#I’m never interacting with any of the fans of this stupid game
jellophoid · 11 months
I find it so weird that people actually hate/dislike for Mia Winters at all like if i saw anyone hating Mia Winters I’d distance myself away from them because something is not right
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alexfromjersey · 11 months
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 & 𝓐𝓻𝓰𝓾𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: two months go by after the premiere of Scream 6. after not speaking for a month, Jenna finds you and has some intense news to share.
warnings: mature language, angst, fluff, mentions abortion
a/n: I'M NOT SCARED OF LIONS, AND TIGERS, AND BEARS...oh and I totally forgot that the Met was May 1 sooooo pretend it was a little bit later in the month. 3.7k words
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MAY 2023
Life has certainly skyrocketed for you after you released your vlog of the Scream 6 red carpet premiere. Everyone loved the funny moments between you and Davis and the cast appearances. The fans also noticed the interaction between you and Jenna, which blew up. You gained a lot more followers, going from 16.6k to almost 50k in a couple of weeks.
It was a tad bit overwhelming, having more eyes on you but it’s what you signed up for. You just had to adjust. 
“Chat, I got word that my special package is coming soon for the stream. I’m mad excited to show y’all this shit” You beamed. 
You sat back in your gaming chair wearing black basketball shorts and a black tank top. You had your reading glasses on because you were blind as fuck. You just finished playing the new season of Call of Duty and now you were talking to your chat for the last hour of your stream. 
Lately, you’ve noticed that you've lost focus a little bit. Ever since that night with Jenna, it replayed on your mind over and over again. The way her lips felt against yours, the sounds she let out when you pleasured her, and her beautiful body. 
You hate to admit it but you were starting to feel the actress. You’ve had your fair share of women, some that were relationships and some that were just for fun. But you never felt this way about a girl before and it kinda scared you. 
“When are you releasing new music? Whenever I can find studio time. On some real shit chat, I’ve been writing a lot more lately and I really wanna hit up the studio so anyone that can squeeze me in, DM me please” You spoke to chat. 
It didn’t help that Jenna stopped contacting you after a month and some change. You haven’t gotten any DMs, texts, or FaceTime calls in weeks. At first, you figured she was busy doing her job and she didn’t have any time to talk. A quick little text would be enough though.
But you had to remember that y’all are not together. No use of crying over spilled milk. Davis was upset when you told him.
You stupid motherfucker - again his exact words.
“I haven’t looked at my Reddit in a minute, let’s see what’s happening there,” You said and clicked to Reddit.
The first thing that popped up was a picture of you and Jenna at the restaurant. The caption said, “not Jah tryna rizz up MY WIFE!?!?”
You continued to scroll through the Reddit seeing nothing but edits of you at the premiere. There were some edits and pictures of you and Jenna with outrageous captions which made you laugh. You continued scrolling through and interacting with chat for the last fifteen minutes before getting off for the night.
Now you are bored and hungry. You threw on your slides and grabbed your accessories before leaving the apartment. You were craving a baconeggandcheese on an everything bagel from the bodega around the corner. 
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( your outfit ^ )
You got to the bodega and ordered your sandwich, grabbed a soda, and some snacks for the rest of the night. About five minutes later, your sandwich was done. You bid goodbye to everyone in the store including the cat at the register before heading back towards your apartment. However, the loud sound of a horn can be heard throughout the night air. You ignored it, thinking it was not for you, and kept walking. But the horn sounded again and a heavy-tinted black SUV pulled up next to you. You were on guard now, you thought you were about to either get got or robbed. You freed your left hand just in case, you had to pull out the tool. But then the back passenger side window rolled down and a familiar face was seen.
“Yo Hollywood, word to you was about to get got. Why you roll up on me like that?” You questioned as you relaxed seeing her face. 
“We beeped the horn twice to get your attention” Jenna replied. 
“This is New York, car horns are heard every second and can mean various things. We beep and shout out the window here” You joked.
A small smile appeared on her face for a second before she turned to someone in the vehicle with her. 
“I need to talk to you…it’s important” She mumbled loud enough for me to hear. 
“Nah I ain’t getting in shit. You ghost me for a month and then roll up on me like this. How did you find me anyway?” You questioned. 
“Davis…I called him. It took a while for him to tell me where you lived but after I expressed how important it was, he gave it to me. Look, I know we haven’t spoken in a month and there’s a reason for that. If you would just get in the car, I will explain everything” Jenna answered. 
You sighed, contemplating getting in the vehicle or not. But after a small inner battle, you walked to the back driver's side and got in the SUV. Inside the vehicle was the driver, an older woman in the passenger seat, Jenna, and a boy who looked around your age. You were highly confused about what was happening.
“Where are we going?” You asked anyone.
“Somewhere we can talk privately” Jenna answered when no one did. 
You hummed in response, you looked down at her and took in her appearance. She was dressed in Adidas pants and an oversized sweater. She had shades covering her eyes which you found odd since it was nighttime. She kept picking at the sleeves of her shirt and bouncing her leg nervously. 
A clear throat made you look away from Jenna to the unknown boy next to her. He was glaring at you and clenching and unclenching his fist. You raised an eyebrow at him before you snorted. Jenna turned to you at the sound but you didn’t spare her another glance. 
You took out your sandwich and began chowing down on it. It was getting cold and you didn’t know how long this talk was gonna take.
Shortly, you all arrived at a building, it looked like an office building. You finish your meal and throw away your trash before following everyone inside the building. You all walk to the back of a conference room. 
“Okay, so what’s this all about? Cause homeboy over there look like he wanna pop off” You said and pointed to the boy sitting next to Jenna. 
“Jahaziel, I’m Nancy, Jenna’s manager and that gentleman next to her is her friend Hudson Maverick. It’s to our newfound knowledge that, you and Ms. Ortega slept together two months ago right?” Nancy inquired.
“I don’t really put my business out on who I sleep and don’t sleep with, with strangers.” You gave a fake smile to the older woman. 
Nancy sighed and ran her hand through her hair, “Jahaziel I’m -.”
“For godsakes Nancy will you just spit it out already to this girl” Hudson interjected. 
“I don’t know how to come out with something like this Hudson. I told you Jenna should be the one talking” Nancy sighed frustrated. 
You looked back and forth between the two with agitated eyes. They were wasting your time. 
“Listen, if this is about you worrying about running around tell people that we slept together, I’m not that kind of person. I don’t go around telling people who I stick my dick in no matter if they famous or not. So if this is what everything is about, you could have just emailed me” You said and went to leave the room but a soft voice stopped you.
“I’m pregnant”
You stopped in your tracks, Hudson and Nancy quieted down. It was so silent in the conference that you can hear a pin drop in the next room. You turned around to face Jenna who stood up from the table and pulled off her sunglasses. Her eyes were red and puffy like she’s been crying for days and hadn’t gotten a lick of sleep. 
“What?” You whispered.
“Can I talk to her alone please?” Jenna asked quietly. 
Nancy and Hudson looked at each other for a second before nodding. The two got up and left the room, leaving only you and Jenna. 
Jenna stepped towards you, "I'm pregnant. I found out a few days ago when my period didn’t come on. It didn’t come on last month either but I thought it was due to the stress I was under cause it’s happened before. I haven't slept or eaten properly. All I've been doing is crying and crying, wondering how I'm going to tell you. Then I got the courage to finally tell you but then Hudson found the pregnancy test and they started bombarding me with questions."
You felt your heart pick up pace and your palms started to get sweaty. You felt like the oxygen in your body was leaving, you couldn’t breathe. You stumbled into a seat and that’s when Jenna noticed your state. 
“Hey Jahaziel, look at me, breathe okay,” Jenna said and kneeled in front of you. She placed her warm hands on your cheeks and forced you to look at her but you were too busy freaking out.
“I’m a fucking dumb ass bitch, I fucking got a big ass actress pregnant. An actress I barely even know. Do you understand how fucking insane this whole thing is? I just started this YouTube shit, I still live in an overpriced shitty-ass rat-infested apartment complex in a neighborhood where I don’t know if once I step outside I’ll get shot or not. How the fuck you not freaked out right now” You ranted.
“You don’t think I’m losing my mind? Ever since I found out, I have a fucking panic attack every time I wake up. I’m twenty years old, I just booked several movies. I don’t have any time to have a child.” Jenna exclaimed.
“Well, it seems like you getting an abortion is the only option then” You argued. 
“Don’t make that decision for me” Jenna boomed. 
“What the fuck! You just fucking said that you won’t have any time to have a child. What the fuck you gonna do Jenna? Are you gonna fucking wish the baby out of you and everything will fall into place in an instant? You fucking Harry Houdini now?” You yelled, your Bronx accent getting heavy as you shouted. 
“Oh you are just fucking hilarious, huh, your a fucking comedian” Jenna growled.
“You not saying what you want to do! You say you don’t have time for a child then when I say abortion is the only option, you fucking lash out at me.” You roared. 
“Because I don’t want to get an abortion, I want to keep the baby!” Jenna belted. You looked at her face properly now and saw tears were now falling freely down her face. You closed your eyes and take a deep breath in, holding it for ten seconds, before releasing it. You repeated this process a couple of times before you felt yourself calm down. It was a technique the Marines taught you while you were in service, it came in handy most times. 
“I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Being a mom was something I knew I wanted to experience. Having a little mini-me running around with my and my partner’s personality. The experience came a lot earlier than I expected and not the ideal way but I have the chance and I’m not passing it despite what I said because I’ll figure it out. I always figure it out” Jenna confessed. 
She then pulled out a folded Manila envelope and slid it toward you. 
“So if you don’t want anything to do with me and the baby, you can sign your rights away. Nancy’s number is on that business card and she’ll come pick up the papers in the morning” Jenna continued. 
She then got up and walked out of the room.
“Jenna” You called out but she was long gone out of the room with her people following her. 
You sighed and rubbed your hands down your face, extremely stressed out. 
Honestly, you didn’t know what you wanted to do. You never thought about being a parent, especially after the way your father up and left you, your Mom, and your older brother years ago. You never gave parenthood a thought. You needed a second opinion and a blunt.
It was now 2 in the morning, you sat on your fire escape looking down at the streets with the papers in your hand. You just finished your second blunt of the night to help with the racing thoughts but it only increased it. You kept staring at the signature on the paper, wanting to write your name but not wanting to also. 
“You stress anymore, you gon’ pop a blood vessel” Davis said as he stepped out onto your fire escape. 
Once you found a way back home, you immediately called Davis and told him everything that happened. He told you as soon as he finished with his project, he was rushing over. 
“I feel like I’m about to have an aneurysm,” You said. 
“I would be too if I was in your position. This shit is a mess” Davis stated and took the papers from your clenched hand. He looked over it and exhaled deeply. “So you sign this and all your rights are taken away. No seeing the baby. Nothing?”
“Nothing. I won’t have a say in anything, can’t see them. I’ll literally just be the sperm donor” You said. 
“Is that what you really want? To be known as the sperm donor. You realize that she’s a mega actress and once the news gets out, it ain’t gon’ be long til people figure who the other parent is” Davis stated. 
“I don’t know what I fucking want. A part of me is ecstatic that I have a child on the way.” You exclaimed. 
“What about the other part?” Davis questioned.
You sat in the chair with cloudy eyes. Once Davis got a look at your expression, he immediately realized what this was all about. 
“Your father. You don’t want to end up like him” Davis nodded. 
“It’s been six years and that motherfucker still finds a way to haunt me. It’s pathetic” You scoffed. 
“No, it's human. Jah, he is your father-”
“Was. That bitch ass motherfucker ain’t shit to me now” You seethed. 
Davis sighed, “Either way, who said you was gonna end up like him. You plan on signing those papers and ditching your child? That ain’t you.”
You looked down at your hands, finding them more interesting. 
“Look, all those feelings you feeling right now…is that how you want your child to feel about you when they grow up. That you ain’t nothing but a bitch ass motherfucker?” Davis questioned. 
You took in your best friend’s words. “Look I know this whole situation is unconventional but you have to own up to it. You and I both know for a fact that you don’t want to sign these papers. You want to be in your child’s life. So stop being a fucking idiot, rip up those papers, and apologize to Jenna.”
Suddenly, the alarm on Davis’ phone starts to blare. You checked the time and saw that it was almost 3 o’clock now. 
“I have to get some rest for tomorrow. But on some real shit Jah, really think about what you want” Davis added before disappearing inside your apartment. 
Once again, you were left alone on the fire escape with nothing but your thoughts and the occasional crackhead shouts. You looked down at the papers again before shoving them back into the envelope and heading inside for the night.
The next morning, you were up and ready. You only got like an hour of sleep but that hour of sleep gave you a mindset. You texted the number on the business card and finesse your way to getting information about where Jenna was going to be today. She had a fitting for her Met Gala dress at the moment at a studio Downtown, so that’s where you were. You parked your car and paid the meter before heading inside the studio where she would be.
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(your outfit for today ^ )
You texted the number that you were downstairs with the papers. After waiting for about ten minutes, you expected to see Nancy but Hudson came downstairs. 
“Jahazel or whatever you name is…” Hudson greeted with no emotion. He held his hand out, waiting for the papers but you never put them in his hands.
“Firstly it’s Jahaziel and secondly, I know I’m probably the last person she wants to see right now and I don’t want to mess up anything she’s doing right now. But can I talk to her please?” You pleaded.
“Absolutely not. Not after what you said to her yesterday, I’m not letting a hoodlum like you step near her again. You ruined enough for her already” Hudson hissed. 
“Who you calling a hoodlum skinny Fred Jones” You questioned offended. Hudson attempted to grab the papers from your hand but you moved them away. The move made his whole face start to turn red from anger. 
“Give me the papers before I call the cops on you” Hudson threatened.
“Call the fucking cops pussy” You snapped and stepped towards him. Before either of you can lay a hand on one another, a brolic man stepped in between y’all. You recognized that it was Big L and he was pulling you away from Hudson while another security guard stood next to him.
“I need you to calm down” Big L’s rough voice ordered. 
“Alright, alright I’m calm” You grumbled and pulled your arm from him.
“Listen, meet in the back alley in ten minutes” Big L instructed in a tone that only you and him can hear.
“Big L…my man you attractive and all but I don’t swing that way” You joked.
Big L rolled his eyes, “I’ll take you to see Jenna.”
“Oh, that makes more sense. I thought you were about to suggest something to me” You lightly chuckled. 
Big L just looked at you with a neutral expression before walking away toward Hudson.
“Damn not even a little giggle?” You pouted as you left the building. 
You waited in your car for ten minutes before going into the back alley like Big L said. He was waiting for you at the door and motioned for you to speed up. He then took you through various rooms and floors. By the 10th floor, your legs were jelly.
“Aye yo, Black Panther why didn’t we take the elevators? I’m not that fit like you. I’m skinny fit I was born with abs I didn’t work for these like you did” You complained out of breath.
“Because Hudson told every guard in the building to have you arrested for trespassing if they spot you” Big L answered.
“Is it really that serious though, you would think I be fucking aggressively stalking Jenna” You huffed and walked up another flight of stairs.
“Hudson has always been overprotective of Jenna, ever since he started working for her last year” Big L commented.
“Overprotective? For what reason?” You asked.
“Don’t know. I don’t get paid to ask unnecessary questions” Big L replied. 
You hummed in response and walked up another two flights of stairs before Big L opened the door to the 13th floor. Big L checked to make sure no guard was in the vicinity before he motioned you to follow him. You felt like you were on a James Bond stealth mission, it was exciting. He took you to the last door on the floor before knocking. 
“Ms. Ortega, Nancy will like to come in” Big L said.
“Okay, send her in” Jenna spoke after a moment. 
That was your queue to enter the room. You closed the door behind me and took in that you were in an open floor room with racks of clothes against the windows. It smelt expensive as fuck in the room.
“What are you doing here?” Jenna’s voice brought you back to reality. She was standing in front of you with a familiar flannel on. It was buttoned to cover her chest area but unbuttoned around her stomach area. Through a tiny gap, you can see her belly protruding a little.
“I…uh wanted to talk to you” You spoke. 
Jenna scoffed, “I think you spoke enough last night.” She walked away from you and into a different room.
“Wait, look I apologize for the way I reacted last night. It’s sincere too cause people from New York don’t apologize” You stated. 
“If you came here to be a comedian, you can go Jahaziel” Jenna grumbled. 
You sighed, you have to be serious. You can see that she’s stressed and not in the mood for jokes so you had to be serious. You walked up behind her and grabbed her shoulders. At first, she shrugged you off but you placed your hands there again and more firm. You turned her around to face you.
“Real shit, I’m sorry Jenna. For everything last night, you didn’t deserve me talking to you like that. Truth be told, I was mad scared when you told me that you are pregnant. My father up and left my family when I was 15 and it left some deep wounds in me. When I was younger I aspired to grow up, get married, have a family, and have a love like my Ma and Father did but then he left without saying a word and it tainted that aspiration. I got scared because I didn’t want to be like him” You explained to the shorter girl. 
“You could have told me that. I would've understood completely” Jenna mumbled.
“I know and I should’ve but I’m not really good at explaining my feelings.” You responded. 
Jenna glanced at the envelope in your hand, “I’m guessing you made your decision.”
“Yeah, I did” You replied and ripped the envelope in half. Jenna gave you a surprised look. “Look, me and you made this baby together even though we ain’t in a relationship…yet. I don’t want to be like my father. I also don’t want you to do this by yourself. Our baby, our responsibility. I’m with you to the end Hollywood” You smiled and stuck your hand out.
She looked down and chuckled before shaking your hand. The two of you looked into each other’s eyes and never stopped. The room felt hotter and your hand was still holding hers. Suddenly, Jenna took your hand and placed it on her small belly. 
“Til the end NYC” Jenna smiled.
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23
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what-even-is-thiss · 20 days
I’m thinking about starfield again because I haven’t had the desire to redownload it and try another playthrough. And that’s weird. Because I replay games to death. That’s basically how I consume video games. I only play a few and I replay them until I know them inside and out and then put them down until I pick them up again a few weeks or months later. It’s very rare that I don’t want to replay a game that I’ve spent a lot of time with.
I think reflecting on it if they ever make a sequel to starfield they need to commit to one thing. Just any one thing. Just pick a thing to commit to. Commit to something.
It’s like starfield doesn’t want to commit and go all the way with any one thing. Starfield isn’t saying anything. Like even more so than usual with Bethesda games.
Like why am I collecting all of these artifacts? Why am I going to the next universe? Why am I helping any of these people in this city with very few named NPCs? Why am I cataloguing all of these plants and animals? Why are these gigantic procedurally generated environments here if there’s nothing to do in them?
Bethesda was trying to make it no man’s sky and a Bethesda game and not be weird or controversial in any way. What? This is the same studio that made giant radioactive bipedal alligators native only to one amusement park.
You know the terror of coming across Swan emerging from the lake for the first time in Fallout 4? You know that oh crap moment when you realize you can kill Astrid in Skyrim? I had zero moments like that playing starfield.
They should’ve done way more with the faction they created that was a bunch of murderous zealots worshiping a giant snake. Freaky fictional cults are Bethesda’s bread and butter. They’re very good at making comically evil cults and parodies of religious extremists.
Where’s the famous lines everyone is quoting from starfield? I’ve found none. No “I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow in the knee” no “I’ve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you” no “war never changes”
Perhaps the most memorable NPC interaction in Starfield is a) optional based on a box you check at the beginning of the game and b) Is a freaking reference to Oblivion. A game from 2006 with better writing. I’m of course talking about the adoring fan. That entire thing is a tribute to and almost carbon copy of the oblivion character and it’s the only fun NPC interaction I can remember from Starfield.
Like starfield doesn’t say anything. It doesn’t add anything. It’s not even uniquely bad. It’s just there. It’s not even an exploration game. Everywhere you go has already been settled. There’s random abandoned research stations and pirate outposts everywhere. Constellation aren’t explorers. The cataloguing you do with your scanner means nothing.
Starfield needs a direction. It needs to commit. It needs something on par with deathclaws. It needs to establish an antagonist that’s worth revisiting or being a major world event in the history of this world. The star born are just stupid to me. Just people trying to collect a bunch of rocks and go to another universe again and again and again so they can get dragon shouts or something. They’re lame. They’re disorganized. Picking sides between their different philosophies has no tangible impact on the world.
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etincelleart · 3 months
Hey, I have a stupid question in terms of fandoms, if that’s okay with you? Is it weird if you get obsessed with one series, but never got around to see or go through the series? I remember being told that I tend to hyper fixate on things, in which I either see a series or a character that I get obsessed with, in which I either gave the series a shot or not. I recall with a couple of series, such as RWBY where I became a huge fan of Penny, but I never watched the show and thought about watching. But in the end, I chose not to watch through the series, but did gain a couple of ideas when researching the RWBY series for my OCs. Another example was with Vox and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, but unlike Penny and RWBY, I gave Hazbin a shot and became a fan after going through the first two episodes (which I still need to watch the rest of the series haha.)
I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m rambling, but that was kind of how I was feeling when it comes to fandoms and characters lately, ya know?
I'd say it's your way to enjoy things and there's nothing wrong about it, maybe you just like characters and to develop them on your own and not knowing the canon story and elements is fine, honestly this is a fun concept aha
Most people like characters from stories they like for sure, but if you like a character before even knowing the story it's okay to enjoy them and just do your things in your corner, and maybe if you want youcan check the story later
To me that's kinda like when I fell in love with Ori and the Blind Forest OST, I listened to this soundtrack for years before actually play the game, and it made me like it even more aha
You can like characters for various reasons before you actually get to know the story, the lore... Penny for example has an amazing design and vibes, and I can totally see how you could like her without knowing her
I remember when I watched V8 I did a couple of fanarts of her but it never got as much audience as I got during V9, but during V8 I was also mostly enjoying it on my side and checking images and screenshots on Tumblr without interacting much with others. No matter if you know the story or not, you can also totally do your thing in your corner and you don't have to interact with a fandom
(pretty funny but these terms of "fandom" and all were pretty vague and unknown to me not so long ago and I still hate that word and I also hate the word "content" and all, to me it always has been a community/group of people who like the same thing but idk I just imagine it as a crowd of people chilling together instead of a closed and specific group with specific rules)
I dont know where I'mgoing with that but yeah. In any case as long as you're having fun on your side, it's all ok :)
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prismaticpichu · 6 months
Hiya! howabout zack, 6, 13, and 17 for the character ask game?
You got it!!!
What's something you have in common with this character? ~ Hmmmm that actually got me thinking really deep lmao! Zack’s so interesting in the sense that his personality does a shift a bit, or at least that sunshine-bright sense of optimism and pep does eventually wane into more of a jadedness. However, he never stops being kind- and if his last encounter with Genesis proves anything, it’s that he does not give up on people. I’d like to think I have that same faith in others. I genuinely believe that anyone can change for the better. You can be the nastiest soul, the biggest and most toxic bully. But no one is permanently locked in that personality- at least to me. That kinda mindset I think me and the pupper would share <33
Oh! And I’ve been called a puppy before cause of my lazy eyes xD
What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? - Ok ok ok so a stupid little headcanon I have is that when Zack is being stubborn with Angeal or Sephiroth- people who are older than him- and they are having some kinda discussion through text, he will simply send an emoji of a dinosaur as a comeback to mock their age. Nothing more, no words. Just a picture of a brontosaurus that overrides any argument.
Kinda like
Angeal: Zack! I’m not kidding! Come down to the training room right this instant.
Zack: 🦕
What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with? ~ Okie doke, so to be completely real I do not ship him with anyone but Aerith xD I’m really not into romance, so his canonical relationship works best for me! <3 In other words lol, I’m not really a huge fan of anything but Zack & Aerith lol- and YES I’m talking under a romantic light bc as y’all know I adore Zack & Sephiroth, but just as platonic buds! So, with that said, I guess the answer to this question would ZackSeph?? xDD Like in a hypothetical situation if the only way for these two to interact was romantically, then I’d take it. I would just prefer for it to stay in the green!
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azazraelz · 1 year
Lucky Number Seven
Wooo first post! Anyways, I couldn’t find any fan fiction of Ghost x male reader that appealed to what I wanted and were long enough, so I’m making my own. Your name that your character goes by at first is Angel, you will find out why later in the story. This will be an ongoing fic so I’ll update as often as I can. This is an informational post as well as the start to the story. You join task force 141 at the beginning of the campaign. You are a special operations soldier from the marines, trained in hand to hand combat as a teen. This isn’t going to follow the story of the campaign though, rather some side missions and stories that aren’t in the game. People just call you Seven (that’s your code name). Every chapter will have a trigger warning pertaining to what shows, whether it be violence, cursing, anything along those lines. Darker topics will be in red. This is for male/masc readers only so please so she/her or she/theys interact with this. So anyways, on with the fic!!
TW: death, cursing, somewhat extreme(?) violence, suicide (not super detailed but still there)
Part 1
Always simple, stupid, too naive, that’s what they always said. My lack of street smarts always causes trouble for my adoptive family, yet they still love me. Though I don’t think this time they’re going to forgive my mistakes. I should have known to stay away from those men, the biggest gang in my small town of mostly Hispanic families, but I didn’t. I couldn’t tell! They were so kind, took me in and said they would protect me, for a cost. I said I couldn’t pay it and thanked them for the offer. They didn’t take it lightly.
The blood, there was so much blood. I never knew how much of it there was in his body. I didn’t realize how fast it flows, how hard it is to stop it once it starts to come out of places it shouldn’t. When he told me to come to his side, I didn’t know that would be where he says his last words. My brother, my favorite person, he died in my arms while telling ME everything is ok. I couldn’t do anything to stop it, the gunfire wouldn’t cease and I had no escape. I tried pulling him to safety before he passed, but was yanked away from him before I could start dragging him. The military. I screamed, cried, tried to pull away, anything to get back to my brothers body, I couldn’t just leave him there. Well they had other plans.
When I was finally safe, I couldn’t bring myself to return to my family. So I ran away. Spent my days hiding and keeping active, only traveling at night. Something changed in me that night, for the better. I became wiser, grew the fuck up and acted my age instead of the sheltered child I was. I turned to parties for entertainment and social time during the night, and eventually found an off the books job at the ripe age of 17. Then that’s when I met him, a marines recruiter. He told me to come to him when I’m 18 if I’m interested in joining, and that’s exactly what I did. My name is Angel, no longer is it y/n. I don my mask to hide my identity, and I put up my walls. Cliche? Maybe, but I refuse to let myself get close to anyone, because eventually they will die, and they will not be my problem.
“Angel…Soap, keep your head in the game, this is a capture or kill. We need Almagro alive for questioning but his gang will do anything for him, they will aim to kill. You have kill rights if need be, but avoid it if possible, now move.” Ghost’s commanding voice rips through the silence of the aircraft carrying the three men towards their destination, only stopping to let them out before taking off. The cover of night and the fog keep the aircraft out of sight, for now, but there’s no telling if that will be the case if they need air support. Angel follows behind Soap and Ghost, watching behind them through the thick fog to make sure no one sneaks up on them, only turning his attention away when his shoulder is grabbed by Soap.
“Be careful, these guys don’t mess around.” His thick accent making him slightly grin under his mask. Angel has been with task force 141 for about a month now and has gotten pretty close with Soap and Price, he even started getting to know Alejandro, bonding over their common knowledge of Spanish. The sound of the door creaking open pulls him away from his thoughts and he pulls his gun back up, being the first one to enter the building. It’s a warehouse but it feels like a maze with how much stuff it has in it.
“Take a look at this, drugs, guns, and money.” Angel points into a small room while whispering. He’s noticing everything is quiet, too quiet. That’s when he finds it. A room with four chairs in a circle facing each other, dripping with coagulated blood. The smell of iron is so strong it stings his eyes. He walks further into the dark room, his boots hitting against something soft on the floor, and when he looks down, his expression softens for only a moment. A body with a piece of paper on it. He looks back to see if Soap or Ghost are there before picking up the note.
“It’s all in Chinese, I don’t speak-“ A sharp pain in his spine causing Angel to let out a cry of pain before he’s yanked by his hair and tossed to the ground. He was kicked in the back by someone much stronger than he. He tries to shoot but the weapon is pulled out of his hands, luckily he took Ghost’s advice and carries multiple knives on him. The assailant gets on top of him, reaching for his throat, but Angel is faster. He grabs a knife and stabs it through the man’s hand before trying to shove him off, the man wailing in pain before walloping punch after punch onto Angel. He does his best to block them but a few connect with his face and ribs. An abrupt searing pain in his upper arm causes him to let out his own scream of pain which finally alerts his teammates. Ghost and Soap rush into the room, Ghost taking the man out with a M9 pistol before the two approach Angel who has sat up, holding his hand to the knife sticking out of his upper arm.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Let’s just check who that was and get out of here.” Angel says before yanking the knife out to the protests of his two teammates. Soap seems concerned but listens, checking out who the attacker was. Not Almagro. While Soap and Ghost discuss further plans, Angel wraps the wound up with a bandana he had in his pocket before standing up, stumbling. His vision fades out but he doesn’t collapse, he stays standing. Shaking it off, Angel walks with the two, scouring each room until they find who they were searching for, taking him into custody and escorting him back to the plane that brought them here. It’s still awfully quiet, but they aren’t going to complain if things are going right. Angel slowly trudges along, slowly falling behind the two. He’s lost a lot of blood already and is turning pale, but he continues on until they get back. Once they’re in the plane, he sits down and immediately loses consciousness, only rousing to the sound of the plane landing. Surprisingly, Ghost helps Angel up and brings him to the medic, but he doesn’t leave right away. Ghost stays in the doorway, watching, waiting, making sure everything goes right and only leaving when forcibly removed. Angel was too hopped up on painkillers to even notice the worried look in Ghosts eyes as he walked away.
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palmofafreezinghand · 2 years
⭐ director's cut of anything you want, please! ⭐
Thank you so much for the ask @the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis apologies for the belated response, this is such a fun game!
Doing this for “a father’s precautions” because I’m not going to force you to sit through carlesme analysis when billy and charlie are right there 💖
cw: slight analysis of canonical depression and suicide ideation
“When Billy Black received a call from a man he’d never met; and frankly thought the walking corpse was something made up by his grandfather to make him eat his vegetables, he prepared for everything… but this.” 
I hate this line in Midnight Sun, hate it, but it’s crucial to Billy’s character (and Carlisle’s).  He’s told his son, the only family member he has left at that point, will one day be stolen of all autonomy and choice and there’s nothing he can do about it, and he knows what it feels like to lose all choice. While he couldn’t tell Jacob directly he could worry and worry he did. He, however, didn’t think he’d ever have to worry for Charlie. Which (in my mind) is why he fights so hard to make Bella breakup with Edward before he kills her. And then New Moon happens and everything in Billy Black’s life is falling completely apart. 
“Charlie had shown up with the safe for the first time in the middle of a storm, a less than two-week-old Bella in the backseat. Sarah rocked her to sleep as Billy helped take up enough carpet to reach the subfloor. ‘It’s a rough transition, all you can do is be there for her. Help her, protect her.’”
I have a little headcanon that Renee struggled in the postpartum period before deciding to leave Charlie (I think there’s arguments for this in canon) which I use to justify why Bella is a touch detached from Renesmee once she’s born. 
 “It was a well-known fact he wasn’t Renee’s number-one fan, no one that knew her was”
I think Billy had to really bite his tongue when Renee and Charlie eloped. I also think the only reason Billy held his tongue is because Sue threatened to cut it out. That whole group hated Renee but figured, hoped, it was nothing more than a fling so they never said anything besides snide comments until Charlie showed up with a gold band on his finger. (This commentary, and subconscious knowing he was making a mistake, was why Charlie hid his marriage until the ink was dry). 
Those one off comments is seen in the moment leading up to this line: 
“Says ‘she’s just a kid. Kids do these kinds of things.’ Thinks it all just work out, it did for her after all,” Charlie said, kicking at the corner of the beige carpet. It was the first time in weeks Billy had heard any emotion in his friend’s voice. 
“Glad to see she hasn’t changed a bit,” Billy muttered.
“Or maybe, she was her father’s kid. The man who stole Billy’s fishing boat in the dead of night to do something stupid. The man Billy had rocked as he wailed his lungs out in the middle of the ocean. The man who had a large part of him die when Renee closed that door.”
There’s a deleted line in the New Moon script that I know exists but I can’t find at this moment where Charlie talks about going to a really dark place when Renee left — this was the best way I could figure out how to represent that and also have a big enough event to trigger Billy into putting such strict restrictions on his best friend. (This incident is in the multi-chapter Thing about them and is a huge moment in their relationship). 
“You don’t have to lie to me, we’ve done this before.” Billy’s hand softly landed on Charlie’s arm. 
“I’m fine. Thanks, Bill.” 
I don’t have any commentary besides this interaction (while I wrote it) lives in my head rent free. Also Charlie is the only one who can call Billy Bill. 
“You want to stay for a beer? I bought a fresh pack of Ballantines, I could call Harry. We could watch a game,” Billy offered. He’d bought the beer three weeks ago, the six-pack collecting dust as it waited for Charlie. Billy didn’t drink but if he did it wouldn’t be Ballantine. But Charlie hadn’t come by and the beer sat undrunk, the game unwatched. 
Canonically Charlie drinks Rainer, I however am a Frasier stan through and through and associated Martin Crane, retired cop and dad trying his best but coming up short most of the time, with Charlie’s drinking habits. The Billy not drinking is a headcanon of mine in ‘grief in a glass’ and have just stuck with. 
 Billy flipped the porch light on. Perhaps Charlie wouldn’t admit it just yet but one night he would need a life preserver and the porch light would be on, it always had been. 
This is a headcanon I established in a different Billy-centric piece, ‘grief in a glass’,  where he leaves the porch light on for Sue after Harry’s funeral for days until she joins him for a drink.
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dokidoki-muffin · 2 years
Which fandoms are you on? Any game ones?
Puhaaa!!! 😆 That’s a surprisingly difficult one.. The list is waaaay too long and changing constantly 😅 Plus, I’m an old woman so I’ve been watching/reading stuff for a looooooong time already… So I tend to forget and usually draw blanks when I’m asked to write lists.. pls send help 🤣🙈
Also.. I hope it doesn’t sound weird, but I actually enjoy a lot of media without truly considering myself an active part of “the fandom” 🤔like.. in a sense that I don’t always necessarily feel the urge to interact and/or create fan content, even though I like something a lot. This is even more a thing in particular when it comes to tickle art!! Let’s just say my decision whether I want to create something is very private and individual in a way 🤔 It has to feel right for me if that makes sense. So this list will contain things I might never consider drawing for 😅
Okeeeeee 🙈🙈🙈 Sorry for the ramble on such a “short and simple” ask!!! I have a talent for making things complicated 🤣 Honestly, I suck at this… 😩🙈 But somehow I felt the need to clarify before I get into it 🙃🙃
EDIT!!! I made a tiny update to the list and added a colour code!!
Green: I usually feel comfortable with creating art for these fandoms.
Orange: I might create art for them but it strongly depends on the scenario and/or characters.
Red: Just no ^^ For personal reasons.
NOW! For the actual list! 🤣👇👇👇👇 (Yaaay)
It’s probably not truly a “fandom” list but more an excerpt of old and new personal favourites of mine 💪
19 Days
91 Days  (omg this looks so stupid listed like this, but this is neither a typo nor a joke 🤣🤣🙈)
ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
Akatsuki no Yona
Bananafish (old manga reader here 😭👋)
Black Lagoon
Candidate for Goddess
Cowboy Bebop
Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! 😂
Detective Conan (yes I still read/watch that 😂💪 I’m more or less up to date)
Digimon (childhood memories go brrr)
Ergo Proxy
Given 💖✨🎵
Ghibli movies 💖
Grand Blue (not Fantasy! The other one.. the stupid one 🤣 👌👌👌)
Great Pretender
Gurren Lagann
Hajime no Ippo
Initial D
Kuroko no Basuke
Madoka Magica
Makoto Shinkai Movies ✨🌈
Most manga by Ogeretsu Tanaka (as you might have guessed 😂🙈)
Orange (if you really really wanna cry, watch this 😭😭😭)
Ore Monogatari (So! Adorable! 😤💖 Fight me!)
Pokémon (been there since day 1 you could say 😂😂😂🙈)
Rage of Bahamut
Several manga by Rihito Takarai
Rose of Versailles
Run with the Wind
Rurouni Kenshin (including the live action movies! ✨)
Spy x Family
Sword Art Online
Sword of the Stranger
Tamen De Gushi
Umibe no Etranger
Vampire Hunter D
Vinland Saga
Wotakoi!! (Seriously! I’ve never felt so attacked yet represented by an anime 😤💖)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (At least as long as Atem was still there XD And Jesus…. I still know how to play the game, but at some point I lost track of all the new cards with their crazy effects so I couldn’t build a decent deck to save my life.. so rip 😂🙈)
Yuri on Ice 💖
Yuru Camp (Most wholesome thing ever!!!! Change my mind 😤💖)
Animal Crossing (I play it like a cat lady happily cultivating my island in precious solitude 🤣🤣)
Ace Attorney (various titles)
Final Fantasy (esp. FFXV)
F1 (2021-2022 🤣🤣 Just time trials for fun on the weekends)
Legend of Zelda (various titles)
Mario Kart (lololo is that even a “fandom”? But I’m actually not bad at this game ^^ I even won two tournaments at big LAN parties a few years back 🤣💪)
Pokémon (various titles)
Yakuza (I LOVE this series!!!! 💖💪🔥)
Ok.. this list feels random af 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm certain that I forgot super important stuff, I swear 😩🙈
And I probably even screwed up the alphabet at some point 😆
Ofc I watched the usual popular Shonen stuff as well, but I won't put all of these to the list since I’m not that invested anymore (stuff like One Piece, Naruto, etc. etc.)
Sooo... I have no idea if this is what you hoped for anon 😅
If you still want to specifically know if I like a certain anime, manga, game, movie etc etc, (that might now not be in the list) just ask away!
But anyway! 😆
There you go!!
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dovahkiin796 · 2 years
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Since Shadow can’t compensate with guns and curse words. He’ll instead compensate with a big ass truck. Bet any of you he was blasting either Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, or Skillet while driving at high speeds.
Sonic: Shadow! Good timing!
Shadow: SHUT. UP! You forgot to record the season finale of Ember’s Cooking Hour.
Sonic: Really?! We’re in the middle of a zombie outbreak!
Shadow: The only outbreak I see is your face after my fist meets with it. You know baking helps me relieve stress after a long day of brooding.
(I could honestly come up with lots of skits with these four comic panels alone. But alright, time to get somewhat serious.)
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Ok, this is something that has been really bothering me since Shadow first appeared in Windmill Village. His strange obsession to kill Eggman at all costs. Where did this even come from? Shadow acts like Dr. Eggman personally affected him when in truth. No, he hasn’t! The two barely interact after SA2 and who the hell knows if Shadow and Eggman ever had direct interactions during Shadow the Hedgehog. After 06 Shadow vanishes from the games save for a mini-boss stage in Sonic Generations and a cameo at the end during the final boss.
These two barely have a relationship other than Dr. Eggman’s grandfather making Shadow which is never brought back up after Shadow the Hedgehog.
Oh, wait a minute. I do know where this obsession came from. It’s because Shadow straight up has nothing to do in IDW. No motivation, no enemy of his own, and a crap ton of mandates super glued to him so neither Ian nor Evan wants to write him as they’re heavily restricted with stories for him. Also, Team Dark not being a thing anymore which is stupid.
Anyway, we see the two discussing about the situation with Sonic explaining someone by the name of Starline took Mr. Tinker and made him turn back into Eggman. With Shadow dismissing the explanation as an excuse. (Ok, up yours Shadow. You didn’t know about Starline either.) Then saying Sonic deserves to be infected for his compassion. A real dick Shadow is, but it’s to be expected as he’s a furry Vegeta now. Sonic says if Shadow gets infected, he should be fast enough to run it off. Then we get this infamous scene.
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!! (Deep breaths) I won’t say anything about this scene because a good friend of mine will go into better detail about it. The link to their tumblr page is below. But it will be a while for them to eventually get to this issue.
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Meeting up with Omega. Shadow orders the robot to defend the truck and Omega does some quick thinking and sees the Zombots will go after the uninfected more than him. So, he heads back, but asks Shadow what he is going to do.
Oh, you know Omega. He’s going to kill innocent people who had their free-will taken from them by a virus because Shadow is an uncaring asshole in IDW. Thanks Sega.
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Uhhhhh, Shadow just spin-dashed through some Zombots. How is he not infected?
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Ugh. I don’t mind Shadow stating his title. But not a fan of how it’s used nowadays. As it’s basically, “I’m the prince of all Saiyans!!!”
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In the two top panels. Shadow is again touching Zombots but still isn't getting infected. How?! In the third panel. Shadow like an idiot grabs a Zombot by the neck and throws it into a pile of them. As Shadow looks at his hand, he sees he’s infected. So much for being the Ultimate Life Form.
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I skip pointless fight scenes and just went straight to the point. This is the end result of Shadow’s new character. An arrogant asshole who doesn’t listen to anyone and has a complex of some kind, I’m sure. It’s hard to believe this is the same Shadow who went through the SA2 plot.
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doberbutts · 2 years
The same shit happened in The Witcher fandom, people got sooooo fucking upset when the show came out because "Ew these people are into the SHOW and not the BOOKS/GAMES they're doing Fandom wrong >:(" instead of like. Being happy that people discovered something they like and there's new people to be friends with and talk about TW with.
I missed a lot of that because I am a Games Fan from the time of The First Game and initially tried to engage with the fandom back when Wild Hunt came out because I was so fucking pumped to not only be returning to the Witcher but also because it was such a significant jump in game quality and then. And Then. I realized that the Witcher fandom was filled with a bunch of racist, sexist assholes who were more interested in spitting on any POC or queer person going “hey... um...” as well as any woman who was at least mildly uncomfortable with the implications of some of the romance options throughout the series as well as the gratuitous sexual violence within the universe spoken about so casually.
By the time the series came out, I’d heard a bunch of the same stupid whining “but POC don’t make sense here” “I can’t believe [female character] is a girlboss now” “the costumes” “the dialogue” “the lore changes” “make it fail” and resolved to simply not interact with the fandom outside of reading a few fics of my favs every now and again. I bought the books because the show reminded me that I’d been waiting for them all to be officially translated, and I want absolutely nothing to do with the Witcher fandom because of what I saw, despite having been in it for almost as long as it’s been available to US audiences.
There's a lottttt of snobbery in fandom. "Ew, new people! They can't be REAL fans because of several reasons I'll now think up and then use interchangeably! And all older adaptations are better because objective facts and definitely not because of the nostalgia halo effect! (also anyone who got into  the fandom earlier than me is a disgusting old who's also doing it wrong, because very valid reasons such as: adults are icky)"
Yes, I saw this when the Hobbit movies came out too, and was fairly frustrated about that (and hilariously, those movies are now being upheld as great when the same complaints were happening regarding them...) and it just really bothers me to see it again and again.
Did I like the Hobbit movies? They were alright for what they were. Not my favorite. Never going to match the feeling I had when I sat down to watch LOTR the first time. Made a lot of annoying changes to the lore. Screwed over their female elf OC’s actor. Good for a rewatch marathon with the OG but outside of specific scenes I don’t really find much interest in it.
Do I like the Hobbit-movies-era subset of the fandom? No, actually, most of the time I avoid anything to do with that because I feel the source of their interest has a much different tone and take than the actual book and surrounding materials. There’s only so many times one can see party-king Thranduil memes before being kind of annoyed that that was the takeaway when you’ve invested as much time as I have in learning this universe. I don’t read any fics written by folks who are going based off that trilogy’s version of events. I’m incredibly choosey with my Tolkien fan-created material and because I’m coming from an era where the OG trilogy movies were somewhat sacrilegious due to their changes, often it’s simply not Tolkien enough for me.
But I don’t go bother those fans about it. Let them have their fun. They’re not hurting anyone? If I want to experience the parts of the franchise I like again, they sit on my bookshelf and I can revisit them whenever I want. What’s the point of being so sanctimonious about whether people are interested in a piece of media because of the right adaption when the truth of the matter is that they’re all adaptions and thus will all be different from the source material as well as each other? I still reblog Hobbit gifsets to my main and I still own those movies. I’m happy just to be back in Middle Earth again when I watch them, even though certain aspects make me twitch.
I just hate to see people being so cruel. We’re all Tolkien fans in the end. If a different adaption really threatens (general) your ability to enjoy (general) your favorite adaption, then what are you actually a fan of?
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
It's super cool to hear you talk about romance manga! If you don't mind me asking- what are your favorites and why? (also, if you haven't read it, try You Got me,Senpai. It's like.... WEIRDLY GOOD.)
I got a tag for m/m recs and f/f recs and m/f recs but I dunno about favorites bc it tends to change depending on my mood and what I’ve read lately. also there’s a bunch of what I’d consider my favorite that I wouldn’t necessarily rec to others. well I’ll rehash a couple of them. the rec posts have the caveats and warnings and if it doesn’t have a rec post you’re on your own I don’t feel like writing it all out. Also I’m including webtoons.
A couple m/m faves:
My Bias Is Showing—it seems pretty standard at first glance but the charming art and the charm points of each respective character makes it really stand out. I absolutely love how you need a chart to track everyone’s respective understanding of the situation and how nobody actually has any idea what’s going on. I love how the character that could easily fall into stereotypes of the “weaker” role is very solidly just some guy and is very active in terms of both expression of desire and trajectory of the relationship. I love that siyeol is simultaneously cunning + manipulative and also the biggest idiot alive who essentially tricks himself into falling in love with just some guy because of the dog-blooded drama that only exists in his head. I love the scene where Siyeol bursts into tears and Aejoon just wraps him in a curtain burrito and walks away.
The Honest Life of a Game Studio—I really like how it ends up being this genre mashup of slice of life office romance and… well, I guess quick transmigration kind of? you get to see the characters interact in both extremely normal office settings and also extremely high stakes life or death scenarios. I also like just how detailed the video game studio segments are, like wow the artist definitely gives the impression of having either direct experience or observation of the office side of things. Also the main characters are essentially THE most Just Some Guy energy possible. Like they have their quirks, and Nobu is a big name in the video game world, but it’s kind of in the same way of ‘oh, shu takimi exists.’ he’s not as out there as, say, uchikoshi or kojima. and Anan is just a mega-fan who works in the industry. it’s a good contrast of ‘extremely normal’ and also ‘these guys are now trapped in time prison’
a couple of f/f faves:
Hana to Hoshi—this series stays in my heart. I’ve mostly moved away from high school romance because I like reading stories about characters in my age bracket (but preferably older) but these are my forever gals. I think it’s kind rare to find f/f with my preferred dynamic of ‘stoic weirdo’ and ‘kinda desperate dumbass’ especially with the fun chaotic energy I’m drawn to and this matches it exactly. also has MULTIPLE layers of one-sided familiarity which I absolutely LOVE. you get TWO WHOLE INSTANCES of the whole ‘oh… who are you?’ which is really funny. I also really like hanai’s character arc in terms of being burnt out on what she used to love and rediscovering that joy again, especially since for the most part it happens independently of hoshino.
After the Curtain Call—this series turns me stupid I turn into those awful rec post writers that only lists tropes and archetypes because a lot of them appeal to me. there’s an OFFICE LADY there’s an ACTRESS they’re ADULTS. Jaeyi is sooo cool and Soyung is sooo charming. they’re also very Just Some Guys energy. I also like how they tend to be on completely different pages about their relationship but somehow it never comes up and just works out??? lol??? like I’m sure it’s frustrating to some but I think it’s hysterical that jaeyi is like ‘man I gotta get a role so soyoung doesn’t dump me for being a loser’ and soyoung is like ‘I Am Going To Support Jaein And Her Career No Matter What’ like girls. somehow this is working.
A couple of m/f faves
For Better or for Worse—dylan is sooo charming dylan is soooooo charming I love her. also I really like the barriers to this relationship because it’s nothing that can be explained or resolved easily. on cedric’s side, he’s like ‘oh, she’s still hung up over her ex-fiance and considers him the love of her life…’ and on dylan’s end it’s ‘I know the story and the character you’re supposed to end up with and I care about you and her and I know I’m a placeholder so I can’t get too comfortable and I have to prepare myself to send them off with no hard feelings’ and I *really* like how the trajectory isn’t about the heroine being Actually The Worst Blah Blah Blah but with how the narrative seems to be going and what little I’ve read on spoiler threads it’s more of ‘well different things happened and people have different relationships now so of course they’ll respond differently, people aren’t going to Snap Into Place.’ equipotentiality yknow
I’m the villainous daughter and I’ve decided to keep the last boss as a pet—I actually have no idea if I got the title right I have five minutes anyway I love this one aileen gets to actually have villainous traits without being framed as needing to develop out of them, she’s ambitious and cunning and that’s her strength! also it’s fun seeing claude get yanked around by her whims and guile. There’s also an interesting conflict of villainess transmigrating and having the perspective of ‘this is my life that I’m living in this world’ and the protagonist having the perspective of ‘this world was made for me’
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everythingfromdust · 1 year
What Homestuck is About
I don’t remember writing this, I never finished writing this, and I just found it in my drafts. If you asked me today to come up with what homestuck is about I would not be able to go into this level of detail at all. here you go.
the post;
As told by someone who hasn’t read Homestuck.
Before I begin, lets go over my Homestuck experience. At some point in like 2010 probably people got obsessed with zodiac symbols for some reason, and also candy corn horns. I saw them around and they did not affect me in any way. A few years ago I was commissioned to draw Homestuck fanart, I was linked a video of nonsense about some dude who controlled planets with his veins maybe. This was for inspiration for the drawing. I drew fanart, they liked it. After that happened I found out that I had been drawing other Homestuck fanart by commission, about a green planet or something, this was a surprise to me. I found this strange, told my friend who liked Homestuck and he told me to read it. I read the first few pages and got bored, I am sorry to your fandom, it just wasn’t my thing. What was my thing, was reading random-ass theories about Homestuck and looking at fanart as it came on my dashboard.
Now, with that in mind, here is what Homestuck is about...
Homestuck is a webcomic about 4 teenagers, Dave, Rose, Karkat (Online handle?) and Egbert. Egbert and Rose are the same age, they are friends by convenience but don’t have a lot in common. Dave is Egbert’s cool older brother who is also an asshole sometimes but only to hide his fragile ego. Karkat is a loner type who is sarcastic. Rose has a crush on Karkat but they have never met in person. Rose is also very sarcastic, but hers is more mean spirited while Karkat is just defensive with a kind heart. 
Karkat is way more into videogames than the rest of them, and ends up being the ‘leader’ of the group, ironically as most of her motivation is to be alone. However, Rose likes her, so she follows Karkat’s lead with regards to what games they play online, Egbert follows Rose because he doesn’t have other friends, Dave has to keep an eye on his little brother so follows them on their adventures reluctantly (but slowly learns to be part of the group). The first story arc establishes the characters and the world. The viewer interacts with these characters through the occasional videogame interface but mostly a webcomic format. The characters are very meta and self aware which is funny without getting into too much action before...
Suprise plot twist Karkat realizes they have been playing a game copy of their own lives within a webcomic/web-game thing. We find out later that she suspected this all along and only wanted to be alone because she thought everyone else was a simulation. 
Almost immediately Dave thinks that this plot twist is stupid, and the meta commentary on Homestuck itself reaches new sarcastic heights. The fandom takes this idea and runs with it, causing many fans to insist that Homestuck sucks. 
When they break into ‘reality’ Karkat is shocked to find that the other three have come as well. Thus begins her overarching subplot of learning to trust others and believing she can fall in love with Rose. Karkat and Rose question still if this reality is really the real one. Spoiler: It isn’t. While they try to discover the why and how of their situation Egbert is busy altering the code of the game to give himself insane powers and become ‘god tier.’ Dave is doing stuff to, but I think it’s mostly just fucking off and making jokes. 
There are monsters called trolls with candy-corn-horns at some point, but I’m lead to believe that they aren’t actually a big part of the story even though they are widely loved by fans. They probably happen early on in the story which is why they are fairly iconic for the series. The trolls are sentient too, each represents a sign of the zodiac, and each main character has a troll that is ‘them’ in an alternate game reality. So there are 4 trolls that represent the main characters, and this is symbolic somehow especially when you think about the 8 trolls who have no ‘main character’ components. 
Insane Clown Posse is involved somehow but I don’t understand if they are plot relevant or just a joke that the comic creator likes to fall back on. 
So anyway, eventually all the characters go god tier, they have to figure out their own personal way to get there and I bet it is really plot heavy and long. They can control the base code of the game, and they all start fighting with one another. 
The plot gets really huge in scope, as they find that their simulated reality 
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crissiebaby · 2 years
DiapOut: Chapter 3
“Sup, nerds! It’s ya girl, AyayaGirl, and I’m behind the scenes of a super cool new show!” Spinning slowly to show off the entire green room and all the contestants waiting to start the game, Ayaya decided to take advantage of the downtime to stream on TikTok to her tens of thousands of fans. Rushing over to where Mia and Misa were sitting and chatting, she shoved her phone into Mia’s face and continued her monologue, “And looks who’s with me! Everyone’s favorite Baby New Year! Don’t be shy and say hello!”
Shrinking down in her chair, Mia did her best not to appear embarrassed by this interaction, a feat made difficult thanks to her rosy cheeks. “Hey there, I’m… *sigh* I’m the Baby New Year and we’re going to have some fun today,” she said, grimacing as she said it. Having been in the spotlight for the better half of a year, she knew that trying to deny and deflect only resulted in harsher teasing from her “adoring” audience. As stupid as it seemed, paying lip service to her 15 seconds of fame was somehow more empowering than trying to deny it happened at all.
Jumping into frame with Mia, Ayaya was more than thrilled to have her lolcow back in her clutches for an entire day. “We have such fun together, don’t we? And you somehow always end up padded one way or another!” she said, panning the camera down to show off both of their fluffy diapers.
Mia instantly scurried away from Ayaya. Even though she was about to step out in front of dozens of live studio cameras, something about having her padded status exposed on the internet beforehand felt invasive. 
Not to be deterred, Ayaya began posing on her own, showing off her diaper in a series of sensual poses. “I wasn’t too sure when the producers said I’d have to be diapered too, but who am I to turn down a friend in need,” she said as if she wasn’t the one who orchestrated their appearance on the show. 
Jumping into the shot with Ayaya, Lelaya was also eager to show off her pampers. Being the diaper fashionista that she was, it was never an inappropriate time to put her padding on display. “These aren’t usually as thick as the ones I wear at home, but I suppose it's only fair that I wear the same as everyone else,” she said proudly as she and Ayaya continued to pose together to the plethora of adoring fans watching live.
After about a minute of diaper voguing, Ayaya flipped the camera around on her phone and took aim at Kyoko, Zeke, Cade, and Rupert, “You see the four of them? Those are the diaper dorks we’re playing against today. These losers don’t know what’s about to hit ‘em,” she whispered, keeping her voice down so as not to start drama before the show. She watched gleefully as the stream chat spammed obscene emojis and vitriolic language. What a wonderful place the internet is.
Saving perhaps the best for last, Ayaya swung the camera around to sneak a peek at Misa’s diapered rump. “Get that camera out of my face,” she said, still a bit on edge to be seen in a diaper, even if it was just for laughs in a game show. 
“It’s not in your face, it’s in your butt!” shouted Lelaya, her words providing Ayaya with the encouragement to keep going, “Well…ON your butt. It’d be pretty uncomfy if her phone was IN your butt!”
Before Misa’s anger could get the better of her, the production manager in charge of guests entered the green room. “Yellow team! Brown team! Please come gather around,” said the production manager, her words quick and precise, “Okay, my name is Keelee, and I’m going to be your liaison for today’s show. Things are going to be moving pretty fast once we get on set, so if you ever have any questions, you can always find me on set wearing the green hat.” She tipped her cap to the others, showing off what to look for.
Raising her hand, Ayaya already had a specific question in mind, “Hey, Keekee, am I allowed to bring my phone with me? I’d love to get some exclusives for my blog.”
“It’s Keelee,” said the overworked production manager, her smiling eyes shooting daggers at the vlogging gamer, “And I’m sooo sorry, but the use of personal devices on set is prohibited.” Before Ayaya could protest, she snatched the phone out of her hand and placed it in her back pocket.
“Hey! That’s m-” yelled Ayaya, before being cut off by a round of justified shushes. Neither Mia, nor Misa, nor even Lelaya wanted to get booted from the show for Ayaya’s antics.
With that matter settled, Keelee turned to her clipboard. “Alright, back to business. When we enter the set, I’ll need the team captains to join Cassidy in the center of the sound stage. The others will form a semi-circle behind them. Both myself and the director will help you get set up,” she said, rattling off information at lightning speed.
Turning to the brown team, Keelee continued, “Messers, have you made a decision on team captain?” she asked, catching the group of four a bit off guard that their team’s nickname was “the Messers.”
“As President of the WET Diaper Lovers Club, I will be the captain,” announced Kyoko, earning a rowdy applause from her three cohorts.
Taking a note on her clipboard, Keelee responded, “Excellent, I was going to recommend you anyway. Audiences respond well to confident female captains.” She then turned her attention to the yellow team. “As for the yellow team-”
“No need to ask,” said Ayaya brashly as she brushed her hair over her shoulder, “If anyone here knows how to handle the burden of the spotlight, it’s me!”
A withering smirk crept across Keelee's face. “Actually, what I was about to say was your team captain has already been decided,” she said, looking past Ayaya and pointing to Mia, “Producers want the Baby New Year to handle the burden of the spotlight.”
Steam began rising up from Ayaya’s head, causing Misa and Lelaya to take a step back from their obviously pissed-off friend. Mia, meanwhile, was blushing up a storm at the prospect of being her team’s spokesperson, and for such an embarrassing reason no less. “D-Do I really have to? Ayaya and Misa both have a lot more experience with public speaking,” she said, hoping to shrug off this responsibility onto someone who actually wants it.
“Sorry, but them’s the breaks kid. Our producers would throw a fit if we placed the STAR in the background,” said Keelee, doing her best to boost up Mia’s confidence while also sneaking in a jab at Ayaya. Sneaking a glance using her peripheral vision, she ate up the visibly annoyed and upset diva’s expression.
“Two minutes to places!”
The voice over the loudspeaker left no room for confusion. It was time for the games to begin. “That’s our cue. Everyone, fall in line,” said Keelee as she led the group pied-piper style out of the green room and into a dimly lit hallway. With each step the eight contestants took, they could feel their anticipation building. Unlike future players, they had almost no idea what awaited them once they reached the stage.
Eying her competition, Kyoko looked Mia up and down, gathering as much information as she could. To the unobservant eye, things like posture, hand position, and eye contact might not mean much. But to Kyoko, they were tools for better understanding her rivals. “Good luck out there today,” she said to Mia, making sure to keep her eyes locked on the hallway ahead of her.
“Same to you,” said Mia, doing her best to hide how nervous she was. Grabbing the sides of her diaper, she lifted it up higher on her waist, her face flushing as she did so. Blocking out the humiliating thoughts that permeated her mind, she did her best to focus on the cash prize waiting at the end of the tunnel.
Walking directly behind the two captains, Ayaya was still fuming over the disrespect that Keelee had shown her, in front of everyone no less. Didn’t that bitch know who she was? She never would’ve agreed to come on and be in this stupid diaper-dork show if she wasn’t going to see her name in lights. She wasn’t certain how yet, but she was going to make sure to steal back the spotlight, one way or another.
Reaching a set of tall, metal double doors with a red light hanging above it to signal that production was ongoing, the eight contestants each braced themselves as to what they would see on the other side. “Remember to chatter to a minimum,” said Keelee, reminding the players that they were merely guests stepping into a moving engine designed to operate around them. Waiting not a moment longer, the production manager pushed the doors open, inviting the eight lucky competitors into the studio.
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more DiapOut!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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wulfstarbane · 2 years
𓃢 🦴Greetings!🦴 𓃢
So like I have no idea how this works but hello ⁉️⁉️
I go by StarBane on here, I’m still figuring stuff out BUT. Here’s my lil about me thingy because yeah.
Don’t expect me to be active here, just testing different social media platforms out!
Please ofc read my DNI before you follow. I am darkkin, and do follow some satanic related beliefs. I sometimes do negative rants and vents, but nothing hugely around the topic of SH or $€w€r$lid€. I am also a minor, under the age of 16. If you are uncomfortable with these, don’t follow!
Therian identities:
•Coyote (psychological/questioning spiritual
Otherkin identities:
Zombie dog (spiritual/psychological), White werewolf (still sorta questioning identity as a whole)
Fictionkin identites:
Vanny (fnaf), Bonnie (fnaf), Huggy Wuggy (Poppy playtime) +questioning more
Otherhearted identities:
Cat (all breeds/types)
•basic DNI, aka racist/homophobic/transphobic/abelist, ect
•K*nnies. Copinglinks+synpaths are fine!!
•Lesbian boys/gay girls
•people who kin IRL people (factkin)
•Wild.Banjo supporters. We all know what she did and yet we pretend to forget about it.
•Opal.n.friends fans are cool, just please don’t talk about him here cause I ain’t the biggest fan of him.
•anti-Neopronoun OR harmful neopronoun user (Ex; BLM/BLMSELF, drug/drugself)
•Don’t talk about christianity on my page please. I’m fine with y’all following, but don’t do that dumb “God loves you, turn to him before it’s too late 🥺❤️✝️” shit.
•talking about weed/marijuana/any drug usage on my page
•People who are strongly against SFW petplay OR regression, or say that it does not exist. If you don’t like petplay I’m fine with that, but if you don’t like regression then FUCK OFF!
•people who mock harmless coping mechanisms
•NSFW accs (which I doubt any will be on here but- ya know. Gotta play it safe👍)
•POSER THERIANS!! Ya’ll make our community look like shit. Being a therian is NOT about masks and tails and running on all 4’s.
•Greymuzzles who mock/tease the newer/younger members of the community
•those who say therianthropy is a coping mechanism, or a disorder. It makes me uncomfortable and strongly invalidates us.
•those who invalidate other peoples therianthropic experiences
•Cavetown listeners.. (/j, Idc if you like his music lmao)
•people who misuse, mock, or OVERUSE tone indicators (ex; “LOL I will bite you! /j /lh /hj /pos /nsx /f” OR “tone indicators are stupid. /srs”)
•Openly talking about disorders on my page. NOT saying that people WITH disorders can’t interact, I’m saying that I don’t know how to respond to it when talked about. Hope ya’ll can understand!!
•endosystems/people who fake disorders. Aka abelism.. it’s just wrong lmao. I was stupid and genuinely thought I had disorders before without doing barley any research. I’m embarrassed to even think about it. Just- don’t 💀👍
•fake claimers/reality checkers
•against safe cropping and docking with dogs/supports obesity in dogs
•ANTI-abortion. Idc what you say, it’s a clump of cells. Fuck off
•openly venting to me or others with no permission what so ever.. it’s weird and can make us all uncomfortable
✅please interact!!✅
•Therians, otherkin, furries, ect!
•Stranger things or Heartstopper fans! Stranger Things currently being one of my hyperfixations el em ay oh :)
•Fnaf fans, Poppy playtime fans, or really any video game fans!
•so called “Cringe” people. Cringe culture is DEAD!
•2010’s otherkins!! Ya know.. pre-TikTok online therian community :)
•basically everyone who isn’t apart of something on my DNI!
Idrk know what to say next help.
Have a good day/night I guess! :)
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 years
first of all, happy birthday! god bless you and i hope you had a nice birthday! and i’m so excited once i saw your post. i’ve been interested in your acc for a long time but i’m too shy to interact with you. so anyway,
appearance : short hair ( neck length ) with dyed hair ( white on the bangs lol ) 5’1, i’m asian and i have a warm yellow-ish skin color.
hobbies : i like dancing most likely like a pop dance or kpop…. yea.. oh and i cannot live without my phone.
star sign : sagittarius :)
likes : coffee, shopping or just hanging out in a mall, watching youtube.
dislikes : spicy food or vegetables, and bugs. and idk that’s it ig, i can’t think of any.
love languages : physical touch that’s it.
what i look for in a partner : someone who can listen to me ranting or complaining about life. someone who loves me for who i am. someone who doesn’t care when i do something dumb like laughing like a stupid hoe.
deal breakers : too needy or poor communication.
okay that’s it! again have a fantastic day and birthday :D xoxo ❤️
hi!! thank you so much for sending this in!! lemme just say real quick, you sound like such an awesome person, and your hair?? cool asf!! tl;dr you're super cool and i'd love it if you interacted more!! no need to be shy :)
anywaysss time for the big reveal!!! i ship you with........
❧ he'd think your bangs are the coolest thing ever they are and you'd probably get him interested in dying his own hair, maybe just a small section at first to get him used to it
❧ he would absolutely love to watch you dance, he thinks it's so cool how you can match the beat of a song perfectly and loves how much fun you seem to be having. he would also love if you teach him a couple dances, like i can imagine you two as the couple doing really intricate and fun dances in the middle of a ball and everyone around is like confused but also very impressed ya feel? let's pretend he exists in our world, he would totally bring up the game just dance as an activity for the two of you to do, like every week y'all learn a new dance; and don't even get me started on tik tok dances (if you're into them), he'd be asking you to teach him every new trending dance smh
❧ continuing off of if he was in our world, he would be asking what you're doing on your phone a lot but not in an accusatory or nosy way, he's just genuinely curious what you're interested in, and he'll never judge you for looking at cringey fan art or reading sad fics or trying to beat level 307 of candy crush. he'd be content, especially after a long day, to just lie down with you and peek at whatever you're doing on your phone, making comments here and there, it's very chill and sweet
❧ you're a sagittarius, i love that!! one of my closest friends is a sag, y'all are cool. so i did a little research and apparently sags are compatible with libras, which is lucia's sign, so there's that going for y'all lmao
❧ i feel like as a whole the boys drink more tea than coffee but i think lucia could get behind the idea of coffee, especially seeing how many types there are; oh and if he finds out about latte art?? he's sold
❧ he'd enjoy shopping with you, he might be a little too busy to do it often, so when he can't he'd for sure send some people out with you to keep you company, or if you have friends from outside of the mansion, he'd for sure encourage a pals day out! and consider all of your items paid for, he'd give you a big chunk of spending money for you to get whatever your heart desires sugar daddy material i can also see him liking to try on random clothes with you, like at thrift stores he'd wanna do that blind picking an outfit game and see who gets the worst fit. and, again, if he can't go out shopping with you, he expects a full on fashion show when you get home, showing off all the cool things you bought and he will hype you up the whole time
❧ like i mentioned before with the phone thing, he'd love just watching youtube videos with you on a chill day. i could see the two of you having one or two youtubers y'all are subscribed to and watch every single video, like oh what's that? you were invited to a dinner party friday at 6 pm? sorry, that's when (enter youtuber here) posts, can't miss that. if you're super into one youtuber tho, he'd for sure get you guys matching merch
❧ i don't think he could handle super spicy foods, maybe like something with a lil kick to it, but anything above your average chili powder or red pepper flakes he cannot do, so he'll relate to you with not liking spicy foods. he may tease you about not being able to handle it, but just tell him off, mans can hardly even handle picante chicken ramen
❧ he wouldn't be a huge fan of bugs either, but he's not terrified of them; if there's a bug somewhere that you want gone, he'll for sure swallow his disgust and either squish the bug or take it outside with little to no complaining
❧ this man loves physical touch, it's for sure one of his top love languages, giving and receiving. he's a pretty touchy and affectionate person, but not in an overbearing way. if you ever want him to back off, just tell him and he'll do so immediately and without needing an explanation. he just loves being able to show his partner how much he loves them without using words. he'll show this through hugs and wrapping an arm around you in public or holding hands while the two of you are walking and cuddle sessions every night
❧ he'll listen to you rant anytime you need. he may be goofy and immature at times, but if you show that the situation is serious or something is really bothering you, he'll drop all that immediately and go into listening mode. you can tell he's actively listening to you because he'll make facial expressions and noises in reaction to what you're telling him. his reactions depend on if you're doing just a little complainy rant or a serious vent; for the more lighthearted rants he'll voice his reactions more clearly (they said what?? no way, i can't believe that, the audacity) but for the more serious conversations he'll keep it to a minimum and focus that extra energy on listening and empathizing
❧ he loves you more than life itself. he'd do anything for you, and it shows in how he looks at you and treats you with the utmost care. he adores every single thing about you, so you don't have to worry about him minding if you do something dumb. he loves your laugh especially, no matter how loud it is or how it sounds in general; if you're laughing that means you're happy and enjoying yourself and that's all that matters to him <3 the worst he'll do is tease you a bit, but it's never hurtful and all in good fun
❧ he's definitely not too needy, he might have his moments where he's extra clingy and just wants your attention but he knows what your boundaries are and he will respect them always. his communication is pretty good for the most part, although he might be prone to keeping a few things secret and if he's feeling overworked he might get a little cross with you which could spark up a few arguments. however, with plenty of time and heart to heart conversation, this is something the two of you can fix with no problem. it seems like you're pretty good at communication given you value it in a relationship, and lucia is a great listener and amazing at coming to agreements and negotiating terms and compromises; he is a leader after all :)
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trevuorzegras · 3 months
⏜ˑ 🐇 actress au part one 𓋜 ⋆ ࣪
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౨ৎ . . all works for this series will be under the #his greatest mistake au tag. for any random thoughts, or asks it will be under the #cassidy morgan au tag!
fem actress!oc x quinn hughes
mentions of fem actress!oc x jacob elordi
faceclaim: beabadoobee
series masterlist can be found, here!
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cas_morgan: life as of lately 🎀
liked by avery.walker, trevorzegras, and others
user1: am i the only one who noticed that jacob no longer likes her posts, AND they unfollowed each other?
↳ user2: well after THAT post i wouldn’t wanna be with his cheating ass either 🤷‍♀️
↳ user3: wait who’s jacob?
↳ user4: jacob elordi. her boyfriend user3
trevorzegras: i miss you superstar
↳ yourusername: i miss you more trev 🫶🏼
↳ trevorzegras: lemme fly you out to a game soon?? cas_morgan
↳ cas_morgan: i’ll think about it trevorzegras
user5: i hope you’re alright cas ):
↳ user6: why wouldn’t she be okay??
↳ user7: a gossip page posted leaked pictures of jacob and some mystery girl. my guess is he’s been cheating for awhile cause cas and jacob haven’t interacted, nor followed each other in almost a week user6
avery.walker: need to get you out to a race soon!
↳ cas_morgan: tell me a time & place and i’ll be there av!!
user8: avery and cas’s friendship is so dear to me you guys don’t get it 😭😭
user9: you guys need to get out these comments talking about jacob 🙅‍♀️
liked by cas_morgan
lhughes_06: mom says you need to visit soon
↳ cas_morgan: awe i miss mama hughes 🥹
dominicfike: how's my favorite girl been?
↳ cas_morgan: i’ve been good d! i miss you we need a reunion real soon 🫶🏼
user10: collab with sturniolo.triplets when?
liked by cas_morgan, sturniolo.triplets, and others
user11: beautiful girl omggg
zendaya: pretty girl
↳ cas_morgan: says the absolute goddess herself
user12: you never deserved jacob whore
↳ user13: saying this as if he wasn’t caught cheating bffr 😭
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thelastest: Recent photos of Jacob Elordi seen with a mystery girl last week. When question about him, and ex co star Cassidy Morgan he says “Me, and Cassidy have been over. I didn’t cheat. She cheated on me with her so called bestfriend, Thomas? Some wannabe hockey player.” So far nothing has been confirmed.
Comment your thoughts!
tagged: cas_morgan, jacobelordi
liked by jacobelordi, gossipdaily, and others
user14: YIKES
user15: so SHE’S the cheater?
↳ user16: if you actually think cassidy is a cheater, you’re mental. a day before the pictures of jacob and the mystery girl were released, jacob & cassidy were literally seen ON A DATE. i’m not a fan of cassidy, in fact i’m a huge jacob supporter, but if you believe jacob you’re actually stupid 🤷‍♀️
user17: funny how he finds a way to blame others
cas_morgan: oh sure let’s point the cheating finger at me when he’s the one with a record of cheating!
↳ user18: exactly.. bros KNOWN for cheating on gorgeous women. like come on now
cas_morgan: trevorzegras i think you’re supposed to be thomas??
↳ trevorzegras: the laugh i just let out FUCK
user19: her and trevor are so unbothered 😭
user20: knew she was a whore
user21: slut!
↳ _quinnhughes: funny how you can sit behind an anonymous account calling someone a slut when she’s the one who got cheated on, fucking weirdo
↳ user22: YOU TELL EM QUINN _quinnhughes
user23: these uneducated children in the comments coming at cas is actually insane 🙅‍♀️
dominicfike: blaming cas when bros got a history of cheating. you think you know a man smh 🤦‍♂️
liked by zendaya, sydney_sweeney, and others
user24: the way their co stars unfollowed jacob?? i think they know smth we don’t, just saying
user25: at least if cas WAS with a hockey player they wouldn’t treat her as shitty as jacob did 🙅‍♀️
user26: i don’t think jacob was expecting these comments when bro liked this post 😬
↳ user27: would lowkey deactivate if i was him
user28: notice everyone who is on cassidy’s side is hot, can’t be a coincidence just saying
↳ cas_morgan: okay this made me laugh i won’t even lie to you
user29: cas is so unbothered by the jacob stans & i fucking love it
↳ user30: as she should
anddddd it has begun! make sure to check out my masterlist, here! as well as the series masterlist, here!
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog
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