#I don't even know what to tag this as but Roman isn't a good man hrgnn
masquenoire · 10 months
what's the worst relationship you ever had?
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"Ugh, you really had to go there with that question, didn't you?" Roman sighs, eyes rolling in their sockets as he immediately thinks back to one particular fling. "Couple of years ago there was this broad, Cheryl. Smoking hot but dumb as a sack of shit, or at least I thought so at the time. Gorgeous body and crazy good in bed but I didn't realize at the time just how crazy she was. It was bad. Anyways, she got knocked up at some point and tried to pass me off as the father. Actually thought I'd buy it too as if I didn't know how sex worked, dumb bitch."
Not even the cigar he's smoking can hide the bad taste in his mouth as he thinks to back then. It had been a rough year or three after the death of his second girlfriend, Tiffany Ambrose and Roman had only just started blowing off steam once he'd spent enough time grieving only for Cheryl, stupid pretty Cheryl to think she could actually blackmail Roman Sionis of all people. "Normally I wouldn't have given a shit but she got real insistent about getting with me, saying the kid she was carrying really was mine even though we both fucking knew I wasn't physically capable of giving her kids. Pushed me for a ring, wedding bells and all and when I refused, threatened to out what I was really wearing beneath the suit. Of course, I couldn't let that slide..." Roman huffed, his skeletal face taking on a spiteful sneer as he flicks away the ash on his cigar. "You know how it goes down in Gotham. Pretty young thing starts going around running her mouth, saying she's going to become Mrs. Sionis soon attracts the wrong sort of attention if you know what I mean. No idea what happened to her but she disappeared without trace and hasn't hassled me since." Shame really. If she hadn't been nuttier than a squirrel turd, Roman would have liked keeping her around as a sugar baby. Her tits and ass were still to this day the sweetest he'd ever had.
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seeingstarks · 8 months
authorized (r.r x. r.r drabble)
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summary : rhea finds herself in the midst of the tribal chief himself, roman. what will happen? pairing : rhea ripley × roman reigns cw : cursing, kissing, innuendos, blowjob, hair pulling, nicknames, sub/dom dynamic a/n : just something small i came up with after watching rhea's promo and as much as i wanna see them feud i can't help but imagine how unstoppable they would be together and how much they'd bicker. x) reblogs are very much appreciated! word count : 716 words tag list : @harmshake
"acknowledge me." the aussie's voice echoed throughout the hallway, a familiar phrase only voiced by the tribal chief himself, few having dared to defy him and failed.
rhea wasn't one to back down from a fight, staring down every single member of the bloodline and spearing them in the process. paul heyman being the only person in her way before her true target, roman reigns.
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phone in hand, he dialed up the samoan's number as rhea shook her head with a tsk falling from her dark lips, "i'll do it myself. don't even know why roman keeps you around anyways. you're a useless manager." she yanked the phone from his hands not even caring if she hurt him in the process, fingers pressing down harshly on the keys.
"i'm gonna' bloody kill him! he doesn't mess with dom dom or anyone else for that matter-" rhea was fuming, pacing around the bloodline's locker room which jd had taken over earlier that night, dom was supposed to have matching attire but somehow roman convinced heyman to do his dirty work.
"you wouldn't dare to lay a single hand on heyman, doll. not when i can have those sharp nails wrapped around my neck or proving to the world that mami isn't always on top."
rhea clearly couldn't see roman on the other side of the phone but with how he spoke was with a smirk, smug in tone.
she decided to play along with his so called game, having nothing better to do for the night and get payback for earlier. little did rhea know he was on a jet to see her right now.
"in your nightmares, ro ro. on top no matter the circumstance, bet you're wantin' people to acknowledge you in order to compensate for somethin' else, hm?" rhea had venom in her tone, taunting the samoan with each word however she became more comfortable, laying back against the sofa as she chatted it up more with him, paul making his own quiet leave.
"wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart? good thing you won't have to wait long-" the handle turned and a tall, dark-toned, raven-haired man opened up the door.
rhea jumped up from the sofa, staring daggers into his brown hues. being a few inches shorter than roman the aussie hoped to still intimidate him but roman flashed that shit-eating grin he always did.
instead of it making her stomach turn like usual, it did something else... made rhea press her legs together which roman was quick to take notice.
"look at mami now.. not so immune to me when the tribal chief is infront of her - be a good girl and let daddy take care of you.."
rhea cackled at the man, laughing so hard to the point her ribs hurt and had to catch her breath, "you, my daddy? i'm a grown ass woman, ro. don't need your pencil dick." she scrunched her nose trying to ignore the growing wetness between her legs.
rhea gnawed upon her lower lip, causing some of the black lipstick to smear as she kept eye contact with roman, a few moments passing before they finally pulled one another into a heated kiss battling each other for dominance.
they eventually reached a wall, in which rhea had roman pinned up against it, he could easily reverse her but relished in the fact of being submissive for the woman.
rhea lowered herself as she tugged on his gym shorts and boxers, his exposed length springing free as drool threatened to escape her dark lips, "tell anyone about this and i'll actually kill you."
her lips parted making an "o" shape as her tongue teased the tip of his cock circling it before making way on more of his length, taking it in as roman leaned his head back letting out groans of pleasure.
"that's it, mami." he hummed and reached down to tug at her raven hair before rhea took him deeper, roman starting to thrust his hips against her throat.
"do you acknowledge me now?" he asked with a smirk.
"i acknowledge youmff-" her words were muffled due to having her mouth wrapped around roman's cock, but she was sure he got the point and him calling her mami was icing on the literal cake.
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kitkatopinions · 9 months
Quick note, I don't know the person who made these tweets or what the "THIS is what they do" is referencing, I'm only using this as a jumping off point to talk about what seems to be a pretty regular repeated opinion among people who hate rwby criticism and rwde posters.
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First things first, it needs to be clarified that the "don't call it a rewrite or a fix-it fic, only call it a fan AU" is in my opinion very ridiculous and also fundamentally misunderstands the differences between AUs, rewrites, and fix-it fics.
Fix-it fic: These fics are made in an attempt to fix something the writer did not like in the original project. They write things in a way they think is better than the original, or they write a thing that they didn't do in the original but the fic writer thinks is better than what was in the official content. There are pretty high expectations on fix-it fics for good reason, as the writer obviously is setting out to fix things. So for instance if somebody makes a rwby fix-it fic, I kind of expect them to do things like improve queer rep in rwby or improve world building in rwby and so on.
Rewrite: The writer is fundamentally changing things from the original, but a rewrite is not automatically a fix-it fic because people aren't always trying to fix anything. A fix-it is always a rewrite, but a rewrite isn't always a fix-it. Because in a rewrite, the writer could just be doing things that they think are interesting concepts, for fun, and not out of a desire to improve the official content. There are still expectations on rewrites to follow at least some element of story with format and all that, but there's less pressure to *be better than the original* because that's not automatically a part of writing a rewrite.
AU: A term for 'alternate universe,' this just means that the fic is not going to follow canon, there might be alterations as big as all the characters going to a regular high school in our world in modern times, to an AU where Pyrrha lives instead of Jaune. All fix-its and rewrites are technically 'alternate universes,' but AUs are even more relaxed and for fun than rewrites. So they're even less bound by any sort of expectations. There doesn't have to be any sort of formatting or anything for just an AU. If someone writes a romance based AU where Yang gets partnered up with Pyrrha and the two of them start a relationship, there doesn't need to be any fall of beacon, quest for the Relics, Salem doesn't even need to ever come up...
Not properly tagging a fix-it fic as a fix-it fic because some RWBY fans get angry whenever someone they don't know dares to think they can improve on the story of a bunch of other people they don't know... Doesn't actually do anything helpful. The fact that people have this 'you have to show only the upmost respect to the RWBY writers!' Why? Especially when Miles Luna specifically has a history of misogyny, biphobia, and said the n word as a twenty six year old. Why should I or anyone else be required to 'respect' a man who slutshamed the character of Tifa Lockhart by derogatorily calling her a prostitute because of what she was wearing and then lied about it when he got called out? It's a ridiculous expectation that really reads as massive insecurity on the side of anti-rwde posters.
So before even getting into the pieces of advice in the messages here, I just want to say that most of them do not matter in a rewrite or an AU. "This is my AU where Roman lived after the Fall of Beacon" is not immoral or wrong in any way. "This is my RWBY rewrite where I explore the ships I like rather than only the canon ships" like bro, who the hell does that hurt? So on and so forth. AUs and rewrites are just fans exploring fun ideas they like, it doesn't mean they actually wish the thing they're writing actually happened. For instance, I have plans for a fix-it RWBY fic where I try to mostly stick to the choices made in the original content and just do it in a better way (because I don't feel obligated to consider Miles "video games for your girlfriend" Luna better than me and stay in my demure place where I couldn't possibly improve upon a hot mess of a thrown together show.) But I also wrote a long fun non-published AU fic with my sister where we did this whole redeeming Torchwick, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo thing. AUs and rewrites should not be held to strict rules everyone needs to follow about who they are and aren't allowed to like or redeem. That's just killing creativity in fandom spaces.
But, now to get into these rules in practice of writing an actual fix-it fic (which again should actually be called a fix-it fic,) because a lot of these suggestions are actually good ideas... But A. Not all of them are, and B. I would bet good money that even the ones that are phrased well are used to baselessly attack people who aren't even doing the thing, and C. The actual original content of RWBY itself goes against these rules, but the same people that would pick apart a fanfic actively get angry when people dare criticize rwby.
So let's get into it.
Try to focus on the female protagonists
This is great advice for fix-it fics, and something that often puts me off of fix-it fics I've seen when they don't do this. 'Fix-it fics' that make men the protagonists or spend a lot more time focused on the men in RWBY than the women in rwby, it carries the implication that the person writing the fix-it fics thinks the there should be less focus on the women in rwby. However, this will also result in some anti-rwde posters who will see fix-it fics that do put a lot of focus on the female protagonists and have them be the protagonists and expand on their character and role but then also do things like have a chapter focused on fleshing out the character of Oscar and the anti-rwde poster will flip their lid about it. Also, this
Do not have a straight white male shame them for their actions
I'm assuming this part is focused on characters like Ironwood (arguably not white considering he was based in appearance of his Asian voice actor,) Ozpin (because despite the fact that most of the Oz reincarnations aren't white, Ozpin was,) Qrow (granted, very white, but is also one of the most coded as queer main characters,) and probably Adam. However, this ignores a couple of things, which is that if people are keeping to canon characters, Qrow, Ozpin, and Ironwood have all at times been mentors in canon - and also Ooblek and Port. It is generally a good idea to be careful when you DO write the main RWBY characters to mess up and get scolded especially if they're being scolded by white men, but the idea that you can't make the canonical mentors ever tell the RWBY girls they might be wrong is a strange one. Also it's worth noting that if you try to make RWBY more diverse by making some of these 'straight white males' into queer men or people of color, people are probably just gonna be more angry at you and still forbid you from ever having them say anything against the main girls. Also it's worth noting that RWBY canonically specifically had a scene where the white old man Peter Port who sexualized Yang got to tell off Weiss for being spoiled and entitled. So like... Maybe that should be criticized.
Do not make a cis white male have more of a role than them.
This is basically the exact same thing as the first point, which we'll see again. This list of suggestions has a couple different repeats.
No straightwashing
Another actually good suggestion, for the exact same reason as point one. Yang and Blake should stay queer, it's a very good idea to keep Jaune's sisters in mind (and maybe increase their role,) and May Marigold should of course stay a trans woman (and maybe get her role increased too!) However, it's worth noting that a lot of people consider it 'straightwashing' to have the bisexual Blake or the 'has expressed attraction towards men in like episode three' Yang ever be in relationships with men, and that's not straightwashing. It's biphobia to call a wlm bi ship straightwashing.
And NO fanservice
Now, look, "fanservice" to me has certain connotations of objectifying women, so I one hundred percent get this suggestion and think people should be very careful to make very sure they're not drifting into objectifying in their fix-it fics. However, I know how this fandom can get in regards to even young women so much as writing the now currently nineteen year olds to make out, so just to clarify. Even if it might feel like it sometimes, not everything romantic or sexual regarding the rwby main protagonists is inherently objectifying. Again btw, I want to clarify I'm not defending any specific current fix-it fic, just reflecting.
Don't make evil men "morally gray"
And we've come to the 'this is definitely about Ironwood and Adam and possibly Ozpin" thing. Here's the thing: There are problems with how the RWBY writers handled all three of these characters, and it's not immoral for anyone to make a 'fix-it fic' where they explore any of these characters as not evil especially considering that RWBY is meant to be a hopeful story, so making less characters plain straight evil is a perfectly reasonable thing. It's also worth noting that the actual show of RWBY made Hazel get redeemed as if he wasn't evil and treated him as at least partially in the right, while not having him truly apologize for the heinous actions he's done.
Also keep bumbleby canon
For fix it fics, this is a good recommendation because you can fix any problems you have with bumbleby. But also it's fine to not think bumbleby specifically should've been canon (though it's something I think could've actually been done well,) and going with something else. So long as you do include good other queer representation in your fix-it, not going with bumbleby shouldn't be viewed as an automatically horrible thing. You can make a fix-it fic where you put Yang with Weiss and Blake with Ilia or something. It's very silly to act like Blake and Yang being together should be a necessity. Again, there should one hundred percent be other queer main characters in your fix-it fic if you decide not to go with bumbleby.
Don't have Jaune or Adam date anyone in Team RWBY
...This is also something I think is a generally good idea tbh, and I don't have much else to say about it. In fact, adding a romance element to Adam and Blake's relationship actively hurt the show imo. Having Jaune date a member of Team RWBY can be done, but generally speaking I do feel like people should just avoid that, especially if the character is Weiss. But again I should point out that in the actual show of RWBY, they've made Weiss openly attracted to Jaune in season 9 while they had aged Jaune up a good twenty years, so... Yeah.
Ruby is to be idealistic, and it shouldn't be a character flaw
This is an interesting one, because I mostly believe in this. Ruby's being idealistic is something about her character I actually enjoy, and I also think that in a good show her beliefs would be challenged, and she would come out of it stronger, still with her hopefulness and her ideals but also willing to be smarter and more careful. And in a good show, there would be good characters who might have a different outlook that isn't villainized. So while I don't think that Ruby's idealism should be treated like a flaw, I do think her beliefs should be challenged and not treated as the only good and moral thing (and something tells me the people that complain about fix-it fics might consider that the same thing as 'treating it like a flaw.')
Yang is not a party girl, not an alcoholic, and not a slacker
So, the alcoholic thing is so specific that it makes me think this was specifically directed at one fix-it fic. But as for the other two. On the note of 'Yang is not a slacker' I would argue that in the early episodes, she wasn't actually shown to care about her studies much, but that the early episodes kind of rush through 'team RWBY finding their footing,' so in rewrites giving Yang an early character flaw of being a slacker... What's the issue with that? I'm genuinely confused with that one. Is it not in her early character of being an energized, fun loving girl? I don't get it. Now for the party girl thing... I'm also confused about that, because - and correct me if I'm wrong - didn't Monty Oum make 'party girl' like part of Yang's early characterization? When he was concepting her? And there was a whole thing in volume 2 where Yang and Weiss are planning a party and she's like bringing in loudspeakers and wants a fog machine, should we not think that means that she likes to party? Her whole first appearance in the Yellow trailer was specifically set in a club to get across the vibes they wanted for Yang. Yang goes to a club in volume 7 and is specifically talking about dancing at the club and the loud music at the club. Also my sister found this for me from the back of a V1 DVD.
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They literally call Yang a party girl themselves! Do people just think there's something immoral about clubs and party girls and therefore don't want Yang to be one? Because that doesn't sound good, it sounds judgmental.
Jaune is a side character
This is advice that is very much not in line with canon. Jaune is at the very least a deuteragonist in canon and is often very much so treated as a main character, sometimes out stripping some of the main girls in terms of lines or screentime in a volume. I do think that fix-it fics ought to either reduce his role or increase the roles of the main characters, again to give more focus to the title characters in Team RWBY. However, it's just ridiculous to me to complain about Jaune's prominence in RWBY fix-it fics because I'm just like... Look at the main show! Complain about how much importance is put on Jaune in the show!
Adam Taurus is irredeemably evil So is Torchwick
I am certain that this is about one specific fix-it fic that some anti-rwdes make it part of their core rwby beliefs to hate, because most people only actually put Torchwick in the same category as characters like Adam and Ironwood in the 'you're not allowed to like and/or redeem them' category when they're talking about one specific fix-it fic. XD But just because other people do not like these two doesn't mean it's ILLEGAL to like and/or redeem them! In my opinion, there is no such thing as a person who is completely irredeemable! And in a hopeful show, wanting to redeem villains - especially villains who have been horrifically branded in racist acts - is not a bad thing??? This is your reminder that these are not real people who actually did bad things in real life, they're fictional characters, they're tools to be used to tell stories. This is basically just the "don't make evil men 'morally gray'" thing again but like, extra specific. Yes, Adam and Torchwick in the canon of RWBY are horrible evil people. But they're fictional people, you shouldn't villainize people for wanting them to be better and writing them to be better in a fix-it fic of a show that's meant to be fundamentally about hope. There's nothing hopeful about 'some people are irredeemable,' but 'even bad people can change and get better' is a really hopeful sentiment.
Once again, none of these expectations should exist for just 'rewrites and AUs' and are only applicable to actual fix-it fics, and some of them are just so pointless. It's literally just enforced fandom rules, and fandom rules kill creativity imo, there shouldn't be characters that people are forbidden from redeeming or just shouldn't ever make morally gray, or ships that are absolutely required that must be done. Even in fix-it fics! One person shouldn't expect everyone else in the fandom to fit with what they or what the writers want. Yes, there are things that I think should generally be done in fix-it fics like focusing on the main girls and keeping to the general outline of what happens in the canon series, but some people act like fix-it fics should really just unquestioningly copy paste the original work and call it good, and that's ridiculous.
Two more things to note:
Sometimes when people are trying to make a fix-it project, it can snowball into more of a rewrite. If they decide to start inserting characters just because they like it, or branch off into random tangents just because they find it interesting, or so on. So even in fix-it fics I think there should be allowances made and people need to understand that not every single thing in even a fix-it fic is something that the writers sincerely think should've happened in the actual canon of RWBY. I can't tell you the amount of times my sister and I have sat down to make a fanfic (we never publish btw) that was supposed to be 'a fix it for volume six onwards' or 'a fix it of volume seven' or something and wound up completely spiraling into a separate thing, and then we wind up being like 'okay but we really should write an actual fix-it sometime.' If you're publishing while you write, or posting your fix-it online as you go, you can't just be like 'guess this sorta became more of a rewrite than a fix it lol' if your fic is already titled as a fix-it. So I'm just saying, it's worth it to expand a little understanding that sometimes people making fan projects for their own enjoyment aren't always going to be hypervigilant to not let a little bit of personal bias and personal enjoyment leak into their choices.
Next thing to note: We should be holding RWBY to a much higher standard than any fan project. RWBY is a product that people are trying to sell us that's making an actual company money, it's the actual product itself, with a team of writers and their job is quite literally to make the story of RWBY good. Fics and fan projects are things people do as a hobby, that they're not getting paid for and therefore aren't selling to anyone. It's wild to me that some people will let RWBY the actual show get away with anything and actively try to stop people from criticizing it and then go around reading fanfictions nobody made them read so they can insult the people that make them over every little perceived injustice. If you're going to get angry at a fanfiction writer for including a little too much Uncle Qrow in their fix-it fic, please ask yourself why Jaune is such a prominent character in RWBY the actual show and why it doesn't bother you then. If you're going to get angry that a fix-it fic writer has Ozpin criticize the main girl protagonists, please go back and rewatch Jaune as a forty-something year old scream in Ruby's face that she's responsible for all bad things while she's crying, and get just as angry at the show writers as you would get at a fan if they did the same thing in their fic.
Anyway, this post was super duper long, but.... I'm done with it now.
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cheolism · 1 year
Hiii I recently became a Carat and as an avid fanfic reader, I was wondering if there are any stories you can recommend!! I have no member preference, as long as there is an interesting story (longer the better, if there are chapters even better). And i love me a good smut 👀
hi sweetheart!! first and foremost, i recommend checking out the other authors of svthub. here you'll find a variety of svt writers!!! as of right now we're doing our spring collab, so def check that out!!! note that i only have a few members on here (gyu, joshie, hoshi, kwannie)? i didn't realize until i finished that i only had these four???? idk if this is my subconscious trying to tell me something but i'll continue to ignore it!!!
my personal faves are all reblogged under fic rec, but here's some that have stood out to me since reading~
spoiled by @wonusite ; KMG
"summary: you have never been spoiled, but that changes after you meet the man your mother is going to marry."
it's got four parts and is so fucking disgusting and wonderful it's ridiculous. it's seriously a marvel to humanity tbh and when aliens come and ask for a relic to prove that humans deserve to be spared from their alien wrath, i'll give them these fics <3
acouasm by @angelwoozi ; HJS
"n.) a ringing noise in your head — and it's just three words of promise whispered by yours truly during moments of sorrow, or moments of joy. the whisper also lives in the crevices of your mind during moments of pleasure, when he makes love to you, his true love."
it isn't necessarily long, but it is so fucking sweet and artful? in my tags i described it as truly belonging to the golden hour, and tbh i still stand by it. it's incredibly tender and freya's way with words reminds me of ancient greek and roman statues; there's an era in art called neoclassical, where artists mostly focus on depicting mythos and creatures from greek, roman, and christian lore. like, an angel with outstretched wings, her shawl expanding and wrapping around her, heaven's spotlight surrounding.
to the brim by @toruro ; KMG
"description: all your sweet husband wants is to put a baby into you—is that so bad?"
LISTEN mika writes some of the filthiest shit, i'm not even kidding. idk how her brain comes up with some of this stuff? somehow she KNOWS all of my deepest kinks and secrets and just writes them like they're NOTHING? truly a menace to society and we should all be on our knees thanking her.
bluff and nonsense by @thepixelelf ; KSY
“Soonyoung? Yeah I know him, you should too. He’s on the uni’s dance crew, and ever since he joined them, their popularity’s skyrocketed. I’ve met him a few times, great guy — got a tendency to run his mouth but hey, no one’s perfect. He’s smart anyways, probably knows how to deal with the consequences, right?”
Soonyoung never thought one bluff could lead to so much nonsense."
this fic fuckign RUINED ME. the others don't have as much plot as this, but even months after reading it still remains one of my favorite fics. i've been meaning to reread it? but i just haven't gotten to it, but i know i'll still feel the heartache and betrayal all over again, it's just that good. like it's so good you can feel the stabbing in your heart and tummy :(
vanilla by @milfgyuu ; HJS
"Summary: Joshua has a secret but perhaps it’s not really a secret at all. Maybe you’ve just refused to see it in an effort to keep your feelings at bay."
probably the dirtiest fic on this list. it's absolutely wild. there was NO preparing for everything in this fic? it's insane. absolutely insane fr. like -- even reading the tags can't prepare you. reader wasn't prepared and i really don't think ANYONE ever could have been.
stay-at-home husband/dad mingyu by @celestiababie
it's what it says! stay at home gyu who is willing to help his darling breadwinner spouse with whatever they need :) it's got multiple parts and such, and it's so cruel that it exists because it'll occupy my thoughts every once in a while and then i just have to stand there thinking about desperate little gyu whining while a teacher is talking. will change your life, 10/10 recommend
pussy sport by @duhnova ; BSK
"synopsis: leave it up to boo seungkwan to almost suffocate between your thighs, eat you out till you’re crying, and to figure out a new kink of his."
when i turn 108 and am getting ready to walk off the edge of the earth, and they ask me my secret to living so long i'll think back to this fic and smile, and then suddenly i'll be brought back to life. it's this serious. every once in a while someone on the svthub server remembers it exists again and goes feral. and i completely fucking agree, we should be going feral over boo seungkwan 24/7. to not be feral over boo seungkwan and this fic is a cardinal sin, and not the sexy kind.
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love-islike-abomb · 6 months
Resist and bite
Roman reigns x Piper (OC)
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Warnings: gun violence, angst, probably gonna have a few parts to this. Not sure how many yet though. Smut will be later on in the story. Everyone in this story is a mutant like X-Men with some marvel characters thrown in. Specifically Dr strange. Errors I may have missed. Also some surprises along the way!!
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @heerah34 @marchm-langdon @mindfulofmani @mandeelemons @niknakbucks92 @queengreenarrowmia89 @vintage-pvssy @weirdgirl16355 @windhamsrotunda @thesamoanqueen
"where is she?" Seth bellowed, lifting the servant girl by her hair "where's piper?"
"you'll never find her! She's with Roman! He's hidden her away from you!" The servent girl yelled, spitting in his face.
He laughed menacingly "to bad you'll never be able to find out if he kept her safe" he said snapping her neck, throwing her body to the ground. He looked at his henchmen "find her!" He bellowed. "Yes sir!"
"Roman you don't understand! I can't leave! If I do he'll kill me!!" Piper sobbed
"piper look at me" he said putting his hand under her chin and lifting her head "I won't let him hurt you! I have cousins who're just like me who can protect you! And there's a lot more of us then him!"
"you don't know what he can do!" She said, tears still filling her eyes.
"I can see it in your mind Piper. You think that because he can bend time that he's to powerful for all of us right?" He Said with a slight smile. She nodded her head realizing he already knew but the sike confused her "why are you smiling?"
"because I also know someone who can bend time!" He said "Steven strange"
"Dr strange? You know Dr strange?" She said with a raised eyebrow, trying to process what he just said.
"have you found her?" Seth said through grinted teeth.
"no sir! No sign of her! But we did find this!" The henchman said holding up an old cellphone. "It's a burner phone! They don't wanna be traced! But who're they calling?"
"Dr strange" the henchman said. Seth's blood ran cold "the only man who could possibly stop me and those 2 are in contact with him?" He yelled.
"it would seem that way sir!" The henchman said.
Seth pulled out a gun and without even looking pulled the trigger, shooting the man dead "does ANYONE have any good news?" He yelled "think carefully! Because if it's not what just happened to him will also happen to you!"
"I made a few phone calls before we got here" Roman said smiling at piper and Piper knew instantly he was telling the truth "do you know why he wants to find you so bad?" Roman asked. Piper shook her head no.
"you are the key to unlocking time" he said
"what do you mean?" She asked.
"Dr strange and Seth both have to live by a set of rules. The rules that govern time" he said
"cant they both bend time though?" She asked.
"yes but there's still rules they have to follow. If time is unlocked there will be no more rules and chaos will ensue!" He said.
"Ra!" Piper yelled.
"who's Ra?" He asked.
"the Egyptian sun god. He fought a beast every night to keep chaos from ensuing! If we can find him-"
"Piper listen to what you're saying! Ra isn't gonna help us!" Roman said.
A mound of sand blew around Piper and Roman forming a figure. It wasn't until the figure became whole that piper recognized it "anubis?!" Piper yelled
"hello my old friend!"
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
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Now stfu. Thanks :)
Oh wow. I kinda expected, you know, a page in an encyclopedia or any other page with educative content about Greece or geography in general, but you come proudly with a random Turkey vs Greece article by a David dude.
Honey. You will find anything spelled out on the Internet, including actual mistakes. That's why we check our sources. In fact, this article has many other mistakes as well.
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False. Turkey gets more tourists than Greece.
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False. The Turkish Republic is exactly 100 years old and the Ottoman Empire lasted about 600 years.
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Where to start with this one... If Greece is famous for anything, that's not its urban locations.
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Mistake #1: Aya Sofya is not famous because of its minarets and Mistake #2: Ephesus was built in the 10th Century BC, so its heyday or point in time it should be referred with was at least 900 years before the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. Although granted, a lot for its preservation was done in the Roman era.
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OMG American mistake #18361986: Greece is NOT a tropical country and HAS ZERO tropical islands
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Built by WHOM of WHAT? Perhaps David meant King Antiochus I Theos of Commagen, check an actual source for once
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David is straight out pulling facts out of his ass, isn't he
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"The major cities like Istanbul and Santorini" the guy is either trolling or hasn't stepped one foot in Greece ever. Santorini is a tiny island and its "major city" Fira has 1,600 residents LMAO my grandparents' godforsaken village has more than that
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The guy does a super delicate trolling, I give him that. The guy says things like oceans and tropical and major city of Santorini but has also come across Slav-Macedonian. Amazing combo. David is a man of contrasts. For the record, I haven't come across it and I have lived all my life here. I mean, it exists but you have to struggle to find its speakers and they are all bilingual anyway.
Overall David, that international traveller, does not really mean bad... apart from this????
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That was very professional there. But even though he says this, he proceeds to say equally good stuff about both countries, I 'd say. The article is a confusing text by a confused man. But that's not the point. The point is his myriad of inaccuracies and mistakes (as called out in several of the comments), some very typical of Americans, like mistaking Greece for a tropical destination or confusing oceans and seas.
Which brings us to you @libbyhaiku .
I believe, very politely, I added in the tags of that damn post this:
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That really set you off. You sent me an ask, telling me to fact check in google... what... whether the country of which I am a native has seas or oceans?
And I did! Even though I don't need to fact check whether Greece has oceans. And once again every website of any actual integrity, apart from the David dude, repeats this over and over. Greece has seas. Which I told you.
Furthermore, @jamy-libations searched for it on their own accord, and to my understanding they are not Greek or native Greeks, they told you and you responded as you responded to me.
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I wonder, did you tell them to shut the fuck up too in your message?
So, here's the answer. You and David are making a very typical American mistake, or maybe its not a mistake within your very own borders, which is that because the USA is surrounded by oceans, you think ocean is the standard generic term for sea.
In fact, the word ocean can be used in two ways: either as THE Ocean, which is the entire body of saltwater of the earth and derives as a concept from the Greek mythology, just like the very word derives from Greek so I know well what it means, or to describe the five major bodies of water: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Indian and the Southern ocean.
Greece, unlike the USA, is surrounded by neither. Greece is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and its adjacent smaller seas like the Ionian, the Aegean, the Libyan, the Cretan, the Myrtoan, the Ikarian, the Karpathian Seas. While the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the very narrow strait of Gibraltar, it is so enclosed by land and it exchanges so little water with the Atlantic that it is both traditionally and scientifically considered its own body of water, a Sea, and not just a general area of the Atlantic Ocean.
Here's to explain to you the difference between an ocean and a sea by an actually serious source.
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Here is a map of the Mediterranean Basin. As you see, it is almost entirely enclosed and it does not earn the status of being an ocean, let alone containing a multitude of them. Greece is also in the far end of the Mediterranean, as apart from the Atlantic as possible. None of the countries in the Mediterranean Basin have access to an ocean or oceanS, apart from Spain, France and Morocco, as evident here.
Now, I would honestly have not cared or written so much if you didn't throw a tandrum for a tiny tag in a post I reblogged in a positive manner. Unfortunately, you chose the asshole way.
And since we're at it that photo was actually taken in the Italian....... oceans
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and it's edited... but whatever, we have this species too.
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jankwritten · 8 months
Hey for ur vld!pjo au id LOVE to know who pilots what Lion and why 👀👀👀
[Also ur initial post and the snippet u wrote have me !!!!!!!]
i Have SO MANY THOUGHTS on who pilots each lion and why.
I have 2 PJO/VLD crossovers already that are ~150 pages each, which I wrote while I was in high school. In one of them, Percy pilots Black, Jason pilots Blue, Leo pilots Green, Frank pilots Yellow, and Nico pilots red. I feel like that's a pretty basic line-up, TBH. In the other one, everything is the same except Jason and Percy are swapped.
I don't like those dynamics anymore, though, and I think there's some WAY more interesting stuff that can be done.
I think Annabeth should be Allura, right off the bat, though. NO matter what, that role fits her best, to me. She's the knowledgable princess who is the heart and center of this war, she is the reason there is a fight to be had in opposition at all. Without her, Camp Voltron doesn't exist.
Jason makes sense as Black paladin to me - the one who was always made to be the leader, pushed himself despite all the potential reasons not to (for Shiro, it being his illness. For Jason, it being a fundamental rift between who he actually is versus who the world thinks he should be). The one who wants to be a mentor and a helper for everyone, the one who gives everything to save the others. Shiro throwing himself into the ring as the Gladiator, the Champion, so Matt didn't have to? Exactly like Jason dying so Piper didn't have to. To me, that one is a no brainer.
The rest is where I get pretty iffy. I like Percy as Blue because, duh. But I think he would also be a good Red. He's impulsive, his plans aren't always thought out and usually he charges in knowing he has power to back him up, and nothing else. I wouldn't necessarily call him hot headed, but he definitely isn't the type to just roll over and accept whatever leadership tells him to do. This is the dude who snuck out of camp to go after quests, the dude who blew up a volcano, Percy as Red just makes sense to me.
I know Nico is usually slotted in as red because Keith, but I almost see Nico either as not a pilot at all, or as a Blade member gone AWOL. Maybe he tags along when the Earth crew goes after Jason because he knew Jason, Jason was the only human he trusted. It's not like at that point they would know that they'll be piloting the lions, right? Or, maybe Nico DOES know about the lions, but holds that information to himself, because he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he's finally found the people who can help him swing the war. Because that's how Nico is - he operates as a one-man army, trying to take everything into his hands, pull all of the strings.
I have a lot of different ideas for how Nico could go in a VLD crossover, TBH. He could be half Altean, half Galra, like Lotor. He could be a version of Coran's character. He could be the red paladin who inevitably leaves because he feels the team doesn't trust him, thinks he's a freak, the red paladin who doesn't come back. Reyna could be a Blade, maybe the one who saves Jason, the one who recognizes the Galra in Nico. There are so many options!
I almost like Frank in Coran's role, because he gets to be meek and timid to a point but also knowledgeable. Plus, I feel like canon PJO Frank didn't really love fighting? And I could see him-as-Coran having an interesting history 1) with Annabeth, he sees her as a friend and maybe even a sister, because they were raised together and all that and 2) Maybe he knew the Galra, and was friends with a lot of them before everything changed (thinking along the lines of, the Galra being the Romans. Like, Octavian as Sendak kind of thing. Some of the gods/goddesses being other high power Galra, like maybe some corrupted versions of Jupiter and Juno are Haggar and Zarkon. I DID just almost put Zoloft instead of Zarkon.)
I love Hazel as Green, which might be due to my recent fondness for the transfem!Pidge headcanon. I headcanon Hazel as being a trans woman ever since hockey AU. I also think that Hazel has an interesting connection with Jason (Romans) and Nico (siblings) like Pidge does to Shiro and Keith - even though they don't all exactly align, I still like the parallels. Pidge sees Shiro as an older brother - Hazel sees Jason as an older mentor figure who, in my HC, she becomes genuine friends with through Nico. And then, Pidge has a fondness for Keith because they canonically both feel like outcasts and whatnot, and, obviously, Hazel and Nico in canon are the underworld siblings together. There's some interesting stuff to be done with the whole, Hazel and Nico but also Nico and Bianca and all that.
Plus, if Hazel is part Galra too, then that means Nico doesn't have to be on Voltron, he could just be a Blade. Because we can have Hazel as the "omg we have a Traitor Among Us" and the camera pans over and it's 5 foot shit Hazel with a dagger and space buns.
Also Galra Hazel??? HEllo??? how has no one done this before I'm barking.
....omfg HAZEL as Red???? HELLO????
AS FOR YELLOW. I mean .Leo. come on. He's the comic relief, he's the mechanic, he's the fourth wall breaker and the one who eats all the weird shit and fantasizes about getting home so he can make and eat homemade meals. Y'know? Like, it just makes sense to me. Plus the we get the fun dynamic of a Lance-like character being in even LESS of a position of "power" in the team, because he's NOT the sharpshooter, he's NOT the second in command. He's just...Leo. The seventh wheel. He wants to be more but he doesn't know how.
Piper is another option for a bunch of roles, too. I could see her fitting in as Green, of course, but she could definitely also fit as, say, Coran's role, the role of one of the blades, maybe even as one of the reoccurring characters like Shay or Nyma. I think there could be a way to work Piper in as Red, but that would have to be in an AU where Jason Leo and Piper are The Main Trio, versus what I'm aiming for here with Annabeth Percy Nico and Jason being the main Group.
(My Jercabethico agenda lives on.)
I'm trying to think of other characters I would give important roles to. TBH I think any other remainders it would depend on the story - like, Luke could be Zarkon in some of these AUs, whereas in others he might be Lotor (misguided with a crazy mom and an absent/abusive father??? bro). And in some maybe he's Sendak, or he's his own insane antagonist that doesn't have anything to do with the original VLD bros.
And then there's like, the rest of the gods. Who are they, what are they doing? Hades and the other underworld Cast would absolutely be Blades or Galra of some flavor. But what about Aphrodite? or Poseidon? Are they perhaps the leaders of other planets?
(Does this give us the opportunity to make everybody aliens???)
SO ANYWAY. These are my word-vomit thoughts on VLDPJO crossover. They are subject to change and also I might immediately forget about all of this as soon as I hit post. But just know that right now I FULLY believe in this. Hell yeah.
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majesticwren · 1 year
The Hanging Tree (Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley x OFC)
Summary: Are you, are you comin' to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three — She is on a path looking for war as her fate foretold. And he has war within him. Both, thirsty for vengeance, justice and blood.
Words: 10k. Trigger Warnings: Mention of Canon Violence, Mention of Fighting, Mention of Paganism, Mention of Past Trauma, Mention of PTSD, Toxic Working Out as a Coping Mechanism - please kids don't do this at home, Valkyrie is as unhinged as a broken door in this chapter, sorry, she isn't having a good time, Semi-Public Smut (?), Mention of Sex. Tags: my lovely @hirunoka and honorary mention to @literaryuppsala, thank you both for all the support 💕Let me know if you'd like to be added 🌻
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Chapter 4 - Dust to Dust.
Part I.
Valkyrie kicked open the men’s commune locker room, unconcerned and unbothered by the reaction people might have. Some didn’t even react, looking at her barging through their private space with cocky smiles and curious gazes. Others quickly covered themselves if they weren’t wearing clothes. Someone booed her. Someone else whistled, and, overall, everyone was just shocked by her arrival into the room without a single care in the world.
Only a few people were left anyways. The arena has been emptying for a while now and some of the athletes had already left to go back to their hotels. But she really couldn’t care regardless, she would have acted exactly in the same way even if she found herself in a room full of naked men.
Her sterile, detached gaze crossed the room specifically looking only for one man, everyone else who was there could have been part of the furniture and she would have given them the same level of attention.
"Where is he?" She wondered casually, approaching Roman. He was one of the men who quickly slid into some clothes as soon as they saw her, but again, it wasn't like she noticed there was anything wrong with her behaviour.
Thing is, she knew perfectly well that it wasn't socially acceptable. And she knew she could have been reprimanded. But again, it didn’t matter. It wasn't like it was as important as seeing Dean right that second.
She didn't just need to see him; it was vital that she saw him. It was as important as breathing. She was done having her bones so rattled by a simple man. And she was done waiting around, living every second being frustrated and uncertain. She was the one in control. And after their clash in the corridor before his match, she had decided that she wouldn't let him get away again.
She didn't even have the patience to wait for him to be done showering and changing. 
Roman cleared his voice, awkwardly looking around. "I don't think-"
"No," she shook a finger in front of his face, "I'm not asking your opinion. I'm asking you where Dean is."
Roman still fidgeted with his t-shirt as someone walked by, ass naked, "Hey, who misplaced the chick?" wondered the nameless guy Valkyrie didn't even care to look at. Roman, though, did and choked on his own breath. "You know you risk causing mayhem just by being here?"
"Why? It's not like I've never seen a naked man before." It was the most natural thing in the world, and yet, the way she shrugged it off still surprised Roman. It was as if she had just spoken gibberish to him.
"Yeah? Make sure to tell him that, so that he can fucking lose his temper because you decided to get in here and happened to see some naked men. Who he will reduce into a pulp. The poor bastards."
Valkyrie was already rolling her eyes at Roman’s dramatic words. It wasn't like he was wrong. She knew what Dean was capable of. She knew he didn't know patience. And he had been vocal about how easily his jealousy was woken. Gods, only thinking about that gave her a shiver.
And that specific reaction was the exact reason why none of it mattered.
She needed to see Dean because whereas every other man surrounding her was nothing more than that, with very little value to her interest, he was the magnetic pull she was gravitating around. Like the Moon around the Earth.
"Why don't you wait outside? I could send him to you," As Roman attempted to make her reconsider her ways, Valkyrie lifted her chin proudly, crossing her arms to her chest.
“And give him the chance to choose to avoid me?”
“He won’t do that.”
She simply shrugged. “Well then, might as well go to him.”
Roman rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "You are fucking mental, you know that!?" Even if he was shaking his head, a tiny smile still crossed his lips. The second he realised she didn’t intend to give him an answer, still standing there with her proud, determined look, a sigh left his chest. “You waited an entire week and now you can’t wait a minute?”
“Precisely, Roman. I waited too long already.”
“Truly made for each other,” now his smile grew. He didn’t mean those words with the slightest intention of being disrespectful. A sigh still left his chest, as he shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m doing this. Alright, he's in the steam room.”
Before she moved, Roman did grab her arm, sending her the quickest side eye, his lips still curled in a genuinely amused smile. “One second, sweetheart,” his eyes then crossed the room, “is Bryan out of the steam room yet?”
“Here.” Called a guy from the other side of the room. Her gaze crossed his only for a moment and a nod of recognition was exchanged. He was one of the men she had helped in the past, one of her first. And he was also the first one who had accepted to repay his debt without even a doubt, treating her right and with the respect, any man would get from the very beginning. She had always liked him. Men like him deserved to be blessed by her Gods.
As Daniel’s attention got caught, probably thinking she needed him, he approached them. Differently from Roman, he didn’t even bother to put clothes on, still only wearing a towel around his waist.
“Aren’t you a naughty one?” He wondered with an amused smile growing on his lips.
“Only when I try really hard.”
Daniel offered her a soft smile, completely different from the look he exchanged with Roman. “Is everything ok?”
“Yes, thanks, Dan. Just need to speak to Ambrose.”
Daniel nodded and then pointed just behind his shoulder. “He is still in there. He is in a major shit mood though. Took a hell of a beating out there. I wouldn't go too close.” He chuckled, looking up at Roman, almost as if he was taking it as a joke, ignoring Roman’s serious and opposite opinion.
Valkyrie wasn’t amused either. The serious beating Dean had taken in the ring that night and the fact that she had to stay back, fighting by her teeth against her need to go and protect him, was one of the reasons why she had no intention to wait for a second longer to see him.
Before any of them could say more, Valkyrie slipped away from Roman’s hold and approached the steam room, ignoring whatever both men were mumbling regarding her behaviour. Roman still tried to keep hold of her as Daniel just chuckled. She didn’t care. She had a goal and she was determined to do everything in her power to get there.
Entering the dark steam room, she was met by the heavy curtain of steam that filled the entire small space. The air was dense and hot and it quickly stuck to her skin. It was difficult to breathe or see, and it was uncomfortable, but she did not care.
Valkyrie stood by the door, her hands still on the handle, as her eyes slid across the room, to Dean’s figure. Apart from the towel around his waist, he was naked, and that was the first time since she stepped into the locker room – probably in her entire life, in all honesty – that such a thought had so much power to shake her.
In any other case, it was natural. Nothing to see that would have either shocked her or attracted her attention. But in Dean's case - only the thought was enough to drive her insane. And knowing he was flesh and bone, in front of her, basically one step away from being exposed completely, made her choke on her own breath and salivate like a wild beast.
“You shouldn’t be here.” His deep voice echoed through the empty room, right to her belly. It was everything he had to say on the matter though. His gaze had lazily moved on her, crossing her figure from head to toe, but he didn’t even try to prevent her from doing what she wanted.
“I don’t care.” She whispered softly, locking the door behind her.
Only silence came from Dean, as he just watched her move through the room. He didn’t try to reason. He didn’t try to object. Maybe he was too tired for it. And she surely hoped he was done arguing.
He sat with his back leaning against the wall. His hair was wet, pulled back in a way that only made her wish to slide her fingers through it. She observed the lean edges of his muscles, avidly studying his pink skin pearled by the steam. She didn’t even try to stop herself from thinking he looked delicious.
"Are you going to fight me on this?" She wondered, approaching him.
Dean hadn't lifted his attention from her for one second. It wasn't entirely mistrust, but it wasn't only curiosity either. He still shook his head in a no as his body language appeared welcoming.
"What would this be?" He wondered, genuinely puzzled.
Now that she was close enough, Valkyrie did exactly what she had been thinking to do since the very beginning. It was impossible, after all, for her to be in the same room with him and not feel the visceral need for physical contact.
She slid one of her hands on his shoulder, barely touching his skin with her fingertips. And yet, that was enough for him to react. Filling his lungs of steamy air, as if her touch had just woken him after a long slumber, Dean welcomed her between his arms, indulging her and helping her to sit in his lap holding her firmly by the hips.
A large smile appeared on her lips as she straddled him. Immediately giving in another thought, Valkyrie slid her hands through his hair, loving to see how he moulded under her touch, looking for contact.
"This is me telling you I'm done trying to stay away from you," her tone was low and gentle as she pushed herself closer to him, daring to kiss his forehead. Dean released a pleasureful sigh, letting her do as she pleased and relaxing under her touch. So, she was pushed to kiss him again, this time on the cheek.
"I need you," she began tracing her lips to his temple, and then to the side of his nose, "I want you."
His hold around her hips became tighter.
"You shouldn't." His tone was barely audible as a shiver crossed his figure. Despite his words, he didn't oppose her in any way. "I'd only hurt you."
She kept holding him tenderly. Their actions couldn't be further from their words. "Hurt me then." She whispered, kissing the tip of his nose.
The chuckle that rolled out of his chest surprised her. "I guess I am too tired to fight you, angel. Want it? I'll give it to you. But I warned you. Don't wanna hear it from no God when things will turn out sour."
"Ruin me, Dean Ambrose. I don't care."
He looked up at her. His gaze has never been as soft as it was then, as he cruised on her features.
He looked tired. But not physically. His body was as strong as ever. No, there was something inside his spirit that bent and cracked. He was done keeping her away.
Valkyrie moved her hands around his face, gently caressing his jaw, holding him like he was a precious, fragile thing. Her thumb crossed his lips.
"Can I kiss you?" She wondered looking down at him.
Dean looked at her completely carried away, hesitating only a second. "I should be the one asking." He mumbled, still not moving away from her hold. Still completely carried away by her gentle ways.
"What? Can I not be sweet with you?"
"Careful there. I'll get used to it. And then it will be your problem."
Valkyrie smiled. Making him lift his chin, she softly pressed her lips on his. "I want you to be my problem."
When she kissed him again, Dean was ready to catch her lips. His arms curled around her, as he wrapped her in a tight hug, pulling her towards him. His lips were so surprisingly soft and welcoming as he let her decide the pace. A soft, satisfied groan left his chest as soon as he had a taste of her tongue. She could barely think by then.
Tugging gently at his hair, she broke their kiss, catching her breath and trying her best to regain her mental faculties. “Will you come looking for me, later?”
“Oh, angel,” he whispered gently rubbing his nose against hers, before giving her another kiss, “yes.”
She felt so extremely lucky right there and then. She just got to see the soft, more vulnerable side of him, which was something she decided to consider so precious. He was dangerous and he was unstable, considered crazy by most, violent and chaotic by nature, and still able to lovingly hold her and to let her slide right through the cracks of his broken soul.
“My room number is five-five-three. I’ll be waiting for you.” She whispered close to his lips, unable to resist, giving in another kiss. She had to force herself to drag away from him before she could catch the chance of being too lost inside his arms to even think it possible to get away.
Part II.
“Right,” her manager whacking a fat folder full of pages on the table startled her back to focus, “you need to start listening to me, Val.”
She kept stuffing her bag with her stuff, as she packed. “Can we do this tomorrow, Sylvia?” A tired sigh left her chest.
“No. This can’t wait, sorry.”
Valkyrie looked back at the woman and then her eyes crossed the empty room as a hint of frustration started to slide under her skin.
She didn’t care about it. Any of it. The only thing she wanted to do was get out of there and meet with Dean to finish what they started. The hell she would have let him slip through her fingers again. And damned was every single second they spent apart.
She was still too deeply shaken by what had happened with Dean. Their kiss was on constant rewind in her mind and her senses were still filled with the memory of the man.  And the longer she was kept away from him, the worse the symptoms of her longing were becoming.
“Ok, out with it then. I don’t have all night.”
“Randy Orton is calling foul play on you.”
Valkyrie shrugged. “And? The match was last week. Why shall I care?”
“You should start giving a shit about how this gig works. Everything you do and who you chose to help impacts the audience and so your career here. Nothing stops at the end of a match-”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember the training. I know.” Valkyrie regretted the way she rudely dismissed her, knowing Sylvia had the best interest of their brand in mind and was only doing her job. At the same time, though, she was too tired to deal with any of that.
Sylvia sighed, doing her best to ignore Valkyrie’s behaviour. “He wants a rematch against you.”
Valkyrie cursed between gritted teeth. “Why? That motherfucker-”
“You even have to ask why?!”
“He had it coming. And I will only hand his ass back to him again.”
“Do not underestimate him. Randy Orton is a hothead. He is fucking dangerous and he has won the Championship multiple times. And you appear to have fallen right in the middle of the biggest, hottest feud in WWE in recent years.”
Valkyrie bit her tongue before replying anything. The look she shot her manager should have been enough. But instead of indulging her, Sylvia was just as pissed. She took a step forward, pointing a finger towards her. “You know that, right? You know that helping Dean Ambrose meant that shit hit the fan for you, don’t you? Tell me you’re not that stupid.”
“I didn’t have a choice.” She growled dangerously. Sylvia was pressing all her buttons and she surely didn’t have enough patience for that.
“Oh, but you did when you decided to be publicly seen hanging out with Reigns. Or when that silly squabble happened at breakfast? And don’t you think people are being blind in front of your behaviour? You are not hiding it as well as you think you are.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“If tonight you had just intervened to Seth Rollins’ aid and behaved-”
“I said I do not have a choice! I go where the Gods send me.” She squeezed her fists trying to calm her quickly raising temper, sedating it with the pain her nails digging into the skin of her palms gave her.
“But you did! You did have a choice. And you chose to publicly refuse to accept Rollins's gratitude and went against him as well. The audience loved it. Oh, how they adore feeding on this dramatic crap. But it doesn’t matter what the crowd thinks when that gets perceived as you so clearly picking a side. Right?”
Valkyrie bit her tongue so hard she could taste blood in her mouth. Though not even the pinch of that pain could distract her from her raising anger. Only, now, she wasn’t mad at Sylvia, but at herself. She had been so stupid. It was true that she hadn’t even tried to hide her interest in Dean. And surely, before then, she never thought she should have kept it a secret.
A shiver crossed her as she wondered what would have happened when the rumour of her barging through the men's locker room only to get to spend some time locked inside a steam room with Dean came out.
“Can you see my point?”
“What is your point, Sylvia?” Valkyrie sighed, rubbing a hand on her face.
She was so tired.
“They think you are involved with Dean Ambrose and that will be enough for their shit show to hit you. Orton, Kane, Triple H, Rollins. You will pay for everything Ambrose has done or is doing. Do you understand?”
Valkyrie shrugged. “I don’t care.”
“Of course, you don’t.”
“No, what I mean is that I am not afraid. Let them bring it.”
“Yeah? And what? You do not want to be on the wrong side of this dispute.”
“Fighting is what I do. That’s why I am here. That’s why people love me. If Orton wants to fight me let him fight me.”
“And what will happen when you’ll get jumped? These guys do not play safe or clean.”
“Well, from my perspective there’s not much we can throw at it, is there? I crossed Orton. He is now throwing a tantrum about it. I’ll give him more if he wants more.”
“You are ignoring the main problem.”
“What is the main problem.”
“What about him?”
“He is not good for our brand. You can’t be associated with him. He is too dangerous and has fought with too many people. It would ruin you. Do you understand me?”
Valkyrie didn’t reply. She bit her tongue again, harder.
Sylvia sent her a sharp look, studying closely her reaction. “Why are you not denying your involvement with Ambrose?”
“Why shall I deny it?” She did her best to appear as innocent as she could, but it was as if Sylvia could read right into her.
As soon as she spoke, the other woman gasped, her eyes widened as she was crossed by realisation. Shock took over her. “Oh my God, Val. What did you do? You are already involved with the man, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t said that.”
“But it is the truth. I can see it now so clearly. God, this needs to be fixed. You need to fix it.” Sylvia trembled, looking around, genuinely panicking. “Dean Ambrose is bad. He is bad for business. But most importantly he is bad for you. You can’t-”
One second, she was trying her best to control herself, and the second later her anger spilt. Valkyrie punched the wall releasing a grunt, welcoming the pain that spread through her knuckles. The look she gave Sylvia was a clear warning that the punch wasn’t for the wall. “I’ve got a problem with you slandering him. Let’s begin from there. I am involved with the man. There. I’ve said it. So what? And I like hanging out with Roman Reigns, got a problem with that? Go tell him. And you keep saying our brand as if you have anything to do with it. This is my brand. My name. My legacy. I am the one who gets out there. I fight. I bring you money. So, with it, I’ll do what I want.”
To Sylvia's speechless reaction, Valkyrie dared to point at the door. “You are free to go if you do not agree.”
“This will be your undoing. I hope you know that.”
Valkyrie swore in old Norse, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. “Why?”
“Don’t you understand what I’ve just said? You’ll become a target.”
“And do you understand what I’m saying when I say I do not care? Let them bring it.”
Sylvia rolled her eyes, loudly grumbling. “You are so stupid-”
“Careful there.”
“It will be your funeral. They will get Bray Wyatt involved. You know that, right?”
Valkyrie choked into a forced silence as soon as she heard that name. Sylvia wasn’t at all wrong. It was a risk. The worse part of it all was that it was a risk she hadn’t thought about. And then the clutch of fear grasped her crushing her chest and making her feel suddenly so small and helpless. It took only a second for her to be thrown over the edge, spiralling into an abyss with no way out. She couldn’t scream. She couldn’t run. She couldn’t stop it.
And she had no time to catch her breath. She had to keep running, she had to keep fighting if she wanted to survive.
Sylvia shook her head, grabbed her folder and headed to the door. “And if you don’t want to think about yourself, then think about what will happen to your Dean Ambrose the moment Wyatt will find out he is dear to you.”
Part III.
She was burning through her pain, anger and fear, pushing all those feelings into her muscles. Her hands were clenched around the handle of the barbell, as she pushed, and pushed as if the pain of an exhausted, worn-out body could somehow cover up the magnitude of the storm going on inside of her.
She was drenched in sweat and so tired she thought she could have passed out. Though every time she thought she could stop, thinking that maybe she had enough, her emotions would overwhelm her. Tears always followed. Only to make her start all over again, trying to sink her despair into physical stress.
It was late and she had been hiding at the hotel gym since she came back from the arena. She didn’t have the heart to face Dean. She did not know what she could have said to him to effectively convince him without hurting him badly and she wasn’t ready to make that move. And still, after that, then what? Sleeping wasn’t an option and thinking to spend time tormented and awake in an empty room was unbearable. She knew she would have ended up going insane and breaking things. So, training was her only option. Self-destruction was still a pretty damn good way to unload anger.
She did her legs and lifted some weights. Then she spent some time punching a sack. Her hands were now bruised since she didn’t bother to wear gloves or protective bandages. And now she was laying on the training bench, lifting, checking her breathing, ignoring her pain as if nothing had happened.
She didn’t know how long she was going to last. But she surely wasn’t ready to retreat to her room yet.
Background music played loud in the room, echoing through the white walls, and she was extremely grateful to it and to the room's soundproof walls because she knew she couldn’t stand silence. Not that night. Not when everything seemed to collapse on itself. She wasn’t even listening to it, but it was noisy and that was good enough.
Until it wasn’t when the gym sound system was turned off abruptly.
She felt choked by the wave of silence that surrounded her. Her thoughts were suddenly as loud as ever. Anger quickly followed. She was ready to jump on her feet and fight whoever decided to invade her space, not caring much for the consequences.
“Been looking everywhere for you.”
Everyone but him.
Valkyrie released a small sigh, almost risking losing her breath and getting squeezed under the barbell because of the surprise. As soon as she recognised his voice, a wave of warmth surrounded her. Her stomach vibrated, and her muscles relaxed, as a soothing feeling cradled her. But that feeling was part of the problem.
Actually, that was the entire problem.
He was her weakness.
She thought she wouldn’t care about those things – nothing else mattered, but being between his arms. And yet, now there was something that mattered more. And it was that if she continued on that path, he would have gotten seriously hurt.
And she couldn’t allow it. She needed to protect him at all costs.
One thing was looking for allies. Another was being attached to one of them. Pawns weren’t sparable anymore when they became important for the game.
A lone existence. That was her fate. She wasn’t allowed to desire to have her life filled with something more. How dare she think, even for a second, that any of that could change? That she could do anything to stop her nightmares from taking over?
She didn’t have the courage to meet Dean’s gaze, but she knew he was looking at her. She kept her eyes pinned to the ceiling struggling now more than ever to breathe. She pushed the bar back into the safety pins with a groan. “Been here the whole time.”
“Are you ok?” He wondered moving closer, his tone immediately softer. It surprised her, she was expecting him to be confrontational and angry.
She couldn’t stand it. It made her feel so desperate to just get lost in him. And it broke her apart, ripping her chest into pieces, knowing that it could never happen. She wasn’t allowed. Her only option was to end it there and then. For his sake. For both of them.
She sat up, so well acquainted with ignoring the physical strain she had just put herself under that she barely felt her muscles ache. Nothing hurt her as much as knowing what she had to do.
The only way to push Dean away was to hurt him. She was the only one that could do it and knew that had to go straight for the throat, clean cut, if she had any hope to save him from what was going to come.
Valkyrie dropped her arms to her knees, keeping her head low. “Please leave.” She whispered weakly, barely able to breathe. Barely able to feel anything but the clutch around her chest and throat.
She knew what she needed to do. But she didn’t have enough strength to do it.
“I can’t do this now.” Her voice gave off the broken notes of her pain and she should have known that Dean wouldn’t have been deaf to it. Stopping her tears from crossing her face was impossible, but she still tried to hide them from him.
Instead of listening to her plea, he approached her. “Angel,” the second he realised she was crying, he was on her knees, right in front of her. His big hands cupped gently around her face, bringing her to look at him. And worst of all, she didn’t oppose him.
As he inspected her features, locking his eyes with hers, she fell into his blue irises.
She knew better. But she couldn’t fight him. Not now. Not when he was showing her such devotion.
“What happened? Did someone hurt you?” His expression switched from soft and concerned to angered and, as seriousness took over him, she knew he was ready to fight.
Oh, if only he could know.
Valkyrie dared to reach out, unable to resist the powerful magnetism that always pulled her towards him. She touched his face, at first only testing the edge of his jaw with her fingertips, before pushing her hand around his cheek. “You need to go,” she simply stated, trying to encourage him with a nod. “We can’t do this. Please.”
He pushed himself closer to her, caressing her features with such kindness that surprised her. And may the Gods damn her since she so easily moulded herself under his touch. “What are you talking about?”
“Just forget this thing between us ever happened-” the pain that choked her was almost unbearable, “it doesn’t mean anything after all. You’re free of your debt. I am releasing you of it. You don’t have to-”
He frowned as confusion took over him. “Tell me what happened. Now.”
“I am telling you what is happening.”
“You can’t decide that for me.”
“Dean, please. I am begging you.” Valkyrie gathered all her strength and slid her hands around his wrists. She held him a second, before pushing his hands away.
“And I am telling you to tell me what happened. What changed?”
“You were throwing yourself at me a couple of hours ago,” the tiny smile he tried to pull, attempting to ease the situation as he tried to read into her, broke her heart in a million pieces, “what is it now?”
“I just can’t. Please, trust me.”
“Was it Seth?”
“No. It wasn’t Seth.”
He pouted, weighing her words, trying to read her expression. She could see he was calculating the risk of trusting her. And she damned herself for it, she could have lied. She could have broken his heart. It would have been such an easy excuse. Cruel, but easy.
“I care.” He suddenly said, “I care about you,” Dean grabbed her again, this time his hand slid through her hair, “is that what you want me to say? Ruin me, if you want."
The way he said that repeating the same words she used earlier, was solemn, like a promise made in front of the Gods.
"I don’t even know your name, angel. You fucked my life upside down-”
She quickly stopped him from saying anything more, gently pressing her fingers on his lips. “Please, don’t. I can’t take it.”
Every single word that slid out of his mouth was exactly what she so desperately wanted to hear. But there was no joy inside of her to welcome it. His words were only torture. Only condemning them both. And every emotion that burned through his wild, beautiful eyes was a new tear inside of her chest.
Dean didn’t seem much interested in being on the cusp of Hell. Instead, he challenged fate, ignoring her words. As he wrapped his free hand around the one she had in his mouth, he pressed her fingers against his own lips in a soft kiss.
The shiver that crossed her was so violent that it took her breath away.
Why did he have to be so attentive and sweet? Why now, when she had absolutely no strength to resist him? How was she supposed to get through a clean break with him, when the only thing she wanted was to find refuge in his arms?
He moved her hand from his lips and pushed himself even closer to her. At this point, his torso was between her knees. Again, she could have fought him, or she could have said something, but she didn’t. She let him handle her as if she had no will of her own.
Dean kissed her cheek ever so softly. “You don’t want me to leave.” He whispered so close to her.
It wasn’t a question. 
She leaned against him, inhaling deeply his scent. Her hands moved with a mind of their own over his arms and shoulders as she studied the edges of his muscles under her palms. “No, I don’t want you to.” She whispered, unable to fight any longer.
He was too close and too real.
The peace he brought to her soul was too soothing. Her world had stopped spinning. Her fear was quiet.
She had dropped her sword. She accepted her weakness. There was nothing else that could have been done. She had lost that battle and she was fine with it because thinking to stay away from him was more painful than anything else. Thinking to hurt him just to protect him was unbearable.
And she decided to be selfish.
Valkyrie looked him in the eye only for a moment, both hesitated a second as expectation raised between them. And then she gave in.
She kissed him.
Dean was more than ready to embrace her. His arms moved around her figure and pulled her down from the bench into his lap, caging her in a hug she had no intention to refuse. She was so ready to nest on his thighs, legs bent to his sides. Holding herself tight to his shoulders with one arm, she pushed her other hand between his hair grabbing it to the base of his skull, gently tugging at them.
He let a low growl escape his chest, it was a noise that resonated through her and wiped every thought out of her mind.
Valkyrie abruptly broke their kiss, pulling his hair and imposing herself on him. He let her. As soon as their lips separated, she looked down at him, diving into his glimmery, blue eyes. He looked so beautiful with his pale skin and reddened cheeks. His lips were puffier because of their kisses.
“You are making a mistake.” She whispered, still trying to clutch on some common sense.
The mocking smile that appeared on his lips, sweet and honest, showing his dimples, drove her insane. “Is that what you think this is? A mistake? I thought you liked making those.”
His voice was low and soft. Even his sarcasm was somehow sweeter. And it made her heart flutter.
She was too weak to be able to use words and lie right to his face. She knew what they were doing was a mistake, but, at the same time, she didn’t think it to be. Not entirely. Because she had wanted to be that close to him for far too long now. Finding herself at the moment, even after everything and well knowing all the consequences, was inebriating. And so right.
She shook her head. “I didn’t say that.”
“And what are you saying?”
“I’ve been trying to tell you. You should have left-”
“Oh, baby, if you think I’ll be going anywhere soon instead of being right here between your legs. Think again.”
A shiver crossed her. There was something in the confidence that poured out of him as he spoke. It was as if he mirrored her feelings and hadn’t wished for anything better himself.
“Dean,” she tried again, but before she could say anything, he pushed against her hold and shut her up with a kiss.
Valkyrie immediately melted between his arms, relaxing against his chest. She slid her arms around his shoulders, pushing a hand down his back only to feel the edge of his spine through the material of his t-shirt.
As their tongues crossed, this time, she was the one who released a small moan. That seemed to unleash something inside of him. There was something primal and hot in the way his grab around her became tighter.
Dean’s hands crossed her back, unconcerned by her sweaty skin, and wrapped around her waist, solidly holding her hips in his palms. His fingers were digging into her skin, filled with the soft edges of her curves. Without notice, he guided her to grind herself against him. Both released a moan.
She had never felt anything like it before. She knew desire. But she didn’t know what it meant to feel it like hunger. Like a painful ache to her core. She felt like she would have gone mad if she hadn’t found a way to satisfy her need right there and then. And he was the only one who could have helped. That only made her rub herself against him more.
One of Dean’s hands quickly followed her queue and grabbed her ass, giving her a strong squeeze, pushing her against himself in a way that made her core rub directly on the bulge in his jeans.
Another soft moan left her chest as a thick wave of pleasure crossed her.
It was unbelievable. She was already in shambles and they were only kissing.
This time, Dean’s lips weren’t as soft. His kiss was demanding and famished. And she was ready to match him because there was nothing else she desired more than being devoured by that man. She felt like she would have gone insane if she hadn’t given in to her desire. She had never wanted something as much as she wanted to be close to that man. It seemed ridiculous. It seemed like a joke. Like a mistake.
Gods, she desired him more than her own freedom.
That thought scared her and, at the same time, gave her new life altogether.
She broke their kiss again and, this time, she wrapped solidly a hand around his neck, making him listen to her. “I’ll give you tonight,” she whispered, trying to find some resolution, “tomorrow you’ll need to be gone.”
The way he was looking at her like she was something so precious. Like she was gold and he was a greedy dragon. “Be mine. Because I’m sure yours, angel.”
She nodded. It was as if they had just stipulated a promise. She would have thought about responsibilities, consequences and heartache the next day.
“Tell me what you need, baby girl.” He whispered on her skin, tracing her jawline with his lips all the way to her neck. 
“I need-” the kisses he started to place around her sensitive skin broke her train of thought, “I need you.”
“Tell me what you need me to do to you.” His deep voice vibrated through her skin, leaving her deeply shaken by a shiver crossing her back. “C’mon, don’t get all shy on me now.”
“I need you to fuck me,” she didn’t care about how explicit her words could be and he only seemed to like it.
He pulled away only enough to look her in the eye. “Do you need to have control, or do you need me to take care of you, baby girl?”
She was already nodding even before he stopped speaking. The pet’s name he decided to use for her was making her stomach curl in ways a simple word shouldn’t do. “I need you to make me forget everything else, can you do that for me, Dean?”
And he was ready to give her everything she had asked for.
Dean grabbed her hair and gave her a pull. Gentle enough not to be painful, but firm enough to have her lean her head and expose her neck completely to him. When he passed his tongue on her skin, from her collarbone to her ear, tasting her sweat in such a feral way. “God, you taste so good, angel.”
She jerked, trying her best to suffocate a moan, as she arched between his arms, giving him as much access as he needed.
"Do you intend to take me on this dirty floor, baby?" She wondered playfully, only because he didn't seem to have any intention whatsoever to let her go. Part of her was serious. She was so taken by the entire situation that she wouldn't have cared if he actually did decide to fuck her there and then.
He purred tracing a trail of kisses to her chin. "I'll fuck you whenever you want me to, angel." He looked up at her with utter devotion, "call me baby one more time and I'll do anything for you."
"You like that?" She wondered pecking at his lips. "Baby?"
He groaned, pulling her tighter into his lap. "I like it a lot." His head fell into her neck socket, as he assaulted her skin once more, this time, pushing himself all the way across her shoulder and chest, just under her collarbones.
Rolling her eyes to the ceiling, her gaze lazily crossed the black glass eye of a camera. She immediately froze. "Dean, there's a security camera."
"So?" The lack of fucks given by that man gave her a shiver. "I bet we could give them a show that they would remember for the rest of their life." Since he didn't even bother to stop nibbling on her chest, Valkyrie didn't know if he was joking or if he was serious.
She decided for him the moment his lips travelled too close to the helm of her sports top. Giving him a firm push, she escaped his hold, getting up.
"Or you could take me upstairs." She suggested, daring to smirk. The look he sent her from his kneeled position was sharp and determined. It was as if he had accepted a challenge, though she could only hope she understood the terms of it.
As soon as she turned to walk to the door, Dean grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, not letting her get away. Taking advantage of the camera blind spot.
She should have expected it, after all, she did challenge him. And maybe, part of her even wanted him to react that way. As if he was a famished wolf ready to attack his prey.
Dean suffocated anything she could start saying with a famished kiss. His hands were immediately all over her.
She welcomed him between her arms, wrapping them around his large shoulders. Unable to fight him off. His scent went to her brain and his ways just made her lose her mind.
"One word from you, and I'll stop, baby girl." He whispered close to her lips. His eyes crossed her face, as he left her space and time to object.
She didn't.
Valkyrie slid her fingers through his hair and leaned against the wall, in a submissive, encouraging pose. Gods, what was that man doing to her?
She would have let him do whatever he wanted to her.
It was as if she had spread fuel on fire. She recognised the exact moment Dean lost his mind and went completely feral.
"Such a good girl," he praised her with a kiss on the neck. As his voice spread through her skin, she replied with a small whimper, liking hearing him talking to her like that so much that she felt it deep inside her belly.
"Do you like being praised, angel?" He wondered, looking her in the eye as if he really wanted to see that same reaction again.
Valkyrie nodded. "By you? Yes." Batting her eyelashes, she slid her hands on his chest and pulled them down, across his abdomen, softly caressing him with her nails. On purpose, she pushed her fingertips to the edge of his jeans. And then moved back.
"Fuck-" he gasped, out of breath, leaning heavily against the wall, holding himself up with an arm.
Even though he appeared to like what she just did, he still grabbed her wrists in one hand and trapped them on top of her head, pinning her against the wall. Valkyrie gasped, surprised and excited, suddenly electrified by his move. His grip was soft but firm, and he pushed her arms high enough to bring her to stretch between him and the wall.
With his other hand, he held her steady by her hips. He dawned upon her, diving into another famished kiss. His demanding lips made her feel electric. Knowing how much he wanted her made her feel alive.
Dean pushed a leg between hers, encouraging her to spread her thighs for him with a nudge. She easily followed his queue, immediately rubbing herself against him, releasing a soft moan against his lips.
He traced the edge of her hip with his free hand and followed the outer side of her thigh. With a gentle nudge on her knee, he guided her to curl her leg around his hip, as he supported her with his own body. A moment later his hand was back on his hip, only so he could follow the helm of her gym trousers with his fingertips. His touch was so attentive it drove her insane, to the point she squirmed under him.
"Remember," he began breaking their kiss, looking down into her eyes but not looking for much more distance than that, "you can stop me any time, angel. Just say the word," he kissed her lips and chin, "but I'll reward you if you'll be a good girl for me."
She whimpered, answering him with a small nod.
Dean shook his head, forcing her to keep her focus on him. “Say it. Say you understand.”
“I understand.”
“Good girl.”
He then pushed his hand inside her trousers. His fingers easily found their way through her underwear right to her hot, drenched core.
“God, you’re so wet angel,” he groaned breathlessly, “is it all for me?”
She nodded, looking right into his eyes. She wasn’t shying away. On the contrary, she adored seeing him puff his chest with pure satisfaction, as his eye glimmered, still lit by the feral shade of his desire. And she wanted to remember it.
She wanted to remember it all.
“Fuck,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath, the moment Dean pushed his fingers through her wet folds. “This is so much better-” She had to force herself not to release a loud moan.
“Better than what, baby girl?” He wondered studying her features as pleasure bent them.
“Better than I imagined,” Valkyrie rolled her hips, rubbing herself on his hand, unable not to move, even when she was still pinned solidly by his hold, “when I touched myself.”
Dean choked on his own breath. “Did you touch yourself thinking about me?”
As she nodded, trying her best to keep quiet, Dean’s strength seemed to abandon him. “Oh, baby girl,” he released a groan, pressing his face against her neck, inhaling deeply her scent, “how many times?”
“Every night. I did it every night.”
“Darling,” he was in awe, and at the same time the look he sent her was guilty, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to take care of you.”
“Take care of me now, baby.”
His spirit bent under her request. Not that he needed her to ask him twice.
Dean’s touch was demanding but not as rude as she would have expected him to be. No, he seemed to know how to handle a woman. She wondered how many lovers he had in his past, to be as skilled.
And then, as anger grew inside of her, she quickly realised it was a thought she better forget. That wasn’t the time to be possessive; he didn’t belong to her.
He quickly stole every single one of her thoughts, as the pleasure started to grow inside of her. Her muscles tensed up as she stretched against him, trying desperately to find release. When she couldn’t control herself anymore, he suffocated her moans with kisses.
“C’mon baby girl, give it to me.” He encouraged her as she came, unravelling against him. This time it was she who dug her face against his neck, suffocating her cries on his skin and T-shirt material. “Such a good girl,” he kept praising her, guiding her through the violent waves of her orgasm.
She couldn’t think clearly. Her mind was clouded by the fog her orgasm had left behind. Just then, as she collapsed on him, Dean finally let her go, releasing her from his hold, only to guide her arms around his shoulders, so she could have something to hold onto. He kissed her temple, genuinely grateful.
When she caught her breath and was finally able to regain her motor functions, she looked back at him, offering a tired, satisfied smile. “Remind me why you didn’t do this to me the first night we met.”
“Because I am a damn son of a bitch.”
She nodded, agreeing with him, they both smiled, acting so sweetly, like nothing else in the world was a concern.
Dean leaned in kissing her softly.
“Now,” she wondered crossing his jaw with a soft caress of her fingertips, “can you take me upstairs?”
He nodded, happy to oblige.
They sneaked out of the gym and moved quietly through the silent hotel corridors.
She expected to be stopped, knowing they had just acted indecently in a public space, but she also couldn't care less. Her chest was so filled with adrenaline that she felt like she could have eaten the world.
Like teenagers, they stole each other kisses on the elevator and on the way to her room. And it was nice. It made her feel all fuzzy and warm, her heart was lighter, free. It made her feel like they were only regular people.
Once they got to her room, Valkyrie stood back, leaning by the door, watching Dean move inside her space. He curiously looked around, studying every detail of her room, hungry to discover everything she could consider personal.
Not that there was much around to find regardless. She rarely unpacked her bags and didn't own anything personal because she knew that like she arrived, one day she would have left and didn't like the idea of leaving stuff behind. Or getting attached.
Though, now, as Dean peeked in the opened bag in the corner, Valkyrie realised how terribly wrong she had always been.
Her chest ached at the idea that, regardless of her best efforts, she still managed to get attached to something, after all.
She moved closer to him and slid a hand on his shoulders. Like a hint he could not refuse, Dean turned towards her. They moved like they were made for each other, naturally attracted to embrace one another.
As soon as he faced her, Valkyrie wrapped her hands around his face. “Last chance.” She hinted with a quick nod. Dean looked above her head, in the direction of the door. The grin that grew on his lips, making his dimple pop, was as amused as ever. It was as if he liked the idea of challenging whatever ill fate she was promising.
“Angel, I’m already elbow-deep into this.” He grabbed her chin, making her lift her face and bend as he looked right into her eyes. He wasn’t much taller than her but Gods, she liked being handled by him. “You could tell me that you intend to slit my throat right after we're done as mantises do. I’d still fuck you with everything I’ve got and I’d die a happy man.”
His words hit a spot deep inside of her. There was something twisted and yet so beautiful in the way he spoke. Both so wild and violent and as soft as a promise. But besides his determination and courage, she now wanted to know more. Much, much more. With that, she was officially done trying to push him away.
“How would you like to fuck me?” She wondered, still hanging in his hold. 
Dean smiled at her; his dimples distracted her for a second. There it was, the smile of a hungry wolf. “Let me show you, baby girl.”
Part IV.
She had never known pleasure before. Nothing like what Dean offered her that night.
He was as skilled a lover as he was a fierce warrior. Unafraid and demanding. He could be selfish at times, but never as much as he was generous. His sole purpose was to satisfy her. His only goal was her pleasure.
Never once he had been afraid to be vocal with her. And she had more than one hint to know it drove him insane when she asked him to satisfy her desire in specific ways. And he was always happy to oblige.
He was able to be both gentle and rough.
Gods, it made her lose her mind when he looked at her devotedly, holding her tenderly. Still now, only remembering the look he would give her any time he nested between her thighs, with her legs thrown over his shoulders, pleasuring her with his mouth, gave her a shiver. It was as if his entire world rotated around her. As if he wasn't able to worship anything else as he did with her. Not even his battles.
It was intoxicating.
But not as much as it did when his hands became heavier and his thrusts deeper. Nothing could compare to the feeling of knowing he wanted to leave marks over her, branding her as his with scratches, bite marks and hickeys. Nothing was as ravaging as knowing she pushed him over the edge of insanity, enough so I'd lose control, becoming an animal.
And his stamina was enviable.
He quite literally lasted all night. And they hadn't given in. Not even a moment. They hadn't stopped a minute to catch their breaths, they hadn't wasted any time at all. And she was ready to match his seemingly limitless hunger with equal endurance.
Though now, she was completely satisfied and barely able to keep her eyes open. Every muscle in her body was relaxed, but she suspected she would have struggled to move later.
But that wasn't entirely Dean's fault.
A peaceful smile crossed her lips as she abandoned herself into Dean's arms under the shower. Her back was pressed against his chest as he held her exhausted body. The water was warm and welcomed as he took care of her, washing her hair and skin.
He was so strong, handling her like she weighed nothing wasn't a problem.
"Good?" He wondered, kissing her temple.
She had barely the strength to nod, reclining her head on his shoulder.
Dean brushed a smile on her cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were so tired."
"Don't be sorry," she whispered, running her hands over his arms that he had solidly wrapped around her, "I'm not sorry one bit."
"I bet you're not."
He turned off the shower and moved to get her a big towel to wrap her into, just so he could take her between his arms again. It was as if his own well-being wasn't important. Only hers.
Just after, making sure she could stand on her own, he then took a second to grab a towel for himself.
"Can you walk?" His voice was as soft as a lullaby.
Hearing it so close, so low and so intimately made her chest tremble. He was hers. All of him. Even if only for a bit. What they were sharing would have been something she carried with her forever.
"Angel?" As he called her back to reality, she didn't even realise she had drifted off.
"Sorry - uh, no." She simply said and not because it was true. Not entirely anyway. She felt like she could have walked on her own if she wanted, but why do that when Dean was more than ready to lift her between his arms?
He carried her back into the bedroom and to the bed, depositing her between the messy pillows and sheets. Just to follow her immediately back into bed.
She knew she should have told him to go. That was the moment she had tried to ignore. That was the sensible thing to do. And yet, snuggling against his chest, inside his welcoming arms, was way easier.
Dean kissed her forehead. "You have been so good to me, baby girl."
"I hope you're joking. When you give a woman the best sex of her life - especially someone like me, who's been around for a long time - you become the one who deserves a kiss on the forehead."
"Go on then." His chuckle gave her enough energy to push herself up, kissing him right between his pale eyebrows.
"There you go."
"Best sex of your life?" He wondered after a while with a cocky smile growing on his lips.
"Wouldn't have gone on as long as I did if it hadn't been so good. Freyr must have blessed you."
"Who's Frey?"
"Not Frey," she giggled, "Freyr." She made sure to let the name roll out of her mouth as clearly as she could.
"Ah- well, how's the guy?"
"He is my God of fertility and manhood."
"Shit. Thank you, angel, I'll take it as a compliment then."
"You should." She smiled proudly, pressing a kiss on his lips and then on his chin.
As she settled between his arms, silence fell between them as their intimacy grew.
There was no need for words and no space for timidity or pride, not after they spent the last few hours knowing each other’s bodies and respective sexual appetites. And especially knowing that it would have lasted only for a time and that time was quickly running out.
Valkyrie was trying her best not to notice how bright the sky outside her room window was becoming as sunrise approached. 
She tried to lock everything she had learned about him inside her memory, so as to keep it safe and warm, not accepting the idea of forgetting anything. Though the thought that she had only a few hours to know him for a lifetime was destructive and dangerous.
She wasn’t done. She would have never been done. If she had learned something from the few hours of bliss spent in his arms was that it wasn’t enough. And that deciding to cave, giving in to her desire to be as close to him as possible, had been the biggest mistake of her life.
It simply wasn’t fair.
Dean held her tight against his chest. A soft brush of his lips on her temple brought her back from her thoughts. “I’ve never asked you, what is your name?”
“My name?”
“Yeah.” His curiosity was soft and genuine and still hit her like a spear right through the heart.
Never, before that moment, she had thought something like her name was an important detail to share. With him or anyone else.
She had always been Valkyrie. At least, always since she had been trapped in that world by human hands. She was only known as Valkyrie as she fought. And she fought all the time.
Her name, like many things that came from before, was something she hadn’t thought about in a very, very long time. To the point it became a foggy memory, almost forgotten, unimportant. Like forgetting the flavour of your favourite dish from childhood or the smell of a particular place. It was like forgetting the name of someone else she used to know so well, someone who had to be left behind and now became only a reflection in a mirror.
“Eir.” She whispered, hesitating a moment before pushing out those words of a knowledge she didn’t even know she had left. Yet, knowing her name came back to her, as naturally as reciting a poem one once knew by heart.
“Eir,” Dean repeated after her, doing his best to imitate her accent letting the r at the end of her name roll on his tongue, “I like it.”
“Haven’t used it in a long time. Not sure I’m used to it anymore.”
“Would you mind if I used it?”
“No. You can use it,” she nodded looking up at him, “I do like it when you call me by pet names though.”
“Oh, that won’t change, angel, that won’t change.”
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thesamoanqueen · 10 months
Thoughts on Smackdown?
I don't understand why AJ went from a title match with Seth for the new title to a feud with Kross... who could, with a lot of effort, be a good midcarder, but isn't rightnow and therefore shouldn't even be sharing the ring with someone like AJ.
L.A. is a breath of fresh air honestly, big fan yeaaaaah!
The match between Santos and Rey, well... I'm still trying to figure out if Rey's injury is real or not, as two reputable online sources give opposite reports. If it's real, I can understand... if it's not, it's a shame because the match was not up to the two in the ring and the lucha libre they represent.
The womens tag match ha... im ready to say something unpopular but, I would have given space to someone else. If thats what you have for the women division, give the space to the men. I dont want it. The reason why the tag titles, women's and lately also men's, do not have a good reputation is for situations like this. I love all the women who have entered that ring, they're very good and they don't deserve a random match placed there without purpose and with that ending. Charlotte and Bianca are enemies, they shouldn't team up and if they do, not with that mood, it should have been a war. Sonya and Chelsea the champions, but in the ring they were two punching bags and I know, that there's a difference between them and their opponents, but that way it's shameful. Its a big no for me. Sorry, no. Thats not what the womens division deserve.
The match between Jey and Grayson was funny, not a lot BUT...
... as for the Bloodline. I liked the initial exchange between Roman and Jey, I liked that Roman managed to play his game but Jey still was able to hit him with the biggest shame he's feeling after three years. But Im disappointed they came to a physical fight because honestly, the idea that this match at Summerslam was something sacred for their dinasty in some way was driving feral. It was so good, so matching with their storyline, with them as Chief and Right Hands man... it was perfect in the first half. Also the second was not so bad, with Solo who replaced Roman, but then... I'm very critical with them, even if they're my favorites, I'm more hard with them then with the others. That ending was powerful, but maybe it just wasn't right for their feud. But I trust them, they have done an cinematic work with this storyline so, I want to believe in them and what will come next.
I'm very interested in the Jimmy topic. Because both Roman and Jey, keep talking about him, giving different versions and I'm sure he'll come back to Summerslam, so we'll see what will happen that night.
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If I Don't Have You
Fandom: WWE, RPF, World Wrestling Entertainment
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Dean Ambrose
Characters: Seth Rollins, Bianca Belair, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns
Word Count: 1180 // Rating: Mature
Summary: It's discharge day but Dean isn't ready
Tags/ Warnings: Mentions of Injury, Mentions of Suicide, Self Harm, Attempted Suicide, Love, Realisation of Foolings, Arguing, Psych Ward, Requests, Requested Fic, I dont know shit about wwe so if theyre meant to be their proper names forgive me, doctor/patient relationship,
Notes: working my way through requests
Updated 8/23
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REQUEST - LuckyLucy92 
omggg, thank you VERY much for letting me know that, so can I possibly request a fic of the WWE? If so then please make it about Dean Ambrose driving home drunk after a party with his best friend, Roman Reigns, when his girlfriend, Bianca Belair, dares him to, but they end up getting into a car accident, which leaves his dear friend in a coma and he tries to commit suicide, but luckily fails and ends up in a psych ward where he meets a doctor, Seth Rollins, who he clashes with at first, but eventually falls madly in love with him, though. Also, Roman wakes up eventually. And don't worry, anything is good enough for me, lol
‘Good news,’ Seth said as he scanned through the chart in front of him, ‘I think today’s the day.’
‘What?’ Dean asked running a hand down his beard nervously. They were sitting in a room that had become all too familiar to him and though his eyes were roving over a face he had seen so much of in the past few months it felt alien. 
‘I think you’re well enough to be discharged,’ Seth said.
‘But-’ Dean started to protest but Seth shook his head silencing him. 
‘I know it’s not going to be easy,’ Seth said, ‘but you’ve come a long way since-’
‘Since I tried to off myself you mean?’ he said challengingly. Seth sighed and placed the chart on his lap. He was his doctor. A medical professional but he had to admit that the patient in front of him was a lot more than that. And even if he didn't say it out loud there was definitely a significant tug on his heartstrings at that last question.
Seth remembered that day. It had been a normal one up until that point. The psychiatric facility he was the head of consisted of 30 private rooms, a few common areas and offices. It was the go-to destination for anyone with psychiatric problems, though it was mainly focused on catering to the rich and famous. 
He was headed back to his office. He had just led a group therapy session in one of the lounges and he was headed down a long corridor towards his office and he had just gotten past the nurse's station and was turning into a new corridor when he heard it. A faint whimper. He stopped his tracks, his ears trained on where it was coming from. There were no bedrooms on this side of the building. No common rooms. It was offices and supply cupboards mostly. And more importantly, there should be very few people around. 
As he heard the noise again he walked towards a supply closet which to his surprise he found unlocked. That was unusual. Slipping inside he was confronted with shelves on each wall filled with linen and general bedroom items and there on the floor was a man. One of his patients. Dean. He was sitting against the shelving his head resting back against it with his eyes closed, but the scene wasn’t an innocent one. Blood pooled around his wrists seeping into his clothing and the floor around him. He looked deathly pale and his eyes remained closed even though Seth had surely disturbed him. Without a second thought, he leapt into action, shouting for anyone to come and help him whilst he knelt down beside him and tried to stem the bleeding. This was the only time Dean opened his eyes. 
‘It’s okay,’ Seth said, ‘we’re gonna help you. CAN I GET SOME HELP IN HERE!!’ 
‘Don’t bother,’ Dean said with a weak smile, ‘it’s all my fault.’ 
‘I’ve told you before trying to use shock factor doesn’t work with me you know,’ Seth said, ‘and I’m perfectly aware of what happened. I was there, remember?’ 
‘Yeah, I remember,’ Dean grumbled.
‘I know it’s going to be a lot the first few days but I think you’re ready.’
‘What if I can’t cope?’ he asked. 
‘Then you ask for help. You’ll still be my, I mean, our patient when you’re in the community. And there’s plenty of support networks out there.’ 
‘I get that,’ Dean said, ‘I do…but I haven’t been home in six months. Since before…’
He wanted to say it. He wanted to say the words. But he couldn’t. He hadn’t been home in six months. Since the crash. He had spent every second after it at his best friend’s bedside willing him to get well. He’d spiralled into a deep depression the more it appeared he wasn’t going to get better. 
‘Oh don’t be such a pussy,’ Bianca said throwing the keys into Dean’s hand. 
‘I don’t know B,’ Dean said standing at the driver's side door. She and Roman stood on the other side. They had just left a party and though he was far from sober he was the most sober of the three of them. 
‘Come on man,’ Roman said, ‘it’s like a five-minute drive away. It’ll be fine.’ 
‘Yeah, I dare ya,’ Bianca said flicking her long plait behind her and raising an eyebrow. 
‘Fine,’ Dean said. Dean had climbed in, still not thoroughly convinced he should be doing so, but nevertheless, he started up the car and set off. They were two minutes from Bianca’s. The car was thumping music and the three of them sang along, though it seemed more like wailing as they were so drunk. 
‘Hey I wanna pick the next song,’ Bianca said leaning forward to grab Dean’s phone from its holder. 
‘Nah,’ Dean chuckled, ‘driver pick’s the music.’
‘Tough,’ Bianca said leaning forward and grabbing it out of its holder as Dean’s large hand tried to nab it off of her. He took his mind and eyes off the road for one second, two tops. And the next thing he knew the car was rolling. Roman had been hit dead on and the car had jolted flipping over on itself as metal and glass crumbled around them. Dean had lost consciousness. 
The next thing he recalled was sitting in a hospital emergency room. He was screaming at the doctors to tell him what had happened to his friends but they weren’t saying a word. Instead, they tried to calm him down, and work on his cuts and bruises until finally, they let him out ready to be questioned by police. 
‘A lot’s changed since then,’ Seth said. It was true. Since he had been admitted under police order post his DUI Dean had come on a lot. Seth had helped him see that whilst his actions had been careless, stupid even, it didn’t mean he was an inherently bad person. He clearly showed remorse. He clearly cared about Roman who had thankfully come out of his coma a few weeks previous. He’d overcome a lot. But it wasn’t just that. Seth’s feelings towards the other gentleman were different too. Though he knew he couldn’t act on it. He knew they couldn’t be anything more than patient and doctor. 
‘Yeah,’ Dean said.  He wanted to say something snarky but he couldn’t. Not really. Dr Rollins had done an excellent job. Not only had he saved his life but he had made him see that he wasn’t to blame. Well, not entirely. He’d also made him feel a lot differently too. They hadn’t been the best of friends in those first few weeks. In fact, when he tried to end everything he had been downright livid that this man would even think to try and rescue him but he forgave him soon after. As their one-on-one sessions got more frequent so did the amount of time Dean spent thinking about him. If he was honest that was one of the main reasons he didn’t want to leave. He wouldn’t get to see him. 
‘But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing,’ Seth said. 
‘It’s not all bad…’ Dean said, ‘but it doesn't mean it’s good either.’
‘What do you mean?’ Seth said leaning in towards him. Dean dropped his gaze to his lap suddenly self-conscious. 
‘I mean I recovered but Roman still has a hell of a way to go.’
‘But he’s making progress. One step at a time. Just as you did,’ Seth said. 
‘I’ll be going back to public life,’ he said, ‘all the news stories and what not.’ 
‘People are going to speculate no matter what happens. It’s best to avoid that otherwise…’
‘What I’ll go crazy?’ Dean chuckled, ‘too late for that doc.’
‘Is that all that’s worrying you?’ Seth asked. He was a little self-conscious now. Wondering if there was going to be a backhanded compliment inside the man’s thoughts. He knew it was totally self-indulgent and completely out of order but still, he hoped. 
‘No,’ Dean said. 
‘What is?’ Seth said urging him to continue. 
‘That,’ Dean said looking him square in the eye now, ‘that I won’t have you.’
‘Dean,’ Seth said sympathetically. He didn’t have to look at him to know that his tone meant something different than his words. 
‘Don’t,’ Dean said. He stood up now but Seth stayed glued to his chair unable to move, ‘because I already know that you’re going to miss me too.’ 
And with that, he left the room too quickly for Seth to comprehend what had just happened. Instead, he sat there dumbstruck. Trying to figure out what he should do.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Word Search Round X
And it goes on and on and on, so we are continuing to play :D
Once again we are doing a word search, as @mikaharuka tagged me! :D
The words they've given me are:
familiar, lantern, seize, impossible, forest, abandon, elegant, steam, sacrifice, trace
Now, as always, I will start with giving you guys 5 words - and I will only give you 5, because we all know you are probably double and triple tagged. Oh, and who is tagged? Well, @udaberriwrites @tsunderewatermelon @axolotlsupremacyowo @0nelittlebirdtoldme and once more right back at @mikaharuka (muhahaha).
edge, scar, surface, glitter, depth
So, let me start!
[From Underneath a Clear Winter Sky]
“I am sorry,” she whispered. “I am sorry I got you into so much trouble. Maybe it is better…”
“No.” He knew he was an idiot. “No. I…” He could not speak, really, but wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Because holding another person close did feel good. Especially her. Her smell only slowly getting familiar to him.
In the end she broke away from him, going over to his bed and finding the t-shirt he was normally wearing to sleep. As she handed it to him, she sighed. “Lie down.”
Pulling the shirt over his head, he did as he was told. Lying down, while she sat on the edge of the bed. In a slow and careful motion, she bit her wrist, offering it to him silently.
He understood. Vampire blood to humans had some healing properties. It would also make him just a bit more resilient for a few days at least. Something offered only rarely. “Thank you,” he whispered and took her wrist, though the very human part of his did want to reject the offer. He swallowed one gulp. Two. Vampire blood being more sweetly-salty than bitter. It did feel his body with a strange tingle.
[From The lesser Evil]
"I am so glad those beasts are finally leaving," one guard said to another by the gates.
"You tell me about it," his colleague muttered and yawned.
Striga shifted her attention to another duo of guards in the lower courtyard, walking with two lanterns held high. "Have you heard, what they said?"
"What do you mean?" The second man sounded mostly annoyed, as if he really did not care much for a talk.
"They say that those people had actually killed him, killed Bluebeard."
"Well, the guy seemed to be doing fine, when he left today."
"Isn't that weird, though? I mean, if they had really killed him…"
"They clearly didn't. People are talking, man. Just stupid stories. Don't listen too much." The man accelerated his pace as if to stop the conversation with this.
[From The lesser Evil]
"The poor people of Wallachia have suffered so greatly under Dracula's attack," Corvinus continued. "So many dead. So many starved. And now they are being governed by the godless people from the East. Those filthy Ottoman's." He spat out the name of that empire. "Even though the good people of Wallachia deserve peace, as you've said. They should be freed, should they not?"
Adrian hesitated. It was of course the story under which's guise they had even gotten to the court in the first place. The truth was, of course, that Ottoman rule was as good as any. To the people it did not really make a difference, especially as the Ottoman's had not really fought for the land, had just seized it, as there had been no one left to defend it. "I suppose," he still said.
A smile played around the king's lips. "I don't think the campaign against their 'Holy Roman Empire' will take too long. By the end of winter, Austria-Hungary will be reunited. I was thinking, we could indeed help you afterwards. Help you to retake the land of Wallachia. You see, King Radu had been a close friend of mine, may he rest in peace. And without barely anyone of noble blood remaining in Wallachia… The land needs a king, don't you think?"
[From Underneath a Clear Winter Sky]
He did not know how long he slept. At least not at first. As the room was only lit by a soft light on the nightstand, it was impossible to tell, whether the sun was still up outside. Still half asleep he wanted to grab his phone, only to find that Lenore was between him and the nightstand.
She looked at him, her eyes wide awake. "I guess 'good morning' is the wrong word," she said.
He blinked, before slowly nodding. "How late is it?"
"Half past two," she replied. "In the afternoon." She ran her fingers through his hair, as she clearly liked to do. "You needed the rest."
"I guess." He rubbed his eyes, still feeling as if he could sleep for a few more hours. Without thinking about it much, he cuddled up to her - and she allowed it, putting her arms around him once again. If he had a choice in the matter, he would just stay here with her like this. Just in this bed, in this house, away from Carmilla, away from everything out there.
[From The lesser Evil]
The big lady had come for them, clearly against the wishes of her wife. The big lady had freed them, saved their asses. Without her, that much he knew for certain, Adrian would be dead. They all might be dead by now. But why? Why? Why would a vampire save them?
He finished his meat, feeling as hungry as he had before. They had not gotten around to refilling their supplies, so there was no bread or cheese or anything but that dried meat. It was enough to give them energy, he guessed, but admittedly he had become accustumed to something better during those last two years.
With a big yawn he got up. "I'm… gonna relief myself," he muttered, as he went over to the forest. He needed to pee—and he would prefer to do it somewhere not watched by several vampires.
Even though his instincts still told him, it was not a great idea to just go into the forest alone, when any vampire could follow.
This really was bullshit. Fucking bullshit. He found a good tree to pee against, his nerves still on edge. When he had finished his business, he just stood there by the tree, breathing in the night air.
[From The lesser Evil]
He had to do something, anything to save her. She had not deserved this fate. Never had. It had all been so unjust and he could not help but hate each and everyone responsible. That fake English king, the bishop, the popes—all three of them—and Charles, the king he had helped put on the throne. That stupid, useless king who would've been able to save her and had not.
"Gilles," she screamed out once more. "Why did you do it? Why did you turn your back on me?"
"I didn't!" he protested. "I would never have! I did everything I could, I…" But he had not, had he. At least he could've tried to save her that day in Rouen, even if it had only meant his death to come nine years early.
"You did. You turned your back on God and therefore on me."
"God has abandoned you!" He could not hide the hatred in his voice. "God has abandoned you, has abandoned us all."
"God has a plan for all of us."
"Well, then," he growled. "Then he has to have planned this out from the start, hasn't he." But he would no longer be a pawn. Not of a king, not of a bishop, not even of God. He had chosen his own path—and he had become more powerful through it. He would show them all how weak God had become and how corrupt its church with its many wrong popes.
[From Underneath a Clear Winter Sky]
"Hector?" There was already worry in her voice. "Is everything alright?"
And no matter how Carmilla stared at him, a silent promise in her gaze, he could not help himself. "I am at Carmilla's," he panted. "I think she is going to kill me."
"You fucking little piece of shit."
This time he saw it coming, somehow - less then elegant - moving a bit aside, just enough so that the iron burned his leg. It was only a small victory, though - and he was still screaming. For a moment he might've blacked out, as the next thing he knew what that he was once more hearing Lenore's voice, this time arguing with Carmilla.
[From Underneath a Clear Winter Sky]
The entire house was completely dark, of course. As sunlight was one of the few things to actually kill a vampire. As such the sun outside blinded him, when he stepped out - once he was closed.
While the ocean or rather the giant Loch did regulate the temperature a bit, it still felt rather chilly this day. Leaning against the door, he drew in some smoke or steam from the electrical dispenser, still missing the taste of an actual cigarette.
This was a pretty nice place, he assumed. Given that he lived in Edinburgh he was used to seeing a lot of water, but the Loch still had a strange and calming aura. Seagulls being the strange creatures they tended to be, quite a few of them were still or again here, sitting on wooden poles on the loch and flying to the air while screaching their ear piercing screams.
[From The lesser Evil]
"Maybe we have a chance if we talk to the king," Adrian said. "There might be a way to reason with him."
"Have you heard those fuckers?" Trevor grunted. "They are almost certain that this is some godly shitfuckery going on." Whoever could see those demons and think "yeah, totally heavenly". Those things stank of hell for heaven's sake!
"They don't understand, Trevor," Sypha said. "They are trying to make sense out of everything that has happened."
"By hosting demons!" He crossed his arms. "Look. I am just saying, that the king has sacrificed the entire bloody city."
"And he did not know the people would die."
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teabights · 1 year
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I posted 7,189 times in 2022
That's 5,767 more posts than 2021!
184 posts created (3%)
7,005 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 311 of my posts in 2022
#joseph quinn - 66 posts
#joe keery - 33 posts
#teabights - 26 posts
#joseph quinn fanfiction - 17 posts
#eddie munson - 16 posts
#baby girl - 14 posts
#joseph quinn fan fic - 12 posts
#i love him - 12 posts
#joseph quinn fic - 11 posts
#please - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#the way jamie is like squatting is so cute and only helps prove how tiny joe is
My Top Posts in 2022:
Summary: it was inspired by this tiktok audio its just a small blurb
Warning: minor panick attack, smoking
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You can hear the sound of the rain hitting the window. It was driving you insane. It keeps you awake. You get up out of your bed. You move out of your room, rubbing your eyes. You see your best friend on the couch already, holding a cup of what you hope of decaf tea or hot chocolate. You sit down next to him.
"Rain driving you insane?" Joseph asks.
"It's coming down hard. Why are you up?" You ask. "It's 5am."
"I have a lot of things on my mind." He says.
"Like?" Your eyebrow raises at your best friend. You start to notice the dark circles around his eyes and the slight bag under them. His eyes are red and showing signs of tiredness. He never got any sleep. He hasn't slept yet.
"I don't know what your favorite shade green is and that's freaking me out right now. I don't know what your favorite font is. I don't know what surface you prefer riding your bike over. Cobblestone, fresh asphalt, are you a fine gravel in the woods kind of person." He says softly.
"Joseph." Your hand rests on his knee. "Go get some sleep." Your words are soft.
"What's the worst haircut you ever got as a kid and why isn't that picture in my phone? Which historical time period would you visit if you could time travel? Fuck, I don't even know if you want to time travel. I don't know your favorite super power." Joseph continues on the rant.
"Joey, go sleep." You try to encourage.
"I can't. I can't get you out of my head." He informs you.
If you answer these questions, maybe he'll sleep. You take a breath before starting. "Mint green. Times New Roman. Fresh Asphalt. I was in second grade and my mom gave me a bowl cut. I would visit the Viking era. Magneto's powers would be cool." You hope that was enough to put the man out.
"Magneto? Really?" He asks.
"Yeah, to be able to control metal, sick." You say with a smile.
He finishes his drink, hot chocolate. "I am going to go lay down."
"Do you want me to join you?" You ask, more for your own sake. There have been plenty of times where you two shared a bed.
"I-i think I am good." He says, clear exhaustion is huffed out as he stands up.
"Okay." You say softly.
He walks himself to bed. You sit there and run a hand through your hair. You think of his demanding questions. You get up from your spot and walk down the hall. You peek into his room, hearing him snore. He is out. You walk to your room. You climb back into bed, trying to sleep more.
The time ticked from 5am to 7am, you slept until 6:30. You get up from your bed. You move yourself down the hall, holding your phone. You peek into Joseph's room again, his snores were louder. He definitely is in a deep sleep. You walk into his room. You slide into bed next to him. Your arm moves to hook around him. You push your face against his back. Your eyes close and you breathe in his scent. You end up asleep.
You wake up around noon. Joseph isn't in bed. You only remember vaguely falling asleep in his bed. You move out of the bed. You walk yourself into the kitchen, yawning a little.
"Good morning." He says softly.
"Hey." You start to fix yourself a cup of coffee.
"Thanks for uh, the snuggle. It helped calm my thoughts." He says.
"No problem. My brain was loud last night." You say.
"Rain?" His word is simple.
"Uh, yeah." You say that sounds like the obvious logical answer.
You sip your coffee as you move to grab a cigarette out of the container on the table and the lighter. You put the cigarette between your lips and walk out to the balcony. You put your coffee on the table out there. You light your cigarette first then pick up your coffee. You take a long drag before blowing it out then take a sip of coffee. You sit on the little cool cement. Everything was still slightly damp for the storm. You look back at the house as you take a drag. You look out at the view as you blow the smoke out. You feel tears start to prick at your eyes. You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. You take a sip of coffee after. Soon the tears start streaming down your face as you start to cry.
See the full post
372 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Ready To Make Some Magic?
Summary: You and Joseph kinda hate each other, but will a certain scene change that for you guys ?
Warning: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI (dom!reader x sub!joseph quinn)
AN: this started out with a tiktok inspiration and apparently i just got too !!! While writing it so. If you dont like then sorry
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You curse as you hold the cigarette in your mouth. You dig in your pockets, trying to find the lighter that wasn't there. You roll your eyes as you glance over at Joseph who was standing a few feet away, texting on his stupid phone, with a lit cigarette hanging out of his lips. You walk over to your co-star and stand in front of him.
"Quinn, can I bum a light?" You ask, taking the cigarette out of your lips.
"What? You brought a whole pack of cigarettes and no lighter? Left your head at home today?" His words are like fire to your ears.
"Listen, I am having a hard day. Can you stop being an ass and light my cigarette?" You ask him in one last attempt before you are ready to just go without a cigarette.
"Yeah, whatever." He says.
You put the cigarette back between your lips and instead of pulling out a lighter, Joe pulls his cigarette out from his lips, singeing the end of your cigarette with his own cherried cigarette. You inhale it and make it light. He pulls his cigarette back, placing it between his lips again. That pulls a weird turn in your stomach. It was awfully sensual for no reason.
"Are you going to be able to focus now?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, cheers." You say as you feel a blush creep on your face, letting out a little smoke.
You walk back over to where you originally were, just to help hide your face from him.
"Oh, now that you got your light, you hate me again?" He jokes.
"I don't hate you, Quinn." You speak out the lie. You think you love him?
"That's news to me. When did you start liking me?" He raises an eyebrow at you.
"Uh, I think you've become more bearable to be around, not necessarily like you." You say.
"Ah, sure love." He says with a wink.
Joe finishes his cigarette, tossing the butt to the ground, and stomping it out. He walks across and gazes at you. You see him eyeing you up. Your cheek flush again as you focus on your cigarette. After your cigarette, you find your way back to the main set. Your eyes watching the scene going. Joseph is not missing a beat. His lines come flowing out of his lip so perfectly. You are so amazed that he was just that good. You sit in your little chair. He catches you staring at him, giving you a little wink, which makes your cheeks heat up yet again. He continues with the speech about love to the other character. Wait… does he feel the same way? The scene ends and they stay still in their spots. The director goes over the scene and dismisses them from the scene.
“Okay, y/n, get in there. You feeling better now?” the director asks.
“Yes, I am sorry.” You say as you get on the set.
You do your whole solo scene, not noticing that Joseph was watching the entire time. He was always amazed by your acting, just like you are of him. He thought you are one of the best actors that he’s ever worked with, even on your off day. You walk off of set after the director yells cut. They talk to you for a brief moment before dismissing you. You walk over to sit in your little chair again.
“You’re so brilliant.” Joseph says from his chair.
“What?” You ask.
“You are so good at this. You know how to capture people into the scene. I felt like I was right there with you, feeling everything you felt.” He responds to you.
“Uh, thank you. You are pretty good too. You make it look so easy.” You say as you pull your phone from the pouch on your chair.
“Thank you.” Joseph says. “Hey, there is a little club near my apartment, do you want to go tonight at like 9?”
“Uh… who else is going?” You ask.
“Probably some crew members…” He responds, lying to her.
“Okay, yeah, I’ll see how I feel.” You say.
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378 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Sick Proposal
Summary: Reader is sick and Joseph is on Jimmy Fallon that night.
Warning: fluff
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Wrapping your blanket around yourself tightly, you watch the screen of the live viewing of your boyfriend's talk show interview.
"Joseph Quinn everyone!" Jimmy Fallon says loudly and the cheers are so loud.
The cheers die down and Joseph speaks. "Hi Jimmy."
"Hey man, how have you been since last time you were here?" Jimmy asks.
"Uh, could be better. My girl is stuck in bed, sicker than a dog." Joseph says.
"What? Girl?" Jimny says.
You see Joseph’s face lights up. "Yeah, she's got bad allergies right now, which is the worst because she gets whiney because she doesn't get sick that often. So, I was about to board my plane and she calls and goes "Joooey!" She calls me Joey the most, especially when she's sick." His face flushes.
"Was she okay?" Jimmy asks.
"She just told me that she hopes I get home soon. I had to tell her first thing in the morning, I will be on my way home." Joseph informs.
"How long have you two been going out?" Jimmy asks.
"Two years…" Cheers fill the room and he'e cheesin'. "Yeah, she's great. She runs lines with me. She's a high school theatre teacher, so she always asks for my help with her plays and stuff."
"That's very cool!" Jimmy's lips are in a smile.
The rest of the interview goes on. You still feel bad, but you think it's cute that he talked about. You watch them go to commercial after Jimmy thanks him for coming out. You grab your phone and wait a couple of minutes and call Joseph.
"Joeeeeey." You say with a smile.
"Hi darling. Did you like the interview? Was that okay?" He asks and you can hear the worry in his voice.
"Joey, I don't care what or who you tell people. I just wanted to let you know that the navy was a better choice than the emerald." You say.
You two had an in depth conversation about the suits Gucci was lending him. He thought the navy was more classic, but the emerald was more fun. You said that he's worn navy the most in interviews and they compliment his eyes better. He agreed with you.
"Yeah, I am glad you thought I looked good." Joseph says with a laugh.
"You could wear a brown paper bag and I'd think that you are so hot." You say.
"That’s not true, you've called my brown suits paper bags before and commented on how much you despised them." He says with a laugh.
"I just don't like brown, but you look so good in brown. It's hard." You say with a chuckle.
"Baby, they wanna do a few press photos and then I can slip on to the hotel room. I'll talk to you later. Go check the freezer. I love you." He says.
"Okay, I love you." You say then hang up.
You pull the blanket around your body nice and snug after you get up. You walk to the kitchen and open the freezer. He had gotten your favorite ice cream because he knew that'll help freeze out that small fever you have. You pick it up, closing the freezer. You find a spoon and sit back down in the same spot. You dig into your ice cream, eating a little bit more of it then you intended. You get up from the couch and put the ice cream in the freezer. You toss the spoon in the sink. Within moments you curl up in bed, your phone in your grips. Joseph calls you about five minutes later.
"You're so sweet." You say as you answer the phone.
"How are you feeling babe? Have you taken anything?" He asks.
"Uh, I just took some medicine." You lie, but it's not that big of a deal, you'll take some before going to sleep. "I am feeling a little better. I am finally getting breathing in my nose. I feel so gross being a mouth breather."
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430 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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716 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I know everyone writes Eddie as a dom, but like HES SO SUBBY UGH
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2,055 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
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romanstheory · 2 years
Simply Meant To Be Part Three
Characters : Roman Reigns, Nala (reader), Violet, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Naomi
Warnings : Smut, Heavy Makeout, Fluff, Alcohol, Visuals
Word count : 1,365
18 +
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The three of us head to the beach once Violet is up from her nap. "Are you ready to play in the sand baby?" Roman asks her. "Yes!" Violet yells in the back seat. There was something so familiar about this situation to me. It felt right, like everything was aligned the way it was supposed to be. My curls blow in the wind as we approach the beach and exit the car. "You were right, there's like nobody here" I say to Roman as the three of us settle in a spot and walk Violet over to the water. She plays and splashes in the water as Roman and I play along. We spend hours at the beach, and head back to the house for dinner. Roman plops down on the sofa with a beer while I begin cooking steak for dinner. "How about you come in here and help me" I say cutting vegetables. "There's lots of food that needs to be made before everyone comes over". Roman gets up to come and help me. "Here, you cut these veggies and I'll start the steaks" I say handing Roman a knife.
"It'll be nice to see the boys, we've spent the last few years traveling together all the time. It's kind of weird not seeing them the passed few days" Roman says chopping the veggies. "Yeah, it's just weird because I talk to Naomi every day but we haven't talked since Vince sent us here" I say seasoning the steaks. "Jey is bringing his wife, isn't he?". Roman nods at me with a side smirk. I've never met her, but i've heard amazing things. I'm excited but I feel like it may be a little awkward because the four of them are married, and Roman and I aren't even dating. I let out a small sigh as we finish up dinner just in time for there to be a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I say making my way to the door. "Heeeyyyyy!!!!" Naomi yells, holding my favorite wine in her hands.
I pull her into a tight hug and invite everyone in. "It smells good as hell in here" Jimmy says. "Hi guys!!" Violet says running out of the room. Everyone exchanges hugs, and settles at the dinner table. "This looks amazing" Jey's wife says. "Thank you!" I say with a smile. Everyone begins eating, making small talk as we eat. "So, are you guys dating?" Jey's wife asks curiously. Roman and I awkwardly look at each other, and Naomi chokes on her wine. "Babe..." Jey says looking over at her. Jimmy makes an awkward face and takes a big gulp of his wine. "Um, no we aren't. We were sent here to 'get to know each other' by Vince so that we mesh well for our upcoming events" I say chugging down the entirety of my wine. "I didn't mean to make things awkward, you two just seem like you got something going on" She says before taking a bite of her steak.
Roman curls his lip up "Yeah, we're just.... Here" He says awkwardly. "No daddy likes Nala, I can tell. I like her too" Violet says from the opposite end of the table with a smile. Everyone swings their heads to look at the two of us. I am not one to be embarrassed easily, but man this was so embarrassing. We already had that kiss in the pool, and I really am starting to like him. I would rather take a chest chop from The Big Show than deal with this situation right now. In order to deal with the awkward situation at hand, I pour myself more wine. "Pour me some too" Roman says. "Sooooo let's talk about how amazing this tag match is going to be once you two come back!" Naomi says, trying to redirect everyone's attention.
We finish dinner, clean up, and Roman gets Violet to bed. I've had a little too much wine, and I can tell Roman is tipsy after having another glass after putting Violet to bed. "So, do you think there's any truth to what Jey's wife was saying earlier" Roman says leaned over the kitchen counter. "What do you mean?" I ask, avoiding the question. "Is there something going on?" Roman responds. "I don't know" I say quietly. "I think you do, but you're trying to protect yourself" Roman responds getting closer to me. He was right,I am trying to protect myself. He's making it extremely hard to do though. "I like you Nala, a lot" Roman says, his voice just did something to me. "I like you too, I'm just scared" I respond softly again.
Roman softly grabs my small waist, and bends down to kiss my lips. I stand on my toes, and wrap my arms around his neck. Our lips lock and twirl around each other, and Roman's hands trail down to my thick ass.
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I feel the way I did in the pool the other day, like I just can't control myself. His big hands hold and cuff my thick ass while our tongues explore each other once again. This time I didn't want to stop, I wanted to go all the way, and I knew he did too. I put my hand under his shirt, rubbing his abs up and down. My body was full of lust already, I was ready for what ever he wanted to do with my body. I can feel his member stiffing up, rubbing against my abdomen. "I want you so bad" Roman says in a low lust filled voice. "Take me then" I say softly.
That was enough for Roman, he unbuckles his pants and kicks them off to the side. I lift my tight shirt up, and kick my thong off. I pull my shirt down, exposing my perky breasts and Roman grabs me by the waist lifting me up on the counter. "Lean back" He says. I do as he says, eager with anticipation of what's next. Roman leans in, immediately licking and teasing my throbbing vagina. I gasp immediately "Roman" I say out of shock. He twirls and rolls his tongue against my swollen clit, never breaking eye contact with me. It sort of looked like when a lion is drinking water and looking at their prey.
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He continued to swirl and suck until I was almost at my breaking point. He sits up, licks his lips and looks at me with dark lustful eyes. "Are you ready?" His voice rumbles through my body. I nod in anticipation of him filling me up with all of himself. Roman slowly pushes himself into me, immediately driving me crazy.
I cover my own mouth to avoid waking Violet up, but the sound of my moans still escape my hands. He strokes long and passionate, like he had been waiting for this very moment. "You're so wet" He grumbles "All for you" I say lustfully. Roman Continues to please me and bends down to plant another passionate kiss on my lips. "Fuck you're so sexy Nala" Roman says into my lips. The pleasure begins building inside of me the way it was before. "Mhh" Roman groans "I'm almost there, but I want you to cum for me first" Roman's strokes begin getting faster and harder, hitting my G Spot perfectly. With a few more strokes, I begin to feel my vagina pulsate and release sweet cream all over Roman's length. "Fuck fuck fuck oh my god!" I yell. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Roman pulls out of me, and drops his load onto my thick thighs. He grabs a nearby hand towel and cleans me off.
He helps me sit up, and stares at me for a second. "That was amazing" He says just above a whisper. I can't lie, I wanted more of him..... Hell I wanted all of him. How did we go from strangers to having sex on a kitchen counter in a place our boss forced us to go to make his marketing scheme go better? I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but I like it a lot.
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You got a name?
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‘You seem like an interesting individual with good music taste for blasting RAIN by Ben Platt in the middle of the night’
AU August
Day/Prompt: Day 1 - Coffee shop
Ship: Pre-prinxiety, platonic royality
Word count: 1244
Cw: swearing / food mention
Virgil has been working on this particular coffee shop for three years now and never has been assigned to the night shift. Unfortunately, with the loss of a few of their employees due to a new coffee shop opening that happens to be near where they all live, he had to be moved to the night shift. It didn’t matter if the other shop was nearer and that he has to prepare for a lot of caffeine to intake.
When he first got to this job as a barista three years ago, it took him a long time to adjust to the other employees, the regular customers, the route to the shop, and the environment. He isn’t going to do that again if not necessary.
He already knew a few of the employees in the night shift cuz’ he was always the last one at the shop and they always met at the end of the day to inform them if there were any deliveries or important memos(and sometimes gossip about the regulars).
It was Virgil’s first day on the night shift and he is currently on an empty bus, listening to one of his playlists. He wanted to get some rest earlier to prevent intaking much more caffeine than he needed. He liked to pretend that he did get some rest and, not ended up endlessly scrolling and indecisively changing the appearance of his Tumblr blog.
When he arrived, he saw his co-worker, Janus, cleaning up the counter and preparing his stuff to end his shift. There was a small exchange between the two before Virgil fully settled in behind the counter, waiting for his other co-workers to come in. Eventually, Patton came in causing the bell on the door to ring, catching Virgil’s attention. “Good evening, Virgil!” Patton cheered as he skipped to the back, passing Virgil, to drop his stuff.
The two conversed for a while, with a customer or two coming in every once in a while. After an hour or so, Patton excused himself to sort out the delivery the shop received earlier. He also informed Virgil that if a person named Roman comes in, just tell him that Patton is at the back and just let him through. Virgil was worried they were letting random people inside, but Patton had been on the night shift for as long as he was on the day shift so, he just nodded at Patton’s request.
After a few customers, Virgil decides to make himself a drink. While his back was facing the shop’s entrance, he heard the bell by the door, signaling that a person had entered the shop. “I’ll be with you in a sec,” Virgil stated, still not facing the person.
Roman has been friends with Patton ever since they were in kindergarten and even though he wouldn't exactly trust the man with his life, seeing that he'd drop anything to pet a cat, he's still the friend that Roman had since the start and he wouldn't have it any other way.
As Roman entered the shop with his earphones blasting some Ben Platt tunes, he’s frantically searching for something in his messenger bag. He looked up when he realized no one had greeted him when he entered. Usually, Patton would happily greet him with a pun or already handing him his drink. Now, he sees a barista with purple hair with their back facing him.
"Ahh, you're new I presume," he continued to look inside his bag as he walked to the counter. "Well, my order is kinda complicated so, you're gonna have to write this down," he warns as the barista walks over to him. "Okay, SO... a skim milk latte, with 2 extra shots of espresso... affogato style... make two of those shots without caffeine... add only 4 squirts of fat-free vanilla... steamed at 180 degrees... add caramel on top... no whip... and don't fill the cup all the way…" he notices the barista just standing in front of him. He stops what he was doing and fully looks up to see the other doing something on the monitor in front of him. "W-why aren't you writing this down?" Roman inquires as he marvels and gawks at the gorgeous human being in front of him. Eyeing him from head to... how far his eyeballs can reach with a countertop in between the two.
"What size?" the barista asks, keeping their eyes on the monitor. "Uhh… the big one. Do- do you need me to repeat everythi-" He was cut off, "Ventihalfcafquadextrahotwithroomskinnycaramelmachiatto? You got a name?" Roman doesn't know how to react. He's in between confused, impressed, and somewhat offended. The barista was now looking at him, waiting for his answer. Roman looks over to the other's name tag that says 'Virgil'; when he looks back at Virgil, realizes that he still hasn't answered. "That…" he trailed off.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. "That sure is… a question... that has an answer," Roman continued, stammering. Virgil rested his chin on his palm, his elbow on the counter. He flashed the customer an amused grin, "Take your time, man. I got all night long," Roman’s face went red but eventually did tell the barista his name after apologizing. “Ahh. So you’re Roman,” Virgil acknowledged as he wrote the name on the cup. “Patton’s in the back. Let yourself in,”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a hot new barista coming in today?!” Roman whisper-yelled to his friend as he closed the door behind him. “Who? Virgil? He’s been working on this shop for as long as I have. This is his first time in the night shift, though,” Patton explained as he took the box of their new blender out of the larger box and handed it to Roman. “Can you give this to him and ask him to set it up on the counter? We’ve been waiting for that blender for months,” Patton politely asked with a smile. “Sure thing, Pat,”
“Hey. Patton asked me to give this to you and he asked if you could set it up,” Roman stated as he handed the box over to Virgil. Virgil finished the drink he was working on when he recognized the box and snatched the box from Roman’s hands and exclaimed, “Oh! Thank fuck! We’ve been waiting for this for months!” He placed it on the counter and excitedly took out the blender from the box. Roman snickered at the other’s antics, amused. “Oh! That’s your drink right there,” Virgil pointed to the drink he left on the counter. Roman thanked him and flashed him a smile as he heads back to his friend.
“What’cha got there, Roman?” Patton began. “Uhm? My usual drink?” Roman replied, confused. “No, silly. There’s something written on the side,” Patton giggled. Roman rotated the drink in his hands and sees small scribbled untidy handwriting. ‘You seem like an interesting individual with good music taste for blasting RAIN by Ben Platt in the middle of the night’ followed by a phone number. Roman blushed at the note.
He could hear the bell by the door ring followed by talking, muffled by the walls:
“What’s up, bitches!”
“Sup’ asshole. Where the fuck have you been? Is that- Is that a drink from the traitors?”
“Don’t worry, babe. It tastes like shit. I was gonna throw- Is that a new blender?!”
“Fuck yeah it is!”
‘This is going to be interesting,’ Roman smiled.
I honestly don't know how to write when it isn't prinxiety so for the entire(ish) month will be mostly prinxiety. But, if you want me to write a different ship with the prompt on a specific day on AU August, send me an ask! I can at least give it a try😅
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Myth of the stars.
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❝ words: about 1.4k
❝ summary: Before an expedition, he needs a story to think about while he's gone.
❝ a / n: As always, feedback is appreciated!
Gif credits to the author.
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Your mind is blank. Your eyes are on a starry night over your head. It's been a while since you have stopped hearing the loud noise around you of different voices talking, laughing, singing (...), you weren't in the mood to join the farewell party before some of Alexandria's members leave the next morning for a new expedition. Watching Daryl go not knowing if he is going to come back, nor when he is going to do it, is by far the worst feeling you have had in a long, long time. You could accompany the squad, but who would take care of the children in case of an invasion?
You're so lost in your own thoughts that you don't notice the heavy paws over the ground straight to your position, till a wet nose touches your hand to call your attention. Dog is there, waving his tail happily as he breathes by his mouth, half tongue out. Tilting your head stopping your walk, you find Daryl coming closer too. No expression on his face. Some worry maybe.
“You okay, uh?”
“Yeah”. You try to erase that feeling from him by showing him a soft smirk curving your lips.
“Haven't seen you at the party”.
You could give him one hundred excuses, but you aren't a big fan of lies. You don't even know how to lie without being caught. Shrugging your shoulders, you continue with your walk when the man is at your side. You keep your hands inside the pockets of your jacket to warm them up and shelter them from the cold, looking at Daryl sideways before putting your eyes again over the dark sky full of stars.
“I just wanted to enjoy these views. I think… it's the only thing I like from this situation”. You whisper after a brief pause in silence. “Do you know the myth of Artemis and Asteria?”
“No”. The word escapes his rough lips in a soft murmur, turning at you for a second.
But you can feel his curiosity. Daryl loves to hear your stories, to hear your voice. It helps him to sleep some nights when you two share the same bed. He usually asks you about Greek, Norse, or Roman legends, since you used to read about them a lot when your life wasn't dependent on the virus. 
You can't help but bite a side of your bottom lip, licking it before starting to relate what you learned in your past days.
“In Athens, mortals never cared about the environment. The pollution was horrible, and they weren't used to turning off the lights when they weren't using them. So, Asteria —who was the goddess of star and constellation— was afraid of the stars falling apart. She was aware that, if mortals didn't start to worry about pollution, the stars would hit the Earth. She told the Greeks about it, but they didn't hear her”.
“And what happened?” As always, he sounds curious with his gaze on Dog carrying now a stick between his teeth.
“Artemis —the goddess of nature, animals, and the moon— tried to help her. They both went to talk again with the Greeks, but they were a very stubborn populace. Even if they asked to take care of the stars by taking care of the environment, the Greeks continued ignoring their advice”. 
You are really enjoying that moment with Daryl, one of the main things you miss the most when he's gone. Usually, he has to play the brave man, hiding his fears and his worries, but now he is just a man having a good time with life's little pleasures. Not caring about the walkers, nor the dead trying to haunt you continually.
“Artemis and Asteria got tired of trying to make them understand the risk, so they went to consult Zeus. He told them that he had a solution. A solution the Greeks wouldn't like, but there was nothing else to do. The god and goddesses waited till the next day when the cosmos started to fall apart creating a loud noise, terrorizing the populace”.
“They had been looking for it”. Daryl adds then, pointing at the porch of the house you are staying at to sit on the stairs.
“Yeah, they did”. You can't help but giggle, taking a seat close to him, but one step above. “Zeus, Artemis, and Asteria flew Pegasus to Earth. While Asteria gave another speech to the mortals, Zeus protected them from the stars falling down and crashing on the ground. Finally, the god and goddesses convinced them to make a change. And with this change, the stars stopped falling and Asteria, with Artemis help, placed the fallen stars back to the sky”.
By the gesture on his face, you know Daryl has enjoyed it as always. He has become an addict to your stories, your voice, and how easy you relate them. Resting your back against the white wooden railings, you direct your eyes to above your head.
“The moral of the story tells people to take care of the precious world we're living in and the good things it has, the good things it's surrounded by, even if right now isn't the most appropriate place to be in”.
“You're the best thing about this place”. 
Making eye contact, you can see in his orbs he wasn't expecting these words to escape from his thoughts, but he doesn't feel any shame either after saying them out loud. Daryl raises a hand to grab your wrist gently and get your hand out of the pocket. His long fingers getting laced to yours provokes you some soft shivers, briefly moving closer to you till his knees are touching yours.
You can't help but rest your forehead on his shoulder, closing your eyelids as your arms land around his neck. For a moment, you feel the imperious necessity of crying. Your lips start to tremble when Daryl embraces you tightly putting you down a step to hold you against his body. He's not a man of expressing his sentiments through words, but gestures. Since he met you a year ago, finding you trying to hide from a herd of walkers, he hasn't been capable of getting away from you. It isn't easier for Daryl either to abandon Alexandria for the first time leaving you there, not knowing when he will return. 
“We should… go inside”. You mumble although you don't want him to pull himself away from you —under any circumstances.
But people don't know about you. They think you are only good friends, not that you were meant to be for each other. The hunter nods his head standing up and helping you to while whistling to Dog to follow you inside. 
As soon as you close the door behind your back, Daryl lifts you unexpectedly into his arms to bring you to the sofa. He falls on top of your body, settling himself between your legs as his lips go straight to yours. You can taste the nicotine and the alcohol in his saliva when his tongue makes its own way into your mouth, caressing yours with so much care. After unzipping your jacket, his calloused and rough hands paw your sides, almost dragging his palms over your warm skin trying to memorize every single inch of it —as if it wasn't a well-known territory for him. Daryl loves how smooth your skin is, it drives him crazy.
“I'll come back sooner or later”. He speaks under your breath, softly gasping when you tangle your fingers in brown locks of hair to push him somewhat closer. “I always come back… You know it”.
“I'm gonna miss you… I won't sleep on the nights thinking about you, wishing you're still alive”.
As your lips quiver again, Daryl doesn't hesitate to peck them with so much tenderness; slowly, delighting himself in every touch whilst you caress his hair. 
“I haven't said it before, but I love you”. His murmurs race your heart, nailing your crystal eyes on the most sincere ones you haven't seen in your life. “I'll come back for you, I promise”.
Moving your left hand to his cheek, you tilt your head up to trap his lips again among yours. A loving kiss that pretends to transmit to him every single sentiment you feel for him, the fact that your heart only beats for his. You couldn't rather be in another place, nor another situation. Sometimes you thank the cosmos and the destiny for putting Daryl in your life.
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Explanations for the "Sides As DHMIS Episodes" Post I Made Over A Year Ago
Okay, I was never really planning on explaining this post but today @roman-eats-glitter stumbled upon the post and gave their own version of it. This prompted me to rewatch DHMIS, expecting my opinion to change. Surprisingly, it didn't. So here are my explanations for why I assigned the episodes I did to each side.
P.S: My explanations are a bit all over the place since I wrote them rather quickly and at the end of the day, it is just my opinion. Also, this post has a lot of talk of stuff like gore, food, death, etc. since DHMIS isn't exactly the most kid-friendly series so please don't read this if you are sensitive to that sort of stuff. If I need to tag anything please tell me.
Ep. 1 Creativity- Patton:
Short explanation: Patton reminds me so much of the notepad.
Long explanation: The whole “orange with a silly face” is something Patton would definitely say. When the red guy says that using his hair to express himself is boring and the notepad just repeats what he says, that reminds me of the whole selfishness vs selflessness video where Patton keeps the same argument no matter what Janus says. He is exactly the type to go cloud watching. Also, the whole clown and green is not a creative color, reminds me of how Patton thought in a very white and black mentality. He thought that certain things were good and bad even though many morals and ideals are conditional and/or subjective. (Also “green is not a creative color” reminds me of how Patton doesn’t like Remus). Arranging sticks sounds like an activity Patton would tell you to do. The line, “Listen to your heart.” This video is one of the more tame ones in the series. It’s also one of the ones that escalates very quickly which reminds me of how Patton snapped and turned into the giant frog so suddenly. Also, I feel like covering a heart with glitter is something that Patton would do if he did gore. It ends very suddenly and with, “yeah let’s never do that again,” Patton is definitely the type to try and swipe a situation under the rug or quickly move on from it.
Ep.2 Time- Janus:
Short explanation: The clock reminds me of Janus.
Long explanation: The clock sounds so condescending and passive-aggressive, which reminds me of Janus. The clock guy had a top hat and a cane, that’s Janus. “An old man died.” “But look a computer.” That reminds me of the philosophical ideology that someone is always suffering yet life goes on. This reminds me of Janus because of his views on society. The clock tries to manipulate them with the advancements of technology by putting them right smack in front of a huge computer much like Janus tried to convince the other sides in Selfishness vs Selflessness by putting them in the courtroom. When the clock avoids the questions the characters ask and then just screams, it reminds me of when Janus told everyone to forget about the bad things Max Stirner has done. When the characters age rapidly at the end the clock says, “It’s out of my hands, I’m only a clock. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine but eventually, everyone runs out of time.” Even though Janus is deceit, he seems like the type to hit you with the cold slap of reality.
Ep. 3 Love- Roman:
Short explanation: The yellow puppet reminds me of Roman.
Long explanation: At first, I didn’t really know what side to put for this episode, but after rewatching it multiple times, it reminded me of Roman for many reasons. For one, Roman is definitely the type to run away when upset. I strongly believe in himbo Roman so part of me says he would absolutely call a butterfly a little baby pigeon. Also, the butterfly’s first statement is “it doesn’t have to be, I hate you and you hate me.” I feel like out of all the sides, Roman needs/needed to learn this lesson the most. After all, Roman has been shown to actively hate the “Darksides” without really giving them the benefit of the doubt first. Also, I feel like the phrase “Life’s unfair cause everyone hates you and no one care,” is something Roman would think to himself. I feel like Roman sometimes loves things too much just like the yellow guy does when he says “I love this tree and I love this stick.” Plus the whole idea that everyone has a special one sounds like a fantasy the romantic side would have. The whole cult part just reminds me of how dedicated Roman was to staying behind Patton’s ideology and not wanting to challenge it.
Ep. 4 Computers- Logan:
This one is pretty self-explanatory. The computer is smart, straight to the point, believes that research is one of the only things to do on a computer, and has anger issues. Sounds like Logan to me. But seriously the computer screaming reminds me of Logan screaming at Remus in the latest episode.
Ep.5 Healthy Eating- Remus:
Short explanation: The can and meat guy reminds me of Remus so much.
Long explanation: First, the unsettling tone of the video honestly reminds me of DWIT, and the whole part of the red guy being gone reminds me of how roman was practically out for the whole video. They are loud and cut off the duck a lot, something that Remus would do. The meat also pokes duck with a fork, something Remus would do to another side. The house that showed the human organs and stuff literally looks like something Remus would make. When the phone turns to a sandwich it reminds me of how Remus can make things appear and disappear. The meatball with the eye is a Remus thing. The food groups shown in the video are an abomination that only Remus could come up with. Also, you can’t tell me Remus wouldn’t have a human body anatomy model that has a movable mouth and eyes as well as makes noise. The whole can eating the duck’s organs is what really reminds me of Remus because of the gore. The yellow puppet being tortured and then eating the canned duck kinda reminds me of how Remus seems to be able to make the other sides and Thomas snap after being annoying enough. Also, this episode is arguably one of the most fucked up in this series which is why I think it’s perfect for Remus, who is arguably the most unhinged and unpredictable side.
Ep.6 Dreams- Virgil:
Short explanation: This whole episode just screams anxiety to me.
Long explanation: In the beginning, the yellow guy says goodnight to the red guy and duck even though they aren’t there anymore; this reminds me of Virgil’s attachment issues and uncomfortableness with change that he has been shown to have multiple times in the series. The yellow’s guys resistance to the lamp in this episode reminds me of Virgil’s resistance and hostility towards Janus and Remus. Now the dreams that the lamp says the yellow guy can have stuck out to me a lot. Both of the dreams are nightmares. The second dream shown is obviously a nightmare as drowning in oil isn’t exactly a good dream. The first dream is also a nightmare since if you do some research you can find an article by “It’s nice that” called “Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - an exclusive interview with Duck, Red Guy, and Yellow Guy”. In this interview, it is revealed that the yellow guy is allergic to horses. In the episode, the lamp says, “You can have a dream about riding a horse,” which if you are allergic to horses would arguably not be a pleasant dream. Nightmares are speculated to be caused by anxiety. The sudden shift to real life is also very unpredictable and sudden, much like anxiety can be. In the live-action part, we see the red guy trying to pursue his career in entertainment. He performs in front of his coworkers only to be booed by everyone, which literally sounds like the worst nightmare ever for someone with anxiety. When the red guy sees the machine that controls what character is in front of the yellow guy to me symbolizes his dreams of entertainment getting out of hand and hurting others. This part reminds me of how Virgil has hurt the other sides in the series unintentionally as well as him coming to terms that he couldn’t keep the other “Darksides” away from Thomas. The ending is the only part that I can’t really say reminds me of Virgil. The closest I could come is relating the ending of DHMIS to Virgil going from a “Darkside” to a “Lightside”
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