#Japanese 1A
camiefromstatefarm · 1 year
The 'Boku No Hero Academia' Characters as Sushi Rolls 'cause I'm craving sushi at the moment
Katsuki Bakugou: Dynamite Roll
Hanta Sero: Spider Roll
Shoto Todoroki: Boston Roll
Camie Utsushimi: OMG Roll
Tsuyu Asui: Tsunami Roll
Izuku Midoriya: California Roll
Momo Yaoyorozu: Magical Roll
Eijirou Kirishima: Spicy Crunchy Salmon Roll
Mashirao Ojiro: Shrimp Tempera Roll
All Might: Sake Roll
Tenya Iida: 911 Roll
Himiko Toga: Crazy Girl Roll
Endeavor: Volcano Roll
Denki Kaminari: Golden Dragon Roll
Fumikage Tokoyami: Black Dragon Roll
Mezo Shouji: Spicy Beach Maki Roll
Itsuka Kendo: Salmon&Avacado Roll
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Deep Fried Dynamite Tempera Roll
Yuga Aoyama: Christmas Roll
Neito Monoma: Alaska Roll
Yui Kodai: Spider Hand Roll
Shota Aizawa: Philadelphia Roll
Ryukyu: Phoenix Roll
Present Mic: Rainbow Tobiko Roll
Nana Shimura: Dynasty Roll
Mina Ashido: Fruits Roll
Ochaco Uraraka: Sweet Potato Tempera Roll
Mei Hatsume: Crazy Tuna Roll
Miruko: Full Moon Roll
Hiryu Rin: Green Dragon Roll
Koji Koda: Vegetable Roll
Kyoka Jiro: Rock 'n Roll
Rikido Sato: Deluxe Rainbow Roll
Hitoshi Shinso: Eel Cucumber Roll
Nejire Hado: Spiral Roll
Tamaki Amajiki: Rising Sun Roll
Mirio Togata: Golden Snapper Roll
Tomura Shigaraki: Spicy California Hand Roll
Twice: Ex-boyfriend Roll
Dabi: Smoked Salmon Roll
Eri: White Tuna Roll
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
I was this many days old when I learned that “denki” is Japanese for electricity or light and I am delighted by this discovery but also I have no idea what to do with it
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str8upreview · 1 year
My Hero Academia Season 6: Dark Deku arc Review
Synopsis: In the aftermath of the double raid of the Paranormal Liberation Army headquarters, many heroes have perished. Because of Dabi’s revelation about his real relationship with No. 1 hero Endeavor, the citizens’ distrust of heroes is at an all time high. The cities are in shambles and people have resorted to taking refuge in UA and other hero schools with fortified defenses. Even heroes…
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fluff-n-cookies · 7 months
hey, can I ask the reader to be Aizawa's daughter, but she lives with her mother in another country, so when the reader gets into a fight, her mother sends her to live with Aizawa, but she forgets to tell him, so y/ n arrives and says "hey dad, surprise?"
I'm so sorry for responding late, I just been so caught up with school, but sure! (p.s. I'm not sure if you wanted oneshots or headcanons so I did headcanons. sorry about that. and I'm also heacanoning this reader as socially awkward, sorry about that too.) reader is a teen in this!
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first off, reader is besties with Present Mic and definitely told Mic to tell Aizawa she was coming, but did Mic Do that? NO!
he probably drove you back to UA from the airport and just barged in yelling "BITCH (Aizawa) GUESS WHAT" "what do you want Mic?" "no, guess!"
okay parting away from the crack, Aizawa and you are both dying of embarrassment since Aizawa is teaching a CLASS RIGHT NOW.
So Aizawa is Infuriated since first he knows you hate being put on in the spotlight so he does scold Mic about it while all might handle class 1A's training.
eventually you two do get to talk one on one and the moment after you say "hey dad, surprise?" he just collapses on the closest surface and replies "goddamn it you're too cute to be mad at."
please tell him about every single detail of your trip it makes him so happy. he wants to know you trust him with this information and it makes him feel like he's getting just a bit closer to you. even the bad things that make you cry like a bad break up or an argument with your mom, it just makes him want to comfort you more.
tries to get you some of your favorite snacks from your country so you feel at home.
if you feel out of place in Japan since the majority of us are probably not Japanese and probably do not meet beauty expectations, he encourages you to keep being yourself instead of trying to fit in like everyone else.
these girls are doing your nails and practically interrogating you about your life in your country.
Momo wants to know ALL the customs and ALL the history, HECK TEACH HER YOUR WHOLE LANGUGE.
Tsu, Ochako, and Hagakure are just happy to be there, and Jiro is incharge of music.
they are also the ones protecting you from Mineta so try and stick with them.
now here, Shoto and Tenya are in a silent battle over your love and Mineta and Kaminari are fighting over your Boobs.
Shoto helps control the temperature in your room so it seems more like the climate your used to in your country.
while Iida is purposely taking a languge class that you speak and having you translate it for him so he knows he's doing it correctly. (he knows he is but he just wants to hear your voice.)
shinsou automatically switches to brother mode, please let him show you his cat plushes and favorite animes, it just makes him so happy.
Eri HAS to have a sleep over with you at one point, you're like an older sister to her (MOVE ASIDE HADO-)
speaking with Toshinori in english if you come from an english speaking country.
Thank you for requesting and I hope to see you in my inbox again soon!
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pikahlua · 2 months
i was wondering if you could go more in depth about monoma's way of taunting class 1a? i've seen the class 1b speech style but i was wondering if theres any cultural context that makes his manner especially strange, especially if he's using informal language with people he hasn't gotten close to. (i've seen some others mention that he talks in a very complex manner in japanese, as well as others saying that he speaks very intensity?) thank you!
I'm gonna be real, I don't know how to answer your question. To use informal speech with people you're not close to is pretty much definitionally disrespectful in Japanese, so it makes sense Monoma would do that. It's something I would also expect from another anime character like him. Perhaps this "complex manner/intensity" you're hearing about is a reference to how...dramatic and megalomaniacal he sounds? The dub isn't terrible at capture that vibe lol. In any case, there isn't anything that immediately sticks out about his manner of speech to me, but I haven't particularly paid close attention beyond what I've vaguely heard at times.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Let's talk about the Bakugou Problem
Yes, everyone, it's finally time, what is probably my most requested rant: The Bakugou Problem. Or rather, the Bakugou problems, because there's two:
The first is the fact that he's an unrepentant asshole who is only now, at the end of the manga, truly starting to realize basic shit like 'apologizing'. The second is that, for all intents and purposes, the Bakugou the characters seem to interact with is a different person than what we're being shown.
There's been plenty of deep dives on his issues, so I doubt I'll propose anything new, but this should fun anyways, right? Let's start here:
I think, at the core, Bakugou's problem is he just never grew up.
Way, way back early on, we see some flashbacks to Earlygou, and in summary? Earlygou is an ass. Fun fact: for all that it's commonly held that Bakugou grew worse over time after getting his Quirk? He called Izuku Deku before that. He was just a bit ahead of the class, looked at Izuku's name, and saw 'Deku'. Boom, he starts saying it, and it's only further entrenched in his mind as he outperforms his peers physically, while Izuku lags behind.
Then he gets his Quirk. Let's quote what he's told: 'Ooh, another impressive Quirk! You could be a hero with a Quirk like that, Katsuki!'
I know we all think he got coddled for his Quirk, and later on he was, but that? That was just a teacher giving him the verbal equivalent of a gold star. Meanwhile, Bakugou?
'Makes sense. I'm awesome. I'm better than everyone else!', he thinks, while having this look on this face like he's being enlightened to a Fundamental Truth. He took some generic praise and ran off with it.
So yeah, Earlygou was an ass. Here's the thing: a lot of kids are assholes. It can be hard to remember sometimes, but kids, really young kids who don't get how the world works at all, do and think a lot of impulsive, assholish shit, not because they think the world revolves around them, but because they can't comprehend a world that isn't all about them.
Here's another thing: kids grow out of that. They realize, eventually, that other people matter, that their actions have consequences, and all that other stuff that makes people into functioning adults.
I don't blame Earlygou for being an assholish child. I blame Bakugou for never growing beyond that. And it's interesting to think about that, because his parents seem legit. His dad is quiet, sure, but he's solid and down to earth, and while Bakugou clearly takes after his mother, she also seems to have gotten the 'morals' message he didn't, and has concerns that he didn't do the same. They're not poor, and are working in fashion, and implied to be doing well enough that, if they're not rich, they're at the very least well off.
So... school, I guess? Here's one of the times where the setting suffers for its lack of lower level development, because I would love to see what non-Aldera schools were like. Everyone else in 1A seems like they wouldn't have a major problem with Izuku being Quirkless, or at least be mild enough in their prejudices to not spend their free time torturing him. Is Aldera different? Is it an age thing? Are they just the good eggs and would have had assholish classmates who would act like Aldera did? Would other teachers be OK with how Izuku was treated (my limited understanding of the depressing Japanese view on bullying says, 'yes', but fuck if I know, and honestly, two hundred years in the future, shouldn't they be better than modern Japan)? More than that, the public view on Quirklessness is, for understandable reasons (cough cough Bakugou), highly underdeveloped, so we don't know how much Izuku was treated was the normal, but I think part of the reason Bakugou got so bad is that he had Izuku near him, as this convenient target. By pushing down on the 'acceptable' target, all his peers approved him, cheered him on, which both fed his ego and his popularity, and combined with his high-status Quirk, this cycle continued swelling his head until we reached canon Bakugou, king of all he surveys. The kids follow him, the teachers suck up to him, his potential, his future, all are limitless!!!!
...Sigh. Before I keep going, let me touch on one other thing: Izuku trying to save Bakugou after he fell when they were children.
On the first take, it seems utterly unreasonable, how badly he responded to that, right? And the second, and third, it still seems the same.
Someone, somewhere, said this take in a comment in a fic I read and I've never been able to forget it: think about it from the view of a heroic saturated society.
Think about it from the lenses of MHA, where All Might is a few steps short of a god in the eyes of the public. Everyone knows him, everyone loves him, especially the kids, and especially Bakugou and Izuku.
Look at that scene again, how Izuku reaches down for him. Overlay him with All Might.
That is what Bakugou saw: Izuku making himself unto All Might. While Izuku just wanted to save him, of course, somewhere deep in his unconcious Bakugou took that symbolism and ran with it, and reached a completely (ir)rational conclusion: Izuku was looking down on him. It went, I imagine, a little something like this:
All Might is the strongest. All Might looks like that when saves other people, who are weaker than him. Izuku is channeling All Might, therefore he is saying that he is stronger than me.
Bakugou, in his child mind, saw Izuku, not as helping him, but T-posing at him. To him, that was Izuku trying to assert dominance.
And he never got over that. Never grew beyond that impression. Do you want to know the worst part about it, though, when you look at it that way?
Think about Bakugou again, and his motivations, with your Bakugou Logic goggles on: All Might is strong. Bakugou wants to be strong like All Might. All Might asserts his power over others by saving them. Therefore?
Bakugou wants to save people like All Might.
Can you imagine if Bakugou was built of that dynamic? Like, with Shirou in Fate, if that scene was etched in his mind forever, and he was obsessed with remaking it over and over, but on his terms, with him as the savior? Him as the one looking down on the weak?
Still canon-style Bakugou, still an asshole, still lusting for power... but when asked what he wanted to do with it, or why, he would answer: so I can save everyone.
And even if it was for the crudest, most self serving of reasons, even if it was only so he could feel good about himself and lord it over everyone else that he was the one who saved them; it would have been so much better than canon. There's so much fascinating complexity to explore in a character like that, as well as a clear path to redeem him: under that logic, Bakugou would, over time, learn to save people, not for his own satisfaction, but just because it's the right thing to do. Hell, even the way people treat him would make more sense, because even if he was an asshole, if his motivation, which he cheerfully shouts about at any given moment, was to save people, then suddenly his acceptance feels more realistic, doesn't it? Him being compared to Izuku as a rival makes more sense when both of them are in it to save everyone, that core of heroism, but each represent a different part of how modern heroism is expressed, with Bakugou as the corrupt, media saturated part of it, while Izuku channels the original, pure spirit of heroics.
Can you imagine that with me? What could have been in another life? It could have been beautiful.
But, sadly, that's nothing more than a dream, and we should return back to reality (though I might want to expand on that at some point, it really does sound interesting to me).
Change and Improvement. These are words that some hold in the air whenever Bakugou is judged harshly, and they wave them like talismans to try and banish others objections.
Let me tell you a truth: change and improvement are hollow words without context. They are a statement that something has happened, not a measure of how much it has happening. In many ways, this is similar to a unit of measurement, like inches, and a number of inches. If you're talking about something, and you say, 'it can be measured in inches'.... that is generally unhelpful. Saying that it is, say, eight inches long is far more useful information.
Still, these aren't exactly moral statements, and change in particular is distinctly amoral. If something has 'improved a little bit' it, you know that it's better, and generally how much. But is it good now? Was it good then?
Let me put it another way: say that, once a day, every day, I appear to you out of the shadows and force you to eat a cup of shit. Exactly a cup, every day, at 2:30 PM, without fail; nothing you do to protect yourself from me makes any difference, nowhere you go is safe. You can't run. You can't hide. I am inevitable. The shit is inevitable. You will eat that shit, no matter what you think about it.
Then, one day, I come with only a half cup, and from then on you are only forced to eat a half cup of shit a day instead of a full one.
Isn't that both a change and an improvement? It's literally half as bad; doesn't that sound like a lot better? Yet, while that may be true, is the situation actually better in a meaningful way, or it as firmly negative as it was before? Should you be mewling gratefully to me that I'm being less horrible to you, or can you still hold a grudge against me for everything I've done to you and continue to do?
What if I apologized, one day, after forcing yet another half cup down your throat? What if I told you that I shouldn't have done it, but the way you looked, the way you acted, that vapid, cow-like look of joy on your face... it was just so shitty that I had to, that you made me do it? Then I say this changes nothing, and that we're still on for tomorrow for your daily dose at the normal time.
Tell me something: do you feel better? Has my generous apology moved your heart? Are we friends now?
This is Izuku's situation in a nutshell. Bakugou's treatment has changed, has improved even. It's reached a point where there are actual differences in Izuku's daily life. That doesn't mean it's still not shit treatment, and it doesn't matter if it's served in a cup or a tablespoon, shit is still shit. And the thing is Bakugou treated him like shit, and he still treats him like shit.
Context matters. So let's talk about the context. Let's talk about what Bakugou did.
Well, first off, there's the Deku thing, but I feel a lot people don't get how bad that is, so let's spell it out in detail. Once upon a time, as I've said, Bakugou was a little better at reading than everyone else. He looked at Izuku's name and saw 'Deku' in this, and thought it was hilarious, and so he started talking about it.
Bakugou looked at his name, and saw Useless in it. He didn't just call Izuku that, he said, this is in your name, it always has been there, to the point that, all these years later, he physically struggles to use Izuku's actual name.
For Izuku's entire childhood, the one person truly on his side, who truly loved him, was his mother.... who gave him that name.
In other words, every time Bakugou called him that name, with that history behind it? Bakugou was telling him that, when Izuku was born, Inko looked at the child she held in her arms, turned to the nurse, and said, "I'll call him... Useless."
He called him this, every day, every time they talked, for over a decade. Saying that the real meaning of the name his mother gave him was useless.
But it's not just that, even. He led the school, his neighbors, effectively everyone Izuku knew in anywhere near his age group, to call him that. There were probably people in Aldera who didn't know Izuku by any other name. There were probably times Izuku thought of himself by that name, that his name was Useless. It's not that big a reach from responding to it as his name, after all, and by the time the story start's he was well trained in responding to it.
Then, there's the more 'basic' bullying; insults, taking his stuff, breaking his stuff, using his Quirk on him. Again, for years and years, until Izuku is beaten down into terrified compliance, where Bakugou blowing up his stuff, his desk, and him* in front of a teacher isn't something anyone even really notices anymore. And why does he do it? Because it's fun. Because he feels strong breaking things, hurting people, being the big man on campus. Because he wants attention, respect, glory.
Because he can. Because it's fun.
(*And isn't that weird, when you think about it? Bakugou has been hands free with his Quirk on Izuku since they were, what, four? Why doesn't Izuku have burns?
Bakugou uses explosions. His hands can burn hot enough (probably as part of the lighting process) to burn clothes, and that's when he's clearly holding back with it. There's no way he's been careful enough, kind enough to not hit skin with that his entire life. So why doesn't Izuku have burns from all that?
Answer? There is no good reason. You can mention how MHA humans are, well, inhumanly strong, but we see heat resistant Shoto being burned with boiling water; it's not like they're immune to it. More than that, though, Izuku is explicitly Quirkless. He is a mortal in a world of magic. He wouldn't have that same kind of resiliency.
So Izuku isn't burned because, A, Hori didn't want his main character to be scarred over, both for aesthetic reasons, and probably for ease of drawing, and B, because that would make Bakugou look worse. Because even then, back when Bakugou had consequences, that would be too much consequences for him, that he permanently scarred Izuku, since the Heroes Rising was the original ending, and Bakugou was always supposed to be redeemed. Hori probably figured, if he thought about it, that that was too far for the readers to forgive him for, and finally, C, he just didn't think about the consequences of Bakugou's actions.
But let's be honest: Izuku would be burned. The fact he isn't is just the prettying up of the situation.)
This is where Bakugou starts from: abusing Izuku to the point where he doesn't dare protest out of years of deeply ingrained terror, doing his best to systematically destroy Izuku's life, while being careful to avoid going too far and damage his chances for UA, which judging by his comment on smoking, may be the only real internal check he has on his behavior.
Because that's the thing; he's cruel, but calculatingly so. He's not a wild animal. It motivates him, but he can think about his actions, think about the possible consequences of them, how they'll react... and as long as they won't harm him, he's all for it.
Then we go to UA, and when he realizes that 'Deku' has a Quirk? Much less such a strong one? He attacks. Viciously, instinctively he goes into attack. He's stopped, but no consequences are given (more on that later), so he doesn't stop. Why would he? All he's learned is this teacher won't let him attack Izuku without a motive.
And then he gets one. Bakugou walks into the Battle Trial planning what he'll do to Izuku. His first words in there are don't dodge... which is especially bad considering what he'll say in a little bit.
His plan? To beat the living shit out of Izuku, to vent all his frustration on him, but stopping just short of it being bad enough for the Trial to be stopped. And as Izuku defies him (by dint of not letting himself be beaten up), he gets angrier and angrier at him for the gall of it, for the audacity to not lay down and let Bakugou beat him up until he feels better, until it reaches the point where Bakugou brings out those gauntlets of him.
'Dammit, Deku, don't dodge me!' 'He won't die if he dodges!'
Yeah. He says both of these things in the space of the same fight. When Bakugou fires that damn gauntlet of his, he's finally reached the point where, for the first time we've seen, he's no longer thinking of the consequences even a little. He wants to kill Izuku, if only to prove that his Quirk, that he, is better (note this too; we'll talk more later about this) than Izuku and his Quirk.
Well, for obvious reasons, that doesn't work out for him, since Izuku's Quirk is the strongest in existence, and small fraction of it, badly used, is still enough to clap Bakugou's attack, enhanced by support equipment (who the hell approved that, by the way? It literally destroys buildings. It seemingly exists for no other reason than to cause massive collateral damage). Then he's forced into an existential crisis when Deku 'wins'. His arm is broken, he's beat up, but by the rules of the game he won anyways and because of that, Bakugou's world collapses.
This, more than anything, I think is Bakugou's true catalyst for change: not being saved by 'Deku', but losing to him. Granted, being saved is enough to force him to avoid him, but it probably helped that Izuku only bought him moments of air. He may have saved him, but All Might did the work, All Might the strongest, the greatest, his idol.
This though? This was Izuku surpassing him, and all on his own.
And I want to pause to consider something here: something that was stressed since the beginning of the story, and still is, besides the terrible mixed messaging at times, is that being heroic is more important to being a hero than sheer ability. Izuku was heroic with his complete lack of ability at the start, after all, while All For One is one of the strongest beings in the setting, and is the farthest thing from heroic. And when you look at Bakugou, as we're introduced to him? There's not a speck of that in him. There's no kindness, no mercy, no sympathy; Bakugou has no positive aspects to him. He has talent, talent for days, but talent isn't a person, a personality. He is a creature of pure ability, and nothing more, and that makes him a singularly unheroic creature.
But the story continues, and Bakugou is forced to confront his own weakness compared to his classmates... except, you know, he doesn't. Even as he does everything wrong, as picks fight with classmates, teachers, villains he should be avoiding... he faces no real consequences for it.
Because, as I've said? Bakugou used lethal force on Izuku. Knowingly. As a teacher tells him not to. That... that sounds like something that even a normal school would be concerned about, much less this elite school that is focused around being a hero, and whose student body is largely comprised of very lethal people, who they intent to unleash upon the world with minimal restrictions on their behavior.
I mean, forget the school; why is All Might fine with this? Aizawa? Nezu? Any of these teachers? How about all of their fellow students, all of who are heroic, and watched this happen live, and All Might's response, no less?
This is the second problem of Bakugou: what they see, talk to, and interact with, doesn't seem to match with the reality that we see, and these two problems are so intertwined that is hard to talk about them separately.
Because on Day One of school, Bakugou attempts to murder his fellow student, and no one cares. The worst he gets is a waggled finger. The fact that he isn't expelled is mind boggling beyond belief, when you pause for a second and consider that fact.
Aizawa talks like he just rough housed too hard or something, and the worse thing All Might mentions is failing the exercise.
This is something that many people have talked about, and at times have named many different ways. For this, I've decided to call it, 'Bakugou's Tsundere Field', because it makes other people act like Bakugou is tsundere, acting tough but with a kind heart, instead of just... acting like a shit person. You know, like he does.
Like I said, it's hard to realistically seperate that from Bakugou's general behavior, so I'm just going to keep going and point it out as I go along.
Next, let's talk about... the Sports Festival. The Sports Festival is where, if you need the reminder, Bakugou starts things off by insulting everyone else and making them hate his class. Twice.
First, by insulting the, admittedly vulture like crowd gawking over 1A's near death experience (I still don't like that), and the second as the valedictorian, where his 'speech' is his two sentence statement that he's going to be first... and yet, for some reason, Izuku watches this and marvels over how he's changed. Because normally, he'd do this but he'd be gloating. Izuku. Izuku. This isn't some mind boggling big thing to be in awe of.
Actually, let's chat about that a bit, because that's honestly such a big problem it's almost a third concern on it's own right: Izuku is our major narrator, right? So we get a lot of our views on Bakugou from his perspective, and... well, he's very much an unreliable narrator, whenever it comes to Bakugou. Every time he talks, there's this sense of awe in it that's been there ever since he was a child; it taints his narrative every time he talks about Bakugou, makes it always more positive than it should be.
Because, wow, Bakugou, that's different from before, an improvement, right? Well guess what? That shit is still shit, even if there's less of it. Izuku is just so biased, so traumatized, such... an abuse victim, that he he takes what Bakugou gives him and doesn't think there's anything wrong with it, because he, Deku, has no self respect, and Bakugou is the biggest and the baddest, the most beloved of their childhood, and it's something he never seems to get past. Even when he stands up to Bakugou, fights him, he still can't get past staring at him in awe, and barely ever complains about how he's being treated.
And because Izuku is our main viewpoint? This view on Bakugou taints our view on him, and it's easy to look at him with Izuku's admiring eyes.
But I digress. In the cavalry battle, Bakugou basiclly breaks the rules by flying off the horse, but gets away with it because of a technicality, which, you know, is great impulse to nurture: it's fine as long as it's technically legal! Sounds really heroic, right? Like something you want your law enforcement to live by?
Meanwhile, during this same fight, both Aizawa and All Might praises him for his ambition, and I just. Do you know what Bakugou says right before they think about that?
'I'm going to be Number One and leave piles of bodies in my wake!', he screams, while literally throwing a tantrum on national television and hitting the top of Kirishima's head like it's a desk.
...Wow. You know what? Maybe you two are mixing tenacity with bloodlust. That's one of the least heroic things I've ever heard in my life, and yet everyone just falls over themselves to praise him for it just because he's not content to settle for second place.
It's times like that I have to wonder: are they... are they seeing something different than what we do? Are all of Bakugou's most violent phrases and actions edited out for them? Did Hori add them for his fans? Or is it just The Tsundere Field(TM)?
Not even mentioning third stage where: he's praised for taking a woman 'seriously' for no apparent reason, and dragging it out when he would normally, just like he always does, just leap in mindlessly to attack, and this one time he really thinks it through it backfires when Ochaco turns it back around on him, only for him to just... over power it, with no ill effects. This comes with the double plus stupid on his part of him doing that because he's... what, afraid of her touching him?
Seriously? This entire post exists for me to call Bakugou out, but even I can't call him a coward. Every time he fights a villain, all of which want to kill him, and one who has Ochaco's power but lethal, he still charges in. Moreover, all it does it make you weightless; Bakugou's power explicitly gives him a way around that; if she tosses him, he can just fly back to the stage.
So... why is this a thing? This is a thing so, when the heroes, who at this point are symbolizing the audience's discontent with Bakugou, start complaining, Aizawa can step in, verbally slap them, us, and then explain how great Bakugou is, which get magnified by how casually he shoots down her plan at the end.
And here's the super special bonus problem with all of this: a hero's job isn't to protect themselves. A hero's job is to protect everyone else. Even if they, personally, are hurt, a hero is expected to risk their health, and lives, so that the general public is safe. You want to know what the problem is when protecting yourself and allowing the villain time to do things in the process? It means they get to do things. Like, say, set up a giant meteor shower that could cause mass casualties? You know, like what Ochaco actually did as Bakugou held back?
This is that plan that, need I remind you, Eraserhead was defending.
Then there's the fight with Shoto where, under the actual logic of the setting, according to Hori's very notes on how their Quirks work, Shoto should have froze him and thusly stopped him in his tracks, no fire needed, since it would stop Bakugou from sweating. But, instead, Bakugou powers through, somehow, and clinches a win anyways. And then, and this is after he eavesdrops on Shoto's conversation, BTW, which means he knows exactly why Shoto doesn't use his fire, he throws a fit that Shoto didn't use his fire on him anyways (which, considering he sweats nitroglycerin, means he would have exploded).
Now let's look at the Intern Arc, and I'll be honest: no matter how much a non-character Best Jeanist, I'll always be a fan of him for one simple reason:
When everyone else looked at Bakugou, and says, 'This kid is awesome', this is the one person in the entire setting who saw a problem. And as a bonus, he acts to do something about it.
In the same vein, I'll never forgive Hori for making him seem like such a pretentious twit, much less how hard he ends up cheering for Bakugou's every word later in the series. I'm relooking at these manga chapters, and his big attempt seems to be... jelling up Bakugou's hair, and... something like focusing the body and mind via the power of... tight jeans.
Wow. I mean, wow. The one time we get someone honestly, actually trying to change Bakugou for the better, to call him for what he is, and his big plan to do this is apparently giving him a new look.
Really? Like, beyond how much of a failure of an opportunity this is, beyond how it makes Best Jeanist look useless, it can give the reader that the impression that the reason why Bakugou is so wild and untamed is that those who want to reign him in are elitists who are wildly disconnected to reality, that he is right to be this way, because people following the rules are just holding him back.
And we come to... sigh. The Final Exam test. The fact that anyone who has spent five minutes with Izuku and Bakugou thinks that this clustefuck needs to happen is more proof of the terrifying powers of the TF. I mean, I just... when one person is constantly yelling, constantly aggressive, constantly swearing, constantly throwing fits, and this same person is constantly picking fights with another student, who, at worst, defends himself, and and more often just seems to take it..... what do you think they need?
Is it to be thrown together into a teamwork based, sink or swim test with seemingly enormous penalties for failure? Or is it to make one of them get therapy? And also detention?
Well, according to All Might, Aizawa, Nezu, and who knows who else....
*shrugs helplessly*
If only we could use Bakugou's powers for good, rather than making Izuku suffer.
But we can't. So the school locks an abuser and his victim together in a pseudo-deathmatch where teamwork is required to survive, as a form of therapy to treat the lack of cooperation that comes entirely from one party. Wonderful.
And, as anyone could predict, this promptly goes terribly. Bakugou attacks his teammate for the crime of... *checks notes* trying to work together with him against All Might, the strongest being in the setting. This is such a terrible crime because *checks notes again* ...Bakugou can totally take him.
Bakugou Katsuki, everybody. A 'genius' with the brain of a yipping chihuahua trying to fight a mastiff.
Recovery Girl watches this happen live and just goes, 'They're just absolutely the worst team, those two."
And oh, and I'm going to be honest, when you look at Recovery Girl she's kind of a piece of shit. She barely gets any scenes and any time they involve Izuku (a lot of that small amount) they are pure ass. But this? This just takes the cake.
Wow. They're such bad teammates, sure. Such heroic insight. Why, that's like saying putting Muscular on the same team with Kouta would be a bad team! That would have some truly terrible teamwork as well, right? It's something that is technically correct, but is just.... so heinously missing the core of the problem that you honestly have to wonder what in the actual fuck she's thinking. All Might and Aizawa, at least, have the excuse that they don't see that, at least as far as we know, but she deadass watches it happen, what the fuck.
And, as it has often been pointed out, Bakugou passes, after attacking his teammate and being carried out afterwards while Sero, who heroically sacrifices himself for the win and never once attacks his teammate, loses for exactly the same thing.
Simply marvelous.
Now let's move Training Camp Arc... where, when Bakugou is informed in the middle of an attack by villains that he is the target (and oh, we'll get to that in a moment). What is his first response to this? What does he do?
Le-fucking-roy right at them. Here's something that bothers me about how the story talks about Bakugou: he's so intelligent, he's analytical, all this stuff... but every time he gets into a fight? Or near a fight? His response is always, always to jump in. Needless to say, a heedless charge at the problem backfires, and he's captured. Surprise!
And back to Bakugou as target: the League of Villains watch him on TV and the first thing they thought about him is, I like the cut of his jib.
The worst people look at Bakugou and say he's clearly one of them.
This... this is something that's never really discussed. There's a press conference, Aizawa basiclly says he's too heroic to ever join them (ironically, since Bakugou's argument isn't about heroism or villainy, but that they're losers), and this just... never comes up again. There's no doubt in anyone's mind about anything after Eraserhead gives him that support
No one is concerned that, hey, maybe he did actully join them. Or the man with ten-thousand Quirks did something to him, brainwashed him, and honestly? That's not even a reach. That is actually what AFO was planning to do to him. This is a setting, need I remind you, where actual brainwashing Quirks exist, much less whatever the fuck happens to the Nomu and no one is concerned, after they all agree that there is already a mole, that Bakugou could become another mole, or maybe even was that original mole in the first place. No one goes, 'Hmm, well, the scum of Japan think he's one of them, maybe this is something we should be concerned about?'
I mean, fuck, no one just sits Bakugou down and tells him to pull his shit together, your image is ass and the media is probably going to be watching you until you die, ready to stain you with the accusation of villainy, and they can make your life hell if you slip up, and so far you don't seem even seem to care. Also, your heroic career, that you're oh so concerned about, is never going to get off the ground if everyone thinks your a villain, and a villain will never be Number One.
There's just... nothing. Bakugou is made out of warning signs, one the entire fucking setting ignores at times, but this is just... fuck.
Alright. Bakugou vs Izuku Two; Wank Bakugou Harder!
Actually, no. Before that... let's talk about one of the major lead ups to that: Bakugou finding out about OFA. Why? In part to force him into the plot, sure, but a large part of it is Izuku feeling... guilty. He feels guilty for lying to him, guilty for seeming to have a Quirk of his own; I'm not really going anywhere with this, I just want to talk about how fucked up that mentality is, that he felt he owed Bakugou that. He owes Bakugou nothing. Bakugou isn't his friend, isn't even his acquaintance, he's his abuser. Bakugou doesn't treat him in a way that deserves such sympathy, much less information on one of the greatest secrets in the setting. If Bakugou wants to assume that Izuku somehow hid that he had a Quirk for his entire life? Allowed himself to be constantly beat down, insulted, and mistreated, and for what? For this one gotcha moment of surprising Bakugou? Let him. If he's too stuck in his own idiocies to think of anything else, let him wallow in his own ignorance.
Anyways, BvI2: also known as that time Bakugou pulled his frequent victim aside to attack him and both of them got in trouble for it.
And this is billed as this big thing for Izuku, but he fights against Bakugou, metaphorically, all the time, and he's already had this big moment of physical defiance in BvI1. This fight isn't about Izuku, on any level. This fight exists solely for Bakugou. It starts because he starts it, he starts it because he feels upset and violence is apparently how he sorts through his emotions, and he wins it because he needs to.
But not just because he needs to win, oh no, there's more to that. Thematically, you see, this is important for Bakugou's growth. Or rather, the idea of his growth that never seems to persist between his growth moments. You see, thematically, Bakugou stands for victory via force, but him winning this fight doesn't make him right, doesn't give him All Might's approval, and to him, that's almost a paradox; that paradox is needed to move beyond who he is.
But that's the thing though. Bakugou needs it. Bakugou needs to win for Bakugou's growth. This growth is, both literally and thematically, at the expense of Izuku, because Izuku? If he won this, just... out matched Bakugou in a fight, no tricks, no technicalities, no crippling injuries, none of the things from their first fight? That would have been huge for him, for his confidence. It would have been Izuku, heroic Izuku, finally and truly eclipsing his old bully in every possible way, and that would have been great for him, for his confidence, for his self respect. Moreover, though, that still would have been good for Bakugou, because even when he loses, he never loses, and he could use an actual, humbling defeat to help screw his head on straight.
But Bakugou loses all the time, I hear people say? He lost in their first fight, true, but that's a technicality; anyone looking at them would know who won combat wise. He won the Sports Festival, even though he bitches about how it wasn't 'right'. He loses against All Might, sure, but All Might is the strongest man on the planet; that loss means nothing. Moreover, he wins against him through the goal of the exam at the end anyways. He loses to the villains, sure, but it was a bunch of them against him; it wasn't a fair fight, which is the whole reason him picking it was stupid in the first place. And now, here, he could have finally had a real loss to give him some perspective... but he doesn't.
Moreover, Hori just... hypes up Explosion as a Quirk more than it really deserves. Is it a good Quirk? Strong? Sure. But let's be honest here: he sweats nitroglycerin. Literally, his Quirk is his two parents mashed together into the best possible option, and it's basiclly lazy ass chemistry via genetics. There is, by the very definition of the substance that he explicitly makes, a cap to how much it can do with a certain volume; that's why new, more explosive explosives were made to replace it
One For All, all the heroic thematics aside, is literally just pure power. All Might changes the weather with a punch on accident; I'm convinced if he punched the ground and meant it, he could actually fuck up Japan as a island. The cap with OFA is yes. There is no way, under the logic of the setting, that Bakugou can ever contest that.
Like, look at Endeavour: when he wants more fire, he makes more fire. It's bigger. What the fuck is Bakugou going to do, rain his sweat on people? What happens when he dehydrates, because again, this is his sweat, which comes from his body? Cluster doesn't even make sense, really, that he somehow super concentrates it to make it more powerful, and AP Shot is literally him making a circle with his fingers before blowing up a bomb in it, yet somehow it makes, like, a laser?
The thing is that more loose Quirks, like Endeavour's, again, aren't as limited to science as the more 'realistic' Quirks like Bakugou's, so there's nothing really saying he can't just... make more flames. He could damage himself, sure, but since he already pulls that shit out of nothing, Endeavour increasing the volume of his magic ass firebending isn't hard to accept. Hori wrote himself into a hole here because if Bakugou just made explosions by magic? If he just... conceptually made explosions? A lot of this stuff would make sense (except AP Shot; fuck AP Shot), and it feels like that's how he treats it sometimes. But that's not what he did: it was his Dad's Acid Sweat with his Mom's Glycerin which means he sweats explosive sweat. And then, when it's convenient, he has shit like the Gauntlets, and basiclly all the rest of his support gear, that are explicitly filled with his sweat.
Bakugou's powers are basiclly whatever the fuck Hori wants at any given moment, and it's honestly frustrating when he tried to play so much of this setting's powers so seriously at first, and Bakugou's Quirk in particular is explained more than almost anyone else, and yet he tosses it the moment he thinks of something that sounds cool.
...But I've gotten off topic. The point is, OFA is OP and Izuku should have just won that on pure ability alone.
Anyways, after all this, the teachers finally come, once it's settled in Bakugou's favor, and they're both in trouble. For a fight that was 100% Bakugou's fault.
So, throughout all of this, Bakugou has changed, yes, but beyond the first couple of days, the changes have been grudging and glacial, and the reasons why are best exemplified in the License Exam where we find out that, for all intents and purposes, Bakugou is incapable of showing basic empathy. I mean, fuck, he fails to show that when, with any amount of logic, much less that of the genius Bakugou, would say that now is the time to fake it. An actual, factual sociopath would do better than him, purely because they would know to act for their own betterment.
(And the fact that his teachers look at this, explicit proof that he is seemingly incapable of actually trying to save a person, but do nothing with this information speaks volumes.... mostly about how bad Hori is at writing Bakugou and the implications of what he does constantly. Surely there's no way that, without the Author hyping him up, they'd just let that slide, right? ...Right?)
But, then, hope on the horizon! He has a make up exam, and it's apparently centered around pounding basic morals/how to deal with civilians into his thick skull! Surely, this is the time Bakugou will finally, finally, get the point, right?
And that's the thing: he does. There's this, probably to other people, touching moment where he sees himself in this asshole kid and talks about how you can't just look down on people. And it's like... finally. Finally! The switch has finally been flicked! He gets it! Change, improvement, development, fina-
Then the second he gets out of it he promptly goes back to calling everyone extras.
That dynamic in many ways is the perfect embodiment of Bakugou's development, and it's... It's like watching someone fighting off a disease. There's an infection, right and symptoms increase. Sometimes the symptoms appear out of nowhere, sometimes they increase over the span of several days. They peak, finally, then they fall back down, again either dramatically, or over the span of several days, and then you are back to normal.
Bakugou makes changes. He makes realizations. He gets 'humbled'. He has a single moment of heroism that the narrative hypes up, sometimes with a bit of build up before hand for a few chapters, and with people sometimes reacting to it for a few chapters afterwords.
And then it passes, like he's just finished fighting off a case of Morals.
You see, Bakugou is well liked. And, honestly, I get it. The asshole can be therapeutic to root for, at times. The problem is that he's too popular, and that this story is too about people being good. So Bakugou, to keep the fan base, to keep the sales, has to stay Bakugou, stay the unrepentant asshole constantly telling people to die.
But, at the same time, Bakugou is an anti-hero, basiclly, and this is a setting that just... can't handle the complexity of an anti-hero, in how people react to them, what they do and the morality of it, how it would affect society and so on, and so Bakugou can't stay as Bakugou, has to grow and be better and become a hero proper.
So... Hori goes, 'Why not both?' Thus, Bakugou gets his moments of 'development', and a slow, slow, slow trend to the better, and the fans get to see him do his thing, even though he's 'changed'. And it's easy, when you just sit back and accept the narrative, to believe that. But if you don't....
All of that? It makes his character empty because after a certain point, it's clear that Bakugou won't change, in so many fundamental levels, even if everyone around him acts like he does. Like attacking his teammates, like blindly charging the enemy , like constantly insulting everyone around him is just different because he's The New Bakugou now, like it's just fun and games, even when this was a dead serious problem early on. He didn't stop, he didn't change, or dial it back; everyone else just started acting differently when he does it. The same way in day one he attacks Izuku for having a Quirk, far later on he throws his metal... hair thing at him for daring to talk about his Quirk. And it, like, impales him, but haha! It's just funny now, it's so funny, that we can apparently see Izuku's brain! It's funny that, when Izuku is seriously thinking about his predecessors, Bakugou just instantly insults them for not being famous! Look at how patient Izuku is dealing with him as he acts like a bratty five year old child throwing a fit, look how fond All Might is as he insults his beloved teacher that he probably has deep seated trauma about regarding her untimely death!
In the War Arc, where Bakugou 'Rises'? Maybe ten minutes before his 'Rise', he was threatening to attack Izuku for daring to ask why he's following him. In a war zone.
The entire story, Bakugou has been described as a creature of instinct, a natural born warrior with a talent for battle. All of that is to contrast him with Izuku: where Izuku, instinctively, has the urge to save, Bakugou has the instinctive urge to fight. This is fundamental to him, a core characteristic, one of the (many) ways it's explained about how good he is at fighting.
And yet, suddenly, when Izuku is in danger, he moves without thinking (aka instinctively), but it's not attack Shigaraki, which, you know, he was shouting about doing not too long ago, it's to save Izuku.
And. And am I supposed to believe that?
I mean, fuck. In the FInal Arc, he has a Big Speech in response to SFO: about being 'way over fear and rejection since long ago', which SFO was talking in the context of how they create inequality in society, and how he wants to fix it... which, doesn't that mean Bakugou just doesn't care about them? Because being over them doesn't actually solve them, genius, it just means you, personally, are beyond them, and even now, he still treats everyone like they're unequal to him. Bakugou has always been the one to profit from inequality in society, between his Quirk, his talent, his well off family, so honestly all of that rings hollow.
He talks about how he has friends now, who are willing to move beyond them, and OK, that works a bit better, except when he still doesn't treat them like friends, in fact not too long ago he yelled at Momo for getting his stupid ass chuunibyou name wrong.
Or, maybe a minute later, when Bakugou gets a power up and/or realization about how SFO moves or something, and you know what he does? He instantly charges in blindly, alone, and is killed over it. Right after this speech about teamwork, while everyone was just... cheering his determination, and prissy Best Jeanist says, with a straight face and actual awe, 'Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight'.
And then when he sees Bakugou get smacked around, Eraserhead's first thought is to scream, desperately, 'Save him! Save him so he can try and become the Number One Hero!' in the middle of all this shit that is happening.
All of this is presented to us as this... thrilling thing, with music that is going to be swelling in the background when its animated, and everyone cheering him on, right before he's tragically struck down for being too stupid to live (no, seriously, SFO actually lampshades this. Before this big 'dramatic' moment, he says that getting up close to him is pure idiocy, and all that it will do is allow you to get get smashed by an All Might like power. Then, you know, Bakugou closes in, again, because he had bitchslapped Bakugou before, and then a second time during that boast, and it goes exactly as SFO said) and we're supposed to mourn him. Again, actually, even though this is a blatant set up for him powering up, since this is literally the same set up as the War Arc.
All of this work, all of this emotion, and all of it rings hollow because, well, it's Bakugou, and no amount of trying to hype up teamwork battle is going to make it work for me when the second the Big Moment is over he reverts to his normal asshole routine.
That Tsundere Field, guys. Too strong, too broken.
While I'm at it, let's talk about Bakugou being Quirkist, because, well, he is. It's a big part of his early character: the reason he rags on Izuku so hard, so successfully, the reason he's so big and important as a child, is about Quirks. When they get introduced the past users? His first comment is that they have weak Quirks.
Izuku saves him and he still doesn't think much about him; it's only later when he starts actually acknowledging Izuku.
When he has a Quirk.
And it's not just a Quirk, it's more than that: it's a strong Quirk, powerful. Enough for him to defeat Bakugou. All the respect Bakugou builds for Izuku? And while it stagnates for awhile, I do have to admit he does respect Izuku more than he did originally... and it's not because Izuku is kind, or heroic; he still hates that. No, he starts respecting Izuku because he is strong. His respect isn't about Izuku as a person, it's about Izuku's Quirk. All his respect, slowly built up throughout the series, comes from the corrupt foundation that Izuku is worth respecting only because he has a Quirk. Later, this gets worse because he learns about OFA and starts valuing Izuku as important, but it's only because his Quirk is important. It's All Might's Quirk. His second fight with Izuku is because of it's All Might's Quirk. He starts training him (that one time, and apparently never gain) because it's All Might's Quirk. When Izuku goes 'rogue'? And when he heroically goes to hunt him down? One of the first thing he does is talk about how he's so great because he has One For All, and then calls him an All Might wannabie*.
And you know what? I just talked about Class A hunting down Izuku recently, but let's talk about that more, because I hate it so much.
I really, honestly wonder if Hori is blind to the parallel he set up here, or if he invoked it on purpose, to try and show how Bakugou has 'improved'.
Look back at the first chapter, where we first see Bakugou. Think about that dynamic: Izuku, beaten down, on one side, while on the other, Bakugou. Strong, proud, with minions at his back, all of them ready to throw down at his command.
The thing is? The first time is shown as clearly villainous in nature, a cruel bully against someone who is weak but heroic. The second time, everything is the same, but it's shown differently. Bakugou is being shown as heroic for doing this, heroic for leading Izuku's friends to hunt him down, heroic for attacking him.
*And ah, Bakugou the Hypocrite. Let's finish this up by talking about Bakugou's name. When we first talk about hero names, Bakugou's naming sense is much like it is for his final name, and Midnight promptly shoots down every one of them because, well, they aren't heroic, and the story pokes fun at him a little because he clearly doesn't get it.
Then it's the War Arc. Bakugou has 'grown', there's all this hype for his big heroics moments, and he announces his new name... Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. And I'm just wondering... am I getting punked? This is the the same shit as before! No, actually it's worse than that, it's bigger, longer, and more ridiculous.
The universal response is that it's tacky. Nejire thinks it's disgusting. Mirio literally thinks it's a joke.
But the story itself treats it seriously, and over time? People start accepting it, taking it seriously as well, treating that stupid name with respect. What the fuck kind of hero name has the word murder in it? What kind of hero calls himself a god?
And finally, it's Dynamight. Which resembles All Might, the Greatest, Most Beloved Hero, the one Bakugou has always considered the best and viewed as his goal to surpass.
And yet he says that Izuku, who is calling himself Deku, is the one viewing himself as an All Might wannabie.
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dalisman127y · 6 months
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Mha girls x reader onsen trip
A/N:I had a theory that during the time that my hero academia was set, a monkey called "japanese snow monkeys" probably went extinct.
You happily sat in the water Wich was up to your chin.
You loved soaking in hot springs. Especially with your japanese snow monkey friends before they were hunted to extinction.
Just then you hear the door open and the girls of class 1A walk in.
"oh, sorry girls. I didn't know that this is the girl's bath. I'll get out" you said getting up.
"no, no. it's ok,babe" momo said getting in. "we want you to join us"
The others nod in agreement and step in.
The girls were talking about stuff while you sat on the opposite side of the hot springs.
You have memories of when you sat in hot springs with the last of the japanese snow monkeys and two of them groomed you, a male monkey with a scar on his left eye you named "scar" and a female monkey with no hair on her arms due to Mange named "swoop".
You often protect the troop with scar or collect food with swoop.
But then one day when you got home from school.
"hello? Scar? Swoop?" You said looking around for the snow monkeys. You walk thru town to find them face to fang with a pack of feral dogs. You can only watch as the dogs massacred the last of the japanese snow monkeys, one by one.
A law was then passed to never have feral dogs in their town.
They chased all the feral dogs out of the town.
You look at the fatal injuries almost all the monkeys took and you held a monkey's hand.
"NOOOOO!!!!!!" you yell and the memory ends.
You snap back to reality as toru hagakure touches your shoulder.
"hey, honey. How about you join us. You seemed lonely " toru said.
"oh, um. It's ok,toru. I like being by myself." You said sinking into the water.
"aw,C'mon, ribbit " tsuyu said swimming to you.
"ochako, do the thing" mina said
"ok" ochako said before she gives you the puppy dog eyes.
"oh,oh my god, ochako stop! no,no,no,no. " You said looking away.
She gets closer to you with her puppy dog eyes.
"d'oh all right all right all right all right! Just stop it already." You said.
You blush wildly because.
1. you're serounded by pretty girls.
2. you're feeling highly uncomfortable
And 3. It. Was. Hot!
"AHHHHHH!!!!" you screamed in your head.
"Soo, reader-chan. Was it true?" Mina asked
"what was true?" You asked.
"that you did this with japanese snow monkeys?" Ochako said.
"uhhhhh, yeah, I did." You said.
"would it be ok if we asked some questions?" Momo asked .
"oh yeah sure." You said.
"ok, first question" kyoka said "what does a japanese snow monkey look like?"
"well, a japanese snow monkey is a type of monkey who love to live in snowy areas of Japan. They have white hair and red faces. They also love hot springs. Because it keeps them warm." You said hugging yourself.
"next question" momo asked " how did the Japanese snow monkey go extinct ?"
"well, there are different ways they went extinct." You said pulling out your sketch pad.
"for example... Being exposed to the rabies virus, wildlife conflict, illegal hunting/poaching and habitat segregation all played a key roll in the extinction." You said drawing on the sketch pad.
"no one has seen a japanese snow monkey in 10 years we'd have to be very lucky to actually see one let alone a whole group." You said looking up from the sketch pad.
"well reader chan, we won't have to look very far." Tsuyu said.
"look up there!" Mina said quietly.
You turn to see a white fluffy monkey with a red face.
The monkey jumps off the fence and it walk to you.
It started to groom you.
"umm, what's it doing?" Toru asked.
"it's grooming me." You said "monkeys often groom one another"
You then noticed a similar scar over his eye.
"what the... Scar? Is that you?" You asked.
The monkey jumps for joy and hugs you.
"awwww. I missed you too,old friend." You said returning the hug. Momo sheds a tear.
"how? How did..." You asked.
Scar makes incoherent noises.
"uhhhh, what's he saying?" Jiro asked.
"he's saying.." you said translating, "my troop was ran out by a stronger troop of japanese snow monkeys. We had to move out of the forest and into the local town."
"but then we were ambushed by a pack of feral dogs. We had to go. I ordered a few of my troops to hold back the monsters so we can sneak away. And sneak away, we did. We traveled for months for a year until we found this place." You said still translating.
"I see, but why?" Momo asked.
The monkey chitters and you nod. "They were looking for me this whole time." You said hugging scar.
"awwwwwwwwwww" the girls said.
Scar climbs out of the water, and hoots.
A female monkey with no hair on her arms comes out holding two babies in her arms.
"hey, it's swoop." Jiro said.
Ochako gasps "oh my god! she has babies!!!"
"congratulations,swoop. With these babies you'll most certainly save your species" you said.
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 months
I think I finally realize why the writing in BNKA always puts me off in some way, something I've been saying for a while but never got a chance to go into detail.
The writing in BNKA feels like narrative manipulation.
I've come to this conclusion after seeing how the fandom reacts to certain moments and compare them to earlier scenes. And that was when it all clicked for me to come up with this word.
With how the unholy three started out (Bakugou, Aizawa, and Endeavor) then seeing their personalities and how others view them take a complete 180 to view them in a better light, that's what I'm referring to as narrative manpulation.
With Bakugou starting out as a bully and supposedly "changing" so others can say "Wow what a great guy he is!" And praise him to the moon and back... it's literally middle school all over again for him.
With Aizawa coming across as unfair and uncaring only for the narrative to prove he's right every time and have others treat him like he's japanese Einstein.
And with Endeavor starting off as a horrible person and the main conflict for Shoto to overcome... only for his family to welcome him back with open arms and say "We're all to blame for what happened!" just to lift some of it off of him and make him seem like he meant well.
The one common thing about these three is Hori having them express negative emotions and crying and the fandom eats it all up. Claiming that they've gone through development and that they really do care and are more than what we were led to believe. And then have them act the exact same way like nothing happened.
And that my friend... is narrative manipulation.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
All of the writing in MHA is narrative manipulation but especially with those three.
Bakugou, Aizawa and Endeavour have narrative manipulation, their own in-universe simps, characters not reacting to them as they should and retcons to soften them and make them more palatable to the audience.
Bakugou and Endeavour are easy and extreme examples so I'll begin with Aizawa first.
With Aizawa, this has worked so well that you rarely see people critical of him and only those who have fully and critically looked at him in canon without #Dadzawa colouring their perception.
His students should dislike / hate or at the very least be wary of him. A teacher who sleeps all the time, pulls "logical ruses" lies and expels on a whim would realistically cause the mental health of his students to plummet. Yet all of 1A (including Izu who he seems to very much dislike) love him for some reason...
He's praised as logical, "harsh but effective" yet his fellow teachers should HATE him. Through the amount of students he's expelled I've heard some people theorising that he has expelled OTHER teachers students. Imagine how angry you would be as a teacher to find one of your students careers destroyed because a fellow teacher expelled them for a bullshit reason. Not only that but logically Aizawa's expulsions would have destroyed lives, destroyed careers before they fully lifted off the ground even made villians.
*There's also the fact that he's not shown to be a great friend in canon either, yet Aizawa is surrounded by Shirakumo, Yamada or Kayama who aren't offput from his behaviour. And even has a respect from All Might (despite the fact that Aizawa has been shown to dislike him.)
* - I'm not blaming Aizawa for being depressed or low key here. That's understandable. However friendship is about give and take. We don't see Aizawa being supportive back to his friends, we see them support him only. And when there's an opportunity to show Aizawa being supportive like to Mic after Midnight's death, Hori doesn't take it. Hori instead makes Aizawa shut Mic up. Additionally, when you like someone and are friends with them - you make the effort to show you like their company, you like being around them, you engage with them. Aizawa acts annoyed by his friends most of the time he's with them on screen, like he's grudgingly tolerating them at best.
Then there's Bakugou who is praised as the second coming of Christ, who lost nothing for suicide baiting a quirkless kid (our MC) and abusing him for ten years! Instead Izuku still calls him "Kacchan" 🤮, Bkg has made friends who are staunchly "anti bully" in Mina and Kirishima (who look stupid or hypocrites for being friends with this POS), Aizawa even praises and favours him for some reason despite Bkg's power being astonishingly one note and Bkg having so much of an awful attitude for heroics the villians thought he was a good recruit. 😬 Bakugou is the worst written character I have seen in a long time - a true Gary Stu.
And finally we have Endeavour, the child abusing POS himself who gets a tragic backstory that none of us wanted to see (his father dying as a kid), we have blame shifting on to Rei and Touya with their respective insanity (also now blame shifted on to Rei's incestous fam by some fans) and some even saying "Endeav had Touya's best interests at heart all along" which truly makes me scoff. If Endeav had Touya's best interests he would have taught Touya to cool himself off, he would have found another interest for them to bond over and sent him to therapy. Not ignoring his spiralling son until he died then got saved by All For One.
In addition, Rei's entire character being used as an "Endeav is not that bad" mouth piece makes me sick, Endeavour broke this woman, physically, emotionally and sexually (depending on your reading but she didn't look consenting to Natsuo and Shoto's births) abused her. So this choice with her character doesn't even make sense, she couldn't even see Shoto, she burnt her child because he looked like Endeav! Why doesn't she loathe this man like she should?! It is sick. It's even sicker of Hori to make her say "We are all responsible for what happened." Like that isn't the most delusional and victim blaming shit to say to your children who couldn't have done squat against their hero father.
Then there's Shoto and his story being overshadowed again by his abusive father, his friendship with Izuku being made about forgiving said abusive father. Shoto deserved so much better than this.
TLDR - the victims of the story should have been allowed to show the impact of their abuse / teaching malpractice that they have dealt with.
Aizawa should have resigned his teaching job (that he didn't even want in the first place) and got therapy as well trying his best to make it up to all those whose lives he ruined.
Bakugou should have been expelled for being an abusive asshole and being too dumb to hide it.
Endeavour should have had the Todofam HATE his guts and no one in his corner coddling him when he cries about Dabi then later Dabi should have finished him off instead of sprouting ice randomly.
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nnnyxie · 8 months
BAE I’M COMING THROUGH W THESE I SWEARRR, can’t remember if I already sent one but I got one I think is cuteee idkkk (I despise anything I write at all)
Izuku x Fan!reader, BUTTTT🤭 Reader is from our world, definitely possesses a bunch of merch of specifically Izu and one faithfull day they decide to listen to maybe a shifting meditation, more as a joke than seriously but the hope still gnaws at their heart. You can imagine the disappointment as they wake up in their own room☹️ but as soon as they open the door…boom ✨Ua dorms✨ they slam the door shut before opening it and slamming it shut again and again staring in disbelief before squealing, and rummaging through their closet to find a uniform :DD then being introduced to the class and realizing they don’t speak a word Japanese and panicking slightly, we just need a tiny bit of struggle🤞
And ofcourse trying (and failing miserably) to keep the fangirling at bay
It should have to be in the early days of class 1A so that they seem just a little more creepy for loving them so much, but also so they can predict a few things and then just say that that is their quirk :) like random visions
They don’t actually have a quirk but using their knowledge of the manga to their advantage :3 idk does that make sense??? And IMAGINE meeting Izu for the first time…reader just being a mess and Mina quickly picking up on it…reader being bi dosen’t help as Mina comes close to tease them and they grow Almost as pink as her…GJEKDKSKSK (I’m soo gay for Mina and jirou it‘s insane) okay I think I should stop I’m just writing whtv at this point but alsoo HIM SEIENG YOUR DORM or catching a glimpse of his pro merch??? The figurines??? He’s actually be SO weirded out but also curious??
Bonus: reader actually is the mc of a very very unpopular secret underground exclusive manga that Izu happens to be a huge fan of and he goes crazy when he sees them and first thinks they only look super similar and just can’t be around them because he‘s do flustered…one day either he or you is sick and Aizawa asks who could bring the sick one the notes and Izu/reader volunteer a little too fast🤭 so when they then see the room…littered with merch of them…wjdiwnykdnkxks I’m insane
Sincerely, Izu anon<3
#𖢥 izuku anon
okay so this roughly takes place before the stain incident BUT they’re in the dorms bc canon divergent is my thing /j
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the day was slow and boring and you were curious!!
so you turned up that music and focused on shifting to the mha universe!! which failed the first time— but you weren’t gonna give up!! no no no. you tried again!!
and you succeeded. very successfully.
you didn’t realize you had— because your room was still the same! but that was until someone knocked on your door! you thought maybe it was your parent/guardian or sibling! but nope! it was aizawa and nezu!
you had no clue what your story was as to how you got here— did they somehow already get a random explanation? or what?
you were honestly so nervous— shaking from it all.
“come with us!” nezu smiled and motioned you to follow the two.
after a silent five minute walk, you reached a private room.
“you can’t go back for a while. you know that, correct?” nezu asked. you looked at him nervously, what did he mean? “i’m sorry? i don’t understand.” you tried feigning innocence but it didn’t work. they both gave you a ‘we aren’t dumb’ look.
“how did you know?” “we aren’t stupid kid, we know who belongs where. who is from here and who isn’t.” aizawa’s voice was firm and tired. “look— i didn’t think this wouldn’t actually work. i mean— it failed the first time i tried. how was i supposed to know it’d be successful the second time?” you were quick to defend yourself, afraid that maybe they’d lock you up in a cell until you were able to go back ‘home’.
“don’t fret, child! we’d just like to propose a deal,” nezu was snuggled up in aizawa’s scarf, it was kind of adorable. “what— what would that entail?” you were wary— you knew he was a good…. person? animal? whatever— you knew that he was good but, you were still afraid. who wouldn’t be?
“you know what happens here, yes?” you nod your head. “then, you’ll act as our help. your quirk is vision. you will tell us what happens before it happens” aizawa waves his hands in explanation.
“and for my side..?” “we’ll get you home.” “okay.”
the next day— you’re introduced to the class “before we go in, you need to understand that you cannot fangirl or whatever they call it. you need to pretend you only know them because of the sports festival and your visions.” aizawa had you at his desk while students piled in. good lord did it take everything in you to not scream.
“we have a new student, introduce yourself then take that seat behind midoriya.” aizawa pointed to the pretty green haired boy that you loved.
after a quick introduction, you were very quick and eager to take the seat behind him. “welcome to UA!” he gave you that smile— the one you loved so much.
after class, everyone was quick to come up to you— excited to know about your quirk since you hadn’t said what it was during your introduction.
“what’s your quirk? how does it work? what’s your hero name? do you have any special moves?” izuku was close in front of you— you could die right then and there. you were incredibly flustered—
“well— uhm… my quirk is vision and uh— well it’s what it sounds like… i have visions so i can see what happens before it happens…”
“how’s that even useful to us!?” bakugo, the asshole, yelled. while you did like his character— he was annoying sometimes. so, you just rolled your eyes and ignored him. opting to answer everyone else’s questions. he, of course, got angry at this. “don’t ignore me, brat!” he grabbed your collar and lifted his hand. “can you stop?” you asked in a rather annoyed tone.
honestly— this baffled everyone. but, izuku— izuku was thoroughly impressed— he even had a little crush on you now. ;)
as more time passed, work studies came. aizawa paired you with iida— after you let him know of the stain incident he had all heroes on guard and wanted you to make sure iida didn’t run into him.
now. the incident. you did EVERYTHING in your power to make sure iida stayed away— you kept him from the alleyways, watch his moves, etc. but still, he found stain.
then— izuku showed up. you knew he would at some point, of course. “midoriya, you need to go!” iida yelled, you were tending to native’s wounds. since your ‘quirk’ was just vision. you carried first aid equipment with you. he wouldn’t leave— you knew that. but, you wanted to at least try. maybe this time it could be different? maybe this time he’d leave and get help?
“please— izuku you’ll hurt yourself! i’ve seen it!” he ignored you, of course he did. he was a stubborn hero in training after all. “i have to help you both!” and with that— he attacked.
you saw as the hero killer paralyzed izuku, you felt so— powerless. you wanted to do more. you needed to do more. as stain was about to take another stab at iida— you moved to protect him but, todoroki showed up just in time.
the fight was long. and hard to watch— it was always difficult to see. all three characters you loved were getting hurt and you couldn’t do anything. but, you saw iida do everything in his power to force himself up— it was admirable, he was learning to do what was right and you loved that scene. then you remembered— stain would throw his knife to hit todoroki and iida would take it. iida doesn’t need more injuries.
“move!” you yelled as you shoved the two of them, the knife went through you. just above the heart, though it seemed like it struck directly into it. “you idiot!” todoroki yelled at you, and izuku looked horrified. he felt sick. he was angry. that gave him all the fuel he needed to activate his quirk.
the pros arrived as soon as the two took him out, izuku rushed to you, ignoring the yells of the heroes. did they not see you bleeding out? how could they just ignore you like that? it only angered him more but, he knew he needed to calm himself. it’d only make the situation worse.
you were put in a different wing— you needed surgery for your wound. it was deep and there were specs of his blade in you.
the surgery ended up having you on bed rest, so you weren’t able to attend classes. it sucked but at least you had your sweatshirts for comfort— your deku sweatshirts for comfort.
there was a knock at your door, then it opened. you forgot to lock it. though— you didn’t think much of it anyways, it was probably aizawa bringing you your work. which, you wish you didn’t have any.
oh. now you wished it was aizawa bringing you your work.
izuku walked in with a few papers in hand— the light from your opened window displayed all of your merchandise. oh no.
he looked— well, his expression was… mixed? he looked, confused, unsettled, happy???
“uhm— izuku— i can uhm— i can explain!” you sat up quickly, forgetting you were injured, your mortification overpowered the pain. “that’s— that’s me…” he pointed at a figurine. he turned around in a circle, taking in all of your items. then, he faced you. you, who was wearing a deku sweatshirt with a small plush of him on your pillow. “i—” his eyes were wide and his brows were scrunched, you were embarrassed— no— that’s an understatement.
“so… i was right…” he mumbled to himself. “what do you mean? you were… right?”
he rushed to the door— closing and locking it, then threw your papers onto your desk.
“you aren’t supposed to be here! i was right!” he exclaimed in joy. “i can’t believe it— you— oh my god i was—” he threw his hands up in the air then planted them on his head, he was being confusing— i mean, shouldn’t he be freaked out?? “what do you mean you were right!?” you asked louder— while you loved that he was happy, you wanted to know how the hell he knew!
he sat next to you, “you’re not— you’re not us. you’re supposed to be— you’re not supposed to be here!” he pulled out his phone, showing you a picture of… you? “this is amazing! i just— i can’t believe it. i mean, i knew you looked familiar, you sounded familiar, you acted familiar. but, i didn’t want to be wrong.” he was mumbling again, it was cute.
“am i…?” “you’re my favorite character!” he exclaimed. he was beyond happy— he was beyond thrilled.
“how did you get here? did you build some kind of machine? no that would’ve happened in the manga… what did you do? is this why the manga suddenly stopped?” he held your hands, wanting answers. you swear he was trying to kill you, his sweetness was almost suffocating.
“well uhm— there’s this thing called shifting where i’m from and uh… i did it and succeeded, i guess. i didn’t think it’d work but uhm… yeah. it did.” you felt a bit shy, was that weird? wanting to shift into this world? “so why did you want to do it?” he squeezed your hands, he was excited. should you tell him why? should you tell him it’s because you wanted to see him? would that be weird? that’d be weird, wouldn’t it? well— nothing could be as weird as… this.
“i uhm… i wanted to uhm uh see you.” god you wanted to die right then and there. “me? like— me me?” “uhm yeah… there’s no one else here…” he blushed— oh no he was weirded out— he must be. this was the end for you. “that makes me happy.” he whispered as his blush deepened
oh. oh. OH.
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i hope this was what you were looking for!!
i had fun writing it!! i wanted to incorporate the stain fight bc it’s one of my favorites!!
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mha-quotes-and-such · 8 months
Who do you think can speak the most languages in class 1-A, in the League and among the teachers? Not necessarily well or fluent, but enough to communicate.
For 1A, we know that everyone speaks Japanese jsl and english, so I’ll consider that the baseline. We know Aoyama speaks french, so as far as canon goes he would be the winner! However I personally head canon Sero and Kaminari as being able to speak spanish as well, so personally it would be a three way tie
For teachers I would definitely go with Present Mic. He Is a language teacher so it would make a good amount of sense. I could totally see All Might competing with that though. While English is most common, Spanish and French are also pretty widely spoken in many parts of the US, and there are plenty of native languages too. If he wanted to go all out on the America theme (which it obviously seems he does) it would make sense for him to know more than just English
As for the league I’m honestly not quite sure. I might say either Kurogiri or Compress; Kurogiri could’ve been taught/“pre-programmed” with a knowledge of different languages as that could definitely become useful in aiding the league at points, and Compress just seems like the type of guy to want to know the basics of a handful pf languages
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br3adtoasty · 1 year
Youssef O’Toodles
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Template by @piraticusdorm
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
Japanese ユセフ・オトゥードル
Twisted From Toodles (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
Voiceclaim Rie Takahashi
Gender Non-binary (they/he/she)
Sexuality Unlabeled, but definitely not straight
Age 18
Homeland ???
Family Father, Grandmother
School Year First
Class 1A
Club Carpentry Club
Best Subject PE
Dominant Hand Ambidextrous
Favorite Food Meshabek, Hotdogs
Least Favorite Food None
Dislike People with no imagination
Hobby Roller-skating, playing in playgrounds (you’re never too old!)
Magical Item: A Tool for Later!
A set of magically enchanted bag and cardigan. Any item or material, usually tools, can be pulled out from the many pockets they have, but only for 4 times per day. The bag seems to also have an unlimited space for storage. Though, they can only be utilized by Youssef themself. So don’t ever think about stealing them, ok?!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
A magicless student from another world. One day Youssef found themself waking up in Night Raven College with almost no memory of their life prior. But with the handcrafted bag and cardigan his grandmother gifted to him, Youssef is set on enjoying her time in this twisted world and whatever it has to offer as much as possible.
Known for his incredible skills at problem-solving and repairing things. It is said that if you shout the name ‘O’Toodles’ once or twice, Youssef will come rolling in on his wheels in a matter of seconds, with no regards to the location. On the roof, in the air, underwater, even in your private quarters, you name it! Whatever you have problems with, they’re always there to help.
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sapphic-agent · 1 month
I will say confidently that MHA has done this. It has given me a lot of ideas for my own story. It also has a lot of inspo from Avatar: The Last Airbender as well, but it's still it's own thing. I will say, as a treat. Here's a Momo rewrite!
Momo, as said before, grew up with rich parents. I'd also like to believe for this rewrite she has like older siblings. For the reason why Momo feels so inadequate is because her classmates have so much going for them, her siblings are so much smarter and wiser than her, and her parents aren't... around that much. She doesn't feel good enough, and she just wants to show that SHE can be that good enough.
I'd say she'd still have that same fight thing with Shoto and Aizawa, some things tweaked here and there but still the same. As the show goes on, I feel like it would be interesting to show a different side of the field when it comes to how quirk society treats certain people. Momo is up on the ladder. Very wealthy. Her parents have extreme expectations for her, and she has to be perfect. Grades, social life, clothing, etc. She gets compared a lot to Shoto and her siblings, which can be apart of her arc and why it affects her so much. Also a reflection of Japanese society of always having women to be perfect, prim, and even her parents basically forcing her to be like a perfect housewife for her next "husband." But Momo doesn't wanna marry or fall in love with WHO her parents want her to be. Maybe she realizes during school she's a lesbian or bisexual or w/e sexuality. She is not quite as knowledge, but very open to learning. She and Jirou get close, and meets her family. Her family is so kind and supportive, and what a family should be. She feels conflicted. For Shoto parallels, Shoto comes from a well off home, but a not so good family life. Even throw a parallel to Toga who went through the same thing. Ochako also grew up dirt poor, but has loving parents. Momo learns about a loving family IS, and I feel she would try to reconnect with some of her adult siblings, and it goes well. Rocky, but well. Shoto getting the courage to stand up to his own dad. It makes Momo think, Momo's parents in this, aren't as accepting of the LGBTQ+ , but are quiet about their judgements. Momo and Jirou's romance is a slowburn mainly because MHA takes place within one year. But, tbh, in my rewrite of MHA the final battle with Shigaraki is when all of Class 1A are like in their 4th year of school. By then, Momo and Jirou are dating. But if we're sticking to the canon timeline, there's hints of it. But Momo stands up to her parents about this and doesn't take their shit anymore. She's her own person. She's her own hero. I'd also like to imagine Momo also becomes a foil to Toga. Because in this rewrite, they have quite a lot in common, and is also present in the whole Toga V. Ochako show down. She would become a part of the Dekusquad, and be like a 2nd defacto leader. Also, in this rewrite, Midoriya, Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Momo go to Shoto's house, and not just Bakugo and Midoriya. Momo is very confident and becomes a great leader, and hero. Lemme know what you think!
Weird way of proposing, Anon, but I DO.
This is all I've ever wanted for Momo. Substance, drive, ambition, ALL OF IT IS SO PERFECT. And it also feels very true to her character. So many Momo rewrites make her entirely different (seriously, when people make her cold and snobby it really turns me off because a big part of Momo's character is that despite being rich she has a generous and kind heart), this one takes what's good about Momo's canon characters and enhances it. Horikoshi wishes he could write women half as well as you.
Please keep cooking🔥 If you ever make a fic I'll be the first one to read it
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
Adding further to the manifesting PR list -
- In late 2019, Harry to become governer general of Canada
- in 2019 Meghan to become president of BAFTA
- Harry and Meghan to become heads of the Commonwealth. This continued through 2020. In reality they were president and vice president of Commonwealth youth association.
- in 2020 Meghan to become ambassador for givenchy
- in 2020 Meghan to become ambassador for Tatcha (the Japanese makeup brand). This was a very strong rumour.
- in 2017, Meghan to get engaged with an emerald ring of Diana's, or an emerald from Diana's choker. This was the strongest and most sustained rumour there has ever been.
- in 2018, Spencer tiara and/lovers knot is now Meghan's and she will wear that for her wedding.
- in 2018, Charles buying HnM a mansion in LA because she is an LA. This turned into HnM looking for a mansion in LA as a summer/winter house.
- in 2018 Meghan will be gifted Frogmore house.
- Meghan to get garter/Kcvo because she the favorite (grand)daughter in law.
- Meghan and Harry to move into KP apt 1A (this was a very strong rumour)
- In 2016 Meghan to become UN women world ambassador (she tried so hard for this and even called herself that. In truth she wanted what Emma Watson had.)
- in 2015 Meghan to become some sort of ambassador for ireland (lol this was so weird but this started right around the time she got with Fitzpatrick. Her agent really milked this one. It's around this time she did the interview with Craig Ferguson)
- in 2019/2020 Meghan to enter politics, run for president. This one was strong in 2020/21 but I think she has now lost interest.
- in 2014/2015 Meghan to host a travel and food show. She really tried hard for this one back in her TiG days and gave the impression that she had this. In reality she may have been coopting Cory's life.
- in 2019/2020 meghan to become ambassador/patron of US open. PR also suggested Meghan now might get Wimbledon from Catherine because Serena was her best friend.
PS: the things I've mentioned have all, at some point, been mentioned in articles, not just online rumours.
There was also the PR that they were going to get York Cottage AND Adelaide Cottage as wedding presents.
Meghan will be presenting at the Oscars (2019 - 2022).
Meghan will be awarded the Family Order (2018)
Meghan will be given the Victoria Cross (2019)
Meghan and Harry to move into Windsor Castle (2018-2019)
Meghan and Harry to move into apartment 1 in KP (2017-2018)
Meghan and Harry to be given US tour (2018-2019)
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sluttyhollow · 9 months
I don’t write for UA students but Bakugo and me are the same person and we’d be best friends if I was at UA 😂. I was listening to Bakugo by KVMIL and it just had me thinking about Bakugo x black american bestfriend reader (this has been sitting in my drafts forever lol might as well let it go)
No warnings, just two foreign besties with bad attitudes and terrible language (purely platonic)
Katsuki definitely speaks English, he’s a rich kid, and his parents traveled to the states a lot for work and they used to takes him in the summer. He just refuses to speak English because he thinks it sounds stupid.
The back and forth trips are how he ended up meeting you in the first place the summer between first and second grade. Your parents were working on a collaborative design line focusing on mixing Japanese and African American street fashion styles
Neither of you liked each other. He was loud and you thought his red eyes were creepy. He thought you were a loser and hated the noise your hair made when you walked (it was the beads, he thinks they look “cool or whatever” now though) you guys actually ended up fighting, Mitsuki thought it was funny because Katsuki lost (he started it) she bought you ice cream for winning.
After that day you guys came to an agreement to not speak to each other but by day 3 of vacation you were sharing games and sending each other colored screens on your DSIs. You guys did argue everyday of that summer though, and every day of every summer you spent together until middle school when he started staying in Japan to train.
Fast forward to high school and you still text each other. He’s at UA and you’re at a well known hero school in the states. Both of you are loud mouths with quirks worthy of helping saving lives (yours a quirk reversal/theft quirk that allowed you to reverse a persons quirk or utilize their abilities for a certain amount of time, like toga and all for one mixed).
Let’s just say your school has a sports festival similar to UAs that’s also televised and streamed nationally and internationally which prompts Miruko to want you intern abroad with her. Of course you accept and your school works with UA to get you into a transfer program thus starting your 1 year stent at UA. Now for fun’s sake you didn’t tell Katsuki you were coming to UA so imagine his surprise when all the rest of 1A is talking about some American transfer student and he walks into the common room and sees you sitting there.
“What. What the fuck are you doing here you fucking loser” the rest of 1A is shook, they know he’s an ass but they didn’t think he’d just be mean to new student. Just when they get ready to intervene you respond to him with a “you know you’re happy to see me fucker it’s been like 3 years” and the rest of the class is just like wtf is going on here. Y’all of course explain that you knew each other and that you’re besties. Deku being the only one not surprised considering you’d met him once before.
From then on you too go back into your old ways from childhood but with added addition of training. When you’re not busy with Miruko and him with Jeanist y’all go back to the Bakugo house and eat dinner with Mitsuki and Masaru.
You make him apologize to deku (long before canon) when he tells you what happened during middle school and how the first half of the semester had been. You beat his ass and told him to get over himself (he knew you were right).
You and Deku going feral when he gets hurt, LOV attacks and the three of you have to be put on house arrest by Iida cause y’all get too emotional over one another
Forcing him to class 1A gatherings. Neither of you wanna go but Mina saw you two getting ready to disappear after dinner and dragged y’all to movie night
Katsuki likes American food. Spice levels are just a little higher, flavors are a little more intense than typical Japanese food. You can cook a little bit and help him make American style dinners for everybody sometimes
People think you guys are partners cause of how relaxed you two are around each other but he’s like your brother and you would kiss m*neta before Katsuki
Yeah just two foreign besties (your American friends thought you were lying about your best friend living in Japan all through middle school, they didn’t realize you were serious until you moved and FaceTimed them with Katsuki in the camera)
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homebeyondstars · 7 days
♡ Hiiii!! ♡
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So i'm 🍃 right now and i want to tell you a little bit about my Student DR in MHA!!!
Just to start out:
this is my first DR, but im not new to shifting. I just havent fully shifted to this DR yet
And idc how cringe it is i love mha <3
♡this is a multi-universe crossover DR
♡in my first concept for this dr i was adopted by all might but ngl i kinda hated that idea bc theres no way our relationship would be healthy since he's allergic to caring about his health
♡i scripted out Mineta
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♡The power puff girls are the youngest sidekicks in the USA, being sidekicks of their science pro hero dad
♡This is similar to a crdr, except like.... canon events that pivoted my life have been heavily altered!! meaning i have a stepdad. So my cr mom(american), dr stepdad(japanese) and me all live primarily in japan!! I spend the semester months in japan and the summer in the US.
♡batman adops quirkless orphans and is quirkless — DC is basically USA's pro heroes
♡hatsune Miku is my best friend from middle school, with her quirk being "synthesizer" which allows her to apply special effects to her voice. Her and her siblings (main 6) are in a band called "Vocaloid"
♡santa is real and still gives to adults
♡the USA also has their own UA, and quirkless people are allowed to get in thanks to Batman's influence
♡i also scripted in spiderman, sharkboy and lava girl for fun
♡Aizawa is not my teacher in my DR because he's my S/O in another DR, so it would make me feel weird if i were his student - so mic is homeroom teacher
♡Aizawa is *still* a teacher, but someone i don't have to interact with because I'm scripting his class is a selection of students from 1A and 1B, half from each, and I don't get picked
For those shifting to a student DR, if you wanna copy my routine to add to your script, here's mine <3
♡ do whatcha gotta do in the bathroom (toilet, wash face, deodorant)
♡ grab breakfast sandwich from mini fridge and eat it with rice ball and a cup of orange juice, take meds
♡ change into uniform, put on perfume, toss old clothes into hamper
♡Primer, Sunscreen, Concealer, Blush, eyeliner
♡ put on shoes and backpack
♡head down the elevator to the dorm common area and wait for everyone to gather, use that time to socialize
School routine:
♡do what you're told until lunch
♡Eat lunch
♡do what you're told until dismissal
Mid afternoon:
♡Head back to Dorm
♡Change into casual clothes
♡Hang out with friends until dinner
♡Eat dinner in common room/cook for the class if it's my turn
♡go back in time for the following:
♡Study for 1HR 20 minutes
♡work out for 40 minutes
♡change into pajamas
♡wash face, moisturize
♡set out uniform for the next day
♡fall asleep on call with friends 8 hours minimum before alarm rings
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Who has been screwed over by the fandom more?
Propaganda below the cut:
Flandre Scarlet:
“In Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she is described as being quite strange and eccentric, which makes it difficult for others to understand her. She's also described as being "normally docile" and generally pleasant to be around, but somewhat of a loose cannon if left unwatched. In Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, it's suggested that she isn't very good at talking to other people, though she can get rather sassy and uppity when talking with her sister. Her friendship toward humans is very low.“ -from her entry in the touhou wiki. basically she has just been this kid who’s chillin out but over the years, popular fan interpretations have caused her to live up to her name, flanderizing her as this CrAzY KiD who is sO dEsTrUcTiVe and only wants ChAoS but the truth is that she’s just autistic.
Meiling Li:
Meiling is a primary school-aged child who moved to a foreign country where she's still learning the dominant language, does not know anyone besides the people she's staying with, and is routinely involved in dangerous magic battles when she has no magical powers herself. And this is in addition to the fact that she's, y'know, still developing theory of mind because she is 10. Despite all this, she manages to stay mostly upbeat, and is always so determined to be helpful in whatever way she can. Over the course of the series she has a really well-written character arc that sees her gradually developing the confidence to open up to people besides Syaoran, and learning to be more considerate of other people's feelings. Naturally, this all means that the internet hates her for being 'clingy', 'annoying' and 'useless'. She's 10.
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