#I’m asking myself that
grishaxverse · 2 months
bonnie bennett is literally the best tvd character and it’s awful that the writers kept ignoring her
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wistfullywaiting2 · 2 months
The biggest misconception in the bsd fandom ever to me is people constantly portraying Atsushi as someone who trauma dumps excessively when he canonically barely talks about it at all.
The entire point is that Atsushi does not talk about his trauma he’s just constantly thinking about/reliving it. He can’t escape the memories of his past so he tries not to acknowledge them.
He only mentions it when asked, either directly or when someone asks him to explain himself.
Atsushi doesn’t even give a cohesive explanation for what he saw while under Dogra Magra, he just apologizes to Haruno and Naomi.
If Lucy hadn’t had her whole “you’ve never suffered the way I have” spiel then I doubt even the audience would’ve gotten to find out about his scars
If Akutagawa never asked him how it felt for the orphanage headmaster to die Atsushi would have never told him that he’s been hallucinating.
In the omake where Kyoka asks him why his hair is like that it’s clear he wouldn’t have told her that unless she had asked.
In 55 minutes Atsushi very briefly mentions sleeping on a dirty floor somewhere to Kunikida because he was trying to explain and justify his behavior.
And the thing is that there are scenes that implies that the other characters see Atsushi behaving strangely and are visibly confused because they do not understand what’s wrong with him.
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Remember, we as an audience get to see things about characters that the main cast doesn’t. Just because we see into Atsushi’s mind doesn’t mean the other characters know what’s going on in there.
Also little footnote here that I think this is a reference to the moon over the mountain but I digress
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
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This little bunny means the world to me
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i-got-da-rubes · 11 months
“Thank you for asking what nobody else did.
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What not even I considered.”
Drawn with my non-dominant hand.
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tsuchinokoroyale · 5 months
Happy new years… let’s stay hydrated together ✨
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#I didn’t end up going to the rave just stayed in with my buddies and had KFC (( Korean fried chicken )) and laughed til we cried so#it was still a wonderful start to the new year 💞🥰💞#but the fwb wanted pics of my potential rave look so I figured eh I brought the stuff anyways#and now I’m imagining locking eyes with a stranger on the warm and writhing dance floor#the beat thumps and shakes and rattles the air in our breath as the spotlights dance in the reflections of our held gaze#he pushes his way through the crowd with a singular stare and a wicked smile on his face#I smile and turn my back on him arching myself so he knows I am giving what he’s looking for#I take careful steps through the revelry toward the edge where the crowd thins out#I prop myself up on an available stool in a lonely corner of the club as he closes the distance between us#“now I wonder why you dragged me all the way here” he utters in a playful growl “trying to get far away from the crowd?”#I smile and I nod. “obviously. can’t really do what I want with you out there”#his eyes perk up and his smile gives away the desire building inside him. “yeah? why don’t you show me then.”#“I thought you’d never ask” I smirk. I reach down into my pants and pull out my phone#“so this one is blue. he’s the oldest but he’s sooooo sweet. and that’s Eva. my only girl she’s sassy but she loves swea-” he leaves#whaddahell I say demurely whimpering even… whaddahell…#gpoy
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raolem · 16 days
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fellas I think I’m onto something again ‼️
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housecow · 15 days
Girl please stop romanticizing obesity, it will literally kill you eventually (and I know it’s not the first time someone says it to you). Like are you even ok? Romanticizing being immobile & being humiliated on the street? Why would you even aspire to this? For some attention of questionable men on this app? Girl they don’t deserve you. This message comes from a place of concern, it is not intended as an insult. You said you want a career in the future, maybe focus on that, I’m not sure how possible it is do all that while being immobile or having whatever condition.
omfg 😭 i apologize for writing little stories to get myself off, i guess?? lmfao. i have a fetish. i state clearly in my bio that this is what to expect. sorry im horny posting anonymously on tumblr.com ???? stop being weird when u don’t even belong in these spaces
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fangirlproblcms · 1 year
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you make me feel like i’m living a teenage dream ✨
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st-hedge · 8 months
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Dark link and phantom Ganon but they are weird Pokémon trainers. Haunter and runerigus for dark link. Rookidee, lampent, and zorua (only the tiniest guys) for phantom Ganon. Don’t question my Pokémon vibe check, it simply fits. Also shiny Pokémon for shiny ganlink
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Well I claim your void in the name of France
well I reclaim the void in the name of Rick Astley…. and he’s never gonna give it up sooooo
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the-chaos-goose · 1 year
1000 notes and I’ll ask my mom for a cane
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neytui · 2 months
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I don’t know what context to give honestly, just spent some time sketching him and this came out hell yeah
Oh btw it was also very weird to give him accurate proportions to his body
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strawbubbysugar · 8 months
Absolutely dying at moon "ohh nooo me and my brother are so different from eachother now!! How awful!" Some yellow rabbit: "I can fix that." Ghvghghv
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cod-dump · 7 months
What would 141 think if Soap's cousin who was in the military, who inspired Soap was a shadow? What would the shadows call him?
The cousin definitely went by MacTavish (if they’re on Soap’s father side of the family) or their Shadow number, but once the Shadows (especially Graves) realize they’re related to the one and only Soap MacTavish? They’re relentless. Everyone calls them a cleaning product (“Degreaser, come look at this!”) and they’re laughing like lunatics over every new one. They think it’s hilarious.
But then Graves comes up with something and it sticks.
“Soap’s your cuz, huh?”
“Yes, sir…”
“Soap Bar. You’re Bar.”
“Hilarious, sir.”
Bar MacTavish, the Shadow.
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yourkinkygothgf · 2 months
Currently, I need to be groped and used solely for someone else’s pleasure. Please.
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bixels · 6 months
hey um. u sure make a lot of art about lesbians for a man. you're normal about us, right? ;;
What? Yeah, I’m normal about y’all.
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