books, but i am gonna use some details from the books to fill in some gaps
OK SO. the red dwarf timeline begins in the 23rd century. in this version of the future, humanity has colonised the entire solar system and beyond, and there are colonies of humans living on most planets and moons in the solar system with solid surfaces. earth still has a human population, but ecologically/geologically/etc it's been reduced to a wasteland, so humans have to look elsewhere for resources. in the 23rd century, the "space corps" is a huge mega-corporation/quasi-military force that runs most of the spaceships traveling between planets. the space corps also makes most of its money from mining minerals etc from planetary bodies in/around the solar system. the "red dwarf" is a huge mining ship owned by a subset of the space corps called the "jupiter mining corporation" or JMC, and is designed to house hundreds of crew, and is miles long. most of the series takes place on the red dwarf itself which is why this is relevant lol
lister (full name dave lister) grows up back on earth, which he loves, despite it being a wasteland. he never knows his real parents; he's abandoned underneath a pool table in a pub as a baby, and gets raised by the young couple who find him there. they live in poverty and lister's adopted dad dies when lister is 6 years old, and lister gets into shoplifting and stealing in general when he's a young kid. but his family is still pretty loving and lister grows out of the stealing and ends up taking on odd jobs here and there, and he's pretty happy despite everything.
on lister's 25th birthday, he gets plastered as fuck with a group of his friends and somehow ends up on a spaceship which drops him off at a colony on mimas, one of saturn's moons. lister wakes up there with no money and no way of getting home. eventually he runs into a space corps recruiter, who mentions that the mining ship "red dwarf" is making a trip around the solar system and will eventually return to earth. lister signs up to the space corps under the impression that the ship will be returning to earth immediately, but once he's on board he finds out that the trip is gonna take at least 5 years, and now he's stuck working as a technician on the ship for the entire time. that's how lister ends up on the red dwarf.
rimmer (full name arnold judas rimmer), on the other hand, is born and grows up in a colony on io (one of jupiter's moons), in an upper class family. rimmer's father is obsessed with rimmer and his three brothers becoming officers in the space corps, and they're all subjected to very high standards from an early age. rimmer is the youngest, and is pretty brutally bullied by his big brothers. he's also not particularly academically or physically talented compared to them, he does enjoy cartography and art, but his parents are pretty deeply disappointed in him for not living up to his brothers and they're very cold and frankly abusive towards him.
rimmer is desperate to please them, so although he isn't skilled enough to join the space corps as an officer/pilot like his brothers, he decides to join at the technician level (the lowest possible rank) and work his way up by passing his astronavigation exams to become an officer. however he ends up failing every single exam he takes, and ends up spending years on the red dwarf as a shift manager in charge of the guys who maintain the ship's vending machines lol.
rimmer and lister first meet when lister is assigned to be rimmer's roommate on the ship. they DO NOT get along. all lister wants to do is fuck around and get drunk and have fun, and he's pretty grubby and kinda lazy (actually he's just depressed basically lol but yknow). rimmer is career-driven, up-tight, and generally an obnoxious asshole with no friends who insists on being pedantic about EVERYTHING. they spend most of their time bickering. it's made worse by the fact that rimmer is technically one rank higher than lister and is his shift manager and uses this as an excuse to try and boss him around constantly despite lister barely giving a fuck lmao. they have to work together most of the time bc they're coworkers and there is a little hint of friendship there but it's. pretty small.
things continue like this for a while. however, it all changes when lister, while on planet leave on miranda (one of uranus's moons) ends up finding a little pregnant stray cat who he calls "frankenstein". he smuggles her back onto the ship with him, despite it being illegal to take unquarantined animals onto the ship. for a while he keeps her a secret, but eventually the captain finds out about her and calls lister to his office. he tells lister to give up the location of the cat so she can be euthanised, but lister refuses. as punishment for refusing to give up the cat, the captain sentences lister to be imprisoned in stasis (a kind of suspended animation) for the rest of the trip back to earth.
after lister is put in stasis, rimmer is given the assignment to repair one of the ship's drive plates by himself. this is far outside of his area of expertise, and not something he can do by himself, so he really should have delegated the task to someone else. but instead, because he's so desperate to be perfect and impress his superiors, he tries to complete the repair by himself.
this goes horribly wrong. the incorrectly repaired drive plate ends up leading to a radiation leak from the reactors powering the ship, which immediately spreads throughout the ship and kills everyone, including rimmer himself. lister, however, survives, because he's in stasis so the radiation doesn't reach him. his cat also survives, as she went down into the ship's hold to give birth to her kittens, and the hold was sealed by the ship's computer before the radiation could reach it.
the jupiter mining corporation, believing the entire crew to be dead, leaves the red dwarf to drift off into space as retrieving it would be more trouble than it's worth to them. and so, the ship drifts aimlessly, through the solar system and into deep space.
3 million years later, the radiation on the ship has returned to a safe level. the ship's computer "holly" (who has gone mildly insane after spending 3 million years alone) revives lister from stasis.
they also bring back rimmer as a hologram. holograms are popular in the 23rd century, and are like perfect digital copies of a dead person and their personality. holly could have brought back any of the red dwarf crew members as company for lister, but she decides to bring back rimmer because lister has the most shared conversations with him out of anyone else on the ship (despite them supposedly hating each other).
as well as lister and rimmer, there's also the cat (a humanoid creature that evolved from the descendants of lister's pet cat frankenstein over the past 3 million years), and kryten (a service android they salvage from the wreck of another ship), but im gonna focus on rimmer and lister here for now lol.
at first, after rimmer is brought back as a hologram, things between him and lister are probably even more tense and aggressive than they were when he was alive. after all, rimmer has all of the same neuroses and Issues as he did as a human, but now he's fucking Dead and a digital ghost of himself and the entire human race has gone extinct in the 3 million years since he died. and he copes with this by being Even More Obnoxious.
however as time passes, they get to know each other more and eventually come to be best friends and care abt each other deeply despite also somehow still hating each other lol. lister is pretty smart and very brave and kind despite his tendency to be lazy. and rimmer, underneath all the bitchy rude asshole behaviour, is really just a clingy sad little guy who wants to be loved. as the series goes on they do form a kind of mutual respect for each other. and they care abt each other.
the series spans like 30 years (both in irl time and time in the series), so you get to see the characters go from being dudes in their 20s to dudes in their 50s. they both mature and grow up somewhat, especially lister. and they're still roommates after all this time, and rimmer lets lister sleep in his bunk when he's too drunk to climb up to his top one lol.
the Gay Tension with these two is really. something else man. rimmer (as well as being heavily autistic coded imo) is commonly read by the fandom as a Deeply Confused and self hating gay man. as a younger man/hologram he's pretty defensive of his masculinity and makes a big show out of being a Heterosexual Man despite it clearly being an act he puts on. as he gets older he seems to make peace with it more though and is content with doing more "feminine" things and no longer rlly performs attraction to women.
lister is like the Ultimate Bisexual Transman Guy to me without either of those things being actually canon lol. there's a lot of unintentional transmasc coding with him. he's also shown to be pretty affectionate with his male friends when they're still alive (telling one of them he loves him and kissing him on the lips at one point lol). and with rimmer he's like. blatantly attracted to and flirting with an alternative universe version of rimmer they meet at one point. he puts his hand on rimmer's upper thigh not once but TWICE to comfort him. when rimmer leaves the red dwarf crew for a while he misses him desperately and literally has a dream about telling rimmer he loves him and making out with him. i could go on.
the latest red dwarf episode/movie thing has a really sweet scene where rimmer is considering turning himself off for good bc he feels worthless and is doubting his personhood due to being a hologram, and lister gives him this whole sappy adorable romantic speech abt how he's like the sun and rimmer is like the moon and basically implying that they need each other to exist and they complete each other and it's enough to snap rimmer out of it. they're also so sweet with each other in general in that episode and lister is So Proud of rimmer at different points for being himself and being brave. it's so sweet it makes me melt just thinking abt it AUGH.
in general they're basically canonically soulmates. that one meme that's like "they would find each other in every universe" but for rimmer and lister it's not even ironic they're literally a pair in every single alternative universe we've seen in the show so far. and at this point they've known each other for so long and lived together for so long that the old married couple energy is Very Very Real. idk i could keep typing this post forever bc there really is So Much there to talk abt. but ik this is already way too much information and you're probably not even gonna read it lol so i will stop myself here.
the tldr is that red dwarf is one of those series that's technically a comedy but underneath the humour it's deeply sad and tragic and kinda depressing. but rimmer and lister and their love for each other and their friends are what holds it all together. the universe is cold and uncaring but they Love each other. throws up. ok im done
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^ oh also everyone should watch this amv btw
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
Hey if you are still taking the chart readings here's mine; 🤍
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Thankyou!>33 💌
2nd house gemini
communication, speech, artist development, writer, voice ability
2nd house ruler in 9th
ideals, intuition, long travel, creativity
mercury conjunct venus
vocal ability, could be gifted in arts such as photograhy, writing, editing, film, baking, designing, crafting, sewing, etc.
so your optimism will be a focal point for your money making abilities.
9 house rules luck, risk taking and adventure. at some point you may have to take trips out of your hometown, mostly cross the country to receive more than what you could ask for.
i see that the sun is conjoin these two planets. so your self expression is how you recieve (venus) money.
it is through your artistic ability is where you'll receive money. something about museums is coming up here, could you be a painter or something?
9th house placements could be good at sculpting. mercury/venus connections are good for challenging the mind. so you're speech as well as your hands are gifted in creating something worth being in a museum. not sure if ur an artist but the museum keeps popping up so maybe you should take a trip there!
taurus rising
venus is the ruler of the first house so the aesthetic to whatever it is your selling must be TOP TEIR.
What you create may take a while but it will be worth it.
you could also be good at designing furniture or things necessary in the home. it is through hard work (capricorn stellium & taurus rising) you will be able to see more money.
although mercury rules the quick dollar, capricorn makes you work hard at your craft in order to receive quick money.
jupiter in the 7th (scorpio)
partnerships/networking. these will be individuals who are highly important but are extremely secretive. focus on going to big corporations as this is how you will be able to sale and market yourself.
pluto in the 8th (ruler of the 7th)
this arenas shows how you can get big wealth. the partnerships is how you will receive more money.
this house rules other peoples money (8th).
jupiter being in the 7th shows that their is luck near this area. you just have to go looking for it. try doing research as to where you can sale your product or even network and you have to go from there.
ultimately, other people are they way to your success. you have to be optimistic about it.
hope this helps!
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