#I’m not sure how to explain it
scrambledd3ggss · 9 months
I have a feeling that Alex Bailey and Hazel Levesque would be friends
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birdy-bird27 · 2 years
Man every year the Truman show ages like fine wine
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ivystitches · 2 years
do you ever not feel like a person
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comradekatara · 20 days
lok was truly so crazy for being like yeah the season 1 villain is an allegory for maoism?? except he’s literally not a communist in any meaningful way bc he never once even mentions the issue of uh. class. and season 2’s villain is ostensibly a theocrat who exploits his religious/spiritual authority to exert neocolonial control over a recently independent territory/people but all he really wants is to fuse with the personification of chaos and plunge the world into darkness for ten thousand years. and season 3’s villains are an anarchist terror cell who do have clearly defined goals and advocate for proletarian rule but also they’re fucked up little sadist freaks who love chaos and torturing teenagers. and season 4’s villain is a fascist ethnonationalist dictator and she’s gonna be the ONLY character in the entire show to mention that the ostensibly independent city state where most of the show’s plot has taken place is literally a fire nation neocolony proxy state on stolen earth kingdom land. the famously anarchist character who values independent personal freedom and hates nothing more than being told what to do and telling people what to do is now the agent of said neocolonial state in the form of being the literal chief of police. who gives a shit about her arc as an abused disabled girl who fights to assert her power and autonomy while also learning to accept her own vulnerability around the people she loves, and how that narrative might be personally meaningful to many disabled people. she’s a cop now. oh, and the firstborn son of the pacifist monk who had to fight tooth and nail to assert his values as the sole survivor of the genocide against his people is now a military general, again, for the army of said neocolonial proxy state. the kid who was orphaned as a child and grew up on the street fighting to survive another day is helplessly stupid and naive and his only purpose is to chew the scenery in increasingly less funny, more obnoxious ways. if you were expecting the even remotely coherent politics of atla, a story fundamentally about the struggle to resist imperialist violence both as a target of it and from within the imperial core while grappling with your identity and the impetus to preserve your cultural heritage in the face of genocide, then you’re shit out of luck, because that show was made in the bush era, back when liberals protesting the iraq war and implicating americans in their role in upholding imperialist agendas was acceptable. but this is the obama era, so of course you can still deport people at staggering records and drone strike civilians and worship at the altar of capitalism, as long as you remember that reinforcing the status quo through implicit violence is good as long as you’re a queer disabled brown woman!!! more woman of color chiefs of police!!! more bisexual woman ceos!!!! more indigenous war profiteers!!!! more hot girl ethnostates!!! absurd fucking show…
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redhotarsenic · 9 months
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glitter50000 · 1 year
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chrxnicdaydream · 2 months
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highfiveheroes · 6 days
the only thought on the episode i will say tonight is this: i’m really disappointed that i’m supposed to be rooting for a set of bullies.
say what you will about the bad kids, they’ve been nasty this season, with a few standouts here and there—notably fabian, who has gone out of his way to make amends and friendships with people outside of the bad kids. but hearing the way they talk about other characters? the way adaine and kristen and gorgug were straight up bullying the rat grinders in a lot of situations? not saying the rat grinders weren’t being antagonistic in their own right, and i fully understand this is a comedy show of people sitting around a table making jokes and rolling dice. but compared to how much connection i had with the bad kids in say, season one or two, when they were going out of their way to be nice to people more often than they were being straight up rude and egging people on…
idk man. something about the bad kids this season isn’t sitting right with me anymore. and i’m sad.
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sunnnfish · 5 months
Maybe I’m okay with it if Hirano never traditionally “loves” Kagi. Or anyone. Maybe it never will turn into the same kind of love Kagi feels. Kagi is nevertheless such a source of inspiration and strength and comfort to Hirano. Even if he never feels a desire to touch or get married or whatever. Maybe he does it because Kagi asks and he loves making Kagi happy most of all. He wouldn’t seek it if not asked. But Kagi is always asking. And he knows it makes Kagi happy. Does anyone see the vision. Do you understand. Maybe kagi will be okay with it if Hirano never “loves” him the same way Kagi loves him. Because he knows how Hirano works and he knows how Hirano cares. And he knows he is unique to Hirano. He knows Hirano wouldn’t do these things with anyone else. And that’s still love in its own way.
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valoale · 4 months
I need Draco Malfoy to discover ABBA
Don’t ask why I have no answers either
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bri-sonat · 1 year
hands for the women lovers. also her in the first gif is so. she’s so cute. that lil smile. i’m upset at how cute she is.
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scrambledd3ggss · 9 months
I think my dog is an autism creature
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mxtxfanatic · 7 days
Y’all think Xie Lian will ever share what happened to him pre-second banishment with Feng Xin and Mu Qing, particularly the things that happened to him after they left?
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quibbs126 · 25 days
I had a thought earlier about how, as I recall from the City of Wizards story, Moonlight is essentially the Wizards’ perfect Cookie. She’s literally what Dark Enchantress/White Lily has been striving to make. Well probably not exactly, but she’s the Wizard’s version of that, Dark Enchantress and the Witches probably have different interpretations than her. But she still is in essence, what Dark Enchantress ultimately wants
And also, of the Ovenbreak Legendaries, Dark Enchantress and Moonlight are the only two who were created by magical humans, the Witches and Wizards respectively. Well I mean we know DE was rebaked, but she still became who she is now because of the Witches, so in that sense she still counts
Like I feel like these could be the reasons why Moonlight is currently the only Ovenbreak elemental to have a part in the main story, as well as her getting a World Exploration. Narrative wise she has the most similarities to the main plot
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heyclickadee · 5 months
So, my family is rewatching Rings of Power, and since I’m the one in the family that read The Silmarillion (like a masochist), I’m the one who keeps getting asked all the questions.
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akkivee · 11 months
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