#IC Stories
Before The Storm
Sasha stepped into his office timidly, holding her gaze in his with an apologetic smile' "I'm sorry." She said in a tiny voice. Eric sat at his desk, furrowing his brow as he shifted his attention from paperwork to the woman standing at his office door. "... Why are you apologizing?" "I have nothing to turn in." Those words sounded like a foreign language to him, or perhaps he didn't hear her properly. "What do you mean?" "... I don't have anything to turn in," She raised her voice slightly, though she made an effort to give him the smallest shrug. "I didn't finish my work." "You had weeks to finish this project, Sasha." "I know." "Well-" He paused, "Give me whatever you do have." "That's the problem." Sasha clicked her tongue, "I have nothing." "... Do you jest?" "Gods, I wish." Eric blinked. "Nothing?" "Nothing." He pursed his lips in silence, letting out a long, shaky sigh from his nostrils. The man nodded at her, he couldn't tell what he was feeling: Shock? Anger? Disappointment? Before the cocktail of emotions could overwhelm him, he turned away from her and walked over to grab something under his desk. She didn't say anything, she wouldn't dare. She didn't say a word as he pulled out a single glass and a bottle of whiskey, nor when he poured himself a drink, nor when she watched him take a long swig. Eric shook his head, a torrent of words lumped at his throat and threatened to claw out- Most of them furious, most of them unkind. It took all of his strength to remain silent, the heat raidiating from his core threatened to consume him- But he wouldn't lose control, not today, not like this, not in front of her. He contemplated his words as the silence continued to fill the room. After a few long moments, he fixed his eyes on her and asked: "Do you know what it's like to have people depend on you?" "I don't understand where you're going with this." "Without my career, I could not provide for myself or my sisters. I'd be at the mercy of my father's whims, a fate I resolved to avoid since I became aware of it. I don't have any generational wealth to fall back on, should I fail." "But your father-" "My parents aren't wealthy, and they made it abundantly clear they are unwilling to be a safety net, so it all falls on me. If I lose my career, I lose everything. I lose my ability to help my sisters, I lose my reputation, and I lose my financial security... I don't expect you to understand, because you never truly had anyone you deeply cared about depend on you, and quite frankly, I don't believe you have a realistic understanding of the value of gil." "You think I never struggled?" "That's not what I said." "Then-" "Has gil ever been an issue for you?" "Well-" "Have you ever worried about whether you could provide for yourself, or put food on the table for those you love?" A small squeak escaped her breath, but she didn't argue. Instead, she softly shook her head. "You've been given ample opportunity to freely pursue your research and redeem yourself in the eyes of the law, and I cannot, in my sane judgement, pretend to ignore your shortcomings, because they reflect poorly on myself, and can potentially squander any opportunity I have for professional growth. Do you understand?" She nodded. "How much longer do you need?" "Maybe... A few days?" "Be honest." "A moon?" "We don't have a moon." "A week." Eric raised his brows. "So you do have something?" "I do," She cooed, "But... I can't turn it in like this, Eric." Eric sighed and gently shook his head. Perhaps another drink was in order. "Very well then. You have one week." He locked his eyes on hers, firmly holding her gaze as he lowered his voice. "One. Week." Sasha nodded and left. Whatever energy she had to argue was completely spent.
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sasha-rochester · 5 months
Caroline’s captious golden gaze scrutinized the woman sitting across from her, but her tone was gentle: “… This project of yours-“ her eyes momentarily locked on Sasha’s white hair, tracing over her young, tired face to look into her newly silver irises, and then finally on the cane she discreetly attempted to hide. “…. It’s taking quite a toll on you.”
“I know.” Sasha said, wiping her lips with a napkin. “… Regardless, I must see it through.”
“Naturally, I have my reservations regarding your secrecy on the matter… You are fragile-“
Sasha interrupted with a smirk, “like a flower?”
“Like a bomb.”
Sasha raised her brows at that, only responding by taking a long sip of wine. “I should return back to normal once my aether stabilizes. This isn’t my first time.”
“Keep doing whatever you’re doing and it could be your last.”
The young woman let out a long, frustrated sigh. “I am pouring everything into my research, last week Master Aubert *commended* my work, I have a real chance of providing something valuable not only to the forum, but to the world.”
“And yet I know nothing of this research.” Caroline’s voice remained calm, but Sasha could feel her gaze piercing her like golden needles.
“… It’s classified, I can’t just-“
Caroline raised her palm, causing her granddaughter to fall silent. “I understand, but the less I know, the less I can help you.”
“I already have a small research team and a laboratory. Respectfully, I don’t need your help.”
The old woman quirked a brow at this.
“And quite frankly, Caroline, I don’t think I want it. Not for this.”
Caroline closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh from her nostrils. “Very well then.”
Sasha froze, furrowing her brow in bewilderment. “… Very well?” She echoed Caroline’s words, as if she hadn’t heard her the first time.
“Just promise me one thing.” Caroline opened her eyes again, her expression uncharacteristically softer, almost vulnerable.
There was a small silence before Sasha finally spoke, “Sure, what is it?”
“Promise me you value your life more than this research. Sasha, promise me this research won’t kill you.”
“The completion of this project is your legacy too… More valuable than anything my uterus could ever provide-“
“That’s not my point, child.”
Sasha furrowed her brow again, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
“I am… Attempting to give you leniency, because I know you are brilliant-“ As Caroline spoke, Sasha’s face froze in an expression of disbelief. Was the old crone complimenting her? Caroline kept speaking, “No research, no matter how revolutionary, is worth more than the life of anyone in my family. So please… Promise me. Promise me it won’t kill you.”
Sasha nodded, though her body tensed up. The weight of uncertainty loomed over shoulders- She didn’t know what her future held, but she knew the risks- And no true promises could be made knowing them.
So she lied.
“I promise.”
Caroline slowly nodded her head, “… Good. Then I will not pry any further.”
Sasha felt like she was choking, frozen under her grandmother’s watchful gaze. She simply responded with a small nod, hoping tomorrow she could distract herself from the weight of her secrecy.
An internal prayer and a promise were made clear in her head that Starlight evening:
“If the twelve exist… May they bless me with forgiveness from those I may harm. If I see this through, I will spend the rest of my days in atonement- I promise. I promise…”
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antiquated-dust · 1 year
Seeing is Believing
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Max turned the vial between her fingers, its contents casting a faint, crimson glow. The shop was dark and dusty, lined with a layer of comforting silence. Tobacco smoke hung thick in the air. She felt at home among the oddities, rarities, and antiquities of Grimorium Verum. Or as close to home as she would allow.
“You’re awfully quiet, Bato.” Max’s fingers closed around the vial, sealing away its light and ethereal warmth. “Gil for your thoughts?”
She stole a fox-quick glance over her shoulder. And there, framed by towers of decrepit books and obelisks of junk she found the greatest antique inside Grimorium Verum. A raisin of a lalafell  hunched over the sandstone counter, milky gaze narrowed through a thick veil of smoke. Grey hair hung limp over his shoulders, left to grow wild and unruly. A black coeurl made fat and lazy laid on the counter next to him. Chirped when the man gave its belly an absent pat.  His lips shriveled into a deeper scowl. The pipe hanging from them bobbed when he muttered.
“Nothin’ important.”
“Same as usual, then.”
Max’s laughter died prematurely when Bato remained quiet. Not even a twitch to hint that she’d been heard. She cleared her throat, gaze flitting to the curio cabinet. A mental note was made: whenever the opportunity presented itself, she’d drag that old sense of humor under the table and smother it.  
“Anyroad- I have something for you.” The vial was returned to its home on the rack. A placard beneath it labeled the vials in thick, black letters - Voidsent Blood. Max reached into her jacket, procuring from its folds a velveteen pouch. She hovered uncertainly. Then tossed the pouch onto the counter. “Happy Starlight.”
Bato’s eyes flicked down to the pouch. Smoke rolled over his lips as he barked a humorless laugh. “Starlight?” - withered fingers curled into the plush fabric- “Heh. Ain’t ya’ just sweet.” He slid the pouch into a drawer, then returned his attention to Max. Stared at her through wire-thin brows. She knew that look very well. It was a look that demanded no nonsense.
So, she tried again.
“I need a favor.”
“O’ course ya’ do.”
“This one is different.” Max’s hand slipped into her jacket once more. This time, she retrieved a slip of parchment.
Bato upturned his nose with a chuff. “Different my ass.”
The note was slid across the counter, pinned beneath her finger. Her voice dipped into a gentle hush as she leaned forward. “Please, Bato.”  
The lalafell grew still and quiet, milky gaze burning a hole into the paper. A sly smirk drew across Max’s lips as she withdrew her hand with aching slowness. It felt good to win.
Bato remained silent a moment more before relinquishing a defeated sigh. He fumbled with the note. Read it over once. Then gave a curt nod. From its resting spot against the counter, he retrieved a wooden cane. A few hobbled steps brought him to the curio cabinet beyond the desk. “Curse th’ day I made that promise t’ ya’ father,” he grumbled as he began plucking jars from their shelves, “ ‘Twixt the two o’ ya’, m’ gonna be bled dry.”
“Oh. You’ve seen him recently?” Max propped either elbow on the counter, watching the Lalafell measure spoonfuls of fluorescent powder onto a scale. The warmth that crept into her smile almost felt instinctual. “And what exactly is my little brother up to these days?”
Bato hesitated. Threw a weary look over his shoulder before tapping off the excess powder from the spoon. “Shovin’ his nose where it doesn't belong.” From a drawer, he procured a draw-string bag. As an afterthought, he added, “Came ‘round here lookin’ for ya’ again.”
“I see.”
The powder was scraped from the scale and dumped into the bag. He sealed it with a taut pull of its strings. “He knows, kiddo.”
The air felt suddenly cooler, and the shadows appeared much darker. Max stepped away from the counter. Found a home for her twitching hands in the comfort of her pockets. “How much?”
“Mo’e than he ought to know. Enough t’ ask the right questions…”
Max drew in a quiet breath and held it until she could feel her pulse in her ears. When she finally spoke, she cringed at how weak her voice sounded in the open air. “Did you tell him?”
Bato’s nose crinkled at the question, lips curled to reveal a picket fence of plaque. “Told him the last I saw of Maxinora was on a boat set for Kugane.” He dropped the draw-string bag upon the counter. “An’ nothin’ mo’e.”
Inklings of relief seeped into Max’s fingers as she reached for the bag. After a moment, she mustered a quiet- “Thank you.”
“I didn’t do it for you.”
Max met Bato’s gaze. She still remembered a time when he looked upon her with warmth. When her puckish antics merited begrudging smiles and smoke-tinged laughter. Cold indifference warped his eyes into something far paler and more distant. He was peering through Max as though she were made of air. In this shop she called home, she was little more than a shadow on the wall.
“I did it for him,” the Lalafell sighed, “He’s finally findin’ some happiness. An’ he sure as shit doesn’t need you fuckin’ it up for him.” Bato plucked the pipe from his lips, dumping the ash into an awaiting tray. “He’s better off without you.”
She didn’t need to hear it from him.
She already knew it. Repeated it to herself until the words tasted foreign on her tongue. As if she could form a callus thick enough to withhold against its bitter sting.
Hearing it and knowing it were one thing. But seeing it with her own eyes was another.
Merriment lined the streets of Ul’dah by way of strung-up lights and Starlight sentinels. Vendors’ pockets were fat and deep from the seasonal bustle. Children were made gleeful by the mounds of snow pocketing the curbs. Warmth filled the air as couples meandered through the night, hand-in-hand. And above all the wonder and delight rose a note of laughter.
A sound she knew better than her own heart beat.
She picked him out of the crowd, though it took a few tries. He was taller than she remembered. More broad of shoulder. The missing tip of his ear was also new. As was his steady gait. She’d recognize those eyes anywhere, even if they gleamed with confidence she knew he wasn’t born with.
When did it all change? 
He wore a bright smile unlike any he’d ever donned. A smile that was unafraid to exist beyond the confines of his cheeks, becoming more teeth than eyes. It was one of growing happiness, much as the sun peeks through an overcast sky. It came from deep inside him. A morsel of his own soul offered in the most gentle of fashions. And she heard it, too, in his voice. In his choice of words. In the way he relaxed in the presence of that white-haired Au ra.
Max watched from afar, hidden in the recess of an alley, as A’gust and his companion disappeared into the crowd. How happy he seemed to be these days.
Much happier without his sister.
But she already knew that
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gravitycoill · 8 months
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lil comic i’ve had in my head for a bit
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Phantom, the newest addition to the Justice League, pulls Wonder Woman aside.
He has...a strange request.
He's nervous, flustered, fading in and out of the visible spectrum. It's clear that what he's about to ask of her is important to him, and even though she has an uncomfortable voice in the back of her head telling her this young hero is about to ask her out, she resolves to listen before she jumps to conclusions.
She's glad she did.
"Can...can you put a grave for me in Themyscira? I know it's just for women, but it's the safest place I can think of for it! I just...I don't have a grave, and Clockwork says it's starting to stunt my growth as a Ghost, and I have too many enemies on American soil, so. It's okay if you say no, though, I'll figure something out, it's fine."
Diana lets him ramble to the end, already knowing what her answer is going to be.
"We would be honored to host your grave, Phantom. Do you have any remains I can take home? Do you require a funeral service?"
Phantom looks...he looks beyond grateful. Close to tears.
"No, no remains. A symbolic grave is fine, it just. It has to have my real name on it, my mortal one." He says, looking hesitant. "Please don't reach out to my family, Wonder Woman. They don't know."
With that, he hands over a small slip of paper, torn from a notebook and clearly folded one too many times.
She takes it as though he were entrusting her with the rarest diamond in the world. She wants to, but she does not ask how they could not notice the death of someone so very bright.
Instead she nods, tucking the paper away.
Phantom will get a grand grave, one worthy of a friend to the Crown of Themyscira. She will ensure it.
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saessenach · 1 month
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What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.
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update was literally devastating
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kurozu501 · 2 months
genuinely how do you fumble something like yuri on ice. the show was so popular all over the world. tons of actual ice skaters were talking about it, iirc one professional ice skater even did a routine to a yoi song, it was wild. all they had to do was lean into it, make the movie and then a season 2. and instead they announce the movie, go radio silent for years before limply trotting out a "oh btw the movie's cancelled" today. just pathetic.
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ardley · 2 months
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Inside an iceberg carved off the end of a subglacial volcano. Southern Iceland.
Photographed by Freddie Ardley
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dumblr · 7 months
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yuri on ice: we were born to make history
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otaku553 · 10 months
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sasha-rochester · 8 months
A promise.
Starring @the-sharlayan-illusionist .
Eric sighed. “You needn't fight every step of the way. It’s not a battle you can win by openly opposing her.” He peered over the document held in his hand, too immersed in whatever he was doing to truly pay attention to the woman, sitting across his desk. Sasha folded her arms in front of her chest, eyes transfixed on him as if attempting to pull his attention with the sheer power of her mind. “Her grip is tightening, Eric.”  “Only because you struggle. Show her she can trust you, and I promise she won’t feel the need to control you.” “What have I done these past five years!?” She leaned back on the armchair, spreading her arms as she slumped her shoulders. “Have I not done everything that was asked of me?” “And now you walk free.” He spoke firmly, narrowing his eyes. “‘Free’ isn’t exactly the term I’d use for it.” Eric clicked his tongue, his tone now dipped in venom; “I could not imagine a life where I committed a crime of the same caliber as your charges, where I would be able to walk among free men and still complain about my lack of privileges-” “But-” He raised his voice, interrupting her objection: “I did  everything in my power to lift some of the restrictions imposed on you.” There was a pause, as if challenging her to even think of interrupting. “Do you have any idea of how many favors Caroline had to call to even allow you to pursue research? How many favors I had to call in to even allow you to leave Scholar’s Harbour?” “And I am grateful for that-” “Yet you still complain?” Eric cocked a brow, causing the woman to deflate. He made a small frown as she visibly wilted in her seat, his voice softened, leaning over his desk as his eyes locked on hers. “...I don’t agree with Caroline’s methods, she was the first to oppose my suggestion to lift your travel restrictions- But I know this isn’t a battle to be won by being petulant and stubborn.” “You’re right.” A wave of relief washed over him, he held his tongue as the words “Thank you”  echoed in his head. “...Good.” “I’m not here to argue with you.” “Then don’t.” He scoffed. “By all means, do your research, prove the forum that they can trust you with your own freedom, and prove to Caroline that you don’t need her- But the only way you can truly achieve this is by staying out of trouble and not giving them a reason to distrust you again. Keep an open line of communication at all times, and for the love of the twelve, Stay. Out. Of. Trouble.” Eric let the words hang in the air, he waited for a response, but received nothing but silence. Another pause. “...Are we in agreement?” “... Legal trouble?” She asked, her voice meek as a mouse. Eric hung his mouth open in disbelief, staggering as he raised his voice once again. “Do you need clarification? Please tell me you don’t need clarification, Sasha.” “I don’t. I just wanted to be certain.” “Good. Next time I hear about you, promise me it won’t be bad news.” She fell silent again. He furrowed his brows at the woman, “Sasha.” “I promise.”
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artctrlcee · 3 months
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/SHOUT: "Get behind the ice, get behind the ice!!"
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sexhaver · 4 months
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Hyalopterous Lemure and Mystic Remora are really funny parallels to each other because they were both originally printed in Ice Age with comically misdrawn art. although they sound like gibberish, both "hyalopterous" and "lemure" are real words; the former means "having transparent wings", and the latter is a form of spirit or ghost from Roman religion. however, Dick Thomas made the same mistake as Google here and drew a hyalopterous lemur
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since "lemur" and "lemure" are both different, real words, WOTC was pretty easily able to correct this one with a reprint. they also printed another Lemure in Time Spiral, mostly as an excuse for some Norin the Wary flavor text:
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Mystic Remora, on the other hand... you know, i always thought it was weird that something as creature-like as a fish would count as an enchantment instead of a creature, but i (embarrassingly) recently learned that "remora" can also mean "drag" or "resistance" (apparently out of the belief of sailors that remoras stuck on their ships increased drag). this makes way more sense with the card type and effect than a fish. unfortunately, "remora" and "remora" are not different words[citation needed], and by the time the card was up for a reprint, it was because it was such a powerful and iconic EDH card that suddenly "fixing" the art would be way more trouble than it was worth. so they've kind of just rolled with it lmao
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woe, fish be upon ye
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Danny has an Ice Core.
He isn't aware of it, but this does, in fact, greatly influence how his ghost form looks as he grows up.
His appearance starts getting more rugged, eyes a paler, more piercing green, hair a bit more uncontrollable and wild.
He packs muscle easily, even in human form.
When in ghost form, he has an aura of something patient and dangerous, and that sense only grows the older he gets.
Basically, our boy starts to look like a viking.
No matter how goofy and bumbling he really is, his first impression is always a horrifying moment for whoever is meeting him.
And as his ghost form grows with his human form, he outgrows his hazmat outfit. Frostbite and the Far Frozen fashion him some new clothes-which only compliment and play off of the viking aesthetic he's got going on.
And with the height he inherited from his father?
Our man is a very, very intimidating figure to look at. More so than Dan; because while Dan was dangerous and scary, he was all energy and lightning and rage.
Adult Danny comes across as lethal and terrifying, all ice and persistence and that final, terrible silence before you realize you've already died.
Dan felt like the warrior in front of you. Danny feels like the wilderness in winter, vast and unforgiving.
Anyways, when a summoning for Klarion goes horribly wrong and Danny gets called instead, the Justice League has a moment where they're convinced they've summoned something much, much worse than Klarion.
And Danny, standing there completely confused, is not helping by remaining silent and still while staring John Constantine in the eye.
Good news, the bad guys are also very concerned about the weird ghost viking and are actually moving to stand side by side with the Justice League on this.
Bad news, who the fuck is this guy?
"...Fuck," is all Constantine whispers, backing away slowly.
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