#I don't know what world this is
muses-morii · 8 months
@knightfeared asked: ❛ how is it that you’re never scared? ❜ from Riku to Sora.
~ Sora ~
The question came as a surprise. They were deep, down in the bowels of a cave, following the cloying stench of Heartless. There'd been reports of Darkness pouring from the area, so Yen Sid had sent the two of them to investigate. The area they'd come into, had been a lush, verdant forest, poisoned by the presence of Heartless. No animals made noise among the trees, no birds sang. There wasn't even the buzz of insects. It were as though the forest were void of living things. They'd come into the silence of nothing; nothing but the sound of themselves moving among the ancient plants. Conversation between them had been hushed, the intensity of the silence, compelling the two of them to stay quiet. Eventually, following the Heartless had lead them to a cave of sorts. It looked like ruins of some old temple; Riku had said. The opening was all overgrown, but the stones were still there, carved steps heading down beneath the earth. It were as though the temple above had long since rotted away and all that was left was the basement. Or maybe this was all there ever was, a tomb deep in the depths of a primordial woods. And it was where the Heartless were coming from, therefore, it was where they needed to go. Without so much as a glance behind them, Sora had flashed Riku a smile, given him a thumbs up and then walked forward, heading down the steps into the ruins.
The path sloped ever downward and the two of them pushed onward, battling the Heartless as they went deeper. Eventually the stone floor and walls giving way to earth and softly glowing rocks. The rocks lit the way with a gentle, silver-blue light. Sora had wondered why they glowed, asking out loud if it was magic. Bio luminescence, Riku had said. Explaining there was likely moss or lichen on the stones that gave off light. But, Sora wasn't sure. They entered a large cavern and waiting for them, was a Behemoth. Trapped in the cavern, with no way to get out, it was angry and hungry and ready to tear them apart. Conversation was over and Sora jumped at it with no hesitation, Keyblade flashing into his hands. It was after the battle, that the question came. Riku had a cut on his face and Sora, without thinking, had reached up to heal it, cupping the others cheek, his hand lighting up with a gentle green. It was then, the dim light of the cave, deep in the dark underground, that Riku asked him: “How is it, that you're never scared?” Sora had a feeling, this wasn't just about being in the dark. He looked at Riku, in the faint, silver-blue light from the rocks, noticing how it reflected in his green eyes. His Keyblade disappeared with a sparkle of light and Sora frowned, thinking how best to answer. It felt like there was a lot riding on what he said. That Riku wasn't looking for advice or a boast of confidence. That he was waiting to hear the truth; an honest answer. Truthfully, Sora got scared. He got scared a lot. He was scared that night of the storm on the island. He was scared when Riku had been swallowed by the darkness. He was scared when the Keyblade came to him. “I...” Withdrawing his hand from Riku's cheek, the bleeding cut now healed, Sora looked down at the ground, his eyes focusing on nothing. “I get scared, Riku.” Taking a step back, the younger of the two sighed and reached up scratched at his head. “But, even... When I'm afraid, I know I have to do something. I have to keep moving forward, or else I'll just be alone and scared.”
He looked up at Riku and shrugged, a casual smile playing about his lips. “It's like you said before; we can't let fear stop us.” Sure, Riku had said it during one of the most frightening moments of his life. He was getting eaten by the darkness and vanishing into nothing, leaving him alone on a crumbling island, overrun by demons. “I never forgot that. C'mon!” Turning away from Riku, Sora jogged ahead a bit, going further into the cave where there were heartless waiting for them. “We've come this far!” He laughed a bit, the sound echoing warmly around the large cavern.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 22 days
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Expertise can't help you here.
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aniseandspearmint · 9 months
I am curious, bc I just ran across one of those, 'everyone remembers where they were when 9/11 happened!' things so-
This isn't meant to be a commentary on the event, just whether or not you remember where you were/what you were doing when the news hit.
As an example, I was home sick, doing dishes, when mom yelled for me to get in the living room RIGHT NOW.
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ruegarding · 8 months
i never understood ppl claiming percy has never suffered the consequences of his loyalty. you're talking about percy "i know the prophecy said my friend would betray me but these are my friends they wouldn't betray me" jackson, who walked into a remote part of the forest with luke and almost died in book one. you're talking about percy "kronos told me point-blank there was a traitor but i can't imagine any of these ppl betraying me" jackson, who decided to stop looking for the traitor and moved on. you're talking about percy "nico is acting suspicious and very clearly hiding something from me but he's my friend and i trust him" jackson, who walked into nico's very obvious set up and almost got himself held hostage during the titan war. percy is so loyal that he cannot fathom betrayal until it's happening, and it has nearly killed him multiple times.
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nientedal · 6 months
What progress at home has biden enacted? What policies of his show that he is making progress that prove he is actually different than trump?
I like to pretend I have faith in humanity, so I'll answer as if you're asking this in good faith.
Biden's DEA has lifted restrictions on telehealth prescriptions to make appointments and assistance more accessible.
He put a funding package into place to help unhoused people get access to mental and physical healthcare, as well as short-term and long-term housing.
He has attempted and is still attempting to get student debt relief through - this was blocked by Republican judges appointed by Trump, but he's still working on it.
Infrastructure repair - his administration has budgeted funds to actually fix some severely-damaged and frequently-traveled bridges.
Trying to expand access to healthcare to include undocumented immigrants who came to the USA as children (Dreamers) under the Affordable Care Act. Support for Navigator programs and outreach has also been increased.
He has vetoed Republican-led bills that were attempting to overturn environmental protections - one that would have forbidden investment fund managers to consider climate change in their portfolios (I have two degrees in accounting and this is actually huge), and another that would have overturned restrictions on agricultural runoff into our waterways.
He and his administration worked for ages to get rail workers paid sick days.
This is just some of what he's been doing. Meanwhile, Trump and other Republicans want to criminalize the lives of LGBT people like you and me. They want to eliminate no-fault divorce and force births that will kill parents or devastate them financially. They have stated flat out that they want to install a military dictatorship in the USA. They attempted to put that in motion on January 6th, 2021. They failed once. They will do better next time.
One party wants to house the homeless and expand social safety nets, while the other one wants to criminalize homelessness. One of them wants a future in which I might be able to vote to change how much of a war machine my country is, while the other one wants to eliminate my ability to vote entirely. Those are not the same. Those literally are opposites.
At the end of the day, all you and I can do is choose to do the least amount of harm possible. You and I cannot choose to do no harm. This is the USA, we sell war, you and I cannot choose to do no harm. I wish we could, my god do I wish we could, but that is not an option. So we grieve for the harm we couldn't eliminate and work to minimize the harm that is done. Despite all the crap they support, Democrats are the minimum amount of harm right now. Acting like they aren't is exactly what brought us to an election where our options are a future where we are either wading in blood or drowning in it.
Not voting for Biden will not help Palestine. Not voting for Biden will guarantee a Republican president who will make the situation in Palestine WORSE. AND it'll hurt a lot of other places as well, both at home and abroad, because Republicans are about business and the USA is in the business of war! And I would very much like that to change someday! I would very much like to someday be able to choose to do no harm! And I know what I have to do to try for that future, so what are YOU going to do? There is no standing off to the side in this. If you aren't helping pull, you're the dead weight we're pulling. Are you going to dig your feet into the mud and blood and drown us there? Or are you going to get the fuck off your ass, grit your teeth, and help us pull free?
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spacebubblehomebase · 1 month
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
I recall saying this before, but it bears repeating:
There could be a billion trans people in the world and it still wouldn't be a bad thing because being trans is not a bad thing. Even if the rate of people discovering they are trans is "disproportionate" to trends from decades ago, that is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a natural consequence for there being more trans people being able to stay alive, and, overall, being able to live in a slightly more tolerant world. You'd only see that as a bad thing if you actively didn't want trans people to either live or live a life that facilitates wellness.
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DP x DC Prompt: The Watchlist
Batman has a watchlist. A list that contains every individual who could become a rouge and a contingency plan for if they did.  
And while they, his children, often make fun of his paranoia and him for having it, they totally understand why he did. They lived in Gotham, for Christ's sake. Where everyone’s just a pin drop away from being the city’s next big villain, forcing the bats to scratch their heads while playing cat and mouse with a sicko for a good few weeks. And while they won’t admit it, the list has helped them a few times. 
But that won’t stop them from making fun of any of the list’s new developments. Because you see, there was a new list. And it wasn’t just a watchlist. No, no, no. It was The Watchlist.
It was a new development after he and Robin went on an out-of-state mission to investigate some town in bum fuck nowhere Illinois. And it was under some pretty tight security as well, so they were expecting something good, like mad scientists or evil mayors. Not profiles of the kids who lived in the town. And while there were a few metas and vigilantes that made the list interesting, by the end of it all they just seemed to be teenagers. 
Until they saw Damian. They hadn’t seen him since he came back from the mission with B. He looked tired. Like ‘Tim hasn’t slept in a week and is surviving on just coffee beans’ tired.
“Ah, I see you all have found it. Good. A few of them will be arriving next week as they’re a part of Gotham Academy’s student exchange program. At least three of them will be staying in the manor with us. Father will need you all to be on standby and to be ready for any possible scenario. Please, for the love of all that is good, do not encourage them in any way, shape, or form. And please do not dismiss them either. The outcome of doing that will be much worse. Is there more that I should add? Yes. Will I? No, because you won’t understand. Not until you've seen what I have.” 
The demon child sighed, then looked them dead in the eyes. “Godspeed to us all.” Then walked away.
Okay, they were scared now.
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egophiliac · 4 months
did you know that in one of dorm epel's voicelines he mentions he once got lost in pomefiore and ended up in a creepy basement. it's never mentioned again or given any clarification and i think about it every day
that comes up a couple of times actually! there's just like...a weird creepy dungeon slash old alchemy lab that the Pomefiore castle was built on top of. I think Vil might use it sometimes? but really it serves absolutely no purpose beyond the characters every once in a while being like "oh yeah, there's that secret underground laboratory we all apparently know about" and then never elaborating on it at all.
(I know it's a movie reference, but it's still pretty wild to just. in-universe have a not-so-secret basement alchemy dungeon that never has any relevance beyond a couple of throwaway lines. what other buckwild secrets does NRC hold that the characters just never talk about for some reason)
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gloriousmonsters · 6 months
love when you can ask the Narrator why the Princess is a Princess and he's like 'well i uhhhh YOU did that. maybe it's because uh... something something about her being above you... but still approachable... look i don't want to analyze or anthropomorphize your--' my guy. i am a primal being of Order and Eternity and Shaping. You're the one who convinced me I was some dude and were quite willing to take credit for shaping my view on the world through narration five seconds ago. Are you gonna look me in the eye and tell me the desire to interpret something worthy of adoration and more powerful than me as a dommy princess is written in the very nature of the universe or are you going to show me your browser history like a man
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mikibagels · 6 months
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Cross-Dimensional Siblings - Snippet 1 'Dino' is just Dio with an extra letter in the middle... If I ever have a son in the future I'm going to call him my little dino nuggie.
I have such strong family fever right now. Between this comic and the new spy x family season, i am so.... i want kids so bad.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Bros before Ho(oh my god is that Hanguang-Jun?)
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yooboobies · 18 days
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angel sunshine for an angel sunshine | for @huhfeatjhope
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bombabo0 · 8 months
Rest with me
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minilev · 7 months
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ministarfruit · 3 months
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day 28: made you smile ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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