#I swear he is doing very important tm stuff
0-solshroom-0 · 21 days
I got encouragement from one whole mutual and decided i was gonna post it so here’s
roasting you based on your favorite les amis member
enjolras - you really do have good intentions, but holy shit calm down the savior complex. it’s not all up to you, and you are really trying to take on too much but let’s be honest you do at least half of it for attention. and let’s be really honest you like the attention it gets you in the worst way. you probably only listen to like, mother mother now. used to be a hamilton kid TM
combeferre - you’re either incredibly anxious and not super book smart, or the most pretentious mother fucker i have ever met. you read a lot of books that make you look smart but you actually hate all of them and if it was up to you you would only read like, bad YA novels. please get a life that doesn’t revolve around impressing others
courfeyrac - calling myself out with this one, you’re not near as cool as you think you are babes. stop trying to be a whore and go to class. similar to combeferre fans, you’re either incredibly anxious or incredibly sexy in the worst way. burned out gifted kid but the kind that went fucking wild
grantaire - we get it, you’re sad. choose another personality trait that doesn’t involve you being sad please. it was almost funny at first, but now it’s annoying. other then that i love you and there’s not much else to say about you. you’re cute but you think you’re ugly and you make that very apparent.
jehan - look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t listen to glass animals and smoke weed. that’s right, you can’t. because it’s all you do. you like to pretend you’re very soft poet owo, but really you’re just as wild as the courfeyrac fans if not more and you probably don’t even fucking write poetry.
joly - a lot like jehan fans, except instead of being wild you’re just fucking weird. you pretend to be all soft and shit and then people get to know you and you’re a gremlin but not the fun kind. you probably think you’re all smart about medical stuff but you got all your information off of wikipedia and you don’t actually know anything
bossuet - i didn’t realize you guys existed but welcome to the party ig. you’re incredibly boring, there is nothing interesting about this character except he’s bald. are you bald, did you break one too many limbs and now relate to him, or do you just have really bad taste? and i love bossuet but why is he your favorite??
feuilly - (i’m trying but i don’t have very much bad to say about you guys) you probably are the type to complain about capitalism and money and then spend 300 dollars on clothes and other shit the moment you get paid, then whine about being broke. i mean, me too, and the system is definitely set up against us, but have you tried a savings account?
bahorel - i can see the appeal, but much like bossuet fans why is he your favorite? you probably had a very toxic view of masculinity until very recently, and now you project it way too much onto this character. you probably hit your friends as a sign of affection. except you hit way too fucking hard and it makes people cry when you’re not around. there’s really not a lot to say about you. you’re kind of mid but you think you’re hot shit
marius - he doesn’t even count bitch pick another one. i know you won’t because you’re “different” and “quirky” you’re definitely the friend nobody likes but everyone loves. like we love you but you bring a strange off-putting aura to the hangout and nobody really trusts you with any important information.
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cardboardfeet · 2 months
You said you’re willing to elaborate on that silly Ames brothers comic,,,, 🎤 please do, I wanna hear you out :3
SNATCHES MIC??? AND COLLAPSES????? r u sure. ur sure. okay buckle in bc they r in there rent free and mindless
the initial idea started bc I was at the hospital nd saw they had a cute bunny themed door window decor: "All Bunnies Welcome".
and my brain, running on fumes, laughed. rayne would absolutely have that. what would ppls reactions to seeing it (and subsequently, him) ?
ended up sketching the first 2 pages mindlessly in the lobby. and then EVERYTHING ELSE HAPPENED AND THEY TALKED ?? they possessed me I swear
WHICH LEADS TO EP 2. needed a driving conflict now bc im Invested (tm) and want to see where this goes, what they're gonna do.
idk Exactly how I want Rayne to act so highkey basing him off my own older brother HDBFJC. alot of his actions r gonna look wonky bc this man has an inner monolouge running 24/7 to me, so what he thinks is perfectly normal behavior is gonna be batshit to others. lack of communication BAYBEEEE
I want u to know it took so much will power and debating for him to ask ab what mash was making. imagine 3 Raynes in his own brain duking it out, and one slips away and uses the voice to ask that, while the three fighting turn to him in horror. that's what happened, basically. when I understand him better this might change hbdjsjgd
Finn shares this with him tho!! they're both loud thinkers to me, finn just happens to be the guy we hear the most of. so we see why he does things (nervous, dropped the box, etc)
spoilers. or hints idk. for the third ep !!! that box he dropped is IMPORTANT and u should be SCARED OF IT. or excited. it's very misleading <3 and I can't wait to draw it. something something essence and powders in the air.
the last page took me so long to do which is the main reason it took so long to post hdkgkskg. while I could pump put the other pages 3-4 days max, that one took arnd 5 days. mostly bc I have net 0 plans for this comic, just a vague idea, so a lot of the time I'm erasing and scrapping stuff.
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americanhero · 2 years
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( BRUISED KNUCKLES AND INK-STAINED FINGERS, WELL-WORN LEATHER JACKETS, THE ASH LEFT BEHIND BY FIREWORKS )▸ welcome to latverion, STEVE ROGERS (CAPTAIN AMERICA). it’s time to be gracious, for in this vast multiverse, you have been saved by emperor doom. according to records you are 104 and use HE/HIM pronouns. emperor doom expects you’ll enjoy your career as a SUPPORT GROUP LEADER, or else. excellent. we look forward to your contribution. ( CLAIRE, GMT, 24, SHE/HER, CHRIS EVANS )
FULL NAME: steven “steve” grant rogers
ALIAS: captain america
AGE: 104 (july 4, 1918; cancer)
AFFILIATIONS: the avengers
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: cis male, he/him
FACE CLAIM: chris evans
as always, i pull from a mix of canons! steve is from the same universe as tony (which i guess is the same universe as peter, which is ?? whatever we want it to be), and i use a combination of 616 and mcu for backstory and influences. basically! comics childhood, mcu becoming cap, mix of everything after (no secret empire lmao; also not mcu-dead) ; i’m always very happy to shift stuff around/specify/work with y’all for plotting to make things fit!
super soldier serum: artificially enhanced physiology; peak human strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, stamina, recovery, mental processing, senses; advanced longevity (the wikipedia page literally says he has “perfect cells.” this includes perfect teeth and very good hair.)
master tactician & strategist; martial artist; shield fighter; advanced military officer; weapons proficiency; vehicle handling; very good artist!!
no :( someone get this man a dog he could use one (he’s also on the lookout for bucky, who he very much considers his brother)
more tbd but! for now! (TW DEATH, WAR, ALCOHOLISM)
although he grew up in brooklyn instead of the lower east side, i otherwise take steve’s family history/dynamics from 616 instead of the mcu--steve’s parents, joseph and sarah, were poor irish immigrants. his dad was Not Great TM and died when he was pretty young; his mom passed away when he was a teenager. he had a semester of art school, but dropped out to join the army, partly because he couldn’t afford to stay, partly because fighting for the country his family had given so much for felt like the right thing to do
steve’s got a bit of a complex about the steve/cap divide. he loves being captain america, most of the time. but he knows he’s more of a monument than a man to most of the world. he’s made his peace with it, and he’s played along, but it’s nice when he can just be steve. very few people see him that way (see: bucky, who he grew up with as a brother; tony, who was instrumental in helping steve adjust to life after the ice, and is one of the few people to treat him like a regular person; peggy, who knew him before he was cap, etc)
along those lines! captain america doesn’t swear. steve rogers does. exactly 2 people know this (bucky and tony), as far as he’s aware. he’s a scrappy little new yorker at heart. of course he’s got a foul mouth.
he doesn’t drink. some of this is because the serum means he can’t get drunk. some of it is the good old clean-cut image they drilled into him back when he was on the uso tour. a lot of it is because of his father
he’s an artist! this is very important! it’s pretty much just a hobby, but he’d love to be able to make a living on it. is that an impossible dream? yeah, probably, but so was turning into a genetically engineered super soldier. he particularly likes sketching faces and memories; he has been trying but failing miserably at learning digital art (he was also color-blind before the serum, which i like to think means his relationship towards colors and paints tends towards the abstract and stylized, because he basically taught himself color theory twice)
he spends quite a bit of time at memory lane. please don’t make me explain this too much if i think about it too long i will start to cry
that story from she-hulk about him and a girl on the uso tour in ‘43? i’m not entirely convinced he didn’t make it up so the team would stop bullying him change my mind
yes sometimes he signs his texts! this comes from canon he’s old and learning please be nice to him he’s trying his best and doing great
he’s currently living with thor in an apartment above frigga’s
You’re asking Steve Rogers, Captain America, the Sentinel of Liberty, how he feels about a masked megalomaniac self-proclaimed emperor? Sure. Okay. The answer, of course, is absolutely not. Steve’s lived for a very long time, and he doesn’t have any more time for Doom. Sarah Rogers raised her son to do no harm, but take no shit, and Steve’s taking no shit. He’s up there in the resistance working to take him down. He was, quite literally, made for something like this. A different time, a different world, a different tyrant, maybe, but it’s all the same. Tyranny is tyranny; freedom is freedom.
The battles are barbaric. No one should be forced to fight in a gladiatorial contest. It’s inhumane. He’s been the dancing (punching) monkey before, so many lifetimes ago, and he wouldn’t wish it on anyone. He’s neither actively avoiding nor seeking them out, but Steve is absolutely using them as yet another reason Emperor Doom is extremely bad news. He’ll fight if he has to, and he’s not too worried about winning, but he doesn’t want to have to. He’s a soldier, not a gladiator.
Steve runs a support group for people struggling with multiversal displacement (and living under the omnipresent gaze of Emperor Doom). They meet twice a week, sometimes in Frigga’s, which Thor has generously lent out (and provided complimentary fruity mocktails with the little umbrellas). Steve knows what it’s like to leave behind a life, to wake up in a new, unfamiliar world, to lose everyone and everything you knew and loved and have to keep living. He’s done it. It’s awful. No one should have to go through that alone. Steve can fight Doom as Captain America all he likes; as Steve Rogers, the least he can do is try to make the rest of their lives a little bit better.
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nais-nook · 4 years
Sawyer - Pt 3
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(Hey there! You may be liking/reblogging something without links to new pieces I may have written for this character, just letting you know in case you’re interested in reading more!)
Imagine writing a Sawyer part but he doesn’t show up. That’s so like Sawyer lmao. I promise he shall return. Sawyer belongs to @yandere-flower​
Part 1,  Part 2
Summary:  You get rescued, though the person who landed you in this predicament is nowhere to be found.
Pairing: Male x Female Reader.
Words: 2402.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Swearing, Violence (and Blood).
Your fingers were numb, and yet you still felt the burn in your wrist and the thousands upon thousands of pin pricks running up and down your arms. The strained muscles in your back and legs let you know you had been in this position for longer than anyone should, and despite your body begging for release, the restraints that held you wouldn’t budge. You couldn’t see anything, not with the damp strip of whatever it was wrapped tightly around your eyes. 
In the darkness you could make out vague whispers - one distinctly nasally, alongside a much gruffer and scratchier voice. Whether the stale stench of cigarettes and alcohol was coming from them or not, you didn’t know. There was a scuff of boots. What you could only assume was broken glass was scraped aside along the floor, then the scrap of material was ripped off your face.
You winced, eyes watering as they adjusted to the harsh light spilling in from the ajar door. Your years of training did not help as bile began to rise in your throat, burning and bitter. The beat of your heart grew so intense it was all you could do to not focus on it.
The man crouching in front of you was tan, with greying hair and wrinkles to match.
“Where’s the white-haired Japanese prick?” 
You were taken aback, expecting him to be the one that sounded like he smoked a pack a day. He was the nasally sounding one, speaking as if he had a stuffy nose.
“I - what?”
He moved in extremely close. You tried not to gag. “What, you don’t speak English, sweetheart?”
Sawyer. They were definitely talking about Sawyer. Why were you being asked about Sawyer?
“I- I’m sorry, I-”
Before you could utter another word, something metal was pressed against your temple. You were suddenly very conscious of every slight movement you made, of the air being sucked out of the room. Cold dread ran rampant in your veins.
Calm, calm, panicking won’t help you.
It was much easier thought than done.
“Where. Is. The tattooed dude. With the piercings. You know who we’re talking about.”
“Sawyer.” The lanky one standing in the doorway spoke. “Cauley.”
“Who’s that?”
Lies, lies, all lies. The smell of the room suffocated you. Rust and damp and foul. Your legs trembled, against your will.
“Listen girly,” the thing at your temple pressed harder, “don’t act stupid. We know you patched him up after he had a scrap in that alleyway.”
The man at the door sighed, picking at the glass of its shattered window. “We just need to know where he is. We’ll leave you alone after that, alright?”
Even if they were telling the truth, and they would let you go after you told them, you had nothing to tell them. Sawyer had made good on his promise to never see you again, so the fact that these people even knew you were barely associated would have been baffling. If you weren't so terrified, that was.
“I don’t know,” you answered, voice shaking despite your honesty.
“Try again.” 
It was a blade pressed against you, and the bastard holding it had drawn blood. Searing pain ripped across your skin. You almost retched. You hoped and prayed at the very least the blade was clean.
Your words tumbled out, each one more frantic than the last. “I swear, I don’t. I patched him up and he left. He could be halfway across the world by now for all I know.”
“See the thing is, we have a score to settle.”
“I don’t know. I don’t understand.”
The blade travelled from your temple to your neck, its tip dragging along your skin. You leaned back as far as you could. From the glimpse you caught, the blade wasn’t rusted, but you knew that meant jack shit on whether it was actually clean.
“Someone very important died because of Sawyer.” The older man mumbled.
“W-what? Who?”
He pressed the knife right up against your carotid artery. Tears blurred your vision. “Ah, see, you’re not privy to that information.” 
“I’m telling you I have no idea where he is.”
 The one fiddling with the broken glass looked straight at you. “He didn’t say anything, hm? Didn’t send anything?”
He had sent you something. Flowers. But the address on that was probably fake, assuming Sawyer had some working brain cells left in that head of his. 
A hand wrapped around your throat and you flew into a blind panic.
“Flowers. He sent me flowers, but I threw away the card, I don’t know where it is.”
The gangly man nodded; eyes fixed on a point you couldn’t discern. “So, he did survive after you were done with him. Interesting.”
They… thought he had died? They thought he had died. You just told them he was alive and well.
Shit, shit, shit -
“So -”
A loud thump echoed throughout the room, its source right outside the door. You didn’t want another stranger walking into the room, not when you were so close to passing out. The room tilted.
The gangly one at the door slipped what looked to be a gun from his belt (a terrible place to keep a gun, really). It did nothing to stop the person outside from barrelling in and completely knocking him out in a matter of seconds. The man who was previously holding a knife to your neck seemingly manifested a gun out of nowhere and pointed it at… Thomas?
It was Thomas. 
You flinched, expecting a gunshot to tear right through Thomas’ chest. Instead the bullet that pierced the air came from the hallway and landed squarely in your captive’s shoulder. His cry was shrill in your ears, but even that couldn’t distract you from the sight that was Ambrose, her hair tied back and face ghastly as she stalked in. She landed a stomp on the man's head. He fell silent.
“Hey.” It was Thomas, fiddling with the restraints around your wrists. “You okay?”
“No,” you choked. From the corner of your eye you witnessed Ambrose drag the taller of the two unconscious men through the door and shattered glass. You could have broken down into tears right then and there. From fear and relief.
Thomas stopped for a moment, and he pressed his forehead against yours. You felt a little more at ease when he whispered, “You don’t have to be.”
Your wrists were rubbed raw and your joints cracked when you were helped up. You nearly toppled over at the sudden chorus of gunfire and yelling from below.
“Sorry about your ankles hun, but you’re going to have to run.” Ambrose frowned, head tilting towards the direction of the hallway.
Thomas stroked your hair back, face shrouded with sympathy. “I’d carry you, but that would just make both of us a bigger target.”
“Don’t fret, Tommy and I’ll be right next to you.” 
Ambrose swivelled her foot right as someone tried to barge through the door, flipping them effortlessly into a pile of crumpled beer cans. With a swift kick of her steel toed boots the man went still. Immediately she reached for you, fingers wrapping around your upper arm and steered you down the hall. You didn’t miss how she completely avoided your damaged wrists.
It was darker. Much darker than the room you were tied in moments ago, and you had to hold onto Ambrose with your aching fingers to steady yourself. Ambrose approached the end of the hallway, the dim glow revealing a set of stairs. The fighting was deafening here. Gunshots and shouts reverberated through the narrow passage as you struggled to keep your breathing steady. Thomas, who had been padding behind, silently advanced in front of you, giving a hand signal you didn’t understand before creeping down the stairs.
“I know.” Ambrose gave your arm a little squeeze. “Just pretend you’re at some sort of intensive surgery. Nothing will happen if you do what we say, okay?”
The faint light from the stairwell made Ambrose’s face look younger, softer. And then you remembered she wasn’t that much older than you to begin with. What caused her to fall into such a violent line of work, you didn’t know. Maybe if you both got out of this alive you would ask her.
Tentatively, you stepped down the stairs, wincing at the spike of pain that shot up your leg as you placed weight on your ankles. Ambrose’s arm was immediately at your waist, and she supported you as best she could down the uneven steps. As you got closer you could pick out the thump of things being thrown amongst the yelling. Thomas was crouching on the bottom step, face serious.
Ambrose drew you closer still, her voice hushed as she said, “Listen, we’re gonna have to do some running and ducking, okay? Just don’t let go of me.” Thomas threw up another hand sign before disappearing into the fray. “We just gotta wait for a little while.”
A little while is probably what it was, but it felt like the moment stretched on for an eternity. Then, out of nowhere, three shots rang out in the mess, clear as day. Ambrose didn’t say a word, jerking you forward so roughly you nearly tripped over yourself. 
A warehouse - you were in a warehouse, dodging and weaving through gargantuan shipment crates as Ambrose pushed and pulled you through bits of debris and rubbish. You couldn’t take it all in even if you tried. You caught a glimpse of Thomas in the corner, wrestling someone carrying switchblades. Gasps of moon rays filtered through the broken beams in the ceiling.
“Eyes forward (Y/n), you’re going to fall,” Ambrose hissed, pressing you flush against a metal container as someone was thrown right past you both. Whether they were friend or foe you were unsure.
The noise was giving you a headache amongst other things, and if it weren’t for the adrenaline and Amrbose’s insistent tugging you could have fallen asleep right there. Exhausting was seeping into your veins like you were on a drip. It felt like a miracle when Ambrose was able to steer you to a door, before shoving you through it.
“Get into a car, any of the grey ones, hurry.”
The door was flung shut.
Why, why, why - 
Why were they risking everything to come and get you? You did nothing for them. You had nothing to give them. 
Something heavy slammed against the other side of the door. You could barely hear the sound of your soles hitting the pavement over the noise as you scrambled to the cars, climbing into the nearest one. 
“... Riley?”
The door wasn’t even shut properly before the tyres squealed and the car jerked forwards. You clung to everything and anything. Every turn of the car caused you to lurch against the seats and doors.
“Get your belt on!” He veered right. Hard. “Did you not hear me?!”
“I’m trying!”
You finally managed to clip the buckle in just as he swerved right again.
“Riley you’re going to kill me!”
“Shut the fuck up, or I will kill you on purpose!”
A digital ringing resounded in the car. Riley’s hand shot out, grabbing one of the many mobiles strapped to the dashboard. You saw his mouth move in the rear-view mirror but could barely hear the words spoken over the roar of the engine and tyres.
“Oi, (Y/n),” he yelled, giving you a passing glance in the mirror, “hold on to something.”
If you were finding it difficult to keep your insides where they belonged before, you were definitely struggling now. Riley paid no mind to the speed bumps dotted along the road, skidded around corners at a speed you knew was illegal, and even forced the car down narrow alleyways.
“Riley! Why are you driving like a maniac?!”
“I’m trying to get you to the drop off point!”
“Drop off point?!”
You barely managed to process what he said as you were flung right against the window. You caught a flash of the menacing smile plastered onto Riley’s face as he gripped the wheel and gear stick in terrifying confidence.
He yelled over the engine, “Listen, we’re hitting a tunnel soon, and you’re gonna have to jump!”
Your head was spinning.
“As soon as I tell you to go, you fling that door open as far as it goes, and you fucking jump!”
“I’ve never done anything like that before! I’m going to die!”
“Well, if we get caught, we’re both fucking dead!”
This is it, you thought, mind a flurry of too many things with too little time to sort them out. I’m going to actually die, and my family will have no idea where I went or who took me or -
Cars identical to the one you were strapped in tailing behind Riley’s erratic driving. Your car slowed down slightly as it entered a tunnel, plunging you into darkness. Your heart lurched in your throat. 
A hand on your leg pulled you out of your panicked stupor. Riley’s green eyes were lit up by the lights on the dashboard. He stared at you in the mirror, his face deathly calm. The world quietened down immediately.
“You open the door as far as it goes, you jump at an angle away from the car - there’ll be a grassy patch so the landing won’t be as rough - and then you pull all your limbs in and roll. Land on your shoulder if you can. You’ll be fine.”
And then all the sounds came crashing back.
“Someone will pick you up, just hide near the entrance of the tunnel until they arrive! Ready?!”
“No, I’m not,” you whispered, hands shaking like mad as you unbuckle your seatbelt.
“Wait for it.”
Your knuckles blanched as you gripped the handle.
You flung yourself out of the car.
You could have sworn you heard something crack as you landed on your shoulder. Your skin was on fire as you skidded across the grass. You pulled back just as the grey cars sped by, one after another.
And despite being exhausted to the brink of collapsing, you still managed to drag yourself to hide in the shadows on the tunnel.
All that was left to do was wait.
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Twisted Wonderland OC
Disclaimer: I used picrew to make my oc this was not drawn. Link is here
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Couldn't use more than ten text boxes, also the description of JJ's unique magic may be hard to read
Better view of JJ: ⬇️
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Likes: Food, training, sweets, their friends
Dislikes: Azul, history, bullies, Crowley
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
UNIQUE MAGIC (or what is considered to be their UNIQUE MAGIC)
"Dual Scythe"; JJ can summon a dual Scythe that is capable of manipulating the elements and can create a defensive barrier when spinning in a circle
What the scythe looks like ⬇️
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Other things to know about JJ
JJ's pronouns are they/them
Left handed
Does come from Earth, was in Argentina at the time the Ebony Carrage kidnapped them
Uses Yoga as a stress relief
Depending on their mood will wear either boy or girl clothes
Big Mamamoo fan, knows all their lyrics and choreography by heart, basis/spirit animal is Hawasa
Has older sibling/parental vibe or "mom friend"
Also has chaotic moments
The Protective Type (TM)
Physically incapable of holding back
Ex: Once broke a table while arm wrestling Jack
Could have been in Diasomina but ended up becoming the Ramshackle Perfect
Like Lilia will say something interesting but will not answer on how they know that (most of the stuff they say protains to the stuff that is in the fairytales we are familiar with)
Very intimidating when angry, even Malleus gets scared
Has several scars littering their body and a winter soldier like prosthetic left arm, will not talk about them no matter what
Most notable scars are the large ones on their right arm and back
Very talented chef
Joined the Horseback Club as a means of honoring someone important to them, also happens to genuinely like horses
Crushes on Malleus
Drops hints about their past wondering if anyone will be able to figure it out
Nicknames for their friends
Grimm - Fluff ball, Raccoon
Ace - Idiot Genius, Braincell 1
Deuce - Uce, Braincell 2
Jack - Best Boi, Wolf Boi
Epel - Shortstack, Feral Child
Sebek - Megaphone, Simp
Malleus - Male Maleficent, My Noble Dragon
Kalim - Sunshine, Party lover
Warning for strong language and mentions/threats of violence
"So I'm stranded here? Perfect, absolutely perfect."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"The kiss on the cheek? Ah! Sorry it's just that back home in Argentina it's a greeting."
"Hey did you know that the dark mirror belonged to the Beautiful Queen?"
"Burh you wanna die?"
"Your a terrible friend Trey."
"Riddle, ... your parents were toxic. They treated you like a doll than a child!"
"Do you think Leona is actually lazy or depressed?"
"Hahaha! Get wrecked Leona."
"You wanna go? Alright then you son of a bitch let's dance!"
"Yes, I know I'm violent Ace. I thought we went over this."
"It's called Yoga Grimm. Want to learn?"
"You sure you want me calling you whatever I want? Alright then Male Maleficent."
"Boi you must think I'm stupid if you think I'm gonna believe that bullshit."
"Azul you have one mintue to release Ace, Grimm, and Deuce from their contracts or else I'm gonna murder you and make it look like an accident."
"Jamil, I fucking swear if you make Kalim upset again I'm gonna break every bone in your body."
"Strength comes in all shapes and sizes Epel. It's like unique magic, everyone has their own unique strength. You just gotta find yours. It won't be easy, but I'll be here if you need me."
"Oh I knew exactly who he was, but he said I could call him whatever I wanted."
"Okay which one of you fuckers touched my friends?"
JJ's uniform
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alexglitches · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Twisted Wonderland Actor AU Bloopers : Prologue
some bloopers and behind the scenes of the prologue
Director: And... Action!
Riddle, waving arm around: OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
Riddle: Was that good?
Crowley, pinching Yuu's cheeks: Because I am so kind!
Yuu, fighting back: Dad, taht washn't in da script!
Yuu, talking about Ramshackle: looks like a ghost ate it up and shit it back out.
Ace, in the back: Pfft- dUDE-!
*Ace attempting to attack Leona but he holds Ace's head and keeps him back*
Ace: Shoot, the statue!
Yuu: Burnt chicken nugget.
Ace: *kettle laughter*
Deuce: Come forth, cauldron!
Director: Cue cauldron.
*cauldron slowly descends from the ceiling*
Ace: We doing this shit in slow motion? The hell?
*video of Yuu hitting Ace with the Grim plush, Deuce crying with laughter in the background*
Crowley: YOU ACTUALLY WENT TO THE- *insert old man coughing*
Yuu, panicking: Drink your water, don't die on us old man!
Deuce: Expulsion rescinded, I'm- OOF!
*Deuce tripped and fell*
Ace and Yuu: *Laughing*
Deuce, still on the floor: ...ow...
274 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 15:08:21 GMT
imagine it
ghostbur, glatt and mexican dream: *chilling in the afterlife*
ghostinnit: *able sisters intensifies*
305 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 13:16:40 GMT
BadBoyHalo: *Evil monologue* 
373 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 14:22:43 GMT
Incorrect Quote Time
Tubbo, angrily: ARE YOU-
Tommy: fucking.
Tommy: fucking.
Tubbo: IDIOT-
Puffy: …what was that?
Tommy: Bad banned Tubbo from swearing, so i volunteered to help them out
Sam: i think you just like saying the f word.
Tommy: that doesn’t make my job any less important.
426 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 13:49:10 GMT
Twisted Wonderland Actor Au
Basically the cast off-screen
Riddle Rosehearts: actually pretty chill, not as uptight as his character, very polite
Trey Clover: still good a baking, laughs during serious scenes so he makes up a ton of bloopers
Ace Trappola: a gremlin, pulls pranks of everybody, deuce's partner in crime, cater's younger bro
Deuce Spade: one of the few who's completely different from their character, likes messing stuff up, enjoys spooking ace
Cater Diamond: not as addicted to his phone, really nice, can be a very big drama queen sometimes, ace's older bro
Leona Kingscholar: actually a pretty active person (he didn't get all those muscles laying down =>=), the Dad Friend(tm), leaves people shook with his acting
Ruggie Bucchi: his "shishishi" laugh is his actual laugh and people make fun of him for it oop-, not as agile as his character, also not as pranky
Jack Howl: a good boi with a bad boi façade, very polite, also makes up some bloopers because he always falls on his face during fight scenes
Azul Ashengrotto: is a businessman irl, has no problems with donating to any charity (as long as he agrees to their message), hates his fake tentacles cuz he always trips over them
Jade Leech: fun fact, jade and floyd are fraternal twins the staff just made them look alike, actually really nice, gave everyone flowers on the first day they all met
Floyd Leech: doesn't like the fact that he looks like a mirror jade, pretty serious about acting so his acting sometimes spooked people, affectionate boi
Kalim Al-Asim: child actor, got the role thanks to his parents, actually really responsible and nice and humble in his acting career
Jamil Viper: the memeable bitch, has no problem with calling out any asshole interviewers, makes the best faces
Vil Schoenheit: just as famous irl as his character, also uses his status to make huge donations to charities like Azul, has a makeup channel
Rook Hunt: very french, never had any hunting experience before so he had tons of lessons, after scenes he always asks if everyone's okay
Epel Felmier: actually one of the youngest in the cast, very gremlin energy but he exploits his cuteness to get him out of trouble
Idia Shroud: has no problems going outside and interacting, the fire hair is just his regular hair with lots of extensions and editing, he hates it
Ortho Shroud: the youngest out of all the main cast, Idia's lil bro, actually pretty stronk cuz he's carrying around a full costume of fake robot additions
Malleus Draconia: not actually that tall, he just wears tall heels, very intimidating and will use that to protect the rest of the cast from creeps
Lilia Vanrouge: not that old, is a prankster and enjoys getting into prank wars with the ADeuce duo, hates it whenever he has to 'float' cuz once one of the strings snapped and he fell-
Silver: has a serious case of insomnia, sleeps on set a lot so the staff takes advantage of it to add to his character, has tons of pets
Sebek Zigvolt: not lout like his character, has to seriously take care of himself because he could lose his voice, really nice
Dire Crowley: crowley? responsible?? more likely than you think. is actually the producer just acting cuz they couldn't fill in his spot lol
Divus Crewel: resident Dad #2, just behind Leona, is an actual dad though, gets embarrassed when he accidentally calls someone 'pup'
Mozus Trein: the eldest in the cast, not very different from his character aside form the fact he isn't as strict
Sam: the cool uncle, sets up easter eggs in his shop set that calls back to other series he's done
Ashton Vargas: a famous bodybuilder, helps some cast members with their training to help them keep healthy, give great nutrition advice
Yuu: they don't have many lines because Yuu has some memory problems so they try to give them the least lines as possible, Crowley's actual kid, likes making fun of his character lol
440 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 13:36:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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foulserpent · 4 years
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just drew my core nuzlocke cast as a kindness to my 16 year old self who had this as a MAJOR story and didnt share any of the characters from it even though i really wanted to
desc under cut 
sucy was an ekans/arbok and shes a direct ancestor of xikeel. she was the first pokemon captured/only one of these characters besides kyoko that made it into the like 9 comic strips i actually made, also the saddest death. her main thing was being super friendly and cheerful and then just swearing in the most disarming way possible. she originally came along because kyoko pissed her off and she was planning on eating him (he was very small then) but they became besties instead
kyoko was a typhlosion and i unconsciously reused a lot of stuff from him for ned. he is the sole survivor of the original team, kind of a grumpy dad type, best friends with sucy, survivors guilt and trauma, later has signature scarring from blowing up part of his back for a flare blitz attack.  
he had a boyfriend who was a crobat and i cant remember his name but he died. the crobat was kind of a latecomer and i didnt develop him as much . i think his name started with a G? anyway he was kind of sweet and friendly and went from being an alarming gaping mouth Beast golbat to this really cute thing when he evolved (kyoko had liked him the whole time) and sucy tried to eat him once
millie was a dragonite (the dratini given to you after you beat the last gym) and shes very self important and haughty  but when she finally evolved her wings didnt develop and shes unable to fly. makes up for being tough on the ground. 
senna was a machamp i dont remember much about her besides the struggle of figuring out how to draw a machamp.
i dont remember the ampharos/butterfree’s names but i loved the concept with them. they were gfs and the butterfree spoke with her telepathically and would always ride on her back. she had been experimented on and given psychic abilities (representation of me trading in TM psychic from another game) and could do like scanners shit as a running gag
dont remember the lapras’s name i think it was like ari or something? she was trapped in that cave for a while 
and the protag was named twigs for some reason that i dont remember and due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he has a sea god trying to soulbond with him so she can take vengeance on the mortals who she believes killed her brother ho-oh. 
lyra who is introduced as creepy but it actually turns out she and twigs are childhood friends with a difficult relationship after a death of a mutual friend and difficulties with the grieving process and twigs is just scared of her. also she had a creepy marril with black and red eyes and there was no twist or depth to that it was just like that
silver i adopted and gave a fleshed out backstory and character motivations and history and made him transgender . too complicated to go into here. EVENTUALLY friends with lyra and twigs. 
yes this IS pokemon
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
so about norman’s ethics
The thing that a lot of people don’t understand about Norman is that he doesn’t believe in the like, political sentiments that he acts on in the slightest. Yeah, this doesn’t make it ok that he did a bunch of shitty stuff, but it’s a misconception to say norman like, genuinely believes fucking eugenics are a good thing.
And yet, he decides to act on the idea to degenerate and genocide the demons and seems not to understand why Emma wouldn’t agree with him. People’s explanations of this seem to be pretty much one of two minds, either:
His morals are corrupt: Norman wants all the demons dead because what they did makes him think they’re all bad and don’t deserve the respect humans get, which is understandable but still wrong, or
His morals are intact but he ignores them: Norman feels bad that he’s doing a bad thing and does it anyway because he can’t find a better way out, which honestly makes what he did worse, though Tragic.
The second one is more accurate, but still doesn’t completely explain his ideas.The truth is that, in my opinion, he just barely understands the concept of morals in general, and what’s ‘messed up’ is simply his priorities. That sounds like I’m saying he’s a twisted cycle path but I swear I’m not, it’s just like him having low empathy. This is another, autism thing, and it’s another thing that I have, so I’ll try to explain it as best as I can?
Personally, I understand and try to follow sociatal expectations for moral things like, you know, do not kill people and what not. Because it’s bad or... whatever. And although I can cognitively understand the reasons why people think so, I don’t value it in the same way. Obviously I wouldn’t kill a person, there’s no need for me to in a world like this, and it would be inconvenient and probably make me feel bad despite not understanding why it is bad. But I’ve known from a very young age if I had the power and reason to kill someone, I absolutely would, no questions asked. Not even the necessity, just a logical reason. Most of the time this means nothing and isn’t applicable in the real world, because most of the people around me would be negatively affected by it. But it means nothing to me personally, and if prompted I could change at the slightest reason.
This is what I think we’re dealing with in Norman’s situation. 
Norman, in grace field, has no reason to violate any intagible laws of right and wrong, in most cases, until the escape arc happens. Yeah, I do believe Norman probably lied significantly more than the average child, because he didn’t see any reason not to, but I doubt it hurt anyone bad, they lived in, well, basically a neverland. He’s just a slightly off white little man. But when he is faced with a risky and dangerous situation, he might look Correct on the outside but the closer you look the more you realize his actions are directly impacted by the situation around him, completely independent of any internal moral compass. 
Ray wants to only escape with those three, because although he feels extreme guilt for being the way he is and completely understands it’s a selfish and terrible thing to do, he’s too cynical to accept any other options. Norman initially agrees with him, because Ray explains the risks. Emma then insinuates she wants to bring the other kids, giving ideas as to how. Norman then switches to Emma’s plan because he believes it can be achieved and he wants Emma to be happy, not because it would be wrong to do otherwise. At the same time, he later ships himself out, without much consideration to the others’ wishes against it, because now that it’s gotten impossible to have both, Emma’s and Ray’s safety is more important now than their happiness. Though he can understand that they’d not like that, it’s not that important to him in the long run. He will choose the path that offers them the greatest chance, if the one his friends want isn’t good enough.
When he was shipped out and taken to lambda, what happened is he was put in a situation where the stakes become much higher. There’s a different kind of situation, and the idea of simply running away from the demons is obviously not an option. When he escapes, and basically adopts the lambda kids- now he’s surrounded by people with the opposite morals and ideas as Emma. These kids want revenge, they would be happy to kill the demons, their ideal situation involves that and trying to reach any compromise would be unsatisfactory. The overwhelming majority of the kids agree with killing the demons, and that idea makes him seem stronger and gives him more certainty and control over the situation, even if it’s difficult and hurts him personally, making him a “Bad Person” to Emma. 
Norman harbors no personal hatred towards the demons, nor any specific desire to kill them. He just doesn’t see any viable reason not to, and killing them provides both him and the people he cares about with a more beneficial situation. Emma is now the minority, and even though she provides an idea that could work, Norman, after seeing so much pain and suffering, is no longer willing to take the risk for her, like he was in grace field. He is incapable of understanding why she values a sense of right and wrong more than the actual statistics of how well one or the other could work- yes, they had different experiences, but she lost other people because she decided to take risks, and she still believes in it? It simply doesn’t fucking compute.
An important aspect to consider is that it still does make him feel bad not to follow a more traditionally accepted route. He might have low empathy but he’s not an emotionless robot. Not understanding morals doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a concience, though it’s much more ambiguous and generally equates to any other thing, such as the actual convenience, details, or certainty of a plan. It’s not of any more importance, and he is in a situation now where it’s inconvenient to pay attention to, more so than in grace field. So not following a Nicer route does take a toll on his Feelings TM, same as it takes a toll on his literal body, but that’s a sacrifice he’s fine with, it’s a sacrifice that’s significantly smaller than the chance that someone he cares for could die.
Generally, most Lukewarm Takes on Norman can be disproven with this idea (pretty much anything that insinuates he would see the demons as less or like, he’s doing it because they did awful things to him, understandable but hey this isn’t tokyo ghoul and he’s not that kind of character), though everyone is obviously free to have their own takes and I doubt Shirai took his autistic coding into consideration, so it’s obviously my own idea.
Although Norman’s actions have correlation with Ray’s before, Norman isn’t disregarding his physical needs and trying to sacrifice himself out of any idea that it would make up for what he did, he’s doing it because it gives him more control over his own situation, he values his own well being less than his family’s, and he doesn’t understand why it would be Bad to do so. If we’re really digging deep, it’s likely he doesn’t want to have to experience any real consequences for his actions. He understands that they’re Bad, but this isn’t important to him, more than anything else. He doesn’t want to see Emma’s disappointment because it would complicate things.
After Emma and Ray, well, complicate things, ie face him and force him to see there are real consequences to his actions past Ambiguous Moral Obligations (ex. “you’re Taking Advantage the lambda kids” means nothing until he sees that it’s stopped them from being able to grow as people and forgive, “you’re neglecting yourself” means nothing until there’s an idea brought up that could fix him, “you’re trying to kill so many fucking people” means nothing until he sees that it’s hurting the human kids.) and that there’s a valid flaw in his personality past that- that it’s not a strong but a cowardly move, he can move forward and attempt to change things, possibly give himself a fucking break. 
In that situation, with other solutions that Emma and Ray have opened up actually seeming to work, he no longer finds it necessary to Be Terrible and hurt himself. This makes him feel better, because he doesn’t want to be Incorrect, it’s just a difficult thing for him to understand, when most other things come to him naturally. I think in the future he can be more cognizant of the fact that he’s more suceptible to doing generally, unacceptable things, and vows to lean more on Emma and Ray so he doesn’t end up going down the wrong path again, because to him they all look the same color.
Yes, this is my long ass way of telling Shirai why the fuck did you let Norman be a CEO. That’s a terrible fucking idea, he’ll become capitalism, guys?! Don’t let him do that. He needs to be in a job where like, he can use his skills without having to make Ethical Decisions like... an engineer or something. Computer scientist. IDK. Just not a fucking CEO, not in a management position for anything.
Honestly, it’s difficult for me to even use the alignment chart because I don’t understand morals enoughto put anyone in the Evil category because the idea of ‘evil’ doesn’t exist for me. So yeah, I’m projecting, but in conclusion I just have a bone to pick with anyone who wouldn’t call norman lawful neutral. 
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randomstupidchaos · 3 years
I was secretly hoping you would reblog that plane post because you Know Things (tm) about planes and I was looking forward to reading your commentary :D so thanks! do you have more plane facts to share off the top of your head? (also I'm distracting writing sorry)
Okay, so. AS YOU KNOW I know way more than I probably should about plane crashes 'cause they fascinate me. I had a number of Thoughts when I read this question but the one that called to me the most was A Story.
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So this is a Boeing 737-300, specifically registration N75356. It had its first flight in January of 1988, and was delivered to TACA Airlines in May of 1988. Now, those dates are kinda important to this story, because the incident here takes place on May 24th, 1988. This was a state of the art jet (the 300 had been on the market for less than 4 years), with brand new livery (paint), and had been in operation with the airline for two weeks.
That's just a little funny to me, okay. I promise this isn't gallows humor.
So. May 24, 1988. TACA Flight 110 is scheduled to fly from Goldson International Airport (Belize City, Belize) to New Orleans International Airport. The captain of the flight is this guy:
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Capt. Carlos Dardano, age 29 at the time. This dude... this dude was an extremely experienced pilot, with both planes and gliders, who came from a family of pilots. I've seen interviews with him and he seems like a cool dude.
Fun fact: early in his career, he flew into El Salvador, which was embroiled in a civil war at the time. He ended up caught in a shootout, took a bullet to the face but still flew his passengers to safety. He ended up losing an eye, but was still able to fly (obviously) so he just kept doing what he was doing.
SO. Flight 110 is a boringly normal flight all the way from Belize until just before they start their descent into New Orleans. There's thunderstorms, with hail, and lightning, and a whole lot of Not Good stuff to fly into, so the pilots use their onboard radar to chart a course through the storm.
Now, on the radar, it shows storm activity as green (not so bad), yellow (ehhh), and red areas (very bad). The pilots mostly saw yellow areas, with some red. They steered the jet between some of the red areas, thinking that would be okay.
Buuuut. Unfortunately that was Not To Be. Pretty soon the plane is getting absolutely hammered by rain, turbulence, and hail. The pilots have everything under control for a while (and even joke about the hail scratching the new paint. It's funny, I swear.)
Then, as the plane descended through 16,500 feet, both engines flamed out.
So there they are. Middle of an intense thunderstorm. Descending. Complete loss of thrust.
45 people on board.
Capt. Dardano and the rest of the crew immediately snap into action, following their checklists to try to restart the engines. After several attempts through the reignition procedure, they do it! Both engines are able to restart.
...but they are producing no thrust.
They try advancing the throttle to add more power/thrust. The engines start to overheat. They still have no thrust. They're still descending.
So Capt. Dardano makes the kind of decision you really don't want to have to make: he completely shutdown both engines, to avoid them catching fire. And then the crew made a Mayday call.
The crew realizes they can't make it to New Orleans; they don't have the altitude to make it that far. ATC directs them to another airport that's much closer, but they realize they won't be able to make it there either. That leaves the crew one option: a water ditching.
I should mention here that this is waaaay before the Miracle on the Hudson. Water landings are not a thing. Commercial pilots are not trained for them. There's no simulator for ditching on water. And remember, Capt. Dardano has only one eye, so this will be even harder.
Still, this is his option, and he's going to do his damnedest to land that plane and get everyone onboard out alive.
They descend through the storm clouds and can finally get a good look at the ground. They spot a canal, agree that is their best option, and then Capt. Dardano steers the plane to line up with this canal.
And then.
The first officer spots a levee beside the canal.
Split second decision, the pilots are like yes. There. That is where we will try to land.
Capt. Dardano pulls some glider moves with a 32+ton airliner like it's any other Sunday. He slips the plane over to line up with the levee. The landing gear touches down. They keep the plane level and straight. They slow down normally, and the 737 comes to a complete stop on a grass levee, completely intact.
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They evacuate in an orderly fashion. One person, who had recently had surgery, was taken away with minor injuries. No one else is hurt.
Capt. Dardano has made the first deadstick (no engine power) landing of a 737 outside of an airport. Ever. 
And then they find out that they landed on NASA property? Which... is not really relevant to the story but I feel like on top of all the craziness in this story just adds to the absolute LEGEND that is TACA Flight 110.
So anyway.
The NTSB does some preliminary investigation into the incident on site, but because of the sheer weight of the aircraft, they realize it's going to sink into the mud if they don't get it out of there soon. Their main option would be to break it up and move it somewhere else, right?
But like... it's a perfectly good, brand new plane, isn't it? One of the engines is pretty badly damaged, but the other is in good shape. They do an engine swap on site, and within days a test pilot is able to fly it out of there to an airport.
They just... flew it out. Crash, what crash?
That photo I shared at the top? That's from 1989. They repaired the plane and it stayed in service until 2016 with no other problems. The NTSB later found that the initial dual-engine flameout was because the engines ingested so much precipitation that the engines just could not spin anymore. The engines were redesigned and this sort of thing never happened again.
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aw-eather · 4 years
Heather Watches Stargate SG1: Upgrades
I have some rare time off and deicded I would like to spend it writing another post because its been a long time and I love this show and it’ll help me be less stressed about life and work!  We all love Upgrades so I thought this could be a fun one to do today! I also just love how much you guys enjoy these posts so thank you for being wonderful  As always, I’ll almost defienitly swear so consider yourself warned. 
Nice shot of the gate
Tok’ra are starting to annoy Jack and honestly same
“Don’t get me wrong Carter, your dads great, love him like a brother”
What about a father in law???
just a thought
Boys stop gagging over a pretty girl
Ew Daniel thats so gross
“Looks like trouble to me” ew
Sam’s fucking face
She’s so C U T E
Daniel stop flirting with every woman you meet
Anise annoys me tbh
Sorry not sorry
No shit Daniel
Jack is judging SO HARD
I’m actually a fan of the caterpillar on Teal’c’s face. 
I genuienly don’t hate it
Of course it doesn’t work on the Tok’ra. 
Why would anything 
Wow Anise you seem awfully suspicious with how desparate you are to get those bands on our space babies...
Sorry Sam is so beautiful 
They’re so boring this season no offence 
she looks so fucking good omg 
her HAIR
Anise go HOME you’re so ANNOYING 
Jack’s neck I-
Jack and Teal’c fighting is cute
I love their friendship
aw poor Teal’c
he’s out cold 
Jacks hair is messy and cute
Janet is not impressed at all
“I’m sorry”
“no you are not”
“You’re right about that!
fucking Jack making a comment about his strength and Janet’s face I love them
Jack reading super fast and Daniel not being able too is hilarioius to me
Mostly because I dislike Daniel
Lol “want me to read it to you?”
Sam sitting in the dark
Janet visiting her with her messy hair and looking so cute and wonderful
I love her
lemme protect her
she’ll need it
Sam, I don’t trust Anise
Jack chil you’re gonna break the machine 
that fucking beanie
i hate it
Jack broke the ball
I’m quiet during this scene because I Do Not Care TM about Daniel and Anise
Janet looks so annoyed 
and I don’t blame her
I agree with Janet
take them off
ah but they can’t 
janet and hammond are ready to slap anise and I’m HERE FOR IT
Jack might not be concerned Teal’c, but I am
jack what did that punching bag ever do to you, you dork
SAm is WRITING  a BOOK with her new found power I hate her
Sam and Janet are beautiful 
and their friendship could have been beautiful
if TPTB knew how to write decent women
“its just so damn exciting sir” I love him
poor Siler omg
why is it always him
can’t he catch a break
aw they’re all locked up
defying a direct order but who cares
Jack there is a large, huge MASSIVE difference between steak and earth
the story about that shot with the pool is always funny to me 
he is a geek
Daniel don’t do it
oh he did it
Sam’s even telling him not to do it
bloody hell 
can we have a chat about how hot Jack and Sam are? 
Not make them stupid lol 
they were already stupid, Hammond 
they’re space babies
they’re looking so sory for themselves 
no you can’t Daniel
more of a scuffle sir
the fucking sass
bitch  you brought those arm bands there so they could do stuff for you
the Tok’ra are always out for themselves and no one else
they barely do anything to help the taur’i and it pisses me off
Sam looks so cute
Hammond, every mission is a suicide mission 
sam is SO CUTE
Thta was a lot of science talk 
aww the little hat 
look at em go
kicking jaffa butt
speeding around the place
wow thats a big ship
arm band is no longer working 
surprise surprise it happens in the middle of an important mission 
oh Hammond is MAD MAD 
Anise and you can bugger off
Janet’s face is like “did this bitch really just say what I think she just said”
i got a new computer today and the SOUND QUALITY IS SO MUCH BETTER
Aw Sam woke up first 
lol he wakes up funny 
he’s gonna do anything he can to help her
“you gotta get out of here sir”
“so do you” 
Look at that little jump over the rock
they’re in soooo much trouble
the fact these space babies didn’t get court marshalled a mllion times still shocks me 
that had to hurt
nice camera work
i fuking love Teal’c 
what a sweetheart
i love him
could be a little less sarcastic to the Tok’ra Jack
I hate them as much as you do but no need to make things worse for yoruself 
this is why they never help you 
cause you are sassy to them
Final Thoughts: 
I love this episode
I love the silly space babies
I love Sam and Jack’s outfits when they go for steak
I love Sam’s hair
A lot
I love Sam in red
its a good colour for her
I genuienly hate the Tok’ra 
they’re useless
Jacob is ok
Martouf is mostly ok
the rest kinda suck tbh
Janet Deserved Better
all in all its a fun episode and I love it and it gives me the giggles which is what we all need right now
So tell me, beautiful people, what is our favourite moment from Upgrades? Lemme know and thanks for reading! 
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twin-books · 4 years
🥚📢 Adrien salt in general. Like him being a pushy Nice Guy TM at best, a sexual harasser at worst
🥚 🥚 🥚Prepare for a gosh darn rant. This may take forever or I may just manage to condense it into a paragraph. I have a VERY big opinion on this.  But firstly, thank you for the ask. Now it’s time for me to die inside as I think about this.Alright simple 4 word opinion: LEAVE THE BOY ALONEElaboration: I think its finally become calmer but Adrien salt had been every where on tumblr for a while now. There was like no escape. We get it, you don’t like him. If I had to see another piece of Adrien salt I may have just quit Tumblr for a bit, it was that bad. It’s been ruining MLB for me. It’s been ruining Marinette for me. It’s been ruining ADRIEN for me. ADRIEN my FAVORITE CHARACTER in MLB. I have a hard time looking at the kid now without remembering he has millions of salt fics on him that I could not escape. It makes me sad and I hate looking at my favorite character and being sad. And I know what people are gonna say, “just block the tags” but its hard when some people don’t properly tag there stuff and there are some people with good Adrien salt. It’s rare, nowadays, but I will admit my boy needs to be knocked down sometimes. No character is perfect.Does he deserve it? Simple answer: NO.  He is a kid. Not just any kid. A FICTIONAL kid. There’s being rightfully angry at the writing of a character and then there’s hating on someone that does not exist because you either have nothing better to do or need something to take your frustrations out on. It really isn’t healthy. I actually genuinely worry for most Adrien salters who feel so attacked by people just liking his character. They treat people who like Adrien like they’re murderers or something. I have been lucky enough to avoid this. For some reason I have just been able to avoid salters coming after me even though occasionally I make some post that seem to kind of beg them to show up. But plenty of my friends have. Plenty of my friends have been harassed by these individuals and their works belittled simply because they gave Adrien a good role. I cannot put into words properly how angry this makes me. It’s just not okay. If you don’t like a character, that’s fine. You want to share your opinion? Sure. You find a post that has the opposite opinion and you want to go into a discussion on the topic, maybe even a debate? As long as the author of that post is comfortable with it. If they say no, leave them alone. That’s only the decent thing to do. If you find a post that is some type of art (art/crafts/fanfic/sugartag/AU/etc.) that praises the character you don’t like… Don’t go leaving hate comments on their stuff. Leave them alone. This goes for Marinette salters as well. Everyone salters, DON’T DO THIS! It is not only rude but you are RUINING the show for other people! Many people have considered quitting this show not just for the bad writing but for the fandom that twisted into such a salty fandom since the release of Chameleon. And if someone welcomes you into a debate… Please be courtesy. Don’t be a freaking a-hole and fill your message with sarcasm or “that’s lovely but here’s why your wrong” or swears directed at the person you are debating with or the thing you are debating on. Here’s my two cents on Adrien; Should he learn to take a no? Yes. Is he perhaps a bit too much of a jokester as Chat? Sure. Is he too forgiving? Absolutely. Is he a bit of a pushover? Mostly. Is he too love obsessed? YES. But I think its important to remember why this character acts the way he does. 1. HE IS A KID. I cannot stress this enough… HE IS A KID!! Kids do stupid things all the time. Kids make mistakes all the time. That’s part of growing up. Does it make it okay? No. Should he be condemned for this? NO! Unless he was committing murder or actually hurting someone with intent, he should not be condemned for this. Its bad writing that doesn’t allow us to see him apologize. He is a fictional character. A lot of the important stuff in this show happens OFF SCREEN which has been confirmed by Thomas Astruc himself! Don’t get all high and mighty and pretend you were a perfect little angel when you were a kid and didn’t do some messed up stuff. I know I did some pretty bad things and I was considered a “good child”. And if you really must condemn Adrien for these things than be fair and do the same with Marinette and every other kid in the show. Marinette does things that are arguably WORSE than Adrien and just because she apologizes (sometimes) on screen, that doesn’t make it okay. This fandom literally can’t forgive Adrien when he has apologized so why are you guys cutting Marinette so much slack? I am tired of hearing the argument “because the show treats her dirty” because Adrien gets treated dirty in the show ALL the time! Mostly as CHAT NOIR! But his life still sucks as Adrien Agreste. Which brings me to my second point…2. He is emotionally and (in some cases) physically abused. He has no good role models in his life besides Ladybug who is HIS age so it’s hard to treat someone YOUR AGE like a role model. Some people can do it, however, and Chat Noir is one of those people. Everyone else in his life besides Nino and the Gorilla are horrid examples. You may be wondering why I didn’t include Marinette? She’s wonderful. I love her. But she does not provide a good example. Kagami I didn’t include because she has a very similar life to Adrien and while they help each other, they also drag each other down. Chloe is obviously not a good example. Nathalie barely cares. Gabriel sucks. Alya isn’t the best role model. And Lila… Lila SEXUALLY HARASSES HIM! I don’t think people pay attention to this because they are so busy wanting to hate on Adrien who dares to upset Marinette in anyway they forget that he is a victim of sexual harassment and no one jumps into help him (though Mari has tried for selfish reasons really, but at least she’s tried). He is taught to believe how Lila treats him (despite obviously making him uncomfortable) is okay. He is taught to respect everyone and never make a fuss unless his father says he can. People, KIDS, learn by example and he has VERY BAD examples in his life. So yeah, of course he’s gonna do some bad stuff we don’t agree with. And no, it doesn’t make it okay but a lot of these Adrien haters seem to have a background of abuse and sexual harassment so I figure if anyone should understand, IT’S THEM! And because he is like this the very few role models he has, he takes what they say to heart. He can’t handle being unloved. He can’t handle abandonment. Ladybug, though she means no ill will, adds to this sad life by constantly teasing him and “knocking him off his high horse” not realizing he puts himself up there to make himself feel better because his life sucks. 
It genuinely sucks. His dad cares very little for him, his mom either died or left him and he has no idea, his best friend is barely available anymore since he’s always with Alya, Marinette is scared of him, he can’t even visit any of his friends half the time anyway, his other friends are bullies, his kwami (though adorable) cannot handle emotional problems, Ladybug treats him like a sidekick (on accident but it still hurts him), he’s stuck doing a job he hates in a desperate yet futile attempt to please his father, no one trusts him (NOT EVEN Ladybug from his POV), the only thing he seems to be good for is taking the hit for Ladybug and others. He obviously doesn’t like conflict, either. Why do you think we barely seem him in any emotional fights? Physical conflict when fighting an akuma or an obvious villain is different… But he can’t handle the idea of hurting anyone no matter how bad they are. He wants to see the best in people because there’s gotta be more to people than the terrible junk he has to put up with from almost everyone. He has yet to learn the hard facts about life. He is still a kid. Somehow he managed to protect himself enough in his life to be innocent and naive. And of course he doesn’t recognize Marinette’s feelings. He’s used to people showing him affection by outright saying it or just touching him uncomfortably, treating him as their possession. He is not used to real actual love. It’s kind of obvious when he tries to court Ladybug that his idea of love is only as far as shows and the people around him.And let’s get to the constant joking in battle… does he over do it sometimes? Yeah. But this is a NATURAL coping mechanism when in distress, especially with other people. He wants to make other people feel better and in turn that makes him feel better. He’s trying to calm people down. I do this all the time and sometimes I go overboard as well. I can’t help it. I want to laugh when life sucks. So I literally can’t blame Adrien for this. Not to mention it obviously helps Ladybug and his fellow heroes feel better, even if Ladybug sometimes (and rightfully) complains. He is trying to help any way he can. And he is also left being the emotional support to Ladybug when he clearly needs support himself but he obviously refuses to show weakness around the people he cares about. He denies himself help effectively making himself worse. The only person he shows any weakness around is Plagg, but Plagg is attached to him at the hip. I’m sure if he had some way to avoid Plagg knowing how depressed he was, he would do it. This isn’t healthy and can make you more unlikable around other people because you feel ingeniune and too perfect. Like a robot and less like a human. Yeah, Adrien can be a bit of an a-hole around Ladybug but she is the only person to show him actual respect to where he feels comfortable enough to let out his anger around her, and sometimes it is less about her and more about everything else but he sometimes treats her as someone he can vent upon because he was taught you can take all your frustrations out on one person by HIS FATHER who takes all his negative feelings out on HIS SON (and the whole of Paris but Adrien is unaware of that). No, it’s not okay but he is a human and he clearly feels awful when he knows he’s in the wrong. A lot of people just fail to express clearly to Adrien “hey, what you did, sucked” because he’s used to being told he’s wrong by being punished instead of being given some kind of warning or maybe forgiveness. But they don’t know that. Adrien has been conditioned to be a pushover but he is trying and he’s handling better than most people really could but it’s deteriorating him, and you can see that as the show goes on. Since he’s refused to ask for help and since no one jumps in to help him when he is in distress (every interaction with Lila) he will never really improve. It takes A LOT of work to get over this kind of conditioning and trauma. I could probably go on but this is long enough. Just know I’m not okay with the Adrien salt, it’s so toxic and they make Marinette too toxic but that’s another can of worms. And Adrien needs help. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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jaybug-jabbers · 3 years
All-Glitch Pokemon Blue Run Pt16: Approaching Destiny
The following is a series of texts exchanged between the devices of Professor Gingko and his assistant, June, dated 8/15/97. This document is for the personal information and use of the designated recipiet only (i.e., “for your eyes only”). It is not to be shared. 
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P Gingko 3:34 pm
June? Are you still out working with D4 in the Mansion? You've been gone quite a long time now. I was hoping for a status report.
Junebug  3:46 pm
ya got sidetracked sorry
P Gingko 3:47 pm
Side-tracked doing what?
Junebug  3:49 pm
Junebug  3:49 pm
I'll tell you but promise you won't be mad, ok?
P Gingko 3:50 pm
I won't be mad as long as you don't give me a reason to be mad.
Junebug  3:52 pm
I'm sort of in Viridian City right now
Junebug  3:52 pm
and, uh, I just finished fighting the gym leader. did yoy know the Viridian Gym leader was Giovani?
P Gingko 3:53 pm
What on Earth possessed you to do this, June? Did I not *specifically* instruct you no more gym battles or trainer fights? You know we're trying to keep a low profile!
Junebug  3:53 pm
ok see you're getting mad
Junebug  3:53 pm
look, I had a reason
Junebug  3:54 pm
I heard on the news that the Viridian Gym was accepting challengers again, and somebody was speculating the leader of the gym was actually this giovani guy
Junebug  3:54 pm
and like it was acting as his sort of cover. you know, the dude who is in charge of team rocket? those losers who keep smuggling pokemon and stuff? and they were RIGHT, it totally was giovani
P Gingko 3:56 pm
I fail to see why this is relevent. What does it matter if the Gym leader is Giovani? You still shouldn't have challenged him, especially in front of so many witnesses.
Junebug  3:58 pm
because I stopped him! I stomped him flat with my glitch pokes and he was so confused and humiliated that he swore he couldnt even face team rccket anymore. he said he's disbanding the whole organization! look i knew somebody had to take the guy down a few pegs, and I was right, it worked.
P Gingko 4:00 pm
As commendable as that is, June, this sort of thing still is best left to the authorities to deal with. Let the police and investigators handle Team Rocket. It's not the job of a busy young lady who's assisting a glitch pokemon professor on very delicate research.
Junebug  4:02 pm
Isn't it, though?
P Gingko 4:02 pm
Isn't it what?
Junebug  4:05 pm
Look, Professor. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. We've been spending months now researching these glitch pokemon. And you've spent YEARS doing it. All in super secrecy. Ever since they were discovered, its been in secret. youve been slaving away in the shadows, and all your colleagues just think youre some qwuak, some lunatic.
P Gingko 4:05 pm
The reminder is, in fact, not necessary. I'm well aware of how the academic community perceives me.
Junebug  4:06 pm
Don't you think it's about time we do something about that? We've learned so much and we have PLENTY of proof by now! We can go public about glitch pokemon and show the world what they've been missing. or misunderstanding.
P Gingko 4:08 pm
June, that's not for you to decide. The nature of our research is very important but also very sensitive. We're working with incredibly powerful forces. In the wrong hands, or if mishandled, glitch pokemon and glitch phenomenon can be devastating
Junebug  4:11 pm
Yeah but isn't that all the more reason to go forward with the truth? Sooner or later, some random person will stumble across glitches, just like I did. And who knows what will happen to them. But if we go forward and educate people, then, laws can be made, and people can learn about them, and we can all know how to deal with glitches properly.
Junebug  4:11 pm
and also people will realize we're not crazy!! you wont have to work in obscurity anymore. you can be a hero! recognized for your genius.
P Gingko 4:12 pm
Appealing to my sense of vanity won't work, you know.
Junebug  4:12 pm
its not really about the glory though, thats just a nice added bonus.
P Gingko 4:15 pm
June . . . it's not as though I have not considered these facts. I've thought about them for years. About when to go public, and how, and with what information. It is of course my ultimate goal to reveal what we've learned to the world. So that everyone can live safely and co-exist with these amazing creatures.
P Gingko 4:15 pm
But it's not as simple as just holding a press conference and proclaiming things to the world. There are so many factors to consider.
Junebug  4:17 pm
Maybe you'r over-complicating it, though. like, I had this great idea yesterday about how we can do it.
P Gingko 4:17 pm
I mean this with no offense, but I very much doubt that you've settled on a solution more sophisticated then my years of consideration has generated.
Junebug  4:19 pm
wait til you hear it before dismissing it, man
Junebug  4:19 pm
you're gonna love it
Junebug  4:19 pm
you ready to hear it?
P Gingko 4:20 pm
Junebug  4:20 pm
ok so . . . .
Junebug  4:20 pm
I take my team of glitch pokemon and I beat the Elite 4 and become Pokemon Champion of the entire region.
Junebug  4:24 pm
Junebug  4:26 pm
Professor, u still there?
Junebug  4:27 pm
c'mon man its a brilliant idea
P Gingko 4:30 pm
Get back to the lab. We're not discussing this.
Junebug  4:30 pm
Aw, cmon. What better way to prove to the whole world the power and reality of glitch pokemon? Nobody can call it phony after that, and nobody can deny them. Plus with the prestige of Championship we'll be in a position to put forth our important research and ideas on handling glitch pokes safely.
Junebug  4:40 pm
Professor, are you there?
P Gingko 4:48 pm
Get back to the lab.
P Gingko 4:48 pm
We can discuss it there.
(E-mail from one week later)
This is the update you wanted about my journey through Victory Road. I know you’re still feeling hestitant even after all our long discussions about the plan. I hope this report can reassure you that this is going to go off without a hitch.
My first hurdle on the journey began before I could even take a single step on Victory Road. Professor Oak’s grandson had once again managed to track me down. It’s like that kid has a sixth sense for honing in on me and being annoying, I swear. He demanded a battle, so I complied.
Things were a cakewalk, but then, uhh. He sent out his Alakazam and it was . . . a lot stronger then before. By like, a lot.
He wiped my entire team. It was almost in an instant. 
But that didn’t matter, because I’m no pushover trainer! Maybe I used to be, but these days I’ve learned an awful lot. So I dug into my supplies of TMs and found the perfect one. I taught Giago Thunder Wave.
During our rematch, Gia survived a hit and paralyzed the Alakazam. I knew the Zam had paltry Defense, so I sent out Fractal, who has amazing physical Attack. The Zam crumpled before us!
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Things were a little tight with the final foe, a level 53 Blastoise, but my team chipped him down enough that Wobbles could easily finish the job. Not bad for a team sitting at around level 35.
With that annoying kid cleared out of the way, we headed to the caves known as Victory Road.
The journey wasn’t exactly a quick one, I’ll be honest. It took a lot of tromping around, getting lost, pushing rubble out of the way, and battling trainers that had alarmingly high-levelled pokemon. I eventually decided it would probably be best if we did a little extra training. It would make the trip a bit smoother.
So we trained, and we trained hard. Our goal was for everyone to reach level 40. Not too ambitious, just around 5 levels or so. For some, it was pretty easy. Wobbles had no problems, and Gia was packing Surf. Sure, Gia’s Special isn’t great, but it was still enough to take out the local Rock/Ground types in the cave. Jasper took slightly longer to work with, but with Earthquake and Hydro Pump, he still didn’t have much trouble. 
Dusty was a bit harder to train. As you know, her stats have never been incredible . . . besides her speed, that is. But she had Bubblebeam, Ice Beam and Hydro Pump, so it actually wasn’t too bad; just a little more time-consuming.
Then there was Fractal. I’ve noted before that Fractal’s defenses (both of them) are the worst of the team’s, and frankly abysmal. So training him was certainly a challenge. I opted to wander the grasses just outside of the cave, beating on Dittos and Fearows and healing a TON. It took a while, but eventually, even Fractal rose through the ranks.
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After Fractal, there was just Charmed left to train. It wasn’t too bad, considering how balanced Charm’s stats are. The only extra thing I needed to do was duplicate some Elixirs for Charmed. She still doesn’t trust Pokecenter nurses, so she’ll only accept heals from me. I even bought Charmed a little treat and taught her Fire Blast.
Of course, if I’d wanted to, I could have duplicated a crapton of Rare Candies and just fed them to my pokemon. But I wasn’t going to do that. After all, you told me eating too much candy isn’t healthy for pokemon, and besides, I knew they could prove themselves in battle.
And that they did. We finally cleared Victory Road’s twisted, confusing tunnels and made it outside to face the large, dominating building that housed the Elite Four.
It was time.
Click For the Next Part of the Series!
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
I played Death of the Outsider finally and I have some Feelings about it
and most of them not very positive. nice stuff first tho!
- billie is such a good character. still new to her old self and slightly tender from coming out of the protective shell of lies that was meagan foster, full of old scars and doubts and bitterness but trying for something better, something kinder even though she still doesn’t quite understand what she’s walking towards -- the genuine care and tenderness in her voice when she talks to daud or thinks about deidre. I love her.
all that and she effortlessly IS also the queer disabled woc the gamer bros refuse to believe could possibly exist. exquisite. 
- the idea of ‘killing’ the outsider is compelling, but it’s the sort of idea that needs a full length game to support it and its implications. cool idea, completely wrong execution.
- saying that: I love that the injustice of the outsider’s creation being righted is only made possible by a long unbroken line of mercy and kindness. daud saved billie from the streets, corvo spared daud, daud saved emily and spared billie after her betrayal, billie tried to save aramis stilton and became entangled in the void, emily spared billie, billie took this job in the first place partly because she loves her dad daud and wants him to find peace. that idea is so beautiful that I wish the rest of the narrative was strong enough to hold it up lol.
there’s also something going on here with other people holding on to the important pieces of you -- that billie is ‘all that is left’ of daud after he’s dead. once he saved a child from true loneliness and gave her a purpose, made her feel seen again, gave her the closest thing she had to a home, and when he’s completely lost himself in the void... that kindness is still alive in billie, and she helps him find his way. again that is really touching and thoughtful and plays wonderfully into the chaos system in these games thematically! too bad about all the stilted dialogue and characterization messes and uh. everything else. 
- most of all I love how clear it is that billie and daud love each other. it’s a quiet love that has nothing to prove anymore, it’s survived all the blood and the ugliness and everything they’ve done to each other and to the world, a love with no demands left. it’s not the sort of love you usually see, in all its unsentimentality, but it’s real. when daud tells her he’s proud of her and trusts her no matter what she chooses to do, you feel how much he means it. (making his insistence on trying to make her choice for her all the weirder -- see my long rant of lamentation about his characterization in doto below lol)
there’s something about daud’s undramatic yet complete acceptance of and respect for billie that... I didn’t know I needed this, but it was a nice gift nonetheless haha, thank you. (it’s similar to how good it feels in D2 when you realize corvo just likes emily a lot as a person, even aside from her being his daughter. a good series for father & daughter stories)
- this carries over from D2, but I think the journal/log entries are better written and more insightful than the stuff out in the world.  
- it cannot be overstated how much the gameplay loop of these games is just... pure crack cocaine for my brain haha, very few things give me this specific kind of brain tingle. I love the sound of looting and I love the art style and ambiance and I love planning out a strategy after finding all the options and I love never being spotted or killing anyone and I love the puzzle elements they put into exploration sections and I love the feeling of how you move through the environment. it’s one of the few games where I routinely get so into it I end up with a crick in the neck because I’ve been so focused for so long and never noticed I’ve been sitting in a way that makes my entire spine hate me. I needed something to get me through the last few days and it did deliver that, at least. karnaca is pretty enough that I didn’t even mind that most of the levels were recycled from D2 either. 
- I’m not quite sure whether I understood this right but there’s a woman standing behind daud in the void -- I wonder if that is actually his mother and he’s been so close this whole time? at first I thought maybe it was jessamine but god no I hope she’s finally at peace after All That Nonsense, she shouldn’t have to hang around there anymore. there’s also a figure near him I could swear was corvo with his mask on, but he’s not dead canonically so that would make very little sense. oh well I’ll take my feels where I can get them even if I have to make them up wholesale  
- the bankheist was cool as fuuuuuck, that and the emotional impact of daud dying was sadly the height of this game for me, after that it all went mediocre real quick     
- paul nakauchi as shan yun was, as I have said before, a blast. ‘ugh I cannot continue my throat is as raw as a plucked pheasant’ fsdkfhlsadjkhfas
- daud’s funeral is genuinely touching. she gave him the entirety of her old life for a sendoff, battered and worn and dear as they both were. someone hold me 
- the stuff they did with daud’s characterization. I am so unreasonably angry over this haha, the more I think about it the more I hate it. I think there are paths you could go with his ACTUAL character to make this work, but this was not it. I’ve said this before, but his most iconic, most defining scene is him surrendering himself to corvo’s judgement without justifying himself or deflecting the blame for any of what he’s done. this isn’t even regression in his character, it’s just.. a different character altogether. they could have gone for the angle that delilah almost managed to end the world b/c daud showed mercy and that’s the reason he’s moved to action, I think that might be a more compelling motivation for him at least. OR have him be more conflicted about how to do things -- violence is still the only tool he knows how to use but it’s not what he wants to or even can be anymore and the conflict troubles him, ‘His hands do violence, but there is a different dream in his heart’. or even use a different character for the ‘kill kill kill’ angle, he didn’t need to be here for this dlc at all.   
also, just on a purely practical level... for all his flaws and longstanding moral shortsightedness daud is not a stupid man. why the FCK would he be so sure that killing the outsider will fix anything? if I, dumbass extraordinaire, could within half a minute wonder if maybe something even worse would take the outsider’s place if you removed him... why does that never occur to the Knife of Dunwall tm, a man about Void for like half a century or whatever?? ugh fuck this, I’m having a hard time explaining exactly why it all feels weird and wrong to me, but know that it does and that I Do Not Like It lol. I feel cheated out of something important I thought I had.  
- again, this should have been a full game. (I think it is sold as one already, but it just hm isn’t) there’s way too much shit of literal cosmic importance for the game’s universe being picked up here for something this short to cover. save this HUGE idea for a rainy day should you ever want to do another game in the series and do something else with the dlc, honestly. 
- god but the outsider is insufferable in this. I don’t know what happened, but by the end I was like ‘*thoughtfully strokes chin* maybe daud has a point billie keep that knife handy’. he’s annoying and boring, which is wild to me because he was always a lot of fun in the other games.
for real tho I don’t know if this is just my atheist-but-still-angry-at-god-somehow??? talking, but daud HAS a point. people are responsible for their own actions, but the outsider didn’t have to do any of what he did either. he could have chosen to be bored through the centuries instead of seeing what people would do if you gave them such ~*morally neutral*~ abilities as y’know summoning a bunch of rats to eat other people. the game wants me to buy the ‘but really this black eyed boy is woobie tho uwu’ so badly and no I’m not buying that give me my refund I want my chaotic neutral bastard back pls. I’d probably be more inclined to want to help him like that. where’s his salt gone, arkane. if you didn’t want him to be edgy why did you make him look like that.  
- this is the lamest possible version of the outsider’s backstory lol, it feels like the pearl clutching panic about satanic cults back in the day all over. listen if it’s this easy to make a god the thrill is sort of taken out of it, if these randos did it anyone could. also how the fuck are they just normal-ish people anyway? why do they follow modern fashions? haven’t they been hanging around for thousands of years, haven’t their culture changed in any meaningful way? (I realize these aren’t the same guys as back in the day but it’s just weird) why do they speak a language billie and the player can understand? why did anyone think ‘idk some cultists no one’s ever heard of before with no thematic significance whatsoever’ was the way to go world building wise? they’ve taken all the unknowable eldritchness out of the eldritch horror and we’re all poorer for it now haha 
relatedly the last level is... just not very good. you come down from the awesome bank heist and then there’s... whatever the fuck this was.
- while I do like billie finding daud in the void and him remembering her I hate that he goes out still full of self loathing and rage when you talk him into the nonlethal option, that he can’t forgive himself or find any sliver of hope or peace. I wish there had been a few more moments for the two of them to come to peace with themselves before he gave the outsider back his name, some real catharsis. as it is I was annoyed when the outsider ‘woke up’ or whatever b/c it felt like he was stealing attention from what I was actually emotionally invested in and not done with.    
they had  n o t  built up billie’s or my sympathy for the outsider well enough either. again this is something I think they could have done if they’d structured things differently, if they’d been more deliberate in making you understand he was basically a child and letting you dwell on it. because there is a parallell there between him and billie, and billie and daud, but I, how do I put this, did not give a fuck  
in short this was really similar to my experience with D2 in that there’s enough good there that it’s all the more painful when it fails to deliver on it again and again, and it ruined things I already liked about this story from the first game (daud’s arc and everything to do with the outsider, mostly). give me some months of denial and hard core headcanon work and I’ll probably be able to live with it
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velvetgons · 5 years
yoonbin as your boyfriend
warnings; probably swearing i’m not sure!! 
word count; 3.6k 
requested; no :) whoops! but requests are open if you have any :) 
a/n; i’m working on a request right now so i should have that finished this weekend!! thank you for being patient (also, to gif makers: if tumblr removes the attached credit please let me know so i can credit you!! most of the time it keeps it attached but sometimes it removes it so :// i’ll add credit just in case!!) 
gif credit; hayoonbin on tumblr :) please tell me if you want it removed!!
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ok!! we’ll start with how you met;
say you happen to be friends with a certain Loud Boy named jihoon who’s insistent on widening your friendship circle so it doesn’t ‘embarrass him that he’s your only friend!’
(secretly it’s because he genuinely cares for you and wants you to have a wide friendship group but he’s taking that to his grave)
so he takes you to different Friend FunctionsTM and it’s all going good u know
you’re talking to so many people and you’re conversing and actually having full length conversation about people’s different interests
and jihoon is so proud because! that’s his best friend! there they go! making friends so quick!
but seriously everyone’s so welcoming that you’ve almost formed some kind of friendship with every single one of his friends there
except for this one guy who’s kinda just awkwardly sat there?? and you’re about to approach him to get a full house of friends when you start to think that he looks lowkey bored n irritated
so you’re like haha nope! not going there! it’s been a great night and i am not prepared to be publicly embarrassed by one (1) boy!
and so you go to jihoon n you’re like “alrighty my friend my buddy it’s been a great night but i am tired now and i have completed your task of making friends so goodnight!!!”
but he’s all “not so fast snake! there’s someone you haven’t spoken to yet :/” and he’s gesturing back to the boy with the stone face
and ur first reaction is “jihoon wtf how do u know who i’ve communicated with” but he dismisses that so ur second reaction is “he is very scary i am not going to talk to him ://”
but jihoon is so persistent he’s all “i know he’s intimidating but he’s just awkward i promise!! he’s like a spider, even more scared of you than you are of him :)”
so he just walks you over, drops you there, gets the boy’s attention, and then is like “wowie do you hear doyoung calling for me because i sure do!!” and then he abandons you
he just deadass leaves you there with this scary boy who is now looking at you very expectantly while you just stand there staring back at him
so you mutter a lil introduction of ur name and he kinda. just nods
and so u look at him like ?? bro what
which is when he gets the message and he’s like “right yeah sure i’m yoonbin”
so now you think he’s scary and dismissive and he’s STILL looking at you and not saying anything?? he’s just. sitting there and looking at you like ur some kind of book that he’s really focused in on
and you’re looking around for jihoon because?? you need help!! you are very scared!! you feel like a small animal under threat!!
so just when you’re about to run away because you truly are very intimidated this boy looks panicked at you being panicked so he’s like ‘no!! omg!! they think i don’t like them!! yoonbin we: did it again’ but externally he just kinda “hey uh sorry 4 being weird n all but. do u wanna sit down so i can make it up to you :-)”
and oh boy now that you’re lookin at him ur starting to notice that he’s honestly pretty cute
so ur like “haha yeah sure i’ll have a seat :)”
and truly your friendship just grows from that
for a while ur still kinda sceptical and withdrawn around him because you still think he hates you a lil bit from the way he stares at u all the time
and he’s always really overtly polite with you? so whenever you speak it feels so formal? like he can’t really be bothered to be having that conversation
which upsets you because :(( cute interesting boy doesn’t like me :((
and he’d notice in one of the many times you spent alone together (because jihoon is convinced that yoonbin likes you)that you seemed to genuinely think that he didn’t like you??
and after a while he’d kinda…slowly try and bring it up!
like. “hey…uh…i just wanted to let you know that my face really does just look like this…all the time…it’s my resting expression…i do like you :(( i am: sorry”
and you’re like “oh my god!! no!! i’m sorry i made assumptions!! it’s nice to know you like me though ♡^▽^♡”
and then the door slams open?? and jihoon is barrelling in??
both you and yoonbin freak out because “what the fuck jihoon??????? where did you even come from???”
and he’s like “aha!! not important! what’s important is that yoonbin finally confessed his feelings for u!! we love a couple!!”
it’s honestly like you can physically feel yoonbin sigh internally as he tenses up next to you
and you’re like “oh…this is: not what i expected”
but then jihoon is confused because he’s like “uh i was listening in and i heard u say that u knew he liked u so don’t pretend not to know! i already know that you think i don’t know what i do actually know”
and ur like “ok first off jihoon, i don’t know what you mean at all, and second of all,, yoonbin told me nothing :/”
meanwhile yoonbin is just. stood. very still
and jihoons like “oh! haha,,, my mistake! i’ll uh leave you kids to it then :O”
which means yoonbin has to stutter his way through a long paragraph that summarises his Mood for the past couple months of knowing u which essentially boils down to ‘yeah i like you as more than a friend’
and ur like ‘oh….wowie….i like the way this is going…’ and then u just kinda mumble a lil “ask me on a date then!!” because you assume he isn’t listening
but he hears! oh boy he hears! so he stops rambling and laughs at himself because ‘u fool, u baboon, she wants to d a t e’
and then he’s like “:)) ok :)) pls go on a date with me!!!!”
and wham! an overly complicated way of explaining how u two started dating
so. now that you’re dating. it’s like he’s a completely different person??
he’s relaxed enough now to act however he feels like acting with you in the moment
sometimes he’s all (^∀^)and giggly and talks about a lot of different things while you nod and try and capture as much as you can from him!!
but sometimes he’s (  ̄^ ̄) and wants things to be quieter and chilled out and would much rather listen to you talk about different things while he nods along occasionally
but he’d always make it clear that despite this he is listening!! he totally does care!! he’s just tired and doesn’t have the energy to be communicative!!
i feel like yoonbin is also really caring?? and it would probably come across as him being a bit overprotective at first because he isn’t fully sure how to communicate how much he cares about you
so if you’ve had a bad day and you’re telling him about it he feels like his mind is going a million miles an hour because he just? wants to fix it and he doesn’t know how to other than to directly try and sort any problems out for you
like if you’re arguing with family/friends, he’ll try and find common ground to fix the issue for u, or if you’ve got a lot of school work and it’s tiring you out he’d be like ‘i will do ur homework for u’
so you have to sit him down and say “hey!!! i know you’re only doing it because u love me but i promise i can sort out my problems by myself and you don’t need to stress yourself over them :))”
and then he gets the hang of it you know!! if you have a problem he’s like “do you want me to help or do u got it??” and if you’ve got it then !! well done you’re so talented he’s impressed !! and if you don’t then it’s okay !! he’ll help he doesn’t mind !!
i think he’d still be quite a protective person but i think he knows where the line is between being protective and wanting to take care of someone and being overbearing and interfering where he isn’t supposed to
and by protective i just mean if someone was flirting with you he’d be really cautious to not overreact but also to pay attention to how you’re responding, so if you start to look uncomfortable he’s ready to argue with the other person
or he checks that you’ve eaten, slept, and drank enough often just to make sure you’re okay all the time
i also think that despite how he’d have a lack of energy to really converse with you sometimes he’d still wanna be with you almost all the time
whether that’s by texting you through-out the day ((lowkey he just wants updates on your day and gives you responses about that and not his day))
or having long ass phone calls where you talk about plans, or how you’ve been or things you’re interested in
but overall he would just like to be in your presence, even if it’s just having a movie playing while he gets to cuddle up to you
that’s another thing!! he loves having you cuddle up to him!!
i mean he’s all for spooning or having you lie on his chest n stuff but if you kinda clung onto his arm or grabbed his hand or did a lil run up to hug him when you first see him!! oh boy his heart speeds up so fast he thinks he might actually be having a heart-attack
he’s also hand-holdings biggest fan like. if ur not holding his hand 24/7 in public and private then what’s the point?
i think the only public affection he’d actually be cool with displaying is hand-holding and having his arm kinda slung across your shoulder or around your waist
he’d like to always have some kind of contact with you in public just because he would ~lowkey~ get jealous pretty easily and it makes him feel more at ease to know that other people can obviously see that you guys are together
but the hand-holding would be for u just so u know that he’s right there if u need him for whatever reason in public
in private i think it’d take him a lil while before he got comfortable with displaying proper affection
but after he did i don’t honestly think that he’d be flustered very easily? i feel like once he was comfortable enough to kiss u whenever and stuff he’d find it pretty natural for you to kiss him randomly too
having said that, forehead kisses are his ultimate favourite
if you’re shorter than him, then it’s the biggest flex on your height to give u lil forehead kisses (and! you can’t be mad because he’s being cute)
if you’re taller than him (i just immediately assumed not because he is Big) then he’d lean up to :-* and it doesn’t phase him at all just because. that’s still his baby and he’s still gonna smooch
also. even though he gets jealous easily he wouldn’t ever think it was your fault? like, he doesn’t care what you’re wearing, what you’re acting like, but if somebody in public flirts with you he is ?? stressed
but he knows he can be intimidating so he’d just glare at them until they got the message and left
and you’d reassure him like “ily!! and no other people who flirt in public!! i pinkie promise!”
also full disclosure if you ever did that he might just. drop all his uwus
this would also be a reoccurring theme if you ever did something mildly cute because!! he cannot handle how soft it makes him feel
he is also your biggest hype-man!! if you finish one (1) question on your homework before being like “nah ok i can’t do this right now” and he’d still be like “omg but u did one question that’s so intelligent of u no one else could ever!”
he’d make fun of you pretty often too but not in like a mean way he just has to do it to make sure you don’t get too big for ur boots u know
if you fell over or anything he’d pause for a minute to help you up, make sure you were okay, before proceeding to roast you within an inch of ur life
but if anyone else did it then he’d get all Stone Faced because uh?? they’re not allowed to do that?? he totally is but anyone else…being even jokingly mean to you…not on his watch
he’d definitely end up being the type of boyfriend that all your friends think is this cool, nonchalant bad boy type that’s soft for you only
and they’re just. wrong. so wrong
he’s the sweetest boy and he’d constantly check in with you for reassurance in social situations because?? is he making people uncomfortable again?? what’s he supposed to say when people ask him why he looks mad??
i also fully believe that yoonbin would always be as considerate as he possibly could be of your feelings in arguments
like he seems as if he’d be the type to kinda scoff and shrug off what you’re saying while he talks at you about his opinions
and i do think that’d probably be his immediate reaction in arguments but then he’d do this heavy pause where he’d kinda close his eyes and sigh really deeply before he’d look back at you and say “let’s actually talk about this because we’re acting like children right now”
and if you kept trying to argue he’d just. calm himself as much as possible while he tried his hardest to understand where you were coming from with whatever point you had without getting mad or arguing back at you
which would eventually make you stop and talk calmly because you’d just feel dumb yelling at him and getting rational responses
if he was ever tired or frustrated or anything that made him just snap at you (whether you were arguing beforehand or not) he’d feel so guilty later
and he’d come and find you after he’d gotten back to senses and he’d be so apologetic
if you were still upset, he’d ask if there was anything he could do to make up for it after apologising a thousand times, or if you just wanted him to give you some space
if you accepting of his apology and kinda just like “i get it!! ur tired and i shouldn’t have pushed you :)” he would. be very thankful that you understand but would also be a lil upset because. you didn’t deserve the way he treated you right then?? why would you just accept that??
so, that’s also a Big Thing for him
if he – or anyone else – disrespected you/didn’t treat you the way you deserve and you brushed it off he would be so, so upset
he just thinks the world of you and wants you to think that of yourself too so seeing you so unbothered by people not giving you everything he deserves makes him literally determined to prove your worth to you
the type of boyfriend to leave lil sticky notes on mirrors that just say, “you’re the cutest!!!!!” or “omg ur like. hot” and he would straight up deny it if you ever asked about them
he’d be like “:o omg u probably got someone sneaking in!! that’s wild idk who would leave such cheesy messages ;)”  
and even though you know he ain’t slick ur like “wowie me neither,,, hope to find out one day……i wonder if he’s cute….”
back onto the earlier topic, like i said: he’d be so considerate of how you were feeling in every situation
if he knew you weren’t feeling too good he’d always ask whether you wanted him there or whether you needed some space, always reiterating that he won’t be offended by either answer
and even though he always wants to be making sure you’re okay and wants to spend every second of every day with you, he’s definitely the type of person who sees the value in alone time
he needs alone time!! you need alone time!! and he isn’t scared to let you know that he just needs to spend some time clearing his head and being in solitude, and he’d be respectful if you wanted the same thing
he also very much thinks that both of you should have social lives outside of with one another if that makes sense?
like, he encourages the both of you spending time with your friends without one another because he thinks it’s important that you’re both still getting that time where you can just. be dumb and say dumb stuff and inside jokes that ur friends already get u know
but also!! he would love to know that you trusted him enough to tell him things that you do/don’t tell your friends
he just loves that feeling of intimacy of being able to share personal things with one another and not feel judged or uncomfortable
and if you ever told him that you felt safe with him oh boy!!! he could swear his heart actually burst in his chest!!!
if you were ever in a situation where you just didn’t feel fully comfy/safe (such as: walking home late at night, etc.) and you mentioned it, even in passing, to him he’d insist on you two having a system so he can help you out
like, if there was a certain person that made you uncomfy when you were around them, you’d have a lil emoji that you would text him so that it didn’t seem suspicious and so he could get you out of the situation !!
(you’d have to do this at some point and he’d check his phone to see the emoji and he’s !! on high alert because ur just like. across the room from him and he’d take big ass strides over to you and curl an arm around your waist to let you know that he’s right there!! you’re all good!!)
and with the walking home late at night, even if he didn’t already know you were uncomfortable with it, he would just overall dislike the idea of it because he worries about you!!
so especially if he knew you didn’t like it either, he’d be a lil bit on edge if he knew you had to do it
which is why it’s easier for both of you if he just comes to meet you whenever you have to walk back in the dark
but i think if you ever went to him with a problem/something that made you feel unsafe because you trusted him he’d genuinely feel so!! warm and complete inside because he’s truly reached the level where he could make you feel nice and safe!! which is really all he ever wants for u
yoonbin will not, under any circumstances, wear matching couple clothes with you. it is not happening. he will not ever do it. it’s not a thing
however! he starts wearing this necklace all the time,, and being his s/o ur curious as to why
so you ask him like “:O it’s so pretty!! why’d you start wearing it??”
and he’d be really nonchalant about it and just shrug before being like “it’s actually a locket :)”
so you assume it’s a picture of his family or something so you ask to see the inside and he’d do this big dumb grin before he nodded
and you’d reach over to open it up and oh boy oh boy!! it’s a lil candid picture of you!!
so ur first reaction is “bro u literally never told me this is so cute,, and also: why……..”
to which he really would just shrug at you before mumbling the smallest lil, “i like feeling like ur close to me 24/7 u know”
and your heart! oof it’s: burst
now! onto the quick fire round:
yoonbin is anti-tell-your-partner-what-to-wear (mostly because he genuinely only thinks about what you wear in a “wowie that’s my actual s/o??? i am. floored” type of way) but! he will get pressed if you go out in little clothing in the cold because “you’re going to get sick!! and then i will be forced to say i told you so!” so long story short you have to take a jacket with you or else he’ll rant about how difficult it is to get rid of colds again :/
also. he blushes when you compliment him. and it’s something he threatens to fight you over if you ever tell anyone (which you won’t because it’s an endearing lil thing that he does for u!!) and so obviously you compliment him all the time because of it
he really wants to know something substantial about things you’re interested in!! like, if you’re into film, he wants to know about technical film stuff so he can understand what ur talking about. if you’re into writing, he wants to know about your newest piece of writing and why you’re writing it.
he just firmly believes that repaying you for all the support you’ve shown him in his training is super important!!
doesn’t have any big qualms about you showing skin-ship with other people but hand holding is!! yours and his thing and he gets bitter if you do it with someone else
so: overall, i think yoonbin would take a lil while to fully grasp how relationships and being with someone actually works, but like. as soon as he does he’d be a pretty picture perfect boyfriend to be honest
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dcarevu · 5 years
DCAU #13: It’s Never Too Late
“Darn shame, they made the best cannolis!”
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Christmas With The Joker was the Christmas episode of the series, and it was so enjoyable as such partially because of how obnoxious parts of it were. Y’know, in a fun type of way, almost like watching Gremlins. But if I were to pitch a Batman TAS Christmas Episodes set to Warner Brothers, along with Heart Of Ice I’d also include this episode, because it felt like a crime drama version of A Christmas Carol. It’s a much more subdued, serious, heartfelt episode, and I think it could easily round out and contrast against the bright and colorful Joker episode.
Villain: Rupert Thorne Robin: No Writer(s): Tom Ruegger (story), Garin Wolf (teleplay) Director: Boyd Kirkland Animator: Spectrum Airdate: September 10, 1992 Grade: A
I remember most episodes of this show very well I’d like to think. At least half of them. This was not one, to the level of this feeling like my first time watching it. The only bit I remembered was that it had something to do with drugs, which it did, although I expected a little bit more of a straight up “don’t do drugs” message for the kids. What we got was a dark, gothic, very adult story that does the “don’t do drugs” message in a way that anyone can enjoy, not even necessarily being the forefront. It’s an episode mainly about responsibility and admitting that change is sometimes necessary. The episode features a failed marriage, a dying son, PTSD, crime drama, and a complex character on top of that.
It’s also an episode that flows in a way where the viewer starts off a little bit confused, and gradually pieces to the plot are filled in one by one. By the time we reach the end, we know exactly what’s going on, who we’re rooting for, and this is all done with as little obvious exposition as possible. The episode does a great job at relying on our memory, not assuming that we have forgotten plot-points, even for the children watching. This is one thing that is so, so, so great about Batman The Animated Series. It’s not dumbed down. Yeah, it does have to manage to stay within censorship guidelines and be appropriate for all ages. But that is often as far into being for kids as the show strayed. Sometimes half the fun of some of our favorite shows is growing up and understanding what we’ve been watching even more. And kids are not completely void of understanding complex characters and feelings. People should be challenged and taught to question things, even at the average age of those who watched Fox cartoons. So while I think Two-Face is a better episode than It’s Never Too Late, I think that It’s Never Too Late may be the definitive episode when it comes to showing off this particular aspect of the show. No, it may not stick in our minds as much as a flashier episode. It may not be the darkest (it was really dark, though), the best-looking (it was really good-looking, though), or even the most entertaining (it was really entertaining, though), but I think if a compilation of, say, 5-10 episodes was put together to highlight individual strengths of the series one by one, this would be a not-so-obvious but really important inclusion.
As far as the technicals, I knew this was a Spectrum episode before I even looked it up. It just has that flavor to it that I can’t even really describe. P.O.V. was also done by this studio, as was On Leather Wings, and damn. People praise TMS’ work on the series (along with their work on other series) nonstop. But Spectrum is some tough competition, looking just as good so far. I almost couldn’t believe how great some of these shots looked. Especially the flashbacks to the train, and Batman pouncing on all of the thugs amidst the darkness. The train has this puff of fog that it breaks through to reveal itself that looks so dreamlike and mysterious, and it immediately sends me back to when one night I heard the night train from my apartment, put my shoes on, and ran over to the tracks just in time to see the tail end of it passing by. You feel like you’re there. Also the scene when Batman first talks to the priest was awesome looking too, appearing more spooky and noir than a lot of stuff we’ve seen so far. I’m hoping these guys ended up animating plenty more episodes! Of course, hats off to director Boyd Kirkland too!
On the writing side of things, I never would have guessed that Tom Ruegger would be the story guy for this one, particularly after seeing his last episode was the underwhelming Underdwellers. I don’t know if Bruce Timm took him outback and threatened him with his hulking muscles or what, but way to buck up and redeem yourself. We went from an episode about some weirdo with an eyepatch who lives in the sewer, keeps pet crocodiles, laughs maniacally, and makes children work for him to this episode. I think it’s safe to say that by this point, people were on the same page, and the kid gloves were weeded out. Well… Almost… Unfortunately we have next time’s episode to deal with, and I’m dreading this likely as much as you, the reader, are looking forward to it…
The detail in this episode was highly appreciated. What I mean by this are all of the little flourishes that I noticed to give this episode some seasoning mixed into the meatiness. One little thing was when Stromwell was stopped at the train track in his car, paralyzed with fear, I swear I could see the car trembling just as he would be on the inside. If you haven’t seen this episode (I do recommend seeing them before reading these posts, but you’ll do what you do, you goober), that might sound insufferably stupid, but it only added to what was already a very atmospheric scene. And I really don’t know, maybe it was actually just an animation mistake. But I prefer the term “happy little accident”. Another little detail? That weirdo that sees Batman and Stromwell escaping the blown up restaurant. He was awesome, and a nice moment of comic relief. Believe it or not, though, I did feel that he added something important aside from the “Whoa, heavy bbq action, man” quote (again, this is much less dumb when you watch the episode). He also mentions, “Whoa, he’s really out there!” when he notices Batman, and it goes further to show that to many, Batman is only a legend, with many people never having seen him. The average joe does not dare to walk the streets of Gotham City at night, and it’s mostly only criminals and a few select cops to experience more than mere hearsay. As one last detail, I noticed that Rupert Thorne figured Batman saved Stromwell merely to get information on all of the various underworld warriors that lurk in the shadows and warehouses of the city. And this is partially true, yes, but Rupert Thorne fails to realize Batman’s true motives and morals. But this is exactly what Batman wants. He wants to be seen as a feared, brutal, superhuman force that wants to do everything he can to rip the criminal scum apart. He wants to be intimidating. A black angel. Thorne likely figures that Batman in some ways is just as slimy as he is. Batman is not Superman, and looking like a goodie two-shoes boy scout would destroy his image.
These details do a lot to add to the already pretty delicious story that we have going on here, and as I said, it’s ultimately a tale of responsibility and being willing to admit irresponsibility and changing. Trying to rectify that too, of course. Arnold Stromwell is a stubborn man. But that makes sense. We see during flashbacks that even as a kid, he was still living a version of the life he lives in the present. It’s hard to say how it got that way. Maybe it was some friends in a bad neighborhood. Maybe it was his parents. Whatever the reason, growing up with a certain mindset and taught lifestyle can be difficult to overcome once you’re older. A real-life example is a lot of the old, racist bigots you find out there (not that they’re excused, but explained). This is a very similar situation, and right as you think that Stromwell’s mindset will be changed rather quickly (a dying son is pretty compelling, to be fair), he shows that it hasn’t at all, and he wants to take his son from the rehab center to personally make sure that his son gets better. This was pretty heavy, as Stromwell basically said that he didn’t at all believe in the power of the rehab center, a pretty questionable message to send to kids. But you also understand where he’s coming from. He’s a mobster that has been going against the law, selling drugs, and possibly using them since he was a kid. His son has been missing, and he assumed it was due to Thorne. Now, seeing his son, lying down in a bed seemingly fighting for his life, it can’t leave him thinking rationally. And living his whole life essentially taking care of himself in the way he did, yeah, someone like him probably would prefer to figuratively spit on the steps of the rehab building. He’s also in denial of his own impact on his son, and undoubtedly taking matters into his own hands to try and make this better would only end up leaving him digging a deeper hole. Yet, he still wants to prove that things aren’t his fault, and living the life he’s living will work out. This is a story of a man who needs to realize that what you live by can be challenged, much like how this show liked to challenge typical ideas that kids (and adults) may possess, and sometimes the responsible way to truly help is to work on yourself admit that the situation is not your expertise. This is also a story about doing the right thing, realizing your impact, and attempting to live the last years of your life a new man, much like Ebenezer Scrooge did that one Christmas morning.
Fire count: 7 Char’s grade: A
Next time: I’ve Got Batman In My Basement Full episode list here!
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violetathedog · 6 years
The Sides Merlin!AU
Basic info in case you don’t know about the series: Merlin is the most powerful warlock (And dragonlord, but he doesn’t learn about it after like, a season and a half, I think) to have ever graced the earth and is sent by his mother to Camelot to learn with Gaius (The court´s doctor who a long time ago used to practice magic) how to control his powers. Camelot is ruled by Uther , who absolutely HATES magic (“ITS EVIL AND IT KILLED MY WIFE” Uther screamed heartbroken while ignoring the facts that it was his actions and his actions alone what led to the demise of his beloved) so he ,being the kind king he is, decided to kill and destroy every thing/one that has a small connection to magic. Arthur is the prince and Merlin, being the protagonist that he is, ended up as his manservant. Shenanigans ensue.
Now with the sides! :
Virgil as Merlin and Roman as Arthur, for obvious reasons.
Patton as Gwen cause he is wonderful and sweet and nice and emotional and is one of the few that can deal with the Prince´s antics without wanting to punch him.
Logan as Gaius ´cause he is wise, tired of the king´s bullshit and, although he loves Virgil, he is absolutely DONE with him (“what dO YOU MEAN YOU FOUGHT THE PRINCE?! VIRGIL I SWEAR-“)
Deceit as Killgarrah (In case you don’t know about the series, Killgarrah is a BIG ASS DRAGON), ´cause they are both manipulative and morally gray little shits that aren’t NECESSARILY evil. Maybe Deceit is a shape shifting dragon. Dragonlords are the only ones that can order and command them.
REMY AS GWAINE ´cause they are both absolute human disasters that drink too much and would die for Virgil/Merlin while still not being completely sure about Roman/Arthur.
So, since this is an AU, no one mentioned above will ever die and we can do with the story whatever we please, but the basics are these:
Virgil was sent to learn from Logan how the fuck to control his powers, since Logan´s mother was friends with Virgil´s mother and told the later something along the lines of:  “My son is incredible wise. He also loves challenges. Send Virgil to him. This is going to be fun”.
Logan welcomes Virgil with open arms ´cause the first thing that Virgil did with magic when he met Logan was save his ass from a nasty fall.
“Ah. Magic. I see. I would recommend for you to try to lay low if you want to keep your head where it is” Logan said, ever the voice of reason, Virgil agreed.
Half an hour later Virgil is fighting Roman ´cause he didn’t know who he was and thought it was just another noble that was bullying a peasant for the laughs. After some bickering and punches and kicks Virgil loses the fight and is sent by Roman to spend a wonderful afternoon at the stocks.
They both DESPISE each other at first.
“Virgil” Logan took a deep breath “You shall not fear the King, for I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU MYSELF, HOW ARE YOU THIS STUPID IT WAS THE PRINCE YOU DENSE EXCUSE OF A WARLOCK”
Some time passes without further incident, well, asides from Virgil meeting and immediately befriending Patton, but a few weeks later a feast is held in honor of some bullshit and an Evil Witch TM uses a spell to make everyone in the room fall asleep (The spell doesn’t work on Virgil ´cause his magic blocks this kind of weak stuff) and tries to kill Roman while he was knocked out. Virgil uses his magic to kill the witch (He makes a chandelier fall on her head) and moves Roman out of the way to save him. When the king wakes up and realizes what Virgil did he gives Virgil the honor of becoming Roman´s manservant.
Both Virgil and Roman want to kill themselves.
Virgil walks without making much noise and doesn’t give a fuck about protocol unless someone important is watching (Like the king or some petty knights or arrogant nobles who would make a fuss about it) so he not only bickers with Roman a lot, but he also scares him when he just “appears”.
Virgil finds Deceit trapped in a very especial dungeon where he is held by magic proof chains. He was thrown in there ´cause the king wanted to keep the last of the dragons as a trophy. Deceit informs Virgil of his destiny, and how he is supposed to “Protect and help Roman to become the once are future king that will unite all of albion and bring magic back”.
Virgil, after kindly laughing his ass off, informs Deceit that there is NO WAY in hell that he´ll do that. Roman is a dick and if someone wanted to murder him he would help hide the body.
A lot of quests ensue and Virgil, being the manservant of the prince, has the “honor” of going to all of them. He saves Roman´s ass with subtle magic (Using it when he is not looking or performing “accidents”, like, making branches fall of trees) an awful lot of times, and in the process they befriend each other. (They could also fall for each other if you want Prinxiety)
Merlin AU
(Feel free to add to this. I can´t write for shit so Im just sharing the idea to see if anyone is interested. If someone already thought of this Im so sorry tell me and I will delete this)
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