#I do not agree with the Mon-el/Kara relationship
thecasualqueer · 1 month
oooooohhhh def def agree with your addition! and just bc your addition got my brain tumbling, if I may add:
"So, I don't think this is something that TV Kara has ever admitted to anyone, to the point where even when being asked by someone close to her who has been through similar things she still can't admit it."
I sooo agree with this PLUS I think the expectations and pressure she felt all added to her not admitting it. Like in the start, she didn't have anyone to really talk to about her survivor's guilt who would really understand why it hurt so much. Someone who wouldn't pity and baby her if she mentioned it. Bc to the Danvers and even to Kal, Kara was just a kid. Not someone who would've been the youngest Kryptonian in the science guild, not someone who will never hear the harmony of prayers in Rao's Temple ever again, not a girl who didn't just lost her family but every single person she's ever met, too.
When Kara was younger (and even in the show, as an adult), the people around her could never fully grasp the depth and grief that Kara carried (which Kara is also infinitely grateful for, she wouldn't wish this pain on anyone), so she definitely kept it in. Both duty-bound to continue living for her parents who told her to, and for her new family who have sacrificed so much to keep her safe and alive. But for a long while, she definitely did not want to.
But what else could she do? Add another point of pain to the people who have already been through so much just to keep her with them?
You're so right in mentioning Kara's martyr-like approach in S1 and I think that applies to the way Kara never really talks about her darker thoughts too. She would martyr her emotions and thoughts if it meant keeping her loved ones from worrying about her. In her mind, and as taught to her way back on a planet that once was home, it is important to be "other-focused" and to show restraint towards things that would "unbalance" the peace.
Kara doesn't admit that she dreams of death bc she doesn't feel like she deserves it and because she doesn't feel like it's fair to share to her loved ones (who, to Kara, have sacrificed so much for her).
anywayysss sorry for the long ask-reply to your addition it just got my brain going brrrrrr 😂😅 I'd love to hear if you have any more additions or different thoughts though!
yes this ☝️☝️☝️
I also think this intense unspoken pain is also what draws her to Mon El. At the point when she meets him she has gone so long feeling this way and never being able to talk about it that when she thinks she has found someone who could finally understand she can't let that opportunity pass by (even if he is the biggest dick to walk the earth).
also... having to send him away after all this??? ie literally subjecting someone else to the the same trauma she's spent her entire trying to get away from, bc it's the only choice she has to save the world.
No wonder she has a mental breakdown and quits her job after!!!!
Also, also, this is one of the things that makes her relationship with Lena so special and unique, bc even though they have vastly different experiences Lena is probably the only person in her life who can relate to having trauma so deep that it cannot even be spoken about. Just like Kara, Lena has been through so much that she is practically bursting at the seems (mentally), and just like Kara, she has had to put on a brave face through all of it.
Like, look me in the eye and tell me that Kara does not put her trauma into little boxes!!!
Anyway, sorry it took so long for me to reply to this ask I've been really busy lately but I hope it was worth the wait.
👉original post (where it started)
22 notes · View notes
thewidowsghost · 9 months
Running Out of Time (Maggie Sawyer x Danver!Reader)
Main Masterlist
Anonymous asked:
hi if you still write for maggie sawyer, would write a fic about the episode Alex gets kidnapped but it's r instead of Alex thanks
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"You don't have to hurt anyone," a police officer says into her phone. A line of police cars is lined up outside a bank. "No one is making you do this. You're choosing to do this. You and your friend chose to go into that bank. You chose to take those people hostage. But you know what? You can choose to put your guns down. You can choose to let those people go. You can choose not to hurt anyone."
"Look up!" a man yells. "Up in the sky!"
There is a sound of glass smashing and the crowd behind Detective Maggie Sawyer.
"Hey, not even Pretty Boy Floyd got to meet Supergirl," Kara Danvers says, hauling two of the goons out of the bank. "It'll be a fun story to tell your roommates in jail!"
Maggie walks up to Kara, tucking her phone into her back pocket. "Supergirl . . ." Maggie says and Kara rests her hands on her hips, exhaling sharply. "I almost had him . . . "
"And I got you over the finish line!" Kara says brightly. "And just in time for dinner. I'll see you later."
. . .
The smoke alarm beeps and (Y/n) Danvers waves a towel around. "Thanks," her older sister says, handing the delivery man a twenty.
"(Y/n), the first time I tried to microwave macaroni and cheese," Mon-El says, "they had to evacuate three city blocks."
(Y/n) glances amusedly at her older sister's boyfriend.
"That's an exaggeration, but Ihave seen less terrifying nuclearing explosions.
"Well, I like pizza better than paella anyway," Maggie says, opening a box of pepperoni, glancing affectionately at (Y/n).
"Yes, me too," (Y/n) agrees.
Kara opens a box of Hawaiian pizza. "I love ham and pineapple!"
"Thank you. It totally shouldn't work, but it totally does," Mon-El agrees with Kara. "How's my girlfriend, guys, huh?"
Kara chuckles. "What?"
"Bank robbers, zero," Mon-El talks through a mouthful of pizza. "Supergirl, two. What do you even need cops for in this city?" he chuckles.
A dangerous look lights in Maggie's eyes, and Alex and her girlfriend Lena exchange a glance.
"He's from a different planet," (Y/n) says, resting a hand on Maggie's knee. "He doesn't even know what he's saying."
"No, he's right," Maggie says, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Why bother trying to talk a guy down when Supergirl can just swoop right in and force him down?" she looks over at Kara. "Seventeen hours of 'What do you want, how can I help you?' good old-fashioned hostage negotiation wasted."
"You're not upset that I caught the bad guys and got everyone out safely, are you?" Kara chuckles, pushing her glasses back up onto her face. No, Kara didn't have to wear her glasses, everyone - even Lena knew because Alex did not want to start her relationship off with the Luthor on a lie.
"I would've gotten them to free the hostages," Maggie says.
"Maybe," Kara shrugs. "But they're in jail now, where they can't hurt anyone. That's all that matters."
Lena glances over at (Y/n), whose eyes had widened slightly.
"Unless they use the Supergirl defense," Maggie says, leaning forward.
"The what?" Kara asks.
"It's a think some criminals use to get their charges dropped," Lena offers.
Maggie nods. "It's a perfect storm for a defense attorney. Excessiveforce, evidence contaminated by debris, vigilante justice . . ." Maggie trails off, meeting Kara's gaze.
"'Vigilante justice?'" Kara echoes. "I stand for hope, and help, and compassion! I did what I had to do to get those people out of there."
"I think what Maggie's trying to say is that what you do is amazing when we're up against . . ." (Y/n) begins.
"A giant purple monster or a half-cyborg murderer, sure," Maggie interupts, and (Y/n)'s hand falls to Maggie's knee again. "But, most of the time, police work requires a more delicate touch."
"Delicate?" Kara echoes again.
"Yeah," Maggie replies. "You broke one guy's arm and you gave another one a concussion. And that was after you knocked in the roof of a National City landmark." (Y/n) stops trying to interrupt when Maggie scoffs, "And now, it has a big, Supergirl-sized hole in it."
"A thousand things could've happened from the time of your call to the hostages walking out," Kara says, glaring at Maggie from across the table. "Maybe, yeah, sure, I broke some walls, but I got everyone out of there safely, and that is a win."
"Well, you should've asked. But you never look before you leap," Maggie replies, a tight frown spreading across her lips.
"Because I can fly," Kara replies, leaning back in her chair.
"Okay," Maggie scoffs again, looking away. Maggie meets Lena's gaze, and Lena flashes her what seems to be a sisterly glare.
Mon-El clears his throat. "Well, as being something of a superhero myself, I can say that sometimes it's better to punch, than, than to talk."
(Y/n) lets out an inaudible groan, pressing her hand to her forehead, trying to quell her quickly growing headache.
"Sometimes," Kara throws her napkin on her empty plate, "talking is more hurtful than punching. Obviously, I've upset you, Maggie. I'm gonna go."
"No, Kara, don't do that . . ." (Y/n) says, Kara having stood up from the table.
"No, it's fine." Kara says, pushing (Y/n)'s comment aside. "Than/k you. Thanks for dinner."
(Y/n) gets up from the table to follow Kara, Mon-El in front of (Y/n).
"We're gonna go," Alex says, she and Lena also getting up from the table. Alex gives her youngest sister a hug before she and Lena Luthor leave (Y/n) and Maggie's apartment.
(Y/n) turns to face Maggie. "I know you're upset about earlier, but I really . . . " she pauses. "I just really want you and Kara to get along."
"Kara and I get along great," Maggie says, meeting (Y/n)'s tired gaze. "It's Supergirl that I sometimes have trouble with."
"Okay, just keep trying," (Y/n) takes a step forward. "Okay?"
"Okay, for you," Maggie replies. "Wait, where are you going?" she asks as (Y/n) strides towards the door.
"To catch up with Kara and tell her to try too," (Y/n) throws on her jacket. "But she's just as stubborn as you." (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes gleam with affection for a moment.
. . .
"Kara. Hi," Maggie walks up to Kara at Catco.
"Maggie," Kara nods. "Is everything okay?" she asks, the two walking towards Kara's desk.
"Yeah, I was just looking for (Y/n)," Maggie replies, "wondering if she checked in with you."
"Didn't you crash at her place last night?" Kara asks Maggie.
"I did," Maggie replies, "but she left to catch up with you after you left. What, she didn't stay with you?"
"She never caught up with me," Kara answers, turning to look at Maggie with a concerned look on her face. "Maybe she went to the DEO?"
Maggie shakes her head, "Alex said she didn't check in last night or report this morning."
"Huh . . ." Kara's eyebrows knit and her phone rings. "Ah. Mystery solved," Kara shows Maggie her phone, which had (Y/n) as the caller ID. "(Y/n)?" Kara answers the phone.
"Hello, Kara Danvers," a man, definitely not (Y/n), answers.
"Who is this?" Kara asks, stopping in her tracks.
"Well, the real question is, who are you?" the man replies. "Everyone around you thinks you're just a mild-mannered reporter. But I know the truth."
"What do you want?" Kara questions.
"I have your sister," the man replies.
"You're lying," Kara says, terror spiking in her.
"I'm not," Kara's phone vibrates and she pulls her phone from her ear. Maggie comes to stand at Kara's shoulder. The two look down to see the image of the body of a motionless figure lying on the floor of what seems to be a glass box.
"A man named Peter Thompson is serving a life sentence in Albatross Bay Supermax. You will free him within the next thirty-six hours or your precious baby sister will die. And I know you can, because I know . . . You're Supergirl."
. . .
(Y/n) blinks dazedly, weakly raising her head.
Noticing her surroundings, (Y/n) pushes herself to her feet.
"Hello?" she calls.
Electricity buzzes around her, and (Y/n) presses her head to the glass of her enclosure, breathing heavily.
"I knew I recognized you from the elevator," she croaks. "I know who you are. The people that I work with, they will find me." (Y/n) glares up into the camera at the corner of the cell. "And when they do, you will be in a world of hurt." (Y/n) totters slightly on weak legs. "So, I am giving you one chance. Free me, now."
Fear spikes in (Y/n) when she looks around the container. Three of the walls and the floor are made of cinder blocks, the ceiling of a chain-length fence, and the front wall made of glass.
. . .
"So, this person who says they've kidnapped (Y/n)," J'oon says, everyone gathered in the main debriefing room of the DEO, "what did he say on the call."
"H-he said he would kill (Y/n)," Kara says, pacing back and forth in front of the round table, "if I didn't break PeterThompson out of Albatross Bay."
Maggie and Alex are leaning heavily against the table. Lena and Winn Schott are standing off to the side, talking in whispers.
"He said he knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl," Kara goes on, and Lena and Winn stop their conversation, their widened eyes falling on Kara. "He's targeting (Y/n) because she's my sister," Kara goes on.
"But why (Y/n)?" Alex questions, straightening herself. "He could've also chosen me. Why go for her?"
"I don't know," Kara replies, shaking her head.
"This might be stating the obvious here, but why don't we just spring Peter Thompson and bring (Y/n) home?" Mon-El questions.
"The DEO does not negotiate with terrorists," J'oon replies.
"But this is (Y/n)," Mon-El faces J'oon.
"If we do this once, we'll open the floodgates," J'oon argues, a pained look in his eyes. "Every bad guy will know Supergirl can be controlled."
"And even if we do what he wants, it doesn't guarantee he'll release her," Maggie says. It was the first time she'd spoken since she'd learned (Y/n) had been kidnapped. "She's his insurance."
"All right, people,let's get to work!" J'oon booms, and everyone scrambles around. He walks over to Winn, who had sat down at his computer. "Winn, any luck with Alex's subdermal tracker?" he questions.
"No," Winn shakes his head, "it's been offline since ten'o'clock last night." Winn shakes his head, furiously typing on his keyboard. Whoever took her must have found some way to power it down."
"Where are we triangulating the signal from the phone calls?" J'oon asks Lena.
"We're nowhere," Lena plops down into a spare computer. "The caller used four different arrays to scramble the signal." Her accent had thickened with her worry for the youngest Danvers.
"You guys listen, we gotta move," Winn turns around to address all the agents.
"All right, let's start with what we know," Alex says, rising from her chair.
J'oon nods, "If this guy knows you're Supergirl, we just that to our advantage."
"That's gotta be a short list," Mon-El says. "Who knows your secret?" he questions.
"Jeremiah, Eliza, Clark, Alex, Lois, Lucy, the DEO, James . . ." Kara trails off, trying to think of a few more. "Lillian Luthor," she glances unsteadily at Lena, but Lena meets her gaze steadily.
"Does Peter Thompson have ties with Cadmus?" Lena asks, coming to stand around the table.
"No, I already checked," Winn replies. "There's nothing."
"Then you're asking the wrong question," Maggie supplies, and the others look at her. "We don't know where (Y/n) was taken, we don't have a crime scene, we don't have any physical evidence. They've clearly been planning this for a while. Whoever took (Y/n) is a ghost who doesn't want to be found."
Kara's head rests in her hands. "Then what's the right question?" she questions.
"Who is Peter Thompson and what does he mean to our ghost?" Maggie says, and the others nod.
. . .
Maggie, Alex, Kara and J'oon walk into the prison.
"Mr. Thompson," J'oon flashes his FBI badge. "Hank Henshaw and Alex Danvers, FBI. This is Detective Sawyer from NCPD, and Ms. Danvers from CatCo Magazine."
"The feds, a pig, and a journo," Thompson says, looking between the three. "To what do I owe this confusing pleasure?" he asks.
Maggie throws a manilla folder on the table between Thompson and J'oon. "Your jacket's a thrilling read. Three home invasions, two DUIs, two counts of felony murder."
"You all didn't come down here just to flatter me, did you?" Thompson asks, meeting Maggie's brown eyes. Maggie takes a breath, "This morning, we got a call from an anonymous source, asking that you be released from prison."
"Someone wants me out of jail?" Thompson laughs. "Not used to that. People usually want to keep me behind bars."
"A life sentence can't be all that easy," Alex says, "being in here all by yourself."
"You ever keep in contact with anyone on the outside?" J'oon questions.
"Just last week," Thompson replies, "Mr. JC Penney sent me a letter. He said there was a sale on galoshes." Kara's eyes burn and she steps forward as Thompson continues. "It's just that I don't have anywhere to wear them."
Kara slams her fist onto the metal table, startling Maggie a little. "Enough!" she orders. "My sister's been kidnapped, and her life is on the line until we find out who wants you out of prison."
"Ms. Danvers ..." J'oon says warningly.
"So save us the sarcasm! Who is it? Who has her?"
"Calm down," Alex says, her voice equally as warning as J'oon's and she places a hand on her sister's arm.
"Who has my sister?" Kara yells, ignoring Alex and J'oon.
"I don't know," Thompson says, meeting Kara's furious gaze.
"You're lying," Kara says angrily, her eyes narrowing.
"He's not," J'oon says. "We're done here."
The officer pulls Thompson to his feet and leads the fugitive out of the interrogation room.
"Why'd you let him go?" Kara asks J'oon.
"Because I read his mind," the Martian answers. "He's telling the truth." J'oon gets up from the table.
"Losing control is not gonna help us find (Y/n) faster," Maggie tells the superhero. "It's only going to get her killed."
Kara stares at Maggie for a moment, and then her phone rings. "Winn," she says, sounding almost defeated.
"Hey, we got something," Lena's voice comes from the speaker.
"What?" Kara asks.
"I scanned the visitor logs for Peter Thompson," Winn's voice comes from the speaker this time, "over the past three years. They're pretty sparse, except for one name that keeps popping up."
"Who?" Kara asks.
"Doesn't matter, it's a fake name," Winn replies. "I pulled some security footage and, baby, I ran that facial recognition software. Thompson has a son."
"But we checked, he doesn't have any relations," Kara replies.
"Well, apparently, there's a lot of family drama," Winn says. "Thompson's name isn't even on the kid's birth certificate. And I only figured this out after I cross-checked the name with the court transcripts. The kid spoke at Thompson's sentencing, and his name is . . . Rick Malverne. He has a house an hour outside the city."
"Malverne. Why does that sound so familiar?" Kara says aloud and Alex stares at her sister.
"He went to high school with us," Alex snaps her fingers.
. . .
Kara lands outside a house and busts down the door. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" she yells as she runs through the house.
Sticking her head in one of the rooms, Kara sees a set of computer screens with (Y/n) projected on them.
"(Y/n). (Y/n)!" Kara says softly, walking up the screens. "(Y/n)!"
"She can't hear you, Kara," comes a voice and Kara turns around to see a blonde man standing in the doorway.
"Rick?" Kara asks in disbelief.
"Jeez, I haven't seen you since graduation," is Rick's reply. "You look great."
Kara's eyes blaze and she grabs Rick, lifting him off the ground. "Where's my sister?" she demands.
"You break my father out of prison yet?" Rick asks, his teeth clenched.
"You know I can't do that," Kara murmurs.
"Can't or won't?" Rick questions.
Kara throws Rick back into a wall with a grunt.
"Tell me where she is," Kara growls.
That's not how this works," Rick answers. "Now, why don't you try and play nice, Kara?" he asks. "You were always the nice one."
Kara sighs, a hardened look on her face.
"Just let me talk to her," Kara breathes, looking over her shoulder at her sister on the monitors.
"Well, if that gets you to play ball, then I'm happy to help," Rick says, sliding around Kara to type on the keyboard.
The monitor chimes.
"(Y/n)!" Kara croaks. "(Y/n)!"
"Kara, is that you?" (Y/n) calls. "Rick Malverne from Midvale, he kidnapped me!" (Y/n) places her hand on the glass, facing the camera.
"I know," Kara replies. "I'm with him right now. Are you okay? Where are you?"
"My tracker. Can you use my tracker?" (Y/n) asks, and Kara can hear the frantic tone of her sister's voice.
"It's not working. We don't know -" Rick cuts Kara off.
"Okay, that's enough of a reunion, I think," Rick says.
"No, wait," Kara says.
Rick sighs, "It's simple. She's told you she's okay. And now we trade my father for (Y/n)."
"Your father is a murderer," Kara retorts.
"Manslaughter-er," Rick corrects.
"Tell me where she is," Kara demands again.
"Tick, tock. Tick, tock."
Kara's eyes burn red from her building heat-vision and Rick leans closer, "oh, wow, it's even cooler up close. You hurt me, you'll never find her. And she'll die. Slowly."
. . .
"He looks normal," Winn says, watching as two DEO agents lead Rick Malverne into the interrogation room.
"He was nice in school," Kara says, crossing her arms.
"He used to carry (Y/n)'s bookbag," Alex agrees. Lena raises an eyebrow and Alex shrugs.
"Why is he doing this to her?" Kara wonders aloud.
"I tried reading his mind, but he seems to be blocking me somehow," J'oon says.
"Let me in there," Maggie turns to J'oon. "I can talk to him."
J'oon considers Maggie for a moment before he nods. "All right."
. . .
Maggie sits down in a chair across from Malverne, Kara and Alex framed in the doorway.
"Detective Sawyer," Malverne considers Maggie, leaning forward slightly. "And they say there's never a cop around when you need one."
"So you know me?" Maggie crosses her arms.
"Of course," Malverne smiles, leaning back in his chair. "I took a whole year planning this. Watching (Y/n). Preparing. I know everything.
"How did you know I was Supergirl?" Kara asks, crossing her arms.
"The day at the beach," Malverne replies, meeting Kara's eyes. "Before you started wearing glasses.
"Hey, Rick," a young Alex greets a young Rick Malverne, Kara and (Y/n) standing behind her. (Y/n) was gently explaining things to Kara in a low voice.
"A bunch of us are heading to Swan Beach after school," Rick says, resturing towards the direction of the nearby beach. "You and (Y/n) wanna come?" Rick smiles over at the two year younger (Y/n).
"Back then," Rick says, pulling Kara and Alex from the memory, "I had no idea that (Y/n) would end up playing for the other team, so to speak."
"You're new sister is kinda weird," Rick says, gesturing to a young Kara who was looking up at the sky with wide, amazed eyes. A young (Y/n) rests her hand on Kara's shoulder, looking amused.
"Then there was a crash," Malverne goes on.
Kara charges to a car, pulling a woman and a baby from the burning wreckage.
The rest of the kids run up the hill to see a young woman hugging Kara with one arm and cradling her baby with the other.
"And her older sister walked away without a scratch. People at school said it was adrenaline, but, uh . . . "
"But you didn't believe that," Maggie finishes, meeting Malverne's gaze steadily.
"I saw Kara Danvers do something amazing," Malverne glances over at Kara. "And it stayed with me. I knew Kara was living in National City, and then Supergirl showed up in National City . . ." he chuckles. "I put two and two together. I knew it was you."
"What happened to you?" Alex asks, leaning forward. "I remember when (Y/n) and Alex had the chicken pox, and I was eating lunch by myself. You came and sat with me.
Rick chuckles. "I was fourteen. And I didn't have the nice house or the perfect family you three had." Maggie stands up from her seat.
"You think we had it easy?" Kara asks, unfolding her arms. "You have no idea what either of my sisters sacrificed for me. Or what I was going through!"
Malverne straightens in his seat, fixing his eyes on Kara. "Why, because you had to hide your superpowers? I was hiding bruises! Do you know what it's like to have your mother tell you you're garbage every single night? A belt whenever you had the wrong opinion? And then I found a lifeline. A dad my mom kept from me. And he saved me from her and he moved away from Midvale. And even though he was already struggling, he always made sure there was food on the table and he got me enough money to go to college. And then three years ago, the state took him from me."
"Your father killed two people," Maggie says, leaning against a wall, her arms crossed. "He confessed."
"They had it coming," Malverne replies, leaning back in his seat. "And now I'm gonna rescue him just like he rescued me. Alex shifts uncomfortably, leaving the room without another word. "I can't believe we're still talking about me! You have twenty-four hours and eleven minutes." Kara stiffens as Rick continues, "Come on, Kara, show us some of that rah-rah Midvale Junior High Spirit." Malverne is yelling now. "Free my dad! Or your sister dies."
Kara growls, zooms over, flips the table, and pins Malverne to the wall.
"Oh, you use half this much gusto in springing my dad, you'll have your sister back for game night."
"Kara! We're done here!" Maggie's voice cracks.
Kara lets go of Malverne and the man drops to the ground. "Hey. You know what'll be fun?" he asks. Maggie frowns, an eyebrow raising as she steps back from the man. "Finding out which of the three of you loves her more. "Honestly, I wouldn't know where to place my bet," he sneers and Maggie swallows thickly.
Kara frowns at the man and after a minute, the three women go to leave the room, Maggie pausing for a second.
"Go Stallions," Malverne grins.
Both Kara and Maggie leave the room. "I'm giving him one more minute, then I'm going back in there," Kara says.
"No," Maggie replies.
Alex straightens from where she'd slumped against the doorframe.
"Let him sweat it a little. We got what we wanted," Maggie reasons.
"What?" Kara questions, looking down into Maggie's eyes. "All we know i show he knows my identity."
"We know that Rick's pinned his whole sense of self-worth on Peter Thompson," Maggie says. "Thompson is the key to getting (Y/n) back."
Kara's angry eyes seems to extinguish as she considers Maggie's words.
. . .
An hour or so later, Maggie leads Peter Thompson into Malverne's interrogation room.
"Ricky," Thompson says, walking towards his son.
"Dad," Malverne gets up from his seat.
Thompson pauses before moving to hug his son. "All that time inspiration, I imagined a day when . . . I could talk to you without a pane of glass between us."
"The DEO moved heaven and Earth to free this man," Maggie says. "We did what you wanted. Now, tell us where (Y/n) is."
"No. No, not until my father and I are far from here," Malverne says.
"You think we're stupid?" Maggie questions. "I showed you mine. Your turn."
"So you can toss us in Gitmo?" Thompson asks. "Not gonna happen."
Maggie shakes her head in disbelief.
"Maybe he gives you a piece. A little token of goodwill," Thompson adds. "You gotta give them something, Ricky. That's how it works. Just tell them where she is." Thompson narrows his eyes at his son.
"Well, you really nailed his essence, I'll give you that," Malverne says.
"What?" Maggie asks, stepping forward, her arms crossing.
"I mean, that thing . . ." Malverne says, studying his father's face. "He couldn't decide whether to hug me or not. That's vintage Dad." Malverne sits back down in his metal chair.
"What are you talking about?" Thompson asks, walking up to stand beside the table.
"My father would never be playing these games. He'd be wanting to get the hell away from here and making sure that he never went back to prison," his expression is one of anger. "I've been planning this for a year. Do you really think I didn't prepare for you," Malverne pauses, looking up at Thompson, "Martian?"
Thompson walks over to Maggie and shifts back into himself.
"You're down to twenty-three hours and fourteen minutes," Malverne says as he gazes a Maggie and J'oon. "And counting."
Maggie closes her eyes, pressing her index finger and thumb to the bridge of her nose.
. . .
(Y/n) looks around her containment module. Her eyes narrow as she looks up at the camera.
(Y/n) pulls off her jacket and belt. She climbs up, pulling the camera off the wall.
"Okay," she breathes, having taken apart the camera.
(Y/n) bites down on the end of her belt, snaps a card from her wallet, and pulling down the shoulder of her shirt. She whimpers as she digs the sharp end of the card into her shoulder. (Y/n)'s teeth bare down on the belt, her chest heaving as she finally pulls her tracker from out of her shoulder.
(Y/n) spits out the belt, her chest heaving. "That sucked," (Y/n) grumbles, blinking back her tears. She connects her tracker to the camera after pulling out a few wires.
. . .
"I just got a software update request from one of our trackers," an agent says, peering at the computer screen. "System's not recognizing the IP address."
"She's a little genius!" Winn says. Winn runs down the hall. "Guys! We found (Y/n). I found her."
Kara - who is standing with Mon-El, Alex, and Lena - turns to face Winn. "You did?" Kara asks frantically.
"We got a ping from her subdermal tracker," Winn explains. "She's not far!"
Kara runs over to the door where she finds Maggie sitting at the table across from Malverne.
"Maggie. Winn found (Y/n)," Kara says, and Maggie turns to look at Kara. Alex is framed in the doorway, her eyes wide with hope.
"What? How?" Maggie asks, getting up from her chair.
"I guess you underestimated my sister," Kara says, glaring at Malverne. "Let's go," Kara turns and marches towards the door.
Maggie pauses, turning to study Malverne.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Malverne says, his gaze flicking between the Danvers' sisters and Maggie.
"You're delusional," Kara turns to face Malverne. "The second we get back here with (Y/n), you're going to prison with your dad."
Malverne shrugs, looking at the table in front of him. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Kara strides the room, but Alex and Maggie study Malverne.
Maggie and Alex runs out of the room. "Watch him," Maggie tells the guard as she runs past him after Kara. "Hey, stop," Maggie tells Kara. "Malverne still thinks he's in control," she tells her.
Kara turns, looking highly annoyed with Maggie at this point.
"He's not acting like someone who just lost," Alex adds. "He didn't even flinch. It's like he expected this."
"No, no, no, we are not listening to that psycho," Kara says, walking closer to the two. "Every minute we wait for matters."
"I - I want to get her as badly as you do," Maggie retorts, "but we can't punch our way out of this. We've got to get this right."
"If the shoe were on the other foot, (Y/n) would already be out the door. I'm not waiting," Kara argues.
"You're not the only one who cares about her!" Maggie says, her voice rising.
"I'm going!" Kara yells over her shoulder as she strides out of the DEO, Alex running after her.
Maggie swallows thickly and looks at the ground.
. . .
Alex and Kara smash through the roof of a warehouse, and (Y/n) hears the thump on the ground. Kara lets go of Alex's arm.
(Y/n) scrambles to her feet. "Kara! Alex!" she shouts.
"(Y/n)!" both the sisters yell.
"I'm down here!"
Kara runs over, pulling a sheet of metal off the floor.
(Y/n) hears the noise and looks around hopefully, but she doesn't see anyone coming to her aid.
All Kara and Alex see is a laptop and a countdown clock. The words, NOW YOU HAVE FOUR is spray-painted onto the wall.
"Four? What . . ." Kara asks, but there is a rapid beeping from the clock and the time now reads 4:00:00.
There is a grinding noise, and water begins spraying in from one of the pipes.
The twoolders Danvers' sisters watch, terrified as their sister looks frantically around.
(Y/n) grabs her jacket from the floor and presses it to the pipe, hoping to stop the flow of the water.
. . .
Kara and Alex march through the door of the interrogation room, Kara's fists balled. Alex sets the laptop on the table, opening it and turning it towards Malverne.
"Where is she?" Kara crosses her arms.
Malverne shrugs. "I told you not to go down there . . ."
"Tell us where she is," Alex slams a fist on the table.
"I gave you thirty-six hours to break my father out of prison," Malverne relaxes in his chair. "But you didn't listen. So now, that room is gonna fill up with water in less than four hours. I think it's time you got moving."
Kara's lip quivers. "Let me talk to (Y/n)."
Rick leans forward and presses a few of the keys and there is a beep.
Kara turns the laptop around and leans down to talk to her sister through the computer.
"(Y/n)," Kara says, her voice quavering.
"Kara! Alex! I sent out a signal, I thought you were coming," (Y/n) says, the water up to her waist now.
"He re-routed the IP address. He sent us somewhere else. Do you have any idea where you are?" Alex asks, her eyes wide with worry.
"I was unconscious. I could be hours away or I could be in the city," (Y/n) replies, a frown spreading across her face. "I don't know." Despite how far (Y/n) was away from the camera, both Kara and Alex can see the fear on their little sister's face.
Rick leans forward. "(Y/n), it's Rick. I don't want to hurt you. I keep on telling your sisters that. Tell them to get my father, and this can all be over. You can come home and get dry."
"No. Alex. Kara. No," (Y/n) says, pointing at the camera. "You do not give that terrorist what he wants. You cannot let yourselves be blackmailed. You cannot open yourselves up to that, ever. Do you understand me? You're both better than me." Again, despite her words, her widened eyes display her fear and worry.
Maggie enters the room and, seeing (Y/n) on the screen, runs over. "(Y/n)!"
"Maggie!" (Y/n) calls.
"I'm right here," Maggie replies, her tone softening.
"Maggie, I need to speak to you alone," (Y/n) says, and Maggie immediately grabs the laptop and walks out of the room, cradling the laptop to her chest for a moment.
"Honey, everyone here is working hard and we're going to find you," Maggie says and her voice cracks. She sits down on the floor, her back against a wall.
"The water is rising fast and there are things that I need to say," (Y/n) says, looking up into the camera, her eyes softening as though she really was meeting her girlfriend's gaze.
"No," Maggie's voice cracks. "Don't start talking like this is the end."
"I don't want it to be, but in the case that it is . . ."
"It's not!" Maggie cuts her girlfriend off. "You're a badass, Danvers. And you're gonna figure out a way to get yourself out of there or you're gonna hold on until I find you." Maggie's voice quavers.
"Maggie, listen to me, please," (Y/n) tries again.
"No," Maggie interrupts, tears welling in her eyes. "W-we just started t-this, you and me, and i-it's not g-going to end. Not today. Not for a long time. We just had our first Valentine's Day and I wanna do more with you. I-I want more firsts." (Y/n) looks up into the camera again and she doesn't worry about wiping her tears. "I want to have a first vacation. We haven't even argued about where we're gonna go yet or how to load the dishwasher. Or what to name our first dog. Do you want to get a dog? A cat? Both?" The tears are falling freely down both women's faces now.
(Y/n) smiles slightly. "Both? Let's name the dog Gertrude." Her eyes sparkle with amusement.
"See," Maggie smiles, her expression watery, "there's a lifetime of firsts that we're going to do together. So, you hold on, okay? Hold on until I get to you. Promise. Promise me!"
"I . . ." (Y/n) starts but the video cuts off.
"What?" Maggie says, typing furiously on the keyboard. "(Y/n)!" Maggie, frustrated, throws the laptop to the ground.
"What happened?" Kara runs over where Maggie is sitting.
This distraught woman stands up. "I t-told you not to rush in. Now you've made things worse."
"I did what I thought was right," Kara retorts.
Alex, Lena, Winn, and Mon-El run into the hallway.
"I should have been heard," Maggie goes on, not noticing that the others had appeared. "I should have been listened to. I'm her girlfriend."
"I'm her sister," Kara snarls in return.
"And you think that trumps me?" Maggie questions, taking a step forward. "That you know what's right for her. I . . . I got her to be herself, Kara. I-I have j-just as much to lose as you. You should've listened to me."
Maggie turns around and storms away.
. . .
There is a beep as Maggie enters Malverne's interrogation room.
Malverne straightens, studying Maggie closely.
Maggie sits down at the other side of the table, crossing her arms and resting her elbows on the table.
"Under two hours," Malverne says, leaning back in his chair. "The clock is ticking fast," he comments.
"I know," Maggie replies, leaning forward in her chair. "And if it ticks down completely, we both lose. And I don't think you want to lose."
A ghost of a smile spreads across Malverne's face, "Neither do you." Malverne pauses. "I was wrong about Kara," he says. "She's too much of a Girl Scout to do what needs to be done. I misjudged her. Alex," he shrugs, "she can't do anything with Kara in her way. I may have discounted you. You're a cop. You could just walk into that prison and break my father free if you wanted to. You care for her."
Maggie simply blinks.
"I've seen that," Malverne goes on.
"Stalking us," Maggie says, leaning forward a bit more.
"The way you look at her," Malverne says, his expression softening a little. "The way your hand touches her hand when you're walking down the street."
Maggie's eyes water and she bites her bottom lip and looks down at the tabletop.
"Love can make people do things that they don't normally do," Malverne goes on. "So please, help us bring home the people we love.
. . .
(Y/n) could no longer touch the floor of her containment module, as so much water had flooded into it.
(Y/n) holds her breath, diving to the bottom to grab her belt.
She lets out a strangled yell as she tries to close the valve with the belt.
Her chest heaving, (Y/n) resurfaces, greedily gulping in air.
Wrapping the belt around her hand, she dives down and punches at the glass, trying to get it to break.
Getting desperate, (Y/n) pulls off her cargo pants, leaving her in a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of boxers.
Resurfacing again, (Y/n) uses the space left to tie the legs of her pants and fills the other end with air.
(Y/n) puts the makeshift life-vest over her head.
. . .
"Please tell me you have something," Alex says, emotion surging over her.
"We've literally tried everything, all right?" Winn says, his hair disheveled from the continuous motion of running his hands through it. "I've checked family holdings, bank accounts, call logs from the prison . . . There's nothing."
Alex lets out a suppressed sob, resting her head in her hands.
"I'm gonna talk to Maggie and see if she's got anything else out of him.
Kara looks at the computer monitor projecting the camera looking into Malverne's room, but (Y/n) isn't there.
"Where . . . where's Maggie?" Kara asks, and Winn and Mon-El turn to look at the screen.
. . .
Maggie glances around the corner of the prison wall but stops when she hears the guard's keys jingling together. She waits until the guard walks through a set of double doors to moves. She strides up to one of the metal pipes and places a projector in front of a camera so that the guards watching the cameras wouldn't see what she is about to do.
Maggie jogs through the projection, her face set in determined lines.
She blows the lock on Peter Thompson's door. "What the hell are you doing?" Thompson asks as Maggie grabs his upper arm.
"Taking you to your son," Maggie's voice cracks.
Maggie lifts (Y/n)'s raygun and shoots two cameras as she makes her way through the prison.
"Nice gun," Thompson comments.
"It's my girlfriend's," Maggie says shortly, pushing Thompson forward.
"Maggie, you know (Y/n) wouldn't want you to do this," Kara says in her Supergirl uniform.
"All I care about is getting her back alive," Maggie says, her eyes burning. "You were right, sometimes words don't work."
"Sometimes punching doesn't either," Kara counters. "She just came from your son. She was with him all day, trying to turn him," Thompson turns to look at Maggie, "make him understand. You know what kind of words your son's been using? Words like 'rescue' and 'love.' He says he wants to rescue you, like you rescued him," Kara steps forward, her arms crossed across her chest. But if he kills (Y/n) Danvers, he'll never be rescued. He'll have to live with that for the rest of his life. And that'll be his hell," Kara's voice softens. "Now, you've done a lot of bad things in your life, but you've done one thing you can be proud of. You were a father. A good one. You were there for your son during the toughest time of his life and that's what you need to do again now. If he kills her, you will have failed at the one good thing you've done with your life. Be a father now."
A timer beeps on Maggie's phone, and fear strikes through her. "She's out of time."
"Please, is there anywhere he would have taken her?" Kara asks.
"There's one place," Thompson says.
. . .
Maggie, Alex, and Kara open the garage door of the storage facility and they run in, Maggie freezing with horror at the sight of her girlfriend in the glass chamber.
Kara speeds over and puts a fist through the glass and all the water - as well as (Y/n) - flow through the hole in the glass.
(Y/n) coughs up water as she rolls onto her side.
"Thank God," Maggie says, pulling (Y/n)'s head into her lap. "She's okay. She's alright."
Maggie lifts (Y/n) head up as she chokes on the water, coughing it up. Maggie rests her chin on (Y/n)'s head, before pressing a few kisses to the same spot. (Y/n) grabs Maggie's hand and squeezes it weakly.
"You held on," Kara says, pressing her hands to her sister's pale cheeks; Alex grabs (Y/n)'s other hand,
"I-I h-eld on," (Y/n) stammers. Then she looks up into Maggie's eyes, which are soft with affection.
Maggie cradles (Y/n) head and presses her lips to her girlfriend's forehead.
. . .
The four women return to the DEO, (Y/n) asleep in the MedBay while Maggie stares out the window, relaxed by the soft patter of the rain and her girlfriend safe.
"Hey, you," (Y/n) says hoarsely and Maggie turns, relief evident on her face. "You okay?" she rasps.
A look of disbelief spreads across Maggie's face. "Am I okay?" (Y/n) asks softly, settling down in a chair and taking (Y/n)'s hands in her own, a look of tender affection on her face. "Are you kidding? That was really clever, with the whole Navy Seal thing with your pants. What was that?" Maggie smiles and (Y/n) laughs weakly.
"Well, I knew I just had to buy a couple of seconds," (Y/n) says, and a tear trails down her cheek. "I knew you were going to come."
Maggie' gaze softens.
"You didn't let me finish before, but I, um . . ." (Y/n) pauses.
"What?" Maggie murmurs.
"I just really have to say it now," (Y/n) continues.
"(Y/n) . . ."
"It's okay, it's okay," (Y/n) says as she sits up, Maggie shooting out a hand to help. Maggie tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and turns to gaze deeply into (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes. "Those firsts that you talked about . . ." (Y/n) says, her voice a whisper because of how close her face is to Maggie's. Maggie nods, a soft smile on her face. "I want to have them all with you." (Y/n)'s eyes get watery. "I never want to stop having firsts with you. I love you, Maggie Sawyer.
"I love you, (Y/n) Danvers," Maggie murmurs, her eyes still watery.
Word Count: 7114 words
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kendrene · 2 years
Ohhhh i love trope mash-ups! the more tropes the merrier! Soooo...Supercorp - Baby fic + Blind date fic, for maximum awkward first date lol.
Ohh okay. Hear me out.
Alex and Sam are exes that stayed friends even after they moved on. They both have a problem. Alex's is named Kara and Sam's is named Lena. Both have sworn they will never date again - Kara because of her failed relationship with Mon-El. Lena because she's tired of being taken advantage of for her last name. Lena did want a kid though, so she went and got an anonymous donor and has a baby that's a few months old.
Lena is stressed, juggling work and the baby and even though she's happy to be a mother she is also repressing the fact that she underestimated how hard it'd be to do it all alone. Of course she can, of course a lot of other people are single parents and they're good parents it'd just be nice to have someone that'll take turns getting up when the baby cries at night. She doesn't admit she'd maybe possibly want to be in love, she's stopped believing in love, it's all very practical. (Right)
Kara is just pretty miserable and heartbroken and drowns her aching heart in work but it doesn't help.
Alex and Sam decide to set them up (Kelly tries to explain how badly it can backfire and is the general voice of reason, not that they listen much)
Kara and Lena agree to meet if only so that the others will stop bothering them. Lena tells Sam that she's nervous and can she bring a plus one. Sam of course offers to go with, but Lena is like no, I want to bring someone who didn't help set this whole thing in motion and can be more objective than you. She mentions Jess.
Sam is like okay, I'll watch the baby then and Lena is like no I've got it covered. I'll text you after the date bye. Secretly she plans to bring the baby in order to "scare" Kara away. You know, single mom and all that.
She has not factored in Kara "Sunshine" Danvers, who's been miserable for months but perks up the second she lays eyes on the baby and starts to make goofy faces to make them laugh and buys/wins a plushie for them (plus one for Lena because why make one Luthor happy when you can make two) and by the end of the night Lena is falling, and oh no, I'm falling in love pls help.
Lena panics to Sam who very smugly tells her that's the point.
She holds the front door ajar, watching Kara's battered pick-up truck disappear past a bend in the road, cheek still tingling from the ghost-touch of her lips, and only lets the door slide shut completely when Caragh grows fussy in her arms.
"I'm falling in love, I think." she texts to Sam once she's put her daughter to bed. "You're welcome."
It amuses me that Caragh is pronounced Kara and Lena only finds Kara's name out on their date because Sam refused to tell her anything beyond, you should totally go out with my ex's sister.
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unitcd · 5 months
sometimes i sit here and i contemplate the fact that barry and iris got a happy ending and didn't arrow get one technically before oliver bit the dust? why the fuck did kara get the short end of the stick? i mean. she 'got to come out as supergirl' and that's it? like, i'm sorry. bitch, that's not a happy ending to me. get out of here with that garbage. and do nOT come at me about the fact that mon-el straight up said to her face that he wouldn't see her again in this lifetime. like, what the ACTUAL, LITERAL FUCK was that?! possibly the worst 'ending' to a relationship i've ever heard in my life. i need to let it the fuck go, but honestly? ?? i'm still mad about it and it's why i do not write canon kara OR canon mon. because they're soulmates and idgaf if anyone else agrees or disagrees on that one. this is my blog and i'm going to do as i please 🤷‍♀️ .
i am also on the struggle bus atm, so i needed to get this out of my system before i started bawling about it. :||||||||| today is not a great mental health day and i am just TIRED as fuck, y'all.
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lost-on-t-umblr · 2 years
((I come in peace don't attack me please!! *desperately waves a white flag before I start to talk*))
Unpopular take but, as a hardcore Supercorp shipper, I still really like how Kara and Mon El's relationship developed in late season 03. I like that his early behavior was addressed on screen, that he grew up, that the feelings they had for each other were complex and they worked through them like adults. To me, Supercorp is endgame, there's no doubt about it. Lena is the one that always goes the extra mile for Kara, the one who helps her grow into a better person, who's there for her always and who always cares. And, at the end of the last season, she's Kara's best match, I think we can all agree on that. Yet, I think that what Mon El and Kara felt for each other was real and sweet, and they're two objectively handsome people who look really good together. While I've seen that their shippers can be a little... aggressive (but so can we Supercorp shippers, at times), I like to think they were both great ships. A ship doesn't have to be endgame to be a good one, and while season 02's Mon-El gave me goosebumps for how self entitled and arrogant he was, his growth made him a very enjoyable character, in my opinion. And I also think that the period of time in which he was back coincided with the lowest point in Supercorp's romantic feelings for each other, so it all kind of fits – what Kara asked James to do wasn't fair; she and Lena essentially only talked once a week or so, except for the strained Luthor-Super business partnership (that still gave us gems such as "I don't think about you while I'm doing it >:(" ); Lena was seeking romance elsewhere (sort of, now that was a relationship that really lacked chemistry!). So, it kind of makes sense to me as a fan, to support whatever relationship seems to genuinely make my favourite characters happy in that moment, even if I know that it's not going to last, and that the future will bring them better shots at true love.
I don't know what I'm trying to say with this, other than that, having skipped season three to avoid witnessing the Lena/James flirt, my opinions on Karamel were only based on what I'd heard from the Supercorp fandom, and season 02 seemed to confirm it. But!! They're both cute ships!! It's just my opinion, and people can not share it – also, being quite new in the fandom (~1 year), there may be some old beef I don't know about –, but like many people ship both Rojascorp/Reigncorp and Supercorp, the same can happen even if one of the ships is not wlw! A het ship won't invalidate the queer one!
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supergirlspurgatory · 7 years
An analysis of the Supergirl Season 3 Trailer
So I’ve watched this like 25 times already, and I’ve got some things to say.
Supergirl is my Superhero. I use to always say Batman, and now it’s Supergirl, I am all about Supergirl. All of my friends know it, all of my family knows it, whenever I start dating someone new, they find out pretty quick. I identify with Kara Danvers. When I was 12 my mom died and I lost my whole world (I still had my father and my brother, but my dad worked all the time and my brother abused me) I was alone. I was sad, I was angry, and I was broken. But, I also ended up being extremely fortunate, because I had a woman take me, she became a mother to me, adopted me emotionally you could say, had I been younger, she would have likely adopted me legally and she has her own biological children that became my siblings. Her daughter, my little sister is my best friend. I would do anything for her. I would tear my entire life apart so that hers would stay whole. I would die for her and I would kill for her. Which is the relationship that Kara and Alex have. If I were a superpowered alien like Kara Danvers, and I found out my sister’s life were in danger, I would have done exactly what she did. In fact, there was a time several years ago when I did save my sister’s life and nearly died doing it. We live on a farm/ranch, and our Papa was driving the tractor through the yard, I should mention here that my little sister is 16 years younger than me, She was 4 at the time and I was 20, we were walking across the yard, a whole group of us, my mom, my other siblings and some cousins, to go to Nana’s house. I was talking to my mom when she looked up and saw that my Papa couldn’t see my little sister and she if she didn’t move quickly, my grandpa didn’t notice her, or one of us intervened she was going to get run over. My mom locked up and couldn’t even say anything, before I could even process what was happening I was running faster than I’d ever run, and was pulling my sister into my arms, shielding her from the tractor and trying to get out of the way, I didn’t have an enough time and held her to my chest hoping that the impact would only hurt me and that I would be able to shield her. Fortunately, Papa had seen me running right for the tractor and knew something was wrong and stopped the tractor just as it gently hit my back. I could have died but I would do it again in a heart beat.
So I am the adopted/foster sister, who would do anything if it meant keeping her sister safe. I didn’t realize that was the reason I was so in love with Supergirl until about 4 months ago when I was talking to my best friend about it, and she reminded me about this. About how I love Supergirl because I identify with Supergirl. Well that, and that I am super-gay and Supergirl/Kara Danvers is basically everything I’ve been looking for in a girlfriend my entire life.
I want to talk about the new trailer, about how excited about it I am and give you a quick analysis of it.
“The decision I made, he couldn’t have made that sacrifice, but me, I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t”
I 125% believe that she is talking about Clark/Kal-El/Superman.
“I will always make the decision that I made. I am not a human, I tried to be, but I’m not.”
This is what makes me believe that she is talking about Clark. We talk about it all the time, it’s been mentioned on the show, in the comics, in more fanfics that I can quote, Clark Kent may be the last son of Krypton, but he is not a Kryptonian. Clark is a human, with superpowers. Clark’s tagline is ‘Truth, Justice, and the American way,’ Kara’s on the other hands is, “Hope, Help, and Compassion for all, this is canon from the ‘Adventures of Supergirl’ comics. Kara’s mission when she was sent to earth was to protect Kal-El, when she got to earth, Kal-El was already Superman, and did not need her protection. So she immediately understood that she needed a new mission, and that mission was to protect, but the Danvers raised her to hide her powers, to not let people know that she is a Kryptonian. The whole time though, she has known that she is not a human, that she is so much more. She has always know that she is a protector and that is what she was sent to earth to do. She knows Clark could not have made the sacrifice she made, which is love because Clark did not make that sacrifice. Clark, used his super-speed/flight, to travel through time and save Lois Lane the most popular time we know of is when he saved her from dying in the earthquake, I don’t feel like combing through the internet to reference every time he did this, but I know it’s happened more than once. Mentioning that, Supergirl, is at least as fast Barry Allen/The Flash, who has used his super-speed multiple times to change the past/future, so we know that Supergirl, is more than capable of going back in time so that she can change multiple things, the most logical being, stopping Lena Luthor from helping Rhea build the gateway that allows the Daxamite army to come onto earth. Or she could go back to when Queen Rhea’s ship first came to earth and just eliminate her there. There are countless scenarios that Supergirl could have traveled through time and changed. She didn’t though, she didn’t mess with the speedforce, she didn’t mess with the space time continuum, she didn’t change the past to change the future. Kara accepted the fate and did what she had to do to protect earth because, ‘Hope, Help, and Compassion for all’. Kara knows that is she changes the past, it would change everyone’s future and she knows that. If Clark had been in that situation, Kara knows that he would have changed the past to protect his love. As much as I hate Kara’s relationship with Mon-el, as much as I think it’s complete shit, as much as I know that he treats her terribly, I still know that the show is written in a way that indicated that Kara loves him regardless of how he mistreats her, and sending someone you love away is one of the most painful things to do, especially if you are blind to the qualities. Kara sacrificed her happiness and the life of the person she loves, to protect everyone on earth. She says that she will always make that decision because that is who she is. I would guess that probably has to do with the birthing matrix, a quality that she was designed with, a quality that written into her DNA, to serve, to protect, to sacrifice, to be SELFLESS, something that she cannot go against. Clark was not born by the Matrix, he was born naturally, so it’s not a quality that would have necessarily been ingrained into him, he would have the ability to be selfish. Being selfish in a human quality that Kara does NOT have.
“Kara Danvers was a mistake.”
I would be willing to bet money that Kara Zor-El, is saying that Kara Danvers was a mistake because even though the last 13 years, she has been going out of her way to come off as human, she has known the entire time that she is NOT. Kara Zor-El knows that Kara Danvers is fake. Danvers is a weak, soft, clumsy girl, who is pretending to not be that smart. Zor-El, is strong, she is sure, she is bold, she is brave, she has intelligence that shows Earth to be primitive, she is unbreakable. It is canon that Kara Zor-el is, strong, faster, and more intelligent than Superman, she is his superior in every way. The closest version of Kara that we have seen to who she really is was when she was affected by Red Kryptonite. Red Kryptonite does not make a Kryptonian bad, it shuts off their inhibitions, it makes them able to be who they want to be, it lets them act out on the thoughts that they have burying. I think we are going to see Kara Zor-El this season, I think we are going to see her be who she wants to be, not the version of herself that is expected of her as Kara Danvers. I think that we are going to get, sexy, confident Kara who is out for blood because she is sick of hiding who she is. Not killing, that is Superman’s rule, it is a rule that she has been following because it is associated with the house of El, and I think that with every other rule that Superman has set with the house of El, is about to go out the window and we are going to see the true ‘Last Kryptonian’ rise.
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leighlew3 · 3 years
now that the show is over and some time is slowly passing, are you willing to revisit the discussion about early show discussions about making Kara pansexual and how it veered away from that?
I mean... I've heard things but you never know what's true.
Look, I have a friend whose friend wrote for S1 under that predatory piece of shit AK, and she was so traumatized by the experience that she refuses to even discuss her time working on the show. So my friend who also watched the show and rooted for an LGBTQ Kara and SC Endgame and wanted to know WTF along with everyone else, rightfully wasn't about to push nor ask about what truly was planned or went on, because it just wouldn't be appropriate.
I also know somebody who is connected to AA's circle and I know AA went through a lot of bad and unfair shit as well. So you never know what plans people had, what long-term outlooks were in mind for characters, but starting off with a lesbian co-showrunner, and sapphic jokes and nods to Kara's possible sexuality multiple times in S1 ("Oh my God you're a lesbian." and Leslie saying she gave off sapphic butch vibes and Kara's comments about Lucy, etc) certainly hinted that she might've been meant to be bi/pan from the get by some. And rumors suggest that too. But maybe CBS got in the way?
And then when it landed on The CW, maybe someone hoped to try again with bringing in a favorite amongst wlw fandoms in the form of KMG, with an "LL" name and red/blue dynamic and her first episode having a Clois save recreation and testing chemistry and such with a 3-episode arc a la EBR on Arrow being hired for just one episode initially then recurring, then being made a regular and Oliver's romantic endgame. It sure seems like it was always something some people were aiming for -- especially after that confirmation from the S2-3 writer who openly wrote "Supercorp" into a script, wrote a scene after Mon-El was sent away where Cat tells Kara that love is still ahead for her and in walks Lena who asks Kara to dinner, and said on Twitter she "was always rooting for those two". But clearly those who rooted for it and tried for it were continuously fought and shut down by somebody... showrunners, networks, EPs, etc -- who knows. I believe even Chyler had mentioned being surprised that Alex would be the LGBTQ character for S2, and I think I read someplace that FL was cast a pretty last minute.
Meanwhile over the years, SG repeatedly lost or never locked down some of their best LGBTQ and SC-heavy writers. Did they simply move on? Were they let go for always fighting for SC? Or were they just sick of hitting walls on what was clearly the most organic path for Kara and Lena and the show, and grew tired of writing forced cheap imitation relationships between the two women and various men due to heteronormativity and homophobia and bts situations forced upon them by somebody above? Nobody knows.
So again, we can't know for certain what everyone's plans were until they reveal it themselves, if they ever even can or do. I do know other writers from the A'verse who fully saw and believed in SC and didn't understand nor agree with what the show did and why they never went there. To me, that tends to suggest it wasn't a DC/WB issue... because if was you'd think they'd know that. So it sounds -- at least to me -- like it was more of a showrunner or EP or network issue.
I will also say, I was shown a DM exchange between a S5-6 writer and a fan in S5 during the height of the writers room getting hammered with negative feedback and reviews where this writer hinted at creative conflict with showrunners and within the writer's room in general, and made it clear that some writers were in line with what fans wanted, but had people above them to answer to.
This also seems to be backed up with JF's recent interview where he stuttered through an answer on SC/queerbait, citing approvals from above being needed and so on, but never giving a direct answer on the issue. Obviously no one wants to break rank or risk future work by pointing any finger directly at any one person or company.
Look, perhaps one day we'll all find out the truth... until then, since Kara's sexuality was never defined as straight, since she slept with one man in the history of the show one time, but also seemed a bit taken by Lucy, openly flirted with Kate twice, had interesting chemistry with multiple women from Psi to Cat to Imra and more, and was established as being soulmates with Lena over the years with all the Clois and other romantic parallels and tropes and framing and the 100th (being mysterious "partners" in a universe where both weren't with others at all, and one could plead the 5th in court against having to testify against the other) and their heavily coded "coming out" discussion and "us against the world defending our family" vibe in the series finale, plus Kara looking Lena's direction while singing "we belong together" and looking/heading towards her after she took off her glasses and walked away, now her true self...
I think it's safe to assume via tons of subtext and even at times maintext in a way, that Kara was in fact pansexual, and Supercorp was truly endgame. So just take that "win" -- which in the year 2021 is an absurd and unacceptable consolation prize, alas...
It is what it is.
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ichinamikawa · 2 years
A reflection about Supergirl and Supercorp
I take advantage of the second anniversary of the 100th episode of Supergirl to reflect about Supercorp and the show in general.
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⚠️It will be a long and boring thing that surely many will not share⚠️
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Premise: I love the world of Superman, but I started seeing Supergirl when she was at her third season.
I didn't have a lot of expectations about this series and I started seeing it precisely because I was intrigued by Supercorp (yes, I had heard more about supercorp than Supergirl and this should give you an idea of ​​extent of the phenomenon behind it).
The idea of ​​a Super and a Luthor together was absolutely intriguing, but I thought it was one of the many ships with a lot of chemistry, but no really romantic interactions (I'm also a fan of Swan Queen and Sterek, but I admit that there isn't so much material to work on to say "Yes, they are a couple").
So I came to the Season 2 premiere quite skeptical.
At the end of that episode I was like "What did I just watch?! It's true! They're actually flirting!".
Well... Why did the writers chose nothing rather than making history?
The idea that, personally, I have made is that all the problems of this ship were born already in the second season. In that season, we have three events that affect the continuity of the show: the arrival of Mon-El as the protagonist's first true love interest, the coming out of Alex as lesbian and the entry of Lena on the scene. Here, I believe that the latter was intended by the writers in a completely different sense from how it was then received by the fans and, perhaps, if the interest of the fandom in the character had not emerged, she would have come out in that same season, becoming the Maxwell Lord of the second season or, at least, not becoming a regular. Things turned out differently and not only did the fans literally fall in love with Katie McGrath and her character, but they saw more chemistry between her and the protagonist than there was between the latter and the character of Mon-El.
Nonetheless, the starting of Karamel in Season 2 and its fixing in Season 3 erased any chance of making Lena a possible love interest for Kara.
Similarly, I believe that Alex's coming out (which was widely applauded, but which personally always left me quite indifferent) was another nail on the coffin of a possible supercorp ... Because, even if in theory there is no limit to the number of queer characters that you can have in a series, making each pair of a single show an lgbt pair (and it would have been so considering that the other pairs, at the end of the series, are Alex/Kelly and Brainy/Nia) would have it could have meant, for the cw, taking the longest step ... A step that, apparently, he decided not to take.
As for the rest of the show and the characters, I think we can all agree that the writers proved to be totally unable to handle the characters they had in their hands. This is especially true of romantic relationships within the series and in the case of Kara and Lena it was only more evident.
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To be honest, Nia/Brainy (together with J'onn and M'gann who are secondary) are the only couple that I have appreciated appreciated because they are the only ones who do not seem coupled at random and whose relationship has actually been the object of construction from the beginning.
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Alex/Maggie was not bad, but I really didn't like how they handled it in a hasty and superficial way (you ask someone to marry you and then you leave her because you didn't ask her first if she wanted children?!).
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As for Alex/Kelly, I like them as individual characters, but their relationship doesn't have, at least initially, a solid foundation and seems to be the classic "Oh, we have a lesbian, let's put her with the first lesbian who passes!".
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Kara/Mon-El could also have some potential, but if the idea was to take a negative character and make him a good guy who finds redemption through love for the protagonist, this was not really successful because they didn't introduce Mon-El as "bad", but rather like the goofy country cousin that Kara has to nurse. I certainly do not support those who see, in their story, the representation of a toxic relationship (and even if it were I would not be the most suitable person to support this position, since my canon OTP is the Spuffy which is the most unhealthy relationship ever shown in a TV show ...), but surely what they wanted to do with Mon-El they managed to do with Lena Luthor.
And then...
(No, I will NOT talk about Lames. She's never stood behind a man, do you remember?)
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Her character distances herself from all the others because she proves, from the beginning, to be capable of killing in cold blood (Corben) and truly faces a path towards darkness and then a path of redemption that has always, as its central point, her relationship with the protagonist.
What I'm saying is that I didn't want they make the Kara/Lena pair canonical because I wanted another lgbt couple on Supergirl, but because this is, objectively, the best constructed and dissected relationship on the show and the fact (or whatever the strong feeling) that it has not been made canonical ONLY because it's a lesbian couple leaves me particularly disappointed.
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saberies-stuff · 2 years
If you were to rewrite any season of Supergirl which one would it be and what kind of changes would you make?
Ooh, this is a super fun question! I’m tempted to say Season 6 right off the bat, because we all know my feelings on that gosh-awful shoddy excuse of a finale, but that’s a lazy answer so I’m just going to take that disaster out of consideration and focus on the rest.
The first three seasons were actually pretty solid, in my opinion. My favorite was Season One; the show just had this goofy, fun, comic-book vibe that got lost when it moved to the CW and never really came back, but 2 and 3 actually weren’t bad. It’s the last three seasons where things went off the rails, and if I had to pick a worst offender, it would probably be Season 4. Season 5 at least had a couple redeeming moments (and some instances where Kara remembered she possesses a backbone and put her foot down about a certain somebody’s BS). But Season 4? I can remember almost none of any of it. Literally. None. It’s a blank void in my head. Things happened, but I couldn’t tell you what or how or why anyone should care.
So yeah. I’d pick that season to fix. As for how I’d fix it, I think a big part of where Season 4 went wrong is that it was the point where the show started trying to do too much. It got super preachy and political and forgot that most people were watching it for a fun, goofy superhero show that wasn’t as off-the-wall as Legends but also not as grimdark as Flash and Arrow were getting. Not to mention that it tossed in a bajillion characters who didn’t really need to be there at the expense of the ones that the audience already cared about. If I had my way, I’d lose the Legion thing- I love the Legion, but that plot went nowhere- and keep Mon-El around. One criticism that SCs love to make that I actually agree with is that the show spent too much time on Kara’s relationship drama, even after Mon-El was gone. And that’s because the writers were way too obsessed with the “having it all” thing. If you ask me, the question should never have been whether Kara could have it all, that’s sexist and dumb and I hate it because no one ever asked that about Barry or Oliver or any of the male heroes, but how she was going to have it all, how she was going to take all the different sides of herself and build the life she wanted out of them. I think a good step towards that would be to give Kara a stable partner who supports her and is in her corner no matter what, and leave the romantic side there. This wasn’t a romance show and it never should have been treated like one (and that includes insane shippers who look at everything including the actors through their headcanon goggles).
As for the rest of the season? I think the show really needed to tighten up and focus on the bonds between its core characters. We can keep Nia, we can keep Brainy if we really have to, I’d even like to have Winn back as long as he had a decent storyline and wasn’t just there for the sake of expositioning and cracking jokes. And for heaven’s sake, find someone who knows how to use James properly. But all the other random characters who were thrown on board? J’onn’s brother, Agent Liberty, Red Daughter, Colonel Whatever Her Name Was, get rid of them. Some of them were cool concepts, but the way it was executed was either too preachy or just too much. The show didn’t have enough breathing room to explore anybody well because it had to keep so many balls in the air. I would have liked to see a different, smaller-scale threat be the “big bad” of the season, something that really tested the bonds of the Superfriends and forced them to figure out who they are and how they still fit together with all the changes they were going through. There was so much untapped potential in that team that never went anywhere because the show was too busy tossing in everything but the kitchen sink. Maybe we could see some of James grappling with the new fears that come with being a hero in his own right instead of a sidekick. Maybe we could see more of Nia as Kara’s protege, because that really got lost. Maybe we could get a glimpse into all the emotional trauma that Winn has going on under his permanent comic-relief-ing. Maybe we could even find a way for Brainy not to be so incredibly annoying, although that one might be pushing it. I just really would have liked to see a season that quieted things down a little and narrowed its focus to really showing us who its core characters are and what makes them such a good team. I think the show could have really benefited from taking a breather from the world-ending threats and giving us a chance to get to know the characters on a deeper level before the next near-apocalypse came along.
As for the Luthors, I’m just going to come right out and say it. CLOSE THAT CHAPTER ALREADY. Lex was a really, really good antagonist, but that whole saga just went on far too long, and Season 4 is where Lena went from “oh great, here’s this girl again” to “I’m so sick of seeing her stupid face.” Just figure out how to close that chapter and move on to something else, preferably after putting Lex back where he belongs as Clark’s nemesis instead of Kara’s, and taking away whatever golden get-out-of-jail-free card Lena was holding and introducing her to the concept of consequences. The Luthor thing was just milked for all it was worth, and Season 4 was where it became infuriating to watch. Ideally, I would have liked to see the Luthors bow out in the first few episodes of the season, and that smaller-scale threat I mentioned take their place for the rest of it. I think Season 4 really just needed to clean house and get rid of the extra stuff, and spend some real quality time with the characters who made the show great to begin with.
Holy cow, this is on its way to being a dissertation. But it was a really fun question to answer! It made me want to start up my Random Ramblings again; between my fic-writing and being a theater major in the middle of show season, I’ve really fallen off the wagon there. Thanks for asking this, lovely friend!
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comeoncomeout41 · 3 years
conspiracy theory time:
after supergirl was moved to the cw for s2, ali adler, a gay woman, was the brain child behind lena luthor. and she cast none other than katie mcgrath who has said herself that a majority of her roles have been gay or had obviously gay undertones.
meanwhile, while this was going on, Kriesberg and Berlanti were having meetings to bring in Chris to play mon-el, AK’s self insert. adler mysteriously exits the show during s2..
i fully believe that adler had all intentions of kara being with a woman and knew that over time kara and lena’s relationship could be that slowburn love story, which would explain why katie was only ever signed on for two episodes because adler knew it would be a fight until they saw the fan reception. and the cw didn’t agree with adler’s direction and instead thought the irl relationship between chris and melissa along with a straight romance between kara with mon-el would sell better. and then it didn’t.
which leads to katie being brought back more for guest roles in s2 as an instant fan favorite but they still thought they could salvage their het relationship for supergirl, whether due to personal biases or what have you. and then that didn’t work but chris still had a contract into at least s3, so they tried to bring mon-el back as a changed man. they hired katie as a regular so that their show didn’t crash and burn immediately. especially after that screener of the s2 finale when everyone CHEERED when mon-el left Earth. but then the sexual harassment cases against AK came out, he was fired, and they were able to end chris’s contract after s3 and put the show in a different direction. but NOW adler wasn’t there to see her original intentions through and we were left with the brain child of blair/chuck of gossip girl so here we are.. s6, no viable love interest for kara EXCEPT for lena.
i believe the cw and berlanti sided with AK and left adler out to dry in s2 and if we don’t get supercorp endgame, it has a lot to do with what happened during s2 bts. AK may be gone but we don’t have any execs with the show or the network to push for supercorp. our only hope is that our fan reception and media coverage of supercorp since s2 will push berlanti and co. to make it canon.
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
Running Out of Time - Maggie Sawyer x BabyDanvers!Reader
Main Masterlist
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“You don’t have to hurt anyone,” a police officer says into her phone. A line of police cars is lined up outside a bank. “No one is making you do this. You’re choosing to do this. You and your friend chose to go into that bank. You chose to take those people hostage. But you know what? You can choose to put your guns down. You can choose to let those people go. You can choose not to hurt anyone.”
“Look up!” a man yells. “Up in the sky!”
There is a sound of glass smashing and the crowd behind Detective Maggie Sawyer.
“Hey, not even Pretty Boy Floyd got to meet Supergirl,” Kara Danvers says, hauling two of the goons out of the bank. “It’ll be a fun story to tell your roommates in jail!”
Maggie walks up to Kara, tucking her phone into her back pocket. “Supergirl . . .” Maggie says and Kara rests her hands on her hips, exhaling sharply. “I almost had him . . . “
“And I got you over the finish line!” Kara says brightly. “And just in time for dinner. I’ll see you later.”
. . .
The smoke alarm beeps and (Y/n) Danvers waves a towel around. “Thanks,” her older sister says, handing the delivery man a twenty.
“(Y/n), the first time I tried to microwave macaroni and cheese,” Mon-El says, “they had to evacuate three city blocks.”
(Y/n) glances amusedly at her older sister’s boyfriend.
“That’s an exaggeration, but Ihave seen less terrifying nuclearing explosions.
“Well, I like pizza better than paella anyway,” Maggie says, opening a box of pepperoni, glancing affectionately at (Y/n).
“Yes, me too,” (Y/n) agrees.
Kara opens a box of Hawaiian pizza. “I love ham and pineapple!”
“Thank you. It totally shouldn’t work, but it totally does,” Mon-El agrees with Kara. “How’s my girlfriend, guys, huh?”
Kara chuckles. “What?”
“Bank robbers, zero,” Mon-El talks through a mouthful of pizza. “Supergirl, two. What do you even need cops for in this city?” he chuckles.
A dangerous look lights in Maggie’s eyes, and Alex and her girlfriend Lena exchange a glance.
“He’s from a different planet,” (Y/n) says, resting a hand on Maggie’s knee. “He doesn’t even know what he’s saying.”
“No, he’s right,” Maggie says, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Why bother trying to talk a guy down when Supergirl can just swoop right in and force him down?” she looks over at Kara. “Seventeen hours of ‘What do you want, how can I help you?’ good old-fashioned hostage negotiation wasted.”
“You’re not upset that I caught the bad guys and got everyone out safely, are you?” Kara chuckles, pushing her glasses back up onto her face. No, Kara didn’t have to wear her glasses, everyone - even Lena knew because Alex did not want to start her relationship off with the Luthor on a lie.
“I would’ve gotten them to free the hostages,” Maggie says.
“Maybe,” Kara shrugs. “But they’re in jail now, where they can’t hurt anyone. That’s all that matters.”
Lena glances over at (Y/n), whose eyes had widened slightly.
“Unless they use the Supergirl defense,” Maggie says, leaning forward.
“The what?” Kara asks.
“It’s a think some criminals use to get their charges dropped,” Lena offers.
Maggie nods. “It’s a perfect storm for a defense attorney. Excessiveforce, evidence contaminated by debris, vigilante justice . . .” Maggie trails off, meeting Kara’s gaze.
“‘Vigilante justice?’” Kara echoes. “I stand for hope, and help, and compassion! I did what I had to do to get those people out of there.”
“I think what Maggie’s trying to say is that what you do is amazing when we’re up against . . .” (Y/n) begins.
“A giant purple monster or a half-cyborg murderer, sure,” Maggie interupts, and (Y/n)’s hand falls to Maggie’s knee again. “But, most of the time, police work requires a more delicate touch.”
“Delicate?” Kara echoes again.
“Yeah,” Maggie replies. “You broke one guy’s arm and you gave another one a concussion. And that was after you knocked in the roof of a National City landmark.” (Y/n) stops trying to interrupt when Maggie scoffs, “And now, it has a big, Supergirl-sized hole in it.”
“A thousand things could’ve happened from the time of your call to the hostages walking out,” Kara says, glaring at Maggie from across the table. “Maybe, yeah, sure, I broke some walls, but I got everyone out of there safely, and that is a win.”
“Well, you should’ve asked. But you never look before you leap,” Maggie replies, a tight frown spreading across her lips.
“Because I can fly,” Kara replies, leaning back in her chair.
“Okay,” Maggie scoffs again, looking away. Maggie meets Lena’s gaze, and Lena flashes her what seems to be a sisterly glare.
Mon-El clears his throat. “Well, as being something of a superhero myself, I can say that sometimes it’s better to punch, than, than to talk.”
(Y/n) lets out an inaudible groan, pressing her hand to her forehead, trying to quell her quickly growing headache.
“Sometimes,” Kara throws her napkin on her empty plate, “talking is more hurtful than punching. Obviously, I’ve upset you, Maggie. I’m gonna go.”
“No, Kara, don’t do that . . .” (Y/n) says, Kara having stood up from the table.
“No, it’s fine.” Kara says, pushing (Y/n)’s comment aside. “Than/k you. Thanks for dinner.”
(Y/n) gets up from the table to follow Kara, Mon-El in front of (Y/n).
“We’re gonna go,” Alex says, she and Lena also getting up from the table. Alex gives her youngest sister a hug before she and Lena Luthor leave (Y/n) and Maggie’s apartment.
(Y/n) turns to face Maggie. “I know you’re upset about earlier, but I really . . . “ she pauses. “I just really want you and Kara to get along.”
“Kara and I get along great,” Maggie says, meeting (Y/n)’s tired gaze. “It’s Supergirl that I sometimes have trouble with.”
“Okay, just keep trying,” (Y/n) takes a step forward. “Okay?”
“Okay, for you,” Maggie replies. “Wait, where are you going?” she asks as (Y/n) strides towards the door.
“To catch up with Kara and tell her to try too,” (Y/n) throws on her jacket. “But she’s just as stubborn as you.” (Y/n)’s (E/c) eyes gleam with affection for a moment.
. . .
“Kara. Hi,” Maggie walks up to Kara at Catco.
“Maggie,” Kara nods. “Is everything okay?” she asks, the two walking towards Kara’s desk.
“Yeah, I was just looking for (Y/n),” Maggie replies, “wondering if she checked in with you.”
“Didn’t you crash at her place last night?” Kara asks Maggie.
“I did,” Maggie replies, “but she left to catch up with you after you left. What, she didn't stay with you?”
“She never caught up with me,” Kara answers, turning to look at Maggie with a concerned look on her face. “Maybe she went to the DEO?”
Maggie shakes her head, “Alex said she didn’t check in last night or report this morning.”
“Huh . . .” Kara’s eyebrows knit and her phone rings. “Ah. Mystery solved,” Kara shows Maggie her phone, which had (Y/n) as the caller ID. “(Y/n)?” Kara answers the phone.
“Hello, Kara Danvers,” a man, definitely not (Y/n), answers.
“Who is this?” Kara asks, stopping in her tracks.
“Well, the real question is, who are you?” the man replies. “Everyone around you thinks you're just a mild-mannered reporter. But I know the truth.”
“What do you want?” Kara questions.
“I have your sister,” the man replies.
“You’re lying,” Kara says, terror spiking in her.
“I’m not,” Kara’s phone vibrates and she pulls her phone from her ear. Maggie comes to stand at Kara’s shoulder. The two look down to see the image of the body of a motionless figure lying on the floor of what seems to be a glass box.
“A man named Peter Thompson is serving a life sentence in Albatross Bay Supermax. You will free him within the next thirty-six hours or your precious baby sister will die. And I know you can, because I know . . . You’re Supergirl.”
. . .
(Y/n) blinks dazedly, weakly raising her head.
Noticing her surroundings, (Y/n) pushes herself to her feet.
“Hello?” she calls.
Electricity buzzes around her, and (Y/n) presses her head to the glass of her enclosure, breathing heavily.
“I knew I recognized you from the elevator,” she croaks. “I know who you are. The people that I work with, they will find me.” (Y/n) glares up into the camera at the corner of the cell. “And when they do, you will be in a world of hurt.” (Y/n) totters slightly on weak legs. “So, I am giving you one chance. Free me, now.”
Fear spikes in (Y/n) when she looks around the container. Three of the walls and the floor are made of cinder blocks, the ceiling of a chain-length fence, and the front wall made of glass.
. . .
“So, this person who says they’ve kidnapped (Y/n),” J’oon says, everyone gathered in the main debriefing room of the DEO, “what did he say on the call.”
“H-he said he would kill (Y/n),” Kara says, pacing back and forth in front of the round table, “if I didn’t break PeterThompson out of Albatross Bay.”
Maggie and Alex are leaning heavily against the table. Lena and Winn Schott are standing off to the side, talking in whispers.
“He said he knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl,” Kara goes on, and Lena and Winn stop their conversation, their widened eyes falling on Kara. “He’s targeting (Y/n) because she’s my sister,” Kara goes on.
“But why (Y/n)?” Alex questions, straightening herself. “He could’ve also chosen me. Why go for her?”
“I don’t know,” Kara replies, shaking her head.
“This might be stating the obvious here, but why don’t we just spring Peter Thompson and bring (Y/n) home?” Mon-El questions.
“The DEO does not negotiate with terrorists,” J’oon replies.
“But this is (Y/n),” Mon-El faces J’oon.
“If we do this once, we’ll open the floodgates,” J’oon argues, a pained look in his eyes. “Every bad guy will know Supergirl can be controlled.”
“And even if we do what he wants, it doesn’t guarantee he’ll release her,” Maggie says. It was the first time she’d spoken since she’d learned (Y/n) had been kidnapped. “She’s his insurance.”
“All right, people,let’s get to work!” J’oon booms, and everyone scrambles around. He walks over to Winn, who had sat down at his computer. “Winn, any luck with Alex’s subdermal tracker?” he questions.
“No,” Winn shakes his head, “it’s been offline since ten’o’clock last night.” Winn shakes his head, furiously typing on his keyboard. Whoever took her must have found some way to power it down.”
“Where are we triangulating the signal from the phone calls?” J'oon asks Lena.
“We’re nowhere,” Lena plops down into a spare computer. “The caller used four different arrays to scramble the signal.” Her accent had thickened with her worry for the youngest Danvers.
“You guys listen, we gotta move,” Winn turns around to address all the agents.
“All right, let’s start with what we know,” Alex says, rising from her chair.
J’oon nods, “If this guy knows you’re Supergirl, we just that to our advantage.”
“That’s gotta be a short list,” Mon-El says. “Who knows your secret?” he questions.
“Jeremiah, Eliza, Clark, Alex, Lois, Lucy, the DEO, James . . .” Kara trails off, trying to think of a few more. “Lillian Luthor,” she glances unsteadily at Lena, but Lena meets her gaze steadily.
“Does Peter Thompson have ties with Cadmus?” Lena asks, coming to stand around the table.
“No, I already checked,” Winn replies. “There’s nothing.”
“Then you’re asking the wrong question,” Maggie supplies, and the others look at her. “We don’t know where (Y/n) was taken, we don’t have a crime scene, we don’t have any physical evidence. They’ve clearly been planning this for a while. Whoever took (Y/n) is a ghost who doesn’t want to be found.”
Kara’s head rests in her hands. “Then what’s the right question?” she questions.
“Who is Peter Thompson and what does he mean to our ghost?” Maggie says, and the others nod.
. . .
Maggie, Alex, Kara and J'oon walk into the prison.
“Mr. Thompson,” J'oon flashes his FBI badge. “Hank Henshaw and Alex Danvers, FBI. This is Detective Sawyer from NCPD, and Ms. Danvers from CatCo Magazine.”
“The feds, a pig, and a journo,” Thompson says, looking between the three. “To what do I owe this confusing pleasure?” he asks.
Maggie throws a manilla folder on the table between Thompson and J'oon. “Your jacket’s a thrilling read. Three home invasions, two DUIs, two counts of felony murder.”
“You all didn’t come down here just to flatter me, did you?” Thompson asks, meeting Maggie’s brown eyes. Maggie takes a breath, “This morning, we got a call from an anonymous source, asking that you be released from prison.”
“Someone wants me out of jail?” Thompson laughs. “Not used to that. People usually want to keep me behind bars.”
“A life sentence can’t be all that easy,” Alex says, “being in here all by yourself.”
“You ever keep in contact with anyone on the outside?” J’oon questions.
“Just last week,” Thompson replies, “Mr. JC Penney sent me a letter. He said there was a sale on galoshes.” Kara’s eyes burn and she steps forward as Thompson continues. “It’s just that I don’t have anywhere to wear them.”
Kara slams her fist onto the metal table, startling Maggie a little. “Enough!” she orders. “My sister’s been kidnapped, and her life is on the line until we find out who wants you out of prison.”
“Ms. Danvers …” J'oon says warningly.
“So save us the sarcasm! Who is it? Who has her?”
“Calm down,” Alex says, her voice equally as warning as J'oon’s and she places a hand on her sister’s arm.
“Who has my sister?” Kara yells, ignoring Alex and J'oon.
“I don’t know,” Thompson says, meeting Kara’s furious gaze.
“You’re lying,” Kara says angrily, her eyes narrowing.
“He’s not,” J'oon says. “We’re done here.”
The officer pulls Thompson to his feet and leads the fugitive out of the interrogation room.
“Why’d you let him go?” Kara asks J'oon.
“Because I read his mind,” the Martian answers. “He’s telling the truth.” J'oon gets up from the table.
“Losing control is not gonna help us find (Y/n) faster,” Maggie tells the superhero. “It’s only going to get her killed.”
Kara stares at Maggie for a moment, and then her phone rings. “Winn,” she says, sounding almost defeated.
“Hey, we got something,” Lena’s voice comes from the speaker.
“What?” Kara asks.
“I scanned the visitor logs for Peter Thompson,” Winn’s voice comes from the speaker this time, “over the past three years. They’re pretty sparse, except for one name that keeps popping up.”
“Who?” Kara asks.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s a fake name,” Winn replies. “I pulled some security footage and, baby, I ran that facial recognition software. Thompson has a son.”
“But we checked, he doesn’t have any relations,” Kara replies.
“Well, apparently, there’s a lot of family drama,” Winn says. “Thompson’s name isn’t even on the kid’s birth certificate. And I only figured this out after I cross-checked the name with the court transcripts. The kid spoke at Thompson’s sentencing, and his name is . . . Rick Malverne. He has a house an hour outside the city.”
“Malverne. Why does that sound so familiar?” Kara says aloud and Alex stares at her sister.
“He went to high school with us,” Alex snaps her fingers.
. . .
Kara lands outside a house and busts down the door. “(Y/n)! (Y/n)!” she yells as she runs through the house.
Sticking her head in one of the rooms, Kara sees a set of computer screens with (Y/n) projected on them.
“(Y/n). (Y/n)!” Kara says softly, walking up the screens. “(Y/n)!”
“She can’t hear you, Kara,” comes a voice and Kara turns around to see a blonde man standing in the doorway.
“Rick?” Kara asks in disbelief.
“Jeez, I haven’t seen you since graduation,” is Rick’s reply. “You look great.”
Kara’s eyes blaze and she grabs Rick, lifting him off the ground. "Where’s my sister?“ she demands.
"You break my father out of prison yet?” Rick asks, his teeth clenched.
“You know I can’t do that,” Kara murmurs.
“Can’t or won’t?” Rick questions.
Kara throws Rick back into a wall with a grunt.
“Tell me where she is,” Kara growls.
That’s not how this works,“ Rick answers. "Now, why don’t you try and play nice, Kara?” he asks. “You were always the nice one.”
Kara sighs, a hardened look on her face.
“Just let me talk to her,” Kara breathes, looking over her shoulder at her sister on the monitors.
“Well, if that gets you to play ball, then I’m happy to help,” Rick says, sliding around Kara to type on the keyboard.
The monitor chimes.
“(Y/n)!” Kara croaks. “(Y/n)!”
“Kara, is that you?” (Y/n) calls. “Rick Malverne from Midvale, he kidnapped me!” (Y/n) places her hand on the glass, facing the camera.
“I know,” Kara replies. “I’m with him right now. Are you okay? Where are you?"
"My tracker. Can you use my tracker?” (Y/n) asks, and Kara can hear the frantic tone of her sister’s voice.
“It’s not working. We don’t know -” Rick cuts Kara off.
“Okay, that’s enough of a reunion, I think,” Rick says.
“No, wait,” Kara says.
Rick sighs, “It’s simple. She’s told you she’s okay. And now we trade my father for (Y/n).”
“Your father is a murderer,” Kara retorts.
“Manslaughter-er,” Rick corrects.
“Tell me where she is,” Kara demands again.
“Tick, tock. Tick, tock.”
Kara’s eyes burn red from her building heat-vision and Rick leans closer, “oh, wow, it’s even cooler up close. You hurt me, you’ll never find her. And she’ll die. Slowly.”
. . .
“He looks normal,” Winn says, watching as two DEO agents lead Rick Malverne into the interrogation room.
“He was nice in school,” Kara says, crossing her arms.
“He used to carry (Y/n)’s bookbag,” Alex agrees. Lena raises an eyebrow and Alex shrugs.
“Why is he doing this to her?” Kara wonders aloud.
“I tried reading his mind, but he seems to be blocking me somehow,” J’oon says.
“Let me in there,” Maggie turns to J’oon. “I can talk to him.”
J’oon considers Maggie for a moment before he nods. “All right.”
. . .
Maggie sits down in a chair across from Malverne, Kara and Alex framed in the doorway.
“Detective Sawyer,” Malverne considers Maggie, leaning forward slightly. “And they say there’s never a cop around when you need one.”
“So you know me?” Maggie crosses her arms.
“Of course,” Malverne smiles, leaning back in his chair. “I took a whole year planning this. Watching (Y/n). Preparing. I know everything.
“How did you know I was Supergirl?” Kara asks, crossing her arms.
“The day at the beach,” Malverne replies, meeting Kara’s eyes. “Before you started wearing glasses.
“Hey, Rick,” a young Alex greets a young Rick Malverne, Kara and (Y/n) standing behind her. (Y/n) was gently explaining things to Kara in a low voice.
“A bunch of us are heading to Swan Beach after school,” Rick says, resturing towards the direction of the nearby beach. “You and (Y/n) wanna come?” Rick smiles over at the two year younger (Y/n).
“Back then,” Rick says, pulling Kara and Alex from the memory, “I had no idea that (Y/n) would end up playing for the other team, so to speak.”
“You’re new sister is kinda weird,” Rick says, gesturing to a young Kara who was looking up at the sky with wide, amazed eyes. A young (Y/n) rests her hand on Kara’s shoulder, looking amused.
“Then there was a crash,” Malverne goes on.
Kara charges to a car, pulling a woman and a baby from the burning wreckage.
The rest of the kids run up the hill to see a young woman hugging Kara with one arm and cradling her baby with the other.
“And her older sister walked away without a scratch. People at school said it was adrenaline, but, uh . . . “
“But you didn’t believe that,” Maggie finishes, meeting Malverne’s gaze steadily.
“I saw Kara Danvers do something amazing,” Malverne glances over at Kara. “And it stayed with me. I knew Kara was living in National City, and then Supergirl showed up in National City . . .” he chuckles. “I put two and two together. I knew it was you.”
“What happened to you?” Alex asks, leaning forward. “I remember when (Y/n) and Alex had the chicken pox, and I was eating lunch by myself. You came and sat with me.
Rick chuckles. “I was fourteen. And I didn’t have the nice house or the perfect family you three had.” Maggie stands up from her seat.
“You think we had it easy?” Kara asks, unfolding her arms. “You have no idea what either of my sisters sacrificed for me. Or what I was going through!”
Malverne straightens in his seat, fixing his eyes on Kara. “Why, because you had to hide your superpowers? I was hiding bruises! Do you know what it’s like to have your mother tell you you’re garbage every single night? A belt whenever you had the wrong opinion? And then I found a lifeline. A dad my mom kept from me. And he saved me from her and he moved away from Midvale. And even though he was already struggling, he always made sure there was food on the table and he got me enough money to go to college. And then three years ago, the state took him from me.”
“Your father killed two people,” Maggie says, leaning against a wall, her arms crossed. “He confessed.”
“They had it coming,” Malverne replies, leaning back in his seat. “And now I’m gonna rescue him just like he rescued me. Alex shifts uncomfortably, leaving the room without another word. "I can't believe we're still talking about me! You have twenty-four hours and eleven minutes." Kara stiffens as Rick continues, "Come on, Kara, show us some of that rah-rah Midvale Junior High Spirit." Malverne is yelling now. "Free my dad! Or your sister dies."
Kara growls, zooms over, flips the table, and pins Malverne to the wall.
"Oh, you use half this much gusto in springing my dad, you'll have your sister back for game night."
"Kara! We're done here!" Maggie's voice cracks.
Kara lets go of Malverne and the man drops to the ground. "Hey. You know what'll be fun?" he asks. Maggie frowns, an eyebrow raising as she steps back from the man. "Finding out which of the three of you loves her more. "Honestly, I wouldn't know where to place my bet," he sneers and Maggie swallows thickly.
Kara frowns at the man and after a minute, the three women go to leave the room, Maggie pausing for a second.
"Go Stallions," Malverne grins.
Both Kara and Maggie leave the room. “I’m giving him one more minute, then I’m going back in there,” Kara says.
“No,” Maggie replies.
Alex straightens from where she’d slumped against the doorframe.
“Let him sweat it a little. We got what we wanted,” Maggie reasons.
“What?” Kara questions, looking down into Maggie’s eyes. “All we know i show he knows my identity.”
“We know that Rick’s pinned his whole sense of self-worth on Peter Thompson,” Maggie says. “Thompson is the key to getting (Y/n) back.”
Kara’s angry eyes seems to extinguish as she considers Maggie’s words.
. . .
An hour or so later, Maggie leads Peter Thompson into Malverne’s interrogation room.
“Ricky,” Thompson says, walking towards his son.
“Dad,” Malverne gets up from his seat.
Thompson pauses before moving to hug his son. “All that time inspiration, I imagined a day when . . . I could talk to you without a pane of glass between us.”
"The DEO moved heaven and Earth to free this man," Maggie says. "We did what you wanted. Now, tell us where (Y/n) is."
"No. No, not until my father and I are far from here," Malverne says.
"You think we're stupid?" Maggie questions. "I showed you mine. Your turn."
"So you can toss us in Gitmo?" Thompson asks. "Not gonna happen."
Maggie shakes her head in disbelief.
"Maybe he gives you a piece. A little token of goodwill," Thompson adds. "You gotta give them something, Ricky. That's how it works. Just tell them where she is." Thompson narrows his eyes at his son.
"Well, you really nailed his essence, I'll give you that," Malverne says.
"What?" Maggie asks, stepping forward, her arms crossing.
"I mean, that thing . . ." Malverne says, studying his father's face. "He couldn't decide whether to hug me or not. That's vintage Dad." Malverne sits back down in his metal chair.
"What are you talking about?" Thompson asks, walking up to stand beside the table.
"My father would never be playing these games. He'd be wanting to get the hell away from here and making sure that he never went back to prison," his expression is one of anger. "I've been planning this for a year. Do you really think I didn't prepare for you," Malverne pauses, looking up at Thompson, "Martian?"
Thompson walks over to Maggie and shifts back into himself.
"You're down to twenty-three hours and fourteen minutes," Malverne says as he gazes a Maggie and J'oon. "And counting."
Maggie closes her eyes, pressing her index finger and thumb to the bridge of her nose.
. . .
(Y/n) looks around her containment module. Her eyes narrow as she looks up at the camera.
(Y/n) pulls off her jacket and belt. She climbs up, pulling the camera off the wall.
“Okay,” she breathes, having taken apart the camera.
(Y/n) bites down on the end of her belt, snaps a card from her wallet, and pulling down the shoulder of her shirt. She whimpers as she digs the sharp end of the card into her shoulder. (Y/n)’s teeth bare down on the belt, her chest heaving as she finally pulls her tracker from out of her shoulder.
(Y/n) spits out the belt, her chest heaving. “That sucked,” (Y/n) grumbles, blinking back her tears. She connects her tracker to the camera after pulling out a few wires.
. . .
“I just got a software update request from one of our trackers,” an agent says, peering at the computer screen. “System’s not recognizing the IP address.”
“She’s a little genius!” Winn says. Winn runs down the hall. "Guys! We found (Y/n). I found her."
Kara - who is standing with Mon-El, Alex, and Lena - turns to face Winn. "You did?" Kara asks frantically.
"We got a ping from her subdermal tracker," Winn explains. "She's not far!"
Kara runs over to the door where she finds Maggie sitting at the table across from Malverne.
“Maggie. Winn found (Y/n),” Kara says, and Maggie turns to look at Kara. Alex is framed in the doorway, her eyes wide with hope.
“What? How?” Maggie asks, getting up from her chair.
“I guess you underestimated my sister,” Kara says, glaring at Malverne. “Let’s go,” Kara turns and marches towards the door.
Maggie pauses, turning to study Malverne.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Malverne says, his gaze flicking between the Danvers’ sisters and Maggie.
“You’re delusional,” Kara turns to face Malverne. “The second we get back here with (Y/n), you’re going to prison with your dad.”
Malverne shrugs, looking at the table in front of him. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Kara strides the room, but Alex and Maggie study Malverne.
Maggie and Alex runs out of the room. "Watch him," Maggie tells the guard as she runs past him after Kara. "Hey, stop," Maggie tells Kara. "Malverne still thinks he's in control," she tells her.
Kara turns, looking highly annoyed with Maggie at this point.
"He's not acting like someone who just lost," Alex adds. "He didn't even flinch. It's like he expected this."
"No, no, no, we are not listening to that psycho," Kara says, walking closer to the two. "Every minute we wait for matters."
"I - I want to get her as badly as you do," Maggie retorts, "but we can't punch our way out of this. We've got to get this right."
"If the shoe were on the other foot, (Y/n) would already be out the door. I'm not waiting," Kara argues.
"You're not the only one who cares about her!" Maggie says, her voice rising.
"I'm going!" Kara yells over her shoulder as she strides out of the DEO, Alex running after her.
Maggie swallows thickly and looks at the ground.
. . .
Alex and Kara smash through the roof of a warehouse, and (Y/n) hears the thump on the ground. Kara lets go of Alex’s arm.
(Y/n) scrambles to her feet. “Kara! Alex!” she shouts.
“(Y/n)!” both the sisters yell.
“I’m down here!”
Kara runs over, pulling a sheet of metal off the floor.
(Y/n) hears the noise and looks around hopefully, but she doesn’t see anyone coming to her aid.
All Kara and Alex see is a laptop and a countdown clock. The words, NOW YOU HAVE FOUR is spray-painted onto the wall.
“Four? What . . .” Kara asks, but there is a rapid beeping from the clock and the time now reads 4:00:00.
There is a grinding noise, and water begins spraying in from one of the pipes.
The two olders Danvers’ sisters watch, terrified as their sister looks frantically around.
(Y/n) grabs her jacket from the floor and presses it to the pipe, hoping to stop the flow of the water.
. . .
Kara and Alex march through the door of the interrogation room, Kara’s fists balled. Alex sets the laptop on the table, opening it and turning it towards Malverne.
“Where is she?” Kara crosses her arms.
Malverne shrugs. “I told you not to go down there . . .”
“Tell us where she is,” Alex slams a fist on the table.
“I gave you thirty-six hours to break my father out of prison,” Malverne relaxes in his chair. “But you didn’t listen. So now, that room is gonna fill up with water in less than four hours. I think it's time you got moving."
Kara's lip quivers. "Let me talk to (Y/n)."
Rick leans forward and presses a few of the keys and there is a beep.
Kara turns the laptop around and leans down to talk to her sister through the computer.
"(Y/n)," Kara says, her voice quavering.
"Kara! Alex! I sent out a signal, I thought you were coming," (Y/n) says, the water up to her waist now.
"He re-routed the IP address. He sent us somewhere else. Do you have any idea where you are?" Alex asks, her eyes wide with worry.
"I was unconscious. I could be hours away or I could be in the city," (Y/n) replies, a frown spreading across her face. "I don't know.” Despite how far (Y/n) was away from the camera, both Kara and Alex can see the fear on their little sister’s face.
Rick leans forward. "(Y/n), it's Rick. I don't want to hurt you. I keep on telling your sisters that. Tell them to get my father, and this can all be over. You can come home and get dry."
"No. Alex. Kara. No," (Y/n) says, pointing at the camera. "You do not give that terrorist what he wants. You cannot let yourselves be blackmailed. You cannot open yourselves up to that, ever. Do you understand me? You’re both better than me.” Again, despite her words, her widened eyes display her fear and worry.
Maggie enters the room and, seeing (Y/n) on the screen, runs over. "(Y/n)!"
"Maggie!" (Y/n) calls.
"I'm right here," Maggie replies, her tone softening.
"Maggie, I need to speak to you alone," (Y/n) says, and Maggie immediately grabs the laptop and walks out of the room, cradling the laptop to her chest for a moment.
“Honey, everyone here is working hard and we’re going to find you,” Maggie says and her voice cracks. She sits down on the floor, her back against a wall.
“The water is rising fast and there are things that I need to say,” (Y/n) says, looking up into the camera, her eyes softening as though she really was meeting her girlfriend’s gaze.
“No,” Maggie’s voice cracks. “Don’t start talking like this is the end.”
“I don’t want it to be, but in the case that it is . . .”
“It’s not!” Maggie cuts her girlfriend off. “You’re a badass, Danvers. And you’re gonna figure out a way to get yourself out of there or you’re gonna hold on until I find you.” Maggie’s voice quavers.
“Maggie, listen to me, please,” (Y/n) tries again.
“No,” Maggie interrupts, tears welling in her eyes. “W-we just started t-this, you and me, and i-it’s not g-going to end. Not today. Not for a long time. We just had our first Valentine’s Day and I wanna do more with you. I-I want more firsts.” (Y/n) looks up into the camera again and she doesn’t worry about wiping her tears. “I want to have a first vacation. We haven’t even argued about where we’re gonna go yet or how to load the dishwasher. Or what to name our first dog. Do you want to get a dog? A cat? Both?” The tears are falling freely down both women’s faces now.
(Y/n) smiles slightly. “Both? Let’s name the dog Gertrude.” Her eyes sparkle with amusement.
“See,” Maggie smiles, her expression watery, “there’s a lifetime of firsts that we’re going to do together. So, you hold on, okay? Hold on until I get to you. Promise. Promise me!”
“I . . .” (Y/n) starts but the video cuts off.
“What?” Maggie says, typing furiously on the keyboard. “(Y/n)!” Maggie, frustrated, throws the laptop to the ground.
“What happened?” Kara runs over where Maggie is sitting.
This distraught woman stands up. “I t-told you not to rush in. Now you’ve made things worse.”
“I did what I thought was right,” Kara retorts.
Alex, Lena, Winn, and Mon-El run into the hallway.
“I should have been heard,” Maggie goes on, not noticing that the others had appeared. “I should have been listened to. I’m her girlfriend.”
“I’m her sister,” Kara snarls in return.
“And you think that trumps me?” Maggie questions, taking a step forward. “That you know what’s right for her. I . . . I got her to be herself, Kara. I-I have j-just as much to lose as you. You should’ve listened to me.”
Maggie turns around and storms away.
. . .
There is a beep as Maggie enters Malverne’s interrogation room.
Malverne straightens, studying Maggie closely.
Maggie sits down at the other side of the table, crossing her arms and resting her elbows on the table.
“Under two hours,” Malverne says, leaning back in his chair. “The clock is ticking fast,” he comments.
“I know,” Maggie replies, leaning forward in her chair. “And if it ticks down completely, we both lose. And I don’t think you want to lose.”
A ghost of a smile spreads across Malverne’s face, “Neither do you.” Malverne pauses. “I was wrong about Kara,” he says. “She's too much of a Girl Scout to do what needs to be done. I misjudged her. Alex,” he shrugs, “she can’t do anything with Kara in her way. I may have discounted you. You’re a cop. You could just walk into that prison and break my father free if you wanted to. You care for her.”
Maggie simply blinks.
“I’ve seen that,” Malverne goes on.
“Stalking us,” Maggie says, leaning forward a bit more.
“The way you look at her,” Malverne says, his expression softening a little. “The way your hand touches her hand when you’re walking down the street.”
Maggie’s eyes water and she bites her bottom lip and looks down at the tabletop.
“Love can make people do things that they don’t normally do,” Malverne goes on. “So please, help us bring home the people we love.
. . .
(Y/n) could no longer touch the floor of her containment module, as so much water had flooded into it.
(Y/n) holds her breath, diving to the bottom to grab her belt.
She lets out a strangled yell as she tries to close the valve with the belt.
Her chest heaving, (Y/n) resurfaces, greedily gulping in air.
Wrapping the belt around her hand, she dives down and punches at the glass, trying to get it to break.
Getting desperate, (Y/n) pulls off her cargo pants, leaving her in a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of boxers.
Resurfacing again, (Y/n) uses the space left to tie the legs of her pants and fills the other end with air.
(Y/n) puts the makeshift life-vest over her head.
. . .
“Please tell me you have something,” Alex says, emotion surging over her.
“We’ve literally tried everything, all right?” Winn says, his hair disheveled from the continuous motion of running his hands through it. “I’ve checked family holdings, bank accounts, call logs from the prison . . . There’s nothing.”
Alex lets out a suppressed sob, resting her head in her hands.
“I’m gonna talk to Maggie and see if she’s got anything else out of him.
Kara looks at the computer monitor projecting the camera looking into Malverne’s room, but (Y/n) isn't there.
"Where . . . where's Maggie?" Kara asks, and Winn and Mon-El turn to look at the screen.
. . .
Maggie glances around the corner of the prison wall but stops when she hears the guard's keys jingling together. She waits until the guard walks through a set of double doors to moves. She strides up to one of the metal pipes and places a projector in front of a camera so that the guards watching the cameras wouldn't see what she is about to do.
Maggie jogs through the projection, her face set in determined lines.
She blows the lock on Peter Thompson's door. "What the hell are you doing?" Thompson asks as Maggie grabs his upper arm.
"Taking you to your son," Maggie's voice cracks.
Maggie lifts (Y/n)’s raygun and shoots two cameras as she makes her way through the prison.
"Nice gun," Thompson comments.
"It's my girlfriend's," Maggie says shortly, pushing Thompson forward.
"Maggie, you know (Y/n) wouldn't want you to do this," Kara says in her Supergirl uniform.
"All I care about is getting her back alive," Maggie says, her eyes burning. "You were right, sometimes words don't work."
"Sometimes punching doesn't either," Kara counters. "She just came from your son. She was with him all day, trying to turn him," Thompson turns to look at Maggie, "make him understand. You know what kind of words your son's been using? Words like 'rescue' and 'love.' He says he wants to rescue you, like you rescued him," Kara steps forward, her arms crossed across her chest. But if he kills (Y/n) Danvers, he'll never be rescued. He'll have to live with that for the rest of his life. And that'll be his hell," Kara's voice softens. "Now, you've done a lot of bad things in your life, but you've done one thing you can be proud of. You were a father. A good one. You were there for your son during the toughest time of his life and that's what you need to do again now. If he kills her, you will have failed at the one good thing you've done with your life. Be a father now."
A timer beeps on Maggie’s phone, and fear strikes through her. "She's out of time."
"Please, is there anywhere he would have taken her?" Kara asks.
"There's one place," Thompson says.
. . .
Maggie, Alex, and Kara open the garage door of the storage facility and they run in, Maggie freezing with horror at the sight of her girlfriend in the glass chamber.
Kara speeds over and puts a fist through the glass and all the water - as well as (Y/n) - flow through the hole in the glass.
(Y/n) coughs up water as she rolls onto her side.
"Thank God," Maggie says, pulling (Y/n)’s head into her lap. "She's okay. She's alright."
Maggie lifts (Y/n) head up as she chokes on the water, coughing it up. Maggie rests her chin on (Y/n)’s head, before pressing a few kisses to the same spot. (Y/n) grabs Maggie’s hand and squeezes it weakly.
"You held on," Kara says, pressing her hands to her sister's pale cheeks; Alex grabs (Y/n)’s other hand,
"I-I h-eld on," (Y/n) stammers. Then she looks up into Maggie’s eyes, which are soft with affection.
Maggie cradles (Y/n) head and presses her lips to her girlfriend's forehead.
. . .
The four women return to the DEO, (Y/n) asleep in the MedBay while Maggie stares out the window, relaxed by the soft patter of the rain and her girlfriend safe.
"Hey, you," (Y/n) says hoarsely and Maggie turns, relief evident on her face. "You okay?" she rasps.
A look of disbelief spreads across Maggie's face. "Am I okay?" (Y/n) asks softly, settling down in a chair and taking (Y/n)’s hands in her own, a look of tender affection on her face. "Are you kidding? That was really clever, with the whole Navy Seal thing with your pants. What was that?" Maggie smiles and (Y/n) laughs weakly.
"Well, I knew I just had to buy a couple of seconds," (Y/n) says, and a tear trails down her cheek. "I knew you were going to come."
Maggie’ gaze softens.
"You didn't let me finish before, but I, um . . ." (Y/n) pauses.
"What?" Maggie murmurs.
"I just really have to say it now," (Y/n) continues.
"(Y/n) . . ."
"It's okay, it's okay," (Y/n) says as she sits up, Maggie shooting out a hand to help. Maggie tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and turns to gaze deeply into (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes. "Those firsts that you talked about . . ." (Y/n) says, her voice a whisper because of how close her face is to Maggie’s. Maggie nods, a soft smile on her face. "I want to have them all with you." (Y/n)'s eyes get watery. "I never want to stop having firsts with you. I love you, Maggie Sawyer.
"I love you, (Y/n) Danvers," Maggie murmurs, her eyes still watery.
Word Count: 7114 words
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Debunking lies haters spread about Mon-El – misogynist
Misogyny is a wide definitions and includes prejudice against women, social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification – so it’s not “just” typical hate.
And yes, Mon-El said/did some questionable things. Aka about Eve “She wanted to please me. On Daxam, when a woman wishes to please a man...” and the fact he had no problems with moving the copying machine with her (Crossfire ep) and the line “things was easier on Daxam when I objectified women and didn’t care about anyone“ (the Mxy ep) and didn’t do what Kara said or how SCs like to say, he didn’t respect her.
But here we have few problems here.
First of all Mon-El is from a planet, where people behaved this way. And I write people, not men, because Daxam was a place when all of them where doing things like this. Do we have evidences that women were treated only like sexual objects and exist only to please men? No. Why? Because after all, Rhea - a woman, was the most powerful person on that planet and held true power, not Lar Gand, who was murdered by her and there were no consequences. No patriarchy here. No male privilege here.
But his haters love to forget the line: “on Daxam we drugged themselves to feel nothing“. We aka all people. That was the toxic culture that promoted the system where people were not dealing with feelings, but suppressing them with drugs. What caused not carrying about anything and objectifying was a part of the system.
“The more the merrier“ line, that some people say was lesbophobic and Mon-El wanted to have a threesome with Alex and Maggie is simply stupid. He was talking about having a PARTY, not having sex. Also in that bar scene he showed he was not  prejudiced against homosexuals. Daxam was a horrible place but every sexuality was seen as normal and accepted. Also, no sex discrimination.
Next, “On Daxam, when a woman wishes to please a man.” WISHES. When a woman doesn’t want to please a man, she doesn’t. SIMPLE AND OBVIOUS. What also means he never sexually harassed anyone and there are no evidences for that. I will write another piece about how some really gross people accuse him of rape and other things that didn’t happen, but that will appear in the future.
Also, friendly reminder that Eve WANTED to hook up with him. She was a woman who knew  what she wanted and did what she wanted. Making her some a clueless victim is a disrespectful for HER.
Secondly, when haters talk about his relationship with Kara is how he disrespected her as a woman.
The problem is they both clashed not because of their sexes but because of their races. They clashed because she was a Kryptonian and he was a Daxamite. They clashed because of their absolutely different upbringing.
 He didn’t listen to her?
Kara Danvers : I am trying to help you fit in and you keep messing it up.
Mon-El : Okay, I'm trying very hard to be Mike, okay? But it is not as easy as you make it sound, Kara. I'm used to doing my own thing.
Kara Danvers : Well, you don't do your own thing here. You do my thing.
Mon-El : Um, okay. And if I don't want to do your thing?
Kara Danvers : Then find another mentor.
We talk about an alien who was on Earth like for two weeks and was brought to a CatCo to start a job. I repeat, an alien from totally different culture was brought to a totally new environment to behave like a human and work. Ever heard about cultural shock? And he TRIED. But was not ready. And Kara admitted it herself, later in the ep:
“When I was younger, I had no idea what I wanted to be here on Earth. And I had a family to help me and guide me, but... ultimately I had to make my own choices. And I was trying to impose those choices on you because when you landed, I was-I was just so excited to have someone to take under my wing. To look after. I never got to do that with my cousin. But you are your own man. And your life here on Earth is going to be very different from mine, and that's fine. That's great.”
Because guess what, he was not a dog and not doing what someone else asked is not always disrespectful. It’s you know, not being a slave and having your own mind :) Also, saying someone should do what you want is not mentoring or teaching and Kara explained that herself.
When they clashed after he beat Brian, once again, it was not about her being a woman, it was about how they were using their powers and how they both seen it differently. And it once again, in the end, was about the differences between a Daxam and Krypton.
So what, he was misogynist because he was jealous of Mxy? Because he didn’t do what she asked him to? Because he was arguing with her? Because he was overprotective? Yep, we can all agree it was a shitty behavior. Once again, I understand why he behaved like that – his upbringing in Daxamite culture, ignoring the feelings and getting drugged instead of dealing with them – but his behavior was NOT PORTRAYED AS SOMETHING GOOD. And Kara CALLED HIS SHIT OUT. And after some thinking HE ADMITTED and what is more important, UNDERSTOOD HE WAS WRONG.EXPLAINED himself in a way that made sense. APOLOGIZED. And didn’t repeat this mistake.
Because you know, this was his character arc from being a problematic frat boy of the universe, to finally understanding his character issues and fixing them. That was his story. And I’m kinda surprised how people can admit the tv shows are full of macho idiotic males and how out culture is teaching them how to act wrongly and mistreat women and then when they have an actual arc of man who grasped his shit and become better, they hate on him like no tomorrow. I guess males should stay shitty for their whole lives???
And lastly - look how many times he praised her, how many times he said how awesome she was when she kicked Mxy and other idiots’ asses and how proud he was, how he has learnt to respect her decisions, how he tried to please her, how he walked away when she asked him without a word, how he was able to say how worthless he was, how he played the role of a housewife when she was dealing with criminals, how many times he gave her emotional support and simply was there when she needed it, how he took her side and could admit he was wrong - like, misogynists do stuff like that? Since when?
Yes, he was a jerk and he didn’t have any idea how to treat women, but he has learnt. Keeping things he has done in the past and ignoring his development is like depriving humans of the ability of making mistakes and learning on them. And this is a base of whole damned humanity.
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smugraccoon137 · 3 years
Season 2 episode 5 supercorp thoughts and episode review
Im loving himbo mon-el. Kara trying to help him is like an adult golden retriever trying to train a puppy. Not quite effective? But so fun to watch. He and kara ARE very much stray space puppies.
And I cant get over his fucking titty window. Like twice his tits just make an appearance. Popping out of his shirt and getting lazer visioned into view like a fucking anime girl. Give more male superheroes titty windows please and thank
Also when Kara finds him and Eve fucking omg. She grabs her dick so fast. To shield and protect it. I love how grossed out she is. And i love slutty boy.
Kara walking into mon-els room: Morning Slut!
Mon-el: i dont know what that means?
Kara: it is an affectionate pet name my dude
Poor fucking Alex though. Weve all been in that denial place and while i love watching her wanting to spend time with Maggy. Its hard to watch her be confronted with her fears of an identity change. I think as far as introducing her sexuality and love interest though its been subtle and done very smoothly so far. I know these two dont stay together but i can see why people are still writing sanvers fics.
A wild Lena appears!
Kara whirls around with the force of god
Like its not just Katie Mcgraw playing her THAT WAY. Kara has full heart eyes
I cant believe our girl just got a date and her new himbo bro-crashed it. And Kara was full on going to tell him to stay home cus its a DATE mon-el until Lena said it was okay if he came along.
Lena Luther reading up on friendship: I met the nice reporter lady twice and she was very nice to me therefore we are friends, right? This is how friends?
Mon-el wants to come to the gala: if he comes then we are definitely friends. No homo Kara but please bring your beard
Lena somehow knows where Kara lives? This woman really did a fucking background check as soon as they met huh?
I love how Lena sees Alex and immediately her eyes get set to KILL.
"kara why is there a lesbian in your apartment?"
"oh this is my sister alex"
"oh sister, thats fine then"
*Kill rays get shut off*
First supergirl Lena interaction. I love how different lena is with her vs Kara. Its a good duality. Cordial and friendly but still a distance. Shes testing her seeing if she'll trust her. Its interesting to watch. You can tell what she wants from supergirl is different from what she wants from kara. She wants a working business relationship. Friendly give and take. With kara you can tell how desperately she just wants a friend.
And kara as supergirl is trying so hard to BE supergirl. Strong and bigger than she really is? She cares. This isnt some civilian or even a friend. Its lena. And somehow thats more important even if she doesnt know why yet. You can tell she just wants to be everything Lena expects.
The gala though. Cant get over Karas switcheroo. Really seamless editing there cw.
The gala has potstickers... Have you guys ever been to a party where these are hors'dourves? Theyre arent super finger food friendly? Lena motherfucking luthor got a PI to find out Karas fav foods so they'd be at the party. Only answer
Also kara and mon-el dancing. Guys their bros. This is how bros dance. I love their chemistry cus its not at all romantic. Hes like a little brother to her. Shes compared him to Clark twice now.
Also Lena you tricky bitch! I love that she just planned all this, tricked supergirl, and beat the bad guys basically by herself. I love Lena and Winn brotp. Excited to see more of that friendship cus god give this girl some friends.
*Winn literally gets thrown under a table from a near death alien gun blast*
Lena: Do YOu MiNddD!??!
K so kara and lena are gays. Kara and mon-el are bros. Mon-el and Winn are gays. Therefore Winn and Lena are bros?
Love the Lillian Luthor reveal at the end. Really nice though Lena is a "mother" not a "mom" kind of person. We can agree on that right?
Also that Alex final scene hurt my fucking feelings. Really good emotion there though. Happy shes figuring shit out
Hope you enjoyed my gay hell that is watching this show
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constant-eggs · 3 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about William on Supergirl from fellow Supercorp shippers, so I wanna talk a bit about Kara and Lena’s love interests and how they are viewed, and also about racism in the show and fandom. This has probably been done to death but I’m new to the fandom — I binge watched the show over the winter and just started using Tumblr in a real way about a month ago. So anyway, back to the men:
There’s the major three: James, Mon-El, and William. Jack is cool too — he should’ve had more than two episodes which is part of the issue I’m going to get to, but he never got to be a major player.
So let’s talk about James. Now, I liked him a lot, particularly in season 1. Of the three main love interests for Kara, he was the only one who (season 1) writers took time to establish as a character separate from her. He had hopes and a backstory (of course), and his own idealism that usually uplifted and sometimes contradicted with Kara’s. He was honest, and vulnerable, and when he made a mistake (like calling Superman against Kara’s wishes) he grew from them. Because he respected Kara, and himself. Now the chemistry between Kara and James for me felt good — it wasn’t earth shattering — but it was typical in what I’d come to expect from a heterosexual pairing. And I would argue that had the writers not done a complete 180 on Kara’s feelings for James in S2 and had let them keep growing together as characters, that the chemistry and relationship could have been really good. But they didn’t because as the writers themselves said, they’re ‘in the drama business.’ So having a healthy, supportive partner for Kara wasn’t their priority, James was sidelined, and then they never figured out what to do with his character from that moment on. Also, I do think that race played a part in the writers’ decision to change direction with their relationship, and it’s...disheartening.
Now real briefly on James with Lena: it reminded me a lot of Laurel 1 and Oliver — when they talked about each other to other people— I believed that there was love, but when they were together, I didn’t see any real spark. Even their drama wasn’t particularly interesting — so I won’t even get into it. But it’s been long enough in this post for me to get to the point of it: the fault of the deterioration of James as a character lies with the writers. They chose to sideline him, have his values constantly shift, and have his character development stagnate post S1. He could’ve had interesting stories as Guardian, could’ve worked more closely with Kara when he replaced Cat Grant, or any number of things. But his potential was squandered. And if they were so dead set on having a male love interest for Kara, he was their best option of the three.
Mon-El and Kara had chemistry. To me, it was very much sibling chemistry in nature, which is kind of funny considering that in the comics he was a pseudo brother to Superman. To be clear I’m talking about Kara and Mon-El and not Chris and Melissa who are married, because they aren’t their characters. That’s how I think he should have stayed — as an antagonistic, shallow brother type who slooowly became decent through character growth and not specifically to become Kara’s love interest. But the handful of times Mon-El did the right thing — rebelling against his parents, trying to be a hero etc. it was because he liked Kara. How boring is that? As a love interest he was subpar — and he continued to be a liar. I don’t hate him like some fans do — and I’m well aware that he was a shallow partner who owned other people on his planet, and a habitual liar. I also see that this show is fantastical in nature where I am rooting for Lena after nearly mind-enslaving the entire population just last season. And also in a universe where a primary hero — Oliver Queen, was a serial killer (as are Laurel 2, Sara Lance, and Mick Rory to name a few). So that isn’t the main reason why I don’t like Mon-El for Kara. I just feel as early Kara felt: She deserves so much better than him.
What is there even to say about William? He’s essentially the audience in character form — the chorus in an Ancient Greek play telling us how we should feel about whatever action he’s being sidelined from. If they wanted him to be endgame, he should’ve been introduced bare minimum a season earlier to give him a fair shot. He needs to be better integrated in the fold, and at this point there isn’t a lot of time to do that well.
I’m making this post though because I don’t agree with some of what I’m seeing in fandom. Yes, I too dislike Mon-El as a love interest for Kara, but I’m not going to yuck someone else’s yum. Same goes for William and James. If you see something romantic, that’s okay. If you’re a multi shipper, that’s okay too. I was into other Arrowverse shows when Karamel and Supercorp animosity was at its highest and saw some of what went on and now I see some people uniting over their mutual dislike for William. But his underdevelopment as a character is once again entirely on the writers and execs. Not Staz Nair. And @motorcyclegirlfriends has a much more nuanced post about how race plays into characters being empathized within fandom and the screen time they are allotted by writers and directors. https://motorcyclegirlfriends.tumblr.com/post/649196192472924160/what-a-lot-of-the-nice-fellow-fans-dont-harass
We shouldn’t be tearing down actors of color or characters of color out of frustration over (potentially/hopefully) queer (white) characters. We should instead be asking for them to have more well rounded stories, just as we ask for better LGBT rep — the two aren’t separate. If Supercorp doesn’t become canon it won’t be because of the subpar heterosexual romances they were given. It will be because the writers see the love story they’ve created, inadvertently or otherwise (even doubling down on it in S5) but chose to ignore it. I really hope that isn’t the case. Us fans deserve more complex, messy slowburn romances, and Supercorp could be up there with She-Ra as one of the best ever portrayed. Here’s to hoping.
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bixqueen · 3 years
Supergirl Ending Ship
Okay, so here’s a little vent I’m been thinking about since all these promo pics entered my damn TL.
Personally, I don’t have much against Mon-El (and yes I ship Supercorp, this doesn’t mean I automatically hate the damn guy esp the actor who deserves no hate) but I will agree he had a shaky beginning and the writers did a shitty job on his character especially sending him off into the future then bringing him back to show he’s matured or whatever. Before I started to ship Supercorp I actually did ship them lol until I realized their relationship was a little toxic (which I know you can say the same about Supercorp with the lies and that chaos that went down in S5).
Anyways, I’m getting off topic ngl lol. My main reason as to why I’m venting right now is because I’m pissed at the writers. Who the hells knows if they wanted us to see those promo pics but I feel bad for both ends of the party. We don’t know who Supergirl will end up with if anybody really. What sucks is they keep bringing Mon-El back for that clout on those fans then constantly queer baiting to the other side with promo’s and such. 
For me, it’s like the 100 all over again with Bellarke vs. Clexa. Both ships were baited until the very goddamn end and no on really won. (Technically you can say Clexa, which I did ship but sis still fucking died which tore me to fucking pieces).
All I’m saying is the writers are really fucked on both sides because not only have they been leaning towards a possible Supercorp ending but also a Karamel one. They continue to bring Mon-El back for those few extra damn views and they pull together Supercorp for them as well.
So really, unless Kara ends up alone both sides will be pissed at some point. And I just think that’s super fucked up for everyone.
Now for my personal opinion? I think it’s messed up to keep bring back Mon-El (mainly these male roles) and leaving out the females. Which okay, who knows if they do come back for the last season this is all based on what we know so far. And I also understand at one point they were big roles, but so were Sam, Cat, and Maggie. I just find it offensive that he comes back and automatically all the other main side characters Supergirl has been working with get pushed away because Mon-El comes back. Obviously people will think differently of this if they love his character but people like me who don’t watch the show for him understand my POV. As well, of course I want Supercorp endgame lol but I’ve come to a point where I just have no fucking clue what will happen. I know there’s tons of rumors going around that Kara will join the future but doesn’t this just seem way out of character to others or is that just me? She’s always been about family and for her to just leave that seems...so unlike her? Then again, it’s CW writers. 
At the end of the day, I feel like no matter what happens people will be pissed and it sucks since both parties really got fucked around by these writers. Both were used for views like the 100. Anyways, I’m just trying to not get my hopes completely up but also stay away enough that I’m not devastated in the end.
Well, don’t attack me in the comments because I’m not trying to offend your ship or anything lol but I’m curious for peoples opinions sooo (esp about Kara leaving for the future). 
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bitch-for-a-rainbow · 3 years
Okay more on William because I’m still mad.
Honestly I wanted the plot line that was hinted at and never concluded when Lex warned Kara to get William to stop investigating him and she refused. She didn’t even tell William that there was a concern. There was no acknowledgement that William knew the risks of what he was doing and apparently Kara was fine with letting him walk into them. And then Lex just??? Forgot about it???? Chose to ignore him??? Idk.
(Do i understand Kara’s thought process in not telling William about Lex’s threat. Yes. Do I still think it was manipulative as fuck and extremely shaky morally? Also yes. And do I think the episode handled that debate with the grace and critical thought of Hannibal riding Elephants though the Alps? Oh yeah.)
You know what could have been a satisfying and interesting death? Lex following through on his completely reasonable and absolutely feasible threat.
If William is shown to acknowledge the danger of his investigation to Kara (who still keeps back the info about Lex), then we could get a nice pseudo-heroic sacrifice on his part: maybe he finds something important and dies before he can get it out (or as he sends it out). 
We could watch William’s process of investigation, slowly uncovering more and more information about what exactly Lex has been up to (and even beginning to find evidence that something is wrong-- Something fundamental has shifted in the world, and certain people just aren’t the same as they were before. This could be used to drive him back to obscuring pieces of his investigation from Kara-- one of those changed people-- so she doesn’t realize how close he’s getting, so she isn’t there to recieve the vital information he’s uncovering.)
In this way his death has
Communicated the risks of investigative journalism which are often ignored in the show
Been a genuinely distressing death for a character who was doing something plot relevant and necessary
Given Kara a moral dilemma that I would argue is much more understandable than the kryptonite rift with Lena.
Kara wants to help people. Desperatly so. And she has proven time and time again to be willing to sacrifice a lot for that greater good. And this time, Lex isn’t just a threat to Aliens and the world, but to her and her family specifically. How much is Kara willing to sacrifice for that big of a greater good? How does she reconcile what is ostensibly trading William’s (an innocent bystander with no knowledge of the greater forces at play and no way to consent to the dangerous position he’s been placed in) life for the lives of countless others. She nealy killed Mon El with the lead dispersal device, but Mon El knew about the device. Hell, Mon El agreed to the plan! William is being kept in the dark, partially for his own safety, and the safety of all the superfriends, but also seemingly because there is the very real chance that if he knew Lex was on to him, he’d stop investigating-- something that the Superfriends simply could not afford for him to do. If he dies, Kara may not have been holding the gun, but she was certainly holding William in front of it. 
And if he was killed, how would the other superfriends respond to that? 
Nia is William’s friend and a fellow journalist, this could be a serious wedge in her and Kara’s relationship and shove forward some change regarding her relationship with journalism (especially since Nia pretty firmly expressed her preference for the fashion section of CatCO, despite often being involved in more serious, crime related investigations). It would also force her to consider the heavier aspects of superheroics. She holds lives in her hands everyday. Where does she draw her line? What and who is she willing to sacrifice?
Alex and J’onn are both hardened soldiers who worked for the DEO. They’ve kept plenty of their own secrets that cost lives before. Does this cause them to reevaluate those decisions? Or are they firmly in the camp that William was an unfortunate casualty but an unavoidable one?
Lena would certainly have some things to say regarding honesty and using other people to further the superfriends’ battles and there are a myriad (lol) of negative responses she could have depending on when William died. 
Brainy is generally a logic first type of person, but he’s also a someone who’s devoted his life to saving others. He might face a serious problem reconciling the logical choice to aid the fight against Lex and the very human cost of that choice. (Besides the fact that he’s very close with Nia, who’d be having her own issues). Brainy and the DEO are inexorably linked in many ways. How does he handle that? 
And I don’t doubt that Kelly, both as a therapist and a soldier, would have her piece to say about consent very much depending on the complete exchange of information and putting a civilian at risk without his knowledge.
And while ALL OF THIS is going on, the superfriends are still operating under the axe of the DEO and Lex. (Another plot set-up that could have been so much fun and yet was handled so poorly. I mean why did Lex let them quit? He could have outed Kara to the world. Threatened her neighbors. Frankly he could have threatened everyone even tangentially related to the superfriends. What were they going to do about it? Kill him?-- Though perhaps he’d learned his lesson on that particular front.) So they are just sneaking around trying to fight the daily superhero battles while also trying to bring down Lex, who is in turn trying to bring down them without destabilizing his power base. 
And if William DOESN’T acknowledge the danger openly (though since he’s not an idiot it could kind of be inferred he is aware the the genocidal murderer might kill people who investigate him). Then all of those moral problems would only be compounded (at the somewhat steep cost of part of William’s agency and likeability).
I dunno. Might write it. 
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