#I have a lot of thoughts and feelings
moofshroom · 5 months
there’s something so important to me about fabian aramais seacaster. like he’s wearing a kimono print jacket like the mamas boy he is and he has his tap shoes which are so dorky that he willingly embraces (and rocks so well) even though s1 fabian would’ve mocked the shit out of them and the absolute fluidity and grace in his pose that just screams “i know who i am now, this is who i am” and guys. toxic masculinity is dead, i dance now. im so emotional. (official art by caitmayart.com)
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iightwoodbane · 9 months
opal accepting adam's watch without hesitation after rejecting aurora's rose.......the implications of this are insane
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razlapin · 24 days
asks you about your pacesetter headcanons
- he’s greying not from age but from stress, and it’s rapid!
- he has a very strained relationship with his mother, and they both keep their real relationship with each other under wraps. It’s a mixture of pride and sadness on both ends.
- he’s a drama queen but when it comes down to it he can get things done, he just has to have the right motivation for it
- trans ftm
- he married flint in a surprisingly very small ceremony that was officiated by the CLO. Everyone things she did because she wanted to make sure it was done by the books but if you saw the behind the scenes, graham was weeping mess that his mother was actually there for him
- cathal is the only other one besides the bosses who knows that his mother is the CLO and respects their decision to keep it on the down low. This does not stop cathals relentless bullying of this middle aged man
i have more i just need to not be at work 💔
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t-u-i-t-c · 8 months
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10 Years of Kamen Rider Gaim
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jennamacaroni · 10 months
Thoughts on what Carli Lloyd was saying about the organization after the game?
what a question whew.
first of all i think its rich of her to talk about arrogance when she was the most selfish and arrogant player in the history of the program. literally couldnt stand being a bench player on a team that won the fucking world cup.
second, its incredibly disingenuous to put the performance this tournament (and last night especially) on the players and their "dancing" (????) and showing literally any speck of joy when the issue is CLEARLY due to the coaching staff and the truly head-scratching decisions that have occurred not only in this tournament but since the tokyo olympics. she went off on the players when she should have been directing that ire to the tactics, the formation, the lack of rotation of players, julie ertz playing centerback for the first time in nearly eight years (when alana cook was the most capped player in the year leading up to this tournament yet she hasnt played A SINGLE MINUTE?!) when we so desperately need her in the midfield... the list of things going wrong with this team starts and ends with vlatko andonovsky and to say otherwise is just plain garbage.
she should just say clearly that she thinks the players fight for equal pay and respect from their federation or their 'wokeness' is a distraction from their play rather than blame a fucking tiktok dance or whatever. what the uswnt players federation has done for the sport not only here in the united states but the ripple effect it has had on federations around the world is a huge reason why we are seeing such improved investment and run of play across all 32 teams in this tournament. and many teams that didn't even make this tournament. their courage has inspired other players to stand up to their federations and fight for what they deserve. what the uswnt players have done off the field is bigger than any one game or tournament and her alluding to that being a distraction is fucking garbage and i cant stand listening to her.
the only worthwhile thing that came out of her mouth is that the team last night is lucky to have moved on and the post was the player of the match. end rant.
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punkinspice · 1 year
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not gonna lie, I don't think I'll have the energy to color or finish this any time soon, but I still wanted to show it.
The potential in Sonic Prime is DEEP. Team Dark my beloved
( Very much a wip but line art says it all right???)
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konboyblues · 5 months
i feel like if td;r featured bernard more as a main character versus tim's catalyst into coming out, maybe the story itself would hold a lot more merit. part of it is because bernard's story IS very sad, and there's a lot of grief from his original backstory that COULD be used to play up how it all came together for him and his feelings for tim. i think one of my biggest issues with this run is that it just doesn't FEEL like a continuation of yj19. even with all the holes, tim doesn't feel like tim most of the time, but bernard DOES feel like he went through the trenches of real and comic book time to finally come out. i wasn't a bernard stan growing up, but like, i do like him. i like him a lot.
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conkeybong · 2 years
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finished ragnarok and feeling sad about it
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nothingstudios · 19 days
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So I started watching 9-1-1 while waiting for my other show to come back and I’m not even gonna lie I was under the impression before even starting the show (and a pretty reasonable one at that if I do say so myself especially the more I watch) because of all y’all I really thought that Buck and Eddie were dating in the later seasons so imagine my shock upon realizing that they in fact are still not dating!!! LIKE WHAT!! Don’t get me wrong the slow burn will be fantastic…that is if whoever needs to green light it to happen actually goes through with it but if they don’t I feel like it’d be such a disservice to them at this point because there are waaayy to many moments that might seem small at the time but they all add up to more ya know. Now I’m only in the back half of season 3 but I already know a lot of stuff in regards to both their plot lines in the later seasons and I have lots to say about a lot of things.
But first I need to scream about the transition between scenes I just watched in episode 3x18 What’s Next? I mean Abby saying “No he stopped waiting for me a long time ago” and THE FREAKING TRANSITION to Buck looking at the summer camp brochure and low key freaking out about Christopher being away for two whole weeks acting like a total dad!! Like y’all YALL!! I was literally screaming!! I mean the undertones and insinuating of that alone like what is any of this for if they don’t go through with it by the end of all this!!!
Also can I just say THE GROCERY STORE FIGHT!! Not even ashamed to say I watched it like five times in a row I’m such a sucker for shit like that…and the tsunami episodes I literally went insane!!
And the episode where Buck meets Red and finds out that none of the guys from his firehouse even speak anymore and worrying that that could happen to the firefam and Eddie trying to reassure him it won’t happen to them. As someone with severe anxiety who freaks out about everything even stuff I know I shouldn’t have to freak out about I get Buck’s anxiety especially since he has some severe trauma in regards to family and abandonment issues and the innate need to help everyone and fix everything but as an outsider looking in it’s honestly hilarious and so cute because like Eddie’s right that would NEVER happen to them. I’m just like Buck sweetie you and Eddie are literally best friends and soulmates (romantic or platonic tbd) and you might not know it yet but you are literally Christopher’s legal guardian. And the grocery store fight Eddie was so mad at you for the lawsuit because that meant he couldn’t talk to you which meant Christopher couldn’t talk to you and they missed you like hell there’s nooo way you are getting out of this relationship whatever it ends up being. And Bobby he’s literally your pseudo dad and really the only dad you’ve got because well I haven’t gotten to the episodes with his family issues but I’ve seen stuff and I can guess the rest…y’all have been to Springsteen concerts and he loves and worries about you like you’re his own flesh and blood. You sir are his kid inside and outside that firehouse which mean you get Athena too. And Chimney is dating YOUR sister and I know they have a kid…and Hen and Chim are best friends. Where one goes they all eventually follow. Like your lives are so tightly interwoven with one another there would be no escaping that or walking away. This is the family you chose and they all decided to choose you back and that is so wonderful and important and I need him to know this!!
Anyways I really love this show so far and you can probably guess I’ve grown completely attached and if anything ever happens to chimney I will kill everyone in this room and then myself!
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Gotta agree to both, Jamie is most definitely the brattiest of bratty subs who enjoys seeing how riled up he can get Roy, but I think he also really craves the validation and positive reinforcement too. He enjoys having Roy tie him up, spank him, humiliate him, push him to the brink over and over, wrap his hands around his throat and squeeze, because part of him enjoys it, part of him feels he deserves it, but the main part of him knows that Roy would never, ever, actually hurt him for real. And he enjoys it too because he knows afterwards, when they're both lying there spent and exhausted, his skin reddened, his wrists chafed, his lips swollen, his arse aching- Jamie knows that Roy is going to pull him to rest on his chest, one hand gently running through his hair, and call him his good boy and that hes proud of him
Greetings to you this fine evening, horny nonny! Sorry this took me so long to get back to!
Jamie absolutely craves the validation and reinforcement too! He canonically responds well to that! Aftercare is always an important part of any BDSM scene, and more so for Jamie than for most, I’d argue. That boy is just extremely ready to be held and loved and cared for – aaaand he is a little bit of a diva, so being pampered and told how amazing he is will hit the sweet spot every time.
I’m extremely fond of the fic “Pomegranate” by amothandalight over at AO3, because for me that just catches the essence of both bratty Jamie and a Jamie who just melts into being cared for. There’s also some excellent spanking there, if that’s your thing. (It was posted back in 2021, however, and I think that with Jamie’s development in season 3, things would probably look a little different now.)
As an aside, it’s funny to me that in my last fandom I absolutely hated my favourite character being called “good boy” in scenes because that never, ever read right to me – but for Jamie… well, I still don’t love it, ‘cause it’s a little bit of a squick for me, but there’s no denying that it feels really, really right. Jamie would be hugely into that, and I’m all about him getting what he wants.
(For the record, I don’t personally ascribe to the notion of Jamie being into rough stuff because he thinks he deserves the pain, but kinktomato. Whatever gets you going, nonny!)
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kitkatcadillac · 11 months
another tinfoil hat moment but im also thinking like a LOT a lot about that post that complains how the "self care" rhetoric had begun initially as a power-to-you motion for the benefit of mental health via personal interest with less shame and somehow became this unholy push into a manicured image of self isolation and beauty standard reachings with skin care and makeup to show how good youre doing like performatively
how the covid pandemic has not only somehow fucking turbocharged that concept via shitty tiktok influencers and what have yous but that it also completely unequipped us to understand and know how to deal with that problem because we didnt have any choice but to become chronically online during most if not all of lockdown and its messed up
that is to say im not saying this in a depressing 'ohhh what do we do' defeatist way, im saying fuck literally all of that im so TIRED of the predation and you should think critically on the things you consume and make all these sons of bitches that make everyone feel bad for feeling bad and having, like, Skin, and block the shit out of them. fail them. bring them down and freeze them all out im not kidding because they Will continue to isolate you and keep you insecure for views. no my foil hat is mine you cant take it from me
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hellwasthejourney · 2 years
I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread. I didn’t know how much my mental well-being the last few weeks has been hanging on getting tickets
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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winterfurst · 3 months
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g0ldenglider · 3 months
i've written down so many headcanons for the seven, i might have to post them all later
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