#Jean sylvester
cryscendo · 10 months
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Season 2 (pt. 3) | September 21, 2010 – May 24, 2011
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gleepolls · 1 year
Best Adult Character Bracket
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dance2xrevolution · 2 years
When I watch Glee, I only see the characters, not the actors. Maybe that's just how I watch things. It could have been helped by the fact that they cast actors who weren't widely known, so for anyone who watched it when it first aired, you only knew the characters.
But it means that, for me, whatever the actors do, or say, or say about each other, it doesn't affect the characters if it isn't something that was written into the show. Like, yes, Santana got a boob job, because it was in the show. Heather had a baby, but Brittany didn't. And the same for more serious things.
I'm a fan of Harry Shum, Jr. But when I watch Glee, that's Mike Chang.
How do you watch Glee? Please feel free to add to this post, but if you'd rather put your response in the notes or the tags, you do you!
I only have 2 followers, and one is staff, but if you see this somehow, please answer! Thank you!
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 8 months
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vrtlworld · 4 months
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Polaroids by Andy Warhol
Instagram @vrtlworld
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weightsandcrossfit · 11 months
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Muscles and stuff: WeightsAndCrossfit.tumblr.com
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nkp1981 · 1 month
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When Fandoms Collide
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love1979 · 11 months
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Some of my childhood heroes 🥹
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danataiko · 7 days
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Polaroids by Andy Warhol
Jack Nicholson (1972)
Marsha P. Johnson (1974)
Mick Jagger (1975)
Muhammad Ali (1977)
Farrah Fawcett (1979)
Debbie Harry (1980)
Sylvester Stallone (1980)
Jean-Michel Basquiat (1982)
Grace Jones (1984)
Dolly Parton (1985)
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moviehealthcommunity · 8 months
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The Expendables 2 (2012)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
The Expendables 2 has extensive use of machine guns, all with bright muzzle flashes. While most of these uses happen in bright, daytime environments, they are all very bright and create strong strobe effects.
The camera is frequently handheld, but never shakes violently in this film. There is brief action involving vehicles at high speeds and in flight.
Flashing Lights: 8/10. Motion Sickness: 4/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: This film is very bloody and gory. There are a couple of uses of the R-slur.
Image ID: A promotional poster for The Expendables 2
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gleepolls · 1 year
Best Adult Character Bracket
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scenesandscreens · 11 months
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The Expendables 2 (2012)
Director - Simon West, Cinematography - Shelly Johnson
"Why is it that one of us who wants to live the most, who deserves to live the most dies, and the ones that deserve to die keep on living? What's the message in that?"
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abuddyforeveryseason · 2 months
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This isn't the Buddy for April 1st. April Fools, yes it is!
Seems like Buddy himself's been the victim of a prank today. He was so mad about it, he murdered the prankster.
The good thing about April Fool's day is that you can say anything you honestly believe no matter how unpopular an opinion it is, and just pretend it was a prank the following day.
Even if you admit beforehand that's what you're doing, you can just say admitting it was part of the joke.
Or, you can use that preface to make it look like what follows, a piece of comedy, is what you actually believe.
So, let's see what's a hot take…
I've been reading about the action boom of the eighties and nineties lately, back when Arnold Shwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone would rack up hundreds of kills under two hours. I've seen some of those movies. Some were good, some not so much. Remember when Rambo befriended those afghani freedom fighters? The Mujahideen? Yeah, that ended well.
But for a lot of cultural critics back then, they represented the end of the world. Even though some of the greatest movies of all time came out during that era, there were some reviewers lamenting the death of movies as an artform. And the one thing they would latch on was, the movies were so underwritten, the starts couldn't even speak english.
They were talking, of course, of Schwarzenegger, Jean-Claude van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. Stallone himself was lumped in with those foreigners, but he had some laurels under his belt in the form of a few Oscar nominations, so most of the focus fell on the foreigners.
And that's the thing, really - it's not that those actors were stupid, exactly. They just had heavy accents. And, you know, a different cultural background that was dismissed as a lack of acting talent. So from the get-go, a lot of those movies were being dismissed thanks to xenophobia.
Sure, they were european, instead of coming from the "darker" continents of Africa, Asia and South America. But it's not like any big stars from those continents were offered as a contrast for the hammy musclemen of the eighties. The best you could find is the martial arts stars from Taiwan, and those movies weren't exactly high art either.
If you ignore the accent issue (and the difficulty that comes from acting in a different country), that trio wasn't exactly stupid. Schwarzenegger might not be a pleasant person, but he was pretty smart as a businessman and politician. He managed to build a good acting career and avoid a lot of acting pitfalls through business savy. He knew how to make money in Hollywood, even if it meant sacrificing his own dignity and suffering bad reviews. He was even aware of his shortcomings as an actor, which is he he kept choosing the action and comedy fare that paid the bills.
Van Damme, meanwhile, wasn't as clever, but had a lot more emotional intelligence. His french films, which aren't burdened by the abismal accent and acting, are more enjoyable and mature, and even show some introspection you'd never imagine from a martial artist.
Lundgren, meanwhile, wasn't as big a star as the others, but is a better fit for the clichè of genius strongman - Good grades, scholarship, a masters in chemical engineering… It's funny that if Lundgren had played a scientist in a movie back then, it'd be dismissed as a ridiculous thing (unless the critic was aware of his story) - a monosyllabic musclehead like that a scientist? Nonsense.
Of course, nowadays, these celebrities are all decadent half-forgotten gloryhogs. And those action movies of the eighties are just a piece of nostalgia, now. They only survive as inspiration for videogames (where the violence is more interesting because the player's the one in control, and there's actually a difficulty curve to consider), or as aspects of more nuanced stories.
The idea that movies were "dying" back in the eighties sounds like nonsense now. The indie boom that followed paved way to some amazing movies. And to this day, a lot of the best stuff coming out is informed by the movie culture of the eighties. Meanwhile, all the cultural critics who spelled doom for the movies have been forgotten, mixed up with the ones who worried about satanic cults and the gay revolution.
I'm not a huge cinema buff, and I won't pretend to know a lot about cinema, but I still get annoyed when people complain about the death of the movies. Maybe the issue is, you're the one getting old, Buddy.
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cinemabuffoon · 3 months
I don't know if it's a better experience watching the Expendables 2 when you do know who Jean Claude Van Damme is or when you don't know who Jean Claude Van Damme is
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
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