#I think it'd be neat
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wy-mackk · 23 days
I think they should bring Bark Bark von Barkenstein to their games. sit him up with the cheerleaders and shit. no explanation
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whywoulditho · 9 months
I want DC to put out more shows like my adventures with superman. i wanna see batman with that same artstyle that exists in the same universe i want it to go on for decades i want thirty five fucking seasons of that universe i want it to somehow include teen titans and i want it to continue until supersons and then FUCKING FIX the supersons and i want us all to acknowledge that series as the only canon storyline so we can all have peace for the rest of our lives
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Imagine a dating sim but it's just the NRC rp blogs and at the end of the game instead of falling in love the one with the least relationship you have comes and crushes your skull
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nexus-my-beloved · 3 months
I am personally of the opinion that we need a Midam bang and I'd love to write in it and you know what? I'd host one if someone would help me. We need more Midam in the world.
If someone is willing to send me a Midam bang if there already is one OR!! if someone were to help me make a bang for it or tell me how to get one started I will be eternally grateful plspls 🙏🏻
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terresdebrume · 27 days
You know, I don't think DBD did this offensively or anything, but one of these days it'd be interesting to see a show where the character with Charles' background, accent and personality is the brains and the Edwin is the brawn
Just for a change
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fallout-terminals · 2 years
It'd be a cool little mechanic in Fallout 4 if before you met the Railroad, Deacon would show up in fights similarly to a weaker mysterious stranger, except instead of having the animation, you'd just watch an enemy lose some health and a thin line that'd come from the top of a building. And if you go to investigate the building, there'd be a rail sign or something.
Just a little something that could be easily missed, as he is spying on you, but would cement the idea that he's actually keeping an eye on you and wants you to survive long enough to be your ally.
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rimon-limon · 1 year
Solarpunk Aesthetic Day One: Worldbuilding Thoughts!
Alrighty, sorry I haven't been more active! Just welcomed a new kitten to the home a few hours ago (yes I will take and post pictures, she's adorable).. but happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, everyone! And happy Juneteenth too!!!
To begin, I was thinking.. perhaps for those people severely hospitalized and unable to get out and about for extended periods of time, maybe a public drone system with cameras for the public places close by? They could fly around over the city and wave hi to people from onscreen and enjoy the view! Solar powered batteries, of course. Cover the blank parts with painted plants, let the airspace be free for people to be able to explore places. Kind of like.. virtual reality for reality! Imagine sitting in a cafe and you hear a gentle whirrr as a small drone covered in screens and cameras drifts down, an ecstatic kid waving and wishing you happy holidays, before away they zoom!
We can all agree that cars suck and streets belong to the people. Walkable cities and 15-minute cities are both solutions to this, but also, like.. monorails, anyone? Gracefully winding their way through the green city, stations suspended in the sky. Imagine if there were different levels of monorail, layered cities, streets high above the ground but no less colorful, dangling with hanging greenery.. a solarpunk city on top of a solarpunk city.
Oh, accessibility! What if we had a mobility aid distribution service, all made to fit the infrastructure and in a vast variety of sizes? If wheelchairs are all made by the same people as who make the infrastructure for the city, we could link the two! Such as motorized ramps that lock onto the chair and roll it up, like an escalator but for wheelchairs! That allows for way more possibility in ramp construction once it gets figured out. No more giant ramps in ridiculous angles, please.
I hadn't heard anyone mention this in the concept of 15-minute cities, but religious structures such as mosques, churches, synagogues, temples.. They should also be included in the 15-minute sphere, right? That only seems natural. That'd allow for incredible diversity too! Lemme list the things that should all be fit into this 15-minute sphere (which is 10 average city blocks in any direction!)..
Aforementioned religious places, so mosques, churches, synagogues, temples, etc etc!
Book libraries! Tool libraries! Suit-and-gown libraries! Technology libraries! LIBRARIES!!
Community fridges and food kitchens!
Nature, such as water features and flora focused areas like community parks, food forests, and pollinator gardens!
SCHOOLS! Preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school should all be close, yeah?
Train station! Because trains are neat.
Plaza! A large open communal space for gatherings, surrounded by small shops and cafes. Should also have a compass towards Mecca, recycling bins, and maybe some murals!
Small clinics, and places to get everyday drugs people need to live well (think insulin, allergy meds, epipens, seizure medication, etc!)..
Things that can be more spread-out include things like theaters, humane zoos and aquariums, colleges and trade schools, large hospitals, and large, specialized stores and restaurants. Halal and kosher food should be easily accessible, though. Of course, if we're going with the layered city idea, all of the bullet points would be included up high too!
That concludes all my thoughts for now. Happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week!
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roomy-ghosted · 1 year
not fully follwing new life content rn but what if Gem's swarm was like the bug ladies in resident evil. And she can disperse and fucking get you and pass through bars and the cracks in walls. I think it'd be neat.
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din-skywalker · 11 months
i think there should be more drider!miguel o'hara fanart
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peachshadows · 2 years
Ik canonically Macaque has gold eyes but I want him to have silver eyes just so he can go along with Wukong's gold eyes. Also sun and moon parallels
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kiitkattie · 2 days
having zonai link thoughts and i wish we could have him as a zonai cause totk/botw link deserves to be a lil creachur
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chromodorid · 10 months
forever lamenting the lack of a bard and a druid class,,,
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xxwish-bonexx · 6 months
I feel like if Fresh were to get his own body with his own artificial soul, he wouldn't be able to eat normal food for a while because if he did, he would develop refeeding syndrome because he's only used to feeding off of his host souls life force
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rainbowingvomit · 4 months
someone should make like a analog horror Dreamtale video or art work or something
Dreamtale by Joku
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broken-clover · 2 years
I wish we could see Strive Ram without the arm and leg wrappings, I really hope she does actually have some bitchin scars underneath. Arcsys please don’t be cowards
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