#I love Jack Bright X3
l0st-sp1rit · 11 months
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My Jack Bright design :3
A self projection, containing my own little (SUFFERABLE‼️‼️‼️) lore.
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illuminakisser · 1 year
silly guys i love the bright family sm
that one part has other ppls jack designs yes X3
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bright designs i used :
that body jack has in iris through the looking glass
@drawingsfromthefrogwar (i used 2 of urs)
and then a random design i used in a joke/meme drawing cause he looks cool
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komajordan · 2 months
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Media I’ve experienced in 2024 (January)
Considering how my other media reviews have been doing I felt unmotivated to just do them individually. So instead I decided to just make a monthly tier list. I’ll list each entry by order I finished them and just give my cliff notes thoughts on them from 1-10. And I’ll include how my opinions on what I’ve reviewed in the past has changed too.
Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising (8/10)-I wish I had a way of experiencing the beginning of the series to get more context but otherwise the gameplay and visuals are neat
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (9/10)-Considering I finally finished JJK later on, it’s no surprise this movie did a good job at introducing me to the series
Friendship In Disguise (7/10)-Still the same. Art looks nice but overly bright for G1 Transformers. Cool fanservice moments. But relies too much on FiM characters.
Persona 5 Tactica (6/10)-Not a necessary game and is forgettable, but it’s fine in gameplay I guess
Chainsaw Man (10/10)-I love chainsaw
One Piece:Strong World (9/10)-Shiki as a villain has a powerful prescience. The moments when the Strawhats attack him with guns was exciting. And Luffy’s final fight was heart stopping.
Ringu (7/10)-Disappointed that it’s just the same movie as its US counterpart. But still good for starting the story.
Shaun of the Dead (8/10)-Hilarious dark humor, clever dialogue and slapstick.
Kung Fu Panda (10/10)-Seeing this movie as an adult makes me appreciate what messages and humor had in store for a growing audience. Realizing Jackie Chan plays Monkey is the biggest plot twist of my life.
Transformers 1984 Seasons 3-4 (3/10)-Blurr is the bane of my existence and Galvatron’s screaming gets grating. The locations are interesting at least even if they rely too much on fantasy than Sci-Fi
Total Drama Island 2023 Season 2 (8/10)-Priya overstayed her welcome but I found the team and alliance dynamics interesting, it gave more characters the spotlight like MK and Damien, and helped build a connection with past seasons with OG cast cameos.
The Ghost and Molly McGee (8/10)-Good animation, fun characters, Disney stop being Disney and let your shows continue.
Kung Fu Panda 2 (9/10)-The locations and fights aren’t as memorable. Everything else though still hits for me
Kung Fu Panda 3 (8/10)-The Furious Five are really nothing characters if they get soloed by everybody. The humors a bit more obvious, but still keeps the quality of the fights and animation.
Justice League X RWBY Pt.II (5/10)-The first one is a movie I knew I’d dislike. This one is better since the Justice League is more in character but the rogues gallery is baffling and the RWBY designs look weird
The Magic of Cybertron (7/10)-On the same level as its predecessor but with a weirder roster.
Megaman X3 (3/10)-Boring levels, takes trial and error too far, and Zero’s permadeath is a terrible decision
Sonic Prime (6/10)-The animation and voice talents were cool but it drags a bit too long and the same few characters with a different coat of paint on them gets tiring
Tenacious D:The Pick of Destiny (8/10)-So that’s where those YouTube Poop sounds came from. The humor is pretty funny and the chemistry between Jack and Cage is entertaining. And the songs are either hilarious or unintentionally hitting.
Fire Emblem:Three Houses Black Eagles Route (9/10)-While the class and grinding does get repetitive, the story and drama hits hard. Edelgard, Bernie, and Hubert are really compelling and entertaining characters. I do plan to check out the other houses soon.
Transformers:War For Cybertron Trilogy (9/10)-The CGI looks great and honestly works as a prequel to the 84’ series. And when the Maximals came in Season 3 it had me shocked.
Spider-Man 2 (8/10)-A bit of a let down but considering how it’s an 8 shows a testament to the standards to Insomniac’s Spider-Man games. The gameplay is still pretty slick, traversal is fun, and is pretty cool in spectacle. Its main problems is the story, the villain lineup, and a lack of mechanics past games had.
Naruto (8/10)-Yeah, I never grew up on Naruto so i wanted to see what the hype was about. While yes it has its problems like it’s annoying cliches and filler. I did end up liking the characters and settings. And the soundtrack and fights hits.
What If? Season 2 (2/10)-The multiverse has been so tired out it’s hardly interesting anymore
Transformers:Rise of The Beasts (7/10)-The effects and characters are neat, not a fan of the human parts as much as I do Bumblebee.
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Lost Puppy
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Jack Howl x Reader
Summary: Little Scout didn’t know where he landed and how to come back. All he did know was that the familiar scent of his father was lingering about but why did dad look younger? There’s no way his nose was lying to him. Timidly he approached Jack. “Sir, I’m sorry to bother you but I’m a bit lost.”
Author’s Note: I don’t see why not both, @amistakehadhappened​! Each flower should be able to bloom beautifully! Though I am curious to why children are popping up everywhere. Though it is cute, I simply suppose they can’t wait to see their parents together x3
~ Love Fern
P.S Happy birthday to our wolf boy ~! May he get all the attention he wants and see many cactus flowers bloom ~!
Jack’s ears perked up at the small voice. His tail wagging subconsciously as a familiar scent met his nose. Yellow eyes narrowed at the little one, examining his (H/C) ears and fur. Scout’s blue eyes reminded him of his own childhood causing a small smirk to paint his lips.
“If you’re lost you should go to headmaster Crowley. This isn’t a place for kids like you, you’re lucky no one else decided you were prey. Come on, I’ll take you there,” Jack took a mental note of where he was in his training before making his way to the Savannaclaw portal, Only to freeze up when someone held his tail. Shooting a confused look at the kid. The (H/C) pup recoiled, letting out a whine.
“I-I’m sorry sir. I just didn’t want to get left behind. I’ve never been this far away from home without mother and father before so- I’m sorry for rambling,” the skittish pup sighed, quickening his pace. Only to gaze up at the older male with a shy smile as he felt Jack’s tail sway against his small hands.
“Just not too tight, okay? We wouldn’t want you getting lost.”
“My, my. Now this is quite the predicament indeed and what did you say your name was young one?”
“Scout,” the wolf pup said timidly, hiding behind Jack. “I see. I see and your parents are?” His ears perked at the mention of his family. “Y/N and Jack!” Not noticing the pair’s visible confusion, the child continued. His tail wagging. “Jack looks a lot like the person who helped me but he’s older. Not you old but he’s a grown up! Mama is beautiful. She has (H/L) (H/C) and bright (E/C). I get my fur colour from her actually,” Scout stated proudly, arms crossed over his chest.
With his explanation being greeted with only silence. (H/C) ears slicked back as he looked quickly between the two.
Crowley cleared his throat, gazing at the child with great interest, “this is quite curious indeed. I’ll go fetch Y/N. Jack, you don’t mind staying with- Scout was it?” The boy nodded, confusion and concern filling his eyes.
Before Jack could answer, the headmaster was already gone.
“It’s funny that you and dad share the same name, huh? You actually kinda remind me of him,” Scout admitted, beaming brightly at the first year.
“Yep. Sure is strange,” Jack felt his cheeks grow hot as the information finally sorted itself out. Him and Y/N but they weren’t even that close. Though he did want to change that. Jack shook the thought away. He had other things to focus on.
“Mama!” Scout cheered, tackling your legs. “I was so scared. Can we go home-” The pup sniffed you intensely before staring up at you confused, “you smell like mama but at the same time you don’t. Who are you?”
“Looks like my theory is correct,” a mischievous smirk painted the headmaster’s lips.
“What are you talking about? I wasn’t told anything-” Crowley put a finger to your lips.
“No need for questions. All you need to know is that Jack and you will look after Scout while I look for a way to send him back.”
“Send him back where?” You and Jack asked in unison.
“Home, of course. Because I am so kind.” Before you could question him further. The crow haired male was already gone, leaving you with a confused ball of fluff.
“Well, I guess we’re babysitters for now?” Y/N sighed at the thought.
“Or a family!” Both students flushed pink at the idea as Scout gazed at them innocently.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
A fic involving Flora and Damian, just her teaching him about the Day of the Dead
Also screw it, I’m counting this as my seventh fic of the month and saying that camp counselor counts as the sixth X3
“I understand that it’s basically in the name, but could you explain this to me again?”
It was a nice autumn day: a cool breeze flowing through the trees that had turned orange not too long ago, a nice orange hue present in the sky, and children celebrating the new season in store.
“Okay, so at the end of October and the beginning of November is when the veil between life and death becomes its thinnest.” Flora began with a rather interesting start that caught the eyes of concerned adults she and her cousin Damian walked by. “That is when the dearly departed can cross over to our world. During that time, people make an altar of offerings for those loved ones of theirs who have passed on but are visiting them on that special night.”
“Okay but...literally?” Damian blinked, clearly worried at the thought of the deceased coming to Earth.
“I mean, in spirit.” Flora giggled. “There’s nothing to worry about when spirits come over. If anybody bad decides to come, that’s what jack-o-lanterns are for! They scare the bad ones away as long as you keep them lit till midnight. Also costumes, bad spirits are confused and think those in costume are demons and monsters just like them.”
“Oh. I see.” Damian nodded in understanding, stopping in his tracks when Flora herself stopped to look both left and right as they had reached the end of the sidewalk. “Okay, so, Day of the Dead...what offerings do you do? When do you do it?”
“Technically it’s held on November first, but some people will extend it to the second day. It’s best to put up an altar days before the actual date, just to be ready.” Flora explained before she continued walking. “On the altar, you place a picture of the loved one you’re hoping will visit you. Besides that, you can put anything up for them. Like for our Mama Carol we put up a lot of chocolate! And French pastries and all the foods she loved. Then we put old items of hers that Papa Stripes takes care of all the time, like her most favorite pearl necklace, or some drawings Willow and I made. Anything they would like.”
“And, what about these then?” Damian looked behind at the wagon he had been pulling behind the two the entire time. Inside it were bouquets of bright orange followers, their color popping out no matter what background they had.
“Those are cempasuchiles, but to English speakers it’s simply marigolds. Not the same as the other marigolds you typically see.” Flora took one of the flowers before giving it a sniff. “These are what helps our loved ones find their way to us. We scatter their petals around and make trails towards the altars. Whatever flowers are left are set up on the altar.”
“That sounds really nice.” Damian smiled before stopping once again, because Flora had also stopped to look up at a small and simple store that released a sweet aroma of bread. “Pepper’s shop?”
“Yes! We originally would go to the other lesser-known bakery to buy what we needed but...he got a little upset about it.” Flora giggled to herself before opening the glass door to see nobody at the counter. “Come on.”
Damian followed right behind her as he still dragged the wagon behind him, hopefully Pepper didn’t mind it. Then again, Flora would have most likely mentioned something about it if it wasn’t okay.
“Uncle Peppy!” Flora exclaimed as she walked into the empty space, Damian setting the wagon beside a table inside. “Damian, come here! Ring the bell please!”
Damian stepped towards the counter before lifting his hand to ring the shiny bell that sat on top of the counter, but he was soon stopped when he was startled by the sudden appearance of the aforementioned man.
“Flora! Damian!” Pepper exclaimed as he reached over the counter to ruffle Flora’s hair. “Ula told me you’d be coming around today.”
“We’re here for the bread!” Flora threw her hands in the air in a rather dramatic yet fabulous manner, making Damian smile in agreement. “Is it ready?”
‘It sure is, the first batch is just for you guys.” Pepper announced as he turned on his heel. “Take a seat in the meantime, I’m gonna go pack them up.”
“Okay!” Flora replied before scurrying with her little legs over to the table where Damian had placed the wagon, the teen following suit as he took a seat across from Flora.
“So, Flora…” Damian tapped his fingers on the table, almost somewhat nervously. “The whole, Day of the Dead altar…”
“While you guys wait, I brought some bread and hot chocolate!” Pepper’s voice interrupted the conversation as he approached the kids with a tray containing two mugs of hot chocolate as well as two small plates with miniature Day of the Dead bread. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Thank you!” Flora grinned before looking back at Damian, taking a bite from her bread before she motioned to his bread. “Try it, Damian! You’ll love it! The sugar coating and orange juice makes it especially yummy!”
Damian looked down at the bread which had a rather interesting design, but it looked delicious nonetheless. And Flora was right, the sugar sprinkled all over it only made him drool.
He carefully took the bread and brought it to his lips, taking a small and cautious bite before allowing the flavor to settle in. Boy, was it actually pretty darn good.
“But, what is it you wanted to ask about the altar?” Flora brought back the previous topic.
“Oh, yeah. Right.” Damian set his bread down, wiping the sugar off of his fingers as he cleared his throat. “So...who can be put on the altar?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, does it have to be family? Can it be pets? Friends?”
“Oh! It can just be anyone that you hold in your heart. I’ve seen people make altars solely for deceased pets!”
“That’s awesome. But like...who can be on our...family’s altar…?” Damian’s voice began to fall silent with every word he spoke. “Because, Margaux brought something up, a-and…”
Flora watched as Damian reached into his pocket, taking out a folded paper-like item that he carefully began to unfold before taking a good look at it himself.
“Our mom...could she have a place, on the altar?” Damian whispered, now looking up at Flora who gave a smile.
“Of course!” Flora nodded enthusiastically. “We always have a place for whoever a member of our family deeply cares for.
At the sound of this, Damian smiled softly as he once again looked over the picture of his mother, giving a soft nod before carefully leaning the picture against his mug of hot chocolate. He then tore a piece of his bread, leaving it on the plate as close to the picture as he could before he continued to eat the rest of the bread along with Flora.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match Up pws ♡(ŐωŐ人)
First, thank your hard work and doing Match Ups!♡ Arigatou *bows* So, I sent you my selfies already x3 About me…. Uh, I am a Pisces, Hogwarts House is Hufflepuff. I love videogames and to write (and hate it at the same time lmao xD;), love to read (mostly… manga… does this even count as reading?) and I love art, also love to go to museums.
I am very chaotic and forgetful and I would describe myself as loyal. I sadly trust too easily and got hurt a lot because of that. But still I do, because I wanna see only the good things in people. I often feel like I am not good enough, but I try my very best.
At first I am veeeery shy, I hardly can even talk! But when I am comfortable with someone I talk a lot (a lot of nonsense, but why not xP) 
I love to laugh, but I cry very easily. My humor is rather dirty and dark. I LOVE alcohol x’D I prefer short jeans, leather jackets and boots over dresses, but sometimes I wear cute stuff too. I meet many people at work and I am happy and proud about how they often compliment me for being a very kind girl and that they get happy when they see me. Often people also describe as “nuts, but in a positive way.” (T-Thank you….? xD)
What I HATE about myself is my jealousy. I really can be jealous easily, also because of what happened in my past. I also want to learn to love myself >.< I tend to give up very easily, but a day or few days later I am full with energy again and continue what I tried. 
Uhhh, what else…. I LOVE to cuddle and kiss and when I am in love then I love with all my heart <3 I do believe in real love and love at first sight.
Omg, congratulations and my deepest respects if you read all of this… Thank you ♡ *bows* m(u.u)m
Hi, there love! here is ya combination matchup! Thank you so much @towa-no-yume for the request! I had so much fun writing this for ya! I hope you enjoy!  
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Selfie matchup part
So I match you with………………….. Leonardo
Ooooh this boy loves the badass look you have going on. Leather jackets and jeans! This boy is in love
He has seen many a woman in his life but none as captivating as you
He hasn’t pained in a long time, but all he thinks when he sees your vibrant hair and bright eyes is that he has to capture this moment in time. You are breathtakingly beautiful
Despite your bold look, your body language screams kind, caring playful person
You low key reminds him of a cute little kitten with your radiant curious eyes and playful smile
I can definitely see the pair of you nestled together napping in the most random sunny spots around the mansion
I match you with…………………. Nobunaga
The first time he sees you after you pulled him from the flames, he can't help but think he was just saved by a goddess of fire
Your hair was so beautiful, like the blazing, brilliant orange-red hues of the most perfect sunset
And don’t even get me started on your eyes! How they contrasted the bold richness of your hair. It was like fire on the water – just unique and beautiful
Nobunaga had never seen such beautiful eyes. He was absolutely captivated by your eyes. The way they reminded him of a tempest at sea, filled with so much knowledge and curiosity.
Once you told him you enjoyed coloring your different hair colors; he was so intrigued. You show him a pic of all the different colors you had dyed it throughout the years.
He couldn’t help but think every color you had chosen was similar in the aspect of they always brought out your big beautiful eyes and that each color undeniably reminded him of the most radiant sunset.
You had instantly captured his heart; you looked like a walking contradiction, bold and rebellious yet sweet and gentle.
You were like a true fireball shooting across the night sky
His heart was stolen by the mysterious stranger that had just saved him
Also, there is just something about a girl in jeans and leather that this boi can’t ignore
He had made up his mind, he had never believed in the red string of fate but your hair and presence was enough to have him believe that the two of you were truly tied together by the legendary string.
Now for the rest of the matchup
The first time you saw Nobunaga, he was staring at you awestruck. You felt a lil self-conscious staring into those carmine eyes of his. You honestly couldn’t stop your brain from thinking, “Hello manly man,” you low key fell in love at first sight. You asked the universe for a handsome man, and here he was, asking you to rule the world at his side. Okay all jokes aside you are very drawn to Nobu, his super-hot and he had that whole bad boy vibe about him that attracts all the girls. The two of you honestly just stared at each other for a solid minute, not saying a word until he broke the silence. He was shook that you didn’t even know who you had just saved. He asked you what you wanted as a reward, and you were honestly just way toooo shy to answer. He was so amused by you. You look bold and fearless, and you had just bravely saved a man x2 your size from a fire, yet now you are too shy to even make eye contact. Very interesting indeed. Mitsunari interrupted your little conversation and took the two of you back to the castle where Nobunaga proudly proclaimed to everyone that the shy fireball that had saved him from the fire was to be an Oda princess and castle chatelaine, and the rest was history.
You were a super hard worker. And even though you were very shy, you had managed to befriend everyone in the castle. Everyone absolutely adored you!  You were basically considered the second angel of Azuchi. You didn’t care about stupid things like stations or titles, and you greeted and chatted with everyone with generosity and kindness. You always saw the best qualities in people, and for that, you were loved by all. Whenever the maids saw you they would get super excited, they loved working with you. You brought a certain calm yet enthusiastic energy to the table. You also came up with the strangest ideas when it came to improving certain procedures and things (which was nothing new to you, as that was how you were used to doing things in the future). You were a genuinely kind person without having any ulterior motives behind your actions. You would remember everyone’s names and birthdays no matter who they were and would always give them a small little gift in celebration of special days in their lives. Nobunaga, of course, loved this trait of yours. Your ideal and beliefs of not caring about status and titles seemed to align with his, and the two of you would often bond about this fact.
The first time he summoned you to his room, you were in awe at the amazing art pieces and artifacts that he had collected throughout the years. His room was like an art museum. You could spend hours and hours just looking at all the beautiful pieces. And Nobunaga was all too happy to have another common interest with you. He explained all the origins and backgrounds of each painting, matching your enthusiasm. Since then, the two of you would often go on adventures to different regions to look at and buy their art to add to Nobunaga’s collection. The two of you seemed to grow incredibly close during these little adventures, and you found yourself opening up more and more to him. The man loved that you could talk for hours on end. Usually ranging from super interesting important stuff to just utter nonsense. And boy did he love it when you would talk a bunch of nonsense. It was so freaken entertaining.
One thing you struggled to adapt to was the clothes. And the princess getup you had to wear was a particularly uncomfortable piece of clothing. The first few times it was super fun getting all dressed up and looking cute but after the 3rd time you were over it. One day while you were playing go with Nobu, you were feeling particularly uncomfortable in the traditional clothing of the past. This irritation didn’t go unnoticed by the keen eyes of the devil king, “what is it that is bothering you so much little Fireball.” You stood up and left only to return ten minutes later wearing the clothes you had worn when you arrived in the past. You explained that as much as you loved dressing up all cute at times, nothing beat your pair of jeans and a leather jacket. Your game continued while unbeknown to you Nobunaga tucked that piece of information away to use later. Later on that same week, Nobunaga invited you up to his room. As you entered, you couldn’t help but notice a big box sitting on his desk topped with a big clumsily made bow.” I have a surprise for you, fireball” he then picked up the big box and handed it to you. You sat down and opened it slowing, wondering what on earth could be inside. And then you saw it. He had gotten you a few pairs of clothes that looked very similar to your precious jeans and jacket. He explained that he had commissioned some Portuguese seamstresses to make it specially for you. You couldn’t help but bust out into tears from happiness.
The two of you also LOVED to drink together! You would sit and drink masses amount of sake together, and this is where Nobunaga discovered that his lucky charm could tell the most hilariously dirty dark jokes. At this point, he was absolutely head over heels for you. You were the most entertainingly beautiful woman he had ever met. Not just that, but the fact that you would just freely speak your mind and make these crazy funny jokes had him hooked. He was in love! When the two of you were together, it was always a good time filled with hours of chatting and laughter.
One day he had found one of your manga’s in your bag, and this boy is super intrigued. You told him you love reading mangas! After hearing that, he constructed a plan. When you turned in for the night, he started his plan. Nobunaga was a jack of all trades, and if mangas were something that interested you, he was gonna learn how to draw them. He sat for weeks perfecting his very own manga just for you, until one day he was finished. He was so proud of his creation. He presented it to you one day while you were sitting in the garden, enjoying the warm summer breeze. He handed it over with a massive smirk on his face, but even you couldn’t miss the mix of anxiety and excitement in his eyes as you started to read it. This manga was all about you and the red string of fate! And right at the very end, manga Nobunaga had confessed his undying love for manga you and asked if you would become his girlfriend. You looked up to see him look at you questioningly. You couldn’t help but give him the biggest brightest smile and kiss him all over his face in happiness.
Boy Nobunaga loved his fireball. He loved to cuddle you and spend as much time as possible with you. He loved how you could always see the good in everyone, even in him. He loved that you loved him unconditionally when he felt like he was undeserving of love. And Nobunaga definitely returned the gesture. He knew that you had been hurt in the past and worked hard every day to make sure that you knew exactly just how much he loved and adored you. Especially during times that you felt slightly jealous. Let’s be real Nobunaga is a very possessive boyfriend, and it makes him low key happy to know you are just as possessive as him. One day a daughter of one of the local daimyos attended one of the banquets. She was all over Nobunaga and had made her intentions clear about wanting to marry him. During this banquet, you were sitting and chatting with Masamune while side-eyeing the whole situation. You couldn’t hide the small frown that had formed on your face, that was until Nobunaga had called to join them. You slowly walked up to him and two important guests. That’s when Nobu grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap, nuzzling you while you looked at him in shock. He then proceeded to very loudly announce that you were the love of his life, and no other woman would ever take your place in his heart. He also followed up that statement by saying you will be the one and only woman in his life and that he will commit his life to loving and protecting you from now to the end of time. Your jealousy melted away instantly. The two of you spent the rest of the banquet in each other’s arms, making jokes and drinking sake, low key ignoring everyone else around you.
The two of you were the cutest couple. Despite Nobunaga’s ruthless demeanor, he truly was a softi boi. He loved to cuddle and kiss you. Your all-time favorite was the little tickle fight the two of you had. It would usually start off with you playing with Nobunaga’s hair, before boldly venturing to the ticklish spot by his ears. He would look up at you with the more challenging gaze. You would just smile and start tickling him. And so, your full-blown ticking match would start.
The two of you can often be found with Nobunaga resting his head on your lap while you soothingly pull your fingers through his raven locks until he falls asleep. You would just bend down and kiss his forehead while thinking back to the first day you met this cute man now nestled in your lap, and how it truly was love at first sight!
Other potential ikesen matches.............. Shingen 
Other potential ikevamp matches..............Arthur
I hope you enjoyed it dear! and I hope you are staying safe and well!❤ Sending ya virtual hug!  
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
Compile Heart has launched the official website for its newly announced Mary Skelter Finale, including a teaser trailer, and first information and screenshots for the final entry in the 3D dungeon RPG series.
Get the details below.
■ Key Visual
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■ Introduction
Experience the Story of the Entire Series with Adventure Mode
Mary Skelter Finale includes an “Adventure Mode” that features the stories of both Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2. Even if you have not played previous entries in the Mary Skelter series, you will be able to enjoy the series in full. You will also be able to play Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter, which included as a pre-order bonus with Mary Skelter 2. In total, you can enjoy three different adventures in addition to the main game.
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■ World
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The Jail—a living prison that feeds on the humans trapped within its confines.
The Jail appeared a number of years ago with the caving of the city around it. Now twisted creatures known as Marchens and treacherous Nightmares roam its halls.
The Blood Maidens, reincarnations of old stories and folk tales led by Jack, successfully escaped the Jail and managed to make it from the underground prison to the surface…
Although they had hope for the surface, the scene Jack and company first saw when they emerged… was thousands of dead bodies submerged in a sea of blood, and the maniacal laughter of “Genocide Pink” (executioner girls).
Scattered by the overwhelming slaughter and mayhem of Genocide Pink, their only ray of hope was seemingly destroyed.
Scorched Pillar, a member of Genocide Pink born to kill humans; Jack, a Blood Youth who would give even a drop of a blood to save a friend; Mary, a match girl who plays the light of the meaning of life; Zyu, a mysterious boy who calls himself “Tower Base”; Red Riding Hood, a Blood Maiden distressed about her father; and Clara, a regular old nobody.
Everything leads to the “Foul Feeding Overseer Tower” that floats high in the sky… This is the finale of the prison break drama of the girls who follow the lights of hatred and friendship in attempt to escape the tiny earth star.
■ Characters
Jack (voiced by Kodai Sakai)
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A boy who was living as an inmate in the Jail with Alice. One of this game’s six protagonists.
His encounter with the Blood Maidens led him to discover that he is the only living Blood Youth, and he fought alongside them as companions.
Although timid, Jack successfully escaped from the Jail twice over, remaining calm despite the circumstances, and grew into a strong and kind soul who is willing to put his life on the line for his friends.
After everyone is scattered by the onslaught of the Execution Girls, he goes along with Otsu and Little Mermaid.
Mary (voiced by ???)
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One of this game’s six protagonists.
She has always lived in the same Liberated District as Jack and Alice, but has been living alone and without recognition all this time due to her lack of presence.
She herself likes and accepts this loneliness, and lives a surprisingly positive life, grinning as she strikes matches to see visions.
Only to Charlotte, the one person to notice her and give her a name, does she act both cynical and affectionate.
After everyone is scattered by the onslaught of the Execution Girls, she goes along with Charlotte and Alice.
Charlotte (voiced by ???)
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A mysterious woman who was living in the same Liberated District as Mary and Jack.
For some reason, she knows about Jack and the Blood Maidens, as well as the secrets and truths that were only known to them.
While she knew she was a Blood Maiden, she would rather lie low with Mary in the Liberated District rather than join Dawn.
After everyone is scattered by the onslaught of the Execution Girls, she goes along with Mary and Alice.
Clara (voiced by Yui Nakajima)
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A girl who was the assistant of a weapons craftsman in the underground Liberated District. One of this game’s six protagonists.
She has a bright and outgoing personality that is well-liked by others, but can be a bit annoying.
While she is just an ordinary girl without the power the fight, she thinks and acts with utmost effort to pave the way forward.
After everyone is scattered by the onslaught of the Execution Girls, she goes along with Hameln and Gretel.
Zyu (voiced by ???)
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An amnesiac boy completely shrouded in mystery. One of this game’s six protagonists.
He has a calm and rational personality, but can also be ruthless if it is to achieve his goal.
He acts relying only on fragments of memories, such as “I have to find my dear wife,” and “I’m the Tower Base and Blood Youth.”
After everyone is scattered by the onslaught of the Execution Girls, he meets and goes along with Snow White and Kaguya.
Red Riding Hood (voiced by Rumi Ookubo)
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One of this game’s six protagonists.
An impulsive girl who acts before she thinks.
Since she was the first Blood Maiden, she assembled the girls as their big sister.
But the fact that her true father ended up being the man behind the scenes of the Jail cast a dark shadow upon her mind.
While usually cheerful, she lacks confidence in herself at heart.
After everyone is scattered by the onslaught of the Execution Girls, she barely manages to link up with Thumbelina and Cinderella.
■ Screenshots
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■ Sound
Background Music Samples
“Bowing Hero“
“Wonderous Stories“
“Shippu Jinrai“
■ Information
-Title: Mary Skelter Finale
-Platforms: PlayStation 4, Switch
-Genre: Mystery x Panic x Zapping 3D Dungeon RPG
-CERO: Pending
-Release Date: August 27, 2020 (Japan)
Standard Edition: 7,600 yen + tax
Digital Edition: 7,300 yen + tax
Limited Edition: 9,700 yen + tax
-Original Planning: Yomoji Otono
-Producer: Norihisa Kochiwa
-Character Design: Kei Nanameda
Limited Edition
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The 9,700 yen limited edition includes:
Kei Nanameda-illustrated box
Finale Music Collection (all music included)
Series Music Collection (all music included)
Finale and Series Art Collection (includes Yomoji Otono-written novel and staff commentary)
Bath poster
Big Three Pre-Order Bonuses
Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter: True End (Product Code) – The mysterious sequel to Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter, which was included with Mary Skelter 2, is included as a pre-order bonus with Mary Skelter Finale. Enjoy lovey-dovey swimsuit events with the Blood Maidens only obtainable via this pre-order bonus. It is fully voiced and has new event CG. There are no plans to release it as a standalone title in the future. (This game does not affect collection elements such as trophies.)
Finale Mini-Poster – An exclusive mini-poster with different characters depending on which version of the game you purchase (PlayStation 4 or Switch).
Product Code to Download the Additional Content Determined via Pre-Order and Support Amount – Compile Heart is hosting a campaign in which the “Jailbreak Distance” found on the campaign website increases as more consumers pre-order Mary Skelter: Finale, as well as by the number of tweets with the #メアリスケルター応援 hashtag. These are the goals:
10,000km – Consumable Items (x3)
50,000km – Early-Game Advantage Equipment (x5)
100,000km – Mary Skelter: Nightmares Special Job Costume Set 1 Added
135,000km – Mary Skelter: Nightmares Special Job Costume Set 2 Added
170,000km – Purged Portrait Illustrations Added to the Gallery
210,000km – Mary Skelter 2 Special Job Costume Set 1 Added
245,000km – Mary Skelter 2 Special Job Costume Set 2 Added
280,000km – Staff Voice Commentary Added
315,000km – Death end re;Quest 2 Collaboration Costumes Unlocked
350,000km – Cast Vice Commentary Added
384,000km – Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter: True End: Adds Ending(s) That Let You Go All the Way with Each Character
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Watch the teaser trailer below. View the images at the gallery.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
You accept fnaf headcanons now?? That's awesome! I've always loved how you write the fnaf characters and portray them! If it's no trouble, do you have any headcanons for Nightmare Bonnie? I barely see anyone talk about him. I guess he's not too popular. I like to think his whiskers are sensitive to being touched.
Ah thanks! X3 I’m hoping to share my love for them here as much as I do on DeviantArt ^^
But here’s what I have for Nightmare Bonnie (the spookiest rabbit next to RXQ/)
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Cares for his shiny red bow a lot.
If not hunting or taunting the Crying Child he’ll look into the mirror and adjust/polish it whenever he feels it’s necessary.
That’s why it looks so clean and intact compared to the rest of his tattered, deteriorated appearance.
Touching his nose, bowtie, and whiskers are a big no-no.
Of course, though, the Freddles haven’t learned the meaning of “no” and would often take turns tugging on his whiskers.
If Nightmare Freddy hadn’t been watching them all the time, N.Bonnie would’ve eaten them for dessert long ago.
Like Nightmare Chica, flashlights (or bright lights in general) agitate him.
His one desire is to get into that bedroom, snatch the flashlight, and chomp it into tiny bits and pieces before doing the same to the child.
Since the child’s least favorite holiday was Halloween, N.Bonnie could turn into “Jack o’ Bonnie” at anytime during the autumn season (N.Chica can do the same as well)
It doesn’t give him any special powers. It’s simply a cosmetic affect that adds insult to injury.
Plushtrap is like a son to him.
Although he remains unaware of the “game” the little bunny offers to help the child survive their nightmarish hell.
In UCN, N.Bonnie just gets into petty arguments with Baby and Nightmare Mangle over who has the better plushie all the time.
He does, however, get along well with Withered Bonnie, finding some comfort in seeing another rabbit who was in a decrepit state like he was.
His original counterpart is always hiding behind Foxy’s curtain, so he never gets the chance to really talk to him.
He finds Toy Bonnie annoying. One look and he’s repulsed by his “cutesy” design.
The same would’ve been said about Rockstar Bonnie, although his song about him plunging his guitar through Afton’s heart made N.Bonnie quickly change his mind.
And he finds RWQFSFASXC to be rather…odd, but he admires his eerie nature nevertheless.
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soto-translates · 7 years
Saiyuki: Love Quizzes
Big thanks to @flowermiko for the original scans!
Ever wonder which of the guys you're most like?  Which one you should date?  Wonder no more.  With these charts from the Gensoumaden TV guide and OVA, you can find out X3
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※ 天上転(天)下唯我独尊 [Ten Jyo Ten(Ten) Ge Yui Ga Doku Son] The proper phrase, meaning “I alone am holy throughout heaven and earth”, uses the character 天 (heaven) twice, so the quiz replaces the second 天 with the homophone 転 (turn, roll, change).
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BIG Presentation of Chart Results Here’s the result explanations you’ve been waiting for!! The character corresponding to the word you arrived at on the previous page is absolutely your personality type.  Like birds of a feather, your compatibility is on the mark!!
天 [Ten] Heaven SON GOKU ENERGETIC MOOD MAKER Always full of energy.  At any rate, you’re the Goku type who prioritizes exercise.  Because of that personality you often get those around you into trouble, but you’ve got a strange charm and for some reason everyone loves you.  And of course, your insatiable curiosity and appetite (!?) are hard core!! ● I like this type of person -- Genjo Sanzo ー A guardian-like person who seems like he’d forgive selfishness. ● This type is popular -- Kanzeon Bosatsu ー You’ll be teased and played with ... don’t get too close!?
上 [Jyo] Above KOUGAIJI EXTREMELY SHY PRINCE You’re the Kougaiji type with a strong sense of responsibility and a kind soul that thinks of others.  Sometimes you can be too serious and you’ve been left holding the bag more than once.  However, you’re charismatic and quickly pull people to you; you blow away any difficulties. ● He’s the type that would make a good rival -- Son Goku ー It’s amazing watching him break through without any hesitation!! ● The type of person I want to be near -- Yaone ー She gently takes care of both his mind and body (she’s an alchemist, after all)
転 [Ten] Turn CHIN YISOU FAITHFUL TO HIS OWN SELF INTEREST You’re the Chin Yisou type who tends to get too obsessed with a single interest.  In regards to interpersonal relations, you are unable to honestly voice your feelings or act on them.  You should try to be more honest. ● The Chin type is definitely one I pay attention to -- Cho Hakkai ー Hakkai is also the type to straight-forwardly fall in love.  He’ll be charmed!! ● On the other hand, what type likes him... ー Umm, he may be difficult to like as he is right now!?
下 [Ge] Below NII JIANYI SMILING MAD SCIENTIST!? You’re the Nii Jianyi type, bright-minded and not one to show your real intentions.  Your words and actions tend to be unfathomable and your smile can be suspicious, so people around you may suspect that you’re “definitely plotting something”. ● I think I’d get along with someone like him -- Chin Yisou ー Two strange characters!?  However, you must have a condescending attitude... ● It’s good luck to be beneath this sort of person!? -- Gyokumen Koushu ー It’ll be worth it someday to give in to his selfishness!?
唯 [Yui] Merely SHA GOJYO A SKIRT-CHASER, BUT ACTUALLY A SENSIBLE PERSON You usually take things lightly.  Actually, you possess incredibly various talents.  But no matter what you do you’re the jack of all trades, master of none -type for whom many things go unrewarded.  You’re someone who can be relied on in a pinch, though you may grumble.  You’re admired by everyone. ● The type of person I’d take as my sworn younger brother -- Son Goku ーA comrade he bickers with as soon as he’s near ● Popular with the opposite sex -- Woman at the bar ー Your witty conversation is spot on with anyone
我 [Ga] Oneself GENJO SANZO PRIDE HIGHER THAN A MOUNTAIN!? Quiet and blunt.  You are the Sanzo type who is easily misunderstood by all.  Your hand (paper fan) moves before your mouth, but that’s because you can’t show your emotions honestly.  First, find a friend who can open your heart! ● This type of person can understand you very well -- Cho Hakkai ー Someone who understands your thoughts without saying a word ● What about the type that can open your heart? -- Goku and Lirin ー Uncalculating innocents.  Are they small animals or babies!?
独 [Doku] Alone RIKUDO RACE WITH YOUR IMPULSE! You’re the Rikudo type who is moved by emotion, unable to suppress your impulses.  Thus, you tend to cause trouble for others, but in the end you know where to draw the line.  You’re someone who can easily take things too far, so be careful! ● This is the only person who can suppress you! -- Genjo Sanzo ー This is the person you want to be recognized by.  Your embarrassed feelings are important!! ● The person of the opposite sex who will come to like you -- ...... ー Unfortunately right now... And you were such a catch before
尊 [Son] Noble CHO HAKKAI DON’T BE FOOLED BY THE NONCHALANT SMILE You’re the Hakkai type who is good at looking after others and is kind to all.  You’re liked by everyone: man or woman, young or old.  And, you can calmly make decisions and possess the strength of spirit to use your smile as a weapon (!?) and overcome any situation you get dropped into. ● You can’t leave this kinda guy alone! -- Sha Gojyo ー You have your hands full dealing with the sloppy Gojyo ● This sort of person is a good match -- Kanan ー Anyway, their wavelengths are √+.  The perpetually smiling couple.
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LOVE LOVE Compatability Check Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai ...... Which character is compatable with you in LOVE LOVE?
Fortunes by Kanon Miwa Profile: Astrologer who loves music, reading and ballet.  Pisces.  Type O Motto: The grass is greener on the other side. ※ Birthdates are taken into account, so fortunes will be different from start sign -only ones.
GENJO SANZO Birth: November 29, Sagittarius Age: 23 Blood type: A He’s a person who discovers a new self through knowledge and understanding, and strengthens his own power by exchanging energy with others.  He can fully demonstrate his powers as a leader and will continue on toward his lofty goal so long as he is in unrestrained.  But he tends to abandon his efforts when faced with an obstacle rather than endure it, so when sensitive people get close to him they end up hurt... Also, he will run with wild ideas when pressed. Keywords: Aim high and move your pieces forward
SON GOKU Birth: April 5, Aries Age: 18 Blood type: O Bright and full of charm!  But he can be absent-minded, and this has hurt the people around him.  But he has no evil intentions! He is the type to attempt things normal people would never think to try, and this awakens his hidden talents.  However, he has a habit of jumping into dangerous situations, so be careful!  He is the type to become extremely down when depressed, but shows an innocent selfishness when loved. Keywords: Has good intentions...
SHA GOJYO Birth: November 9, Scorpio Age: 22 Blood type: B A passionate person who combines acute human observation skills with precise powers of deduction.  His mysterious aura often sets hearts abuzz, but also displays a friendly side when he gets used to his surroundings.  Because he’s a passionate person, when he is unable to control himself he can suddenly become deeply jealous.  Until he achieves his wish he may fail or arouse the suspicions of the people around him, but he is the type to grow into a trustworthy person while going through many hardships. Keywords: Broad-minded
CHO HAKKAI Birth: September 21, Virgo Age: 22 Blood type: AB Sensitive, and even though he shoulders a burden, he won’t let you know it.  He’s the type to soothe people with his elegant charm. However, once he breaks through a wall he suddenly races to the limits and egoistically go out of control, so be careful! Even though he appears to act wildly, in actuality he is unconsciously calculating.  He is absolutely an indefatigable person. Keyword: Indefatigable
GENJO SANZO, Sagittarius △ Good 【Cancer】You end up worrying about him.  He’ll interact with you more easily if you’re more aggressive! 【Virgo】If you interact with him like a young lady would, he may instead pull away.  Interact with him as an equal and he will value you more than anyone else. 【Scorpio】If you approach him too aggressively he tends to be surprised and cool down.  First, firmly press forward and then mysteriously attack - that’s the key to success ♡ 【Pisces】Even though you actually have a lot in common, you tend to end up butting heads.  Watch over him kindly. ◯ Better 【Taurus】First, put yourself out there with your own original approach.  Don’t worry about being too bold; that level is perfect for the two of you. 【Libra】First, start with being friends.  As you gradually get closer, he may naturally come to feel more possessive of you. 【Sagittarius】Seems like you could have a telepathic relationship if you don’t restrain each other.  Jealousy and the urge to monopolize each other are the sources of your conflicts, so watch out! 【Capricorn】Precisely because you’re a steady person, you can support his unconventional areas!  Compromising with each other is important ◎ Best 【Aries】Once the flame is lit, your love will grow bright enough to consume you both.  However, if it interferes too much the fire will spread to unrelated areas. 【Gemini】The strength he receives from the sensitive you is the source of his courage.  His somewhat rough words are because he trusts you.  Don’t worry about it! 【Leo】Your existence is connected to his confidence.  The more you love him, the brighter the fire that burns deep within him will burn.  Push forward hand in hand! 【Aquarius】Even he acknowledges your superiority, creative as you are.  Open his heart little by little through casual conversation!
SON GOKU, Aries △ Good 【Cancer】Your sensitivity tends to awaken his teasing nature.  But he actually understands the same pain, so don’t take it to heart! 【Virgo】He easily troubles your intense feelings.  Actively promote yourself and restore balance. 【Capricorn】You both tend to get obstinate.  Don’t mind the small things; you can have a happy relationship if you can be honest with each other. 【Pisces】When you just can’t seem to understand one another, smile!  Cultivate trust by easily smiling at each other. ◯ Better 【Taurus】Heal him with your tolerance and broad-mindedness.  If you do that, he’ll come flying into your heart!! 【Leo】Support him even when he goes so crazy you can’t keep up with him.  If you do that, you’ll have a good relationship. 【Scropio】At first glance you two stand in contrast to one another, but you definitely have that “something” that connects you deep down.  Build up trust thoroughly. 【Aquarius】You’ll progress from an important friend to a best friend he can easily talk with.  A deep bond will form from your almost familial relationship. ◎ Best 【Aries】The fact that you two take on unknown things is the secret to your long-continuing, stimulating relationship.  You’ll have a bright and happy love like a burning flame ♡ 【Gemini】You two get along very well.  If you smile and forgive he selfishness, his kindness will rise even more. 【Libra】You’re the best couple when his power and your wits combine.  However, you may need to be cautious when he gets too excited. 【Sagittarius】Right now, it’s important to take just a few more steps.  If you can share various dreams and goals, you can have a very good relationship beneficial to you both.
SHA GOJYO, Scorpio △ Good 【Gemini】You may end up hurting one another with a careless comment if the two of you don’t watch your words.  Kind words are important. 【Leo】Your upright pride may be too bright for him.  If you listen to him carefully, he’ll find it easier to talk to you too. 【Sagittarius】You’re both filled with vitality, but even if you do the same thing you may be thinking completely different things.  Keep trying to understand each other! 【Aquarius】If you go at your own pace, he’ll go at his own pace.  A tip to have things go well is for both of you to aim for a reliable course. ◯ Better 【Aries】He may dodge you if you bump into him head-on.  Get him to honestly view you as the person fascinated with his behavior that you are! 【Virgo】Even if your values differ, he’s a comrade you can live alongside of.  Your coolness with light a fire within him. 【Libra】To him, you are a bit of a strange existence.  He’ll surely come to understand you if you actively approach him. 【Scorpio】Mightn’t both of you have parts you can’t see because you’re too close?  If you patiently listen to each other, you can deepen your bond. ◎ Best 【Taurus】You should be able to accept his tendency to burn himself with the flames of a dark passion.  If you devote yourself to healing and amusing him, you could have the best relationship! 【Cancer】He will catch hold of your deep sensitivity.  However, be careful of a deep and dangerous corrupting love. 【Capricorn】Although at first glance your personalities are different, your straight-forward approach hits his sweet spot.  You two are strangely suitable for one another.  ♡ 【Pisces】A very good union.  However, be careful you don’t see too much of each other’s good and bad points!  Firmly accept his passion.
CHO HAKKAI, Gemini △ Good 【Aries】Be careful not to rub his sensitive feelings the wrong way!  If you do you can maintain a very good relationship. 【Gemini】Be careful of your pride and his bumping into one another!  While he can be kind he can also be stubborn, so try yielding the first step. 【Sagittarius】He may be puzzled by your assertiveness.  However, fun conversations will develop if you listen closely to what he says. 【Aquarius】There’s a possibility you two will become an interesting couple.  In order to do so, police your plans without acting on impulse! ◯ Better 【Taurus】A slightly plain but stable union.  Cut down on selfishness and follow his lead, and you’ll have a very good relationship. 【Leo】In comparison to his calmness, your feelings tend to jump ahead.  You can slow down, it’s okay! 【Virgo】The longer you carefreely chat, the more your hearts will be soothed.  Things get tense for some reason when you stay silent, so be careful! 【Libra】You two enjoy conversations full of wit.  In order to proceed from friendship to love, the most important thing is to actively push! ◎ Best 【Cancer】He properly understands your feelings.  Respect for one another is the best. 【Capricorn】A good union.  Your feelings for one another envelop you two like a quiet wave.  Don’t forget to add some excitement to your lives. 【Pisces】He’s sensitive and you’re free.  You’re contrasting, but actually you have a destined tie.  However, don’t hold up in your own world! 【Scorpio】You both find what you lack in the other, and are charmed by it.  It will take time for love to bloom, but that’s just the strength of your bond.
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※Play the ladder game to find your perfect girlfriend.  Pick a letter to start on and follow the line to the left.  When you hit a vertical or diagonal line, follow that to the next horizontal line, and continue left from there.  The vertical lines with semi-circles 'jump' over the horizontal line.  Keep going until you reach your girl! XD
Please let me know if the translated images are too small to read the text, or you want to see the originals.  And again, big thanks to @flowermiko for the original scans!
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box Oct 19
I have complex feelings today, on one hand I’m excited because the brand new Cooking Mama will be arriving. On the other, my mom had to go to the hospital again and I’m worried about her.
So basically... you could say I chose to do this now to bide time. Besides playing Animal Crossing and some heavy duty Spring cleaning.
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Word of the month: Majyo/Majo- Witch
Event of the Month (besides Halloween): Taiku no Hi/Health and Sports Day. Which takes place October 14, the day before my birthday x3
“Everything you need to be a kawaii standout at a spooky party!“
Unicorn Cosmetics Bag
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Our first item is this exclusive to Kawaii Box (or you can check their online shop Blippo.com) cosmetic bag, featuring the pastel color variant of the Kawaii Box print and a big, cute unicorn! It has a nice pink zipper on top and leather strap for easier carrying, and the inside has bright pink crinkly fabric lining; it feels like the fabric you use to avoid water damage.
The bag is of a decent size, so it would be perfect for carrying around some necessities to the store, in another bag or pack, or even if you just want to use it to help organize something in the home.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I’m always looking for these in the boxes, because I tend to accumulate stuff from all of them and rather than keep every box I get, I can use these for the similar or smaller items I don’t have another place to put. Overall it’s very nicely made, and I really like it, I’m glad to see a variety of brand exclusive items in the box.
Koala’s March & Umaibo (not pictured)
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I think we’ve all seen Koala’s March by now, right? I won’t be getting too into topic about these, but basically if you’re unfamiliar with them, they are little koala-shaped biscuits/cookies with Koala drawn on them and a thick, chocolate filling. They’re very yummy, and over the years there has even been a few different flavors, like strawberry. They each also come with a little Koala drawing you can collect on the top and bottom flaps. Koala’s March is also known for its benefits to the real Koala of the world :3 and it’s one of those few Japanese snacks you can easily find outside of Asian territories.
For Halloween, we have the basic chocolate. But these ones feature adorable Halloween-themed designs. You can also cut around the bottom to use it as a cup for holding things.
I had every intention of taking pictures of the various biscuits/cookies, but they were kind of smashed up and broken apart. Sometimes snacks just can’t handle travel very well, but I would highly recommend trying these if you never did. They’re very yummy.
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I’m sorry guys, but the umaibo that came with this months box was annihilated when I got to it. It would have been a messy picture and I didn’t think it was worth including. I don’t have much to say on it because I’ve reviewed several of the same Umaibo and this one was no different, because... it was...
If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ll know that its my MOST FAVORITE UMAIBO EVER. If you haven’t then now you do :P it’s so delicious~
Hattifattener Plushie
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This silly looking creature is from the series Moomin, and it has come to celebrate Halloween with you. This is a 100% polyester made plush thickly filled with cotton. The hands are made from very soft fabric, and it has a long silver ball-chain.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
As simple as this is, I couldn’t think of something more ideal for Halloween than a ghost-like being such as this. I don’t really know anything about the Hattifattener, but it’s pretty cute looking. It’s very soft and plush, and while it has little detail, they are very clean and neat.
Halloween Party Stickers
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Whether you’re attending or throwing a Halloween Party, journaling, drawing a picture for the month, or just collecting stickers. These ones are the perfect little touch of spooky cute ♥
For this box, we could get a couple variations of sticker sheets; like cute animals dressed up, ghosts, or this mix of Halloween spirits and icons like I got; such as Jack-o-Lanterns, bats, and some Japanese spirits like the Kappa, the umbrella ghost or long necked lady; there’s even a few Non-Halloween creatures, like a mermaid and genie. The stickers are also puffy, giving them that 3D-ish look.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love holiday-themed stickers x3 they’re always really fun to look back. As much as I don’t like repetitive designs on sticker sheets though, I’m not that bothered by it on this one because the repetitive ones are recolored or a bit different in style, rather than being the exact same printing repeat.
Ghost Heart Pin
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Kawaii Box not only gave us one exclusive item, but two this month :D This is a cute accessory you could wear on person or attach it to a purse or something else if you really wanted to. I’m not sure if you can tell in this pic, but the pin is actually pretty big, about the size of my fist. It also seems to be of really good quality, and has a nice, solid response when you tap or hit it.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I really got into collecting pins the past few years, so I’m excited to add another one to my collection.
Cat Teru Teru Bozu Pen
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Teru Teru Bozu are ghostly looking objects one can make in order to keep away bad, rainy weather. So for this month, we have a kitty one who has come to make sure Halloween is at its best this year; unless you’re like me and keep it in the box, because it was pretty chilly and rainy this year.
The pen is an extremely basic clear tube with a black ink fine-tip. The kitty TTB can be sat aside, or you can put it on the pen butt so that it can keep you company while you write.
♥ ♥ ♥ 
As cute as the kitty is, I find the rest of the pen to be extremely repressed/plain/boring. But it works perfectly well, so it’s not like I wont use it, it’s just not in my top 10 list.
Shine Rainbow Bookmark
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Our next item is this really pretty bookmark ♥ by Tree In Art, these came in various designs and colors and feature shiny, colorful flakes in various shapes; such as a star-themed one shown in the booklet, or this one that I got, featuring unicorns, sakura flower, flowers/snowflakes, and dots. There is also a small silk ribbon tied through the top for an additional touch.
I never heard of the brand TIA until I started seeing it in this box, and since then I have come to really like it! They have a variety of items as I’m learning, in all sorts of designs, such as casual fat kitties and narwhals, floral, and magical elements like mermaids and unicorns. 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I also really like reading, and for the past few years I’ve been obsessed with this yarn bookworm I got from a craft store, but its eyes have gone missing and I’m kinda tired of it, so this will be a lovely change of pace~
Glitter Star Hair Clip
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I was the most excited about this item, so I’m very happy I can finally begin wearing it! These came in a few variations, each consisting of a clip covered in shiny deco flakes, and adorned by a large clear star filled with shiny star flakes and some others; such as the metallic shells mine has ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I’m completely in love with this~ It’s so pretty, and it’s not too decorative that it might look strange to wear, it’s just enough. The quality of the clip is also really good, and I love hearing the flakes inside shake around as I move my head or tap it.
It also really goes with my nails right now :3 its a win-win.
Colorful Scratch Notepad
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This is our last item of the month, a fun little scratchpad. If you never seen these before, they are basically colorful, smooth pieces of paper or card stock covered in black material that you “scratch“ off to reveal your image in the color of the sheet.
This specific set comes with multiple pieces of rainbow, along with one gold sheet, and one silver.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
These are a really fun way to pass time if you like to draw or doodle. It’s also very relaxing, and this specific set is a dream because of how soft and easy it is to draw on the black stuff- the only downside is that because it’s not the usual smooth, gummy-ish paint-like substance that is really easy to remove, this one kinda smears like pencil would, so you might need to clean your hands after using it. I also wish we got an even amount of each color sheet.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5. I love everything, it’s so much fun! A couple of them might have been basic or plain looking, but they work fine/have good quality.
Theme - 4.5 out of 5. They were really close to getting a perfect score this time, but I felt like a couple of items didn’t really fit the spirit of the Halloween theme.
Total Rank: 9 out of 10 Cuties. I really liked this box, it especially excelled in comparison to the past few boxes this month and I enjoyed it. I’m in love with quite a few of the items, and I can’t wait to use them in full now!
♥Cutie Scale ♥
1. Star Clip - I’m going to wear this a lot :D I love it love it love it!
2. Bookmark - It’s so shiny and pretty to look at~ I adore it~
3. Unicorn Cosmetics Bag - I probably would have picked this as my top favorite item, if not for the fact I liked 2 more way more.
4. Ghost Pin - It’s pastel color scheme and heart shape are kawaii x3
5. Scratch Notepad - It’s very fun, I really like these. I actually own a couple of them, but none with pretty metallic sheets.
6. Halloween Stickers - They’re cute, even moreso than the ghost stickers we got last year~
7. Cat Teru Teru Bozu Pen - it’s cute, but also on the plain side. I really like the super-decorative pens more. 
8. Hattifattener Plush - It’s plain looking but still kinda cute.
9. Umaibo - This almost felt painful to do because its so delicious, but with how messed up it was out of the package -edible or not- I didn’t feel like it earned a goo score.
10. Koala’s March - As yummy and cute as they are, once they’re gone they are gone you know?
0 notes
techgadgets365 · 5 years
What is it?
The X5 was BMW’s first SUV, nee SAV (Sports Activity Vehicle in BMW speak) and it set the tone for models of the type. Genuinely sporty and surprisingly versatile, the X5 has been a favourite for keen drivers and luxury buyers for long. In India too, the X5 has had a good run over the three generations yet. The fourth-gen X5 is out and it marks a slight shift in focus for the model; there’s a greater emphasis on luxury than before. If that’s good news or bad and how the latest X5 fits into the India scheme of things is what we’re going to find out.
What’s it like on the outside?
The new X5 is bigger than you think. Unlike the X3, which looks visually larger than its predecessor, this new ‘G05’ X5, from a distance at least, looks much smaller than the outgoing ‘F15’ X5, despite it being 36mm longer, 19mm taller and a solid 66mm wider. In fact, you might mistake the X5 for an X3 or even an X1, up until the point it pulls up next to you.
This is because of its design, which features sharper lines, tighter skinning and some exaggerated details. The most controversial of these is the enormous chrome-heavy, single-piece kidney grille, which absolutely dominates the front end. From this sprouts a pair of slimmer, more angular headlamps – now with the electric-blue signature of BMW’s Laserlight high-beam system (which gives a throw of 600m) – and, of course, the new-age, C-shaped take on BMW’s LED corona ring DRL signature. The waistline crease flows into a pronounced haunch over the rear wheel, adding some muscle, and this xLine trim looks far more elegant than the M Sport version, which is currently only available with the petrol engine.
Some of us aren’t fans of the way BMW has abandoned the classic L-shaped tail-lamp signature for a more generic, rectangular look, but we like that they’ve stuck with the trademark split tailgate. As for some perspective on just how big this car has gotten, look at the wheels – they have a decent amount of tyre sidewall and don’t look that big, but they’re 20 inches in diameter. A few years ago, this would have been the largest size; now it goes up to 22 inches. And as for the stance, you can go from jacked-up off-roader to hunkered-down M car at the flick of a switch, thanks to the two-axle air suspension new to the X5 (previous cars only had it on the rear axle, so you couldn’t vary the ride height). As ever, you get different-sized front and rear tyres, with the ones at the rear being almost comically wide, with a 305 section – the same as a Lamborghini Huracán!
What’s it like on the inside?
The latest BMW X5’s greater dimensions have, naturally, translated into more interior space. The 42mm increase in the wheelbase to 2,975mm can be easily felt as soon as you slip into the back seat and stretch out, but the even greater sense is of width. The previous X5 was not a narrow car, but in the new one, it feels like there’s a chasm between you and your fellow passenger. It’s a comfortable back seat too, but some might find the backrest a bit too upright, and it’s not adjustable. You can flip it down to free luggage space of course, and if you do, you’ll find the already vast 650-litre space expanding to 1,860 litres, and a really cool motorised luggage cover that whirrs out from its deployed position to under the floor when not needed. What you won’t find anymore are the pair of tiny rear jump seats – they have been left out of the India-spec car this time, likely to differentiate it from the upcoming, three-row X7. What you do get, happily, is a space-saver spare tyre.
Back to the cabin, and more than the outright comfort, it’s the ambience that’s taken a quantum leap. It’s not a stretch to say this xLine variant is approaching 7 Series levels of luxury. Thick bars of dull, unvarnished wood veneer sit on the dashboard, central console and doors, and these are framed in brushed aluminium, which you’ll also find the door handles are fashioned from. The ‘Vernasca’ leather upholstery, available in this cream colour, as well as tan, brown, or black, is wonderfully soft, and there’s even double-stitched leather on the dashboard. The front seats (powered, with a memory function, of course) are big and plush, with a wide array of adjustments, including shoulder support. There are 12 choices of colour combinations for the LED ambient lighting, which even extends to a panoramic sunroof – Sky Lounge, as BMW calls it – and it looks incredible at night.
There are some things that stand out for the wrong reasons in the otherwise high-quality cabin. Those chrome central AC vents, though incredibly well-finished, appear as an uninspired piece of design in this classy BMW cabin. The mode select buttons feel a little flimsy and are tricky to click properly, especially on the move. Then there’s the cut-glass effect on the gear lever, iDrive click-wheel and start button, which has been very polarising. Some find it cool, others find it gaudy, and while on one hand it doesn’t smudge with fingerprints like the standard plastic lever, on the other, in bright sunlight, the reflections off it can hit you right in the eye.
Speaking of points of contention – there’s the new all-digital dial system. While the previous generation of this system (in the 5 Series, for example) mirrored BMW’s classic twin round dials, this new one, which you’ll find on all upcoming Bimmers, adopts a more sci-fi-feeling angular look. This would be fine if it functioned well, but the numbers aren’t as clear to read, the tachometer spins counterclockwise, and when you switch to Sport mode – the tacho needle disappears entirely! Plus, being a screen, they’ve tried to cram it with as much info as possible, which would be helpful, but it’s small and hard to read, which means it’s more distracting to try and find it. The navigation map between the dials, for instance, is monochrome, not full colour, so it blends in rather than standing out. It just seems unintuitive; I wish there was at least the option of returning to the classic dial layout.
We can’t talk tech without mentioning the latest version of BMW’s class-leading iDrive infotainment system, which is presented here on a crisp 12.3-inch touchscreen. Apart from touch, it can be operated by the traditional click-wheel, the touch pad, voice commands and gesture control as well. The tile-based home screen has been replaced with a more tablet-computer-like clustered system, which takes a little getting used to, but ultimately works better at giving you all your vital data at once; and it’s customisable. You also get readouts for real-time power and torque usage, G-force, pitch and yaw angle, and other off-road parameters. There’s also the 360-degree camera with the fun ‘augmented reality’ system that puts a 3D model of the car in a camera-generated depiction of your surroundings. And if you opt for the M Sport trim, you’ll get a head-up display too.
The equipment list on the whole, in fact, is vast and impressive. Apart from what we’ve already discussed already, you’ll find the likes of wireless mobile charging, hands-free parking, four-zone climate control, a 16-speaker Harman Kardon hi-fi, soft-close doors, paddleshifters, adaptive dampers, a powered tailgate with remote opening, auto stop-start, Apple CarPlay (but no Android Auto) and eight airbags. Interestingly, there is only one conventional USB port, but there are three of the new-generation USB-C ports – one at the front, two at the rear – so chances are you’ll have to buy a new cable to make the most of them.
What’s it like to drive?
As we’ve said already, the new X5 is bigger than you think, and while that may apply to its appearance, it isn’t quite as true from behind the wheel, as it was with previous X5s. It’s a trend we’re seeing in most new BMWs – a general ‘softening’ of the driving experience to cater to a wider audience and offer a more luxurious experience, but here, much of the change can be attributed to one mechanical difference – two-axle rear suspension. Previously, X5s only offered air suspension at the rear to aid comfort, but now that it’s at all four wheels, it’s allowed for much more. For one, the ride height can be raised or lowered (in five steps) for varying situations, but the main benefit is a far more luxurious ride. Sure, the massive wheels and tyres can cause a bit of lumpiness over bumps, but overall, the ride is incredibly plush. If you find it too floaty in Comfort mode, switching to Sport gives it a good balance.
Sound insulation, too, is far improved, but again, it’s those big tyres that play spoilsport a bit over expansion joints. The steering has been blunted and softened too, to the point that it is incredibly light at low speeds. It’s almost enough to make you forget this car’s mammoth dimensions; almost.
So it’s great at low speeds, but the contention arises when you’re driving for enjoyment, and here’s where some of the razor-sharp agility of previous X5s is missing. The steering does feel a little mushier, and even in Sport mode there is noticeably more body roll; you really do feel the X5’s size in the corners. But perhaps I’m being a bit harsh because it still handles better than most 2.1-tonne SUVs, with perhaps only a Porsche Cayenne being able to break the laws of physics better. Those massive tyres also afford it prodigious grip, and, despite the AWD, it always has a distinctly rear-biased feel.
Whether you’re barrelling up a mountain road or weaving through traffic, you’ll love the straight-six diesel engine (there’s a straight-six petrol too) and its 8-speed automatic gearbox. With 265hp and 620Nm of torque, it’s got more than enough pulling power to compensate for the X5’s size and weight. It’s not just effortless, it’s downright quick, with 0-100kph coming up in only 6.55sec. And with the quick-acting ZF gearbox (it seems to get better with every new car launched) doing its thing, kickdown acceleration is equally brisk. The good news is the characteristic (and quite thrilling) shove in the guts typical of BMW’s diesel engines is still there. Take it out of Sport mode and – apart from a little bit of hesitation if you catch the gearbox off guard – it is smooth and refined, as is befitting this new, more luxurious X5.
Should I buy one?
The X5 starts at Rs 72.90 lakh (ex-showroom, India). This xLine variant, though, will set you back Rs 82.40 lakh, putting it dangerously close to seven-seat luxury SUVs like the Audi Q7, Volvo XC90 and even the Mercedes-Benz GLS. It stings even more when you realise this isn’t a full CBU import; it’s assembled in India. However, you have to consider a few things, like how much more this car gets you. Not only is it more spacious, it’s more comfortable, thanks to the air suspension, and far better appointed and better equipped now. Then there’s BMW’s updated SU – sorry, SAV – range. The X3 has grown, you also have an X4 now, there will soon be an X7 and below that a new X6; all the models have been moved up the ladder. Sure, it’s not quite the ultimate driving machine that its forebears were, but it’s still pretty damn good to drive – and that can be forgiven for how much better a luxury SUV it is. It’s gotten more expensive, but it’s also a lot more car for the money.
Click here for BMW X5 prices, reviews, videos, images and more
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
Don't let the candles go out, and they'll protect you okay uwu
Something a little late but eh X3
The day had finally come.
Ula was finally a year older, and she was quite proud of it.
This year, she decided that she did not want some “big” celebration, but she only wanted the day to herself and her small family. Specifically the tiny clowns she called her siblings, and so, her parents allowed her to roam around town with the two of them, and of course her trusty companion Mana.
“You really like those, huh?” Ula asked with a bright smile, looking at her axolotl who practically pranced with every step he took. “I guess I did a good job for my first time.”
Mana barked up at Ula, wagging his tail in excitement before he turned to look at his back where his new bat wings harness was. His little one made a pair just for him and one for Kala, the former clearly excited and showing off his wings as he strolled with the little clowns.
“Going back to today’s lesson,” Ula cleared her throat, dragging along her red wagon while her two siblings comfortably sat inside. “The second rule of Halloween is to always wear a costume. Tradition says that wearing a costume was basically a disguise for hiding away from the bad spirits, so don’t listen to what those dummy Halloween-haters.”
“Okay.” Davey replied, tapping his tiny fingers on his belly as he enjoyed being wheeled throughout town. “Candy?”
“Oh yeah, that was rule number one.” Ula nodded before noticing that Davey made a grabbing motion with his hands, making her giggle. “But yeah, I’ll make sure to give you guys some candy too. It is October after all. I saved up some money just for the occasion.”
Davey gave a hum of content, soon laying back once more as he and Cordelia watched their surroundings.
Houses were already adorned with Halloween decorations, as were the stores that the kids now walked by.
Little Cordelia’s eyes lit up at the sight of pumpkins situated at nearly every spot she looked, smiling while gripping onto the red wagon in complete excitement. Soon she had started to make thrilled, gibberish sounds, bouncing in place while pointing to the pumpkins.
“You like the pumpkins Cordie?” Ula asked, stopping the wagon to admire the scenery. “Well, that takes me to the next rule of Halloween. You must never blow out your jack-o-lantern before midnight. That also keeps the bad spirits away.”
Cordelia continued to speak her own language, pointing at what were arrays of different sized pumpkins. At the very top were the smallest of them all, and at the very bottom were the large and heavy ones.
“Excuse me sir?” Ula called out to the vendor who turned to her with a warm smile. “How much are the pumpkins?”
“Big ones are three bucks. The tiny ones are fifty cents. It all depends.” he replied, chuckling at the sight that was Cordelia clapping her little hands while bouncing in place.
“Huh. Then can I have...three big ones and one tiny?”
“You know how much that’ll be?”
“Pay attention.” Ula whispered to her siblings before clearing her throat. “Each pumpkin is three and I want three, so three times three equals nine. Plus a tiny one, nine-fifty.”
“Nice! And you want them in the wagon?” 
“Yes please!” Ula nodded before pointing to Davey and Cordelia individually. “One in front of him, the other in front of her. The third one right here. I’ll carry the tiny one.”
“You got it.” the man helped Ula load the pumpkins into wagon, eventually saying their goodbyes after Ula paid up and resumed her birthday stroll.
“You see this Cordie?” Ula presented a candle that she had also purchased from the man. “This goes into the pumpkin after we carve it and make it look cute or scary. Like I said, you don’t blow out the jack-o-lantern before midnight. Don’t let the candles go out and they’ll protect you, okay?”
The infant gave her version of a nod, far too entranced with the pumpkin she refused to let go of. 
“Yeah, I thought you’d like that.” Ula ruffled Cordelia’s hair, immediately repeating the action with Davey who clearly felt left out less than a second later. “Anyways, I’m starting to get hungry. How about we visit uncle Pepper’s shop?”
After some more walking, Ula opened the glass door that led into the small shop where she expected to find her uncle. Instead, she saw a baby sitting on the counter, and not one that was fathered by Pepper.
“Bingo? What are you doing here?” Ula asked the baby who sat on the counter, all alone as she ate a cupcake adorned as a spider. “Where’s your mommy?”
“Right here! I’m right here!” sounded Ferry’s voice as she hurried to the front, everyone seeing as she came in with the first born of the triplets. “Hello Ula! Happy Birthday to you.~”
“Oh thank you.” Ula giggled before bringing her wagon closer, her siblings staring up at Ferry and Ally who attempted to hide behind Ferry while being carried. “Have you seen my uncle Pepper?”
“He went to go do some errands and he took Ben with him. Had to buy more supplies for all the Halloween goodies.
“Oh. Huh.”
“Were you looking to see him?”
“Not really, I just wanted to see if I could get a treat for my baby brother and sister. I was showing them around town, and teaching them the rules of Halloween.” Ula motioned to the pair, then hearing a bark from Mana. “And maaaybe something small for Mana too.”
“I can arrange that.” Ferry nodded with a grin. “I mean, we also do give out free candy to whoever comes by. I know that rule of Halloween.~”
This alone made Ula smile widely, getting quite giddy on the inside before Ferry walked more towards her.
“Do you think you could hold Ally for a bit?”
“Sure! I love Ally.” Ula reached out to grab the baby who clung onto Ferry, eventually letting go and instead clinging onto Ula who laughed to herself. 
“I’ll be right back then,” Ferry started, then looking down at the wagon to see Cordelia finally releasing her pumpkin to instead reach up towards Ferry who giggled. “And I guess I’ll be bringing a little trick-or-treater with me.”
Cordelia cooed as she was carried by Ferry, cuddling into her chest as the woman made her way to the back of the bakery.
“Those are some cool cupcakes.” Ula looked at the glass display next to the cash register, Davey looking from inside the wagon as he was brought a sense of awe at the sight of gorey cupcakes. “Uncle Pepper and Ferry make all of these. Also aunt Belinda, but she has her own job too. I wonder if Ben and Greta are gonna do this when they grow up, the twins are already learning.”
“Cupcake.” Davey stood up on the wagon, having to lean against the glass to hold himself steady as he continued to scan all of the cupcakes. “I want one.”
“I’ll tell Ferry when she’s back.” Ula leaned down to kiss Davey’s cheek, making him giggle before he plopped back down on the wagon. “You’ll get a bloody one. And Cordie will get one with gummy worms.”
“Okay.” Davey looked around, soon locking eyes with Ally who immediately hid her face on Ula’s shoulder.
“You wanna play with Ally?” Ula asked, eventually lowering Ally onto the other side of the wagon after having moved the pumpkin that was in between the infants. “I’m gonna grab Bingo.”
Bingo soon looked at Ula with a face that seemed almost offended that that thought even crossed her mind, shocked when Ula picked her up from the counter just as Ferry came in. She looked over at Ferry, almost asking for help as Ula held her against her chest.
“I brought some chocolates for Davey, and Cordelia picked out some gummy brains.” Ferry mentioned as she set Cordelia down on the counter, also placing a box in a bag beside her. “I almost forgot, your mommy made an order and I was meant to deliver it today after taking the girls with their dad. Would you mind taking it with you?”
“I don’t mind at all.” Ula shook her head while petting Bingo’s, not really realizing that Bingo kept staring at her, fully offended. “What did she order?”
“Oh, just some cookies for work. She’s giving them to her employees I guess.” Ferry gave a giggle before whispering to Ula. “And I know that rule of Halloween about the candies, but just this once, don’t check your candies okay?”
“Mmm, okay I guess.” Ula shrugged, soon trading Bingo for the box Ferry provided. “Before we leave, can I buy the treats for everyone? I want cupcakes for Davey and Cordie. And also a doughnut with sprinkles for Mana.”
“Of course!” Ferry walked behind the counter, chuckling at the sight that was Cordelia squealing and giving an unexpected hug to Bingo who’s eyes had widened greatly. “Just know, they’re on the house.~”
The day had started to come to a close, Ula realizing that the sun was close to setting and that her siblings had grown drowsy.
“We’re almost there.” Ula told the two, really only telling Cordelia who was fighting her hardest to not nap like Davey already had. Ula was smart enough to bring along pillows and blankets for the two.
“I wonder what mom and dad have been up to this entire time.” Ula pondered to herself, then petting Mana’s head as he walked alongside her while holding the bag in his mouth. “Maybe we’ll get to watch a scary movie once we’re there. I hope mom made some dinner.”
Mana, not able to bark, gave a nod and a wag of his tail before their home finally came into their line of sight. Right on the window was Kala, no doubt having been waiting for their arrival to make sure they all got home safely.
Barks were heard from inside as everybody got to the front door, with the exception of Davey and Cordelia who were still on the wagon.
“You spent quite the while outside.” Ula heard her mom after the front door opened, Jelly helping her bring the wagon over the steps before everyone was inside. “We thought Michael Myers had taken you.”
“Oh, pssh.” Ula’s cheeks turned pink as she walked inside, soon gasping at it all. “Whoa! Look at all of this!”
“While you were out, your mom and I worked on all of this.” Lennie soon appeared, ruffling Ula’s hair before kissing her cheek. “Happy Birthday Ula.”
All around the house there were Halloween decorations, the ceiling being adorned with stickers and even hanging figures like bats and spiders. The couch has orange and black pillows, a good amount of the house having similar color schemes.
“Wowie! I love it all so much!” Ula jumped in place, then seeing as Jelly came around with the box they had brought from Pepper’s bakery.
“Did Pepper or Ferry tell you what was in here?” Jelly took the box out of the bag, Ula shrugging. 
“She said some cookies for your employees.”
“Good.” Jelly nodded, soon opening up the box and angling it so that Ula could properly look inside. 
“Wait,” Ula blinked inside at the box. “That’s not cookies.”
“You are correct.”
“That’s a cake. With my name on it.”
“It sure is.”
“Ferry lied to me!” Ula gasped, eventually realizing why. “Because it’s a birthday cake for me!”
“There you go.” Lennie chuckled to himself, helping Davey and Cordelia out of the wagon before placing them on the couch to nap. “Your mom bought popcorn and other snacks so we can enjoy the cake while we watch scary movies.”
“Yes!” Ula exclaimed, hearing Mana bark excitedly. “All night?”
“Until we all pass out.” Jelly nodded, soon feeling Ula engulf her in a hug.
“I love you guys so much.”
“We love you too kiddo.” Lennie soon received a hug, hugging her back before the family got down to business.
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Top 10: Hoppechan!
⋆。°✩ Ta-da! ⋆。°✩
Here it is Cuties, my very first ever CUTIE TOP 10 list! Aren’t you excited?!
As you can see I’m in a better mood today and I’ve rid of all the stress and drama from last week. So here I am ready to make an ultra-fun post for everyone!
Or at least try 。(*^▽^*)ゞ
Okay, so if you’re new here or forgot, I’ve been planning to do Top 10 list topics for quite a while now. I’ve only done one, based on the Top 10 Items I’d Like From Kawaii Box, or something like that. If you click that bold text you can go check it out :3 Ah, I should mention- number 7 and 2 on the list we actually did get from a Kawaii Box sometime after I made it. I was so surprised.
For now, head under the cut for brand new images and my top 10 list of Hoppe!
Before I start, I counted the Hoppechan I own, and I have a total of 16! It took me probably twenty minutes or so to sort them out and determine which ones I was going to include- then probably another twenty due to lingering doubts and double-checking.
If I had 20 of them, I probably would have done a top 10 list, or maybe a Top 10 Hoppechan I didn’t like (if even possible!) to balance this one out.
In this post I will be counting down, so the Hoppechan who takes 1st place is my absolutely favorite of them all! I’ll also be providing a small bit of information with each one, what I like about them, etc.
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To celebrate 2017, Hoppechan dressed up like Mt. Fuji to celebrate Hatsuhinode; a special new years event where people gather on various mountain tops to witness the first sun rise of the new year.
A simple, light blue Hoppechan representing the mountain, with cream on top in place of white top. A miniature red Hoppe was even included, colored red to resemble the bright shining sun, and there’s even a tiny mountain on top! Both Hoppechan are made from silicone, along with the cream. The mountain and tiny Hoppe’s bow is made from plastic, while they both have black gems for eyes, and gem cheeks. The larger Hoppe has pink cheeks, while the red one has white.
In the about 2 years that I was getting Hoppechan, I realized that I really liked the smaller sized Hoppechan. They were so cute, I couldn’t resist them. So while overlooking my collection, I was instantly drawn to this one. I know it might not seem like much, but the well thought out details were also pleasing to the eye.
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Inspired by the Magpie forming a bridge for the separated lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi, this Hoppechan takes flight for the holiday. It is recommended that the owners of this Hoppechan bring her along for July 7th, so that they can celebrate Tanabata and have their own wish come true; maybe even find true love. How dreamy~
This is another simple design, featuring a pale pink body and multicolored gem cheeks that alternate between light shades of pink and blue. She has a simple, glittery pair of white wings and an ultra-sparkly translucent star, giving her an angelic design.
As much as I enjoyed the elaborate looking Hoppechan, I also appreciated the simple and sweet looking ones like this. Pale pink is my favorite color, and I loved how her cheeks had a multicolored shine, her glittery wings and star just made this one all the more irresistible~
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This slightly smaller than average Hoppechan is celebrating summer with a sunflower and some kakigori, or shaved ice. What makes this hoppechan special is that she GLOWS, and she came with three different “flavors“ of shaved ice: Ramune, Strawberry, and Melon- which are naturally Hoppechan’s favorites when she visits a summer festival.
This Hoppechan has a muted white body (made from glowing plastic) with basic eye and cheek gems. On her head is a plastic sunflower with a cute little translucent leaf charm. Her bowl is plastic and features a common design on most shaved ice cups. The shaved ice is clear silicone with a touch of color for that realistic ice effect.
I’m a strawberry girl, but my favorite popsicle/shaved ice/snow cones/etc have always been the blue ones. I’m not a huge summer season fan, but whenever I look at this Hoppechan, she reminds me of the fun times I’ll have anyway. Like going to all the fairs and festivals I look forward to, the shaved ice and sweets I’ll eat, the games I’ll play!
Yes, this Hoppechan does glow, if you were curious. Back when I reviewed it I tested it out under my desk. She glows a greenish color.
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Now this Hoppechan, I don’t have information on. She was the only one I couldn’t find the booklet for, but I do remember her being my second Christmas themed one. What makes this Hoppechan unique is that it’s also a PIN you can wear or attach to items.
This one has Hoppechan take a “back seat“ as the star- but that doesn’t mean she still won’t wear one✩ Hoppechan and the wreath are made out of silicone, while she has the same star from her Tanabata style. Three pearls, each one a unique color rest opposite of her, and on the top corner is a red polka-dot velvet bow. Hoppechan’s eyes are normal, while her small pink gem cheeks have a green shine in them.
Not only did I like the concept behind this one, but I love that it was also an accessory; it’d be perfect for any Hoppechan fans who wanted to bring her along.
6: Sakura Hoppechan
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For the month of April, Hoppechan was preparing for Hanami, the cherry blossom viewing event. The inspiration behind her design is the water as petals land upon it. Be sure to take her with you when you go to visit the cherry trees!
(Admitting, I didn’t think to do that. We have some pink trees that she would have probably loved to have seen.)
Similar to the first Hoppechan on this list, this one has a very soft, baby blue body. What makes her unique is that rather than gem cheeks, she has pearls for an extra bit of elegance. On her head is a translucent pink sakura petal, along with a translucent pink and white flowers of different shapes and light glitter coating. The white flower has a tiny gem in the middle.
What I liked about this Hoppechan was her elegant and gentle design. As much as I love gems, I couldn’t resist her unique cheeks and her pretty decor. They go so well with her blue color but still stand out, bringing the eye straight to them.
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This was my second Hoppechan I ever received- and back then I thought she brought a lot to the party. Inspired by the Halloween elements she likes so much, this Hoppechan decked her ”hat” out with a jack-o-lantern, a big shiny star, a bat, and even some sweets in order to make it look like a Halloween Cupcake. She even spent the season decorating her shop for the holiday; she’s definitely a mood maker!
Making herself as Orange as a pumpkin, she has her normal gem eyes and cheeks. Her body and vibrant, unique purple cream/hat are silicone, while her decorations are all plastic.
To put it into words; this Hoppechan impressed me so much that I found it impossible to like the second Halloween inspired one we got- despite it being cute and sharing a few elements (it even came in a few different color options and had white gem cheeks!), but in comparison it looked so plain, I wasn’t interested. This is the only one I have that featured a different cream color, and I happen to like bats, as well as Halloween.
But, as much as I like this Hoppechan though, there is a reason why she isn’t closer to the #1 spot~
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As the Queen of Decoden Hoppechan has always dreamed of making delicious cakes and running a bakery (that’s also my dream x3 besides becoming an Idol- but that’s never going to happen). Here we have a bright, shinny gold serving tool with a delicious chocolate cake piece waiting to be served. On the very top is even a dollop of cream that looks like her! She was available in Chocolate cream, and Strawberry cream.
Or is it her playing a little joke?
This is an extremely elaborate Hoppechan composed of the gold utensil (and chain! The only time her chain changed color out of the ones I own!). The layered cake alternates between chocolate cream and cake, and on top are layers of chocolate and white cream decorated with a chocolate heart, a tiny gem heart, and a strawberry. The tiny pale pink Hoppechan has tiny gem eyes and cheeks, and wears a pink pearl flower-shaped ornament.
I admit, I was a tiny bit disappointed I didn’t get the strawberry cream one, but at the same time who could resist chocolate? Not only was I amazed to see Hoppechan that small, but I fell in love with the creative design inspiration behind this one. I had never seen anything like it! The detailing and quality put into the design blew me away- I’m also a sucker for realistic/detailed food looking things like the cake.
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A girly and tiny Hoppechan charm focused on Hinamatsuri/Girls Day. Here, she sits on top of a Hishimochi, a special type of mochi that is only eaten on March 3rd to celebrate the health and happiness of all Japanese Girls.  
Featuring the three layers of a Hishimochi, a pile of cream rests on the corner, adorned with three colorful pearls and a single pink flower. The tiny Hoppechan is lilac colored with a peach-pink flower. She has normal eyes and cheeks.
Besides the general elegant design behind this one, I essentially liked her for things I’ve already mentioned. It’s all around small size is just precious, and it looks so deliciously cute with it’s sweet pastels~
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Hoppechan is all decorated for Christmas this year. She’s tended to the tree and got ready for her approaching date. She loves Christmas due to its lovely cake designs- and why wouldn’t she? She’s cream!
The inspiration behind this Hoppechan was not only a yummy looking cupcake, but the fresh, fallen, fluffy snow. The base is brown and made from plastic, along with her colorful tree, present, and translucent red bow. Her eyes are normal, while her pink cheeks are brightened considerably and have a colorful shine to accent the pearls and gems lining the glittering, translucent cream piled beneath her. A gem adorns her bow.
Honestly for a long time, I always though this Hoppechan was my favorite. I mean look at her! She’s super glittery and shiny! Not only that but the creative design and inspiration- if you ask me, this Hoppechan was made to spoil her beloved fans!
We’ve got one more now Cuties, are you ready to see my most Favorite Hoppechan?!
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As a fan of Cosplay and all things cats, Hoppechan was delighted to bust out her several pairs of nekomimi (cat ears) for her shop. She also adores Hello Kitty and did a collaboration with her in the form of various merchandise to celebrate her 40th anniversary. Squishy cats are her favorite, because they’re like her. 
Yes, here we are! Neko Hoppechan is my most favorite! Is that any surprise from a cat lover? But that isn’t my only reason, just look at her pink kitty parts, she even has a TAIL (and a bow on it but you can’t see it here), and a heart on her translucent glittery bow. She was made from several things I love!
She was also my very first Hoppechan, so she’s always been special to me.
Alright Cuties, I hope you enjoyed this kinda long dedication to Hoppechan! I love her so much, I really wish I could collect more. Maybe some day I’ll find a way to, and if I do I’ll be sure to show them off or make a brand new Top 10 featuring different Hoppechan. In a way, this topic brought me some closure, so while I still wish Hoppechan was included in the box, I’m more understanding of their decision now.
Meanwhile, I have at least 6 or so other ideas for Top 10 lists planned, but I’ll probably spread them out between Reviews and Box blogs. Tomorrow/later I plan on getting the next Review up, and on Wednesday or Thursday I’ll be posting my first “Crate Update/News” topic!
Until next time, stay Squishy Cute!
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