#I hope I got Varric right
your-shield-of-love · 2 years
Have a Hallowen gift for all of the FTM Hawke's out there:
Hawke: *staring at Varric's hairy chest*
Varric: (smirks) "Everyone loves the chest hair."
Hawke: (Lil sad tone) "I wish I had chest hair."
Varric: (Sincerely, softly) "I would give you mine, Hawke."
Hawke: ... *smiles*
Hawke: (teasing) "Give it to me then!" Reaches for Varric
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2dmenenthusiast · 7 months
“Maybe a series. An epic, even.”
(Varric x Elf Inquisitor!Reader)
a very short, fluffy piece for y'all. I've been wanting to write for Varric for a while cuz there's barely anything for him which makes ZERO sense. I need more fanfics about this handsome dwarf :(
I hope you enjoy and comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
Summary: dreams of being thrown into the future and watching your comrades die have been plaguing you, and a certain dwarf appears to comfort you
Word count: 1k
Warnings/other info: Mentions of death, nightmares, floof
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Another restless night in Skyhold. Unsurprising, but highly frustrating.
You couldn’t remember the last time you got a decent night’s sleep, plagued with nightmares of demons and everything else under the sun trying to kill you. You’ve had them since you first bestowed the mark, but they had only gotten worse ever since Alexius sent you forward in time.
You know everyone would disapprove of you torturing yourself like this, but you couldn’t help it. You imagined every single way things could’ve gone wrong, how you could’ve been stuck in the future forever. You relived the moment you saw Cassandra die, and Varric’s lifeless body was thrown to the side. You remember the enraged look on Leliana’s face as she put as many arrows in your enemies as she could, before she was killed mercilessly as well. Everything was okay now, things were set the way they should be. But what if they weren’t? What if—
You groaned, sitting up in bed and putting some warmer clothes on before walking down to the throne room. It was empty as expected, considering it was— what, almost 3 in the morning? You’d probably only average a couple hours of sleep at this point before you had to go out scouting in the morning. Cassandra won’t be pleased, that’s for sure.
Traveling the path out to the battlements, you leaned your arms against the stone wall and gazed at the night sky. The stars were incredibly bright, and the cool air felt heavenly against your skin. You’re considering just moving your bed out here. Of course, it wouldn't be the greatest idea for everyone in the inquisition to see you in your underwear first thing in the morning.
“If you’re planning on jumping, might I remind you of the imminent threat that faces us that only you can defeat with that thing on your hand.”
You turned your head just enough to see Varric in your peripherals, the dwarf sauntering up to you.
“You think I’d leave you here to fend for yourself?”
He shrugged. “People have made worse mistakes.”
You grinned, and he stood next to you. He set his gaze to the sky.
“I understand why you come out here. Definitely prefer looking at this than the shit we’ve been facing every day.”
You huffed out a halfhearted laugh, leaning your chin against your hand as you looked at him. Varric always knew what to say to cheer you up, even if the comfort sometimes came in vague insults.
The image of his body being tossed to the side like he weighed nothing appeared in your mind again, and you squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to block it out. Varric noticed, because of course he did. He seems to notice everything.
“Got something on your mind?”
You scoffed. “Only the seemingly imminent end of the world.”
“Oh, come on, Lucky. You know that Corypheus bastard is all talk. You’ve got that mark on your hand for a reason.”
“The reason being I was in the right place at the right time.” You sighed, shaking your head. “Recently, it feels like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Varric furrowed his brows, forehead wrinkling as he turned his body to face you.
“What’s wrong with you? If I’m mistaken, the only brooding elf I know is Solas.”
Teeth dug into your bottom lip and your hands gripped the stone wall. The mark on your hand slightly pulsed, and you took a breath to try and calm your racing thoughts. Since the Inquisition formed, you’ve grown to care deeply about your comrades and your advisors. You all got off to a rocky start, a few being wary to even speak to you, but with time, you all grew comfortable with each other. Some more friendly than others. And Varric… Well. He was a special case.
You’ve found yourself growing quite fond of the dwarf, beyond levels of platonic, and the thought scared you. Ever since you got the mark, your life expectancy grew shorter every day. There would be times where you’d come back to Skyhold barely clinging to life, only to have your friends berate you for being so reckless on your missions. Because, of course, you were everyones savior. And you had to live. But, after Corypheus was dead, and the hole in the sky was closed, what then? Would you outlive your usefulness? Would you be forgotten?
You imagined you’d be dead, most likely.
So, you kept your feelings close to your heart, making sure  your emotions were under control. But, it was like a boiling pot, ready to bubble over any second. And seeing Varric die in that alternate timeline, it was only getting harder and harder to swallow your feelings.
“I keep… That day, when Alexius sent us into the future where… Corypheus won, I keep dreaming about it. About how you and Cassandra and Leliana sacrificed yourselves so I could go back and fix everything. And I did. We stopped Alexius, we’re still going after Corypheus. Everything is the way it should be. But…”
You sniffled, a familiar burning sensation behind your eyes that you tried to blink away.
“I keep seeing you, and your body being thrown to the floor, and any thought I had of going back to stop all of it from happening was completely thrown out the fucking window when I saw that. Because all I could think about was saving you. And how you died before I could tell you that I—”
You cut yourself off with a huff, reaching your hand up to wipe away the rogue tears that had rolled down your cheeks. Varric’s expression was a mixture of many things. Confusion, shock… sadness. You clear your throat in an effort to compose yourself. It barely helps.
“I’ve… grown quite fond of you during our time together. And when you died, I swore to myself I wouldn’t let it happen again. No matter how ready you might be to throw yourself into the line of fire for me,” you ended with a jab. Some humor to ease your words.
Varric smiled. “Anything to save the hero.”
You shook your head. “I believe you are more of a hero than I.”
“Yes, because being part of the Merchants Guild is a very heroic duty.”
Chuckling softly, you turn to him and reach out a hand, softly running your fingers down the chain of his necklace before looping them through the circle pendant. It shines in the moonlight when you turn it between your fingers, and you let it drop softly against his exposed chest.
“I understand if my… confession seems inappropriate or makes you uncomfortable, so. We can just pretend it never happened if you would prefer—”
“Actually,” your eyes slightly widened when he smirked, gripping your wrist when you tried to pull your hand back, “I think a kiss from the Herald of Andraste would be quite the story to tell.”
You smiled, hand slipping from his grip so you could hold his. “Just one story?”
He shrugged. “Maybe a series. An epic, even.”
You couldn’t control the rapid beating of your heart as you slightly bent to his height before gently pressing your lips to his, his warm, calloused hand reaching up to hold your face. A kiss under the night sky was more perfect than you could imagine. Because every time the thought of kissing the dwarf did occur, it was always in the midst of battle, when things seemed less than ideal, and it might be your last chance of telling him how you felt. Now? There might be a promise of more moments like this to occur in the future, and you couldn’t be happier.
Pulling away, you stood to your full height, but kept his hand in yours. You couldn’t wipe that stupid grin off your face, and he laughed at the sight.
“I’d say it’s time to get our hero to bed, hm? Got a long day ahead of us.”
“Trying to get rid of me already?”
Varric pulled you forward and led you down the battlements, gently squeezing your hand. “Please. You think so little of me that I’d let you be alone tonight?”
Your cheeks hurt from how wide you were grinning, and you lightly bumped your side into his.
Maybe everything would be okay in the end after all.
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midorisudachi · 5 months
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“The Inquisitor And Her Commander”
As some of you may have noticed, I am a huge fan of the Dragon Age games, especially Dragon Age Inquisition. Last year, I had planned on drawing all the main [playable] characters up until Dragon Age Day (which took place on December 4th), but I just didn’t have time to draw more than three characters (the Inquisitor, Solas, & Varric…please check them out in my gallery) due to being busy with work and other things. I’ll eventually draw the other characters when I gather more motivation to do so.
For now, please enjoy this piece. I hope everybody likes this. I worked very hard on this artwork. It took longer than usual to create, due to all the small details, the poses, & the armour. (Armour is not easy to draw for me!) For those of you who are DAI fans, you may recognize the flowers: Crystal Grace on the bottom and Andraste’s Grace on the top. I know Andraste’s Grace is not in DAI, but I thought it would be pretty to add to the artwork (since it technically exists in the Thedas world).
 My OC Inquisitor is named Bryony Trevelyan. She is actually my 2nd Inquisitor character, the first one having been an elf (which I may draw someday). I had been playing DAI for the 3rd time, a few months ago, as a male character (since I wanted him to be in a romance with Dorian, so yes, my male Inquisitor is gay), but I stopped for a bit since I am playing Skyrim at the moment (with updates & mods). Anyway, back on the main subject: I drew Inquisitor Bryony Trevelyan in the Armor of the Dragon Hunter outfit (from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC), which I had altered the colours by tinting it with Veil Quartz. I based her crown from concept art for DAI. So much armour in the game! Which I love, especially since the DA games don’t give female characters the stereotypical skimpy outfits…I love that I get to make my female characters wear bad-ass armour.
Cullen Rutherford is such an adorable and slightly awkward character around my Inquisitor. I knew I had to romance him right away, because his looks are the type of man I am attracted to in real life. (I’m not going to lie…in the game, he’s hot for a video game character. Ha ha!) I’ve always enjoyed the flirting in the DA games when it comes to the relationships. The best scene was right before their first kiss, when Cullen got interrupted by a member of the Inquisition, and then got mad about it. Ha ha. I liked when my Inquisitor asked Cullen, “The day you kissed me on the battlements…how long had you wanted to do that?” And Cullen replied (with a laugh), “Longer that I should admit.” Awwwww.
I also liked the part in the Winter Palace, when all these people were flirting with Cullen, and one asked him, “Are you married, Commander?” And Cullen replied, “Not yet, but I am…already taken.” Double awwww, because a loyal man is so dreamy. :3 I actually had Bryony & Cullen get married in the last DLC. :3 They adopt a Mabari (dog), too!
I love DAI too much. :D It’s such a fun game with the most gorgeous graphics (especially on the Xbox Series X).
Drawn with Sakura Pigma Micron pens, then coloured in with a mixture of Copic Markers & Ohuhu Markers. I used Koi Watercolours for the background. White accents done with both a gel pen and white watercolour. Gold acrylic was used for the Inquisition Symbol & the lines, which the scanner absolutely murders...the gold is such a pretty, shimmery metallic in real life. The light green around my art was done in Photoshop Elements.
Dragon Age Inquisition © Bioware & Electronic Arts
Fan artwork © Jacqueline E. McNeese
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tobythewise · 6 days
Welcome to DADWC!!!! Can I get “Maybe I meant that more than we both realized.” for Fenders off of the drunken mistakes trope list? :>
Thank you so much for this prompt!! <3 I hope you enjoy :D
Written for @dadrunkwriting Warnings for: Drunk Anders, Discussions of past death (Karl), Drunk confessions, Getting Together
It’s not often that Justice allows Anders to drink. Usually there’s a pestering happening at the back of his mind, reminding him of how important it is to be completely in control of his body and mind. There’s danger around every corner and in a place like Kirkwall, it’s important to keep himself from falling into trouble. 
And that’s without Justice bringing up the time he got so drunk at the Keep that he ended up naked at the base of that statue of Andraste. In Anders’ defense, that statue was quite the looker. 
Now that Anders thinks about it, he’s not actually sure how he’s gotten this drunk. Between hosting a Fade spirit inside of himself and the taint, it usually takes a large amount of alcohol to get him drunk, but here he is, swaying from side to side as he walks. His head is blissfully light and spacy. He feels like he could do anything, be anyone. Everything feels far off. For once, Anders actually feels relatively good. The smile on his lips doesn’t feel like a mask, it just feels like him again. 
Anders walks a familiar path but it takes him far longer than it should to realize he’s not at his clinic. Standing in front of Fenris’ door, he wonders if being drunk has left him with a death wish. Or maybe he’s just finally ready to act one these feelings he’s been harboring for years. 
Either way, Anders finds himself knocking. 
Leaning against the wall beside the door, Anders waits, wondering if this was a mistake. There’s a chance Fenris isn’t even home. Maybe he’s off with Hawke. Maybe he’s over at Hawke’s estate. Fuck, he hadn’t even thought of that. 
Anders’ stomach sours. He’s moments away from turning around and heading back down to his clinic when the door opens. 
Anders pushes his hair out of his face, wondering what happened to his hair tie. Did it break? Did he lose it? Oh, right! He gave it to a stray cat. And by gave it, he means he tried to use it to play with the cat and the cat grabbed it and ran away. Anders was far too drunk to chase after him. 
A voice clearing makes him startle, pushing off the wall and almost overcorrecting and tumbling in the opposite direction. His eyes meet familiar green ones and his stomach flips so violently it almost makes him sick. 
“Hi,” he finally says, raising his hand in a wave. 
“Mage. What are you doing here?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Anders tilts his head to the side and immediately regrets it as the world around him spins. Thankfully, strong hands grip him before he can make a complete fool of himself and fall on his face in front of Fenris. 
“Nothing with you is obvious.”
“Hmm?” Anders leans against Fenris as he carefully guides him into the house. Fenris smells nice. 
Shit. He said that out loud. Oh well! So much for not embarrassing himself!
“Why am I here?” Anders muses out loud, looking around the entrance of Fenris’ mansion. There’s still so many boxes and random shit all over. Fenris could really use with hiring a cleaner. Or actually cleaning the place himself. Or asking Varric to take care of it. That dwarf has so many contacts he can do pretty much anything in this cursed town. 
“I asked you the same thing, mage. You still have no come up with an answer.”
“Answer to what?”
Fenris grunts but Anders can tell it’s a noise of amusement rather than distaste. At least, he’s fairly certain he’s gotten to the point of interpretation Fenris’ random grunts and growls. 
Fenris pulls Anders up the stairs, leading up to his bedroom. It’s cozy up here, the only room without any dead bodies or random boxes laid half open. There’s a fire going, leaving the room flickering with a welcoming orange glow. 
Anders is shoved down into a chair in front of the fire. He stares at the flames, watching as they dance. Fenris carefully takes his staff, leaning it against the wall by the door. Moments later, or maybe hours, Anders can’t really tell, Fenris is kneeling at his feet. 
“You don’t have to do that.”
Fenris ignores him, carefully taking his boots off. Next he helps him out of his coat, laying it against a nearby chair. Anders can do nothing but stare at Fenris carefully undoes the wrap he keeps around his wrist and then the one around his bad knee. 
Anders is nearly brought to tears at the gesture. He’s been alone for so long it’s hard to remember that other people are capable of showing him kindness. He’s forgotten what it’s like to be deserving of kindness. 
Fenris finally looks up at him, his eyes taking in every inch of Anders’ face. He can’t help but wonder what the elf sees when he stares at him. 
“Now,” Fenris whispers, achingly soft, “why are you here, Anders.”
The alcohol he’s drank makes his head swim but he’s present. The look Fenris is directing his way is sobering. “I’m drunk.”
“I never would have guessed,” Fenris deadpans, raising a brow. 
“I’m drunk and I didn’t want to be alone.”
“Why not go to Hawke?”
Anders looks away, his heart beating against his ribs almost painfully. He knows the answer to that but shouldn’t say it. He’s going to come up with a random lie but the alcohol is fucking with his tongue. “I think I wanted to pick a fight. Feeling angry with you is easier than thinking about why I’m so sad.”
He shouldn’t have said that. He shouldn’t put this on Fenris. Why the fuck did he even come here?
“Sorry,” he somehow manages to muster out of his mouth. He puts his hands on the arms of the chair, starting to stand up. 
A strong hand lands at the center of his chest, pushing him down. His eyes widen as he looks down at Fenris who’s stood from his place in front of him without him even realizing it. 
“What is going on? Tell me straight, Anders.”
It’s the fact that Fenris just called him by his name that has Anders talking. Does this man have any idea the amount of power he holds over Anders? Does he know he could break him so easily? 
A lifetime ago, Anders would have joked and flirted and tried to wiggle his way into Fenris’ pants. He would have fucked him and then ran because that’s what he used to do; run. Now he’s stuck here with a righteous mission that he doesn’t regret, but it does complicate a lot of the things he used to enjoy. 
Fuck, why does his life have to be such a mess?
“Today is the anniversary of Karl’s death,” Anders finally says, letting out a long sigh. “I know you didn’t care for him. You didn’t even know him but still had to flaunt it in my face that you think he deserved what happened to him. It’s whatever, Fenris,” he adds onto the end. He came here for a fight but realizes he doesn’t have a fight left in him. Not tonight. 
“That is,” Fenris starts to say before stopping. His eyes flit away for a moment before resting back on him. “I regret saying such a hurtful thing right after it happened. I wanted to hurt you.”
“It worked,” Anders breathes out. 
“Come. You should rest. We can talk about this tomorrow or we can pretend it never happened.”
“The second. Please, let it be the second.”
Fenris helps him crawl out of the chair and into his bed. He tucks Anders under the blankets. This is nice. Much nicer than his cot at the clinic. Of course there’s a noise at the back of his head telling him he doesn’t deserve this, but he’s drunk enough to ignore it. 
“You will not remember this is the morning,” Fenris says, running a hand through Anders’ hair, pulling it away from his face. “But I admire your fight even if I don’t fully agree with everything you preach. You deserve things for yourself. Hawke once told me that making a life is what you do when you are finally free but I don’t see you doing that. You fight and fight and fight for everyone around you but for yourself.”
“Varric is right,” Anders says, shaking his head. “Handsome apostate renegades with a chip on their shoulders don’t get happy endings. I’ve come to terms with that as long as it means freedom for other people.”
Fenris’ fingers pinch his chin, forcing his eyes up to meet Fenris’. The lyrium in his skin makes Anders’ mind buzz pleasantly. “I will help you if it means you will not sacrifice yourself to this.”
“Wait. Really? You would fight beside me? Truly?”
“As long as you keep your promise, I shall keep mine.”
Anders finds himself grinning up at Fenris. “Deal.”
Fenris stares for a long moment before his hand falls away. Anders immediately misses the touch. “Like I said, tomorrow you won’t remember this, but I will.” 
Before Anders can respond, he finds himself fighting a yawn and losing. Fenris leans down, kisses his forehead, before stepping away and curling himself into the armchair. Anders wants to fight against sleep, to keep talking. But not for the first time, he realizes he’s not up for a fight and falls asleep. 
In the morning, Anders blinks his eyes open and immediately regrets it. Everything hurts, his mouth tastes like ass, and his head is throbbing. Justice is back after having the night off. There’s something comforting about having him back at the back of his mind. 
Thankfully, for once, Justice uses a little bit of tact and doesn’t comment about how stupid it was to drink so much last night which Anders is grateful for. 
He sits up, looking around, only to freeze when his eyes catch with Fenris’. 
“Oh fuck.”
Fenris snorts, running his fingers through his white hair. “Eloquent.”
Anders groans in response. He holds up his hand, pointing at his head. “Do you mind?” When Fenris nods, Anders casts a spell, doing his best to heal his hangover. Now that he can think without feeling like his brain might become liquid and spew from his ears, he starts to stand up. 
“Thank you,” he says, feeling his cheeks heating with embarrassment. “Also sorry that you had to put up with me last night.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
“If you say so.”
They fall into an awkward silence. Anders keeps glancing over at Fenris who’s looking at him strangely. Fuck, what did he do last night? Hopefully he didn’t do something stupid, like try to kiss him or something.
Fuck, did he try to kiss him?
Anders starts to panic but Justice reassures him that he didn’t kiss Fenris. Instead, he sees Fenris kissing his forehead. The conversation they had comes back to him all at once and his head is left spinning. 
Holy shit. 
He looks back at Fenris, his eyes narrowing. “How much was truth? How much of that did you mean?”
“All of it.” Fenris stands up and Anders is jealous at how smoothly he can unfold himself from the chair, not unlike a cat. Fenris steps over to him, standing between his legs. He’s so close that Anders could reach out and touch him. His hands curl into fists as he holds himself back. “Maybe I meant that more than we both realized.”
Anders stares into Fenris’ green eyes, trying to gauge if he’s being honest, trying to read between the lines. He doesn’t get good things. He doesn’t get to have this. 
But what if you can?
“If you truly mean it, then I mean what I’ve said as well. I won’t,” he pauses, swallowing around the lump in his throat. He’s tried to do everything peacefully and nothing is working. He’s running out of options. Can he really promise that he won’t sacrifice himself for the greater good? Why should he live while others suffer?
“It is unfair for me to ask that of you,” Fenris says, resting his hands on Anders’ shoulder. His body floods with warmth. “I only ask that you talk to me before you make any decisions. I want to let you in,” he whispers and Anders knows how hard this must be for him. “I care for you,” he says, the words sound like they’re being pulled from him without his permission. “Anders.”
Anders feels like he’s in shock. How is this real? How is this actually happening? Maybe he’s still dreaming.
You are not dreaming. Say something back.
Anders swallows around the lump in his throat. “I care for you too. I have for a long time but never dreamed of those feelings being returned.”
“I never dreamed of returning them,” Fenris says, the tiniest smile playing at his lips. “The two of us shouldn’t work, but somehow we do.”
There’s truth to that. They fight side by side. They used to fight and pick at each other, but those debates have changed over time. If Anders was a bold man, he’d even say they’ve found a layer of softness together. 
“It’ll take work,” Anders says, raising his brow at Fenris only to have the elf roll his eyes. 
“We never do anything easy. Why start now?”
Anders can’t argue with that, instead chuckling softly. His chest feels near bursting with affection for the man in front of him. He stops holding himself back, instead wrapping his fingers in the front Fenris’ tunic, yanking him forward. The moment their lips press gently together, he is lost. 
He has no idea what the future will hold for them but he thinks just maybe they’ll be able to face it, now that they’ve promised to face it together.
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spicywarl0ck · 5 months
Happy Friday! How about “I don’t need your help"? For whichever character or pairing you like 🥰
Thank you very much for that lovely ask <3 I decided to go with Fenhawke for this, and I had a lot of fun writing it for @dadrunkwriting I know it's short but it kinda fit x3 Couple: Fenris/mHawke Rating: T Length: 509
“You look injured, here let me…” Hawke extended his hand to the man on the ground, a sharp sting following as it got slapped aside, a pair of angry green eyes glaring at him.
“I don’t need your help.” The curt reply stung in his chest, the tiny flash of guilt in those oh-so-haunting green eyes missed by a mere heartbeat. He watched Fenris getting himself back onto his feet with a grunt, his face covered in dirt and blood. 
Something was wrong in how the elf held himself, a gash in the side of his tunic, the dark fabric colored in a red hue that told him what he needed to know.
Fenris was hurt, more than he let on, more than what he allowed himself to show. He didn’t want to appear weak to anyone, not even to the man who came closest to him in the past years. Or at least so, he thought.
But Hawke was also the man hurting the most due to his actions. He had no right to ask anything from him. Not after he left him that night, evading him since then like a coward hiding in the dark.
It was easier that way, yet he couldn’t betray the sting of guilt in his chest when he looked into Hawke’s amber eyes, offering nothing but warmth to him besides everything he’d done.
He didn’t deserve any of it. 
“I’m fine,” Fenris added, his voice pressed. “It’s only a minor wound. Nothing I can’t sleep off.” It was true. As much as the cut hurt, he could already feel the healing process of it as it had only managed to damage the surface of his skin, the contact with the dagger too brief to allow any longing damage.
“I can still soothe it.” The mage offered, not knowing anything about Fenris' inner conflict. 
“But if you won’t have any of my magic, a bandage, and a pint of ale?” he added swiftly, hoping they could still be friends after what happened between them.
A shaky smile rested on his lips when he awaited Fenris's answer, his amber eyes so warm that it broke the elf’s heart.
He searched for an excuse, anything, allowing him to return to Danarius' estate. Or, as Varric called it; His brooding hideout. But no matter how much he tried to find one, he couldn’t.
And maybe that was because deep within him, he didn’t want to pull away from Hawke.
“Fine.” Fenris huffed, the hint of a smile dancing on his lips, easy to miss for anyone not paying attention. “But make that two.” 
“One for me too, Hawke.” Varric fell in, patting the mage on the lower back. “Don’t forget it was me saving your ass from that one guy with the sword. You owe me one. And maybe a game of wicked grace while we’re at it.” The dwarf added with a wink.
“Fine. To the hanged man, it is then. But I take no responsibility to look after you lot if you overdo it.”
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mcflymemes · 1 year
AS SAID BY VARRIC TETHRAS  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age: inquisition
who designs a place that takes this many keys to get inside?
look at all the shit that's happened to you.
this shit is ruining my boots.
you've got to be kidding me.
i really am in the ass-end of nowhere now.
i'll take your word for it.
have we reached the stage where we gossip about each other's love lives?
we'll talk later.
nothing's stopping us from going back up.
one of those things would be impossible. all of them together? that's a miracle.
there was nothing simple about it.
you think we could take a couple of these books back with us?
my guess is another earthquake... that hits when we're halfway across the bridge.
i've had to write some letters.
no tantalizing secrets to divulge?
considering the company, i'm surprised it didn't feel longer.
does anybody else smell that? seriously? just me?
we're done here, right?
just take care of yourself.
i tried to warn you.
so it was just you, alone in the vast wilderness?
so we're getting the band back together? that's exciting.
let's try not to poke around someone else's grave, all right?
that had to hurt!
are you blushing?
let's not talk about it.
something about this place gives me the creeps.
i have no idea why places like this exist.
are we sure this is a good idea?
just because two people dislike each other doesn't mean they're about to kiss.
let's talk about your dark and troubled past.
i can almost promise you trouble when you arrive.
great place to get crapped on by a bird.
sounds like you two would have made a happy couple.
well, that screams "up to no good."
that's the seventh root i've tripped over in the last ten minutes.
i'm providing a service.
back me up!
how about dalliances? liaisons? illicit affairs?
you don't want to talk about yourself. i can respect that. so what do we talk about, then?
i'd also like to avoid falling.
i could help, you know.
i make up for it elsewhere.
are you going to blame me for that, too?
well, no one would peg you as a spy.
what? no! why would you even ask that?
let's try not to get eaten, shall we?
good spot for it. i wouldn't look here for anything.
my money's on this being a trap.
i'll keep that in mind.
maybe the locals will lend us a boat.
some things never change.
too attached to hitting things with your fists?
well, you've got to give me something.
personally i think it's some kind of compensation thing.
anybody else vote that we never come here again?
all this fresh air is making me lightheaded.
you remind me of someone.
are you all right?
i got to ask, does any of this shit make sense to you?
i'm not sure what that even means.
of course i'm concerned! i don't need you prodding me with a stick to prove it.
i hate caves.
thank you for not torturing me. i'm so much happier now.
we'll have to find another way.
how do you like being described?
poor bastards.
be still my heart. i've grown on you.
whatever it does, it's probably ancient and invaluable.
so what do we expect to find here?
you're asking me?
i'm hoping if i ignore it, it'll go away.
there's a lot of work to do.
just what we needed.
i didn't specify whose ass, did i?
you want to get shit done, right?
have you been reading the inscriptions?
it's just... all that niceness.
the only thing they seem to have in common is a tendency to burn things.
so there's a rational explanation after all.
well... that's gruesome.
where's the sneaking? the plotting? the subtle machinations?
most people are like cats. they either puff up to look dangerous or they crouch down and hope you don't see them.
it generally helps to respect local traditions now and then.
i've heard some people actually enjoy walking in the wilderness.
anyone know the name of this river?
someone remembered to bring water, right?
it's... hard to explain.
if they're busy staring at your hat, they're ignoring all your other flaws.
beg your pardon? i didn't catch that.
hm... i don't want to bore people.
how could you possibly be a spy?
ooh, that's a tough one.
look, i have to complain, or you'll forget i'm even here and trip over me!
how are you holding up? you've been quiet for a while.
i don't know what you're complaining about. you're taller than i am.
if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. maybe even throw in a heroic death.
you doing all right? i heard you breathing a little hard after the last fight.
no, no... that was good.
i will try my best not to do the impossible.
no argument there.
you seem the type.
you think i get any fun hanging out with them?
well, what you do doesn't make sense.
it seems like you're not having the effect you could.
keep acting like a big shot and hope it sticks.
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bardspeak · 4 months
And if you lost it all, and you lost it | ao3 link
(Some of) Hawke's letters to Fenris during dragon age inquisition. Hawke was left in the fade here.
Fenris -
I’m sorry for leaving, and I’m sorrier for getting angry that you didn’t want me to. I know you want to be with me, to protect me from what’s to come. I also know that what you could most protect me from is also what could most hurt you. I can’t have that. We protect each other, right?
I’d have you with me if it wouldn’t kill me to see you hurt.
The Inquisition has been looking for me, and Varric has held them off long enough. I guess I’ll find out why it was so important for them soon, but I know for me it’s Corypheus. We were both there – and I’ll never feel safer than when you have my back – but this is a burden of my own. It was my father’s blood that locked him away and mine that set him free. I feel I should be able to know him, understand at least the little my father must have, but I’m just as clueless as anybody else. I just know I can’t sit by and watch him happen to someone else. I hope you can forgive me.
You haven’t said, but I know I’ve been hurting you. I’m not sure why I don’t know how to live without something like this to turn to, to throw myself at. But I won’t drag you into it with me. It doesn’t mean I love you any less, and it doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t ache to be away from you. I love you so much I don’t know what to do with it some of the time. When you’re just gone for the day I’ll turn to tell you when you’re not there. I love your humor, even when you’re laughing at me. I love your anger, even if you’re angry with me now. I love your happiness, and I can’t be sorry enough that it’s not what I’m leaving you with.
You’re with me, even if I didn’t let you be. I’ll be thinking about you all the time. I’ll be dumb enough to forget I left you behind. But I’m leaving my heart there with you.
Make sure nothing happens to it, if it’s not too much trouble.
- Hawke
Fenris -
Varric hasn’t gotten anything from you, but I hope you’re reading this anyhow. I know you hate letters going through him (the nosy rat), so maybe you’re waiting to say whatever it is when I get home. I hope I’m not too long to hear it.
Everything here reminds me of you, even the Inquisitor! She’s not much like you, but I suppose I see an elf glow and I get misty in the eyes. In all seriousness, she’s kind of lovely once you get past the weight of the world on her shoulders. She even got me talking – I told her a couple stories from when it was all of us, and even about that hawk I brought home once. I still have the scar from where he bit me and you didn’t even appreciate the likeness. Still sore about it!
She got me to talk about you, too. But that’s not particularly difficult. What’s the opposite of a sore subject?
Varric’s the same as always, but he seems to feel the weight of Corypheus too. I know I shouldn’t tell him to back off, but come on. That’s my burden! The blood of my father trumps being the guy who came along, in my most expert of books. He’s also in trouble with a seeker here for hiding me for so long. Well. I suppose I’ll take a punch for him, if it comes down to it. Even though he didn’t tell me that CULLEN is a COMMANDER in the INQUISITION!
I couldn’t believe it either! They let him within an egg’s throw of command again? But alas. It’s just like old times, only instead of staring in judgment across the gallows it’s across fields of burly men, or a particularly robust table.
There hasn’t been much action yet, though we’ve gone to see our warden friend. I suppose there’s more than corruption in the ranks, if Corypheus has anything to say about it. I can only be glad Carver’s still in Highever.
Blood magic’s abound, there’s a Tevinter altus (as he so insists) trouncing about the library, and I can’t step three times in any direction without knocking into a templar. But as much as I’m glad you aren’t having to deal with this, I do wish you were here. I miss you more than I can say. Maybe that’s selfish of me. Sorry. You can be cross with me about it when I get back.
I love you! I hope you’re doing well. I always hope you’re doing well.
Don’t forget to walk the dog! I wouldn’t mind if you killed a couple of snakes in my honor, if you’re already at it.
All my love
I’d have given anything to not have to send you this letter. I’d have given anything to send him back home to you. But there was no fighting this. Fighting him.
Hawke is gone.
We were fighting something impossible. The fight had dragged us into the Fade, and that’s where we left him. We couldn’t go back. You know I would have if I could. I’d have been lost right along with him if the rift hadn’t closed behind us.
He slipped from my grasp, gone before I could do anything. The Inquisitor says he stayed behind to save her, shoved her through so she couldn’t even look back, and stayed to fight on his own. He liked her well enough. They got on like a house on fire. Maybe he thought it was something we would have been proud of him for. I’d just have wanted him alive. I know you do too.
He was staying in one of the rooms and I found a note on top of the mess he’d made of his desk. It doesn’t say it, but I know it’s for you. He was wearing his token, though, so I can’t send it with you.
I’m sorry.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to throw this away, or it might be some sort of something I bring with me when I come back home. A reminder, maybe, of how much I wish I was there with you. Something to knock me over the head with if I ever decide to leave again. I still hope you never have to read it.
I’ll do anything I can to make it back, I’m not giving up. It just seems like this gets bigger and bigger in my head every day I’m here. You know I’ll throw my lot in with anything I believe in even if it gets me nowhere good. It got me you, though, so it can’t all turn out bad.
This might be the most important thing I’ve ever done, but right now all I can think of is you. I’m still sorry for leaving you, for hurting you and not letting you be with me. I’m also sorry for being glad you’re not here. That feels like the worst thing I’ve ever done, but I know I wouldn’t have been able to say goodbye to you to your face. And you deserve that, if you can’t have a promise kept.
I’m not sure I’ve ever told you how proud I am of you. You’ve been the strongest person I've known since I met you, and you knew my mother. It’s a pretty high bar. But you don’t have to be strong all the time. You can hate me, never want to think of me again, and I’ll still love you. My heart is still there with you whether you choose to bury it or not. I’m not sure I’ll ever live up to how I wish I could love you, but I love you all the same. I still turn to tell you when you’re not here.
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sapphim · 7 months
Welcome to Does Varric Know Their Name? Part 2: Isabela and Merrill (and Tallis) edition.
Or, all the dialogue in DA2 in which Varric refers to Hawke’s companions; by name, nickname, or otherwise. For reasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 1: Aveline, Carver, and Bethany Part 3: Anders, Fenris, and Sebastian
Combat barks
Varric: Don't die on me, Rivaini! You still owe me a pint!
Act 1 (Banter)
Varric: I shit you not, Rivaini, it was this big. Isabela: There's no way. Impossible! I've had hundreds of those in my hands, and they're never that size. Varric: Would I lie about something so critical? Varric: Rivaini, stop looking at my chest. My eyes are up here. Isabela: But the chest hair… Varric: Do you know how much I suffer under your gaze? I am a person, not an object! Varric: You know, Rivaini, you promised me you'd tell me how your ship wrecked. Isabela: I was drunk. I thought the reefs around the Wounded Coast were made of candy. Varric: Oh, come on.
Act 2 (A Rumour Making the Rounds)
Varric: I'm not spreading rumors. I'm just telling you which way the wind is blowing. Hawke: It fills my heart with joy to know you're not telling people I'm sleeping with an ogre. Varric: If the Rivaini were an ogre… damnation, that'd be one hot ogre.
Act 2 (Friendly Concern)
Varric: Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you. Varric: I hear you and the Rivaini have something going… Isabela: [CUT] Feeling left out, are we, Varric? If you wanted to join in, all you had to do was ask. Varric: [CUT] Isabela, you know my heart is already spoken for. Isabela: [CUT] Your heart might belong to Bianca, but I think your trousers might be up for grabs. Varric: Listen, as your friend, I feel like I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't say something. Varric: Isabela is a great girl, but I think you're likely to get hurt. By which I mean stabbed and left for dead.
Act 2 (Banter)
Varric: You have got to tell me what was in that box, Rivaini. Isabela: Which box? I've opened so many… Varric: Well, those too. But later. Right now: that Qunari relic. Isabela: Come to me, and I'll take you to places you've never been… Varric: Isabela… Are you talking to Bianca? Isabela: I think she deserves to feel a woman's touch on her trigger, don't you? Aveline: What is that? Isabela: Shh! (Giggles.) Varric: Isabela just thought she'd celebrate your love affair with a… written dedication. Isabela: It's "friend-fiction!" I do it out of love!
Act 2 (To Catch a Thief)
Isabela: I've always known what the relic is. I just didn't want to… worry you. Varric: You're the picture of kindness, Rivaini.
Act 2 (Demands of the Qun)
Arishok: She will submit to the Qun and the Ben-Hassrath. More than that I will not say. Hawke: You have your relic. She stays with us. Varric: I'm sure he'll take that well. Rivaini? You might want to move a bit this way.
Act 3 (The Storm and What Came Before It)
Hawke: What was Anders here for? Varric: Blondie didn't tell you? He comes down here now and then. He loses at cards to Isabela, and I buy him drinks.
Act 3 (No Rest for the Wicked)
Varric: I hope Isabela leaves an obvious trail. Varric: Wait, what am I talking about? Isabela's never subtle.
Act 3 (Faith)
Isabela: "Sister Nightingale," indeed. I remember it didn't take much to make you sing. Leliana: (Laughs.) Varric: Is there anyone in Ferelden you haven't slept with, Rivaini?
Act 3 (Banter)
Isabela: Varric, how does one get made a Paragon? Varric: The Assembly votes on it. Enough votes, and—BAM!—you're a living god. Isabela: You should ask to be made a Paragon. Of manliness. Varric: I like the way you think, Rivaini, but one doesn't just ask to be made a Paragon. Varric: So… Hawke and Daisy? Isabela: I think they're darling together. Varric: Really? You're not at all jealous? Because I thought that you and Hawke… Isabela: Hawke was just a dalliance. You know I've still got my eye on you. Varric: Keep dreaming, Rivaini. Varric: You know you still owe me five sovereigns, elf. Fenris: I'm good for it. Varric: So, you think you can win the coin from Isabela? Good luck with that. Merrill: Do you ever miss her? Varric: Isabela? Of course I do. Merrill: You called her by her name. I've never heard you do that before. Varric: No fun in calling her Rivaini if she's not here to be annoyed by it.
Act 3 Climax (Banter)
Merrill: How do you do it, living in this city without picking a side? Doesn't it matter to you? Varric: Of course it does. That's why I don't take sides. Merrill: That doesn't make any sense. Varric: I’ve got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela.
Legacy DLC (Banter)
Isabela: You've a nickname for everyone. Varric: That's true. Rivaini. Isabela: But everyone just calls you Varric. That's hardly fair. Varric: So, elf, what's this I've been hearing about you and the Rivaini? Fenris: None of your business, dwarf. Varric: Just be careful. I get the impression that Isabela's breakups turn into bloodbaths. Isabela: That's part of the fun. Hawke: Varric. I've heard… stories of a personal nature being spread around town. Varric: If you want your private life to stay private, maybe don't sleep with half of Kirkwall. Varric: I'm not spreading any tales about you and the Rivaini. Although she asks me every other week to start some. Isabela: It would make a great new serial. Much better than that guard one you've been writing. Carver: With passion’d breath comes darkness, but with many against Her, She finds His Light untiring as it parts the Veil. Isabela: Not sure if I'm aroused or scared. I like it. Varric: Junior took down the Rivaini? Who’s telling this story?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Varric: Our little Hawke is growing up, Rivaini. Isabela: I know! Burglary and espionage! I'm so proud of him right now, I could burst! Varric: Soon, he'll be sharking card games and swindling merchants all on his own! Brings a tear to my eye! Isabela: What you said earlier… about purpose. Tallis: I was like you once, Isabela. I wanted everything to be easy. Varric: As easy as Isabela? Isabela: Hush, you.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Rescue)
Isabela: I give up! We've been through every inch of this place twice, and there's no sign of them! Varric: Or we've been through the same twenty feet of this place about a dozen times. It's hard to tell, Rivaini.
Narration / Interrogation
Cassandra: You say the Arishok left Kirkwall with the relic, but I know for a fact that's not true. Varric: Oh, he did, but Isabela stole it again three days later. Varric: I heard she jumped into the sea to get away. Might even be true. Either way, we didn't see her again. Varric: As for the rest of us? Eventually we all left the Champion's side for one reason or another. Varric: Well… all of us except for Isabela.
Combat barks
Varric: Blast it! Daisy got herself knocked out!
Act 1 (The First Sacrifice)
Jethann: What can I say? Why work if you're not working hard? Isabela: Ooh, I like him. He reminds me of someone. Merrill: He does? Who is it? Varric: I'll tell you when you're older, Daisy.
Act 1 (Banter)
Merrill: I've never met a dwarf before. Varric: That's because you've spent too much time frolicking in the woods, Daisy. Dwarves don't frolic. Merrill: Dalish don't really frolic, either. Not in the woods, anyway. Varric: Still got that ball of twine? Merrill: I left it at my house. Don't worry! I won't get lost while we're following Hawke. Varric: Bring it next time, Daisy. Just in case. Varric: Daisy, for my sake, please quit cutting through the alleys in Lowtown alone at night. Merrill: Nothing ever happens. I'm perfectly safe, Varric. Varric: Yes, I know. And that nothing is costing me a fortune.
Act 2 (Family Matter)
Varric: I don't know if surface dwarves go back to the Stone, or hang around singing hymns with Andraste, or what. Varric: I just hope wherever he is now, Bartrand stays out of trouble. Hawke: If you're worried about it, we could ask one of the priests to pray for him. Varric: I'm pretty sure that any decent priest who prays for Bartrand would burst into flames. Merrill: But that's awful! I had no idea priesthood was so dangerous! Varric: Don't worry, Daisy. The Chantry keeps a lot of water on hand.
Act 2 (A Rumour Making the Rounds)
Varric: I’m not spreading rumors. I’m just telling you which way the wind is blowing. Hawke: It fills my heart with joy to know you’re not telling people I’m sleeping with an ogre. Varric: Don't call Daisy an ogre! You'll make her cry. Hawke: You had better not be spreading wild rumors about me. Varric: Of course not! Not wild ones, at least. I only spread those about Daisy. Varric: Anyway, all I'm saying is, don't be surprised if people look a little nervous around you.
Act 2 (Friendly Concern)
Varric: Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Varric: There definitely seems to be something between you and Daisy these days. Varric: So, what's going on, Hawke? Varric: I know you don't listen to a damned thing I say, but you might want to be careful. Varric: Merrill is a sweet girl, but there's a whole lot of crazy in that little package.
Act 2 (Banter)
Varric: So, I hear you've been visiting the viscount's gardens, Daisy. Merrill: They're enormous! And they're always empty. Why don't more people go to see them? Varric: Probably because they're private and surrounded by guards. Merrill: Bianca is a very pretty name. Varric: I'll tell her you said so, Daisy. Merrill: She can't actually hear you, can she? Varric: Of course she can. What kind of a question is that? Merrill: I'm sorry about your brother, Varric. Have you any other family? Varric: I have family like a rat has fleas, Daisy. Merrill: Does that mean you have a lot of family, or that they make you itch a lot? Varric: Both.
Act 2 (To Catch a Thief)
Hawke: Sounds like the Qunari take their reading very seriously. Isabela: Is there anything the Qunari don't take seriously? Merrill: I'm sure there's something. Maybe knock-knock jokes? Varric: You just keep working on that, Daisy. Let us know if you figure it out.
Act 3 (A Talking To)
Varric: Come on, Daisy. You shouldn't be stuck in this rat-trap. Does Hawke even know you're here? Merrill: I don't have to ask permission to come to my own house, Varric. Varric: Come on, Daisy. You've been holed up in here for days. If you don't get some sunshine, you'll wilt. Merrill: I'm not a plant, Varric. I'm fine.
Act 3 (A New Path)
Varric: Does anybody else get the feeling that this is going to end badly? Just me, huh? Merrill: It's not all bad, Varric. Think of the stories you'll be able to tell later! Varric: No offense, Daisy, but I could live without telling anyone we murdered you on some mountainside.
Act 3 (Banter)
Merrill: Is there a story behind Bianca? Varric: There's a story behind everything, Daisy. Merrill: So tell me! Varric: I can't. Varric: There was a girl, and I made a promise. Bianca is the only story I can never tell. Merrill: You can't say that! Now I want to know even more! Varric: That was the idea, Daisy. Varric: Twine? When did I loan you a ball of twine? Merrill: You gave it to me when I first moved here when I kept getting lost in Lowtown. Merrill: It drove the merchants in the market completely batty, but it did help me find my way. Varric: Keep it, Daisy. Varric: So… Hawke and Daisy? Isabela: I think they're darling together.
Act 3 Climax (Banter)
Varric: I've got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela. Varric: I've got friends in the Circle and drinking buddies in the templars. All of them matter. Merrill: But you're going to fight. If it comes to that, I mean. Varric: I fought my own brother, Daisy. Nobody said this was going to be a happy story. Merrill: Varric, how does the story end? Varric: Which story, Daisy? Merrill: The big one. With us and Hawke, the mages, the templars. Everything. Varric: You want to know before it happens? You're not worried about spoiling the surprise? Merrill: I might not see it end. Varric: You have to stick with us if you want to know how it turns out, Daisy.
Legacy DLC (Banter)
Merrill: Am I in your stories, Varric? Varric: Daisy, everyone is fair game for my stories. Merrill: I never hear any stories with me in them! What sorts of things do I do? Varric: Well, you get lost a lot. You wind up in the middle of a dog-racing track in Darktown. Or in the viscount's bathing room. Merrill: So they're true stories? Varric: Daisy, I could never make that stuff up. Nobody would believe it. Merrill: Do your stories ever have griffons in them? Varric: Kind of tricky because they're extinct. You can work a griffon attack into a tale, but it takes skill. Merrill: I was thinking more like… heroic griffons. The sort that swoop in and save the day. Varric: Daisy, haven't you heard? Swooping is bad. Merrill: Do you really hate the Deep Roads? Anders: Anybody with sense would hate them. They're a darkspawn-filled pit that goes on forever. Merrill: The dwarves still live in the Deep Roads, don't they? It can't be all bad. Anders: The dwarves are crazy. Varric: He's got a point there, Daisy. Hawke: Varric. I've heard… stories of a personal nature being spread around town. Varric: You're the Champion of Kirkwall. People pay attention to everything you do. And everyone. Varric: I haven't breathed a word to anyone about you and Daisy. Maybe you'd better have a talk with Uncle Greasy?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Merrill: Tell me a story, Varric. Varric: Right now? I don't think we have time, Daisy. Merrill: Maybe a very short story, then? Please? Varric: Fine. "When the cards turned, he lost." Merrill: Oh. Did it have to be so sad? Merrill: I know you're in the Merchants Guild, Varric, but I've never seen your shop. Varric: We're not that kind of merchant, Daisy. Merrill: What kind are you, then? Varric: House Tethras invests in… you're not going to understand a word of this financial stuff, are you?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Rescue)
Varric: Daisy? You don't happen to have that ball of twine, do you? Merrill: I knew I forgot something when we left Kirkwall! Varric: Don't beat yourself up over it. We'll just… wait here until I think of something. Varric: Blondie, I hate to say this, but I'm pretty sure we've been here before. Anders: Blast it! But we went left this time! We shouldn't have come full-circle again! Varric: I wish I hadn't given that ball of twine to Daisy.
Varric: As for the rest of us? Eventually we all left the Champion’s side for one reason or another. Varric: Well… all of us except for Merrill.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Tallis: Thank you for deciding to do this. Hawke: I'm a sucker for hard cases. Just look at my companions. Varric: You have no idea, Tallis. Varric: All right, Shivs, I'll admit it: I'm surprised the Qunari employ thieves. They never struck me as the subtle type. Tallis: That's because you've only met the antaam. Armies aren't usually celebrated for their sneakiness. Also, "Shivs?" Varric: Yes, "Shivs." So, how does stealing valuables from a pompous Orlesian noble fit in with your Qun?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Interrogation)
Cassandra: We had someone there, but they lacked your access. Whatever Tallis was to the Champion, it seems like it angered a nation. Varric: Thousands of lives were at stake, Seeker. Cassandra: Perhaps one still is. Varric: Nicely nonspecific. All right, let me set the scene: an ambush, an invitation, a hunting party. Varric: All because of Tallis. Varric: I don't know why Hawke didn't kill Tallis. I suppose she was pretty for a Qunari. Varric: I don't know why Hawke didn't kill Tallis. I suppose the elf did have her nose. Varric: I don't know why Hawke helped Tallis. I suppose she was pretty for a Qunari. Varric: I don't know why Hawke helped Tallis. I suppose the elf did have her nose. Varric: Whatever the reason, I doubt it's the last we've seen of her.
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theluckywizard · 8 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 54: The Dead Outnumber the Living
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Chapter Summary: Rose and her companions continue to settle into camp in Crestwood and make contact with the village. On their way there, they quickly begin to grasp the scope of the undead problem they're faced with.
Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
This week I have two companion fics for this chapter:
Into her Hands (Hawke POV) The Gift (Cullen POV)
Excerpt below the jump ⏬
Hawke and Blackwall bear lanterns as we make our way along the road to the village in long silent strides, mouths sealed and ears sharpened for shamblers finding their way up from the lake. Twilight barely registers through the heaviness of the clouds and the mist that drifts in from the lake. The four of us are a colorless muddle where the orange firelight doesn’t hit. It doesn’t take long for the corpses to find us, or one of them anyway, the unmistakable thwip of an arrow narrowly missing us revealing the mode of attack. “For Maker’s sake,” I scoff, tugging my helmet lower. At least it’s not bloody hungry. Hawke slips silently around to my right, sliding his shield onto his arm and holding it up high enough to block any arrows that might strike us as he tugs me to cover behind a large boulder. Varric and Blackwall duck behind rocks closer to the perceived direction of the corpse. Behind Hawke’s shield we hold our breath, waiting for a rustle or a hiss. When it doesn’t immediately come I become keenly aware of his utter nearness, his arm scooping me close to his angular cuirass, his helmet leaning against mine. He doesn’t seem the least bit concerned with it, his eyes focused on nothing in particular as he listens for threats. “I got eyes on it,” hisses Varric. “Your eleven o’clock.” Bianca would barely slow the creature but Blackwall could take care of it. Heavy steps through the underbrush indicate he’s chased after it. “What if he attracts more?” I ask Hawke, whose eyes flick to mine finally. He smiles gently. “We’ll take care of them,” he says softly, patting my back where his hand holds me. We hear the guttural groan of the corpse and shing of steel as contact is made. In another moment the rustle of leaves. “Looked like it was just one,” says Blackwall, his voice muffled by shrubbery as he trudges back toward the road. “Thank you,” I say to Hawke. “And they say chivalry is dead.” “It is dead. We’re all sunk without you,” he says with a smirk. I give him a light shove against his breastplate which only intensifies his smile. “Besides who else would help me prank Varric?” “I can think of a few people.” “But none of them so beautifully,” he answers. I drop my head forward, the force of his brazen mouth provoking another ridiculous blush. “That wasn’t a flirt,” he adds hastily. “Really, Hawke,” I scold him. “I was merely stating the objective truth.” “For Maker’s sake!”
Read the rest here Start the fic here
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daitranscripts · 4 months
What Pride had Wrought Pt. 7
Cutting Through the Enemy
What Pride had Wrought Masterpost Previous: Base Camp
The PC begins to head to the battle.
Party comments:
Iron Bull: Now that’s a view. Gets your blood going.
Vivienne: Corypheus’s soldiers appear to be on the defensive.
Cassandra: Listen to how close the fighting’s gotten! It will be worse ahead.
Sera: Come on, let’s go plug some arseholes!
Sera: This place is rubbish. What are we doing?
Varric: One last push, and we can lick our wounds. I wonder if Corypheus will show.
Dorian: I hope your right about this temple, Morrigan. I could use a building or two. Morrigan: Do the woods discomfort you, Pavus? Dorian: It’s mostly the people trying to cut our heads off that manage that.
Morrigan: Do you see the magic crackling? Something more powerful than the red templars stirs.
A soldier points them ahead.
Soldier: Emperor Gaspard and his bodyguard are just down the hill, Inquisitor. They wish to join you for the last push. Soldier: Marquise Briala and her bodyguard are just down the hill, Inquisitor. They wish to join you for the last push. Soldier: Empress Celene’s general is just down the hill, Inquisitor. He wishes to join you for the final push.
They continue down the path to help Orlesian soldiers fight.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Gaspard rules [1]
Briala and Gaspard rule [2]
Celene/Public truce [3]
1 - Gaspard rules:
The PC joins Gaspard against the red templars.
Gaspard: For Val Royeaux! Hyah! Gaspard: Hah! Well met! Gaspard: Come, you scoundrels! Put your backs into it! Gaspard: To the Maker with them!
After the battle: Gaspard: Well fought, your worship! Let’s hope there’s more where they came from! Go find this temple your aides were on about. We’ll hold position. [4]
2 - Briala and Gaspard rule:
The PC joins Briala against the red templars.
Briala: Fight on Inquisitor! Orlais will turn the tide! Briala: For the Dales! Briala: Steady aim! Watch for the rear guards! Briala: Your time has come!
After the battle: Briala: We’ll hold position while you find your way to this temple. Briala (Dalish PC): Good luck, my friend. May you truly be the Maker’s chosen. Briala (non-Dalish PC): Best of luck, Herald of Andraste. [4]
3 - Celene rules/Public truce:
Orlesian General: Hail the Inquisitor! Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Celene, stands with you! Orlesian General: Glory to Andraste and the Inquisition! Glory to Orlais! Orlesian General: The beasts are flanking to the east. We’ll hold! We will hold! [4]
4 - Scene continues.
*They continue forward, fighting through more red templars and some Wardens as they proceed through the river past the great waterfall.
PC: Those were Grey Wardens. They must be the last of those enslaved at Adamant.
Party comments:
Blackwall (???): Poor bastards. Corypheus has them dying by the dozen.
Blackwall: We’ll remember the men they were. And we’ll avenge them.
Cassandra: If they were forced to obey him, death will be a blessing.
Iron Bull: That, or you got another set of Wardens pissed at you somehow.
Morrigan: A most inglorious end. Still, if these puppet-Wardens show no mercy, neither can we.
The party continues, helping Inquisition soldiers along the way.
Soldier 1: For Haven, and the Divine! Soldier 1: The monsters are running, Your Worship.
Soldier 2: They fall. The red templars fall! Soldier 2: For the Inquisition!
Soldier 3: It’s the Inquisitor! Soldier 3: For the Herald!
Soldier 4: We’ve readied the way. Soldier 4: At your command Herald.
The party continues to the red templar forward camp.
Morrigan: There, ahead. An entire camp of red templars.
Party comments:
Cassandra: Watch out. They’ve posted archers on the wall.
Iron Bull: Watch yourself. Arches on the wall.
Blackwall: Look sharp. They’ve got archers on the wall.
As they fight, strange elves join the fray.
Party comments:
Iron Bull: Katara bas! They fight like a hurricane!
Blackwall: These elves are damned fast!
Vivienne: Who are these elves!
Cassandra: Elves! But where did they come from?
Dorian: Are those elves? Where did they come from?
Varric: Who are these guys?
Cole: These elves want us dead! Iron Bull: We noticed!
The fight ends.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Dalish PC [5]
non-Dalish PC [6]
5 - Dalish PC PC: Who were those elves? They didn’t look Dalish.
Party comments:
Solas: It seems this Temple of Mythal is not deserted after all.
Varric: Yeah. Dalish are a lot more chatty.
Blackwall: they’re no friends to the templars, that’s for sure.
Vivienne: No, not at all.
Sera: Least the bastards killed those red templars.
Iron Bull: Whoever they are, they don’t like the res templars any better than we do.
Cassandra: They fought unlike any Dalish I have ever seen. [7]
6 - non-Dalish PC PC: Were we just attacked by elves?
Party comments:
Solas: It seems this Temple of Mythal is not deserted after all.
Varric: Uh-huh. But they don’t look like any elves I’ve ever seen.
Cassandra: They do not look like Dalish or city elves.
Sera: Not for long, we weren’t!
Blackwall: Strange looking ones, too. At least they hate red templars.
Vivienne: Did you feel that aura? Everything they wore dripped with magic.
Dorian: Elves wielding strange magic, at that. Could you feel it? [7]
7 - Scene continues.
Morrigan: Perhaps these creatures are the reason few return from the Arbor Wilds.
They continue on, helping more soldiers.
Soldier 5: We’re pushing them back, Your Worship. Soldier 5: Always ready, Inquisitor. Soldier 5: Ready at your command.
Soldier 6: We’re ready to serve, my [lord/lady] Soldier 6: We’re honored, Inquisitor. Soldier 6: We stand with you, Your Worship.
As they continue, they come across more allies as they fight red templar behemoths at the ruined archways.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Sided templars, Barris died [8]
Sided templars, Barris lived [9]
Sided mages [10]
8 - Sided templars, Barris died: Fletcher: (templars conscripted): Templars of the Inquisition! The Herald of Andraste fights with us! Fletcher: (templars allied): We fight to reclaim our honor! For the Order! Fletcher: Keep at them!
After the battle: Fletcher: We’ll break the red templars, Your Worship. I can feel the battle turning. With you here, the Maker favors us. [11]
9 - Sided templars, Barris lived Barris: (templars conscripted): At your command, Herald! The Inquisition’s templars are ready! Barris: (templars allied): Inquisitor! The Templar Order won’t rest until these bastard fall! Barris: For the Herald of Andraste!
After the battle: Barris: We’ll mop up any remaining red templars, Inquisitor. Andraste mark me: we’ll avenge every good knight who died in Therinfal. [11]
10 - Sided mages Fiona: We’ll hold these monster, Inquisitor! The free mages stand with the light! Fiona: inquisitor! The Circle of Magi stands with you! Fiona: Holds fast! Fiona: Quickly! One of them weakens!
After the battle: Fiona: Your scouts say more red templars are on their way. We’ll guard against them. Andraste guide you, for I’ve heard Corypheus is ahead. [11]
11 - Scene continues.
Leliana fights in some ruins along the way.
Leliana: Good hunting, Inquisitor! We’re keeping them at bay! Follow the river to the temple!
They find Cullen fighting at the temple gates.
Cullen: Press on, Inquisitor! Cullen: the Inquisition will not yield!
After the battle, the party presses on.
PC: That must be the Temple of Mythal.
Party comments:
Vivienne: Prepare yourself, my dear. It’s likely Corypheus will make an appearance. PC: I’d count on it. Be ready.
Varric: We haven’t seen Corypheus yet. bet that’s about to change. PC: I’d count on it. Be ready.
Blackwall: If we find Corypheus anywhere, it’ll be there. PC: I’d count on it. Be ready.
Cole: In front of us. Rage burning red. So close to what he wants, what he was, what he will be. PC: Corypheus.
Dorian: Any chance Corypheus will finally grace us with his presence? PC: I’d count on it. Be ready.
Solas: Be ready. Corypheus will be there.
Morrigan: I hear fighting ahead.
The PC walks through the archway to the temple entrance.
Next: Temple of Mythal
10 notes · View notes
shivunin · 5 months
Carrion comfort? That’s also the name of a song I love so I’m curious haha
And for @jtownnn too, who asked for the same one!
Is it this song, by chance? Because I love it, too!
The title actually comes from this quote:
“Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee; Not untwist — slack they may be — these last strands of man In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be.” —Gerard Manley Hopkins, “Carrion Comfort”
This fic is my "Fenris gets captured and Hawke has to track him down before they make it back to Tevinter" fic. It's got all the good things---someone almost dying and the other finding them, horrible mind control, memory loss, and bonding road trips with your lover's sister. Here is a little piece:
Hawke went home. Later, she couldn’t recall how. She couldn’t seem to see straight and none of the sounds around her seemed to penetrate the cloud of horror and rage that hissed in her ears. They’d thought he was safe. He was supposed to be safe. 
She walked right past the elf in the foyer without seeing her, mind already fixed on the wardrobe where she kept her armor, and if Varania hadn’t reached out to touch her arm Maria would have kept on walking. 
“Wait,” Fenris’s sister said. “Leto—” 
All at once, the bubble of shock burst and Hawke was moving, moving, her hand on the woman’s throat, pressing her back to the wall of the foyer, thinking no, no, I cannot kill her yet, she might know—
“Mistress,” Orana said, horrified. 
What was she doing?
Hawke let go and stepped back, breathing hard. Varania was slightly paler than Fenris; the red handprint on her throat showed very clearly. The two of them stared at each other, Hawke’s hands burning with unspent rage, Varania’s eyes hard and unyielding. In the doorway to the room beyond, Orana stood still as a statue, both hands pressed to her throat. 
“Where is he?” Maria gritted out at last. “What have you done to him?”
“I have done nothing,” Varania said. “I have come to warn you, and you have attacked me. What reason have I to answer any of your questions?”
Despite her reputation, Hawke was not the sort of person to strike first. “Don’t start fights, but always finish them,” her father had told her when she was very young and just coming into her power. He’d added more to it—something about preemptive strikes in cases where she had solid information—but that hadn’t made as much of an impression. She was not the sort of person who was quick to lash out. No; ordinarily, Hawke’s anger was a slow thing, built log by log until it burned bright and hot.
But now—
“You know something,” she said, taking a single step forward. Varania eyed her with disdain, her chin lifted high. 
She hadn’t let Fenris kill this woman. Maria was not going to kill her because she was mad. She wasn’t. She was better than that. 
Slowly, her palms began to cool from their fever-heat. 
“What do you want for it?”
“My brother,” Varania snapped, then pressed her lips together. “I want my brother. Leto. Not this Fenris.”
“No,” Maria said flatly, lifting her own chin. “Fenris is his own man.”
“I am not asking for—” Varania broke into a long line of Tevene, plainly not complimentary. When Hawke glanced at Orana for a translation, she saw only the same barely-masked fear. 
Flames. After all these years, she’d terrified poor Orana into being the woman she’d been when she first came here. 
“Orana,” Hawke said softly, raising both hands in a placating gesture, “I need your help. Fenris has been taken from his manor. There was—quite a bit of blood. Can you please go tell Varric? He’ll know what to do.” 
Orana bobbed her head, avoiding Hawke’s eyes, and darted for the front door. When it closed behind her, Maria turned back to Varania. 
“Well?” she asked. “What will it be? He needs me and I must go. Will you tell me or should I guess?” 
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
WOW, so volume 3 of The Missing is out and… what the heck just happened? 😂 I feel like this volume left me with more questions than the previous two volumes combined. There are some VERY intriguing lore bits in this one (and also a lot of.. questionable stuff again, too lol). It messed with my head in every possible way, so I hope I can somehow collect my thoughts by writing them all down under the cut. You know the drill. :D So let’s dive into it.
(Btw, I've already talked about the matter of each volume being drawn by a different artist in my post on volume 2, so I’ll just say that, out of the three art styles we got so far, I probably like this one the least? Maybe it was just me, but I found myself a bit confused at times by the visuals and what was happening? lol Of course, this is all subjective and it's not bad or anything, I just liked the previous ones better, I guess. But hey, it’s nice to see that, apparently this new artist got BioWare’s memo on Varric’s (and Harding’s) new design, too. lol So, no sudden design change again, like we got from volume 1 to 2. Though is it just me or does Harding’s hairstyle keep changing in every volume? lol Makes me wonder what it‘ll end up being if we get to see her again in DA4 (because she‘s obviously going to be a companion 👀.)
- So we start off with a neat one page kinda “roadmap”/”montage” of Varric and Harding traveling to our next destination, Arlathan Forest….. by ship? (*still crossing fingers for a ship main base in DA4 btw*) Ok, I know I said I would stop nitpicking about every little thing in this story that seems to happen out of “plot convenience” after the last volume, but.. I just have so many questions here already. 😂
Ok, so.. how exactly did they even manage to make it out of Vyrantium like that? Are the Antaam who are setting the siege on the city, in addition to not knowing about people getting in and out of the city through the sewage, ALSO not aware of/don’t care about people leaving the city by ship? 😂 I mean, I would assume that the Antaam still have a strong naval power under their belt with all those dreadnoughts and what not, so… were Varric and Harding just incredibly lucky or are the Antaam just really bad at setting a siege? lol
In fact, why even take the risk to travel by ship in the first place? lol Especially considering how in the first chapter of Tevinter Nights, it was said that the Antaam were occupying the shores along the Arlathan Forest, so…. did they just retreat after the events of that chapter or.. again, are Varric and Harding just incredibly lucky to have not come across their camps when they reached the shores? 😂 ANYWAY.
- Nope. Luckily, they don‘t encounter any Antaam OR their dreadnoughts, but they do come across a few shipwrecks that *are* probably the result/aftermath of some sea battles between the Qunari and Tevinter, I assume? OR, my other guess, seeing as there is also this giant sea monster depicted on the map right along Varric and Harding’s route…
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....maybe those ships fell victim to one of those lovely creatures. lol (Remember that DA4 codex entry in one of the BioWare Community Updates about motherflippin Sea Dragons??) There certainly seems to be a good chance for a generally far more “oceanic” setting in DA4! 👀👀
Btw, I’ve also seen people being confused about there being icebergs in the northern sea? lol
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I mean, we already established snow on the equator (confirmed by Mark Darrah himself lmao), so I don’t see a problem with some ice in the nocen sea. lol
- Anyway, leaving the sea behind us… We then get a gorgeous establishing shot of our next location, prompting me to say.. Welcome to Inception Forest I mean Arlathan Forest!
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Things have indeed become very strange in this place, it seems. 
My first question upon seeing this was actually how old some of these twisted structures and the ruins we see throughout this volume might be? Seeing as the general assumption seems to be that this forest was the place where the capital city of Elvhenan Arlathan once stood, and imo it’s as good as confirmed at this point that Arlathan is/was the Golden/Black City in the center of the Fade, I’d say it makes a lot of sense that magic ran wild here after Solas created the Veil and did whatever to take Arlathan to the Fade, along with some very angry trapped gods inside? lol Unless we believe that other story in which, according to Tevinter, Arlathan sank onto the ocean floor after some massive blood ritual, long after the Veil was created. Either way, the Veil/magic/spirits going bonkers in this place could be traced back to a lot of historic events.
What I am kinda missing in this panel though (besides Harding’s hair color, I guess lol) and throughout this whole volume actually, are the golden/autumn leaves we’ve been seeing in all the concept art/illustrations thus far?
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Though maybe that’s just a stylistic choice by the artists?
And again, sorry for the nitpick, but plot convenience strikes again as we just so happen to walk into this very helpful group of people. lol
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- Irelin and Strife!! <333 Another space to cross out on our speculation bingo card. lol And as expected, judging by their design, they are in fact the people we’ve been seeing in all the concept art/teaser trailer/etc.
- I don't know but something about the art style, the way this panel is drawn, the overall design of those guys and just the name "Veil Jumpers" is giving me huge 80s rock band vibes. 😂 Like, I was looking at this, thinking "So, when's their album coming out?" Because damn, I'll be the first to buy it! 😂
- I'll be honest, that is not at all what I imagined Strife to look like when I was reading Tevinter Nights. lol I'd say he definitely lives up to his name. 😂 He kinda reminds of Sten..? What with the hair and facial features. Also, he wasn't described to have vallaslin in TN? So did he get it after the events in the book? And speaking of similarities.. Doesn't Strife also look a lot like this one guy from the DA4 concept art?
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Idk, but given the height and the skin tone, I always assumed that this has to be a hornless qunari? But upon closer inspection, the ears don't really look all that pointy, so... maybe it's just a *really* tall human? 😂 (Or sneaky BioWare once again messed with this image in editing.. I just KNOW that “Shotgun Girl” is Harding and they edited the weapon in the line up concept art to not look like Bianca and her height to resemble that of a human to fool us! I’m ONTO you, BioWare…. 👀)
- So.. the thing about Strife…
While in Tevinter Nights, he was described as a city elf from Starkhaven who eventually joined a Dalish clan, there is an interesting theory floating around that he might actually be an ancient elf. 👀 For one, he appears to be taller than the regular elf, which we know for a fact that at least some of the ancient elves were a lot taller than modern elves (Solas being a special little snowflake again lol).
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His facial features are also quite similar to most of the qunari we’ve seen thus far, which could point to the theory of the Kossith being the product of some ancient elven experiments with dragon blood.
There’s also the matter of his name. “Strife” reminds me a lot of how the ancient elves like to take on a defining attribute/purpose in life as their namesake (e.g. Solas/Pride, Abelas/Sorrow, Felassan/Slow Arrow), so “Strife” might’ve literally been his name in ancient times that he now just translated into the common tongue.
- So as it turns out, the Veil Jumpers are simply an “alliance between the best Dalish mages, hunters and other non-elves willing and able to contain the threat of the chaos that reigns over the Arlathan Forest”, which has me wondering how many Dalish clans living here are currently missing a mage, what “containing the chaos” actually means and how they’re able to withstand the effects of some of the strange magic that we see throughout the volume. Also, how do non-elves even get to join them in the first place? Where do they come from?
- I gotta say, Irelin actually *does* look a lot like how I pictured her in the book. lol I like the fur she has going as a little hint at her shapeshifting abilites.
- We're also introduced to two completely new characters called Binde and Tist Tits (I SWEAR, I misspelled it the first time, but since I have the humor of a twelve year old and as a German, the pun is just too good to miss because "Binde" is also literally the German word for "menstrual pad", I'm just not gonna correct myself lmao), who don’t have much of a role or dialogue in this volume, but I still like their design a lot!
- So in conclusion, so far I’m loving the diversity of the Veil Jumpers, seeing as *cough* obviously this is one of the factions you’ll get to choose for your protagonist in DA4, so you won’t be limited to play as an elf *cough* and I’m very excited to learn and see more about them! :D
(- Btw, does anyone know what happened to Myrion? lol I would love to see him again in DA4, having joined Strife and the Veil Jumpers after the events in TN! <3)
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- Varric interrupting Harding seems to be a running gag at this point. lol What also seems be a bad running gag by now is half the artists of this comic forgetting about Harding's freckles somehow. 😂 Well, at least they didn't forget about her scar this time around. lol
- Also, Varric and Harding starting off WAY too trusting again, when they don’t even know if these guys could be affiliated with Solas‘ agents or something? lol Also, they don’t even have anything to prove their claims here. Basically, there should be no reason for the Veil Jumpers to trust Varric and Harding either, especially given that they’re after some super powerful ancient artifact….. but we have to further a plot, so we’re friends now, I guess. lmao
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- lmao Yeah, because apparently the Inquisition just can’t affort to send out more than these two goofballs to stop the end of the world. And I still admire your optimism here Harding, but again, given that Solas was already several months ahead of you in the last volume, how could you possibly still believe to find it before him or the Venatori at this point? 😂
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- Well, I think you guys underestimate our indestructible Mr Varric “Plot Armor” Tethras. This man has survived two whole games, including several DLC, a book and like a dozen different comic series. He’ll manage, I’m sure. lmao
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- I'm sorry, but how the hell does this map even WORK?? LMAO Like, how are you supposed to use this for any sense of orientation or direction?? I swear, this is what it looks like if I tell a six year old to draw a treasure map. 😂
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- The weird map aside though, I think the concept of these different “trials” could make for some really fun features in DA4, gameplay wise? Like, can you imagine level design with entire upside down sections or messing with time like in the Prince of Persia games for example? I think there’s sooo much potential here for some really cool creative level design ideas!
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- Now, this was super trippy! Switching places with spirits like that is definitely a first and I can’t even begin to think about what all this could indicate in terms of established lore?? Like, how does this work? What kind of spirits are those? I’ve got a lot of questions here.
„Then you’ll be trapped down here. Forever.“
- Wow, thanks Strife, would’ve been very nice to have known that *beforehand*. lmao
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- I assume these are the poor people who met that very fate then, which is horrifying, to say the least. I don’t even want to guess how many ages some of them must be trapped there, seemingly unable to die? *shiver*
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- I… What kind of face is THAT? lmao
- I’m impressed by Harding seeming to adapt to all of this quite well compared to Varric. Maybe she should consider becoming a Veil Jumper some day. lol
- Next up is the “upside down” trial and in relation to this, I’d like to shamelessly use this opportunity once more to refer to this little theory I posted a few weeks ago. :D
- Also, hey look, Leopards! That’s new!
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- THIS whole series of events messed with my head so much on my first read.. Like, I had to re-read this part four times and I still don‘t fully understand what happened here, but we’ll get back to this moment by the end (you know what I’m talking about). lol
Though I felt SO bad for making fun of Varric rapidly aging in my last post when I saw him suddenly collapse like that. 😶 Also, was I the only one thinking about what it must’ve been like for the ancient elves to experience something similar when Solas created the Veil and time got distorted, without even knowing what physically aging even meant before that? Like, that must’ve been horrifying as well.
„I think it’s better I don’t even try to understand what just happened…“
You and me both, Varric. lol
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- That’s certainly a VERY different kind of Varterral than what we’re used to. lol Though I really like this new design, gives me LOTR Ents vibes! Can’t wait to fight against one of these guys in DA4. *nervous laughter*
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- I want to point out that this has to be the very first time in this entire comic so far that someone actually comes up with a plan before jumping into action. lmao Really appreciate you for that, Irelin. <3
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- WOAH OK, hold on a second??? There’s so much to this panel that I don’t even know where to start. lol I literally gasped out loud.
Ok first off, the mural on the right. Obviously, this is the same mural that we saw in the 2020 teaser trailer, which indicates that this has to be the same place then, too, right? (Unless Solas is just walking around leaving his signature graffiti all over Thedas. lol Though I do wonder why this one looks way more “crumbled” than what we saw in the teaser?)
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The mural on the left though is new and probably the juciest part about this whole volume for elven lore scholars. lol I’ve already seen many people speculate, so I’ll just say that my initial thought on this was also Ghilan’nain and Andruil!
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So, there are two figures that appear to be female with some very familiar headpieces, who seem to embrace each other in some way. The shape of the headwear seems to also align with some of the symbols we’ve seen in the latest cinematic, which are widely assumed to represent the Evanuris.
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And the upper figure looks a lot like the one seen in the teaser and the concept art, which going by the fandom’s most popular assumption, could very likely be Ghilan’nain.
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As far as we know, the only females in the elven pantheon are Mythal, Sylaise, Andruil and Ghilan’nain. And out of those four, Ghilan’nain and Andruil are believed to have been lovers. So, if that’s what we’re seeing in this mural, that would actually be a huge deal, since, well, up until now, we didn’t even know what any of them looked like!!
There also seems to be an ominous third person, cramped up in the lower corner of the mural, which does kinda resemble the red lyrium idol, like the amazing @felassan​ has also pointed out in this post!
And while looking at this, I realized that those garments and headwear are also very reminiscent of some Tevinter designs we’ve seen, particularly the Archon’s outfit?
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Which imo could hint at Tevinter once again just adopting a lot of ancient elven concepts into their own culture after they conquered them all these ages ago. Like, it’s surely no coincidence that the mage-ruler of the Imperium looks so much like the most powerful rulers of Elvhenan?
I’ve also seen people saying that the red female appears to be pregnant?? I’m not so sure though, it’s hard to tell from the angle and the way it’s draw. 🤔 But if true, it would definitely raise *a lot* of questions.
Though I can’t believe I haven’t really seen anyone actually point out the most baffling part about all of this!
Which is, why the flippin hell would Solas even choose to draw such imagery in the first place?? lmaoo (Assuming that the right mural was probably made by him, too. Which suggests that he drew this one as well.) Like, is Solas treating these ruins like his personal drafts for his secret tumblr side blog, drawing intimate GhilxAndy fanart?? Solas, you owe us ANSWERS, Sir!
And funny enough, the art style does make it kinda look like these murals are more like giant wallpapers rather than actual frescoes. lol
- ANYWAY, since there’s still a lot more to get to, let’s talk about the “Big Shocking Reveal”.
And I’m not talking about the fact that Solas has apparently taken the Crucious Stone long before they got there.. No, that wasn’t even remotely surprising to me. 😂
No, I’m of course talking about Varric thinking it was Solas who saved him from that Leopard. lmao
THIS made my head spin in so many ways, and it kinda still does lol, so I’ll make an attempt now to make sense of this the best I can.
So, let me get this straight… The way I take it, the supposed “Venatori assassin” ran up to Varric out of seemingly nowhere, shoved him aside, then Varric “aged back”, the Leopard jumped on the assassin instead, turned into a kitten and then the assassin essentially…. disintegrated? lol At least, that’s what it looks like to me...
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All right. So if that’s what happened, then I feel like there are several possible scenarios here.
A) That Venatori guy was actually real, but was somehow manipulated by Solas to do this.
B) Solas made a spirit possess the guy or there was never a real person in there to begin with.
C) Solas actually pulled another “Bard” disguise and dressed up like the Venatori assassin himself (although I don’t know exactly what happened to him then when he “vanished” after that kitten attack lmao), which I guess would also retrospectively suggest that the Venatori who had been stalking Varric and Harding since volume 1 was also Solas himself all along……
You know, honestly I had this silly thought in the back of my mind from the very beginning, like I kept laughing to myself, what if this Venatori was actually Solas all along... but I guess I just refused to ever write it down in my previous posts because… I thought it was just.. too ridiculous? 😂
And I don’t particularly mean the disguise part, obviously ever since “the Bard”, anything is possible. lmao
No I mean.. Why.. the heck.. would Solas… stalk Varric and Harding, while setting them up on this loooong friggin goose chase through half of the country and leave all those clues for them to follow his tracks…. only for Varric.. to find this letter.. telling him NOT to interfere??? What was the purpose of all this then?? Like, how does this make sense?? 😂 Someone help me understand… That being said, I just really hope it was either case A or B. 😂 Or Varric is just.. wrong? lol OR I should simply stop questioning the logic of this very simple comic. 😂 As long as the actual game’s writing doesn’t leave me with a headache, I’m good.
Though in hindsight, it IS pretty funny how I even kept saying how crappy the Venatori was at his job. lol Like them leaving the X pattern on that deepstalker in volume 1 was such a strange thing to do? And if it turns out to be case C, then I can already see Solas trying to pull this number on us again in DA4. lmao I guess the game’s slogan will be “Trust no one.” It could be Solas in disguise. 💀
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- I love how Solas apparently made his own customized Dread Wolf signet ring for a wax seal AND proceeded to even sign the letter with his name, as if there could be ANYONE else leaving a letter like this addressed to Varric in such a place. lmao This MAN!
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- Oh dear, Solas really was like „Please Varric, elven mythology already turned me into their greatest villain in history, I don’t want to be one in yet another smuddy literature popular narrative…“ lmao
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- I’m a little confused by this conclusion, seeing as the previous volume mentioned that magic had already “run wild in Arlathan Forest for at least a 1000 years”. So I thought this was nothing that happened just recently because of Solas‘ actions? Though maybe Irelin is talking about something else? Or the state of Arlathan has somehow gotten even stranger since Solas started to prepare something for his big ritual he mentioned in Tevinter Nights?
- It’s also interesting to note that, out of all the factions we’ve come across so far in this comic, the Veil Jumpers are now the only ones who actually got to know Solas‘ name and identity?
- So that’s where we’re leaving off and looking at the blurb for the final volume again, I’m curious to see how all this will now tie back to Minrathous and if the Crucious Stone is even going to play any significant role at all. lol As you might've noticed there were a lot of "why" questions here, which I doubt any of them will be answered in the final volume, so... I guess we're just left to wait for what's in the actual game then. 😂
If anything, the preview of the final cover does seem to complete our speculation bingo card, with how it continues to follow the pattern of the factions in the teaser/concept art/short stories from 2020.
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So I assume the final faction, which is the only one still somewhat shrouded in mystery, is going to be have something to do with “The Viper“/Tarquin? 👀 So I’m very excited to find out who it’s gonna be and most of all, to get a look at the big city, Minrathous itself (and who knows, maybe we even get to see Solas in the very last panel or something)! Let’s see how all this ties in to DA4! :D
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Us Against The World- Solas (Dragon Age: Iquisition. Fem. Human! Mage! Reader) Part 1/2
You're a slightly clumsy human with a heart of gold...and a horrible lack of people skills. Everyone, though their intentions are pure, think of you as fragile...except for one person
Contains: not canon in the SLIGHTEST because Ion feel like crying today, smut (in part 2), Reader whose shorter than Solas, smut (In part 2), references to nightmares/sleeping problems Gen Z humor, 21st Century slang/references (because why not and it's funny!), Smut (in part 2), angst, emotions, references to mental illness, I'm trying to give everyone who loves this egg some crumbs. (It's me, I'm 'everyone') praise for your strengths because you deserve it
Solas is my husband and I can change him it's okay, it's fine. I'm not heartbroken at all.
It's a well known, yet unfortunate fact that however you introduce yourself to the world is how you are perceived and it's the persona you must stick to. Well, you were clumsy one. the girl who fell off a ledge, face first into the snow.
You had been walking, there was a log, then the next thing you know you went flying. A small group of people crowded around you and you had to brush off your pain and oncoming tears with a loud laugh and a snort. Ever since then, it was a known fact. If someone wasn't you, you were pretty much a lost cause.
Y/N was a cute little human, silly mage girl. She can't handle sharp objects without assistance. Cassandra, Cullen, Varric, Sera, EVEN Vivvienne (and considering her stance on mages, you were REALLY worried about that) all followed this fucked up code of conduct when it came to you. It sucked....it sucked Dire balls. You could have killed Blackwall when he stopped you from cutting open an apple with a dagger and did it himself, loudly stating "You could hurt yourself doing it that way."
"Mornin' Y/N" Krem had walked from his post over to where you were standing. You had been feeding your horse, Chestnut. "Slip on any puddles today?"
"Very funny." You sourly replied. "Did the big oaf send you on a solo mission to drag barrels of liquor through salty sea mud?"
"Don't remind me." he gagged. "I'm still not over last time."
"That's what I thought." you laughed. "And for the record, I'm wearing my slip resistant boots today. I had these made, strictly for this-" You began dancing in place. "See? No slipping today! HA!"
"Well, I'm happy for ya...I don't suppose your party will act any different?"
"Not in the slightest." You griped. "Imagine how much bargaining I had to do just to get a horse."
"I mean, a 800 kg death trap-"
As if being insulted, your horse gave a low huff, raising it's head from their obviously interrupted breakfast.
"Sorry buddy-" he laughed at your pet's diva-ish attitude. You watched as Krem gently combed his fingers through Chestnut's mane "But to be fair you did accidentally start a fire."
"It was aimed at the pile of wood meant for the fire anyways!"
"The fire was bright pink, Y/N..."
"Well no one told me that my staff was switched with Solas' and to be fair, I think it is quite impressive to start a fire with storm magic!"
"Which is why you aren't allowed to sleep with your staff next to you anymore."
"But it's still pretty cool." you pointed finger guns at your lifelong pal. "Admit it!"
"I'd have to agree." a new voice joined you. Speaking of Solas, he strode up with his hands tucked behind his back. "I've never seen something quite like that before. It's almost amazing to think no one outside of these walls could experience a phenomena."
"Heh, well...um-" you stammered. "I am pretty amazing." you shrugged, followed by a pathetic attempt to look casual.
"Pardon my meddling but I was hoping I could speak to Y/N for a moment." he looked who Krem who had been holding in a laugh.
"Right, I got some stuff to do. Drinks later?" he pointed at me as he began walking backwards, probably to pester Iron Bull or antagonize Cullen. You started wide eyed in terror as you were left alone. You faced Solas, trying to put on a smile.
"Um...hi?" you shyly waved.
"Hello, my friend." he greeted you back with a somewhat knowing smirk. "I hope all is well?"
"Um, pretty much." you rocked on the balls of your feet. "You wanted to speak with me?"
"Yes, yes I did." the much taller male smiled kindly. "I wanted to check in, and make sure your dreams aren't causing ailments again."
"..Oh, those." you sighed sheepishly. "I've felt worse...but they aren't bothering me too much." you confessed.
"Are they getting worse?"
"They're about the same."
As well as having slight troubles when it comes to staying vertical, your dream state had been suffering since you were small. It was one of the many reasons people kept an eye on you, after you made a campfire burn four trees down in your sleep.
Solas, being the only one well versed in this kind of stuff was tasked with helping you by any means.
"Hm, I feared you'd say that." he shook his head. "Ah well, I might have another solution."
"Hey, at this point I'll try anything." you pet your horse's head. "I don't know how much use I'll be if these stupid dreams keep getting worse. So you have a solution you said?"
"Hm, yes. I fear we must do it in private though, come to my cabin tonight."
"Can do, Solas." you nodded. As he stalked off, you released a dramatic breath. Not only was be ethereally attractive, but part of you felt like you couldn't breathe around him. "Tell me the truth, did that look bad?" You turned back towards Chestnut who had neighed through eating. "Great."
Night eventually fell, and the moon was nearly at it highest point. You stood outside of Solas' cabin, rocking on the balls of your feet. You couldn't find it in you to knock for whatever reason.
Solas must have sensed your presence anyways because before you could raise your hand, the door opened. "Ah, I thought I heard you out here. Please come in."
"U-um, sure!" you walked passed him into the warmth or a roaring fire. Solas really knew how to turn such a spot into a temporary home. His bookshelf, no doubt full of fables and tales as well as many different types of Codex.
"Please. sit." he motioned to his bed. For a while now, at least two days out of the week, Solas would have you in his cabin so he could somewhat 'experiment' with your dreams, must as he has with his own dreams.
"I was doing some reading, and I came across something that I am dishonored to say I missed."
"Oh?" you bought up your legs to sit on the bed with your legs crossed. "What is it?"
"Nightmares are a highlight of the things in our lives that scare us. You never did tell me what these nightmares were about. While it's not my place to ask, I fear the solution to helping you would be for you to tell me."
You frowned, looking down at your fingers. You dreams...they weren't about war, destruction or anything that anyone would really deem as worthy of getting help for. For a long time, you used to have dreams of home and how much you missed it. Then suddenly...
If it wasn't him dying in your arms, it was you dying in his. If it wasn't you dying of a broken heart, it was him laughing in your face. It was you behind a pane of glass unable to break it as Envy took the form of another woman and charmed him. It only got worse as time progressed. It then managed to turn into him killing you himself...on a good sleep.
"Is something ailing you?" he spoke softly, allowing you to break from your thoughts. "You know, I would never allow anything to happen to you."
"Solas, I can't tell you without risking anything." you sighed, standing up. "If I told you...I can't even imagine how little you'd think of me."
" Y/N, after all we've been through. After all you've been through, do you actually think that I'd ever think so lowly of you?"
"Of course not, but when you've been raised to keep your mouth shut because your troubles aren't nearly as 'valid' as everyone else, I have no choice but to think that way." you replied sourly. "If I tell you that my nightmares are because you-" you instantly stopped yourself from speaking, instantly regretting the words that escaped your lips.
"Me?...Your ailments...are because of me?" he whispered, mainly to himself. "Could it be?"
You watched as Solas began shifting his weight from side to side. Something which was very out of character for him.
"Solas, say something." you took a step towards him. "Please say something, anything."
"For the longest time, I've been having difficulties in The Fade, I can't hold focus well as I used to, I can't sleep soundly any longer. I've nearly succumbed to temptation so many times only to be woken up." he spoke in riddles again, much like he did when coming to a discovery. "Y/N...have you been having dreams because of your feelings towards me?"
"M-my feelings towards you?!' you repeated. "I-um..." you looked down at your feet. "I-....yes." you nodded.
"Have you seen death? Envy?"
You nodded again. "I watched it seduce you and take you away from me." you bit back the tears of embarassment.
"Did you kill me in any of them?"
"No." you found it in you to look up. "You killed me." You emphasized. "You laughed in my face, and told me-"
"Why on Earth would I ever love scum like you?" you both said at the exact same time. It was your turn to look surprised. How did he know.
"Solas." you whispered. "Have you been-"
"I've been having nightmares, each one worse than the last. All of them involving you saying the most heinous things to me"
"What?" you stammered. "S-solas I would never-"
"Allow me to finish. I fear that if I don't, I'll never get to say thing-" he spoke. "My adoration for your has manifested itself into fear. Fear that you would never-"
"Never what?" you asked.
"I could only dream of being in your presence the way I want." he spoke. "To look into your eyes in the way lovers do, to share intimacy."
Your words caught in your throat. Hearing him speak so highly of you.
"S-solas." you whimpered. "Are you saying-"
"I'm in love with you, Y/N. Why else would I put up with that mage hating human piece of-....piece of shit. That unruly, far too outspoken bull...and Varric" He stepped closer to you.
You opted to laugh at the lack of description for for Varric. Cullen and Iron Bull were a bit much, but you hadn't realized that Solas felt so strongly. Either you were blind or ignorant.
"I thought you'd never feel the same." he rested his forehead against yours. "I was swayed into thinking you'd never-"
"For such a smart guy, you sure are silly." you laughed sheepishly. "But I-" you couldn't help but laugh again.
"What are you laughing at?" Solas furrowed his eyebrows, though he wore a knowing smirk.
"Nothing...nothing at all." you shook your head.
"...I really want to kiss you right now." he whispered lowly. "If you'd indulge me."
"Might wanna hurry up before we both realize we're dreaming."
"Oh don't even joke about that." he rolled his eyes, rested a hand on your cheek. Solas somewhat uncharacteristically eager. crashed his lips over yours. You grew hot, your tunic becoming heavy. You absentmindedly held onto his sleeve in an effort to stay upright.
" A giant hole in the sky, an impending war, murky islands, and Vivienne's constant nitpicking....and this is easily the biggest victory of my life." you thought.
Solas broke away from you, breath every so slightly wavering. "I don't know what's better, knowing this is real...or -"
"Knowing Cullen is going to lose his mind when he finds out?" you giggled.
"Exactly." he smirked, kissing you again.
(PSA , Not making Krem romanceable was a crime because I love him....I will die on this hill
Smut in part 2)
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queenofbaws · 7 months
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hello hello my friends!!! just a quick little update from yours truly - and a few snippets, of course ;)c
things continue to be strange and chaotic here, and as a result, my brain has decided to be...strange and chaotic :P i've been trying to stick to one project at a time and just soldier through, but said chaos is making that rough, so i'm trying to just get words down as they occur to me, regardless of what project they're for. so, much as i'd like to say "keep your eyes peeled for an [x] update soon!" the reality is that i have...no idea what's going to hold my attention for the next ten minutes, hahaha.
what i will say is i currently have three ongoing projects that are priorities, and those are like wringing blood from a stone, of mummy men & bathtub soup, and the tale(s) of the champion - so i've included little teaser snippets of those below! as always, thanks for your patience, your well-wishes, and for reading!!! i hope you and yours are doing well, and that you're being extra kind to yourselves now that we're entering the winter months <3
like wringing blood from a stone
“Holy smokes, you sure take ‘protect and serve’ seriously out here, huh? Thirty minutes or your arrest is free—is it that kinda thing?” His head was spinning too fast to make a lick of sense out of that; luckily, Diane wasn’t having the same problem. “Believe it or not, he was already here. Kaitlyn, this is…” she paused just long enough to meet Chris’s gaze, but he couldn’t for the life of him read what he saw there in her eyes. “…uh, well, meet Sheriff Hackett.” “Sheriff Ha—oh.” Then, with more feeling, “Oh. I…huh, wow, really? I don't think I would've guessed that.” Chris shrugged. “We get that a lot. Turns out there were only enough handsome genes for one sibling in this family.” “Yeah,” Diane sighed, “and it’s a crying shame it’s Bobby who got ‘em all.” That broke the tension instantly. Chris and Travis both whirled to stare at her, expressions incredulous. Gently nudging Kaitlyn’s shoulder, Diane nodded towards them. “See?” she asked. “Now you can tell they’re related.” “Wow, you’re not wrong! Weird.”
of mummy men & bathtub soup
“Oh good God, Alex. This is obviously some kind of dumb joke—” “Did you find something?” Ashley asked suddenly, looking up from the table. “Something that felt like it was…I don’t know, um, hidden? Not just lost or left behind but actually hidden?” Even knowing it was bullshit, Conrad had to admit…Brown had been well cast. A finger of dread slid down his spine in a lover’s caress, making him shudder; Alex and Julia, less sure of the truth behind this whole debacle, did a little more than that. Fuck, he watched the color drain from JJ’s face like she was some kind of cartoon character, and Mr. Big Bad Med School Bro wasn’t doing a whole hell of a lot better, by the looks of it. The spell broke when Julia whirled on Alex. “Did you say any—” she froze, turning on him then. “You told them! You told them, didn’t you, you little shit weasel?!” Chris sat up straighter. “Shit weasel?”
the tale(s) of the champion
“Which one,” she repeated. “It’s the first thing Varric said during his questioning, did you know that?” The smile in her voice made its first appearance, quirking the corners of her mouth into a shape subtle enough that the Inquisitor felt as though the two of them were in on some secret joke together. “Cassandra asked him…well, demanded of him, I suppose, that he tell her everything he knew about the Champion. And he responded by asking her—” “Which one.” She watched Leliana’s smile grow. It wasn’t by much, but it was there all the same. The sense of being in on a joke grew right along with it. “Now, she probably thought he was poking fun at her…and in all likelihood he was, but of course we know now that there was so much more to it, don’t we?” Leliana rose from her table with the grace of a ghost, each fluid movement reminding her in no uncertain terms that, spymaster or not, agent of the Divine or not, the woman opposite her was, at the end of the day, a bard before all else. “Cassandra is skilled in many, many areas, Inquisitor, as I’m sure you’ve come to learn. Certainly she’s without equal on the battlefield, but when it comes to…reading people, let us say…” Again that inscrutable smile grew. “Well…suffice it to say an answer like that would’ve caught my attention, had I been the one questioning him.” “But you weren’t.” The last word came out strangely choked—she hadn’t been able to decide whether or not she’d wanted it to be a question.
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greypetrel · 11 months
I genuinely can't remember if I sent a prompt yet! If I haven't (and if I am understanding the list right):
[ lay ] for Aisling (and maybe Maria?)
Hi Mo!
Yes you did actually asked it and I threw down some ideas but… If I can use Maria?? Ok well I jumped at the chance. It got… Longer than I would but I just had to include a little experiment. (which was loosely inspired by an experiment of the Mythbusters. The original involved a frozen turkey, but I guess Aisling would be firmly against wasting food, even for science.)
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty nervous about this and I really REALLY hope I got her right and did her justice! Thank you for letting me play with your lovely baby, it’s been so nice to see them interact!
Tis the prompt list
Three Cards Trick (🎶)
[ lay ] for your muse to come rest their head in mine’s lap or against their shoulder
It took her a while to warm up, and in hindsight, it took the both of them surprisingly little.
At first Aisling tried to kept her distance from the Champion, keeping exquisitely polite in a shy way but at the same time never being the first to start a conversation or look for the other’s company. She had mixed feelings towards the woman, truth to be told: she had only admiration for her, from what she read in Varric’s book and heard from him. The first impression she had was of a kind person that knew her boundaries very well and didn’t back up if she had to protect the people she cared for. And she admired that in her.
And yet, speaking with Cassandra left something deeply bitter in her throat. It was all but ten days since the Seeker rejected her feelings, and hearing the woman say out loud that if Hawke had been at the Conclave, the Divine wouldn’t have died. That they planned on having Hawke as Inquisitor, not her… It hurt. It hurt her more than she would care to admit, and she felt like a plan C at best, an obliged choice at worst. It didn’t help the fact that as Aisling was struggling with adapting to a whole set of things that were wildly new for her, Hawke seemed to navigate everything with ease and charm. Hawke knew how to behave in high society, Aisling barely knew how to properly behave with commoners, and even then there was something that didn’t fit well. Hawke didn’t seem to struggle with socks and closed shoes for formal events, didn’t need to pay attention to every single step because she felt constantly slipping, even if the shoes were flat and securely tied on her ankles with ribbons. Hawke was Andrastian and surely she wouldn’t have been feeling the stab and her mouth sour, and a deep sense of betrayal every time someone called her the Herald.
And yet, Hawke was kind and gentle. Hawke helped her during a formal dinner escaping the clutches of an overly-enthusiast Comtesse that kept talking and talking with Aisling about the latest fashion in Orlais -which Aisling knew nothing of and cared for even less. She appeared and charmed the Comtesse enough to let her slip the Inquisitor away. There was no blame, just solidarity between girls thrown in positions they never dreamed of having as children, that they were never prepared for. 
“You’re so better than me, at this.” Aisling slipped out, tired of hiding it. She didn’t specify how she meant more than just the formal soirèe.
Maria stopped, right in front of the dais. The throne loomed over them, imposing and red. Aisling hated it and its spikes, and hated herself for having made the Champion frown like so at her.
“You’re good. It’s just all new, it was displacing for me as well the first times I was amongst nobles… And it was just Kirkwall and I was just serrah Hawke, before being the Champion. And I am Andrastian.”  Maria told her, as convinced as she was before. “You’re doing great.”
Aisling felt even guiltier, and sorry for blaming her and for wishing their roles were reversed, even if for a minute. A smile of encouragement from the other woman, a gentle squeeze on her arm, and she was suddenly sure of what to do next, warmed up by the exchange and decided to make amend and show the other she was welcomed. She smiled at her, it was the first sincere smile of the evening, and nodded, in a silent thank you.
“I heard there was some urgent business in the Undercroft, I received word before the Comtesse blocked me.” She told her. “Would you like to join me, Champion?”
Her smile brightened, and lit her up. “I would be glad, Inquisitor.”
Aisling timidly slipped her arm to hook with Maria’s once again -she was happy to see that the woman answered readily to the gesture- and it was her turn to guide her towards the small side door. A look left and right just to see that they hadn’t all the eyes pointed on them, and they both slipped in the door, to meet with Dorian and Dagna, waiting for them down there with tiny sandwiches and a cake.
Maria revealed to be even better company than just in a boring soirèe you need saving for. Aisling felt the click, and all it took was a cospirational exchange of whispers in each other’s ears with Dorian, just for show and some flare, to have her invited for afternoon experiments. Particularly after Dorian struggled with a term in Tevene that he just couldn’t remind the translation of and Maria showed that she understood in his language.
And from there, all went into place, any bitterness was left in the far back of her head, casted away by how nice of a person Maria was and how refreshing it was to talk with her, and how she seemed to rely on touch as much as Aisling was.
From then, all their experiments were done in a trio, no more just a duo.
The Western Approach was, in spite of everything, the first time since Haven when Aisling felt really, truly in control and like she wasn’t a ruse in the role she covered.
It was considerably close to everything she was taught and knew, and she felt considerably more at home than she ever did since leaving her clan. The desert wasn’t the easiest environment to navigate, but it wasn’t her first time. Working over time to teach the others and give some much needed advices (convincing Varric that just going shirtless was not the wisest course of action, not if he didn’t want to become a roasted dwarf with how fair a skin he had was a feat by itself) didn’t feel like that much of a burden. She was happy -when she wasn’t stressing over a tell-tale lack of letters from a certain Commander she had revealed maybe the wrong anecdote to- and in her field, and finally she stopped feeling like a fish trying to climb a tree.
Having Maria there just added to her confidence, adding one friend more, and the one friend that she could communicate the best with, save Dorian. She really liked her, she was funny and charming, and having another person that was touchy-feely was a bliss.
In spite of the darkspawn, the Venatori and the varghests that sought them off even if Aisling guided them well out of the way to avoid them (she knew they were aggressive… She didn’t know how stubborn and insisting the creatures could actually be, following them until they engaged)… In spite of all that, she felt some respite.
That is, until they finally made their way to the Ritual Tower and met with Magister Erimond. He was so kind as to reveal his plan to them (Aisling looked at Dorian with a silent question in her eyes, but the Altus just shrugged and told her he had no idea why he had just spilled everything to them), and… And it was enough to leave the party with a chilling feeling about them, and crash the good morale that had formed in the past days.
They made camp in a chokehold not so distant, between old ruins watching over a minor canyon with a river on the bottom and a steep rocky formation. Easy to defense and easy to spot approaching enemies.
She was writing some reports to send back to Skyhold, sitting on the wicker matting that covered the floor of her tent. She had the luxury of having one for herself, which doubled as her sleeping spaces and war room. In her letter, she explained the situation in a code that Leliana taught her and that hopefully would have told just the Spymaster to accelerate the preparations and get the army there quicker than they initially had planned to, with no one else the wiser. All she had to do, now, was clean the area enough for the army to travel there safely… And hopefully, freeing the big fortress that loomed on the horizon to house the big bulk of the Inquisition forces. Her tent was growing considerably hotter and hotter as the sun travelled up in the sky, the light cloth shading the inside not enough to provide much freshness. Luckily enough, tho, she was a mage, and she was skilled with spells that dealt with weather and air.
So, she just concentrated and wove her hand mindlessly in the air, weaving a spell to keep the air inside the tent cooler, slowing down the tiniest particles that formed the air, just short of creating clouds. Definitely better. She sighed and kept on writing, biting the back of her quill in concentration thinking of the best way to word a sentence, and minding to keep her cursive as readable as possible.
Five minutes later, someone cleared their throat just outside.
It was Maria, something harsh in her expression that Aisling couldn’t quite place. She made space beside her, and let her sit with their back resting on the wooden frame of her cot. If both of them weren’t able to fall asleep, they may as well keep each other company. Particularly, Maria noted with a little resentment just for fun, if the Inquisitor’s tent was so fresh.
Aisling laughed and explained her the spell. It was nothing much, she said: she had always a knack for spells that meddled with air and the water within. That’s why she went for Storm spells, and it was really another way to bend that specialization. She explained how the air, if you concentrate enough to feel it, is but made of tiny, tiny particles that you can move and bend as you wish, drawing from the Fade. It’s all a matter of movement and drawing some fire and scattering its heath around when needed, or dragging out the Fade particles that were calmer and thus cooler. Dorian could surely explain the theory better, she told the other women: she was just good with the practice and on knowing how things work and how to make them work, but the one with actual explanation was the other science bro.
Maria didn’t seem to mind much, tho. Maybe it was the endless chattering Aisling always fell into when she talked about things she liked or was passionate about, maybe it was the gentler temperature of the room. Maybe it was, for both, finding a moment of breath and lightness after the punch in the guts that had been the Ritual tower and the battle that followed. Maybe it was that, but the moment, sitting there shoulder to shoulder, felt cozy and warm enough.
“I don’t know how you do it.” Aisling told her again, without the bitterness of the first time around.
“What, this time?”
“I think I would be running around screaming or just frozen in a corner, if I knew my brother could be sacrificed to call demons forth. It’s just…” She snorted, furrowing at her hand clenching on the wood. “… I know I am not exactly the right person to condemn magical experiments, but that… That is just wrong.”
A sigh from her left, and a head resting on her shoulder as the hand slipped in the crook of her elbow and rested there. It felt a request for comfort more than an offering for the same, this time.
“I’m here because of that.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. You’re helping and… Thank you.”
Aisling let the writing board and her letter down. She knew it was urgent and every hour that passed was precious… But she didn’t have it in her to prioritize politics and strategy to a friend in need. And that was what Maria had become in those weeks. A friend.
She bent her arm and rested the opposite hand on hers, making herself more comfortable, leaning ever so slightly towards the other to make her presence known and felt. It wasn’t the most comfortable position ever, but it was good enough for a nap, she thought. Se gently inclined her head to lean over Maria’s, as she would have done back in the clan. Her hair smelled really nice, she noticed.
“It’s going to be all right. We’ll save how many Wardens we can, I promise.”
“A hard task, with those trebuchets your Commander seemed so fond of in the last War Council.”
“Mh.” Aisling didn’t mind the bitterness. She never really questioned Cullen, and all that passed between them was that he treated her well.
But it was true that he had been excited -in a very composed and suppressed way- about the trebuchets they had been gifted by a wealthy Fereldan Arl. She rolled the idea in her head, back and forth, thinking about what she read about siege machines and trebuchets in one of the book he lent her. Thinking about how they worked and how could they come to meet different needs. After all, the real issue was that they were charged with rocks. Maybe something else, if launched at a speed that could be calculated, with some spells to affect just rocks and not people…
She poked Maria’s arm with a finger to catch her attention. The Champion, who was dozing off on her shoulder, opened her eyes with a humm of complaint.
“I think we can find a solution for that.”
“Watch out!!”
Came a voice from above the battlements, and before anyone could register what was happening, a big roundish sack of jute was falling down at full speed from up in the battlements of Griffon Wing’s Keep.
Soldiers and scout shouted and ran away to safety, and the only two people left in the close proximity of the upcoming boulder were the Inquisitor and the Champion, both looking up at their supposed incoming death, arm in arm and shading their eyes with their hands. A third figure was sitting in front of them, sitting on the ground. Someone screamed at them all to move.
But the two mages didn’t move, nor they met their fate.
With a loud, dull thud, the boulder collided on the sitting figure, seams tearing at the impact and letting out its content on the poor being that didn’t even try to move.
When the cloud of sand that the fall had sent flying deposited back down, all there was were two mages still at their spot, and a mound of a mixture of sand and other scraps of softer materials. Wood chips, some cabbages of cloth, loose feathers that shone purple in the golden hour scattered here and there, too big to belong to birds.
Cullen was awake and around the camp since too little to cope with whatever shenanigan they conjured this time, but nonetheless he approached them anyway, decided to be certain of what exactly was going on and why on earth they decided to throw stuff from the battlements on the head of a poor sould nonetheless. He never thought the day would have come when he would have missed the science bros when they were just two. At least the only damage they ever did was to themselves (and Solas, when they went flying on a cart with wheels), and to the carpet in the rotunda, which never really recovered after taking too much indoor rain and had to be substituted.
“What’s going on?” He asked to both women, who finally had let go of the other -whenever he saw them, they were always connected. Arm in arm, sitting close to each other, one resting her head over the other’s shoulder or napping on the other lap as the other read or wrote, Aisling braiding Maria’s hair. Not that he noticed, or that he was jealous of not having the same amount of attention from the elf, and for being the only one, apparently, that she was shy of touching.
However, they were finally separated, and rummaging through the debris, looking for something.
“We’re in the final phase of the new ammunition experiment.” Aisling reported, without looking up. “If we can just find Bonnie…”
“Found her!” Maria declared, with too much cheer for a person who was hauling up from a mound of sand and wood chips a skeleton’s foot by its ankle.
Aisling whooped in joy and ran to help her unearthing what revealed itself to be a skeleton, not fully cleaned by the desert, which had been dressed with an armour. Between the two, they dragged it out and brought it sitting against the wall of the keep. Maria started to examine it, moving joint after joint and thoroughly examining the bones and the armour with a critical eye, as Aisling get back to digging, crouched down and using both hands. Noticing somehow she was still being stared at, she casted him a glance from below, smiled reassuringly and started to explain as she worked.
“We just need to make sure these will just stop the Wardens and prevent them to fight us any further, without killing them on the spot.”
“But it would be risk-”
“AH!” She exclaimed, lighting up as she pulled hard and extracted an helm from the sand, upside down. She righted it, shaking it to get rid of all the sand inside. “Yes it would be riskier, but…” She declared, turning the piece between her hand, squinting. “…We could save more lives that could be convinced to surrender. It will give us the time to come and ask them… And if they won’t, the killing blow would be easier to impart. Maybe not all of them are into the plan, and they need the chance to get out, don’t you think? Catch it.”
The helm was tossed at Cullen, who stopped it when it collided with his breastplate with a loud clang. He sighed, bringing the helm up and examining, turning slightly on his spot so he could catch more of the gold sunset light. It was bumped and indented on the top, where it was hit, and slipping a hand inside to touch the exact magnitude of the blow was easy enough. It gave him time to think and evaluate pros and cons.
“It’s damaged, but not enough for the skull to break.” He declared, begrudgingly as he still wasn’t fully convinced of the plan. “And it is a commendable aim, but I think that if you want the siege to go quick-”
“Curly’s right, the skull is not broken!” Maria declared, a smile in her voice, as she undid the buckles to Bonnie’s armour and started examining the bones inside. “And nothing else seems broken, the ribs are good.”
“A success with flying colours!” Aisling declared, raising up and patting sand away from her trousers, a big smile on her face as she approached Maria. “It’s a small scale experiment, but it bodes well, doesn’t it?”
“Considering that the Wardens hopefully will have some better armour than poor Bonnie did, I’d think so. Depending on where they fall, at least, but I think it’s the best we can do.”
“So? Did it work? Is Bonnie ok?” Came Dorian, running out from the Keep with Rylen at his side.
Cullen felt a headache coming, and he really, really missed when there were just two mad scientists to deal with… And when they weren’t helped by his second in command. Second in command to whom he launched a glare.
“Don’t look at me.” Rylen defended himself, raising his hands in surrender even if he was still grinning mischievously. “It was an order from the Inquisitor herself, and the Champion of Kirkwall.”
He groaned at him, in all reply, and returned to the bigger problem at hand, still clutching the helm in his hands without thinking much about the exact owner of said garment, and that it was on the head of a random skeleton they found… He didn’t want to know where they found it exactly, since when it had been there, and why they decided to give it a name. The trio of mages was crowding over the skeleton, conversing between them in a mix of Common and Tevene Maria adapted all too well to. Cullen somehow was sure that they just needed the army because they didn’t have enough time to take Adamant by themselves. Because he was very sure they could have, with enough time to guess a way to make the entrance door explode.
“You forgot a detail.” He interrupted them, and he was met by three pair of eyes that turned toward him, stopping abruptly to talk.
They were huddled so close together, Aisling hugging Maria’s hand and resting her chin on her shoulder and Dorian with a leg casually resting on Aisling’s shin, that when they turned they look more like a three-headed creature from a legend than a simple group of mages.
He cleared his throat.
“That projectile will be absolutely pointless against the bastions. We may as well throw just a bunch of feathers alone.”
The three-headed creature smiled at him, some more sarcastically, and one with more affection. Rylen snickered behind him, and Cullen could distinctly hear him muttering a “Oh, blissful innocence...”.
“Cullen… We’re not Circle mages.”
“I know, but-”
“But-” Maria interrupted him. “-We had a month here to experiment and to think about the problem outside schoolbooks. The big ruin filled with Darkspawn didn’t free itself, you see.”
“Meaning-” Aisling turned to look at Dorian with a silent question in her eyes.
He considered it, twirling one of his moustaces in his fingers, concentrated.
“It’s still a little bit rough, I’d need to review the numbers a couple of times more and do a couple more trials before calling myself satisfied, but the calculations are correct. Yes, it’s doable, at least on paper. Hawke?”
“The scale we have here is not the most precise thing ever, but with a little approximation I can make it work, yes. If Aisling can attach her little weather enchantment to avoid the gas to spread…”
“Easy as pie, it’s just a couple of runes that won’t interact with the rest of the spell.”
Aisling smiled and turned to the Commander, a glint in her eyes still from above Hawke’s shoulder.
“… Meaning, that we can make the boulders explode on contact with stone, but be mostly harmless for living creatures. It still leaves the problem of the demons, but we’re not sure normal boulders could affect them anyway, so…” She shrugged. “It’s worth a trial, isn’t it? We have the mages to activate the projectiles, after all, it’s an easy and safe enough spell. And they will be way lighter to transport either.
It made sense. Not anything Cullen would have remotely considered, but it was true that they had the mages… And that the three of them had been using magic unsupervised for all their lives and nothing ever happened. It went against all his instincts, but he couldn’t find a way to counter the reasoning. Not if he wanted to savage his friendship with Aisling -and he wanted to, if he could. So, he just took a deep breath and nodded.
“I have one last question.”
Maria rolled her eyes, but Aisling was not phased.
“What is it?”
“Why Bonnie?”
A trio of snickers.
“Why, doesn’t they have the face of a Bonnie?” Dorian asked, moving the skull left and right.
“It’s in her bones!”
Aisling concluded, and all three had such a big smile that the joke for a minute sounded less freezing than it actually was.
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necrosin · 8 months
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his eyes sting, sweat and dust and grime practically coating him from head to toe —— unfortunate but not an impossible situation / BOG STANDARD FOR THE BONE PIT, EVEN / he wipes at his eyes uselessly, laughing out a sigh as it simply increases the burn. enemies on enemies on slavers ( a special class of enemy, really ) and a few creatures, just for good measaure / not IDEAL but when is any venture ever ideal / idealism be damned, especially when he's laying in pool of what is probably blood from the poor fuck that died beside him. his muscles ache in a good way, mostly, magick thrumming beneath his skin, humming in his veins, his specially made daggers practically vibrating in his hands.
vinh takes stock of his friends as the dust settles, and he pushes himself to sitting, an instinct by this point, a quick head count to ensure that they were all ALIVE AND BREATHING, because while he knew that they were there was a small anxiety that curls through him, still, each and every time. varric and isabella and —— fenris, striding towards him / a blazing look on his face, his mouth set, looking as glorious as ever, even blood-splattered ( maybe especially so, blood-splattered, and when had that developed? ), sword sheathed on his back : HE TAKES EXTRA CARE TO GIVE HIM A ONCE OVER THRICE, if only because he's right there.
right there and kneeling beside him, a twist to his mouth / vinh smiles helplessly as he nearly always does, at the sight of @fumalsamakah, and he can't help but laugh lightly at the furrow in fenris's brow. ❝ oh, dear —— you've got that look on your face, have i worried you? again? ❞ he can't help but tease, though he supposes he must have. honestly, displays of magick at close range that certainly include him in the crossfire in the name of ridding themselves of one enemy or two aren't the BEST OPTION, logistically, but. alas.
garrett vinh hawke is a dramatic man, what can he say?
fenris's mouth twists more before he seems to sigh, plate shifting as he gives vinh a thorough once over, in return, scowling at the sheer amount of blood —— that is not his own, mind you !! as if fenris is one to judge, blood-soaked and gorgeous and so on. ❝ are you… are you hurt? ❞
honestly, it should be illegal, how such an expression of concern makes his breath catch, heart strings tangling / how it softens something rigid and ragged inside of him / how it makes his smile gentler / how it makes his anxious nerves settle. he reaches for fenris slowly, conscientiously, giving him time to move away / smile deepening when he doesn't / he takes fenris's face in hand, as gently as he can bear, the angle of his jaw familiar as his mother's voice, his sister's laugh, his brother's energy, his father's song. SOMETHING GLOWS BRIGHT as fenris leans into his touch, ever so slightly.
❝ i'm well, truly, ❞ and it's the truth, he is, bruised and banged up but whole and hale. he brushes at a smear of blood on fenris's cheek with his thumb / worsens it, really, but he tried / and he knows that the look on his face must be foolish. the sort that varric is going to write pages about, just to make fun of him. ❝ are you hurt? i'm, admittedly, just hoping none of this blood is yours, ❞ he laughs gently, swaying closer to fenris, adoration alight in his heart. ❝ if you wish for healing, just say —— i am, as ever, at your disposal. ❞
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