#I'm so sorry Caspian
masquenoire · 1 year
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“Dunno why you’re smiling when you stink like wet dog.”
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
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the fact that their relationship is so painfully underrated when it's possibly one of the most important relationships in the entire movie series.
they were the first two to enter into Narnia, and from the moment they find themselves there, they become representations of the two sides, Lucy as Aslan's, and Edmund as Jadis'. they grow from being the furthest apart of the four to being the closest, Lucy bringing Edmund back to the light and him being able to rely on his sister. They're the most physically affectionate duo (after Peter and Lucy), and in "Voyage of the Dawn Treader", they're basically able to read each other's minds and trust in each other wholeheartedly.
and don't even get me started on the fact that Lucy is so connected to Edmund's domain, and Edmund is just as connected to Lucy's domain, so much so that during their time as rulers, unless someone knew their full titles, they probably got the domains mixed up.
they share everything with each other, and know each other's worst fear and their nightmares, and now I'm thinking about the fact that, when the train started to derail, Edmund and Lucy just looked at each other, and he immediately pulled her into his arms, hugging her as tightly as he possibly could, and Peter grabbed the two of them and held them close, because they knew what was about to happen, they knew things were going wrong, so all they can do is just hold each other and wait for the inevitable.
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makaalpaca · 9 months
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Cirrus + @doovild's and @aubeezz's OCs! They got silly <3
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supernovasilence · 4 months
I'M GONNA CRY I JUST SPENT LIKE AN HOUR ON AN ASK AND TRIED TO SAVE IT AS A DRAFT LIKE A FOOL AND NOW IT'S GONE. It was anonymous too I can't even @ the asker ciar I hope you see this ToT
anyway the ask was "please talk more about 'their siblings are all the Pevensies have' " so I'll try to reconstruct what I had
Listen if there's anything I like in fiction it's siblings, and relationships that would probably be unhealthily codependant in real life but this is fiction so it's fine (or you push them that little bit farther into unhealthy and then you have a dark/tragic au, which can be fun too). So thinking about the Pevensies makes me go feral a bit.
Narnia, and her thrones, are a gift, and they're a burden.
The Pevensies gave up their home, their friends, their family, their old lives—even the memory of their old lives—to rule Narnia. And their old lives currently included being sent away into the country to shelter from a war, so they would have lost some of that anyway, and I'm certainly not saying finding Narnia was a bad thing. But it came with sacrifices, and out of all the things they lost, they still have each other. In all the magical, beautiful, wonderful, but strange things they have to learn, their siblings are familiar. Faced with sudden, terrifying responsibility, they can still be just kids, just Pete and Su and Ed and Lu, with each other. And then part of that responsibility is Peter and Susan being parents to Edmund and Lucy as well as siblings, and it's strange and it's familiar and everything gets complicated and messy but it all boils down to they love each other so much.
They're the only humans around. They're the only ones confused by the magical, medieval land they're in. Their friends and advisors do what they can, of course, but in the end the weight of running a country all comes down on four tiny pairs of shoulders; they're the only ones who know how that feels. They make friends, and friends that become like family, but in those early days the only people they've known more than a few days are their siblings. And they've known each other forever. They're the ones that know how to make Peter laugh when he works too hard or coax Susan into cruelly needed bravery and she's terrified or see past Edmund's angry outbursts to what's really bothering him or convince Lucy to be more responsible without telling her she's wrong for being young or emotional or wild. They know the in jokes, the favorite colors, the secret petty hates (Lucy doesn't like bugs, if you make Peter wear gray he won't be able to focus all day because all he can think about is how much he hates wearing gray), the little tricks to cheer each other up. They know how to soothe each other out of nightmares and the sort of places they hide when they want to cry.
And they're the only ones who understand how they can have the magical joy that is their new life and still be sad. They're the only ones who remember England, everything and everyone they knew there. Later, when Narnia has soothed their homesickness with cruel mercy, they're the only ones who know what it is to miss what you can no longer remember, who understand the ache that still gets into your gets into your dreams some nights, long after you know the words and the names to explain.
And then they go back.
Once again, they lose home; once again, their siblings are all they keep. Digory went to Narnia, but he knew her for a few days in her infancy. He doesn't know her castles, hasn't learned her dances, hasn't ridden for leagues through her forests or sailed her seas. He doesn't know what it's like to lose years of your life in an instant. He still remembers the names of months and how to use common household items. He wanted to come back, so he could embrace his mother and make her well. The Pevensies were thrown out without warning, and their mother is far away under bomb-filled skies. But they still have each other. Peter still tries to lead, stumbling, scared, and the others try to support him; Edmund struggles; Lucy runs wild; Susan is frightened. It's strange and it's familiar.
They return to Narnia; it's broken, changed, a thousand years too old. Of everyone the Pevensies knew in the Golden Age, their siblings are all they have left. No one else understands how strange it all is, so much the same but so different, how it feels to be a legend.
Alright this got much longer than I planned and there are two diverging rambles from here so. I'm gonna start with my thoughts on the Pevensies' dynamic in my preferred and-then-they-get-to-keep-Narnia-somehow headcanon, and below the read more will be my thoughts about canon.
They're allowed to stay this time, and rule alongside Caspian. All Narnia has assumed, of course, that the kings and queens of old would. Only the Pevensies know the relief the others feel. Only they understand the secret mistrust they feel, too, that Aslan's promise will be a lie. Some Narnians have utter faith in him, and would think such doubt inconceivable (especially from the four he fought alongside, and died for), or even blasphemous. Some would have preferred if Jadis came back, or are wary of authority altogether after so long under the Telmarines, but Aslan is a story to them, not seen for centuries. He was the Pevensies' friend. Their doubt is mingled with the taste of betrayal, and shame for feeling so.
The Pevensies rebuild Narnia once more, not from ice this time but iron chains. The work is familiar and it isn't; Narnia is the same and it isn't. All Narnia cheers when Cair Paravel is rebuilt, but the Pevensies are the only ones left alive who called it home.
If this is an au where the Pevensies simply never go back after PC, then they are once again the only ones who remember England, and the people they left behind. They aren't surprised when someone says "I'm homesick" while standing in their bedroom in Cair Paravel, know who their siblings are talking about when they ask "do you think they're doing okay? we'll be dead before they even know we're missing", understand how they can be living such a joyous life and still carry a little ember of sorrow in them all the time. If this is an au where the Pevensies still travel between the worlds, but with more time spent in Narnia and a guarantee to always return there, then they are the only ones who know how confusing that is, living two lives, and how hard it is, lying to your family about so much that's so important to you.
But their siblings are family too, and always there no matter the world, and as long as they have each other, the Pevensies can survive anything. Susan is famous for her beauty, and they all four laugh the day she gets her first silver hair, the first among any of them.
"The dear little friends are going senile now," Trumpkin mutters, in his grumbly, affectionate way, and Susan just laughs and says,
"Oh, I quite plan to,"
because Peter is giving her hand a squeeze while Edmund and Lucy beam, and she knows they all understand what this means. They are growing and greying and living, here, in Narnia. They have been and they will. They never got old enough to go grey, the first time round. And they will get very grey indeed, and very old, and they will have lots of friends and a large extended family, and lots of people will have lots of pieces of them. But, though those things get fewer, there will still be some things that only their siblings understand best, because they knew each other first.
(Honestly my base headcanon is actually the Pevensies as a set morphing somewhere along the way into the Pevensies + Caspian as a set, but the point is these siblings spend years being the only ones being each other's closest people and it shows.)
Alright now the acknowledging-canon-for-once option!
They leave again. Peter and Susan know it's forever. Edmund and Lucy now know there is a forever away from Narnia, waiting for them someday. They think of the Professor, who still dreams about the world he saw for a few days as a child. How comforting his stories had seemed before! How sad they seem now, a lifetime spent missing what you will never have again! The Pevensies go to stiff, unhappy boarding schools, and are surrounded by people who don't understand everything they have lost, everything they will lose.
Perhaps cruelest of all, they begin then to be ripped away from their one constant: each other. The Pevensies return to the train platform where they were waiting to catch two different trains: one to the boys' school and one to the girls'. Peter and Susan can't talk through their complicated knot of loss and relief and confusion, can't console each other or offer answers to the question of "what now?". Edmund and Lucy can't share their own relief, their anxiety. Lucy can't cheer Peter up or ask him if losing Narnia can really be okay. Susan can't toss away Edmund's fears with calm logic when he's loses his temper at bullies and fears he's slipping back into old ways, or listen to him tell her she's still brave and beautiful and important and safe even though everyone treats her as a child (a girl-child, at that) and the newspapers speak of war.
The ties binding them fray a little more, and a little more, and a little more. The next summer, Peter goes to study with the Professor. Their parents take Susan to America. Edmund and Lucy are sent to their aunt and uncle. They come back with tales of months at sea, of their friends Caspian and Reepicheep and Aslan. They are all Peter and Susan will ever get of Narnia again. Peter and Susan are the only ones who understand the pain Edmund and Lucy are now feeling, knowing they're never going back, the ones who teach them how to breathe through it until breathing no longer hurts.
It's not enough. Fray and fray and fray. Thread by thread. Susan works hard to live in this world Aslan told her to live in. What right has she to do otherwise? The other three cling to a duty handed to them by prophecy when they were children. What right have they to ignore that? They grow up. Three of them go to university or get jobs and probably move out. (Lucy did not. I'm trying to keep this neutral and not rant-about-how-much-I-hate- canon but I won't ignore that Lucy was seventeen when she died.) They drift apart.
Digory forms the "friends of Narnia". Peter, Edmund, and Lucy are united again, bound together by their shared experiences as they have ever been. It's not the same, Susan is not there, but it's enough.
(Extra painful fun fact! When I typed "Peter, " my phone suggested "susan" as the next word! I have typed "Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy" so often even my phone expects them to be a set! This is fine!)
The Last Battle, the train crash. Peter, Edmund, and Lucy die. Susan buries them, and there is no one left to understand all she is mourning. Her last link to a home she cannot bear to acknowledge aloud. The children she played with. The adults she saw them grow into. She knows what Lucy would look like grown, either because she still remembers Narnia and won't admit it or subconsciously somewhere inside her, but Lucy will never be twenty-three this time around.
Peter, Edmund, and Lucy wait in "true" Narnia. Again, they dwell in magical splendour, and ache in their dreams. This time, they remember who they are missing. Still, they are surrounded by joy, and time does not seem very important anymore, so overall they are happy. (It's not the same, Susan is not there, but it's enough.) Susan lives and learns and mourns and makes her peace and comes to Narnia in her own time, the only one of them to grow old and the last to grow ageless. It's easy to forget sorrow, in that place; when Susan embraces her siblings, the only ones who understand how badly she has missed them are them, because they have missed her just the same. But now they are complete again, and that's all that matters.
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sharkdays · 9 months
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hey it's my pokemon horizons/trainersona!
was gonna add his pokemon team on the side but my hand started to hurt so his partner pokemon is Caspian (Vaporeon), Seraphim (Silvally), Romeo (Meowscarada), Margo (Flygon), Cricket (Leafeon), and Lumi (Shiny Sylveon)
he's a good cook but can't bake for shit. every time he tries to bake something it's like that princess peach meme
he's close w all his pokemon and each of their pokeballs are custom painted
he spends a lot of time on the ship due to chronic pain/fatigue but still finds ways to help, his pokemon help him a lot as well by forcing him to rest. he gets chided by mollie a lot for being reckless lol
i like to imagine liko's sprigatito looks up to his meowscarada hehe
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nekrophoria · 2 years
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Sooo....I let Caspian wear his hair open and...holy shit <3
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
Ben Barnes makes me forget that I need to breathe
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padfootagain · 1 year
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Ooohhhh okay for this one!!! I am a full fledged Swiftie so why not try that haha
(PS: you don't have to stick to the mood of the song either haha... I am just curious what your SUPER CREATIVE mind will come up with)
Enchanted (*shouts aggressively* TAYLOR'S VERSION)
All Too Well (*shouts aggressively* TAYLOR'S VERSION)
You're Losing Me
Wait, I just realised... What if you're not a Swiftie? Hmmm... I am too curious to not send this in haha so I will! Now it's completely upto you 🥰
Hey! Ooh! So many!! Thank you so much for the ask! (I took a long while to answer your ask because it got EXTREMELY LONG, which is why I'm including a read more. It got completely out of hand, and I will save this post because I am 1000% going to actually write some of these, they are too good).
(Also this is very messy, I'm sorry for all the mistakes and the not very stylish writing but these are just concepts).
I do like some of Taylor Swift's song, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm a swiftie, by any means.
So... these might not fit the mood of the songs (because there are some I don't know tbh...)
Okay, this one gives very much some 'love at first sight during a party or social event and you meet again randomly weeks later by accident' vibes. Which is what I would go for. It could work very well with Ben, and the two of you meet at an after-party after an award ceremony, and you chat a bit, but you don't exchange phone number or anything, but you regret it after that cause you can't stop thinking about him. But then you're invited to a party by one of your friends, who introduces you to a few people you don't know and BAM! they introduce you to Ben! (which I imagine very clearly being like: overcrowded room, loud music, you're holding a drink, and your friend guides you through the crowd because 'hey, I haven't introduced you to this guy yet, I'm sure you'll get along fine!' and at first you only see Ben's back, but your friend calls for him, and he turns around and that's when you recognise him **insert slow -mo effect for cheesiness and so we can take a moment to stare at his beautiful face**) and then you're both a blushing and shy mess and you spend the rest of your evening talking with him and this time you exchange phone numbers and settle on a date.
Alternatively, it could work perfectly for Caspian: meeting at a ball, and dancing together and being just 1000% smitten, but he has to dance with other ladies too for political reasons, and he can't find you again during the night (I am includin in this: him seeing you and inviting you for a dance, which turns into two, and he can't possibly ask for a third, that would be too obvious, and so he asks if you want a refreshment, which gives him an excuse to talk to you some more, but then a Lord you've been trying to avoid because he wants to court you arrives, and Caspian helps you escape to the gardens. You spend some time there together, talking, but then a guard arrives and calls for Caspian to come back inside because someone wants to see him, and then when he is finally free from his political duties again and that he looks for you, you're already gone). And he's certain he's never going to see you again, but then he's invited to a reception, and when he goes, there you are again, and BAM! He finds you, this time he makes it clear he wants to court you, and tadaaaa!
I reckon that both scenarios are very similar, but would work for both characters so... had to include both.
2. All too well
I know this song, but it's a break-up song, isn't it? That's too sad, I'm changing it up.
If we consider the title alone, without taking into account the song at all, it gives me very strong Sirius Black vibes. Because I can see Sirius spiralling down because of his family and entering one of his terrible dark phases because of them and you could make such a wonderful repetition of 'all too well' using the signs he recognizes in himself giving away that he's broken and fucked up in the head. But then you come and sit down by his side in silence, and you don't say anything, you just wait until he acknowledges you. And at first he doesn't say anything, as if he expects you to leave, but you don't, and there's this slow realization in his brain that actually, you too know 'all too well' all the symptoms of his dark phase, and that he's struggling, but you're not leaving. He remembers all the times when you've done the same, when you stayed with him and didn't leave, and showed him that his parents are wrong and that he deserves to be loved too. And I wouldn't make them say anything to each other during the whole scene, just Sirius finally reaching for her hand and breathing out a 'thank you', and then her resting her head on his shoulder, and him smiling again.
like, you can use it for the causes, for the signs, for the reader, for Sirius's realization ejfiejoizejiozejroeijr (chef's kiss!!!) (these 4 paragaphs would be scattered across the oneshot, not written in a row like this, obviously)
And he knows what it means. He knows it all too well. The banging in his head. The voice that keeps on screaming there. The clammy hands. The rushing heart. The tight throat. The struggle for a breath. The knot in his stomach. And these thoughts... these thoughts that plague his mind, and he tries to shake them away but he can't he can't he can't, he knows it all too well that the voices are true and that he's nothing, nothing, nothing at all...
[...] And he knows where it comes from. He knows it all too well. From the shouts of his mother tearing up his nights. From the fists of his father against his cheeks. From the fear of his brother as he looks up at him in search for safety. From the curses, and the insults, and the hate the hate the hate that follows him everywhere that aims at his friends and that curses his very existence and that reminds him that he's unloveable, unloveable, unloveable...
[...] And he knows he doesn't deserve you. He knows it all too well. Because you're so bright against his darkness. Because you're too kind. Because he's a mess. Because you're patient. Because he's reckless. Because you love him, for some unknown reason. Because you look at him with so much love, he hopes you can see that he loves you just the same. And you come back again and again and again, and he doesn't have a clue why you're still clinging onto him when he's got nothing to offer you but his shattered heart, his crooked smile, his fucked up mind, his fucked up mind, his fucked up mind...
[...] And he knows you'll stay. He knows it all too well. Because you haven't moved at all, and he's used it, and you never do. Whenever the crisis come, you merely stay here, with him, and you wait until the storms weather, and he comes back to you. You're his constant through it all. And you're here you're here you're here, everywhere he looks, he always finds you near, and for the first time he's not so afraid that you might leave. Maybe you're right. Maybe he does deserve to be loved. Maybe you could show him how.
3. You're losing me
Oh that's a break-up song again... (didn't know that one had to check it on spotify and yep... break-up song)
Slow decaying relationship, despite the love, it just won't work and it's killing both of you but you're drifting apart and it's better if you stop it all while you still have fragments of your hearts still unbroken.
(Could fit literally anyone, too sad for my brain, so let's jump to the next one.)
4. Anti-hero
Had heard that song before, still had to check it again cause I only knew the chorus... Not gonna take into account much of the song in itself BUT
This screams Logan Delos, like crazy.
Like... 'It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me / At tea time, everybody agrees' if that's not Logan Delos I don't know what is. Yes, babe, you are a problem indeed, we agree on that, although we could play with that, and his father, and the real reason behind his douchebag behaviour and a confrontation with his father while you're there would be so nice. And maybe you finally understand where Logan is coming from, and he shows you a more fragile side of him, and you both end up crying like idiots, and you comfort him through the night...
We could here again play with the repetitions (that's my thing, sorry, I'm a sucker for repetitive structures and echoes throughout texts like... I love that shit) and shift the cause of the problem (the dialogues would follow each other, but the following paragraph would come after Logan's father has left and you're together, alone, after their confrontation):
Logan's father: I have no idea what you're on about. You've played too much with this ridiculous game, filled with silly stories of robots and cowboys and damzels in distress waiting for a hero. This isn't the solution. We both know you're the problem, Logan.
Logan: Of course, I am. I always am... That's everything I'm ever going to be anyway, so why bother changing? Why bother becoming a better man? No matter what I do I'll always be a disappointment, I'll always be invisible, you'll never see me anyway. So why bother, if all I can be is the problem? I know I'll never be on the worthy side of the hero, so might as well be an anti-hero altogether. Next step, I'll be the villain.
[...]And you know Logan well enough to recognize that he's to blame, that he fucks up most of the time. But then again, maybe there's a bigger problem after all. Maybe the problem was first his father, before it would become him. And when he looks up at you, with these dark eyes that seem to reach for your very soul, you can't be mad at him. After this scene, you don't forgive him, but you understand. For tonight, it will be enough.
"Will you leave me?" he asks in a whisper, and you reckon you've never seen him so fragile, so lonely too.
No, perhaps Logan is not the problem, only the result.
"Do you want me to leave?" you ask, one last test to see if he can be honest, for once, to see if you really matter at all. But his eyes fill up with tears, and he's too scared to be proud this time. Instead, he shakes his head. It's unlike him, to be so vulnerable, but he can't help it. Tonight, he feels too broken to be anything else.
"No. I want you to stay."
And so, you stay.
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masonxxbrick · 10 months
He was gone. His brother. His best friend. The one person in this world who had always been there for him no matter what. The two were close in age so of course they naturally bonded and were always very close. But Smith had also been there for him when Miller was in the arena. Mason spent almost every single night in Smith's room because he was terrified for Miller. The bad dreams would start any time he fell asleep but with Smith at his side, everything felt better. The two had also gotten even closer when they felt abandoned by Miller. Hell, Smith had even followed Mason into the arena. Up to this point Mason couldn't even think about a time when Smith wasn't there.
And now he was just gone.
Of course Mason wasn't taking it well. He wandered off slightly so Smith's body could be taken out of the arena. It had taken every ounce of strength in his body to stand up and move. Now Mason was weak. His body was shutting down and he didn't know what to do. Finding City Hall, Mason struggled up the stairs and walked inside immediately making way to a corner and wedged himself into it. He left his sword in front of him on the floor. At this point, he didn't care about the stupid weapon.
As Mason sat there images of Smith's lifeless body flooded his mind. No matter how many times he tried to think of good memories of Smith, he kept seeing the bad. "Please.." Mason whimpered as the tears ran down his face. Pulling his knees up to chest, he grabbed fists full of his own hair. "Get out of my head!" The boy yelled as he sobbed. He struggled to catch his breath as the panic attack set in.
His whole body went numb even though everything ached. It trembled as he still held his hair. His heart hurt so bad. How was he supposed to move on from this? Smith was dead. "Millie... Cain.. Everett.. I-I need y-you." He said out loud in between struggled breaths.
Suddenly, Mason heard footsteps approaching though he didn't bother looking up. He didn't care who it was. If they wanted to grab his sword and finish him there he would be okay with it. Nothing would ever be okay again anyway.
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Charles owns one monochrome all white ensemble but every article of clothing has this text on it
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Totally canon I am drawing him with this I promise
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tvrningout-a · 7 months
"found you." it was a low whisper that pierced through the dead of night. stood amidst the living room, within shadows that not even the moon could illuminate, was he. the man whose name gaia never wanted to utter in front of chiyo. but he was faster in making himself known . . . invading private spaces with ease, staring at the other with eyes born of hellfire. "you reek of her. have you two gotten that close?" his voice was mocking, a sick chuckle falling from his lips before he phases in & out of smoke to invade personal space. "now, don't scream. we don't want this to get messy, do we?" & he grins before tilting his head to the side. "keep away from her, you understand? if you don't . . . i might just have to get really mean. and we wouldn't want that, right? you have such a peaceful life . . . don't want it ruined, hm?" ( from caspian, for chiyo )
unprompted | @vonerde attempts to coerce chiyo!
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the late hour and lack of sleep make the experience all the more jarring. her mind races to make sense of the stranger standing amidst unnatural shadows and how he's able to get so close so quickly. of course she's scared -- who wouldn't be frightened when a stranger invades their home? but a colder sliver of fear wedges itself within chiyo's chest as it sinks in that this is clearly one of the people after gaia ( surprisingly, it's all for the goddess, that fear -- what will happen to her? what does he want with her? chiyo doesn't want to see her hurt or worse ).
for some reason, a person is much scarier than some monster.
yet chiyo glares up at the man as he threatens her. as stupid as it is to reply with obstinate defiance, she does it anyway, pushing down her fear. she thinks of that day she discovered the truth, the way her heart stuttered as she watched gaia fight, the words she spoke to goddess in her cottage. chiyo thinks of how she feels when she's with gaia, of the desire to protect her that flares bright like the sun as this man grins down at the mangaka. he must think she'll shrink before him, abandon the goddess if it means living another day. humans are fickle like that, no?
if she weren't sure it'd land her in more trouble than her mouth, she'd punch him ( see if he's still smiling then; like hell she's being pushed around by someone, magical entity or not ).
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" does that little speech usually work? " chiyo asks. thankfully her voice doesn't waver, sounds unimpressed as she crosses her arms. " you started out strong, but you lost me at the end. my life hasn't been peaceful for a while, and however mean you can get, i'm sure gaia can match it. " she mockingly tilts her head just as caspian had earlier, returning his grin with a sharp smile. " is that why you wanted to scare me into cutting ties with her? so you can hurt her without angering her? "
the implication of cowardice hangs heavily in the air. chiyo holds her breath but doesn't back down. if she dies tonight ( her stomach drops but this possibility is nothing new -- it just has a face now ), she hopes to make the experience as unpleasant for this man as possible. chiyo might not have powers, but she has teeth; she cannot fight like a god, but she can bite like a dog.
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agoldenlily-archive · 2 years
@wclfheir​ - xxx
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she smiles faintly, glancing around to see if there were any followers around or if he had some sort of hidden army. she had surrounded herself with Saidar the moment she heard the rustle this way when she’d been out riding but now that she looked on him she wasn’t entirely too uneasy. he seemed lost. of course he could be lying but she doubted it. she did pride herself on her reading people, no matter what her friends said. still she held onto The Source, not entirely at ease just yet.
“ you’re in Andor, sir, very close to the walls of Caemlyn. “ tipping her chin just slightly she offers him a warm smile. “ you seem lost, just as well, I have a horse and these are my lands. perhaps I might help you? “
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sheepeggs · 10 months
I never wanted to have to do this again, but I have no other options. The farms well pump and water tank are broken, and it's going to be over $12,000 usd to fix it.
We have a 1 year old baby living here, and there's another little one due in February, plus the sheep, goats, chickens, cats and dogs we have. We have NO RUNNING WATER as of right now.
I am genuinely begging for any help at all with this. This farm saved my life. It's my livelihood, my safe space, the one place I have ever felt safe. I am willing to send n#de photos and videos for donations over $20, or draw something for you, anything.
Please, please, PLEASE reblog and share this anyway you can, and if you have the funds please help. This farm is run by natives and Jewish people, if that's more incentive to help. I myself am nonbinary. This was my dream for so long, and I'm not about to give it up without trying everything
If you don't feel comfortable using the link I also have my personal payment links you can message me for
I'm sorry if this isn't very legible. I feel sick right now.
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supernovasilence · 1 year
Me: sees this post about the gods placing people in the stars when they die
Me: don't do it don't do it just appreciate the pun and keep ignoring canon don't--
My brain: the books imply Liliandil isn't a star herself only the daughter of one so I bet she was always curious about her father's old world and do you think when she died tragically young, a pawn removed so someone could kidnap her son and invade her adopted homeland, Aslan placed a new star in the sky and whenever Caspian saw it he found a bittersweet comfort knowing his beloved could now know the world of her birthright even if it meant leaving him and everything she'd ever known and cared about behind?
Me: I said don't
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phoward89 · 1 month
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Based on this ask
You've been married to President Snow for 25 years now and have 4 children between the ages of 20 & 9. When your 15 year old daughter wants to go on her first date, Coriolanus isn't taking it well. He's an overprotective girl dad.
Takes place in the Anti-Hero Universe
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Your daughter, Demeter, was a total daddy's girl. She was spoiled and had Coriolanus wrapped around her little finger. Just like her 3 brothers, your daughter was the spitting image of her father. Platinum blonde curls, cerulean blue eyes, mile long legs, and a prominent nose.
Your daughter inherited your smile and your demeanor. You saw so much of your younger self in your daughter. More so than in your other children.
So, of course, Coriolanus had strict rules for his princess when it came to boys. Well, really it was only one rule. No dating until enrolling in the University.
Meaning Demeter couldn't date until she graduated from the Academy- at 18. But, you're sure that when that time comes a new rule change will come into effect- making her age of dating pushed up by a couple of years.
Demi was a bright girl in her first year at the Academy; she was adhering to her dad’s rule until one day she wasn't.
You, Coriolanus, your first born Cassian, his longtime girlfriend Phoebe (who you stopped the president from poisoning a few times since he couldn't stand the flippant girl), Demeter, and your other sons Caspian and Caelestis were gathered around the large, ornate dining table in the presidential palace for dinner. Despite being kept busy as the President, your husband was very adamant that the family ate together every night. Hell, the family ate breakfast together every morning too- in the sunroom.
Minus Cassian's girlfriend since Coriolanus did not let her live in the Presidential Palace. He's still pouting over the last poisoning attempt that you thwarted. One day, you're certain you won't be able to stop him and he'll succeed.
“Seneca Crane asked me to the Yule Ball and I said yes!” Demeter blurted out, an overjoyed smile on her youthful face, as the Avox served the first course.
You could hear a pin drop. Even the Avox paused in their motions of serving the tomato bisque to watch, wide-eyed, President Snow's reaction. Oh boy, everyone knows the one rule your husband had for your daughter. And Demeter announcing that she was asked out and said yes broke that one rule.
Even if it's for the Yule Ball, the rule of no dating is still being broken. Attending a ball or gala with a boy is considered a date. Or at least it is in the Capitol.
“I’m sorry, Demi, but you'll have to tell the young Mister Crane that you won't be attending the Yule Ball with him.” Coriolanus calmly, but cooly, told your daughter. Then he snapped his fingers and motioned for the Avox to continue serving the soup to the family.
Everyone’s eyes fluttered between Coriolanus and Demeter. Yours included. Would she accept her father's order or would she push back.
You knew exactly what she'd do. Hell, it was the exact same thing you did when your own guardian, your older half-brother, forbid you to see Private Snow anymore. You pushed back and picked Coryo; you're sure that Demi’s going to push back and pick Senaca Crane.
And you're right.
“Daddy, all of my friends are going to the Yule Ball. Everyone's going! And I'm going too, with Seneca Crane, whether you like it or not!” Demeter shrieked, only to loudly push her chair away from the table and storm out of the dining room.
“Demeter Juniper, come right back to the dining room! You haven't been properly dismissed yet!” The President orders in a loud, authoritative tone.
But your daughter didn't come back. In fact, you think she stormed off to her room. Not that you blame her.
You knew that Coryo would let her be; that he wouldn't chase after her. Demeter had him wrapped around her finger. She was daddy's little princess. The President would never make a scene by leaving the dining room to chase after her; he’d wait til after dinner to have a word with her.
Hell, this isn't the first time something like this has happened and it won't be the last.
The President took a deep, calming breath while motioning the Avox over. Once the Avox appeared at his side, he told the Avox, “Have a maid wheel a trolley full of all the supper courses to Demi’s room.”
Of course your husband was having the full course meal sent up to your daughter. Even tho she stormed off during dinner, Coriolanus didn't want her going hungry. He loves his children too much to ever let any of them go hungry.
The Avox nodded and took off to get your daughter's meal sent up to her.
“Now, let's go back to our soup.” The President said, causing everyone to pick up their spoons and begin to eat their tomato bisque.
“Mister President, maybe you should let Demeter go to the Yule Ball with Seneca. It could be the beginning of a sweet relationship.” The teal haired girl sitting next to Cassian has the idiotic nerve to tell your husband.
“Phoebe…” Cassian hissed warningly at his girlfriend while giving her a swift kick under the table.
“Yes, well, my son took you to the Yule Ball his sophomore year of the Academy and you've been a barnacle on the Snow family for years.” Your husband curtly told Phoebe, causing Cassian to cringe in embarrassment. “But unlike my sons, I have stricter rules for my daughter.” Coriolanus explained while pristinely bringing his soup spoon to his mouth.
“Phoebe, perhaps you should just enjoy the tomato bisque and not worry about how my husband and I raise our daughter or, in fact, any of our children.” You told the teal haired girl with a pointed fake smile while placing a supportive hand on your husband's under the table, on his lap.
Phoebe’s eyes went wide, but she silently nodded and went back to her soup. In fact, after your remark, everyone began to engage in light conversation while tentatively sipping on soup.
Coryo squeezed your hand, that was on his- on his lap, only to lean over slightly to tell you, “After dinner I'm going to talk with Demi; explain to her why she's not allowed to attend the ball with Seneca Crane.”
“Don’t be too strict, Coryo. Remember, she's young and likes Seneca.” You knowingly advised your husband.
“Hmph.” Coriolanus huffed, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. “I know she's young. She's 15, my darling, and that's why I need to be strict on her about the subject of dating and boys.”
“Honey, my brother told me it was either you or them; I picked you. Demeter's all you in looks, but all me in personality. So, just don't push her too hard on this.”
“I know, my darling rose. I know.” Coriolanus sighed right as a maid came in to clear out the soup bowls.
As the maid left the dining room with a trolley full of empty soup bowls the Avox appeared with the main course. Time to carry on with dinner. They'll be time to deal with your daughter's dating drama later.
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Demeter Snow was sitting on her bedroom floor, back against her bed, while thumbing thru fashion magazines. Since her Auntie Tigris was the most popular stylist and fashion icon Tigris, she was looking thru magazines to get ideas for her Yule Ball dress. A dress that her auntie would no doubt make for her.
The young blonde’s dog-earing a page in the magazine whenever a knock followed by her door cracking open and her father's head popping in with a simple, “Demi, it's dad. I'd like to talk.”, sounded out in the air.
“Come in “ Demeter flatly said while going back to thumbing thru her magazine.
Coriolanus walked into the room, only to frown whenever he saw the untouched food trolley near the door. “Princess, why didn't you eat?” He asked while making his way over to his daughter.
“I'm not hungry.” Demeter shrugged, flipping the page of her magazine.
The President pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a low sigh before sitting down on the floor next to his only daughter. Turning to the platinum blonde girl, he sternly told her, “Demi, don't starve yourself in protest. I refuse to have any of my children go hungry, so I order you to eat your dinner once we're done talking.”
“Fine.” Demi sighed.
Coriolanus snatched the fashion magazine right out of his daughter's hands while telling her, “I don't know why you're looking at dresses for because you're not going to the Yule Ball with Seneca Crane.”
“Why not? Everyone else is going with a date. Why can't I go with a date, dad?”
“Princess, you're not like everyone else. You're the president's daughter; you're not going to the ball with a date because it's just not proper.”
“Not proper my ass.” Demi mutters under her breath.
“Excuse me, young lady, but such language is not permitted in this house.” Coriolanus scolded his favorite child. He was appalled by her actions right now. He expected her to accept his word as law, but it seems that you're right about her. She's pushing back, much like you did as a teenager.
“And you know my rules, no dating until you're 18 and have graduated the Academy. That includes balls and galas, Demeter Juniper.”
“Everyone in the districts is right about you, dad. You're such a tyrant. A damn dictator.” Demeter hatefully spat out, taking the President aback. He never thought that his little princess would say such hurtful things to him, but she did.
Blinking, Coriolanus stood up. The President’s shoulders were shaking with a mix of hurt and anger as he told his daughter, “Since I'm such a tyrant; a dictator, you're grounded, Demeter Juniper Snow, and you're not attending any balls or galas this year. Alone or with a date.”
“That's not fair!” Demeter whined as he dad went over to the door.
“Life isn't fair, princess. Maybe your mom and I have been sheltering you too much, but you don't always get things your way in life.” The president told his daughter before leaving her room.
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Your husband was in a sulking mood all night while in the family room with you and the children. He didn't seem like himself and when you asked what was wrong he just waved you off; said everything was fine.
You knew otherwise.
Everything wasn't fine. Your husband was hurting and you have an idea why. Your daughter and him had words; something was said that cut him down.
Wanting to get to the bottom of things, you excused yourself with the intention of checking on Demeter. On seeing if she wanted to come down and join the family. Your husband just nodded while nursing his glass of bourbon whiskey. Your younger sons didn't say a word, being too engrossed in their chess match, while your first born son just kept his nose in his book.
So, that's how you found yourself sitting on your daughters bed, holding her while she picked at her strawberry shortcake and complained about how unfair her dad was being.
“I understand you feel like it's unfair, but your dad has his reasons for his rules. And lashing out on him, saying that the districts are right about him being a tyrant and a dictator, wasn't right, Demeter.” You firmly tell your daughter.
No wonder Coryo's sulking. You can't imagine how badly your daughter’s words have hurt your husband. Coriolanus truly believes that his pro-Capitol and strict District political policies have made Panem thrive. And, honestly, after the bullshit you experienced in the Districts during your youth, well, you side wholeheartedly with the Capitol.
With your husband.
“But-” Your daughter began to protest, only for you to cut her off with a motherly, “No buts, Demi. What you said to your dad hurt him. He only wants to keep you safe.”
As your daughter put her half-eaten dessert plate on the trolley, you told her, “Your father works hard not just to keep us safe, but to keep the Capitol and all of Panem safe. For you to say such hateful things to him isn't called for.”
“Everyone else gets to go to balls and galas with dates; I just want to be able to go too.”
“I know, honey, but it's not that simple. You’re the president's daughter; people might try to take advantage of you for that.”
“Mom, Seneca Crane's really nice. He wouldn't try to take advantage of me.” Demeter told you with such conviction. She truly believes that Seneca was just a nice guy that liked her for her.
Sighing, you told Demeter, “I’ll talk to your dad about letting you go to the Yule Ball with Seneca. But, you need to go down to the family room and apologize to him.”
“Okay.” Your daughter nodded, accepting your terms.
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Later that night, you're in your large master bedroom with your husband. You're wearing one of your silky nightgowns while sitting at your vanity, doing your nightly beauty regime. Coryo's lounging on the bed you share, dressed in a pair of silky red pajamas. His platinum curls are in their natural state and he's got gold gel patches on under his eyes to prevent bags. His face is also lathered in facial creams, to keep his skin hydrated and wrinkle free during the night.
You and Coryo are in your early 40’s, have been married for 25 years now, and have 4 children- one who's 20, one who’s 15, and the others that're 11 and 9. And after all of that life experience you still find each other as handsome and beautiful as ever. Even lathered up in your nightly beauty and skincare regimens.
“Now, I've got no doubt that Seneca Crane's a nice boy- after all I knew his aunt and she had a personality to die for, but I'm not letting Demi go to that dance with him.” Coryo told you, watching you with sharp eyes, as he sat against the king-size velvet headboard.
“I thought you said that Arachne was a bitch that got a broken bottle to the throat cause she was teasing her tribute with it?” You asked, brow raised, as you finished applying your body lotion.
“I did say that.” Coryo nodded. Running a hand over his beard (which he began sporting after receiving a scar along his jaw from an attempted mine uprising during a business trip in 12 that occurred about 15 years ago), he sighed, “Maybe if it was Heavensbee’s son I'd reconsider, but a Crane?”
You picked up your silver brush and began to brush your hair. “Coryo, I know how you feel about this, but we need to trust her judgment on this.”
“But-” Coryo began, only for you to cut him off with, “No buts, Coryo. Maybe we need to let her go to the Yule Ball with Seneca. Give her a tiny bit of leeway; show her that we trust her.”
“Fine…” Coryo relented with a defeated sigh. Pointing a finger at you, he declared, “But I’m giving him one hell of a shovel talk when that boy comes to pick her up for the Yule Ball.”
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And your husband was true to his word. President Coriolanus Snow gave Senaca Crane the shovel talk of all shovel talks. In fact, Seneca was so nervous after that talk that he barely even looked at Demeter. In fact, after the Yule Ball he never talked to her again; made excuses to not be around her, etc.
Safe to say that President Coriolanus Snow scared away his daughter's first potential boyfriend. It could've been worse. At least he didn't poison the boy.
So, after the Yule Ball and the failed date with Seneca Crane, Demeter Snow went back to worrying about her studies and fashion. She didn't bring up the topic of dating again, much to her dad’s relief.
But in 3 years time President Snow would have to deal with his daughter falling for her tribute, but that's a story for another day.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @meetmeatyourworst @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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bu-blegh-ost · 5 months
A short essay about how Caspian is mathematically not a mole (ep. 115 spoilers) (and for the whole series for that matter)
Okay, alright guys, I saw your concerns. I saw it all, and you are right to be worried that your favourite blue wet man's blue and equally wet best friend may turn out to be a traitor. And so am I, trust me. Which is why I went through every single bit of Caspian's past I could dig out to create an unltimate timeline of his entire goddamn life to see it it'd be plausible for him to become a mole at any point in time and ultimately prove his innocence! If that's something you're interested in reading, then buckle up!
"Jay, you come from a division of soliders that were purposely put to infiltrate pirate crews, especially the new and upcoming ones. This is totally seperate from the Black-Ops situation that you learned about in the Stronghold. And you, in this book, can tell that there is a plant on Lizzie's crew."
This, of course is something I need to point out first. Whoever Lizzie's mole might be, they are not a doppelganger. They are not a clone, or Black-Ops, just a solider of the Navy, a person that must have gotten into the Navy via regular recruitment, be trained by them and then put into a spy division. Jay ofc had this entire process sped up, due to her grandma's influence, but no one other than her, especially an Undersea citizen, who would probably have to put in extra effort to be trusted given their shaky political situation few years back, would get the same treatment. What I'm trying to say, Caspian would need time, at least few years of training to become a mole they'd trust to infiltrate a crew, and not just any crew might I add. More on that later. Let's go back to his most early years for now. This is a fragment of episode 84 in which Caspian talks to Gillion abt his early life:
C: We all have family. I consider my life up here, this crew to be my found family. But my previous…tribe with the water genasi in the Undersea, where I was growing up…sort of in a [illegible]... remember me telling you about the outskirts? We um…was very nomadic, quite a, quite a peaceful, tranquil life, but it was always, you know…mixed with this life of poverty and my family wasn’t very…wouldn’t really have much but the water around us, and each other, I suppose, so uh…You know...I mean my mother didn’t make it past old age, and uh…
G: I’m sorry…
C: When my sister left the tribe, my father sort of fell into a depression of sorts and he stopped moving around. And when we stayed in one place, I was 18 or so, maybe 16, it was a while ago, and then…that’s when I left as well. Ventured to the Oversea, and um…and it’s history, so that’s my family. Not sure what they’re up to these days, I mean…I know my sister went to the capital, where you were.
G: Pirating is a pretty lucrative business, maybe if…we managed to find them or run into them, we can give something back, put them in a better situation.
C: …Well um…I mean this was 10-15, 10 to 12 to 15 years ago, quite some, quite some time, so I don’t even know if my father is alive still, I mean I don’t really have the desire to go back to the undersea, Gill.
G: Wha-why not?
C: Because I like my life up here. This is where I’m happy.
So, before we go to what all of that entails, one more quick crazy thing to mention: so, Caspian's sister is an Elder of the Undersea. Like for sure. This is confirmed by this part from ep. 79:
The Triton who you remember as the Elder Odolaf, who looks like he is about to speak, but is cut off by the water genasi, who has been doing a lot of talking thus far, who is Elder Celeste. They stand up and there is a familiarity that you notice now in their face. It’s like you have met them before, but not in the way that you know them because they are the Elder, but in a way that it’s like, they look like somebody you know. And she has sort of these uh, white tied-up like dreads that are tied up in like a bun and they come across the face and then one side is shaved. And there are beads and piercings in her hair, her ears are a little bit more sea elf-like in the way that they are pointed and they kind of like gradient into pink. They all kind of wear the same sort of ornate robes, though hers is more, I guess faded and like cut a bit, look a bit more warriorous, or like tribal, but still very well-made and professional.
Tribal clothing, a water genasi, that looks like someone Gillion saw before in the face. The only water genasi Gillion met after leaving the Undersea is Caspian. Elder Celeste is Caspian's sister. Wild. Anyway, not what we're here for, but I needed to mention that.
The crazier thing is that Caspian left to Oversea when he was 16-18, and it has been 10-15 years since then. That means Caspian is currently 26 at possible youngest, and 33 at his oldest, which was surprising to me, I did not imagine Caspian as a man in his 30s! But that's straight up facts, so holy shit, you know?
Okay, so I'm going to list a lot of small facts that determine a lot of ages in quick succession. I hope it's not gonna be too scary to look at, I'll simplify it all at the end. [Deep inhale]
Right now Gillion is 22. So when Caspian left the Undersea, Gillion was 12-7. Jay is 21 and Ava was 2 years older, same age as Lizzie. So Lizzie is 23 now. When Caspian left the Undersea, she was 13-8. Chip is 19, so Lizzie is 4 years older. Hole in the Sea happened when Chip was 9, so Lizzie was 13. So Caspian left the Undersea around the same time Lizzie crashed on the uninhabited island with Chey after the Hole.
It's a lot, I know, I know. So let me clear this up a little.
Hole in the sea was 10 years ago. Chip was 9, Lizzie was 13. 10 years ago Caspian was in the age between 16 and 23, and he left the Undersea when he was 16 or 18. So roughly at the same time the Black Sea happened, Caspian came to the surface for the first time.
(also pls note that we are talking in estimates, casue in ep. 36 Lizzie says she was 11 when the hole happened, but in ep. 101 she says she was the same age as Ava which by the power of math would put her at 13. Either way, somewhere around that age)
After that, Lizzie spend some time on an uninhabited island with Chey, the Black Rose cook, who sacrificed herself for Liz, so she could survive and died shortly after. We do not know how much time passed, but I assume no longer than few months, and after that she was saved by Captain Shadowbeard where she met Caspian. They were a part of Shadowbeard's crew, Caspian saved her from the massacre where Shadowbeard was killed, and then Lizzie went on to create her own crew, Grandberry Pirates with Caspian never leaving her for a second since he met her. That means that the only time Caspian could have joined the Navy would be RIGHT after he came to the Oversea for the first time, roughly at the same time Lizzie was stranded on an island, and in that short period of time (between Lizzie's crash on the island and her being found by Shadowbeard) he would have to find the time to be trusted and accepted by Navy, get trained specifically for infiltration AND infiltrate not anyones BUT FUCKING SHADOWBEARD'S SHIP. Not a NEW crew. A crew of one of the most legendary pirates on the sea. Cause before Lizzie, Caspian was Sadowbeard's crew member, and since then he never stopped being a pirate, so if he was a solider, he would have had to be one before Shadowbeard. And remeber what Grizzly said in 115: "Jay, you come from a division of soliders that were purposely put to infiltrate pirate crews, especially the new and upcoming ones."
Shadowbeard was not new. Not upcoming. He was dangerous and Navy must have had the balls of steal to send a rookie solider, which Caspian would have been at that point in time, to infiltrate him. The numbers say it's impossible. Guys, the numbers! They don't add up!
Anyway, so basically Caspian could not be a mole. He is not a new pirate, he was not a member of a fresh crew, becaue his pirate journey did not start with Lizzy, it started with Shadowbeard. Grandberry Pirates is a new crew, but Caspian is not a newbie in it. You know who is? Rudith. I mean what kind of doctor lets a bunch of rowdy pirates have a secret base under a place where sick and vulnerable rest??? Like ANY other place would have been better and more respectful! Also you know what's interesting? Gillion could heal these people with lay on hands easily, and yet the only thing Rudith did for them was give them potions that didn't seem to help and look after them on purely non-medical level. Bro didn't do shit. Like, why would you even become a doctor without having access to healing magic? The answer, you are not. You are a Navy solider in disguise.
Okay, okay, I'm done, that's all. If you got this far, you are a hero, thank you for reading this insanely long ramble, but that's kind of the conclusions that I came to, of course, any counter-theories and discussion in general is very much welcome! I'd love to hear your opinions! Love you guys, bye~
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