#Isabella White
Don't do drugs kids
Hey everyone!
Me and Ghost (@guts-blood-n-screamzz) had this idea for a scenario with our ocs (Slyvester and Isa) and i finally finished writing it!
It's exactly 1200 words.
A major cw for; Someone going missing, v0m1t (a whole scene of it, ok), and the usage of drugs, specifically acid. Be careful please.
It’s only been a week since Isabella went missing out of the blue. But no one else except Sylvester seems to remember.
They’ve been given someone, they've finally opened up, they thought they were finally getting better, and just like that; everything was ripped away from Slyvester like she’s never even had anything.
But literally. No one knew who this Isabella lady was, anything at all; even though Sylvester knew the people they were asking about her had definitely met Isa.
It felt like she was going crazy. 
Like she never existed. Was this a long ongoing hallucination?
Has she finally lost it?
They don’t know. It’s hard to know anything while being in the void state after taking acid, laying on the floor of their oversized trash-bin of a room.
Everyone forgot about a whole person’s existence, but did they really exist?
Sylvester was so unsure. The memories felt so real, it must be real, right?
“She doesn't exist, you are crazy! But she felt so real, everyone else saw her, heard her, loved her! She was real!”
The cycle of uneasiness repeated itself in their head, and they just couldn’t stop it. It was pure agony from every side. They couldn’t open their eyes. Everything looked so sharp up front, so blurry from afar, she didn’t even have to focus her eyes to see the moving geometrical shapes on her blanket laying on the bed.
“What if aliens took her?” Sylvester asked herself jokingly as they got up from the floor in motivation of their back starting to hurt more than tolerably.
They lay on the bed in a starfish position, mindlessly staring up at the ceiling, in hopes of the thoughts quitting down.
Unfortunately for them, the worst trip of their life was not about to end any time soon.
“You are just a crazy slut!”
“Like a child you imagined yourself a friend and look what happened the moment you were completely sober!” 
“It’s all your fault!”
They shot up from the bed and ran to the kitchen, throwing the fridge door open and yanking a full unopened gallon of milk out, slamming the poor door back in its place. 
With that same pace and energy, they literally chugged half of the entire gallon in one breath. 
Sounds like someone really wants to escape self-guilt, doesn't it?
Not even five minutes later, while mindlessly zoning out at the kitchen cupboards, Sylvester gets an awful sharp pain in their stomach and they bolt it to the bathroom.
The next sight isn’t pretty by any means. Poor darling is in haste trying to tie her hair up while all the milk that was once inside of her leaves as fast as it entered her body.
They are by no means new to vomiting, yet somehow it felt like this was their first time having this kind of defense mechanism coming from their body.
Thankfully, it did not last long. 
There they were again. Kneeling next to the toilet, elbows resting on the seat, keeping her upper body up, her hair tied up in the last possible second, wondering how many times will she let this happen to them again.
As she was resting after this huge run and exhausting betrayal of their own body, a very obscure idea entered their drug-blinded brain. 
“What if someone really did take her?”
It really didn’t sound stupid at all! Miss Isa was the kindest and smartest person in this god-forsaken village. She helped anyone she knew, always got through the differences, never let anyone sleep on an argument, literally as if an angel was possessing an introverted psychologist.
And that is when Sylvester started thinking about the weird way Isa began acting a few months ago, and how it got more and more intense when it was getting close to the date she went missing on.
Isabella was less and less like herself, paranoid, grumpy; she could hardly be left alone at times! And not to mention that in the past month she went so far as to record herself literally all the time, saying she began having worrying memory issues. 
It all made sense. Someone was behind all of this. Somebody was stalking and threatening Isabella and they just had enough and took her that day.
With that absolutely insane theory and a new burst of hope and energy Sylvester got up, flushed the toilet, and washed her hands and face.
They fixed up the birdnet of the hair they made, and ran back to her room to get some acceptable clothes to pull on so they don’t look like the lunatic they are while on the way to Isabella’s house.
And with that she was off. 
The cozy, well-kept house had a nice welcome mat at the front door, which  Sylvester didn’t seem to give a damn about, lifting it up and tossing it to the side. There was a spare key under the mat.
Sylvester opened the door and the sight kind of shocked her. 
Every room in the house was spotless and clean. Like she was hiding something.
They waltzed in to investigate. Kitchen and bathroom were perfect and orderly, even inside the cupboards. The living room looked like it'd been freshly vacuumed, and there were not even specs of dust on the shelves. 
The bedroom, on the other hand, was in terrible condition. The bed was a mess of blankets and pillows, even though Sylvester knew Isa made her bed every morning from a 3 day sleepover.  The window was shut with the curtains covering it, even though Isabella was quite a fan of leaving windows open to let the fresh air in. 
There was a book open on the ground. It looked like some journal. 
“Jackpot!” She muttered to herself, picking it up and seeing detailed entries that got messier  and  messier with every day that was recorded. It stopped on the day she went missing.
“I’ll take a look at this later.”
They looked to their right and saw Isabella’s work desk. Her laptop was open and plugged in. 
Several sites were open in her browser. 
Most were on how to aid paranoia and insomnia, but there were sites open about being stalked and when to contact the police as well.  There was a site open about different entities, too, but Sylvester was not sure how to take that information in.
After a quick check if Isa had a password on the computer and finding out she in fact did not, Slyvester took the laptop off the charger and ran to get the corkboard and got to work. 
She blacked out.
The next morning they woke up next to a bunch of corpses of the snacks she ate to be able to keep moving, and a huge case pinned onto the corkboard with yarn. 
Exactly like in detective movies.
 Next to that board there was a neatly put stack of papers which appeared to be notes she took for the hangover Sylvester. Smart move from someone who was tripping balls the night they solved a missing person case.
“Time to revise.” She said with hope in her voice and tears in their eyes.
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heartnosekid · 5 months
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the spanish moon moth (graellsia isabellae) | source
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zegalba · 2 months
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Isabella Rossellini by Steven Meisel (1989)
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oneinchfrog · 4 months
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you walk in on your friend giving herself a c section with a kitchen knife wyd
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im super normal about this book
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somethingblu3 · 2 months
sorry but i fucking love older people why are we getting rid of astarions wrinkles? and hair colour? don't you get the entire point of his character? how can you play the entire game and still not get it?
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a-state-of-bliss · 1 year
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Vogue Italia Sept 1989 - Isabella Rossellini by Steven Meisel
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ride-a-cow-boy · 1 year
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Jacob Elordi for The New-York Times Magazine | T Australia issue 2023. Photographed by Isabella Elordi.
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luciovicious · 2 months
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
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(The Promised Neverland Art Book World)
Ah yes, one of my favorite genres of baby full score trio pictures: Isabella being openly affectionate toward Emma and Norman in front of Ray while being hands off with him.
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(Chapter 2 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 165 | Chapter 170 | Chapter 177)
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celebratingwomen · 4 months
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Isabella Rossellini photographed by Matthew Rolston, 1988
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Don't meet up with strangers in hopes of finding your missing friend kids
Don't do drugs kids (part one) here
Tw: nothing to be honest, still a missing person, i am not a nice narrator
She couldn’t believe this. No documented proof of Isabella working at the ward? What kind of sickly smooth criminal erases someone’s legal data after kidnapping them? *Apparently the Slenderman does.* 
Sylvester takes a step back from the receptionist’s counter and takes a few breaths in order to calm themselves down. 
“Are you absolutely sure there is nothing about her in the system?”
“I am positive. Would you like to schedule an appointment for a psych evaluation or perhaps a session with one of our therapists for that possible delusion ma’am?” 
The old receptionist asked.
Sylvester grimaced with rage in their eyes, but they did not lose their temper. Not in a psych ward; Sylvester is smarter than that. 
“No thanks. Goodbye!” They gnashed out between their teeth, and left the building.
She ran the moment they got out of that gloomy prison made of concrete.
She kept the same pace even if their lungs were threatening to collapse.
They went to Isa’s house instead of her home. 
“There must be something else, I definitely missed something, this can’t be it!”
They muttered while rummaging through the living room. They took the pillows off the couch and saw it. A phone in between the two cushions. It was still operational and moderately charged. 
This did not have a password either for some reason. Did Isabella leave it for her like this because she knew this was coming for her? Maybe, but that is not important right now.
Sylvester went and skimmed through her messages first. Nothing important or suspicious there. No games, default apps and a few social media; but when they opened any of the social media it was the basic sign in or create an account screen. Strange.. Isabella had all of these accounts and posted stories on Instagram sometimes; so where was it?
Wherever her social media account went does not matter since they are not within reach right now, but the contacts list is.
“Mom, Dad, her fucking boss, when does this shit give some actual fucking info??!” She muttered angrily until they saw a name they did not recognize.
“Moonlight Whitlock huh? Who the hell is that?” They wonder if they ever met this Moonlight.
They decided she did not.
“Must be another friend of hers? If she is a friend then maybe they know what all this madness is about. I better call them right away.” 
As she dialed in the number on her own phone (only to not give this dear friend false hope) she actually felt kind of hopeful. Maybe this Moon will understand; maybe they won’t think she’s crazy, maybe they’ll even help! 
“Moonlight Whitlock, how can I help you?” Was almost whispered through the line, with a small eek in the voice of the girl who answered. Were they scared? Or crying?
Doesn’t matter, Sylvester needed answers, not emotions.
“Hello, I am Sylvester Jude Hart, I found your number in my friend Isabella’s phone. If you weren’t informed by the people who don’t seem to even remember her now, she disappeared and left no trace.”
The awfully naively trusting girl told her in a saddened voice:
“I know she did, everyone seems to act like they never even met her, even though I know they have! It’s crazy”  
“So you remember her?”
“Of course I do!”
“Hey, I think we should meet up instead of talking about this on the phone, I don’t think Isabella ran away if you know what i mean…”
Sylvester offered.
“Tonight at the farm on the side of the town. Just us. Bring your theory with you.”
Moon declared, before Sylvester could argue that it sounds suspicious they cut the line. 
The hours passed like minutes and Sylvester found herself packing her bag at 8 PM on a weirdly quiet Tuesday night. 
“Research papers, notes, bowie knife, gun, ammo, sandwich, water ... I think that’s all I’ll need? “
They shot a text to Theo who seemed to take zero suspicion, so at least one person knows where she went if this whole thing is a set-up. And with that, they were on their way.
They arrived at the side of the typical big red building every farm has, it reminded Sylvester of the old movies she used to watch when they were a child but in a more unsettling bad memories kind of way. 
Sylvester snapped their head back and their body followed almost immediately. “How could they get behind me?” she thought. They’ll need to work on their presence sensing for sure.
“Moon?” They called out and saw a silhouette step into the faint light of the moon. How ironic.
“So? Do you know what happened to Isabella? I was too scared to continue searching after that damn receptionist told my parents I may need to visit the ward for a while again.”
“That receptionist is a bitch, we can’t be having the same delusion.” Said Sylvester reassuringly. “And I have proof.
They pulled out a ton of papers and notes out of their bag, along with Isabella’s laptop they almost forgot at her house, and gave them to Moon, informing that it’s all arranged in order to make sense.
Moon examined the research in silence, while Sylvester pulled up the laptop to show the open pages that told more than any paper in Moon’s hand.
“So you think she got kidnapped by some monster?” Questioned Moon while she raised an eyebrow. 
“Or it’s servants i don’t fucking know to be honest. But I do know they didn’t take her far.” Explained Sylvester to ensure she is in fact still not delusional.
“Wouldn’t be all that believable if Isabella didn’t disappear without a fucking trace.” She joked with the coldest poker face you could ever see. “But I believe you, Isa was acting strange in the past few months, so that could have been a huge warning sign. She also refused to go on adventures with me to the woods after a while…” She was thinking out loud. 
“Do you think the monster or its servants are keeping her in there? She seemed so wary of it.” They questioned.
“Perhaps, you might be right actually. She has a few journal entries talking mad bullshit, the words actually don’t even go together or make sense, but there are doodles on the side of the paper and they are all trees, so?”
They were figuring things out so fast, such a smart team? Adorable, hopeful even! 
Too bad they still don’t know who they are up against and what kind of doom awaits them there.
“Okay so the forest is our number one, suspect of places she might be, i’ll note that down. But we can’t go looking for her yet. We don’t know what kind of tools the monster has to keep her there, it’s too dangerous.”
Sylvester is such a smart girl. Halt this adventure as much as you can! 
Moon agreed. They need more research and time to get ready before they start a rescue mission. 
“This is enough for tonight.” Moon said. “How about we meet at Isabella’s house every afternoon at 4 from now on to do more research and get ready?”
They figured this was the best idea and definitely the safest.
“Works for me I guess. See you there starting from tomorrow then.” Said Sylvester as she packed up their stuff and waved goodbye, before waving and turning back on the road they found her way here on.
“See you!” Moon waved back with a hopeful smile, happy someone believed her and actually cared about where her dearest friend was.
Oh, what a shitshow this is going to be…
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ao3statistics · 3 months
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This is self-made. Date: 11.03.2024
Please note that the three most popular ships are NOT FROM THE DC FANDOM. What is happening.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Duke Thomas from DCU.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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eroosensei · 3 months
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▪︎Isabella and the Pot of Basil.
Artist: John White Alexander (1856–1915)
Date: 1897
Medium: Oil on canvas
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lovelyballetandmore · 6 months
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Isabella Boylston | James Whiteside | American Ballet Theatre
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athena-xox · 5 months
Ever after high fancasts, part 1 princesses
Apple: Meg Donnelly.
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Briar: Maia Reffico
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Ashlynn: Lola Tung
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Blondie: Teagan Croft
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Darling: Emily Alyn Lind
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Rosabella: Jenna Ortega or Isabella Merced
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Justine: Zaria Simone
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Holly/Poppy: Lily Newmark
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