#I like answering ask games :D
ferallester · 5 months
sorry for so many but 2, 14 and 29?
hey don’t worry mate, that’s not too many at all!
2. what is your dan and phil games comfort video?
it’d be a cop out if I just said ‘almost all of them’, so my actual answer is probably the full Undertale series, the Katamari video, last year’s Halloween baking, and a good chunk of Gamingmas last year, especially the PINOF reacts and the red carpet ranking! they’ve produced a TON of comforting videos in the last several months <3
14. what’s one video you hope they release in 2024?
29. do you own merch/what merch do you own?
having only recently become able to regularly buy merch (job), about half of my current merch is more recent, but here’s the short list:
TABINOF, DAPGO, a TATINOF lanyard that now holds my D+P tickets (whenever I’ve had a physical one), a hoodie from Interactive Introverts that didn’t quite fit rip, the II plushies (complete with phil’s emo hair LMAO), a Dil plushie I found at a retro store (??), YWGTTN (digitally), the WAD PornHub logo shirt (wish I’d gotten the bees jumper/shirt too), the Back From The Dead shirt, the Legalise Catboys sweater, and the cat calendar!
I wish I’d bought something during that mass sale the boys had, but ah well
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catzgam3rz · 6 months
Warden Xisumavoid
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Jumped straight to this one because I'd never drawn Xisuma before and this sounded SICK
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xia0ming56 · 5 months
Your art is absolutely lovely. Love your Stephen.
Aaa thanku sm!! 🥹💕💕 All of u r too nice here in the dr strange fandom 😭im not too good w words so have this humble doodle in thanks 🙏
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
"Hey Sky, what you doing?" Wild hovered around the Skyloftian bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Sharpening a pencil." He responded, not looking up from the project in his hands, carefully carving as shavings of wood fell to the ground.
"Why?" The champion tilted his head. Watching as shavings fell to the ground. Crouching nearby.
"I needed something to write with and I'm out of ink for my quill, Loftwing quills only take pumpkin ink." The skyloftian continues his ministrations before raising the pencil to his eye. Seemingly happy with its sharpness.
"Im sorry did you say pumpkin ink?" Wild's eyes sparkled with wonder. "You can make ink out of pumpkins?"
"Yeah!" Sky placed the pencil and his carving knife down. "You can mix pumpkin juice with water and a few other things and it makes a form of ink. It's a nice orange colour, here let me show you..." The Skyloftian pulled his bag out from behind him. pulling out a letter, it was decorated with orange patterns. "Here see." He pointed to the page "This is the pumpkin ink."
"Thats pretty cool! You think you could show me how to make it sometime?" His eyes lit up, a hopeful look across his face as he fiddled with his hands excitedly.
"I'd love too!"
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sleepis4theweak · 2 months
WIP game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
*note: my asks are currently off, so you can just comment on this post and I'll respond to it as if it were an ask :)
tagged by @midwinterhunt (I love that you could just tell that I was drowning in wips.... you were so right)
ART - Flashbacks AU next chapter... I've made no progress <3 -Angsty comic on anger with the 2012 boys -Drawing for moot -Small comic with baby Rottmnt Donnie -Small comic with child rottmnt April and Raph -3 more of the drawing moots challenge thing -Looooong comic with 2012 April and Mikey -Comic with rottmnt Leo and Usagi -Short comic with 2012 Mikey and Donnie -Short comic with 2012 Mikey and Raph -Longer comic with 2012 boys about ADHD -THAT FUCKING OC PROJECT THAT I CAN NEVER FINISH GODDAMN IT -Rottmnt Leo and Raph long comic about stranger danger -Trauma and processing comic with 2012 April and the brothers -Milkshake animation... that I will likely never finish -A Lego Monkey animation... that I will also likely never finish -Mikey 2012 and Peepaw Mikey tiktok that... might get finished? -Waffles comic that I keep on abandoning whoops
There is definitely more... but this is all the stuff I have currently started on my iPad... haha....
(Save me I'm drowning in WIPs)
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wyldblunt · 1 year
okay really niche OC chat prompt today but. you know that common trope where a character is transported into an illusory world that shallowly fulfills all their wishes/removes all current conflicts ("oh my god, i'm back home in my warm bed, none of the horrible Plot Events actually happened, my dead loved one is alive and says 'what are you talking about, silly? are you feeling okay? i made breakfast! ^^'", etc), usually as a way to delay them from finding + defeating whoever is making the illusion or whatever
say your commander (or anyone) gets trapped in one of those. how long does it take them to figure out something's wrong (alternately if u have multiple ocs u wanna answer for, rank them from "immediately sniffs it out" to "would blissfully waste away there forever"). extra credit: what's everybody's insidious wish-fulfillment illusion world
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☕️ wolfstar vs prongsfoot!! thoughts 🎤
omg thank you so much :D what a tasty topic to talk about!
(it got so long im putting it under the cut 😅)
[important note: this is how i feel about those ships, not a meta which ship is better/more canon]
i need to preface with saying that im a wolfstar shipper, first and foremost. I wasnt shipping prongsfoot from the beginning (I wasnt shipping any non-canonical couples while reading / right after finishing the books tbh. shortly after entering the fandom I encountered wolfstar and that might be a major reason why I still ship them). but I do see the appeal of prongsfoot, and I am a proud wolfstarbucks enjoyer. (also note that I imagine them by default in their 20s, so before Azkaban, but after Sirius runs away, but i will talk about book canon too). But enough personal lore. 
prongsfoot is an amazing ship and in a different universe it would be The Ship of The Marauders / MWPP fandom - have some things happened differently (if we got more actual James content earlier than the 5th book). They are joined at the hip, they invented the two-way mirrors to talk during detentions, Sirius runs away and the Potters take him in, Sirius is bored and James tries to lighten him up by bullying Snape, James trusts Sirius with his literal life. They are each other's favorite person, they would fight for each other, stand up for each other, give their life for the other. They are soulmates, two sides of the same coin, and they do love each other, there is no denying that. Also they are both attractive, capable and competent, so I 100% get the appeal of this ship. However most of the time (not always, just, usually) i see their love as unrequired, romantically speaking. (they love each other and sirius is in love with james - that is true, for me, in every universe - i.e. in canon and in wolfstar concepts/scenarios. however james being in love with sirius romantically is true in prongsfoot-aligned universes) 
Narratively (canonically) speaking, both ships are extremely tragic (and thats what makes both of them interesting*). James dies at 21 and Sirius blames himself for it for the rest of his life, gets locked up in torture prison, and cannot even make up for it by fulfilling his role as a godfather. // Sirius and Remus lose trust in each other during the war, believe the other is the traitor, and even after they miraculously reunite their time together is cut short with Sirius being on a run and then dying. 
But there's one thing that makes wolfstar so compelling to me - they get each other, on some level that nobody else gets access to. 
[note: we are entering headcanon and projection territory, from the pov of a r/s shipper]
I'm not saying James doesn't understand or support Sirius - of course he does. James would be on Sirius’s side no matter what - even if everyone else thinks Sirius is wrong, even if he knows he is wrong. They are ride or die. They also understand each other on a, lets say, intellectual level - they are both exceptionally intelligent, they always agree with each other and they do everything together (bullied Snape, made the map (yeah, remus and peter helped), became animagi (peter was there too i guess), joined the order at the same time etc). 
But there is some part of Sirius that I think James never truly grasps and Sirius never feels truly understood even though he knows james loves and supports him. And thats what makes wolfstar so special to me, bc I think that Remus does get Sirius. 
Wolfstar get each other in a way that they recognize some part - ugly, twisted, buried deeply and hidden from everyone - in the other. They are both deeply misunderstood, traumatized by their childhoods and oppressed by society - just in different ways - and there is no one else who truly gets them on this level. 
While Remus had a relatively happy childhood and caring parents, he was turned when he was five and then later learned it was partially his father’s fault, and was virtually isolated from his peers until he went to Hogwarts; he has a much lower social status than J & S, he is poor and can't find a job (especially after POA) and is generally having a bad time because of his lycanthropy. 
Sirius was emotionally and psychologically abused by his parents that expected him to be the perfect pureblood heir and then, after making his life so miserable he run away, cut him off; also if I remember correctly artemisia-black wrote a meta about Sirius being a victim of the society he was born to “rule”. At the same time, while he is a pureblood, when he runs away he loses the heir status and for a bit (a year? i think?) he has no money to his name. And obviously he is tortured during Azkaban, and then later he is an ex-con on a run with a bounty on his head. 
I also think they both carry some self-loathing in their hearts (just, again, different kinds). Sirius hates himself in a “I was born wrong and deep down I’m evil (and I have to work my whole life to make up for this” way (partially bc he was born in a bigoted abusive family. partially bc he is a scorpio i guess). Remus hates himself in a “I am unworthy of love and I don't deserve nice things” way. 
They are so different - probably couldn't be more different - their personalities and worldviews and even values don't match - and yet there is no one else now who understands the other better.
And then, after POA, turns out they are the only ones left – moreover, they did not only go through the same war, they went through the exact same loss. 
And I do think its evident in canon, to some extent. They reunite after Azkaban and immediately forgive each other – to me it speaks volumes about their relationship pre-Azkaban. How they almost seem like they are reading each others minds in the shack scene, the way they are so ready to murder Peter, and to do it together, how they fall back into a familiar rhythm. They forgive each other 12 years of heartbreak and loneliness and in Sirius’s case torture and knowing the other thought they were a traitor in one short conversation. Would Sirius ask for forgiveness for believing Remus was the traitor if he didnt care about him? Would he accept Remus’s own apology? 
It turned into a meta about wolfstar. Im. so sorry. 
I'm not saying wolfstar is more “canon” - bc it isn't, especially from the doylist perspective (jkr didnt intend for them to be read as a couple). But I did read the metas proving that wolfstar is canon written while the books where coming out and my heart breaks for those people who still had hope back then. It also doesnt really matter which is more canon (its prongsfoot) (but again, not from the doylist perspective). 
In conclusion, I like prongsfoot and I do think its a very good ship I ship them in a more passive way - i reblog metas and fanarts, I have one fic idea that technically starts with prongsfoot and sometimes I read fics, but i dont think about them enough to call myself a prongsfoot shipper per se. But I do think Sirius is in love with James, even while shipping him with Remus. I know I sound like a broken record, but Im once again bringing up wolfstarbucks - I do ship prongsfoot in the wolfstarbucks context, but not so much on their own, if that makes sense - and not bc I dont get the appeal, bc I do. But Im also delusional and Ive been shipping wolfstar for way too long to abandon this ship now, even if shipping them is very impractical (for various reasons). 
*also i think it interesting that i mostly engage with domestic fluff, hurt/Comfort, angst-with-a-happy-ending, fix-it type of fics. its not bc i wish things happened differently in canon (maybe besides sirius dying but thats a separate, not shipping, issue). wolfstar is tragic, in a way, but i very rarely engage in canon-compliant type of content. however I wouldnt be interested in wolfstar if it wasnt tragic. i know many people have different approaches to shipping, and it might be weird to see someone talk about how tragic wolfstar is and the turn around and talk about how happy they are in a seaside cottage or whatever. tragedy of wolfstar makes it interesting for me and a seaside cottage makes me happy bc i get sad when i think about canon. also did i mention im a delusional person. 
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
can i ask for a bit of captain steve for the 'make me write game'? 👀
why yes of course! thank you for requesting this 🥰 part 1 • the preceding snippet (all directly following each other)
The man stiffens and regards Dustin with a look of confusion and wariness.
“What did you just call me?”
Steve tightens his grip on the boy who quickly becomes a sputtering mess attempting to appear nonchalant.
“N-nothing, sir. I just, uh, mistook you for a friend of mine.”
The captain grinds his jaws, all too aware that it would not do to just throw the Henderson boy overboard in clear sight of the rest of his crew. He needs to shut up if he knows what’s good for him, that much is clear, and Steve pulls the boy behind himself, holding out his arm to keep him from moving. But Henderson seems to have come to his senses, because his back is ramrod straight and he doesn’t move so much as a finger. Good.
“You got many friends drowning in these godforsaken waters?”
“He will if he doesn’t hold his tongue,” Steve interrupts before Dustin can dig his grave any deeper, his voice cutting through the fog without a hint at humour. It makes the man flinch enough to harden Steve’s resolve and he watches as the all too familiar stubbornness succumbs to the sheer endless cold and perhaps a bit of fear that leaves the man a shivering mess even as he tries to keep his chin up.
It tears his heart into pieces that he hasn’t the strength to put back together again.
Eventually, one of these shreds takes control of him as he takes in the way his wet clothes cling to his body, thinner than when last he saw him.
“Get him some dry clothes, then bring him to my cabin.” He doesn’t look at Robin as he says it, but she’s the one who moves first.
Steve doesn’t stay to watch, to take in the ghost on his ship, because if he stayed but a second longer, it would be him lifting Theo from the ground and carrying him to his cabin himself. It would be Steve whose weakness brings him to his knees and leaves him there for all eternity.
Instead, he turns around and shoves the young Henderson boy ahead of him, deaf to the boy’s fearful, blubbering apologies.
🤍🌷 make me write (please) – you can't vote anymore but asks are still welcome as i make my way through them ever so slowly
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aeligsido · 9 months
Hellooooo! ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)۶✨ for the six sentences writing prompt, I would love to see your take on the AU you sent me before about Garp rescuing and adopting Koby 👀🙏
Aaaaaaah hey thank you for the ask!! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ It's an au I've been thinking about for some time so I'm happy to write about it isnsjsj
,,, also I may have cheated and written more than six sentences. Oopsie. Let's say it's because it's 2am?
Anyway, I hope you'll like it! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Ask game can be found here!
Ace is not sleeping; he can't sleep, not with the new kid around, not when he's not as accepting as Luffy and as nice as Sabo, not when Gramps introduced the kid by saying this one wants to be a Marine!, not when said kid could be a threat more than a brother.
Ace is the oldest, and as such he has to keep his guard up, just in case. It's his duty to protect his siblings.
Besides, he's not the only one not sleeping; the new kid is still awake from where Luffy is snuggling against him, because of course Luffy would, this dumbass, and if he's not looking at him the kid is definitely aware of him and tense under his glare. Good.
"Why d'you want to be a Marine?" asks Ace suddenly, and the kid startles (it doesn't move Luffy at all, though), his eyes finding him, all big and wet as if he's going to cry, because of course he's a worse crybaby than Luffy.
"Marines stop the bad guys," finally answers the kid, and his voice is weak and not really assured but clear and steady still. "Like the pirates who killed my parents."
Ace hums and frowns and he can't understand, not really, but— but Ace has only ever asked one question when in doubt, when he needed to cry and fight and claw his way through the world, and he doesn't see why he couldn't, shouldn't do the same here, not with this new kid who's an intruder in this little corner of their family and could risk their peace and their love, and so Ace doesn't think, not like he ever think before acting as Sabo would say, but Ace does it anyway just to get a chance to punch or bite or do something to let the rage out of him—
"What would you say if Gold Roger had a son?"
—and he waits so finally he can pounce and destroy.
The kid doesn't answer, at first. But when he does, he sounds thoughtful, almost calmer than before, as if the question was more of a nice school challenge than an excuse to beat him up, and Ace almost chokes on his spit and rage and surprise because—
"Well, Roger was a bad guy, right?" the kid starts, just like anyone, just like everyone, and Ace is so ready but— "My mom's dad was a very bad person, too. I didn't know him but he hurt my mom real bad, and he made her sad, so I guess he was a bad guy like Gold Roger. But my mom was the nicest person I ever met, and she was kind and pretty and good, and she was still his daughter. So, I guess, if Gold Roger has a son, I'll want to… maybe hug him and tell him he's better than his dad?"
Ace looks and stares and feels his breath leave him and not come back and from inside the nest of blankets Sabo disappears in each night Ace hears a soft uh that say so little and yet so much when you've known him for as long as Ace have, because it's everything he never heard and everything he wished he never heard or always heard and he doesn't know—
"And you?" the kid — Coby — says, still snuggled by Luffy, sounding sleepier than before but invested, too invested in the conversation now to quit and sleep and let go. "What would you say to Gold Roger's kid?"
And, for once, Ace is at loss for words.
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bolithesenate · 4 months
1 and/or 9 for Sifo-Dyas, king blorbo 💙
ahahahha we have the same braincell it seems
very well,
why do you like/dislike this character?
Sifo-Dyas is just thebultimative vessel for multitudes. This bad boy can fit so much trauma, gentleness, flirting, badassery and stupidity in him it's unbelievable. I like a character that has obvious flaws and even more that aren't as obvious and still is deep down a good person (or tries to be).
Also I personally just love to think about and play with all the implications of someone living more and more in clashing versions of the future than in the present. I'm pretty sure it would do HORRORS to anyone.
and i LOVE to put Sifo through those :33
as for
9. could I be roommates with this character?
hhhhh probably not. But that's because I hate sleeping in the same room as ANY living, breathing person other than me.
too much noise.
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brandycranby · 8 months
oh we love ignoring important things 😌
is the paper on anything fun?
but also, i'm obsessed with body sprays and perfumes and SCENTS rn do you have a fave perfume????
it's on ethics UGH this class is the bane of my life. i mean, technically, it's not too bad but it's also my last sem in the program aaaaa
ooo yes i'm very appreciative of scents!! it affects my mood a lot. if i can't sleep, i get up and spray my bed down with something. instantly better for some reason!! would like to do a big sniff of andy's cologne, ari's beard, steve after a shower, ransom's everything
the first perfume i ever tried was my mom's poison (dior) from the 90s. it's so sexy and mature. i love the bottle too like!! it looks like a potion bottle!! according to reviews, some people think it smells grape juice-y and too strong? valid, it's not subtle at all but it makes you feel so gothic and vampire-y!! highly recommend!!
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look at ittttttt omg there are other variants but i haven't tried them. og poison for life!!
i also recommenddddd
casmir by chopard!! very vanilla-y, kinda fruity, super sweet but not as strong and musky as poison. it still gives off romantic vibes tho
white shoulders by evyan. i got it for my mom but it turned out to be so nice and flowery (gardenia, jasmine, etc) that we share it now hehe
a thousand wishes body mist from bath and body works. my friend gave me this in middle school and i swear, if i run out!! i have the red version, they changed it to pink sometime in the last few years >:(( idk if the scent has changed as well booo but i like to spray some on my pillow before bed
i basically just use my mom's leftover perfumes from her heydays lolol and whatever i can find at kohls or tj maxx
everyone tell me ur favorite scents/smells!!
saturday sleepover (come distract me)
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nico-the-overlord · 4 months
hunter from toh for the bingo? :]
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Some I was tempted to color in but ehh felt most strongly about these
His character design(s!), his backstory, his character growth, *mwuah mwuah mwuah*
However if he was real I think I’d initially be a little scared of him
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
For the game, faint? 👀
It was clear that Twilight felt faint by the time they made it back to the bed, barely standing with Time's help. When he nearly collapsed onto the bed and felt himself get tucked in by his ancestor, he let out a slurred, exhausted, "Thanks, Pa."
Time stared, eyes wide, and realized that the boy had to be half delirious as he had been, but instead of worrying himself too much over it, he simply smiled and rested his hand over the ranch hand's chest. "You're welcome, son."
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makima-s-most-smile · 7 months
A day late, but trick or treat!
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You specifically are never too late. I really hoped for an ask from you!
You get our brainworm. Wolfwood as an angel in Supernatural. OooOOooh, you have infected me with it, so suffer, too!
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outeremissary · 5 months
kasander + 😴 please!
Thank you ❤️ Sleep questions about D&D elves always lead peculiar places, don't they?
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
Kasander seldom sleeps willingly. Their trance is already haunted by half-alien memories of blood and darkness, disorganized images they struggle to stitch together and match to their origins. It's upsetting even without any supernatural incursion causing more extreme visions, and it makes them fear resting. Sleeping, on the rare experiment trying to avoid the memories, is much worse. They always dream, and they always dream Bhaal's dreams. And it takes such a terribly long time to wake. So they avoid sleeping, and they're thankful not to have a reason to.
However, sleep is the most convenient way for the Emperor to contact them, and the Emperor has a way of pulling them under whenever he pleases. When they first met and the Emperor was still in the form of the Dream Visitor the Emperor offered to soothe their nights from the restless, terrible trance by quieting their dreams- if only they would sleep, of course. Disoriented, still largely amnesiac, and distressed by the visions, Kasander agreed eagerly (there was a lot of agreeing with the Emperor then) and committed themself to the psionic protection out of desperation for any relief from the growing fear there was something wrong with them. It did seem to work- mostly- but when Kas began to break with the Emperor they stopped sleeping nightly as well. By that point they were ready to grapple with the horrors of trance again, as painful and difficult as they were.
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boltgunkiller-archive · 6 months
omg who are omori and aubrey do i smell new sapphics i can obsess over
omori himself is a guy!! if you wanna get into omori as a GAME then i can’t explain much about him/his deal but i can say that he’s not the yuri part of the game. he is just a guy :p
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^ HOWEVER THERE ARE SAPPHICS. in the pics above. and aubrey is one of them. i’ll be honest they’re not canon so idk if that’s a complaint with you, it’s not for me because idk they’re so cute... but maybe it’s diff for you 🤔 but anyway they’re kimbrey (kim x aubrey)!!! they’re SO CUTE and they’re best friends so basically they’re dating. i have sooo many hcs about them so if you do get into it i will happily share them!!
(also they’re basically canon to me because ?! that’s official art. Why are they like that. Kim’s so flustered. 🏳️‍🌈)
i wrote a *semi* analysis on them too… i’ll put it under the cut because i don’t know whether or not you want spoilers! jsyk i got spoilers before i played the game and it didn’t change much of my experience, the game still surprised me (and impressed me) but i know spoilers are different for everyone!
also if you wanna get into the game, it deals w sensitive topics like suicide so keep that in mind too! aubrey isn’t the protagonist but she’s my favorite annndd she is focused on. like she’s in the main cast u just don’t play as her (you play as omori, the guy i mentioned before!!)
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lesbian aubrey + kimbrey analysis ☺️ based off the official art/omocat art.
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