#I've read your fanfic and I love it so much!!!!!! And this fanart is amazing too
All the good omens things I've been doing since s2, just wanted to throw them back out because I wanna refresh myself or smt
I didn't want to because I felt like it was ungrateful of me, almost as if I was saying 'the notes I have on these posts aren't enough, give more' but I saw a post that made me feel much better about it, I'll try and find it 🏃‍♀️
Oopsie!omens fanart!! (a reverse AU comic made by @asleepyy if u haven't seen it already absolutely check it out its AMAZINGGG)
My baby Azazel WAA
A little comic of Jophiel and Azazel
MORE SKRUNKLY AZAZEL andddd a snakey jophiel
Jophiel confused and sad and loving a teeny teeny Azazel
Good Omens TV fanart (mostly goodomentober)
Drawing of Angelic Crowley and teeny Azi :D
Angel!Crowley and Aziraphale, among the stars
Crowley falling from heaven :(
A funny poster on the walls of Hell
Teeny tiny Azi being sad and alone in Heaven
Az.Fell & Co
Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death
Fanfics, or should I say fanficlets??
Fishing, a fanficlet I wanna continue
A teeny ficlet
An even teenier ficlet
Thats all lol
Please everyone, if you see art you like, or a fanfic, a fanart please reblog! Liking posts is amazing but reblogging is the thing that really helps artists and spreads their amazing work around and i love love LOVE it when ppl reblog my art with supportive tags its literally so lovely and gives me motivation so tysm everyone!
Talking about supporting artists, here are a few amazing art creators and fanfic writers that really inspire me, their content is awesome check them out if you have the time :D
@asleepyy @actual-changeling @ineffable-baker-street @dec-d @gleafer @ppaemeu4 @chalktwins
Theyre super awesome! Thank you for reading my ramblings, and (if you did) checking out my creations i linked lol
Have a great day and support the artists!
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anonzentimes · 21 days
Don't cry, Zen! 😣
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It sucks to see how people interpret Nagito in such a twisted way, even if it was supposed to be a joke. But as you said that people compliment you just for rambling about Nagito, your posts that you talk about him with so much love for him give me inner peace. I often see a lot of things about Nagito that differ from my interpretation, so I almost never check his tags on Tumblr. (Though I love to see fanart or read fanfics, as long as they match my interpretation). So blogs that I can read without worrying, like yours, are valuable to me.
Sorry this is not asking a question or anything! I just wanted to let you know that I always look forward to your posts. The image above is something I had in mind for quite a while when I saw your comment (you may be wondering when it was, but I don't remember either. lol). When I noticed that you used the sobbing emoji a lot, I came up with a composition of Nagito crying and Hajime soothing him. 😄
I hope it makes you smile, if only momentarily. Have a great day! :)
THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!! YOU JUST MADE MY DAY OH MY GOSH AHH THIS IS SO SWEET THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!! Thank you so much, this makes me so unbelievably happy I'll be smiling about this for such a long time!! I'm really glad that you're able to enjoy my blog without worry, and the idea that it gives you inner peace is so sweet. The least I can do to express my love while having an outlet for the excess energy he gives me is by rambling about him, and I'm so happy that people adore the love I express and feel for him. The way I'm able to just speak from the heart about him and people enjoy it is such an amazing experience that I could have never expected!
Thank you again, your art is always so wonderful and I'm really grateful you sent this to me! I've been a a fan of your work since before you started seeing my posts, so when you started seeing them and sending asks I kind of freaked out haha! You're a really nice and talented person, I appreciate you a lot! 🩷🩷🩷
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enden-agolor · 1 month
Hey enden! I just wanted to reach out as I know these are hard times for you. I’ve been wanting to say something and give you some support, but I have never known what to say, so I’m just gonna wing it.
First off, I would like to preface by saying you are an incredibly humble artist and writer. You carry great talent, yet you seem to almost expect people to not notice that. Never forget your talent, and that even something you spill out at 2am will most definitely be praised. You inspire me to create, I have been in a art and writing slump for so long. I got caught up in life and lost the love for it. You’ve lit that spark in me once more and want to get me creating, and most definitely writing, in honor of you!! That’s amazing man. You have some real special talent, and the mcsm fandom alongside others are seriously so so lucky to have you.
Second, I send nothing but love and support to you and your boyfriend. I know everything will work out just as you guys need it to. If she doesn’t get her karma legally, she most definitely will another way. I know you guys are so strong and will pull through with flying colors!! Death of a loved one is never ever easy, and the worst always happens to the best people. Know that none of what happened is your fault, don’t let guilt consume you, and both of you take care of and love yourselves. You guys seriously deserve it.
Lastly, on a less dreary note, I would like to ask if you had any fan fiction prompts for Jesskas? I want to write so bad, but I cannot come up with a proper idea that is really interesting and solid, yanno? I want to write something long, that I can really pour my heart out into. So if you had any tips or story prompts, it would seriously be appreciated, and you of course would get a huge shoutout, as you would with or without helping me since you are such a huge inspiration to me.
Best of wishes Enden!!
This may be a long response, so here-
First off, I suppose you are right when you say I don't really expect people to enjoy the content I create. It's not an easy concept for me to grasp. I have a lot of trouble seeing how people can like my stuff so much, or god even say I'm their favorite mcsm artist when there's so many others out there that carry so much more skill with colors and backgrounds and such. I know I'm not supposed to compare myself to others, but it is an incredibly hard habit to end. It's why I'm so shocked when I see actual fanart of my aus, or god even my writing. I cannot go back and read me own works for the life of me because I just cringe so bad at it, so when people say it's good I really just have to trust them and believe it.
All I could ever dream to do is inspire people to create and grow with their own imagination, so hearing that my stuff has done that sort of thing for you (and others who have told me the same) it brings me so much joy, but it truly is entirely hard to believe that it's me and not someone else being the one to do that. I don't know, but I am very honored to hear this from you. It only inspires me to push myself further and I don't know. Maybe some day I can push my imposter syndrome aside and really get a firm grasp on my full potential and be proud of it.
And thank you for the love and support towards our situation... As the days go by I fear more and more that that woman will get to keep her dog and nothing will come out of this other than we just have to move past it. So I hope you're right when you say she'll get her karma some other way. I've never in my life wished something bad to happen to someone. Not like this... So if karma does catch her, let it be as devastating to her as it was to us.
Now, real life shenanigans aside, we can get to the jesskas stuff 😏
For fanfic prompts, I always suggest exploring canon before getting into anything truly ambitious. If there's a certain scene in the game you'd like to further explore and add on to- do it! Like I've always wanted to write a fic that gets into a deep emotional moment between Jesse and Lukas after Jesse rescues Lukas and Petra from the Nether during episode 8 and they all enter the player dorms for the night. Just those off screen moments where you can take the characters and add more to the story is easy and fun in itself. I always like to look deep into the emotional aspect of it all, and really dive into how the characters might be feeling after a situation and how that gentle moment alone together could bring them closer. What I already mentioned being a good example because it's directly after PAMA, Jesse having to watch Lukas and Petra(or Ivor) die, and so on. There's a LOT of feelings to explore there. If that's something you'd want to try and tackle, go for it!! But if there's another scene from the game that really sticks out to you that you feel could be so much more, go for that too. It's good to start small and practice how you want to write the characters. Only reason I started a huge fic like Recovery straight away was because I'd been rping jesskas for like a year and a half already and was confident I knew how to write the characters and I wanted to do more for the little community by writing a nice big fic.
And again, it's Minecraft. There's a whole world to explore and put these two right in the middle of it. Think up certain scenarios you like and add on to it! Like if there's a certain scene you really want to do, build to it. Give the characters a goal and put obstacles in the way so you can really flesh them out on the way to that goal. What made them want to go there? How do they get there? What do they do when they get there? How do they communicate with others that might also be there? And how differently do they treat eachother compared to how they treat the others? Those are all things you really want to know ahead of time. Also pay attention to the scenery. Really look into the visuals your mind creates and do your best to get into the details about it all. There's a lot to get into with writing, and the best part about it is you're in complete control, so go crazy with your imagination, especially since it's Minecraft. It could be entirely self indulgent, or even something out of your comfort zone. No matter what it is, it's still growth and it's still progress to being a better writer. Just make sure you're having fun.
Also, thanks for taking the time to send this ask. I appreciate you 🩷
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ltleflrt · 3 months
Hi! Okay so I came across your fic Omega And The Beast completely randomly in a comment section on Tiktok and marked it for later a while ago. Well a few days ago I hadn't slept and was running on a lot of tea and started reading it. It was absolutely amazing! I have not seen Supernatural, I barely know any of these people except for random stuff I've seen on Tumblr but I got so immersed in the fic. I was not expecting that at all tbh. Well...I kinda had no idea what to expect? Since I know nothing about them? So it came as a total surprise when I fell in love with the universe!
Absolutely wonderful fic! I am really busy these few months but I literally could not stop reading any chance I got. My heart broke so much for Cas tbh. In my head, he now lives the absolute best life with no worries at all! All the good things for him! The slow bond that is formed between Cas and Dean had my entire heart! I am an absolute sucker for stuff like that. Ahshfhhff hurt/comfort is soooo good!! My favourite scene is probably their midnight picnic. Dean completely disregarding all the rules to take Cas on a picnic...almost cried! I was yelling at my best friend about the fic the entire time too hdhdhfj. Gonna get her to read it too!
I have now started No Words...I told myself this wouldn't become a thing but I am a liar! It's slow going because like I said life is busy atm but it's such a nice reprieve after a long day! Your writing is so so good and I'm pleasantly happy with my first experience in the spn fandom
Anyway, yeah! I need to get back to work now but thank you for sharing your wonderful craft with the world and allowing it to keep me company on long days and sleepless nights 💜💜
I was at work when you sent this, and I'm stressing out about my first international trip and my first business trip, and was generally having a foggy brain day. But this message cheered me up so much that I kept opening it and reading it, so thank you. You have excellent timing 💜💜
I'm always blown away when people decide to read my stuff when they haven't watched Supernatural. What perked your interest? Are you into omegaverse in general? This was my last spn/destiel fic before I burned out, and I think it turned out pretty good considering it took me a year to write, which is usually long enough for me to forget what I'm doing or lose interest in something. It feels really good to hear that it appeals to a wider audience, because I figured it was really niche lol
(If you ever decide to watch the show, just don't watch the very last episode. Stop at 15x19 and go find more fanfic, you'll have a more satisfying experience lol)
(Also, check out this incredible fanart of Cas from Omega and the Beast by @strwbryshortie that is so stinking cute and captures him perfectly.)
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Anyway THANK YOU! I'm so glad you enjoyed OatB, and I hope you enjoy No Words too 🥰
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twotangledsisters · 6 months
You’re awesome for posting fic updates not only consistently, but daily! Any tips for keeping up with writing?
Thank you so much! I love updates and writing being a part of my routine and I'm glad other people enjoy it too!
And sure, I can think of some tips:
First, there's a mixture of inspiration and forcefulness. I remember when I was really little I read a post somewhere about how if you want to take something seriously, you have to take it seriously on the days when you're inspired and on the days you're not. That changed how I treat art forever!
But years and years later I learnt a more important lesson, to never overlook the power of inspiration.
It's through a mixture of both that I can really keep up with writing. If I only wrote when inspired, sooner or later I'd get a loooong writing block that would leave me simply paralysed. But I'll often do the 'just one chapter' method, and often writing just a few paragraphs will get me back into the flow. But if I'm still very blocked after a chapter, that's fine.
But if I am inspired, I will follow that. Even if it takes my story in weird directions that weren't planned! A good example is that Caine rescuing Cass in the final S1 fic wasn't planned, she wasn't planned to come along in S2 and certainly did not expect her to fall in love... A lot of their scenes came from me writing while inspired.
Now, stuff such as Eugene's near death in S1 finale, the way Koto framed him, the way Cass had to deal with accusations of witchcraft, those stuff were planned way ahead of time!
It's really important to keep that balance, to have plans and also leave room for inspiration to run wild!
An added bonus, if you feel an intense desire to go write a fic that's completely different to the one you're trying to work on, just let inspiration win. I was struggling a bit with the 'Day of Animals' arc in tangled sisters the other day, then I got the urge to do a little Cass oneshot, so I wrote the oneshot in one sitting and have had zero issues writing since.
Sometimes you can unblock writing block with MORE writing! As long as you're letting inspiration guide you.
Second is to take breaks! I update every day but I do not write every day. I write a few times a week and usually have at least one really long session!
One of my currently updating fics 'Always By Your Side' I wrote half of it in like a week, took a few months break, then wrote the rest and started publishing!
Sometimes long breaks can really help. I've taken several long breaks with Tangled Sisters.
Third is stay ahead. With 'Always By Your Side' I have it completely written so I just proof read on the day of upload. Tangled Sisters I keep track of in Notion:
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Look how cute my fanfic section is!
I'm usually at least 30 chapters ahead but I did take a writing break recently. Soon as I get the next arc done I expect to be well ahead again.
Fourth, motivation! This one isn't entirely your control, but a huge factor for keeping up is just that I'm super motivated! I can thank the amazing people who comment every day, those who comment occasionally, those who leave kudos or send nice asks like this one!
It does sooo much to make me smile and excited for the stories I'm telling.
And if you look at my fanfic section of notion, I have that little box titled kind words, the content actually changed every time I reload the page, it's linked to a little table where I keep track of all the kind words regarding my fics that I've gotten on Ao3 and tumblr! (I also have several bits of fanart by the amazing @rebecagpfs in that page who I cannot thank enough!!!)
So, although you don't have full control over motivation, having a notebook to collect those kind words can help!
Fifth would be talk to people. Have at least one person who's cool with spoilers cause brainstorming is just easier with somebody else! For me @the-writer1988 has got me through sooo many writer's blocks! Often times I just ramble at her until the problem resolves itself, other times it'd be a more active back and forth. But writing friends supporting each other, always great!
And hey, to anybody who wants to ramble about their fics to me I'm always open! I love hearing about people's fics and am huge on the writer supporting writers sorta mentality!
Sixth is just have fun! If you enjoy what you're writing it's going to be sooo much easier than if you don't.
I do want to point out though, every writer's different! I can sit down and write 10k words in one sitting, but a lot of people can't, just like I need five hour to do a drawing many artists can do in an hour.
Writing is an art and you get faster with experience.
Also, I do daily updates because I adore consistency! Having that routine is amazing for me and I think it's lovely for some readers. But I also accomplish that via very short chapters! Sometimes as short as just 600-700 words. Many authors opt for longer chapters that upload weekly but there still writing the same amount!
So yeah, I do hope this helped!
Thank you so much for the ask :D And if anything didn't make sense, please tell me, it's almost 1am here I just noticed but I really wanted to answer this before bed!
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windsweptinred · 4 months
Shipper tag game
Thank you for the tag @marvagon, you glorious human 💖💖💖.
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
None. I may not be as passionate about them as I once was. But I still hold all my past ships near and dear to my heart. I'll even occasionally nip into their tags on A03 and have a dip into newer fics.
What ship would you consider your first one?
Daiken/Kensuke from Digimon 02. I remember watching it on Saturday morning and wondering if anyone else was seeing what I was seeing. That led me to discover Fanfiction.net. And the rest is history...
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
My very first full length fic was Corinthiel, posted here on Tumblr. My first fic posted on AO3 was Dreamling, and I wrote both last year. I am a very, very, very late comer to fanfic 😅. I'm honestly much more at home drawing fanart then writing. But will occasionally give into temptation, when an idea obbsessively hounds me to the point of insanity.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
I genuinely can't. 😅 I remember it was probably on deviantart.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
I try desperately to stay out of ship discourse. To me people's ships are their joy... And I've got no interest in being a theif of joy. If there's something I want to see more of in the fandom, like a rare pair I'm fond of, I just try and create content and hope someone else joins in (@bobbole loves you 💚🤍😅) . If it's not for me, I just keep scrolling on by.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Again, no. I've always been happy to pick and mix my ships. I have my favorites ofcourse. But I've never outright refused to dip my toe into any ship. Maybe if it ventured into an area I personally deemed problematic. But mostly, I'm happy to try anything once.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
I'm currently reading Remy Lebeau x Logan fanfic from Xmen. 😅 What sent me in that direction, I do not know. But I've found some amazing new fics in and amongst revisiting some old favourites.
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I can proudly say until recently I've never had an OTP. Being a multishipper makes that kind of hard. But I don't know, I may be in too deep with Corinthiel. I'm not sure I could picture Danny and the Second Corinthian with anyone else but each other now. (Curse you @ibrithir-was-here. See what you have wraught! 😆). Them and Charmes (Charon x Hermes) from Hades. Because why would you split up the professional associates like that?! (Again very much your fault @mashumaru 😆) , Damn, I guess I've got OTPs now. If there's an established, happy couple in canon, most of the time I'll respect that and leave them be. So I guess that kind of counts too.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Again no. If the juggernaut ship of a fandom doesn't really tickle my fancy, I'll sometimes stare forlornly at it. And sigh like a sad bohemian poet. But that's all content envy and I know it. 😆
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
🤔 I didn't dislike it, but I never really ventured near Corintheus until I started shipping Corinthiel. That made me backtrack and consider Morpheus and the original Corinthian's relationship from an entirely different perspective.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
No I don't think so. As far as know they're all still alive, well and for the most part, living in peace and harmony in their respective fandoms.
What is your favorite crack ship?
Bookend, Destiny and his Book. The old book and chain. Living their best, grumpy old married couple, life together. @jazzy-a 🤜🤛🤣.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Most recently was Dreamling. I'm a bit of fandom butterfly at the moment, fluttering between multiple fandoms, waiting for the next all consuming passion to strike me down. I read, and reread ANYTHING Corinthiel 😅. But of all time?..... I couldn't say. I revisit so many of my ships so often.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Two bastards in love will always be my favourite. I'd love to boldly claim it's all about two morally dubious rogues, being despicable in the kinkiest ways together. 😅 But I know it's more about two people, often misunderstood and maligned... Finding a deep sense of belonging with each other. But I'm an eclectic sort and I've got a lot ships that don't fit that category I still love dearly.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Absolutely nothing outright. I'll sometimes go off a ship a little once it reaches that point where fanon locks in too tight around it. But I think that's a very me problem, as I crave variation/new experiences/ideas. I'll still love the ship, I'll just know that's just my time to move onto something new and come back and visit every so often.
I'm tagging @martybaker @thelostkelpie @missingrache @thirrith @zigzag-wanderer @lucienne-thee-librarian and @tickldpnk8 and anyone mentioned above. If you want to have a go. 😁
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anewp0tat0 · 11 months
Hi!! I discovered your blog some days ago, your dadbastian art it's amazing I really loved it <333 it's so funny and sweet :') and I found coattails fic because of it too, do you have any other fic recs with that vibe?
Hi!!! omilord that's awesome of you to say thank you tons🥹 it means a lot, I'm happy to be a proud representative. and OHHH my art made you read Coattails??? that's awesome hahaha my propaganda WORKED!!! \(•[]•)/ read at your own pace and sucks it all up if you're still reading.
as for your question, I unfortunately find it hard to make time to sit down and read a lot nowadays, so I sadly have not been able to read a lot. I do hope to change that soon, but in the meantime, here's a short list of some that I've started/very much plan to read!
The Whole Being Dead Thing: by @milfhandholder - I was first introduced to it when Maia took inspiration from a reaper training fanart I did and showed me her fic, and I was really thrilled. the rest of the fic is amazing so far, I absolutely love looking at other people's interpretations of the reapers realm and how the facility works, and this is a stellar example. basically, world building💯 and the characters are cool.
Black and Baby Blue: by @blackbutler-sideblog - I unfortunately only got to read the teaser/prologue/first chapter(?) so far, but I love the concept so far and really look forward to cracking it. basically, its dadbastian, him having to raise a young o!ciel. and it looks like it will be very sweet and heavy:>
Ludo: by @pain-in-the-butler - same author as Coattails, so you'll like it. it was written during Bard's arc if I recall(it feels like so long ago), it's one of my favorite one shots. so if you feel like you don't see enough of Bardad and his relationship with o!ciel, go ahead.
The Story of Grelle the Reaper: by @eemoo1o-animoo - I also have not gotten the chance to read all of it, but I know I started it a little while ago and I remember really liking the writing(as someone who loves atmosphere and detail). it's a take I've never seen before on Grelle's backstory, and I'm here to see where it goes.
Vigil: by @house0fsugar - I'm incredibly happy they showed me this fic cause oh my god, I don't think I've ever felt so dreadful for the reapers. it's a beautiful story of the reaper gang going back to their graves.... what more can I say. I don't think I've ever loved the group dynamic more. the character building, 💯
Bloom: by @shinigami-dispatch-association - of course I have to mention the fanfic that is directly inspired by the reaper training artwork I mentioned above(its this), now only am I incredibly honored, but I think this fic took every idea I had and made it into exactly what I thought it would be. a wonderful imaginative piece, I hope to reread it soon.
The Little Lost Star: by @grelleswife wrote a while ago, but it was like, the first fanart I every posted here, so ofc I remember it still. it's the sweetest. there are so many other good fics of hers that I haven’t gotten around to yet ugh.
nice to meet another wheat in the dadbastian field☺️ have a good day!
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 8 months
For the TMNT Ships Ask Thing:
Caseynardo (Leo x Casey)
Aprilnardo/Leopril (Leo x April)
I love these 2 ships so much. I know they are kind of rarepairs (though, MM gave a lot of love to Leopril and there has been a lot more Leopril stuff. Which is great!), but I love them.
They are very dear to my heart. Personally.
Caseynardo 2012:
I've never heard of it until long time later
Now I'm just kicking my feet
Silly goofball jock x serious and quiet nerd RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
TO MAKE THIS BETTER LEO IS PRETTY MUCH BI IN THE SERIES (He's stated to have a man crush on Captain Ryan)
I'm aware they were kind of trash talking big foot in a foot too big but they were STILL bonding!!!
Please read Breaking the Ice by @fabuloustrash05 . I stopped studying for a few minutes to just read it and I'm proud. Disclaimer don't ditch your studies to just read fanfics that is not my message.
Anyways the fnafic solified my love for the ship.
Opposites attract
I can also see them as two friends who act gay but actually aren't or maybe they are.
Or two guys who seem gay but~ (inset bisexuality)
It's amazing. A solid 10/10.
2012 Aprilnardo:
We sadly don't get too much content with them but like-
I remember I was kind of introduced to this ship because I followed one of my idols who shipped it and made fanart of it and it was on DA. This was back before it got deactivated my account.
I LOVE 'Eyes of the chimera' episode. They were basically supporting each other all the way.
Ngl the transfem Leo lovers made me love it even more because I love me some lesbians. TMNT is already filled with some lesbians so why not add more!
I love how April is always by Leo's side and we see how much she cares for him.
I love the idea that April used to be into Space Heroes and then Leo got her back into it.
(For those who headcannon as both autistic) they would so totally talk and rant about their hyperfixation.
I wish though they had more moments together.
They are legit underrated.
The ship will get 9/10 for me.
I'll include rise and the mutant mayhem version cause why not.
Rise Leo x Cassandra:
Meh not bad
It's okay at best
I do feel like they could have become very close friends if Cass left junior under Leo's care in the bad future.
They are both reckless and over energetic and yet still have a lot of insecurities and issues that they have to cover it up.
Not a bad idea I suppose.
I guess 4.5/10. I don't know. We didn't get much of them so I mean.
Rise Leo x Junior:
"But I'm shipping the teen version of Leo with junior not adult-" NO. IT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER.
Negative 0/10. Get the f out.
Rise Leo x April:
I've seen and been bombared by a ton of art regarding this ship on YT.
Controversial opinion: It's cute.
They both have the same energy and another controversial opinion but, Leo has a way closer relationship with April then Donnie. I've kind of seen more scenes with them together then with her and Donnie.
Though just like last time I prefer her being an older sister figure to him that Leo looks up to.
They both care for each other and love each other no matter what.
April pretty much comforts the turtles about their insecurities so she would do the same with Leo.
Probably a 6/10 or something. Again, prefer them as siblings but don't hate it. I'll kind of indulge in it tbh-
Mutant Mayhem Leo x April:
Better then 2012 Donnie's lmao-
They do have sweet moments
It's sweet they went to prom together
Mah boi was simping real hard
I feel like they should have gotten more scenes
I do feel like maybe April and Leo won't really happen or be cannon though. I don't know man. I'll see how it goes in the Tales of TMNT that will happen in 2024.
I'm really hoping they don't make it into a toxic love triangle or make it creepy or toxic.
I'll take this ship anyway as one of the only few good Leo romances.
It took them after 1987 to finally give Leo a good love interest.
the way he looks at her AHHHHHHHHH
The fanart of them together is really cute and wholesome (that made me remember that I still had that art request from you just sitting in my files- I didn't draw it because I didn't see MM yet- I'll try and get to it at some point I swear-)
Hope we get more scenes of them together
I'm unsure where I sit with this ship just yet. Again I'll see how it goes in the show.
For now, 7/10. I feel like a bit too high but you know what, whatever. The ship is okay so far.
Is anyone interested in Caprilnardo~?
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paprikkamspaint · 9 months
Thanks to you I found 3 cool Swatchton fanfics
Thank you
Currently reading ,,Steppin' Out" and I love it so much
Never loved reading any fanfic as much as this one
If you have more recommendations I need them
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Jokes Besides - I do have some fanfic recommendations!
NE0Nbandit - They have made some of my favorite swatchton fanfics ever! Some of them are nsfw, but it is the good type of nsfw like - really good, it has feelings and that is just so wonderful.
Call Signs by Sylphidine - is an astounding college AU with a very good slow burn, It's just one of the best fanfics out there, their writing is just amazing, just by telling you that I've been trying to make fanarts of this fanfic but always failing because I think I can't make it justice, just go!
Closing Time - Just a classic, one of the first swatchton fancific I think?
What Freedom Truly Means - Good fanfic but still sad that never got finish.
Hollow dreams - Never good finish too but If you want to feel depress here's your chance
Our Rainbow Frecuency - Same as before never got finished and sadly I think it will never be, but had such a cool and interesing concept
A Familiar Pair of Glasses - a 7/10 for me but a entretaining read
Two Toned Glasses - Sweet and Short this fanfic is for you :)
Fruit Punch - Swatch-centric but I reaaly like it (very short tho)
Them's a Lot'a Kisses - Lot of kisses
Swatch doesn't want a lot for Christmas - for winter season ;)
A HARD DAY SWATCH - This one is so freaking sweet omg I love this one a lot
Those are some I could think of! Hope you have fun n.n!
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quaranmine · 2 months
Hi, not sure if you remember me, but i sent an ask a while ago saying how i love the Incadescence of a dying light and that i talk about it with my friend and how we both really liked the story and are juts you know discussing it well update to now. we still do that lol. i cant stop thinking about it, i listen to the firewatch OST on the daily, resonating with each track at a time. I love it. I live it. I am enamored. Everytime Im studying Polish (my native language) and revising each epoch for my upcoming finals i cant help but connect themes and motives to that wonderful story of yours. If i land on a fitting topic in my oral final exam (like pop-culture, creativity and arts, certain themes in modern media) you BET Ill be talking about this fic (with all the credit I can give of course!) cause USARWSETDYRVUHUISC I cant get it out of my head. Its such an amazing example of how the media of fanfiction elevates the story to its maximum potential. How knowing the characters makes it so much easier to connect and resonate, even though Mumbo is absent from the majority of the fic, we still feel hurt after finding out whats happened to him. Like, its such an amazing creative medium I love fanfiction and TERSSXEFJNKVCRXSERARXSXERCDJNGIKKDc :thumbsup: oh gosh The Incadescence of a Dying Light. yeah so fun fact i actually had to look up what it means cause i didnt know the word before and oh. oh. oh its so much worse and more painful. really love it, i do, oh i do! I now have acquired (idk how to spell it lul) the never subsiding lust for nature and outdoors and hiking and being a part of it. I love it, you made me regain my love for it. I loved it before, yes, but i was caught up in my own head and had so much stuff i had to do, but now i love to look out my window even more, i love strolling in my garden. i love it. thank you, thank you, thak youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: So yeah, this fic is one of my faves of all time, i like it a lot, it has inspired me to live more and be alive basically and also. and for the end a fanart of an alternative ending where Mumbo somehow survives and just lives in the forest like a wild animal, living his best life, eating berries (i decided on drawing him eating berries [peace love and plants] instead of chowing down [is chowing a word??] on some rabbit lol) and then grian finds him and its super awkward
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HI! Yes, of course I remember you! First of all, had a really wild day yesterday at work, but I read this at soooome point on my phone during the middle of the day and it made me smile :)
This ask is just so??? AAAAAAA???? I almost don't know how to respond, because it's just SO wonderful to hear this about something I created. Like I did that? I made a thing that is sticking deeply with people? I'm just soooo <333333
I like your point about how fanfiction can maximize story potential! I think it'd make a wonderful essay topic honestly. I have thought about this in connection with fanfic a lot--specifically, the divide between original fiction and fanfiction. In original works, you have to make the audience care. You have to introduce me to a character, setting, and story I will be interested in. I've read a lot of negative book reviews that start off with "the author didn't make me care about the characters" (i have also...said this myself about books I ended up not liking.) With fanfic, you skip that step! It lets you jump right in. I don't have to explain Mumbo and Grian's friendship or demonstrate it to you. You just Know. Someone reading it fandom blind would get the implication about how important they are to each other simply by seing the depth of Grian's grief, but for my intended audience, I can do whatever I want because I trust you to already have the background information you need.
The title is from a line I really like in a song (Post Humorous by Gus Dapperton). It just...painted such a nice word picture. Especially for a story about grief death and fire!
I just. Love that this fic helped you regain a desire for nature? That just makes me feel...warm, I guess, to know that I was able to spark that with something I created. I hope it goes well for you, and you get to take many walks. This spring I've been using the trails near my aunt's house (not.....hiking paths. too urban.) much more. I wanted to walk this week but I was too busy lol. I hope you have many wonderful experiences out in the Great Outdoors <3 one of these days, I swear I'll up and move to a place with "better" nature and "real" trails close by.
Also, SKFJSLFJSKFLSJKF your fanart made me laugh so much. I have like. Entertained this idea. Not as an actual or serious part of the story but I was like man wouldn't it just be off-the-wall if he was just vibing Out There 😭😭😭 You've caught the vibe perfectly LOL
this was all around such a special message to hear, thank you SO much!
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wraenata · 9 months
You seem to put a lot of energy into being considerate of others. I'm thankful for it but like, how? I hope you're taking care of yourself.
Hi anon! Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.
I really like being considerate of others, in fact it makes me happy. When I see someone having a down day, I just want them to know that someone saw, and wants things to get better for them. Because that's how I really feel. I love all of you in my phone and I want you to be ok. And I like leaving nice tags for people on their art, because I know how much joy that can bring.
But, ugh, yeah. I'm not going to lie, it takes a lot of energy.
I think I'll put the rest under the cut...
Ever since the months started getting warmer this year I've been having more trouble keeping up with my dash (I'm someone who needs to scroll through the whole thing). Before the wedding I was in and covid about a month ago, I was able to just barely keep up with my dash and also scrolling the rise tag. Because I didn't want to miss anything! I also was able to scroll through ao3 to see what new fics were posted and bookmark ones I wanted to read! I...haven't been able to do that anymore...and I hate it.
I'm so far behind on reading fanfics that I absolutely enjoy because I just don't have the energy for reading anything longer than 1k at a time right now. And I can't start any new ones until I catch up on the old ones. There are so many writing posts I came across on my dash that are stuck in draft jail until I have time and energy to read them. And quite a few art posts that I came across when I just didn't have time.
I try hard to keep up with my dash at work but I only have so much (extremely generous) time to do that. I'm often speed running tags when I don't have a lot of time or energy. And sometimes I can't express just how much I love your art because of that low time or energy. And I hate putting posts in drafts cause it piles up and gives me anxiety. And when I come home its just, dash, all night.
I am eternally grateful for @/teainthesnow, she keeps all the tmnt tagged posts coming onto my dash so I can still see them (if you see this tea I am so appreciative of all the work you do for the fandom, you are an amazing person and I love you/platonic).
I've already unfollowed a few blogs, and I agonized over it, for like weeks, before doing it. But it hasn't been enough. If you noticed I unfollowed you in the past 2 months, please know that it was nothing personal and I hated that I had to do it. I miss seeing your posts and how your day is going. We are mutuals in my heart forever.
In fact I wish I could follow so many more blogs but I have had to stop myself for a while now. And it really fucking sucks. I've tried filtering a bunch of tags to make it easier too but it's not enough.
The fact of the matter is, I need to unfollow more blogs. And I hate to do it. I know I need to do it. I've known for a while now. I don't have the energy to keep up with it anymore, not after getting covid. I'm just so tired. All the time.
If you see that I unfollow you at some point, again, I love you and we are mutuals in my heart forever. All of my followers are my mutuals. My askbox and messages are always open. You can always tag me in posts (and oh my I'm just remembering all the of tag games I haven't had time to do) I just can't keep up with this anymore. I want to get back to reading fanfic and making the mountains of fanart I want to do for people.
I just, I love you all. But I'm so so tired. I really hope if anything comes out of this long ramble, its that I love you all. The rise fandom has given me so much and I want to return that love.
I'm sorry for the late response anon, and I'm sorry for turning your lovely ask into a bit of a vent. I've tried to put this off for as long as I could, but I just can't do it anymore.
I love you all though <3
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alteration-au · 5 months
I am rambling a lot in this post. If you see this because I tagged you, I just wanna tell you that you and your art, be it writing or drawing, is amazing so you don’t have to read through this entire thing.
As of the 25th of December 2023 this AU is three years old
(Well, to be 100 % accurate it was the 20th with a little oneshot)
Putting it all together (according to AO3 statistics and excluding all the tumblr post on the @traitor-on-board story blog and the very few on @adventure-time-alterationau) I've written 126,855 words for this AU in the past three years.
According to my word document I have for ToB, that Blog has additionally 46,258 words alone.
The whole Henry Stickmin fandom is special to me. It's unlike any other fandom I've ever read comics and fanfics, admired fanart and animations or created content myself for.
It's fun to create for this fandom.
We've been given so many characters with so little background information and one of the things I love the most is seeing all the different designs, backstories and characterizations of the same characters. Be it the ones in the background with only a bio with a single sentence, the references to other games like Mario and A hat in time or the main characters like Henry, Charles, Ellie, Reginald and so on.
And I've barely seen people argue about their different headcanons.
Granted, I've grown past the part of my life where I actively seek out drama and noone is obligated to publicly or at all answer rude anonymous asks, but I haven't really seen anyone make a post about how a certain character can't be trans or gay or have a certain type of backstory that they do not agree with.
We can all be peaceful and appreciate each others creativity and love for the fandom and characters. Even if that love means to put them through hell and back and traumatize them beyond belief. (I've never written so much angsty stuff in my life...)
So... in celebration of me not having abandoned any of my stories yet and me roping my friend into this fandom to the point where they share their work with this fandom (btw. "Rare Hearts" on AO3) a thank you to all the blogs / people, aside from every single Kudo, Comment and Star on Wattpad, AO3 and here, who inspired me in the first place and keep my love for this fandom alive. And if you've made it this far I highly encourage you to check them out.
@ending-the-cycle-ask (Which is one of my favorite comics of all time. Is it a comic? Ask-blog with drawings? Comic with reader-input?)
ask-crashed-copperright and run-away-toppats (Which sadly doesn't seem to exist anymore...)
@sir-subpar and @jazzstarrlight (Who both seemed to have moved on from the fandom. But it doesn't change that they're both talented artists and are still doing great work)
@ask-thsc-blog (Who has so many posts that I'll just finally need to take an entire weekend off to scroll all the way down to catch up with the story again)
@unicwolf (Who I am constantly bothering to beta-read my stuff or help me with color theory. And just art in general)
@capturecharlesau (Whos' Terrence (and entire AU) will never leave my brain again because of his story and the similarities and differences he has to my Terrence. And my Terrence would try to murder CCTerrence)
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uncivilcivilservice · 2 months
for Armand -
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not?
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
I am fairly sure I came across posts by @hekateinhell that tumblr showed me because mutuals of mine had started watching and posting about the AMC show, and in a rare instance of an algorithm reading me correctly, tumblr thought I might be interested in the books. I was very quickly of the opinion that this was the Character Of All Time and that I had to read the books
My tastes for fanfic involving Armand arr much wider than my fanfic tastes have ever been in the past. I will read about this little freak in almost any context, any universe, any time period, any genre. As long as it has that Armand je ne sais quoi, I'm intrigued. (the exception being self inserts, I can't personally do self-inserts)
Man how am I meant to choose, first off I suppose you can have my current Armand Vibes playlist, and I am not going to apologise for Still Alive from Portal being in there
Fanart, oh god... turns out I have 94 pages in my Armand tag, I've literally just spent an hour going through it, and there is too much amazing art to shout out, so here's a small sample
This excellent Armand/Marius art by @kaelio that lives in my head every day
This drawing of Armand squeezing into his skinny boyfriends shirt that was drawn based on a headcanon of mine by @this-writer-needs-coffee
This classic coven master Armand art by @sheepskeleton-art
And yet more great coven master Armand by @birdblacksocialclub
But oh my god are we spoiled in this fandom for art, I could have been here all day shouting out the amazing artists and their work
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freesia-writes · 1 year
The Master Post of All the Tags Lately
Jeez, you guys, I feel so stinkin loved. I've been here for literally 3 months and it's just... the best. It's redeemed social media, LOL. So much creativity and fun and humor and just absolute awesomeness.
ANYWAY. I've been hyperfixated on my smutty Crosshair fic collab with @lightwise, so I haven't answered any of the fun things y'all have been tagging me in lately, so I'm doing them ALL AT ONCE. ;)
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Last Song: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
Currently Watching: nothing, can you believe it?!
Currently Reading: The Gospel of Mark and amazing fanfics (I'd tag em but there's too many and I fear missing someone)
Current Obsession: Clones right now. Fanfic writing, sexy clone fanart.
@sunshinesdaydream @rain-on-kamino
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My Mood Board/Core/Aesthetic -- Total disclosure, I hand-picked the images to reflect all the sides of me...
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@sinfulsalutations @the-bad-batch-baroness
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The Latest Line from my WIP:
Crosshair’s hand was suddenly on the small of your back again, warm and deliberate, a life preserver in a tumultuous ocean of emotions and memories; he stiffened as he felt your tension and the slight shudder as you fought to maintain composure.
@clone-anon @annwayne @ladyzirkonia
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9 of my Favorite Characters:
They actually are in order from least to most favorite, coincidentally. Although I might switch Gregor and Rex. ;)
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@annwayne @techs-stitches @photogirl894
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I'm too lazy to figure out the snow globe date thing but I can tell you it'd be me and my man in a forest by a river with a bunch of snack food. @anxiouspineapple99
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A scent I love: RAIN
Something I'm looking forward to this week: a super chill weekend with family and a ton of progress on the smutty Crosshair fic ;)
A book I'm currently reading: see above
A game I'm currently playing: Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart on the Switch with the fam
Most recent movie: I never watch movies. Idk why. But I can watch hours of TBB or TCW, haha. So uhhhh. GEEZ. Honestly, no idea.
Watching anything on TV: not consistently. Occasional episodes of The Office. Taking a break from Star Wars as I'm writing and reading like crazy here. ;)
Favorite season: GARLIC IS A SEASON, @doublesunsets!? You're my hero. I usually say fall (basic white girl) but this year it's been spring. I love rain, green, salamanders, creeks, fog, etc. I was raised in Oregon but am in California now, so it's nice to have glimpses of the Pacific Northwest.
Something I've learned lately: Zoloft can significantly decrease your sexual responsiveness. ;)
Have I had water today? Heck yes. I tote my giant water bottle around everywhere.
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Also too lazy to make a picrew, but sending love and hugs to you @thecoffeelorian, haha
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Holla if I missed any! XD
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nobodynobodyno · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
tagged by @lamonnaie, meme created by @fiercynn
Thank you so much for the tag, I love this idea! 💛
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
Hi! I'm Diana, I use she/her pronouns, I'm in my early twenties and I love reading and writing fics 😁
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I started watching right before the finale aired, I think. I binged the whole thing and then watched episode 12 shortly after! But I only joined the fandom later, after a rewatch that made me see the show in a different light.
favorite ship(s) Pat/Pran, Ink/Pa, Wai/Korn, I love them all 🙈
favorite character(s) Pat and Pran
Pran because I relate to him and Pat because... I mean, he's perfect? Isn't he?
favorite episode(s) This one is hard, probably episode 5 when we switched to Pat's pov because I love how he wasted no time confessing to Pran after learning how he felt about him, and also episode 10 because it has my favourite scene in the whole show, will get to that one in a minute
favorite scene(s)  The scene where Pran breaks down in Pat's arms on the rooftop 😭 That's actually the scene that got me into this show, a friend showed it to me and I was like, I have to watch this now! And I did, and ugh, I love how they're both hurting so much but Pat is trying to be strong for Pran and how Pran is being vulnerable with Pat for the first time in their relationship (probably) I love all of that! An honorable mention would be the scene in episode 4 where Pran starts crying after Pat tells him that he likes Ink (Can you tell I love angst?) And of course, the kiss, but everyone has already talked about the kiss.
one thing you would change about the show if you could
The fact that Pran apologised to Wai after Wai outed them in front of the whole school, like excuse me? And also the whole Pat-getting-shot-with-a-tiny-gun plot, which is a consequence of the Wai thing because they needed to redeem Wai, I guess, and I didn't like any of that, lol.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people
There are so many fics I love but I am going to resume to 5 in no particular order:
once more to see you by maywitherspoon where Pat finds a way to contact Pran before they start university and thus get reunited sooner, and let me tell you, it's amazing!
breathe by concerningcardigancollection where Pran is allergic to peanuts and almost dies, I love hurt/comfort fics and I love the way Pat is written here!
Cruel Summer by Frosche, Lothewriterofstories this one is pure pain. But I love pain, and it's a beautiful kind of pain, so definitely worth reading!
you can hear it in the silence by threewontons I call this the baby shark fic in my mind, it's a lovely soulmate au set in a world where soulmates can hear the songs the other person is listening to. I think it's such a unique take on soulmate aus and I love it!
don't go wasting your emotion by fiercynn a canon divergence au where Pat sees Pran crying in episode 4, I love canon divergence aus and this one is so sweet!
I also looove @kornswasianguyswag's fanart! Go send them some love!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
This is my ao3 account, I've written quite a few fics for bad buddy, I don't know if I could pick a favourite one 🤔 maybe this one because it's inspired by "Love, Rosie" and that movie is very dear to me. I'm also having a lot of fun writing my current wip where they are strangers and Pran is trying to seduce Pat is order to get revenge for his friends 🤭
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
Again, I have so many... every song I listen to makes me think of bbs, lol
Can I say Tilly Birds - คิด(แต่ไม่)ถึง (Same Page?) ? It wasn't in the show, it was in the mock trailer! And it always makes me think of them. And also Mitski - Francis Forever, it's like it was written by Pran during the years they were apart!
idk anything else you want us to know?
I'd love to make more bbs friends, so don't hesitate to dm me! 😁
I am going to tag @dropthedemiurge, @catboyjosten @feralmuskyscentedhoepran @non-binarypal7 and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
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skykashi · 1 year
Hi! I really like how much effort you put into pulling canon examples to illustrate points on your blog. I also really love how much enthusiasm you have for best guy Kakashi! On the other hand, constantly ragging on folks for deviating from canon is exhausting.
For example, I know Kakashi/Gai/Obito have the same build. MOST Naruto characters have the same build. I personally don't find the same-y builds fun or interesting, so I like to change it up. It's a personal choice, I know it's not canon (though I'm just as happy to see canon Kakashi as any AU Kakashi), so you *really* don't need to constantly say "fandom take note, X isn't canon". Either we know and we consciously choose to deviate or we don't but you've already perfectly illustrated your point with screenshots, so underlining it with a statement like that comes off as belittling at best-- even if you mean it as friendly ribbing.
I say all this because I genuinely don't think that you're ragging others on purpose. I do think it's an expression of friendly frustration that isn't landing the way you intend. At the end of the day, though, I don't follow you for what fandom thinks, I follow you for what YOU think. I follow to hear the ways YOU love Kakashi. The posts I enjoy most reflect this-- the ones where it's all "this is why I love Kakashi" and not "fandom is wrong for loving Kakashi X way".
Thank you for your amazing work and sorry for the unsolicited ask
First of all, I was really having a hard time answering this ask because you seem like a really nice person and I don't want my answer to seem harsh or upset you in any way, I literally just kept typing things and then deleting them so believe me, this is the nicest way I found to explain my thoughts.
Second, speaking my mind in my own blog is not ragging on ppl, I've never once replied to those fan works with anything negative, I always just scroll past it and then go vent with my friends about it.
Third, when ppl just can't accept a mlm ship without completely changing one of them to make him fit into the wife role because they can't see beyond an extremely heteronormative view then I have to keep reminding the fandom. When ppl can't accept a ship of 2 equal partners and have to change them to make one the stronger masculine one and the other the helpless feminine one then I have to keep reminding the fandom. When I bump into so many ppl who genuinely believe those fanarts and fanfics because it's been years since they watched/read Naruto and everything they see now is this type of content that they no longer remember the real Kakashi anymore then I have to keep reminding the fandom. When this is really effecting ppl's views of Kakashi to the point that I keep seeing ppl saying that he's so weak and small and helpless that he can't even lift the sword that he literally wielded like a total boss with ease in canon then I have to keep reminding the fandom... You have no idea how many ppl I met who really genuinely thought that Gai and Obito are really twice as big as Kakashi and when I told them "actually no, that's just fanon, they are actually the same built in canon" they didn't believe me at first until they went and looked it up themselves, and that's just the ppl that I spoke to, there are thousands of others who really don't know. You are really underestimating how fan contents affects ppl's views, for example, the majority of the fandom thinks that Kakashi was a useless Hokage just because of that old "blow up the moon" meme that never actually happened, on the contrary he's the one who STOPPED the Raikage from blowing up the moon, no one even remembers all of the great things Kakashi did as a Hokage and only remembers that meme that was the opposite of the truth. I keep reminding the fandom because when content creators do stuff like that "for fun" they don't make it clear that they changed stuff and that's not actually how it is, the misconceptions this type of fan work creates is so much bigger than you think and unfortunately it's unrepairable, even my constant friendly reminders aren't going to correct it but I still do it out of frustration first and hope that at least someone might see it and know how it actually is, because I joined this fandom when Naruto ended to keep sharing my love for Kakashi with other fans who loves him too but most of my days in this fandom, I really miss Kakashi because I can hardly find him anymore between the endless Kakashi slander and hate for things that isn't even true, the misconceptions and the way ppl change him so much that he stops being him anymore. I'm here because I want to see the Kakashi that I fell in love with not someone else's OC committing identity fraud! It's not Kakashi anymore if we're going to change everything that makes him, him!
On the other hand, you have no idea how wrong it is that ppl just can't accept a ship where both partners are equal without one of them having to be smaller and weaker or it won't be "fun", it wouldn't have been an issue at all if that's how they originally are but for ppl to change them because "it's boring" for 2 equal ppl wether in their size or strength to be together that's when it's not fine, it's 2023 and yet ppl are still not able to get over the idea that couples can't work without looking like a wife and a husband, they can't both look like men or it won't be "fun", there's a difference between having your own art style which is actually fun, and deliberately changing the designs of 2 characters who have the same built to make one of them twice as big as the other and it's even 100x worse when they change their skin color too on top of everything else, I don't think I need to explain this one.. like man, if you have a size kink then why not ship 2 characters who canonically has a size difference instead of doing this, there are plenty of characters who have size differences like, Itachi and Kisame, or Kisame and Gai or Kakashi and Ibiki or Jiraiya and Sakumo or Sasuke and Jūgo... Etc.
In the end, I'm sorry if any of what I said seemed harsh in any way, that was not my intention, and there's nothing wrong about expressing myself on my own blog because even tho I strongly disagree with that type of content, I never go to artists blogs to force my opinions on them, instead, I block the tags that can prevent me from seeing the things that I dislike as much as possible and express myself in my own space in my own blog so I can at least remind someone of the real Kakashi that the majority of the fandom seems to not remember anymore because that's the Kakashi I fell in love with and I joined the fandom for, and give him some of the love and credit he deserves but hardly is getting nowadays.
Last but not least, from now on, I'll be tagging any post where I'm complaining about the fandom as "#fandom bs" to make it easier for anyone who gets tired of my complaining to just block this tag.
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