#I responded to a reddit thread about it
thesaltyace · 1 year
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danzafila · 1 year
i fucking hate redditors. why do i ever even try engaging with them 😤😤😤
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skinnypaleangryperson · 8 months
fuck it-there's nothing left of me after what reddit based communities have put me through, lol. im just an empty shell of what used to excite me. i still love rick and bojack deeply, but thats all thats left. esp after being in this tumblr communtiy for three years and not having made a single friend. none of it matters (for me)
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skykull · 9 months
My husband and I have a friend over tonight and I’m letting him use my computer so they can play csgo together. Im watching from the couch as they join the game & then everyone else in the match votes to kick him from the game at the start because “there’s a woman. kick” - the icon on my account is a picture of me. He literally got through one round, was doing a really good fucking job too, hadn’t used coms or anything. And they just fucking voted to kick him because of my icon.
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catsnkooks · 11 months
i hope that reddit refugee that got bombarded by codywan knows that deep in the bowels of a codywan discord server there is a dedicated thread to talking about cody and obi-wan as worm farmers on tatooine because in this hypothetical au cody paused for a second too long before responding when obi-wan asked him "would you still love me if i were a worm?" and i think that's beautiful
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
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[ID: reddit post from Mr Technodad, reading: I was hilariously later for this. That's what I get for sleeping in.
Message at the bottom still relevant.
By the way, did anyone else post about this? Just wondering. [The following messages have been struck through]
I just now found out that there is an internet poll where Technoblade is in second place!
I have no idea what this is, or what's at stake. It's an internet poll so I'm pretty sureliterally nothing is at stake. Therefore I implore all of you to Vote for Technoblade! Remember: second place is just another word for loser. [Link to the sexyman bracket, and strike-through ends]
Afterwards, please visit this thread about something that actually does matter, and respond as you are able: [Link to a post about raising money for victims of the Turkey/Syria earthquake]
I donated $550.]
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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I've been meaning to make this post for a while because there are always arguments and frustrations regarding WCIFs here on simblr. With new users and simblrs popping up every day, I thought it wise to take a few minutes to inform people on this topic as some people really might not even know what WCIF means or what the universally acceptable way to approach WCIF asks is.
WCIF is shorthand for "where can I find..."
If you are a simblr, it is a good idea to clarify in your blog's bio if you are open to messages asking about cc, that way people visiting your blog don't have to guess. You can indicate this by saying you are either WCIF Friendly or WCIF Unfriendly/No WCIFs. If someone is WCIF friendly, it means that they welcome messages in their ask box regarding where to find a certain mod, piece of cc, etc. If someone is WCIF unfriendly, this means they do not welcome messages in their ask box of this nature.
When someone is WCIF unfriendly, you should respect their terms and boundaries by not sending them a message asking where to find something for the sims. Yes, this means even "well-intended" asks that are ultra polite are not welcome to them (which is perfectly okay). Instead, first check if the user has a "CC Finds" sideblog where they reblog the cc they use.
If they don't have a "CC Finds" blog where they essentially archive the cc they use, you can make a post on your own blog with a screenshot (with a link to the original post) and/or a description of the cc you're looking for and tag it as public wcif, this way people can respond if they know what the mod or cc is. There are also reddit threads for sims 4 wcifs you can post on. If you don't want to do any of that, try googling it by description! You'd be surprised how intuitive the results can be.
On the other hand, if someone is WCIF friendly they are open to helping you find a specific piece of cc for the sims, but you should always send them a WCIF in their ask box, not through a private message or a comment on their post. This is so they can make one public post and avoid inquiries about the same cc over and over again. They will likely tag these posts on their page as "WCIF," so be sure to check their tags before you ask them about a piece of cc because they might have already linked to it in a different ask!
It should go without saying, but even though someone is WCIF friendly this doesn't mean you can disregard kindness when it comes to asking someone a favor. Say hi, ask politely (please and thank you go a long way ya know!), and be patient. People who are wcif friendly choose to take their time to link cc for others, so they're doing you a favor...be nice!
I think I covered the basics as simply as I could; the most important thing is to remember that there are real people on the other side of simblr blogs, and whether they have 13,000 followers or 3 they deserve to be respected. Just be kind and respect people's boundaries. I hope this helps someone, and if you didn't know about any of this... now you know! 👍
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samcscreams · 9 months
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Can we talk about this? Because this one little shot implies so much. Like one, where did they get that photo of Sam. I would assume social media which means Sam would have had that while away. (She prob deactivated all accounts after the rumors started). Sam would have also had to post things such as selfies like the one above. Which feels out of character but also those 5 years she could have been anybody really. Then two, Sam would have to have some knowledge of the internet to pull up the Reddit thread so quickly. Also when did she find it? How did she find it? You can assume she probably checks it a lot even tho everyone around her tells her not to.
Anyway, the real gag of it all is that maybe Tara and Sam stalked each other’s social medias. Considering they both more than likely had them. Maybe Tara made a fake account and followed Sam’s so she could keep tabs. Maybe Sam figured it out after this “random” account would always be the first to like her stuff with in 10 seconds of posting. Maybe Sam started to post sunsets on her story because when they were little and Tara had a bad day Sam would take her to watch the sunset at the park. And maybe just maybe Tara knew that those pictures were for her. But of course she would never ask. Never fully reach out for the fear Sam would reject her and take way her sunsets again.
Maybe Tara left all her accounts public so Sam could always look if she wanted. Of course she did. Everyday Sam would look. Never liking or interacting. Never fully extending the bridge. But she would look, watching her baby sister grow up from behind a screen. She knew some posts were for her. Anytime Tara would post an accomplishment her caption would always read like a message. Sam wanted nothing more than to respond back. But she knew she couldn’t.
Anyway, what the fuck is Samface. What dumb ass came up with that?? It’s funny because it doesn’t make sense💀
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Buck & Eddie: 2023 - 2024 Rereleased and Unreleased Photos
A timeline of the photos that were released by JS, JCC & TM since 6B.
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After TM (9-1-1 showrunner) recently released two "never before seen pictures" of Buck and Eddie, one as recent as last night, I started thinking about all the photos and videos that have been released of them since the start of 6B and it was quite interesting to see it all once I put them together.
Reminder, Buck and Eddie were barely shown to be work partners let alone friends for 98% of 6A and after 6x13 aired, they were shown to be living separate lives again for the remainder of 6B after Eddie was forced into dating again even though he said he wasn't ready. Aside from the Buckley-Diaz Family scene in 6x1 and the small amount of time they shared at the end of 6x7 and the time they were partnered in 6x13 (my favorite episode which was the finale for me since the last 5 episodes could have been yeeted to the sun); they didn't work side-by-side like they did before Eddie quit the 118 in 5x10. That's why the timing of the rereleased and unreleased photos and video is so jarring.
First, in April 2023, JS released the picture below of Buck and Eddie at the poker game before 6x13 aired and he spent most of that three-week mini hiatus counting down to the day when he was going to reveal it on Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week.
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Second, in April 2023, a photo of the clapperboard was released weeks in advance for 6x17 which was an episode JCC directed. It includes a picture of Buck and Eddie at the bottom of it.
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Third, also in April 2023, after 6x15 aired, several posts alluded to Twitter users being in an uproar about the introduction of ND and how Buck hurt Eddie’s feelings with that BS line about her seeing him (which everyone but Buck knows was a bunch of BS).
Don't try to debate me on this because Buck’s words hurt Eddie and it doesn't matter if they were intentional or not. He broke Eddie’s heart with that $hit so... I digress because thinking about it still pisses me off (it's been months but I'm still not over the way S6 ended).
Anyway, it was posted on Reddit (linked here) that JCC posted the photo from season 3 below on 9-1-1's TikTok account but the question is why would he release it since he didn't direct 6x15? The OP of the thread explained how he never posts things about episodes he didn't direct so it was interesting to read this information but since I only saw it on Reddit and nowhere else, it's unclear if there was a motive behind it.
Full disclosure: I don't have a Reddit or TikTok account, so I don't know if this post was legit but the date on it is April 25, 2023.
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Fourth, in May 2023, right before 6x18 aired, TM decided to release a video of Buck and Eddie from season 2 but why did he do that? Especially right before that BS episode that had Eddie acting like he was in high school again and giggling over some chick he witnessed almost kiss her brother in the mouth in 6x5 and Buck settling once again for a woman who only wanted to use him for his "Firehose" and nothing else like AC, AM and TK did?
What exactly was the point? Was he trying to tell viewers something or was he just piddling around on FB like he did last year when he responded to a viewer with a long post about the storytelling decisions he greenlit for LS?
Reminder, TM was working on LS for the past two seasons while he left OG in the hands of KR who literally destroyed all of Buck’s character development and growth by regressing him with TK, LD and now ND. Seasons 5 and 6 went into a tailspin of Buck not growing or learning from his mistakes and the responsibility for that lies solely at the showrunner's feet and who was in charge? It was KR.
The way Buck's gazillion storylines ended was not long form storytelling especially since he was constantly being regressed. He said he didn't want to make the same mistakes but he kept making them and instead of letting him go back to therapy (which he clearly needs) she let him flounder and read self-help books and donate his sperm to that loser Connor (reminder Connor wanted to run out on his pregnant wife because the baby wasn't biologically his but I still believe the baby is his and not Buck's). She wouldn't let him talk to the team like he used to do so they could offer him some good advice about the important life decisions he was trying to make but in Season 5 she had no problem letting Buck tell the 118 about his dumpster fire of a relationship with TK.
Fifth, in January 2024, TM was at it again with posts on Facebook (I don't use FB) but this time he posted two unreleased photos of Buck and Eddie. Apparently, he released the one below a few days ago but it was discovered by a blogger who posted it on 911blr. Based on Eddie's appearance, it looks like it may have been from season 5, possibly sometime around 5x16 "May Day" but who knows.
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Sixth, last night, the photo below was released by TM and it's never been seen before either. Based on Eddie’s appearance, this picture looks NEW like it might be from Season 7 but who knows with all the unreleased promos and pics from previous seasons that started circulating in S6.
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In the photos above, Buck and Eddie are shown in every season except for the most important one... Season 4. The shooting is missing and so is the will reveal. (I don't count the picture on the clapperboard because it appears to be one JCC added to it for whatever reason and it wasn't an official photo or video like the others.)
So, are they still using the shooting and the will as the catalyst for them becoming a CANON couple? Only they know what they're doing but whatever it is the question has become why are they doing all these cryptic Buck and Eddie posts and releasing photos of just the two of them? What are they trying to say, if anything?
Hopefully it's not so they can do a repeat of the things they did at the end of seasons 4 and 6 and delay them getting together yet again.
If they're going to finally let them be together then it's time to stop with the delay tactics and get rid of all those one-dimensional LIs. Leave N and M in season 6 where they first appeared and should have remained.
If they aren't planning to make Buck and Eddie CANON then they should let them stay single. It's been 6 years; how long do they realistically believe viewers who actually care about them as characters are going to keep waiting? In the past, actors and actresses have left shows around the fifth, sixth and seventh seasons so hopefully that won't happen on 9-1-1 but nobody has time to wait around for 15 seasons for Buck and Eddie to get together.
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tackypies · 10 months
solidarity with vellmori: boycott limbus company
users from both the korean and english fandom have called for a boycott of the game until project moon addresses their unfair treatment of vellmori
-english thread explaining why PM has not responded to the Drama, and why boycotting is essential
-korean users speaking about why it's important to maintain the boycott (1) (2)
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a google translated version of this korean thread explaining why it's essential to boycott the game in order to send a message to PM
long story short:
"The number of active daily and monthly users is projmoon's biggest argument for the investments they get, and without that they'll have to address the situation properly if they want to keep servicing the game."
and an excellent thread in english about the cultural values at work regarding the incels, explaining that the 'violence' project moon faced was not substantial
currently, donations are being accepted for a peaceful protest of vellmori's unfair treatment, and there is a fan effort on reddit to send vellmori support. vellmori has a store here, which you can support her through. if there are any other organized protests or shows of support for vellmori, please let me know and i'll add it to this post.
there isn't much we can do as overseas fans. i urge everyone to consider boycotting the game until project moon addresses the issue. we love the world project moon created because it provides us stories of hope in a hellish, capitalist landscape. now is our chance to remind project moon of the principles they've written about - our chance to demonstrate to the company that they've made the wrong decision
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
i was the one that posted that reddit post by the way:
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and here’s my conversation with the mods so far:
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here is the reddit post, you can see the comment section
please someone tell me where the conversation devolved into toxic arguments outside of that comment thread that's basically all deleted at this point (where that one reddit user was saying that we should keep byler off the reddit to keep homophobes happy) 😭😭 please someone tell me how this was a devolved toxic argument as opposed to every single thread where mlvns badger bylers incessantly and name call, like oh my fucking god
the only other person "on the other side" that we could've been listening to was the person saying that we should try to keep the homophobes happy? like excuse me?
and of course, they haven't responded to me yet. probably about to be banned from the subreddit for asking them to moderate without their own shipping bias. 🙃
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alittleleverage · 3 months
I think early leverage Hardison should have had a popular Twitter account and no one else on the team would know what that is or care but he talks about it alllll the time. He cracks a joke that no one laughs at and he goes "ungrateful. My followers would have loved that one but what do I get here? No respect, that's what" and Eliot would respond with shit like *angry huff* "no one cares about your tweeter, dude" and Parker would make fun of his made up friends like she did with the video games. He releases info that he hacks and makes fun memes and has a lot of good tech information threads. In redemption Breanna would find it and be horrified bc its filled with 2008 memes and she would hold a ermahgod meme that he made up to his face and go wtf is this. Also he 100% would make Aita posts about nate on reddit I can feel it in me bones.
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AITA for being too impatient and prickly when it comes to roleplay responses?
I know the title of this is wild as well as the concept, but ain't no way in hell I'm posting this to reddit, so I felt this blog is the suitable place for this sort of post. I'm an autistic 24 year old and I genuinely cannot tell if I am being an ass or not.
I'm in a roleplay server with a lot of other people, think the server is 800~ people so yeah lot of room for 1 on 1 or group roleplay- and right now I am in a thread with four others, three of which respond reasonably well within 1-2 days which is fine, people have a life and I recognize that.
But then there's the other guy, who I'll just call "Jay". They take nearly over a week to respond to a near time-sensitive roleplay with our characters currently in danger, i don't mind if it takes a day or two but after that I like to remind: "hey can a get an eta at a response?".
"in school" (its a saturday for the both of us). And then I wait for 24 hrs because yeah school, homework, jobs etc come first but it gets to the point where a week goes by and it's just so frustrating so I ping of "pls reply xxx" (obviously in a joke way) but Jay gets snippy with me, but here's the absolute kicker: Jay frequently responds to other roleplays their other characters are in but leaves out our thread.
It has gotten to the point where I asked the DM of this specific thread (as its plot/story related to play npcs and kick the plot along) to just skip Jay which they do. But at the same time I just wonder: "I'm too impatient? Am I being an asshole about fictional text post roleplay?"
I genuinely cannot tell and being on the spectrum ain't helping deduce this. I want to make it clear we all want the RP to continue because it's too far along and characters outside the plot are noticing my character is "missing" so it'll just feel like an utter waste to void it.
Also I do want to say that I usually wait 1-2 days before doing a reminder ping, I too take either a few hours or 1-2 days to reply or if its gonna take a bit longer I usually always alert the RP partner(s) that it may take longer. This self-rule applies to everyone I rp with. But I can't help that I'm being too impatient here, so tumblr:
What are these acronyms?
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albertserra · 8 months
I forgot to screenshot it but I saw a Reddit thread about a teacher not being able to get her middle school class take 9/11 seriously and the comments were a mix of rational people saying they weren’t alive for it so it’s just another history lesson to them, talking about how it’s insane to hammer the event in on the day every single year to just make them feel bad for no reason, talking about how the event has become inseparable from blind nationalism and jingoism and of course the protracted ‘war on terror’ that has a human cost exponentially greater than 9/11 etc. But then some of the comments were absolutely deranged. Like one person was “I play the calls from the towers documentary because it takes a sociopath to laugh at that” like these are 12 year olds and you’re making them listen to phone call audios from people who are trapped and about to die in the next moments and are unable to do anything about it??? And someone replied saying that was crazy and they responded saying it was no different than teaching about the holocaust. Girl
I actually remember I think in one of my grade school classes one year they did indeed make us listen to those audios. Like genuinely kinda traumatizing and for what !!!!! This country is so insane
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electric-hydrangea · 3 months
Istaroth is Paimon (ft Venti & Mona's Master)
disclaimer: the amount of comments i've gotten on reddit saying "Istaroth isn't paimon, she's a branch of istaroth!!" that is literally what i'm saying
Who Is Istaroth?
Istaroth is a God who can control time & wind, a shade of Phanes (Primordial One). She was known in Mondstadt and Enkanomiya, but the people of Mondstadt gradually forgot about her. When Enkanomiya sank, she continued to be worshiped because she was the only shade who responded to them. The worship stopped when Orobashi arrived and banned Sun & Moon (a book all about Phanes, Enkanomiya, and Istaroth.)
The statue in Inazuma is Istaroth. I also believe that the Battle Pass Icon is her. The article itself ties connections between her and the Welkin Moon girl. Ignoring how their appearances are identical, they also have connections with the moon. Istaroth is associated with the moon through “Sun and Moon”. Additionally, “Astaroth” (goetic demon) is the personification of the moon and can control it.
Istaroth’s aliases are “The Thousand Winds”, “Tokoyo Ookami”, and “Kairos”.
The Theory:
It’s better if I compile this more into a list. Starting with the smaller stuff…
The Paimon menu allows you to control time. I honestly feel like this is the best evidence.
Paimon is in all of the marketing, emails, she’s the one who delivers us messages outside of the game itself, but no one in the game knows who she is. When people see her, they think she’s a balloon, a fairy, or a pet.
Paimon jokes about being the God of Protection
Paimon’s outfit has the same details as a fully-leveled Statue of the Seven. Her crown has the same design as the golden bar on the statue. Her boot also looks like the nails sent down by Celestia. 
Canotila the Melusine described Paimon as a balloon floating in the air with her string extending upward above the sky itself.
Phanes created Istaroth; she is a being of Teyvat. Since she is affected by the Irminsul tree, it would explain why Paimon is affected by the tree.
Astaroth is depicted as having a crown, which Paimon has. 
Astaroth and King Paimon both specifically teach sciences and answer any question asked of them.
In Gnosticism, which is where Genshin gets a lot of its inspiration from, Barbelo is a part of Bythos, and Barbelo is both male and female.
In Genshin, Istaroth is Barbelo, and Phanes is Bythos, having created her as a shade. Paimon and Venti are parts of her.
In Ars Goetia, King Paimon is aware of all past and future events, anything that has happened or will happen. This includes “secret things”. 
In Genshin, Istaroth has similar powers; control over time and the whole thing that happened with Makoto and Ei (more on that later).
In Venti’s Character Demo, it says that he is “born from the branches of time.” 
In “Sun and Moon”, they say that Istaroth, “Was the measure of a thousand winds and the sun and the moon”, with Venti associated with the wind and Paimon associated with the moon.
In Gnosticism, Barbelo is one of the most important figures of Gnosticism. She is known as the “triple androgynous name”, or as the “three times spirit”, having three parts of herself. Barbelo/Asherah is another name for Ishtar, who is one of the parts of Istaroth’s name. Barbelo is depicted as a figure that looks similar to the Welkin Moon girl. 
Two paragraphs ago I said that Istaroth is referred to as a thousand winds, a sun, and a moon; Venti is the wind, Paimon is the moon. So who is the sun?
There’s a character in Genshin named Barbeloth, Mona’s master. I believe it’s possible she could be the sun. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why she has the name of this important figure connected to Istaroth. Genshin has a theme of “three”, and Mona’s master renamed herself to be “Astromancer Barbeloth Trimegistus”, which could also tie into the three identities of Istaroth. 
In Venti’s Character Story 3, it says that he was a “single thread of the thousand winds that roared through the northern lands.” Notably, Istaroth goes by “the thousand winds”.
In the quest “Time and Wind”, you’ll hear a voice saying “An ancient tale comes whisked away in the wind.. In time it will grow and sprout again.” Which could be referring to the samsara cycles and how Istaroth (Paimon/Venti/Possibly others) will continue the story. Additionally, the sundials are actually more likely to be moondials.
In 2023’s Lantern Rite, Venti shows up introducing himself with the saying connected to Istaroth. Paimon completes the saying, and then remarks “Did Paimon just unconsciously complete that saying?”
The statue of Istaroth in Inazuma wears a necklace with an Eye of the Storm on it, which is most prominent in Mondstadt. It’s also noted that this statue and Venti’s statue are 6666 meters apart from each other. Additionally, this statue is called “Statue of the Omnipresent God”. This perception of Istaroth is supported in the Ars Goetia as well as in Genshin; Paimon is everywhere. The statue’s moniker is “Thousand Armed, Hundred Eyed”, which is a reference to real-life Guanyin, but I take note of the “thousand”, a theme with Istaroth. 
The Sacred Sakura was planted with the help of Istaroth. When Makoto died, Ei went into the Realm of Consciousness  and said goodbye to her sister. When she came back, the tree was there, and all the people acted like it had been there forever. The Realm of Consciousness is also a domain (not the one we’re used to for battle), where time flows differently. Another example of a domain would be the Eternal Oasis.
The ancient Near Eastern goddess Astarte (Istaroth), she works closely with Baal. I thought that detail was cute considering the story quest.
In Raiden’s 2nd Story Quest, Rifthounds attack the Sacred Sakura’s roots which cause it to ooze glowing blue stuff, and Paimon asks what it is, but there was never an answer. 
This might be a stretch, but it could have something to do with what I call Celestial filth. For example, the Lumenspar is Celestial filth. Like the Abyssal goop, it’s invasive to the Chasm and spreads quickly. The description of it is “A sky-blue crystal that glitters so brightly that it brings forth echoes of the heavens above.” Having your Lumenstone equipped causes the Abyssal text to fade away. The Celestial filth comes from the nails sent down from Celestia, but the fact that the tree goop is blue and glows reminds me of the Lumenspar.
When Yae takes us through the Realm of Consciousness, we see Inazuma being built, and the memories are all of Inazuma, except for these Cecilias. Cecilias only grow in Mondstadt, on the Starsnatch Cliff “where harsh winds blow.” Cecilias are tied to Venti.
You could also say that Raiden storing the visions on the statue is symbolic, considering that visions are tied to both Celestia and the Archons.
Also, when it comes to Paimon’s design, she has a cape-thing with the galaxy on it, and in the Paimon menu, when she floats, she leaves behind a constellation trail. I also tie this with Istaroth’s theme of the moon, but it also reminds me of the general concept of otherworldliness. 
There's a Mesopotamian symbol named the Star of Ishtar (Istaroth), which looks similar to the Deshret symbol and the Khaenri’ah star and it's also closely tied to the crescent moon.
Why doesn’t Paimon remember she’s Istaroth?
The answer could be Samsara cycles. With every samsara cycle, the same roles are always present, but it’s new people playing them. Something happened to Istaroth, and we don’t know what it was, but she’s disappeared and now we’re stuck with the twerp Paimon. I’m not sure how to answer this question. Maybe it’s like the Sumeru archons.
Something To Note
In the beginning of Genshin, we start the game at Starfell Lake. It’s never said where we fish Paimon out, but we could imply that it was at this lake. The lake, which isn’t too far away from the Nameless Island associated with Istaroth. People have pointed out that the background of the Paimon-fishing-out-CG is actually Guyun Stone Forest. In the beginning cutscene, we can see the nameless island in the distance. Paimon says nothing about where we fished her, so who knows. It’s our first time being in Liyue, but she knows that the statues look different because we’re in Liyue, so personally it doesn’t make sense that we got her in Guyun Stone Forest.
More About Welkin Moon Girl
This part is at the end because it’s me just playing with an idea. So it’s called “Blessing of the Welkin Moon". Welkin means “the sky” or “heaven.” She’s blessing us with primogems. Primogems are… From the Primordial One? 
They’re described as “beyond the mundane world” and have the same chinese lettering as the phrase Primordial One and Allogene. Considering that the Gnoses are made from the 3rd descender's remains, would it be out of reach to say that Primogems could be created by/from the Primordial One?
Anyway, you could read it as Istaroth blessing us with pieces of Phanes (or, by association, herself). 
The Welkin Girl’s cauldron has the triquetra on it, a symbol of Phanes and his shades, the same symbol on Paimon’s tummy. The Genshin Impact logo itself has Paimon’s crown, the circlet, above it. Genshin meaning allogenes, and thus tied to Phanes. 
reposted from my reddit & hoyolab
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f1-birb · 2 months
i seriously question sometimes if f1 fans interact with real people enough and like have relationships outside of like responding to tweets and reddit threads
like theres already people examining the "you've never come first in anything" and going "omg he's mentally broken not winning has taken its toll on him he visibly looked hurt" and I'm like? it's all part of the bit? lmao? it's literally just their kind of awkward dry humors? are you people okay? he genuinely looked like he was having a fun time all throughout the video? relax and enjoy something for ONCE not everything is that deep.
we know they haven't because Lando was just as snarky back (when he said about her not doing well finding love) ~ it is literally part of British humour to be a little bit bitey and sarcastic and it's a part of Lando we know and especially a part of Amelia's very dry borderline awkward on purpose humour
if he really wasn't okay with it it would've been cut out the video Amelia isn't a monster and these people really think he hasn't seen and heard worse comments about himself? 😭😭
I beg people get off the internet and go outside sometimes, and stop having parasocial relationships while they're at it because guarantee quality of life? 📈
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