#I'm a shitty person here so I can be employee of the month at work ya feel me?
us arospecs really do just get on Tumblr dot com and choose violence huh.
anyways be aro bash bigot with a crowbar <3
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slash-me-please · 7 months
I am sure your tired of writing for Amanda by now but your the only person I could find that’s willing to write for her and is actually good at it 😭 spare me i’m desperate and don’t know how too request but could you do a imagine with Dom!Amanda and shes really protective over reader to the point where it’s kind of toxic, she finds out who readers shitty ex girlfriend is and does anything and everything to show the said ex that reader is hers now like: showing up at her place of work with reader, making out in front of her, really touchy, whispering dirty stuff so the ex can hear, etc. Just some examples. You can pick whether reader is fem or gender neutral it doesn’t matter to me :)
On another note: Thank you for your service🫡 I love your writing so much.
you said dom!Amanda therefore you are getting smut i am so sorry to force this on you. :) not really love u.
A/N: Sorry about the wait!! I got caught up on bills today and have been working full time and also doing schoolwork. Luckily I paid my rent + electric so i have some free time!!!
Warnings: Revenge sex trope, voyeurism/exhibitionism, bondage/shibari, fighting, jealousy, dub!con, reader being an absolute asshole, murder, use of vibrator.
Pressing your fingers against the loose fabric of a dress, your lips held in a thin line. The needle pressed through the fabric, and back again. You were focused on your work, a nice sheer fabric for a nightdress you had been working on for a while. You were a tailor for a small business which made custom handmade dresses, one of the best tailors of the six of you.
The office you worked at was small, just like the business. The six of you crowded into a medium sized room. Your boss had created you a small section to yourself, as she insisted on making you employee of the month. So you pressed your hands against the fabric, the slow push and pull of your hands against the machine kept you in a trance. You had loved your job once, and while you enjoyed what you did- there was one downside.
Her. The problem. The reason you got into fights with your girlfriend every night this week.
As you pieced together your nightdress, across from you your ex watched- eyes wide and focused on your hands. You wanted to say something, you wanted to complain. Anything. But you never did, instead opting to do your job.
"L/N!" You flinched, hand jerking forward and pinching your finger in the machine. You yelped, pulling backwards and cradling your finger against your chest. "Look what you did!" The familiar voice of your lover rang through your ears, and you felt yourself turning to look. She was barreling towards you, eyes focused on your boss, who had yelled your last name. She seemed angry, reaching foward to hold you against her stomach.
Amanda placed a brown paper bag on your table, freeing her hands to examine your finger under her "Professional" gaze. She seemed almost content for a moment, eyes narrowed in on yours. "It's just a nick, but i'll fucking murder that ratty-bastard if you want." Your head shook back and forth, eyes widened with shock. "I'm not sure that's necessary!" You whispered, turning away from her to move back to your dress. "What are you doing here Amanda?" She sighed, the back of her hand hitting the paper bag. "I brought you lunch,"
"I might be too busy eating out Jenny to get to that, sorry." You snapped, turning your head away from her. "Fucking look at her, she's fucking you with her eyes. I don't know why you're acting like you can't see that." Amanda snapped back, her arms crossing against her chest. "It doesn't matter what she thinks about me. I told you I only want you! Why does it matter if she's looking at me?" Amanda released a sigh again. "It's about respect, I don't understand why you allow her to do that." You felt your face begin to heat up, beyond aggravated with the entire situation. "She's just not even worth the fucking air! I'm sorry you're too insecure to let it go!"
You only began to feel bad when her face fell and she turned on her heel and out towards the parking lot, but you didn't dare follow her.
You can end here, or read this fucked up smut.
Vision static and dizzy, you wobbled in the chair you were tied to. The last thing you remember was getting home and your lover reaching her hand around your mouth and nose to suffocate you with a damp rag. Your throat felt dry and sore, as if you'd been yelling but you knew that you hadn't. Amanda got like this sometimes, but you knew this time was your fault.
It looked like you were in an abandoned garage, the lights were cool and flickering. You were propped on a chair, both legs tied with a spiral futomomo tie and kept apart with a spreader. You were entirely naked, and bare to the garage.
And your ex.
There sat Jenny, her eyes wide as she stared at your bare form with an underlying lust beneath that fear. Her mouth was ducktaped shut and she was chained to the chair by her ankles and wrists. You squirmed beneath her gaze, whining out for Amanda. A few moments later she made her entrance, yanking off the worn pigs mask. She glared at you with an anger you'd only seen a few times. Goosebumps erupted onto your skin.
"I'm sorry, can you let me out?" You plead, and she frowns. "Don't act like you don't deserve what you're going to get."
She made her way behind you, and you heard her shuffling a few items around. You thought for a moment that maybe she had a table back behind you, but she left you no time to dwell when you felt a cold hand grasp your shoulder.
"Tell me, Love." Amanda took a deep, shuddering breath. "Do you like her eyes on you?" You whined, head craning back to look at her and deny the accusation. "I only want you baby, I promised!" Your pleading did not phase her, she only reached into your hair and yanked your head forward. Your eyes made contact with Jenny's and she watched as Amanda's hand flicked on a vibrator and licked it.
"I want you to watch, let me show you what's fucking mine."
And with those words, she hunched over you and placed the vibrator over your clit. Your head threw back, and you yelped. "Goddammit!" Your legs shuddered against your restraints, pulling against them with a pain. "Please!" Amanda laughed, her eyes trained downwards as she watched your sex shudder against the silicone head of her vibrator. "Good girl..." She whispered into your cheek, placing a cruel kiss on your skin. Your voice wobbled, back arching as you pressed yourself impossibly closer to the source of your pleasure.
Across from you, Jenny watched, cheeks flushed and eyes dilated. Her legs rubbed together as she watched Amanda rub the toy against your clit. She treated you generously, her other hand snaking down to your throat to give it a squeeze as she upped the setting on her toy. You keened loudly, hands balling into fists as you chanted her name.
"You like this? All I had to do was force you to show her who you belonged to?" She sneered, pushing the vibrator lower. She let it sink into your hole, and she began to lightly thrust it inside of you. "God!" You cried, mouth hanging open as your climax ran up to you. "I'm so close!"
Amanda snickered, glancing up to watch Jenny stare between your legs.
Her mouth twisted into something angry, her other hand reaching down to rub your clit in circles. You flailed against her ministrations, mouth open in a wail which could not be contained. Finally, you came against her hands, legs quivering as you soaked her hands and the toy, the rest of your cum wetting the concrete floor beneath you. With that, she flicked the vibrator off and placed it back on the table, grabbing something sharper.
"Did you enjoy the show, Jenny?" You heard her breathe. You heard her walk back behind you, her hand yanking your head backwards. "Love you..." You gasped, picking your head up to give her a kiss. She nodded, fingers releasing your hair. That is when she walked past you, flipping a hunting knife around in her hand. "It'll be the last one you'll ever see."
Jenny began to push against her restraints, shaking her head no and yelling pleas. None of which appealed to Amanda, instead the smooth twist of her wrist pushing the blade into her abdomen and then actively gutting her appealed way more.
You watched the life leave her eyes and you sighed, making eye contact with Amanda and biting your lip.
"Are you done?"
She dropped to her knees, crawling forward to attach her lips to your cunt.
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lonepantheress · 1 year
♡ txt as summer jobs
pairing: ot5!txt
genre: crack
warnings: completely unserious.
a/n: my inspiration? work has been kicking my ass and i thought it'd be funny if a shitty summer job kicked their ass too! will be updating with a REAL FIC so soon
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Works everywhere and is somehow always broke
It starts to freak you out
Like you see him as your cashier getting ice cream
And then he’s stocking shelves at the store and you’re like, “Oh, that’s weird..”
And then he’s your waiter at a restaurant
And you’re like, “?????”
He’s all cute and nice and hates his job(s) and is like, “I’m saving for a car!”
But he can blow through a paycheck in like a week. 
If he’s your coworker omg I could imagine him being the coolest person ever.
Willing to pick up shifts, is fun to talk to when it isn’t busy, and gets shit done when it is.
I don’t see him being like the manager type, but the type that all the managers love even when he’s being super lazy just because he’s charming.
Really sweet barista at Starbucks 
The type that you run and tell your friends about after you see him because he’s so attractive and so nice
He hates his job though.
I could see him not being a manager but instead being a “team leader” which is basically a manager in training wheels.
Always stressed. Always saying, “I think I’m going to quit soon”
His ass is NOT quitting soon
Like- if he quit, his coworkers would probably cry
Constantly cleaning because he’s constantly knocking things over.
Any embarrassing customer experience? He can safely say he’s had it
Really good at saving his money well
Like… suspiciously good.
Works at like Forever 21 or something
And using “work” here loosely because he never shows up
How he isn’t fired a month in? Who knows.
A stickler for his job title too
“Oh, so you’re like a cashier at-”
“I’m actually a style consultant.”
He’s just a cashier with a fancy name.
He will hide in between clothing racks and play on his phone or chit-chat with someone else
And if he’s on register, he’s really not paying attention to his surroundings
“Hi, are you able to check me out?”
“Like, can I pay here?”
Will tell customers all the workarounds and codes and coupons they can stack without them even having to ask.
His giving out company secrets will probably get him fired before him never doing his job.
Works at some fast food spot and wins management over in like a week.
So efficient, so smart, so practical, he gets promoted in record time
the embodiment of this meme I'm sorry
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He’s genuinely very good at his job and not necessarily proud of it, just good at it.
And he’s only so good because he uses common sense.
The old ladies that come in love him and are like, “You remind me of someone I knew when I was in high school!”
Will not cover any shifts for the LIFE of him, he would actually prefer you call out before asking him to cover your shift for you
He’d also be so annoying to couponers. It’d basically become a battle of who knows the company policy better
GOD at saving money. Has a 401k and retirement and college fund.
Game stop employee
Like if you’re buying a game that he knows, you’re stuck for another half hour listening to him talk about it
He gets in trouble for stashing away things that get sold out quickly for himself
He’s actually so sweet to the nerdy little kids in the store
But he also would tell their parents, “This game has a lot of violence and gore btw!!!!!” before they buy it for their kid
As a coworker would have the most fucked up inconsistent schedule
Shows up every day for 2 weeks in a row
And then disappears
And then shows up every day again and you’re like “hello???”
Would initiate the oddest small talk ever while the store is empty
“Do you ever wonder if a little pebble in your shoe is actually your toe rolling around?”
“Yeah, me neither.”
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starzshopoflove · 8 months
Read the fine print
(141 x F!Reader)
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Notes: This is concept is taken from herethereb3dragons on AO3 following a similar plot concept but not the same. Yes this is a omegaverse story I have no apologizes I wanna feed my brain worms.(Will be switching between first and second person in this writing) Summary: Lost your job after finding out your boss was committing federal crimes and the local economy crashes? Omega Re-housing services suddenly deciding to tighten their requirements? Sick of living in a shitty apartment alone everyday with no one to come home too? No problem! Just become a Contacted Companion to a military group overseas and never look back, full proof planning right?! A/N: This is a more intro chapter idk how to explain it but you'll get it when you start reading
WC: 2.4k
I could’ve been a nurse if I wanted too, or maybe I would have opened a cafe. Probably not, I hate blood, well I don't hate it. I just don't want to be around it everyday, I don't mind a cut or a ugly scab but then again that's always on my body. Owning my own business would stress me out, I can barely handle being 3 days behind on work, imagine not making enough to keep the shop open for another month I’d go into shock. 
On the other hand I’d probably not be in the position I'm in now If I had my own business or hell a medical degree. To be fair I couldn't predict this, I couldn't predict any of this no one could and if they did there’d be hell to pay from every single person in that fat shiny building downtown. Everything happened so fast, the market value crash, our manager getting arrested for embezzlement, the company housing getting repossessed, all our assets getting seized and sold. I wish I could lie and say it was a blur but it wasn’t, call it a trauma response but I remember every detail of that day from the moment the building shut down to signing away my dignity. 
Everything hurts, your back, your eyes and your legs. Oh yeah and you're sweating, gross right? Isn't it wonderful that they stuck the little archivist all the way in the back of the office in her own little office where she can do all her “important” work. All the way where no one can smell or see where they’re hiding all the omega employees, what a coincidence.
Yeah it's mid september and it's chilly outside but you’re boiling in here now and  the fabric of your jumper is sticking to you and everyone in here can smell you now. At this point all you wanted to do was run back to your office, peel off your jumper and wipe away all your sweat while drowning yourself in scent masker. Honestly it's humiliating, getting burnt up in your tiny room then being forced by your superior to trolly off all the files to the accounting department upstairs. 
You weren't in any danger of course most people were civilized and wouldnt attack you on sight or in this case on the whiff of unmarked omega scent. It still worried you, but no one could touch you here, not while you were an employee, not while you were safe under the watching eye of the corporate security cameras watching everyones every move. 
Doesn’t that make you feel a little safer? Always being watched? Yeah they could fire you for the littlest thing but you could be safe. The camera doesn't discriminate, the camera can't lie, the camera shows what happens and doesn't care if you’re Alpha or Omega.That reminder makes you feel a little safer when you're pushing your little cart into the elevator pushing the button for the 26th floor. It's not as hot in here as it was downstairs. 
You lean back a little on the bar between you and the mirror while your eyes stay trained on the little black screen of red letters rolling up as the elevator dragged you upstairs. Do you ever do that thing where you stare at the mirror like your face is gonna change the longer you look at it? You do now. 
Just standing in front of it poking at yourself, making sure there's no crust in your eyes, sometimes bearing your teeth to check that you don't have anything stuck in them. If you know what was going to happen you might have spent longer staring at yourself, capturing the moment maybe. 
You look tired, you are tired. Hollow eyes stared back at you in the mirror forcing you to look at how empty you were from the inside out. It was always day in day out move on. You didn't have time to think about mating, joining a pack hell even having kids. Wake up. Work. Go home. Trash TV. Sleep.
You try smiling and letting that go seeing if it would change anything. It didn't. Mirrors were more indifferent to you. Check if you’re clean and move on with your day not thinking too much about it. Elevators forced you to look at yourself they always do. There's no one else in here but you, the mirror and those 2 doors.
The little hum of mediocre elevator music churning out whatever pop tune combination the media had coined dead would be your last unknown moment of peace. 
When those elevator doors opened and you pushed out your little cart all you felt was the sudden slam of a body knocking your poor cart away. That alone ripped you out of your tired little haze forcing you to look around the room and see what was actually happening. 
The accounting department of U&G Food Supplising Inc.? In shambles 
The air of the floor felt thick, suffocating. Too many people were up out of their chairs, people were paired off to the side staring into their papers like life was drained out of them. Pale faces, and sweaty hands clambering around wire phones tuned out voices shouting into their speakers. The stress off of them was enough to start scaring you know. 
It was everywhere, one of the brokers was seated back in his chair holding papers in both hands with his phone pressed onto his ear yelling incomprehensible jargon into it while his eyes dizzied out on the papers he was holding. Others looked like they already lost hope standing in the middle with empty blank expressions that told you enough, they were probably savoring the last few moments of normalcy. 
A heavy buzz cut the air and that's when everything stopped. The market just closed, everything was so quiet. People stopped talking, staring at the big screen hooked up on the wall where a chart was displayed with its thick red line descending into the negatives. 
Papers were in the air, Phones were rattling off like crazy, Desks were flipped over and files covered the floor. Out of panic you might have started slamming the button on the elevator faster but you got the other side of the coin and was stumped in shock and maybe a little anger. 
All you wanted was a quiet boring life, is that so much to ask for? You got your degree in the most boring field possible, you got a job at the most mundane company that would hire you, you got a quiet little apartment tucked in the dreary part of town where nothing happens and you thought you finally won. Small victories you thought, I wont get forced to mate with anyone here, I can pass as a beta here, I can, I can, I can't. 
In hindsight you should've seen it coming, Omega Rehousing Authorities were getting stricter, The company was losing money and you were ignoring all of it. Until now where you were trapped in the corner of the accounting department where everyone was screaming and panicking when all you were trying to do was bundle up all your files and run back to your stuffy little room. 
Staying on the ground was safer then standing up I think, you can just stay down here on your knees trying to gather all the papers you can so you can slam on the elevator as hard as possible to get you back to safety. Yeah! Just keep grabbing papers, don't think about the Alpha across the room practically tearing out that betas throat, or those 2 slightly to your right scruffing at each other to grab as much cash as possible. You won't get in trouble right? You're just an archivist delivering papers, you don't know what's happening but that's a good thing. You don't know what's happening and it's bad because now you're holding all your papers to your chest and you don't have any scent masker practically leaking your scent everywhere while there's so much yelling.
Keep ignoring it you’ll be alright, there's police here but they're not here for you, keep ignoring it. Yes the screaming and yelling is getting louder while there are people getting arrested but you're still under your illusion of safety so keep ignoring it. There's nothing wrong, get your papers and leave there's nothing wrong you can't hear anything no one's calling your name just stand up and leave.
But there is someone calling your name, your full name.  With your Identification number. 
Pulling your head up felt like dragging it out of water and meeting the eyes of 3 ORA agents in crispy black suits and sunglasses did not help with your anxiety when you were stuck down on the floor. 
“We’re with the Omega Re-Housing Authority, we’d like to speak with you” 
That's when everything started moving faster and phasing out until I realized I was in a new room. The room felt sterile, steel table, plain gray walls, the uncomfortable plastic chair I was stuck in. My heart was rattling inside my chest and I kept breathing in for more air but every breath felt stale and dry no matter how many times I sipped at the little plastic cup they gave me. 
Why was I here? What did I do? I didn't know what was going on, I had all my paperwork, I had a job and a house they can't take me away can they?
That creaky door opening and shutting dragged my attention away to the ORA agent in front of me. They look less threatening without the glasses, it doesn't help much but seeing their eyes makes them look more human. He looked like he was pitying me and that just made the bile in me churn, I felt like I was in trouble. 
He took his seat right in front of me, placing down a plain manilla folder on the cold steel table before he folded and placed his hands on top. God, when he looked at me I thought I was gonna be sick. I bet he could feel the fear weeping out of me, I didn't have anything on me. I didn't feel safe without my scent masker or some sort of suppressant. I didn't make it this far passing as a Beta without them, now I felt like I was waving a white flag screaming Omega.
All the anxiety from years of drifting through life poured through you since you got your class as omega. You wanted to hide in a thousand layers never to be seen again. Where no one could see, touch or hear you. An isolation but a safe comfort like how you made your home. The one you will shortly no longer be able to afford. 
You tried making friends you really did, you had friends but then something inside you would rear its ugly head out and whisper for you too leave them alone how much you're bothering them can't you see?
 So you would let it slip through the cracks. One missed plan turns to another and suddenly you spend every afternoon curled up on your beat couch watching drag reruns on cable tv in your dingy apartment thinking this is better than being out and feeling your stress turn your guts around.  
Now look at you! Sitting in a ORA “interview room” probably about to be shipped out to some random alpha in the middle of nowhere shucking corn for the rest of your life popping out babies you can't afford. The worst part is no one would notice! 
“You’re not in trouble Ma’am”
‘Yeah thanks for that buddy.’ I wish I could say that but I just kept staring at him, more watching his lips move than hearing him speak. I caught some words here and there of “Bankruptcy” and “Liquidation”. By the end of it from what I can tell is Im unemployed and soon to be homeless. I could move in with my mom, or maybe my sister then ORA couldn't relocate me at least, they won't have the chance to. 
The last time I sent my papers my mom passed as the register on my guardian substitute. I'm not sure if they’ll take it again, Beta guardians work but If regulations keep changing they might start demanding she terminate her rights and they assign me to an Alpha. 
How sick is that? I spend my whole life fighting tooth and nail acting like nothing scares me, trying to prove I can fend for myself and don't need a pack. I did everything by the book and I still got stuck in the chair everyone told me I’d never end up in.
I should be angry, I should be boiling and here I am shaking like a leaf in this chair playing in the pliant and meek omega stereotype, fantastic.
Sliding the folder over to me on the table the ORA agent opened up the folder, sliding his hands over to his pocket to pull out a fountain pen. He cleared his throat almost condescendingly as he uncapped his pen, tapping it onto the paper in the folder. 
Is it weird I forgot he was there? Everything started meshing together when I heard him say I wasn't in trouble. I mean I didn't completely forget, his scent was basically choking me forcing his presence to be made aware. I'm listening now but I wish I could roll over and sink into the floor.
“ORA would like to offer you an employment opportunity, aboard.”
1.)i.) Signing party will be placed under the employment of STATION CHIEF KATE LASWELL and CAPTAIN JONATHAN PRICE
  ii.)Singing party will be taken as a pack member to Task Force 141, bearing responsibilities of archival tasks, moral support, and contracted companionship. 
2.) Signing party will be salaried, paid biweekly on fixed income. 
   i.) Signing party will be provided private quarters on base 
   ii.) Signing parties quarters will be located by the nearest employer 
  iii.) Signing party will not be obligated to travel in deployment or relocated without prior consent 
iv.) Signed parties quarters will be furnished as usual, any additions will be added upon request. 
3.) Signed party is under no obligation to complete orders from any authority not listed within this contract. 
SIGNATURE : ________________     INITIALS: ______________
“You gotta be fucking kidding me”
I hope u guys like it please leave a comment if you do and dont be afraid to ask or suggest any ideas you would like too see from me in other works or in this! - lots of love star <3
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fuck-customers · 6 months
One of these days I'm gonna snap and tell this one lead to go fuck herself and probably punch her in the face.
She is always so rude and condescending for no reason. I personally have worked here long enough to not need to ask a whole lot of questions, but I've seen how she treats the new hires when they ask questions and it's extremely disrespectful.
They'll ask a question that sure, is obvious to those who've been working here for many years, but they've only been here a week or so, so it is not obvious to them, no one is born knowing every single one of Store Procedures so managers should be nicer to new hires. Especially since THEY hired them.
For example, this rude ass bitch will listen to a new kid ask a question like "hey I'm out of receipt paper, where do I get more?" Which, in their defense, is in an unlabeled drawer that looks exactly like 3 other drawers right next to it, so...I can understand how a new person wouldn't be able to immediately figure that out. And this rude ass how will be like "UMM...you should've been shown WHERE the paper is on your first day, you've been here A WEEK, you should know this by now." Which. 1. Is unnecessarily rude and 2. I've seen how pisspoor the management and training is here, I would safely bet the new hire was never shown where the paper is kept. And 3. The hours are so fucking shitty that I guarantee that even though the new hire was hired a week ago, they've only had 1-4 shifts max and it would not be unsurprising if they were unable to remember after having so much time in between shifts, IF they were even shown in the first place. Plus even if they worked a week straight, it's only one week and they're human and humans forget things sometimes. Chill.
She'll also make passive-aggressive comments about something an employee has done that was wrong (that most likely was an honest mistake) and instead of taking that coworker aside and talking to them privately, she'll make a passive-aggressive announcement over the radio (something like "just so WE ALL ARE ON THE SAME PAGE, we're not supposed to do [XYZ specific thing that coworker accidentally did wrong, and all other employeescan easily deduct who she's talking about, since there's only 1 employee per department]") so all the employees on the floor can hear, instead of just speaking to that individual employee privately.
But her disrespectful attitude does not stop at new hires. No. I've been here much, much longer than her (multiple years longer) and she's so fucking rude to me and other established employees as well.
For example, today, I worked an extended shift, so I had to take a lunch and our store manager told me that she was going to go do something and then she'll be back in a minute to cover my lunch, since I can't just leave my department unattended. So after 10 minutes of her not returning, I ask over radio if she wanted me to clock out for lunch now or wait a few more minutes for her to come back. And instead of just fucking saying "yeah I'll cover you" or simply just not responding considering I WASN'T TALKING TO HER, the fucking lead no one likes comes over to my department and starts grilling me because I was "supposed to already be clocked out ages ago. Why are you still here?" Yeah next time I'm just gonna fucking walk away and go on lunch without confirming that I have coverage. Fuck you.
I've talked to a few coworkers and apparently she's always rude and condescending when speaking to any employee, so I'm surprised she's even managed to last as long as she has (one month) because she's already made an immediate enemy out of every employee that's had the misfortune of interacting with her.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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themagnusbane · 1 year
GAP The Series Episode 7 Thoughts
Happy New Year everyone. The sapphics are here to own 2023!!!
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And of course we are starting with Kirk the Snitch, Kirk the Traitor, Kirk the Betrayer, Kirk the Backstabber, on his knees with that fucking ring and his fucking proposal, and URGH, everyone is pressuring her to say yes. I HATE THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!
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2, Good. I hope you feel as stupid as you look Kirk; holding onto that ring box whilst Sam runs away from your ass without giving you an answer. Hope somewhere in that brain you aren't using, you get a semblance of a clue!
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3, Oh God. They really hit us straight away with the pain. Poor Mon. My baby. This pain! And now she's doing the flashbacks to the friends asking about her relationship with Sam? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! I can't handle this!!!!
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4. Why are you asking for time to clear things up Sam? There's nothing to clear up. Just tell him "No." Urgh!!! And before anyone starts talking, yes I know she doesn't have a choice and her grandmother has set things up in a way where she has no choice but to kowtow to her, but dammit I don't care. And that's my prerogative!
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5. Ngl, if I show up at the office early, and notice that there's no one around, only for something to suddenly touch me from behind, I'm screaming like a banshee and hitting like a Shaolin master.
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6. Now they've switched roles. It's Mon's turn to come knocking at Sam's door in the hopes that she will let her in. Let it not be said that Sammon are not equal-opportunity lovers.
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7. Damn. Sam really took the two days that Mon wasn't at work to be all "HOW CAN I HURT THE GIRL I LIKE FOR NO REASON APPARENTLY BECAUSE... DRAMA!!!!" Because fuck if this isn't unnecessarily. Seriously, this is going to come around and bite her in the ass, and I hope Mon demands that she FUCKING GROVELS, when she finally gets her head out of her ass because WHAT THE FUCK???????????
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8. But seriously though. This is shitty behaviour. As her boss, if she wasn't so wrapped up in her fucking feelings, and emotionally constipated, having a new account reach 499k in a month is something you reward and encourage, even if you want to put in the screws for your employee to meet the deadline. Mon is being generous by saying that Sam is a stickler for rules at work, because this is clearly not about work, but instead, Sam is letting her personal feelings cloud her professional judgement and this is really trash. URGH!!! I knew this episode would frustrate me to no end, but WTF?!!!!
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9. See what I mean? Now poor Mon is thinking that the fault is with her. That she's to blame for Sam being an absolute DICK. And I can't. URGH!!! Mon girl, I am so sorry. You do not deserve this. This is why they say never meet your idols y'all. That's when you find out that they have the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. URGH!!!!
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10. Sam has the best friends. I swear she must have saved someone pretty important in her previous life with how hard they are working to right her wrongs and comfort her girl.
11. But also TEE MY QUEEN. MY LOVE. THAT SUIT!!! ALL HAIL LESBIAN JESUS FOR TEE'S SUIT!! Ghgjhgjhghjghjgjhghjg. I want to climb that woman like a tree, and touch her EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE!!!!
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12. You see that lesbian sprawl. Those crossed and arms spread across the top of the bench? GHJGHJGHJGJHGHJGHJG. Tee clearly wants me dead. She wants me dead and horny. Horny and dead. Dead with horny. Words I don't know her. TEEEEEEEEE!!!! Come sit on my face. I beg you!!
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13. And now she has her hands in her pocket???????? She wants to kill me y'all. TEE HAS FUCKING KILLED ME! First hands in her pocket, now she's steepled those gorgeous lean fingers, talking about her considering giving Mon a job? A queen. An icon. A fucking goddess.
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14. I love how Sam's friends have basically adopted Mon at this moment. I know all the talk about how great Mon would be working at Tee's is just to get Sam jealous, but honestly they really are coming through for my girl.
15. You absolutely cannot hire Mon my ass. Sam, get YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ASS AND TREAT THAT GIRL RIGHT!!!
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16. Awwwww. Her coworkers are so sweet and so kind. Mon sweetheart, you deserve the world.
17. And now she's crying and saying goodbye and I know Sam keeps wanting to interrupt her to be all "I've changed my mind about firing you. Blah Blah Blah", but I honestly wish that when she turns around and says that bullshit, Mon is like "nope. You can't keep treating my emotions like I'm a fucking yo-yo. I'm out". Like I just need her to let all her inner brat shine through because this... THIS IS NOT OKAY! THIS IS NOT OKAY AT ALL AND I AM LIVID!!! URGH!!!
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18. Aaaaaaaand of course, rather than apologize for having been an unreasonable dick, and following up with asking Mon sincerely, to stay, she's back with the "that was yesterday. Today, I don't want you to leave" and I'm...
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19. Atta girl! Hand in that resignation. Let her work for it. Have her GROVEL to get you back. What in the nonsense!
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20. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!! She actually confessed??? She actually CONFESSED?????? But you know what? No. Stand firm Mon. Stand firm. Don't be swayed. I know she looks desperate with her "I like you". But don't weaken. Get her to grovel. You deserve that after all the heartache. Don't give in just yet. LET SAM WORK FOR IT!!!!
21. Gghjghjgjhghjghjghjghj. Sam's frustrated, "Girl what do you WANT?" expression is sending me!!! Mon is so fucking stupid. These two deserve each other. Mon. Girl. Sure she always says the opposite of what she means. But that's because she's emotionally constipated. And now that she's released her emotions with one loud, big fart, she's telling you EXACTLY how she feels. But the ONE braincell you both keep exchanging, seems to be with Sam at the moment, which is making you an absolute dumbass. And I'm LOVING IT!!!!
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22. Look at Tee and Yuki sitting right beside each other. My babies!! My beautiful secondary ship. They look sooo good together. Gah!!!! Look at that pretty! LOOK AT ALL THAT PRETTY!!!!!
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23. I repeat, Sam doesn't know just how amazing her friends are! Look at them putting in the WORK, to help her get the girl she likes! Sam, you lucky bitch!
24. I SAW THAT YUKI!!! That casual "I'm frustrated with the stupidity of my friend" touch that she gave Tee. I SAW THAT!!!!! Hehehehehe.
25. They're holding her hands so gently to the finish line of her confessing her emotions. GAH!!! And their glee when Mon confesses to liking Sam and wanting to date her? My heart!!!!! All of them are such good eggs. What amazing women. AMAZING!!! Sam, you have no idea how lucky you are!
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26. What perfect timing indeed. Sam's friends are ME! I am Sam's friends!! Gghghjgjhghjghjghjg.
27. Sam: "I don't like you. I like you. I hate you. I like you."
Mon: "You hate me. If you don't hate me, then be my girlfriend"
Sam: Yes!
This is the dumbest confession scene ever, and it is so fitting for my two beloved idiots, and their singular, shared braincell!! Ggjhghjghjghjghjgjhghjghj.
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28. Yuki almost popping out through those bars with how giddy she is, seeing Sam and Mon get together is such a mood!!!!!
29. Tee just called herself the MASTER of ALL things. And you all KNOW what that means! TEE. ALL I NEED IS A NIGHT. JUST ONE NIGHT. WITH YOU. THAT'S ALL. I NEED YOU TO WRECK AND RUIN ME FOREVER!!!!!
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30. Why was I stupid for a moment, to forget that these two share only one braincell. What in the... "SAM! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NOW THAT YOU'RE LOVERS, YOU CAN SHARE MONEY????" That's not the ONLY thing you can share you big dumb dumb! You can also share body fluids! BODY FLUIDS SAM! Share them! Oh lord have mercy. Someone save me from this girl!!!
31. Sam you absolute dumbass. That's why you were forcing her to resign? Then why not just tell her then??? Instead of inflicting so much pain???
32. The saccharine sweetness of their dating montage. I can't. I can't. It's so sweet and so cute and I am dissolving into a puddle. Send help!!! How are they so cute?????? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It made all that pain WORTH IT!!!
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33. The way Mon was like "Sam, you're terrible at subterfuge. Ya totally didn't buy that nonsense about shopping alone" made me cackle!!!
34. The speed with which Sam was like "I want to get you out of your clothes. Let's take a bath together" is sending me!!!!
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35. That promise to be more straightforward and honest with her moving forward? My heart!!! How precious. Sam honest and aware of her feelings is an absolute delight. She really is on that Queen-level shit!!!!
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36. Mon is living my dream. Imagine being all soaped up with your crush and idol and lover in a bathtub. I would float. How is Mon able to breathe. That was so hot and soft and GAH! My heart!!!
Also, that preview is GIVING!!!!! Sam and Mon have sex. Kirk brings his heterosexual drama? It looks like we are in for another rollercoaster. But I know I'll survive it easily, cuz my faves are FINALLY together, and now I can have some peace. Until the drama comes in the later episode courtesy of Sam's grandmother (cuz we know that witch just won't leave things be!). But until then, I shall enjoy every moment of sweetness we get!!!
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maxymylli0n · 2 years
I was putting off making a very emotional and personal post about what happened with Ned Fulmer and the Try Guys. It has already been almost a month when everything was revealed and I was at work when I read about it which set me off so much that I hated going to work for the rest of the week. I went spiralling and when that came out, a week or so later, I find out about Rex Orange County. The continuous cycle of being broken because of people I looked up to turning out to be horrible people absolutely wrecks me to my very core.
Ned. As much as it is embarrassing to admit now, you were my favorite try guy among the four. I loved you all equally but you were my star. I talked about this to my friends already but it's actually because of your "My wife" personality. Having watched Friends, Modern Family, Brooklyn 99 - I have always wished to find my own version of Chandler, Phil, or Jake - the My Wife Husbands. Witnessing you from Buzzfeed to having your own company made me so happy to have proven that there were real life Chandlers, Phils, and Jakes - the example of you. Ariel is such an amazing wife and mother as well that I, myself aspired so much to be like her. Chandler lacks sometimes as well, Phil has his shortcomings, and Jake can also be unreliable at times; you have your own issues: the competitiveness, the anger problems, and the overall being a cocky person in the vlogs. But you all had one thing in common - you loved your wives so much and would do anything for them. So was I absolutely blindsided by this? I am. I was, absolutely. People saying that they saw this from a mile away breaks me so much because am I stupid? Was I oblivious? Was I trusting blindly about people who I don't know? But on the flipside, were people just waiting for their downfall? Were they selfishly hoping that he would fail and be proven correct? Was it that they wanted this to happen? I'm so tired of this back and forth. Ia was rooting for them as a collective because (up until the issue) they were some of the few men in media which felt completely safe to be around. They were the ally, the feminists, the healthy masculinity group of men that spoke so much about all the issues we face everyday and do it unapologetically so. I am still in shambles about this because I never saw it coming. I hate the outcome more because most of the past employees riding in on that virality of the situation pisses me off. This is real life and as much as we hate Ned so much, other people are affected. Ariel, the other guys, the kids are real people whose lives are probably in pieces after the news. And what I see from twitter are people trying to make a buck with it? I'm glad the entirety of The Watcher, Safiya, or even Adam as well were not trying to join in. While I enjoyed funny tweets as well, people who were actually tweeting about it to come back to relevancy was just pure disgusting. I gotta let this all out because I'm dying over here.
Rex. Never have I wanted to strangle someone so much through a screen. Fuck you, man. I genuinely have no words for you. Six counts? Six fucking counts? It's not even disappointment for you but just pure anger. You created so much songs that so many people resonated with only to fucking reveal yourself as someone who assaults? Fuck you, truly.
I've had enough of shit ton of people being the most lovable bunch of personas in the internet and ending up being shitty people. I fail to understand the audacity and the fucking guts to be disgusting creatures.
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glassballdinosaurs · 11 months
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
I've spent most of this year working my way from the ground up as a barista to a manager and I'm constantly being told I'm not doing enough and now the till is short and it's my fault my fault my fault. Literally every friend I have has told me to bail and take a week-month off before going back to job hunting. What sucks is that I feel like a fucking /failure/. But simultaneously, I'm the ONLY EVENING MANAGER. Of ///course/// I can't possibly get everything done and I broke down in front of my boss when she asked if I wanted to step down/that there's still a bunch of stuff I'm doing wrong/communication problems. Like??? Could I be doing better? Absolutely. I, in tears, said it would be helpful to have another evening manager and I was told that won't happen. For the record, I work for a company that owns 3 coffee shops: I work at location 'P', and the other two locations are 'E' and 'C'. I'm in the group chat for managers and it's all E and C stuff and if I ever ask for help, I'm ignored. Because company 'P' is a different one that 'E' and 'C' and someone from E/C will open at P (grabbing a till and turning the lights on) before going back to E/C. But when I ask for another manager to be hired strictly for P, because, again, I'M THE ONLY DESIGNATED MANAGER AT THIS LOCATION. But one of the managers from C is hitting the stockroom for P 4 times a week, but I'm not so therefore I'm slacking off?? We have a bug problem. You want to know who has spent hours cleaning just to have morning crew play around on their phones? ME. Oh, and despite the fact I'm scheduled 10:30am at the earliest, it's still my fault if the morning crew doesn't take lunches (I'M LITERALLY NOT THERE) and is on their phones. Oh! And I have to mince my words but no matter what someone's upset and won't just /tell/ me but rather my boss. Look, I want to know why my coworkers are upset but I'm so tired of my boss being the one and going "this is what I've heard and I'm not here so..." I'm not saying my coworkers are wrong or that they shouldn't bring up issues to the boss, but /folks/ I'm one person. The only manager and I'll be honest, maybe I sound mean when I'm just direct but like, I'm working on it/trying not to say anything other than, "is there anything I can do to help?", "I have to count the safe but if you need me please grab me!", and various other 'hi i'm here! How can I help?' but if I don't smile or if my tone is the teeniest bit tense, /bam/ I'm instantly reported to my boss as rude.
Maybe I am just a shitty employee who works 40-50 hr work weeks and is told that I'm "mean". I wanna do better but simultaneously I'm so burnt out and just want to quit. I fantasize about it. But of course, my dad would rather I step down than quit/be fired all while expecting me to go about hunting. Folks, I have nothing left to give. I am the textbook definition of burnout.
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I'm so excited for your gyu fic that I started thinking about another gyu plot lmao.
So y/n is in her 30s, got heartbroken many times, gave up on love, does her job. But then she meet gyu, the new employee at her work. The literal sunshine. He was absolutely sweet and he reminds her of her youth. He looks like someone she would have a crush on in highschool.
And of course, even now she finds him endearing. Beomgyu was straightforward with his intentions. He likes her.
But no matter how much her heart flutters when she's with him and how she finds him absolutely precious, she's now mature enough to not let her heart have it's way.
She doesn't wanna get heart broken again.
She knows Gyu is a good person but she learnt from her experiences that even a good person can hurt you. And so she wanted her and Gyu's friendship to just stay the same.
She's even prepared to congratulate on him if he ever find someone else.
But Beomgyu get only more frustrated with each rejected attempt from you. He one day decided to spread rumours at your work place. You felt smaller day by day as people whispers about you, your boss discriminating againt you and all those stares.
But Beomgyu was there to make you feel better. He tell jokes, bring you to amusement park, hang out at your house... and convinced you to quit your shitty job.
He convinced you that with your skills, you can get into a better place. Of course he was lying. But you believed he was saying the truth as a good friend. Only to end up being jobless.
But don't worry because he'll always visit you and bring you food and stuffs when your budget isn't enough. They he asked you to move in with him if you are short on rent.
And that's when you enters the tiger's den.
TW: somnophilia, noncon, impregnation
You lay unconscious under him, just like every night after he slips you something into your evening tea so can have his way with you.
He’s been behaving the entire day, acting like your sweet, loveable goofball friend and not letting on that he wants to pin you to the floor and raw you until you get it through your head that you’re his. Now he gets to let all his frustrations out, your body giving way to his frantic thrusts. He’ll never get tired of the sight of your half-naked body--your shirt haphazardly pulled over your tits and your panties bunched to the side because he couldn’t control himself long enough to undress you properly. 
“I’m close, noona.” He grunts, one of his hands reaching up to grope your breast roughly. You’ll be feeling all kinds of sore in the morning, just like every time, complaining upon waking up that you feel like you’ve had a rough workout but not mentioning your soaked panties. But Beomgyu knows how flustered and confused you get when you wake up to find yourself dripping wet yet again. It’s his favorite part. You don’t even know what he did to you. 
“I’m ready to give you my cum. You want it, noona?” He moans, his head getting light with ecstasy. “Want me to fill you up with my milk just like every night?” 
You know--he tells himself. You know and you want it too.That’s the only explanation for why you never once asked him any questions. You willingly drink that tea and lie down in bed for him to fuck you and breed you. You hide it but he knows you too well. Why else would you be here in his apartment, sleeping in his bed? 
“There you go, noona. Take it all.” He spills inside of you, his sweaty and shuddering body looming over yours. 
He lets his seed sit inside you for a while, to make sure it takes before he wipes you down and straightens your clothes. It’s been two months since he started doing this and you should start to show soon. He’s so excited to see your reaction when you find out you’re carrying his baby. 
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fiadhaisteach · 2 years
My spouse & I straddle the Gen "X"/Millenial line (He's the very definition of a Xennial & I'm 4 years older).
13 years ago, I was pregnant and we were both laid off during the '08/'09 recession.
12 years ago we had run through our savings, had an eight month old, were on TANF, receiving SNAP & WIC benefits, & living with my mother in a different state. (We also, later, ended up filing for bankruptcy as our new income would never get us out of the hole we'd gotten into, trying to stay off assistance... don't do that. Use the benefits you have access to.)
We did some math and decided whichever of us found a job first would be the breadwinner and the other would be the homemaker, because there wasn't a job in our rural area that would cover the cost of daycare, let alone a second vehicle.
We were extremely glad we'd done the math and kept a parent at home, even though our house, now, is walking distance from highway bus stops, because it turned out that both kidlets (when we later added a 2nd) would need the extra care. (Frankly, the only reason we were able to buy a house, 7 years ago, is because I'm a disabled veteran in a rural area willing to buy in an "undesirable" location at just the right time so there was zero initial cost and mortgage/taxes/insurance came to about the same as rent. Couldn't do it now.)
I "won" the draw and it actually was pretty good. The prior owner was a shitty boss/supervisor, but an excellent employer (he had to be to retain employees). He provided raises that kept up with the cost of living, plus a little, & offered okay benefits. 
When his health failed and he sold the business, the new owners kept all the old employees on, though our benefits were considerably reduced, and in my case, workload near doubled because they didn't see the need for an outside bookkeeper and the old owner's workload was split between me & the new manager, but hey... steady employment. However, within 3 years I was the only one of the "old guard" left and in 6 years have received one, small, raise.
Now, my health has been deteriorating for a couple of decades, but has been getting significantly worse over the last 5 or so years and I'm finding that most of my energy is taken for "work" with very little left for the family, even as I'm falling further and further behind. So my spouse started to make a concerted effort at finding employment.
Even as a white cis-man who has two degrees and a winning personality, with a decade of stay-at-home parentness, it took three years (covid was a factor too), but he was able to find a job (and he does deserve it, never doubt) which should have minimal impact our take-home pay, while allowing me to expend my limited energy at home... and he'll have job/career mobility, where I had none (really, less than none since my wages have been effectively going down vs. cost of living).
Could we, technically, be "better off" if I kept this job? If you only considered income... sure. My spouse can, and will, bus to work (so I can have the vehicle for doctor appointments and picking the kids up from after school clubs), but if I kept working I'd still have no energy left for the family, my spouse would have less simply by virtue of working out of the home, the kids would have to give up after school activities, & everyone would be spending their free time doing all the household things that wouldn't be getting done during the work/school week... so no... not really.
Are we fortunate that we are able to have one parent at home? Absolutely! Though some of that is trade-off, not living where we'd prefer to live (we're both city mice living in the country), and limiting our mobility to a single vehicle & rural public transit. I realize some don't have even that much option, but it's still a choice we had to make.
We also had family to fall back on when we hit rock bottom (a mixed blessing I won't get into here) and used our government benefits to get back on our feet (late, but better than never).
Is there a point to this? *shrugs* Generational crap is crap. The Joneses are probably also trying to keep up with the Joneses, so just do the best for you. Fuck capitalism. Use the benefits you pay for. Take care of your health as best you can. Hair dye is cheap. Count your blessings.
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dearlyanqels · 3 years
Birthday Gift
part one | part two
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the reader turn 22, and she was not having a good day, so she went to a bar that barely anyone went through, it's not what she expected it be, a secret hide out for those who were causing damage.
From the moment she woke up, her day went shitty, it was started with her waking up, then the eviction notice hanging on her door for all to see, then it was the assault on the bus, she just wanted to wear a skirt for crying out loud. soon she got to work. throwing on her badge to access the building, then someone bump into her while she was carrying hot coffee for her jack ass boss. "you're late bringing my coffee" he said to her, she close her eyes and smiled "sorry sir, I'll do better." then her smile disappeared when she heard slurping sounds and red pumps. "excuse me" she said taking her leave. it was just only four when her day felt relaxed when she saw a little note.
you're doing fine and well, happy birthday bitch -your best friend
she went back to paper work, and loads more of paper work. the clock hit six, it was time for her to clock out "ah wait my lovely employee, a little birdy told me today was your birthday. here after you're done looking over my portfolio" she look at her boss "isn't your personal assistant supposed to do that?" she asks and on cue those red pumps were back in her view "sorry, I'm busy, happy birthday hag" she said leaving.
they were the same age, she was younger than his personal assistant anyways, like a few months. she look at his portfolio a d read over everything, it was good up until the last page
'if you don't like it then don't bitch about how your company will lose against mine. I work for this place and i was hoping for this to work. did you get that, good now let me-" she stop reading and groan, she threw the thing her bag and walk out of the building.
"I fucking hate this shit, and that walking HPV has to steal everything from me once again, I was supposed to get that promotion. screw her and her fishie self fucki- sorry" she realize she was talking to herself on the whole way to where ever her feet lead. "I need a drink- oh look someone is answering a prayer." she open the doors up, an okay bar was there with plenty of drinks, half full and nearly done ones. "hello?" she ask out loud, no one answer "the sign says open.. fuck it" she hop over the bar isle and grab the strongest drink she could find.
"hello dear friend, thank you for being there when I was crying senior year. ah my jackie" she look down and pick up a glass, it was clean. she started to pour the drink into the cup and then pour the rest down her mouth "it's been a minute since I had a taste of you" she said. she soonly got on top the isle and sat there, took more drinks and then some shots.
"- and he told me he loved me, you know that I treated him with so much respect, I even lost my virginity to him. god he was so terrible, I mean I wouldn't have known, but still" she was talking to the drink as if they known eachother for years. "yeah I feel you" her heart stop as she saw black wrap, a knife and blue flames. "who are you and why are you in my place of work, especially on my well clean counter?" the wrap thing was speaking to her. "it's my birthday, and-d who are you, I been here for -brup- an hour and all I have is no service" she said pointing a finger, they notice she didn't back away, yelled, or commented on them.
"hm, my apologies, I see you've drink Jack Daniel's all up, want me to pour you mo-" she didn't hear the rest, she saw a person with a few hands on him, plae blue hair "oh, the league of villains, oh god where were you guys when my boss was making fun of you." they all look at her as she laugh "you're just now realizing who we are? did all that drinking make you lose brain cells?" she look at the scar male, the one with blue flames. "dabi right? toga, splinter, mr. compressor, and shigarki. I don't know your name so wrap it is" she burp once more, "I'll handle her, you all can leave now." everyone left leaving the pale blue leader and the drunk girl behind.
"you said today was your birthday, how old?" he ask taking off the hands from his body. she look at her bottle friend "should I tell him?" she whisper and nodded "okay, i will. I'm twenty two" she said proudly, he chuckled and got closer. she took in his scent, mint, it was comforting, it relaxed her enough to lay on his body. "I could kill you at this given moment, and you choose to lay on me?" he question her she nodded and look up, he was still wearing a hand on his face, he places his fingers on her, not all five, he wanted her alive "if you did kill me, that will be the best birth-" he choose to kiss her instead, she could taste mint on his breathe, and can feel his scar it oddly good. "wait you took off your- wow you're pretty" his red eyes pour into hers, she notice his skin was pale, his eyes were ich up and so was his neck.
"you're very beautiful" she said, he smiled and grab a pair of gloves "wait, wait, my quirk is shield, watch" she grab his hand fully, nothing, she was still there. "so far, you're the best birthday present." she said grabbing his face to kiss him.
"finally he can get laid, and get off our backs" a voice said grabbing a drink "dabi, do you fucking mind?" Tomura ask making her giggle, oh this was the best gift, she finally felt relaxed.
"oh my name is Y/N Todoroki, yeah Endeavor-" a glass broke making them both turn, dabi was turn away from them.
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toflyandfall · 4 years
YAY :D! OK, I wanted to please ask what your thoughts were on Dick and Shawn's relationship. Did you feel it was in character? Did you feel it made sense? Did you want them to last or did you feel it came out of left field and didn't make any sense? How did you feel about the pregnancy scare and how they broke up ("I know what I said/did was shitty but we can fix this. We can make this work!") - does it sound like Dick? I'm also happy ur still here. I'm so used to asking you & Shelly so thank u!
I'll be honest with you, anon--DC burnt me hard with the Spyral travesty and then putting Tom King on Batman and keeping Seeley on Nightwing, so I don't keep up with current DC comics.  I don’t enjoy them and nearly without exception I don’t find them to be written well or in character. However, you're very sweet and I want to help fill the meta void in your life, so I read through Dick and Shawn's arc together and here's my analysis.
 I’m dividing this into two parts.  The first half will be as objective as possible and analyze your questions on whether Dick seems in character, what he says during the break up, etc.  It’s roughly chronological, starting when we first meet Shawn and continuing through to the break up itself.
The second half I’ll put under a readmore, as it’ll answer your questions about my more subjective opinions about the arc.
 Let’s start by looking at Dick’s previous and most happy relationships to see what good indicators for an in-character relationship would be.
  Getting physically involved with someone -before- having a secure emotional connection with them is not in character for him.  All of Dick's major relationships have been preceded by extended periods of mutual flirtation and bonding before physical overtures.  His most significant and longest lasting romantic connections began by building emotional and romantic attachment before sexual intimacy, frequently paired with a shared history together that precedes even the flirtation.  
There’s significant canon evidence that he’s demi sexual: a comprehensive, though hardly exhaustive, collection of it can be found here and here (the latter half of the second link relates to the Grayson series specifically, but overall it offers a nice long view on his relationship history since character creation and also addresses beyond-canon factors at DC that impacted some relevant canon writings.)  Whether you use the label demi for him or not, it’s canon that he’s not comfortable jumping into bed without a secure emotional connection.
 So let’s look at Shawn’s relationship with Dick through the lens of relationships in which he was the happiest and most comfortable.  Those relationships have these things in common:  
He has a stable, safe emotional connection to the individual.
He is willing and comfortable engaging in banter and flirtation.  
Relationship is based on mutual respect and affection, often paired with shared history together.
Now, let’s look at Shawn’s relationship.
Their ‘history’ together (as Defacer and Robin) is antagonistic, and their interaction in the past leave Dick feeling uneasy. Sure, he seems to think about her situation, but as this panel reads, the kindest that can be said of any emotional connection there seems to be here is one-sided pity.
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Nightwing #10 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
Once they meet again, she’s his boss.  Even or perhaps especially in the world of #MeToo, it’s important to address workplace relationships, particularly boss/employee scenarios, with care and sensitivity.  Seeley sidesteps this by just…having her later quit the non-profit she founded and giving Dick her position for a while.  However, even if she’d just worked in HR at an equal level with him when they met instead of being his boss, let’s look at the amount of participation he shows in their first meeting:
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Nightwing #10 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
There is a lot of her talking and almost none of him.  He’s not engaged in their interaction here.  Where he tries later as Nightwing to engage more personally, he’s immediately shut down.  The most dialogue we hear from him is in his own head—in their first meeting, the ratio of her dialogue to his is literally 22 sentences to 9.  Of those 9 sentences, one is a lie he gives to avoid establishing an emotional connection with her, another she interrupts, and three of which were less than five words long: “Sorry.” “You can call me Dick” and “Thanks, Ms Chang”.  Even taking the workplace environment into account as best we can, this is not meeting any of the three criteria for Dick to be feeling emotionally attachment or attraction.  No one would look at those 9 almost-sentences and that flashback and say, “Ah yes, this man is deeply infatuated with her.”  
This is made even more jarring by the fact that the internal narration frequently doesn’t match the actual scenes we’ve witnessed.   
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Nightwing #11 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
Nothing about the few sentences Dick has managed to finish around Shawn when this narration comes up has said ‘attraction’, physical or otherwise, but the dialogue here reads like Dick was laying the flirtations on thick every time he saw her.  Same with when they talk about the flashback scene later.  There’s a lot of cognitive disconnect between what Seeley wants to tell us happened and what we actually see and hear and have evidence of between the characters.
If you’re wondering why I’m examining these initial interactions with particular depth, it is because frankly, these are the most interactions the two have together for roughly the first five issues of their ‘getting to know each other’ phase...and when they reunite at the end of those issues, we are supposed to believe they are already heavily, life-changingly in love.  So, for all intents and purposes, this scattered handful of conversations is all we have to analyze to examine whether this fits the qualifications for whether Dick would feel comfortable and emotionally attached enough to approach a physical relationship.
We have three chances in their various guises for Dick and Shawn to meet and start developing that all-important rapport.  This is our first initiation to their relationship and it certainly doesn’t read as a positive one.  The next one, she yells at him and kicks him out—again, a whole page of her dialogue to a fragmented sentence of his.  The third one, the flashback panel posted above, they don’t even speak to each other. Two of them are actively red-flags of being unable to establish a closer connection with that person; the third is a neutral connection.  This is not the kind of two-way interaction we see where he’s comfortable and interested in someone, and this is not an emotionally secure connection.  
Shawn disappears for three issues or so, during which they have, obviously, no interactions.
The very next after that, by the end of it, she lunges into him to kiss him.  
The next issue after that, they’re evidently in honeymoon heaven and already shacking up.  
Trust me, we’ll be going over that under the readmore later.
Back in the area of the objective, if you ever need to know the number of days Tim Seeley thinks is needed for two people with self-admitted enormous trust issues to form the ideal Hollywood manic pixie dream girl relationship, we were given a careful timeline.  
68 days—first date
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Nightwing #15 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
62 days—first intercourse.
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Nightwing #15 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
Six days.  Not even a week.
They’ve met each other, then met each other’s parents and are living together and are one baby scare away from the suburbs in less time than it takes for someone to finish a semester at college.  It took literally longer for the issues of Nightwing where Shawn was an absent character in her own arc to get published in our real lives than it did for their on-panel romance to go from not even knowing each other to Nightwing (not Dick, but Nightwing) kissing Shawn (not Defacer, but Shawn) upside down in the middle of the city.
Trust issues, amirite?
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Nightwing #15 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
Meanwhile during that mostly off-panel ‘dating’ period we have these wildly out of character moments. In particular, there are two noteworthy things.
Shawn says she never would have pinned Dick for being a traditionalist.  
That directly contradicts…well…most of the statements people close to him have made of his dating views, and also his own self-stated views of them, whose top tracks include things like “…this might sound unhip, but I feel strange about living with someone I’m not married to”, “I gotta be honest, Roy—I couldn’t make love to someone I didn’t really love”, and “Love should be between two people”.  
We have a direct parallel of an in-character Dick moment walking someone home after an early date to use for comparison.  
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Nightwing #31  
Things Dick does in this panel: reassures his date there is no pressure for sex and the night will not be ending that way, plan out just about the most traditional date experience, and engage in light-hearted mutual bantering.  
Additional relevant context around this panel: Dick and Clancy have known each other for months and have a friendly, mutually respectful connection.  Dick’s turned down a sizable number of invitations from her because despite living in the same building, the vigilante life made it difficult for him to make and keep plans.  This is their second date because Dick had to bail in the middle of their first.  It took months both in comics-time and in real-time of developing a mutual interest to lead up to that first real date.  And by then, the reader is invested in the status of that relationship, too.
To contrast the then vs now, we also have in that same moment with Shawn Dick, of all people, ignores a phone call without a second thought in favor of trying for a booty call. On the first date.  Let’s take a look at Dick and Clancy’s first date, 9 issues earlier than the one we just saw.
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Nightwing #22  
Dick is a chronic workaholic, with all the associated inability to disconnect from his work while in relationships even during date night or intimate moments. It’s perfectly reasonable, considering that with his lifestyle choice, that phone call could be life or death for someone he loves, a stranger, or many, many someones, and it’s put significant strain on his past relationships when dating those not actively in the superhero lifestyle.  Clancy is, again, a great example of this--despite genuine interest on both sides, he blew her off at least half a dozen times because of vigilante emergencies before they even got to their first date.  And then despite their great rapport and a genuine interest in being there, he still ditched her in the middle of it when his phone rang.
What we see in Seeley’s Nightwing #15 not only runs directly contrary to significant chunks of his history and personality, it also tells a deeply upsetting story of a world where exists a horndog Dick Grayson who would risk other people’s lives to get laid with a chick he’s known less than a week.
They handle vigilante interruptions more in character in later issues once the relationship is established, but...yikes. 
Not in character.
We’re going to take a little jump here to move from discussing whether their relationship is in character for Dick to whether their breakup was in character.  
In general, it actually is pretty in character for Dick to panic himself into commitment in a romantic relationship even if he’s not really sure about it.  Dick is very interesting that way: he runs away from platonic relationships under tension, either by throwing himself into casework or by literally setting up in a new location.  If his romantic relationship is undergoing trauma, however, he's very capable of reacting the opposite, like in this example with Kory.
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Team Titans #2
There’s even an awkward Devin Grayson incident where he thinks a woman is serial-murdering her husbands, fake-marries her to solve the case, uncovers the real killer who wasn’t her, and feels bad enough afterward that he offers to date her for real. (An interesting side-note: this makes Devin Grayson responsible for not one but two of Dick’s emotionally compromised almost-marriages. This one, at least, came before she jumped the shark with the dreaded Catalina Flores arc.)
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Nightwing Annual #1
So let’s take a look at where Shawn’s exact circumstance falls in against those.
  To me, the lines that sound the most like Dick are actually the lines he says that cause their break-up.  
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Nightwing #23 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
Dick has a lot of darkness and anger in him. He’s a lot like Bruce and he’s a lot scared of how much he’s like Bruce.  We’ve seen several timelines where Dick’s had biological children and we’ve also seen how he tempered Damian’s darkness when Bruce was lost in the timestream.  Though this arc and timeline does not show it well (and that’s a whole different meta), we have the advantage of having known how Dick behaves as a father in a way this particular Dick has never had to experience.  And we know that when kids are in the picture he does work hard at repressing or concealing his anger and darkness to be a good role model, often in a way he isn’t sure he has the capacity to do when there are no children involved.  Despite some of the specific phrasings being iffy, the general sentiments here do feel like legitimate concerns Dick would have.
With this knowledge, that moment felt significantly more honest to Dick Grayson’s character than most of the rest of their relationship.  
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Nightwing #25 (Nightwing: Back to Bludhaven)
The actual break-up dialogue itself is…well, it’s not out of character, exactly, because as shown, Dick has been known to clutch onto potential romances hardest when he feels they’re about to slip away. But the delivery of it isn’t in character.  Yes, in general, Dick has a temper and he lashes out. However, he’s clearly aggressive and angry in this panel, where previous experience has showed us he should be at his most emotionally vulnerable and pleading.  Dick, who is a generally emotionally closed-off person despite his extroverted demeanor, reacts to these kind of romance scares by showing emotional vulnerability in ways he frequently is unable to do during the relationship itself.  And the panel that he’s apologizing for as being a crappy thing to have said, is…as mentioned, the panel that comes closest to a consistent Dick Grayson.
And the thing they’re fighting about is that Dick missed a job interview because he was doing Nightwing things.  Shawn fell in love with Dick knowing he was Nightwing (somehow), he’s been Nightwing the whole time they dated, constant interruptions and all, but she breaks up with him because somehow 'the thing I always loved most…you.’ apparently wasn’t one that included the Nightwing schedule.  She also seems to be both blaming him for wanting the baby and also accusing him of not wanting it.  At the risk of getting off-topic and subjective, I’ll be honest and say Shawn’s dialogue here makes no sense to me at all.
Dick’s tried not being Nightwing, in both pre-52 and new-52.  Dick spends a fair amount of pre-52 time either bouncing from job to job or lacking a day job entirely.  In both pre-52 and new-52, the Dick she’s claiming is the one she’s always loved the most…doesn’t exist anywhere I can think of. Certainly not anywhere during their on-panel relationship.
Now that we’ve looked at what we see of Dick and Shawn on-panel, it’s time to talk about the impact this has off-panel.
I happen to have been re-reading a lot of Chuck Dixon’s original Nightwing’s run lately.  And here’s the thing.  Clancy’s been showing up consistently in that run as someone Dick could be attracted to for for oh, about...two full graphic novels now (that’s 17 single-issues) and they haven’t so much as gone on a date, let alone shared a smooch. It takes 20 issues before they make it to the first date we saw from Nightwing #22.  I don’t remember if she’s in every single issue of that period, so I’m going to round down by probably a lot and say that’s a minimum of a year when this was getting published for us as readers to get to know her and how she interacts with Dick, to get interested and invested in a potential relationship.  In comics-time, it’s weeks before Dick actually sees her face, not just hears her voice.  Even if you’re reading post-publication like me, that’s hours and hours where we watch she and Dick bond and banter and develop a mutual interest.
That’s build up.  That’s emotional investment developed over time.
I’m not saying every single relationship has to take more than a year’s worth of issues on-panel to develop.  However, she does summarize one of the single biggest struggles for DC’s cadre of writers over the last few years.  Basically, the problem I have with this beyond just the characterizations is the same that made me stop reading from New 52 onward: DC constantly trying to skip out on the process of creating meaningful emotional build-up or connections but still expecting to cash in on an emotional payoff.  
You can’t go from ‘kissed once’ to ‘been together for years like an old married couple couple vibes’ off-pages like Nightwing #15 tries to do.  Even if you expect the readers to believe the protagonist now feels that connection (which, frankly, I don’t), we don’t have that connection to the relationship.  It’s a cheap paper cutout with no actual emotional content behind it--why should we care if it tears under pressure?  We have no stake in it; we don’t know why the protagonist has a stake in it.  It’s meaningless.  
As a reader, my experience with Shawn and Dick’s relationship is as follows: a) they meet in a scenario where she is his boss (strong do not date vibes) b) they meet as vigilante and paroled ex-villain and she doesn’t even let him finish a sentence (would not date) c) they show a flashback where they don’t even speak to each other (Robin pities her; no ‘date/no date’ vibe data gathered), d) they share a confusingly out of nowhere ‘emotional’ moment that didn’t match up with my prior understanding of either what I extrapolated from the flashback or what I saw in their on-panel interactions (vibe check, please??) then she disappears for several issues into police custody (no ‘date/no date’ vibe data gathered)  The very next time she sees him, she betrays him  (STRONG do not/would not date).  Then all of a sudden at the end of that issue she kisses him.  
My context for their relationship is based on two ‘emotional’ conversations of dubious quality and consistency, one ‘look’ where their dialogue contradicts my own understanding of the on-panel events, a shouting match or two, and a very major betrayal that just happened to work out alright for everybody but is never actually addressed.  Most of her introductory arc where we’d be piecing out how she fits in with Dick and how they interact together, she isn’t even there for.  They’ve known each other for less than a week.  I the reader have known them for, in my case, maybe an hour of read-time. 
And the very next time I see them, I’m supposed to believe, and more importantly, feel emotionally attached to the fact that They Are The Most In Love Couple To Ever Be In Love.  
Trying to put a timeline on intimacy as a gimmick instead of establishing genuine emotional connection never works.  Yes, maybe we knew that one person in high school or know someone in college who falls hard and often and met and married someone within two months, but Dick Grayson has never been that person.  Maybe this style of flashback manic pixie romance would be more believable if they’d tried it on a different character with a different history and personality, but it especially never works on a character like Dick Grayson with a strong history of being slow to decide his feelings and even slower to jump into bed. 
In order to work, the entire arc that follows with the kidnapping by Pyg is predicated on the fact that I, the reader, am supposed to already care about Shawn’s relationship with Dick, and that I, the reader, believe in the validity of Shawn’s relationship with Dick and in Dick’s commitment to it.  But I haven’t been given time or reason to do either of those things by the time that arc starts.  
You cannot shortcut relationships and expect them to be meaningful to the reader.
So they threw in a baby.  Because even if you don’t care about a relationship, everyone cares about babies.
Throwing in a baby to up the emotional stakes is just a further step up that same problematic cheap-shortcuts ladder I was talking about: like in a stereotyped failing marriage, if you feel like you have to add a kid just to put meaning into your relationship again, maybe what you actually need to do is take time and consider what that relationship is built on.
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stay--satan · 7 years
I could say that I'm sorry but I can't even remember how it happened - JASON TODD X READER (PART I)
Hi 👋 can you do a the 17 prompt and can it be that Jason cheated on the reader(female)?
17. “I guess you finally did it. I’m leaving you alone” PART II HERE
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"You don't understand Y/N, I'll hurt you like I did to everyone else" "Jason, this entire sad boy attitude is only attracting to teenagers. Drop it."
Jason and Y/N were too much complicated and long to explain in full sentence we're gonna explain in phrases about their time together
- They met in a party that they both didn't wanna go. - They gave the first kiss that night, but only met again about a month later - She held him at gunpoint when he broke in her house while wearing his Red Hood costume - "I was shot" "Goddamnit then why did you came here and not a hospital? Just because I love you doesn't make me a skilled freelancer nurse!" - She googled how to stich my boyfriend's leg and he laughed while bleeding out on her floor. It was also the first time she said I love you. - They've been together for a year and half by this time, so yeah, it took them some while. - A few weeks after this day, she noticed he started to push her away. Not showing up for their nights, not answering her calls, making up lame excuses and etc. - But hell, he didn't expect to her to come to Bruce's place with angry eyes. Now they were arguing over this.
"Look" she said already tired of that argument "I know who I am with, don't you think I've done my research? How do you think I knew you were here?" he let out a sigh "I could kicked you out after that night, but I didn't. What changes now that I know?" "Everything. I... Look at my life, Y/N! I'm a late 20's man who can't have a relationship for more than a year before start to fuck up. I'll fuck you up, and for the first time I feel like you don't deserve this" "You don't get the right to decide this by yourself, Todd!" y/n hit your fists in the table already annoyed "You're the first man that I've loved. I'm not leaving you because you had trust issues in the past" "It's more than that..." "Well, breaking news Todd, YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD TO HAVE PROBLEMS. So whatever is yours, get over it." He senses the angry in the tone and decide to keep quiet.
"I'm sorry" Jason show up by her window after a day "I know I keep hitting in the same key, but you don't understand for real" "You keep saying that, but did you ever bother to explain?" And beside his huge fear over this, he did. They both sat for hours as he tells her about Robin, the Joker, the pit, the lost days, his family and everything. "Okay that seems to be a little more to process" she exhale deeply. Jason wide his eyes scared starring at her and she bursts out laughing "I'm so sorry, but that sounds like the saddest thing Bjork ever writted" she says between laughs and Jason started laugh loudly.
He tries to push her away again a few times after that day, but she always ended up at his door with angry fists. Really, she tried to punch him the other day screaming 'Wake the Fuck UP, Todd". And after a huge year, he takes her advice and get over. He lets himself for the first time to sink in a relationship that could lead to somewhere. They have fancy dinners, family reunions, he introduce to her his family (though he's really stressed out over this), invite his friends over her place (since he couldn't leave but you loved it), surprise gifts and stuff.
"Babe, could you grab my towel?" he screams over the bathroom. She didn't respond "Babe?" he steps out walking over her bedroom "Yeah, I think I'm available at night." She's over her phone, he couldn't help to just stand over her door and listen "Yeah sure, he'll not be in here I guess" He helds his breath arching his brow. What's she talking about? He doesn't have much time to think about because now she's yelling to him how wet the floor is. But that doesn't let him get over the hammer hitting in his head over that phone call. For almost every night he left for patrol, he ended up in the top of the building in front of her house looking if there wasn't something strange. Then the dates and coming over started to being delayed, she changed her hair he notices but doesn't say anything. Whenever she fell asleep, he started to look over the house something that could give away but nothing. He couldn't be that paranoid, could he? I mean, the phone calls didn't stop neither but all he could see through the days was more and more random papers over her desk with a lot of phone numbers. For a second he thought about calling one of them, but he knew her better that she would find out and kill him a second later. So he takes a break during the day and follow her car, as this was the normal thing to do. She goes first to her favorite bakery buy the usual donuts and goes straight to her work. He waits until 30 minutes later to get in the building. Fixing his hair, he makes his way though the reception grinning to the secretary. He leans down and tries to compliment her to get informations "So... Audrey?" Jason reads her tag getting back to that smile "Are you sure you can't tell me a few informations. I'm just trying to be a good friend for my pal's girlfriend" "No, Mr Grayson" she giggles letting out a blush. He wasn't that stupid to give his own name "I'm not allowed to tell you infos about our employees" "Oh c'mon Audrey, live a little" he brushs his hands over hers making her face extra red. Jason felt horrible, but it was the only way out of this "Just tell me, has Y/N L/N been talking to anyone lately?" She lets out a dramatic sigh finally spitting up "Well, I've see she has hanging out a lot with Mr Gale from 12th floor. He's kinda like her boss, I saw her leaving to the garage with him last week..." His face drops. So he was right this entire time. "... around eight. So if you're interest..." he hears her voice after processing. He just say goodbye thanking her while leading his way back to his bike.
The next seven hours felted like seven days. Jason Todd has been cheated. Of course that would happen to him, why not? Ugh, now he had to pick up his stuff at her place and go over that entire drama. But that wouldn't be his problem tonight. Picking up his jacket, he goes over that bar that he clicks into his head out of nowhere. Walking in he goest staight to the bend asking for the next 4 shots of whisky. If he couldn't handle the truth, he would drink it. "I honestly thought you wouldn't come" he hears the whiny voice coming from behind. So that's how he remembered the bar. Audrey puts her hand over his shoulder. Jason takes another shot before glancing her eyes. "You know, your pal's girlfriend I think she's finally coming clean to him tonight" frowing his brows angrily "She left early today saying that she had this huge thing to deal with her boyfriend" "Well, I guess now it's their problem" he smirks as she leaned closer.
Jason cursed himself for coming to Y/N that night, but he couldn't help the angry taking over him. Maybe if he was lucky he would catch them on act and he could prove his point. He was to drunk to care, it was 2 fucking am. Stumbling over his feet, he makes the way over the door picking up his spare key for the last time. He takes a deep breath thinking about everything he would scream to her about it and opens the door. But not in his most paranoic dreams he thought about the scene that follows.
The entire room was in flowers and candles, but not in a cheesy way, it was remarkble. Walking on a bit a wild Y/N jumps in front of him with the wildest smile "Took you long enough, hi!" she smiles and his eyes open as this was the scariest shit he had witnessed. She had a 'I'm Sorry" ballon and puts in his hand "So, I know I've been missing out lately but I didn't want to tell you before I had everything under control but..." She picks up a bottle of champagne with that huge smile still "I'm a big boss now!" she laughs over jumping in joy. Jason, still standing behind the close door, roll his eyes letting the balloon out in the air "Are you fucking kidding me?" Her smiles disappear and her entire excitment goes away "You can drop the shitty act, I know everything" he says stumbling over the words "Are you drunk?" Y/N says worried coming closer to him but he goes to the opposite direction from her "Jay, something happened?" "Yeah, it did. You fucking liar, I knew it would end this way" he points at her angrily "You blow your way up then, uh? How many?" She couldn't believe in his words, swalling the cry that was about to come out she whispers "What are you saying, Jason?" "You and that fucking piece of shit cheating on me." her eyes widened in surprise "Don't do this, I know I fucking knew it" "What the fucking are you talking about and you better have some good explanation" "Oh so now we're going to facts?" he says sarcastly walking in circles in the room "We start with the phone calls, and then the 'I'm sorry I'm late' or 'I won't make it in time' and then walking with your pimp to the garag-OUTCH" he screams holding his nose over the huge punch Y/N gave him. "HOW DARE YOU, AND HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT THAT?" "I WENT TO YOUR JOB AND ASKED AUDREY, EVERYBODY KNEW EXCEPT FOR ME" She was so angry that she could feel every nerve of her body moving around her "Are you shitting me, Todd? He has PTSD over the accident he had years ago!" she screams her lungs out "I have been walking with him to his car over the last 4 years and he has been thinking of retiring, so I've been working like hell so he could offer me his spot." she goes over by the desk where he once saw full of papers. She picks up throwing in his face "This? These are the clients I've been talking so I could get a good reference." "wHAT ABOUT THAT CALL 'HE'LL NOT BE HERE AT NIGHT" "IT WAS ABOUT TONIGHT YOUR ASSHOLE AND I WAS TALKING TO JADE TO HELP ME PUT THIS" and suddenly, everything makes sense. If he only had asked her early. His faces drop realising the mess he made, sitting on the floor he puts his hands over his face "Jay, I know it seemed really suspicious, but you could asked me first" She says more softly walking to him "I know you have trust issues, I should be more open to that" Jason starts to cry when she puts her hand in his hair "I'm sorry about punching you, I'll go get some ice" He start to sobs louder and shake "Babe c'mon, it's okay. It was just a fight okay? We're okay" he shakes his head negatively "No, we're not" he says between the sobs "We're not" Y/N lifts his face so he could stare at her. "I fucked the secretary over the bar's bathroom" Y/N let's her face drops in shock looking for words to say "I could say that I'm sorry but I can't even remember how it happened" She just kneels putting her hands over her face and looks for air so she could speak "Ho-How could you do this?" her whisper in a voice he knew it was disapointment "You-you could have talk to me Jason, you could just..." "I know, I fucking know" he screams holding his head still "Y/N, I'm impulsive. I followed you the entire day, I had been spying this house every single night making theories, I'm so sorry" he couldn't even face her, by only hearing her heavy breathing and shaken voice "Well, Todd..." her voice comes out softly again as she stand up "You were right. You're problematic... And congrats, you did it. I'm finally leaving you alone" He stands up way to fast, Jason never felted more desperate "Y/N please please" "GET OUT, JASON" she points to the door. This was it, there was nothing he could do. He was too dirty to talk to her, with Audrey's lipstick still in his body he was too dirty to stand up and saying anything. So he just left the house and heard the huge scream the girl gave bursting out in tears. Jason Todd did it again.
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pathopharmacology · 7 years
Hi! Hope you don't me asking this. I've been working at a hospital for a few months now (in a clerical role) and tbh it's made me seriously consider looking at going into nursing. Thing is I'm 27 soon and while that's not old I also know some nurses my age who have made it to ward manager level already, and I'd feel so behind. Do you have any thoughts or experience with people who came to nursing "late", or advice for someone considering a complete career change to choose nursing?
Hi there! Sorry it took me so damn long to answer this. I actually love getting questions along these lines, but – as I’m sure a lot of you are painfully aware by now – I have kind of a terrible track record when it comes to answering things in a timely fashion. I hope you can forgive the lateness.
As to the actual substance of your question…this is something I can speak to personally! I didn’t decide to be a nurse until I’d been working as a paralegal for about three years. Once I’d decided to go into nursing, it still took me another few years to get through all of my prerequisites. By that point I’d realized being a paralegal wasn’t something I wanted even as placeholder job, so I ended up working as an administrative assistant in the trauma division of a nearby hospital while I finished up my prereqs. Technically, nursing is my third career.
Here’s the thing – while I feel like there’s a general media trend towards expecting people in their 20s to know exactly what they’re doing career-wise and to be solidly settled into something by the time they’re 30, the way this plays out in real life is…definitely not that. Shit, when I graduated from college I started working as a paralegal not because I was particularly interested in law, but because I desperately needed health insurance and being a paralegal turned out to be something I was good at. It wasn’t until I hit my mid-20s that I realized, “wait, I don’t actually like this! THIS ISN’T WHAT I WANT TO BE DOING AT ALL!!!” I flailed around in a massive quarter-life crisis for a while, and eventually got my shit together enough to figure out what I actually wanted to be doing.
What’s cool about nursing is that my story isn’t an unusual one. Sure, I work with some younger nurses who came into the field right after college and have WAY more experience than I do despite being younger, but…that’s not always the case. A lot of the nurses my age – by which I mean people in their mid-30s – did something else first, even if that “something” was floating around aimlessly from shitty temp job to shitty temp job until they figured things out. Education-wise, I’m much farther along than some of the older nurses I work with; experience-wise, they can run circles around me. I work with some nurses who are younger than me but have been RNs for longer, but because they’re brand-new to emergency nursing I’ve got a bit more experience because I’ve been an ED nurse for literally my entire career. Shit, I work with CNAs who’ve worked in an emergency setting for longer than I’ve been alive, and boy howdy, you better believe we all recognize what valuable resources they are in spite of not having the initials RN after their names. You can spend 10, 20, 30 years in one specialty and then decide, “You know what? I’m sick of hospital nursing, I think I want to try working out in the community instead” and…BOOM, now you’re a newbie again, albeit an incredibly skilled one who will probably kick ass in no time.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is that age is an extremely relative thing when it comes to certain careers, and nursing in particular seems to be quite kind in this regard. I’m not going to say you’ll never doubt yourself or feel tempted to compare yourself to younger peers, because – given that I’ve done exactly those things and then some – I’m pretty sure I’d be lying. But I can say that even if you’re harboring doubts, things will most likely work out okay anyway. If you’re someone who’s into pursuing leadership opportunities and is good in leadership roles? TRUST ME, friend, your supervisors and coworkers will figure this out super fucking fast and will start badgering you to apply for leadership roles whether you feel ready for them or not. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Trust me on this.
I think you’ve got a leg up in that you already work for a hospital. That’s huge. While there are a bazillion specialties that aren’t hospital-based, most people tend to start their careers doing direct patient care in a hospital setting, which is usually a good thing in terms of building experience and getting comfortable with patients and whatnot. But hospitals are also – not to put too fine a point on it – weird as FUCK in a lot of ways, and people who don’t really know what to expect can be in for something of a rude awakening when the time comes. In your case, one of the most valuable things I can recommend you do is talk to your hospital’s HR and/or volunteer departments about setting up a job shadowing session with a nurse. Ideally, you’d set up a few, focusing on specialties you think are interesting or that call to you in some way. I’d also recommend finding out if your hospital has any employee reimbursement programs for continuing education: if you do end up pursuing a nursing career, there are a LOT of hospitals who like retaining their current staff in some capacity, and are willing to provide some measure of financial reimbursement on a per credit basis when it comes to going for a health care degree. And if your clerical duties bring you into contact with nurses, chat with them too – most of us love talking about our jobs, positive and negative aspects both, and their input might clarify things for you a little as well. 
Changing careers isn’t easy. It’s especially not easy when you (potentially) have to pursue an entirely new educational degree to do it. But if it’s something you’re excited about and passionate about, I definitely think it’s worth it. I wasn’t ready to go into nursing when I was in my early 20s for…a lot of reasons, really, but I was ready for it by the time my late 20s rolled around, and maybe that’s how it is for you too. Maybe it’s not even the nursing thing so much as the “pursuing something new and interesting and challenging” thing, and if that is the case, then great! You’re probably at a point in your life where it’s pretty dang feasible to tackle it! Or maybe it IS that nursing is what calls you, and if that’s where you’re at, then I think you should definitely allow yourself to consider it. There are plenty of valid reasons to not pursue nursing as a career, but please trust me when I say your age isn’t one of them.
Whatever you ultimately end up doing, Anon, I wish you all the luck in the world. Starting something new can be scary no matter what age you tackle it, but I think it’s awesome you’re even considering it in the first place. Feel free to hit me up with questions anytime
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hidesthenseeks-blog · 5 years
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Now Playing: F L A M E S / Past Midnight
Life Update #1
Today is April 7th of 2019. Few more days and I'll be turning 22 years old. I feel excited yet scared at the same time. I'm getting older and I don't know yet what I'm doing with my life. Well, I am aware but is this what I really want? We will see, I guess?
It's almost a year since I graduated from college. It's been 10 months of constant fight with my silent battles of being shitty fresh graduate that don't know what she is doing and feeling left behind. Yup, that's me. That's been my life since I graduated. Before, I always know what to do, I always have a plan, I thought I already figured out where I am going and who I am going to be. But, joke's on me. I don't know anything and I am not good enough to land my supposed to be ''job''. It's has been endless tries and failures. When I'm about to give up, opportunity in Pampanga knocked.
I am a Customer Representatives Of VXI, Clark Pampanga. I started training last September 2018 and was endorsed to production 2 months after. I am working with VXiI for 8 months already (including the training & OJT) and last month, I became regular employee and was entitled with additional benefits of the company. Being in BPO industry really tested what I am and what I can offer. Before, I always thought that if you don't have any option, work on a call center and you'll be good because I always thought that being a customer representative is THAT easy. It's really true that you'll never know anything unless it happened to you. My perspective really changed when I experienced the life of our night heroes. Being part of it, I can say that BPO is not for everyone. If you have a weak heart, you can't stay that long. You'll understand what I mean if you'll experience it yourself. There's a growth in this kind of industry, if you're open with new opportunities. This really tested my patience, my understanding, my perseverance, my skills, and my strong willed personality. Everyday you'll be assisting 20-30 customers with different concerns and different personalities. Everyday you'll be needing to bring extra sack of patience and understanding so you won't be crying at the middle of your calls. It also helped me enhance my speaking skills and communications skills. It helped me to more confident while I'm about to speak and talk to anybody else. Not bad, right?
It's really tiring and exhausting yet it's still a rewarding work. Being compensated well and beung able to give back to your family WHILE buying not just what you need but also the things you WANT. That's what you'll get on this work. The capacity to spend and the opportunity to save. The drawback would be there always, of course. This work really tested my mental health. You'll get tired to the point you don't want to go to work anymore. You'll get used to it to the point you don't enjoy it anymore. You'll get sad to the point you can't do any good. YET, here comes these people who became the reason why you're still trying and staying - Hi, Team SN. My team makes my stay bearable and to that, I cannot let them down.
I don't have any regrets. That's true. To answer what you're thinking, I didn't regret working at a call center even though I have a degree. I don't regret giving this a chance. I don't regret working here. I am happy here, to be honest. It's just that, right now, I am almost about to resign. I know it would be few more months from now. Don't take me wrong, it's just that I'm happy yet I'm tired already. I can't let that happen - I'm too young to be tired. It's scary what would be my life after this, but that's life, right?
And that's it for now, that's my life update. I can go on and on but I have forever to go to share it so I'll just end this here today. Wow, I really can still write. I miss this, huh.
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marie-dufresne · 7 years
Marie-mun, you've mentioned your husband is a musician and from what I gathered (correct me if I'm wrong), he supports you and your son? I really want to pursue my music for a career but I'm scared to take that leap. You make me feel like I could do it. Any advice?
Yes, Mr. Frenchie is a musician and he is by far the breadwinner. The bacon bringer homer.
I can, and will, give you a full lowdown on how it works for us but let me just tell you right off the bat that there are some ah, extra, things that really helped drive his career along.
1. He’s a musical prodigy. It helps. A lot lol.
2. He’s a people person. Again, this helps a  l o t.
3. He went from living the bachelor life to having a new girlfriend and a babu on the way in a span of 3 months so. There was a very strong fire under his butt that motivated him. That helped a lot.
4. He plays multiple instruments {piano, guitar, bass, vocals, and organ professionally, mandolin and uke he can teach but doesn’t play out}
I also want to say before I begin that everything I’m about to say isn’t a requirement to have a career as a musician, it’s just what he does to support his family and also to give us the lifestyle we want. (we like nice things and we aren’t ashamed to admit it.) You may not have a family to support. You might not live in an area where buying a house is sensible. You might be a minimalist. Who knows, I don’t, but I’ll still do my best to help maybe clear your brains up a bit.
One thing (and most career musicians will tell you the same thing) that you need to know is there is no one-and-done as far as music goes. Unless you’re a sound engineer or schoolteacher or  something, very few “music” jobs pay a livable salary. Performance jobs especially as I imagine this is what you’re referring to.
Because there is no one-and-done, prepare to work odd hours, drive or commute otherwise a lot, and also be asked “what’s your real job”. a  l o t.  So. How to pay your bills on your music career? Here are some options for you, built out of literally everything Mr. Frenchie does. {read more for obscene length lmao}
The first and most obvious answer. For this, you will have to pay your dues. 4 hour gigs @ $50-75 a pop, bringing all of your own sound equipment and possibly playing to 4 drunks passed out on the tables. DO IT. Make friends with the bartenders. Make friends with management. Make friends even with those guys at the tables. You never know who has connections to better paying jobs. You never know.  {Mr. Frenchie has gotten jobs playing private birthday parties @ $700+ for two hours from making friends with people at shitty bars. GET IN WITH THE PEOPLE.}
This will suck at first. It will suck so hard and you will be tired, and you will probably hate the music you’re playing and if you have a s/o at home they will be annoyed and frustrated at times. It’s okay. It’s part of the job.
But here’s the thing. Don’t get stuck in these gigs. Regardless of the music you like, learn everything. Learn one hit wonders for the has-been hotties at the bar. Learn classic rock, learn country, learn the songs everyone is so fucking sick of hearing. Learn top 40 pop tunes, learn jazz standards, learn 40’s and 50’s ballads. Learn holiday music. Learn traditional music (traditional Irish tunes are what’s popular here) LEARN IT ALL.
The more songs you have in your repertoire, the more versatile you’ll be. You don’t want to get offered a gig at an elderly community brunch (sounds snoozy but trust me, those people are some of the most fun and tip well ;) ) and have to turn it down because all you know is Glam Rock and a couple U2 tunes. Trust me.
If you work at it, you will reach a point where you can turn down those $50 gigs. You’ll get to a point where you can say no to anything that doesn’t pay your minimum + bar tab & food. Though gigging is not Mr. Frenchie’s main income, he does love to do it. He rarely plays out at bars and is now doing upscale restaurants and local bay cruises instead. :)
Meeting people at gigs is a good way to get Cocktail Hour jobs at weddings as well. This is something Mr. Frenchie only does here and there as it often interferes with his salary job, but the pay is good. :)
One of the main parts of our household income. Private lessons aren’t exactly “performance” but they pay. Lessons privately (on your own, outside of a studio) will obviously pay more, but if you don’t have a name in the music industry of your area yet, I highly recommend poking around at music schools/studios looking for instructors.
Teaching is a much steadier source of income than gigs (as most bars and restaurants either rotate or “call when they need you”), but unlike gigs, it’s not for everyone. You can be a great musician and a poor teacher. This is the area where “being a people person” helps the most lol. Having a strong grasp of music theory also greatly helps in this area.
Teaching also opens windows to networking. People who put their kids in music lessons tend to be on the upper end of the pay grade (generally, not always), as it is an expensive activity. As you build a relationship with your students and thus their parents, you might find yourself hired for live music at their restaurants, cocktail hours for older children’s weddings, or of course, referrals to you as a music teacher for children of their friends. (currently Mr. Frenchie has a waiting list of parents who will not put their child with any instructor except him, but his teaching schedule is full up right now)
Musically Directing:
This one is probably one of the more difficult things to do, depending on your skill level. Musically directing local musicals is not easy or quick, but the pay is usually pretty good, and if you’re into musicals it’s a lot of fun. Of course, as you’re required to work with the full cast, you’d have to have knowledge of:
a. how musicals work
b. the show you’re musically directing
c. vocals (you’re essentially a voice coach for a large part of it)
d. conducting a pit band.
This though is the area I know the least about in regards to what he does, to be honest. All I know is that during a show I basically never see him because he’s at rehearsal 4x a week on top of everything else on this list lmao. That and his struggles with cast members who simply will not practice.
If directing doesn’t seem like your bag, musicals are always looking for pit musicians! Check in with colleges and universities for these opportunities first, as most community theaters tends to have “their people” and likely won’t hire without prior experience or “knowing a guy”.
Music Ministry:
This is our biggest loaf of bread.
This particular loaf of bread though, is definitely not for everyone. One thing to know though is that you don’t actually need to be a person of faith to acquire a music ministry job, though it um, obviously helps. It not only helps get you hired, but you’ll have a better grasp on what you’re doing as well as the reverence the Mass (or other service depending on which direction you take) deserves.
The thing about music ministry though, is if you can find a place of worship in need of a music director in the right place, you can get…
B E N E F I T S.
That’s right, my friend. Healthcare, vacation time, 401k, life insurance, the whollleeee kit and caboodle. I, of course, can only speak for the Catholic churches (as this is where Mr. Frenchie works), and even then, as he’s worked for several, only some have the financial stability to offer benefits. (though if the church has a school attached, your children can attend at reduced or 0 tuition! :D Our parish… does not have a school lmao, but he’s been offered jobs at some that do.)
Now this of course is also for the position of a music director. If you don’t qualify for this but wish to contribute in other ways (guitarist, violinist, cantor etc etc), you’ll most likely still receive a stipend, but you probably won’t be considered a “full time” employee as your responsibilities are literally just showing up and playing or singing lol.
One thing that music ministry does open the door for (especially on the off chance you’re an organist! You aren’t? Get yourself some lessons, stat), is funerals. Funerals are a really really good source of income, depending on the location, typically $125-200 per. (Again, speaking solely for Catholic funeral Masses) So if you’ve got a grasp on how a Mass works and can learn yourself some hymns, put your name in.
Music directors, of course, will get first refusal for funerals and weddings but there are a ton of times they either can’t or they’re on vacation or any other number of reasons and churches really like to keep lists of people who can fill in. If you do well, and you make connections in the ministry world, friends will refer you and your network will grow and grow. It’s also a good way to be in people’s ear in the event music director jobs open up (if you’re waiting on one) and to get offered one. :)
There was one point Mr. Frenchie was playing weekly across 3 parishes, plus College Campus Ministry on Sunday nights but we’ve finally managed to get it down to just our home parish where he is the music director, though he will take funerals from any parish that comes calling so long as there’s room in his schedule for it. 
Okay I think that’s everything. Through all this he works easily 60-90hrs/week, commuting roughly 3 hours a day on average.
Hopefully I didn’t discourage you hahahaha but I didn’t want to just say “oh yes if you work hard enough you can totally do it!!
If you’re ride or die set on having a career solely on music you’ve written, you’re definitely in for a bad time, but if you open yourself up to literally everything on your journey to promote yourself, you might find some things you really enjoy doing all while supporting yourself and kicking the starving artist trope to the curb. :)
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