#I hope i did this right
tmasc420 · 4 months
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fflewddur-feanorion · 5 months
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magentasnail · 9 months
Creatures Stickers - Common Asks
I've been getting a bunch of asks about the creatures stickers and where can you use them so I think it's about time I organize it in one place to save both of us the struggle
Existing stickers: Autism/TBH creature reactions Autism/TBH creature emojis ADHD/BTW creature reactions/stickers Anxiety/IDK creature + Depression/wtf creature
(all designs are currently available on my Redbubble shop !)
Can I use the stickers for reactions/emojis? yeah of course! you can use them on whatever app you'd like. you can also make packs of them if you'd like (as long as they remain free of course)
Can I use any for a pfp? yes, just make sure to @ me in your bio if you can!
Can I use them for my YouTube/Twitch channels? because these are more brand focused and can be monetized, I'd rather you don't
Can I use them for a tattoo? go ahead! I'd love to see the results too if you feel comfortable sharing!
Can I edit the stickers (for example, to resemble a character)? no problem, I'd love to see the results!
Can I print them as stickers myself? if you can, I'd rather you get them from my Redbubble so I can get a few cents !
Thank you so much for the support !!!
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rookie-lou · 1 month
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“Stickers?” Sally asked and looked at Lightning.
“Yes?” Lightning replied and looked into her beautiful eyes. He never could get enough of just looking at her.
“Did you ever regret crashing into Radiator Springs?”
“Not even once,” the answer came without hesitation. “That’s the best thing that ever happened to me. And you are the most beautiful and amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
Sally couldn’t even reply to that. With a soft chuckle of hers, she blushed.
“You stole my heart, Sal,” Lightning said after giving her a gentle kiss.
“And your jacket.”
Lightning had to chuckle at her remark. “Yeah, and my jacket. But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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monotart · 1 month
Upon popular request, I am posting all my recent Joke-Explainer™ 7000 artwork here! If you like what you see remember to like, comment, & subscribe!
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boatkyu · 5 months
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saw nonamesmp slander and i said nuh uh. take my meme remake
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
may i request pink cat petre board please? ok with paci and deco but not prefered! thank you very much
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akaibaras-yearning · 25 days
Chapter I: Whispers of Blue
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Everything is blue His pills, his hands, his genes And now I'm covered in the colors Pulled apart at the seams And it's blue And it's blue
~Halsey: Colors
Warnings: feelings.
*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・・:.。. .。.:*・゜゚.・*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・・*:.。. .。 .:*・゜゚・*
She collapsed onto the unforgiving ground, the echoes of her labored breaths mixing with the collective exhaustion of her classmates. Every inch of her body seemed to protest aching in places she didn’t even know could ache, the sweat clinging uncomfortably to her skin, marking the effort she had exerted. Yaga-sensei made sure that they knew that he would, in fact, not be holding back on their physical training. 
At least it was their last class of the day. With eyes closed, she allowed herself to indulge in the anticipation of a really, really, really good scrubbing in the shower, she might even have enough energy left to lose herself in a trashy romance book before she passes out on her bed.  
As she summoned the courage to lift her heavy eyelids, she was met not by the comforting embrace of twilight or the soothing warmth of a setting sun. Instead, her gaze collided with an overpowering shade of blue that seemed to engulf her in its depths. It was a soul-crushing hue, one that left her feeling adrift in an ocean of emotions she struggled to comprehend.
 She felt like she was drowning.. She didn’t even get to process what exactly she was looking at. The sky? No. For a moment, she felt as though she was drowning in that azure abyss, lost in a sea of emotions she couldn't quite comprehend. The sky seemed insignificant compared to the presence that loomed over her.
Her eyes traced the contours of circular, pitch-black glasses, and in that instant, a name echoed in her mind like a forbidden word, 
Her upperclassman smirked, drawing back from invading her personal space, leaning back to his full height, “Alright, stand down Shoko. She’s still alive!”
How long did she analyze his face exactly? In that fleeting second, it was like she stood at the edge of a cosmic pause button, where time took a breather and everything faded except for the captivating depth of those eyes. Heat began to creep up her neck as she accepted the hand offered to her by Haibara. Geto-senpai gave them an apologetic and reassuring smile, a hand comfortably resting inside his pocket and the other offering the girl a bottle of water which she took gratefully, muttering a polite “thanks”.
“That Yaga is really good at breaking the freshman’s spirits.”
The white-haired teen snickered, “You all did better than Utahime, though. I heard she actually cried during her first physical training.”
“It’s Utahime-senpai to you!” The miko-wearing woman quickly retaliated, fists bunched on her sides. “And big talk coming from the cocky bastard who got one-upped by a stuffed bear!”
“That was a one-time thing!”
(Y/n) can’t help but quietly laugh at their banter, her gaze turning curious at her senpai’s words which Shoko seemed to observe, explaining further.
“The idiot was so cocky that he actually dropped his Infinity for a moment, and the Cursed toy wasted no time giving him a much-earned uppercut.”
Geto laughed heartily, as if reliving the memory in his head, much to Gojo’s dismay, “And ever since then, Satoru always has his Infinity up. What a pushover.”
“I’m cautious, there’s a difference!” Gojo tried to explain, however it all fell into deaf ears as the giggles spread among the small group.
Their whining senpai sighed in resignation, pushing up his chest even though his pale cheeks were dusted in pink, “I was gonna be a good senpai and all ya’ know, I was gonna treat my adorable kouhais with some tasty ice pops, but..” He clicked his tongue.
Haibara was quick to act on his feet, singing praises as he began to massage the taller man’s shoulders, “The great Gojo Satoru! How generous, how powerful, how handsome!”
Just like that, his air of confidence was restored, hands on his hips and nose in the air, “Ah, I see you recognize true value. This is why you’re my favorite kouhai, Haibara!”
His statement was punctuated with haughty laughs, basking in Haibara’s praises.
“What a pathetic man, honestly.” Utahime deadpanned before she ushered the other students to exit the training grounds. “Let’s go.. before we get infected. Idiocy is contagious after all.” A collective laugh echoed again amidst the group of sorcerers, their miko-wearing senpai ushering them to the nearest convenience store. And even with his proclamation earlier, Gojo still ended up paying for the whole lot, Shoko and Geto wouldn't have let him do otherwise anyways. 
The girl lagged behind once the group began to distribute the cold treats, seemingly satisfied with watching the dynamic between her schoolmates. Looking at the blue raspberry popsicle in her hand, she wondered why every shade of blue that isn’t his eyes feels so wrong now. Like every other shade is just a poor imitation. And the blue that’s so selfishly always encased behind pitch-black glasses is the only shade of that color worth seeing.
She then felt silly and apologized to the popsicle for demeaning it in her head. And then thanking it for the cold satisfaction that’d spread within her once she tasted it. 
“Good, huh?” Haibara chuckled, purposely lagging behind and falling into step with her. 
“All things taste better when it’s free.” She was quick to retort, enjoying the sweetness of the popsicle. 
Her classmate’s eyes seemed to smile in tandem with his lips as an easy laugh fell from them, “Man, how crazy is it to be friends with the strongest sorcerer in this generation? Feels like a fever dream.”
She meets his gaze with a faint smile, her reserve momentarily melting away under the warmth of his laughter, “It’s.. definitely interesting. Seems like something we’re not allowed to do, for me.”
The blonde in front of them let out a soft disgruntled groan, “I’m disappointed. I thought that person would at least have some decorum. But this..” Nanami’s sentence trailed off just for them to hear their senpai’s, 
“Oh yeah? You don’t think I can’t finish two popsicles in one go? Do you know who you’re talkin’ too?”
Said senpai then proceeded to engulf two popsicles in his mouth, scuffing the treats down while sporting an absurdly exaggerated expression of determination, as if he were conquering the greatest challenge of his life.
The freshmen’s smiles fell flat, well at least (Y/n) and Haibara’s did. Nanami’s already displeased face just deepened with a twitch of his eye. “The whole of the Jujutsu World rests on his shoulders? I think the Gods have abandoned us.”
They silently watched the Satoru Gojo scarf down the frozen treats. Rose’s own popsicle nearly consumed, she propped the remaining chunk of it in her mouth, a boisterous laugh echoing in front of them as their pearly-haired senpai pointed condescendingly at his friends. 
“I proved your asses wrong and won more treats. I just can’t stop winning, honestly.”
He spoke as though he bore the weight of his own greatness, flashing the two finished popsicle sticks that were both faintly engraved with the word ‘winner’.
At the same time, while their other senpais threw their protests, she had finished her own treat, pulling it out of her mouth, Haibara was already broadcasting it before she was even finished with reading the engraving. “Oh! (Y/n)’s a winner, too!” Their Geto-senpai snickered, “Would you look at that? Looks like you ain’t anything special anymore, Satoru.”
Unperturbed, even with his sunglasses, everyone saw him rolling his eyes, “Hah? That is just factually incorrect. And I won two. I don’t wanna hear anymore from you losers.”
He then made a particularly derisive face holding an ‘L’ sign on his forehead. The rest just watched in amusement as they could practically see the tick on the Curse Manipulator’s forehead. But even before Geto could retort,
The girl blinked as she was quite literally swept away with a heavy arm on her shoulders, expensive perfume, with primary notes of pine and mint, assaulting her nostrils.
“Sorry, I can’t hear ya. The winners are gon’get their rewards. You losers just stay put, now.”
She was sure she heard multiple popsicle sticks zoom their way, she craned her neck over his arm to look behind, seeing the wooden sticks stopping mid-air from hitting him and then falling listlessly on the pavement. The girl didn’t say anything but her senpai replied anyway, 
“Neat party trick, right?” Frustration filled her as she once again felt that strange sensation of being tongue-tied as she tried to answer, her eyes tracing that dimpled smirk over and over. Her inadequacy didn’t seem to faze the man beside her as he let his arm fall away from her shoulder. Only then did she feel her face cool down. Meaning.. it was hot before? Her body is very confusing today. 
Oblivious to the girl’s inner musings, the taller man began to talk as they made their way back to the konbini, popsicle sticks in hand.  It amazed her just how good he was with making one-sided conversations, his questions were mostly rhetorical, answering them himself before she could even open her mouth. 
So she simply nodded her head along, opting to observe the literally suffocating presence beside her. Men and women, people in between, of all ages stared as they walked by. Of course, they were staring at him. Besides his obvious deviation from the common local features, the way he walked just screamed: dominance. Each step was a declaration, a proclamation of his superiority, and the world seemed to bend to accommodate his presence.
Even with her own knowledge of who this man is, even if they were walking together, she felt the disparity between them. Her silent observer's role felt like a mere spectator in the grand performance of his life. Try as she might, she couldn’t understand how he was able to walk with that much of an ease when certain responsibilities fell on his shoulders just because he was born. 
Her train of thought came to an abrupt stop when he looked at her as if he was expecting something. Those devastating eyes of his prickling her skin as his shades slip down slightly from his nose.
Shit. Did he ask something? Was she just stupidly looking at his face while she was lost in her own thoughts? Her brain racked itself inside and out but her senpai saved her from making an even bigger fool out of herself by repeating without her needing to ask,
“You a Clan baby?”
She blinked, “I’m sorry?”
“Nah, it’s okay. I’m a Clan baby, too.” His shoulders shook from his own joke. A slight pout formed on his lips as he scanned her deadpan expression, “It’s just, I think I saw you in one of those, very much uninspiring, Clan meetings my parents forced me to attend.” The girl’s eyes furrowed, he came to those? When? Surely she wouldn’t have missed this much presence, much less forget it. 
As if he read her thoughts, which the girl would be grateful if he stopped doing, he answered,
“It’s wayyyy back, though. When I could still be bribed with sweets.”
“Oh. But uh,” She cringed at her own voice, clearing her throat to dispel the unnecessary ball of nerves in her windpipe. Why is she so nervous? “Yeah, I’m one.. I think.”
A singular ivory eyebrow raised at her statement, “I wasn’t aware that my question was something to be given with an ‘I-think’ answer.” This time she did feel her cheeks burn. Before an apology could spill from her lips, a bell chimed. Her senpai was already busting the door of the konbini open as if he owned the place. Her shoulders relaxed, grateful that his attention was diverted to something else.
That something, rather a someone, was the cashier of the konbini. A portly man holding his ground against the strongest sorcerer of this era.
“Get lost kid! There’s no way you won two times! You’re a cheat!” 
“Yes, of course, I enjoy my free time by engraving sticks to fraud a hundred-yen popsicle.”
A poorly stifled chuckle brought the two men’s attention to her. The cashier eyed her uniform,
“You with this menace, little miss?” The taller teen cackled, extending a hand toward her without looking away from the man behind the counter. Without missing a beat, she got what he’s asking for and handed him her own stick. With a lofty smirk, Gojo extended his hand to the baffled cashier, spreading the sticks like a deck of cards, flashing the ‘winner’ engraved part directly.  
“Pay up, old man.” His smirk turned into a full-blown grin as Abe-san, the cashier, guffawed in disbelief. His steps begrudgingly slow, they didn’t know if it was on purpose or he sincerely couldn’t carry his own weight, he opened the freezer, dropping three blue raspberry-flavored treats on the counter. 
“I oughta’ ban you here, kid. You always do this.” 
Opening his new treats in vigor, one hand extending the girl’s reward to her, he just scoffed, “That’s stupid. I keep this place alive.”
With nothing but a grin sent to Abe-san’s way, her senpai already began strutting to exit, leaving her to bow in apology to which the older man waved away,
“You’re good, little miss. This ain’t his first, most certainly will not be the last.”
She opened her own popsicle, exiting the konbini to see shaded eyes peering at her, treat in mouth as he motioned her back to where their friends were (hopefully) waiting. 
This time, silence occupied their small walk back, both student focused on the cold, sugary confections in hand. 
Now, though, as she finished hers, she turned her stick over.. and a second time more. But the stick was disappointingly un-engraved. A chortle sounded from beside her. Gojo leaning down to assess her predicament. An air of contentment surrounded him as he stood back, which should have irked her, if not for when he handed her his also finished stick.
It was her turn to quirk an eyebrow, Is he giving me his trash, now?   
And much like the first few times, he’d responded before she could even express her discontentment, 
“Looks like the first one was a coincidence, little miss.”   
The blue-eyed teen now running the few short distance to their other schoolmates, she was about to throw the sticks to the nearest bin, if not for the unmistakable etching on one of it. 
Looking back, she’s sure that the other frozen treat he’s shoving in his mouth held the same marking, too. 
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aliceindaisychains999 · 3 months
Heya, Maddie!
It's random as hell, but I was wondering if you had any COD Zombies LGBTQ headcanons? Just curious :)
Good evening, Bee! I do have several! Here goes!🌷
For starters:
Takeo Masaki is asexual. He has interest in romance, but other affairs just don’t really interest him.
Dr. Schuster is gay. Peter McCain was too (that’s what the whole “Phoebe” incident was about)
It’s more canon that Samantha Maxis is lesbian (*cough* SamGrey *cough*)
Misty is definitely bi and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Primis Dempsey is more likely to be openly bi (thanks to a certain Samurai), and he was by Blood of the Dead. Ultimis Dempsey is too full of anger and internalized feelings to ever explore it, which is what he told Peter after those loving letters ended up not being “Phoebe”. He would hopefully come around if things hadn’t hit the fan. I still hate Tag Der Toten.
I remember someone having the headcanon that Marlton is trans and I think I do too! As if the poor guy doesn’t have enough anxiety, he worries sometimes if he won’t be accepted if he was ever open about it. Misty reassures that nothing could ever change what an amazing man he is. Perhaps she’s a little rough about defending him, but she’s always being the best supportive gf she can be.
Richtofen goes by no label if you asked him, but he is in my eyes pansexual (between the obvious mlm quotes and the few quotes said about women + Director having a wife). Primis never had the time to truly pursue any of the crushes he had. Ultimis did! He actually dated his college roommate. Due to wanting different career paths, they broke up. Ultimis’ quote about how “all American women do is play games” is in reference to a not-so nice woman he pursued short term in the Illuminati. There was a lot of passion. Alas, his poor little heart loved her more than she deserved.
To add to this, Ultimis Richtofen and Dr. Schuster actually had feelings for each other! But the two were shyly pining their feelings thanks to how awful the 1940s was. It’s without a doubt those late evenings performing “overtime” lab work there was just an excuse to grow closer. Before the 115-induced delusions warped Richtofen’s mind, it was actually endearing to see the softness between each other blossom. Maybe in another timeline, things went better than what we had to see.
Samuel Stuhlinger is gay, but he’s heavily closeted about it. It’s no help when a voice in your head knows about your secret daydreams and teases you about it.
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I can still hear his voice… YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE
BALLS! 🤪🤪🤭
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castbracelet240 · 21 days
Question for the bugs
What inspired your bug inserts personality?
Rick O'connell from The Mummy 1999 was one of the inspirations for Lucille Cormac. The other was Yang from RWBY.
@willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @astralbulldragon13 @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @keyaartz @stxph-artist @dreamyshape @fangsshadow @aspenm00n @rustycopper4use @lunaritychuwolf @piffany666 @strayharmony943 @idontevenknow75 @rozeliyawashereyall @littlesiren79 @insignificant-anarchy
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seyvia · 9 months
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Curio Cove is an antique shop owned by the late Elsie Flickwick. It is now run by her daughter, Fable, who has left home in pursuit of finding her soulmate. Will you look after the shop while she's away?
No CC.
Please do not reupload and claim as yours.
packs used:
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also up on the gallery. ID: Seyvia
feel free to tag me if you use it!<3
[Download] have fun! and thank you<3
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mecchantheotaku · 3 months
i don't have the game slay the princess but through playthroughs I'm still fixated on it anyway :) I was wondering if you knew what each voice says immediately after you tell them they're going to die when in front of the mirror? I'm really interested in knowing how they react and haven't been able to find all their reactions somewhere else.
Lucky for you, I can easily check! I have the Voice files saved to my phone (I did this mainly so I can use Paranoid's mantra to help calm myself whenever I need it)
Also, fuck you for making me look and give myself emotional pain /lhj
Hero: "What is that supposed to mean? Whatever awful thing I felt before, it feels so much worse now."
Broken: "This is what we all deserve."
Cheated: "So you're the real puppetmaster here? Can't believe I tried to help you."
Cold: "I would have kept them in the dark, if I were you."
Contrarian: "He's just messing with us... right?"
Hunted: "Death. Real death." (Note he says this louder than his normal tone)
Opportunist: "You'd better watch your back. You can't get rid of me that easy!"
Paranoid: "Can't even trust ourself..."
Skeptic: "No! That can't be right! There has to be something more!"
Smitten: "Do it then. End us all before I die of a broken heart."
Stubborn: "Screw that! This can't be the end, it just can't!"
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yanny-77 · 6 months
Happy Holidays!
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@azrielshadowssing, I am so excited to finally share my @acotargiftexchange gift with you! It has been so much fun getting to know you over the past couple months. I tried to incorporate the things we talked about into the fic—which was more challenging than I thought it would be—and to write a cute story that showcased all my favorite things about Elain and Lucien.
We Could Follow the Sparks
After defeating the dark sorcerer Koschei, Elain and Lucien decide to try. Four months into their courtship, an invitation arrives from Helion Spell-Cleaver, asking Elain to attend the Day Court Winter Solstice Ball as his personal guest. As she gets ready for the night, doubts creep in and Elain wonders if she made a mistake in coming. How can she ever compare to all the fiery women in her mate's life? Throughout the evening, Elain and Lucien find common ground and consider their choices for the future. Will they or won't they choose each other?
I've never written Elucien before, so this was a fun, albeit a little stressful, experience. I hope you love it!
With love, Yams
Special thanks to @korrinamoe, @poisonivy206, @headcanonheadcase and @fieldofdaisiies who talked me off the ledge when I wanted to start over from scratch earlier this week. Your edits and advice were invaluable.
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nonbinaryriverclan · 6 months
”average person encounters at least one legendary Pokémon in their life” false. Snacksworth Georg.
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suspensefulpen · 4 months
Mine & Mine Only
TW: Stockholm Syndrome, Bad Caretaker, Discussions of Torture, Manipulation
Since I didn't do Febuwhump, I decided to write a special for Valentines Day for the amazing Whump Community. A very strange story for a very strange holiday. An insanely mad happy Valentines Day from me to all of you <3
Whumpee frowned in disgust at the calendar. February 14, Valentine’s Day. Ugh, they hated the very thought of it. Sometimes, they hated the month in general. This was the day Whumper so tirelessly prepared for, just for Caretaker. This was the day Whumpee suddenly didn’t exist anymore. This was the day Whumpee realized how much they actually hate Caretaker. 
Ever since she came around, Whumper paid less and less attention to them. That was unless Caretaker gave them attention, Whumper would at the very least acknowledge them. But it wasn’t long before she stopped giving them attention too. Whumpee became irrelevant, almost like they were a ghost casually hanging around the house. No, they weren’t a ghost. They were sure the couple would be more likely to acknowledge them if they were. 
It felt as if they were indirectly saying Whumpee didn’t matter anymore. 
No, they were sure it was directly. Whumper used to leave them little gifts on Valentine’s Day as a reward. He even did it for other holidays. Whumpee hadn’t seen a gift with a name even remotely close to theirs written on it in six months. This was no mistake. This was a message. Even if Whumper gave them half baked apologies for forgetting about them, they still haven’t gotten a gift since. And it was all because of Caretaker. 
Whumpee scoffed and walked away. Whatever. They were going to just ignore everyone else too. For the entirety of tomorrow and maybe even the rest of the month. They didn’t acknowledge Whumpee, so why should they acknowledge them? 
“What’s wrong Darling?” 
Whumpee instantly brightened when they heard Whumper’s voice behind them. They turned around only to find Whumper wasn’t even looking at them. He was on the phone, presumably talking to Caretaker. 
“Are you sure? You sound upset.” 
Whumpee grimaced as Whumper walked by them without glancing over. They stomped out of the kitchen with a huff to finish the rest of their chores. 
When they got the mail, a package was placed on the porch. Curious, they picked up the box and shook it lightly. Whatever was inside had some weight to it and was sealed tight enough not to move around. It was addressed to Whumper, maybe they should ask what it is. Opening the mailbox, they shrieked when a large bouquet of roses popped out. They knew exactly who those were for. 
Would Whumper get angry with them if they threw the flowers out? Who were they kidding, of course he would. He’d probably yell at them and beat them and… 
Wait… If they threw the flowers away, they’d get yelled at by Whumper! And if they got yelled at, they’d get attention! Yes! That was a perfect idea! 
Whumpee paused again. No, that wasn’t a good idea. How long would it be until he noticed the flowers were gone? Hours maybe? No. Whumpee didn’t want to wait that long. They wanted attention now. 
They marched back into the house with the mail, making their way to Whumper’s office, holding their head high. He briefly acknowledged them when he pointed to the empty space on his desk. Without a second thought, Whumpee dropped the box on his desk. Whumper’s gaze instantly snapped away from the computer screen. 
“Whumpee! What the hell is wrong with you?!” 
“What… What do you mean sir?” They asked dumbfoundedly. 
“The box clearly says fragile. Why the hell would you drop it on my desk like that?” 
It did? Whumpee glanced down at the box, now noting the red stamp. When did that get there? They didn’t respond, staring silently at Whumper. He stood from his chair, his hand connecting with Whumpee’s cheek in a swift motion. They were sure their face was bright red now. But that didn’t matter. They got attention! They kept their head turned, hiding their smile. It was quick to dissolve when they were thrown against the wall, the same hand going around their neck. 
“Don’t start acting up because it’s almost Valentine’s Day Whumpee. You forget, I can still put you in your place. Just because I’m not paying attention to you doesn’t mean I won’t do it. I’ll put you back in the basement and leave you down there to starve. Is that what you want?” 
What?! No! That’s not what they wanted! Whumpee rapidly shook their head, wheezing out their words. “No sir!” 
“Then you better start acting like it.” 
When Whumper let go of them, Whumpee almost felt sad at the loss of contact. The warmth from Whumper’s hand was gone and they wanted it back. 
“Whumpee get out of my office. Now.” 
They quickly scampered away. 
Whumpee watched as Caretaker “helped” them tidy up. It felt more like she was trying to be in the way. She already was in every aspect of Whumpee’s life. She was just there. Taking up space. Existing. They frowned and glanced at the glass vase next to them. An idea instantly formed in their head. 
They swiped at it, knocking it to the floor. The shattering sound almost made them feel satisfied. They needed that to happen to Caretaker and her relationship with Whumper. They wanted to see it up close and in person, falling at their feet just like the glass. 
They picked up a shard, allowing it to pierce their hand. They dropped it and screamed in pain as Caretaker rushed over. 
“Whumpee, what happened?” She gasped when she saw the blood. 
“I don’t know! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault!” Whumpee cried, forced tears rolling freely. 
“I’m sure it was an honest mistake. Step this way so I can clean that cut.” She ushered Whumpee to the couch before leaving to grab medical supplies. Whumper stood in the doorway, glaring at Whumpee. He only shook his head before rolling his eyes and walking away. Whumpee didn’t know what that meant, nor did they like that. 
Caretaker came back and began patching up the wound. Whumpee glanced around before lowering their voice. “I hate you.” 
Caretaker didn’t react. “The feeling is mutual.” 
Whumpee stared at her in shock before frowning. “Clearly not if you care so much.” 
She smiled and raised her gaze. “You really think I care about you, Whumpee? You really think you matter to me?” She laughed. “I only do this to make Whumper’s hobby more fun. He gets the satisfaction of breaking you like a brand new toy.” 
They narrowed their eyes. “So you’re only here for his sake?” 
“Why no, of course not. There’s always more.” 
“Well I think you should leave. You have no place here and you don’t deserve Whumper.” Whumpee smirked. “Wait till I tell him how phony you are.” 
“Me?!” Caretaker repeated. Her surprise was very obviously fake. She laughed. It quickly turned into a fit of giggles, leaving Whumpee beyond confused. She took a deep breath and smiled again. “You really think that’s going to work? Oh Whumpee, you’re a lot more hopeless and pathetic than I thought.” She leaned forward, lowering her voice. “Listen to me Whumpee, I have your precious Whumper wrapped around my finger. He’ll listen to anything I say, no matter what it is. He’s never going to give you what you want. Even if that is just his attention. You’ll never get it. Because Whumper is mine.” 
“Well I had him first. He was mine before he was anybody’s.” Whumpee frowned. 
Caretaker giggled again. It weirded them out. Why was she laughing? Whumpee was being serious. It wasn’t meant to be funny. 
She exhaled, still smiling. “You really are pathetic, aren’t you? You really think Whumper cares about you? You are nothing but a toy. A plaything. A servant. A maid. That’s all you are and that’s all you’ll ever be. You don’t matter. If something ever were to happen to you, you’d just be replaced by someone else. You’re not as important as you think you are. Just because you were first doesn’t mean anything. You only keep him entertained. These feelings you have for him aren’t being reciprocated. Because he does not care about you.” 
“And what makes you think…” Whumpee trailed off, confused when Caretaker grabbed their hands. They watched in silence as she brought them up to her neck. Panic rushed through their body as she used their hands to choke herself. Whumpee did their best to remove their hands. While they hated Caretaker, they wouldn’t hurt her this way. 
Caretaker pushed Whumpee away and gasped loudly, standing from the couch. “Whumpee?! What’s wrong with you?!” 
“I didn’t—” 
Whumper instantly appeared in the doorway, a deep frown on his face. “What happened now?” 
“They tried to choke me!” Caretaker cried. 
“No I didn’t! She’s lying!” 
Whumper grabbed Whumpee’s shirt, almost picking them up from the couch. “I’ve had enough of you lately.” 
“Sir, I didn’t do anything! Honest!” Despite all of Whumpee’s earlier attempts at getting attention, this was not the kind of attention they wanted. Whumper looked way angrier than they’d ever seen him. 
“No, don’t act like that now. You want my attention, right? Well now you have it.” He let go of Whumpee. 
The last thing they saw was Whumper’s fist and the world went dark. 
Whumper sat furious, frowning deeply with his hand propping up his head against the arm of the couch. Caretaker who was putting away her new present, noticed the look. She sighed and scooted closer before wrapping her arms around him. “You shouldn’t let them bother you.” 
“I’m not. I’m just…pissed. I should force them to fix it.” 
Caretaker glanced at the jewelry box she’d gotten. The mirror inside had been shattered, thanks to Whumpee dropping the box. Despite how calm she looked on the outside, she was furious as well. “We can always get another one.” 
Whumper didn’t respond, still staring into space. A smile slowly grew on Caretaker’s face as a devious thought came to her. She tried her best not to laugh. That’s a perfect idea… 
“I really should drag them back up here and make them fix it. Then strangle them until they’re unconscious, starve them–” 
“Actually, I have a better idea…” 
Whumper turned his head to meet gazes, his frown briefly faltering. “What’s that?” 
“I think you should get a whole new plaything.” He raised a brow but didn’t interrupt. “Clearly, Whumpee has forgotten their training. Why don’t you just start fresh? A clean slate.” 
Caretaker grinned widely as she watched the gears begin to turn in his head. 
Whumpee perked up when they heard Whumper open the door to the basement. It was obvious that he was still angry with them. His stomping made it evident. Yet, instead of any kind of scold, Whumper began to unchain them. 
What was going on? Were they going back upstairs? Did Whumper change his mind about punishing them? What was happening? 
Whumper placed handcuffs on their wrists and Whumpee raised a brow. “What’s going on?” 
He raised his gaze. “You’re leaving.” He pulled them up and began dragging them to the staircase. 
“Leaving?! You’re getting rid of me?!” Whumpee tried their best to break free. Before they could think, they were thrown to the floor. Tears filled their eyes as they looked up at their captor. 
“I’ve had enough of you Whumpee. Acting out just because you’re jealous of Caretaker and you want attention. Clearly you’ve forgotten your place in this house. You’re only a servant. A maid. Your job is not to beg for my attention, it’s to do what I asked you. But I see you can’t remember that. So since your memory is getting so bad, I’ll just have to get rid of you.” 
Whumpee couldn’t believe the words they were hearing. There was no way Whumper meant anything he was saying. He couldn’t mean it. That wasn’t something he would say. Their gaze shifted to the doorway, catching Caretaker grinning smugly. 
They frowned deeply. Of course they weren’t Whumper’s words. 
They were hers.
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littlelaurendraws · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
(I hope I’m doing this right)
AAA TY FOR THE TAG @wifiwulf04 :DD!!
Let’s see..
The last line I drew I think is on this
Tumblr media
For a drawing anyways. I’m trying to figure out a design for a character for something
If animation counts then this is the last line I actually drew
It’s not done yet, just a little walk cycle rn
No pressure tags + anyone else can join!:
(Sorry if I tag you and you’ve already been tagged)
@maudiemoods @snowberai @golden-buddle @sleepyjuniper @ranchdiip @rynekins @tasiaartist @nebuladreamzzz @strawberryitzi @jaysbulletwound @perpetual-stardust
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