#Juni Joyful
sender-drawson · 7 months
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zombiesugarsworld · 9 months
Went through my old art files and found these,it includes Junie's old design
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bbobpul · 8 months
memories in the old reels
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NOTE. first jun au and fourth email i can't send! reblog and like and follow @medyowriter 🫶🏼
PAIRING. junhui x you
GENRE. hurt/comfort
list of emails i can't send
subject. emails i can't send 4/13
hello, jun from my hometown!
in the wake of the relentless chaos that engulfed my existence, an ache for quiet led me back to the very place where my roots lay, where i once reveled in the innocence of youth. it was a place where the names of friends i once cherished have dissolved into the mist of forgotten time, leaving behind only the haunting resonance of their joyful laughter, forever etched in the recesses of my mind.
returning to my hometown, i couldn't help but confront the stark reality of how much i've changed. i couldn't help but notice these shifts in my own self, like the way i dress, a transformation unveiled when i beheld childhood photographs clinging to the refrigerator, held in place by an oddly poignant magnet bearing the words "she was here." a really weird magnet if you ask me but my mother tends to succumb to nostalgia often.
similarly, the way i speak has also changed, a shift brought to light when my father urged me to rewatch video tapes captured when i was about six years old, a fragment of my current age.
and within those old reels, i saw you, jun, a childhood friend whose full name i can no longer remember. in those videos, you were always affectionately "junie"
it's been almost a decade since i embarked on my journey to a bustling city for college, and during those intervening years, i am consumed by a profound remorse for the negligence that led me to forget you. it took the resurrection of these video clips to rekindle the significance you once held in my youthful heart.
indeed, nostalgia is cruel. here i am, beset by the remorse of my fading personal history, drained of my past.
my father, in his wisdom, shared your current story—a life blessed with a joyous family, two years into a happy marriage with twin children completing the happy home you built.
meanwhile, i find myself writing this email. perhaps this one may be a bit longer than usual. maybe because i am using you to address my regrets for the mistakes i made in the past and to convince myself that it all happened for a reason. change happened for a reason.
when i was younger, i envisioned city life as a gateway to a brighter, faster existence. i reveled in its loud and frenetic pace. yet now, as i look back, it feels as though my hometown just passed me by while my own life moves in slow motion, suspended in the stillness of time.
our shared memories, akin to the scars on my knee earned during our roadside escapades, have gently faded. my father, ever the sage, urged me to regard those wounds as tokens of the delight we found in each other's company.
you, jun, are like the vanishing tan lines on my shoulder that fade when winter comes.
you are the ephemeral reverie in my thoughts, a recollection that blurs the boundaries between reality and dreams.
my most vivid memory of you came from the lens of a vintage camera, as my father chased us through golden-hued afternoons, right after the school bell's chime.
a part of me yearns for a more vivid recollection, but for now, i am good with this.
good in the knowledge that your memory has returned to me, and that i am reminded of the joyful moments we shared.
you, jun, were my embodiment of childhood, the quintessence of my youth. while the fine details may have faded, and perhaps you are no more than a fleeting thought in your own mind, we provided each other with a childhood lived to the fullest.
yours in nostalgia,
your past
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TAGLIST. @matchahyuck @minhui896 @hongmingoo @strawberryshortcakes-blog @lleercy @wonwooz1 @mhlsymlysn
i will be tagging everyone who like or comment on these posts
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chogiwow · 3 months
not sure if u guys celebrate today or not, or even celebrate it much, regardless happy holi ivy!! have a colorful day and a joyful year!! (@skz-maybe-incorrects)
happy holi to you too juni !! i haven't played since 10th class and now i've just grown out of it sdhjsd but i enjoy the spirit nonetheless hehe :3 hope you have a safe and fun holi <3
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aliciadixson · 1 year
The Beginning of the Journey
I have always loved stories; longer than I could exactly put my finger on. The first book I ever read by myself was Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess. I recall the days where I would ask my mother to read the book over and over, and her eagerness to oblige. She was joyful in reading to me, making every read a unique and fun experience. Perhaps my love of stories of all sorts truly started here- in the comfort of my childhood home and hearing my mother emphatically agree to read every time I asked and she was able to. Her, reading the same, boring book over and over again with so much gusto.
Or perhaps it started somewhere else, in the drafty garage of my Aunt who ran a small babysitting business. Here in the summers I found myself without many books to entertain, and my Aunt far too busy to read to me. I began telling stories to myself during nap time, instead of napping- I plotted. My best friend, Abby (an entire year older than me) had just finished Kindergarten, and with that accomplishment under her belt she knew how to spell and write. With her help, that summer I wrote my first books.
It wasn't just one, oh no, I wrote a new book just about every day that summer. All of the kids my Aunt babysat were given one notebook for the summer. For coloring, or writing, or really whatever we wanted to use it for (I recall Abby liked to use hers for Hangman, a game I was not very adept at quite yet). I used mine to tell stories. I could not tell you how many short children's stories I managed to shove in to that thing that summer. I would dictate to Abby what I wanted to write and draw the pictures.
The next summer, having gone through Kindergarten myself, despite my distinct disdain for chapter books (except for Junie B. Jones, because let's be honest- those books are a mood) I began writing my own story.
The thing about stories at this point was that I was writing them just for me. I didn't even want anyone to read them. I worked on that book for over a year. I recall learning what quotation marks were in that year and having to go back and fix my dialogue between my characters.
I didn't do this for anyone's benefit besides my own. It was a great feeling to sit down and just write and not have to worry about someone reading what I wrote. What would they think? Would they judge me too harshly? Was my story even good? These were not thoughts that seven-year-old me had. I just told stories for the simple sake of telling stories, because I loved it.
Despite my love for books and telling stories, I have never finished writing a novel. At the beginning of this year I found myself on the beginning of a journey, though I had no idea that this journey would lead here, sitting in front of my computer and writing a blog- with my real name- for all the world to see. You see, at the beginning of this year I decided it was time to buckle down and start telling my stories again.
I wanted to learn, because I was sure that my writing by itself would not be enough. So I started to watch the Brandon Sanderson lectures on writing- not for the first time. This time, however, I would space out the viewing of each lecture to try and fit into the span of a semester- so that I might imitate taking the class.
I am currently a stay at home mom and while keeping the house clean, tending my daughter, and keeping my families bellies full of good food is important- I often find myself with a lot of down time. Mary, my daughter, is prone to competing for my attention- so reading and writing while she is awake is usually off the table.
So with nothing to do, my resolve broke and I quickly found myself consuming every one of the lectures he had uploaded. Soon I found that I had nothing to watch and found myself feeling pretty down and just rewatching the series to try and glean more advice from a seasoned writer.
It was during the lecture that Brandon Sanderson talks about plot, and The Hero's Journey when the path I'm on began to form. I would recommend reading about the hero's journey he said, but reading was off the table due to my baby - so instead I found a TV series that featured Joseph Campbell.
Joseph Campbell, while not the original one to propose that all stories follow the same basic structure, was the one who popularized the idea through the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. The TV series I watched discussed many of the same things that his book covered.
What really caught my interest though was the general discussion. You see, Joseph Campbell postulates that the stories we tell are often linked to the stories we tell ourselves in our sleep, dreams. So in this way all the stories - religious and otherwise - originate from us. Stories are important, the lessons they impart on us even more important, and they all come from within. You can see it throughout many cultures- the same stories told with slightly different twists (I highly recommend the series I mentioned The Power of Myth, all episodes can be found on youtube, to delve more into this and get a better understanding of it) all come from us.
Joseph Campbell, in this series, urged the viewer to view themself in the Thou form, as well as all other humans. Because all of our divine stories come from us, so there is a tiny piece of divinity in each of us; the part of us that carries the dreams and the stories of our society.
He also urged us to look at our life through the lense of the Hero's Journey. We are all somewhere in the journey - whether we are ignoring the call or we are returning from our adventure with our boon - we are somewhere on this journey. This has changed my life.
My stories are important, but so is my story. Viewing myself in the thou - constantly on a journey of self discovery and understanding of new things- has completely changed my life. So here I am, at the beginning of a Journey. A big one, I think, one in which I will not return from for a very long time - one of self discovery.
In preparing for this journey I remember something else Brandon Sanderson has mentioned before in his Stormlight Archives series - Journey before Destination. It's not about the destination, it is about the journey you take to get there.
I want to savor the journey- I've gotten a taste of savoring this sweet sweet journey in the last month. This blog is my way of viewing myself in the Thou. Hopefully, you will see high's and lows here, but I hope to document different journey's that I am on and the lessons that I learn from them here.
I invite you to join me. Yes, there is a huge likelihood that no one will read your story, but I hope that you will join me in viewing yourself in the thou and savoring the journey you are on.
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Welcome Home: Casino of the Vamps Fankids!
(Note: COTV AU belongs to @larzuen! These lil guys aren’t canon to either Welcome Home or Casino of the Vamps; they’re just for fun!)
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Name: Bailey Darling-Beagle Type: Hybrid (Mix of Human/Vampire/Werewolf. Calls herself a “mutt” sometimes.) Special Ability: Visions Favorite Food: Apples and Caramel Dip Hobby: Anything to do with drawing!
The eldest of the Sowbelleau hellions, Bailey is very calm and calculated. There’s a reason why she’s unofficially banned from the casino’s tables. With an ever-present smile and ever-watching eyes, it’s best that you watch yourself around her; she doesn’t take any sort of threat to her family lightly, and she has a tendency to go… overboard.
Her ability, “Visions”, has two parts. First, she can touch a surface and send a small, painted-looking eye scurrying across it to station itself. She can peer through these little eyes at anytime, much like security cameras. For the second part… she tends to dream strange things, and has made a habit of drawing her dreams the second she wakes… Mainly because her dreams have a habit of coming true.
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Name: Rosalyn “Rosie” Frankly-Dear Type: Vampire (Distant relative of Eddie, who he and Frank adopted) Special Ability: Pattern Cataloging Favorite Food: Banana Pudding Hobby: Exploring
The middle of the Sowbelleau hellions, Rosie (named after a very pretty moth) is a little motor mouth, chattering on about this and that. Though most think she wears her heart on her sleeve, she has no qualms with white lies, especially if said lies get her and her “cousins” cookies before dinner! Gifted with her words, she knows just how to twist them.
Her ability, “Pattern Cataloging”, works a bit like a deduction, allowing her to comb over tiny details others might miss and piece them together, forming a clear picture. It’s also useful in combat and video games; as long as the opponent has a “tell” before their move, she can recognize it.
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Name: Junie Starlet-Joyful Type: Hybrid (Vampire/Human) Special Ability: Siren Song Favorite Food: Pineapple Chunks Hobby: Writing
The youngest of the Sowbelleau hellions, Junie embodies “actions speak louder than words”. She rarely speaks, but her signs, gestures, and expressions tend to make her the loudest in the room. Practical and athletic despite her delicate looks, she doesn’t humor fools, and is a firm believer in “If you talk shit, you’re gonna get hit”.
The reason she doesn’t speak much is because of her ability, “Siren Song”. A word or two from her can quickly put you in a trance, even when she isn’t trying to. She’s learning to speak without her ability, but prefers to sign simply for the convenience of it.
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saikitsu · 2 years
these three are my favorites to ask~
💀 if they were one of the 7 sins, what sin would they be?
👹 how much patience does your oc have? are they patient? or are they easily irritable?
☠️ how petty are they? and what length of pettiness would they go for?
évoooooooo hi thank you for the questions, it is fun to think abt this little creature hehe >< sorry if some of this makes no sense i am literally so exhausted but i wanted to answer these because i will have no time tomorrow so here u are!
💀 if they were one of the 7 sins, what sin would they be?
this was a tricky one, but i think that junie would embody sloth. though unlike the game, i feel he identifies more with the aspects of apathy and boredom rather than, you know, physical laziness as it's portrayed in the game (though, he does somewhat struggle with self-care as well). i've said before that he tends to withdraw from others and from himself very easily when faced with difficult situations, and to be content with/indifferent to his circumstances even when they are poor. acedia is a better term, i think, in the way he alienates himself from the people around him, the world, and even his own conscious self. it's not an exact description - rather than losing interest in life or in the people around him, he is intimidated by/afraid of his attachments and would rather deliberately ignore them and let them go to waste than to risk disrupting his life and his emotions. to him, life is inherently meaningless and short-lived, not worth either the immense pain or the exuberant joy that comes with it, even though he loves to see joy in others (sort of because he can reflect on it within himself, like getting a small taste of it despite not wanting to put in the work to be joyful himself). i think with time and effort he could change, but again, he is unmotivated and lacks devotion to life, to himself, and to others.
👹 how much patience does your oc have? are they patient? or are they easily irritable?
it really depends on the situation. he can be a push-over and will tolerate most of anything from an outward source, as he sees it as more exhausting to fight back/stand up for himself/disagree in any way shape or form, and therefore strives to go along with what others say. it's why i think that he might struggle to get along with many of the brothers, at least for a long while; he is so easily pushed-around and influenced, especially by such strong personalities, that eventually everyone realizes he just sort of goes along with everything, and nobody knows who he actually is/what he actually values. in this sense he seems patient, but in reality he just tolerates everything. on the other hand, any situation in which he is forced to confront an aspect of himself is extremely uncomfortable for him, and he will be irritable/avoidant to an extreme. corner him emotionally or physically and he will lash out like a wounded animal, even for something that isn't particularly intimate or vulnerable of him to confront.
☠️ how petty are they? and what length of pettiness would they go for?
he's not really.. like i said, conflict is terrifying and exhausting to him. even if he has been wounded deeply, he will simply shut down and avoid the situation or the person entirely. but again when he is desperately trying to remove himself from a situation he will stop at almost nothing, and in those situations his words shoot to kill. he will say something low/petty if he thinks it will get somebody to leave him alone, but he will regret it even if they are truly a terrible person and he will only do it if he thinks its his last resort (not that that's any justification, but that's just how he thinks).
-v-)/ here u go! you know as i was writing this i kept thinking wow this creature is very troubled which i think is a little funny... i like this guy though i think he could get better in some universe but i like that he is like this, it's fun for me to write :> again thanks for asking
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angelikasgerman · 10 days
Improve your German in June 2024
Welcome to another month of the German Action for Happiness Calendars. As before, you can if you wish also print out a PDF version. And if you want or need to, you can see it here in English, where you also find further foreign languages. Use the following sentences as a German reading and translation exercise and then act on them. This month’s theme: Joyful June – freudiger Juni Happier –…
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hanamisofficialspouse · 2 months
UFO,Animal and Lear?<3
Ask game!
UFO - Ever gone stargazing with each other? What was it like?
But of course🥰we did a lot of things together, I'm a curious person, and one of Hanamis main love languages is quality time.
We travelled once, in Japan, to a random mountain, the closest we could find, and settled in a forest that night. yK, just to take a breather from everyone else, those three (Dagon, Jogo, Mahito) can get quite... Handful. We found a clearing, so I could show Hanami all the stars and constellations I knew, and the legends behind them! Let's just say Hanami was INVESTED AS FUCK. I mean, they only listened silently, and asked a question couple of times, but they just listened to me rant lol XD
I even explained to him the difference between satelites, planets, and stars! How the stars blink, while planets tend to shine very bright. The satelites can even move across the sky! Lastly, I remember once Hanami telling in confusion that they saw something flash across the sky lightning fast. And I realised my baby saw a shooting star for the first time T0T I quickly told him to make a wish. I still don't know what they wished for, but I hope it was nice ^^
Animal - Are there any pets you have? What kind?
Genesis (aka me) doesn't have a 'normal' pet. Why?
Yes, that's right, it's a fucking plush toy of a yellow dog that acts like any normal dog would! The only thing is he can't eat, doesn't really need to sleep, and idk, poop LMFAO Genesis calls him Junior! He is a very energetic lil guy, who's madly curious, overprotective, and overly joyful as fuck. Jogo hates him, Dagon and Mahito love him, as well as Hanami. Junior is also very smart, because he noticed how Hanami tends to be very quiet, so Junie matches his energy for them to be more comfortable. Hanami finds him adorable. Junior, beside Genesis of course, only trusts Hanami and no one else, to hold him, tend to him and such. Hanami is allowed to touch him, and when he does, Junior usually sits on their shoulder, top of head, or just in their lap/arms. The dog likes to gently nibble on their fingies (ofc it hurts shit bc he doesn't have teef uwu) or lick them playfully from time to time, like giving a kiss. (Again, it's not wet, just cotton tongue.)
Leaf - When vacationing, do you prefer a bustling place like the city? Or somewhere quiet like a forest?
HAH AGAIN as I previously just said, we are VERY introverted naturally. AND PLUS, we are both misanthropes XD so ofc, forest all the way! Somewhere private, quiet, and most important, close to nature.
It's usually a camping trip themed vacation! It's a lot more fun when the couple builds their sleeping place, and gather the stuff for the fire, and maybe even hunt for food! How cool is that? And then we can eat s'mores and marshmallows and cooked food, and talk about stuff, and then snuggle in our tent under the blankies KSDHGSJHDJSDG >< (orrrr maybe something more... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
(tysm for the ask dear <3333 im kinda insecure people don't really seem to... Like my content? Makes me kind of insecure tbh- Its not so popular like the others, and makes me overthink a lot. Should I stop or not...? Idk.)
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519magazine · 4 months
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stjunebug · 5 months
i believe in junebug supremacy in a junie vs deku mandarian peel off!!! BITE HIM!!!
MEEERRRMS 💢‼️‼️ IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I TRIED TO DRAFT SOMETHING INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY POSTING AND I JUST COULD NOT FIND MY DRAFTS AFTER THAT 😔🙏 AND THANK YOU!!! i truly think with all of my heart i can take him on in a mandarin peel off. look at those janky fingers!! how HUGE they are. they would not deftly peel a mandarin.. they could only brutalize the poor thing. what a pitiful creature, unable to peel the most joyful of fruits. how lucky for him that he has me to peel them for him <3 and i will bite him and lock my jaw and not let go if he tries to peel them anyway. 💞💞 have the jolliest goodest of days mermie pie i pray you always have the most delicious of mandarins to eat 🍊🍊🧡🧡
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pagesofcursive · 3 years
september prompt #2: horizon
genre: found family, reflective, sweet
character: mainly centered on violetta
word count: 387
A wild meadow lay tucked away in the forest, not far from the boarding school. Long grass grew from the ground, bright wildflowers unfurling their colorful petals and casting a heavenly scent through the air. Perched on top of a grassy hill, a wide oak tree grew, branches stretching toward the orange sky. Beneath the branches of the tree, nestled in the long grass, a group of friends relaxed after a long day of lazing around in the last few days before the autumn breeze began to nip at their skin. 
Light of the setting sun fell through the thick air, scattering through the leaves on the branches to dance upon the rough bark of the old tree. Violetta looked up through the thinner branches that stretched out like claws trying to touch the sky, and she admired the different deepening shades of the sky above. As the sun sank closer to the rim of the horizon, a blissful smile came to Violetta’s lips as she watched the colors of the clouds begin to match the flames she could conjure much more easily now that school had begun. 
The first month of the boarding school had gone by in a flash, and she felt different. She was different, Violetta reasoned, and a light feeling swelled in her chest. Violetta listened to the sound of her friends softly talking, their voices lost in the heavy air that seemed to stretch on forever in the quiet meadow. Juni lay with her head in Nyx’s lap, telling her a story of some sort with flashy gestures as Nyx looked down at her with a fond smile on her face. A sudden whoop of excitement split through the peace, and Violetta turned her gaze to where Tora stood on a branch, a grin on her face as she continued to climb the oak tree. Above her, perched in the branches, sat Lynn, who watched Tora with concern, since she seemed drawn to the most unstable branches. 
And Violetta wondered when her life’s horizons had spread from empty hours filled with silent loneliness to now, to this, to joyful days spent with her friends, who had gone from strangers to family in the blink of an eye. Maybe it had simply been a matter of meeting the right people. The right family. 
this one is short, but I had fun writing it <3 and I hope everyone has a relaxing day soon in the future
thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompt!
taglist: @apocalypsewriters, @jstrjk, @did-i-do-this-write, @augustwrites49, @morsmordre-is-writing, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @vivian-is-writing, @enchanted-lightning-aes
contact me (through reblogs, asks, messages, or anything) if you want to be added or taken off the taglist! <3
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apocalypsewriters · 3 years
October Prompt Day 16 - flying kites
Wow, would you look at that, another short story inspired by the amazing @creativepromptsforwriting . This one was too sweet to share. It’s set in the family au, where half of @pagesofcursive and my characters are adults, and the other half are kids fostered by said adults. Enjoy the fluff!
wc: 890
Summary: Kite shenanigans on a beautiful afternoon
“Just reel it out,” Juni coached, one of her hands holding the edge of the kite controls, the other hovering over Violetta’s as the kid slowly unspooled the rope. “That’s it, you’ve got it!” The words of encouragement drew out a joyful smile from Violetta, and the pair grinned up at the bedazzled purple kite together. 
A few paces away, another duo was having a little more trouble. “Not quite,” Bella corrected, her voice strained as she corrected Tora’s grip and the angle of the kite control. “Remember, you need to take the wind speed and angle into account.” 
Tora shuffled, unable to remain still. She looked bored to tears, but she still hung on to the kite. 
Noticing their plight, Juni called over, “Don’t forget what we talked about, Bella.” 
Bella furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before a look of understanding crossed her face. She took a deep breath, recalculating her approach. She twisted around to meet Tora’s gaze and asked, “You do want to be the best, right?” 
The bored expression on Tora’s face immediately switched to one of excitement, her eyes sparking like lightning. She bounced on the spot, losing her grip on the poorly decorated kite as she cheered animatedly, “Of course!” 
Bella lunged to catch the brightly decorated blue and white kite before the wind swept it away, breathing a sigh of relief as she secured her grip on the kite once more. “Then do exactly as I say,” she commanded. 
Tora tightened her grip on the returned kite and nodded seriously, her focus revitalized by the new inspiration. “Okay!” 
The pair sitting on the porch had no such troubles. Freddie’s kite glided in the middle of the pack. He and Dawn had picked out the kite together, but Violetta had been the one who insisted that it had to be decorated, generously donating one of her glittery stickers to their cause, though Freddie and Dawn accepted it reluctantly. Their kite flew well enough, keeping steady in the breeze. 
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Dawn asked, her voice a murmur so the others wouldn’t hear. Her hand rested on his shoulder, just causal enough to seem accidental to anyone watching them. 
Freddie shrugged, leaning back against her knee, keeping his gaze on their kite. Many would think that he was bored or apathetic, but Dawn could tell that he was having fun and taking in the moment. 
She chuckled, a fond smirk on her face. “Me too.” 
A sudden commotion rose up from the front yard as Zach broke free from Lynn’s grip, sprinting across the front yard with his kite string in hand. “No, no, no, no!” Lynn called desperately, chasing after him, but she was too late to stop Zach from accidentally crossing kite strings with Aster. “Sorry!” 
The black and silver kite that belonged to Aster and Nyx had tangled and crash-landed with the obnoxiously glittery, electric blue kite that Zach had picked out. Lynn scooped up Zach to prevent him from causing further mischief, and Nyx just laughed. “It’s all good,” she said, attempting to untangle their kites. “I know you have a handful there. It was inevitable.” 
“Yes, but that’s the fourth time this has happened,” Lynn complained. She lowered Zach to the ground, and Nyx handed him his kite, smiling as she returned to Aster. Lynn crossed her arms, exasperated. “Zach, don’t you want your kite to fly higher than Tora’s?” 
“Not really,” Zach replied cheerily, waving the kite around in front of his face. “I just want it to fly!” 
“But you can’t do that when you keep running it into other kites!” Lynn explained, trying to find his logic, if he had any to begin with. 
He watched as Aster’s kite returned to the air. “But half the fun is getting it up there!” Zach pointed up at the sky, and then grunted as he locked his gaze on the sun. He fell backward onto the warm grass. 
Lynn chuckled fondly as she helped him back up. “Okay, well I don’t think I’m as good as Bella at maneuvering kites, but I can help you with that.” 
His brow wrinkled at the big word, and he tried to sound it out. “Manu- moo-vring?” 
She smiled. “We can even run along the street to get it moving,” she said, knowing that Zach would love that idea. 
And, indeed, his face lit up, and he bounced up and down at the mention of running. “Really?” he exclaimed. 
“Really,” Lynn confirmed. “Just on the path, though, not on the road.” 
“Yay!” Zach cheered, and he took off running, making a beeline towards the road. Unfortunately for both of them, he seemed to be on the perfect trajectory to crash into a parked car, and his eyes were fixed on the kite. 
“Hang on!” she yelled, dashing after him. “Zach, wait!” 
The entire group laughed as she desperately chased after the small boy, steering him away from any obstacles. As the day went on, the kites soared through the air, dipping and twisting against the bright blue sky. When the breeze finally died, the kids tucked their kites beneath their arms, and everyone trooped inside for food as rumbling bellies and complaining mouths grew in volume. Another perfect afternoon was over, but there would be more fun and laughter over dinner. 
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hadestownmodern · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Persephone
...hey y’all I wrote this literally July 8th 2020 <3 And I was saving it for now, because in this au, Persephone’s birthday was always the first day of spring. 
Happy First Day of Spring, y’all.
“Happy Birthday, Persephone.” The words are like velvet on her ears as they roll off her husbands tongue, as she is given permission to open her eyes and take in the site before her.
“Honey I-...” She breathes in sharply through her nose as she looks at the glass windows before her. They are covered in a light brown dust, covered in finger prints, the welcome mat well worn. She cannot see the awning, or the neon sign announcing the name of the shop, but it is a familiar building. Not far from her home, her daughter’s school, or her husbands work, she has passed it a couple hundred times in her life, though it never really stood out as anything spectacular. “Where...are we?”
“Well.” He starts to remove his coat, and with a hand on the small of her back leads her backwards towards the other side of the road so that she can take in the scope of the building before her. “Sometime, oh, probably twenty five years ago, you asked me if I could have been a chef, would I have been? No, you know that. But then I asked you, too, what you would do if you could do anything. And it was a flower shop, remember? It was open a flower shop with your mom.”  His other hand rests on her cheek, directing her attention up. “You wanted a flower shop so that you could be with your mom. And have time to be around for our family. Well. Time and fate have been funny to us, haven’t they?  But..it isn’t too late for that, is it? Junie’s almost nine…” He lifts her chin so that her eyes can catch on the neon sign above them, in the brilliant neon pink stands her name, in a flourished cursive.
“You can change the name, if you’d want to. But.. it does belong to you. It’s not far from home, and Junie could walk here after school. And I know it’s important to you to be there to help Eurydice and Orpheus, and this isn’t far from them at all..”
His nervous rambling is cut off by her lips on his, her arms thrown over his shoulders tightly. She pulls away, tears streaming down her face and taking her mascara with them. “You bought me a store?”
“We, of all people, have been reminded how short life is. So why not do what you want to do with that life, right?” It wasn’t advice he was likely to take himself, but with his hands holding his wife’s face, he knew the meaning of the words went beyond career.
She’s beaming in his arms, burying her face into his chest as she laughs, happy, joyful tears running down her face. “Thank you, love.”
“Anything for you, Seph.” Hades murmurs, leaning his head ontop of hers, before rubbing her upper arm comfortingly. “Go ahead. Go inside, tell me what you think.” He encourages before gesturing inside with a nod of his head. “I think you’ll like it.”
Persephone grins and turns to go in, pulling him closely behind her. He hands her a key, one that has been painted white with ornate, colorful flowers covering the face, that is connected to a keychain of a photo of her, her mother, and their daughter taken in a garden nearly eight years prior. She’s shaking as she unlocks the door, adrenaline making it hard to steady her hand. She’s knocked off guard when the glass door pushes open and the voices of her family greet her.
Surprise comes from the voice of her mother and daughter, who are standing near a display of lillies blossoming in half a dozen colors, identical smiles on their faces. Junie bounds up to her, hugging around her middle before Persephone can take in the next group.
Surprise comes from Hermes, who is standing next to light blue hydrangeas, leaning on the wooden display that says the name of the plant in beautiful script she recognizes as her mother’s.
Surprise comes from Orpheus and Eurydice, surrounded by brilliant, blood red carnations, and their three young daughters, who all beam at her with all the admiration in the world.
Surprise, comes from her family.
“What are you all- how did these get here?” Persephone asks, hands gently combing through Junie’s tight ringlet curls as she embraces her. “These plants, where did you-”
“It’s all your husband,” Demeter admits, approaching her daughter to hug her. “Well, his idea. We’ve been working on the flowers for months but..it was all his idea. I told him it was impossible to get blooming lilies this early, and he insisted he would do it. I didn’t think he’d pull it off.” Demeter kisses Persephone’s cheek, cradling her face in her hands. “We have a lot more coming in this week..but we wanted something here for now… and I think we did a pretty good job. All from local or family owned vendors too. I hate to admit it, but i’m impressed.”
Hades shakes his head playfully as he goes off to talk with Hermes, various conversations about the best companies to use to light the place and provide water lost in the excitement of the room.
Eurydice and Orpheus are next to talk with Persephone, ushering their small herd of little girls with them. Melody and Aria are first, hugging Persephone around her legs, looking up at her with bright, innocent eyes.
“Aria’s very excited for your flowers, Seph.” Orpheus announces, leaning in to hug his pseudo mother while holding one and a half year old Lyra up right. “She can’t wait to color them.”
“I want to organize them,” Melody announces, already running off to join Junie in playing next to the Hydrangeas Hermes had guarded earlier.
“How did you all keep this from me?” Persephone asks, taking little Lyra on to her hip to kiss her little cheek. “How long have you known?”
“Since christmas.” Orpheus admits, wrapping both newly free arms around his wife’s shoulders. “We couldn’t tell you… hades and Amma never would have forgiven us for ruining this.”
“And, besides, you just think when we’re being secretive it’s another baby.” Eurydice teases, reaching out to hug Persephone tightly. “Thank you, Seph. For all you’ve done for all of us. You’ve raised us all, really. You deserve something for you. You deserve to be celebrated. We all love you.”
“Just don’t go stealing my best worker.” Hermes calls out, approaching Persephone with a full champagne glass in his hand, which he quickly deposits in hers. “You can have the singer, I want to keep the girl.” He teases his sister, looking between Orpheus and Eurydice .”Really, we should probably separate them, don’t you think?”
Hermes clears his throat, looking around the room full of their family. He drapes his arms over Persephone’s shoulders as he raises the other champagne glass in his hand. “To Persephone.”
“To Persephone”
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angelikasgerman · 1 year
Improve your German in June 2023
Welcome to another month of the German Action for Happiness Calendars. As before, you can if you wish also print out a PDF version. And if you want or need to, you can see it here in English, where you also find further foreign languages. Use the following sentences as a German reading and translation exercise and then act on them. This month’s theme: Joyful June – freudiger Juni Happier –…
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sarasastra · 4 years
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Barangkali bahasa cinta setiap keluarga itu memang berbeda-beda. Ada iklim keluarga yang akrab dan hangat, di mana hubungan anak dan orangtua begitu dekat dan bersahabat. Ada juga keluarga yang terkesan biasa² saja, namun laku dan tindak anak maupun orangtuanya mengisyaratkan bahwa cinta mereka terpancar melalui aktivitas "pelayanan", melalui bakti, melalui sikap dan dukungan.
Saya jadi ingat seorang lelaki tua asal Makasar yang mengaku bisa membaca pikiranku pernah mengatakan, "saya tau cita² besarmu. Mulia sekali, sungguh. Kamu ingin membahagiakan kedua orangtuamu. Iya atau bukan?" Saya terdiam, heran. Bagaimana bisa ia tahu?
Ah, bisa jadi memang secara umum semua anak pasti menginginkan orangtuanya bahagia. Ini logis. Bukan tebak²an. Tapi, saya jadi berpikir lebih lanjut, dalam bentuk seperti apakah kita atau bahkan saya bisa membahagiakan kedua orangtua saya?
Sedari dulu orangtua saya tak pernah sama sekali menuntut saya untuk jadi juara kelas, untuk rajin belajar, untuk masuk kampus ternama, untuk jadi mahasiswa berprestasi, untuk segera menikah, untuk memiliki pekerjaan, bahkan untuk apapun.
Bahasa cinta mereka adalah sebuah kepercayaan dan keleluasaan untukku menjalani hidup. Barangkali satu atau dua hal seringkali saya khilaf. Saya khilaf untuk "kembali" pada mereka ketika saya menemui jalan buntu. Bahkan ketika saya kebingungan menentukan arah.
Saya masih jadi anak pemalu yang tak mau kelihatan nangis didepan bapak-ibu. Saya anak sok kuat yang cukup memberikan kabar baik pada mereka, biar yang buruk-buruknya saya telan sendiri saja. Padahal, bisa jadi selama ini mereka menunggu.
Menunggu untukku bercerita. Menungguku untuk berkeluh kesah. Menungguku untuk bertanya banyak hal soal hidup. Seperti bapak yang dulu mengutarakan merasa lega ketika saya sedang stress²nya kuliah dan saya mulai mengeluh ke bapak. Saya kaget, bapak malah senang ketika saya ngeluh ke beliau.
Seringkali kita terlalu memandang remeh urusan ini—menganggap orangtua tak akan mengerti permasalahan hidup kita atau apapun yang sedang kita hadapi. Padahal, bisa jadi mereka hanya ingin & butuh "dilibatkan". Karena sejatinya mereka merupakan guru/mentor hidup kita. :")
Bandung, 16 Juni 2020 | 20:05 WIB
Foto diambil di Cafe Joyful, Shizuoka-Japan.
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