#I kind of want to just post a bunch of art all at once ngl
scramblescribbles · 4 months
it’s been like three months. maybe I should post some art HEHAHAH
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A lot of NeigeVil today! Well we always get Neige-related asks when we post him; in-universe and in real life, Neige stans never miss 💪😔💕 I’m glad you enjoyed the sketch!
There are always some Azul and Jamil and some other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Vils face simultaneously says ‘oh sweet seven he found me.’ And ‘seven above kill me now.’ And I’m living for it
Every time Neige is being friendly with him, Vil has to physically force himself to count to 10… But when Neige’s appearance is this sudden, he immediately gets both of these thoughts stuck in his head lol
Thank you so much!
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Oh fan will go NUTS seeing Neige glomp Vim
Absolutely, magicam will crash because of everyone’s reactions lol
They’ll change their profile pics to this moment.
They’ll be spamming this clip everywhere for weeks.
They’ll write threads overanalyzing every little gesture that occurred during this 2 second long event.
It’s going to be bad lol
Anonymous asked:
Same same!! Thank you <3
Anonymous asked:
Ngl that art of Neige hugging Vil from.behind gives me some kind of unintentional (?) stalker Neige vibe and I'm here for it like it seems like he came out of nowhere and ambushed Vil
Maybe I just like the idea of Neige doing a bunch of questionable and problematic things because it's such a contrast
Yeah, I get it! With Neige, everything is innocent at first glance; on this particular sketch he just saw Vil at some event (maybe red carpet?) and got excited because he haven’t seen him for some time. But the moment when Neige notices Vil, he stops thinking about anything else, rushes through the crowd of people who are clearly busy doing their own celebrity thing, and just jumps on him, startling him and all. It’s serious tunnel vision lol And of course once he sees him, he won’t be able to look at anyone else for the entire event. Can’t blame him though…
Still, it’s kind of a mild thing. Neige deserves to do more suspicious and questionable things lol
hipsterteller asked:
okay...either the pineapple pizza ((its like stoner food for me)) made me hallucinate cause...why does Neige look like Pee-wee herman?
The resemblance is accidental – I don’t even know the guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymous asked:
Has Azul everthought of kidnapping Jamil before? The tweels will likely be interested
Oh the tweels would cooperate happily, this sounds like a fun plan, especially if Azul has something interesting in mind for Jamil~ “Gentlemen, we’re going to kidnap Jamil-san”… quite intriguing, isn’t it??
In all seriousness, I don’t think Azul ever thought about it in details, but I also don’t think it’s out of the question for him. If he has a good reason (or just wants it very badly and comes up with an excuse), he definitely won’t hesitate. The idea of Jamil being trapped and unable to run away from his advances sounds wonderful, especially if Azul gives Jamil an ultimatum, i.e. if you cooperate with us, we’ll let you go. That way he could savour Jamil (wink wink) while he haggles with his own pride and considers Azul’s offer.
It won’t go as smoothly as Azul expects though lol
Anonymous asked:
How about Azul being jealous of Jamil being with Ruggie? Like I am sure at least he can take his opponent down easily since he isn't a higher class.
I think Azul doesn’t even realise that Ruggie could be a rival to him and doesn’t really consider him a threat, at least at the very beginning. But if they are put in a situation in which Jamil constantly chooses to partner with Ruggie, it’s definitely going to offend Azul. He knows that Ruggie has his strengths and a decent level of knowledge, since he helped out with the Lounge a couple of times, but he still thinks that he is better than him.
He won’t just jump straight to disposing of Ruggie though; he’ll try to win Jamil over at first. You know, trying to make Jamil see just how much better of a match they are compared to Jamil and Ruggie. But it’s Azul we’re talking about, and he can get quite petty lol
Anonymous asked:
Seeing this post (https://www.tumblr.com/ryuichirou/735069892134551552/just-be-grateful-he-doesnt-have-a-lower-half)
Made me think of a twst x monster high au with malleus x Rochelle Goyle (in gen 1 she has a boyfriend  but  for the sake of the au she doen't)
Don’t know anything about Monster High, but yeah I see, she is a gargoyle girl…
Well, someone might write a fic about it lol
Not us though, since we’re not really into Monster High or het ships.
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extremesocialoutcast · 4 months
That's not friendship...that's romance!
Btw your infection au is hilarious...ngl I felt like I was gonna die laughing at how casual everyone kinda was about it! Like 'yeah it was crazy, all it did was morph our bodies into nightmare creatures that surprisingly weren't dangerous...but we got cured soooo it was just like another crazy adventure! Just another Tuesday!' Though with the context of crazy adventures of their lives, I guess people shouldn't be surprised lol!
Fun bonus Idea if you want more 'this is fine' moments...that virus just ends up being like the flu...like the cure still works but now there is kinda a 'flu' season and the ponies end up having to deal with it once in a while and they are like "don't panic, it will pass, the cure is easy for pinkie (or if pinkie shares what cure is, the doctors too) to get...this is just another (insert name of disease because I forgot it, sorry I got a bad memory) season...hey wanna grab a hay burger? My two stomachs from this mutation from this season's version is making me absolutely STARVING!"
Thanks!! ^-^
I sorta imagined this take on the Infection AU on this premise of "wait, these aren't a bunch of flesh-eating monsters, and we can cure them?!?!", like with this post discussing the idea, and the art I put with it:
In other words, the other ponies would suspect the infected of being dangerous, the infected themselves would likely worry they're dangerous, but it would all be part of the "virus' trick", to grow and spread.
The idea of it being some kind of demonic flu is interesting too! Never thought about that! ^-^
Oh, and yeah, the "that's not friendship" thing was more making fun of Pinterest comments, as that reaction image is frequently used under edgier memes, by the looks of it.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: adventurer edition
series masterlist characters: amber, bennett genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i decided to put these two together since i've already done one for diluc!
amber's playthrough -
amber's more of an outdoorsy type of person but that doesn't stop her from streaming!
she likes doing camping streams where she just camps out in her backyard and shows her chat what she would normally do. and the occasional cooking stream to show how you can make good foods healthy <33
she has a little bunny that she shows on stream sometimes :))
there'll be some days where she just sits at home talking to chat about her day while playing with her little baron bunny.
she plays games occasionally, but their mainly adventure type ones that mimic the lifestyle she holds.
like minecraft, rust, any survival game really.
she's still very energetic so any stream of hers is just bustling with excitement.
she'd probably host some streams where she teaches basic survival techniques?? idk man i don't go out much AIHSDASHLDKJ--
anyway anyway, she got a bunch of requests asking her to play genshin ofc.
i mean?? cute game, cute models, cute characters, and aDVENTURE.
i feel like she'd go with the male traveler solely because it isn't very practical to go exploring/adventuring in a dress?? like girl's over here genuinely thinking about real life scenarios.
anyway she's sitting there after finding dvalin's corrupted tear and the cutscene plays.
she's there vibing with chat and her little bunny by her side because of course they'll be sitting there while she plays.
"hey you! stop right there!"
please she screeched when you yelled at her--
and then she squealed when jumped in front of her character.
the camera showing off your cute little headband mimicking animal ears makes her melt.
and then you jump from the little cliff and you have to stumble to regain your balance?!?!??!
"may the anemo god protect you, stranger! i am (name), outrider for the knights of favonius."
catch her copying your little salute.
"they're so cute!!!!"
she will point out the animal ears constantly.
and then your vision has a cute little ribbon at the end of it!!!!!!
"just! just! just look at them!!"
and then you join her party officially!!!
please she switches to you automatically--
she'll just jump around for a few minutes to watch all your accessories bounce around.
and she can just tell that your story would be a delight to read about.
when paimon mentions her mc's missing sibling, you sound so soft and caring and just aGH.
and then she gets to try out your elemental skill and it's the aNIMAL THAT YOUR CHARACTER'S HEADBAND IS BASED OFF OF!!!
if it's a bunny she would definitely find a matching headband she can wear when she plays :00
her chat's usually a really sweet place to vibe and hang out but of course, there's gonna be those kinda people.
she catches wind of some people badmouthing you and calling you the worst character in the game >:((
she's not too keen on banning people for their opinions so instead...
"hey, guys, can we just have fun with this game? if you don't like how i'm playing you can always just?? leave??"
please girl's fuming inside but she's trying her hardest to be nice about it >:((
back to you <3
she'd get another pet that matches yours and name it after you or your elemental skill.
she'd find ways to copy your outfit too ngl--
she'd definitely cook your signature dish!!
gotta make it all cute for you <3
bennett's playthrough -
ah yes, our unlucky baby boy bennett <3
like amber, he really loves adventures!!
he's still pretty unlucky for some reason???
idk man he's just vibing and his bad luck says too bad,,,
he's kind of a baby streamer if you catch my drift?
like he's new to everything so he's just trying to figure it out.
he used to be in a streamer house but... yeah.
we don't like them anyway, it's fine.
unlike in the game, bennett's bad luck didn't bring the other members harm, it was just... little inconveniences i guess.
but he left so now he's all on his own!
he's kinda inexperienced in all of this but he's trying his best!
for now he's sticking to gaming because that's a majority of what he knows.
lots of survival games!!!
and, sadly, luck-based games.
his chat just wants to see if his luck impacts games!!
and it does,,,
luckily they request genshin, which has the best of both worlds.
bennett's got all of the adventuring and his chat gets to see his misfortune in action.
sadly you don't appear in the main archon quests so bennett actually goes a long while not knowing who you are :((
veterans of the game, however, know exactly who you are >:))
first, they'd help show you off by posting links to your splash art in his chat.
bennett, being the baby he is, just clicks on the links without a second thought.
and he's in aWE!!!
"woahh!! who are they? can i meet them soon?"
they tell him he has to roll for you and he's sad, but only for a bit!
at least you're not an exclusive character because if he were, he thinks he'd have no chance at getting you :((
but he can get you whenever!
anyway, one stream he's rolling because he's stocked up a bunch of primogems (which took a long time) and he's like might as well use them up now.
he gets a lot of weapons :(((
he's basically dedicated his whole team to c6ing his characters he has now because he "knows" he won't get a good character.
luckily the pity systems exist so he gets the occasional four star <33
so he thinks it's another character he already has, so he's very prepared to get another constellation in.
he's looking through the trash weapons and then splash art appears!
"wait... i recognize that--"
his chats hyping him up as he's running around his room because they love him <33
please i love this boy with a passion.
he'll put you in his team automatically with all of his c5/6 characters asdhaklsf
he doesn't even care you get everything and anything he owns in the game <3
"this is your team! it's really cool! i'm (name), leader of (name)'s adventure team! is there... do you think we could team up? i-it could even be just once!"
"they're staying on my team forever."
he loves you so much.
not just because you're a cool character but because he can relate to you--
anyway, he goes to your voicelines because that's the only time he can actually hear you fully :((
he's genuinely excited to learn about your story.
and then he learns that you have extremely bad luck too???!?!?!?
please y'all can be unlucky together!!
would that cancel out or just make you more unlucky??
he gets all sad when he hears you talking bad about yourself so he's here to reassure you (even if you're a fictional character).
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fieryhonesty · 3 years
“Eyy, finally I decided to finish my little apology to our boys. Continuation of the “Friend”. This time it’s Diluc and Kaeya! (N-No I’m not lazy to make separate post for them... that’s not it...). Also my wrist is kinda weird lately so to give it a small practice but not overshoot it I wrote these~”
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Words: 453 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Diluc is a loner. He might tolerate or handle people around him. After all, it would be weird if he couldn't. Considering he is working at his tavern and there are many different patrons every day. And also probably meets with various people simply due to being the Winery owner. 
But whenever he is done with his socialization he will hide from the public. Let out a tired sigh and be himself for a while. Just being Diluc, a young gentleman with a soft spot for his companion. He adores and cherishes those moments. Silently spending a few minutes just with the hawk which sometimes seeks him in the middle of the day. 
At first you didn't understand why Diluc wears a thick coat and gloves. After seeing the bird land on his arm. All you could do is say 'ah' in realization. 
Once Diluc is done with bonding with his hawk he will let it fly away. Observe how it flies high to the sky. Then going to you and spend time together. You got used to it by now and you don't really mind. In fact you are happy for Diluc. As when you can't be there for him, to let his mind rest from his daily life. The bird will do.
Diluc admits it's not the same as embracing you and nuzzling into your neck. But it's sufficient enough until you are done with your things and return back to the Winery.
Sometimes when the hawk seeks Diluc in the middle of the day and you are present. Not only you are able to witness the love between the owner and his pet. But you are encouraged to pet the hawk. At first you were scared it will actually hurt you. But Diluc assured you nothing bad will happen. 
The hawk was avoiding you at first, balancing at Diluc's arm. It was shy to somebody else's touch. Just like its owner, huh?
At some point it lets you touch it's head. Gently pat it, to your surprise it nuzzled into your hand to give it more pats. You giggled and looked at Diluc who smiled. Why the whole time you were thinking the hawk is literally a smaller version of Diluc. Hesitant at first, shy and avoiding and then melting into your touch.
Maybe if you give it enough time it will sometimes seek you too. Better start carrying thick clothes. You wouldn't want to get hurt by its talons which is kind of unavoidable. Just think of it, talking to somebody and suddenly hearing the hawk. Extending your hand and it will land, require a bit of attention and then fly away. Surely your conversing buddy will be shocked!
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Once again I got inspired a bit. But I guess with Diluc it’s obvious what kind of pet he would have. Either his hawk or another turtle like when he was a kid (does this make Kaeya also had the turtle as his pet? or was the turtle before Kaeya was adopted? hmm) 👀 ngl I also had turtles when I was kid. They are so cute 💗
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Words: 483 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Unlike the other two (Diluc and Xiao) he doesn't really “own” a pet. Nor something seeks his presence. He says he is too busy with his work for the Knights and adoring you. But as you know him, he is probably hiding something.
However when you find out about his occasional feeding sessions of wild foxes at borders with Dragonspine. He has hardly any words for explanation. He is embarrassed as he promised to himself to not really lie to his partner. Unless it's some harmless prank or secret party. He loves you too much for it. 
Sure, he keeps many things for himself. To keep you safe. But he also shares a lot of minor secrets with you. Like how else would you know about secret meeting spots for Treasure Hoarders. Being able to break their illegal plans or know some gossip about certain local merchant who is avoiding taxes. All thanks to your Kaeya.
But now you have caught him in the middle of feeding. The foxes ran away even before you appeared from behind the bushes. He knew about your presence but he had no words to explain. This was the reason why he sometimes came home late. Always giving you an apologetic look. You thought he might be cheating on you. Well cheating with bunch of wild foxes.
You are not sure if it was a mistake or not following him here. As you were extremely curious why would he want to meet up with somebody outside of the city. Well in the end you find out your man is just a big liar and softie. You're gonna act as if you are upset, pressuring him to the corner and feel sorry. He could have told you he was feeding secretly wild animals and you would be fine. Instead of making you worried over nothing. 
At that moment Kaeya realizes his innocent lie actually wasn't so innocent. Next time he will have to think twice before saying or doing anything. But truth to be told he felt a little embarrassed for admitting his fox feeding. He knows he can't have one as a pet, otherwise he would take one home. Spoil it with love just like he does with you.
You can be sure he will try his best to make up for his mistake. Buying you your favorite snack or something else you'd like. Maybe later on if you insist he will share his secret how he became friends with the foxes. Feeding them together, observe from a healthy distance how the berries and meat are slowly disappearing into their tiny tummies. 
Admit it. You like foxes especially now when you can feed them with your beloved. But he better doesn't cause some misunderstanding like this ever again. Would be silly to get into a fight just because he can't admit his soft spot for wild animals.
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I swear finding a pic of Kaeya with some animal was an art itself. From the beginning I was thinking of either a wild wolf (sounds more like Razor being adopted by him but whatever) or a wild fox. I’m so happy somebody actually drew it! I love it~ but I also found so many pics which I’m not sure if search was trolling me. “Kaeya with pet” google search: did you mean Kaeya with cat ears? or Diluc? or both of them?! Now I’m craving for some cat boy Kae or Lulu but idk what to do with it, so yeah. 
Again, if anyone happens to know (or you are) the artist, tell them “I love you and your work”. If you are not ok with me having your art here, hit me up I will remove them 😔
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hws-cernunnos · 3 years
Following an advice given by my friend @flamaflavio I've decided to dedicate a series of posts on Northern Italy(because there's a serious lack of them in the fandom:(),whether they might be about culture,history,folklore,stereotypes(could be an interesting addition to characterization)or misconceptions*? Maybe even cuisine ahah
In this post I'll expain what we intend for North Italy, why it doesn't line up perfectly with canon and most importantly why Feli gets called "Italy" way more often than Mano.
Let's start by stating that in our country by North Italy we mean the regions of: Aosta Valley (Valle d'Aosta), Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria(the region your girl's from), Lombardy(Lombardia), Piedmont (Piemonte), Veneto and Trentino Alto-Adige.
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So you might ask me, why is it that in Hetalia Chibitalia has been shown as Florence as well??? Is it a mistake made by Hima?? Yes.. But actually no ahah! In this post I'll cover how we came to such a perception of the North in our country and why Tuscany and the rest of Central Italy, isn't included in it and doesn't consider themselves part of it :D
I won't talk about all history until nowadays of course (I'll definitely make future historical posts) I'll simply give you basic information based on early history to have an understanding of how us italians divide our country and why in canon other nations refer to Feliciano as Italy more commonly than they do with Romano(it is indeed based in history, it's not mean spirited!!).
So during the centuries prior to romanization North Italy was inhabited by a different bunch of cultures, among them the long haired Ligures(whose origin is unsure,Celtic?? Or simply celtified by their neighbors uhmm?? Talking about them in detail would take a whole ass post) the Veneti who were known for their commerce of amber and horse breeding, the Etruscans who, coming from Tuscany, colonised parts of the North and founded cities such as Bologna and in a later period a swarm of Gaulish tribes(generally referred to as the Celts).
The latter(most likely the Insubres) founded Milan in 590 BC, naming it Medhelan(the place in the middle of the plain, or among rivers) or Mediolanum as the Roman would call it later(Meśiolano as a Celtic engraving informs us) keep Milan in mind we'll come back to her later. Their domain extended from the Alps to the Adriatic sea.
This would be stopped by roman conquest that would culminate in 194 BC in the foundation of a province under the name of Gallia Cisalpina**,Cisalpine Gaul, id est Gaul on the hither side of the Alps(from the Romans point of view) that pretty much contained the regions which nowadays we consider North Italy.
The area became one of the most influential and rich provinces in the empire and it's strategic role is emphasized by the fact that in 286 the capital of the Western Roman Empire is moved from Rome to,guess where, Milan the main city in Gallia Cisalpina(and later on in Ravenna from 402 to the fall).
Is this why Grandpa is shown to leave poor Romano behind in canon in favour of his little brother??? Most likely!!! Btw if you're interested in the subject you should totally check out jjblue's Italia Annonaria (baby Feli) and Italia Suburbicaria (baby Mano) profiles on DA.
It's really unfair that the other characters call only Feliciano Italy:/ It's actually not true, as my friend flama has talked about in one her posts both Germany and America have called him Italy in the past. The fact that this behavior hurts Romano is long lasting misunderstanding in the fandom: he really doesn't care.
What annoys him it's that he's often referred to as "Italy's older brother" but not because he's Italy as well, but because that takes away his individuality: he's peeved by the fact he's only considered in relation to his brother, he's Romano besides being Feliciano's older brother ahah.
If his identity as Italy truly mattered to him he would have some kind of reaction out of being called Italy, especially by someone he has a bad relationship with like Germany, but he was left completely indifferent by that. I've often seen fanfictions where he's moved to tears by such action by it actually seems like he doesn't mind. He just wants people to understand he has a persona outside being Feli's big brother ahah.
There's actually a reason why Feli is "Italy" and it has been actually brought up recently in the fandom. Let's go back to history ahah.
A germanic general named Odoacer overthrew the last Roman Emperor, whose name for some reason I always found funnee, Romulus Augustulus.
Now the Eastern Roman Empire was having none of that and decided to invite Theodoric the Great of the Ostrogoths to rule over Italy under their approval(btw if you'll ever visit Ravenna do check out Sant'Apollinare Nuovo and Theodoric's Mausoleum). Ostrogothic rule was short lived (lasted pretty much Theodoric's reign) but greatly improved the economy and the arts. . . Too good to be true of course, because Justinian I(Eastern Roman emperor)decided he wanted to revive the glory ™ of the empire and this brings us to Gothic Wars.
Italy, especially the North, was left devastated by them, as they brought death(duh),poverty and were accompanied by a good dose of famine and plague. Byzantine rule wouldn't last long as a Germanic tribe***, the Lombards, took advantage of their weakness and took over italy and gave birth to a reign, which had Pavia as capital.
Said reign was called Langobardia, in particular North and Central Italy were named Langobardia Maior(The great Langobardia), which is the name under which North italy would be known as for a good part of the middle age and that gives the name to the modern region Milan and Pavia are located, Lombardia/Lombardy.
For example Boccaccio in his Decameron(in particular in the first novella) uses Lombards when referring to Italian merchants because that's the name they were given even if most of them came from Piedmont and Tuscany.
Lombard language and culture slowly was assimilated into the previous one and that can be seen in names, words and laws created in that period. This came to an end in 774 when Charles the Great, king of the Franks(and future Holy Roman Emperor), conquered Pavia and annexed the Lombard kingdom... Under the name of Kingdom of Italy!
So in other words the reason why our boy is the one who's called Italy the most is because he's simply been "Italy" for longer or more specifically for more than once(as I explain in the notes:)!!). Mano on the other hand would have most likely known as Kingdom of Sicily, Kingdom of Naples or Kingdom of the two Sicilies :). And I'm very much sure he would have been proud of such identity.
But what about central Italy??? You see the Papal States forged a document the Donation of Constantine, according to which Emperor Constantine assured Pope Silvester I(in 321) and his successors the exclusive domain over the city of Rome(btw Rome isn't part of southern Italy!!the fact South Italy is called Romano is really weird and so is North Italy as Veneziano ngl). This gave the Church access to "temporal power",id est material power and with it came territorial power. And so little by little (with the exception of Tuscany that flourished on it's own) it ate up the whole of Central Italy, which would develop a linguistic group, a culture and history of its own.
And that's pretty much what you need to know to understand Hetalia's confusing lore ahah. It's not everything I could go on explaining the era of the Commons and the Renaissance and go all through medieval and modern history to make you fully grasp it but I think it's enough for today:D let me know if you want me to talk about the subjects I mentioned in detail and if you want me to go on. Read the notes :)!!!
*I've often seen Feli wearing tarantella clothes, because it's probably assumed as the italian™ traditional dance and the music is misused in videos about Italy(all of Italy!!)when it's really characteristic of the South:)! Would be nice to see more fan arts of Mano in those garments lol really nice
**Napoleon would found in the 18th century the Cisalpine Republic in North Italy, a sister republic of France, that would later become known as the Italian Republic and then the (napoleonic!!!)Kingdom of Italy:) not to be confused with the Kingdom of Italy that would be born on the 17th of March 1861,ring a bell ahah???Read Hetalia's Risorgimento strips if you want to know about that:)))Milan djdbdb was once again the capital of all these.
***considering Romano is stated to have Arabic blood which is definitely brought by the moorish occupation, I'd assume Feli's Germanic one has to do with daddy Lombards. The longobards ruled over the South as well so ehhh, but hey it's Hima we're talking about. Genetics work in a weird way in hetalia, they're like acquired??? Hima explains that Canada, America and Seychelles don't have England's bushy eyebrows because of France's influence. Wtf. Oh btw if you might be interested in the Lombards' origin in Historia Langobardorum Paulus Diaconus informs us they came from Scania(a region in Sweden) and the settled in "Scoringa".
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paynomindtomyidiocy · 3 years
Hi guys life update:
I have a bunch of positivity appreciation challenge spreading or whatever asks in my inbox and I want to answer them and send them to other ppl I really do but also I’m kinda tired so I’ll do it at some point
I’m lowkey thinking about saying I’m heteroflexible?? I was browsing Reddit the other day in a quest to find additional information about Duccio and somehow I discovered the term? Idk I just feel like it summarises where I’m at with my sexuality crisis (I say crisis bc I like the word and I have a lot of crises but they’re always at like the back of my mind so it’s not stressing me out too much).
Then again, I might not lol. Almost every single one of my friends is queer and it’s gotten to the point where the word hetero makes me cringe a little lmao idk if I want to refer to myself as hetero anything, but also it feels more straight than saying bi with strong preference which I appreciate kind of with my whole issue about not feeling like I can say I’m gay? Idk I may or may not come to a decision, maybe my indecisiveness will last long enough for the oestrogen to kick in or for me to emotionally mature and I’ll have a crush on someone and then the crisis will be resolved a little. Who knows? Am I procrastinating figuring out my sexual identity? Yeah I guess you could say that it’s pretty in character for me ngl
Also I’m trying to be more productive and I have exams coming up and we actually have study leave this year so it’s a bit more serious n I may be a littttle lax in replying to stuff etc
So I’m being a little dramatic with this because I don’t actually care that much but if I hear one more person tell me I’m lucky I don’t have periods I think I might like, scream or something. Internally probably but who knows maybe this art history revision will push me off a cliff I didn’t know existed. That’s a metaphor I am once again making it known that I’m not actually depressed.
But yeah just someone I was pretty sure knew found out today and was like omg ur so lucky u don’t have to bleed out of ur vagina, etc etc and I was like
yeah bitch but I also have a lack-of-sex-hormones induced sexuality crisis, a snowflake complex (which is actually rly bad because not only am I autistic and adhd but I also have this like super rare disease oh boo hoo it just enables all the self pity ugh do you ever just find yourself insufferable like I literally have nothing to feel sorry for myself about I kinda want to smack some perspective into my subconscious), am at risk for osteoporosis, pretty severe heart disease should I not get enough oestrogen (which is worse considering I’m also Indian, and like a bunch of my relatives have died from heart attacks), have to take vit d bc Indians are low in it and it poses complications with the POI and shit, not to mention I can’t have children plus a bunch of other shit
Also I’m seeing that that whole last bullet point is just one big block of self pitying bullshit about what are ultimately my first world problems n I’m rly wishing I could just shake some perspective into my subconscious right about now UGH
I kinda want to rewrite it without the self pity but I cba bc I’m so tired just bear in mind I’ve gotten like no sleep as of late :)
This all sounds much angstier than intended but I am actually doing ok and I’m not super sad or depressed or angry at all I swear
I’m actually pretty well balanced
Well, relatively. Idk
Now I’m kind of wondering what the point of this post was
Oh well
Enjoy the life update ig
– Anya :D
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chubsonthemoon · 3 years
tagged by @storybookprincess!! (thank you!!) here are some of my fave fics I’ve written! tbh this was kinda difficult; I am very aware that nothing I write is neither perfect nor very polished (it wouldn’t be even remotely fun for me if I tried to do that), but mostly everything I’ve written I’ve written for the sole audience members of me myself and I (and also sometimes a friend :3), so these are some of my more recent faves. under a cut because this got kinda long, whoopsie!
tagging! @superish, @dodici12, and @owletstarlet! <3
Letters from Heaven: haikyuu!!, kagehina, 60k
this fic was written for last year’s kghn big bang and it was so fun! It’s the longest thing I’ve written yet, and boy oh boy it was such a challenge to juggle a bunch of different things that I hadn’t done on this kind of scale before, like longer character arcs and, especially given that this is a violet evergarden AU, describing things in a way that fits with kyoani’s style and VibeTM. My last longer fic, thy kingdom come, was about half this length and almost made the list simply because of how bonkers it was (like I hadn’t written at all that year and suddenly signed up for a big bang and then had to take a month long break in the middle because of school stuff, and then boom I ended up writing the latter half of it a few days before the deadline LOL), but anyway. It’s not perfect (nothing is!) but it’s chock full of recurring metaphors and long-winded descriptions about the sky and pining out the wazoo (basically: all wildly self-indulgent things catered to me and me alone) and I love it all the same. (also bajillion thanks to janine for this one heh she is to blame for most of my kghn madness)
over the edge (of all our knowings): hunter x hunter, killugon, 13k
okay this one almost went to my other killugon fic again bc everything I write is so self-indulgent but!! this fic is probably one of the few fics that I set out to write very intentionally? that sounds weird, hmm how to explain. I tend to write fic mostly to let out Emotions but tbh it’s so much easier and way more fun for me to do that through reading other people’s works--less work for me to read abt my faves than to write them, after all! so most of what’s on my profile before this fic is exactly that: I sat down at like one in the morning with my notebook and fever-dream scribbled out a oneshot that I spent maybe the next two or three days typing up, reading over once, and then yeeting it up onto the archive. but not with this fic! I had already written my Vent fic for the boys in question, but my goals with this fic were more deliberately geared towards examining and changing up my approach to writing: 1) I really wanted to explore gon after the world tree and what his healing might look like, but gon is Really Hard for me to write (the boy is so!! ARGHSLKDFJ). So: deeply inhabiting unfamiliar character pov practice. Asking myself, after every single line of dialogue and event and inner monologue, how this character would react and why. How will this impact their next action? How will it impact their relationship with this other character? How about this? and this? and so on and so forth 2) I wanted to find a balance with my metaphors on both a sentence by sentence and an overarching basis (I tend to just go for the first--I can’t help it I love purple-y prose jslkdfj). 3) Time!! I also went a lot slower with this one. Every night for over a month, writing a little bit at a time in my notebook. And I found that going slower...is actually really nice? Takes a lot of the stress away. tldr; this fic was basically one long exercise in me examining my writing (also ngl my creative writing professor’s feedback on my work for class really kickstarted this LOL) and boy oh boy was it satisfying to see it posted when I finished. I learned a lot! Also I got some of the kindest comments that made me tear up, which was so wonderful. god this got long okay moving on.
your heart, bright heart: natsume yuujinchou, tanunatsu & gen, 7k
after over a year of quarantine I’ve read more fic than I ever have in my LIFE and I have figured some stuff out about what makes me go absolutely bonkers, writing-wise. this fic was an attempt, after several months of reading literally hundreds of fics across dozens of fandoms and relationships and pairings (like geeze! hxh, run with the wind, hq, yuri on ice, the great pretender, ouran highschool host club, snk, mdzs, final fantasy xv, and yes natsuyuu too LOL), an attempt at making myself go bonkers, if you will. and I still can’t quite put my finger on what it IS but I know it has something to do with the naming of things. like an author will Name a Thing, very specifically, whether it is an action or a character thought or something very simple about the environment--and that something speaks volumes about the character and their relationships and the core themes of the series and it’s like. it’s like there’s a moment of understanding between that character and the reader, an oh! I know what that means. it’s wonderful and I’m butchering the explanation here but anyway. I still have no idea how to do this myself yet but goddammit I’m gonna get there one day. This fic was my first attempt in the Naming of Things. idk if there are any oh! moments in it myself, but natsuyuu is the perfect series for the kind of quiet that I think you need for those small moments. 
holy SHIT this got long uh. if you’ve made it this far--thank you?? this was also useful for me to articulate what the hell I’m doing in hamsterland. Recently a visiting poet came to one of my classes at university and talked about language-making as a physical art. Language has a physical existence, she said; it leaves the body and enters another and causes a physical reaction in both speaker and listener. She talked about how writers are creators of physical things, and how writing is mostly thinking before the creating. The physicality of language. To say it made me lose my marbles is an understatement!! tldr; there’s so much inspiration everywhere, and I wanna write more!!! So I’m gonna!!
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kangtaebins · 3 years
Weird Asks That Say A Lot
I said I was going to just answer all of these bc of boredom,, and so here I am
1. Coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups are aesthetically pleasing idc what anyone says
2. Chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy supremacy
4. How did your elementary school teachers describe you? I was told that I was a leader a lot, and was told that I was very intelligent. Ah yes, I suffered from gifted kid burn out in high school-
5. Do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Look, plastic cups are the best. Specifically the ones with the lids and reusable straws
6. Pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? It truly depends on the day bc some days I would say goth and other days I’d say grunge, but most days- pastel
7. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
8. Movies or TV shows? TV shows bc- idk actually I’m just not a movie person
9. Favorite smell in the summer? I have a weird obsession with the smell of cheap sunscreen and I have no clue why
10. Game you were best at in p.e.? I hated gym in high school and rarely participated despite the teacher being irritated with me (truly she gave up after a few months bc I really did not care at all) HOWEVER- I went to town in volleyball and still enjoy playing volleyball v much
11. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I don’t eat breakfast often,,, 
12. Name of your favorite playlist? Probably my Navy or Indigo playlist
13. Lanyard or key ring? Key ring 
14. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Anything green apple!!!
15. Favorite book you read as a school assignment? I actually genuinely enjoyed Romeo And Juliet tbh
16. Most comfortable position to sit in? I always curl up in a ball on the couch, but in a chair I manspread ngl
17. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? Nike slides <//3
18. Ideal weather? Between 50-70 degrees, sunny but not warm, being able to wear a hoodie and not be hot or cold
19. Sleeping position? I usually either sleep on my left side or on my stomach (my back once in a while when it’s hurting bc I’m a hag)
20. Preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? I write on my phone more than anything
21. Obsession from childhood? Hm- I was really obsessed with High School Musical as a kid. My friend and I would put it on and lip sync to the songs and pretend we were the characters
22. Role model? Is it- wrong to say myself? Bc I feel like that sounds arrogant but genuinely it’s bc I’m constantly trying to better myself mentally and learn and grow. Idk I just am proud of who I am and look to myself when I need to find motivation
23. Strange habits? Strange? Idk if it’s strange but I’m constantly twiddling with the hem of my sleeves bc I love the feeling of it
24. Favorite crystal? Citrine 
25. First song you remember hearing? WH- bitch idk tf
26. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Stay tf inside in the air conditioning
27. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Stay tf inside in the heat
28. Five songs to describe you? To describe me?? Girl idk I'm all over the place. How about songs that resonate with me instead,,, Alive by Khalid, Paranoid by Lauv, Phobia by Dvwn, Fake Smile by Ariana Grande, and Breathin by Ariana Grande
29. Best way to bond with you? Truly I'm not very difficult to get along with, just don't be an asshole. Talk to me about psychology, current events, say Soobin is the cutest to exist idk it's not that hard
30. Places that you find sacred? I- hm. I'm not like a church person or anything so idk. Maybe just anything really old or places with very detailed and unique architecture
31. What outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I don't own many clothes,,, let alone nice clothes. I also don't really dress to impress I'd much rather be comfortable
32. Top five favorite vines? Oh god if I h a d to pick???? The lipstick in the Valentino bag, they were roommates, it's an avocado- thaaanks, jared 19, and uh,,, zach stooppp you're gonna get in trouble
33. Most used phrase in your phone? Tbh it's probably "girl what-" or "no bc"
34. Advertisements you have stuck in your head? That 877-CASH-NOW ONE JFC
35. Average time you fall asleep? Between 11pm-1am
36. What is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Probably the troll face one or smth
37. Suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase
38. Lemonade or tea? I mix them together!
39. Lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon meringue pie bc I don't really like cake
40. Weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Y'all I- went to a hs/college mixed school,, I've seen it all. Weirdest?? Idk but one weird thing I remember was when we were making whistles in art and some dude made a penis whistle 😭
41. Last person you texted? My best friend :))
42. Jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. Hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie 100%
44. Favorite scent for soap? I love soaps that smell like soap. Like ok duh I know that sounds dumb but yk what I mean? I don't want lemon or mint or whatever, I like the plain soap smell
45. Which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy
46. Most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Oversized t-shirt, no pants. I question anyone that is comfortable sleeping with pants on-
47. Favorite type of cheese? Feta!
48. If you were a fruit, what kind would you be? I feel like I'd be a pineapple and I have no clue why
49. What saying or quote do you live by? Not necessarily a quote but more of a thought: live for yourself, enjoy each day, do what gives you joy
50. What made you laugh the hardest you ever have? I have had so many instances in which I have laughed so hard I peed and to even attempt to name one is impossible
51. Current stresses? Making sure my family gets their vaccines and stays safe
52. Favorite font? I don't think I have one? Anything except comic sans
53. What is the current state of your hands? What does this even mean 💀 I mean,, they're holding my phone, cold, and my nails are unpolished
54. What did you learn from your first job? That people are assholes but I'm capable of not giving a fuck bc life is not that damn serious
55. Favorite fairy tale? Is The Three Little Pigs considered a fairy tale?
56. Favorite tradition? Putting up the Christmas tree with my mom :( it's always a lot of fun
57. The three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Depression, grief, and hopefully one day- smth I'm currently dealing with
58. Four talents you’re proud of having? Makeup!! But also: singing, crying on command, and tying cherry stems with my tongue
59. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Sick of these bitches
60. If you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? I don't watch anime so idk
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? It's this line from Eleanor & Park: "Eleanor was right: She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something."
62. Seven characters you relate to? Holy hell, 7?? Probably won't get that many but hm,,, Darlene from Roseanne, Hermione from Harry Potter, Emily from Pretty Little Liars maybe?? Idk I suddenly blanked
63. Five songs that would play in your club? As if it's Your Last by BP, anything from SHINee, anything from Ariana, also anything Rihanna, just a bunch of women tbh
64. Favorite website from your childhood? FUCKING WEBKINZ BRO
65. Any permanent scars? I have a few on my arms idk where they came from tbh, I also have one on my hand from my sister 🧍🏻‍♀
66. Favorite flower(s)? Sunflowers!!! I also really love lilacs 💔
67. Good luck charms? My dog's collar that I wear as a bracelet
68. Worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Licorice-
69. A fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? It takes repeating a piece of information 12 times at random to memorize it completely
70. Left or right handed? Right
71. Least favorite pattern? Fucking chevron- and realistic camo, and anything with the American flag
72. Worst subject? Yall im awful at history. American history, world history, all of it-
73. Favorite weird flavor combo? Either pickles and peanut butter or cheese and grapes
74. At what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I'm stubborn but also always in pain so I've become numb to a lot of body pains. I have to be at like a 7-8 before I take smth otherwise I'd always be taking it
75. When did you lose your first tooth? I was probably like 5 I was definitely in Kindergarten
76. What’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I fw baked potatoes
77. Best plant to grow on a windowsill? I have a love for succulents
78. Coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Oh my- I don't drink coffee but coffee from a gas station
79. Which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Driver's license for sure
80. Earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. Fireflies or lightning bugs? I say both,, but I think I say lightning bugs more
82. PC or console? PC
83. Writing or drawing? Both
84. Podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts definitely
84. Barbie or polly pocket? Barbie
85. Fairy tales or mythology? Fairy tales
86. Cookies or cupcakes? C o o k i e s
87. Your greatest fear? Losing people I love
88. Your greatest wish? To live comfortably and be a great mother
89. Who would you put before everyone else? My family
90. Luckiest mistake? Guessing on 90% of a test and getting an A 💀
91. Boxes or bags? Bags are easier to carry-
92. Lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Fairy lights!!
93. Nicknames? Sam, Sammi, my sister calls me Sams, my best friend calls me Bub, and my gf calls me Baby if that counts- 👀
94. Favorite season? Fall omg it's gorgeous and has perfect temperatures
95. Favorite app on your phone? ✨tumblr✨
96. Desktop background? Its literally a pic of Soobin, Taehyun, and Beomgyu
97. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Like 4-5
98. Favorite historical era? The one where white people learn their fucking place and stop being racist, homophobic, classist, sexist, all the -ists and -phobics,,,, so none. Fuck history :))
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 14 - WangXian are a (v soft) Battle Couple & Foxglove is hella mad
Hi! Welcome to episode 14. I should be studying. It’s day two of morning runs, so my soul has left my body already, send help. Yesterday I went to buy plants with my mum and got so excited I just whacked on a bunch of eyeshadow because I haven’t seen the outside in weeks, I’m also wearing makeup today, because I have nowhere to go, but I really need to finish this bb cream before it goes bad, so my parents are getting my full fresh faced “woke up like this and put on mascara” routine (which is a fucking lie because I’m wearing at least three blushes and two highlighters). I’m determined to get this bitch down in under five minutes so I can have another five to do eyeshadow, I have way too much eyeshadow to not wear it (I have way too much everything except maybe mascara and eyebrow stuff).
Yes, if y’all were wondering I am in fact a makeup magpie. ANYWAY BACK TO THE ACTUAL THING WE ALL CAME HERE FOR.
(Btw further down I discuss once again how shitty I think the Yunmeng sibs’ parents are if that causes an issue for you)
Ok ok ok, so I was talking with damnpoe-2187 here about how we found that sometimes WWX crossed from gremlin into asshole when he tried to get LWJ riled up. Like in the Cold Springs, putting our shippers hearts aside, that was a dick move and he should have stopped undressing the second LWJ went from annoyed to incredibly uncomfortable. I find this scene the complete opposite, a show of character development if you will. It is kind of similar in that they’re both hurt, and alone (although this time is much more serious) and there was some undressing going on; however WWX here behaves like a fool in love considerate person and knowing how uncomfortable LWJ already is tries to make it easier for him. They’re also super soft and I’m weak.
A brief interlude from my one track mind: That pond is full of corpses isn’t it? Or at least the remnants of the Murder Turtle’s meals I suppose. Damn right WWX should not have gone into the water with an open wound, but think no one should go swimming in there without a full hazmat suit tbh (I want to pump them full of antibiotics at this point ngl)
So I love this tiny montage (is it even a montage) of the, getting themselves ready to kill the Murder Turtle.
Listen, I have read a few fics in which their mind-meld stays in place due to reasons and I need me more of those.
Ok, turtles don’t work that way, but then again, giant murder snake-Trex-turtle so that’s low on my list of priorities. What’s not low is the fact that this guy is knee deep into pretty much a mass grave and I want to take a few showers just watching him.
Yeah, I know exactly what he’s smelling and suddenly I hope I don’t have meat for lunch today tbh.
The screaming sword has always been fucking creepy and does LWJ’s fist clench mean that he’s also hearing them?
So I know killing the thing took them something like six hours. And while it feels quite a long time in the show, I think that, if they cut the scene with idk, JC running towards Lotus Pier, then back to them, then back to JC, but now the sun is in a different position, back to them, but now the blood from LWJ’s hand has dripped down his arm; and so on a so forth it’d convey more clearly how long it took for the Murder Turtle to die. I know fuck all about cinematography tho so feel free to ignore all this if it is in fact an abomination.
Tiiiiiiny interlude here to say that Yiling Patriarch!WWX is probably one of my favourite character archetypes. He’s slightly creepy, slightly amoral (smiling while torturing and murdering bad guys is still amoral ok), more than a bit on the Dark Side, cocky, smirky, a bit of an asshole a BAMF, a rebel with cause and yet he will still do the right thing, not despite his nature, but because of it. He’s kind of like a Chipped Spike? But you know, he doesn’t need electroshock to behave.
I just want a fic where he’s this Dark Lord of Evil in everyone’s eyes however the ‘good guys’ take a break from trying to off him because a bigger threat just popped up and they have no choice but to ask for his help. He agrees, keeps being his charming self while also saving everyone’s asses, LWJ is smitten.
TL;DR: The Necromancer is hot. Oh and nobody dare deny LWJ has a Yiling Patriarch kink.
Oh my, this is the part when I always get teary eyed.
“Why hasn’t Jiang Cheng shown up and rescued me yet?” THIS IS ALL THE PROOF I NEED THAT WWX IS THE BABY SIBLING.
“Lan Zhan sing me a song”
That slideshow of their best moments set to WuJi is a masterpiece, and also, it kind of drives home the point of “how tf did we go from flirting during summer camp to this mess”?
(Btw if that’s YiBo humming he’s got one hell of a deep voice)
Ok ok ok, so this moment had me spitting up my tea the first time I watched it. Believe it or not my dumbass thought these people were actually serious with the censorship and we’d get scraps of their actual relationship. Lots of charged moments like in some other western tv shows I’ve seen when two dudes have chemistry but “they’re not gay”, no longing glances, no tender touches, no being unbelievably soft with each other; just you know, amped up, because if I’m not mistaken you can be arrested in China for “promoting the gay”. I mean, they changed the beginning when people insult MXY’s sexuality to insulting his mental health; no one would think “ah yes, the gays are good” when they hear it used as a slur, but they still erased it completely. One of the things I thought they’d fully take away was WangXian, I mean, the into/outro is named Wuji, which, you know, still a mishmash of their names, but not their ship name. It is such a significant part of the story with all the “what’s the song name? Figure it out yourself” that if something were going to give away that they’re married with a kid it would be that. I thought we’d get an artful fade to black BEFORE LWJ would say the name not after. And also, YiBo is enunciating it so clearly that, even with the sound muffled and the blurriness I, who don’t speak Chinese, can make out the two syllables. That’s deliberate, I can say “WangXian” loud and clear without moving my lips too much. At this point in time I must assume someone in charge of looking for censorship violations in the show is a fan and just ignored it.
Censorship person 1: dude, isn’t that a bit too gay, maybe you shouldn’t greenlight it.
Censorship person 2: shut the fuck up, sit here and watch.
*a full rundown of the whole of CQL later*
Censorship person 1: oh my god they’re so in love and they deserve to be happy.
Back to the commentary: I’m sorry but I have a mighty need of a WWX & Peacock friendship ok? This might be me just wanting WWX and LWJ to make other friends besides each other but I think that the Peacock is just bitchy enough to not take any of WWX’s bullshit.
And the Yunmeng bros timing for banter strikes yet again.
That’s terrible quality fake blood btw.
Oooof even with a change of clothes our boy is still looking rough as hell.
It hurts my soul that the second JFM starts praising WWX for surviving the Murder Turtle our boy’s knee-jerk reaction is to start praising JC in return. It is instinctive, how many times must this have happened for him to know his brother won’t even get scraps of praise? (Seriously fuck their parents)
It was going so well, I mean, JFM had a point warning him to not say things in anger. But I thought he was going to tell him that it is because sometimes he’ll hurt someone without wanting to, yet, this asshole decided to, once again, remind his kid he thinks he’s a failure.
And here comes Mme Yu who I can only assume had a servant posted at the door to warn her when WWX woke so she could throw some verbal abuse at him. I mean, she must have been missing it.
And JFM’s misogynistic bullshit strikes once again, because why defend ALL your kids when you can insult your wife.
(Every time someone berates WWX for “intervening” I want to scream. I mean, seeing this I can believe why the society as a whole thought genocide was a good idea.)
I love how they use their kids as props in their fight, I mean it’s not like they have feelings or anything. This woman is gaslight-y as hell too “you don’t love your kid because I gave birth to him”, you can’t tell me saying that in front of the son she’s supposed to love isn’t going to hurt him. And she knows it, I mean, besides the Wen attack I’ve never seen her hit the kids (although I very much doubt she hasn’t), so a good part of the abuse must be verbal. There’s no fucking way a person who regularly uses words that way won’t realise where she’s aiming those arrows. Which means to her (to both) the kids are collateral.
But FR, the barely-out-of-adolescence disaster bi necromancer PTSDing all over the place and living in a mass grave was a better parent than any of the current adults in this thing.
Which brings me to another point, Shijie is textbook “the oldest sibling is just another parent” and I’m making myself very angry.
[this is when I start frothing at the mouth and itching to write a modern-girl(and friends)-dropped-in-CQL because someone has to be a positive adult influence in these kids’ lives and it sure as shit ain’t the ones in the actual show.]
*deep breath*
I am going to feed JFM & Mme Yu each other’s spleens. Look, listen, look and listen, let’s first talk about how calmly they lay out the facts of their lives, one is only loved because he’s been brought up in the shadow of his dead parents, the other knows with certainty his father dislikes him and his mother uses him as leverage in marital disputes. When have these two not exploded their emotions all over the place? Fucking never. Yet here they are, talking about this bullshit like some bout of inconvenient weather. They’re used to it!
And now let’s talk about yet again siblings-are-just-extra-parents, with an added pile of WWX’s terrible self awareness that, to the man who brought him up, his worth is due to his dead parents. Again I’m extrapolating, but with the amount of times Mme Yu brings up his parents in such a negative light I refuse to believe JFM hasn’t made all the “you’re so much like your parents” comments to him every time WWX does something right. I mean, telling an orphan about their parents if they ask is a good thing, but WWX seems starved for stories about his them, which leads me to believe JFM refuses to talk about the topic except to make those little comments. What a fucking stellar way to give someone all the trauma if you ask me. May also explain a lot of WWX’s self worth issues if the biggest praise he’s ever heard is that he resembles dead people, yes, people who were loved, but they’re dead, and it doesn’t look like any adult has bothered to go and differentiate WWX from ZSSR&WCZ.
I’m just really mad, despite all the silly anecdotes I put in here my parents are fucking great at parenting, so I know what good parents should look like, and this ain’t it.
Ok, so I made myself angry and I don’t know if I should move onto the next episode now or wait till tomorrow but thanks for reading!
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rainbowserenity · 5 years
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On Friday, I got to go to the KH pop-up experience at Disney Springs!!! It was basically just a big room of merch and the demos and stuff, but I got to sit by a giant mural of the cover art so day made A++++ I also got pics of like EVERYTHING there, which is under the cut if you wanna see :D I got to play both demos (there was one for Olympus and one for Toy Story) and have a bunch of thoughts, but I’ll put that towards the bottom in case anybody’s avoiding minor spoilers (although I think these are the same demos they’ve been showing at a bunch of conventions so this might be ~common knowledge~ IDK I’M JUST TRYING TO BE CAREFUL)
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I saw the sign pretty much immediately and was like LEMME IN OMG ALKSJF;LIWJE;FLIWJEF
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I know everybody’s already seen it but YEAH JUST LOOK AT IT
I ran in there and took a bunch of selfies next to Aqua and the cast members were looking at me like I was crazy :(
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and here’s the Destiny Trio looking fabulous as usual~*~
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they also had these renders covering a wall, so naturally....
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had to struggled to take a pic with Reekers~*~*~ (seriously, the cast members were staring at me like I was the only person to take selfies against the banners.....although judging from how many people wandered into the place asking, “What is this? A video game? Is it free?????” maybe they see it less often than I want to think lmao)
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This area led to the demo area!!!
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those screens played the trailers on a constant loop (and Dearly Beloved was playing in the background ;; it was a little hard to hear cause of the noise but STILL, THE FEEEEEEEEEEEELS)
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better look at these signs~ I think it’s kinda funny that Sora/Donald/Goofy were only included on the posters if they had new looks lmao
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Took this for @tensai-shoujo ;D They had an Olympus poster next to it, you could only see them when you were walking towards the demo area
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I like that they had those banners/murals/whatever up everywhere, as opposed to just setting up a bunch of screens lol IDK IT JUST MADE IT FEEL MORE SPECIAL
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I just really liked that Sora art~*~
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another view.......kinda wished I could’ve yoinked one of those banners lmao
BUT LIKE I SAID I played both demos and before I get into my thoughts on them, I shall show off the merch and stuff :D
WAIT FIRST THE KEYBLADES WHICH WERE LIKE....AS LIFE-SIZED AS THEY COULD BE I GUESS ALSKDJF;LIWEFJ I had to physically restrain myself from completely freaking out (y’know, besides the usual)
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I feel like I should know what the second one is...?????? I though it was Starseeker at first glance, but it’s not so idr if it’s a new one......obviously the last one is the Toy Story one lol
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They had a kiosk under here where you could preorder the game, but I was mostly just all THIS ART IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND SOON WE WILL SEE IT ON OUR SCREENS AS WE PLAY TT__________TT
and now for the merch!
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the top shelf was the deluxe edition of the ACTUAL GAME, and even looking at the real case and stuff, it still doesn’t even seem real......like we’ve been waiting for 12 years, is ANY OF THIS FOR REAL OR NOT??? I kinda wanted those figures on the bottom and hey, there’s that one keyblade!!!
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in case you can’t read the signs, the top shelf is a preorder bonus from ordering it from the kiosk....I kinda liked that lanyard lolol. the bottom shelf is bunch of awesome standees I vaguely recall seeing in the Squenix store (I’m not really up on all the merch lol I avoid looking at it too often cause it makes me WAAAANT it and I am poor, so I just don’t want to torture myself)
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ngl I kinda want this......REEKERS MY LOVE.............
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NEVER MIND I WANT THIS MORE LOL I’ve been wanting the Aqua play arts for so long, why do they have to be so expensive now?!? at least I got to see it in person lmao I SHALL TREASURE THE MEMORY FOREVER~
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the KH3 Sora play arts~ THERE’S THAT KEYBLADE AGAIN WTF it must be a new one???
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I had no idea there was a Roxas play arts??? or is this even released yet??? like I said, I’m not really up on merch news lol I guess his head must be interchangeable since you can have his hood on and pretend he’s super angsty about missing Axel and stuff
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I’ve always thought these were kinda cute in a stupid way lmao
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and I’ll unceremoniously end the images with lovely keychains and jewelry :D
Those are all the pics! now I’ll babble about the demos and my experience with the battle system, so stop here if you don’t want to know for whatever reason~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Like I said earlier, I got to play both demos! It was slow enough in there that I just moseyed back in through the line and I could feel the silent eyes of the cast members judging me 8))))))
I played the Toy Story one first cause duh, and I think it dumps you into the beginning of the world since poor Sora was all WTF WHY DO WE LOOK LIKE THIS??? And I started laughing when the “I’m Sora/Donald/Goofy” line came when they were introducing themselves, cause some things never change ;P
it took me a minute to get used to the buttons (especially since you obviously couldn’t customize anything but the camera directions) and I kept accidentally using Shotlock and stuff LOL. BUUUUUT it was really fun once I got a sense of what I was doing! it was very smooth and fast and fun~
to me, battling feels like a combination of KH2, Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance. the coolest thing was that you could do a command (like Thundaga), and a reaction command would pop up. If you kept doing it, you could chain them together into one big ol’ massive attack - in my case, it was summoning the Mad Tea Cups!!! I GOT TO KILL HEARTLESS WITH A DISNEY RIDE LOL
what was also really fun was that you can switch Keyblades mid-battle!!! I had no idea what they all did, but I’m sure in the actual game they have different abilities like they do in most of the games. now you don’t have to choose just one mwhahaha~
towards the end of the Toy Story demo, you had to fight against an evil toy and got to drive around a robot and shoot lasers! PEW PEW PEW
one thing I really liked was how SMOOTH the animation was. idk if I just read a lot into it, but Sora’s always felt kinda.....clunky when he runs? maybe it’s his big feet lmao but in this demo, he felt MUUUUCH easier to handle. talking to other characters didn’t bring you into another screen, either, you just turned them and talked in real time. IT’S PRETTY GREAT
The Olympus demo felt shorter, probably because it was mostly a boss battle, but the coolest thing is that YOU CAN RUN UP WALLS HOLY CRAAAAAAP!!! I think they’ve showed this in trailers so I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but it was awesome :D
they had different magic options, and this time I managed to SUMMON A GIANT TRAIN HELL YEEEEEAHHHH~ I also managed to get some kind of Goofy limit and he destroyed a bunch of Heartless instantly, so that’s why Goofy rules okay
since I had a little more of grasp on the buttons and stuff, defeating the Titan was sorta easy 8D;; I’m sure they gave you stronger magic/abilities/Keyblades in these demos so it’ll probably be more difficult in the actual game - however, they didn’t really have any tutorial in the demo. They basically had a screen telling you how to run up walls and that was it.....and yet, the reaction commands and new battle system were easy to grasp (especially if you’re a seasoned player lol). I mean, yeah, a lot of it was just mashing the triangle button, but there’s also a certain finesse to chaining them together so that’ll be fun to discover~
....if you made it this far down, thanks for reading 8D I feel like I’m back in 2007 making a LiveJournal post, with what all the images and captions and babbling lmao
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aubaskin-blog · 6 years
about me!
so i found this 150 random questions thing so im gonna answer them all cool? cool. (link to original post at bottom)
1. ) What’s better, having high expectations or having low expectations? Low expectations because if you expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed. If the worst happens you'll have expected it, and if it ends up good you'll be happier (I learned that from the Ranger's Apprentice books)
2.) Would you rather go without junk food for a year or go without TV for a year? Junk food because I eat wayyyyy too much junk
3.) Describe your perfect man/woman. Honestly, I'll know the best when I see it. I can't just imagine a perfect person
4.) Thoughts on school dress codes? Good to a point, but can be stupid. My school has a 'no shoulders' rule which is stupid af, but I understand they want people to wear actual clothes to school
5.)Any strange phobias? Nope I'm boring
6.) At what job do you see Donald Trump best fit? A business leader. The country is not a business to be run, and he shouldn't be running it
7.) Who was your first crush? A kid named Pranav in 5th grade. He left our school but I still follow him on Instagram
8.) Who was your first best friend? Two girls named Maggie and Cara (or something like that) in 3rd grade. Cara moved and Maggie stopped being friends with me the next year, although I still see her around sometimes
9.)What is one weird thing about you? I say my hobby is reading, but 99% of the time I'm reading gay fanfiction
10.) Top 5 TV shows you like to watch? The Flash, Supergirl, Forensic Files, Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Pokemon
11.) What are your favorite boys names? Elliot and Oliver
12.) What are your favorite girls names? Ellis, Eden, Athena, unique names like those
13.) Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they? Nope
14.) Do you plan on getting (more) tattoos? If so, what do you want to get as of the moment? I want some but I want them to be meaningful and all my ideas now are fleeting ideas
15.) Do you have any piercings? Do you plan on getting more? I got my ears pierced a looooong time ago but I stopped wearing earrings after my sister had to get her earlobe stitched together when her earring went through the bottom of her earlobe. I don't even want to wear earrings now
16.) Do you like hugging people? YES I'm a super touchy person and hugs are wonderful
17.) Think of ANY person on earth right now.  Who did you think of? My mom. First it was Newt Scamander before I remembered that he's fictional
18.) Do you have an iPhone? iPhone 8, yes
19.) What is the worst thing that could happen in your life right now? My phone breaks and can't get replaced for a while
20.) Do you watch anime? I used to watch it a lot more but I watch it in like, bursts of a single show over a few days and stop for a while and do it again
21.) What brings true happiness? Love and contentment
22.) What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever paid for? I honestly have no idea
23.) If you could have any job in the world and get paid millions of dollars a year for it, what would you be and why? A stay-at-home reader. I wouldn't have to do anything but read and that's what I do all the time anyways
24.) Do you want children? If so, how many? Yes, 2 or 3 depending on what my partner wants
50.) Have you ever been in a physical fight? No way
51.) When you get out of the shower, do you towel dry, blow dry, or air dry your hair? Towel dry, then air dry once I'm tired of hauling a towel around on my head
52.) When you go to the movies, what snacks and drinks do you take with you? I buy them there or don't have any at all (but I like Sprite and candy like Skittles or Sour Patch Kids)
53.) Do you like going to the beach? If so, do you like to stay dry or go in the water? If not, why? I don't really like the beach but if I'm there I'll have fun. I only go in the water if it's warm (it's usually not)
54.) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Only if I have to. Not usually though
55.) If you could have a superpower ASIDE from being invisible or being able to fly, what would you have? Being able to fill things up. Need money? Fill up my wallet/bank account. Want to stop talking to someone? Fill up their bladder. You can even fill up your phone battery :D
56.) If you were able to live for however long you wanted to (i’m talking thousands of years without aging), when would you choose to die? Whenever I decided I was done living and that there was nothing else for me on Earth
57.) What do you think happens after you die? It fades to black, like falling asleep except then your conscious disappears forever (I don't like thinking about that part, it's what makes me scared of dying)
58.) Do you believe in aliens? If we exist there has to be someone else out there
59.) Do you believe in ghosts? No but they still scare me
60.) Do you believe in spiritual things like ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystals? Do you believe they are portals for evil entities to enter the mortal world? No and I think Ouija boards are stupid but the rest are fun to just play with. I'm not spiritual at all
61.) If you could make one mythical being real, who/what would you make? Unicorns but they would be poached for their horns so I want to make sure they don't all go extinct so they can fly away in a rainbow burst to avoid hunters
62.) Do you get tan, or do you burn? Both but tan first (I think). SUNSCREEN IS VERY IMPORTANT
63.) Describe your shower routine. Shampoo, body wash, rinse out shampoo and body wash, conditioner, wait a little bit, rinse conditioner
64.) Do you enjoy school? Why or why not? Yes because of my friends, no because of homework and stress
65.) In your opinion, what is the worst way to die? Long and painfully. Short deaths sound better.
66.) Do you get carsick, sea sick, or airplane sickness? I kinda get seasick, and I used to get carsick but that's gotten better. Airplanes I just get bored
67.) What’s one memory that you wish you could live again and again? I don't think I would want to continually live a memory tbh
68.) What were some of your stuffed animal’s names from when you were a kid? I had a lavender colored stuffed dog...it was named 'Purple Doggy'
69.)Do you have any pets? Yes, one black lab named Sarah and two identical white sister cats named Tammi and Sammi
70.) Describe your daily wardrobe. Graphic t-shirt and jeans/jean shorts. Jacket or sweatshirt if its cold
71.)  Describe what your daily wardrobe would be if you were rich. Probably the same, ngl
72.)  Create a character right now.  Give them a name, age, and character description. Ellis, 19, had to quit college to support her younger brother, works at a bookstore, light brown wavy shoulder length hair and green eyes
73.)What was the last thing you bought? A fidget toy and a book called '3000 Questions About Me'. And a wonder where I came up with this idea.
74.) Have you ever bought a CD? What band was it for? My sister bought a Taylor Swift CD when she was like 8, but I only have Sims games and a movie on CD
75.) Describe your perfect ice cream sundae. Vanilla ice cream, sprinkles, a little bit of chocolate sauce, three cherries because sundae cherries are good
76.) If you could make ANYTHING happen right now with no cost, trouble, or obstacles, what would you do? Make myself have the marching band music good and memorized lol that's really getting me
77.) What are some of your favorite physical activities to do? I don't do physical activity
78.) What were some of your favorite shows as a child? Dora, Zoey 101, iCarly
79.) Describe how you would survive the zombie apocalypse.  I wouldn't
80.) What are some things you shouldn’t say at work? “Wow, my boss really sucks”
81.) If you were told that if you killed someone, you would save 100 people, would you do it? Yes but it would probably haunt me
82.) How’s the weather right now? Sunny, kind of windy, warm (I'm just looking outside)
83.) What is the background on your cell phone right now? A picture of a city I got from Google
84.) Is it better to work at a job that you love or a job that pays well? Job you love
85.) What do you have within arms reach of your bed? My phone charger, alarm clock, an IKEA cart with a bunch of random stuff, usually my glasses, anything else I leave on the window sill
86.) Have you ever been fired from a job? If so, why? Being fired would require having a job in the first place
87.) Have you ever won a trophy, prize, or medal? If so, for what? I've gotten a decent number of soccer medals from my childhood, and I got two regional and one state trophies from DI (Destination Imagination) when I was in 4th and 5th grade. I haven't gotten any actual individual awards
88.) Do you have any posters, pictures, or art hanging on your walls in your room? If so, what are they? I have a pride flag, and a galaxy calendar from last year just for the pictures. No art though
89.) Are you afraid of the dark? If so, why? Not really, but I don't like running up the stairs at night when the house is dark. I get scared of what could be behind me
90.)What is something that you’ve never done but would like to try? Skydiving, lots of stuff with my friends, nothing in particular
91.) If you could choose three famous people or characters to be friends with, who would you choose and why? Hermione Granger-she's a genius and sassy af, Newt Scamander- his hair is the best omg I love him and his actor (Eddie Redmayne :))) ), and John Laurens (from Hamilton)- he deserved better. So much better.
92.) Do you smile at strangers when you pass by them on the street? Sometimes, but it can get creepy fast
93.) Do you have a favorite TV commercial? If so, what is it? I probably do, but I can't think of one in particular
94.) Do you like your handwriting? When it looks good, yes
95.) Cable TV or Netflix? Netflix, but I tend to watch cable more
96.) What are your favorite smells? Vanilla, black cherry and s'mores
97.) Do you consider yourself physically strong? Lol no way
98.) Describe a time where you said something really rude or mean, whether intentional or not. I can't think of a particular time but a good portion of the time if I say something mean I mean it and they deserve it.
99.) Do you ask strangers to pet their dogs? Of course, it's very rude other wise. If this is about petting dogs, you bet your ass I'm petting a dog if I can.
100.)What is your most embarrassing moment? I can't think of anything in particular but I've misspoken more times than I can ever count or remember. Those don't always end the best.
101.) Has anyone really close to you ever died? If so, who was it and how did you handle it? No, the closest was my grandpa but weren't close. I didn't really care...which sounds horrible but I've become desensitized to this stuff
102.)  Describe your plan of action if you were home alone and you heard someone break into your house. Grab my phone and keys and run outside, drive my car up the street and call 911. If I can't get my keys, hide behind a neighbor's house and call 911 from there
103.) If you were to be born again, would you want to be born male or female? Male because being a female kinda sucks. Plus it'd be cool to experience both sides of the equation
104.)  What shampoo do you use? Kirkland. Conditioner too
105.) Guess the meaning of this word: ulotrichous. Atrocious because that's how it sounds (both meanings)
106.) Do you let messages (phone, email, text, social media, etc…) build up, or do you have to look at them right away? Text and email notifications especially make me anxious, I have to look at them, even just so the number goes away. I don't get many texts in the first place though
107.)  Where is the nearest McDonalds to your house? Super close, I've walked there before. (Google maps says 1.1 miles)
108.)  If you had $1 billion and you had to spend it in exactly one week, what would you spend it on? A big house, cars, and as much stuff as I could think of. The rest goes into a bank account. Actually, all of it goes into a bank account
109.) What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten? Those store-bought sugar cookies. There's probably something else but I'm blanking. I've had good sushi before though.
110.) If you could go on a trip around the world with up to three people, who would you bring (they can be people you know personally or famous people). My friend Connor, one celebrity he wants and one I want. Maybe John Mulaney? He's super funny.
111.) What expletive/ explicit phrase do you say most often? Probably hell. The other two main ones make it in a lot too though
112.) What is your personal definition of success? Being happy with where you are in life or your job or whatever, not needing to be further than you are
113.) How was your day today? It's been pretty okay, actually. Nothing tragic has happened yet lol
114.) What is the closest Big City you live by? I'm gonna go BIG city because privacy so of the main four (LA, NYC, Houston, Orlando) in the USA, New York City
115.) Have you ever been in a car accident? No but I hit my mom's car backing out of the driveway and scratched off some paint and dented my car a bit (whoops)
116.) Do you hide anything from your parents? Everything on my phone. Everything.
117.) If you could possess one talent, what would you be able to do? Is having a good memory a talent? Because I want a really good memory. And art abilities.
118.) Ugly and smart or beautiful and stupid? Ugly and smart lol
119.) What is the worst thing you’ve ever seen in real life? When we took a trip to South Carolina there was a massive, 3 inch long spider whose web was next to the front door. I cried.
120.) Use only 3 words to describe how you want your future to go. Happy, rich-ish, comfortable
121.) QUICK! give me a few things a brick could be useful for! Throwing at somebody's head and killing them (wtf me)
122.) If you could make a dream society, describe it in great detail where it would be, who would be in it, and what rules there would be? No discrimination, no crime, everyone happy and nice
123.) If you could make any animal miniature, what would you make and why? A dog because my dog is looking at me right now like she wants a miniature her
124.) What are your favorite candle scents? I don’t use candles, my mom hates open flames. I have burned some vanilla tea candled though
125.) If you HAD to have one plastic surgery, what would you get and why? The bridge of my nose, I'm self-conscious about it because it's lower than it should be as a result of many, many years of glasses. I usually wear contacts now though.
126.) Do you prefer to hang out with the same sex or the opposite sex? I mostly hang out with my same sex friends for long periods and my opposite sex friends for shorter periods. I would have to say opposite ex friends because I'm closer to them.
127.) If you could make a charity, what would the profits go towards? How would you raise money for it? The money would go towards lgbt+ kids and supporting them, especially if they don't get support from their parents or can't tell them. I would raise money through online advertising on sites like Tumblr and Instagram because they tend to have higher lgbt+ populations. Also through popular Youtuber donations if possible.
128.) Describe the body you wish you had. Skinnier, a better smile, less facial hair, blue or green eyes.
129.) If you were a famous director, what would your next movie be about? Describe the plot, characters, and possible title. Something soulmates and m/m. A romance movie, but they're meant to be together because of something (tattoos, colors, etc). They meet and both like each other, but it's only when they realize they're soulmates they confess and fall in love and it's the happy, fluffy masterpiece all Tumblr kids wish existed. (Call Me By Your Name got pretty far though)
130.) If only women were to rule the world, how different would the world be by 2050? More equality, male supremacy protests, everything would probably be better tbh.
131.) What is your favorite alcoholic drink? I'm 16
132.) Do you have a problematic friend? YES and she's not my friend anymore
133.) Are you more spontaneous or more of a planner? Both at the worst moments. I'll plan out my day (which won't work out) and be spontaneous when it comes to tests: "Crap I forgot about that I'll study the bell before" which sometimes actually manages to work.
134.) If you could change your full name, what would your name be? Something with more meaning and better initials
135.) What is one song that describes your life? The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars (there are probably better ones but eh)
136.) What is one show you’ve been meaning to watch but can never find the time for? I've been halfway through Pokemon: XY for over a month
137.) Do you find it easy to drop toxic people from your life that you’ve known for a long time? It depends. If I see them a lot, no. Once I stop seeing someone irl it's too easy for me to drop someone. If they do something really bad and all my friends feel that way then it's super easy
138.) Do you like children? Why or why not? In general yes but I don't want to be around them 24/7 (aka why I like being home alone without my three younger siblings)
139.) What is your zodiac sign? Taurus
140.) Do you like to dance? Do you dance often? In front of other people? No I suck at dancing, but I do rock out to music
141.) Name some of your favorite colors. Grey, black, purple, blue
142.) Have you ever shoplifted? If so, what was it? I've thought about it but no, I haven't
143.) If you could speak three additional languages, what would they be? Spanish, French and some random language I can surprise people with. Like Dutch or something.
144.) Have you ever been in legal trouble? Nope! I'm an innocent child
145.) Have you ever had surgery? No and I hope I never have to
146.) If you could change 2 things about yourself, what would you change and why? My smile and my motivation levels. Smile bc it looks terrible and motivation because I actually need to get stuff done sometimes. And mental health.
147.) What do you want done with your body after you die? Cremation, I guess. I don't want to become a firework or anything
148.) What three physical features do people compliment you most on? What do they say about them? I don't really get compliments; my mom likes my hair though. It's wavy after I shower
149.) If you could have your own business, what would you do? Make things for lazy people that people are surprised that they needed (but actually do need)
150.) What current friend do you have that you’ve known the longest? My friend Amanda, since the start of 6th grade. We're going on 5 years now!
yay now you should try these the original post is here and feel free to ask me any other questions bc i like talking to internet strangers :)
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franeridart · 7 years
Can i ask what (& why) Mina dragon is protecting?
You mean in the pic I posted? That’s just Baku and Kiri haha they’re there more for scale than anything else, really
Anon said:What role do Denki and Sero have in your take on the fantasy AU?
Sero’s a simple normal non-magic herbs merchant and amateur healer, Kaminari’s a lightning mage and a swordsman! They both also stumbled their way into being bards of sort, more for fun than anything else really - they used to travel alone and then they travelled together, till they travelled into the dragons’ territory without even realizing. Somehow, they managed to not die and get on the prince’s good side enough to be allowed to freely roam and maybe stay if they so wished
(they so wished)
Anon said:Ahh are you okay? If everything’s bad and all, feel better soon 🌟
Ahhhh, you’re sweet ;u; thank you!!
Anon said:Hey, I just really wanted to thank you! I only found you a couple months ago but your art has really inspired me. I owe a lot to you on finding an art style that’s comfortable for me. Not to mention, everything you do with Bakugou and Kirishima is the damn cutest thing and I can only love them more~! So thank you for all your lovely work!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man that makes me super happy to hear!!!!!!!! I’m really really glad my messy art could help you like that haha and thank you so much for the compliments too aaaahhhh!!!!
Anon said:If you ever get around to some more fusions, how about some of the teachers with some students like midnight-bakugou and aizawa-momo?
ngl I have about maybe forty asks in my inbox with fusions suggestions in them, and I’m just letting them pile up cause… that au hasn’t been fun lately, but I think it might be again in the future? Maybe? So I’m leaving those there and waiting for inspiration to strike again - that said, I’m sort of intrigued about these specific combos :O why Midnight and Bakugou specifically? The more I think about this the more I can’t tell if what’d come out would be something sexy or just utterly ridiculous lmao
Anon said:Just imagine Kiri and Baku getting married, and Fatgum is the one to give Kiri away and they couldn’t decide on a best man so there’s like 5 people giving speeches and there are Manly Tears shed.
What do you mean imagine, isn’t this exactly how it’s gonna go hahaha tho I can totally see Bakugou being 100% unaware of the best man situation, at some point after maybe the third speech he’s like is this done can we go now but nope there’s more people - Kirishima has a vague idea of it but as far as he knew it should have been only Denki and Hanta and Mina? Maybe? Most of the oragization of the wedding was left in Mina and Kaminari’s hands after all. But since everyone noticed that Bakugou’s already short patience is disappearing fast and  since 1A is made of a bunch of assholes once Mina’s done Jirou’s like, okay my turn, and then it’s Deku, and then it’s Uraraka, and then Todoroki and Tokoyami and Hagakure and Tsuyu and Iida and Momo too why the hell not - Kirishima’s crying and laughing and Bakugou’s 1% touched and 99% ready to blow up, which, honestly, is exactly how a wedding between these two is supposed to end
Anon said:Hello.-wave- I know this isn’t a question but i love your art work and how you made Baku and his red haired boy friend (i forgot his name :( ) just bounce off each other so perfectly. Now I hope those two actually be a couple in the anime. :)
Ahhhhh I doubt they’ll actually become canon haha it’s a Jump shounen after all - but I’m glad you like the way I portray them!!!!! thank you so much!!
Anon said:TINY DRAGON BAKUGOU IS THE BEST AAAAAA (He’d be like the tiniest, bitchiest cat.)
HAPPY YOU LIKED HIM OMFG!!! and yes, yes that’s exactly how he is haha
Anon said:I wanna tell you how much I love you. Except… there are no words that can express just how much that is. I’ve tried writing to you off-anon before, but, I’m just too shy. (Even using anon, I’m really nervous.) Seeing your artwork always brightens my day. I enjoy reading your tags, comments, replies. I really appreciate your hard work and thank you for sharing it with us. I’m sorry for bothering you and you don’t have to reply. I hope you have a very lovely weekend!! ^^
You’re so sweet orz so damn sweet oh my god, thank you so much for every kind word ;O; I hope you’ll have the best week, anon!!!!
Anon said:Dragon Baku be lookin like a mango, I love him so much. Bless u Fran
A mango!!!!! Amazing, I was thinking about an explosion as far as colors go but a mango incredible I’m never unseeing that ever hahaha thank you, by the way!!! I’m glad you liked himmm!!!!!
Anon said:How do you think Bakugou and Kirishima would react to finding out their kid was getting bullied in school? What would they say to them?
What a heavy question holy shit, I’m actually not sure? I’m not even sure a kid raised by Bakugou and Kirishima would ever let themselves be bullied, really, so the real question here is why is this kid being bullied? Based on what the answer to that is, they’d probably react in different ways. And what they’d tell the kid would change as well, of course. Well, either way they’d probably go raise hell inside the school, both of them
(then again we’re talking about Bakugou (a former bully himself) and Kirishima (a kid that used to physically fight bullies) and their kid, so maybe the actual conversation - in case the kid were ever to actually admit to it, cause Bakugou and Kirishima’s kid might not even ever do that - would probs go something like,kid: “what if there were someone at school I was having problems with?”baku: “kill them” kiri: “Katsuki! you don’t kill them, you talk to them, and if they try to touch you you punch them as hard as you can right on the chin just like we taught you”)
(When the next day they’re called in because their kid has made a classmate bleed Bakugou fist-bumps them and Kirishima put on his hero face and voice and tells the principal that next time if they don’t want their kid to defend themselves they should make it so that they didn’t need to in the first place)
Anon said:I started reading black clover because of that one sketch you did, and i had such a tough time stopping so I can get school work done 😅 in one day I’ve read 122 chapters and I didn’t want to stop
AHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!!!!!! It’s such a nice manga oh boy ;O;
Anon said:Imagine Bakugou seeing Kirishima being attacked or hurt by a villain. I imagine he would immediately explode and charge in to kill said villain? I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but I also think of that scene in RWBY Volume 3 with Blake and Yang.
I haven’t watched it, sorry ;-; but yeah! Bakugou protecting Kirishima is something I’m waiting for the actual manga to deliver, so I try not to think too much about it to keep it fresh in case Horikoshi’ll ever be that nice to me haha but anyway we sort of saw how he reacted to Kiri being in mild “danger” during the license exam, so I guess for him to actually lose his mind and explode/get angry Kiri should be in serious danger. Like, post-Rappa fight type of danger, probably.  Ahhhhhhhh boy, I seriously hope Hori will be kind enough to make something like that happen (………not that I want Kiri hurt, tho ;–;)
Anon said:Fran, Fran!!! New dgm chapter on the 16th October!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW! And I won’t be here for it, can you believe ;~; I’m sad o
Anon said:what are your thoughts on trans kiri??
More or less the same as my thoughts on trans baku! I don’t share the headcanon myself, but there’s a lot of good art and works out there with that headcanon which I enjoyed a lot, and if that’s how you wanna see the character then go for it! Who’s even got the right to stop you hahaha
Anon said:Ooh, u read erasermic fics?? Got any faves??
Seems like I only got two in my bookmarks :O x x (and the second is an hp au haha) (I’m sure I read and loved more tho, I’ll have to come back on this when I have the time)
Anon said:Another thing about Invisible girl and Aizawa using his quirk on her. They used a tail as an example of erasing quirks and the tail was still there but it was like a dead limb. So if he used it on her she may actually be visible. I was thinking about this for awhile and I think it might work that way.
That might be! But then again, that still depends on why she’s invisible - if that’s just the way her skin is made then I don’t think Aizawa’s quirk would change anything? I dunno tho, it’s hard to headcanon about Tooru since we know so little about her!
Anon said:sorry I asked about eri-chan and I agree I really want her to be able to but what about her completely destroying her entire ability?? like not giving people their quirks back but make it so she can’t erase them anymore?? if you get me??
OH YEAH SORRY I TOTALLY MISREAD YOUR ASK OH MY GOD I’m not sure she can do that tho? Like, assuming destroying quirks is her quirk to begin with, I’d assume her body would be built in such a way that she’d be immune to it? It’s just the way I see it, tho :O
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hello I am back!! I'm sorry it's been long, these past couple of weeks have had me swamped with homework :( and yet I still didn't do it all 🤡 also get ready for a bunch of messages because 1.) responses and 2.) my thoughts on Lockscreens. Spoiler: I am Emotional haha. Aww, thank you :') I used to think it was weird to give yourselves nicknames but I'm past that now haha. Another one I go by sometimes is "Lizard" because I stick my tongue out a lot when I'm talking??
(2) and people think I'm cold blooded because I get really cold easily and like to bask in the sun. I mostly just did traditonal sketches and a lot of screencap redraws. I want to get into art again, but I'm taking it slow for now and focusing more on my writing. And I feel that too LOL. I'm going to start a blog dedicated to reblogging x reader fics that I like because I'm too embarrassed to do so on my main blog (I tell all of your followers 🤡)
hey Honeymoon! as long as you’re taking care of yourself, that’s all I care about 💞 i’m gonna post my responses into two parts. a Lockscreens segment after you send in the rest of your thoughts and a get-to-know-you part for now!
ngl, i feel like the best person to give you a nickname is yourself! i jokingly gave myself the nickname ‘Daddy’ and that’s literally become my “rave” personality LMAO. but i can understand why some people think it’s weird 🤷 honestly lizard is a bad-ass nickname !! i’m the same way - being in the cold makes me sooo sleepy and i’d rather bask in the sun 😂
i’d love to see your artwork or writing sometime! please feel free to send it over 🥰
(3) Honestly even with all my issues it's kind of nice being a hopeless romantic! Like you said it gives me the chance to day dream haha. Maybe I have my head in the clouds a lot but sometimes it's nice to be there. There's so many, but I think it's a tie between enemies to lovers and friends to lovers. I love the drama and comedy from the former but I'm so Soft for the latter, and that's highkey how I want my relationship to start.
(4) I think building that bond with someone before you even start dating them is really sweet, and having that connection by the time you commit to each other is 💓 I'm sorry you've been having writers block, that's the worst :( if it helps, the past two chapters have turned out amazing, I love them so much!! I think the closest I got to hardcore shipping something that wasn't canon was RinHaru? But there was also a lot of tension and affection in their relationship so I could see it being canon
there’s nothing wrong with having dreams! just so long as you can ground yourself at the end of the day. 
enemies to lovers is always the funniest for me to read TBH. because it’s such an inevitable cliche haha. friends to lovers though -- oooo my heart. 
the best relationships start with friendship. it’s the most authentic imo. like for me, it’s exhausting bearing my heart open to new people each time i want to get involved with someone romantically. but having someone who already knows you inside out??? swoon. what about a trope you dislike?
ah tyty, i’m glad you enjoyed them! the writers’ block wasn’t too bad for these chapters. i’ve had them typed up for a few weeks now :’) 
rinharu is so cute though! but Harukoto (or whatever the ship name is tbh) is super cute too. but maybe i just really like the best friend to lovers trope LMAO
(5) I just looked at their insta and !!!!!!!!!! that's so cute! I like bokuaka but I've never looked into it as much as others, but their art made me have Feelings lol. I think that is a good view to have on family tbh. I've developed a relationship with my blood family and we're close, but there's something special about the relationships and love you have for people you choose to stay with. I love Tiana!! I think she's a really underrated Disney character :(
(6) She really encompasses Disney's message of working hard to achieve your dreams, and she's a strong, independent woman without being closed off and rejecting her feelings. I think it's so cute and cool that she had that much of an impact on you :D Oof, I get that 💀. Men are gross 🤢 I don't get it very often because I live in SoCal and tbh to a lot of other people brown just equals mexican lol. They're right but I really don't look full mexican. Portuguese and Islander people can tell though
bokuaka art makes me have ~ feelings ~ i also really like @/liann1009 and @/maddox_rider on IG! (tbh idk if they have a tumblr whoops) liann1009 does a lot of OiHina whereas maddox_rider does bokuaka which is ridiculously cute too 🥰 
DUDE OMG YES!!! Tiana and Kita (from Atlantis) are under-rated QUEENS who deserved better!! we need representation out here in this b*tch!!! 
idek why, but some people think i look hispanic 🙃 but yes bby, men are gross and should be better!! i have yet to meet a man who deserves to stand on equal ground to me, imma be real. (2d men don’t count but y’know). does it bother you when people mistake your ethnicity? 
(7) Thank you!! Ngl it's kind of scary wondering about what the industry is going to be like because I'm sure I will run into a lot of biased people and sources, but learning to navigate that is just part of the job. Of course there's people who will read biased sources and attack you too, but you can't always escape those people :/ and thank you love, you're so sweet 💕 That's really admirable! It takes a lot of work and creativity to start a business, I'm sure you'll be successful 😊
(8) what kind were you thinking of? and psych is super cool too! Having that understanding of people and the world can be really eye opening and fun :D It's okay, he was one of my favorite teachers but looking back he was an asshole. He had his good/funny moments and did a lot for me, but he also abused some of editors in my journalism class, and some friends of mine :/ He wouldn't appreciate their work, sometimes insult them, and even encouraged my friend to not sleep for the sake of the paper
i’m positive that you’ll do just fine once you get out there! it seems like you have a pretty thick skin :) 
i really wanted to open a business to help support under-represented groups receive an education - with major focus on minority groups such as orphans/foster children, veterans, and the homeless. there’s so much logistics that tbh i’m too ~stressed~ to think about so i’m tabling that for awhile :’) 
bruhhh fuck that teacher. drop his addy, i just wanna talk real q 💞   if you can’t support all of your students, then there is no point in being a professor!! there is literally 0 reason to be rude when you’re in a position of power, especially when it involves someone’s passion, career, and/or education.
(9) I just remembered that there's a limit to how many asks you can send in a certain amount of time so if these suddenly stop I'm sorry! I'll come back when I can haha. I wouldn't say I'm all that great tbh, but I'm proud of a lot of my works LOL. My favorite part about it is using makeup and tools to just turn into something else. Wounds are always fun, but making yourself a gargoyle or some other creature is what makes it so interesting to me.
(11) I'm OBSESSED with the makeup and costumes from LOTR. It's my biggest inspiration. I can go on about it haha. That's so cool!! Being a part of the whole production, especially all sides to it, sounds so fun. Do you have any favorite memories from your time in high school? I'd love to hear them if you have any :O Confession: I have never seen any of those asdfkljvk. I know I really should though and it's on my to do list ! I've heard really great things about all of them !
imma be real, i didnt know there was a limits on asks LMAO. i did hear that they sometimes get eaten though, so i really hope that doesn’t happen 😅 
we all start somewhere. your first step will never look like someone else’s, nor should it. as long as it’s something that you can look back upon and be proud of and know that you’ve grown from, that’s all that matters! 
just imagining someone using makeup to turn themselves into a gargoyle has my head spinning  🤣 like ya girl can barely do her eye-makeup, let alone anything as intense as that! what’s been the most difficult project? 
DUDE, I LOVE MEDIEVAL-HISTORICAL WORKS! like the dresses from that Mary from Reign wears has my heart so softtttt. dfsnosdf. please!! tell me some of your fav things about LOTR  💖
omg high-school was so long ago, i don’t think i have any favorite memories from it 🙃 i think the opening night of a production would be the best. listening to the audiences reactions as the performers left their hearts on-stage, seeing all the pieces fall together, that was always absolutely incredible. wbu, what did you enjoy about hs? 
i have very strong opinions on those musicals LMAO. i can talk about them forever  🤩
0 notes
fuckyeahbadcodocs · 7 years
Birth Name: Yulia Antonovna Vorobieva [traditional russian naming conventions have been followed for this name, given, patronymic, surname–not tom mention the gender rules have also been followed, which is rare in this fandom. points to the mun for this.]
Current Name: Julia Null Mayfair [wtf kind of middle name is null? as in she HAS none? or…? okay special snowflake, dial back the linkin park] Callsign: Phoenix [speaking of special snowflake…. in my experience, the best fucking callsigns are literally the ones where you looked at a random object and went “that”… like “coffin” or “stiletto”.] Rank: Agent Specialty: Intel Allegiance:  Captain Price [price has like 3 friends…. soap, macmillan and sandman–but then I’ll bet you’re in the 141 (which evidently has a cast of thousands), so I guess that counts. sort of.]                      Yuri Alkaev                       Task Force 141 [do I get bonus points?]                       MI-5                      Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson [yeah. you and the rest of the fucking fandom. wtf is y’alls fixation with a pair of arms????]                      Alkaev crime family Past allegiances: MI-5 Section H Date of Birth: January 13th, 1981 Age: 34 (Variant) [this is a reasonable age for SF. good on you] Place of Birth: Leningrad, Russia (Now St. Petersburg) [clearly, the mun gives a shit about their character’s country of origin] Face Claim: Jennifer Connelly [normally, we don’t judge good or bad on FC’s or art, but DAMN GET IT GURL] Height: 5’9”/175 cm [thank you for not being a midget like the rest of the female OC’s I deal with Weight: 130 lb/59 kg [ur dying. eat something. not skinny shaming here, just trying to save a 5′9″ woman’s like because christ, she’s like skin and bones] Hair: Black, falls to waist Eye: Pale blue [join the club. are they shimmery like crystals or chilly like ice?] Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Demisexual
Character Profile-
History - 
Born in St. Petersburg to an apparently single mother, Yulia Vorobieva’s earliest years were reportedly average. Her mother, Dominika, took care of Yulia to the best of her abilities, supporting herself and her daughter through her work as an artist. The child was raised in a home that was by all accounts happy, until her mother’s sudden death in an automobile wreck in 1986. After this, Yulia fell off the radar for nearly ten years once taken in by her father. More is known about her father’s actions during this time than Julia’s own. [tragic backstory time–though so far this one’s pretty tame… we shall see.] Vorobiev, a former Spetsnaz operative [of course], tuned to mercenary work upon his dishonorable discharge early in his military career. Apparently unsatisfied with the direction his life was taking, the young soldier turned to political activism in his spare time, becoming a noted supporter of anarchy. Known to have had a hand in several riots and violent demonstrations, he spent much of his late twenties in jail, and eventually separated from his wife. Upon Dominika’s death several years later, Vorobiev took custody through abducting his daughter before returning to a stronghold in a largely uninhabited section of the Ural mountain range, near Usva village. [ngl, kinda intrigued and also wondering why an anarchist activist living in the mountains would want his daughter at all–what a fucking pain] The reclusive man, now a leader in the Eastern European anarchist movement, led a private war against the governments of several countries, funded through illegal activities that included drug trade, human trafficking, and extortion. For nine years, the anarchist leader was unable to be found, untouchable by the west and his own countrymen. [I’ll bet he also abused her. wanna take that bet?] In early 1997, Yulia was once more sighted, after nearly a decade missing.  Soldiers from a specialized task force were sent to neutralize the threat posed by Vorobiev, and were successful in their assassination. The only reported survivor of the massacre in the Anarchist leader’s stronghold was a young girl, later to be identified as Vorobiev’s own teenaged daughter. [because those dudes wouldn’t have shot a child by accident in all the gunfire or on purpose because they may or may not have been fucking psychos to assault a bunch of Russians in a fucking mountain base] When brought in for questioning by the Russian government, the girl was said to have been skittish and dis-associative, traits that would later lead to a PTSD diagnosis. [join the club, they have jackets (and husbandos like Soap)] Showing signs of severe abuse, [THERE it is! I knew it. her father only wanted her so he could abuse her and give her to his men, probably. I’m actually surprised the bio doesn’t go into that, ‘cause they usually do. thanks for sparing us] Yulia was questioned, but refused to speak. With Americans and the British clamoring for the information that the girl might have, and distrusting the only recently post-Soviet Russian government, both offered to hear the girl out. [because the CIA and MI6 are so willing to wait for information–they often make offers to teenage girls. my eyes are rolling into the back of my head. Yulia accepted the offer presented by the English, on her own terms. She woulbe given asylum, UK citizenship, and be given the name of a soldier involved in the raid on her father’s base. [here comes princess sparklebeans, the super soldier] Yulia shared what she knew, had most of her terms met, and was eventually turned loose to a series of group homes to try and rehabilitate the nearly feral child back into normal society. [but she was able to comprehend such a deal from the british government, despite being Mowgli] After several years being passed between foster homes, struggling with society and her education, Julia finally aged out of the system and entered college, studying to one day join MI-5. From the day her father died, the girl seemed to have made it a goal to find and help the man that had, in her own words, freed her. Once out of school, Yulia, having renamed herself Julia Mayfair, filled a small opening in MI-5. The team she joined were mainly desk jockeys, tasked with making sure no Ultranationalist threats entered the UK, and any that did slip through were dealt with. [How’re a bunch of pencil-pushers gunna accomplish that, I wonder?]
Julia found herself satisfied with her work, if lacking in some areas. Her various neuroses and social anxiety made for poor field work, at least where getting close to others was concerned, but her skill for manipulation showed through in interrogations and problem-solving. Quick-thinking and sharp-tongued, Agent Mayfair soon proved herself a valuable asset whilst in the Grid, and proved eager to please her superiors. Most were, however, concerned by Mayfair’s apparent lack of a personal life, something that was scrutinized greatly in her time with the secret service.
Joining the 141 - [Haven’t we discussed ladies in the 141? Seems like I’m always harping on this.] After more than a decade of successful work for MI-5, Julia’s career was pushed into an exciting new direction: Looming unemployment and lawsuits. [You have my attention.] After having gotten violent with a particularly physical young soldier outside of a club, an event that ended with the man maimed, Julia was facing several charges, including assault. Awaiting charges, General Shepherd approached the interrogation wunderkid and offered to make her legal struggles vanish if she would just work for the 141. Knowing the man who saved her life had moved on from the SAS to the 141, she accepted willingly, desperate to see the man that meant so much to her. [wait, this’s Price, right? Also how the fuck-shit-stack did she know ANYONE on the roster of the 141–unless Shep used it as leverage? But why would he do that, or care? fuck, man…. just… fuck]
In the 141 / Thread Interactions - At first, the woman seemed an odd fit for the elite task force [what with being a… WOMAN an’ all], with no formal military training [ lemme guess, she’s bad with guns and only uses knives and–okay I’ll stop] and national origins that made her an easy target. While her skill was in no way doubted at first, her social capabilities once again caused no small amount of issues in her daily life on base [but I thought she had no formal military training–that’d be where I’d start doubting]. Her victim-like bearing attracted much trouble, including an incident where Julia was assaulted by a particularly ill-tempered soldier for speaking against him. After a spectacularly botched mission in Romania, Julia was kept away from action for the foreseeable future. With more time on base, Julia realized she would have to find a place to belong. [in Price’s bed, I’m guessing] Befriending a local civilian [idk if they let these psychos “offbase” on their “downtime”… I fucking wouldn’t] by name of Yuri Alkaev, Julia slowly started to adapt to her new life. The tipping point between the timid woman who entered the 141 and the more capable person she has become came one night in a drunken fit. Julia rather harshly called out the soldier who assaulted her for her wrongdoings upon discovering she was not the only woman who had faced his wrath. Despite backlash for her actions, Julia felt herself justified, and walked with a bit more confidence having been able to face her enemy. Having made several friends out of coworkers, Julia seems to have truly settled into the 141, no longer being an FNG or a total outsider. Still, the taste of being able to have power over someone left an impact on Julia, who found herself wanting more respect in the months since her calling out of the sergeant. Having stood by the 141 loyally, Julia has proved a capable worker and asset to the 141 intelligence department, giving her all to help her coworkers to win the fight against militant Ultranationalists. Her true allegiance is not, however, to the 141 itself. With a devotion to Captain Price [OH FUCK here it is.] that most would call unsettling, there is no doubt where the woman’s loyalties lie. Her strong relationship with her career tends to highlight her lack of a personal life, of which some rumor is made among fellow intel operatives, but little is ever brought up to Julia directly.[Lemme guess, because she’s so scary.]  Regardless of Julia’s devotion for the older captain, her loyalty to Yuri has proven nigh-unbreakable, especially after he supported her growing want for power. Yuri’s recently being revealed as working for Vladimir Makarov, before defecting from the Inner Circle and agreeing to work against his former employer, has prompted frightful changes in the woman. Her adoration of Yuri, no matter how pure, has set her down a path that no one could account for, where she plays a bit closer to the Devil than the 141 would ever allow. If anyone in the 141 was made aware, there is no doubt she would be branded a traitor, perhaps even executed for associating with public enemy number one. [Lemme guess, bich gon’ sleep with him]
Julia’s work with Makarov is a closely guarded secret, and the only ones aware are the two involved and Yuri. Even Julia cannot say for sure if her dealings with the Ultranationalist leader are a play for power, or building towards revenge for the man she considers brother. Survival has, as ever, been an important goal for Julia, and her communications with Makarov could be a way of ensuring no matter who wins the coming war, she has the connections to survive and gain power. Love for Yuri, however, makes her eager to tear Makarov apart, and it is just as likely her dealings with the man are simply a diversion until such a time as she can avenge the horrors her brother suffered. [How the fuck do these girls get close to this fuckin’ dude?!] As it is, Julia stays several steps ahead of both members of the conflict, entertaining her own ideals and goals for the present.
After noticing several discrepancies in pre-existing files, Julia was brought to the brink of questioning her mental state. Had she disassociated and misread the files the first time? Had she uncovered some sort of plot? Upon bringing her concerns to General Shepherd, her career savior seemed less concerned than she would have preferred, but he seemed to have taken note of her anxieties worsening. Deciding that the woman was dealing with some sort of cabin fever brought on by her desk job, the General pushed her towards more work in her field. [Does that… happen? “Ur getting bored behind ur desk so go shoot some bitches”]
It was through cooperation with her old allies in MI-5 that Julia began her work to expand the 141’s sphere of influence. By making professional alliances with a noted Secret Service agent that had once outranked her, as well as cultivating a friendship with a certain MI-6 operative of some infamy, Julia has made herself a well-connected woman of growing influence.
Now tied up in a web of her own devising, Julia believes herself to have the connections and means with which to survive no matter the outcome of the gathering storm. The greatest threat to her security now is the possibility of her schemes being uncovered, her life now hinging on if she is unveiled as a traitor or not. Many have said the games she plays have made her her father’s daughter, comparable to the monster that destroyed her, but Julia is above such ‘mindless prattle.’
She does what she must to survive, just as she always has. You can be brutal without being cruel, she has decided, and that is the shade of difference between Vorobiev and his daughter.
Repeating such a thought helps her sleep more easily, when she has the time for it.
Personality: When it comes to Julia, the first thing thing to come to mind will be either hard-working or frightening. After a long stint being too afraid to speak up or be seen, Julia has finally begun to shake some of her timid nature while working for the 141, mainly through anger. Once she was too nervous to speak to others, and can now find it in her to order others around. While far from being over the trauma that caused her previous behavior, she is at least able to work around her shy nature now, if only in anger. Julia puts her all into working, and will be the first one into the office and the last one out. She enjoys the distraction from her thoughts that her work offers, and in addition has a real passion for her chosen field. The work is fun, at least to her, and she enjoys pouring over documents and trying to decipher the enemy’s next move. Despite Julia’s growing sense of self-importance, she has a kind heart to those she deems worthy, and will gladly help others if she is capable. She looks out for her own, and would do anything for those who earn her trust. Showing herself to be reserved, professional, and helpful, Julia is considered a great asset to her department. Despite Julia’s virtues, she can also show a sharp tongue and a lack of mercy to those that wrong her. Unforgiving and obsessive, Julia can make a terrible enemy, and has put her skill as an interrogator to use tearing down those who have hurt her. Deeply haunted by her nightmarish childhood, she clings desperately to those that show her respect and affection, and her loyalty runs deep to a fault. She does not give up on her views of others, and is set in her ways. A habitual liar, it is unlikely anyone really knows the woman beneath the snowy exterior, and Julia wears her lies so comfortably that it is unlikely anyone will unless she allows it. She is known to smother her own issues and carry on as best she can without sharing her problems, until she inevitably breaks down. Even as Julia grows into her voice and her view of herself, she still shows remnants of her previous nature, including anxiety that she cannot shake no matter how she tries. This anxiety is often leveled at those men who approach her, and crowds in general. Single-minded to a fault, Julia’s hardworking nature easily turns to a workaholic nature, and she can and will run herself ragged over work that needs doing. [Okay, fairly well-plotted and in-depth tbh] Skills and abilities: Shepherd tapped Julia for the 141 mainly due to her astounding skill at interrogation. [Maybe I missed how she went from desk work to “interrogation” and what happened to being savage without being cruel?] The woman has a talent for dressing people down to their bare bones, and can talk the unprepared into anything from confessing their crimes to even suicide. She can play any number of roles to ensure cooperation from her targets, and can have even the worst men eating out of her hand with a little time and effort. She also has a sharp mind, which is infinitely useful for her career. She is meant to decipher possible Ultranationalist movements and motivations, and is a good logical thinker. Her critical thinking and problem solving are impeccable. Julia is a more than capable hunter, patient and good with a knife. [I almost gave this my OH GREAT ANOTHER KNIFE SPECIALIST treatment… except this is just extra, so I’ll let it pass.]A childhood spent hunting in the wilds of the Ural Mountains have honed her skill to a fine, knife-like edge, though this skill is hardly necessary in her new life. Habits:   Julia has picked up a habit of smoking when stressed, though only in extreme situations. She has a habit of fidgeting and picking at her clothes or toying with her hair and fingers when nervous. She tends to flub English turns of phrase regularly. Strengths:  Julia is very good at manipulating people, which is invaluable in her line of work. Personally, she proves incredibly resilient to trauma and the darker aspects that the world has to offer her. [Well, at least she’s admitted she’s manipulative; extra points for using it consciously…] Flaws:   Julia’s obsessive nature is a double edged sword both personally and professionally. She holds those she cares for too tightly, and refuses to let go of work when given it, no matter the cost for either.
History -
Education: College graduate, Newcastle University alumni Previous employment: MI-5 Section H (Anti-Ultranationalist Unit) Prior stations: Thames House Service record: Operative and Intel Analyst for MI-5 Conduct record: Assault (wiped clean upon joining 141) Parents: Anton Vorobiev, terrorist/anarchist leader/ex-Spetsnaz, deceased                  Dominika Reznova, [Wait... like Reznov? Viktor Reznov? STOP] artist, deceased
General health: Good constitution, though lacking in stamina; Healthy. Physical build: Thin, fragile [And thus Shepherd said “yes, I want this waif on my team of burly badasses…. or not] Physical illnesses: Anemia [Same applies.] Mental illnesses: PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder, Insomnia, Nightmare Disorder [join the club, ya special snowflake] Scars: Long, ugly scar running deep from under her right armpit to the bottom of her ribs, gained as a result of falling out of a tree as a girl; Small circular burn scar on neck from being careless with a curling iron in college. Health record: Admitted for a near overdose on prescription medication in 2002.  Medications: Prazosin, Zoloft. [Not in SF, darlin’. That ain’t gunna fly. Hell, I don’t think you can be on that shit in the regular military, either… much less a highly-selective, super-elite, semi-para-military outfit like the 141] Possible handicaps in the field: Low stamina, weak. Possible handicaps in daily life: Anxiety; Haphephobia (Fear of touch); Erotophobia (Fear of sex) Dietary restrictions: None Allergies: Penicillin [good, this a believable, common allergy]
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