#Joe M. Turner
scottwellsmagic · 2 years
702: FISM Quebec 2022 - Day Six Report
Saturday July 30th 2022
8:15-11:00 - Stage Contest
8:00 - 9:00: Ekaterina Dobrokhotov
9:00 - 10:00: Michael Ammar
10:00 - 11:00: Eric Jones
11:30 - 12:30: Max Maven presents Erika Larsen: The Story of the Magic Castle
12:00 - 13:00: Miguel Munoz
13:00 - 15:00: Raphaël Navarro and Valentine Losseau
14:00 - 15:00: Julie Eng
16:00 - 18:00: The Winners Gala
18:30 - 19:30: Alexandra Duvivier
19:30 - 20:30: Special Lecture - Luis Piedrahita
21:00 - 23:00: Awards Gala
Stage Illusion
1. Yunke - Spain - 2. Doble Mandoble - Belgium 
Card magic
1. Markobi - France -
2. Pere Rafart - Spain 
3. Erik Tate - U.S.
Micro magic 
1 Luis Olmedo- Spain -  tie with Simon Coronel- U.A. Micro magic
2 Jacob Schenstrom - Sweden
3. Mr. Triton - France 
Parlour magic
1. Shoot Ogawa - U.S. -
2.Javi Rufo - Spain and Vincent - Australia 
3.  Jonio - Japan 
Mental magic
1. Anca & Lucca - Austria -
2. Rob & Emiel - Netherlands 
3. Magic Larry - Argentina and Andrea Rizzolini - Italy 
1. Junwoo Park - Japan -  tie with And Artem Shchukin - Russia
2. Eden - Korea 
3. Francesco Della Bona- Italy 
Comedy magic
1. Mortenn Christiansen - Denmark -
2. Ramo & Alegria - Spain 
3. Marie Helene - France 
General magic
1. Laurent Piron - Belgium
2. Ding Yang - China 
3. Zhu MingHu - China 
Close up most original act- 
Gleb - Lithuania - 
Close up Invention award - 
Martin Eisele - Germany and Daniel Mormona - Argentina - 
Stage magic - most original act - 
Ding Yang - China 
Stage magic - invention - 
Ramo & Alegria - Spain and HJ - Taiwan and Zhu Mingzhu - China - 
Special Awards Presented by Max Maven
Creativity & artistic vision - Special Awards - Topas - 
 History, Research & Scholarship     Richard Kaufman -  
 Theory & Philosophy      Dani DaOrtiz -
Close-up Grand Prix - Simon Coronel - U.S.
Stage magic Grand Prix - Laurent Piron - Belgium 
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:16 -
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cinemagifmaker · 2 years
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Atonement (2007) Dir. Joe Wright
Costume design by Jacqueline Durran
[requested by anon -> will make a bigger post on this soon]
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bitterkarella · 8 months
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
Poe: joanne you don't need to bring him here Poe: like, you really don't Rowling: he hass thingsss to sssay and you're ALL going to hear them Poe: this is really kind of off topic for us here Rowling: EVERYONE will hear them
Rowling: ssssee, yearsss ago i disssmisssed graham lineham'ssss babble as the bad opticsss ravingsss of a lunatic Rowling: but now that the overton window hass sshifted Rowling: i'm proud to sssay thessse bad opticsss ravingsss are quite good actually!
Rowling: go ahead, graham, tell them what you told me Lineham: trans people produce no great films, no music, no art Lineham: they're incapable of doing this basic human thing because they're subhuman Lineham: untermensch, if you will Rowling: isssn't he great?
Lineham: trans books are always universally panned because of their incoherence Billy Martin: Hailey Piper: Eve Harms: Gretchen Felker-Martin: Joe Koch: M. Lopes da Silva: Arden Powell: Lor Gislason: Julya Oui: LC von Hessen: GE Woods: Michelle Belanger: Rain Corbyn: SA Chant:
FT Catulla: Viktor Athelstan: Meagan Hotz: Ziggy Schutz: Rose Sable: WN Derring-Judith: Charles Maria Tor: Devaki Devay: Dayna Ingram: Ori Jay: Ai Burton: Gabriel Valentine: Cosmin-Mihai Birsan: Jei D Marcade: Rhiannon Rasmussen: Max Turner: Taylor J Pitts: Vincent Endwell:
Bri Crozier: Theo Hendrie: Derek des Anges: Briar Ripley Page: Winter Holmes: gaast: Maya Deane: Charles-Elizabeth Boyles: Layne van Rensburg: Amanda M Blake: May Leitz: Alison Rumfitt: Rivers Solomon: Lillian Boyd: Torrey Peters: Taliesin Neith: Daniel M. Lavery: Joss Lake: Aubrey Wood: Jonah Wu:
Daphne du Maurier: Patricia Highsmith: Franz Kafka: Kafka: wait Kafka: why did the camera pan to me
Barker: oh you know why haha Poe: clive Kafka: why Kafka: [hugging blåhaj] i don't know what you mean
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romancingdaffodils · 8 months
Love Kills.
part 1
bassist!rockstar!remus lupin x roadie!reader
In which one of your closest friends happens to be Sirius Black, who is also the drummer in the infamous punk band: The Marauders. You’ve met Remus Lupin twice before the tour begins and you found yourself quite enthralled with him. The more time you spend, the greater the need is.
warnings : mention of drinking, and that’s about it. gender neutral reader with a small understanding of drums and stuff :333
title stolen from Love Kills - Joe Strummer
hiii i know you missed me
i’d like to give a special thanks to @alegsy for all his help on this one. and if you like Alex turner go check out @joepublicspeakings :33. Seriously Al thank you much for helping me out with all the roadie tech stuff and ideas and punk music too it really means a lot and i love you sooooo much. thank u smsm
ps pls ignore that matt plays electric and not bass it’s not my fault i love him so much
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Sirius Black was by far the most interesting man you've ever met. He was also the reason you were stood with your hands clasped tightly around the handles of two stuffed bags.
"C'mooon, you know me, it'll be fun! You like the music, know the tech, got the skills nailed. You're the perfect roadie, join us." Sirius begged, following you around the bar. You frowned at him. Unfortunately for the raven haired man, you liked your job, which meant it took a lot more convincing to get you onside.
"Sleeping in a glorified caravan for god knows how many days doesn't exactly seem like my idea of fun! Plus, Sirius, I only really know James. Met the other lanky one, what, twice? Don't know the last guys name! It's not fair." you argued, crossing your arms and glaring at him. You had included a small white lie in the fact Remus Lupin was not known as the lanky one in your mind - you were familiar with the version of him that haunted your daydreams. He pouted at you. Yes, the fully grown man pouted at you.
"It pays well-ish! It'll get you in with the industry and it's months with your favourite person, ever. Me! On top of that, it's not a glorified caravan, we invested this year so shut your trap." he whined, giving his best puppy dog eyes.
"Right, fine, maybe. I'll, consider it. And, never ever say 'shut your trap' again. You're a daft twat, you know that?" you caved. He grinned.
"So that's a yes! And I'll do you the favour of assuming you're just trying to keep me humble." he grinned once again. Mentally, you smashed your head through a glass pane. What had you gotten yourself into?
“Nice shirt.” a voice spoke from beside you, giving you a small smile. You smiled back. The lanky one - Remus Lupin, you reminded yourself. Not that you needed much reminding; the honey eyed man stuck firmly in your brain.
“Thanks, didn’t know you liked Bowie. Thought all the punk stuff would be more for you.” you joked, peering up at him. He scoffed, as though your statement was the most insane thing he’d heard.
“Can still like the ‘punk stuff’ and Bowie. Plus, he’s a genius. Done every style and more, like.” he replied, some sort of northern accent coming in thick and fast. He was different to Sirius in many ways and you took comfort in it. Even though, at times, Remus was a tad bit mean. But, not really to you. The three times (including now) you’d met him he’d been quite lovely. Sirius had chewed your ear off about that.
“It took me years to get a grin out of him! And you do it straight away? It’s so not fair!” he whined, leaning against the counter of the pub’s bar.
“You’ll recover, posho, promise.” you said, giggling to yourself at his heartbreak.
“Yeah, suppose you’re right. Nice to see you again, by the way. It’s been a while. ‘m excited for the tour and stuff.” you said, deciding that changing the subject might suit you better.
“Me too, can’t believe Sirius actually got you on as a roadie. Did he physically fight you for it? Last time we asked you were dead set against it.” he gestured for you to walk beside him as he spoke. He was holding his bags in one hand and his bass case in the other. He made short work of putting everything bar his bag of necessities into the storage bin. Then, quickly took your own off of you, shoving them into the storage of the bus. He didn’t seem to mind doing the heavy lifting for you.
“He harassed me, a lot. At work. A lot. It’s fine though, I think I’ll enjoy it if I’m honest. If all else fails at least I’ll get contacts and friends out of it, yeah?” Remus snickered. He smiled down at you as he closed up the storage compartment.
“I’ve been telling myself that for the past, what? Decade? Trust me, he entices you in, you’re trapped now. Failed plenty of times and don’t think I’ve gained much - apart from wanting to bash all three of their heads in. On multiple occasions.” you giggle; he smiles.
“Ah well, just promise me you won’t let me kill anyone then. I’ll do the same for you.” you said, holding out your pinky for him to close the promise. It was childlike and somewhat immature, sure, but it locked the deal closed. Wrapping his pinky around yours, Remus silently agreed to your proposition.
“It’s nice to meet you— Jesus Christ! You’re lanky. Sorry. That was mean. Remus, right?! I’m the one Sirius told you about.” you shouted over the blaring music. Submission by the Sex Pistols was causing the entire room to shake and was rocking you to your core.
“Yeah. I know you. Been trying to keep up with Pads, by chance?” Remus chuckled down at you, assuming you weren’t always this dishevelled.
“Always. Thought I could out drink him, you know, for a posh boy, the lad can drink.” he smiled.
“Perks of going to a boarding school. Mix with all sorts of people, it was good for him.” you smiled.
The night seemed to fly by and you couldn’t keep yourself away from Remus. Flocking to him like a moth to a flame, your cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much. Thankfully, the incomprehensible amount of vodka you had consumed helped dull the pain.
“Can’t believe we haven’t met before.” you purred, peering up at him.
“Neither. Pads is cruel, keeps all his best friends to himself. Didn’t know there was anyone else on the planet who actively enjoyed The Clash and Dostoyevsky.” he responded, bringing a green tinted glass bottle to his lips.
“Let me try it.” you demanded, holding out your hand.
“You don’t like beer.” he said, giving you a small grin.
“Wanna try, it might be different.”
“Oh, yeah? All the beers you’ve had in your life and this one just might be different.” despite his teasing, he offered you the bottle. It did in fact not taste any different. It still tasted like piss.
“Nah, still rank.”
“Shame, that, really.”
You grinned. He smirked.
The tour bus was now filled. The four key members of the band: James, Sirius, Remus and Pete, who you’d finally remembered the name of and the rest of the members of your new team. Oh! And the support band, who you kept forgetting about, The Valkyries. Lovely girls, all of them. It tickled you somewhat that James and Lily were in rival bands. And, that some how they’d persuaded the rivals to support them. The roadies with you had mostly known the Marauders since school, which inevitably led to you feeling like an outcast. It really struck home as they were all discussing stories from their youth. The road was a relentless treadmill of travel and you were provided no solace. Until a small voice called your name.
“You busy?” Remus asked, poking his head into your bunk.
“Trying to be.” you joked, smiling over at him. He looked ridiculously oversized compared to the glorified caravan.
“Don’t think you aren’t welcome. They’re lovely. Sit up a bit, will you? My knees are killing I need to sit down.” you sat up, as he instructed. He sat on the bunk opposite yours, you faced him directly. It was a little scary- his ability to practically read your mind.
“I’m sure they are, just having second thoughts, as always. Dunno, you lot all went to school together. So, just a bit of an outcast, yanno?” you whispered, emphasising this was for Remus’s ears only. He nodded his head, and then began to shake it.
“Y’not an outcast. Promise. They’ll all love you once they get to know you. Like Pads does, poor fucker can’t leave you alone.” you laughed; he smiled. It wasn’t a sympathetic smile; it was genuine.
“I love Sirius too. Best friend you could ask for, really. It’s just such a shame he’s such a slag.” you joked. Remus laughed.
“Really is. How’ve you been since the incident?”
Remus’s hand was acting as a makeshift bobble as you threw up into the bar toilet. His other hand was rubbing small circles into your back.
“I hate him! I hate how much he can drink and- I hate this stupid bar.” you whined, in between sobs. Throwing up always made you cry.
“Shhh, yeah, I know. Come on, let it all out. Y’don’t need to cry, sweetheart, you’re fine. Just have to let it all out.” he cooed, still rubbing your back. God knows how you’d ended up exclusively talking to Remus the whole night and somehow still trying to out drink Sirius. You’d been fucked when the taller of the two showed up and now you were completely gone.
“This is so embarrassing. Sorry, I feel awful.” you threw up again after that.
“Got nothing to feel sorry about. Listen, been there done that with Sirius. Learnt my lesson the hard way too, plus I’m taller than you. Takes a lot more to get me drunk, yeah? He’s just insane. Don’t worry about it.” he comforted, not at all bothered by your sickness. Giving him a dopey smile, you were eternally grateful - even in your drunken state - that it was Remus you had befriended that night.
“Thank you, tell you what, I’ll do you a deal.” Remus nodded “Pinky promise if you ever get plastered I’ll do the same for you”. Holding out his pinky, Remus tilted his head at you. You locked pinkies with him for the first time (and most definitely not the last time).
“Good deal. Do you think we should get you home? Are you close? I’ll walk you if you are.” he offered, wrapping an arm around you to pull you up.
“Yeh, like ten minutes. Thank you, Remus, really. Bet you’re glad it’s me and not you, huh?” you joked, trying to add light to the situation. Leaning into him, you were relying solely on him to stay upright.
“Nah, know you’d do the same for me. Pinky promised it, didn’t you? And, it’s no problem. Think we’re going to be good friends.”
“Don’t bring that up around me. I’m still so embarrassed.” you complained, burying your head into your hands. Chuckling, Remus shook his head.
“Could’ve been worse, you could’ve declared your undying, unrelenting and pure love for Lily, whilst stood on top of the bar and using an empty vodka bottle as a microphone for the announcement. Poor Lils never recovered.” You lifted your head to give him the loudest laugh ever.
“They’re sooo cute. It’s upsetting.” you said, lying back down in your bunk. Remus watched your every move, subconsciously. “Oh, you said your knees were hurting. You get pains? Arthritis? My mum gets that in her knees, she just keeps moving, but I think it’s making it worse.” you rambled, turning your head to face him.
“Oh, yeah, just chronic pains, really. Just try and rest as often as possible.” he explained, stretching out his legs across the two bunks. His legs fell atop your own, now creating a bridge between the gap in the bunks. You smiled over at him.
“Must suck, huh? Well, let me know if I can help. Tour isn’t really resting.” you offered, giving him a big smile.
“Yeah, thank you, speaking of tour we aren’t far off Glasgow now.” he stated, peering out the window and then down at his watch.
“I’m ecstatic.” you stated sarcastically as your stomach twisted with nerves. Telling you not to worry, the sandy haired man gave you a smile that only made your stomach twist further.
The venue was a shit hole. A complete and utter shit hole. The ceiling had a badly patched up leak, which had almost destroyed Pete’s copy of the setlist. The reason Sirius had been so desperate to get you on his staff was because you specialised in drums - his instrument, of course. You’d managed to get everything set up relatively quickly. Carefully, you began to tighten the cymbals, listening for the correct pitch and length of the ring. Humming as you worked, you stopped every so often to admire the work of the rest of the team. Frank, who specialised in strings, was particularly impressive. He had finished up rather quickly and moved on to help his girlfriend, Alice, with getting everything ready for vocals. It seemed everyone here, but you had the perfect relationship. James and Lily were a lifetimes worth supply food for the green eyed monster. Frank and Alice were just as cute, but less well known as they weren’t in the limelight.
“All good?” he shouted over at you. You gave him a thumbs up and smiled over at Alice, who was fighting with some duct tape and a wire. Everything was all good for you, at the moment.
Finally, you finished up the final checks and placed a backup pair of sticks beside Sirius’s chair. It was then onto sound checks, all went well. You actually really quite liked the Marauders music. With inspiration from bands like The Clash and The Jam it’s hard to make a bad sound. He was weird in that he’d always carry around his sticks before the show, believing it would bring him good luck. In fact, in the first show you found out all the boys weird pre-show rituals. Pete laid down on the couch and threw chocolate raisins into his mouth. James clung onto Lily ever so slightly more than usual and insisted on drinking a shot of olive oil. As the lead singer he swore upon it for lubricating the vocal cords. You nearly gagged when you watched him do it. Whereas, Remus sat outside, cigarette in one hand and a cadburys chocolate bar in the other.
Trying to escape the rest of the boys, you ended up going outside and bumping into Remus during this. Quenching your thirst for normality, you couldn’t help your next actions. “Oh, sorry, hope I’m not interrupting.” you stated, giving him a small smile as you gravitated towards him.
“Nah, take it you saw James’s shot?” he said, before taking a long drag from the cigarette. Wincing, you looked at him with pure disgust in your eyes. “No I get it, can’t be around him when he does it either. Makes my jitters worse.”
“Christ, you don’t look nervous at all. Good poker face. Your sound check was really incredible though. James performs like Joe Strummer, it’s funny. You’re good, really fit the part of Paul, huh?” there was an unspoken message behind fitting the part of Paul. The bassist of the Clash and the so called good looking one of the group (as stated by their drummer, Topper). You thought the same about Remus.
“You calling us Clash tributes? Also, he humps less than Joe.” You laughed. Full force laughter left your lungs as you keeled over in genuine disbelief. Snickering, Remus looked down at you, a little scared you’d collapse on the floor and knock yourself out. You went to speak, but the words were drowned out in laughter. “That tickled you, dinnit?” he mumbled, dropping his cigarette and crushing it below his foot. The shout of ‘Five minutes till you’re on!’ snapped you out of your laughter. Grinning up at Remus, you tilted your head.
“Break a leg!”
“It’s not the theatre.”
“Oh, good luck.”
“Thank you.” he replied, smirking down at you. He pushed the final piece of his chocolate bar into your hand before walking inside for the ‘team talk’. Time seemed to move at the speed of light whenever the lanky man was around. You found yourself completely lost in everything about him. Seriously, you couldn’t believe how long Sirius had deprived you of this perfect man.
Frank had told you whilst you were setting up that the band always had a talk before going on stage. The talk often consisted of: “James don’t cry and don’t fuck up” from Sirius and Remus; “Dodge bottles, whatever you do don’t get hit please you’ll look stupid.” as the general message to the whole band and “Jump around”, which was mostly directed to Peter and Remus. Frank had also warned you about the dangers that came from within the crowd. Police. Famously, punk music was viewed as being quite aggressive; it ended up being the roadies job to make sure fighting and dancing could be differentiated. Sirius hadn’t told you about that part whilst advertising the job. However, now wasn’t the time to take offence.
Erupting like a volcano, the crowd filled the rotting venue with noise. You watched the boys sprint on stage. All leather and tight fitting trousers.
James really did look like Joe Strummer when he performed and Remus was right about his comparison too. Sirius looked truly ecstatic whenever he performed and the energy brought about by the show pulled Peter from his shell. And Remus, oh, Remus. He was entirely perfect.
Catching yourself, you blinked and shook your head. You’d met this man three times, including the current interactions and here you were, fawning over him. Sure, it’d get you in a little bit of trouble, but what harm is a crush. Right? Not much harm compared to glass bottles and punk rockers. Oh, and a leak in the ceiling with wires messily taped to the floor.
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alliwannnabe · 8 months
back online & looking for writing partners!
I'm a female (25+) seeking likeminded role players who are available and excited to write! I am most familiar with tumblr and discord, but am open to other apps if it makes sense. Please reach out if the below seems interesting, or like it, and I will message you. 🥰
Age Requirements: Please be 21+ and behave as such, or else I will block you. I'm not here for immaturity, I'm here for a fun (&safe!) time.
Writing: Please be incredibly literate (with english as your main language). I enjoy getting detailed and usually respond in 3-4 paragraphs.
Pairings: Seeking m/f or f/f - I am open to writing as either sex. I love original characters and cannons.
Themes: I'd like to build out a proper 1x1 storyline with our characters that allow for room to grow. I am smut & kink friendly, as long as it fits into the plot. All smut is boring, give me that slow burn. ♥️
Ideas: Please stalk my blog for some of my favorite muses and plots that I am interested in. I will probably stalk you too! Let's put our brains together, meet each other half way and build something fun.
Muse Shortlist: Nicholas Galitzine, Jacob Elordi, Austin Butler, Sophie Turner, Joe Keery, Suki Waterhouse, Harry Styles, Cara Delevinge, Dylan O’Brien, Riley Keough, Matt Bomer, Ariana Grande
Wanted Plots
Wanted Muses
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louisrarepairfest · 2 months
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— Pairings —
[Feel free to submit a possible rare pair you would like to read or write that you don't see on the list here]
🫐 Poly pairings are allowed.
🫐 Writers can sign up for any Louis rare pair pairing on the list or one of their own choosing.
🫐 Multiple writers can write the same pairing.
⬇️ Possible pairings below ⬇️
Louis/Nick Grimshaw
Louis/Nick Grimshaw/Harry
Louis/Original Character
Louis/Luke Malak
Louis/Michael Blackwell
Louis/Greg James
Louis/Charlie Lightening
Louis/Angus O'Loughlin (aka the Australian interviewer from 2014)
Louis/Lando Norris
Louis/Dominic Calvert-Lewin (soccer player Harry Lambert is styling)
Louis/Taylor Swift (f/f, m/m, m/f)
Louis/either Gallagher brother
Louis/Billie Joe Armstrong
Louis/Sunroom band
Louis/Ian McKellan
Louis/Cillian Murphy
Louis/Brie Larson
Louis/Alex Gaskarth
Louis/Vincent Rodriguez III
Louis/Oscar Isaac
Louis/Matt Bomer
Louis/Harry Potter
Louis/Danny Zuko
Louis/The Derry Girls cast (f/f)
Louis/David Bowie
Louis/Matt Dinnadge
Louis/Andrew Garfield
Louis/Rob Pattinson
Louis/Sebastian Stan
Louis/Sam Claflin
Louis/Michael B. Jordan
Louis/David Dawson
Louis/Pedro Pascal
Louis/Alex Turner
Louis/Frank Ocean
Louis/Tom Holland
Louis/Isaac Anderson
Louis/Jacob Elordi
Louis/Peso Pluma
Louis/James McAvoy
Louis/Jude Law
Louis/Logan Lerman
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thevioletcaptain · 9 months
I have my first class in the writer's program today!
It's just a short, free, single day seminar that isn't for credit, but seeing as it's been so long since I went to university I decided it would be a good way to ease back into things before my actual graded classes start next month.
I know I already posted a thank you to everyone who chipped in, shared my fundraising post, or messaged me with encouragement a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to add a class to my schedule, but I just wanted to say it again:
Thank youuuu 💚
I really can't overstate how much it meant to me. Beyond just helping me scrape the cash together in time to enrol in the extra class, just seeing your kind words about my writing gave a huge boost to my creative energy.
Because of that... I posted two >10k oneshots and completed one long-standing WIP yesterday. And I've got more that I'm hoping to post in the next few days. I'll make actual rebloggable promos for each of the things tonight after I get back from the class, and I'm going to go in and edit the older chapters of the longfic soon, seeing as I wrote them... uh... nine years ago.
In the meantime, you can find the fics here:
Humble (formerly titled "Risen") Rule!63 DeanCas Pastry Chef AU | 38k | E
When she hangs the help wanted sign in the front window of her cafe, the last thing Deanna expects is to end up employing an inexperienced, socially inept ex-actuary as her new pastry chef. Or maybe that's the second-last thing. She absolutely doesn't expect to fall head over heels.
Frisky Business Established Relationship Casefic with a side of Dom!Cas | 13k | E
In which Cas makes an observation, and Dean's just along for the ride.
Kind of a Buddy of Mine Canonverse Crack Treated Seriously | 14k | M
It’s been sixty-five days since they left Alliance, and Cas is still seven inches tall. He's the one thing that Jesse Turner didn't put back to normal before he took off for greener pastures, and Dean figures he's holding a grudge. On some level, he can’t really blame him. Cas did try to kill the kid, after all. Still, it does seem kinda harsh to have left Cas looking like G.I. Joe’s Corporate Cousin for the rest of forever. With the apocalypse looming, Dean is determined to find a solution.
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Name Meanings/Etymologies of Devil May Cry Characters
Classic Devil May Cry Canon A: Agnus - lamb Alice - noble, of nobility Alex Lowell - to defend, to protect | young wolf Alyssa Martin - rational, noble | warlike, of Mars, warrior Amanda - worthy to be loved Angelina Hagel - messenger of god | farm Arius - warlike, devoted to Ares Arkham - happy
B: Beryl - colour of the sea Bobby - bright fame, shining glory Butler - servant in charge of the wine cellar
C: Carlo - man, free man Cindy - light Chen the Cannibal - dawn, morning, great, tremendous Christopher Lowell - bearer of Christ | young wolf Claude - lame, disabled Credo - I believe
D: Dante - enduring, steadfast, lasting Ducas - leader, to guide, general
E: Elena Huston - bright, shining light | hugh's town, settlement on the hill Elise - oath of God, God is satisfaction Ernest - serious, determined Enzo Ferino - home ruler | iron Eva - life, living one
F: Fredi - peaceful ruler
G: Gloria - glory Grue - shiver, shudder
I: Isaac - he will laugh
J: J.D. Morrison - son of the dark-skinned Jeffrey Turner - pledge of peace, district, traveler | lathe worker Jessica - to see before, god beholds, to behold Joe - he will add Julio - youthful, youth, downy bearded
K: Kalina Ann - viburnum tree, to make red-hot | grace, mercy, favour Kerry Marcus - dark, dark-haired | warlike, dedicated to Mars Kyle - narrow, strait, channel Kyrie - lord
L: Lady - noble, bread kneader Lucia - light Lynn Marcus - lake | warlike, dedicated to Mars
M: "Mad Dog" Denvers - crazy, insane | canine | green valley Margaret - pearl Mary - bitter, beloved, drop of the sea Matier - friend, friendly Michel - who is like God Mike Hagel - who is like God | farm
N: Nell Goldstein - bright, shining light, weaver, merciful, god is my light | gold stone, touchstone Nero - black, strong, powerful Nesty - place to sit down, pure, chaste Nicoletta “Nico” Goldstein - victory of the people | gold stone, touchstone Nina Lowell - little girl | young wolf
P: Patty Lowell - noble, patrician | young wolf Patty Lowell (heiress) - noble, patrician | young wolf Paul - small, little, humble
R: Rock Goldstein - crag | gold stone, touchstone Roy Martin - king, red, redhead | warlike, of Mars, warrior
S: Sally - princess, noblewoman Santa Claus - saint, holy | victory of the people Sanctus - holy Simon - he has heard, flat-nosed Soldier “Crew Cut” - mercenary | short-length haircut Solemnis - annual, ceremonial, religiously fixed Sparda - sword, simple, frugal
T: Tiki - hope, waterfall, image Tim - to honour
V: V “Vitale” - Roman numeral for five | life giving, lively Vergil - flourishing Vincent - to conquer
X: χ (Chi) - christ, Greek numeral for six hundred
A: Abigail - father's joy Argosax - bright, shining Agni - fire, flame Artemis - butcher, safe
B: Bael - lord, master Balrog - demon of might Baul - snail, slow like a snail Beastheads - wild animal | top of body, leader, ruler Belphagor - lord of the gap, lord of the opening Beowulf - bee wolf, war wolf, bear Berial - worthless Bolverk - evildoer, worker of evil Bradley - broad meadow Brian Lowell - noble, high, hill, strong | young wolf
C: Cavaliere Angelo - knight, horseman, rider | messenger of god Cerberus - hound of the earth, black wolfhound, death-darkness
D: Dagon - grain, fish Demon of Capulet City - spirit | hat | citizen Demon of Morris Island - spirit | dark-skinned | watery land Director - to guide Doppelganger - double-goer, double-walker
E: Echidna - snake, viper Elder Geryon Knight - old | earth | boy, youth, servant
F: Freki - greedy, ravenous Frost - to freeze Furiataurus - fury of the bull, furious bull
G: Geri - rules with a spear, greedy Geryon - earth Gigapede - giant foot Gilgamesh - the ancestor is a hero Gilver - [ERROR 404: meaning of word not found]
Gilbert - bright pledge
Goliath - to uncover, reveal, running, destroyer Griffon - curved, bent
H: Hell Vanguard - to cover, conceal | before guard
I: Infested Chopper - to attack, hostile | helicopter Infested Tank - to attack, hostile | reservoir of water
J: Jester - reciter of romances, minstrel Jokatgulm - [ERROR 404: meaning of word not found]
K: King Cerberus - ruler | hound of the earth, black wolfhound, death-darkness
L: Leviathan - to twist, coiled
M: Machiavelli - bad little nail Mad Hatter - crazy, insane | maker of hoods, maker of cowls Malphas - mischief Modeus [Asmodeus] - wrathful spirit, demon of wrath Mundus - world
N: Nefascapitis - head of sin, head of violation of divine law Nefasturris - tower of sin, tower of violation of divine law Nefasvermis - worm of sin, worm of violation of divine law Nelo Angelo - black, strong, powerful | messenger of god Nevan - little saint, little holy one Nidhogg - malice striker Nightmare - a female demon suffocates sleepers Nina Lowell (demon) - little girl | young wolf Noctpteran - night wing
O: Orangguerra - war orangutan
P: Phantom - an apparition, specter Plesio - near, close Plutonian - relating to wealth, relating to riches Pride - brave, pomp, valiant Priest - one who leads cattle
Q: Qliphoth - husks, empty shells
R: Red Eye - airplane flight that deprives travelers of sleep, raw and inferior whiskey Rudra - howler, roarer, to cry
S: Sara - princess, noblewoman Secretary - one entrusted with secrets Sid - wide Sloth - indolence, slowness, laziness
T: Tartarussian - relating to a deep pit Tateobesu - vertical, length, height | fat, stout, plump The Savior - the one who saves others Trismagia - three magicians
U: Urizen - your reason, to limit
W: White Rabbit - bright, shine | young rabbit
Ninja Theory's DmC: Devil May Cry Canon
A:  Assiel - created by god
B: Bob Barbas - bright fame, shining glory | beard, uncle, stammering
D: Dante (DmC) - enduring, steadfast, lasting
E: Eva (DmC) - life, living one
H: Hollow Dante - empty place | enduring, steadfast, lasting Hollow Kat - empty place | pure, clear Hollow Vergil - empty place | flourishing Hunter - one who chases wild animals
K: Kat - pure, clear
L: Lilith - spirit of the night
M: Mundus (DmC) - world Mundus's Spawn - world | to spread out, expand
P: Phineas - mouth of brass, dark skinned, serpent's mouth
S: Sparda (DmC) - sword, simple, frugal Succubus - to lie beneath
V: Vergil (DmC) - flourishing
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addc10 · 2 years
Something About Every Player the USMNT is Bringing to the World Cup
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Matt Turner: definitely our starter for the upcoming World Cup. One of the best in terms of shot-stopping. 100% save percentage right now for Arsenal in the Europa League. Well deserved start.
Ethan Horvath: a fantastic back up for the USMNT. His save in the Nations League final against Mexico cemented him as a legend. Provides reliability if we are forced to turn to him.
Sean Johnson: a veteran presence for the national team, which is never a bad thing to have at the World Cup. Has been quite good for NYCFC this season and has been a part of a system that plays out of the back.
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Cameron Carter-Vickers: has been one of, if not the best, defender in the Scottish Premier League this season for Celtic. Absolutely deserving of his place and should be looked to as a starter in the back.
Tim Ream: a surprise inclusion for some USMNT followers, but certainly not undeserved. With Brooks and Richards out, Ream will be the best central defender on this roster. His age of 34 will both help and hinder his minutes, but expect him to be a starter at some point during the group stages.
Walker Zimmerman: currently playing for Nashville SC, he has consistently improved under club and country. A presence in both the air and on the ground, he makes a reliable back up for this roster.
Aaron Long: easily the most controversial inclusion for the defenders, ahead of other prospects like McKenzie or injured Richards and out-of-favor Brooks. But Long has played his career in systems built around pressing and while his current form might leave him out of the starting line up, he has been a staple of this team throughout qualifying.
Sergiño Dest: incredible talent that has at least been getting more consistent minutes since his move to Milan this past summer. A threat going forward, Dest’s chemistry with our starting wingers cannot be understated. Expect him to start at this World Cup.
Antonee Robinson: likely the USMNT’s most important defender due to his impact on both ends of the pitch. His speed is a great weapon on defense and he has been a mainstay at left-back for Fulham for several years.
Joe Scally: another absolute deserved inclusion. A 19-year old playing every game for Borussia Monchengladbach in the Bundesliga. Gladbach’s coach even praised him as their “player of the season” last year. Consistently overlooked in Europe, don’t be surprised if he gets the start over Dest.
DeAndre Yedlin: it cannot be understated how important his presence in the locker room will be. The only player on the roster who has been to a previous Word Cup. An electric youngster in 2014, he will be looked at as a level-headed leader in 2022.
Shaq Moore: the inclusion that surprised me the most, Moore had struggled in La Liga to find consistent minutes, but since moving to Nashville SC, he has been a top performer in the MLS. A sold back up for this roster.
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Brenden Aaronson: an absolute revelation of a player this year at Leeds. The biggest critique from club fans has been that the youngster occasionally tries too hard. An elite presser, Aaronson is best at playing the “pass before the pass” and an excellent creator of goal scoring chances.
Tyler Adams: a similar stand out for Leeds, Adams has been looking like one of the best defensive midfielders in Europe. Who I want to see wearing the USMNT captain armband, Adams is a leader on and off the pitch. Superb reader of the game.
Yunus Musah: a 19-year-old starter in La Liga, Musah has been instrumental to the USMNT’s game play. When Musah is not on the pitch, the team suffers. A true ball carrier, Musah is often where the USMNT’s attacks start.
Luca De La Torre: although questionable due to recent injury, USMNT fans let out a collective sigh of relief upon seeing De La Torre’s name. An essential back up for McKennie, De La Torre has decisively earned his spot on this roster.
Kellyn Acosta: going from Europe-Bound youngster to being dropped from the National Team and traded is tough to come back from and lesser players may have crumbled. But Acosta boards the flight to Qatar an MLS Cup Champion (with a stunning opening goal) and a well earned spot on the roster.
Weston McKennie: arguably one of the best players the US has ever produced, McKennie is a mainstay in Juventus’s midfield and often the only positive about many of their games. A personality that you need in your locker rooms and on the field, McKennie will look to be a stand-out performer at this Word Cup.
Christian Roldan: another controversial inclusion, but Roldan’s presence and tactical mindset can only benefit the US. While not expecting much playing time, Roldan is a coach in the making and his attitude will be instrumental in leading this young squad.
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Christian Pulisic: heralded as the greatest USMNT player, Pulisic will be looking to prove himself at the World Cup. But to most USMNT fans, he long since has. A leader in the team, his ability and skill will be imperative for US success.
Giovanni Reyna: for a while, it was doubtful Reyna could stay healthy enough to make this roster, and while it is still unlikely he will play a full 90 this tournament, Reyna is the difference maker you need at the World Cup. It may be controversial to say, but the most talented player on this roster.
Timothy Weah: a player with the potential to be our most dangerous player during any given game, a hard worker on and off the ball. Weah has the potential to change a game when he comes on the field and is often overlooked by the fan base.
Josh Sargent: a story of perseverance. Looking like one of our best strikers in the youth leagues, Sargent struggled in bad teams under bad management and went through a downturn in form that ended him in the Championship where he become a formidable player once again.
Jordan Morris: another controversial inclusion. Once on the precipice of a move to Europe, Morris found himself instead fighting back from a gruesome injury. To see him make a World Cup roster is a heartening. With tough completion ahead of him, it is unlikely he will see much of the field, but Morris is always a hard worker during his minutes.
Haji Wright: a surprise inclusion in this roster, Wright has just 3 caps for the USMNT, where he scored only 1 goal. However, Wright has found form this season in the Turkish League, being one of the top strikers, and his like-for-like replacement for Ferreira puts him ahead of others who were fighting for this position.
Jesus Ferreira: his work rate off the ball truly cemented his place on this roster. While it is a toss up with Sargent over who starts, you’re likely to see Ferreira at the 9 in most of the games. While he sometimes occupies space in which our wingers like to develop, he is a worthy inclusion for work both on and off the ball.
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whump-collector · 2 years
Whumpees (actors)
All the actors on this blog (so far):
Search for the name or use this link and add the name you're looking for https://whump-collector.tumblr.com/tagged/
I use the tag compilation for posts with several whumpees.
a: aaron ashmore - aaron tveit - adam palsson - adarsh gourav - aidan turner - alex o'loughlin - alexander dreymon - ali tarik findik - allison scagliotti - andreas pietschmann - andrew j. west
b: ben levin - benedict cumberbatch - brian austin green - burc kümbetlioglu
c: callum turner - channing tatum - charlie cox - charlie hunnam - charlie vickers - chris pine - christian bale - christipher egan - colin farrell - colin morgan - colin o'donoghue
d: dan lewis - daniel craig - daniel sharman - david boreanaz - david dastmalchian - david tennant - david wenham - diego klattenhoff - diego luna - dirk benedict - dominic cooper - drake rodger
e: engin akyürek - eric christian olsen - ewan mcgregor
f: freddie stroma - freddy carter
g: gael garcia bernal - gavin drea - giacomo gianniotti - guy pearce
h: halil ibrahim ceyhan - harold perrineau - henry cavill - henry golding - hisham tawfiq - hugh dancy - hunter doohan
i: iain de caestecker - ian somerhalder - iko uwais
j: jack bannon - jack davenport - jack martin - jack quaid - jake mclaughlin - james mcavoy - james spader - james wolk - jared padalecki - jason isaacs - jay hernandez - jd pardo - jenna ortega - jensen ackles - jeremy allen white - jim sturgess - joe flanigan - joe gilgun - joe keery - joel kinnaman - john cho - john cusack - john reardon - jon bernthal - jonas nay - jonny harris - jordan bridges - joshua jackson - jude law - julian morris
k: karl urban - keegan allen - kevin alejandro - kiefer sutherland - kit harington
l: lee pace - liam hemsworth - lucas till - luke evans - luke mitchell
m: mark hamill - mark waschke - markus brandl - martin henderson - martin shaw - martin wallström - matt barr - matt bomer - matt czuchry - matt lanter - matt smith - max thieriot - megan boone - mel gibson - michael fassbender - michael hurst - michael shanks - michael sheen - michael weatherly - mike farrell - milos bikovic
n: nathan fillion - nathan parsons - nicholas galitzine - nikolaj coster waldau - noah centineo
o: oliver rayon - oscar isaac
p: pablo schreiber - paul bettany - paul hassall - pedro pascal - pio marmai
r: raj yadav - rami malek - richard armitage - richard harmon - richard madden - rish shah - robert downey jr - robert james-collier - robert kazinsky - robin lord taylor - rodger corser - rupert evans - rupert penry jones - russell crowe - ryan guzman - ryan kelley - ryan reynolds
s: sabin tambrea - sam riley - santiago cabrera - scott caan - sean bean - sebastian stan - shawn ashmore - simon baker - stanley tucci - stephen amell - steve burton
t: thomas elms - thomas gibson - tim dekay - tim roth - timothy granaderos - tobey maguire - tolga saritas - tom austen - tom ellis - tom holland - tom payne - tom riley - tom sturridge - torrance coombs
y: yon gonzalez
z: zach mcgowan - zeeko za
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Merry Christmas everyone! Now in theaters:
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The Boys in the Boat--The 1936 Berlin Olympics was a highly satisfying episode for the good guys. Most famously, when Der Fuehrer said his was the Master Race, Jesse Owens heiled (phfft!) heiled (phfft!) right in Der Fuehrer's face. It wasn't enough to prevent the war that was coming, but it was a great foreshadowing of who would win.
Yet alongside that glorious debunking of supposed Aryan racial superiority, right under the noses of its promulgators, was another splendid underdog story. Briefly played by Jyuddah Jaymes, Owens is a minor figure in this period spectacle about the improbable rise of the University of Washington's eight-man crew to compete for the U.S. in those same games. It's directed by George Clooney from a script by Mark L. Smith, based on Daniel James Brown's 2013 book.
The story was remarkable before the crew got to Berlin. The UW boys were already upstarts in the sport, long associated with elite, affluent Eastern schools. This crew included working class, Depression-era grunts; the focus is on Joe Rantz (Callum Turner), who when we first meet him is literally homeless. He lives in a junked car in a Seattle hobo jungle, patching the holes in the soles of his shoes while trying to eke out an engineering degree. He joins the crew for the stipend and the roof over his head.   
"Eight-man crew is the most difficult of all team sports," the coach here pronounces to the aspirants. "The average human body is just not meant for such things." I once had occasion to learn first-hand that my below-average human body wasn't meant for such things. Two of my nieces rowed crew, and back in the '80s I myself had the opportunity to take a one-man shell out onto the Potomac River; my near-helplessness in managing to get the thing to go anywhere gave me a small taste of how much delicate skill the sport requires, even setting aside its physical demands.
The Boys in the Boat gets across hints of this subtle precision; Clooney shows us, for instance, the hiccup-y little wrist-flip that precedes the return stroke. There's a great deal to like about the film, really, starting with what a wonderful, heartening story it tells. It's handsomely produced, with lustrous cinematography by Martin Ruhe, crisp editing by Tanya M. Swerling and another lovely score by Alexander Desplat. And it has rich, sometimes fascinating period detail, like the swanky spectator trains that run along the river banks at the fancier courses.
But as with several of Clooney's earlier directorial efforts, this movie is well-made, well-intentioned, good-hearted and generally enjoyable without being entirely satisfying. And unlike, say, The Monuments Men or The Tender Bar, it doesn't even have vivid star character actors to liven things up.
Joel Edgerton as Coach Al Ulbrickson and Peter Guinness as master boat-maker George Pocock are authoritative presences, but not complex characters. The guys playing the crew aren't, as in the standard sports movie template, a ragtag band of misfits with distinctive oddball personalities; they're just pleasant, good-looking young men. Rantz's coed love interest (Hadley Robinson) tries to generate some playful, mischievous heat, but she's rowing upstream opposite her bland leading man.
Overall, this film has the flavor of a feature length Super Bowl commercial. Like the best of those commercials, it can raise an inspirational tingle. But I don't know that it does much more in two hours than a good Super Bowl commercial can do in sixty seconds.
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
It’s strange and funny at the same time ( well not really lol) first it’s was Sam and Kat breaking up , then we heard a another celebrity breaking up ,( Joe M & Sofia Vergara ) & it’s was have been on and on with celebrity divorce , until Jake & Tara breaking up , now it’s Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner? Like whut what the hell is going on?!?… & there’s Kevin that are engaged & Reggie too?….🥺
i love that this ask was the way i heard about the news of joe and sophie.
that one i find hard to believe and i won’t believe it until one of them comes out and says it. i do not trust tmz and their “sources”.
however i don’t get why all these ppl are breaking up. there has to be some planet in retrograde right now lol
(actually mercury is in retrograde if you can actually believe it)
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mxalexgeorge · 1 year
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Little Sally in Urinetown: The Musical at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, November 2022
Urinetown, The Musical Mark Hollman, Music and Lyrics Greg Kotis, Book and Lyrics
November 3rd- 12th 2022 Colwell Playhouse
Photo credits: Darrell Hoemann
Production Team Director: J.W. Morrissette and Lisa Gaye Dixon Music Director: Justin M. Brauer Choreographers: Joe Bowie and Lisa Gaye Dixon Scenic Designer: Emilia Consalvi ,Katie Owen Costume Designer: Wesley Price Lighting Designer: Yingman Tang Sound Designer: Madison Ferris Dramaturg: Melissa Goldman Technical Director: Capri Agresta Properties Head: Sammy Boyarsky Production Manager: Terri Ciofalo Stage Manager: Kaitlyn N. Meegan Fight Director; Zev Steinrock Vocal Coach: Diane Robinson
Cast OFFICER LOCKSTOCK: Grania McKirdie PENELOPE PENNYWISE: Charlotte Howard-Check BOBBY STRONG: David Stasevsky LITTLE SALLY: Alex George DR. BILLEAUX: Noah Smith MR. MCQUEEN: Josh Graff SENATOR FIPP: Josiah Zielke OFFICER BARREL/BOBBY UNDERSTUDY: Anthony Maggio HOPE CLADWELL: Julia Clavadetscher OLD MAN STRONG/HOT BLADES HARRY: Patrick Jackson TINY TOM: Paddy Berger SOUPY SUE: Courtney Mazeika LITTLE BECKY TWO SHOES: Gabrielle DeMarco ROBBY THE STOCKFISH: Jonathan Kaplan CALDWELL B. CLADWELL: Jaylon Muchison BOY COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/OFFICER BARREL UNDERSTUDY: Jimmy Cone GIRL COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/HOPE CLADWELL UNDERSTUDY: Sophia Pucillo JOSEPHINE STRONG: Mary Jane Oken MRS. MILLENNIUM: Guinevere Brown BILLY BOY BILL: Jamal Turner Production Team continued Scenic Charge: Emma Brutman Hair & Makeup Coordinator: Chantel Renee Hair & Makeup Supervisor: Becky Scott Assistant Technical Director: Tara Kisacanin Assistant Costume Designer: Chantel Renee Assistant Lighting Designer: Sarah Goldstein Assistant Sound Designer: Jack Pondelicek Head Electrician : Nicolas Sole Audio Engineer: William Mixter Assistant Stage Manager: Mary Lewis, Shuyu (Tom) Zhang Assistant Dramaturg: Anishi Patel Assistant to the Director: Melissa Goldman, Maci Mitchell, Jacqueline Moren Head Carpenter: Hanna Bowen Production Assistant: Hadas Goldberg, Isabel Wang Costumes Craft Supervisor: Emily N. Brink Costume Crafts Technicians: Katie Greve, Mark Muir Wardrobe Supervisor: Chantel Renee Crew DECK CREW: Felix Crim,Morgan Lin, Avery Luciano, Heraldo Magana ,Jordyn Montgomery PROPS CREW: Mikail Herrera, Ashanti Norals WARDROBE CREW: Kashara Bennett, Gabriel McNabb,Luke Russell, Julia Trenary, Isabel Wang HAIR AND MAKEUP CREW: Fatma Ali ,Kara Howie SWING: Hadas Goldberg A2: Noah McLeod QLAB OPERATOR: Leoni Reilly SPOTLIGHT OPERATOR: Dajion Anderson LIGHT BOARD OPERATOR; Brian Runge AUTOMATION OPERATOR: Bronwyn Garrett STUDENT DRAPER: Carlee Ihde 
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otter-love-asl · 2 years
Possibly Doing a "Begins" Series
So, I've kind of been obsessing over 9-1-1/9-1-1: Lone Star lately and think that it would be cool to do a "Begins" Series with characters from One Chicago and maybe The Resident, by using the information that we have gotten from the shows about them (after I finish all my other WIPs, but I actually wanna have them written ahead of time instead of writing as I go). I have an idea of how I want some of them to go, others are undecided as of right now and some I'm debating if I should do one for said character. But if you want to see a particular moment for a character that was canonically mentioned (ie Mouch and his dad sending letters when he was a child) let me know. (Also, the order of the characters listed have nothing to do with the potential order that they get done. The Chicago Shows are in the order of my character charts and The Resident Characters are in the order that I pulled their names from fandom Wiki).
Chicago Fire
Cap. Matt Casey
Lt. Kelly Severide
PIC/FF Gabby Dawson
DDC Wallace Boden
Paramedic Leslie Shay
FF Otis
Lt. Christopher Herrmann
FF Mouch
FF Joe Cruz
FF/PIC Peter Mills
FF Candidate Rebecca Jones
PIC Chili
FF Candidate/Paramedic Jimmy Borreli
Lt. Stella Kidd
Anna Turner/Daley
Paramedic Emily Foster
FF Darren Ritter
FF Blake Gallo
Paramedic Violet M
Kylie E (Eventually- still too early)
Paramedic Gianna Mackey
FF Mason Locke
FF Sam Carver
Chicago PD
Sgt. Hank Voight (Don't know, but it could be fun to explore his past before his wife died)
Det. Al Olinsky (Not sure; but again, fun to explore)
Det. Antonio Dawson
Det. Jay Halstead
Det. Erin Lindsay (Don't know. We got a lot of information that could be used)
Det. Sheldon Jin (Undecided)
Ofc. Adam Ruzek
Ofc. Kim Burgess
Ofc. Kevin Atwater
Sgt. Trudy Platt
Ofc. Sean Roman (Undecided; could be fun to explore)
Det. Hailey Upton
Ofc. Vanessa Rojas
PPO. Danté Torres
Chicago Med
Dr. Will Halstead
Dr. Natalie Manning
Dr. Connor Rhodes
Dr. Ethan Choi
Dr. Daniel Charles (Undecided)
Chief Administrator Sharon Goodwin
Nurse April Sexton
Dr. Sarah Reese
Dr. Noah Sexton
Dr. Robin Charles
Dr. Ava Bekker
Dr. Crockett Marcel (Won't be about his daughter; that has it's own story in progress)
Dr. Hannah Asher
Dr. Dean Archer (Don't know; Could be fun to explore)
Dr. Dylan Scott
Dr. Stevie Hammer
Chicago Justice
ASA Peter Stone
Investigator Laura Nagel
ASA Anna Valdez
SA Mark Jefferies
The Resident
Dr. Conrad Hawkins
Dr. Mina Okafor
Dr. Randolph Bell
Dr. Billie Sutton
Nurse Nic Nevin
Dr. AJ Austin
Dr. Cade Sullivan
Dr. Devon Pravesh
Dr. Kit Voss
Dr. Ian Sullivan
Dr. Padma Devi
Leela Devi
Nurse Ellen Hundley
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louisrarepairfest · 1 year
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[Feel free to submit a possible rare pair you would like to read or write that you don't see on the list here]
✦ Poly pairings are allowed.
✦ Writers can sign up for any Louis rare pair pairing on the list or one of their own choosing.
✦ Multiple writers can write the same pairing.
Louis/Nick Grimshaw
Louis/Original Character
Louis/Luke Malak
Louis/Michael Blackwell
Louis/Greg James
Louis/Charlie Lightening
Louis/Angus O'Loughlin (aka the Australian interviewer from 2014)
Louis/Lando Norris
Louis/Dominic Calvert-Lewin (soccer player Harry Lambert is styling)
Louis/Taylor Swift (f/f, m/m, m/f)
Louis/either Gallagher brother
Louis/Billie Joe Armstrong
Louis/Sunroom band
Louis/Ian McKellan
Louis/Cillian Murphy
Louis/Brie Larson
Louis/Alex Gaskarth
Louis/Vincent Rodriguez III
Louis/Oscar Isaac
Louis/Matt Bomer
Louis/Harry Potter
Louis/Danny Zuko
Louis/The Derry Girls cast (f/f)
Louis/David Bowie
Louis/Matt Dinnadge
Louis/Andrew Garfield
Louis/Rob Pattinson
Louis/Sebastian Stan
Louis/Sam Claflin
Louis/Michael B. Jordan
Louis/David Dawson
Louis/Pedro Pascal
Louis/Alex Turner
Louis/Frank Ocean
Louis/Tom Holland
Louis/Isaac Anderson
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ptbf2002 · 1 month
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Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/jordanaid1995/art/Everyone-Hates-Blank-Meme-1028748638
Credit To jordanaid1995
Peanuts Animated Specials Belongs To Charles M. Schulz, Lee Mendelson, Bill Melendez, Bill Melendez Productions, Lee Mendelson Film Productions, Andrews McMeel Syndication, Andrews McMeel Universal, Inc. United Feature Syndicate, Inc. United Media Productions, The E.W. Scripps Company, Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates, WildBrain Studios, Peanuts Worldwide, LLC, WildBrain Ltd. Apple TV+ And Apple Inc.
The Peanuts Movie Belongs To Charles M. Schulz, Craig Schulz, Bryan Schulz, Cornelius Uliano, United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Andrews McMeel Syndication, Blue Sky Studios, Inc. 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
SpongeBob SquarePants Belongs To Stephen Hillenburg, Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Carbunkle Cartoons, SEK Animation Studio, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. United Plankton Pictures Inc. Joe Murray Productions Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Nickelodeon Networks Inc. Paramount Kids and Family Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. And Paramount Global
My Life as a Teenage Robot Belongs To Rob Renzetti, Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Frederator Studios, Frederator Networks, Inc. WOW! Unlimited Media Inc. Kartoon Studios, Inc. Nelvana Limited, Corus Entertainment Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Nickelodeon Networks Inc. Paramount Kids and Family Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. And Paramount Global
The Loud House Belongs To Chris Savino, Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon Group, Nickelodeon Networks Inc. Paramount Kids and Family Group, Paramount Global Content Distribution, Paramount International Networks, Paramount Domestic Media Networks, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. And Paramount Global
Looney Tunes Belongs To Leon Schlesinger, Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising, Harman-Ising Productions, Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. DePatie–Freleng Enterprises, Format Productions, Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Animation, The Vitaphone Corporation, Vitagraph Company of America, Turner Entertainment Company, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Bugs Bunny Belongs To Ben Hardaway, Cal Dalton, Charles Thorson, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Bob Givens, Robert McKimson, Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. DePatie–Freleng Enterprises, Format Productions, Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Animation, The Vitaphone Corporation, Vitagraph Company of America, Turner Entertainment Company, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Scooby-Doo! Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Ruby-Spears Productions, Inc. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Powerpuff Girls Belongs To Craig McCracken, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Belongs To Dav Pilkey, Nicholas Stoller, Scholastic Corporation, DreamWorks Animation LLC, Universal Pictures, Universal City Studios LLC, NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment, NBCUniversal Syndication Studios, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Comcast Corporation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Unikitty! Belongs To Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Ed Skudder, Lynn Wang, Renegade Animation, Snipple Animation Studios, Rideback, Lord Miller Productions, VERTIGO Entertainment, LEGO System A/S, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, HBO Max, WarnerMedia Direct, LLC. Warner Bros. Discovery Global Streaming and Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Belongs To Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli, Phil Lord, Rodney Rothman, Pascal Pictures, Lord Miller Productions, Arad Productions Inc. MARVEL Entertainment, LLC, Sony Pictures Animation Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, And Sony Group Corporation
Amphibia Belongs To Matt Braly, Saerom Animation, Inc. Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Sugarcube Animation Studio, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Disney Television Animation, Disney Channel, Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
The Ghost and Molly McGee Belongs To Bill Motz, Bob Roth, Mercury Filmworks, Disney Television Animation, Disney Channel, Disney+ Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
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