#I don't get where they get the idea that sam was protected from the hunting life
lilacpaperbird · 6 months
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wrong. say your last words I have a sniper pointing at your head through your bedroom window
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angelsdean · 10 months
a thing abt me is that i will make many posts abt the whole cinematic universe that lives in my mind where preseries dean kills john (based on the very real idea / potential plotline kripke originally had where john would be dead and sam is sus of dean) however. i cannot see our dean as we know him killing john in cold blood (don't get me wrong, i would love it. but logically...i don't see it panning out quite like that). if it happens in our universe it's more likely an accident. or something very very bad happens / is discovered which pushes dean to that brink. two of my most prominent ideas for that push that i ping-pong between is either: dean finds out john actually killed mary (sometimes as azazel's vessel, sometimes not) OR dean finds out about the special children / sam's potential psychic powers (stanford era dean's been busy!) and then discovers john's been hunting special children for years and plans to kill sam if he ever "goes darkside."
dean's feelings toward john are too complicated for it to ever be solely about dean's own abuse. he doesn't care enough about himself to kill john for hurting him. part of dean still believes he deserved the physical abuse since it was always framed as "punishment" and "discipline" for bad behavior / rebelling / mistakes / getting caught doing various illegal things (john doesn't care abt the illegality, he cares abt dean getting caught and getting the authorities on john's case). so dean's re-framed a lot of that abuse, he's downplayed it, it's not something festering yet because he still hasn't let himself really confront it or be angry abt the things that happened to him. so most scenarios for me revolve around dean avenging other people, dean doing it to protect other people from john. the only time it's about dean is when it wasn't meant to happen, when he didn't plan for it. he gets into a fight with john over something, anything. john starts wailing on dean for fucking up a hunt and dean fights back for once. and he doesn't mean to kill him but he gets a good punch in, john falls wrong, his neck shouldn't be twisted that way, and dean panics and drives to palo alto
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we could be more | dean winchester | 6
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer was practically a trained killing machine. Stripped to the bone then built back up by her father in order to become one of the best, like he was. She was forced into hunting when she was nineteen, having developed powers that couldn’t be explained. That is, until she was paid a visit by Azazel’s lackey. Her powers were gone, she needed help, and that’s when she found her father’s journal. Pointing to Sam and Dean Winchester.
‘I’m sorry about Xavier.’ Jo sighed from the other side of the phone. ‘He sounded great.’ 
“He was.” I smiled. “Thanks, Jo.” 
‘It’s ok. It’s horrible for this to happen, especially when you’re only just recovering from Carter.’ 
“People around me are dying, Jo.” I frowned, munching on my chocolate spread sandwich. “What if those two die too?” 
‘Those two are different.’ She vouched. ‘And I mean different. They literally seem… unkillable.’ 
“Nobody’s unkillable.” 
‘They do. Plus, there’s a bonus. Dean’s hot.’ I choked on my sandwich. 
“Sorry, what?” I coughed. “Don’t tell me you have a thing for him.” 
‘A lot of people would.’ 
“Never say that in front of me again.” I sighed. “I hate you.” 
‘Love you too.’ 
I smiled. “Love you, Jo.” I heard cries from upstairs, so I clicked my tongue. “I’ll call you later.” I cut the call, jogging up the stairs and going into Sam’s room, sitting on the bed and gently tried to wake him up, softly shaking him. “Sammy. Sammy, wake up.” He jerked awake, sitting up with sweat shining on his forehead. “Hey, I’m here.” 
“I…” He panted, looking around. 
“Tell me what you saw, Sam.”
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“I don't know, man, why don't we just chill out, think about this.” Dean mused, and Sam shut the radio. 
“What is there to think about?” He shrugged. 
“I just don’t know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea.”
”Dean, it's another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen, and Ash can tell us where.” 
“Yeah, man, but-“ 
“Plus, it could have some connection with the demon. My visions always do.” 
“Let’s just go there, shall we?” I cut in, sighing. “I don’t wanna listen to this conversation any longer cause my brain is gonna hurt.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean agreed, all of us sitting in silence.
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 We pulled up at the roadhouse, getting out and walking in, where we bumped into Jo. 
“Just can’t stay away, can you?” Jo flirted to Dean, folding her arms. 
“Yeah, looks like it.” Dean grinned. “How’re you doin’, Jo?” 
“Where’s Ash?” Sam asked hurriedly. 
“In his back room.” Jo pointed, and he jogged off. “And I’m alright.” 
“He’s just a bit jittery.” I smirked. “We’re on a bit of a timetable.” 
“I’m gonna go with Sam.” Dean informed, leaving. 
“You can’t tell me he’s not hot.” Jo giggled. 
“No.” I shook my head, sitting down. “Dean’s a friend. He’s protecting me.” 
“From what?” She shrugged. “Nothing devil-like’s come after you yet.” 
“But something will.” I sighed. “I haven’t told them the full truth about what happened to Carter. They think that I got my powers to save a college roommate.” 
“What did you tell them?” 
“That Carter died because he stabbed himself. You know how he actually kicked the bucket.” 
“Tell them, then.” 
“They’ll flip out. I’m a multi-murderer.” 
“It’s not your fault. What happened will never be your fault.” Dean came back, so I winked to Jo and disappeared into the shadows, letting her do her thing. 
“And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight.” Dean sang, You're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter night, and I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might-“ 
“You’re kidding?” Sam scoffed.
”I heard it somewhere, now I can’t get it out of my head, man.” Dean coughed. I snickered; Jo played this song in the roadhouse. “Ok, so, what now?” I asked as we drove in the Impala, smirking. 
“Andrew Gallagher. Born in eighty three, like me. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like me.” Sam explained. 
“You think the demon killed his mom?” Dean raised an eyebrow. 
“Sure looks like it.” 
“How do we even look for this guy?” I exhaled, shuffling through papers. “No address, photo in the system, place of work, the only thing there is all of his debt marks.” 
“Debt collection flags?” Dean asked. 
“Zilch.” I clicked my tongue. “That’s a problem. He’s got a work address, though. We just need to find out what he looks like.” 
“Got anything in the witch arsenal?” 
“Maybe an identification spell.” I rummaged through my satchel. “Or an ability to draw the face of the other person.” I picked out a pen, which flew on its own. “Oh, hey, Carl! Long time no see.” 
“The pen’s name is Carl?” Dean blinked. 
“Yeah. He knows almost everything ever done, and I thought I lost him.” 
“Ask Carl about Andy then.” Sam urged, turning around. 
“Ok. Carl, draw me a picture of Andrew Gallagher, born in ‘83.” I drew up a blank page of paper, and Carl started flying across the paper, ink left behind. He was drawing a face, and when he finished, he signed ‘Andrew Gallagher’ underneath it. 
“We’re lookin’ for a hobo, boys.” I clicked my tongue. “Aka a man who hasn’t known a woman’s touch in many moons.” 
“No.” Dean refused. “You’re not flirting with him.” 
“Yeah, I am. You go to his old workplace, I’ll deal with Andy himself.”
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“I’m dressing like I was when I was 19.” I sighed, walking into a diner. I had a blonde wig on, and yes, I briefly dyed my hair blonde. Andy was there, and as soon as he saw me, he sat up. I winked, sitting down next to him. “So, handsome, I’m new in town. Mind showing me what to get?” Why was I using a Boston accent?
“Sure, sweetheart.” He smirked, pointing out what to get on the menu. “What’s your name?” 
“Lily Xavier.” I smiled, looking him up and down. It seemed to go down well. He called a waitress, and spoke to her smoothly. 
“Can we get options 13 and 14 with a discount?” 
“Sure, sir.” The waitress nodded, walking off. I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna go to the restroom.” I excused, walking out the door and reaching the car, getting in beside Dean. “This is our guy. He did something to the waitress.” 
“Sam and I saw other things too.” I saw Andy approaching in the wing mirror, so out of panic, I put my hair in a ponytail, put on a band t-shirt, pulled my  leather jacket on and threaded the ponytail through a baseball cap. 
“Princeton?” Dean whispered, seeing the letters on the cap.
“Yeah.” I thought quickly, then I got it. “Kiss me.” I whispered, pulling Dean forward by his collar. Our noses bumped together gently, his green eyes flickering down to my lips and then up to my own grey eyes. 
“I like frisky women, but this is a little forward-“ 
“Andy’s coming, just kiss me.”
”But why?”
”PDA. Makes people turn their backs.” Dean obliged, our lips meeting with, ahem, a lot more passion than I was expecting. He had a woody cologne on, while I tasted this morning’s coffee on him, along with a… breath mint. I slipped my hand into his jacket, pulling out his gun as his free hand slipped around my waist, pulling me as close as he could. I handed him the gun, pulling away when I heard Andy clear his throat. 
“Hey.” Andy peered in the window, and Dean made  a quick recovery.
“Hey hey.” Dean smirked. 
“This is a cheery ride.”
”Hey, thanks.” 
“Man, the ‘67? Impala’s best year, if you ask me. This is a serious classic.” 
“Yeah. Just rebuilt her too.”
”Yeah, can’t let a ride this one go.” 
“Damn straight. Can I have it?” 
“Sure, man.”
”What?!” I whipped my head round, taking a hold of Dean’s arm. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
“Giving the car to him.” Dean replies with a grin, getting out. Stupidly, I got out after him, following after him. 
“Sweet.” Andy grinned, getting in the driver’s seat. 
“Just hop in there. There ya go.” 
“Dean, he’s taking your car.” I hissed. “You’d kill either Sam and I if we asked you about this.” 
“Eh, it’s ok.” Dean tossed Andy the keys, and he drove off. He seemed to snap out of it, turning to me. “Did he just take my car?” 
“Yeah.” I nodded. We got a call, and we picked it up. 
‘Dean! Andy’s got the Impala!’ Sam exclaimed. 
“Yeah, he asked me for it and I sorta, just, gave him it.” Dean gulped. 
‘You WHAT?!’ 
“Exactly. Dean literally got Obi-Wanned. We’re dealing with mind control, Sam.” 
‘Were you affected?’ 
“No, strangely. I think it might be my witch background. Vestiges of powers still remain even after you’re restricted.” 
‘Seems like it.’ Sam yelled out, then he poke frantically through the phone. ‘Dr Jennings just got hit by a bus.’ 
“We’re getting there.” 
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We found the Impala, running over to it. 
“Thank god! Oh. I'm sorry, baby. I'll never leave you again.” Dean cooed, breathing a sigh of relief. “Well, at least he left the keys in it.” 
“Yeah, real Samaritan, this guy.” Sam grimaced. 
“Well, we know now that Andy uses verbal cues to get people to do his bidding.” I wrote it down in my flip notebook. 
“Dr Jennings got a call moments before he died. Maybe Andy called him.” 
“Yeah, I dunno, he just doesn’t seem like our guy.” I drew air in through my teeth. 
“Beg your pardon?” 
“You heard me.” I replied. “Andy doesn’t seem like a killer.” 
“You had O.J convicted before he even got out of his white Bronco and you’re having second thoughts about this hobo?” Dean scoffed.
”Pretty much. And O.J was found guilty.” I gave them a look. “Just trust my sixth sense on this, ok?” 
“Either way, how do we track this guy down?” Sam asked. 
“Not a problem.” Dean smirked.
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We opened a van, which had the worst setup I’d ever seen. 
“I’m starting to like this guy.” Dean smirked. 
“Yeah, well, stew in it.” I grimaced. “This is a pigsty. Not exactly a serial killer's lair, though. There's no... clown paintings on the walls, or scissors stuck in victims' photos. Not that typical of a serial killer. Can’t forget the knives.”
”Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein?” Sam read aloud, looking at some books, “That's some pretty heavy reading.” 
“And…” Dean held up Moby Dick’s bong, making us roll our eyes. 
“Can we focus?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Dean went and got something from a minimart, while Sam and I sat in the front seat of the Impala. 
“Ugh. I’d like to see a day where I don’t have you eat something that you microwave at a minimart.” He groaned. 
“What I don't get is the motive. I mean, the Doctor was squeaky clean, why would Andy waste him?” Sam pondered. 
“If Andy wasted him.” I cut in. 
“This again?” 
“Hey, we’re not always black and white where these things are concerned.” I retorted. “Andy could have these powers, but there’s a possibility that he’s not another copy of the Max kid you told me about.” 
“The Doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math.” 
“20 says you’re wrong.” 
“Hey!” Andy appeared at the window, slamming his hands down. “You think I haven't seen you three? Why are you following me?” Dean looked stunned, but Sam and I kept our composure. 
“We’re lawyers.” Sam smiled. “A relative of yours has passed away-“ 
“Tell the truth!”
“That’s what I’m-“ 
“We hunt demons.” Dean blurted, making us stare at him. 
“What?” Andy gasped. 
“Dean!” Sam hissed. 
“Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother. This is Ivy, she’s a really, really gorgeous close friend.” 
“Dean, shut up!” 
“I’m trying- he's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself and Ivy’s a witch who had her powers taken away by the devil-“ 
God help me. 
I turned Dean to face me, kissing him hard. His words turned into incoherent mumbles, while Sam both smirked and looked away at the same time. I let him go, catching my breath. 
“The hell was that for?” 
“To shut you up. You were gonna spill the Winchester family history.” 
“Just leave me alone, alright?” Andy ordered. 
“Ok.” Dean winced, scrunching up his face.
“The hell we are.” I scoffed, getting out of the car with Sam and following Andy. 
“What are you doing?” Andy stammered. “Look, I-I said leave me alone. All right? Get out of here, just start driving and never stop.” 
“Doesn’t seem like it’s working, Wanda Maximoff.” We rounded on him. 
“You can make people do things, can't you?” Sam asked. “You can tell them what to think.” 
“That-that’s crazy.” 
“It all started about a year ago, didn’t it?” He continued. “When you were twenty two. Small things at first, but then you learnt how to control it.”
”How… how do you know all this?“
”Because the same thing happened to me, Andy. My mom died in a fire, too. I have abilities too. You see, we're connected, you and me.” 
“You know what? J-just get out of here, alright?!”
”Why did you kill that doctor?” 
“Sam.” I warned, then stepped forward. “We’re not gonna hurt you, ok?” 
“How are you so sure?” Andy retorted. 
I switched to my Boston accent from earlier. “Trust me, honey, if we wanted to hurt you, we would’ve by now.” 
“You’re the blonde chick?” 
“Precisely.” Sam cried out from behind me, holding his head. I turned around, taking a hold of him. “Sam? Sammy, what is it?” He started to fall, but Dean and I caught him and laid him down on the pavement. 
“Look, I didn’t do anything to him.” 
“A woman.” Sam gasped, eyes opening. “A woman burning alive.” 
“What else did you get?” Dean asked. 
“A woman is about to burn herself at a gas station.” 
“What d-do you m-mean, going to?” Andy stammered. “What is, what is he-“
”Shut it!” Dean snapped. 
“She gets triggered by a call on her cell.” Sam panted.
”I don’t know.” He nodded to Andy, “But if we keep an eye on this guy, he can’t hurt her.”
”I haven’t hurt anyone.” Andy retorted. 
“Not yet.” A fire engine roared past, all of us looking in shock. 
“Dean, go after the engine.” I ordered, then turned to Sam and Andy. “You two, with me.” 
“How are you not affected?” Andy asked me. 
“Your brain will probably fall out if I tell you.” I picked up a call from Dean. “Hello?” 
‘Hey, it’s me. She’s dead. Burned up, just like Sam said.’
”So Andy couldn’t have done it.” I sighed. “Sam owes me 20 bucks. But it has to be someone else, then.” 
‘Sam’s visions are getting out of control. This was barely a head start. Anyhow, I’ll dig around and see what I can find.’ 
“I’ll handle everything over here.” I cut the call, turning to Sam. “You owe me a 20, Sammy. Andy didn’t do it.” I held out my hand, and 20 bucks were placed there. “But we need to talk. All three of us.” 
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“So you get these premonitions of people about to die?” Andy asked Sam. We were all sitting on an abandoned truck in a mostly empty lot. Sam nodded. “Dude, that’s impossible.” 
“Andy, meet impossible.” I gestured to Sam, who laughed. 
“Some could say the same thing about what you do.” Sam smiled. 
“But… death visions.” Andy whispered. 
“Man, that sucks. I mean, like, when I got my mind thing? It was like a gift, you know, it was, it was like I won the lotto.“
”But, I… I don’t get it.” I frowned. “You still live in a van. I mean, you could- you could have anything you ever wanted.”
”But I’ve got everything I need, y’know?” 
“You’re really not a killer, are you?” Sam smirked, both of us sharing a look. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” Andy laughed. 
“Have we got that sorted, then?” I grinned. 
“I still can’t get over how you were a blonde with a Boston accent.” 
“I used to be blonde, so I just bought a wig cause I knew it looked good on me. As for the Boston accent?” I exhaled with a nervous chuckle. “It just slipped out.”
Dean pulled up, getting out of the car while we got off the van. “Victim's name was Holly Becket, forty one, single.” He explained. 
“Who is she?” I asked Andy.
“I don’t know.” He replied, shrugging. 
“Called Ash on the way over here, he came up with a little something.” Dean looked at Andy. “Apparently Holly Becket gave birth when she was eighteen years old, back in 1983. Same day you were born, Andy.” 
“Andy, were you adopted?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah.” Andy nodded. 
Dean scoffed. “And you neglected to mention that?” 
“I don’t think he’s gonna mention it if we don’t bring it up.” I contradicted. 
Andy shrugged. “I mean, I, I never knew my birth parents, and, and like you said my adopted mom died when I was a baby - do you, do you think this Holly woman could actually be my m-“ 
“I don't know.” Dean grimaced. “I tried to get a copy of the birth records, but they're hard copy only, sealed in the county office.” 
“Well, screw that.” Andy grinned, then turned to me. “Do you think you can become Miss Boston again?” 
I groaned. “Sure.” I took my t-shirt off, revealing a crop top. I looked in the Impala, taking off my Princeton baseball cap and struggling for a second, emerging with a blonde wig and blue contacts. I also took out a bottle, spraying it on my face. I went back to them, feeling weird. “How do I look?” 
“Like a blonde babe.” Dean smirked. “Did you spray freckles on your face? And put blue contacts?” 
“Yeah.” I nodded. “I have faint freckles, so technically I sprayed on more.” I turned to Andy. “What am I supposed to do with this?” 
“Charm the guy long enough so I can get close and do the mind mojo.” Andy grinned. 
“Right.” I started using the Boston accent. “I’ll charm him, honey.” 
“That’s scary.” Dean chuckled nervously. 
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I approached the front desk of the records office, leaning over the front desk. 
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” The man asked. 
“I’m so sorry, I just got lost on my way to ‘Chusetts, so I’m hangin’ here for a few weeks. D’you mind showing me the ropes around ‘ere?” I twirled a bit of hair around my finger, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Sure, lovely. I could give you a lot more than that, too.” He winked. 
“Such as?” 
“Well, first-“ I was about to slap him, then Andy came up behind him and stopped me.
“Let us in. Don’t question why.” He commanded, and the man let us in. 
“Creeps nowadays. Even though I was meant to be flirting with him.” I spat, and Sam put his arm protectively around me. I started wiping off the makeup with a makeup remover pad, and he chuckled. 
“Now I see the freckles.” He grinned. “Can’t believe I didn’t before.” 
“Probably shouldn't have let you kids in here.” The guard gulped while Andy led him to the door. 
“No, it'll all be fine. All right? Just go get a cup of coffee.” Andy consoled while I sat down at the computer, typing quickly. “These aren’t the ‘droids you’re looking for.” 
“Awesome.” Dean grinned. While typing with one hand, I took my wig off, releasing my normal hair and taking my contacts out. A couple more buttons and… gotcha.
“I got it.” I called. Everyone crowded around me. 
“You did?” Andy gasped. 
“It’s true, Andy.” I nodded. “Holly Beckett was your birth mother.” 
“Huh. Does anyone have a Vicodin?” 
“Dr. Jennings was her doctor, too, I mean, he oversaw the adoption. You have a solid connection to both of them.” 
“Yeah, but I didn’t kill him.” 
“We believe you.” Dean assured. 
“Yeah.” Sam nodded. 
“Then who did?” 
“I have a vague idea.” I took out a needle and some herbs. “May I?” 
“Yeah.” Andy nodded. I pricked his finger, dropping it on the herbs. They became red dust, rising up and forming two boys. 
“I knew it. Holly Beckett gave birth to twins.” 
Andy was in shock, while I located the brother. 
“I have an evil twin.” Andy gasped. 
“Holly put you and your brother up for adoption.” I explained. “And you went to the Gallagher family, obviously, and your brother went to the Weems family from upstate.” 
“Andy, how you doing?” Dean grimaced. “Still with us?” 
“Um, what’s the name of my brother?” Andy asked. 
“Ansem Weems. He’s got a local address.” I pulled out Steve. “Draw him, please, Carl.” 
“He lives here?” 
“Yeah. Carl’s drawing him right now.” 
“I’m not even surprised anymore.” He sighed upon seeing Carl drawing on a piece of paper. 
“I’ve got a match.” I showed the paper to the other three. “Recognise this guy?” 
“That’s… That’s Weber. He works where I work.” Andy gasped. “Oh my god. Tracy.” 
“Go. Get to the car!”
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”Alright, Andy, work with me. What do you know about Weber?” I asked, in shotgun while I loaded my gun. 
“Well, I mean, not much. I... Weber shows up one day, eight months ago?” Andy stammered. “Acting like he's my best friend in the world. Kinda weird, like, trying too hard, you know?” 
“Must have known you guys were twins.” Dean grimaced. “But why change his name? Why not tell you the truth?” 
“No idea.” I turned around, spotting Sam, who looked like he was in pain. 
“Dean, pull over!” I ordered, and he agreed, getting out of the driver’s seat and rushing over to Sam. I did the same, kneeling down in front of him. “Sam!” 
“Sammy!” Dean took Sam’s shoulders, trying to make heads or tails of what was happening. 
“Tracy.” Sam gulped, regaining consciousness. “Tracy’s gonna die.” 
“Tracy!” Andy gasped. 
“Beanie, you drive.” Dean got a sniper out of the trunk. “I’m gonna set up a sniper shot. Get Sammy and Andy there, then book it.” 
“Yes, sir.” I nodded, getting in the driver’s seat while Dean took mine. I handed Andy my gun. “Take care of it, yeah?” I then floored it, gritting my teeth. 
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I set up a sniper, aiming it at the lot, waiting for when Weber would come into a space where I’d get a clean shot. 
“Do you think this’ll work?” Dean asked. 
“Truth be told, I have no idea.” I breathed. “But I trust Sam.”
I watched as Sam busted the window to the car which Weber was sitting in open, holding a gun to him. “Get out of the car! Now!” Sam ordered.
“You really don’t want to do this.” Weber smirked, but then Sam punched him, giving Andy enough time to drag Tracy out of the car. Sam pulled Weber out, shoving him against the pavement and holding a gun to his head. 
“Don't move. Don't move!” He yelled. Andy ran over, duct taping Weber’s mouth and kicking him twice, but then Sam shoved him off. “No, I’ll handle him.” 
“I'm gonna kill you!” Andy shouted. 
“No, Andy, let me handle this!”
”I will kill you!”
”Listen to me! Listen to me!” Weber stared at Tracy, and she picked up a stick and hit Sam across the head with it, rendering him unconscious. 
“Tracy, stop!” Andy begged. “I said STOP IT!” Tracy put the stick down as Weber stood up, peeling the duct tape off his mouth. “How did you do that?” 
“Practice, bro.” Weber smirked. “If you'd just practice, you would know. Sometimes you don't need to use your words. If you have to, all you need is this. Sometimes the headache's worth it.” 
Andy grabbed Weber roughly. “You’re a twisted son of a-“
”Back off, Andy. Or Tracy's gonna do a little flying.” I saw Tracy standing at the edge of the bridge, crying. “Aren’t you, Trace? I’m stronger than you. I can do it.”
“Ok, ok. Alright, just please, don’t hurt her.” 
“Don't be mad at me, okay? I know, it's, it's all wrong. I didn't mean for this to happen, it's just... Tracy? She's trying to come between us.” 
“You’re insane.” Andy spat. 
“She’s garbage!” Weber scoffed. “Man, they all are! We can, we can push them, we can make them do whatever we want!” 
“Are you… are you really that stupid?” 
“You’ve learnt that you’ve got a twin, you call him up, go for a drink- you don’t start killing people!”
”I've wanted to tell you for so long, bro. But he didn't let me. He said I had to wait until the time was...” 
“Who‘s he?”
”The yellow eyed man.” I shared a look with Dean. This was the guy they’d told me about. 
“He came to me. In my dream. He said I was special. He told me he's got big plans for me. Wait 'till you see what's in store, Andy, for both of us! See, he's the one who told me I had a brother. A twin.” I lined up my shot, aiming for Weber’s temple. 
“Why did you kill our mother?” Andy cried. “And why-why Doctor Jennings?” 
“Because they split us up!” Weber practically screamed. “They ruined our lives, Andy! We could have been together this whole time. Instead of alone. I couldn't, I couldn't let them do that, I couldn't let them get away with that. No.” 
Dean lined up his shot, but he cracked a twig. Weber saw him, and smirked. I heard the command resonate, it was that powerful. 
“I see you. Bye bye.” 
“Dean!” I yelled as Dean aimed the gun at his chin. “DEAN!” I took a hold of it, aiming it towards my chest. 
“Fine. Kill her, then.” 
“Fight it, Dean.” I begged. He seemed to regain some consciousness of what he was doing, because he looked at the gun and back to me. 
“Beanie, help me.” He whispered, his finger tightening on the trigger. 
“Come on, Winchester.” I smiled. “You can do it-“ I heard a shot and a sharp pain, but when I looked down at my chest, I saw nothing. Instead, Weber fell to the floor, Andy standing behind him, holding my gun. 
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I ducked down, covering my head and screaming at the sound of a gunshot. Dad covered my mouth, hurriedly silencing me. 
“Hey, hey, jellybean!” He bent down in front of me. “What’s wrong?” 
“I almost got shot!” I yelled. 
“Highlighting the ‘shot’!” 
“Alright, I’m gonna teach you a valuable lesson, jellybean.” He shot into the distance, making me flinch. “Don’t be scared if you hear a gunshot.” 
“Why?” I asked, folding my arms. 
“Because if you hear it,” Dad grinned, “it wasn’t meant for you. Now, c’mon, jellybean. We’ve got a spirit to scramble.”
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”Good work, kid.” I muttered, grinning. Turns out Dean had managed to regain his senses and move the gun away from my chest right as he pulled the trigger. But the bullet nicked my ear.
”Beanie, sweet Jesus!” Dean cursed, chucking the gun aside and turning my face. “We need to get you to the ambulance.”
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“Your ear will be fine, ma’am.” A nurse assured, taping the last of the graze. “You’re lucky your boyfriend saved you.”
”Extremely lucky.” I whispered. But when I looked at Dean, he avoided my eyes while Sam and Andy walked over. 
“My gun, please.” I held out my hand, and I got my gun back. “You did good, Andy.” I shook his hand, standing up. “I’ll give you my cell too. Neither of you have to be alone when this big plan is set in motion.” I then gave Andy my number, grinning.
“Thanks, Miss Boston.” Andy joked.
”Call me Ivonne Rainer.” I smirked. Andy went over to brainwash more police while I took a walk with Sam.
“I saw you when you got shot.” Sam looked at me, calculating. “You didn’t even flinch.” 
“Partially the adrenaline from saving your brother, but also because I’ve been taught that if you hear the bullet, it wasn’t meant for you.” I replied casually. 
“Solid advice. From your dad, right?” 
“Yep.” I clicked my tongue. “Y’know, I’ve been thinking.” 
“About what?” 
“What if my abilities weren’t meant for me? What if Carter was supposed to have ‘em?” 
“How so?” 
“Born in ‘83. Family dies, but not in a house fire. Abilities mysteriously start. I mean, you don’t find a witch suddenly in a line of pure human. And these psychic powers of yours, they made you immune to Andy. I shouldn’t be, but I am. It makes me think that this is all connected somehow.” 
“We could try and find out.” Sam suggested. “But one thing’s for sure.” 
“What’s for sure?” 
“That if Carter was alive, today,” He smiled, “he’d think the world of you. I do, at least. And it’s obvious that you treat me the same way that you’d treat Carter if he was still here.” 
“Is it that obvious?” I joked. “You’re just like he was, Sammy. And I’d give the world to that kid. If he was… well… alive.” 
Sam nudged me. “I think he knows.” 
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“Jo?” Ellen asked. We were now at the roadhouse, since Ellen had called us there. 
“Hmm?” Jo looked up. 
“Go pull up another case of beer.” 
“Now. Please.” Jo went to get more beer, so Ellen leaned forward. “So. You uh, you want to tell me about this last hunt of yours?” 
“No. Not really.” Dean quickly refused. “No offence, but this is kind of a family thing.” 
“Not anymore.” Ellen dropped a pile of papers on the desk. “I got this stuff from Ash. Andrew Gallagher's house burnt down on his six month birthday, just like your house. You think it was the demon both times, don't you? You think it went after Gallagher's family?” 
“We think so.” Sam nodded. 
“Sam…” Dean hissed. 
“Why?” Ellen raised an eyebrow, looking between us. 
“None of your business.” 
“You mind your tongue with me, boy. This isn't just your war, this is war. Now, something big and bad's coming and it's coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half-truths here.” 
“There are people out there, like Andy Gallagher, like Sam.” I explained. “And um, they all have some kind of ability.” 
“Yeah. Psychic ability.” Sam nodded. “Me, I have, um, I have visions. Premonitions. I don't know, it's different for everybody. The demon said he had plans for people like us.” 
“What kind of plans?” 
“No way to know for sure.” I grimaced. 
“These people out there, these psychics. Are they dangerous?” 
“Not all of them. But some are or can be extremely dangerous.” 
“Ok, how many are we looking at?” Ellen asked. 
“We've been able to track a clear pattern so far.” Dean chimed in. “They've all had house fires on the night of the kid's six month birthday.” 
“Well, that’s not true.” I cut in. 
“Weber and/or Ansem Weems, he had no house fire. Nothing out of the ordinary.” 
“Which breaks pattern.” Ellen sighed. “So if there’s others just like him, there’s no way to track ‘em all down.” 
“Which makes our job harder.” 
“Jo, honey?” 
“Yeah?” Jo popped her head round the door. 
“You better break out the whiskey instead.”
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river13245 · 4 months
Witchcraft and adoration
Navigation / SPN Masterlist
Rowena x Male Reader
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"we are going to have to call her Dean" Sam says as he's looking through all the books they currently had to try to help their current situation in any way they could.
Dean glares at him from across the table in the main room and shakes his head. "No absolutely not"
Sam just shakes his head at his brothers stubbornness and goes back to reading the book he was currently on. But even after hours of doing research his own eyes had started to hurt so he decided to take a break. "I'm not getting anything. There's nothing we might have to Dean. I know we don't trust her but its not the worst idea we have ever done"
The oldest brother sighs and stands up grabbing himself a drink. "Damnit. You know she's just going to come here and cause trouble right? Remember what happened last time she was around us?"
Both the brothers recall exactly what had happened last time Rowena was around the four of you. Rowena had been giving you looks from across the room and eventually that turned into you coming over and flirting with her. Having no shame in your game what so ever.
You were one of their best friends growing up as you were also raised in the hunting business. This resulted in you guys being around each other a lot but also away so as the years went on Dean had taught you how to flirt and pick of women or men. While you and Sam had flirted a lot throughout the years he fell in love with Jess and nothing ever happened between the two of you which the both of you were fine with you two were close friends.
However they both had grown protective over you and so seeing you flirting with the enemy was a BIG no for them. "Okay so maybe we just keep them two separate from each other" Dean says and Sam nods.
Its to late though because you had heard the last sentence as you walked downstairs. You were about to pick up some groceries when you overheard them talking. "Who are you keeping separate from each other?"
Dean takes a drink out of his glass leaving it up to his brother to take over. "We are having a few people come by to help us with this case since none of us have been able to figure anything to solve it and two of them don't like each other"
Now did you believe what Sam was saying. No. His voice was coming off very matter of fact and when he is speaking truth he doesn't have to seem so convincing. However you choose to ignore it and just nod. "Okay well you two have fun with these friends of yours. I'm going to the store anything you guys want while I'm there?"
You grab a jacket of yours and put it on since its been cold recently with the Christmas weather around the corner. Before you walk out the door you hear the both of them yell out what they want. "Pie, Fruits and vegetables"
"okay if I'm not back after an hour I'm dead" They both glare at you when you say that causing you to laugh and walk out.
As soon as they hear your car start and pull out the drive way is when Sam pulls out his phone. "I cant believe we are actually asking her for help" Dean grumbles like a child and Sam rolls his eyes as he presses the contact and it rings.
"hello boys" Rowena's voice comes through the speaker. "screw something up already?" She teased but was completely serious. Which resulted in Dean speaking "No we haven't. But Sam here thinks we need your help"
Dean not having much manners doesn't hide the fact he is unhappy with this arrangement. So Sam speaks "Rowena we need your help. Will you help us we cant find anything in the books or we wouldn't have called"
There is silence through the other end for a moment before she speaks. "well I hate to be one of these people but what's in it for me?"
The brothers look at each other for a moment "world peace should be good enough of a reward"
She laughs "oh please where is the fun in that. I guess we will just have to figure something out then hm." There's a pause for a moment "is the pretty boy there?"
They can hear the smile forming on her face and they sigh as Sam speaks "He went out. You might miss him if you don't come over now"
A beep is the only thing they here in response. They think she had chosen not to but when footsteps are heard across the wood floor they see her. Her red hair curled and falling down her shoulders nicely. She had also put on a nice outfit and they knew exactly who she was trying to impress.
Dean walks up to her glaring at her. "listen if you even think about flirting with him or even Looking at him with those eyes of yours ill kill you"
She smirks and places her hand on his shoulder. "oh Dean I'm not intimidated by you. I'm here to help you show me what you need me to do"
Sam brings her to all the things they had been researching and she nods and they get ingredients all out before she begins to slowly use her witchcraft. Making sure to do this correctly.
About an hour goes by and she's still there and you walk in through the door. "okay boys I've got everything for Sam's healthy smoothies cause he's a freak and Deans pie"
You look up and see the both of them looking at you "what?"
"Well took you long enough. I was beginning to think I would have to stall for even longer" You turn your head to look at Rowena and a small smile forms on your lips. "hello gorgeous sorry for keeping you waiting"
Sam grabs the bags from you and puts things away but not before telling the both of you to stop flirting. "well Sam if you and Dean don't want to watch us flirt I suggest you both remove yourselves from the room"
This causes the both of them to roll their eyes and they both leave and go to the kitchen. They knew that you liked her but you also wouldn't let her screw anything up for them. So as soon as they left the room you walk behind Rowena and look at what she's doing. "what are you doing with all these ingredients?"
She rests against you a little as if her body couldn't help but gravitate towards yours. "well watch and ill teach you a little something" A smile forms on your face as you place your chin on her shoulder lightly. "yes ma'am you have my full attention"
You could have sworn you seen her cheeks turn red but she chose to not draw attention to it. She began to show you slowly how to do simple things. She left out some of the steps because she didn't need you to know everything. If you wanted to learn how to do witchcraft she would teach you simple things first.
As she explained some of the steps to you. You listened to her words and after a while you were wondering why the boys weren't in here yet but you had a good idea of who is stopping them from being able to and she's right here with you.
Even when you knew she was trying to focus on the task at hand you couldn't help but want to get a reaction from her so you began to kiss her shoulder and to her neck and as you did you felt her relax and try to continue to work.
However when you got to her collarbone she leaned back and brought her hand to turn your face to look at her. "As much as this is amazing. I've got to finish this and what if Sam and Dean see you kissing me like this?"
Your response was shrugging your shoulders. "well they wouldn't be able to say anything. If i want you im gonna be with you" This results in her placing a quick kiss to your lips. Then you speak again "plus Sam was into a demon at one point in time and we are all pretty sure Dean had a thing for a vampire named Benny and now hes with an angel so"
She laughs and nods "okay well then you still need to back up so i can focus on this and not you" You nod and back away and go to the kitchen and let the both of them out.
When the three of you walk back to the room Rowena is finished with her work and walks over and hands it to Dean. "here now I believe you said there was something in it for me"
"what do you want and don't say what I think you are" He tries to sound stern but when she looks at you he sighs and Sam crosses his arms. "it might be a little to late for your opinions boys"
They give her a questioning look as she walks over to you and pulls you into a kiss and your hands go to her waist leaning into it and before you could stop her she magically takes her back to her home and then un connects your lips
The night is filled with her teaching you a little about witchcraft then movies and dinner. You knew she would let you leave at any time but tonight it was the last thing you wanted to do.
The boys back at the bunker both look at each other and try to grab onto you so you didn't go with her but they were to late. They weren't really worried about her keeping you hostage because even if they hated the fact...they knew she really did like you.
"oh come on!" Dean yells and Sam just laughs a little
"well they never were one to listen to well" Sam says
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tati3001 · 1 year
Summary: Wanda took control of Yelena’s mind to kill Kate. (This is not my idea. It is based on this Tiktok. I didn't want to change the original story, so I tried my best to keep it as it was in the video)
Words: 2,503
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"Why are you acting like this?". "Me!? You're the one that's acting like that!". "I'm only trying to protect you!". "Guess what Natasha!? I don't need your protection!". "I don't care if you need it or not! I'm gonna protect you because I love you!". Wanda sighed and decided to quiet down for a few seconds. She retained herself from saying something she may not take away later.
"And I love you too, but I'm okay. I really don't need your protection" She gently said walking towards the Widow. "Wanda, I know you don't need it. But I'm going to protect you whether you like it or not. Because you're my girlfriend, because I love you, and because you can't see that you're hurting yourself". "I am not".
Natasha sighed asking whatever God that was there to give her patience before she kill the woman. "Wanda, are you really telling me that the stupid book you're always reading is not getting in your head? Are you really not gonna accept that sometimes you can't control her? That sometimes she gets into your head, and you have to literally bleed her out?" Wanda avoided her gaze as Natasha talked and walked closer to her until she was able to take her face into her hands.
"I know sometimes you have trouble controlling her. I know she wants to get into your head and the more you read the Darkhold the more she's gonna control you" Wanda slowly lifted her gaze to meet Natasha's eyes. "Promise me you're not gonna read the book while I'm gone... Wanda, promise me". The Sokovian avoided her gaze until the eyes of the spy burned in her head. "I promise" She whispered.
"Wanda". "обещаю". Natasha smiled and peaked her lips. "I have to get ready to go". "How long is it?" Wanda asked as Natasha left her side to start packing. "It's a small one. It shouldn't take more than three days". Wanda sighed. "What am I gonna do without you for three days?". "I'm sure you'll find something to do. I heard Sam saying that Bucky was looking for a new sparring partner". "I guess I could do that... But I prefer to spare with you".
Behind Natasha's back, Wanda made her way to the spy and hug her from behind. "Dirty girl" Nat smirked. "Wanna show me how dirty?" Nat laughed. "You are a really bad influence, Mafi". "Is that a yes?". "No, I have to pack" Wanda pouted. She started to kiss Natasha's neck and slowly moved to Natasha's front to push her to the bed. "Wanda!". "You said I was a bad influence, didn't you?" She smirked.
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Her hands were aching to grab the book and have the leather cover against her fingers. She had been scratching her arms to control the impulse of looking for the book, but after a day in a half, her arms were too numb to feel anything. And she had snapped.
Her room had become a mess since Wanda was throwing everything in the opposite direction in her hunt for the book. Her eyes were switching on and off like a light switch between her normal green colour and the red of her power.
Her mind was becoming numb and clouded. She couldn't concentrate on what was happening and what she was imagining. She had to find that book and she had to find it fast. After putting her room upside down, she opened the door widely, not caring if she was causing a disruption.
She ran towards the living room, where the rest of the Avengers were watching a movie. Silently she walked to the furniture behind the couch and started to look for the book desperately. The sounds of the cabinets opening and shouting caught up the attention of the heroes, that paused the movie and turned around to look at her.
"Wanda, are you okay?" Steve asked worriedly. Wanda ignored his question and continued to look for the Darkhold, but it didn't matter how much she moved and pushed away the book was nowhere to be seen. "Wanda". "Where is it?". She continued to murmur over and over again.
"Wanda?" Clint asked, slowly standing up. The girl paid no attention to him, which worried the heroes. He walked towards her and tried to stop her, but the Sokovian was faster than him and moved to the next piece of furniture. She kept on doing that until she had no more furniture to look around.
When she passed the window, she was able to keep her body from moving. She focused her gaze on the window, as she tried to stop the Scarlet Witch from coming out. She could feel the magic in her eyes, swimming ready to come out. And the impulse of her other half to come out of her body.
The fact that the Avengers wouldn't stop talking to her was distracting enough, there was a voice that was higher than the rest of the others. A voice that she could pitch so perfectly she would recognize anywhere. The voice of the girl who lost her girlfriend.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, controlling her impulse. But Kate's voice worrying about her was more than enough to trigger her. The silence from the girl was more than enough for the Avengers to take a few steps towards her, almost like they were preparing for something.
The vibes that Yelena was getting from Wanda were not the ones that she always got when they were together. This time they were different. Darker. And she knew that if there was a reason as to why this woman was giving her a bad feeling, it was because she was gonna act. And the only person she could act against was her best friend.
Wanda turned around pulling her hands away from her body to hold the knife that was in the aisle and throwing it with a clean swift to the baby archer. The reflexes of the spy were more than enough to pull Kate away from the knife, moving her a few centimetres towards herself, enough for the knife to embed itself in the wall. The Avengers looked at the girl in surprise. She pulled her sleeves over her hands and walked away from everyone.
The rest of the Avengers slowly sat down back to the couch, but Yelena knew better than that. She moved out of the living room and started to follow the brunette through the halls of the compound. The witch was nervously looking around, making sure that no one was following her.
She hid in time before Wanda caught her. And she didn't stop following her until they reached the bedrooms. Yelena was cautious enough to not let the older woman hear her, with all her years being a spy and a widow she had the ability to be more silent than a cat.
However, that was not good enough for Wanda's magic. She took advantage of Yelena hiding in one of the rooms and snuck behind her back. Yelena was quick to catch up to her, but by the time she did Wanda had already penetrated her mind and taken control of it.
She decided to not do anything that night. The team probably taught something bad was happening to her and probably was watching her. So she let Yelena go, but oh man she was gonna make Kate pay for what she did.
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Her eyes opened wide and covered her mouth with her hand. How could she do that? Especially to Yelena. Natasha's baby sister. Maybe Nat was right, and she was letting the darkhold take more control of her than she had first thought.
She had to apologize to her. She could be mad, especially to Kate. But she had no reason to throw a knife at the young archer or take control of Lena's mind. She had made a promise to herself a long time ago to never do that again. She had to apologize to both girls.
She left the warmth of her bed and put on her robe ready to walk out of her room. Before she opened the door, her hand froze on the handle and scarlet started to swim on her iris. Outside of her room and without her knowing, Kate backed up looking at Yelena pleading her not to do it. The girl sighed and kicked the archer on the stomach, pushing her down to the floor.
Kate tried to sand up and run away from the spy, but the woman was faster than her. While the two of them fight and tried to escape, Wanda was pulled into the training room. Her magic was stopping her from taking control of her body as the Scarlet Witch guided her to the book.
Her hand was surrounded by red strands and the tails from the vents started to move apart. She could see the drawings that Clint had made on the walls with a marker, and the book was right beside them. She smirked as the Darkhold levitated back to her hands.
As soon as her hands touched the leather of the book, her suit came on and The Scarlet Witch flew out of the training room and back to her room. Having full control of Wanda's body, she made herself comfortable before opening the book.
Her eyes glowed at the same time her hands started to control the book. Page by page, she went through the book. Making her magic stronger, and learning new spells.
On the other side, Yelena had managed to throw Kate outside of the compound. She walked towards the girl, who was squirming away from the assassin, trying to hide on the fallen tree behind her. She was pleading with her eyes for the girl to stop, but Yelena didn't seem to understand her.
"Lena... Lena, please. Stop" She held her hand in the air, pleading the woman to stop. Yelena pull out the gun and pointed it directly at Kate's face. "You're gonna understand how it feels. To lose what you love the most" Yelena spoke what Wanda had told her to say. She ordered her to pull the trigger, and even tho her mind was telling her to pull it and end the misery her heart was feeling. But as much as her brain was telling her to do it, her fingers were not receiving the information.
She was frozen on the spot. She could either listen to everything inside her and kill Kate or ignore everything inside her and pull the gun down. As she hesitated, she failed to notice the figure that fell a few meters away from both of the girls. "Lena, please" Kate silently begged.
Natasha held the side of her torso as she lifted her gaze. The ice under her was cooling her boots and almost made her slip, but she held herself as she looked at Yelena. "Let me help you". Her hand was extended towards Yelena, but the three of them it wasn't meant for her.
Inside the compound, The Scarlet Witch lifted her face as she felt herself lose control of the body. Wanda had pushed the witch inside of her as deep as she could, trying to keep her under control. The suit disappeared as she flew out of the window and towards the skating ring where everyone was.
The scarlet in Yelena's eyes faded away as she put the gun down where it should go in her tight. Her gaze was still on Kate's face, which was frozen on the floor, still looking at Yelena scared. Like she was going to kill her.
Natasha smiled as she saw her girlfriend descend on the ice in front of her. Slowly, she walked up to her and held her hand. Wanda gently squeezed, holding Natasha like the lifeline she was to her. She turned around to look at the younger Avengers and apologized.
"I'm sorry" Yelena looked away from Kate to Wanda. Her face was contracting, trying to hold the tears that wanted to fall from her face. "You don't mean that" She whispered. "I do. Lena, I..." She sighed. "I'm really sorry". "I don't want to hear it. You just took the best thing in my life and ruined it. Do you really think an apology is going to fix that?".
She could try to comfort Kate, but her face was more than enough for Yelena to know that she would drive her into a bigger crisis. So she turned around and walked away from the girls. Wanda looked at Natasha, lowering her head and letting the older spy without words that she was truly sorry.
Natasha her Wanda's head with her hand and gently guided her to her shoulder. Wanda laid her head in the crook of her neck and surrounded her waist. She kissed the side of her head and looked at Kate who still looked shaken up.
"Just give her time to calm down" She whispered before taking her towards Kate. The girl was in too much of a shock to realize the woman who sent Yelena to kill her was in front of her. That gave Natasha a chance to take both girls back to the compound with no problem to rest before both of them had to face all that problem.
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By the time Natasha entered her room, she was sure Kate had fallen asleep. Wanda, however, was sitting at the edge of the bed. She wasn't crying or talking. She was quiet, looking strictly at the wall. And that's what worried Natasha the most.
She slowly kneeled in front of the Sokovian and held her hands. She noticed her fingers being black, instead of only the tip like the last time they were together. She sighed in pain as she accommodated her body to talk to Wanda.
"Are you okay?". "You were right" She whispered. "I don't know how to stop it". "Wands". "I don't know how to control her. She's stronger than me". "That's not true. She may be powerful, but you're stronger". Wanda moved her gaze away from the wall and towards Natasha.
"I just destroyed your sister's relationship". "If I know Kate, and I do, is that she's as stubborn as talented. You didn't ruin anything. Kate is going to get Yelena back and their relationship is gonna be stronger than ever. Maybe this time she'll actually get to be her girlfriend. I wouldn't mind her being my sister-in-law" She chuckled but stopped when Wanda didn't. "I'll help you learn to control her. I promise".
The brunette nodded and let Natasha take her to the bed. She pull the covers on top of them and cuddled their bodies together, finally giving Wanda a chance to sleep and forget for a while what she had caused.
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TAG LIST: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @marvelwomen-simp @madamevirgo @temptationsbrew @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @yuhloversxx @chaekhan @diaryoflife @taschamonnii @simperingghoul @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @coldmilkshakestudent @yreat @the-empty-chxld @thea13sworld @imadethisblogbecauseiamasimp @halobaby @m-zne237 @natashakink @liladoesfanfics @severepeanutartisanhands @ymzki-haruki       @chaekhan @lezzzztalkwithmera @unknownalien3388 @truthindreams @androgynouscloudenemy @xxromanoffxx @fabgronsky @monsterchen @aawake-atnight @theblackdalialived@danveration @ripofflizzie @zolaromanoff @snowdrop1026 @katherineromanova @thatonebrazilian @wandanotsosure @lissaaaa145 @goldenretrieverswifey @mcfruittie @bibliophilicbi @stxff0
(Let me know if you want to be part of the tag list or if you want to get out go it!)
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
Obey Me x Supernatural : You're summoned to the Devildom but Winchesters are your brothers
A/N: This was wild but I enjoyed writing this SO much! I have more ideas for Obey Me x Supernatural!
Warning: Swearing
Obey Me taglist: @missnella-nova @thai
If you want to be added to the taglist for whenever I post, you can comment here on the original post !
Frightfest ‘22 Masterlist
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you were on a hunt with Sam & Dean
just investigating some ghost business
and next thing you know, you're being teleported away
last thing you hear is Dean aggressively yelling for Cas
and Sam tries to grab you but he's too late
and now you're standing in some room
surrounded by a bunch of dudes
well alright
this was not how you wanted your Wednesday to go, but you're not mad
they were all kinda hot
is this what heaven looks like?
did you die?
shit, one of your brothers are gonna sacrifice themselves to bring you back
Damn it, Dean/Sam!
It was your turn on the sacrifices
"Welcome to the Devildom!"
So this wasn't heaven?
Damn it.
Didn't Sam and Dean both go through hell literally in Hell?
did you touch some bewitched object?
well it's alright, you've got your bag on you filled with everything you may need to protect yourself
"This has been a nice meeting, but I would like to go back."
yeah from the exchanging of glances, that wasn't going to happen
well, you were probably fine
you pretty much talked through the going-ons of the red head
"My name is Diavolo."
Diavolo? Alright
Kinda sounds like Diablo
that's suspicious
"I'm the ruler of all demons, and here all know of me."
what was this dude even going on about?
Crowley rules hell
"And someday soon, I'll be crowned king of the Devildom."
Where the fuck was Crowley anyways!?
Wait first things first
"Why am I even here?"
"I will explain it to you."
Wait until Sam & Dean find out that you've met the hottest men in the entire world
"This is Lucifer-"
Excuse you?
The one who possessed your brother?
"He won't be when I'm done!"
you're literally restrained by one single fellow who just kind of picked you up by the scruff of your shirt
you just see red
and you saw Lucifer transform?
What the heck?
this was new
and honestly you don't understand why the blonde one is laughing hysterically to the point he falls to the floor (you learn later that this is Satan)
it boils your blood
You're so lost
and pissed
"Tell me what is going on, why Lucifer is her and not in his prison or else I will use my holy water."
It isn't long before the big buff fellow (who you learn later is Beelzebub) put you down at the behest of Diavolo
and for your safety, you draw a salt circle around yourself
you listen to Diavolo explain the Devildom and that you were summoned to be a transfer student
well, that's not very hell, is it?
actually this doesn't sound like your world or your version of hell at all
and this Prince of the Hell, er, the Devildom was...good?
and he wants to reunite the three realms?
honestly you had to commend the guy
"If no one's going to attempt to kill me, is there any way I can get in touch with my brothers? They'll find a way to get here and I don't imagine that'd be pretty."
"No apology?"
"None, Luci. I don't trust any of you."
"How about we do some introductions." (Diavolo)
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krikeymate · 11 months
Okay I'm back for my usual long thoughts on what you write haha
You kinda upgrading the idea of Sam heavy hitting Tara as Ghostface without realising it's her to Sam not only stabbing Tara but stabbing her in the CHEST of all places, you know in the chest of an asthmatic tiny person is fucking genius! You know damn well that would have made Sam feel 10x worse for what she did.
I hate Tara in pain but I just love how much trauma we all give her haha
The immediate switch between Sam taunting Ghostface to her horror and panic at it being Tara that she's hurt, Tara that she's just been speaking down to is perfect. You know damn well that once Sam makes sure Tara is okay and can't be linked to Ghostface, she'll be constanly apologising and making sure Tara knows that she is anything but pathetic and she didn't mean any of what she said to her. Sam can't let Tara's self esteem plummet now can she? Especially not because of her own words, she can't hurt her like that.
Of course Sam immediately forgets that she's spent time trying to catch this Ghostface, and probably until that very moment had full intentions of killing said Ghostface only to find out that she's been hunting her supposedly innocent little sister. Her little sister who's the very reason she went and interfered, as Tara so kindly described it, because if Ghostface is out there then Tara is in danger. Never did it cross her mind that Tara and Ghostface could ever be one and the same.
I love love love how you didn't go down the route of Tara panicking one she saw Sam when her mask was ripped off but she laughed and found her reaction hilarious because she knows. She knows that no matter what she does, no matter how many people she's hurt or gone after, Sam is always going to be her protective sister first and will ensure that Tara is okay above anyone else, right or wrong be damned.
Might just be my own little interpretation of it and I might be completely wrong but the fact that Sam asks why but immediately she covers Tara's wounds and the next thought process we get from her is her focusing on how quickly she can get Tara help. That kinda seems to me like even though Sam does want to know Tara's reasoning, she doesn't really care. All she cares about is the fact that Tara is hurt, Tara has put herself in a situation like this where there is a chance that Sam can't protect her because a lot of people want Ghostface gone. Apart from the initial why moment, Sam doesn't even question Tara's action but does nothing but question her own and how they will impact Tara.
And I really fucking love Tara's little you weren't supposed to interfere moment because could she sound any more like a little sister? It's like she's not bothered by what she's done and what could come of it. She's only slightly bothered that Sam is involved because her big sister wasn't meant to see this or get anywhere near this. So petulant almost like a child caught trying to sneak cookies rather than being caught in a Ghostface costume.
Just some of my thoughts haha. Loved it as always!
Previous. I know I say this to everyone, but I love you. (I love you more, don't tell the others). Everything you've said here is so special to me.
You know it had to be the chest. It's not literally the heart, because I don't want her to die, but metaphorically, it's also the heart. Her lungs did get nicked though, her fragile little lungs.
Sam was feeling so confident in that moment, and then she realises it's Tara and she is so horrified, and there's a moment where she thinks maybe she had managed to stab her as well, right in her own chest. Sam can't even comprehend that her sister and Ghostface - the enemy - could ever be one in the same. Even with it right before her eyes, they're still two separate beings in her mind. The moment the mask is removed, Ghostface is gone, and there's just her little sister, sitting there on the floor, bleeding.
Sam doesn't care about what she's done, she can care later, all that's important is making sure that Tara is ok. She can find out why, she can be mad about it, she can be upset, but only if her sister is there to hear her. And yeah, you know there's no way she's going to let anyone accuse Tara of being Ghostface, that she's going to let this get out. She's going to fix this, it starts with stopping the bleeding. Then she'll get rid of the robe, the mask, get help. Then they'll talk.
The idea of Sam having to have an awkward "you were a good Ghostface actually, I was just gloating, I didn't mean what I said" conversation is SENDING me. The idea that Tara's failure at being Ghostface would be bad for her self-esteem is so fucking funny, I love it.
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streamsofstardust · 1 year
Call the Hunters
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in collaboration with @tlexx
Chapter 6:
word count: 3,825
content warnings: cursing, descriptions of extreme physical violence, mentions of blood, threats, non-sexual use of restraints, jake is literally insane i don't know what to tell you
a/n: sorry for the delayed post, life happens sometimes and posting on time was not at the forefront of our minds. lots of wild stuff going down in this one tho. sorry in advance 😅 happy hunting🖤
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It was an agonizing three hours for Yelena, being pulled, dragged, and thrown around by the man she was unwillingly attached to. Jake took every opportunity to make every movement hurt just that much worse. He continued to use excess force, wanting to exacerbate the point that he was in charge of the situation. That he was stronger than his brother and more powerful than the witch, thanks to the shackles that had Yelena’s wrist bleeding.
For the duration of the trek, Daniel stayed no further than an arm's length away from Yelena. He wasn’t sure what he would do, or how to overpower Jake if need be, he just knew that he had to be there if or when things went south. Every time he saw her being yanked behind Jake, harsh enough for her shoulder to make a disgusting cracking noise, a bubbling heat erupted in his stomach. It alighted his body with jitters, like something was begging to come out of him, but his love for his brother kept it from unleashing. 
“Let’s go!” Jake barked at Yelena the moment she stumbled ever so slightly over a branch that was in the middle of the muddy dirt path that led to the Kingdom. Yelena never dared to walk this path, especially in this direction, knowing that it was littered with king’s men, hunters, and witches that betrayed their covens for money and status. It was the path to her own personal hell. 
“Jake! She tripped, give her a second!” Danny countered with more aggression than he initially intended. 
Jake stopped, turning to him with an evil smirk. Jake’s expression told Daniel that he knew, he knew his secret of the feelings growing within him when it came to Yelena. Jake could see right through his facade, knowing him better than anyone else. 
“Daniel…” Jake laughed, calling him by his full name. “Do not start again. We’re almost there, and I’d hate to delay the reunion with your brothers.”
Daniel and Jake stared at each other, a stand still of disbelief. Jake wasn’t referring to Josh or Sam as their brothers, just Daniel’s. He was far more removed from himself than Daniel initially feared. It might have been Jake’s body, but he no longer kept that same protective soul that Daniel had known for years. 
Yelena placed a calming hand on Daniel’s arm, saying so much without any words. She was tired of fighting; she had an idea of the inevitability of what came next, and she was willing to face it without any more push back.
Daniel swallowed the thick lump in his throat that grew from seeing Yelena so defeated. Just like Jake, her soul had changed. No longer was she the spunky girl with the witty comebacks, she was completely broken. Daniel knew that he had to get to Josh and Sam quickly, in any hopes of the two he shared the path with to survive. 
“Fine. Let’s just go.” Daniel muttered under his breath, trying his best to hide his true feelings from both of them. 
“That’s the spirit.” Jake jeered, more sarcastic than anything. He once again pulled Yelena harshly by their attached arms, causing her to yelp in pain as she stumbled along with him. Daniel sighed, knowing that he couldn’t do anything without the others, and it was best not to fight so they could get there quicker.
Luckily, it only took a mere twenty minutes to get to the outskirts of the kingdom where a small stone home sat. It was close enough to the kingdom to be involved in the politics and happenings of the monarchy, yet far enough to give the residents some sort of privacy. 
“Home sweet home!” Jake laughed, a hollow and emotionless laugh, which only made him that much scarier to Yelena.
There were two men outside the house, one dangling from a tree and the other tending to a small garden that sat near the broken fence surrounding the estate. Yelena never expected hunters to look so domestic. They were just like the boys that she ran around with in the village her coven resided back when she was young. The men she assumed to be Sam and Josh - only seeing them briefly before - didn’t look as threatening as they once had. Yet she knew what they were capable of, knowing exactly who they had slain in the past. 
Daniel couldn’t help but give a small smile watching Sam fling himself from the trees, swiftly landing on his feet. This had been the longest the two had been without the other. Sam returned the smile, until his eyes fell upon Yelena. 
Within the blink of an eye, Josh and Sam returned to the threatening hunters Yelena saw from the bush where she hid. They looked like different people from moments ago, trained to be ruthless killers rather than the boys they were. 
“Brothers.” Josh was the first to approach, a silver dagger sliding from his shirt sleeve to nestle into his right hand. He looked at Jake, then to where he was connected to the witch. Josh's eyes finally landed on Daniel, looking perplexed by what stood before him “Everything alright?”
Sam was right behind Josh’s left shoulder, no weapon in his hand, but an expression that depicted he wouldn’t need one. 
“Joshua,” Jake started, startling Josh with his full name. “Get this witch off of me, now.”
“Sammy.” Josh stared at Jake while he nodded his head toward Yelena. That was all the instruction the youngest hunter needed, grabbing the key from Jake.
“I’ll help.” Danny insisted, knowing where they were going to take Yelena. 
“No, you won’t. You’re coming with us.” The orders came from Jake, but Josh seemed to be in support of his twin.  Daniel knew that Josh and Sam didn’t have all of the information, and there was no way he could tell them with Jake near. He had to get them alone, so it was best not to argue just yet. 
Sam held tightly onto Yelena’s arm, however it was nothing close to the harsh touch that Jake used. With ease, he unlatched the shackle from Jake’s arm and attached it to Yelena, moving so quickly she hadn't even realized it was happening until it was done. 
“Come on.” Sam mumbled, he looked like he was disgusted to be touching her; disdain for her kind was all he knew. He pushed her forward, keeping a leading hand on her back to control her. 
Yelena looked over her shoulder, hoping to catch Daniel’s eye. Instead, she met Jake’s. His smile grew, and she could see an unsettling fire in his eyes. He was going to kill her, and he was going to make her look into those soulless, terrifying eyes as he did. 
Daniel was looking at his boot while the curly haired twin was obviously scolding him about the events of the last few days. If Josh knew, he’d understand, Daniel knew that. He just had to come up with a plan to get him to listen.
“She’s a witch, you’re a heretic! She was meant to burn by your hand.” Josh was not yelling at his brother, unlike Jake, he was simply stating what he was taught to be fact. Daniel couldn’t blame him though. This was the only life they knew and they were cursed by misinformation. Josh grew softer after watching Daniel’s expression continue to fall in shame. “I’m glad you made it back safely.”
Jake was watching his youngest brother lead his enemy into the shed that sat in the back of the house. It was no ordinary shed, rather acting as a cell of sorts, being etched with the same ruins as the shackles making the witch bleed. 
“We’ll take her to the king in the morning.” Jake interjected, not paying much attention to the conversation before that. He didn’t care.
“Does she have it? What the king wants?” Josh asked.
“No, but I do.” Jake patted his pocket where the gem was secure, keeping the blank stare ahead.
“Then we can let her go.” Daniel said without thinking. If the gem was what the king was searching for, then there was no reason for Yelena to be taken to the castle. It would just end in pain and death, and she deserved better. “He has no need for her.”
“Daniel,” Jake started. “This land is to be rid of those who belong to the Devil. That's been our mission since we were young, or did her pretty face make you forget that too?”
Jake walked ahead, leaving Daniel no time to respond. Josh looked up at him, furrowed brows and a frown. “What happened to you, Danny?”
“Josh, listen to me, please. Please just listen. Jake-”
“No! Don’t you dare put this on him. Jake has done nothing but protect you all his life and now you put a witch before your brothers. Your goddamned brothers? How could you?”
“Josh! Can you not see it? Jake is not himself, something's very wrong.” Danny pleaded with Josh the moment Jake was out of earshot. “Don’t you see it?”
Josh moved to look at Jake walking away, running a hand down his face. He looked slightly concerned before he shook his head. “I, uh, I- No, we need to get inside.”
“Josh.” Daniel grabbed him to keep him from walking away. “I’ve never asked anything from you, but now, I’m asking you to trust me. I’m scared, not of Yelena, but of whatever is inside our brother. It’s dangerous.”
Josh hesitated, breathing in a harsh deep breath. “You have five minutes.”
Daniel spoke as fast as he could, giving as much detail as he could of the happenings of the last few days. He focused on Jake, leaving out the more intimate moments with Yelena, trying to get his brother to see the truth. 
“Do you see what I mean? Jake would never be that brash or torturous.”
“I don’t know, Danny. He could just be protecting you. You know how he is when it comes to you and Sammy.”
“No, Josh! Listen. He is lost within himself.” Daniel was growing frustrated, pointing his arms wildly. “Whoever that is, it’s not Jake.”
“What’s not Jake?” Sam, who moved so stealthy the other brothers never noticed him approaching. 
“Fuck! Sam, you have to stop doing that.” Josh scolded.
Sam just laughed and began making fun of his older brother who was easily startled. Yet, Daniel never laughed, worried about the whereabouts of the witch and the hunter with an increasingly strong desire to see her blood spill.
“Sam, where’s Jake?” Daniel asked timidly.
“He told me he’d take the first shift.” Sam shrugged.
In the same moment, a blood curdling scream echoed from the shed. 
The three brothers gave each other a quick look, a mix of confusion and extreme concern painted on their faces. Realization hit Daniel within seconds.
“No. No, fuck. Yelena!” He shouted, breaking out into a sprint towards the shed, his brothers following right behind him.
Wasting no time, Daniel burst through the door, nearly ripping it off its hinges with strength he didn’t have the luxury of questioning at that moment. He felt white hot rage coursing through his body, his fingers involuntarily flexing and closing into fists.
At first, none of the hunters spoke, too stunned by the sight before them. That was until Sam uttered a quiet “Holy shit.” 
In the center of the small shed sat Yelena on her knees, her arms held up by chains attached to her wrists, the ends of which hung from the ceiling above her. Her lip was split and from it, as well as a long cut across her cheek, blood trickled down in a steady stream. Her eyes were heavy, the lids hardly staying open. She looked up, her head slowly moving to gaze at the three men who had walked in. An attempt was made to smile, but it was fruitless. She was in too much pain and it truly wasn’t the time to pretend like she wasn’t intimidated.
“D-Danny?” Her voice cracked as she spoke, calling out to where the hunter stood just a few feet before her. He’d get her out of this. She wasn’t sure how he’d do so, but she trusted that he would.
Daniel took one step towards the witch, arms lifting from his sides to grasp the shackles that bound her, but as soon as he did, the sharp blade of a familiar sword swung in front of him, nearly slicing his throat. The precision and accuracy of the blade’s movements could only come from a skilled swordsman, and given the situation, it wasn’t hard to determine who held the weapon.
“Step any closer and the next time I swing this blade it’s to detach her head from her neck.” Jake spat out.
A low growl came from Daniel’s chest, practically snarling at his older brother. He no longer cared about placating Jake, about trying to get on his good side or hiding the care he held for Yelena. Now, Daniel was ready to tear his brother - or whatever evil thing inhabited his body - limb from limb.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing Jacob?” 
Jake snorted and rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious. “Just reminding your little witch bitch of her place amongst us.” 
Josh’s attention immediately shot to his brother, entirely baffled by the way his twin was speaking.
He finally spoke up, not having the gall to do so any earlier. “Jake, I- I think this is excessive. I understand our purpose as hunters, but this… Jake, you're going to kill her. This wasn’t the mission and you know that.”
Jake panned his attention over to Josh, not removing his sword from where it rested against Daniel’s throat. 
“You know, Joshua, you’re right.” He spoke with a faux look of contemplation. He lowered the blade, Daniel releasing a tense breath at the action, and he stepped back just the slightest bit.
Josh sighed, feeling content about his ability to seemingly talk sense into Jake so easily. “Thank you-”
“I am going to kill her. Maybe not this very moment. Maybe not even today. But her death will be by my hand, and soon. I promise you that.” A sinister smile took over his face, one that brought a concerning amount of fear to the other hunters.
The three brothers immediately whipped their heads to their leader, Sam and Josh finally realizing that there was nothing hyperbolic or exaggerated about what Danny had told them moments prior. Now, Sam and Josh were nothing short of frightened of and scared of and for their brother. This man was certainly not the Jake they knew, the Jake they had grown up with, but as for the reason why… well, they had no idea.
Even Sam, the little brother who rarely went against Jake's actions and commands, was unsettled, choosing to speak out as well.
“Jake, I have no idea what’s going on with you, but this isn’t us. This isn’t what we do and you know that.” Sam’s voice was timid, but steady. Josh shifted in his place to put a hand on his little brother’s back, ensuring he knew he wasn’t alone as he spoke.
Daniel, who had taken two steps back while Jake was distracted, had been slowly moving his hand to grasp the dagger attached to his right side. As Jake turned to his younger brother, a scowl on his lips, Daniel took a firm hold of the blade and methodically whipped it up, carving into Jake’s arm and forcing him to drop his sword. 
“Son of a bitch!” Jake shouted, furious at his younger brother’s actions. 
Putting his stealth and speed to use, Sam quickly jumped to snatch Jake’s sword from the ground before he had the chance to pick it back up. It was rare that Jake let anyone hold the weapon, and although the four of them were trained to use them, sword fighting was certainly not Sam’s speciality. He stared at the blade in his hands, the weight of the object feeling heavier than he believed it should in more ways than one.
Jake released the pressure he had placed on his wound and lifted his head to face Daniel, his long hair whipping back out his face to reveal the burning rage in his eyes. To Jake, it hardly mattered that Daniel had height - and a bit of strength - over him. He was ready to strangle his brother where he stood. Let the witch watch as he suffered. Let her believe it was entirely her fault.
Before he was able to get close enough to Daniel to bring him to his knees and wrap his calloused hands around the hunter’s throat, Josh stepped in front of his path, placing his palm against Jake’s chest. 
“Enough!” Josh screamed in his brother’s face. “Jacob, you're acting like a rabid animal. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
A terrifying Cheshire smile graced Jake’s face as he stared his twin down, his shoulders and chest moving rapidly as he panted. 
“Wrong? Wrong?! Brother you’re mistaken. I’ve never felt better in my life.” He backed away, looking at Yelena, who was barely conscious, and laughing maniacally. “Do you not understand the rush of power that comes from torturing and killing these creatures? They’re nothing compared to us. Just disgusting, perverse mistakes of the universe that deserve to be eradicated. And I can do that! I can rid the kingdom, the world, of them. Don’t you see that, Josh?”
For a moment, none of the brothers spoke, too in shock by Jake’s exclamation to even know how to respond. But Joshua, despite not being the leader of their collective, was still the eldest brother, and he knew it was time to put his foot down. 
“I don’t know what the hell happened to you, but you are not our brother. The Jake we know would never act this fucking crazed.” Jake scoffed at his twin’s words, but the eldest continued without acknowledging it.
“Get out. Now.” He demanded.
Sam and Danny turned their heads to Josh, not disagreeing with his instruction, but not expecting the words to be uttered. Jake rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, unimpressed and not the slightest bit intimidated by his brother. 
“Have you forgotten who’s in charge here, Josh? Do the three of you need a reminder of your place as well?” 
Josh stood his ground, knowing full well if Jake had a weak spot, it was him. 
“You’re not going to hurt me, Jake.”
“Ha! Do you truly believe that?” Jake clenched his right hand into a fist and lifted it to swing at his twin, but found himself unable to make the hit. It was as though he was fighting with himself internally, his brain dictating actions his heart refused to comply with. A second attempt was made, but to no avail.
“I told you, you’re not going to hurt me. Now get out.” Josh’s command was firm, he wouldn’t allow Jake to get away with all of this, and he’d be damned if he let Jake do anything to Sam or Daniel. 
The rage flowing from the deranged hunter was almost palpable. He was releasing heavy breaths as he stared his twin down- a last ditch attempt to intimidate him. When it was clear there was no use, he huffed and backed down, walking towards the door of the shed to leave his family behind. 
He stepped towards Sam for his sword, as the weapon had not been released from his grasp since he took hold of it. In an act of uncharacteristic boldness, Sam lifted the weapon, pointing it directly at his older brother.
“This was bestowed upon you as a symbol of honor and respect. Our father felt you deserved it, but he’s not here anymore. He’d be ashamed of who you’ve become.” Jake’s eyes widened at Sam’s words, shocked at the audacity his baby brother suddenly possessed. Sam pressed on. “This stays with us until my brother is back to the man I know, the man I looked up to.”
Jake looked into Sam’s eyes, noting the way the shift in them gave away his fear. The corner of his lip twitched up and he moved swiftly to disarm Sam, the blade flying to the floor as Jake knocked Sam down right next to it. Jake hovered over his brother, pinning his arms down and preventing him from moving.
“You’re fucking pathetic Sam. Forever destined to live in our shadows, never being your own person. You’re weak, always have been, but I never thought you were stupid.” Sam pushed against the weight holding him back, grunting at the realization that he was entirely incapable of pushing Jake off of him. The sight made Jake smile. 
“Suddenly you think you have the right to speak to me like that? To hold my own sword against me?” He leaned down closer, speaking directly into his little brother’s ear. “You’re going to regret that Samuel. Trust me.”
With one last shove of his brother into the cold ground, Jake sat up and continued moving towards the door, not bothering to pick up his prized weapon. He turned towards his brothers before exiting, giving each of them a single glance.
“I’ll be back, believe me. And when I return, I’m slaughtering the witch.”
After Jake left the shed, Josh moved to help Sam back onto his feet, brushing off the dirt that marked his clothing. Daniel stood in disbelief, being used to Jake’s off behavior at that point, but never expecting his rage to be directed towards his other brothers. A weak voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Danny… help.”
The three hunters rushed over to Yelena, unlocking the chains that held her as quickly as they could. The witch immediately collapsed, falling into Daniel’s arms. He lifted her head gently, assessing the exterior damage closely. He hated seeing her in this shape, her pain and suffering bringing forth a sharp pain in his chest. 
“Yelena? Yelena, come on. Open your eyes for me, Lena.” Daniel pleaded.
At the sound of his voice, a soft smile appeared on the witch’s face, her eyes fluttering open as much as they could.
“My- my grandmother… was the only one who c-called me Lena.” Daniel returned her smile, happy to hear her speak given the severity of her injuries. “It s-sounds better when you do.”
As quickly as it appeared, Yelena’s smile faltered, her eyes closing completely and her body going limp in Daniel’s arms. Panic flooded his body. She couldn’t be dead. After everything they’d been through, he couldn’t accept that this was how things ended for the two of them. 
“Josh. Josh! She’s not waking up. She’s not- do something, please!”
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taglist: @allieboop @obetrolncocktails @greta-flanveet @kkdarling @doodle417 @mollie-gvf @hoeforstevienicks @shutupdevvie @joshkiszkas @gretasmokerising @lunaindigoraven @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @teddiie @sammiejane22 @gretavanbitches @jordierama @skankforjakekiszka @fantazmagorical96 @gretavangroove @stardustgreta @gvfrry @myownparadise96 @richjaaasss @dannywagners-chesthair @highdefkiszka @gretadanfleet @writingcold @gretavanfleas @stardust-jake @maddie-van-fleet @wingedgardener2000 @cyliegvf @mywaykiszka @gardensgatedaisy @tearsofbri @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @gabyvanfleet @gretavanferal
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s9e7 bad boys (w. adam glass)
trying to piece together the logic of dean's story here.
DEAN We, uh – we crashed at the, uh ... the bungalow colony with the ping-pong table? SAM Yeah. Uh, y-you disappeared. Dad came back. You were gone. He shipped me off to Bobby's for a couple months and went and … found you. You were lost on a hunt or something. DEAN THAT'S what we told you. Right. SAM I'm sorry? That's what you told me? DEAN Truth is, uh… I lost the food money that Dad left for us in a card game. I knew you'd get hungry, so ... I tried taking the five-finger discount at the local market and got busted. I wasn't on a hunt. They sent me to a boys' home.
trying to wrap my head around sequence of events. lost food money (but they presumably had some food where they were staying) and dean called dad's cell after getting arrested? and if dean was 16 then this was 1995 so within the realm of possibility i guess
SAM A boys' home, like a … reform school? DEAN Yeah, more or less. It was a farm, and the guy who ran it – Sonny – he, uh, you know, he looked after me.
spent far too long reading on wikipedia to even understand what a reform school might even be these days. if it was like, juvie.. via like, the juvenile courts.. but boys homes i think are generally private things you have to pay for? and i dunno the overall gist but religious seems common. also dear internet, i'm not looking up boys homes to send my actual children away :S
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how is sam not hounding him about acting so weird? and the zeke thing. come on now.
SAM Hey, Dean ... I mean, why didn't you just tell me you went to a boys' home? DEAN I don't know. Uh, it was Dad's idea. And then it just – you know, the story became the story. I was 16.
blegh. someone else could spin out how things might have changed, or not changed, if sam knew as a kid. protect sammy from the truth
SAM You were here for two months and Dad couldn't find you? DEAN Oh, no. He found me. He found me quick. But he left me here 'cause I lost our money.
again sounding more like juvie than whatever this reform school farm situation is
SAM You were 16. You made a mistake. DEAN Yeah. I made the mistake. Look, I know how you think. None of this was Dad's fault.
uh huh. totally appropriate discipline for the mistake 😒
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hey she's back! she was in the spn homage to the xfiles home episode, and was in the xfiles home episode (and 2 others)! and the magicians she was the candy witch who took Q's blood (which never turned into anything despite sera gamble tweeting that it would be resolved in the finale 🤪 but cheekily stated such that you can say so they planned it never to go anywhere, great. you got us)
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supernatural s4e11 family remains - karin konoval as mrs. curry
i know a lot of people are in multiple episodes, but if i don't notice it myself i don't bother mentioning it
DEPUTY BILLY Steven Hewlett caught him red-handed stealing up at his store. SONNY So what'd he take? DEPUTY BILLY Get this – peanut butter and bread.
the raging assholeitude of getting a 16 year old arrested for stealing a couple dollars worth of basic food. that it could be considered an offense even capable of being arrested for.
SONNY Okay. And how about family? DEPUTY BILLY Well, his old man called. Once he found out what happened, he said let him rot in jail. Judge is off on a fishing trip. Boy's too young to leave in County. So we thought it best he stay here till arraignment.
thanks for clearing up those logistics after i spent far too long trying to consider how this went down (my problem/fault).
YOUNG DEAN So, what is this place, anyway? SONNY It's for boys like you. You work the land. Teaches you some discipline and responsibility. Keep you out of trouble.
will do my best to stop thinking about the logic (or lack of) and go with it
YOUNG DEAN That's lame. SONNY Beats jail. Come on. I'll fix you something to eat.
trying to ignore the thought in my head that this is the most parenting he'll have been on the receiving end of in years
this show likes to swing from one extreme to another with the people playing the kids. first 18 year old dean here (who looks like he's in his 20s) with ~supposed~ 14 year old sam and now this kiddo playing dean is 18 but looks quite young and is.. 5'6.5". was looking at his imdb pictures at from about a boy (so he's next to sam) lol
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s4e13 after school special brock kelly as young dean and colin ford as young sam / s10e12 about a boy - dylan everett as young dean
i ranted at length and provided cdc growth charts about the improbability of 6'4" sam winchester being that small at 14
from the wiki! Dylan Everett, who plays Young Dean in this episode, also plays Young Dean in 10.12 About A Boy (however, in that episode Dean is 14 and not 16) and in 11.08 Just My Imagination (where "Young Dean" is 13)
13 is slightly more reasonable lol oh but it gets even better
Originally Dean was written as 14, but upon seeing Dylan Everett on screen, the crew decided he looked older, and used ADR to change the age to 16 in post-production.
that's hilarious. they really should have stuck with 14. also the bed that dean supposedly slept in looked like a toddler size bed.
jesus fucking christ i meant to keep my trap shut during this episode. failed spectacularly
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🥲it's fine
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damnit wasn't prepared for an episode that was gonna make me cry
DEAN Let's try that again. If you're gonna be a man, you got to learn how to shake like one, okay?
i get what they were doing but 😒
YOUNG DEAN I meant for getting the charges against me dropped. SONNY Well, being hungry's not a crime. It's the stealing that is. But I feel if you only do that once, you don't deserve a record. And seeing as how we can't find your pops anywhere, you can stay here as long as you want, Dean. You're doing good in school. You're making friends. You made the wrestling team. I'm proud of you.
oh jesus. so he'll have to walk away from this like. loving, supportive place. to be with john and sam.
SONNY That story have anything to do with why you put the salt in front of your bunk door every night before bed? YOUNG DEAN Well, it's a family thing, so I can't really talk about it. SONNY Same family that left you here?
so he was there over a month after the charges had dropped because john wanted to teach him a lesson i guess. thanks for more reasons to be mad at john winchester. except the intended punishment ended up being more like a luxury vacation with a caring parental figure
i couldn't deal with that horribly awkward interaction with the lady who didn't remember dean, i had to skip it
is this the same farm as the time traveling to the 70s with mary etc
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spn s9e7 bad boys / s4e3 in the beginning
the trees combined with the field behind was like ding ding familiar. double checked on the wiki of the map of known filming locations for both episodes because i don't trust myself
it's late and i'm only halfway through this. adjourned until tomorrow
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theangiediary · 11 months
happy wincest wednesday! what's your favorite headcanon for how femme John wanted Dean to be? Not at all, kind of blurry boundaries, panties & apron, etc --?
I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly: fem!Dean (Deanna) or feminized masc!Dean? (I've only met guys irl that describe themselves as femme if they also identify as gay, which Dean canonically.. isn't). But I have two answers!
For Deanna, I think he would have wanted someone like Ellen Ripley (or Ellen Harvelle lol). Strong, brave, unfussy, but also beautiful, patient, maternal. A Man's Woman, not girly. Femme? Sure, but she probably wouldn't know that word.
And Dean.. well. I think he's very pretty, very malleable, and absolutely adorable when treated with tenderness. I love the idea of them getting into Moods where Dean acts as John's little wife, all sweet and servicing in his little pink panties 🩷. Role playing Sam as their kid (pillow talk about how Sammy's doing in school, what John needs to tune up in his truck, where their finances are, etc). But outside these moments they keep Dean's role as Big Brother, which isn't quite Mother. Simultaneous with the Protect drive is this.. sameness? Between brothers? There's an 24/7 ownership to Mother ("I'd die for MY baby") that looks more like duty in siblings ("sometimes he's my best friend, sometimes I hate him, but when it comes down to it I'll give my life for him bc I HAVE to").
I have no idea if that makes sense. Basically, no, for like 80% of the time, when they're not fucking, John and/or Sam don't want Dean to be femme. They can get what they need from him in masc form.
But Dean's got issues and insecurities up the wazoo, including about his appearance, sexualization, and soft hearted/family centeredness that comes from society/others, so pressing on those during sex is delicious. John stroking Dean's teary face, bc he's just so so full and it hurts, and calling him babygirl? Yes. John coming up behind Dean at the stove and putting one hand on his hip, the other on his tit, and nipping at neck and ears while telling him he "treats us so good"? Yeah. Sam can also do those things, but it'd probably be more "you're so beautiful" and "treats ME so good".
I also have a soft spot for them slow dancing, where John doesn't even think to let Dean lead, and Dean never asks 🥺.
(I play less often with Dean initiating any more than subtle flirting/begging, but I'm open to it. Silent communication after John gets back from a hunt, climbing into his bed at night, acting goofy with too much to drink and shaking his ass in John and/or Sam's face. Which is getting away from your ask, but during these things I imagine Dean's inner dialogue might skew towards femme-ish patterns, like "why am I acting like this I'm not Mary" "he probably thinks I'm so needy" "I want to wear his ring".)
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Hello! I love your Winchester sister series! I’m not sure of you take requests here but I have one of you’ll take it lol. I was imagining a teen Anna trying to break up an argument between Dean and Sam but by the time she tries to break it up either Dean or sam try to punch the other but accidentally punch her in the face instead and she passes out and her nose is broken or whatever. Followed by lots of fluff when she wakes up?
Thank you so much <3 I usually don't turn around requests this quickly, but I loved your idea so much, and I just couldn't help myself.
Here you are, sweetheart! I hope it's what you wanted :)
You Shouldn’t Hit Sammy Either
Anna is fourteen
It had been almost two weeks since the boys had been home. So, when the bunker door finally announced their arrival with its usual squeal, Anna couldn’t help her excitement.
She dropped her phone on the table and raced through the library and war room to meet the boys at the bottom of the stairs.
She watched Sam drop his duffel and caught the square of his shoulders. He was angry about something.
“Hey,” she said, hoping to lighten the mood with her presence. She ignored the tension and wrapped her arms tightly around Sam’s waist from behind.
Sam turned just enough to give her a one-armed hug back.
Dean muttered something under his breath, and Anna turned in his direction. His jaw was clenched, a sure sign that he was angry too. So, they’d been fighting.
“If you have something to say, Dean, then say it.”
Yeah, hugging Sam hadn’t resolved the situation. Anna puffed out her cheeks and looked awkwardly at the ground. Couldn’t they have finished this before getting home?
“I didn’t say anything,” Dean said and raised his hands in surrender.
Okay, so they were at least going to pretend to keep the peace. That was good. She could work with that. Anna stepped over toward Dean and gave him a careful hug.
He smiled down at her and hugged her back. But then her muttered something again. Something about Sam that was not very nice.
“Really, Dean?” Sam snapped. “That’s nice.”
“What?” Dean asked, feigning innocence.
Anna sighed and stopped hugging him. She couldn’t deal with this. “What happened?” she asked, taking no nonsense. She put her hands on her hips. “Are you guys seriously fighting like middle schoolers?”
“Anna, this has nothing to do with you, okay?” Sam said earnestly. “Just… ignore us.”
“It has to do with me if you’re gonna act like this all day,” she argued. “Either talk it out or shut up.”
“Oh, I’d love to shut up,” Dean said and looked over at Sam with the purest annoyance on his face. “But Oprah over here wants to talk feelings.”
“What is your problem?” Sam demanded. “You’re allowed to be pissed off, Dean. You just don’t get to take it out on everyone.”
“See what I mean?” Dean said. He looked at Anna but threw a hand in Sam’s direction. 
Anna suddenly wished she hadn’t put herself in the middle of this. When had she become the marriage counselor? She made an awkward face and looked at Sam, begging him with her eyes to stop the fight where it was.
Sam barely spared her a glance, though. “You know what your problem is, Dean? You still think I’m twelve years old.”
“Come on, Sammy, don’t start with that bullshit.”
“That’s exactly what I mean,” Sam shouted. “You brush me off. You call me ‘Sammy.’ And you still think I can’t handle myself out there.”
“I never said that,” Dean snapped. “But there’s a chain of command out there, man. It’s always been like that. You don’t take the hits for me. It doesn’t go both ways.”
Anna was piecing things together slowly. And she didn’t like what the puzzle was looking like. Had Sam gotten hurt trying to save their brother? Was he okay? He looked okay. There were some bruises and scratches on his face, but that was normal after a hunt.
She was about to ask if he was good, but she was cut off before she could open her mouth.
“This is exactly what I’m talking about, Dean! You think you have to protect me. Like- like I’m some kid. I’m your partner. We’re equals. And no, I’m not gonna stand by and watch while some vampire rips your throat out!”
Dean’s anger was calm, and Anna knew what that meant. That meant things were getting worse.
“I don’t care how old you are, Sam. It has nothing to do with that. Ever. Protecting you? That’s my job.”
“No, it’s not!” Sam argued. “Dad put that on you, but-”
“Don’t bring Dad into this!” Dean shouted, stepping closer. “This has nothing to do with Dad.”
“It has everything to do with him!” Sam stepped in too.
Both boys were breathing heavily, both enraged. But neither of them seemed to know what to say next. Which meant only one thing. 
It was gonna get physical. Anna knew the formula. Sam would say one more thing, which would set Dean off, which would get Sam punched, which would get Dean punched, and so on.
She inched closer, trying to figure out how best to break things up.
“He’s been dead for ten years, and you’re still following his orders.”
Anna leapt between them, “Guys-!” She didn’t get to finish her sentence, though, because Dean’s fist hit her instead of Sam.
She couldn’t have been out more than a minute or two. Anna blinked awake with a throbbing head and blood trickling from her nose.
“I can’t believe you!” Sam shouted from over her.
As her eyes focused, Anna realized he was crouched over her, trying to see her eyes.
“Is she okay?” Dean was asking. “God, I didn’t even see her.”
Anna wrinkled her nose, which hurt. She made a grossed out face as blood slipped past her upper lip into her mouth. “Ugh,” she groaned and started to sit up. “Ow.”
“You okay, Ladybug?” Sam asked gently. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Anna looked down. “Seven.” She frowned. How many fingers were on one hand? “No, that doesn’t make sense. Five.” Yeah. That was it. “I’m fine.”
“That was really convincing,” Sam said sarcastically. He squinted at her bloody nose and rubbed his thumb against her face to get the blood off. “You could get a towel or something,” he said scathingly.
“Oh brother,” Anna groaned. “Are you two still fighting?”
“You, don’t worry about anything, Sweetheart,” Dean said thoughtfully. “Just sit- Don’t move. I’ll be right back with a cloth.”
“I’m fine,” Anna argued. “I was disoriented, okay? Do the finger thing again. I’ll get it right.”
“Technically you did get it right,” Sam said with an apologetic smile. “It just took you two tries.”
Anna rubbed her cheek right beside her nose to try and get the soreness out. “He hits hard.”
“Well, it wasn’t meant for you,” Sam assured her.
Anna grinned. “You’re welcome.”
Sam snorted at her and stood up. He reached a hand down and pulled her easily to her feet. 
The change in altitude made her head hurt worse for a minute. But the pain faded back to a dull throb.
“You sure you’re okay?” Sam asked her. “You don’t feel dizzy or anything, do you? You went down pretty hard.”
Anna pursed her lips and tilted her head. “I’m fine. I’ve been hit before.”
“Not by Dean,” Sam reminded her. “Dean’s got a strong right hook.”
He sure did. But Anna wasn’t about to say so. “I barely feel it,” she said.
“Anna, he knocked you out.”
“He didn’t mean to.”
“Don’t defend him,” Sam warned her.
Dean ran in with a wet cloth, looking frantic. “Why are you standing?” he asked quickly. He hurried over to the table in the map room and pulled out a chair. “Help her sit,” he told Sam. “Are you dizzy?” he asked Anna, trying to see into her eyes. “Sit down.”
Anna rolled her eyes but sat down obediently. “I’m fine, Dean. I know you didn’t mean to.”
“I’m so sorry,” Dean told her sincerely.
“I know. It’s fine,” Anna said.
Dean started to move the cloth toward her face, but Sam spoke up. 
“Let me do it,” he said.
Dean glared at Sam. “I got it, Sam. You act like I hit her on purpose.”
“It doesn’t matter, Dean. I don’t trust you.”
“I’m fine,” Anna reminded them both irritably. “I can wash my own face. I’m not a toddler.”
“Just take it easy, Rugrat,” Dean instructed and wiped gently at her nose. “I’m sorry,” he said again as he cleaned the blood away. “You know I wouldn’t hurt you, right?”
“I know,” Anna reassured him. “I’m really fine, Dean.”
“I still can’t believe you,” Sam said, shaking his head in disapproval. “What’s the matter with you?”
“I don’t know!” Dean said defensively… and loudly.
Anna wrinkled her nose at the volume.
“I’m sorry,” Dean told her again. “You okay? You need some Tylenol? Sammy, get her some Tylenol.”
“Dude,” Anna moaned. “You need to chill out, okay? It’s not a big deal.”
“I hit you,” Dean said, his face painted with guilt once more. “Oh my god, I hit you. I hit my baby sister. Are you okay?” he asked her for the millionth time.
“Sorry,” he repeated. “Sorry. I just- Are you okay?”
“Oh my god,” Anna grouched. “Shut up.”
“Okay,” Dean surrendered. “I get it. You’re okay. Just-” He stood up and tossed the wash cloth on the table. “Alright. What do you want?” he asked. “Anything. Hit me back,” he said. “Well, actually, you should probably have Sam hit me back so it’s more of an equal blow.”
“Hey!” Anna shouted and stood up. “I can hit you myself! I mean, I don’t want to. I’m not gonna. But, like, I could if I wanted to.”
“Then Sam can do it,” Dean told her. “He’ll hit me. He’s pissed at me anyway.”
“That’s not gonna make it better,” Anna said reasonably. “It’s okay. You didn’t mean to. It was an accident. Accidents happen.”
“Not this kind of accident. I always said I would never ever hurt you.” It was clear Dean was having a full blown crisis over this.
“You know, you- you shouldn’t really hit Sammy either,” Anna told him shyly.
Dean didn’t say anything to that. But he did step over to her and gently push her back into her chair. “Sit down,” he urged. “What do you need? You want a sandwich, or an iced coffee? You name it, Rugrat.”
It was both incredibly sweet and unbearably annoying. Anna figured she might as well take full advantage. She shrugged one shoulder. “I’d take a beer.”
“You’re funny,” Dean said shortly. “What do you really want?”
“Nothing,” Anna told him. “I’m fine. I can get my own coffee.”
“You want coffee?” Dean asked and ran with it. “Comin’ right up!” He hurried for the kitchen and Anna rolled her eyes and sighed. This was going to be a long ass day.
Sam came back in with a cup of water and Tylenol. “Here, take these,” he said. “Do you wanna lay down for a while?”
“No, Sam, I’m fine,” Anna said grumpily. “I’m not on my deathbed, alright? You guys both need to chill.” She swallowed the Tylenol, though, because her face did hurt pretty bad. “By the way, if I find out you punched Dean, I’m gonna be really mad at you.”
“He deserves it,” Sam said, “But no, I’m not going to. He feels pretty guilty anyway.”
“Oh, geez, I hadn’t noticed,” Anna quipped and set her cup of water on the table.
“Do you need anything else?” Sam asked then suddenly perked up. “You should ice your face,” he said. “I’ll get you some ice. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh my god,” Anna groaned as he ran out of the room. This was getting out of hand. There had to be some way she could convince them both that she was fine. She got out of her chair and headed for the library where she’d left her phone.
Maybe somebody else could talk some sense into them. Somebody who wouldn’t be as insanely overprotective as her brothers were. 
Jody was pretty reasonable. Usually she would have gone for Bobby, but… well, he wasn’t around anymore. She couldn’t think of anyone else.
The phone rang three times before Jody picked up.
“Sheriff Mills.”
“Can you tell them I’m fine?” Anna requested.
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s Anna. Can you tell them I’m fine?”
“Who’s they?”
“My brothers. They’re being dumb.”
“I’m gonna need a little more to go on, Sweetie.”
“I got punched,” Anna said. “And now Sam and Dean are, like, running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to give me everything I could possibly want. Just tell them I’m fine, okay?”
Jody had a different agenda, though. “Who punched you?” she asked. “If you want to press charges, I can help with that. You’re a minor, so they’d pay for it.”
“Jody!” Anna said indignantly. “You’re supposed to be reasonable.”
“I am being reasonable. Anybody that would hit a young girl should be behind bars.”
“Even if it was Dean?” Anna challenged.
“What?!” Jody hollered. A door slammed on the other end of the line. “Put that boy on the phone right now.”
“He didn’t do it on purpose! He was aiming for Sam, and I kinda stepped in the way.” Anna buried her face in her hands. “Please be the reasonable one.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll tell them to give you some space.”
“Thank you,” Anna said. She went back into the war room just in time to see Dean and Sam bullying each other out of the doorway to get into the room first.
“I got your coffee,” Dean told her and set it on the table.
“Here’s that ice for your face,” Sam added and held it out to her.
“Jody has something to say to you,” Anna said and put the call on speakerphone. “Okay, Jody.”
“Dean Winchester, I don’t believe you.”
“Jody!” Anna cried. “I told you he didn’t mean to!”
“Sorry, Anna. I just had to get that out of my system,” Jody told her. “You boys need to give your sister some space. Smothering her isn’t gonna help, okay? Dean, she knows you’re sorry. Nothing you do is gonna change what happened.”
Both Sam and Dean looked slightly embarrassed. 
“Thank you,” Anna said with a massive sigh of relief. She hung up the phone and looked at the boys, waiting for them to admit they’d been overreacting.
“You’re sure you’re good?” Dean asked her after a minute.
Anna nodded exaggeratedly. “I don’t need special treatment.” She reached slowly toward Dean’s hand. “I’ll take the iced coffee, though.”
La Fin
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kingkorvusarchive · 10 months
Don't You Dare Think That There Is Anything, Past Or Present, That I Would Put In Front Of You
Description: AU were Dean kills John in order to protect Sam (Prompt given to me by @/DreamyTFW on Twitter.
All Dean could hear was their father's footsteps running behind them and his own heavy breathing. Sam was just a few yards ahead, running the hardest Dean had ever seen. Both of them were beaten up pretty bad. Dean had a few marks on his cheeks, a bruised eye, and a bloodied lip. Sam was worse, though. He had blood spilling from his nose, his lip was busted, and he had a large cut on his forehead. The monster they were being hunted by was not the type of monster they were use to hunting. Usually, they had claws or fangs or some weird thing with blood but, this wasn't their typical monster. This monster's name: John Winchester
"Sam! Dean! Stop!" John bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the warehouse they were running through. "Fuck!" The boys rounded a corner, making John loose sight of them. When they had gotten further down the hall, they pressed their backs to the wall. The breaths they were taking were short and shaky but they were doing their best to keep it quiet. "C'mon, Sam! You know I don't want to do this!" John yelled, but his voice was soaked in a crazed tone. "It's the only way to stop them!"
Sam was bent over, his hands supporting his weight on his knees. The blood was still dripping from the cuts and his nose, making small dots of red on the grey concrete. Dean tapped his arm, gesturing towards the far end of the hall where a dark room was waiting for them. Sam nodded. They quietly made their way to the room, locking the door behind them when they got inside.
Dean didn't waste any time to grab his brother, checking over the injuries that John had caused him. "Are you alright?" he asked, wiping some of the blood away from his nose. "I'm fine." Sam said. Dean ripped the bottom of his shirt, taking the fabric to Sam's cuts. "Dean, what the hell?" "I don't know." Dean said, throwing the bloodied cloth away. "What happened? I was only out for a minuet." "I-I-I don't know. I was just looking into some lore on the case when he attacked me." Sam said, his stutter creeping into the start of his sentence. "Could he have been possessed?" Dean asked, mostly trying to make sense of why his father would attack his youngest son. There was a loud bang that came from somewhere in the warehouse. John was searching for them, kicking in the door to each room he found.
"Dean, we need to go." Sam said, his breath becoming shallow as he heard the banging getting closer. Dean didn't move, his thumb messing with the safety on his gun. "Dean!" "Sam, I have an idea." Dean said, looking over to Sam with glossy eyes. "But, you need to go. Get to the car and go. I'll meet you back at the hotel." "Dean, no." Sam said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not leaving you with him." "Sam, you have to!" Dean snapped. "You're the one he's after. You're the one he's trying to kill. So, you get to the car and go." Dean handed Sam the keys to the Impala, pressing them firmly into his hand. "Dean, he could kill you!" Sam protested. "He won't." Dean said, a shit eating smirk spreading across his face, "I'm his favorite, remember?" Sam just huffed, his tongue meeting the inside of his cheek. "Fine. But, if you're not back in the next hour, I'm coming back." "Okay fine. Just, please, go Sammy." Dean said, pushing his brother towards the door.
When Sam was around the corner, Dean made his move. He went the opposite direction of Sam, trying to meet with John before he could hear the Impala's engine. "Dad?" he yelled, keeping his back to the wall. "Dad, where are you?" "Dean?" John called back, his voice coming from closer than Dean anticipated. "Dean, where is Sam?" "No chance, pops. You just beat the crap out of him." Dean said, moving along the wall, leading John towards him instead of moving towards him. "Dean, you have to understand. Killing him is the only way." John said, his voice not moving from where it came from originally. "Dean, I know what you're doing. I trained you, remember?" Dean sighed and hit his head against the wall slightly. He should've known better.
Dean walked around the corner, his gun raised and pointed at him. "Dean, lower your weapon." John said, not moving a muscle. "No." Dean said. It felt weird coming out of his mouth, especially because it was directed towards the one man he's never said 'no' to. "Dean, I said drop your weapon." John said again, more aggressively this time. "And I said 'No', you son of a bitch!" Dean shouted back. "Look, I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to stop. Now." "Nothing's 'gotten into me', Dean. I'm trying to save him. You. The world!" John shouted. "I know it's fucked up, okay? I know that what I'm doing goes against everything I've taught you. But, Dean, you have to understand-" "Stop! Just stop, dad!" Dean yelled, his eyes avoiding his father's. "You were going to kill him. You wouldn't have stopped if I didn't come in and beat you off him. How the hell do you know that killing Sam is 'going to save to world'?" John hesitated, knowing that his answer was only going to upset Dean more, "Yellow Eyes."
"What?" Dean asked, his gun lowering. "What does Yellow Eyes have to do with this?" "He told me something about Sam... About what Sam will become if I don't kill him now." John said, his voice quiet. "So, you're going to kill your own son because a Demon said so? Not just any Demon either, no. It just so happens to be the same one that killed mom! You do realize how stupid you, right?" Dean said, tears starting to pool on his waterline. "You're going to kill Sammy? Really, dad?" "I don't have a choice, Dean." John said, a sigh of defeat escaping him. "And, if I really did train you well and I know you like I do, you're going to try to stop me. Protect Sam. Just like I told you to." Dean shook his head, "Dad, don't make me do this."
John didn't respond as he rushed Dean, landing a hard punch against his cheek. Dean's response was like second nature to him at this point, so he does exactly what he was raised to do. Protect Sam. He punches John back, landing a hard right on his rib, causing John to stumble slightly. But it doesn't stop him from grabbing Dean's shirt and dragging him down to the ground. Protect Sam. Dean recalls the days were these fights would have ended as soon as Dean's back was on the floor. The days of him and Sam fighting, using blankets and pillows to soften their falls until they were older and using the parking lot. The days that bloody lips and cut knuckles were trophies of a long hard day of training. Protect Sam. Dean wrapped his legs around John's waist, using his own body weight to flip the script. Protect Sam.
Dean was unstoppable at that point. All he could see under him was a monster that took away his entire life, making him train for hours on end, never letting them settle somewhere for longer than a month, and, worse of all, putting the burden of Sam's life in his hands. He landed one or two punches to his old man's face, "You're not allowed to just give up on him!" he yelled in John's face. "You don't get to drill it into my head to protect him then tell me to stand down when your hands are the ones that are going to kill him!" Dean made hard punches with the beginning and end of each of his sentences. He had John's arms pinned under his legs, making it impossible for John to defend himself. "Dean." John wheezed out, his face covered in cuts and bruises, already swelling around his eye. "Please." "No. No, I don't think so." Dean said, winding up for another punch. "You have beaten us for the last time." he delivered another sharp punch to John's mouth before getting up. "You are the most selfish bastard I have ever met." John slowly got up, groaning from the pain in his back, "Selfish? How am I the selfish one, Dean? I've been hunting the thing that's killed your mother for years, keeping you boys safe for just as long, and I'm the selfish one? What about when Sam left us to go to college, huh?" John said, his breaths shortened and wheezing. "No. That wasn't selfish of Sam." Dean said, bending down and grabbing his gun and cocking it. "What's selfish is being so damn obsessed with the thing that killed mom that you drag your kids all over the damn country trying to find the damn thing! What's selfish is almost getting your kid killed everyday! You're the selfish one for not being a father!" he raised his gun, pointing it at John again. "So, John, you have one choice. Stop." "What are you gonna do, shoot me? I'm your father. You can't-" BANG! The gun shot echoed through the concrete walls, making both of their ears ring.
The blood started to ooze from John's torso, the bullet going entirely though him. John looked down at the wound, gently touching it, feeling the blood on the tips of his fingers. "Dean?" he asked, falling the ground afterward. Even though Dean was the one who shot him, he still rushed to his side. He threw himself to his knees next to John, his hands shaking as he brought them to the wound. "Just hold on. Okay? We can still fix this." he said, the panic starting to set in. He pressed down on the wound, trying to get the bleeding to slow. But it wouldn't and Dean's hands were soaked with his dad's blood. "No. No, dad. C'mon. You've had worse." "Dean." John said, putting a hand over Dean's. "It's okay, son. It's okay." he said, shaking his head. "You did exactly what you were suppose to do." John groaned, blinking back a few tears. "N-now, I can't say that I expected to die like this..." "I'm so sorry, Dad." Dean said, his jaw clenching. "Don't you dare be sorry." John said, bring a hand up and gripping Dean's jaw. "Don't you ever dare be sorry for protecting your family. For protecting Sam, okay? Never." he said, the tears starting to spill from his eyes. "I'm so damn proud of you boys. Both of you." With that, John's hand slipped from his son's face, landing on the floor beside him. He released his last breath and his last tear, the last of his life leaving him. Dean sat with him for a while, not ready to let his father slip into the pit of memories that he stored all of his trauma.
Dean knocked on the motel door, gently. Sam opened slightly, only enough for him to see that it was Dean, before opening it all the way for him. Dean walked past him, freezing in the middle of the room. "Dean? You okay?" he asked, noticing that Dean wasn't standing tall or was he being his usual adrenaline high self. "Where's Dad?" Dean closed his eyes, shaking his head at the mention of him. "Where's Dad, Dean?" Sam asked again. "Sammy... I'm sorry." Dean finally said, his voice hoarse. "Dean... what did you do?" Sam asked, gently turning his brother towards him. That's when he noticed the blood on his clothes, hands, and face. "What happened?" Sam asked. "He wouldn't stop." Dean said, trying his best to keep his own composure. "I tried to talk to him. Get him to realize how... crazy he sounded..." That's when Sam processed what Dean was implying. He stumbled backwards, his stomach churning at the thought of Dean killing their own father. "You killed Dad?" Dean winced at the question, not wanting to have to tell his baby brother that he was the one to end his father's life. He just looked at Sam, his eyes telling him everything he needed to know.
"What the Hell, Dean!" Sam shouted. "Why did you kill him? Wh-what if he was possessed... O-o-or under a hex or something?" "Sam." Dean said, reaching a hand out and touching Sam's wrist, "I checked... He wasn't" "B-b-but that means..." Sam started, starting to become overwhelmed with everything that had happened. "Yes. That means he was going to kill you out of his own free will... Sammy, you have to realize..." "Realize what? Th-that my own father wanted me dead? O-or that my own brother murdered my father?" Sam snapped at him. "You think I wanted to kill him?!" Dean shouted. "Because I didn't! I wanted him to snap out of it and go back to being the same stubborn bastard we always knew! But he wasn't going to! He was going to hunt us, hunt you, until he killed you." "We could've stayed ahead of him. Asked Bobby for help." Sam argued. "No. Sam. Listen." Dean said, grabbing Sam by his arm and sitting him down on the bed. "We both know how good of a hunter dad i-... was. He would've caught up with us in a week, max." "What are we suppose to do without him?" Sam asked, tears streaming down his face. "We keep fighting. We keep hunting." Dean said, squatting down to be at Sam's height now. "When I told you I'd protect you, I meant from everything and everyone this world had to offer, Sam. That includes our friends and family. I couldn't let him kill you, Sam. I just couldn't. And between you and him..." Dean said, pausing. "Between me and him?" Sam asked, coaxing the rest from him. "I'd rather have you." Dean finished, patting his knee and getting up. "Now, let's get cleaned up and go get him... He still deserves a proper send off."
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mkstrigidae · 1 year
DVD commentary ask for neon rain please! (can’t fit the whole scene but jon’s scheme with sam and how he proves they’re soulmates)
“Sure-“ Sansa told him absently, pulling one of the holoscreens over and groaning as she saw the data flickering, “Arya- are you working with some kind of dampener again?” It would be just their luck that a stray dampener in the shop would inhibit her access to the central system just when she needed it.“What are you talking about?” Arya asked, her head popping up from under the car she was working on. Her short hair was in two high, spiky pigtails, and swished around as she turned to look at Sansa in confusion.“Oh- that may be me.” Sam said, looking rather embarrassed and patting his jacket. “Oh- I’m sorry- I keep one with me when I’m working with patients to keep the recorders from picking up confidential information, and I must have forgotten to leave it in the office.”“No problem.” Sansa smiled at him, relieved that she wouldn’t have to go and hunt down the source of the problem later. “We can easily go old school- my dad always liked having the option, so I can write one for you”
Ooooh this is a fun one! SO sorry it's getting answered so late- I'm a disaster.
This is kind of a big mistake on Sansa's part, here. She knows she met her soulmate, that he's looking for her (either because he wants a relationship or wants to put her in prison for grand theft) and that her handwriting could give her away. And yet, she gives it to Sam without any suspicion. It's partially justified, in that it would be really unusual for someone as wealthy as Jon's family to show up at a shop on the lower levels, but it's mostly a case of Sansa drastically misjudging who Jon is. She doesn't really know anything about him and assumes that he's just another rich club kid with more money than brains. She also really hasn't let herself process the idea of having a soulmate yet, and I don't think has really grasped the extent that Jon is willing to go to in order to find her. She hasn't looked into him the way her siblings have- she's afraid he's just going to be another Joffrey.
And then Sam stumbles into their shop, trips over like, three different things, and , because of that, immediately endears himself to both Stark girls. He's probably giving off slightly nervous energy that both Sansa and Arya attribute to just being a mid-level kid nervous to be down on the lower levels. He's definitely not as smooth as Jon would want, but they don't really suspect anything because he doesn't really read 'skylight kid' to either of the girls and their guard is down.
Sam, as one of Jon's closest friends, of course, is the only person who knows the actual story behind how Jon met his soulmate. Sam probably thinks Jon's being a bit dense, doing all of this reconnaissance work instead of just talking to her (for god's sake), but he and Jon have been ride or die for each other since high school and so he agrees to the plan. (I think the hoverboard is actually intended to be a gift for Rhae, so once Jon figured out where the Stark shop was, he needled Sam into taking it). Their plan also, unknowingly, plays into Sansa's nostalgia- Ned liked having physical copies of things, and she's genuinely glad to write the invoice out for him when the issue of his medical dampener (it seems like doctors in this verse would HAVE to have something like this for privacy, given all the tech).
I think Robb might have picked up on how writing the invoice (and giving this guy they had just met a handwriting sample) was a bad idea more quickly than Sansa or Arya- he's the strategist/mastermind behind most of their heists, and is wildly protective of his siblings. The girls aren't nearly as paranoid, especially given how nice Sam seems, and given that Sansa's got two jobs (plus heists) and Arya's doing an apprenticeship in addition to working at the shop (and heists also), they've both probably been sleep deprived for like, five years.
Sam, bless him, expected WAY more resistance to the idea of giving a handwriting sample. He's absolutely baffled when Sansa offers to give him one of her own volition, but is probably glad for it, because she seems nice and he still thinks that Jon is a dumbass for not just like, talking to her. Of course, as soon as Jon confirms that it's Sansa's handwriting (he's probably sitting a few blocks over and trying to be inconspicuous but is too broody to pull it off), he wants to go right in and do The Reveal. He's smart enough to come up with this whole verification scheme, but impatient enough about wanting to meet Sansa that he's metaphorically already picking out wedding colors. The boy has some emotional baggage around the idea of soulmates- we'll get into it eventually. Basically, he really wants to get to know Sansa, and he's intelligent, but impatient).
Thanks so much for the ask!! This was fun (if very late- I am so sorry) and I hope it was what you were hoping for!
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ultrahpfan5blog · 2 years
Retrospective Review: Jurassic Park (1993)
So I started my Jurassic series rewatch in the build up to Jurassic World Dominion. I have seen all these movies several times before but I am a little kid when it comes to anything Dinosaurs. I have been watching Prehistoric Planet simultaneously. However, I think its fair to say, that Jurassic Park is the absolute apex of this series, without any question. I don't think any of the other movies come close in quality. Jurassic Park is one of those seminal movies that really got me into the wonder of movies as I was awestruck as to what movie magic can do. It is arguably my favorite film of all time, competing with maybe only a few others. Rewatching it was a treat, even though I know every scene and every line. I remember reading the book by Crichton but I don't really remember it.
The movie is such a joy to watch from the beginning. The film gives us a bit of intrigue with the Raptor attack. We never seen anything other than a glimpse of the eye during the attack, but there is already a feel of the terror and the danger of the Raptor. The film then delves into the introductions of various characters, first with Alan, Ellie, and Hammond, then Dodgson and Nedry, and then with Ian Malcolm. If there is one complaint I have heard about Jurassic Park, it is that the characters are not very deep, but I would argue that the film doesn't need backstory filled characters. We get very likable characters in our leads and very unlikable villain in Nedry. Alan and Ellie's relationship dynamic is setup in just a handful of scene and we get a sense of Alan's discomfort with kids and Ellie's delight of teasing him, we get an idea of what Hammond is like, very driven to get what he wants but still a kindly presence, and then we get Ian, who is charming and flirtatious. The kids, Lex and Tim, are also likable and definitely the best of the kid characters we have gotten in the franchise. Tim was basically a version of me so I identified with that character a lot as a kid.
The film really takes off once we get to JP. That scene, where Alan sees the Brachiosaurus is just a thing of beauty. You have to give credit to Sam Neil here. He is looking at nothing but he is able to capture the shock and awe that we as the audience feel as we look at the Brachiosaurus. From that point on, the film is a roller coaster of emotion, action, and suspense. The film allows us to make us feel like Dinos are animals, not just monsters, when we get a scene of the sick Triceratops, or later when we see a Brachiosaurus with a cold. But we also get truly terrifying set pieces. The T-Rex breakout is one of the landmark scenes in cinema imo. Its just a marvelous blend of animatronics and CGI. Its a sequence that holds up to this day. Stan Winston was a genius and his animatronics lend so much authenticity but equally fantastic are the folks at ILM who did landmark CGI which changed the industry forever. The Raptor kitchen scene is also a thing of beauty. It is terrifying and suspenseful and really well staged. The entire climax sequence of Ellie, Alan, Lex, and Tim trying to evade the Raptors and the T-Rex coming in at the last second to save them, is fantastic. In the middle of that, there are smaller iconic moments like the Jeep chase with the T-Rex, the very satisfying scene where Nedry gets killed by the Dilophosaurus, and then the Raptors hunting Muldoon. There are many scenes in between all these iconic scenes that are also wonderful. There is a terrific scene between Ellie and Hammond when he gets humbled for the hubris he showed. We really see how Hammond's ambitions come crashing down and how it hurts him because it came from a good place.
The performances are excellent across the board. Sam Neil is excellent as Alan Grant. He brings across the childlike awe in moments which contradicts with his general world weariness. His genuine character development going from a guy who doesn't like kids to the guy who becomes a paternal protective figure for Lex and Tim. Jeff Goldblum is so iconic as Ian Malcolm. He just oozes charm and charisma in the role. Laura Dern is a badass as Ellie Sattler. At no point is she a damsel in distress but she's also not a superheroine. Richard Attenborough is wonderful as Hammond. Joseph Mazzello and Ariana Richards are fun as Tim and Lex. There is a solid supporting cast with Bob Peck as a pretty badass Muldoon, Wayne Knight as Nedry, BD Wong as Henry Wu, Martin Ferrero as Gennaro, and Samuel L. Jackson in one of the earliest roles I remember him in Ray Arnold.
All in all, to me this a flawless film and the fact that the blend of CGI/Animatronics is so good that it holds up to this day. The only things that really date it are some of the technological references and the hair/clothes. But its a still that could open now and would still be brilliant. Steven Spielberg really made a masterpiece. It blows my mind that he made this and Schindler's List, two movies that couldn't be any different from one another, in the same year. Also, have to absolutely mention the incredibly contribution of John Williams, making one of the most iconic scores of all time. The music adds so much to the awe and the grandiose nature of the films. All in all, this is one of those rare 10/10 movies for me. I'm looking forward to seeing Alan, Ellie, and Ian back in Dominion.
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Opinion #33
I've been seeing this take lately and I need to put this out there. Dean is not abusive. Sam is not being abused or someone who can't take a few punches. Sam is not abusive either. Yes, when Dean gets angry with Sam he may punch him. This usually depends on the situation but it does happen. (Although it did stop after season 7 I believe.) Sam has punched Dean as well but less frequently. (This is specifically one or two punches I'm talking about right now not all-out fist fights.)
Sam is much less likely to punch someone when he gets upset. He also picks and chooses fights. Sam has never backed down from a fight if he deemed it worth fighting for. He has gone against Dean's wishes or talked to him about how he didn't think something was a good idea. He also knows that a lot of times if it comes down to it he can do the puppy dog eyes and say something along the lines of "Please for me" and Dean will practically do whatever he wants. (No this is not manipulative and he doesn't do it often.)
Sam is an adult and bigger than Dean. Sam can take a few punches. Plus, I have never seen Sam be harmed in any way. No bruises, and no broken noses or anything like that. Sam may not punch back but in a sparring match or an actual fight, he holds his own perfectly fine. They are on even footing as far as real fights go where they are both punching each other. (I can think of maybe two times that Dean punched Sam more than a couple times and Sam didn't fight back. The first time was when he wasn't even certain it was Sam when he was soulless and the second was when Sam was giving up on living in season 9. These were extenuating circumstances and there wasn't any permanent damage or anything like that. The first time he had caused some sort of injury but again he didn't think it was actually Sam. The second time it was pretty much the same as Sam punching Dean in season 14.)
Now, this leads to another thing. If Dean had to take a parental role to keep Sam safe and if Dean had a hand in raising him when did this start. ( I know people argue how much Dean truly "raised" Sam but as I have said before there is dialogue in the show where Sam says "You practically raised me" or where Dean says "I had to be a mother and I had to be a father to keep him safe." I'm not trying to say Dean is more Sam's parent than brother and that Dean can boss him around. Obviously, as they got older and Sam became more independent things changed so they were equals. All I'm saying is, is that Dean having to raise Sam does have a place in their multi-faceted relationship.)
Dean has always had a temper but Dean as a child was not going around punching Sam when he got annoyed with him. Dean wouldn't punch him period until Sam knew how to fight and could take a punch even if he did get mad at him. There is no evidence to suggest that Dean was hurting Sam when they were kids. (No I don't consider the shifter saying something like "Even as kids I always kicked your ass" as proof. One it was the shifter it wasn't Dean. Two that doesn't mean Dean beat him up. That could be used as a figure of speech to say Dean was better at everything related to hunting than Sam was or that he always won during sparring. I can see that being accurate because Dean was bigger than Sam was for the majority of their childhood.)
There isn't even much evidence to suggest that John was physically abusive to either of them. (I don't believe Dean would stand by and watch Sam get hit by John. If John had been physically abusive Dean would have protected him.) When Sam talked about their childhood he said that Dean was always there and that he practically raised him. Dean's whole life was dedicated to keeping Sam safe. If Dean ever did punch him they would have been older. Sam would have been old enough to take the punch like he is in canon. Dean would never do it if Sam wasn't old enough or capable of defending himself. I'm sure they sparred when they were kids but Dean would never hurt him. (By this I mean broken bones and stuff. Something really serious. If Dean ever did hurt him very badly physically he'd feel awful.)
Sam is still Dean's #1, has always been his #1, and Dean dedicated his whole life to keeping Sam safe. This is not me saying that Dean punching Sam is okay it's simply me saying calling Dean or Sam for the matter abusive or calling their relationship abusive is too far.
Another thing that is not related but that needs to be said is that the Mark of Cain and demon blood situations were nearly identical to each other. How they were handled was different (I'm not going to get into that now but I have talked about how Dean didn't mean the things he said during those seasons before and I have a meta on how Dean never truly saw Sam as a monster) but they were, in essence, the same thing. Please don't vilify Sam for that and give Dean a pass or vice versa.
I love Sam and Dean and their relationship so I try not to pick sides. I want everyone to remember the show is about Sam and Dean together. As a unit and as a team. Pitting them against each other is not a good thing for anyone. Remember what Dean said, "There ain't no me if there ain't no you."
(Sorry about this. I've seen a lot of takes on Twitter that were making me uneasy. A lot of fighting between Dean stans and Sam stans and I needed to write something out. Please remember these are my own opinions. I am not trying to force my opinions on anyone.)
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eyelinerdean · 2 years
the notes from when i came up with my s1 au, because i don't have the spoons to actually write it right now:
"ok au where mary left and took sam with her maybe when dean was 7 or 8. sam's too young to remember him. dean grows up alone with john, motel room to motel room, turns tricks to keep himself fed cuz john barely leaves him any money, maybe sometimes no money. (maybe meets charlie at school a la atylk?) same complicated relationship with john, only this time when dean leaves to go get sam, it's not to find john. john is dead. dean killed him. was it self defense? was it to protect mary? was it to protect sam?
dean goes to find his brother. i don't think sam remembers dean except for maybe one or two blurry memories, and i think mary was cagey about discussing john and/or dean. sam didn't have a perfect childhood, but he didn't have dean's childhood either. i'm not sure if he knows about hunting. in this au mary sort of takes john's place in s1. dean wants to meet up with her, but sam hasn't contacted her in a few weeks and she doesn't pick up when they call. when they go to her place, it's empty. so they go looking for her. also jess might be in this au idk man.
(also i think it would be sexy if we had a fun little jump the shark/point of no return moment where sam's like at least you had dad! do you know what it was like growing up without him and dean just looks at him. and shakes his head and walks away (maybe in 1x02))
anyways, mary! maybe she's out on a hunt, maybe she heard about john's death through the grapevine and is trying to find what killed him. she does still love him, after everything.
and everything with azazel still happens, you know etc etc and when dean and mary meet again it's shocked and tearful. she's a hunter, she's older, she clearly knows what she's doing, dean respects her. and dean resents her. but he's too relieved to worry about that right now. she and dean chafe, though, when they work together, and sam doesn't really understand it, but he's still trying to fit everything, hunting, demons, ghosts, everything to make sense with his world view. he's trying to understand the gaps in his life not realizing that he doesn't yet have all the answers.
(i think mary saw azazel and realized what was happening, who he was, but didn't know what he was doing. her hunter instincts kept her from barging in, but she watched and made sure he wasn't hurting sam. so in the years following she clutched sam close and tried to find answers while john was at work. it took 3 or 4 years, but she knew enough. so she took sam. and she ran. while john was at work, while dean was at school. and maybe mary couldn't risk getting dean, didn't have a car cuz john took the impala to work, couldn't risk wasting all the time while john could be home any moment, so she takes sam and runs. the school calls the winchester home 6 times before they contact john's work. and dean and john both come home to find the house empty.)
mary wouldn't leave a batshit trail like john did so a it's a lot more throwing shit at the wall and hoping something will stick, mary doesn't even know they're on her trail until they meet up in what would be 1x16. i really like the idea of mary being gone to try to find what killed john, cuz i think she kept tabs on him all these years. i'm sure she finds out that it was dean, but i don't know if they have a confrontation.
i think mary and dean have kind of a fight before she dies OHHHHH WAIT. does azazel possess mary? or what about john's corpse? OR WHAT ABOUT BOTH OHHHHH HOLD ON. maybe he possesses john's corpse and this is before mary finds out about dean killing him so sam and mary are like john! and dean's got the colt like that's not john. and they're like wtf dean calm down it's ok and he's like get away from him that's not john. and then we have john!azazel being 1) a great actor and then 2) very creepy and taunting dean and revealing that dean killed john AAA!!
and then right after mary is like. what the fuck. then azazel leaves john's body and possesses HER and taunts dean and sam yknow the drill a la devil's trap. and dean has the colt and whatever and mary!azazel is like. you gonna shoot me? just like you shot dear old dad over there? wow, dean, two for two. maybe next time i should find bobby singer, help you keep your streak.
and dean can't do it and sam can't do it either but he does shoot mary in the leg and azazel flees yknow etc etc and they're driving home and nobody is talking about it and then they get hit by the carrrr WOOOHH and dean almost dies and then mary makes the deal to save dean etc etc.
anyways i just think dean deserves to have a fun little breakdown moment at mary about her leaving him <33"
anyways yeah. i've tried to start writing this fic so many goddamn times and it's just never worked out but i do have a playlist for it if anyone would like the link :))
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