#I graduated high school years and years ago and also in a different country but that did not matter in my dream
allthoseotherworlds · 2 months
So I feel like it's surprisingly common for people to have nightmares or otherwise unpleasant dreams about school experiences long, long after they have stopped being in public school.
Which had me thinking, like - as far as we can tell, the Academy on Gallifrey probably has a lot of similarly stressful experiences? So like. The Doctor definitely has nightmares about being at the academy, right?
I'm imagining the standard sort of nightmare where you find out your electives didn't count and you have to go back to high school somehow, or for some reason you're in school and can't find the classroom, you know the drill.
Also I know the Doctor would rather regenerate than talk about anything to do with their past, but...
It would be extremely funny to me personally if a companion was like "Ugh, I had a dream that I was back in high school last night but I graduated years ago"
And the Doctor responded with "You think that's bad? I've had dreams where I'm back at the Academy and can't find the right classroom and I left the academy millennia ago."
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soul-controller · 10 months
Together Forever
As Ryan Sullivan entered his bathroom to have one last look at himself before heading out to a local beach, the 18-year-old and recent high school graduate couldn’t resist smirking upon seeing his own reflection. Standing there in just a pair of swim shorts, the man’s well-defined physique was on full display. Surely with a bod like this, every chick is gonna want their hands all over me, he thought to himself.
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Upon pulling his phone from his shorts to take some photos of his progress, the man found a brand new text message from his ex-girlfriend Becca waiting for him. “Hey, I’m outside your house. Please talk to me, I’ll be quick I promise,” the message said, which immediately caused Ryan to chuckle and roll his eyes at the girl’s desperation.
Just over a week ago, Ryan spent an entire night smoking weed with his best friends and thinking about his future. Given the fact that he was just a few months away from moving to the opposite side of the country to go play soccer at a major university, it seemed as though Ryan was being offered the opportunity to get a completely fresh start to his life. No longer would he be an athlete living in a small-town with nothing exciting occurring and practically no attractive women around him. Once he made the move to California, he would be a total hunk living in a big city that would surely keep life interesting (especially with a sudden influx of aspiring models eager to get with him). As such, he quickly realized that being tied down to some high school relationship was a waste of time and a piss-poor decision for his sex life given the long distance that they would have to adapt to. So in his impaired state, Ryan stumbled through his words before eventually sending off a to-the-point and brutal text that broke up his 5-year-long relationship with Becca without a hint of remorse.
For several days since sending that text, Ryan found his phone constantly blowing up with texts and DMs from the shunned woman who begged to have a civil conversation so she could gain closure and they could terminate the relationship like the adults they were on their way to becoming. Although she continually stated that she thought that they would “be together forever”, she wasn’t furious and remained quite level-headed throughout the various messages she sent. But the hunk refused to ever respond to the girl’s messages, instead taking screenshots of the messages and sending them off to his friends while framing the messages as a display of how desperate and pathetic she was. Of course, Ryan’s friends weren’t respectful of the couple’s privacy in the slightest, so they continued to pass along the messages to others until practically everyone in their graduating class knew about the breakup and Becca’s pleas.
In the fallout of the breakup, it wasn’t shocking to discover that drastically different mindsets were formed for each individual involved. While Becca continued to be ridiculed by the jocks and other popular kids that they knew, Ryan was being put on a pedestal as if he had done something noble by breaking them up. The jocks were obviously quite supportive of the breakup, informing Ryan of how “lame” and “awkward” they always thought Becca was while also offering to help be his wingmen to get him laid as soon as possible. In the most puzzling tidbit of all though, it seemed as though many women were on Ryan’s side as well as they reached out to send their regards towards the breakup while also throwing their hat in the ring to be a potential rebound for the man. Throughout the entire experience though, Ryan felt no shame for his actions and didn’t even have a single lingering thought about how Becca was handling everything.
As Ryan rolled his eyes once again upon re-reading the latest message from Becca, the man quickly typed out “fine, make it quick bc i’m heading to the beach” and headed down to the front door. Upon opening it, Ryan took a moment to stare at the girl. Although Becca was quite attractive in her form-fitting crop top that showed off her taut stomach and sizable breasts, the clear sight of runny mascara due to the girl’s crying immediately killed any remaining attraction he felt for the girl. In Ryan’s eyes, signs of weakness in women was the ultimate boner killer for him, so as he moved to the side and allowed the brunette to make her way into the house, he couldn’t help but physically cringe at her as he heard a slight sniffle emerge from her mouth.
Upon shutting the door and turning to face the girl, Ryan immediately crossed his arms as he observed his ex. “So, what do you want to talk about,” he said, his voice completely lacking in any emotion.
As Becca stood there with her head narrowed downwards, the girl’s shaky voice finally began to speak. “I- I’m sorry for this Ryan, I just want to be with you for the rest of my life,” she began, immediately rushing up to the man and trying to grip him.
Despite how off-put he was by Becca’s statement, the man’s stone-faced expression finally began to soften as he felt the woman’s dainty arms reaching around his back. The physical sensation instantly reminded the man of the good times that they had throughout their many years together, especially when it came to the incredible sex that the two of them had. Immediately, the wheels in his head began turning as the concept of passionate makeup sex popped into his head. Thinking that he might be able to continue having some kinky sex with the girl under the guise of getting back together (he was still planning on going to California completely single), the man finally unfolded his arms.
As he moved the meaty limbs around the woman’s dainty frame and tightly squeezed her though, there was the sudden feeling of heat that spread through both of their bodies. Not only that, but as Ryan continued to hold her with his eyes closed, the sensation of pressure against his torso was quite apparent. So to find some answers about what was going on, the man opened his eyes and looked down at his torso. To his complete horror though, a large section of Becca’s body had somehow sunken into his body! Screaming in horror, he tried his best to try and flee, but found that his movements only brought along the female who was still tightly clinging around his muscular frame.
“Becca, get the fuck off of me,” Ryan cried aloud, trying his best to pull the woman’s arms away from around him but finding that the arms were unable to be pulled apart. As he attempted to thrash and escape the horrific entanglement he was a part of, the man soon found himself unable to move as a tightness was suddenly forming in the circle of limbs and body that wrapped around him. In one sudden tug, every inch of the woman’s body was quickly enveloped into Ryan’s body.
For a moment, everything suddenly went black for Ryan. But after a few seconds, Ryan’s vision was quickly regained and the man began to ponder whether he was having some gnarly after-effects from the weed that he had smoked the night prior. Eager to head to the beach and escape the twisted experience he had just fantasized about, the man quickly tried to fish his car keys out of his pocket and begin his journey. But although he could see the living room foyer he was in, it seemed as though the man had somehow lost the ability to move given the fact that his arms refused to reach towards his pockets. What the fuck is going on? Am I tripping somehow, he asked himself, trying to find some semblance of rationale behind what was occurring to him. But quickly, it became clear that something impossible was happening as his mouth and body began to move on its own accord…
* * * * *
“Hehe yes! It really worked!” his body exclaimed, taking a moment to tilt his head downwards and see the gorgeous shirtless torso staring back at him. To Ryan’s shock and disgust, he could watch and feel as his masculine and callused hands began to graze along every inch of his muscular build. As his body was continuously felt up and his muscles were flexed, the body invader couldn’t resist girlishly giggling as both them and Ryan picked up on the sudden rise of the man’s prominent manhood. “Oh shit, I’m sorry Ryan! This is my first time becoming a guy so bear with me,” the voice said with a chuckle, immediately causing the man to realize that Becca was now the one in complete control of his body!
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No matter how hard he screamed and begged, Ryan was unable to get his ex’s attention as she eagerly flexed his muscles and tested out her brand new voice.
“Lemme guess Ryan, you’re currently freaking out and begging what’s happening to you right?” she inquired, taking not even a second-long pause before continuing to speak. “Well to put it simply Ryan, you were a goddamn prick that needed to be taught a lesson. Not only did you reject me for no reason, but you spread my messages around and now everyone in town thinks I’m some desperate and pathetic loser! Like, that’s so fucked up of you babe!” she exclaimed, a clear hint of anger in her gruff voice that immediately made Ryan realize the error of his ways. “Luckily for me, I have a friend who’s a witch that offered to help me get some revenge on my heartless dick of a boyfriend. After she cast the spell on me, I was given the ability of possession upon making physical contact with you. All I had to do was squeeze my way in and now I’m suddenly Ryan Sullivan!”
“Don’t worry though babe, we’re gonna be a great team together. With my brains as the class valedictorian and your brawn, we’ll be unstoppable in college,” she continued, beginning to walk down the hallway of the Sullivan residence. Before long, she finally entered Ryan’s bathroom and Ryan was thus treated to the terrifying sight of his reflection moving and speaking without his control. “While we’re going to be a great team, I can’t deny that we’re going to need to make some changes to your life Ryan. You see, while my friend was able to give me your body and other things such as important memories and your innate athletic skill, she was unable to pass along your sexuality and personality to help make me perfectly inhabit your life. So, I hate to say it babe, but I think you’re going to be coming out as a gay man soon. It works out great though that we’ll be heading out to college in a few months though, especially since that means I can be myself and not have to be this angsty and toxic version of Ryan all of the time.”
Upon understanding that Becca was going to completely demolish his life and the image that he had created for himself as this dominant and extremely cocky hunk, the man couldn’t help but scream into the darkest depths of his mind. To him, this was a nightmare come to life! To make matters even worse, it seemed as though there was no way of ever regaining control of his body as Becca made a passing remark while flexing about how the possession was permanent.
For Becca though, the concept of becoming Ryan Sullivan was a dream come true. Although there would surely be a hard learning curve in terms of adapting to having a cock and the near-constant boners she would surely be sporting for the foreseeable future, it was an upgrade in every other way. The Sullivan family was incredibly wealthy, so she would never have to worry about having to work hard in college. Instead, she’ll have all of the free time in college to explore her new body and build more muscle as she turns herself into the hottest gay man on campus. Although it would surely be nice to find a nice and respectful man to spend the rest of her life with, Becca couldn’t deny how happy she was to still have Ryan in her life. In more ways than one, they would now truly be together forever!
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WIBTA if I don't want to contribute to paying for furniture for the house?
1/3/2024, Names changed. Sorry, this is a little long.
I (26) live with three roommates: Kay (22) who is my sister, Sam (22) who is Kay's high school sweetheart and fiancé, and Andy (25) who is Kay and Sam's best friend. All of us are autistic, queer, and neurodivergent in some way or another.
Background info; Kay, Sam, and Andy had had plans to move in together for several years with Andy moving cross country to do so. Kay and I both moved out of our parents house within a month of each other in Summer 2022, with Kay and Sam moving in together, and me moving into an apartment by myself. Early 2023 due to issues with my apartment and landlord and being unable/unwilling to stay there past my lease when it was up in six months, with some encouragement from our mother Kay asked if I wanted to move in with the three of them because Kay and Sam's lease was up around the same time mine was and they were already planning on getting a bigger place to live with Andy when he got here. Due to the aforementioned apartment troubles and having a hard time mentally living alone for the first time, I accepted. We found a small house and the four of us moved in Summer 2023.
Now we've butted heads a good bit the last couple months (especially me and Andy because we had barely known each other before moving in together and we have very different personalities), including a few very loud fights, but we have thus far managed to eventually talk it out and work it out and kept things mostly under control. I admit, there have been times where I was definitely the asshole in situations, but I've acknowledged that, apologized, and tried to improve my behavior since then. Anyway, this ask isn't about all those times.
A lot of my issues in the household stem from my depression and lack of motivation to get things done. A big contributing factor to that is that I am painfully aware I wasn't part of their original plan, and that leads to me not feeling wanted as part of this house. The three of them often do things without me like playing D&D, and hanging out/going fun places without me, while things I want to do with all of them just kinda never happens, like playing a video game or board game with one of them, or going out somewhere fun I want to go. Some of me not being included is completely justified like Kay and Sam's date nights, and some things while they do still sting a bit to be excluded from make sense why (like their D&D games that can get very NSFW, and I'm a sex-repulsed asexual. also being Kay's sister would make it extremely awkward regardless of my sexuality. I only found out about the NSFW nature of their games two weeks ago though), but certain things it doesn't feel like as good a reason for me to not be included or it's not actually communicated to me why I'm not invited to be part of something.
A REALLY big thing that contributed to these feelings I have was the day we got the keys to our house, as Kay and Andy were showing it to me, Kay told me "Just so you know, this isn't permanent. You're going to get your own place again eventually" with a soft deadline of two years because that's when another of their friends graduates college and might need a place to stay after. Over the last few months we have had several conversations about my feelings of being unwanted and Kay has apologized saying that what she meant that day came out wrong. What she meant by that statement was they all want to help me become more independent so that I will be able to move out and live on my own again one day when I'm ready since the first time didn't go so well. They were not/are not planning to kick me out, and the other friend moving in is just an idea that may not even come to fruition anyway. Even if it was partially a misunderstanding and there is no set time I need to be out of the house by, knowing that there is an end in sight has made it much harder for me to settle in because I don't feel like I can get settled since I'll just have to leave again at some point anyway even if that time is literal years away. Sorry if that doesn't make sense but that's the best way I can phrase it.
With all that background out of the way, I'll get back on track now. Kay and Andy have spent months planning on how to decorate the house and want to make the whole first floor (kitchen, living room, and shared craft space in the front room) themed like a medieval tavern. I haven't been able to give much input on how the house gets decorated outside of my own room. I've been trying to at least make my bedroom feel more homey since it's where I spend a lot of my time, but the common areas are much harder for me to feel comfortable and like I belong in because I don't have much control/input in how they will look. Which again, I know I'm not going to be here super long term, so it makes sense but it still sucks.
Now onto the actual situation here. There is a dining table set that Kay and Andy picked out that costs over $400 that Kay said on 12/25 she wants us all four to pitch in to get for the household for her birthday in a couple months. I am hesitant to contribute to this set, because I am not going to live with them forever. Obviously I pay my part to the household. I pay my fair share of rent, utilities, and food (though I will often make mini grocery runs throughout the week and I rarely if ever ask for money I spent back because I feel awkward about asking for money from any of them). I have already contributed towards furniture for the house but that is either things that are explicitly and exclusively mine despite household use (a tv stand I already had, a bookshelf I bought to display my things) and will come with me when I move out, or something that was a gift for someone else but still not ridiculously expensive (a $40 secondhand curio cabinet the rest of us got for Kay as an early Christmas present and various other small decorations for around the house).
There was another interaction today that has me a little upset. We've been thinking of getting a second TV for the living room so we can play online co-op games together. Who pays for the TV, determines who gets to keep the new one and who takes the old one when I leave. If the three of them want to keep the new TV, they're going to split the cost and I get the old one, however if I want the new TV I will have to pay for the whole thing myself. 1 person vs 3 people paying for something just feels unfair to me.
But the dining set feels different because it's a lot of money and I won't get to take any part of it with me when I eventually leave. With the TV I'd at least get to keep it. I feel guilty about not wanting to help pay for it, especially because Kay has said she wants it as a birthday gift, but if it almost feels like I'm just buying furniture for someone else's house. Honestly, I'll probably end up sucking it up and contributing anyway because I really don't like confrontation and tend to keep my feelings to myself anyway, but I just want to know other people's opinion on the situation.
Money has been a growing issue for me lately. I'm the only one with a stable, salaried job (barely pays above minimum wage though so it's not like I'm rolling funds), while Kay and Sam are hourly and Andy is between jobs right now. Like I said, I feel awkward about asking for money from any of them. Honestly I don't mind paying a little extra here and there to help out since I'm not much help with the cooking and cleaning, but the amount I have been contributing with no compensation has been eating away at my savings the last few months and I've been keeping silent about it because I don't want to make them feel guilty about it and make it awkward.
TLDR; I'm insecure and have trouble feeling wanted around by my roommates, and am expected to eventually move out. WIBTA if I don't want to help buy a dining set for the household because I won't get to take any part of it with me when I move out?
PS- If it's not too much trouble, could you please tag @aita-roommates-furniture so I am notified when this gets posted? Tumblr won't let me submit asks from a sideblog. If not, no worries! I'll just keep an eye out for it
What are these acronyms?
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earlgreytea68 · 11 months
EGT's FAQ About A Fall Out Boy Cover of the Billy Joel Song "We Didn't Start the Fire" Covering Newsworthy Items from 1989-2023
Why isn’t it in chronological order?!
Was the original in chronological order? Yes, roughly speaking (it wasn’t in exact chronological order, either, for instance, the Brooklyn Dodgers won their first World Series after Disneyland opened but the Dodgers are mentioned before Disneyland, but I get it, it is roughly chronological and definitely more so than the Fall Out Boy cover).
The original, however, was also about a different time period in history: It happened to cover the Cold War. It makes sense that it would go in chronological order because there was a very definitive narrative arc to that portion of history: The Cold War started, all these things happened during it, the Cold War ended.
The era since the Cold War ended arguably lacks this narrative arc. So it makes sense that if you were doing a “We Didn’t Start the Fire” for the modern era, you wouldn’t go in chronological order. That would imply a “beginning” and an “end” that our era doesn’t deserve. Arguably, what mostly characterizes the post-Cold War era (and especially the twenty-first-century portion of it) is the jumbled chaos of time-meaninglessness. We say it all the time on the internet: What is time anymore? It means nothing? We have no sense of it. Things that happened yesterday turned out to be from 2003. There are a ton of other memes about this. You can’t believe the pandemic was over three years ago now. You can’t believe it’s been seven years since the 2016 election cycle. You can't believe that Friends is as far away from us as The Andy Griffith Show was from Billy Joel. Our histories, both personal and on a grander scale, feel like a jumble we can’t untangle, and so does this cover of the song.
In the 90s, people used to talk about being at “the end of history,” and they meant this in a good way. Like, there was this belief that “western democracies” had won and now all we had to do was keeping going up. Obviously that fell apart quickly, but I am Pete Wentz’s age, and I remember very much being given that message when I was in high school and college. In the way that the country boomed after winning World War II, it was assumed we would also boom for a long, even more extended period of time because our victory was even more complete. And then September 11 happened and it felt like it accelerated everything falling apart much more quickly. But that fever dream quality of growing up “post-history,” so to speak, is I think captured really well in the non-chronological lyrics, in a way that I think following a chronology would have done a disservice to. Our lives are this weird mish-mash of constant horrors mixed with the numbing agents of pop culture, and so is this song.
The song ends on September 11, and there have been 22 years of history since September 11, and I get why it’s upsetting to people for the song to end on an event from 2001, and at the same time I think it’s the most effective part of the song, because it does not feel like that was 22 years ago, it definitely feels like it was yesterday, and it also feels like sometimes it’s the only thing that happened in the past thirty-plus years, because of how much it dwarfed everything that came before and how much it colored everything that came afterward.
Also, Fall Out Boy did make a deliberate choice to change the way the chorus goes. Billy Joel sings, "We tried to fight it," and Fall Out Boy sings, "We're trying to fight it." That, to me, adds to the impression that this isn't a narrative with a beginning and an end, it is all over the place and we're still in the middle of it all. So the song ends in the middle, basically.
I am speaking, of course, from the bias of a privileged American born in 1980 who graduated high school in 1997. But, speaking from that bias, I personally get why it’s not chronological, and I don’t think it’s a fatal flaw of the cover. To me, after a moment of being surprised the first time I listened, I felt like I got it and it captured the era better, and it was a feature not a bug. Obviously not everyone will agree, but anyway, I just wanted to say it.
There’s no way they did that on purpose, though.
I’ve got news for you about literary analysis, which I can confidently state as a writer myself: I’m sure there are some writers deliberately doing stuff on purpose but I bet a lot of it is the stuff you don’t even notice. The stuff you do notice and make much of, I’m always like, “…well. Gotta pretend I knew I was doing that all along…” I used to feel guilty about that, but I don’t anymore, because I’ve decided that the things I do instinctively, because they feel right to me, count just as much. When it turns out later that I was doing something because of x, y, z, only I couldn’t articulate it, I think that’s okay. And I also think it’s better than okay when people read what I write with their own experiences making it mean something to them that I would never have thought about.
Which is to say, I’m not particularly bothered by whether Pete Wentz said to Patrick, Joe, and Andy, “Let’s not do it chronologically in order to capture the chaos of this era.” He probably didn’t. But he did make a choice not to do it chronologically, and that’s good enough for me. (He actually starts with a very early reference, so it’s like he’s faking all of us out, like, You thought this would be a nice chronology, but it’s not, it’s an absolute mess.)
Didn’t Pete Wentz basically say it was just too hard to do it chronologically?
Never believe what Pete Wentz says about his own lyrics. He says Thnks fr th Mmrs is about Coachella.
Okay, but you’re surely giving him too much credit.
I’ve been analyzing the man’s lyrics for a long time now. He’s so much smarter than anyone gives him credit for, tbh. Believe me, I also used to think it was just coincidence that he kept tripping over these really elegant, multi-layered, evocative phrases. After twenty years, I don’t think it’s coincidence anymore. I think he just knows how to write.
But also, We Didn't Start the Fire gets held up as a Cold War epic, and it wasn't actually about the Cold War either, Billy Joel just lucked out that the Cold War ended the year it came out.
Fine, but anyone can just rhyme a bunch of proper nouns together.
Yes! You are correct! Anyone can do that! Go for it!
Yeah, but why is everyone paying so much attention to Fall Out Boy’s?
Honestly, I don’t know. They put out a really stellar album that most major media outlets and casual social media managed to ignore, and they’re in the middle of a super-ambitious tour where on any given night Patrick Stump might cover Queen or they’ll just pull out something old or maybe something brand new and I haven’t seen anyone talking about any of that, either. So I’m not entirely sure why suddenly everyone’s so fixated on what Fall Out Boy is doing, but Idk, if you’re curious, the new album is excellent and doesn’t have a single cover song on it, it's all original and it's got ton more Pete Wentz lyrics to pore over.
The lyrics are very sports-heavy, though. Was that necessary?
The lyrics are extremely Pete Wentz. I know everyone else in the band helped him, too, but these are the things Pete Wentz cares about: Chicago sports, Marvel stuff, Tiger King, other emo bands. Lots of other stuff, too, but the fact that he includes the Cubs and not the Red Sox is entirely a function of Who Pete Wentz Is. It’s actually an extremely personal listing of the last thirty years, and I kind of like that about it, too. Everyone’s version of this song is different, and that’s cool!
But it doesn’t even mention COVID!
I, too, was surprised by that, but it mentions Tiger King, and I think that’s better, it made me laugh and also very vividly evoked that particular time to me better than just saying, like, "COVID-19 quarantine" would have.
There are other huge events it leaves out!
Yes. There are.
I can’t help it, I just really hate the song.
That’s cool. There are songs I really hate, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(the funniest thing to me is that many people make fun of Patrick's lack of enunciation making lyrics unintelligible, but he's worked so hard on his singing that people can understand these lyrics, oops)
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yunarim · 11 months
It's me again, but hear me out:
Chenya asking out his girlfriend for prom that nrc and rsa share, with the help of Trey and Riddle
I'm just so in love with Chenya sorry—
- Reveluv anon
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☆ ͡ ݂ SYNOPSIS : CHENYA asking you out for a prom night held for an event shared with rsa & nrc (with the help of trey and riddle but it turned a little wild)
>。TAGS : fem reader (she/her pronouns), reader is yuu, fluff, crack a little, random allusion to 'feel my rhythm' by red velvet near the end just because it fits, implied features of prom nights are mainly based on the country where i live (they don't really contradict with the most popular ones but since in where i live we've got two prom nights, i decided to entertain you a little with the first one we have which is not even a prom night jdksajl) 🌸。NOTES : where i live, there is a dancing ball happening every year after high-schoolers graduate. students perform different types of dances and everything ends with a waltz they personally arrange during rehearsals. it happens by the end of spring, you can see students dancing everywhere, mainly in the city centre. this is the same for the fic! ~
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>。SONG : blooming day — exo-cbx (actually the whole album itself fits the fic vibe SO well) — W.C : 2.5k
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Chenya was always good at guiding people.
It could be his adorable underclassmen dwarfs getting lost in nrc’s spiral-looking streets during VDC and asking Chenya for help. It also could be senior citizens wondering where a certain building is located now that they live in a city resembling a plastic lxgo constructed dollhouse. Chenya would offer his help to anyone who was in need of that, and sometimes his naturally excellent sense of orientation in space wasn’t limited to directions only. He was also a great guide, helping out people to find a way out from the most difficult situations that happened throughout their lives.
Just like he once did when he first met Ramshackle Prefect from NRC. 
What an interesting otherworldly looking human it was! A little guidance carefully revamped to a riddle (pun intended), as if colorfully wrapped candy from Chenya was enough for Prefect to let a little ‘Ah!’ escape her lips before realization hit her. 
Group chat they had with Trey and Riddle reminded him of Ramshackle dorm Prefect told him about when he was secretly enjoying sweet tarts after the disarray situation that happened to Riddle was resolved. The chat was long ago abandoned like the Ramshackle dorm itself.
And was renovated just in the same way.
It was September when Chenya first asked for the Prefect's phone number and found out she didn't have a phone in the first place. What a wondrous turn of events! He kept up with newest technologies but also preferred to go to places himself, half-transparent or not. 
Chenya also remembered how Trey asked if he got a crush on magicless Prefect, but Chenya only grinned mysteriously, replying with one of his favorite riddles thereby letting Trey remain confused. 
To Chenya, it was even better. Prefect was a funny and interesting creature. What a joy it was to find out she was quick to catch on the hint he dropped. Not only did she figure out everything so quickly, she even thanked him for giving a hint on how to resolve Riddle’s case in a way he enjoyed the most. 
He sneaked into NRC once after that, finally witnessing the Ramshackle dorm and its self-proclaimed dorm leader… doing laundry on a sunny Sunday morning. 
How sweet of her it was to suggest them having a small tea party held only for the two of them. 
Chenya didn't notice how he started visiting her once in a while until he got spotted by the Headmaster. Sneaking out into NRC became a little problem, and even if he was highly interested in Ramshackle Prefect, he also couldn’t have let teachers and a headmaster know there was a girl in all boys school attending NRC without having a school record. Not mentioning she had that otherworldly aura around her and most certainly was from another dimension was no doubt, too.
He asked her out during VDC. Needless to say it was the most strangest confession ever made in world history (Chenya isn’t sure which world exactly) which got trended on MagiCam for its sweetness and now is a symbol of VDC held this year.
And now Chenya realized that maybe Prefect not having a phone could be a real problem. 
She was okay with Chenya sneaking out to see her but most of the dates they had by now were only his initiative since they couldn’t really contact each other. And now the guide who was excellent in explaining directions or giving advice realized he needs guidance himself.
Now that this year’s high-schoolers graduation was near and RSA with NRC being two the most elite colleges for students to try enrolling, Chenya was extremely busy. He already participated in a similar event with the only difference being that it was held by RSA only. He remembered Riddle sighing in disappointment when he mentioned that NRC headmaster is, how he put it, ‘can be rather greedy at times’, so this year a brand new program was about to be held.
So, according to the program both RSA (mostly RSA—) and NRC headmasters decided on, the main part of the event will be held on NRC territory with RSA’s promotions. Needless to say, Neige's upcoming performance alone was enough to attract a lot of visitors. 
The only problem was finding a partner for a dance ball.
Normally it was high-schoolers who danced around, enjoying their long-awaited escape from school and preparation to college. But of course this year just had to be different, so this time college students must have participated too. And if before they just helped arrange a stage and such, or performed occasionally (which only applied to Niege and Vil actually—), this year every first- and third-year student should have participated. Headmasters said something about first years welcoming their future underclassmen and third-years symbolizing their future graduation and role models to follow. 
It sounded fun. It really was, but Chenya also wanted to ask his girlfriend out to be his partner for the dance ball. 
Trite ways of asking her out were out of question: there’s no way he would casually sneak into Ramshackle and say ‘Hey, there’s a ball coming, want to be my partner?’— NO, that’s too boring! He wasn’t even sure if they would allow her to participate and if she had similar things in her world too. Not to mention Chenya himself was preoccupied with too many things to handle to the point it was only one day left before the event. 
So he came up with another plan and got a trick up his sleeve. 
“Does she knyaw there’s an event coming up?” Chenya asked, floating midair and stealing a cupcake Trey was preparing. No wonder he was part of a student group preparing snacks for people to have while they’re enjoying the ball.
“I don’t believe she’s aware,” Riddle answered, drawing his magic Pen in a scolding way and throwed a quick glance to Chenya, knowing perfectly well he can’t be stopped. “She’s been busy after, ahem… You see…”
Yep, she told him about recent Overblot happened but Chenya just nodded, helping Riddle to escape growing uncomfortable silence. He knew Overblots were dangerous and they should have remained unnoticed by RSA out of all people.
“I believe she can participate though,” Trey said, measuring milk milliliters needed for baking. “I mean, no one will suspect she attends NRC since we can choose partners from other colleges if colleges at all.”
“Seriously, I can just ask Ace and Deuce to find her and call here,” Riddle said, writing something in his notebook. Of course he was the one arranging something.
“Nya-h,” Chenya replied, his tail wiggling, showing how entertaining it was to plan asking his girlfriend out to be his partner. “Don’t, she needs proper rest. After all that happened, nya.”
Riddle blinked at him. It was a mystery how Chenya managed to drop something really reasonable out of nowhere and then continue his tangled charades. 
“Buu~ut, I also want her to rewind a little and have some fun tomorrow, which is why…” Chenya lowered himself to match Riddle’s height. “I need you to help me shape a road to take~”
“Wha–” Trey asked, confused. “What do you even mean by that?”
“Alice should enjoy her adventure, coming all the way through the looking-glass by herself~”
“What in the world do you even mean…”
“What I want to say is,” he snatched one more cupcake, and with that only his head and hand holding the sweet left floating. “Guide my Alice to the right place tomorrow. See nya until then!”
“He’s insane,” Trey sighed. 
“We’re all mad here.”
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You didn’t get the meaning of the “DRINK ME” bottle that suddenly appeared on the nightstand next to your bed. It was suspicious but you couldn’t really care less when you already somehow managed to survive almost a year here.
You’ve noticed it was weirdly noisy today. Everyone looked as if there was a world’s end coming up with what hurry they moved in the halls, as if practicing some sort of… a dance?
You’ve managed to spot Riddle heading your way.
“Just in time,” you realized he looked even more tired than he always was. “Excuse me for the confusion we might cause to you, but…”
“We?” You asked when Trey suddenly appeared behind you and gently put his hands on your shoulders, guiding you to the main street. “Hey, what’s happening?”
“Guys I can walk by myself, thank you very much, but also please elaborate.”
“Do you happen to have a strange-looking bottle by any chance?..”
You nodded when Trey let go of you and you just couldn’t help but follow them. “Yeah, why?”
“Good,” Riddle sighed. “Please drink it right when we arrive at the venue. It’s not poisonous.”
“Venue, you say?..” Somehow you learnt not to question when something they offer you to drink was poisonous or not. 
You’ve been really tired after the recent Overblot and apparently missing something really important.
When you finally made your way to the venue, you noticed how many neatly dressed students were laughing, taking photos and occasionally dancing here and there. You parted your lips, stunned, and couldn’t take your eyes off everything looking so colorful and fun. 
“Now it’s time for you to drink the potion,” Trey advised. “And then… how was it…”
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there,” Riddle replied instead of Trey, and you finally caught a note of something familiar in his words.
“Hey, this way of wording, are you perhaps…”
“You’ll get everything right after,” Trey smiled reassuringly. 
You shrugged your shoulders and decided to give it a try. The potion tasted like something sweet, but not extremely sugary sweet, and you suddenly felt ticklish. One blink, and you realized something happened to your uniform.
“He… he knew what he was doing,” Trey whispered to Riddle and received a nod in return.
“You two,” you giggled, finding yourself in a beautiful dress, so that no one would suspect you study in NRC. “Could have just told me in a normal way and not played charades.”
“And credits go to your bo—”
“Alright, alright,” Riddle interrupted Trey. “Will you obediently follow the plan, Prefect? You can go now. According to the quote, you’ll find the right path yourself.”
“I will,” you smirked. “Though I’m not sure if I’ll do it obediently, as you’ve said. Thanks for guiding me though. See you later?”
“Yes, see you,” Riddle nodded and turned to Trey, resuming conversation with him. “I hope we’ll see her not on the news hot gossip column when we first did during VDC.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of it…”
You proceeded to wander around, occasionally taking photos with high-schoolers or other students who recognized ‘VDC Sweetheart’ in you, asking if it was okay to hang out with you later if your boyfriend would be fine with it. 
Was it kind of a… prom night? You happened to participate in one back in your world, but you never imagined something that grand. Popular Twisted Wonderland songs played everywhere and you even managed to jam to some of them. It’s been a year already since you got transmigrated here, not to mention your boyfriend always would hum a song or two when he dropped by. 
“Ah, my dear Ramshackle Prefect!~” A familiar voice caught you off guard and you noticed Crowley right when you turned around. “My my, why haven’t you told me you’re participating too! What a proactive kid you are, indeed. How wonderful!”
“Excuse me?..” You looked confused but also Crowley happened to ignore that little noise escaping your throat. 
“And with RSA student of all people! You’re truly remarkable, aren’t you? I can already foresee the great future with NRC finally putting RSA in the right pla— ahem, finally two schools getting to know each other’s customs better!”
“... Sure thing,” you smiled slyly. 
“Now come to the stage, they’re going to start soon.”
You dropped a little ‘thank you’ and rushed to the stage Crowley mentioned. Heart performed some spectacular flips right in your chest when you thought of Chenya… being your prom night partner.
You were a little late. Everyone was already standing on the stage with their partners, waiting for music to start and also throwing glances at Chenya, who was suspiciously alone right at the moment. 
A crowd gathered before the stage was trying to suppress you but you mumbled small ‘sorry, excuse me’ while trying to make your way to the stage, and when you finally did, music already started playing.
Pairs started waltzing, following a tenderly lovely rhythm, but you started panicking a little when you couldn’t manage to find Chenya from your position. The stage itself was a very high-placed platform which wasn’t really helpful for you at the moment. 
You thought of just rushing to the stage, maybe embarrassing yourself in the process, but suddenly an outstretched hand appeared before your eyes, and you looked up. 
“Chenya!” You exclaimed, not really noticing how everyone’s attention suddenly switched to you two. 
“Follow my heartbeat, would you be so kind?~”
You giggled when he helped you to get on the stage. One of his hands rested on your shoulder, while the other one went straight to the small of your back, as if guiding you. You noticed some of your friends dancing next to you, their eyes widening in shock when they saw you dressed so beautifully and having the best time of your life, your gaze fixated on Chenya only. 
“Didn’t knyaw you can dance~” Chenya said to you, pressing you a little closer to him. 
“I can say the same thing about you,” you smiled. “Actually come to think of it, it’s not unexpected. You can float so elegantly, it is no surprise your movements are so graceful on the land too.”
“I just have the best partner I could ever ask for,” his tail tickled your wrist when he noticed the song coming to an end. “Say, ready to do another mad thing?”
“For you? Always ready,” you giggled conspiratorially and loosen your grip on his shoulders, almost falling but Chenya was quick to catch you, drawing your hand to his face.
Everyone fell silent for a mere moment with the last song’s note finishing the performance, and Chenya left a little kiss on your knuckles before pressing sweeter one on your lips, welcoming audience’s applauses.
“You guys are so adorable!!”
“Imagine if those two would be idols, they would be so popular!!”
“Chenya, just reveal which college your girlfriend attends!!”
“AWWW VDC Sweetheart being so cute again!!”
You laughed, falling right into Chenya’s embrace. What was the last time you felt so free and happy?..
“Soo~ Would you like to see the other things we prepared? Also don’t think it was your only dance today~”
“Sure thing!” You answered cheerfully, grabbing his hand and guiding him off the stage. “There’s so many things I want to try today!”
Trey and Riddle watched you two running around like two little kids, small smiles plastered on their faces.
“And you expect that Prefect won’t go trending on MagiCam again?” Trey laughed.
“Never in my life was I so wrong.”
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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starlightbooklove · 2 months
There's something I've wanted to talk about for a while but haven't really had the time to do (I still don't but x) and it's education In my country (Venezuela) or well, in my city, because all the information I read and see on my social networks (mainly Tumblr) is in English and from first world countries most of the time Referring to posts about lifestyles and things like that and I am always struck by how different things are, especially how poor my university education system is, which here We know it is, every self-respecting Venezuelan knows how finished the country really is LMAO we are self aware But now that I have to go through the university experience, and I have to see it and feel it for myself, it leaves me very shocked how bad the university is in so many things. And how hard it is For the student Simply studying or watching classes And I want to make it known through my experience, because I have a blogger complex XD JAJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJ
Starting at the beginning with that here when we graduate from high school, we must enter a government page called OPSU (I don't remember what it means at this time xd) in this are sent Once you have your academic grades to have your academic GPA and everything, this is where you enter the career you want to study and the university (all public, obviously)
In my city they opened the Medicine program almost 4 years ago, the headquarters here comes from the mother nucleus that is in another city, and it is, as you can see, quite recent. But it is a highly in-demand career among the student population, and last year it was in great demand because the news broke that they would open another branch in the city in a more central area. Because the original headquarters was in a fairly remote place and is what's next to bad (I'll explain it to you now) So last year around 10,000 people enrolled in the medical degree in the opsu to see it in my city, and the opsu accepted a LOT of people to the point that people with a good GPA did not passed, while people with low GPA achieved it, and then the OPSU carried out a "second wave" to give a chance to those who had not passed in the first opportunity (among those, me 🥲) And another bunch of people got in, which caused a general disaster, the university had to create 32 sections of 52 people each, in... The old headquarters Because there were so many people that they accepted that the 'first year' occupied an entire venue morning and afternoon, So foreign people who came to my city believing that they would study at the new headquarters had to face the fact that n.1 the headquarters was not (and is not) open yet and n.2. that we would not go to that Headquarters because those of our year would be In the old one.
At this point we have not yet reached the beginning of classes (where the hardest part begins) and look how many problems were had
Last year the 'first year' students had to study until December because they started late, our year had planned to start in January to not repeat that, but the university was not ready yet and the teachers were not yet complete, so in the end we started in February after carnival (in the middle) but we were also embarrassingly behind so We started with a lack of teachers for 4 different subjects and in the first week we saw half of those we did have (there are 11 subjects)
Now, the university 🫠
You might wonder what it could be about the university that makes it so unpleasant to watch classes there. Well, you see, that university was in very good condition when it was inaugurated, but it was looted to such an extent that it is in a deplorable state now.
So where I study is a facility without air conditioning, without main windows, with a lack of chairs (although that is solved now) Without video beam, computers or desks for teachers, There is a laboratory but it does not have any laboratory equipment (we do not even have a microscope), and there are no anatomical models (essential since we are studying MEDICINE) 🙃🥲
So in the first weeks the section delegate asked us for money to buy the projector since all the sections had to buy their own projector to watch the classes and we were Praying that we would get one of the few classrooms with air so that we would only have to do the maintenance that wouldn't cost a lot of money buuut Sadly we had one without air conditioning and to this day we don't have air because we have had to pay for other things.
It should be noted that this is a public, government university, we should not have the need to pay absolutely any of this in the first place And we have had to pay for things that do not correspond to us as students since we started. And oh boy when i tell You the amount of struggle that we had to see classes...
Time to do second part ✨
Part 2 ✨
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anyablackwood · 7 months
Other things to consider when writing about a country/culture not your own:
Maybe it's obvious, but there are some things that I think people might overlook when writing a story that takes place in another country or culture that can actually be very important to look into. I might make this into a series, but as I mentioned in the tags of my last post, one of the most common things I seen people overlook in stories about other countries is the education system.
As I'm only really familiar with American and Japanese school systems, I'm only going to be speaking about those. However, I think this is worth looking into for any culture that you're unfamiliar with!
Unlike the American school system, wherein the school year starts in August/September and ends in May/June with some breaks in between, Japan's school system ends and begins in spring. The first term ends in July, with summer vacation going for just over a month (about 40 days), then continuing into the next term of the year. They have winter, spring, and summer breaks, but none for fall/autumn (at least not for public or international schools; I'm unfamiliar with private schools, but I understand that they operate a bit differently).
The school week is also different. Most schools operate on the standard Monday-Friday schedule, but with the addition of classes every other Saturday. This can vary to some extent depending on the school, but for the most part, this is standard for most high schools and middle schools. On top of that, many students from middle to high (and some elementary) schools are in "cram schools" or extracurriculars (which are technically not required but socially kind of... expected??), which take place after usual school hours and/or on weekends.
Speaking of grade levels, those are also different. "Kindergarten" students are 3-5 years old (this is not considered part of elementary school; more like Pre-K). Elementary school spans from 1st to 6th grade, middle school is 7th to 9th, and high school is 10th to 12th. Which is why many anime/manga will refer to "third year" as the highest high school grade level; they are not graduating younger, the grade levels are just shifted.
So if a character is referred to as a "first year" in high school, they're actually about 15-16, not 14-15. And unlike America, skipping grades or testing into classes isn't allowed. Not that it's rare; it's genuinely NOT allowed, no exceptions given. So regardless, there is no explanation for a 14-year-old to be a high school first-year in Japan unless they've straight up faked their birth certificates/were adopted and didn't actually know their correct birthday until recently. And considering how rare adoptions are in Japan and how difficult it is to make edits to the registry in city hall... those are both unlikely. This is why testing into schools/getting into the "good schools" in high school matter so much in Japan; they're not talking about private schools, they're talking about getting into a school with a more rigorous academic system so that they aren't bored out of their minds in a class too slow for them (also because it looks good to colleges and universities, but that's another post).
That being said, up until recently, the age of adulthood in Japan was 20; this changed a few years ago to 18, but it is worth mentioning, as that would affect characters who have graduated/reached adulthood prior to this change. Side note, the drinking age has not changed; it is still 20. This would affect things such as college applications and the decisions around those, since applicants weren't (until recently) considered legal adults. Especially since most schools don't allow their students to have jobs while in school without their permission (if the family is financially struggling, the parents might tell the school, which would give them special permission to work part-time). This affects things such as financial autonomy, social expectations (it's considered embarrassing to have a job in this context as it implies you're extremely poor, and most teens don't tend to be proud of that). There's much more to be said; uniforms, the extent of control the school/staff have on students off school grounds, social expectations, etc. but this isn't meant to be the essay that it's become so I'll just leave it here.
In conclusion, make sure to look it up! You'd be surprised how much you'd find from such a seemingly innocuous, seemingly unimportant topic. This barely scratches the surface on the differences in these two school systems alone, as well as the many socioeconomic strings attached to them. There's likely way more differences with cultures that are especially on the other side of the equator, with different weather patterns etc. causing differences in schedules!
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for breaking up with my friend at a party he was hosting?
Basically, I've (F40s) been friends with this guy, F (M40s) for about twenty years. We met when we were in college (different schools but lived in the same apartment building) and he has been my absolute best friend pretty much ever since. For a very long time, until a couple of years ago, we were a group of three with my other best friend, C (M40s), but C and F had a large, public, and extremely dramatic falling out. Since then, I've managed to stay friends with both of them, but C and F haven't spoken since their fight.
One of the reasons C and F stopped being friends was the life choices that F made. F started out as an artist, an extremely talented and pretty successful and accomplished composer. C was his partner in writing (a genius playwright and lyricist), but got frustrated over years of watching F choose to chase success over creative satisfaction, leading to F often forgetting about the projects he was supposed to be working on with C. I understood where both of them were coming from; F wanted success and fame regardless of where it came from, while C wanted to make art for art's sake, and their different outlooks on why they were doing what they did led to their eventual split.
I never agreed with F's choices to chase fame and fortune, but ultimately, it was his choice to make. I never thought he was actually happy, but for the last years of our friendship, I was just hoping he'd realize that on his own. Over time, being friends with him became more stressful than it was fulfilling. I'll admit, I've always been a little bit in love with F, so it was even more painful for me to see him marry somebody else and be happy with her, which I was obviously sad about but happy for him, only to throw that relationship away by cheating with a woman who is terrible for him. After his divorce, he practically abandoned his son, which I also hated. His ex moved across the country, and even though F became extremely rich and successful, I still saw his son more than him. F didn't even go to his son's high school graduation, and I did. That was the breaking point for me.
I've stood by F for years despite the disastrous choices he's made. He abandoned his oldest and closest friend over different opinions, which is his choice but still seemed unnecessary to me, threw away all creative integrity he once had for the sake of making terrible movies that sold well but said nothing, abandoned his son, and even after marrying the woman that caused his divorce, cheated on her with a woman half his age and didn't even bother to keep it a secret. I was fed up.
F invited me to a huge party with his new Hollywood friends to celebrate the release of one of his movies. He paid for my flight out. I knew when I accepted that I was ready to end this friendship, which is where I think I might be the asshole. I was drunk before the party even started, a habit that began as a coping mechanism for the stress that F added to my life a while ago, because I knew I wouldn't be brave enough to go through with it without the alcohol. During the party, F brazenly flirted with and even kissed the young woman he's currently cheating on his wife with, and his other "friends" in the room either didn't care or treated it like fun gossip. I drank more. His wife, who has always hated me and known my feelings for F (unsure of if those two facts are connected, honestly), was cruel to me. His "friends" treated me like trash. Eventually, I spoke my mind. Yes, I was drunk, but I meant every word. Everybody in the room was fake and terrible, and F had turned into the kind of person who had earned their treatment of him. He isn't the man I met when I was 20 and fell in love with, not anymore. I never meant to break up the friendship as publically as I did, and I know doing it at the party and insulting his friends made it a much bigger deal than it had to be, but I couldn't wait to do it anymore. I needed it to be done.
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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🔻 Prologue: 
The Royal Romance, an AU series 
Series premise: An American teenager from New York city is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobles, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC (Sophia) 
Other Pairing: Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC (Daniel)  
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Sophia Taylor and Bethany Beaumont. 
Rating: M *Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language. Please excuse all errors.
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 874, Read: 4 minutes 
Music Inspiration: Everybody Hurts by Tina Arena 
A/N: My submission for @choicesflashfics Week #17, Prompt # 2 “Does it ever stop hurting?” - “No, you just make room for it.” @choicesficwriterscreations 
A/N2: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the US; is Barthelemy Beaumont’s 2nd wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) was Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N3: My submission for Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation 
Sophie Taylor was excited but also nervous about this new adventure. Stepping out of the airport terminal, she breathed in the warm, fragrant air of her new home. 
She never imagined that she would ever be living in a different country, across the Atlantic Ocean; let alone starting her first year of studies at the University of Cordonia in the Fall. 
Graduating from high school two weeks ago, she was leaving behind everything she ever knew about life.  
But ever since her mother was diagnosed with cancer last Christmas, Sophie knew that her mother would start planning for her to live with her aunt in Cordonia when she passes. It was just a matter of time. 
Her father had died tragically, four years before, while on the job as a firefighter. Having no siblings, or other relatives living in the U.S., she would be all alone if she stayed in her home. 
Interrupting her thoughts, she heard her name being called. Sophie turned to see a familiar face in the crowd gathering at the luggage carousel, waving at her frantically. 
“Sophie!” Maxwell cried out as he ran up to her. 
“Max, it is so good to see you!” She dropped her luggage and allowed her cousin to fiercely hug her as she hugged him back in return. 
Like Sophie, Max would be attending U of C, in the Fall. Even though he was in his fourth year master's program, Sophie welcomed the fact that she would know at least one other person on campus. 
Her cousin Bertrand stepped up next to greet Sophie. Always the nobleman, he lifted her hand to place a kiss. 
“It’s so good to see you. I hope your flight was comfortable.” 
“It’s great to see you again, Bertrand.” 
Her older cousin was the Duke of Ramsford, who in effect had assumed the responsibilities of his father as the patriarch of Duchy Ramsford. Her Uncle Barthelemy was currently in a coma with his health in decline. His doctor forbade his current wife, and his sons, from visiting him at the personal care home in Vallenheim, claiming that it was a directive given to him by Barthelemy himself. 
Inside the town car, travelling through the Cordonian countryside to the Beaumont estate, Sophie and Max were deep in discussion getting re-acquainted after not seeing each other for a couple of years in person. 
“Are you excited about starting classes in the Fall? I know you will love it there...I have so many things to show you!” 
Starting her MBA at the University of Stormholt in the Fall, 17-year-old Sophie was anxious about having to adjust to not only losing her mom, but also navigating a new school environment. 
“I am so grateful that you will be there. I feel like a ‘fish out of water’ in so many ways.” Sophie’s lip quivered and her hands started to tremble. 
“Gosh Soph, I am so, so sorry for rambling on. I cannot even imagine the level of stress you are under.” 
Maxwell wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. 
“What about you, Max? 
Uncle Barthelemy won’t let you visit him in the hospital. That must be so hard to deal with for you and Bertrand. 
Does it ever stop hurting?” Sophie asks.
“Well, no, you just make room for it.” Maxwell sighs. 
“It is what it is, Maxwell. There is no point dwelling on it.” 
Changing the subject, Bertrand asks, 
“Sophia, I know that you love horses. How would you like to adopt a horse for your very own?”  
Bertrand had information on a retired derby racer that needed a new home. House Beaumont had a horse stable and was considering adding more horses. 
“Really? That would be wonderful...but, I do not want to be a bother.” 
“Nonsense! Consider it done!” Bertrand smiled. 
“Welcome to House Beaumont, Sophie!”, Maxwell announced, as the town car slowed to turn down the long drive of the duchy. 
Looking at the beautiful estate owned by her Uncle Barthelemy and Auntie Beth, Sophie appreciated how far away from her hometown of New York City she really was. 
“Yes, welcome home,” Bertrand smiles fondly. 
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Tagging tumblrs showing interest for this fic from Sunday Six. Please let me know if you want to be added or removed⚘️@angelasscribbles @kyra75 @mom2000aggie @ao719 @writing-not @busywoman @703cowbarn @princess-geek @kingliam2019 @txemrn @harleybeaumont
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tookishcombeferre · 9 months
Happy 8th Birthday Undertale!
It’s hard to believe Undertale turns 8 today!!
I’m going to be posting more of my fic (2 chapters) today in celebration, but I wanted to post something a little more personal on my blog.
In Summer 2022, I gave birth to a squish. Bean is incredible. I adore them.
One day in late Fall/Winter of 2022/2023 we were going on an Amma/Bean outing to just see some more of the world. I decided to play the Undertale soundtrack because I was feeling nostalgic and it was a style of music Bean hadn’t heard yet.
When I say Bean imprinted on “Death by Glamour” I mean they imprinted on that song to the point that I was allowed listen to nothing else for 72+ hours straight. If I changed the song, they would straight up banshee scream until I put it back on.
Eventually, I showed Bean MTT’s boss battle and we listened to the Man on the Internet cover of the song as well. (This was the only variation I got in listening to the same song for almost a month.)
For Bean’s six month well check, Dada and I decided to get them a plush of Mettaton mostly as a joke. We figured we’d put it in a keepsake box to give to them after they graduated high school.
Nope. They imprinted on it! Ton-ton had to go everywhere. This was to the point we felt the need to get them a second one for their birthday in case Ton-ton the original got lost or came unstuffed.
I’ve found my Bean’s bond with MTT to be kind of interesting. I’m the primary “stay at home” caregiver to Bean, but I’m an actor and writer on the side. I’m also a relatively femme-looking transmasc person. So, sometimes, seeing them holding, cuddling, and just now starting to talk to MTT like a best friend makes me kind of emotional. I see their empathy for people who are different. I see the kind of love that I’m fostering in them for my community. I have hope for the way Bean will accept me in their easy acceptance of the “KISS Doll” as my parents call him.
I’ve just moved back about 5-10 minutes away from my family after a long time running all over the country and state. That, and I just came out to all of my family this year. There’s been some good moments in that and some very painful ones.
Dada (my spouse) and I started playing Undertale around Spring of 2023. My spouse hasn’t really played the game in any significant way, but we started with True Pacifist because life is too sad to do anything else. We’re only just getting into Waterfall because, as new parents, we don’t have a lot of free time.
But, I’m looking forward to meeting Mettaton again. Because, as weird as it sounds, I feel like I owe him an apology.
When I first played the game, I wanted to kill Mettaton … so badly. I hated him because, in a way, he reminded me of me. So, I figured killing him would feel like killing the part of me that I hated. I knew I couldn’t really do anything to myself without hurting the people I loved in ways I didn’t want to - I might have been self-centered at times, but I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t just leave. But, I was playing with my friend at the time and she was very adamant about playing True Pacifist and nothing else. (I also managed to get a spoiler about what happens to Alphys if you kill Mettaton and that really put me off it because Alphys was my favorite.)
But, in many ways, I hated Mettaton in the ways I hated myself. He was merely a stand in for me.
I “ran away” from home and changed my identity.
I upset my family.
I could be over dramatic.
I had my manic moments.
I wanted fame in my writing and my performance, and I wasn’t shy (or all that humble) about sharing my big dreams (or my talents there in).
So, I look forward to meeting him again because I owe that trans masc robot an apology for hating him so much.
For, through the eyes of my child, (through no expectation or conscious thought of Bean’s own) I’ve learned to love myself all because of a silly techno song and an Etsy plush.
But, it all started with a lovely little game 8 years ago. So, thanks Toby Fox. Happy Birthday Undertale.
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lightcreators · 7 months
@mvrtogg continue from here
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Murtogg turned to face the man for a long while, contemplating on what exactly the other was talking about. "I suppose we all have a bit of learning to do. I'm still trying to figure that out myself." There was a pause in Richard Murtogg's train of thought, his new job was a bit more surveillance related and was in conjunction with the US. Though he did have dual citizenship with the UK and the US, having gained it within the last few years since he was living in the States.
"I'm still trying to figure out this whole security system you've got here in SHEILD." he laughed awkwardly. Yes, his newly appointed job was with SHEILD and it was vastly different that his job in the police force. Sort of. He had clearance but still needed to finish up training, so he was ... the new guy.
It dated really from decades ago, the first time he had been merely a new agent like other: entering inside the world of an organization protecting common people about what they weren’t ready to known … unknowingly by then he was touching top of an iceberg he would dig far more lately. Not everyone could afford themselves to becoming agent of such organizations --- when at that thought, another one welcoming the CIA, where one mole had been emotionally compromised from the start for had been recruited by some MIB before entering the CIA … meanwhile himself keeping regardless the lie that thought about some obscure MI6 handled by another iteration of himself had expanding globally protectionism … With his current level of clearance, which was important and coming directly from higher seats could be something he could now eventually, if authorization was permitted, if the information was allowed to leave out in first place and depending circumstances … Regardless his years of experience behind him, where he passed so many years doing every day his best, and endlessly aware about how weighting his position was, how he had been recruited by the MIB troubled an long-term established confidence and knowledge --- It was merely an foreshadowing about what he will becoming eventually. It was merely a fragment of strange future inside his current present.
In front of his new agent, reality about him be a seat higher, considered as his superior, didn’t wanted to be too much explicit between them. He had been happy by reading his file to perceiving how he was coming from England --- an impression himself didn’t even try too much to pondering, considering how he did know another British sounding man triggering gentle familiarity sentiments (and too much questions he had actually have time to ask) … as compared to his other iteration, he might have visiting England because of his missions and relationships with the actual MI6 if necessary, but usually remained busy inside his country. Vagueness could be only offered for his new agent. The Men in Black, as legend they were supposed to be, wasn’t supposed to be common knowledge at all --- it was their omerta. If his other self needed to show up in presence of other people, he was quite certain himself shall find an mean without betraying himself inside his position … as he had been searching no possible coincidence or potential move for circumstances showing up around him. He was lead inside a particular programmed future, that for sure --- but was left as a leader having a possibility of controlling more than he thought and doing difference he desired. ❝ Learning never ends. It’s never ‘I finished high school, I’m ready for the world’ or ‘I graduated, nothing can stop me’. ❞ He mused playfully as these remembrances dated from ages ago. ❝ We have lot of protocols, but you will have time to get knowledge of all of them. Your mind also will need some training for preparing you for the every day life of the behind of the scene. ❞ Of course, his agent must already be aware of it, however, coming from a veteran like him directly under jurisdiction of Nick Fury, his voice will gave another tone of his words. It was his time to laugh. ❝ Yes, we have many sub-security systems, you shall soon realize. Inside your former job, you were less around constant information, even if the sport remains as eventful --- where you need to know how to survive circumstances in all manners. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure the beginning starting smoothly for you. Experience is something you acquire quite fast. ❞
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acefms · 1 year
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basic info.
NAME: luna delgado robinson-armstrong
AGE: thirty-four
BIRTHDAY: april 24th
ZODIAC: taurus
SEXUALITY: pansexual
OCCUPATION: youth worker
[ tw: drug addiction, overdose, death, abuse. ]
• luna was born to a single mother, whom she lived with until the age of eight. most of her childhood was spent at home alone, learning to fend for herself while her mother was out scoring drugs. she loved her mother very much, but sadly, despite numerous attempts, she was never able to beat her addiction and died of a heroin overdose the week before lunas ninth birthday. luna was left int he house for 4 days before anyone came. this is a memory she has tried to block out but she still gets some nightmares about it.
• with no remaining family willing to take her in, luna ended up in care, bouncing from care homes and foster homes for the next couple of years. while some of the people she met were nice, some were not. through this time luna encountered a lot of abuse, most of which was emotional. It didn’t take long for her to give up hope on the idea of a forever home. thinking she wasn’t worth loving.
• by the time she was twelve, rebellion had fully kicked in. anything she could think of to act out, she’d do, including running away often. eventually, at fourteen, she was placed in the care of the robinson-armstorng’s, though at first she still assumed it would be a temporary thing and gave them a hard time.
• eventually, for reasons she couldn’t understand, they asked if they could adopt her. hesitantly she agreed, but soon she found herself lowering the defences and letting her new family in. soon she found purpose, and a family she’d always desired. life was beginning to look up.
• while still rebellious in nature, at her heart she has only good intentions. after high school she attended college and earned a masters degree in sociology, knowing how privileged she was to be in a position do so.
• upon graduating she took a year out and did some travelling, taking in random jobs to keep her life funded. during this time she also volunteered in underprivileged countries, trying to do as much as she could to make a difference. but upon returning to denver full-time a couple of years ago, she got a job as a youth worker, fighting for and advocating for children/teens who grew up in circumstances similar to her own.
• rebel with a cause. will randomly switch to spanish mid sentence when pissed off because that’s most comfortable for her, has probably asked your muse to sign petitions about a million times, is completely unwavering when she sets her mind to something. total softie at heart but don’t dare say that to her or she’ll bite. says fuck way too much.
possible connections.
roommates — a chaotic duo preferably. lots of drunken nights and lines crossed/blurred, but they truly have one another’s backs and love to have a little gossip. probably sick of her ranting but she’ll repay them by cooking dinner and keeping the fridge stocked with beer and snacks.
ex — any gender. probably from her college years. at that point she’d still have been battling her demons (I mean still is, but more obviously back then) we can plot out the dynamic and how it ended/if there is still feelings there.
friends — everybody needs friends, right? open to pretty much anything — total opposites, friends with the same goals, friend from childhood. anything.
butt heads/underlying tension — spend most of their time bickering but they probably enjoy it, everyone else can see the tension between them but they’re in total denial. definitely something we can expand on if the chemistry is there.
someone she met one of the times she ran away — someone that helped her, made her see sense and go back to her foster family.
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stranger-rants · 2 years
so much of this anti rhetoric rings too close to actual things i've heard said about clients i've worked with. that committing a crime or being in prison excludes a person from treatment, from access to mental health, from access to substance use treatment/programming, educational attainment, or programs towards bettering themselves and providing insight, healing, and lowering their risk of reoffending. the notion that a poor upbringing leads to a bad outcome and that in turn warrants all current and future circumstances as deserved. that somehow once the train to 'bad apple' town starts an individual is both responsible for its destination(s) and not stopping it all at the same time. bc they were clearly the conductor of some runaway train.
misunderstanding and so narrowly viewing and boiling a character like billy down. and then using all these 'reasons' that i have heard far too many times as to why he shouldn't be liked. why he should be ignored. why he should be outcast or further punished, institutionalized etc even... just speaks exactly to why i have a job. because when you ignore people. when you beat them down, and continue to outcast, and shut them out of society with no room to grow or improve... they come back to me again.
i really enjoy your posts. i appreciate that you take so much time to make these posts. you must be exhausted. they are extremely thoughtful and speak so much truth not just to the fandom but also to a lot of the systematic problems that individuals face in their daily lives. thank you. thank you for being here.
Thank you for such a lovely response 💜
I feel much the same way. The majority of the people I work with have some form of trauma.
Most of my students are refugees and immigrants who were brought here because of war or natural disaster, because I teach English as a language. Everyone copes in different ways, but the young people who aren't able to "behave" the way society expects have always been more prone to being exploited and abused and for my students, they tend to face harsher treatment because they were not born in the U.S.
Years ago, there was a local 14 year old who had stabbed someone in a robbing. There was talk of deporting them back to their birth country to stand trial where the punishment would be more severe. I also once had a student who had gone to jail for gang related stuff, but by their senior year they were trying to turn things around and even offer a safe place for their friend who was similarly involved in that life but it was difficult for him to navigate the world with a record.
I've had students come to me with many different prejudices. Just last year over half the male students in my class were happily talking about how back in their home country you could be killed for being gay or trans. Horrifying, I know. Yet, I've seen students start high school with a that same attitude, but then graduate with very progressive ideas and greater tolerance. It's almost like being surrounded by people who are different from you and being in an accepting environment helps.
I'm not too exhausted, thankfully. Sometimes I get triggered and I respond accordingly. However, it all just fuels me to keep doing what I'm doing.
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casketscratch · 5 months
tw for abuse/csa/trafficking mentions, impending grandparent death, that thing we do where it's just ten of us and somehow it all wraps back in on itself idfk.
Something in my brain is bleeding, leaking, and I don't know what or why.
I do know what or why, but I can't say what or why.
I can say what but I can't say why.
There was never any fucking why.
My grandpa–on my mom's side, so not the one who started abusing us but the one who we grew up with, at home–is dying. Cancer. In his lungs, his spine, his spleen, his brain. He's not coming home from the hospital.
I never knew until so very recently how much we had in common, how much it feels like I absorbed from him. The insomnia: he never slept in the mornings, I never slept in the mornings. We would eat cereal on the couch waiting for 6am because that's when the TV stations turned on. It was static until then. The hatred of sitcoms, because neither of us appreciate laugh tracks. My love of science fiction is from him. My belief in better futures against all odds, against the very future itself. My deadpan humour. My anger. My temper. My curiosity.
I graduated high school and within weeks was on the other side of the country, as far as I could go, as soon as possible.
He was the only one who never asked me why, or gave me grief about going. But he's the only other one of my immediate relatives who would travel, go places, find adventures. He once ran into a burning building to save the people inside.
And then I have to wonder.
If he'd known the reason why, would he have felt any differently? If I'd told him what was happening at the neighbours' places, or what his former son-in-law was doing, or--
I never told him.
He said once that his greatest regret was not being able to save people. His younger brother died in the blitz and he has always blamed himself.
I didn't want him thinking he had failed to protect me, somehow.
It wasn't his fault. It wasn't my fault, either.
I had no memories of him, for fuck's sake. It was neat and tidy that way. It was abstractly sad that he was dying but it was miles, miles away.
The period I lived with him was the same period I was... what's the word, even? Recruited? Lured? The same period I was trafficked. (That's the word isn't it, even if you fucking hate it.)
It's like I can't have one without the other. I can't have eating cereal on the couch at 5am waiting for YTV to turn on without being in my friend's basement, and her dad calling me into the other room. I can't remember the swingset he built out of old wood and tires without also remembering the time my friend's brother turned out to be just like their dad.
He loved woodworking. There was the swing set, but he built us a scooter when we couldn't afford a real one from the store, too. A dollhouse with every room wallpapered by hand and tiny brush. Dressers.
When do I stop feeling bad about the amount of time I spent away from my family, running from everyone but him? Every year my uncle would get me on the phone and tell me, this Christmas might be his last. I should come visit.
For fifteen years.
I'm tired of the universe's sense of humour.
I'm tired of knowing it doesn't have one and there's no explanation for how this played out, really. It just did.
There is the grief and then there is the rage.
Because every memory comes with that fucking shadow. That friend's basement, that friend's dad's bedroom, or the video camera he had, or the costumes, or the other kids involved.
Everything I didn't know existed a week ago.
The rage feels like a betrayal of the grief.
The grief feels like a betrayal of the rage.
I can say what but I can't say why.
My grandad is dying and the entire time we lived with him, we were trafficked and forced to perform on camera. Is the most neutral way I can phrase that.
And there is no why. There's just the asshole behind the camera, ruining so many lives for his own gratification.
There's just the universe and trying to remind myself that it's not personal, it's not like God is there and cursed us from the moment we were born, it's not some cosmic mandate saying yes, shit down that one's throat for years to come in particular.
I hope he knows I was never running from him personally.
Someone just tell me it gets easier trying to hold these things in my head all at once.
I don't want to forget him, too.
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years
At church only a few people know I'm queer and I'm getting a lot of pressure to go on a mission but don't know how to tell them that there's no way unless I say that I'm queer
For people not in the know, there is tremendous pressure put on young people, especially young men, to serve as missionaries.
We grow up at church singing songs like "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission." Young men leaders and bishops often feel one of their main duties is to steer young men towards serving a mission.
Several years back the age for when a person can served dropped to as low as 18 for young men and 19 for young women, meaning there can often be only weeks between high school graduation and donning a suit or dress and a name badge to serve as a missionary. At the time of the announcement in change of age, President Monson said, “I am not suggesting that all young men will — or should — serve at this earlier age," but that this is providing an option. Only at the local level it's usually presented as, "If you're worthy to be a missionary then I don't understand why anyone would wait?"
Church leaders routinely teach that for young men, they have a duty to God to serve. If they're worthy then they should go (which means if they don't serve, lots of people wonder what they did to cause them to not be worthy). If you don't serve, you're disappointing God and raising a lot of eyebrows in your community. 
Being called an RM (Returned Missionary) is almost like a badge of honor in the church. Young women are often taught they should seek an RM for a husband. "Where did you serve your mission?" is common question asked to men.
For parents, there's a tremendous sense of pride when a child goes on a mission, they get some of the reflected glory of their child being a missionary. Parents are taught to prepare their child for missionary service and getting them out on their way is seen as being a successful parent.
Families often talk about stories from dad's time as a missionary, or when grandpa went to a foreign country and learned a language and lived in a very different culture, or going back to a great-great grandpa who baptized hundreds of people. These are family legends. There's an expectation that you will carry on the family's legacy.
When someone is nearing high school graduation, they'll start getting asked if they plan to serve a mission, where do they hope they'll go for their mission, and so on.
When someone decides to go, often family & friends are invited over to the house and a Facebook feed is setup live for people to hear them read the message that they're called to serve and where they'll be going, and this gets lots of whoops & cheers when that part is read followed by lots of congratulations, and even some tears. I don't know if this is still true, but in Utah it used to be customary for there to be a big party with food at their home on the Sunday just prior to the missionary beginning their training at the Missionary Training Center.
That's a lot of pressure that is hard to stand up against.
Several years ago, I used to be the stake young men president and some parents would ask me to speak with their child and help nudge him to choose to serve a mission.
I'd speak with their son and say that their parents asked me to talk to him about serving a mission. Here's the thing, the parents aren't the ones who have to live with that decision, they won't have to wake up every day, put on that suit, go out and speak to strangers about church. You have to live with the decision you make. If you want to serve as a missionary, I'll help you prepare. If you don't want to serve, that's also an acceptable choice. If you want to delay for a year and go to college or work, that's fine. If you're not sure yet, that's perfectly natural. I will support you in whatever choice you make. The decision whether to serve a mission is between you and the Lord.
Not sure their parents would appreciate this is the conversation I had, but I'm not on the parents' payroll. There's enough pressure to serve that I don't need to add to it.
I've already written so much and haven't yet addressed your message. Sorry, got on my soapbox.
There's more than one way to do church and be a member of this faith community.
In fact, Russell M Nelson never served a mission, he chose to go to college instead (technically he can say he was a missionary as in his 30's he was asked to spend 2 hours each Thursday giving tours to visitors on Temple Square). Elder Oaks and Elder Eyring also didn't serve a mission. That's the entire First Presidency.
I don't think someone who is approaching missionary age at church can completely escape getting questions about a mission or getting advice from well-meaning people encouraging you to go as it was a pivotal event in their own life.
Here's my advice:
When people are talking to you about a mission, pay attention to how you feel. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
Plan ahead. Think how you will respond in different situations, even if it's to say nothing or how you can change the topic. If you feel the need to leave the situation, plan how you can do that (like excusing yourself to go to the restroom).
Talk to the person who is pressuring you, let them know how it makes you feel and tell the person to stop, that this is your decision, not theirs, and if you want their advice you will ask for it. Chances are they have never stopped to think that this is them applying social pressure.
If your parents know you're queer, set up a secret code with them to communicate that you're in a situation at church making you uncomfortable and for them to come get you. You can text them and have them pull you out of class or from a conversation in the hallway. Or if not your parents, if there's someone else who knows, use them.
You don't need to explain yourself. Some people, like your bishop, may feel they're entitled to know your reasons, but it's up to you if you share, to say nothing, or you can give them some other reason. You can say you're still thinking about it. You can say you have some health issues that you'd rather not get into, but that may prevent you from serving.
You can tell the person you're not prepared to discuss this anymore. If they do bring it up again, reinforce your boundary by saying something like, "As I said, I will not be discussing this any further with you, thank you." Or if they want to know why, "That question is too personal, I won't be answering it."
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yus-is-studying · 11 months
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Jun 28 // I seriously forgot about this account lol. Life has been very busy lately, but at least I'm done with the "gpa" equivalent in my country and i only have to focus on the med school admission exam. I graduated high school, also. A lot happened this year and honestly I'll miss a lot of my colleagues that are moving in a different city (and med school) from where I'm going. It's been a crazy time the past few months and it all feels so surreal. I wish i could slow down time and spend more time with the people i was too afraid to talk to while we were in a classroom. Now they're gone and i regret it. I only have 3 weeks to go so I'll just focus on bio and organic chemistry to pass the admission and become a med student!❤️🕊️
/ edit: forgot to mention about that moon picture! I took it when the Sagittarius full moon was few weeks ago with my brother's telescope. Had a great time tbh.
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