#I wanted to just draw him in a normal outfit what happened
pothospant · 2 months
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silly lil designs for pf ez and aphelios blending into piltover :]
#me arts tag#i was going to draw smth a bit more substantial but i need a nap :'D#the monocle and glasses are just their visors disguised somehow#and the weird half vest? design for ezreal.. i imagine half of it tears off/opens (like buttons or smth)#to accommodate his arm cannon transforming. actually i imagine both their outfits kinda work like that#tearaway clothes for their pulsefire equipment somehow#although im imagining the pulsefire tech might be able to make some illusion/disguise clothes.. transforming tech? who knows#realistically im sure aphelios would cover up the glowing marks on his face but it also looked odd w/o his face markings so i just left em#ezreal monocle doesnt look as silly as i thought... maybe he should wear one normally#im meh on aphelios's coat design but maybe ill rerereredesign into oblivion... LOL#wanted to give him more of like a pilot jacket originally but idk what his vibe is. goofy lil guy. what fashion even suits you#OH.... I GUESS. HE NEEDS HIS SCARF.... ill fix it at some point probably maybe sure#i think it'd be a bit funny if ezreal is unintentionally a fashion/style person#just bc of how much blending in with timelines and worlds and stuff hes done#he just ended up absorbing so much fashion knowledge#aphelios or ekko points it out at some point and hes like. huh. im not into fashion#(said while reading a hefty book on fashion history for whatever location theyre at)#yeah im sure PEARL probably has built in search engine stuff#but ezreal just strikes me as the type of guy to research and memorize/learn stuff#''just in case i lose access to PEARL's database again'' or whatever#im sure thats probably happened like 100 times#so random but i feel like aphelios has the vibe of a guy you wanna dress up in various outfits#but also hes like :) (just happy to be included/present) so he doesnt mind#you put a goofy souvenir shop floppy hat on him and hes like. :)#my aphelios hcs are nonsense im so sorry. i want him to be happy#pulsefire ezreal#pulsefire aphelios#pulsefire#aphelios#ezreal
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why them??
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Whenever we visit a new location, there's an in-game reason given for why it's these specific four characters chosen to go! I was eager to see why Vil had Jamil, Azul, and Ace come along with him to an acclaimed film festival... and I was not disappointed 😂
***Tapis Rouge in the Shaftlands spoilers under the cut!!***
So as it turns out, Vil has been invited to the International Film Festival in Fairest City (a significant location for the entertainment and beauty industries). He’s going to promote a movie he’s in that’s releasing next year.
The original plan was for the Film Research Club to accompany Vil and take the chance to learn more about movie productions. However, the club is in the middle of filming for their own project and a change in weather has led to their shoot next week being cancelled. The filming they would have done next week now has to be done this week, so Vil’s club members cannot go on the trip. (Vil himself still has to attend because he is contractually obligated to.)
The other NRC students start to argue over who Vil should take in his club members’ places. The people vying for spots include:
Cater (because the Fairest City is so trendy and always popular on Magicam)
Azul (many famous brands are sold in Fairest City; he has a financial interest in this research)
Lilia (has visited the city before, but never the film festival)
Jade (the city is close to old mines, which he is interested in)
Ace (he loves the idea of going to a fashionable city and “tasting” the celebrity world)
Rook (a lover of movies and dramas; he is curious about the movie studios)
Floyd, Epel, Deuce, Grim (lol it sounds fun to them; Epel also says he has not traveled a lot so he wants to go this time)
Jamil (wants to take advantage of Vil’s presence to see behind-the-scenes things they don’t normally show; he usually prepares snacks for when Kalim watches movies at one of three at-home theaters but hasn’t had the time to really appreciate the films for what they are himself)
DKJLBHASILYFAYFVQEFIFQEPI; I love the added detail of Jamil telling the others they're inconveniencing their senpai but then Azul cuts in and implies the behavior is a manipulation tactic to show off to Vil how reliable Jamil can be (thus increasing his odds of going while he still maintains his "humility")... Those two just cannot stop getting at each other's throats, I swear 💀 (In part 2, they continue the pettiness when Ace comments that they’re both quick to tease him together, so do they actually get along? Jamil says no but Azul says yes… and the two of them are STILL bullying each other about their personalities once they get their new outfits. Truly not a dull moment with them…)
So since Vil can only pick 5 people to take with him, he says they'll have to prove that they somehow excel over the others. It's then that Azul cooks up a scheme on the spot and recruits Jamil and Ace for it: a lottery! Azul proposes it, has Jamil pitch in, and has Ace prepare the drawings. THIS WORKS ON MULTIPLE LEVELS BECAUSE:
Azul can present the idea as "random" and "fair". This makes him appear like a kind problem solver not wanting to give anyone, not even himself, a leg up.
It would come off as shady if he gets one of the twins (known to be his henchman) to agree with him... so who does Azul get to back him up? Jamil, someone from another dorm, and someone who was passive aggressive with him earlier. This creates a false illusion that others beyond Azul and his dorm believe in the "fairness" of the lottery.
Ace has deft fingers; he a cut a deck of cards--and he can easily rig a lottery since he's in cahoots with Azul, the guy who suggested it to begin with.
This creates a situation where Azul, Jamil, AND Ace get to go to the event. These bitches are mutually benefitting from being collectively sneaky (According to Ace, Yuu and Grim pulled the remaining two slots by coincidence, so they just happen to be "lucky") 🤡 AND THE FUNNIEST PART OF IT ALL IS THAT VIL SUSPECTED THEY WOULD PULL THIS SHIT, BUT HE LET IT HAPPEN ANYWAY SINCE IT'S TECHNICALLY STILL THEM DEMONSTRATING THEIR TALENTS TO HIM...
Truly, bravo... That deserved a standing ovation, gentlemen 👏
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Paws and Pixels: VoxPet™️
Tiny!Vox x Reader
A/N: Totally writing this thing because of a cute chat session I had with some wonderful people on a Hazbin discord server, it's a shitposty idea but it was a cute one so I couldn't help but write about it. A continuation to "Get off my Screen!" is in the works alongside some other requests too! I'm just glad it was received so well, thanks y'all!
A/N: Btw, the chibi Vox art isn't mine. I might draw something similar with a Y/N eventually though so message me or request it in my askbox if you wanna see it XD
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You wished you could say it was a normal day.
But truth be told-
It was so far off from that.
The Vee tower was complete mess by the time you had arrived.
The place was often busy, you knew that much-
But to fall into complete disarray?
Your beloved would have never even allowed it.
Speaking of your lover, where the hell was he?
His absence left you more than puzzled, this was Vox you were talking about after all.
Mr. I-have-to-keep-an-eye-on-everything-or-it-all-entirely-goes-to-shit-
You couldn't say he was wrong this time however, walking towards the elevator with intent to find the other Vees.
But of course they ended up finding you first.
It was Velvette who abruptly dragged you away from the chaos in the office.
Not that you still quite understood what was going on and the reason for her urgency.
"WhaA- Vel??"
"Sorry darling, we've got a bit of an issue as you can clearly tell- but there's just something I absolutely must show you."
You didn't really even have time to ask questions before you saw Valentino rush past you.
Was he holding a phone in each hand?
He barely even greeted you in his hasty exit, probably too busy with the 4 phone conversations he was having simultaneously.
All this chaos and your boyfriend still hasn't shown up.
You started getting worried that something happened to him.
But what Velvette ended up showing you was definitely not at all what you expected.
Especially since you didn't expect to find Vox here of all places.
That and... he wasn't quite himself.
Not that you were complaining, but it was really weird seeing your boyfriend so tiny.
He was probably plushie-sized to be honest.
You would have found it cute if it weren't for the shock from everything else.
The tiny Vox visibly perked up when he saw you.
Was he beeping or squeaking?
"What... what the fuck even happened???"
"Do you want the whole story or a TLDR?"
While you lightly poked the smaller Vox that stood atop the table, Velvette quickly updated you on what had transpired before your arrival.
Apparently, Vox had gone and gotten himself in trouble with some goons earlier in the day.
It wasn't often Vox would get hurt by anything, he was an overlord after all-
But sometimes people got lucky or they really just ganged up on him in big numbers.
The good news was he won, the bad news was he'd gotten pretty beat up because of it.
Shattered screen, fried motherboard, stray wires, and a whole other myriad of issues to boot.
He'd come back to the tower needing a ton of repairs.
Problem was, he'd run out of the needed spare parts and his backup body wasn't in any good condition to be used either.
So go figure, your creative boyfriend decided to handle his situation in another way after he'd put in the order for said needed parts.
They'd probably arrive in just a few days but seriously-
You could only stare at the tiny version of your lover in bewilderment.
There was absolutely no understanding of what was running through this man's brain.
He was even wearing a miniature version of his typical outfit, coat and all!
"Soooo... has he just been in here the whole time?"
"Pretty much. He doesn't really talk either, Val and I haven't figured out if it's because he can't or won't."
"Oh lord."
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, patting the tiny Vox with your hands.
You honestly wanted to be more mad at the situation-
But Vox really just looked too cute.
You just wanted to freakin squeeze him-
"I'm gonna need a purse to carry him around..."
"Oh wow, you're treatin' 'im like a pet already."
You rolled your eyes at Velvette's comment, looking down at your currently tiny boyfriend to find him staring at you.
He had absolutely no business being this cute-
"I'm taking him home, I'd gather that you and Val can handle things here?"
"For the most part, just be a dear and make sure nothing else happens to 'im until his parts arrive."
You just rolled your eyes again.
Great way of stating the obvious Velvette.
Besides, Vox was still an overlord and the strongest of the Vees.
His powers shouldn't have been affected in this form right??
There was no way your beloved went ahead and made himself as harmless as he looked-
At least that's what you had hoped.
However, you picked him up in both hands- you were starting to doubt that.
Vox merely tilted his monitor head to get a better look at you before beeping, his legs dangled slightly from how you held him.
"Huh, he's never made that sound before."
You were really starting to regret even walking into the building today.
And that was of course when your miniature boyfriend decided it was the perfect time to lightly zap you.
It didn't hurt, but it was enough for your attention to go back to him.
Only to see his face all pink with a bunch of hearts emoticons on it.
This little shit-
You really couldn't stay mad at him for long.
Eventually when you were able to get a grip on yourself, Velvette handed you a purse to put Vox in as requested- and you were on your way home.
What did the other Vees even expect you to do with Vox like this?
Did you accidentally become your boyfriend's babysitter??
Today was just way too tiring for you already.
You practically collapsed on the couch once you got home.
Dropping the purse with tiny lover in it on one of the nearby cushions, you didn't really care about the annoyed squeaking that came from inside the bag from the rough landing.
Vox just crawled out of the small purse with a huff.
He figured you would've liked him being all cute this way.
But judging by your reactions-
He couldn't tell if you liked it or hated it.
He did feel slightly bad seeing how tired you were though.
Practically waddling over towards you, Vox patted your head trying to get your attention.
When that didn't work he started beeping and squeaking until you raised your head and looked at him again.
And you were surprised when he awkwardly moved to hug you.
Well, hug your face rather.
The words: "I'm sorry." flashing on his tiny screen.
You sighed tiredly.
Even if he was a little infuriating at times, you still loved Vox's antics.
This one included.
"It's okay, I'm okay. Everything just happened way too fast."
A heart then appeared on his tiny screen face and you pretty much melted.
He was just too fuckin cute.
A/N: Might write a part 2 for this with other headcanons, this was so friggin adorable AHAHAHAHAHA
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strayed-quokka · 1 year
lacking in subtlety || kim sunwoo
» summary: it was a bad idea to like your brother’s best friend. it was an even worse idea to let him into your room when your brother was one door down.   
» pairing: sunwoo x female reader
» rating: NC-17 minors do not interact 
» genre: brother’s best friend, smut, porn without much plot but there’s backstory i guess
» warnings: dominant sunwoo (kinda?), he’s also a bit possessive, i guess submissive reader, oral (m and f receiving), creampie, his hand finds your throat but there’s no actual pressure, vague exhibitionism (?), sunwoo gets caught but he kinda asked for it, the beginning takes ages whoops, open ending cause i’m annoying, one use of good girl and some pet names
» words: 4,738
» a/n: i know i’ve done brother’s best friend before but i’m a hoe for that concept aight deal w it… also i have like… 20+ smuts for the boyz in my drafts i don’t know what’s going on anymore but i’m thinking either juyeon next because hands or a threesome with moonbae because it’s been sitting in my drafts and lord is it wild 
also i know i disappeared but life happens and also people were stealing my work so i wasn’t really in the mood to write anything for anyone but here we are i’m back cause i wanna indulge ✌️
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You’d never been much of a risk taker. In fact, on paper, you probably looked quite boring, good grades, a nice set of friends, never misbehaving, all of it lined up to make you rather uninteresting. That’s why when the shift from seeing Juyeon’s best friend Sunwoo, as someone more than a simple acquaintance happened, you simply ignored it. 
He’d never find you interesting enough. 
Though you were friends in a way too. Your brother was comfortable enough with Sunwoo never getting too close to you in that regard, and so the two of you would often interact even if he wasn’t there.
But the conversations were usually rather generic. Exchanges of how your days were, maybe the occasional comment about an outfit the other wore, but never anything beyond that. You still remembered coming downstairs in an oversized hoodie one day and Sunwoo jumping on the question to ask where you got it. He wore the same one in a different colour a few days later, and you swore he knew how flustered it made you.
You knew him, but you didn’t know him in a way that you knew friends. Nevertheless, you were always comfortable with him, even comfortable enough that during movie nights, if you happened to be around, lying next to him or even against him was deemed completely normal. 
You’d done it since you were little, and so even once it shifted from being simply platonic to something that made your heart race as you got older, Juyeon never once questioned it. He never felt the need to and neither did Sunwoo. You weren’t sure if he was simply oblivious or intentionally ignoring the way you felt, but you were relieved either way.
Juyeon never noticed that your first semester back from university, Sunwoo started to get more physical towards you. His arm being wrapped around you wasn’t new, but where he let his hand rest was. You still remembered the first time it fell on your hips, but it stayed unmoving and almost felt like an unintentional accident. 
Though with Sunwoo, nothing was unintentional. He thought you were beautiful and incredibly hard to resist, but he tried. He tried by simply leaving little hints, hints that could mean nothing or everything at the same time, and hints that Juyeon wouldn’t notice or brush off because Sunwoo wouldn’t cross that line. He’d never be so stupid. 
Sunwoo didn’t want to cross the line, but there was only so much self control he had. Especially when you never, not once, rejected anything that he did. 
You’d just finished your first year at university, enjoying the start of your summer break, when things shifted again. Trying to get used to Sunwoo drawing patterns on your hip or nuzzling up to you could never have prepared you.
The weather was terrible, a summer storm looming outside with the sound of rain crashing against the window as a random horror movie played that you lost interest in within the first twenty minutes, and you could tell Sunwoo didn’t care for it much either. Horror movies were Changmin’s thing, and maybe you should’ve been nice and invited your best friend along for the evening. 
You were leaning against Sunwoo, his arm around you and fingers resting on your hip with a blanket draped over your bare legs and a part of your waist.
Juyeon was on the opposite side, a bowl of near empty popcorn on his lap with a blanket around his own figure. 
Sunwoo shifted, the blanket slipping off your body though he caught it and covered you again, and you would’ve likely barely reacted if it weren’t for his fingers moving over your bare thigh. Your breath caught in your throat, and you tried to hide it with a cough though Sunwoo knew better. 
Though just because he knew better, didn’t mean he was about to risk it entirely. 
He’s slow, as if trying to calculate all the risks in the scenario he’s in, including both your potential rejection and Juyeon seeing what he’s up to, so it’s incredibly delicate as his fingers move under the thin blanket and to the hem of your oversized shirt, pushing it up above your hips. 
Your eyes widen, looking down though the skin he’s exposed lies very much hidden over the thin fabric that’s keeping you warm. You feel like you’re burning and can’t breathe, trying to regulate it without raising any suspicion. 
Sunwoo doesn’t feel your rejection, though he takes the time to whisper as quietly as he possibly can, “say stop and I will.”
You look over to Juyeon, but he hasn’t heard. It’s both a relief and a thrill, and you only nod to Sunwoo, tilting your head slightly upwards and to the side, eyes rested on his plump lips that had just hovered by your ear.
His fingers twist around the thin lace laying over your hip bone before he runs his hand down your thigh. He’s meticulous and painfully slow, but the result is that if you didn’t know any better, even you wouldn’t suspect much of anything. And the thrill of it all leaves you embarrassingly wet. 
You’re impatient too, and maybe it’s a mistake, but you push his hand just enough to rest in between your thighs. Sunwoo isn’t stupid either, he knows exactly what you want and exactly what you’re craving, and he’s more than willing to give it to you now that you’ve cleared up any potential misunderstanding of your motives. 
That’s the problem. Sunwoo has always been more than willing to do anything you ask, even when he shouldn’t. Whilst Juyeon had never explicitly stated that you were off limits, he knew that you were. He could have anyone he wanted. Anyone but you. 
And you’re exactly what he wanted. 
He’s teasing you, mostly because he doesn’t have a choice if he wants to remain discreet, but also because he likes it. He likes seeing you react, how you bite your lip and try to push your legs apart just enough for him to have his fingers between without the movement being too obvious. Sunwoo pushes into you as a response, and you can feel his cock against your ass. 
This was bad. You were both stuck here, and you were feeling incredibly hot and desperately trying to be quiet. 
“Are you okay?” he says it loudly, and you can’t believe the nerve he has to ask you right in front of Juyeon. Your brother looks over at you, concern on his face as Sunwoo’s fingers stop right back on your hip. 
“What’s wrong?” there’s genuine concern there, and now you wonder what you look like. 
“She feels warm. Fever?” 
You want to hit him, but the only way you retaliate is to shift around with the way you’re lying, purposely pushing against him. You hear the angry hiss leave his throat, but it’s so quiet, similar to a low growl, so you don’t think Juyeon hears it, or if he does, he assumes it’s because your shuffling around must’ve kicked his friend. 
“Do you wanna sleep? We can watch this another time,” you nod at your brother, for as much as you very much enjoy the lines you’re crossing, the gamble doesn’t seem worth it with him right here. That, and in some way, you respect your brother just a little too much. 
“I’m gonna have a cold shower,” you twist your body up, ensuring the blanket is still on Sunwoo as he lets you go and repositions on his side, “night Juyeon. Sunwoo.”
You hug your brother goodnight, retaliating by hitting Sunwoo’s ass over the blanket, making him yelp and glare your way as you disappear into the bathroom. 
Fucking hell, did that just happen?
You can’t believe it. The immediate guilt sinks in for what you’ve done. It’s obvious to you, just how deep your crush and sexual attraction for Sunwoo has gotten, but a part of you wishes you could still suppress it. 
The water is ice cold when it hits your skin and you let out a squeal, eventually rinsing yourself off and washing your hair, attempting to snap out of the constant daze and addiction that is Kim Sunwoo. But the more you let him be in your mind, the more he refused to leave, and the worse your thoughts got. 
Maybe you just needed to get laid. It had been a while since your ex (who you conveniently enough, don’t think Sunwoo liked), and now you were in a state of such frustration that you were taking it out onto the only man available in the house. 
Though desire was a funny thing. 
It just wouldn’t go away. 
You lay awake for hours, staring up at your ceiling with only one person on your mind. There’s no doubt you’re losing it, unable to sleep for every time you close your eyes, it’s the same thought and wish for a dream over and over again. 
You resort to the only form of advice you can run to. Changmin.
“It’s two in the fucking morning, please,” he groans, his voice rough and tired, and it really doesn’t help your sexual overdriven hormones. It’s not like you were attracted to your best friend, but his rough voice combined with everything else sent you into a near meltdown. Maybe you should just ask him to sleep with you. 
“I want to fuck Sunwoo,” it’s quiet. You’re not sure if Changmin has to think about what you said first before he reacts, or if he just has no idea how to react, but eventually you hear him shuffle around and speak. 
“I ehrm… I’m not sure what you want me to say to that,” he pauses again, clearing his throat, “does Juyeon know?”
“What the hell do you think?” 
“Yikes, you really do need to get laid,” you nearly scream before remembering that any loud noise is going to garner unwanted attention from the two men that are either just downstairs or down the hall from you, so you suppress your agony instead, “why Sunwoo, though?”
“Have you not seen him?”
“I mean… not recently,” you sigh, rolling onto your side to look out the window. The rain seems endless, so you can’t exactly expect Changmin to get up and walk here to keep you company. 
“You’re staying up with me.”
“I’m tired,” he groans, enough for you to briefly feel bad. Though one of your biggest flaws is your stubbornness and your best friend knows that. 
“If I have someone else give you company, will you let me sleep?”
“Who’s crazy enough to come out at-”
There’s an abrupt cut on the other line, and you realise Changmin’s hung up. He either had a death wish or a plan, maybe both, and honestly, neither were comforting to think about.
A knock on the door breaks you out of it, half expecting your brother or maybe both of the boys to walk in, but it’s only Sunwoo. Immediately, you feel the need to wrap your blanket over your bare legs, “come in?”
He finally steps inside, leaving the door slightly ajar as he approaches you. He’s still in the same sweatpants and shirt from earlier, his hair more ruffled and messy from the constant laying down. He looks so inviting, his lips so full and his eyes so entrancing. It’s pure torture. 
“Changmin messaged me,” you pale, and now you’ve decided that he really does have a death wish, “want to explain?” 
He holds his phone out to you, a message from a number you can recite by heart sent just a minute ago. 
Y/N wants to sleep with you. Double meaning implied. Leave me out of it.
“What the fuck Chan-,”
“Is it true? Double meaning implied?” he smirks, and you realise quickly that to him it’s become a bit of a game to see how far he can push and taunt you until you either decide it’s enough or give in. You’re not sure why Sunwoo suddenly got so confident, though you suppose he always has been, the only difference now is that he knows how you’re thinking.  
“You don’t have to cover up. It’s quite warm,” his voice is low, but you doubt it’s out of worry for Juyeon hearing him. He’s right as well. It may be raining outside, but it’s incredibly hot in here, and you let him when he asks to remove the fabric over your bare legs, taking a seat at the edge of your bed. 
“Are you… still watching that movie?” 
“Finished it. And two others. Juyeon went to bed, it’s literally been hours,” you nod, wondering if he really is two doors down from you, fast asleep. Maybe he’s scrolling through his phone or doing god knows what else. 
“And you?”
“Well…” he starts, his fingers moving up along your left leg and causing shivers to run along your skin, “see, I have a bit of a problem.”
You may regret asking, but curiosity gets the better of you and you feel like you’re damned to hell. That, and the fact that maybe you really don’t care at all anymore, about any of the risks, “which is what?”
He grins, and it’s a smile that tells you he has something on his mind that thrills him and intoxicates you. Sunwoo comes closer, resting the palm of one hand on your inner thigh to push your legs apart, his lips right by your ear, “I really need to know how sweet you taste.”
Your resolve breaks. Maybe it was broken before, but it’s definitely shattered now. A whimper falls past your lips and now he’s right above you, watching with eyes like you’re his prey. 
“Am I allowed, sweetheart?” 
It happens fast, the way you grip his shirt and pull him down until your lips meet. His lips are slightly salted, likely from the popcorn, and he’s quickly pushing his tongue between your lips and gripping you harder by your thigh. He’s rough, a little forceful with it, but you like the dominance he holds over you. 
“Fuck, you have no idea how hard it’s been to resist you,” he leaves open mouthed kisses down your neck, one of his hands slipping under your shirt to grope your breasts, playing with the sensitive flesh and hardened nipples, twisting slightly as you mewl underneath him. 
He’s overwhelming you. Sunwoo always has a way for your senses to go into overdrive, but with what he’s doing now, you can’t think.
“P-please,” you sound pathetic, but he’s nice enough to listen. At least you thought he was. 
“Let’s play a game,” oh no. He’s pulling you up, until you sit with your legs over the bed, planted firmly on the floor as your eyes find the still open door. 
You’d forgotten it was open. Sunwoo, however, clearly hadn’t, “what game?”
He’s down on his knees before you, his shirt discarded before you can even blink, and it takes a while to adjust to the naked chest and muscular build he’s always hidden from you. You tremble just at the thought, watching him closely as he repositions your legs onto his shoulder, pulling himself closer to you, “see how quiet you can be with that door open, sweetheart.”
You should be scared. The risk of getting caught has exponentially grown with the factor of an open door, but you feel his teeth lightly dig into the flesh by your upper thigh and you seem to forget everything else. It’s like he’s telling you to pay attention to only him, with each sharp sting of his teeth that leaves your skin red. 
Something about it you love. The dominance maybe, or maybe the possessive nature in which he litters your skin in angry red marks that you want to have, “look at me.”
It’s demanding, but you barely hear it first until his fingers dig into your thighs, pushing your legs just slightly more apart, and you sit up just a little to meet his eyes. He almost looks dangerous, near possessed in his hunger for you, and suddenly you’ve never felt more attractive in your life. 
He makes you feel wanted, and maybe that’s enough to explain why you’ve always been pushed towards him like a magnet. Even if you knew him at a surface level, he’s always been attentive to you in the little things. 
You nearly curse the world the minute Sunwoo delicately lays a kiss over your clothed clit, and it’s frustrating how that alone damn near makes you see stars. Such a simple touch of his lips should not feel like the end for you, and yet it does. You grip his hair before you can help yourself, pushing him between your legs as he chuckles, “are you that desperate?” 
“Shut up,” his nails dig into you harder, a scowl on his face as he nearly drags you down further, and you nearly yelp when your underwear is pushed to the side and his full lips meet your bare folds. 
“F-fuck,” he doesn’t respond to you. Either he’s off in his own world or he’s intentionally ignoring you as punishment for the way you run your mouth, but you’re in heaven, though it feels like the greatest sin that’ll have you sent straight to hell. 
You’d never have said you were a very vocal person in the bedroom. Even if someone made you feel good, your moans were usually quiet, more breathy and whispered than they were loud, but Sunwoo made you want to scream, and knowing you couldn’t made it so much worse.
Sunwoo seemed to know what he wanted, because without much warning, he’s letting his index finger graze your folds and it’s near embarrassing just how much of your juices coat his finger when he does, bringing it up to your lips, “are you gonna be good?”
You nod, desperate as you take his finger in your mouth, sucking on it like you would his cock, the taste slightly sweet while he’s back between your legs. You feel like your senses are going into overdrive, moaning as you take one of your hands and grip his hair, pushing his tongue deeper between your folds, but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“S-Sunwoo, p-please,” you want to cum, and it feels like you’re so close, but it’s like he wants to remind you just how insufferable he is as he pushes back the second you feel like you may tip over the edge. 
The whine that releases in your throat is loud and pathetic, and you both share a wide look of shock and worry because what if Juyeon heard it. 
A minute passes, the only noise in the room being both of your heavy breathing, and when Sunwoo decides that Juyeon likely hasn’t woken up, his attention is back on you, “take off your shirt.”
You nearly don’t hear him, too busy staring at his swollen lips that glisten just slightly under the moonlight bleeding into the room, and he looks so beautiful that you feel like you’re falling for him right in that very moment, completely. 
“You need to stop staring like that. It’s not good for my heart,” his words make your head spin just as they put you into action, stripping off the very little you have on until you’re entirely naked. 
Sunwoo just stares first, and you wonder if maybe you should cover yourself but the minute you reach for the blanket, he’s stopping you, “don’t you dare.”
It’s rough, a demand that you listen to, especially when his fingers grip your chin to look up at him, “you look far beyond what I ever dreamed of.”
“You dreamed about me?” 
He grins, leaning down to kiss you as you let yourself go, back hitting the mattress as he hovers over you, “all the time.”
“Tell me,” you wanna hear it. Want to hear what you do to him, when this entire time you just thought that Sunwoo was the one making you crazy. 
“How good you must look with my cock inside you. You’d probably take it so well,” you’re nodding, whimpering slightly as he’s bruising your neck, and your hands are playing with the waistband of his sweatpants, asking without a word for him to take them off. 
It’s a relief to you that he listens, until you’re both entirely naked though you’re the one left salivating at his hardened cock. A little above average but thick, making you feel like you’re going dumb staring at him, “you wanna open that pretty mouth for me?”
You feel him grip your thigh and push you to the edge of the bed again, your face eye level with his waist, and it’s almost instinctual for you to part your lips, the tip of his cock laid flat on your tongue until you take him deeper. 
It becomes clear to you that you underestimated his girth, your jaw quickly sore but you don’t want to accept it either, relaxing your muscles as you swirl your tongue underneath the base of his shaft, moaning around his cock, eyes finding his to see that he’s already staring at you with such darkened lust that you feel like he desires only you, and it makes your head spin. 
“Just a little more, good girl,” his praise goes right to your core, making you shake and he notices, fingers tugging at your hair as you take him just a little more, your mouth so full that you have to release him and gasp for air, but Sunwoo doesn’t mind for a second that you need to pull away. 
Especially not when his patience is running thin with what he really wants. 
You watch him step away from you, making you nearly cry out and complain but he moves to sit up with his back against the headboard, tapping his thigh as if inviting you onto his lap, and you don’t need to be told twice to obey his wishes. He grabs your waist when you’re close enough, and in a way it’s gentle as he guides you, straddling him and making his cock ache against your bare cunt, your juices coating him as he tries to steady his breathing. 
“F-fuck, you sure you want this?”
He looks pained, like he would shatter if he had to stop now, but you also see in his eyes that he’s genuine. That he’s giving you one last out if you want to take it. Fortunately for you both, you don’t want to.
“Yes, p-please Sunwoo?” 
It’s the desperation in your voice that releases something primal in him, the last bit of reserve leaving him as he lifts your thighs with a harsh grip that makes you see stars, aligning his cock against your entrance. He’s careful and slow, which at first you want to cry about, but you quickly realise that he has to be slow or he may hurt you, your body having to adjust to how tight it’s gripping him. 
“G-god, have you never been fucked before?” 
“Not like t-this,” your mouth hangs open, eyes shut as he feels his possession of you grow, and it does things to him knowing that it’s only him that’s got you squeezing around his cock like it’s your first time. 
“There you go,” the praise makes you whimper again, clenching around him and Sunwoo nearly sees stars when he realises how much you like to be praised and told you’re good for him. 
He feels like you’re cursing him straight to hell with the thoughts you’re giving him, something primal in him awakening, leaving him barely able to wait for you to let him move. 
“P-please, m-more,” the open door has been forgotten the second Sunwoo lifts you off his cock before slamming into you, making you nearly scream in pleasure though he muffles it with his hand, alarmed though not near enough to have him stop. He doesn’t think he can, not with the way you feel around him, meeting the thrusts of his hips halfway as you bounce on his cock. 
“S-Sunwoo, m-more,” he groans, eyes falling between the way he disappears inside you and your lips, and he knows he can never return to seeing you the way he did before, not now that he knows he’s gotten his hands on you. 
“I want you to belong to me,” it should maybe be alarming, to hear him lay claim on you like this, but to you it’s the sexiest thing anyone’s said to you, and honestly, you know you already do. 
“F-fuck, yes,” your movements quicken, his hand finding the base of your neck, just to grip onto you but not adding any pressure, but the action is enough to urge you on, like you want to do more for him and he hisses at the way your wrapped around him so tight and willing. 
“Good, y-you do so good,” Sunwoo feels like he’s burning, gripping both your hips when he feels you lose control at his praise, keeping you in place with a vice hold that might even bruise, and you know you’re going not going to last. Not when you see the way his eyes are glazed over and never leaving you, his hair clinging to his forehead and his muscular chest moving rapidly as he breathes.
“Sunwoo, I-”
“I k-know baby,” his voice is smooth, but his pace is feverish and rough, and his neck presents itself to you just as the scale tips and you’re releasing your orgasm, biting into the skin of his shoulder to hide your pleasured screams of his name, the cries and the pathetic way he makes you whimper and see stars. 
The pressure and pain from your teeth and knowing why you bit him just as you grip his cock harder inside your walls has him spilling his cum into you before he can properly warn you, but you don’t seem to mind at all as his lips fall to your shoulder, muffling his own breathing as you both come down from your high. 
His hands find your back, nails grazing the skin gently before he’s just holding you in his arms, wincing slightly from the way you’re stimulating his cock even now, but when he tries to pull away from you, you grip onto him tighter. 
“P-please,” he nearly wants to cry, head falling back against the headboard as he looks up, trying to collect himself and maybe even think about what he’s just done. But all that runs through his mind is how you’re keeping him in place, gripping him, whimpering and willing and his, and he’s forgetting every possible consequence to his insane actions. 
“I’m a dead man,” you laugh, properly for the first time in a while and it makes him smile, and as much as he wants to keep you over him, to fill you up, he’s also a little more than relieved when you fall next to him because he’s not sure he could’ve handled the overstimulation any longer without being the one to beg. 
“So is Changmin,” even if your best friend will likely ask you questions, and likely throw it in your face that he did you a favor, you still very much want to kill him. Sunwoo chuckles, brushing his fingers against your shoulder gently, and the way his eyes are watching you so softly now makes your head spin.
“Kim Sunwoo, put your fucking clothes on or I will drag your naked ass out anyway, you’re dead,” both of you tense, simultaneously looking to the ajar door, though you can’t actually see Juyeon, you just very much know he’s there. You guess it could be considered kind of him to not just barge in, but it almost makes you more embarassed because if he’s not walking in, he knows exactly why he shouldn’t and there’s no way out for either of you.
You expect Sunwoo to be more ashamed or worried, but he sends you a cheeky grin and kisses your forehead before stumbling over to his discarded grey sweats. 
“Well, guess I have to go princess,” and while you’re left blushing, incredibly embarrassed, his bashfulness makes you smile, even when you know that Sunwoo is very much screwed. 
“Y/N, you too. Now.”
And so are you. 
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waiting to be chased for the open ending but it just wasn’t important to the story to add what happens there so... 
anyway thank you to everyone for reading, commenting and liking my work even while i was gone :) there will be more cause like i said... moonbae threesome and juyeon hands whoops
on a rather serious note though, please do not plagiarise my damn work. i spend hours on it and while i was grateful to be tagged and made aware of what was happening to me and other writers, it really makes it hard to even have motivation to write and dedicate that time if someone just takes it. i understand similarities in ideas because that happens (like please, as if i’m the first to do brothers best friend), but to copy paste is just beyond disrespectful and i’m tired of it. 
tbz masterlist
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purplepixel · 6 months
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What if the turtles were in the pokemon world? And what if they were never turtles, but in fact, mutated pokemon? What if they lived in the Castelia sewers of Unova instead of New York?
Meet my Rise/Pokemon AU!! Waaaah this has been on my mind for MONTHS now. Pokemon is that one fixation that'll never leave me. I'm THAT pokemon fan that knows WAAAAY too much about the games and lore. For those that don't know,
Raph is Drednaw
Leo is Wartortle
Mikey is Torkoal
Donnie is Lapras
Yes. They are all shiny. I started with raph, since him as drednaw is pretty much a no brainer. The shiny form fit too well with him and his color scheme. Than I realized if I made him shiny, I had to make the other bros shiny as well so THEY ALL SHINY. (draxum shiny hunter confirmed?) Also dual rock typing fits well with raph's character.
Wartortle for leo was also a pretty obvious choice. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. Long flowy tail? Yes please. I had to keep his markings somehow. Wartortle has little dark cheek spots, so I just changed them to be leo's markings. Water typing leo. Go with the flow, think on the spot, it worked out too well.
Torkoal for Mikey was another easy one. Fire turtle? Passionate, warm, also DANGEROUS (he can be a menace ok) Say no more. His powers in rise are already pyro related. Also having him shiny helped a lot with the color scheme. Torkoal is normally orange so having mikey be the yellow shiny form meant I didn't have to mess with his mask colors
Donnie on the other hand....OHHH BOI I STRUGGLED WITH YOU. I went through 4 DIFFERENT POKEMON, before deciding on the least turtle like of them all. I am aware that we do have a softshell pokemon with enamorous, but it's a legendary so thats not happening. But it was really important for me to keep donnie's soft shell and battle shell. I wanted this to be a RISE au and donnie's battle shell is pretty tied into his character. (there's also tirtouga which I almost went with, but I didn't like that both he and raph shared the exact same dual typing) Soooo, Lapras. Its more of a loch ness monster but it also draws inspiration from a placochelys (prehistoric seaturtle esque species) so IM COUNTING IT. Very unconventional but I have my reasons. Ice typing is a good offensive type, but is pretty bad defensively. Which ties into rise donnie's fighting style. If I wasn't a coward, I wouldve made donnie the biggest of the bros. Since lapras is like 8 feet tall compared to the others being like 1-3 feet. But uhhh, I swear I have an in universe explanation for why he's so small ok.
And than there's April. She is not a pokemon trainer in this au. At least not in the traditional sense. I've been with pokemon for all of my 26 years of life, and I always wanted to know what the normal people of the pokemon world are up to. Not everyone is out here collecting gym badges, travelling, or catching them all. How do non-trainers interact with the pokemon world? So that's where I'm at with April. She will get a pokemon partner, but other than that, she's just an average high schooler who befriended the turtles from a young age and takes part in all their shenanigans. I took some design elements from rosa and hilbert with her outfit, but otherwise its pretty much the same.
We'll see how far I'll take this. I've been using this as a break from my many other projects, but like everything I do, it grew too many legs and is slowly becoming its own thing.
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ the water heals our wounds (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; Finnick was beginning to believe that the damage done on you was permanent, but he had to try one more idea.
warnings; swearing, death mention, torture mention
wc; 5.3k
It’s too loud.
You can hear everything, between the people shouting nearby, and the consistent beeping from machines. There’s voices talking over one another, orders being barked around the room, fighting for more attention.
It’s bringing on a pounding headache, as if there’s tiny people inside of your head, slamming their fists on the inside of your skull with both hands, trying to get out. At first, it’s bearable, considering what you’ve been through lately.
And then it burns.
You fly up in the bed, eyes opening, hands reaching for the source of pain, attached to your forearm. Several people reach to grab and restrain you to keep from moving any further. You can see that there’s a needle, blood moving into a small vial.
“Miss (L/n), we’re just drawing your blood.” A nurse tells you, “You’re in District Thirteen, you’re safe now.”
“Dis—” You begin, and find that your voice is hoarse. You clear your throat, “District Thirteen isn’t real.”
“I assure you, it is.” He says, “We just had a team of volunteers rescue you and a few other victors from the Capitol.”
“The Tribute Center.” You murmur, watching as they pull the needle out, and replace it with a cotton pad, wrapping your elbow. “We were in the Tribute Center.”
“Yes, very good.” He says, “Can you tell me where you’re from?”
“District Four.” Your face twists, the headache is coming back, “Can we—?”
“When did you win the Hunger Games?”
“Sixty-Seventh. Can we talk about something else?” You look away, observing the space you’re in, “Anything else…”
You must be in District Thirteen’s hospital, judging by what you’re surrounded by. You can see a lot of people moving around, dressed similarly. The nurses and doctors look like they’re wearing different outfits than—what you can only guess is—regular civilians. There’s a few people sitting on gurneys dressed in hard armor and bulletproof vests, pockets absent of weapons.
You’d like to say that it’s not usually this busy or disorganized often, and that’s because of how the medical crew are reacting to the sheer amount of people in here. It’s crawling with bodies. They push people on gurneys away into hallways, some straight into private rooms where they pull the blinds, others are subjected to being treated in the main open room, like you.
You must not be high risk, then. 
You watch as a team of professionals wheel a gurney by, someone laying unresponsive in the bed. You look away quickly, to the next rapidly moving object, and realize that you recognize the person. You manage to look back in time to see who it really is, stomach squeezing in horror.
It’s Johanna on that bed, head shaven to the skin, scabs covering every inch of available skin. She looks disgusting, but it answers the question that’s been on your mind these past couple of weeks. You finally know what’s been happening to Johanna in the Capitol.
“Are you hungry? Or thirsty?” He asks, “We normally have to wait for clearance, but you’re alert and responsive. They wouldn’t want us to wait for permission.”
“I’d like water, if you can.” You nod, “I’m not hungry, though.”
He gives you a smile, turning to place his hand on the girls’ shoulder next to him, beginning to talk to her. You look away again, towards the doors that have just been pushed open, doors slamming against the wall from the force.
A young woman with dark hair in a braid is looking around the room quickly, searching for something. You get a glimpse of her face, and you know instantly that it’s Katniss Everdeen. 
You grit your teeth, a shudder running through your body. You grip onto the railings handles, letting out a shaky breath. You’ve seen her a lot recently, although you’ve never met her, not yet anyway. You had mentored the Quarter Quell—no, no you shouldn’t think about that.
“Gale!” Katniss shouts, starting for him.
A nurse blocks her, saying something, and you’re trying to read her lips, when a voice cuts through the noise.
You flinch, jerking to the other side of the bed, squeezing your eyes shut. The thoughts—the memories—of all the times he’s screamed your name, screamed at you. The morning he left, the purple bruises…
He punished you, said that it’s your fault this happened. 
“Miss (L/n)?” The nurse asks, placing his hand on yours.
You jump, swatting his hand off of yours. In the process, your eyes fly open, catching sight of him—of Finnick—coming towards you. You can’t let him have you, the last time he did—the nightmares still haven’t stopped. You can’t do it again. You need to get out of here.
You almost trip getting out of the bed, legs tangled in the scratchy white hospital sheets. Your bare feet slap against the tile floor, which is cool against your soles. You stumble a few steps to catch your balance before wheeling around, both hands grabbing the gurney.
“Get away from me!” You scream, pulling the back back a bit before launching it in his direction.
You watch his smile drop, eyebrows drawing in. He’s doing it again, the next thing you know he’ll have everyone on his side. He’s not going to trick you, you’re not going back to him this time. You’ll die before you end up in his hands. It was better in the Capitol. He wasn’t there, and you were safe.
A couple people jump to catch the gurney before it slams into him. It almost makes you want to scream at them, too, for trying to protect him. You don’t have time to, you turn around and start for the exit doors on the other side of the room. The male nurse that had been helping you tries to make a grab, but completely misses.
“Stop her!” He shouts.
You slip past several people, slamming into the metal doors, which start emitting a terrible, high-pitched scream that starts once they’re opened. You make a run for it down the long, cement hallways, feet slapping painfully on the floor. You can hear shouting behind you, pleading for you to stop.
You’re faster than they are. The further you run, the less you’re able to hear them, until their voices are gone entirely. You end up tripping into one of the side doors, leading you into a dark room. Good, they shouldn’t be able to find you here for a long time.
You drag your feet to the corner of the room, panting, struggling to catch your breath. The burning in your chest slowly grows stronger, you dig your nails into your collarbone, trying to distract from the pain.
You slide down the wall, letting out a sob, hands moving to clamp over your ears to block out the humming sound coming from somewhere inside of the room.
You hate the hospital wing of District Thirteen.
Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the fact of how the medical team is treating you. For once in your life, they couldn’t be more considerate and caring about your feelings. It’s refreshing, considering you’ve been in and out of the hospital since you won the Hunger Games.
The Capitol didn’t catch that your immune system was weaker than it had been before. You were home for a week before you caught the nasty disease that was going around the district. You spend two and a half months in the hospital trying to recover and leave. 
You honestly thought you were miserable in the arena, but it was nothing compared to how they treated you in the Four hospital. You know it was nothing personal, that’s how they treated all their patients. It was just so odd to see so much aggression in a place of healing.
There were a few times you almost left the hospital without being discharged because you couldn’t handle it anymore. It’s difficult to deal with that behavior in such a fragile state of mind. You couldn’t sleep because of the nightmares that plagued you, you were hardly eating because every bite made you nauseous.
The only reason why you were convinced to stay each time was because of Finnick. You think you remember him telling you that you could risk putting yourself in more danger if you didn’t stay. The last thing you wanted to do after you won the Games was die when you got home.
When you told that story to the Head Doctor here—mostly the part that you hate hospitals, in hopes that he would change his mind and let you stay in your own dorm—he hung onto that story, and a certain factor about it. Like how you didn’t mention Finnick in a negative light.
Those times in the hospital could’ve very well have been Finnick drawing you in. You smelt honey each time you were around him, making you feel safe enough to land. And the second you did, he trapped you.
The doctor won’t let you leave, no matter how many times you beg him to.
Like you said, you completely understand that they’re just doing their jobs when they come to check on you, and accompany you to the bathroom, and take you for walks around the hallways. The issue is that there’s nothing more you want right now than to be left alone.
When they hover like this, it’s like they’re trying to set you back. They did this in the Capitol, hovered over your smallest movements, made you second-guess your sentences. Now, you’re always waiting for the nurses here to say something like they did, always waiting for the drop that’ll never come.
“Do you want to go around one more time?” The nurse asks.
“No, I’m done.” 
There’s no point in walking around these halls. There’s nothing to look at, no rooms to look inside of. All it does is leave you to your thoughts, because half of the time, the nurses can’t bring themselves to carry a conversation. You might as well stay inside of your room.
“You remember that you’re supposed to be pushing yourself, right?” She asks.
“He wants me to push myself to walk in a rectangle?” You snap back, looking at her, “I can obviously walk just fuckin’ fine. They didn’t break my fucking legs.”
“It’s to keep up your stamina.”
“If you wanted to test my stamina, then you’d let me walk around the entire bunker and keep your fucking mouth shut to see how long I’ll go for.” You shake your head, rounding the corner to go inside of your assigned room.
You make it two steps before you stop, eyes locked on the foreign object. Your foot moves back to get you out of there, but you know that there’s nowhere to run to, anymore. You need clearance to get through the doors, and you can’t do it without one of the nurse’s approval.
You would’ve snuck out by now if you could.
Your arms wrap around your upper body to hug yourself, fingers digging into your upper arm’s flesh to ground yourself.
It’s just a vase of flowers, it can’t hurt you. What can, is the thought of him being in here, delivering these himself. What else can be in here? What of your belongings did he touch? Is this why the nurses insisted that you get out of bed at that exact moment.
“Was he in here?” The words are harsh.
“No, we don’t let visitors back here, they are to wait in the lobby.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Your voice is surprisingly measured, despite the uncontrollable urge to freak out. You grip your arms tighter, “Was he in here?”
She’s silent for a few seconds, “Yes.”
“Why on earth would you let him?” You tear your eyes from the flowers, “Who approved of that?”
“Doctor Hurley did.” She says, “There’s been so much progress between you two, so he allowed Finnick to come in here on special request to deliver a gift. He picked the flowers himself this morning. He wanted them at their freshest.
You begin to take deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, “I don’t understand.”
“What’s the matter?”
“You let him in my space?” You ask, tears building in your eyes. You can’t be safe, not even back here, in an area where you can’t escape if he were here. Is he here? “The one place that he wasn’t supposed to have access to? You let him in here? What did he touch? Did he leave?”
There’s a smile that hints at the corners of her lips. He must’ve talked to her, that’s the only reason why she thinks it’s okay. He told her the same sob story that he told you to get you to stay. She’s supposed to be on your side.
You start inside of your room, one long stride after the other, hand reaching for the clear vase of colorful flowers, paired together to show the end of summer, the beginning of fall. There’s a few long leaves sticking out, giving you more of the outdoors.
You twist around, letting out a scream as you throw the vase at the nurse. She jumps out of the way, making it shatter against the concrete wall instead, glass bursting into pieces, flying in every direction. The bundle of flowers lands in the puddle of glass and water.
“I want to go to the cafeteria to eat!” You shout, hand flying out in the direction of the door, “I don’t understand why Peeta’s allowed to go and I’m not!”
Doctor Hurley is shaking his head at you, face twisted like it always is when he’s delivering bad news. Behind him stands Boggs, the head of security, arms crossed and waiting in the doorway. You demanded to see both of them today, because it would be the only way to appeal to both at the same time.
“It’s not an act of unfairness, (Y/n).” Doctor Hurley says, “Let’s say you have an episode, there’s a chance you could trigger both Johanna and Peeta at the same time too. And it’s vice versa with Peeta.”
“You really think that Peeta’s aggression could set me off?” You ask, “Peeta and I might have had the same treatment, but it was obviously done in different ways. He’s aggressive towards Katniss, and they made me afraid of Finnick.”
“Yes, precisely.” 
You turn your attention to Boggs, “Please, you know that my first reaction wouldn’t be to fight. The first thing that I’d do is run. All you’d have to do is worry about getting Peeta under control.”
“We would still have to spend time finding you after you run. That first day you came here, you only had access to the hospital wing, and it took hours for us to find you. It’ll take longer, possibly days, if you went hiding here.” Boggs says.
“Yet you were able to find Katniss each time she hid, right?” You shoot back, watching his face twist. “Yeah, I know about that because of Haymitch. And worst-case scenario, if you can’t find me, I come down from the hysteria and come out myself.” Now you look back at Hurley, “You’ve been teaching me self-soothing techniques for a reason to bring myself back down when I’m feeling that way.”
Hurley shakes his head, “This is not a time to put that to the test.”
You cross your arms, shaking your head, “Then why don’t you send Johanna or Peeta to their rooms? It’d be a fair trade-off.”
“We can’t, we’re under special orders from Coin to continue to push his progress. We need him outside of his comfort zone.” Boggs says, “And Johanna’s stable enough to mix her with the other victors. We can’t risk a third.”
“So he’s the golden one, again?” You ask, “You say that it’s not a matter of being unfair, but that’s exactly what it is.”
“(Y/n), why don’t you go down on a different day?” Hurley asks, “It’ll still let you feel some sense of normalcy.”
You slam your fists into the desk, the tray full of food rattles against the wood, “You only let them go down once a week! I don’t want to sit with people I don’t know! I want the victors, for fuck’s sake!” You scoot away from the table, back further onto the bed to give you more leg mobility. This is when you draw your leg back and kick the table so it topples over, the tray hits the floor, food splattering up the wall. “I want to see Finnick!”
The room’s silent for a good minute, while you struggle to get your emotions under control, realizing that this is exactly what they meant about you triggering Peeta and Johanna. These outbursts don’t help you, but what else are you supposed to do? They don’t listen to you. They back you into a corner and give you solutions you don’t care about. 
“You said—” You begin, wiping the tears that are forming in the corners of your eyes away, “You said that denying me things like this is a step back.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Hurley says.
“It feels like you’re trying to keep me from moving forward, by keeping me away from them. How am I supposed to know how to act around them, if you don’t give me a chance?” You ask, “I want an opportunity.”
Boggs watches you for a few more seconds, and then he lets out a sigh, “Tell the nurses to give her a jumpsuit.”
Hurley turns to look at him, “After this?” He motions to the mess on the floor, “How do you think Peeta will react?”
“I think Peeta’s shown a lot of empathy for the people that were with him in the Capitol, recently.” Boggs says, “He’s made it a long way as well, and I’m not going to prioritize him. If there’s a step back, fine. We have another couple of weeks to work on it.”
“If you think so.” Hurley looks at you, “We’ll have a nurse bring a jumpsuit. Boggs will bring you down.”
“Thank you.”
Both of them leave, heading in the direction of the nurse station at the end of the hall. You try not to bother them too much if you don’t have to. They’ve begun to lift a lot of the restrictions they’ve put on you, which is a relief. It’s driving you crazy to be treated like a child.
While you wait, you go over to clean up the mess you made. You place the table upright, and get to work on using napkins to scoop the specific portions of food back onto the metal tray. By the time Boggs comes back, the food is relatively gone, and you can’t even tell you knocked the table over.
He hands over your new outfit, one that you’ve worn a few times before. You take it, and shuffle inside of the bathroom. You use the one hair tie they allow you to have to tie your hair out of your face, and then you change into the grey outfit. You leave the bathroom, pulling on your flats, because that’s all they allow you to have. 
Boggs escorts you out of your room, down a hall and through a pair of swinging doors. They moved you out of the first area because you stopped showing a threat of escaping. You nearly cried when they told you the news, because the nurses there are significantly meaner than the ones over here. And they’ve told you several times that they would never have let Finnick go into your room like that, regardless of what Doctor Hurley approved.
The moment you step foot out of the hospital, you wrap your arms around your body to hold in the anxiety that’s beginning to bubble inside of you. In a few days, it would’ve been two weeks since you last saw Finnick. You’re not used to him being away for so long, especially with how persistent he is. You’ve been told by the nurses that it’s because he’s working on something with Coin, Plutarch and Haymitch.
When you asked more about it, you were told that they didn’t know anything. And even if they did, they wouldn’t be allowed to tell you, because you haven’t hit that stage yet. Yes, you’re a victor, and you’ve just managed to survive the Capitol, but that doesn’t give you a rite of passage here.
Boggs brings you to an elevator, where he has you step inside, and then pulls the door down. He presses a button on a box next to him, and the two of you begin your descent to the cafeteria’s floor. The elevator’s not even close to as nice as the ones from the Capitol, those ones move smoothly and noiselessly.
It stops, he pulls the door open, and leads you to the cafeteria doors. He stops in front of them, “If you feel the need to leave, you have to let me know.”
“I will.” You nod.
“We’ll grab you a tray, and then sit down with them. Lunch just started, it should be over in thirty minutes.”
You nod again, letting him know you’re listening. He goes through the doors, and you follow behind him, hugging yourself tighter to give you something to focus on. A few people glance to look at you, but their eyes don’t linger for very long, returning to the person they’re talking to.
Boggs brings you to the short line that leads to the window where you get your food. When it’s your turn, the lady on the other side gives you a wide smile, and tells you to enjoy. You wonder how many of the people in here know who you are.
Boggs starts walking away, and you follow behind him, taking deep breaths to calm yourself, because you can no longer hug yourself. You’ve got the tray in your hands, something to focus on.
“Mind if we join you?” Boggs says, stepping aside.
You suck in your bottom lip, giving a smile to the table of victor’s in front of you.
“I was wondering when they’d finally let you out of your cell.” Johanna says first, motioning to the one open spot, “We have so much to catch up on.”
“Trust me, it was a fight to even come eat lunch down here.” You set the tray on the table, and then move to sit on the bench. Peeta scoots over to give you more room, “If it weren’t for Boggs, I’d be eating my lunch off of the floor.”
He laughs behind you.
“Lucky you.” Peeta murmurs, “You do that often?”
You breathe out a laugh, “I try not to anymore.”
You pick up the fork, twisting it in your hand, looking up to see exactly who you’re sitting with. Johanna’s sitting across from you, with one leg up on the bench, leaning into it while she eats. Peeta’s sitting to your right, his own personal bodyguards tower behind him, they must not bother him.
Katniss is sitting across from Peeta, but she’s more toward the end of the table, eating with the man you saw on your first day, the one she couldn’t see, Gale. On the other side of Johanna sits a blonde girl, twirling her hair around her finger. She offers you a wide smile.
And the last person, who was on the other side of Peeta—now next to you—is…
You swallow thickly at the sight of Finnick, feeling your heart begin to beat faster in your chest. Usually when you see him, it’s across a table, at the far side so that you’re not close. Always your request, never his. He goes along with it because he doesn’t want you feeling uncomfortable.
You have to quickly remind yourself that he won’t hurt you. Doctor Hurley and his team of doctors have been working hard to try and reverse the damage that was done in the Capitol. However, if there’s one thing that people tend to hold onto the most, it’s fear. 
Finnick raises his eyebrows, the small smile he was holding is slowly fading, “Do you want me to move?”
You shake your head, “No, I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, “It wouldn’t be a big deal, you didn’t know—”
“I’m sure.” You smile, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. I heard you’re working on some projects with Beetee?”
Finnick’s expression transforms entirely, lighting up, “Yes, he’s showing me new trident designs. You’d love them, he made one the other day that made me think of you. It had these vines that snaked around the handle, and bright colorful flowers. It’s not practical to use, but I know how you like the prettier looks.”
“Maybe you can show me the next time we have our meeting. It was on paper, right?”
“Yeah, I think he made a small prototype, it’s plastic, so hopefully it’ll pass through the doors.” Finnick shrugs.
“That sounds nice.”
Johanna lets out a scoff, “Nerds.”
“I still can’t believe you convinced them to let both of us up here.” You say, jogging slightly to catch up with Finnick. “And alone?”
“I have a way with words.” Finnick turns to wink at you, “You’re going to love it.”
He readjusts the bag he has on his shoulder, it’s gotta be heavy. You offered to carry some of the food inside, but he told you that he wants you to enjoy being outside again for the first time in months. 
“This is the last door.” He tells you, going through it first, and then holding it open.
The sunlight streams through the door, and blinds you on your way through. You take in a deep breath as soon as you’re fully outside. It smells so fresh, lighter than the recycled air from inside. The sun on your skin feels nice, and it’s warm. 
“Johanna would love it up here.” You murmur, crossing your arms over your chest, “Do you think they’d let her out?”
“If she shows signs of getting better, they will, but she’s having issues at the moment.” Finnick shakes his head, “I wish it could be the three of us again.”
You nod, “So where are we picnicking? Right here?”
Finnick scoffs, “Are you kidding? No, I’ve got a special spot that you’re also going to love?”
“How deep?” You ask, “We shouldn’t go too far.”
“It’s not too far, I promise. It’s closeby, Katniss showed me where it is.”
“Okay,” You motion for him to go first, “Lead the way.”
Finnick begins walking along a path that has been stomped into the ground. The two of you travel through the trees, and you can’t help yourself when you touch every green object you pass. The bark, the leaves, the grass, the rocks. You pluck a white flower out of a bush and carefully tuck it behind your ear.
“Can I ask what you and Katniss passed? I heard it was some sort of test.” You pull a leaf off of a plant to fold and pull apart while you walk. “I was going to ask Johanna but I was told I couldn’t see her.”
“I can tell you, but you can’t go and tell Boggs that I did. You can’t tell anyone, actually.” He glances over his shoulder at you, eyes lingering on the flower.
“Promise.” You smile.
“Well, they’re planning an attack on the Capitol, which you already know.” He starts, “The test Katniss and I took was to see if we were eligible to join.”
You can feel the smile disappear from your face, “Why would you want to do that?”
“To help, of course.” He says, “I was placed on the same squad as Katniss, Boggs is going to be leading it. Johanna failed the test, she freaked out. That’s why she wasn’t available for visitors. I had to fight them to be let in.”
“When are you going?” You ask, fingers gravitating toward your mouth, teeth biting onto nails.
“Soon, hopefully. We won’t know more information until we ship out.”
You’re not sure why they, Katniss and Finnick, would want to go there after seeing what happened to you, Johanna and Peeta. Haven’t they learned anything from it? What happens when they get captured? They’re automatically killed.
“That’s a bad idea.” You murmur, “For either of you to go.”
“Our luck, we won’t even be able to do any of the action.” Finnick shrugs, “I could tell by Boggs’ face that we’re going to be decoration.”
You hum, “How much farther?”
“Only a couple more minutes.” Finnick tells you.
He changes the topic, talking about Peeta’s cake decorating skills from a couple of weeks ago. They threw a party and filmed it to use for propaganda. You were in a few of the shots, but not many. The cake that Peeta made had to be carried out by four people, and they were careful not to ruin the beautiful icing that must’ve taken Peeta hours, despite his skilled hand. 
You wish you had even half the talent that he does.
“We’re going this way.” Finnick begins to go down a slope, you follow, not really paying attention.
And then you hear it, the sound of running water. You pick up speed, going right past Finnick to see if what you’re hearing is correct. You’re led to a tree, a patch of shade, and beyond that, a small cliff that leads to a shallow river.
“Oh my god!” You gasp, “You knew this was here?”
“That’s what I was bringing you to.” He laughs, placing the bag down by the tree. He reaches in to pull out the blanket, spreading it over the patch of shade.
You reach to pull off your shoes, not bothering to entertain the idea of sitting down, not with something so refreshing and familiar nearby. You throw your shoes by the end of the blanket, and move on to rolling up the legs of the jumpsuit, not wanting them to get soaking wet.
“What are you doing?” He asks, looking up at you.
“I’m getting in, of course!” You turn away from him, heading to the river.
“Wait!” He shouts behind you, getting up, “What if it’s faster than you think?”
“So be it! Let me get carried away by the waves!” You laugh, sitting down on the edge before scooting in.
You’re afraid that you’re going to land harshly on rocks, but your feet sink into mud. The water is cold, but not as bad as it can be back home in Four. It feels nice on your skin, and combined with the sun… it really is a perfect day for a picnic. 
You wade deeper into the water, feeling it go up to your knees. When you turn around, you’re met with Finnick, standing at the top, staring down at you. You splash a handful of water in his direction, letting out a laugh.
“This is so much better than taking a shower and pretending it’s raining!” You throw your head back, arms out while you spin slightly, “I love it!”
“You don’t want to eat first?” Finnick asks, laughing.
You wave the idea away, “This reminds me of the summer after I won. How we went to the beach all day, forgot sunscreen and went back home burnt to hell. It hasn’t been that hot in a long time.”
Finnick’s face twists, a pout appearing for a second, before it disappears, “I remember.”
“Get in here!” You splash at him again.
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maiko-san · 6 months
TADC x Robotic Jester! Reader (Part 4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A/n : Sorry for the late update, I've been busy with work at the supermarket especially when Christmas is around the corner.
ft. Zooble and Pomni
IHA - In House Adventure
(Y/o/n) - Your other name
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The next day, you wake up and go through your routine like usual. Having breakfast with the others before Caine decided to go for IHA. Caine comes up with IHAs at a random time.
Today's IHA was insect hunting which is a favourite activity for Kinger. The man was giddy like a child and begin to blurt out all kinds of insects he wants to find.
"I wonder what insects we could find today, maybe we can catch the elusive blue morpho peleides? Oh, maybe *gasps* a dynastes hercules!" Kinger said, you smile at how childish he looks and it's kinda cute.
Everyone is in their adventure outfit and equipped with nets and a small cage. "Alright everyone! Let's head out and catch some bugs!" Caine declares, "Each bugs have their points! The rarer they are the higher their points! The team with the highest points will get free tickets to the theme park for a week!" Caine said.
Everyone is separated into two teams, you are in a team with Gangle and Ragatha. While the other team is Kinger, Ragatha and Kaufmo. "Don't think ya can win cuz you have Kinger in your team! We're gonna beat your @s£!" you said.
"Those ticket will be ours!" you said, smirking.
Everyone is exhausted after getting chased by a swarm of angry hornets. Those devils have lots of points and yeah, you guys tried to catch one in their little nest and thought it would be easy—
But no, Caine didn't tell anybody that the bugs were huge!
Poor Kaufmo got stung by those hell spawns and Caine were able to fix him, but the poor clown was traumatized. You on the other hand got stung too in order to save your partner.
"You're okay there, bud?" you turn to Kaufmo who is rocking back and forth, he was horrified. You rub his back to soothe him down but he is still shaking uncontrollably. "Since the hornets are gone, LET'S CONTINUE WITH THE ADVENTURE!" Caine said making everyone (except Kinger) groans.
You stand up and help Kaufmo back to his feet, "Hey, Kauf. You can sit back if you want, don't force yourself. I can take you back to your room" you said with a slight smile. "Y-yeah, I think I'm sitting back on this o-one. I'm going back to my r-room.... alone. Don't worry, I'll be f-fine" Kaufmo said. "T-thanks (Y/o/n)" he said.
You watch worriedly as Kaufmo walks back to his room, you hope that he recovers from the whole ordeal.
"Hey, looney! We got points to catch. I ain't letting that Hoo-Ha winnin' " Jax said, crossing his arms over his chest, tapping his feet impatiently while Gangle standing next to him. You roll your eyes and walk over to them, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever Mr impatient" you said.
The IHAs went as normal, everyone catches smaller bugs and avoids the larger ones. The day went by and results were a draw. How surprising. Caine decides that everyone gets free tickets but for now, everyone wants to go back to their room and rest.
You walk by Kaufmo's room with two tickets in your hand. "Hey, Kauf! I got the ticket, we can go for rides tomorrow!" you said, knocking on his door only to receive no reply.
"Kaufmo? Are you asleep?" you said, trying to turn the knob. Kaufmo doesn't mind you entering his room, sadly the door was locked. "Kaufmo? Are you alright? Say something!" you said as you start to feel slightly uneasy. As you jiggle the knob, you hear a click and the door opens slightly.
You let out a sigh of relief. "Hehe, y-you got me worried there, Kauf" you said, tugging on your collar. "S-sorry I was sleeping" Kaufmo apologized, "Well. Caine gave all of us the tickets" you said, holding out one ticket to the clown.
"Let's have some fun tomorrow. Just the two of us, how about that?" you smiles. "Thanks (Y/o/n) but I think I won't go tomorrow, too much happening today" Kaufmo sighed. "Hey, I won't force ya! We can go once you're ready anyways this ticket doesn't have an expiration date anyways!" you said.
After that, you leave Kaufmo and go to your room. The very next day.....
A new human came to town.
They are unique and consist of various shapes like those blocks.
Zooble was the name given to them.
Zooble is like one of those moody teenagers who is grouchy and easily gets irritated over something.
"F- off" was the first word that they gave to you when you tried to approach them.
Being a good person you are, you didn't push them and let them adjust to their new body and their new environment.
Zooble appreciates that you give them some space unlike coughCainecoughJax.
Zooble doesn't really understand how you are so fine with everything? Like, you enjoy living in this place.
"Why are you so happy being in this place? What's so good about it anyways?" they questioned, crossing their arms over their chest. You stare at her for a moment before smiling, "Hakuna Matata~!" you said in a sing along voice. "Which means 'No worries!' " you chirped. "I don't have to worry about everything anymore!" you said.
Zooble only raises an eyebrow at your statement. What did you mean by that?
Zooble has a hunch that you're keeping something....
But after some time, Zooble finds that you are really a genuine person. They start to get used to you.
Unlike the others, you're one of those good listeners.
Zooble always complains about everything especially in this stupid body that can fall apart easily, anyone would just either leaves, zone out or straight up ignore them but you didn't.
You listen to them and their pointless rambling.
You help Zooble cope with this new place and their new bodies, giving suggestions to keep spare parts just in case those nasty gloinks or Jax gets their hands on their body parts.
Zooble gladly accepts you as their close friend who they can vent their emotions to.
"Ugh, f@&#ing again!" groaned Zooble, their body parts got carried away by one of the gloinks. You manage to snatch Zooble's head and arm, "Geez, those nasty f@£kers are getting fast" you said. "Aaaaaand also sneakier" you glare at one of the gloinks taking away your tricycle and also your other stuffs.
"I swear if I get my hands on those m%@#fckers, I'll throw them into the void!" Zooble said, getting frustrated that their body parts always get taken away for the unknown times. "Well, if we did. There's going to be more of em" you said.
"Well! Let's get your body parts back!" you smile, tucking Zooble in your left arm and skip your way towards the gloinks.
After retrieving Zooble's body parts, you decided to go back to your room. You slow down and stare at Kaufmo's door, he has spent his time more and more in his room. Whenever he comes out ( via force by Caine if there's a IHAs ), he would mutter the word 'exit' over and over again.
It got you worried....
As you were about to knock on the door, "Hey, (Y/o/n)!" it was Ragatha and the others. "Oh, hey guys! Where are you guys heading?" you asked. Ragatha rubs the back of her neck, "Well, Caine wants to have a rehearsal with the theme song!" she said. "Oh, I see" Caine has been working on a theme song for quite a while now.
"I'll get Kaufmo, you guys can go ahead" you said, Kinger turns his attention to the door. "Kaufmo has been in his room for quite some time now..." he said. "The last time I saw him, he was finding the exit" he continues.
"I wonder if he's alright...." Gangle said. "Psssh! Haha! The clown has been like that ever since he came here! Don't twist yourself worrying about that crazy loser, looney" Jax said, pointing his finger at his head and making a twirling motion, laughing before walking away. You glare at Jax as Zooble did the same, "Geez, what's his problem?" they said.
"I'm sure Kaufmo is fine, (Y/o/n)!.....Let's give him some time, alright..." Ragatha assures you, "Y-yeah, you're right" you said as Ragatha takes your hand and takes you to the stage for rehearsal.
During rehearsal
Caine has started up the theme song and the music begins to play, Caine did the first greeting since he was the ringleader, "—and Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus!" Caine shouted as the music kicked it and everyone's name was called out.
Gangle and Zooble and Kinger, too! Ragatha, Jax, and there's Kaufmo and (Y/o/n) , woo-hoo! 🎶
Day after— day after— day after, day after we fly! Past the sun and the moon and we don't know why! 🎶
Then, a new person joins in the theme song.
When she first appeared was during the theme song, knocking everyone down on the stage.
You were unlucky to be the one who got toppled by the others ( Jax, Kinger and Gangle ).
"Guys, please get off" you muffled, face planted on the floor. "Sorry, (Y/o/n)!" cried Gangle as she slipped herself off the pile. "Ah, never knew that you'd be a great couch to sit on, looney~" grins Jax as he makes himself heavier on purpose.
"Really sorry about this" Kinger apologies to you, "Mff... it's fine" you said as you pulled your face off the floor. Your tail wraps itself tightly around Jax's body, squeezing the air out of him and tossing him aside.
Now, about the newcomer.
Much like Kaufmo, the newcomer didn't take everything too well and it was much more worst.
Pomni, that is her name now. Given by Caine.
The AI had decided to have another IHA to celebrate Pomni's arrival which is "Gather the Gloinks!" and causes Zooble to groan loudly at it.
Then, Caine left everyone to have their fun. Typical Caine.
You could see that she's panicking and having a hard time calming herself down. Ragatha did try to calm her down but it didn't go well and Jax makes everything much worse.
Anxiety? Panic attack? No, both. You feel bad for her, so you decide to step in.
You approach the small jester, "Okay, guys! Give Pomni some space, let her breathe and give her time to calm down" you said. Pomni is holding her head as she tries to process everything. "Hey" you said in a soft tone as Pomni looks up at you. She flinched back slightly, "I want you to follow my lead and take a deep breath. Breathe in, and out" you said. Pomni's quick breathing begins to slow down as she follows your guide.
"That's it, you did a great job there" you said with a grin.
Everything was too much for Pomni and she was glad that someone steps in and calms her down.
Or else she would die from having a panic attack (if it is possible in this world).
Since Caine has given out an IHA and honestly everyone doesn't want to do the adventure until Zooble gets disassembled by the gloinks.
After retrieving Zooble from the gloinks. Things escalated quickly like...
Kaufmo abstracted.
Caine deals with the problem and sends the abstracted Kaufmo down into the cellar.
Afterwards the AI confessed that there was an exit but he didn't know how to make it or knows how it works. But he tried his best to build one.
You watch your partner being sent down into the dark cellar and everyone acts like nothing has happened. Abstraction can happen to anyone at any time, it seems Kaufmo has reached his breaking point and you weren't there for him which makes you feel...guilty.
You failed as a friend.
You sat at the dinner table, staring down at your plate. You don't feel like eating after the whole ordeal, your (e/c) eyes look up to see Pomni looking at you. Her gaze turns away when you meet her eyes.
"You're not going to eat that, Looney?" Jax leans in on your side while pointing to your food. You push the plate to him, "Here... I'm not hungry anyways" you sighed with a frown on your face and leaves.
"....Poor (Y/o/n)" sobbed Gangle. "They and Kaufmo are really close...." she said. Ragatha puts down her spoon, "Y-yeah...." she trailed. It's a rare sight to see you this way and it feels so wrong.
They (except Jax) know that you and Kaufmo were pretty close since the two of you were an acting pair. "We should check on them" Ragatha said but Kinger interjects "It is best to leave them be for a while" Kinger said.
After the feast, Pomni is walking around the tent until she sees you on the stage, throwing knives at a target board.
She watches you throw the knives so precisely in the middle. The last knife throw makes the board split in half and causes Pomni to squeak in fear. "I don't have time for your s@#ts Jax—" you turn your head to see Pomni, "O-oh, it's you" you said.
Pomni fiddles with her fingers before speaking up, "I'm sorry...." she apologized which causes you to raise an eyebrow. "What are you apologising for?" you questioned her. "Well—a-about Kaufmo... everyone said that you're very close to him and I feel sorry for what had happened" she said.
"Oh..." you trailed, "Thanks for your concern but you don't apologise" you said. "It's normal for someone to get abstract, everyone has their breaking point" you rub the back on your head.
"Say, wanna take a tour around the tent? I can show you places you can and can't go. I am an expert at it!" you chirped, giving her a grin.
"U-uh, um sure!" Pomni agrees.
A/n : This is a very long chapter, I hope you guys enjoy it :D. Btw, Jax calling Reader Looney is because they are a loony which means 'crazy/silly/strange/weirdo/lunatic'
Kinda sad that Kaufmo abstracted and hopefully we'll get to see him in flashbacks. I really wish he and Pomni were besties and become the exit duo.
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distant-velleity · 14 days
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Dancing, dresses, dashing princes—this ball sure has everything, doesn’t it?
a card i drew up for @starry-night-rose's Glimmering Soirée ^^;; voicelines, concept art, and trivia under the cut!
After Summon: Big, fancy events aren’t really my thing… I’d rather just blend in most of the time. But—I guess it’s fine if it’s only for one night.
Groovification: Careful—we wouldn’t want anything going wrong on the night of the ball.
Set to Home Screen: Let’s not get into any trouble, alright?
Home Transition 1: I considered wearing a dress at first, but when I thought about it… It’s too much of a hassle. That, and I’m no princess—if I stand out, it’ll be for all the wrong reasons.
Home Transition 2: Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College students gathered in one venue… I’d better be ready for a fight to break out.
Home Transition 3: You know, I was thinking—next year it’ll be Royal Sword Academy’s turn to host, right? If I’m still around by then, I want to see how they do.
Home, after login: Oh, don’t mind me… I was just practicing my dancing. I’m not one of the Princes, but—hey, why are you looking at me like that? Can’t a guy not want to humiliate himself in the ballroom? 
Home Transition (Groovification): Don’t laugh, but… I-I think I might have lost one of the shoes that came with this outfit. Shoot, Vil and Crewel are gonna kill me… 
Tap Home 1: The other Princes seem fine, but Deuce? I’ve been a little worried that the expectations of the role will be hard on him… Well, hey. I guess it takes a lot of pressure to create a diamond.
Tap Home 2: Azul’s taken to this whole hosting thing like he was made for it, basically. Like it's another business opportunity. Only… his dancing needs some work, I think.  
Tap Home 3: When you think of brilliant balls and Prince Charmings, you don’t immediately think of Yue’er—I mean, Malleus… Well, I guess he is his own version of “tall, dark, and handsome.” 
Tap Home 4: So stuffy… I’m glad I got Crewel to cast some temperature-regulating magic on his coat. How is anyone supposed to enjoy themselves while sweating buckets?
Tap Home 5: …H-Hey, watch it! This outfit’s way fancier than what I normally wear, you know… I don’t want to ruin it.
Tap Home (Groovification): If you want to mingle and have fun, go on ahead without me. I don’t mind too much—I’m not a… y’know, people person.
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here are the sketches that i made while brainstorming (yes, i was going to put yu in a dress--he would have rocked it imo but i found these really cool suits and changed my mind)
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and my references that i got from pinterest :>
in regards to yu having a mostly-black outfit, i... was going to make it mostly white (since his suitor suit is the same light blue as cinderella and i didn't want to get repetitive) but no matter what i did he ended up looking too much like an RSA student 😭 and i wasn't gonna let that happen so here we are. i think the black and gold is a nice contrast regardless... especially for someone who i rarely draw in dark colors
last but not least-- guys i remembered my taglist :,): @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @elenauaurs @nahelenia @casp1an-sea
@boopshoops @skriblee-ksk
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eurydia · 5 months
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a self-indulgent drawing of Raphael disheveled and covered in blood
I was inspired to write a short fic to go with it, you can read it below or in AO3: [One Last Visit]
Tav finds Raphael bleeding and near-death in her room in Elfsong Tavern—or so she thinks.
One Last Visit (944 words) by Eurydia
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Blood and Injury, Drinking, Alcohol, Older Man/Younger Woman, Ficlet, Minor Spoilers, Raphael is overly protective of Tav, Hope is such a tease (and so is he)
This is also my gift for the support on "The Lover's Gambit". Thank you so much ❤️!
Tag explanations: - Minor spoilers for Wyll's background - Implied/Referenced Torture - Does not actually happen in the fic, but Raphael briefly describes doing it to someone else
      Tav went to her room in Elfsong Tavern. The rest of her party was still downstairs, drinking and celebrating for the night.
      She opened the door and found Raphael slumped against her bed, his white frilled collar stained with blood.
      “Raphael? What in the Hells happened?” she knelt beside him.
      He glanced at her weakly, managing a smirk. Tav wanted to think it was selfishness that made her start tending to his wounds: if she helped him, he would owe her a favor. But that wasn’t entirely true. She had developed a soft spot for the devil.
      “Do you know what happens when a devil is struck down on this charming plane of existence?” he began, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.       “Stop talking and hold still,” Tav muttered. Presently, she had no patience for his theatrics. She grabbed a napkin off a table and began to wipe his smarmy face with it.       He chuckled. For once, he listened and stayed still, silently watching her dab at his curled lip.
      It wasn’t long before Tav realized there wasn’t a single cut or bruise on him. Either he was concealing them—or feigning his injuries. She gave him the benefit of the doubt for now and looked him over. Bloodstains covered his normally immaculate outfit, some mere splatters while others steadily bloomed in size. He smelled strongly of the Hells, of ash, sulfur and infernal metal.
      Raphael was enjoying this. He figured he could indulge himself a little more and drag the show on.
      “I’ll get Shadowheart—“       He grabbed her wrist gently. Worry strained her fair features.       “As much as I enjoy watching you fuss over me, I’m afraid we don’t have much time,” Raphael said, solemnly. “Soon I’ll be sent back to the hells, to the very point where I last stood before I was…beaten. Potentially for good, this time. But since I’ve grown quite fond of you, I decided to pay you one last visit. For old time’s sake.”       Tav stared at his fingers still curled around her wrist. She slowly took his hand in hers.       “A question you may ask, but only one. True to my word, I shall answer, not run.”       Her gaze fell to a stain somewhere on his chest.       “What is a devil like you truly afraid of?” she decided.
      Raphael laughed. A laugh that came from deep within, unabashed and loud.
      “Oh, you mortals are so gullible! It’s adorable. Do you really think I could be beaten so easily? No need to fetch your favorite cleric,” he snapped. All the bloodstains on his clothes vanished. “It wasn’t my blood, little pup.”       Tav sighed. She shoved him away and walked to her wine cabinet.       “You’re insufferable,” she groaned, opening a Berduskan and taking a long, irritated swig.        “Don’t act so surprised. We are well-acquainted by now.”       He stood then brushed nonexistent dust off his clean clothes.       “Do I dare ask whose blood that was?”       “Let’s just say that vile, drunken creature downstairs won’t be bothering you any longer.”
      Tav set her drink down.
      “What did you do?”       “If you must know: I dismembered him,” he grinned. “Limb by limb, fingernail by fingernail. You should’ve heard his screaming, it was utterly delightful.”       Her back was to him, but he caught her shoulders bowing. He grinned.       “Are you worried about me?”       “Merely protecting my assets,” he replied. “Now, enjoy your night. If you’ll—“       “Wait. You didn’t answer me.”
      Raphael approached her. He extended a hand, brow raised in question. Eventually, she gave her his hand. He conjured up a handkerchief and began to wipe the bloodstains off her fingers.
      “I did not,” said Raphael, his eyes sharpening to a point on her palm. “My heart aches for your horned and heroic friend, Wyll Ravengard. If he’s not in the shadow of his fellow devils, he’s in the shadow of his father. I see why Mizora took pity on the poor pup. After all these years, he still hasn’t given up hope of pleasing him. Hope—such a tease.”
      Raphael said it all in his usual tone, full of melodrama and feigned pathos. At the end, however, Tav caught his gaze softening. Their eyes met, and he quickly finished his task before turning away.
      “You don’t get along with your father?” Tav asked, genuinely surprised. She found it strangely human that even a fiend like him was not immune to such predicaments.       “Unless you consider plotting each other’s downfall as a father-son bonding activity, then no. We do not. Thankfully, I have as much interest in making amends as I do in the affairs of mortalkind.”
      He would never admit it, but he hadn’t told a single soul about how he felt about his father, not even his incubus. Usually, he would’ve taken his leave by now. But the way she stared at him, with tenderness and affection, compelled him to linger a moment longer. He let her draw nearer, until he was close enough to see the scarring in her eye from the tadpole.
      Tav kissed him on the cheek.
      “Thank you, Raphael. I owe you a drink."       “A drink? I think you owe me far more than that." He leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing on her lips. She felt herself rising to meet him, her eyelids fluttering shut, her heartbeat overtaking the murmurs of the Illithid—       He snapped.       “Goodnight, sweetling.”
      She watched him disappear in a vibrant flame. On the spot where he had stood, lay a neatly folded handkerchief. She picked it up and sniffed it, the scent of the Hells—of him—flooding her senses like the most intoxicating perfume.
      Tav put it in her pocket and smiled.
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daenysx · 1 year
hello! this is based on a request from @thehumanistsdiary. thank you for being so sweet, i hope you like this. requests are open!!
my masterlist
aemond targaryen reacting his wife overwork herself with a sword.
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you love being married to someone like aemond targaryen, he always supports you to do whatever you want. if it were someone else, they wouldn't possibly want their wives to train with sword, but aemond loves seeing you with a sword, your hair full of braids. you mostly use sword training as a way of relieving stress. life at court is not easy, almost every day you have someone who makes you angry, mostly because of stupid comments about your life or your husband.
today, you need to spend your time having tea with the ladies at court. it would not be your first choice, but as the wife of the prince you should attend to these gatherings. at first everything was normal with kind words and sweet smiles, but then the moment you leave the table you hear one of the ladies talk about your husband. it is more like a loud whisper actually, only meant for her best friend who sits next to her. she says how handsome, wise, and kind prince aemond is, if only he had both eyes she would definitely try to convince her father to make arrangement for her to marry him. you get frustrated, all you desire is to go back and shut her up, make some snarky comment and completely stop her from ever mentioning your husband's name. however, you cannot do this, it will only draw attention and you shouldn't be cross with important people which are related to these ladies. aemond tries to unite people with all those council meetings, you don't want to endanger your husband's plans.
you are close to door, you decide to leave. in your chambers you quickly change your clothes to your usual training outfit, your hair is already braided. you leave your chambers with quick steps for your sword training. it's only you this time, you are simply practicing and normally this wouldn't feel like a difficult thing to do, but you are really angry, you spend more effort and breath. your legs are shaking from moving, you still keep going. you spend minutes with sword, only trying to release all your anger. you don't even realize your husband who is approaching to you with worried eyes. aemond says your name but you don't hear him, you continue your movements. he comes to you and makes you throw your sword away with a skillful movement. you gasp, finally realizing what you're doing, aemond is there to hold you. his arms are around you, try to help your balance because you're literally shaking.
"is there any reason you overwork yourself like this, my love?" you look at him with wide eyes.
"of course there is, my prince. i was only trying to stop myself from doing something stupid."
"stupid? what happened, did someone say something?"
"well, just a lady actually. i do not wish to talk about it with you."
"if there is something you do not wish to tell me, i will not insist. however, i cannot let you hurt yourself just because you get angry with some woman."
"you literally do it all the time, my prince, get angry with someone and spend hours with a sword."
"not the same thing, you are still shaking, i will not see my wife hurt herself with a dangerous weapon. you can cut yourself being so careless."
you stop arguing with him, you know he's right. you step away from aemond, and hug him again, this time your arms around his neck, his hands on your waist, bring his lips to your hair. he helps you sit on the ground with him, doesn't care about anything, he only wants you to breath steadily and stop shaking. he pulls you to his lap, you try to calm down and look at him. that lady was right only with the first part of her sentence; aemond is extremely charming, wise and brave. you feel your jealousy in your veins, you don't want any other woman to feel like you about him. still, you cannot prevent this. you hold him, bury your nose to his neck.
"you know, there are ladies at court who thinks you're handsome and kind." your voice sounds like sad little girl who doesn't want to share him.
"well, i might appreciate compliments, but there is only one lady in this court for me. i just wish her to think of me as handsome and kind. a princess actually. a princess who tries to use her sword the moment she hears a comment about her husband. i might admit though, this is quite impressive."
you sit on his lap in a more comfortable position, kissing his lips with all those passion and tiredness. he kisses you back holding your face between his hands.
"you like me being jealous of you, husband?"
"i like you calling me husband quite more, to be honest."
"it was hard not to say anything in return, i'm sorry if i worried you."
"it's fine my love, i would be more upset if you accidentally hurt yourself."
you have your arms around his neck once more, your fingers in his hair. you feel extremely tired now but the shaking is gone. your husband helps you stand up, holds your hand and leads you to your shared chambers.
"now, it would please me to help you release this tension of yours with more effective ways, my sweet wife."
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luciddaydreamsstuff · 2 months
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Desert Duo Doodles! I am in way too many fandoms to count, including content creators and whatnot. It wasn’t until a doodle of some CCs that I realised how many were MCYTs. But I wanted to draw these two cause I liked how I drew Scar in the other original doodle and have drawn Grian a bunch but constantly changed the design. Now I have one that I like.
Under the cut are the individual drawings plus stickers that I forgot to add to the original but decided fuck it it’s done, plus some explanation about design choices and headcanons. (Does anyone even care about that?) Idk and idc, I’ll ramble anyways.
(you don’t have to read the stuff, I don’t really care, but you can if you want)
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First off, this one was annoying since it was supposed to be a hug. I was too lazy to draw the Third/Sercet Life outfits, so they are in their default outfits with crowns representing the fact that they won at least one of the Life games.
Ramble: For Grian’s design, I wanted to keep the bird/avian hybrid but also reference other series or past friend. The Life series has the poppy has memorabilia, the blue and red bracelet represents YHS/TS, and the eye necklace is for Evo. The tail is more so a mix of Watcher magic and Avian DNA, bird feet cause why not. The wing ears are hidden to look similar enough to his regular hair, I like to imagine that wing ears are a rarer trait and to not draw too much attention, he would use Watcher magic to change the colour of the wing ears to match his hair. The freckles are based off of the idea that Angel Dust’s freckles are actually just eyes (which were shown in the show), and I liked that idea. He didn’t have freckles before Evo but after in Hermitcraft he did, they are just eyes that are always closed though he can see out of them. It’ll be clearer in the next piece, but his eyes are based off of some bird eyes so a black sclera with coloured pupils. Grian just hides his eyes under his hair since they are more sensitive than normal. Also I didn’t wanna draw his eyes cause it was one of the things I kept changing before.
I’ll go into Scar later since it’s just a half body but he goes by the same rule of his outfit showing where he’s been. So the poppy and lavender for Third Life and the heart necklace for Secret Life. The earrings are based off of the crystals from Season 7.
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Alter Egos! Or at least Hot Guy and Arianna Griande. Not much here, but you can see what I meant with the eyes beforehand.
Also, I can’t be the only one to notice or at least point out that Ari and Cute Guy have like the same or a least a very similar colour palette of pink and white.
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Final one, and the two are taking a much needed nap. This could take place anywhere though I like to imagine somewhere in Double Life or somewhere between Season 7 - 10
(also I find it very funny how close these two’s bases were for Season 6 - 10. both were near each other in the futuristic district of season six, then next door neighbours at the start of season seven, I don’t need to mention much besides boatem in season eight, again near the start and most of season nine with Scarland and Grian’s timejump build, then finally again in season ten with Magic Mountain. just funny to me for some reason)
Ramble: Scar is like a hybrid between an elf/fae creature and a cat centaur (that I cannot remember the proper name for). The cat half is based off of Jellie, RIP, and his body is scarred because well I mean the dude is accident-prone it’s bound to happen. I imagine that Scar would wear slightly baggy outfits, like they hang off just a bit to not hug his figure. His hair is more based off of Season 9 with him leaning into the whole elf aesthetic, and I both hate and like the hair but whatever. Idk, I kinda just wanted to make him centaur based cause that visual isn’t something I see often. I imagine that hind legs are weaker than the front so he would switch between a cane and a wheelchair that you would see for animals. I might draw that later idk, but yea
If you actually took the time to read this incoherent mess, idk comment a content creator you like, no matter how niche they may be
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Drawn Apr 26 - 28 2024 me when I am very normal about the media I like and definitely did not become autistic about this webcomic (/lying /lying /lying) uhhh anyway lemme talk about this art Image 1: we were absolutely robbed of Cameryn wearing that outfit in the snow kingdom lmao
Fletcher wanting nothing to do with these idiots as per usual~ his drawing has nothing to do with the Cameryn drawings to the left of him but I put him there specifically because it was funny to me
not me having a pose in mind and then neither fully drawing it nor fixing it with Lance there. Anyways Mikah. Does he even know??
~ Image 2: I did this one before the other one and I was actually going to draw those other things on the same image! however as it turns out clean colour takes me fucking forever and I decided I just wanted a seperate one for the rest
They can still fight or whatever (well, I don't actually know if they still will in-story), but I want to see Mikah and Hilda as best friends. They both have braids in their hair so it made me want to draw Mikah braiding Hilda's hair. I wonder if Lance ever braided his brother's hair…
Lance wears mostly cool colours (warm tones are more Poko's thing), but pinkish red colours and dark blueish green/teals are my favourite colours. By extension similar colour combinations are also my favourite, since they just so happen to also be complimentary. What I am saying is Lance would look good in reds and pinks and also I am extremely biased on that front
Hey protip you guys! did you know if you've got any clothes or piercings or anything you want but don't have? just give them to your favourite characters! it's completely free!
Nomads is by @captain-juuter ...Did you know if you search 'nomads webtoon' on here, tumblr lists me as the sole related blog?
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The queen herself!
design notes under the cut
alright, let's get started with the outfit-
The thing is that Ravens outfit is really cool, but it is a PAIN to draw, at least for me. There are some small details that come from them having to fit doll molds that drive me crazy, like the fact that Ravens shoes don't have heels but she walks like they do
I also had gotten really, really bored of drawing skirts, so pants it is
Ravens look is majority black with purple and silver accents, but I tweaked it a bit so that purple is the primary color, just for fun
The feathers were cool, but I wanted to save them for fancier looks, so instead I went with dragon wing style clamps on her jacket. It always bugged me that she was the first character with a dragon and that she didn't have any draconic features on her
Alright, so this is my explanation for the way she dresses in this interpretation- she doesn't want to be seen as evil, but her wardrobe is literally cursed to make any and all clothes she tries on as much like her mother's as possible. So she has to try and mold it to her own style, like "ok what's the most normal thing in here" but she's going through Goth Skeletor's closet and this is what she's managed to put together. I'd say she did pretty good! Cravat is a little much though
Yes she only wears one glove, that's on purpose. It was gonna be that the gloved hand is her primary spellcasting hand, but I immediately ruined that, so now I guess that's just something Raven thinks looks cool
Ok now the more character lore stuff
That weird little skull nightmare next to her is Prince! I don't have and have never read the books, but I have spent a lot of time going over wiki pages to try and find details I can incorporate into these designs. Apparently when Raven was a little kid her dad got her a puppy which she called Prince. At some point her mom decided it was unfitting for an evil princess and transformed him into whatever the hell a bone rat is. Needless to say, traumatizing. I can't stand a single even vaguely negative thing happening to a dog, so I'm deciding that Prince is alive, kind of immortal since he's undead-ish, and maintains the same memory and personality. He lives with Raven's dad when she's at school and he's a very good boy, he's just really, really weird.
Yeah I don't know where I'm gonna fit Nevermore in, I think she's just gonna have to join the canon with the rest of them in Dragon Games, cause I like Prince way more conceptually tbh
Evil Raven cause why not. I actually have some ideas on how the queen lineage would work, especially because Raven seems to completely control every aspect of her powers after signing in Way Too Wonderland. I really like the idea that as the next queen grows they gain more magic, but because they siphon it from the previous generation. Raven had a natural affinity for basic spells her whole life, but after a certain age she started to take her mom's powers, which are the new ones she can't control. Plus, I like that angle on the whole jealousy thing. The Queen isn't just bitter that Snow White is more fair than her, it's the double whammy of knowing that no matter what she does, her power will be drained away and made pointless by both Snow and her own family. Usurping based angst
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echooefrost · 5 months
More Designs!
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Jasper - Ok, I know he looks weird - he's just a happy boi! pls don't look too closely at the hands. So, I gave him big (and really badly drawn) calves becasue he's basically always doing some sort of exercise/work and Sage once said that he's the strongest, and we never really see his legs so I felt like showcasing those details here. Now his shoes, yet another thing that might look random, however I assure you, that these are what medieval workers use to wear. I kept his design relatively similar to his canon one, although I did have to give him a different hat.
Rachel - out of all the designs, Rachel's is the most historically accurate. it's a common misconception that women were shunned for showing their forearms/ankles but it was actually quite normal! married medieval women would wear veils and other elaborate headwear, however women who were not would either wear their hair loose or in a braid. Rachel isn't married so she wears it loose, I added a little braid that she puts flowers and decorative items in, to make her design a little bit more interesting. (and becasue its pretty)
Frankenstein - Frankenstein is really fun to draw! I don't exactly know why but she just is! She has this big fluffy pelt thing going on, it's made of a lot of fur and owl feathers, why owl feathers? because she reminds me of an owl, that's why. she also has big ol' snowboots because it snows in the swiss mountains and because I think it looks cute. you can't see her gloves but they are dark brown (fyi). she has these vials attached to her belt but they can also serve as an emergencey crystal ball - you know, just in case you have to conjure up some evil spirits, as one does.
Papa Lanyon - I think Papa Lanyon sounds way funnier than Lanyon sr. and it contrasts his serious face. I anticipated that he was going to be really hard to draw, but It was surprisingly easy. I liked his design until I had to colour him, I really don't know what happened there, I'm slightly annoyed because I wanted him to appear very cool and dapper, yet he really looks like a generic king. So this doesn't have to be his official design, he just wears fancy king clothes (it's not that important anyway because we don't see him all that much) he is wearing metal soldier-like boots, solely because I searched up outfit references and they all had soldier boot things.
Now that I've done this, I have no more excuses to procrastinate doing work for the other things in the au. Anyway I hope everyone likes these. have a nice day/moring/afternoon/night!
*just realised I forgot to colour their eyes, I'll add later!
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spdrvyn · 6 months
Hello, dear. I hope you are doing well. Might I make a Miguel x fem!reader request?
So, for context.
I had this idea today when I was sketching out someone's spidersona to practice anatomy and I couldn't find any good references for the poses I wanted to do. I just so happen to also be an aerialist so I immediately changed into some work out clothes and hung up my aerial silks onto my rig.
I was able to film myself doing the exact poses I wanted to draw on the silks to use as a reference.
This all kinda made me realize how similar aerial silks is to web swinging. And it gave me this juicy idea.
Scenario where the reader is the charismatic, flirtatious, and quippy owner of a popular, high-class nightclub in universe 2099. She is a bit more hands on than normal owners because she actually performs at her own club. The theme for the night is "superhero nite". She is the final performer of the night and is in a skin tight feminized outfit of Miguel's spiderman costume. She gives a sultry aerial silks performance on stage that includes both aerial silks and interacting with the audience (think Jessica Rabbit). Taking photos, walking across tables, giving men a run for their money. Paired with displays of extreme strength and flexibility as she weaves between the fabric silks effortlessly and gracefully.
It also just so happens that Miguel himself is there for that performance either scouting out the location or tracing a lead on a series of crimes that seem to center around this night club. So he gets to personally witness this hedonistic performance in his image. Idk I just think his reaction to it all would be juicy 🤣. Especially if the reader spots him in the crowd mid performance or after the fact and decides to approach and make a spectacle out of it.
Thank you for your time! You're really good at keeping Miguel in character and I really appreciate it.
sacred silk — MIGUEL O'HARA
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☆ you're a quaint little owner on your own little stage, unfortunately your club has drawn some attention from nueva york's #1 vigilante.
tension packed. romantic. miguel is miguel. i loved this request sm! i added my own little spin to it so i hope that's okay ^_^ dividers by @/cafekitsune
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Kingpin's lackeys have been scattered all around the city, not much of a problem for Miguel. The only issue being that they're planted in the most densely packed areas, markets, malls, sometimes churches when you thought he couldn't get any worse. It caused Miguel's frustrations to deepen with every single case.
At least, there was some sort of pattern in the locations of these agents. All up until this very night where Miguel found himself crouching over the glass roof of a tranquil night club.
His sharp eyes wandered over what he could find. The crowd looked young, nobody over the age of 27 in sight, there was a bartender hastily serving drinks, but the most eyecatching of them all was a rather suspicious looking old man enjoying himself a martini.
It looked... almost pathetic at this rate, however his suspicioums grew higher. This was too easy for a catch, there had to be something that he was missing in this.
"Lyla," Miguel muttered, holding his watch up close to his mouth. "What is this place exactly?"
"Can't find any records on it, I don't think that it's a registered establishment. How fun!"
Not fun. Not fun at all! The small crowd, the shady guy sitting alone at that table, the fact that this building wasn't even registered in the first place?! Crime bells were ringing in Miguel's ears.
He skittered along the edges of the roof, making sure that he isn't noticeable despite the dim lights. Soon enough, he's able to find an open panel to slip into. He digs his talons into one of the ceiling beams, which what even is the point of having a glass roof if the view is going to be obscured by these things anyway.
Miguel keeps his weight steady atop the structure, his gaze locks onto the creepy gentleman before he's blinded by the sudden flicker of the stage lights. What in the world?
When he thought that events couldn't get any weirder, you come flying down from a secret compartment in the ceiling, silk stringing your body up as you manuever and fly across the stage and club. The crowd cheers and livens up, raising their hands to which you respond by high fiving as many people as you can.
That's when he noticed something familiar about what you were wearing. The sharp geometric shapes carefully stitched into your suit, that recognizable navy blue, that straining bright red. You were wearing his colors, designed in his suit.
It's only when your feet hit the floor of stage with a resounding thud does Miguel remember why he's here in the first place, he's gotten used to seeing his face (well, his masked one) on all different kinds of merchandise. From regular to disgusting, but he's never seen something of this caliber before. He couldn't deny that he wasn't at all intrigued by your display of talent and costume.
"Thank you all for coming tonight," the breathlessness in your voice is prominent, a sign of your draining yet enamoring performance. "Do any of you want to guess who I'm dressed as?"
The crowd rallies and cheers.
"Spider-Man! Obviously!"
"Is there anyone stupid enough to not get it?"
"It's Spider-Man!"
Miguel rolls his eyes, don't get him wrong, he does want to appreciate the praise but everyone sounds like an overenthusiatic toddler. Depsite that, you feed into their firey spirits. Not before shushing them with a slight raise of your hand.
"I know you're all thinking why I decided to dress up as our beloved spider tonight," you reach for one of the silks hanging from the ceiling, resting your body atop it as you're slowly lifted from the stage again.
"Well, it's simple really. He's the hero of our city, the face of crime fighting, the face of justice." the crowd's heads follow your hanging body, your arm droops down to brush against the many hands that wish to touch yours. "He's made so many sacrifices for us, the least we could do is put on a show. All for him."
Miguel freezes for the nearly the entire duration of your heartfelt speech, he's overheard a lot of those whether it's a drunkard's rambling as he's swinging back home or on a podium and recited by a government official.
From the corner of his eye, the man that he was slowly inching towards rises from his seat and begins to slyly move through the crowd, bumping and slipping past people. When he enters through the backstage doors, all kinds of red flags are waving through the air.
The sudden blast of music nearly deafens him, but gives him a good distraction as he crawls with more fervor across the ceiling beam. He notices the small crevice to an entrance in the ceiling, presumably the one that you entered through.
It's dark and a little dusty, Miguel has to fight back a sneeze before finding yet another latch to enter through and behold, he's successfully infiltrated the backstage area!
"Lyla," he huffs. "Scan."
Bright yellow lights emerge in his vision, behind each room there's a bountiful amount of props and some people chatting with a drink in hand, it seemed like you weren't the only performer in this establishment. The thermal energy spikes when he catches sight of a man hunched behind one of the doors, supposedly with a crowbar in hand. Miguel rolls his eyes, "How dumb does he think I am?"
"Want me to run an IQ test?"
"I was being— ugh, nevermind."
Miguel shies over right next to the door, the blades hidden in his suit release with an audible shing. It cuts into the drywall without a struggle, Miguel can hear the man fall back onto the floor with a thud and a scream. He kicks his way into the room, before pouncing onto him and knocking him out cold.
"That was fast," Lyla chimes, illuminating the darkness. Miguel digs through the pockets of his coat, there's no sign of an ID, but he was carrying a shiv and a small revolver. How was this guy let in?
Miguel ties him up and makes a swift exit, before anyone could notice. This mission felt a little too easy for his liking, like a twist was going to sneak up on him at any minute now, but he wasn't going to complain about having an easy target this time.
His never ending train of thought brings him towards a building's edge later on, even deeper into the night. Waiting, thinking, contemplating. Miguel had no such thing as a spider sense, but he did have a gut and it was practically screaming at him that something was wrong.
He doesn't get any more time to let that thought marinate any further when his ears pick up on the latch of the door to the roof clicking, his head turns immediately he thinks he might strain it until he sees—
Just you.
Though, you weren't wearing the same get-up when you had your show. No, you were in simply nightwear along with a flimsy pair of slippers and fuzzy socks to complete the look. That nonchalant attitude that you held during the show faded for a split second, before a small smile creeps onto your features as you raise a brow.
"Spider-Man? On my roofdeck?"
"I'll leave–"
"No!" you say it a little too loudly, reaching a hand out to him but never actually touching. You scold yourself internally for being too abrupt, before clearing your throat. "No, it's okay. Please stay."
Miguel sighs, as usual, he's going to make a decision that's going to kick him in the ass later. He gives in and decides to indulge your need for company, but the look on his face tells you to keep a distance.
You slowly walk over to the ledge that he's sitting on, leaning your body on the railing but still far enough to be comfortable.
Silence stretches out the distance between the two of you, that for once Miguel feels compelled to say something.
"There was someone suspicious at your club," he explains bluntly. "I took them out. You're welcome."
"Ah, yeah, I could tell from the webs and you know..."
Now, it's back to silence.
Miguel normally isn't disturbed by it, but this just made him uncomfortable. He thought that maybe you'd carry some bravado even outside your profession as a stage performer, he couldn't imagine that he'd end up talking that was so timid.
"I liked your performance," it's soft-spoken, his words fast and deliberate. "Your costume, too. It was... nice."
Even if the praise sounds like a 5th grader complimenting a painting, you found your face red and heart beating fast. Your grin returned with a "thank you". It's hard to tell exactly what Miguel's thinking under that mask, you can't even read his facial expression, but you hope that now it's less awkward.
It falls to silence again, the only difference being that there's no obligation for conversation. You and Miguel stare at the overhead view of the city from your penthouse, it gets so quiet that you swear you can hear him breathing.
He has to leave soon enough, he wished he could've stayed with you for longer because believe it or not, that's the only taste of peace he's had in a while. Your goodbyes are bittersweet, you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
When you're back on the stage again a few days later, hopping off of the platform and holding onto your silks, you're more than happy to that faint red glow coming from the glass panes on your roof.
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Welcome aboard
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me...
Ugh I'm sorry if this one's bad, I tried :(
Warning(s): fem reader, poisoning, possessiveness from all three boys
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Ghost pirates; a problem all merfolk have to deal with. While most ghost pirates have been dead so long they've made peace with the merfolk- some are even quite friendly- there are certain crews that refuse to give up their life of piracy.
You enjoy hanging around sunken ships, as you've always found human construction, specifically human construction from many many years ago, interesting. The way they constructed their vessels to overcome the harsh conditions of the sea... the intricate details carved into the wood... how ever so interesting their weapons were...
You didn't know that those intricate details carved into the wood would be the last thing you'd see while alive.
You were doing as normal, swimming around, investigating shipwrecks... and suddenly, you were caught in some kind of net. Oh, but that's fine... merfolk get caught in fishing nets surprisingly often, they're usually let back into the sea with a "Sorry for the inconvinience!"
However, that was not the case today. There were two people you saw, both wearing outfits reminicent of the pirates of the olden days, covered in coral and barnacles, as if they had been underwater for years. The shorter one was a dirty blonde with blue eyes, and the taller one had white hair and yellow eyes.
"Well, would you look at that?" The dirty blonde one said. "An honest-to-goodness mermaid! I bet her scales would sell for a good price."
"What do you think we should do with her, Ruggie?" The white-haired one asked.
"Take her aboard, of course! Whatever we end up doin' to her, she'll be quite useful to us." Ruggie responded. "Oi! Someone get the captain!" He yelled to the rest of the crew. "Leona's gonna want to see this~"
You were terrified. You'd heard stories of this... back in the days of pirates, if they happened upon a mermaid, it was almost certain they'd take her aboard and cut her apart and sell her scales...
Are you going to die...?
"This had better be good." Someone grumbled. He seemed to be the captain Ruggie yelled about earlier, he was wearing an eyepatch and had a scar underneath it.
"Check it out Leona, we've got ourselves a mermaid!" Ruggie said, showing you off. The captain, Leona, gave you a once-over.
"Throw it back."
"What?! Look at her! Don't you realize how-"
"Money doesn't matter to us anymore. Nothing does. I said, throw it back."
"Y-yes! Please listen to him!" You pleaded. "Please, I-I don't want to die yet!" You were crying. You were so scared that you didn't care how they viewed you- you just wanted to get out of this situation. Though, Leona's opinion of you changed when he saw you cry and plead to be let go.
"On second thought... bring her aboard. Don't de-scale 'er just yet though." Leona said, drawing his cutlass and pointing it at you. "Welcome aboard the Savannah's Claw, mermaid~"
Days go by.
Days of sitting in a wooden tub of water beneath the ship's deck, constanly fearing for your life.
You were forced to get to know the crew as the days went on. Three moreso than the others; Ruggie, Jack, and their captain, Leona.
Ruggie would tell you tales from when he was alive. He'd talk about how much money he and the crew would steal from other ships, all the pillaging he did, how he got into piracy, the thing's he'd seen, the mutiny and marooning he organized with Leona(which was aparently how Leona became captain)... he'd stroke your tail and tell you how much money he'd get from selling it if he were still alive.
Jack was the nicest. At night, he'll bring you above deck and allow you to observe the sea. Jack was the one who brought you food and even alcohol occasionally. But it's not because he likes you or anything! It's just common courtesy to allow the living to stay alive, you know??
Leona... Leona would tell you how much he wanted to touch you. Yes, he could touch you as a ghost, but he wasn't able to feel you. Leona told you that if you were alive when he was, he would've made you his wife. He scared you. Much like Ruggie, he'd tell you about all the acts of piracy he did in life... he told you how in life, he'd never once taken 'one of your kind' to sell, and how you're the first mermaid he's ever taken aboard the ship. You found it hard to believe him, though...
If you'd really listened to what the three of them were telling you, you would've known what was going to happen to you.
Last night, Jack gave you something.
You drank it without question. It was in a regular bottle, and tasted normal, it didn't smell weird... there was no reason for you to believe anything was wrong with it.
You woke up to someone pulling your hair.
"Hey, mermaid, you awake yet?" A voice you immediately recognized to be Leona asked.
"O-ow-! Well now I am..."
"Ooh, it feels nice. It's been a long time since I've felt a mermaid's scales!" Ruggie said, stroking your tail as he's done before. but that was when you noticed something was wrong.
"Wait... why can I feel you touching me...?" You asked. Since the trio were ghosts, you could never feel them touching you- and vice versa, they can't typically feel your body when they touch you.
"Oh, you noticed?" Ruggie asked.
"You're dead, mermaid." Leona told you, smirking.
You sat there in shock and silence for a moment. You're dead? No, that can't be!
"Yeah, I uh... sorry for poisoning you." Jack apologized. "It's just... I'd like if you could be a part of our crew forever, you know? I thought if you became a ghost like the rest of us..." Jack quieted down, sounding almost embarrassed or nervous about killing you?
"I'm glad you did it." Leona said. "Now she can be mine, forever."
"Woah woah woah, Leona, I understand you're the captain, but you're crazy if you think she's just for you." Ruggie shot an angry glare to Leona. "She's for me, understand?!"
"If we're really talking about who's she is, I'm the one who poisoned her, so logically she should be mine!" Jack interjected, pointing to himself.
...how are you supposed to accept this?
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