#I’m so weak for him jfc
goddess-reborn · 20 days
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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fucking PRECIOUS~🎃
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karingu · 11 months
can i say something about inukik & inukag lol
For context, I’m a latecomer to this series. I just finished it last month in the year 2023. And “Did Inuyasha love Kikyo more or Kagome more?” is sort of a weird debate for me.
Because it's sort of implying that "love" could be quantified or something. Like it’s something you can point your finger at and count. But from my, ahem seasoned expertise, that’s not how it works.
So I want to look at it in a different way.
Let’s get it straight. Love is not quantifiable. Inuyasha loved both Kikyo and Kagome the best way he knew how. He was genuine about both of them. His feelings were earnest and true.
But you can’t deny his love somehow feels... different between the two of them.
So what is it? What is this difference?...
*deep breath* please bear with me I need to get this out of my system
Inuyasha loved Kikyo. But their love felt transactional.
Kikyo showed him kindness, didn't try to kill him, treated him like a normal person for once. But... she was kind of in a sad place in life. In protecting the jewel, she felt robbed of a normal life. So, she asked him one day, "Will you become human and destroy the jewel? For me?" Kind of a tall ask, but I don’t blame her. She was feeling miserable. And Inuyasha's like, "Yes, of course!"
But then she died. And got resurrected. And Inuyasha's like “well shit, now I REALLY need to do something for her. She DIED because of me.” That's really what's driving his love (is it love anymore? idk) at this point. It feels like he's chasing to pay off his debt.
That's what I mean by “transactional.”
Okay, so Inuyasha loved Kagome too. But their love felt unconditional.
Kagome also showed him kindness, didn't try to kill him, treated him like a normal person etc. just like Kikyo. But she doesn’t really need anything from Inuyasha, right. She’s content with her life and all. So... she didn't ask for anything back. She just gave kindness to him and went on her merry way. Ok ya, sometimes she gets a lil grumpy (she’s human) but she always believes in him, trusts him to do the right thing, supports him when he's weak, yada yada... and like, that's it. Inuyasha even tries to make himself look like the bad guy, steals her shards, freakin’ pushes her into the well to get her to go home (cuz he didn’t want her to get hurt anymore), but Kagome comes back HUGGING him LMAO
Kagome is giving him literally nothing but love and trust and support. Not really expecting anything in return. She just wants to see him be his best and do his best. Encourage him during hard times. Even when she sees him with Kikyo lol… Clearly it hurts her and she realizes she caught feelings (oops), but she accepts that about herself and holds on to her desire to support him through and through.
She kinda says to him, "Hey… I know my place (in relation to Kikyo), but I still want to support you. I want to see you smile and be happy. Will you let me stay by your side?"
DAMN. Inuyasha says, "You’ll stay for me?" (well, in the anime in Japanese that's what he literally says, I replayed that scene like 500 times to make sure I heard it right). And she's like ya! Let's go!
CMONNNN. His brain is probably like “NO STOP! I OWE MY LIFE TO KIKYO!” but his heart is already saying “JFC THIS GIRL. I LOVE HER.” And he wants to do everything for her, not because he's indebted to her. It's not a transaction he needs to pay up. He does it because he really wants to.
So like, people making a ruckus about “Inuyasha Loved Kikyo!!!” vs “NO INUYASHA LOVED KAGOME!!” And I’m just sitting here going, uhh. I mean y'all both right! He... loved them both? Hello? And he loved very adorably for both of them. He’s such an honest lover.
But the circumstances in which he loved each girl are totally different. 
With Kikyo, the circumstances were pretty dire. They were both deprived of something important to them. Her, a normal life. Him, just basic love and affection. They weren’t able to love each other with no strings attached bc they both still had stuff internally to deal with (her: the need to be liberated & him: insecurity). But, regardless, they shared a special bond that can’t be replaced. That’s a given.
Kagome... gave him better circumstances to love. Her love made him feel light. It felt so good and positive. She taught him a lot on what it means to trust and love someone unconditionally. He could show her all his ugly and she accepts that about him. She helped him meet lifelong friends too, Miroku, Sango, Shippo... And he really treasures her for that. They also shared a special bond that can’t be replaced, literally no one can replace bc he basically screams out loud (in the Meido) she is his soulmate. :’) suh cute
I think at the end, yeah, Kikyo might’ve got some smooches and our InuKag friends are like D: But… I’m romantic ace so maybe I see it differently, but it’s just a kiss. I never doubted that the only kiss that would truly make his eyes light up, the only kiss that could cause his entire soul to leap out of his own mouth and stun him into silence, is a kiss with Kagome. And Rumiko Takahashi did that without actually providing us a kiss scene (in the manga). 
Takahashi made me trust Inuyasha like how he and Kagome trust each other. :((((
That’s... incredible. Standing ovation character building 👏🏼
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jhuzen · 1 year
Hello! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests so feel free to just ignore this! I’m also not sure if you write for Baizhu but I was thinking of maybe m!reader and his first time doing the do but reader is so scared of hurting him the whole time because his body is so weak
gently, gently [m.reader]
alt title: ゆっくりゆっくり;i am but a horny gae man. this is pure indulgence (like any other smut that i made jfc) in behalf of the request. i guess… count this also as a ritual before i pull for the new husbando? i mean, he’s still like a good many weeks away since he’s in the second half of the bloody patch so… ye anw, i hope i delivered, my dear anon <3
𖦹 soft sex because i am feeling soft, top reader, is this me projecting? yes.
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A plethora of words come to Baizhu’s mind whenever someone would ask what kind of a lover you are. Really, you were sure that Baizhu can comb through the entire dictionary just to find an adjective and it still wouldn’t be enough. However, despite all that, what remained consistent was his constant praise of you. You are his pride and joy, after all. He was never one to shy away from boasting about you whenever he can.
You were majestic, absolutely charming, kind, clever, passionate, and the list goes on should anyone even ask about you from the famed pharmacist. Not a single person who hasn’t asked about you never knew how deeply Baizhu held his admiration and appreciation for you.
And when he can, Baizhu would most definitely show it to you physically, to make sure to leave a mark as a solid proof of his adoration for you. With every kiss, very touch, no matter how subtle or otherwise, it was something that he made sure was chockfull of love and care. And ever the charming man you are, you would leave him swooning at your equally gentle responses to his affections.
But even your hypnotic charms could never sway the fact that you tend to avoid an act that proves to be far more intimate — Baizhu quickly noticed (how could he not, when you stammered out and carefully tucked him in like a child the very first time you and him gave it a try). Though admittedly, it was rather endearing to see you make a poor attempt on finessing your way out of it, it still was concerning.
And even now as he sat comfortably on your lap, with your hands gingerly gripping his bare waist while you kissed back with fervor and hunger, Baizhu could tell the way your hands around him tensed ever so slightly whenever his hands would roam to touch the skin of your neck, down to your clavicle.
Both of you parted to take in the air that your kisses deprived you of, and Baizhu had a chance get a good look at your pretty face. His golden eyes softened behind his glasses, looking at you so tenderly that even you couldn’t help but notice and imminently melt from. You always were rendered speechless at times like these — when your beloved would drag you out to face the bliss of intimacy.
However that loving haze in your eyes was quickly flushed out the moment his nimble fingers found its way to unbutton your neatly pressed dress shirt.
Your hands flew to his, minding your strength as you smiled up at him, “It’s alright, love, I can go change on my own,” it was an incredibly weak excuse, but you’d rather that than give into your instincts at this point;
A frown tugged on Baizhu’s soft limbs and guilt quickly strapped you down, “Hey now, don’t make that face,” you cupped his cheek, flashing him a smile of solid reassurance. “I won’t be long, I promise. After that, I’m all yours.” With some limitations. Your mind gently reminded, which you so begrudgingly agreed to.
A sigh escaped through Baizhu as he looked at you with nothing but utter confusion, “I hadn’t intended to bring this up in the slightest bit, dearest, but… is there something wrong?” The sweetest concern laced his every word and it took every bit of willpower not to take him then and there. “I feel as though you have been avoiding acts of… intimacy. Though there is not a problem with that, but I think there is merit to you telling me what the problem is, yes?”
You nodded quickly, pliant and unable to resist Baizhu’s sweet coaxing. “Ah… there’s no problem, it’s just…” you trailed off, your words quickly clogging your throat.
You tore your eyes away quickly and ended up looking down, looking at the way your lover’s chest heaved, resisting the carnal urge to just tear his clothes open and ravage him. You of all people craved Baizhu’s touch, but continuously refrained because you feared having to hurt him in the middle of such an intimate act. And you’d rather not engage in it, than have your dearest boyfriend associate some form of pain in such an activity that only sought to bring pleasure.
Baizhu quickly noticed your hesitance, following your gaze as he made you look back up at him, “Just…?” He pried further.
Your hands grasped at his body, lightly squeezing his supple waist. Baizhu instinctively went closer, almost pressing himself up against you with need, “Just… I don’t want to hurt you.” You always treated him as though he was someone that could break, and you weren’t going to start now just so you can feel good. “But it doesn’t particularly bother me. I don’t mind it.”
“Oh dear, that’s what got you all twisted?” Baizhu softly tuts, cooing at you before peppering your face with tiny pecks, “Well, I don’t particularly mind either. I trust that you wouldn’t even do such a thing to me. You treat me so well, [Name]… I couldn’t even imagine a single scenario where I would get hurt in your company.”
You could slowly feel what little bit of restraint that you had on you slipping, Baizhu was willingly offering himself to you, trusting you so openly and you couldn’t even do that. No. It was your control that you never had much confidence in.
But if your lovely partner holds a far higher expectation from you, then who are you to disappoint?
Soft and quiet gasps weaseled out of Baizhu’s swollen and lightly bruised kissed lips, filling the room with delectable mewls that almost sent you into overdrive. He writhed against the plush mattress of your shared bed, grasping onto the sheets with the tightest grip that he could muster.
It felt all too good, feeling the way your long slender fingers prodding within his walls. Baizhu squirmed, but your firm yet gentle grip on the dip of his waist refrained him from running away, leaving him completely intoxicated at the sensation. He can only imagine just how much better it would feel if you finally replaced those modest fingers of yours with something far more enticing.
“H-Hah~ More, [Name], more, ” Baizhu whimpered, completely breathless as his hips jolted up when your fingers brushed up against his prostate. His knees felt weak in an instant and that look in your eyes was all the more alluring.
Your ministrations were gentle, careful, and incredibly precise. Even with the green light he had given, you still made an effort to just as cautious in the first place — you felt through the entire thing, eyes gleaming with concentration as you looked at your lover’s flushed pretty face for any form of discomfort, determined to call it off if he so much as contorts his face into a look of pain.
But even that did little to quell the needy monster that festered within you, showing you how truly desperate it was by the way every moan that echoed through the room from your lover had your cock twitching with an aching need to be enveloped by his warmth. You bit your lip in anticipation, adding in a third finger while you continued to prepare him so meticulously, handling him so gingerly that you were even remotely afraid to break him just by this.
“Just a little more, ‘Zhu,” you whispered, contained and reassuring, almost hissing in absolute delight when you felt him dig his nails into your arms, determined to keep himself still despite the waves of pleasure that you brought to him.
“Love, please,” Baizhu begs through a shaky voice, “I need you now…”
You stopped, as a look of hesitance crossed your features, “As much as I’d love to as well, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t want to—”
“You won’t,” Baizhu interjected quick, his tone leaning into desperation. With the way he clutched onto your arm, squeezing it with reassurance, and the way his golden eyes shone so earnestly, you couldn’t even muster an ounce of will to resist it. “I will tell you if it’s too much… sound good?”
You broke out in a small smile, chuckling a little, “How odd is it that when I’m supposed to be comforting you, you’re the one who does it for me instead.”
“Not too odd,” Baizhu shared the fondness with a grin before poking your forehead, “It’s how this relationship works, y’know. Now, please… I believe I’ve been waiting for far too long, hm?”
“I’ll make it worth your while then.”
A sensation of pure pleasure ran down Baizhu’s spine when you pulled your fingers out, his entrance clenching so greedily, so incredibly in need of you. You never once pegged for your beloved to be so needy in the first place, but you figured you’ve strung him along for far too long that he deserved to have his demands met even just for the night.
You shifted around as you positioned yourself in between his legs, grabbing hold of his thighs to spread them apart. He looked so delicate like this, looking at you with so much anticipation with a haze of lust swirling between those naturally coy eyes of his. You couldn’t help but squeeze his thighs a little when your gaze drifted downwards. Your lover, by all means, was not small, but the sight of him being dwarfed by you was enough to set you in motion.
You threw him a cautionary glance one last time, but all he had to do was give you a nod and a reassuring smile before finally letting yourself loose, lathering your erection a generous amount of lube. You swiftly lined yourself up within his entrance, the tip of your cock lightly brushing against his quivering entrance.
“So erotic, ‘Zhu,” you murmured, but it was loud enough for Baizhu to hear. “Now I wonder just what have you been doing before all this.” You watched as Baizhu covered his mouth with the back of his hand, looking away just a tad bit to not meet your piercing gaze, “Oh? Does that imply that you’ve done something in the first place?”
Baizhu could only shake his head in protest and denial. He could never do such a thing, not when you’re not with him, at least. But if he was being honest, you are partly to blame for making him feel so flustered in the first place.
You pressed a quick kiss on his temple, “Ready?” You whispered, sweet and considerate, and Baizhu could only meekly nod, bracing himself.
His face contorts into a mild wince the very moment you ease yourself inside him, little by little as you test the waters. But Baizhu endured the slight discomfort, his toes curling at the sheer girth that he had to take in. A quiet wail was drawn out from him, hips rolling already for more and you were far more happy to oblige.
You wrapped his legs around you and thrusted the rest of you inside, indulging in your beloved’s most delectable noises.
“So tight,” you hissed through your teeth, eyes almost rolling to the back of your head at the way Baizhu’s walls hugged your cock tight, clenching around you even tighter, ready to milk you dry for days on end. You looked at your lover, “How does it feel? Does it hurt?”
Ragged breathing was all you heard from the man underneath you before laughing a little, “Not so much…” you could only sigh as Baizhu continued to try and regain his breathing.
“Love we’ve barely started, how are you already so spent?”
“Give me some considerations, at least…” he took a big gulp of air. “I feel like you punched the air out of me.”
You snickered, brushing back his fringe away from his forehead damp with sweat before sneaking in another tender kiss, “Let’s hope that doesn’t actually come into fruition or this will never happen again.” You shifted a little, prompting your partner to squirm at the sensation.
He felt so full — stuffed to the brim with your cock and despite the initial discomfort, Baizhu found himself getting obsessed at the very feeling. There was something so alluring at the feeling of just being full of you. You truly are worth the wait. On top of that, still being so considerate of his condition? No one else can get better than you, Baizhu thinks.
The stillness was disrupted when Baizhu finally urged you to move.
You started with slow, languid thrusts, finding yourself completely entranced and mesmerized by the adorable noises that you never knew your lover was even capable of in the first place. You loved the way his gummy walls clenched around your cock, enveloping you into a warmth that can render you completely senseless. It felt good, so, so good to finally be inside him after holding back for so long, and much like you were to Baizhu, you find yourself caving into the fact that he was also worth the wait.
Caging him in, you placed your hands behind his head, cushioning it as you draped yourself over him without too much force. You needed as much contact as you could after depriving yourself from this feeling, and with the way Baizhu seemed to cave into your form, fitting in perfectly like he was molded to complement you told you he felt the same thing.
Your hips moved with a steady pace, and you relished in the strangled gasps that Baizhu would emit, his mouth conjuring the most pornographic moans, the sweetest sighs and pleas right next to your ear as you laid your head on his shoulder.
And Baizhu could only jolt with every deep thrust, his mind numbing at the feeling of you burrowed so deep inside him, hitting all the right spot.
“H-Hah… you feel so good, baby boy,” you huffed, already mouthing at the juncture of his neck, eager to bite and leave a mark.
“F-Faster, please~!”
A girlish moan squeezes out of your lover’s mouth when you quickly oblige, picking up the pace with an equally consistent deep thrusts that reached the deepest parts within him. Baizhu’s mind was muddled with a haze of pure lust with every time your cock would hit that sweet spot of his, making him clench harder, almost keeping you in place as he licked up the pleasurable feeling.
Suddenly, the intricate touches turned sloppy, haphazard in feeling. Baizhu’s trembling hands clawed into your broad back as he tried to ground himself in reality before he could even get lost in more waves of unadulterated euphoria. Tears pricked at the ends of his eyes as his weeping cock also rubbed up against your abdomen with every move you make, smearing precum on your skin.
Baizhu’s eyes screwed shut — he knows he promised to tell you when it feels too much, but surely this was an exception? He chants your name like a mantra, mixing in with his breathless pleading with every second, you hissed at his nails scratching against the skin of your back before moving even faster, throwing the one rule you’ve made with reckless abandon.
Intensity wafted within the room the room growing hotter, the delectable sinful sounds bouncing off the walls was only something Baizhu could hope not a single neighbor of yours can hear.
You thrusted with fervor, with a pace so brutal that your lover’s body shudders. Baizhu wasn’t even sure at this point if he came — far too fucked out of his mind to comprehend things, all he could do was hold onto you for dear life while you devoured him whole. Cries spilled from his mouth, antagonizing your low, pleased grunts, the bed creaked with every movement as pleasure overtook both of your senses.
“[Name]— I-I— I’m close…!” A wanton squeal interrupts Baizhu’s poor attempt at a warning the moment you took his cock in your hand, squeezing it before pumping him with a pace that could match your thrusts.
“C’mon baby,” you rasped, completely out of breath, but even that was nothing compared to Baizhu, who so desperately tried to catch up with you. “Cum for me, love. Come on.”
And your lover obliges, unable to even hold back as he arches his back up, convulsing when he came, spending himself into your hand with little to no restraint. But even he had barely any chance to catch his breath when you finally focused on your own pleasure, hand leaving his limp cock as you held his hips with a bruising grip.
Archons, poor Baizhu’s legs almost gave out the moment you reached your climax, spilling yourself inside him with the intent to fill him up to the brim.
Hah… So full… His legs soon fell from around your waist, hips still in tremors as he slowly took in the warmth your seed gave him.
The room was silent, save for both of you trying to regain your breathing and some sanity.
Your mind was clouded while you indulged in the high of your orgasm, only looking at Baizhu and how the bedside lamp in your dim room managed to illuminate his best features despite what you just did to him.
You smiled a little, reaching a hand to wipe away some sweat that dotted your lover’s forehead, “You okay?” And in just that question, in an instant the feverish monster in bed dissipated as your gentle visage entered Baizhu’s vision.
He took your hand and kissed it with an equally pleased smile, “Very much…”
The both of you basked in each other’s company as the lamp flickered through the dim room.
You dipped down and gave him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ll go get some towels.” You whispered against the corner of his lips before getting up, only to be stopped by your beloved instead.
“Maybe later…?” Baizhu pleads with an endearingly hopeful smile.
You nodded.
“…Maybe later.”
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howdoyousleep3 · 11 months
im absolutely shameless soooo this one is gonna be nice a filthy for ya
warehouse daddy and i had the day off yesterday and today (wednesday and thursday for when you open), so we kinda stuck to our separate schedules until naturally i got bored ans i started being brat/tease while he was at the gym (mama if you would please attach the pic i sent you yesterday) i was sending him pics like thoseeee and my pretty new lingerie anddddd some one sided sexting too ngl. sent him some pics playing with her, ans after i finished 😮‍💨 and when i tell you, he came back to my apartment with A Problem. mama i couldn’t even get a word out before mans had me pinned against the countertop with his hands around my ducking neck (back to th collar thing, we didn’t like the actual collar but we both like his hand around my neck, either to get my attention, keep me in the moment or when he feels like being a lil shit. it’s like i have a pavlovian response to his hands aeound my neck jfc. i get so weak im the kneeeeees)
i couldn’t even find it in me to be sassy bc mans looks me dead in eyes ans is all “peaches if you wanted to play today all you had to do was say so” PROCEED TO MAN FUCKING GIVING JT TO MEEEEE UGH
mama he was so fucking rough and meannnn 🤤🥴😮‍💨🫠 last night i was delirious with it. before we even got into it, he gave me a spanking for teasing him all day and then made me finger MYSELF AS AN APOLOGY TO HIM BC I DIDNT SEND HIM VIDEOS JUST PICTURES
mama he ate me out until i cried, i can’t tell you how many orgasms i had just from that. i didn’t think nips ans tugs at her would do it for me but apparently warehouse daddy was playing me like a fucking fiddle ok and then once i was stupid with it, he lays me across the bed and face fucks me until it’s sloppy oml and we were both a mess AND HE WASNT EVEN CLOSE TO DONE
i can’t even begin to tell you how many different positions he had me in, my tits are sore from how much he was biting, pinching and slapping them (this is a new kink of mine apparently, the sting from having my tits slapped could have me coming in seconds i swear) my poor ass mama, i’m pretty sure i have a permanent hand print oml
(oh and we said the three magical words over breakfast and had my favorite position of sex which is missionary. he had his hand around my throat and anytime i closed my eyes or looked away he would stop 🫠🫠 i love this man so much jfc, i swear he was trying to make room for himselfff ughhhhhh. the military ball is next weekend and i don’t think im ready to see him in his suit)
-🍑 the fucked out simp
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here is said pic 😈
honestly there's so much here and we've talked about this a lot but i still can't believe you said i love you 😭 our peach and her Daddy have come so far 😭 and i'm so thrilled you're being loved the way you deserve 😭
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writercole · 6 months
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Summary: Passion makes for great sex and harsh fights. And what happens when things start getting messy?
Squares: Authority Kink @anyfandomkinkbingo
Words: 1863
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Penetrative sex, fingering, sex in public, Billy Avalone
A/N: Okay this was the first one that I wrote for the collection and jfc is all I can say still.
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Friends with benefits is a dangerous slope. It’s even worse when it’s enemies with malice and jealousy. Fritz and I had been bickering since we met in the Naval Academy. There was just something about him that made me bristle every time he spoke. Or looked at me. Or breathed in my vicinity.
Things came to a head after we were paired up for a project.
“Why are you pulling info on Fighter Weapons School?” I snapped from behind my shelf of naval history books.
“It’s part of Navy history,” he shrugged. “Besides, that’s where I’m going to end up so why not find out what I’m up against?”
“Because,” I growled, “you’re not helping me on the project that we are to be graded on as a team. I will refuse to put your insufferable name on it and I will refuse to share it with you.”
“Oh sweetheart,” he cooed as he stopped in front of me. “I have ways to make you cooperate.”
“Avalone, I will slap that smirk right off of your face if you don’t get out of my space.”
“Ooh, kitty has claws,” he smirked, stepping further into my space, caging me against the bookshelves. “Gonna be hard to slap me with your hands full. Let me help you with that.” Fritz took the stack of books from my arms and dropped them onto the floor, a loud thud echoing through our corner of the library.
“What are you doing?” I hissed as I slapped my hands on his chest in an attempt to reclaim my personal space. “We’re going to get kicked out of here.”
He didn’t budge. Instead, he gathered my hands in one of his and pinned them over my head, the backs of my wrists pressing against the cool metal of the shelves. He took a step forward, claiming any space between us and pressing his body into my own.
I suppressed a shiver when his breath ghosted across my cheek as he leaned in. The way my body responded surprised me. I was far from inexperienced but never before had a display of dominance sent a ripple through me and made my knees weak.
“We won’t get kicked out,” he whispered, his lips brushing my jaw and causing me to gasp. He chuckled, the vibrations passing through my chest. “I wonder what other sounds I can get from ya.”
His lips attached to my neck, just below the shell of my ear. I tilted my head to the side automatically and whimpered, hating the needy sound that escaped my throat. Fritz tightened his grip on my wrists as he free hand landed on my hip, squeezing gently.
“Tell me to stop or I won’t hold back,” he growled.
I was torn. Billy Avalone annoyed me to no end. But no man or woman had ever elicited this response from my body. “Don’t stop, Fritz,” I panted, “please. Don’t stop.”
He exhaled, tension falling slightly from his shoulders before he captured my lips with his, kissing me roughly, pulling himself closer, dropping my hands as he pressed against me. He shoved his knee between my thighs and kicked my feet apart, spreading my legs enough to get access.
His hands wandered down my sides following the waistline of my uniform, unbuckling my belt and slipping his fingers beneath my waistband, rubbing me over my panties. A deep groan rumbled in his chest when he found me soaked already.
“It gets you that hot when someone takes control?” he taunted as he teased my folds.
“Never,” I moaned with my head tilted back, bracing myself with my hands on his shoulders.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” he tutted, “I can feel it. Is this the first time someone’s taken control?”
“Oh, then they didn’t do it right. Well, let me show you how good it can be when someone takes you apart piece by gorgeous fucking piece.”
That was it. I swear I could smell my brain short circuiting after his promise but I wasn’t sure with the way he slipped a finger inside of me and curled it along my walls, coaxing a low, drawn out moan from me.
“You are going to have to be quiet,” Fritz commanded. “If you can’t do that, I’ll have to give you something to stuff into your mouth.”
I felt my walls tighten around his finger and stretch when he added a second. A release hit me out of nowhere and my hand slapped over my mouth, whether out of respect for his orders or self-preservation because of the public location, I wasn’t sure.
“Such a good girl. Remembering to stay quiet while you soak my hand.”
I nodded my head as I panted, my hand still clamped down over my own mouth. Fritz didn’t change his pace but he shifted his palm, pressing the heel of his hand directly onto my clit and rocking back and forth, bringing me to the edge once again, my walls tightening around his two fingers before he pulled them out and stepped back, smirking as my slick glistened under the fluorescent lights.
I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled his fingers between my lips, keeping my gaze on his face as I licked and sucked them clean, delighting in the sharp intake of breath and the hard bob of his Adam’s apple. I released his wrist and allowed him to pull his fingers back, slowly, fighting the suction that kept pulling them in.
His fingertips exited my mouth with a lewd pop and he groaned, deep and rumbling from his chest, vibrating against me. I grinned at him and batted my eyelashes before pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. “Is that all, sir?” I cooed, my hands finding their way to the back of his neck.
“Not if you say it isn’t.”
My lips curled into a mischievous smirk as I dragged one hand down his chest and let my fingers brush the bulge in his pants. “I think that history can wait. Anatomy is much, much more interesting right now. Provided you have protection of course.”
“Me? Why is it always the guy’s job to have protection?” he scoffed, reaching back for his wallet despite his protestations.
“Because our prevention is oral and once a day, not every time,” I sassed, watching him rip open the foil packet as I dropped my pants and stepped out of one leg. “Besides, it’s not like I planned to be pinned against the bookshelves because you were being useless.”
“Useless?” he repeated, his eyebrows rising as his free hand gripped my jaw. “This is because you can’t keep your smart mouth shut. Maybe you’ll learn a lesson if I fuck you hard enough.
Releasing my jaw, he made quick work of freeing his cock and rolling the condom down his length. “Lift,” he said, tapping my legs.
I did as I was told, wrapping them around his waist and using the shelves as leverage as he lined up with my entrance and pressed the tip of his cock in slowly. My head tipped forward automatically, resting against his shoulder as he bottomed out.
He stilled, his hands gripping my ass as he struggled to control his breathing. “How do you want it?” he panted, his strained voice low in my ear.
“Hard and fast,” I replied as I turned my attention to his neck, nipping at the point where I could see his pulse jumping under his skin.
“Hold on.” He pulled out slowly before slamming back in, knocking the breath out of me as he set a steady, hard pace, the shelves at my back rattling in protest with every thrust.
“Close,” I whined, “so close.”
“Cum then, but be quiet,” he whispered between grunts.
I buried my face in his neck and let the release wash over me. My eyes squeezed shut and I shouted into Fritz’s skin, feeling my muscles tense up and then release, all of my weight falling onto him.
I could feel his arms begin to tremble and I lifted my mouth to his ear, letting my tongue trace a thin line along the path. “Don’t hold back, Billy. It feels so good to let go.”
He moaned and adjusted my hips, pounding into me harder and faster. He called my name as he spilled into the condom, quietly chanting in my ear. He braced one hand against the shelves and rested the other under my ass. “Good god,” he panted, his breathing shallow and labored. “If I had known that pissing you off ended this way, I’d have started sooner.”
“Like you haven’t been trying to piss me off since you met me,” I scoffed, hissing as he pulled his length out carefully and set me down.
“Maybe I’ll make sure we’re alone when I do it more.” He smirked as his eyes trailed up and down my frame while we righted our clothing.
That was three years ago now. We’d kept up the rivals with benefits thing since then, bickering publicly and ravishing one another behind closed doors.
The game made it fun. Teasing and poking at each other’s buttons around everyone else but in private, when it was just the two of us, we worshiped every inch of the other’s bodies, coaxing out prayers to gods neither of us believed in.
I won’t be coy, though. There were times the secrecy was difficult and jealousy fought its way to the forefront.
Like now.
Watching Fritz surrounded by girls laughing and giggling and touching him ignited a rage deep in my chest.
“You okay?” Fanboy asked tentatively.
“You sure? You’re crushing that bottle.”
I looked down to find the plastic water bottle in my hand completely collapsed and deformed. Throwing it on the table, I stood and stalked away from the scene in the bar, ignoring my friend calling for me.
I made it out of the door before I allowed myself to breathe again, bending in half at the side of the road and taking heaving breaths. I knew what this was when we started it but somehow, my guard came down and now -
“You okay?” I heard from behind me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I willed the bile to stop rising in my throat. Why did he have to follow me?
“I’m fine, Fritz. Go back to your girls.”
“Look, I -”
“No, I knew what this was, we both did,” I interrupted. “It had to end eventually. Better now than when we’re in too deep. I’m fine. I’m good. Just go back inside.”
“Are you -”
“I SAID I’M FINE, AVALONE!” I stood up and whirled to face him, schooling the hurt out of my eyes and willing my face and my heart to cooperate when they saw the concern on his. “You have people waiting for you inside and I have somewhere to be.”
“Can I please finish -”
“I have to go. I have a date to get ready for.” I spun around and hurried home, refusing to turn around and see if he was affected by the first lie I’d ever told him.
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stargirlfics · 1 year
I know we talk a lot about Alfred eating you out but what about when you give him a bj. Sucking him off under the desk while he’s trying to work and he’s trying to focus but your mouth feels so good. Or when he’s running errands and you tag along and blow him while he’s driving. And when you go out on a date playing footsie under the table until you two leave earlier and ride him in the backseat of the car
The way that I think about this like a crazy amount! Like the thought of getting to make Alfred weak in that way, getting to taste him!!! Please godddd
I’m planning on writing a one shot soon where reader gives him a blowjob because I can’t help myself lol the idea is just so yummy to think about
He’d struggle so hard trying to work while you’re on your knees under his desk with your throat constricting around his shaft, it’s such a turn on how quick he puts his work aside and focuses on you practically snatching his soul lmao!!!
And bestie in the car!!! Starting out by reaching over, palming him, jerking him off and waiting to see how long he keeps his cool before he simply has to pull over somewhere and let you put your mouth on him…I have to scream!
Major heart eyes for teasing him under the table at dinner! Like ugh yes wanna fog up the car windows daddy and being confined to a car makes it so that you have to be real close up against him in his lap so! Yum!
Anyways yeah I just wanna choke on his dick jfc!
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Thoughts on Across the Spiderverse:
[spoilers, sorry i cannot do this in a spoiler-free way]
first off, the opening????? i was so estatic!!!!! Gwen was one of my favorites in the previous film so the fact that we began with her???? 😍 i love
but also like, maybe it’s the fact that it is pride month or maybe it’s the type of language used during this movie but…..anyone else got like a sort of queer-coming out kind of vibe?
lemma explain, the whole dynamic between Gwen and her dad, Miles and his parents, the fact that every spiderman is on their own in their world and feel so isolated but find community and belonging in the other spider-people (which was something Miles has been craving in the start of the movie).
also, the scene where Gwen reveals herself to her dad 🥺 and it just doesn’t go well T^T and you can hear the heartbreak and the stiff acting from the dad (jfc those VAs, man 🤧 put their heart into that)
or maybe it’s just me projecting 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk Miles and Gwen are like the two character i adore and relate to so much, so that could be why i saw it that way.
also, i find it a little funny how i was originally against Miles and Gwen having a romantic subplot and now i’m like their #1 fan lmao (i blame my weak heart and the beautiful way the movie depicts their mutual pining because, bro, the pining was real lmao 😂)
me 🤝 Pavitr: sensing the romantic tension between Gwen and Miles and enjoying it
tbh, my original concern with Gwen/Miles was that i worried it would take away from their relationship and bond bc many m/f romances in movies sort make their “romance” the only thing that revolves around them (or is barely there and the girl character grows stale bc the writers/studio ppl forgot about her). but that’s not what happens here. both have their own arcs and issues and neither take away from the other and— ugh, i love this movie so much 🤧
like, oh my fucking lord, the detail and stylistic choices that i know absolutely nothing about but they did that and i just 🫠 i am in awe
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leprosycock · 8 days
ok ok I just read papillon and god. I never thought I'd be attracted to starving kink but you brought out the twisted romance of the abuse so well..... there's just something about him becoming so weak through enabling(/enforcing) by lud and also his own convincing himself that he wants it (that fucking "thank you I couldn't have done it without you " at the end!! Jfc!!) That is so alluring and erotic so thank you very much for introducing me to a new fetish I guess lol. I love your writing so much genuinely fr, honestly it's like you could make even the kinks that I hate seem appealing. So hauntingly disgustingly beautiful.
thank you so much 🥹💕💕 i’m so glad you liked it!! really the main reason why i like it so much is the idea of j surrendering complete and total control of his body and offering it entirely to lud, who abuses that control and that trust and intimacy and twists it into something impure and sick just because he’s a very, very selfish little boy whose curiosity will and does hurt those around him. it’s soooo <33 yeah i like it. i’m super pleased that that angle came across in the fic and i definitely wanna toy with the concept more!!
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londonfoginacup · 11 months
The mythological symbol of a ladder extending from Earth to heaven appeared in a dream to Jacob, son of Isaac. The icon of a cosmic stairway on which angels move up and down between the earth below and Yahweh at the top is recorded in the Hebrew bible. Within the major world religions, the image of the sky ladder is little more than a vestige of a motif that played a far more prominent role in ancient cosmologies worldwide. You don't know your bible.
(Note: religion and theology talk ahead)
Ex… Excuse me??????? I wake up to THIS?? Anon what. WHAT.
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“You don’t know your Bible” oh my god I have never felt so insulted. I don’t fall for anon bait usually but jfc you’ve found my weak spot. WHAT. Are you really trying to imply that my funny little Daylight/Late Night Talking fanart was in reference to JACOB’S LADDER?
(Screencapped like this to make it smaller)
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What. Do you think I am unaware of the theological interpretations of Jacob’s Ladder? The ladder that Jacob saw in a dream/vision while fleeing from Esau? Are you trying to make me aware of the many interpretations of Jacob’s Ladder, anon, that perhaps it’s referring to the many exiles of the Jewish people (I lean toward that one), or that it signifies the bridge between Earth and heaven (as Jacob was likely on Mount Moriah at the time), or perhaps that it’s a representation of the personal struggle with sin over a lifetime, the way one ascends and falls? Is it a representation of the covenant between God and his people? Or even the Islamic interpretation, which I do not pretend to know nearly as much about, that the ladder represents the straight and narrow path? Or, as you refer to the Bible, I assume you are looking for the common Christian interpretation where this ladder is God bridging the gap to Man, unlike when Man tried to do the opposite with the Tower of Babel, now Jesus himself is the ladder, as he himself states in John 1:50-51?
Anon. ANON. You come to ME about religion? Would you perhaps like to see the photo I took MYSELF of the Jacob’s ladder that climbs the side of the cathedral in Bath? (Trick question you can’t because I’m at work and it’s on my home computer)
Well first of all I’ll have you know that the art I made was based off of this post “second mv now where he's coming from the sky...”. Like??? I was doing art based on the symbolism of Harry’s videos. Come on. If this was a ladder ascending to the heavens, Harry would be a HELL OF A LOT HIGHER UP. PLANES FLY HIGHER THAN THAT BOY. I assume that the vision is more of him creating a separation for himself, of coming down to interact with the world and ascending back to safety. Also, if anything, I would look at the art I made and deduce a sort of princess and the pea idea from it. A stranded princess sleeping atop an offered bed while people around watch to see if she really is the princess she says she is, waiting for her to fail at the tasks given her, an audience intent on hoping she will miss the pea under her heaven-high stack of mattresses, or hoping perhaps that she’ll just fall off the ladder.
Anon. NOTHING in this art was biblical allegory. And if it was? You would be able to tell! I am not subtle with my allegories!
Perhaps you would like to read my Christmas fic Unto You in which I wrote the story of the birth of Christ as an a/b/o fic set in Victorian England where Harry is Mother Mary. IS THAT SUBTLE ENOUGH FOR YOU?
Or, actually more subtle, my Big Bang fic Through a Mirror Dimly the title of which references 1 Corinthians 13:12 “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”‬ ‭(ESV‬‬ version), in which I use that verse in reference to the darkness that Louis in that fic is living in, as someone struggling with undiagnosed OCD and whose roommate is not able to see him for who he truly is until the truth is revealed.
“little more than a vestige of a motif that played a far more prominent role in ancient cosmologies worldwide” Your attempt at pretentiousness is lost when you are not fighting a real battle. Come to me when you want to have a real conversation about the apologetic implications of Phil 1:15-18 and using biblical types as trope in fic. Then we can talk.
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frnkiebby · 1 month
He's so ":3" coded
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he really fucking is~🎃
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foxglovelullaby · 2 years
Newest hyperfixation is Cult of the Lamb and I already beat my first play through and post game and just have a couple achievement to go…. And I really need to talk about the characters and lore of this game jfc
So warning gif end game spoilers and everything in between under the cut
I really hope as more folks finish the game that people give it the in-depth and critical thinking that it’s characters deserve….
The Lamb has a ton of characterization between the lines and actions of the world around them. It very much is a Frisk and Chara situation.
Like the Lamb is prophesied and referred to as a hero character. You do not have to do any of the “bad” actions, you can literally do the whole game without sacrificing. My end count was 1 sacrifice just because a follower gave me a quest asking me to do it 😭
But like you defeat all these false gods including The One Who Waits all with the aims of protecting your followers during the process. The only followers I killed were those possessed by the false gods to try and kill me….
Like yeah you have all these shitty options to do but you can be the best leader you can in comparison to the situation
Not to mention that if you forgive The One Who Waits, he becomes a follower and you learn more about him through specialized tasks….
And his story line and how he talks about his siblings feels like there is so much unsaid and between the lines.
He was the personification of death but that does not mean he was bad to begin with. Like he talks about how cruel his sister was or how his one sibling was deathly afraid of him ((before he hurt anyone)) and how he actually talks positively about his eldest brother….
I do not feel he is free of wrong doings by a long shot, especially since he takes two cats as children to be his bodyguards or whatever…. but I feel like it’s his siblings who originally did wrong to him and then he wanted change they did not and them fighting against it, made him lash out and finally hurt them - which then they chained him up for who knows how long…
Yet he still is sentimental about them when he’s your follower and I feel he misses some of his siblings…
And like The Lamb learns all these emotions through quests for him and they bring him items from his siblings realms…..
Not to mention that all the previous crown bares were refereed to as weak or useless and we see that Ratou means well from all his actions in mentoring and aiding you
Idk I’m still digesting all the content and half asleep so this will be post for now
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pivotalmark · 10 months
*twiddles thumbs*
Just finished rw&rb.
It had its moments. I still don’t like Alex’s actor, but Henry’s was fantastic. Uma was a great choice. I wish they’d shown more of Nora and Bea, but I get it — not the point.
All in all, idk, like a 6/10. I did like the 2004 rom com feel but a lot of it was stiff and clunky and awkward. The book definitely made me feel more. Like every emotional line Alex delivered was just … flat. Every joke he said was very Disney Channel vibe. Like I know it’s the same jokes as the book, but his delivery sucked. He also showed very few emotions on his face. Henry looked like a kicked puppy and I felt for him. Alex just. Idk man he’s FLAT. Michael Cimino would have killed this role and I’m so irritated he didn’t get it. Like they had his costar play Nora so I KNOW they knew him.
I wish they’d included the true ending. Missed opportunity.
Why was the green screen so shitty? Amazon, you have money. Jfc.
Some good points, other than Henry? The settings were really nice, when green screen wasn’t involved. I liked the change of keeping Alex’s family together, though I will say it negates his fear of a relationship failing. I think the ‘first time’ scene was really sweet. I’m not sure why this film was rated R other than that scene, and even then? It was very CW smex either way. Like I’ve seen raunchier shit on Riverdale. Some of their chemistry was good (again a lot of it was awkward and forced. Idk if either actor is lgbt and that could have a LOT to do with it.)
Like I said. 6/10. I wanted more. I got choked up 2 times and it was Henry’s doing. I’m disappointed but I don’t expect a lot from Prime. It’s like when Netflix first started making their own stuff — it’s stiff and weird. I know books have more time to build and smaller details and arcs and what not. I know not to expect much of movies. But like … idk. I wanted more than 2004 hallmark. I watched it with my bff who hasn’t read it and when it was over she was just like “cute … okay, goodnight.” Like I’ve seen more reaction from her watching glee so y’all know it was weak.
Final word : WHY IS ALEX SO TALL? He’s supposed to be sHORT. like 6 inches shorter than Henry. NOT SOME BEEFY TALL MAN. Erasure.
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zalrb · 2 years
OTH 3x01 Rewatch Review
1.  I did not expect a rush of nostalgia to hit me hearing “Feeling A Moment” play in the opening scene but I’m grinning.
2. “I’ve been here alone all night!” way to be obvious, Deb.
3. the inferior ‘hi’
4. “Let’s get you home.” “Uh uh, I can’t be there alone. Will you stay with me?” Why did I see Peyton’s terrible art when she said the last part? Hahaha, I hate them so much.
6. Lucas didn’t meet Brooke at the airport with flowers, he met his mother instead, so obviously he never loved her.
7. Nothing screams 2000s like this fucking hair
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8. “It didn’t matter without you, none of it mattered without you” then why didn’t you ask him to come with you, Haley, my god.
9. At least he put her stuff in storage and didn’t throw it out or give it away.
10. “There wasn’t a moment when I was away that my heart wasn’t with you in Tree Hill”, he got into a car crash and you didn’t visit him at the hospital, Haley.
11. omg look their chemistry disappeared
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12. You match your wallpaper, Lucas
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14. “It’s always going to be there isn’t it? You and me.” This is what I’m talking about when I talk about how much I hate Peyton and Lucas, this is the STUPIDEST line, her and Nathan is always going to be there too, you and Nicki, that isn’t unique to you two. “They mean that their profound love is always going to be there” how profound could it be when this is the ridiculous dialogue they have.
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jfc i hate this show.
16. I like how all of OTH’s clothes look like they’re from Old Navy. NO BUDGET.
17. Peyton is so freaking exhausting.
18. Haley comes back to Tree Hill SO indignant and it’s laughable.
19. “There was never a day on that tour when I didn’t think you were the best part of my life”
.... are you sure? Because mans literally drove up to see you and you were like soooooooooo I think we made a mistake.
21. “There was never a night where I loved it more than I loved you” bro, you didn’t even call him regularly. I’m rewatching The Sopranos for the millionth time and Tony can call his mistress when he and his daughter make a pit stop at a gas station on her college tour but you can’t call your husband at least once a week? Girl.
22. Does Haley not know how rent works? Why would she think she could just have her apartment back when Nathan moved out?
23. I like how Brooke said she rented the apartment, YOU NEED A COSIGNER. Hell, even Nathan would’ve needed a cosigner emancipated or not, that boy has no credit, jesus christ.
24. OTH’s blatant Sunkist promotion makes me laugh every time. No one is going to drink it.
25. It is SO clear that there aren’t anything in these boxes.
26. “Hey, Mouth, nice work! Brooke gets a place of her own and you already got her in the bedroom.” Heehee slutshaming.
27. And, like, if it was one or two of these types of things then it would be like haha, in jest, but Peyton STAYS slutshaming Brooke.
28. “... a couple of those creepy ‘nobody understands me’ drawings that you do.” I love Brooke.
29.”My problem is with anybody who just vanishes and then waltzes back and expects to be instantly forgiven” and my problem is with people who say they’re someone’s best friend and then repeatedly breaks their heart by hooking up with their boyfriend.
30. Oh look, another shot of Peyton looking morose. Such a change of pace.
31. Haley begging Nathan while trying to physically connect with him and trying to get him to forgive her through sex
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is actually pretty quality angst and high key cringe at the same time, like I’m secondhand embarrassed but it’s actually one of my favourite Naley scenes because it’s realistic
32. Lmao Dan and his lack of nuance is always funny. “What you call kindness, I call weakness” OK.
33. “Six billion people--” I’m done.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
1 & 6, for the ask meme!
the character everyone gets wrong
I want to say Kakashi because i have seen so many terrible takes. Things like:
Kakashi doesn’t care about Gai (Bullshit!)
Kakashi doesn’t care about *insert Student* as much as he does about *insert other student* (he loved all his students and he genuinely tried his best but gdi he is not superman)
He’s a perv (he reads a book jfc. Man looks so disgusted whenever he’s forced to see the sexy no jutsu leave him alone)
He’s weak (will fight someone)
He’s a UwU bottom (again, will fight someone)
And so so so so SO many more.
But also, Hinata. I’ve seen so much BS about her lately that i’m tired. Having a crush and focusing on that crush once in a while does not make someone self centered or mean they don’t care about other’s. It especially doesn’t mean that when Canon shows us that she actively cares about others
which ship fans are the most annoying?
The forbidden ship. The one i want nothing to do woth. One of the many ships i want nothing to do with but who’s fan’s take personal f***ing offense if someone states they want nothing to do with their ship
Like, JFC i am friends with people who hate Kakag*i (sensored so it doesn’t end up in the tag). I have zero issue with people hating my favorite ship. Why are people who ship something that is obviously goi nd to gross some people out, so f***ing butt hurt when their ship grosses some people out!?
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princesssarcastia · 2 years
thoughts on house of the dragon and what it means to be a targaryen
i watched house of the dragon.  or, parts of it, at least.  the parts I found interesting.  the small but dedicated f/f corner of ao3—forever out here doing the necessary work—made a convincing case.  so, unfortunately, did matt smith’s involvement; i’ve enjoyed him since they heydays of doctor who and i’m not about to stop now. 
so: what this show has further convinced me of, is that the targaryens were never meant to rule.  daario naharis said it best in season 6 of got when he said:
 “you weren’t made to sit on a chair in a palace//you’re a conqueror, daenerys stormborn.”
some of the true dragons, like rhaenys, learn to fake it and live well in the civilized world.  some of them turn fucking insane and weak and abusive, like gold-crowned viserys.  some of them aren’t really dragons, like king viserys and queen aemma, who lack the hawkish nature, wildness, and ruthlessness that seem to be innate traits in most of the others.
but the ones with fire in their blood, the real dragons, like rhaenyra and daemon (and daenerys, in the end), aren’t made for sitting in chairs.  a crown is just another kind of chain, in the end, and it suits them ill.  rhaenerya says what she wants in the first episode, and frankly, i believe her:
I want to fly with you on dragon-back, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake.
rhaenerya doesn’t want the throne, in the beginning.  and from her poor political showing in the rest of the series, it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t have the skills or the drive to maintain that kind of position.  she only latches onto it because her father gives it to her (and then she gets backed into a corner by the inevitable series of events that follow).  all she wants is for her father to love her, and for her father to be happy, and when he makes her heir, in her mind he’s saying “this is how you can make me happy.  i love you.  i love you and this is how I’m choosing to show it.”  after that, any threat to that position becomes a threat to viserys’s love for her.
after that, she sets aside what she wants for herself—to live on syrax’s back with alicent, to live a life of wants fulfilled—in order to become what she believes her father wants.  in order to hang onto something that will make her miserable with her goddamn fingertips just to keep that horrible old man happy.
and she is, of course, heartrendingly similar to daemon and his love for viserys and his desire to please him at any cost.   that stupid old man had them both by the throat, and he didn’t realize it, but he also took it as nothing less than his due.  like with rhaenerya in the first episode, i’m also wont to believe daemon when he says all he wants is to protect viserys:
D: He doesn't protect you. I would.
V: From what?
D: Yourself. You're weak... Viserys. And that council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends.
Daemon love Viserys so fucking much—the only thing he loves more is rhaenerya, but even then I think it’s close.  I think if the two of them had ever come into direct conflict, it would have been a close fucking call which side daemon picked.
The positions of power Viserys gives Daemon are how Daemon measures how much his brother loves him.  Making him heir is a sign of his love, but it’s not enough; Daemon wants to protect Viserys, too.  He wants Viserys to trust him enough to defend him from all comers—something Rhaenerya later happily lets him do, btw, which is part of why their relationship (mostly) worked.  He wants someone holding his leash who isn’t afraid to let him off it, to let him be a dragon.
So, when Viserys takes away that position (takes away his love), and worse, when he sends Daemon away....it guts him.  Matt Smith’s wounded puppydog eyes remain fucking undefeated, jfc.
which brings me to another game of thrones quote, from maester aemon at castle black:
A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing.
I think Targaryens are like wild gods; immensely powerful, ill-suited to anything but what they want, and the loneliest creatures on earth without someone who understands them.  being the last of old valeyria and a cultural diaspora exacerbates this problem to intense extremes—it’s why rhaenerya and daemon bond over their shared language and converse in it so frequently when they’re alone.  the whole show is the two of them desperately going “same hat!!” with each other because there’s no one else who they feel like understand them and the fire in their blood their desperate desire for the king to love them. 
all daemon and rhaenerya needed was for viserys to love them, and for their own selves to make him happy.  but viserys is too wrapped up in the kingship, in heirs and hanging on to power that he is also ill-suited for, though for different reasons that his brother and daughter, to be what they need from him.  instead, viserys wraps them in chains and ties them to the throne, makes them want that stupid chair through the transitive property of desire.  daemon and rhaenerya want viserys to love them, viserys want to keep the throne and loves the throne and the kingship, therefore daemon and rhaenerya come to want to keep the throne.
and then he does that stupid shit will alicent.  you fucked up a perfectly good lesbian, is what you did!  Look at her, she has anxiety!  so mad about that.  it’s so selfish, and gross, and it wrecks alicent and rhaenerya permanently. 
it’s just tragedies all the way down. 
it all becomes inevitable and locked in when viserys chooses an heir over his wife, when he lets otto make rhaenerya heir, when otto decided rhaenerya will make a good placeholder for the good of the realm but then doesn’t let anyone else in on the secret fact that it’s a temporary gig, in his mind.  off to the races.  first one to kill all the others wins, and claims the terrible victory of once again being alone.
look out for part two, in which i detail the way it could all go...better. not perfect. but better.
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