#I don’t want hear it 🤚🏼
darlingod · 6 months
The Wicked King Ch.27
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The Wicked King Ch.27
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Cardan poisoned as fuck recognizing Jude without hesitation & calling her darling (FUCK)
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pashminalamb · 1 year
✨Third one✨ (part 1)
ASJJFYJKHFTUJHG. As soon as I saw the header with Oliver I know it was finally time. LET THE FLIRTY-PLAYBOY-BABYGIRL SERIES BEGIN!!!!
I wanted to take my time diving into this fic and really digest and understand it as much as I can on my first read because I know it’ll be amazing so I saved it for last.
Love the setting up. The description is fantastic. Ohhhh there’s an older sister huh? I wonder if that relationship will come into play later 👀👀. PSHHHHHHHH THEIR FIRST INTERACTION IS LITERALLY COMPARABLE TO TWO JUDGY BRATS PLS ADJMHGGJNNH. This is amazing I already love where this is going Belle. Oh and they tolerate each other now? Hmmmm very much the potential for ignored feelings. “You can pay me back when you become a football star” oh ho ho making promises for the future already are we now? Loving how y/n is a tsundere but still shows that she cares. It’s really cute and adorable. ASHKKGFKKJHGGGG WHY IS IT ALWAYS 16 💀💀??? When I was 16 I was busy trying to survive high school, pass my classes, and watching anime. And here we have realizations of love already what?? Not a problem at all tho I love how quick this is moving along. Getting to the meat of it soon I hope. GASPS YOU DID NOT!!!! AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES ASDJKGGHJHHHG YESSSSSS. NAHHHHH STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU HE REALLY PULLED THE GAY ROOMMATE CARD OLIVER ISTG IF YOU DONT GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR- ahem anyways tough luck y/n stay strong girl 😭😤. Not you already being his wife what is this married-with-benefits 💀💀. Oliver wake up and kiss her already idc if it’s only chapter one 🙄😤🤚🏼. Oh thank God the sisterhood is safe *sighs in relief* as much as I love the drama that would’ve occurred if it had gone “that” route there seriously needs to be more loving sister relationships in writing, blood related or not. We Stan a supportive older sister 😤😤 (that digs up our buried love feelings for us even though we buried then for a reason 💀💀). LOVING THE ADVICE YES PUT YOURSELF FIRST YOU CANT WAIT FOR SOMEONE FOREVER BECAUSE OF THE POTENTIAL YOU SEE IN THEM AND STUNG YOUR OWN GROWTH IF THE TIME IS RIGHT ITLL HAPPEN. This is making me cry what the heck. I really needed to hear a variation of this at many points in life. I swear to God if Oliver starts coming around right after we start moving on I’m gonna riot. On the other hand love how y/n is starting to be real with herself like yes sweetheart you deserve better (and you’ll get that in him after you both grow separately ofc). OH ITS GONNA BE DUAL POV????? HECK YEAH GIMME THE TINY DETAILS FROM THE OTHER PERSON!!!! Oof not the wedding invite scenario pls this reality setting in part is hurting me so much legit tearing up rn gimme a minute Belle 😭😭. *sniffles* but the GROWTH it’s the first step y/n I know it’s hard but you gotta separate honey 😭😤. NO PLS GOD NO HOW DARE HE COME BACK AS IM SOBBING WHAT THE HECK OLIVER PRIVACY MAN. Not him giving you physical affection right when you’re most vulnerable and coming to terms with getting over him and looking all worried LIKE NO STOP THIS IS NOT HELPING OLI. Oh no not the alcohol 💀💀. This is gonna go great just fantastic isn’t it? *inhales deeply* Belle I’m not joking when I say that I was screaming internally the entire sex scene LIKE WHAT. Kicking my feet blushing and everything. It really felt so real. And the dialogue??? Magnificent!!! Tbh it was my favorite part. In my head I was like “NOOOOOOOO” when you kissed him but at the same time “…yes” when it started getting steamy and the teasing plus the praise??? Kill me now why don’t you. NOOOOO NOT THE AWKWARD MORNING *sobs* I mean I was expecting it but like. Serious. Emotional. Damage. 😭😭😭. Oh no. No you can’t be serious. Tearing up again hold on. The eavesdropping on the phone convo broke my heart seriously ouch. Not the way I gasped when he just walked passed the suitcases. Ahh yes. The m word huh? Excuse we while I go sob again. Almost nothing hurts worse than being called a mistake. Either from yourself or others it’s never fun. Speaking from experience. I knew the emotional outburst confession was coming. I knew. But still. Damn. If only everything could be fixed by telling your feeling out. Love her for that. Finally coming clean with everything. Also Oliver’s being such a jerk and an asshole rn but I know the later redemption is gonna be worth it. Still pissed at him rn tho.
- ✨ anon
✨Third one✨ (part 2) It really made me make a part two because the word count was too high the heck.Still pissed at him rn tho. Anyways moving on. I freaking adore how she also wrote her current feelings down as a part of the first letter. And how she just. Didn’t hesitate. And moved on. We’ve got a flight to catch. Oh my God that fic was amazing. Seriously. You outdid yourself. The pacing was fast enough that it didn’t feel dragged out. The characterization was absolutely on point. The oc characters had their own personalities no matter how few lines they had. The dialogue was emotional and to the point. And it was just overall really realistic in the sense of being human, loving, hurting, and moving on. It made me cry so many times. I had to take so many breaks Belle. It was seriously amazing and I loved it so much. I cant wait for the second chapter whenever it comes out!!! - ✨ anon
I read this ask over 20 times (or maybe more already) cause i love it when people go over the details of my writing and you got all of them! (⋟﹏⋞) Thinking if i should make a note of recommended songs before the chapter so that it make it a more immersive experience? The original setup was supposed to be different back in August, but then I came up with this in September. Mei was a part of the story, but the age gap was a really big one - and i had to make a change midway, so mei is 3 years older than (y/n)... I wanted to keep the pacing of the story to a medium because sometimes the details and the amount of drama that happens is such a drag that I wanted to move past that and onto the real stuff; not to mention that if i did drag it out, it would be more than 5 chapters. Mei and (y/n)'s relationship is gonna have more emphasis as the story progresses (cause honestly this is a simple plot but a very complicated one to explain and I don't wanna give away spoilers cause I wanna just see the reaction you guys are gonna give me) and most of the lines that i used in the first part are the ones that are going to be covered in the latter part of the series. it is going to be a dual pov (spoilers for part 2; the story is gonna be from Oliver's pov.) oh god- and this was the first part💀. you might need the whole box of tissues honestly for the onslaught that's gonna come. (i did cry btw. I ate the jar of nutella in such short time for a reason) The sex was such a drag to write honestly 💀 cause i was just not feeling it. Like really not feeling it; and i wanted to get to the conclusion and the angst (cause the potential for dialogue and feelings is high in those areas) but in the end, it ended up being satisfactory when i read it. Leaving the alcohol part out, everyone's first time should be a fun one and my attempt at keeping your standards and expectations high . (you saying that it felt real made my day, cause often times when i read smut, i really can't relate to it cause it straight up sounds like porn sometimes and porn is very unrealistic.) As for the concluding part of it, i had a bit of a struggle cause (y/n) needed a reason to back away from Oliver and the eavesdropping on the other side of the door was the last straw. And then... I just let my fingers do the magic, just typing everything out.
The amount of times I cried cause of the songs I used to write all of this, and the fact that it hits close to home. The second part is going to go on the ao3 account... still deciding the username i want so that i can upload my works there
But thank you for liking and reading it - cause i really enjoyed writing this one. i've already decided the songs i want to put for the next chapter
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prettytingzz · 2 years
How about the reader getting their period and it being kinda rough on them. It's okay if that makes uncomfortable. If you don't mind can you add Cody in with your normal line up.
I don’t mind actually😭 so let’s start!
S/o getting their period + Cody
Oh poor baby this man does and does not know what to do😭
“Y/n! I didn’t know what you wanted or needed, soo I got all the options I could find!”
You’ll tell him you’re on your cycle but these past two days have been giving you the hardest time in your life.
He’ll check up on you. Get you everything you need. Help you get up cause lord knows those cramps be doing something to us😭🤚🏼
No matter what people say, he's a SOFTIE when it comes to you. He massages the parts of your body that are aching.
While you're in the most uncomfortable position of your life, he'll get you comfortable with the heating pad, pillows, and blankets.
The best time to start a period is late at night😃
Did you leak through a bit? Yes
You started to get emotional because, for one it’s a lil embarrassing and you’re with Trent😭
But don’t worry sweetie he got it under control. He helps you up and grabs one of his shirts and a pair of shorts for you to change into.
He always keeps feminine hygiene products at his place just in case things like this happen.
When you’re in the bathroom getting yourself together, he takes the sheets off and puts them in the washer and grabs a new pair. He then puts them on the bed getting the bed ready.
He grabs you some water and some pain killers just in case and a heating pad.
You come out. “I-Im sorry…I didn’t know it was going to start..”
He hears you and smiles softly grabbing your hand and taking you to the bed. “It’s ok baby it’s natural and it comes unexpectedly sometimes.” He said, but continued. “I have you some water, painkillers and a heating pad just in case the cramps start immediately.”
“Babe…I don’t think I can go to the beach today.”
Geoff literally chokes on his candy and coughs. “Wait!..why?”
“Because it’s that time of the month and I don’t feel like myself. I’m sorry, but I'll make it up to you, baby.”
He couldn’t help but pout and pulls you in his arms. “Well you should’ve said something earlier. Come on so we can get you home and I can pamper you.”
Geoff is the type to be clinging to you when you’re on your period😭
You’re lying in bed. He comes Geoff running in.
“Babe?! Did you call me?”
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Shaking your head no.
“Oh…well scoot over I wanna lay with you.” Getting in bed with you.
Ugh this man right here KNOWS WHAT TO DO
Read books and watched videos asked other people for more info
He’s the type to have your period tracked on his phone Lmaooo
Have all your feminine hygiene products in his bathroom.
Heating pad
Fan for when you get hot
All your favorite drinks and snacks he keep just for the days you do have it.
“Cody can I ha-.”he cuts you off and gives you a bag a Doritos.
You smiles happily and eats them. “Thank you baby.”
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miekasa · 2 years
Low key i would absolutely love an aot/atla fanfic crossover. Random crossovers are my guilty pleasure maybe i’ll write it for myself😩🤚🏼
I also headcanon eren as a firebender, i think Hange would def be either an airbender or a nonbender. Erwin would be an earthbender :)
Okay okay I have thoughts. I’d love an aot/atla fic if somebody wants to write it…. I have $4 ready for you 😭😭
Eren is a firebender, something like Zuko in his progression. Definitely had a phase where he “loses” his bending and has to find a new source that isn’t pure anger/vengeance; probably after accidentally burning one of his friends/his mom. Also think that like Zuko, he never learns to bend lightning, only redirects it from people attacking him. It frustrates him to learn it at first, but once he does and feels it go through him, he decides that he never wants to use it himself.
Mikasa…. can go so many ways in my head omg. Firebender suits her, like Azula in her technique, blue fire and all; and she’s not just skilled as a bender, but in hand to hand combat, too. She’s smart above all, so even when she can’t bend, she’s not down for the count. She’d be able to bend lightning, too, but would only do it when absolutely necessary. BUT BUT!! Can also see her being a waterbender and there are definitely similarities between her and Katara (last of her kind, won’t turn her back on people who need her, incredibly skilled for her age); not as naive (?) as Katara could be sometimes, but there are comparisons for sure. Don’t know if I can see her as a healer, tho she’d wish she’d be able to. For sure would be a blood bender; but like with lightning, she’d only do it when heavily threatened.
Armin would honestly be a non-bender, but if he had an element it would be air. Water is an obvious choice, but I think he can still have the infatuation, and respect for water and benders, without being one himself. Honestly, he’d probably have spent so much time around water and felt such a pull from it that everyone thought he’d be a waterbender; as a kid his parents/grandparents probably tried to get him to bend water (and he’d happily try), and it wasn’t until a fit of frustration that he realized he’s an air bender instead. Plus there’s the pacifist nature of airbenders, and the way that airbending is more defensive than offensive; but also airbenders bear this cruel kind of pressure in controlling an element that’s so essential. Fits him idk.
Jean is a waterbender and if you’ve seen tlok, then I think his fighting style would mimic Korra’s; people often note that she fights like a firebender even tho she was born a water bender, and used it way more frequently than Aang. His hand to hand combat would also be similar to her, tho his attitude would be slightly more mellow. He’d also be a healer, but it’s something he keeps under wraps for a while; it’s not until one of his friends is seriously injured that people find out. He feels a kind of pressure when he’s healing people, and it’d hurt him a lot if he weren’t able to save someone.
If Sasha had an element, it would be air or water, but I see her more as the Ty Lee kind of type. She looks super sweet and it’s easy to overlook her, but she’s insanely precise and skilled (she did save someone running on a vertical wall once). Definitely blocks Jean/Eren’s chi when they start getting into it with eachother to save everyone the headache. Also walks on her hands sometimes just because she can.
Connie is another toss up… I’m serious about him not being a waterbender that would be so chaotic pls 😭😭 wanna say air. He’s seen as goofy and kind of a free spirit, but he’s very connected to his friends. Aang not wanting to give up Katara to unlock the avatar state kinda reminds me of Connie hugging Jean and Sasha when they get back on the airship after Marley; he knows it’s selfish, but he’s happy his friends are safe. He has moments of rage and hates to be betrayed, but overall he’s mostly calm and open to hearing other people out. Plus he’d 100% be in an airball like Aang whenever he could be. But if he weren’t a bender, he should 100% have a boomerang. It’s perfect for him.
Levi is a firebender there’s no doubt in my mind. The only other potential option is an earthbender because I think he’d be the one to figure out metal bending under pressure, but I still like fire more for him. He understands that fire isn’t just destruction, that it’s warm and energy; and that’s why he doesn’t need to exert much power in his firebending. If he were to hold a flame in his hand it wouldn’t feel threatening, despite it being fire it wouldn’t even feel “too hot” to touch; it’d be warm, comforting, like you could put your hands immediately to it and not get burned. He’s aggressive when need be, but he doesn’t let his emotions cloud his bending, because that’s when he’d hurt someone he cares about. Can bend lightning but honestly if Levi is lightning bending, you’re as good as dead 💀💀
Okay, okay… I hear your Hange non-bender argument and I raise you Hange as an earthbender who is primarily a metal bender. Suit of metal that they bend on and off their body, definitely carries the metal whip around… do you see the vision. They sometimes forget they can actually bend earth and get frustrated, stomp too hard to flail their hands a little too roughly and everyone loses their balance as the floor shakes and Hange just “O.O…. oopsies!”
Honestly…. I think Erwin would be a non-bender. Sokka essentially mastered the non-bending fighting types of each nation, and that’s something I see for Erwin. Leans towards a sword, and kinda wanna say two swords would suit him better. Maybe it’s the aot influence, but that works for him in my head. I also think Zeke might be a non-bender.
Porco is an earthbender, no doubt in my mind. Dare I say a lavabender, tho I kinda wanna give that to Reiner. Maybe both of them? Reiner built like a brick wall, so earth isn’t that far off… don’t know if he’d completely master a sub element, but lavabending is a possibility for him.
Annie is an earthbender, too. You know how Kiyoshi had the fans and was an earthbender and murked that one general then came back as a ghost to say she didn’t regret it? Anniecore <33 she doesn’t really master any sub elements completely, but she doesn’t have to; her earth bending is as solid as it possibly can be. Under pressure, I’m sure she’d be able to adapt to metal bending, but she doesn’t prefer it.
Pieck would be an airbender!! Agile, quick-thinking, and adapts to whatever situation shes put in. Gets a kick out of blowing air into peoples faces, and how are they gonna prove it’s her? Exactly, they can’t. Lastly, I’d give water to Bertolt. The ability to both be calm and insanely destructive. Might be a healer, too, but could just be a regular bender.
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lovingjeankirstein · 3 years
general crushing jean kirstein headcanons
continuation of best friend to crush hc with jean k. (which you can find here.)
gn! reader. enjoy :)
CW: A HINT AT S1 SPOILER (the same one in pt1), mention of injuries, mention of fights.
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look at my baby awww
ahem soooo i have a feel he’s a hopeless romantic.
he doesn’t do anything too noticeably different, but he’s way more attentive towards you.
like if you just had a really tough spar, or been going at it with practicing on the ODM gear, he’ll give you water or tell you to take a break, good job, and eat with him
(definitely would give you his water if yours is empty)
you guys are obviously really close with sasha and connie.
this means TEASSSINGGGGG they’d both tease you guys in front of each other like dude they have no chill.
he’d rant about you to both of them, but mainly connie.
you’d rant mainly to sasha and she’d just gush on how cute your crush on him is.
if you’re not together he does that thing where he rests his chin on his palm and looks at you from a distance omgggg
he tries to impress you ALL THE TIME and fails sometimes
“hey y/n! look what i can do *zips away*”
*crashes into wall*
then you have to fix his injuries.
his heart beats 500 miles an hour bc of how close you guys are and the contact.
gets increasingly protective over you. like he knows you can fight for yourself, but he doesn’t want another marco situation so he’s at your side a lot.
he’s generally a flirty guy so he tells you so many corny pick up lines throughout the day.
every time he’s around you/talking to you, he’s lightly blushing.
active “rubbing back of his neck when he’s nervous around you” person.
he’d def be jealous if you’re around eren.
hands you his jacket/cape if he notices your cold during evening trainings.
teasing also increases ☝🏼
“you didn’t see that jean”
“shut up”
“don’t go falling for me now y/n *winks*”
he’s honestly so smooth when he unintentionally flirts but when he actually tries he stumbles over his words and gets super red.
connie face palms and when you aren’t around both him and sasha burst out laughing.
they are most definitely your wingman and wingwoman on both ends though.
they have gotten frustrated so many times bc of how oblivious you guys can be.
always walks you to your room when it’s time for curfew even if levi threatens him to give him extra cleaning duties.
likes to carry you on his back if you’re exhausted from training.
“look how strong i am *throws you over his shoulder*”
“JEAN LET ME GO *laughing*”
god he’d do anything to hear you laugh.
except embarrass himself. he still has a reputation 🤚🏼
every time he fights with eren and eren brings up how he likes you, he’d blush sm but be so quick to deny it even if he knows everyone else knows.
the thing is, you still think he likes mikasa EVEN IF SASHA IS LIKE “just confess already he probably likes you back”
“oh yeah, ma, remember y/n? the person i told you about from cadet corps? i think i’ve fallen in love with them.”
from his letters, his mom loves you already and she can’t wait to meet you.
aot masterlist
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
Ok so not to take a hard right from water sports but that’s exactly what Imma do. I have a lot of head cannons for Bakugou and I thought I’d share some with the class.
As we all know, Bakugou doesn’t really talk much. So in my head that makes me think he’s a great listener. (when he wants to be, he has selective hearing smh) this makes him very attentive. He remembers everything about the person he cares about. Here are some examples of what I mean.
Bakugou knows exactly what you’re favorite food and drink is. Even knows exactly what brands you do and don’t like of that food. Like if you like sweet tea he knows to the get the one with the green cap not the yellow bc the yellow tastes too sweet.
He also knows you lose or break all of your pony tail holders/clips. So he keeps some in his bag or on his arm at all times. You break them during hero training from all the intense moving and he’s walking over as soon as your done, new ponytail in hand. Or you’ll be doing something you really have to focus on and your hair keeps getting in your face. So here he comes with a clip. He’ll even pin it back for you if your too distracted to stop.
During winter, he’s always holding your hand. Way more than he does any other time of year because he knows your hands get really cold easily. So he’ll heat his up and take yours in his. You think it’s just a natural thing because of the nature of his quirk, it is a little, but no he’s specifically going outta his way to make sure he’s extra toasty.
Idk I just really like the thought of doting and attentive Bakugou. Even if he’s doing it on the down low because you’re not gonna catch him slipping 🤚🏼
pls these are literally so freaking sweet
lord knows I be popping hair ties like there’s no tomorrow with my thick ass locs. I literally just popped one the other day and I wasn’t even moving?? just laying down, bonnet on, and boom. the shit popped. so imagining him just laying beside me, already with a new hair tie in hand is making me so soft
but I definitely think he’d be so goddamn attentive. and at first you think he isn’t bc he barely responds, but he can spit off exactly what you said if you ask him to.
and the hand holding. god the hand holding. I’m sobbinf
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osamusriceballs · 3 years
dropping by to say hi until i disappear once again hehe but yuh i have finally caught up with season 4 and started on jujutsu kaisen and lemme tell how much of a gojo ✨simp✨ i am. like i would do anything for that man and y'all wait until megumi's dad is introduced bc that man, that man be bringing up my daddy issues 😗🤚🏼 (im trying to make that pouty face with the hand on the forehead shading the eyes thingy ykwim but idk which emojis to use). also i have finally bought my christmas eve mass outfit for under 30sgd (yes mass bc i need to drag myself to church after all the sins i've done this year 🤪) anyway, hope you have a great holiday season eve! i'll be back once my exams are over which is on the 21st - 🥛
GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR EXAMS!! 🥺💖💖 I hope they will be fine, I’m sure you can do it!! I feel like somehow all of my followers are great at school?? Like: HOW DO YOU ALL DO THAT OMG, Y‘ALL TOO SMART FOR ME 😫😫 I can‘t wait to hear from you tomorrow!! 💖 my Christmas break starts on Wednesday- I thought it would start last Friday, but I had the wrong date in mind 😫😫 need to stay strong until the 22nd ✊🏻
Ohh I SAW THE LAST HAIKYUU EPOSIDE- AND I‘M STILL UNABLE TO ACCEPT HOW IT ENDED 😫😫 I’m just gonna rewatch it and stop before the game ends 😫🥺 I just don’t want my boys to lose 🥺 I DON‘T WANT EITHER OF THEM TO LOSE OMG 😫😫😭😭
Ugh, the daddy issues 😫😫 SPARE ME, I still need to watch it completely 🥺
Are we talking about Fahrenheit or Celsius? Cause one would be hot, while the other would be freezing 🥶 I’m sure you‘ll look amazing!! 💖💖 (while you atone for your sins, hahahah omg, I’m a sinner too 😫😫)
Love you!! 💖💖 stay hydrated!! I believe in you!! 💖
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I'M TRYING LIKE im not closest to them im just there? 😭😭im really trying to distance myself from them bc they're acting very weird and mean towards me lately and after every toxic friend ive had over the years im just no thank u i am blind but i can see the red flags
okay yeah he's definitely my last straw on this but i don't even know how to ask him? do i just go up to him and ask hey do u remember we kissed or did my friend imagine it from too much coca cola or do i wait for him to bring it up
okay if he does remember and we talk ill go for all 3 of choices except 4 bc im not gonna do anything abt it i gotta focus on my studies 😤 i mean i wouldn't mind 😬
ooh ill definitely talk to her to zip her big mouth bc i got dirt on her too and she'll end up worse than me if i hear anything coming from her [inserting that cassie euphoria scene I AM CRAZIER scene]
that imagination made me want to have kids for a second but i will not, ill be the rich cool sexy aunt n that's it
i kinda see that, i am kinda like that too like i don't really have someone to talk to abt these stuff but im pretty good at listening others and giving them advice.. i should be my own therapist at some point 🚶‍♀️
my safe place :( 🌃
“im blind but i can see the red flags” STOPTHWNBFWMDBWMFBWM
okay ask like as any conversation starts, “hey, how you doing?” or “we were close at the party, do you remember anything weird about it?” or “do u remember anything from the party last night?” “did you drink a lot with me last night?” and then go into specifics, bc first set the mood and then baby steps into asking otherwise it’ll mess up yk?
NO,,,, YES EDUCATION GWORLRLR >>> men & drama is he hot tho for ur “i don’t mind”
DWMDHWMDHWK u both rly have to make a life binding pact to zip zip, delete erase block BEMWBDM 😭😭😭🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼 u have worse stuff pLS NOT CASSIE
✨✨✨✨ no bc imagine if u have a boy & girl, they’d tease u about it and you’d have to yell at them with a spatula in hand and they’d scurry to their rooms laughing and you’d shake ur head and go back to what u we’re doing ✨✨✨✨ but rich, milf aunt ☺️☺️☺️ >>>>
no yeah maybe it’s the empath in u too! sometimes offering advice brings the person giving it reassurance that it’ll be alright ;;;—;;; be ur own therapist, i recommend laying on bed plugging headphones in some orchestral music (i can provide omg) and stare @ the ceiling,, pretty therapeutic ☺️☺️
<3 of course, any time! 💓
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lovingjeankirstein · 3 years
being in a relationship with semi eita headcanons
i literally love him sm i just want a warm ol hug from him :))
SIMPS FOR SEMI ENJOY <3 gn! reader
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he’s a bit of a tsundere but only before dating and in the early stages of your relationship.
tendou would’ve teased him about his crush on you before dating and he’d be SOOO annoyed.
like tendou would give him the “oooo it’s your crushhh” look. and smirk at him a lot.
tendou would also hint at you and semi on your crushes on each other
he wouldn’t be like >:( tsundere but he just doesn’t make his feelings obvious/known to you, and tells you to shut up if you do things that make him blush.
he just doesn’t wanna embarrass himself or mess up pls 🙄🤚🏼💕
he isn’t tsukki level tsundere but he’s like iwaizumi in a way. THINKING ABOUT IT HE’D BE A LOT LIKE HIM LMAO.
he would be kind to you and be genuinely interested in things you do/what you have to say.
but he was a teensy bit shy at first
reon def had to calm him down before his first date with you AHAHAH
“semi, don’t panic tm! everything will turn out great. don’t lose your head”
“i’m not panicking. i’m not even nervous i’m perfectly chill. cool headed.”
*cue the blanked face stare and blink from reon* LMAO
you guys would have matched black painted nails. (YOU GUYS WOULD DO EACH OTHERS NAILS IM SO SOFT)
omg bonus you’d have a matching white/glitter nail on the same finger 🥲🥺
he makes playlists with songs that remind him of you or playlists for you in general.
he sends songs that reminds him of you.
literally has sm love and adoration for you it’s insane
he writes songs for/about you
if you guys are chilling together you can hear him softly humming songs he recently got into.
or when you guys are going to sleep he’ll hum or softly sing until you fall asleep
i headcanon that he pushes himself to work harder and overworks himself since shirabu became the regular setter.
you have to reassure him that he’s enough and HELP HIM NOT TO OVER WORK
his pet names for you include hummingbird (PLS I HEADCANON THAT SM), my love, bub, babe.
HE LOVESSS giving you forehead and temple kisses omg.
in public he’d hold your hand or put his arm around your shoulder.
“ahhh young love. isn’t it cute?”
pls tendou would take sm pics of you two tho and you’d ask him to send them to you
he likes playing the guitar for you.
if you don’t know how to play he’ll try to teach you sometimes and then kiss your hand if you complain that your fingers hurt after 😩😩
if you do know how to play, if you play a song, he’ll pick a riff or fingerpick the song along with you.
sitting on his lap to do his eyeliner for fun.
blasting “i wanna be yours” by arctic monkeys while making out 😮‍💨😮‍💨
suppperrrr attentive. like he always checks up on you and makes sure you’re doing okay mentally and physically.
you’re his personal stylist and he asks you on opinions on his clothing bc tendou said he “looks uncool” in casual clothes 💀💀
all in all, i love semi sm :,). GOD #i need a female semi pt.2 <33
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shiratorizawa masterlist semi eita spotify playlist
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