#One day I will write Kara Zor-El the way she deserves
supergirlspurgatory · 7 years
An analysis of the Supergirl Season 3 Trailer
So I’ve watched this like 25 times already, and I’ve got some things to say.
Supergirl is my Superhero. I use to always say Batman, and now it’s Supergirl, I am all about Supergirl. All of my friends know it, all of my family knows it, whenever I start dating someone new, they find out pretty quick. I identify with Kara Danvers. When I was 12 my mom died and I lost my whole world (I still had my father and my brother, but my dad worked all the time and my brother abused me) I was alone. I was sad, I was angry, and I was broken. But, I also ended up being extremely fortunate, because I had a woman take me, she became a mother to me, adopted me emotionally you could say, had I been younger, she would have likely adopted me legally and she has her own biological children that became my siblings. Her daughter, my little sister is my best friend. I would do anything for her. I would tear my entire life apart so that hers would stay whole. I would die for her and I would kill for her. Which is the relationship that Kara and Alex have. If I were a superpowered alien like Kara Danvers, and I found out my sister’s life were in danger, I would have done exactly what she did. In fact, there was a time several years ago when I did save my sister’s life and nearly died doing it. We live on a farm/ranch, and our Papa was driving the tractor through the yard, I should mention here that my little sister is 16 years younger than me, She was 4 at the time and I was 20, we were walking across the yard, a whole group of us, my mom, my other siblings and some cousins, to go to Nana’s house. I was talking to my mom when she looked up and saw that my Papa couldn’t see my little sister and she if she didn’t move quickly, my grandpa didn’t notice her, or one of us intervened she was going to get run over. My mom locked up and couldn’t even say anything, before I could even process what was happening I was running faster than I’d ever run, and was pulling my sister into my arms, shielding her from the tractor and trying to get out of the way, I didn’t have an enough time and held her to my chest hoping that the impact would only hurt me and that I would be able to shield her. Fortunately, Papa had seen me running right for the tractor and knew something was wrong and stopped the tractor just as it gently hit my back. I could have died but I would do it again in a heart beat.
So I am the adopted/foster sister, who would do anything if it meant keeping her sister safe. I didn’t realize that was the reason I was so in love with Supergirl until about 4 months ago when I was talking to my best friend about it, and she reminded me about this. About how I love Supergirl because I identify with Supergirl. Well that, and that I am super-gay and Supergirl/Kara Danvers is basically everything I’ve been looking for in a girlfriend my entire life.
I want to talk about the new trailer, about how excited about it I am and give you a quick analysis of it.
“The decision I made, he couldn’t have made that sacrifice, but me, I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t”
I 125% believe that she is talking about Clark/Kal-El/Superman.
“I will always make the decision that I made. I am not a human, I tried to be, but I’m not.”
This is what makes me believe that she is talking about Clark. We talk about it all the time, it’s been mentioned on the show, in the comics, in more fanfics that I can quote, Clark Kent may be the last son of Krypton, but he is not a Kryptonian. Clark is a human, with superpowers. Clark’s tagline is ‘Truth, Justice, and the American way,’ Kara’s on the other hands is, “Hope, Help, and Compassion for all, this is canon from the ‘Adventures of Supergirl’ comics. Kara’s mission when she was sent to earth was to protect Kal-El, when she got to earth, Kal-El was already Superman, and did not need her protection. So she immediately understood that she needed a new mission, and that mission was to protect, but the Danvers raised her to hide her powers, to not let people know that she is a Kryptonian. The whole time though, she has known that she is not a human, that she is so much more. She has always know that she is a protector and that is what she was sent to earth to do. She knows Clark could not have made the sacrifice she made, which is love because Clark did not make that sacrifice. Clark, used his super-speed/flight, to travel through time and save Lois Lane the most popular time we know of is when he saved her from dying in the earthquake, I don’t feel like combing through the internet to reference every time he did this, but I know it’s happened more than once. Mentioning that, Supergirl, is at least as fast Barry Allen/The Flash, who has used his super-speed multiple times to change the past/future, so we know that Supergirl, is more than capable of going back in time so that she can change multiple things, the most logical being, stopping Lena Luthor from helping Rhea build the gateway that allows the Daxamite army to come onto earth. Or she could go back to when Queen Rhea’s ship first came to earth and just eliminate her there. There are countless scenarios that Supergirl could have traveled through time and changed. She didn’t though, she didn’t mess with the speedforce, she didn’t mess with the space time continuum, she didn’t change the past to change the future. Kara accepted the fate and did what she had to do to protect earth because, ‘Hope, Help, and Compassion for all’. Kara knows that is she changes the past, it would change everyone’s future and she knows that. If Clark had been in that situation, Kara knows that he would have changed the past to protect his love. As much as I hate Kara’s relationship with Mon-el, as much as I think it’s complete shit, as much as I know that he treats her terribly, I still know that the show is written in a way that indicated that Kara loves him regardless of how he mistreats her, and sending someone you love away is one of the most painful things to do, especially if you are blind to the qualities. Kara sacrificed her happiness and the life of the person she loves, to protect everyone on earth. She says that she will always make that decision because that is who she is. I would guess that probably has to do with the birthing matrix, a quality that she was designed with, a quality that written into her DNA, to serve, to protect, to sacrifice, to be SELFLESS, something that she cannot go against. Clark was not born by the Matrix, he was born naturally, so it’s not a quality that would have necessarily been ingrained into him, he would have the ability to be selfish. Being selfish in a human quality that Kara does NOT have.
“Kara Danvers was a mistake.”
I would be willing to bet money that Kara Zor-El, is saying that Kara Danvers was a mistake because even though the last 13 years, she has been going out of her way to come off as human, she has known the entire time that she is NOT. Kara Zor-El knows that Kara Danvers is fake. Danvers is a weak, soft, clumsy girl, who is pretending to not be that smart. Zor-El, is strong, she is sure, she is bold, she is brave, she has intelligence that shows Earth to be primitive, she is unbreakable. It is canon that Kara Zor-el is, strong, faster, and more intelligent than Superman, she is his superior in every way. The closest version of Kara that we have seen to who she really is was when she was affected by Red Kryptonite. Red Kryptonite does not make a Kryptonian bad, it shuts off their inhibitions, it makes them able to be who they want to be, it lets them act out on the thoughts that they have burying. I think we are going to see Kara Zor-El this season, I think we are going to see her be who she wants to be, not the version of herself that is expected of her as Kara Danvers. I think that we are going to get, sexy, confident Kara who is out for blood because she is sick of hiding who she is. Not killing, that is Superman’s rule, it is a rule that she has been following because it is associated with the house of El, and I think that with every other rule that Superman has set with the house of El, is about to go out the window and we are going to see the true ‘Last Kryptonian’ rise.
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karanna1 · 4 years
AU - Lena Luthor Saves Krypton
Lena is somehow sent back in time and finds herself on Krypton 30 years before the planet explodes. Kara doesn’t exist yet. Krypton has no idea what’s about to happen to them.
Lena realizes that with her knowledge of what’s to come and intellect to devise a solution, she can do two things. One, she can save an entire species from near extinction. Two, she can save Kara from ever having to experience the pain of losing her family, her home, and being abandoned. Kara could live a happy life and never know the burden of Supergirl or being the last daughter of Krypton.
So instead of trying to find a way back to Earth, back to her own time, she settles into life on Krypton, becomes fluent in Kryptonese, and sets about with a spectacularly single-minded focus of changing the future - to save this dying world (and Kara).
She succeeds...mostly. They can’t fix the damage that’s already been done to the planet. Their sun will die and destroy Krypton still, but with Lena’s help they’re able to locate a barren planet in another system that has a white star. It’s brand new, strong, and will live for untold trillions of years (provided Kryptonians didn’t try to harness its power again).
They terraform the planet and create “New Krypton” using the dome concept that Zor-El invented fused with Coluan bottling technology. All Kryptonians are instantly transported to their new home that’s identical to the old one save for one difference - the white sun grants them god-like powers that are beyond what Lena ever saw Kara and Clark capable of on Earth. Kryptonians are overwhelmed en masse by these powers. Some go power mad and attempt coups and form radical sects. Others realize the gift they’ve been given and, with Lena’s guidance, Kryptonian society develops under a new mission - to travel the galaxy and offer help to all those in need. Not just offering knowledge and technology this time, but themselves with their newfound powers.
Lena keeps her distance from the House of El as much as she can. It’s nearly impossible considering their standing with the Kryptonian High Council. Lena has to work very closely with the Council. Jor-El and his brother, Zor-El, are brilliant scientists and statesmen. Alura In-Ze is a rising star in the judicial system. Her marriage to Zor-El, second born son of the House of El, caused quite a few waves, but when Lara Lor-Van, a brilliant biologist and prominent noble of the House of Van, agrees to marry Jor-El, it’s all anyone can talk about. All 4 of them live very public lives due to their professions, their positions on the High Council, and their nobility.
They’re ever so fascinated by Lena Luthor, the human from Earth that appeared one day to save their entire planet. Their savior. The one their people have named “The New Dawn”. Lena wants nothing to do with the House of El. It’s too much. She can’t bear to be so close to Kara’s family without Kara. It feels wrong. Unfortunately, with how much Lena tries to avoid them, the 4 nobles think they’ve done something to offend her, and constantly attempt ways to make amends. It only makes Lena’s life that much more difficult.
But she still knows the exact date and time that Kara Zor-El steps into existence. Later, she will know the moment Kal-El is born (mostly because Lara’s natural birth is all anyone can talk about).
Lena meets Kara on New Krypton entirely by accident one day when Zor-El brings his brilliant young daughter, a prodigy in the Science Guild, to see Krypton’s finest laboratory entirely unannounced. The same laboratory that Lena founded and runs. She’s stricken, having tried to avoid this moment for as long as she could, knowing that eventually she’d have to see Kara as child, which would spell the end of every fanciful dream or slightest hope she had of a chance that someday she would find Kara, her best friend, again. Seeing the reality both warms her heart and breaks it all the same. This bouncing bundle of joy and inquisitiveness has the same blinding smile, in all its purity, with that same head of golden hair.
“You’re THE Lena Luthor?”
She kneels before her so they’re at eye level. “I suppose I am. And you’re THE Kara Zor-El?”
The ten year old gasps. “You know who I am?”
“Of course. I know all the important people. And you are a very important person, Kara.”
“I am?”
Zor-El interjects. “I’ve told Lena all about you, my dear. I’m sure she’s grown tired of my endless babbling about my wonderful daughter and her keen scientific mind.”
“Not at all,” Lena replies a bit flatly and tries to tune him out as she focuses on the young girl who will one day be a most extraordinary woman. “Do you enjoy the Science Guild, Kara?”
“Yes! I love to learn new things. As many things as I can! Sometimes father asks me to work with him in his laboratory at home and I help him with his projects!”
“That does sound like fun. I enjoy creating things as well.”
“You’re the most brilliant bio-engineer on Krypton! I’ve read all about you! You saved us.”
Lena shies away from the praise and instead fumbles her way forward, uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Zor-El, whom she’d never given the time of day until he walked in with his daughter.
“Tell me, Kara, do you like other subjects besides science?”
Kara fidgets, a little confused. “Well, I don’t...they don’t give you much time for other subjects. I-I do try to read about other things like art and history when I have free time, but I’m not really allowed—“
“She’s a hard worker and a wonderful student,” Zor-El interrupts again.
Lena ignores him. “Do you enjoy writing, Kara?”
“Creation comes in many forms. I enjoy being able to create things with my hands. Machines. Technology. Things to help people. Science is my passion, but there are many other ways to help people. Ways that I’m not very good at, but others are. Writing takes a curious mind, creativity, and a way with words. I believe you might have a gift for that.”
“A gift for words?” Her little brow crinkles as she considers it.
Lena nods. “A writer can do a great many things that a scientist cannot. They are equally as powerful and important. What matters is doing what you love most, what inspires you most. You’re going to do great things one day, Kara. Maybe with the Science Guild, maybe with something else... The future is limitless for you.”
“You really think I could be that important someday?”
“You already are.” Lena smiles and breathes deeply. “Do you know what your name means where I come from?”
She shakes her head. “I have read about Earth. It’s very far away and my Aunt Astra says their civilization is primitive and filled with savages. They have my name there too?”
“Daughter, do not speak—“
Lena waves off Zor-El’s warning without looking at him.
“That’s not an unfair assessment of Earth compared to Krypton, but I do believe humanity would surprise a great many Kryptonians, including your Aunt. In my native language, Kara means ‘beloved friend’.”
Kara beams in a way that is so achingly familiar. It’s like an echo in Lena’s memory. Not exact, not complete, but the beginning of what it will become.
“I like that. Does that mean I’m your friend?”
Lena feels it in that moment. The melting warmth simultaneous with the absolute shattering of what was left of her heart.
“I will always be your friend, darling. Always.”
Kara leaves with her father and Lena’s coworkers are concerned when she goes off planet for an impromptu holiday without notice. She returns two months later and picks up as if she never left.
It’s around that time that one of the people she’s befriended in her years on Krypton remarks at how ageless she seems for a human that supposedly has a short life span. It sparks Lena’s curiosity. Indeed, it’s been nearly 30 years since she traveled back in time and found herself on a new planet. Yet you’d be hard pressed to find a single physical difference. Kryptonians aged slowly under a red star, and even slower still under the white star, but Lena was human. Her body wasn’t designed to accommodate solar radiation the way Kryptonians did. She was over 50 years old now, yet she still didn’t look a day over 28.
More years pass and New Krypton thrives. The galaxy is brought together through New Krypton’s diplomacy and thousands of planets and species are united under a banner of peace. There are always dissenters, but happiness and prosperity is widespread. Lena finds joy in friendships and attempts romantic relationships, but nothing ever really takes. Still, she’s content. She misses Earth, of course, and hopes to return one day before she dies, whenever that will be, but she’s found peace in knowing that she is able to be the one thing she’s always wanted - a force for good.
She’s at dinner with coworkers one night when Lara and Jor-El spot her. She sighs and straightens, preparing for their next attempt to get in her good graces.
“Do they never desist?” One of them mutters next to her ear. “Surely they’re intelligent enough to know when they’re not wanted?”
“Don’t be unkind, but help me keep it short if it goes on too long.”
“Lena! It’s wonderful to see you,” Lara says.
“You as well. How are you?”
“Very well, thank you.”
Lena’s table has gone conspicuously, and therefore awkwardly, silent.
Lara and Jor-El look around at the group uncomfortably.
“We were wondering...well, our niece is being inducted to the—“
“The Science Council as First Order,” Lena finishes for her. “Yes, I’m aware. It’s a great honor. I’m sure the House of El is quite proud.”
“Indeed we are,” Jor-El jumps in. “She’s a most remarkable young woman and we couldn’t be prouder of who she’s become.”
“We are holding a celebration to mark the occasion and were wondering if you might honor us by attending? It will be quite the event.” Lara does a slight eyeroll. “Jor is insisting on all the fantastical things.”
Jor-El nods enthusiastically. “My brother isn’t one for celebrations so I’ve taken up the mantle. Kara deserves all the praise she’s earned with her hard work and dedication.”
“You’ll have to forgive my mate’s enthusiasm. He’s quite invested in Kara since she can share his passion for his life’s work while our son is—“
“Disgustingly hopeless,” Jor-El grumbles.
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “A great disappointment he’s been then?”
“Goodness no!” Lara shakes her head and shoots a warning look at her husband. “Kal is a fine boy. Just...a little lost.”
“Perhaps he is simply in need of a different path than the one his father has in mind,” Lena finds the words tumbling out of her mouth without thinking twice. The couple stares at her agape, but she continues without care. “I can certainly sympathize with the need to step out of the shadow of a family’s overbearing legacy.” She sighs. “While I thank you for considering me, it’s simply not possible with my days usually booked from dawn to dusk. Besides, parties have never been altogether pleasant endeavors for me.”
The disappointment on their faces isn’t what changes her mind. It’s that as soon as she says the words, she regrets it. She’s, of course, kept up with Kara’s doings and was concerned when she heard about the recent move in the Science Guild. Was journalism just a secondary passion since she couldn’t truly use her mind on Earth the way she could on Krypton? Or was this a woman just following in her family’s footsteps because she believed it was the right thing to do? Lena hadn’t seen or spoken to Kara in 16 years. Not since the day Zor-El brought her to the lab.
In the end, it’s Lena’s concern and curiosity for Kara’s well being that wins out. Though she very well knows that the woman that existed in another life, on another planet, is not the woman who lives here now on New Krypton. Even if she shared the same name and the same face...maybe even the same bright eyes and sunny smile. Even then.
“Send me the invitation. I’ll see what I can do,” Lena says, to the surprise of everyone at her table, including the two standing next to it.
They nod, stunned but pleased, and say their goodbyes quickly, walking away.
Lena’s coworkers all turn to her in surprise, but she refuses to answer their questions and excuses herself early for the evening.
She doesn’t show for the celebration. She torments herself for a week coming up to it and can’t bring herself to go. The fear of the past and her memories being trod upon are too strong. But somehow she finds herself in the Starling Grove anyway, just as it comes to an end. The evening is late and guests slowly make their exit after the long day of partying. Lena practically sneaks in, staying in shadows, not knowing what she hopes to find or what she could see that would make all her fears come true.
Is it any wonder that fate would intervene? That there would be no circumstance in which Lena could fly so close to the sun and not be touched?
“If avoiding people is your specialty, you’re very skilled at it.”
It’s almost terrifying to hear her voice again. It’s a different language being spoken, but the voice is the same. As if it’d been snatched from the deepest recesses of Lena’s memories, of a different life and a different world, and brought to the present in flesh and blood with a bolt of lightning.
She turns and it’s Kara smiling at her. Not the sunny smile. The soft, tender, reassuring one. The one that she used to share with Lena when she had one of her harder days. Kara was no longer the small and precocious child she met all those years ago, the one that she could almost convince herself was a complete stranger and that there was no connection between the child and the woman she knew. But that was gone now. The Kara standing before her was the same one she’d left behind on Earth. The one she’d given up in order to save her. The one who walked into her office so many years ago, trailing behind her cousin, and Lena knew she was done for. 
Her eyes were so blue as she looked at her...bluer than Lena remembered and it seemed so impossible. Perhaps it wasn’t real. Perhaps she was dreaming. But she wasn’t...was she?
“My skills must be rusty since you were able to catch me.”
Kara put a finger to her smiling lips. “Shh. Finding people is one of my untold gifts.”
“I imagine you have a lot of those.”
Kara looks pleasantly flustered and she stammers over her words in a way that Lena knows so well that the sound of it squeezes her heart in a vise like grip.
She’s not the same person. She’s not your Kara. Your Kara doesn’t exist anymore. Over and over she repeats this in her head.
“Wait...” Kara finally collects herself and peers at Lena more closely. “You’re-you’re Lena Luthor! My Uncle said you might be here, but I never thought...”
“On my home world, they like to say it’s fashionable to be late. However, tonight was just a tad bit too far. I...I simply wanted to stop by and wish you well. A-and to congratulate you on your achievement.”
Did she manage to say that with any passing conviction?
“Thank you. That means a great deal coming from someone like you.”
“Are you happy?” She blurts before her good sense can kick in. “This life...does it make you happy?”
Kara looks at her oddly for a long moment, clearly thrown, but not put off. Lena doesn’t know what else to say that could fix her blunder. 
“Yes,” she says, a serene smile creeps across her face. “I’m very happy. I love my family and my friends. I enjoy my work. I hope to have a family of my own one day, but I don’t mind waiting for the right person. Everyone always wants to rush me into something, telling me that I shouldn’t be alone, but I don’t mind it. When it’s right, I know that it will be worth the wait.”
Lena’s heart stutters and freezes. “I-I’m glad to hear that. Truly. I shouldn’t take up anymore of your time though. I’m sure you have somewhere to be and it’s late so I really should be going anyway.”
“Oh! Um. Yes, of course.” She looks disappointed, but Lena can’t think about that. “Thank you for being here.”
Her legs feel as though they’re weighted with cement as she walks away. Her mind screams at her to run, but her body doesn’t seem to get the message. She doesn’t want to leave Kara’s side. Not like this. Not after she’s found her again.
But it’s not her. Not really.
“My Lady?”
She turns around at once. Kara stands there, fiddling with her hands, her head tilted to the side.
“Apologies. I-I remember reading that you never liked that title. You prefer...what was it...” She closes her eyes as she searches for it. “Oh!” Her eyes fly open again. “Miss Luthor. I should have addressed you as ‘Miss Luthor’, yes?”
The ‘Miss’ was heavily accented and sounded nothing like how she used to say it, but it still tore Lena apart.
“I never forgot what you said.”
The voice in Lena’s head screams again for her to run, but instead she draws closer. She needs to hear it. 
Her Kara.
No, it’s not her.
“What did I say?”
“I was a little girl. My father brought me to your lab to show me around.”
“I remember.”
Don’t let her do this. Don’t let her pull you in again. You can’t. For both of your sakes, you can’t.
“You talked about different ways of creating. Of passion. It’s silly, I know, and I’m sure you say it to all the children who read about you in school and have a serious case of hero worship, but...you told me I was important.”
“You are.” 
It’s a reflex. She can’t help it.
“And you said that I had a gift for words. I never understood why you would say that. How you could know...”
Lena chuckles awkwardly. “Looks like I was off the mark since you’ve just joined the Science Council.”
“But you weren’t.”
Lena’s breath hitches.
“I’ve never told anyone else this...” 
Kara steps closer, sharing a secret that Lena doesn’t know she deserves to hear. She wonders if she still knows how to breathe with Kara being this close after so long...so many years gone... 
“I started writing that day. That very night I went home and I tried it. I never stopped. I’ve never been happier than when I’m writing. Imagining stories or just writing my thoughts, putting memories into words, keeping a record of each day and what I’ve done, who I’ve seen, what my first thought is in the morning and my last thought at night. All of it.”
Kara was so close. She could smell her. Nothing like what she remembered. It was something altogether new and still...still... Lena’s heart beat so loudly, she was sure every Kryptonian within miles was wondering what that raucous drumming noise was. What must Kara think? Surely she could hear it. Lena was embarrassing herself.
“You inspired me.”
Lena doesn’t know how she manages it, but she somehow strings together coherent words. 
“But you continued to pursue...”
“The Science Guild, yes. I’m very good there. It comes easily. It makes my family proud.”
“It’s not your passion though.”
Kara shakes her head gently.
“What stops you?”
“Well, what if I’m not really good at writing after all? I’ve never told anyone about it. I’ve never let them read anything... What if I make a terrible mistake and humiliate myself and my family?”
“Following your heart isn’t a mistake.”
“That’s not a very Kryptonian sentiment.”
“No, but it is a human one.” Lena sighs. “I tried so hard, for so long, not to listen to mine. But it won out every time. Despite all the pain it brought me...I remind myself that it’s what brought me here. To this planet. To this time. To do good. To be good. Following your heart is the most terrifying notion, but in my experience, it has also led me to the greatest moments of joy and love that I’ve ever known.”
Kara stares at her in wonderment. Her long blonde locks flow over her shoulders. Her dress is white and flowing, almost luminescent under the glow of the evening flowers blooming in the garden. It became quickly apparent how very alone they were, the last guests and servers from the party were gone. The torches were still lit, but it was their own world.
Wasn’t it always?
It’s not her.
“I don’t think I could be as brave as you.”
“You have always been brave and I know that you are capable of the most extraordinary amount of courage...courage and boundless hope. You are the one who inspires me, Kara. You always have.”
“Me?” She replies in the softest utterance. “But I haven’t done anything nearly as incredible as you.”
“The kind of person you are is far more important than any sum of career achievements. Don’t let fear make you hide in the shadows, Kara. Step into the sun. You’ve always belonged there.”
“What about you?”
“When will you step out of the shadows, Miss Luthor?”
A voice calls for Kara in the distance. It’s jarring and breaks the spell that seemed to lock them together in time suspended.
They step away, now acutely aware of how close they’d been this whole time.
Kara blushes and opens her mouth to say something, but Lena can’t bear to hear it.
“Goodnight, Kara Zor-El. I hope you enjoyed your party.”
Another voice joins the first. Two people are calling for her now. Kara seems frustrated and turns back, yelling to them that she’d be there soon.
She turns back. “I—“
But Lena’s gone.
She leaves New Krypton again. Journeys to other planets under the guise of a holiday and scientific exploration. She wonders if now is the time to return to Earth. She can’t even call it home anymore, but it’s home...isn’t it? 45 years could be enough to make New Krypton home and maybe it was. Maybe it was more of a home than Earth. But New Krypton had spectres walking among the living. Lena’s past had caught up to her here as well. She was no longer alone. Would Earth be any better with a reminder at every street corner? A certain smell. A park bench. A pair of glasses. Food. All of the food on Earth. She would never truly escape there either. It has to be a different planet. Not New Krypton, not Earth, something else entirely. 
She searches across galaxies for it. Finally, one appeals to her. She can see herself settling down there. She can make a new life for herself...again. She returns to Krypton with determination. She resigns from her position, ignores the High Council’s pleas, ignores their more pointed demands, and even their attempted orders when it appeared that nothing else was working. She packs her things and bids farewell to her friends. They’ll visit now and again, but soon she won’t be seeing them at all. It doesn’t bother her all that much. She’d find replacements eventually. No one had ever been like... Well, she’d never let anyone get close enough to try.
She was walking out of her building for the last time, her luggage already sent ahead, and was headed to the transport when she heard her voice again on the wind, calling her name. Of course she would hear her now. This was exactly why she needed to leave this place. The sooner the better to end this torment.
The transport doors were nearly closed when a hand shot between them. The metal alloys were crushed in a powerful grip and the doors were jerkily pried open again.
Kara stood in front of her. Her hair windswept, almost what it used to look like when she would fly to Lena at breaking speed to rescue her. Did she fly here? Was she really here?
“Lena, don’t go.”
“What are y—?”
“That’s government property!” someone shouts at Kara from further away. 
A Kelex zooms in beside her. “And you were flying within city limits which is strictly prohibited. Unfortunately, Lady Kara, this means we must place you under arrest.”
A patrolman, the one who shouted, walks up behind Kara, nodding his head in agreement.
“Arrest?” She rolls her eyes at the Kelex and turns to the patrolman. “The doors were an accident and sorry about the flying thing. I’ll pay the fines. I doubt Alura In-Ze will take kindly to you dragging someone in for petty infarctions, let alone that someone being her daughter.”
Lena finds herself walking out of the transport, entirely of her own volition, and watches it leave without her. Kara is arguing with the patrolman over what her fines should be, but suddenly Lena feels someone take her hand. She looks down and sees that indeed there is another hand holding hers. She drags her gaze up to find those blue eyes again. A ghost. A spectre. Everything she was trying to escape.
“I’m sorry to just...burst in on you like this. But you’ve been gone for months and I only just heard that you’d come back, planning to leave New Krypton for good. I didn’t...”
“You didn’t what?”
“I don’t know.” Her brow furrows in frustration. “I didn’t plan this. I just...when I heard, I felt like I had to stop you.”
Lena pulls her hand away and crosses her arms. She needs to get ahold of herself. This was all so out of control.
Kara is just as bewildered as she is. “Well, I...I’m not sure. But we’ve only just started.”
“Don’t you feel it? I know you must.”
She swallows thickly. “Kara, I...”
“I think there’s a lot you haven’t told me. A lot that I hope you will tell me. You promised me once that you would always be my friend. Please, Lena. We both know that this...it’s not supposed to end here.”
“When is it supposed to end?”
“I hope not for very long time.”
“I’ve lived a lifetime already.”
Kara grins. “Then what’s one more? Should be easy if you’ve already done it.”
Lena shakes her head. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Somehow I do...and I don’t. I know it’s strange. I know what I sound like. But I think you understand. Don’t you?”
“Are you hungry?” She interrupts. “I’m famished. The flying thing is really fun, but I always get so hungry after. How about it?”
“I’m supposed to be boarding a ship in 20 minutes.”
“We can eat fast!”
“I know you can eat fast, that’s not the point,” she mutters. “I have to go.”
“But you see? You say things like that. Like it’s normal to just know these things about me, but it’s not. How do you know? We’ve only met twice and both times it feels as though you know everything about me.”
“Everything?” She scoffs. “No. Never.”
“Well, the important things anyway.”
Lena falters.
“Please? Just...for a little while? There’s always another ship if you really must go.”
No, I’ve been through this before. I saved you. I saved your people. You’re happy. I don’t belong here. I’ve never belonged. This is your world. I don’t belong anywhere. I did what was right. I helped people. I still help people. But I won’t do this again.
“I’m pretty sure you know that a Kryptonian can tell when you’re lying. The white star brought us untold abilities. And the longer I’ve lived here, under this new sun, I’ve discovered more abilities. Would you like to know about them?”
Lena can only stare.
“If I’m close enough...and I concentrate hard enough...I can feel what you’re feeling. It’s not mind reading exactly, but something deeper. I can feel you right now.” She swallows hard. “What have I done to cause you such pain, Lena? I never thought that... If you have to go, I won’t stop you. I just thought...” She sighs defeatedly. “I don’t know what I thought. But it wasn’t this. It wasn’t pain. Or anger. Or betrayal.”
Lena’s eyes widen at the same time as Kara’s. She seemed to realize it only as she spoke the word aloud.
“Betrayal?” Kara whispers, half to herself. “I don’t understand.”
“There’s nothing to understand.”
“You’re lying.”
“Stop it.”
“I can’t! Tell me what’s happening. How can you be so angry with me, but also feel...like this...when we don’t even know each other?”
“But we do.” 
At last she admits it. 
In the quietest whisper. 
“We did. Once. In another life.”
Kara nods slowly. “Where?”
“On Earth.”
“I’ve never been to Earth.”
“Not in this time. But in another...you were Earth’s Champion. Our Protector. The Paragon of Hope.”
“As you are the Protector of Krypton? Our Salvation. The New Dawn.”
Lena shrinks uncomfortably under the titles.
“Will you tell me more?”
“You believe me?”
“Of course I do. You’re Lena Luthor. Also, with my powers I can sense you’re telling the truth, so...” She shrugs lightly at that, a sheepish smile.
“Right. Well, I admit I’m still a bit resentful that after everything I’ve been through, I still didn’t get even a hint of those powers.”
Kara takes her hand again, tentatively this time. She probably thinks Lena will pull away.
She doesn’t.
“There’s been a rumor for ages that you’re immortal. Are you saying that’s not true? From what I’ve read, humans have a shorter life span than us. Your species only live about 85 years or so.”
“I’ve heard the rumor and, yes, the average human lifespan is shorter than a Kryptonian’s.”
“You look pretty darn good for your age if you’re preparing to join Rao in a few cycles.”
Lena has to laugh. She lets Kara lead her away from the platform and down to the street. They walk hand in hand.
“So you’re not immortal?”
“It remains to be seen.”
“Then maybe our white sun did give you a hint of something after all.”
“Maybe. I have yet to ascertain the cause.”
“I could help you with your study, should you choose to explore it further.”
“You want to study me?”
Kara blushes. “I...I didn’t mean it like that. I only meant—“
“I know what you meant.”
Silence falls between them.
“You’re still holding my hand.”
“You’re still letting me.”
“It’s strange.” She stares. “You’re different. You’re so different than you were before, a completely different person, but somehow...when I look at you, you’re exactly who you’ve always been.”
“Are you different now too?”
“Yes.” She shrugs. “I think so anyway.”
“But we’ve still found each other. That means something.”
“Are you sure you want to hear this? You might be angry with me. I...I made choices that changed your life. A great number of lives.”
“I want to hear everything. But even if I do get angry, I won’t leave. I promise.”
Lena starts at that. How could she know exactly—? The realization hits her. 
“My fears...you feel them right now, don’t you?”
Kara nods. “I won’t betray you, Lena. Whatever mistakes I’ve made before...in that other life...I won’t make them again.”
“You’ll make other mistakes.”
“Of course!” She laughs. “I’m gifted, but hardly perfect. You’ll make mistakes too, even if you are the Great New Dawn.”
“Two prodigies...” Lena raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know how people stand us. We must be insufferable to be around.”
“I can’t be held accountable for the jealousy of others.”
Lena chuckles. “Good to know you’re as competitive as ever.”
“And you? Are you competitive as well?”
“On occasion...when it comes to the right things.”
Kara grins. “Tell me more about Earth.”
“Earth or...you on Earth?”
“Both. Or just one. Whatever you like. We have all the time we need. We’ll get to it eventually.”
“What do you want?”
“How do you know that?”
“I just do.”
“You’re not afraid?”
“Of losing you? Yes, I’m afraid. I thought I did when you left me in the Grove that night.”
“It’s different this time though.”
“Different how?”
“You were afraid before. O-on Earth. So you lied to me. Hid things from me. You were afraid I’d reject you.”
“So I lost you anyway?”
“For a while.”
“I know who I am and I want to share all of that with you. I’m afraid I’ll lose you if I don’t. Do you think that means I learned my lesson with a second chance?”
“Even though you don’t remember the first?”
Kara tilts her head thoughtfully.  “Are you familiar with the theological concept of reincarnation?”
Lena nods.
“Many species and cultures detail it differently, but the belief that a soul does not reside in an afterlife fascinates me. The idea that one could instead be reborn and is destined to learn new lessons with each life that it failed to learn in the last. Maybe we found a way to do that without needing to die at all.”
“Are you sure you’re the First Order of the Science Council? Because that sounds an awful lot like preaching I’ve heard from the Religious Guild. You’re in the wrong profession.”
Kara rolls her eyes. “If anything, I should have joined the Artisans. But it’s too late for that.”
Lena’s quiet for a moment. They’re walking along streets she’s never seen before and doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter.
“I think I’m learning...” she says softly, “that it’s never too late. If you want something enough, it’s never too late.”
“I hope you’re right.”
Lena looks around. “Do you know where you’re going?”
“No, I thought you did.”
“No. I guess we’re lost then.”
Kara shrugs with a charming, sunny smile that lights her whole face. It’s the one that Lena hasn’t seen in over 40 years and it takes her breath away.
“Oh well.” Kara squeezes Lena’s hand happily. “I suppose we’ll find our way together.”
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i was tagged by @c-nan for this interests tag game :) thank you for the tag <3
MUSIC Favorite Genres: some modern day pop (like taylor swift and olivia rodrigo) and not-depressing-alternative (like florence welsh and hozier), 70s pop/rock, romantic era and later classical music, jazz standards (like ella fitzgerald and nat king cole)
Favorite Artists: abba, billy joel, donna summer, ella fitzgerald, fleetwood mac, florence welsh, the guess who, hozier, nat king cole, ola gjielo, olivia rodrigo, the orion experience (but only for cosmiccandy), stevie wonder, sugarloaf, taylor swift, and a lot more!
Favorite Song: oh gosh i have so many, but for now i'll say: treacherous by taylor swift
Most Listened to Song Lately: we built this city on rock and roll by starship
Song Currently Stuck in my Head: the day before you came by abba
Five Favorite Lyrics:
just. the entirety of treacherous by taylor swift.
dress in love, she lives for life to be / green-eyed lady feels life i never see (green-eyed lady by sugarloaf)
address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings / and when the clouds won't iron out / when the monsters creep into your house / well, i hope you know how proud i am you were created (hope ur ok by olivia rodrigo)
the autumn chill that wakes me up / you loved the amber skies so much / long limbs and frozen swims / you'd always go past where our feet could touch / and i complained the whole way there / the car ride back and up the stairs / i should've asked you questions / i should've asked you how to be / asked you to write it down for me / should've kept every grocery store receipt / cause every scrap of you would be taken from me / watched as you signed your name marjorie / all your closets of backlogged dreams / and how you left them all to me / what died didn't stay dead / what died didn't stay dead / you're alive, you're alive in my head / and if i didn't know better / i'd think you were singing to me now (marjorie by taylor swift)
hey, look up / you don't have to be a ghost / here among the living / you are flesh and blood / and you deserve to be loved / and you deserve what you are given (third eye by florence + the machine)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or quiet volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyric video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Favorite Book Genre: niche non-fiction! and fic <3
also gonna add my Favorite Fic Tropes/Tags: hurt/comfort, slow burn, fake dating, roomates au, there was only one bed!, college au, enemies to lovers, idiots (pining) to idiots (togther), established relationship, sports au, royalty au, fantasy au, friends to lovers, and many more!
Favorite Writers: marguerite bennett
Favorite Fic Writers: ayeti, bigmamallama5, coffeeshib, drfitzmonster, ekingston, jazzfordshire, littlemousejelly, lovedandliked, robie, searidings, shipsandglitter, takarter, wtfoctagon, you_get_to_exhale_now_cyrus, zedpm, and so many more!!
Favorite Books: the poet x by elizabeth acevedo, 1984 by george orwell, rebecca by daphne du murier
Favorite Book Series: the babysitters club by ann m martin, the mother-daughter book club by heather vogel frederick, mercy watson by kate dicamillo
Comfort Book: robie's wedding date au
Perfect Book to Read on a Rainy Day: jazz's 70s au
Favorite Characters: the second mrs de winter (rebecca), mercy watson (mercy watson)
Five Quotes From Your Favorite Books:
mi boca no puede escribir una bandera blanca, nunca será un verso de biblio. mi boca no puede formarse el lamento que tú dices tú y dios merecen. tú dices que todo esto es culpa de mi boca. porque tenía hambre, porque era callada. pero, ¿y la boca tuya? cómo tus labios son grapas que me perforan rápido y fuerte. y las palabras que nuna dije quedan mejor muertas en mi lengua porque solamente hubieran chocado contra la puerta cerrado de tu espalda. tu silencio amuelba una casa oscura. pero aun que riesgo de quemarse, la maripose nocturna siempre busca la luz. (the poet x by elizabeth acevedo)
but if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. (1984 by george orwell)
but by degrees the flood of music drove all speculations out of his mind. it was as though it were a kind of liquid stuff that poured all over and got mixed up with the sunlight that filtered through the leaves. he stopped thinking and merely felt. the girl's waist in the bend of his arm was soft and warm. he pulled her round so that they were breast to breast; her body seemed to melt into his. wherever his hands moved it was as yielding as water. their mouths clung together. (1984)
but you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. no emotion was pure...their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. it was a blow struck against the party. it was a political act. (1984) (this quote is so gay lol.)
he did not stir, because julia was sleeping with her head in the crook of his arm. most of her makeup had transferred itself to his own face or bolster, but a light stain of rouge still brought out the beauty of her cheekbone. a yellow ray from the sinking sun fell across the foot of the bed and lighted up the fireplace, where the water in the pan was boiling fast. down in the yard the woman had stopped singing, but the faint shouts of children floated in from the street. he wondered vaguely whether in the abolished past it had been a normal experience to lie in bed like this, in the cool of a summer evening, a man and a woman with no clothes on, making love when they choose, talking of what they choose, not feeling any compulsion to get up, simply lying there and listening to peaceful sounds outside. (1984)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | read at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVs | judging by the covers or by summaries | rereading or just once
Favorite TV/Movie Genre: .........ones with actractive actors...
Favorite Movies: pretty woman, muppets from space
Comfort Movie: i don't really watch movies that often lol. i find them hard to get into since they're so short
Movie You Watch Every Year: the year without a santa claus
Favorite TV Shows: supergirl, batwoman, legends of tomorrow, parks and rec, the good place, veronica mars, andi mack, diary of a future president, arthur, word girl, closer to truth, martha speaks, cyberchase, curious george, the king of queens, and probably more that i'm forgetting!
Comfort TV Show: the king of queens, arthur, parks and rec
Most Rewatched TV Show: the king of queens, martha speaks, word girl, cyberchase, parks and rec
Five Favorite Characters:
kara zor-el
veronica mars
leslie knope
zari tomaz
lena luthor
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
this was really fun to do fhsdhfkd. tagging anyone who wants to try this!
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kassies-take · 4 years
A Tutor!
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A/n: Another Supercorp daughter story. I should really be doing my homework... I’ve thought about it and I’m doing this.
Warning: Insecurity 
Supercorp, Lena Luthor x Reader, Kara Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2090
Lena Luthor-Danvers was someone you could rely on to go to when anything was wrong. Lena Luthor however was not going to be happy when she gets home from work.
You ran a hand through your hair and hid in your arms. On the paper was the bleeding ink of a D.
To be fair, you didn’t care about math. But being a daughter to a Luthor and a daughter to a Kryptonian, who learned calculus in the 3rd grade, it was supposed to be easy. You didn’t understand, you spent countless hours with your nose in the book, countless hours working and writing problems step by step, and countless hours in Mr. Pierce’s office hours. How could you get a D? A D- for that matter.
The other kids were working on their homework when you were called to Mr. Pierce’s desk.
“(Y/n), is everything alright? I know you’ve been going to office hours, and staying after class to finish your homework, but your test scores say otherwise.”
“I don’t know, I’m trying I really am. But no matter what I do, I don’t seem to get it. Math and many other things.” You mumbled the last part.
“Maybe it’s the way you’re trying to learn it. You could have your mo-“
“No!” You blurted out as all eyes focused on you.
“Regardless, you’re going to have to have one of your parents sign off on the test.”
“Yeah, it’s in the syllabus that I have to have a parent sign off on my tests till they become better. Gradually.”
“Until then I want you to change your method of studying. Maybe get a tutor.”
You winced at the idea. You had nothing against tutors, in fact you admire their patience but it was the principal of the matter. Luthors don’t need tutors, you just work harder.
The moment you got home you spent your time looking for the perfect tutor. The ones who weren’t just doing it for money, but actually wanting to help. You gave up trying to find someone to tutor you with the constant Luthor voice in your head.
You pulled out the test again to look through the mistakes. You had a terrible migraine and you flipped through the sheets angrily. You got to the last paper and pulled a post-it note off the paper to read it carefully:
I’ll be happy to tutor you - (Y/C/n)
This can not be happening. You turned the post-it note around and saw their number. You immediately pulled out your phone and contemplated on what to text them. Your thumbs hovered over the keyboard and the backspace key was pressed multiple times. It took an hour or so to send your message, they agreed to meet with you at your place every Wednesday afterschool.
Tutor, check. All you had to do now was tell your parents. Your leg shook nervously as you chewed on your fingernail, a habit you got from Lena. The balcony door clicked and beeped, Kara preferred the balcony entrance over the front door. You were relieved it was Ieiu and not your mom. Only that didn’t end well as chills were sent through your spine, at your mother’s voice and you hid part of your test under your laptop.
“Hey, little one!” Kara held you tightly in her arms.
“Hi Ieiu. Hi mom.” You hugged Lena as Kara went into the kitchen for a bottle of water and Lena’s wine.
“Oh, you’re looking to tutor someone?” Lena questioned before she pulled away and grabbed her wine glass from Kara’s hand. “That’ll look great on your college app, especially with MIT,” Lena took a sip from her glass. 
“Mom...” Kara caught your heartbeat speeding up.
“Little one are you okay?” 
Lena turned towards Kara when she began to speak and frowned back towards you. 
“Is everything alright?”
You couldn’t tell your parents. Luckily neither of your parents could read your mind, but at the same time you wished they could, it would be a lot easier than saying what you have to say. 
If I break, my family will shatter. Our family is measured by who I become. To my parents a good daughter is educated, remains “super.” It’s easier expected than done. It hurts the most when I’m doing my absolute best and it still isn’t enough. 
Lena and Kara both raised you to be a strong fighter. They didn’t explicitly send you to boarding school, or expected you to save the day. But all the implications are there, of being a Luthor and a Super.
 Striving to meet these expectations is like climbing out of quicksand: the harder I try to get to the top, the more I’m sucked back down.
Because Mom and Ieiu are constantly saving the day, they were preoccupied with raising the perfect daughter. They think they are keeping you safe. They never think about how lonely you were. They were oblivious of the nightmares you had from trying to fit in to the Super and Luthor box. 
You’re Kara’s girl. You’re just another Luthor. At least we know this one won’t be a psychopathic lunatic. You’re not a Luthor and you’re not a super. You can go to any college you want, MIT is a really good option. You could do so much better. 
“STOP!” You shook your head trying to get rid of the flooding thoughts that spilled through the dam of your eyelids.
No one dared to move, you didn’t need super hearing to hear a pin drop. 
“I’m the one who needs a tutor! I’m sorry I’m not a Luthor, or a Danvers, or Zor-El, or a super. I’m sorry I am nothing! I’m not going to NCU and I doubt I’ll get into MIT. okay? I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” 
“Baby,” Lena took a step forward. “We raised you to be a strong fighter, not to be a Luthor.” 
“You didn’t but everyone out there does! No matter what I do, I am evaluated on the fact that one I am a Luthor and two I am a Danvers! There’s a constant scale. I’m either one or the other! The world has expectations of who I should be and could care less of what I become, because to them my future is already written to them!” You stormed towards your room and slammed the door shut. 
Both Lena and Kara flinched with the door close shut. Lena let a shaky sigh before she hid her face in her hands and slouched on the couch. The couch dipped beside her and a strong arm wrapped around her. 
“She’s going to be okay. She’s strong,” Kara whispered and rested her chin on Lena’s head. 
“I failed her Kara.”
“No you didn’t.”
“The moment we knew I was carrying her, this was all I feared. Becoming my mother.”
“You are not your mother, (Y/n) was raised from a home with love and acceptance.” 
“How can you say that when she is clearly trying to fill up her cup with water from every single person except hers. She was so afraid of failing that she had to get a tutor. A tutor! What kind of mother lets her kids fail at something she excels at?” Tears began to flow from Lena’s eyes.
“A mother who lets her kid try to do it on her own. A mother so talented that she tries to be like you.”
“I spent all these years trying to make sure I was not Lillian, and here I am. What you resist will persist.”
“Look Lena, the things in our life are not always going to be the way we want it to be. The only thing we can do now is accept it and move on. Make it better. Our daughter needs a tutor, and that is not so much your fault as it is mine. We will get through this together.”
“El Mayarah” Lena whispered. 
They stayed like that in each others arms till Lena was rid of tears. 
“Lets go see our baby girl.” Kara suggested. 
Lena sat up and wiped her tears with her fingertips when her foot accidentally grazed over the mouse pad and the tabs closed. She moved to recover the tabs when her eye caught a folder labeled “edits” on the snow covered desktop background with Lena and you throwing snowballs at Kara. 
The folder opened with many short films, videos, and clips. Lena clicked on one titled “Aunt Lena and Aunt Kara MUST watch” hidden in a file of its own.
“Hey cuz,” It was a footage of you at your desk. “Are you still working on that edit?”
“It’s a new edit, with the same clips.”
“I can’t show it to anyone unless it is perfect.”
‘‘You know there is no right or wrong way you could edit something right?”
“It has to be perfect so no one could demean it.”
“You can’t please everyone.”
“No, but I can please my parents. 
The camera panned to Alex’s and Kelly’s son, Lucas.
“Aunt Kara, Aunt Lena if you’re watching this I think (Y/n) might need a little reassurance that she doesn’t need to try too hard for you. She told me that she was under a lot of pressure from everyone.” 
The video ended and Kara and Lena made a B-Line towards your room.  
“Little one?” Kara pushes the door open.
You laid on your stomach, under a pile of blankets and a pillow over your head.
Lena crouched beside your bed and removed the pillow over your head. You groaned and tried to move the blankets over your head.
“No. Look at me.”
You reluctantly turned around to face the emerald green and ocean eyes.
“Little one, just because you need a tutor does not mean we love you any less. In fact I’m happy that you’re getting one, it means you’re not willing to fail. That’s super enough. It might not feel like it and I understand that. You had a question about yourself and you deserved to try and answer it. You’re not a Luthor, you’re not a Super. You are (Y/n) Alura Luthor-Danvers. We love you for who you are and not who you will become.” Kara kisses your forehead.
“Baby, I never meant for the Luthor name to be any trouble for you. And I’m sorry you felt as if you couldn’t come to us about this, or about anything. A part of me, actually the whole part of me believes this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t give you the Luthors name. But I don’t regret ever having you because you’re the best thing I ever made. I am so sorry you feel this way and you won’t ever be alone.”
“I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed with myself. I just try so hard, but I don’t get anywhere.” You sighed.
“You know life is about making mistakes, learning from them, and growing as a person. We’re going to love you no matter what. You’re going to be accepted here, because you’re safe and in an environment where you have a Super and a Luthor protecting you.” Kara smiled.
You smiled back before the two gave kisses to your forehead and cheek.
“Okay now move over,” Lena removed the first layer of blankets. “Oh,” she said before removing another. “How many blankets do you have?”
“It’s cold!”
Lena moved the last layer and snuggled towards you.
“Make room for me I want to cuddle too.”
“The bed is not big enough!” Your voice was muffled by the blankets.
“There’s always room to cuddle!” Kara opened her arms wide and prepared to jump.
“No no!”
“Kara, if you jump you’re staying on the couch!” Lena glared.
“What happened to you jump, I jump?” Kara pouted.
“I didn’t jump.”
“Get in puppy Ieiu,” you held up the layers of blankets as Kara’s eyes lit up before she crawled under the blankets.
After a while the silence was broken. “So (Y/C/n) is going to tutor you?” Lena smirked.
“Mom,” you groaned.
“What, I need to make sure they won’t distract you.”
“The only thing that is going to be distracting is you and Ieiu.”
“That wasn’t gonna happen, but thanks for the tip.” Lena smiled.
“If it’s like that, (Y/C/n) has to with stand three punches from me.” Kara beamed.
“What? I’m being tutored not going out on a date. Mom please tell Ieiu that that is ridiculous because she has super strength!”
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Coming Out To Lena
prompt from SuperCorp_fan over on Ao3: “Hey Cap! I thought of something that I haven't seen in a fic before (well maybe but I don't recall) and maybe you can be inspired to write about it? We've seen Kara coming out to Lena about her being Supergirl before but I don't recall seeing a story about Supergirl coming out to Lena about her being Kara. There's something about Supergirl saying "I'm Kara." that carries a different meaning and weight than Kara saying "I'm Supergirl." Because Kara isn't Supergirl, that would be a lie, Kara is Kara. I think that might resonate with Lena in a personal and profound way. Kara is the truth, Supergirl is the lie. Kara kept the lie from Lena because the truth, Kara, is what really matters and what Lena already knows. So, in so doing, Supergirl admits to Lena a truth rather than Kara admitting a lie. Don't get me wrong Kara would still be in the doghouse but it would be a much more comfortable doghouse than the other way followed by copious amounts of SuperCorp and smut of course!”
This is a wonderful and thoughtful prompt from a wonderful and thoughtful human. And, points to anyone who can find another fic like the one described – boosting is always good!!
Hearing Lena say her name always ran right through Kara’s heart.
“Ms. Danvers.”
When Lena believed she could be a reporter.
Their worst moments – “Because I did it, Kara” – and their best – their brunches and their donuts and their Big Belly Burger moments of profound care that Lena told Kara she’d never known before her, before them.
Saving her. Saving each other.
It kept Kara up at night.
Imagining all the ways Lena Luthor could say her name.
So, so many ways.
But it also kept her up at night, the way that Lena didn’t know that when she said “Supergirl,” she meant “Kara.”
And when she said “Kara,” she meant “Supergirl.”
“She’s gonna figure it out, if she hasn’t already,” Maggie had told her, gentle and quiet, one night over scotch and more potstickers than could fit into any human digestive system.
“I know,” Kara had moaned into Alex’s shoulder. “I know, I just don’t want her to hate me for lying.”
It was Alex who realized. Alex who knew – because it was Kara, and Alex always knew, with her little sister.
“Thing is,” she’d said, kissing Kara’s forehead, “you’re not Supergirl. I mean, you are Supergirl, obviously you’re Supergirl. But Barry’s Barry first, right? Before he’s the Flash. And you’re Kara, first. Always. Before you’re Supergirl and while you’re Supergirl.”
“Your sister’s right,” Maggie nodded solemnly before a smirk broke out on her face. “I mean, you drop you voice like the bi-est woman ever to bisexual when you put on your family’s crest, but –”
The pillows Kara chucked at Maggie turned her comment into giggles and tickle fights, but her point hung in the air between them: but she was always, at the heart of everything else, Kara Danvers.
And it hung in the air around Kara, still, even as she sped through the air of National City the next day at a speed that would rival Barry Allen and freak the crap out of John Diggle.
She prayed that when she got to the scene, Lena wouldn’t be there, in the thick of it.
But Lena Luthor was always in the thick of it.
It was why she loved her.
Loved her like… like a friend. Like friends love each other.
With maybe a side of a little bit of a massive crush that felt an awful lot like being in love, but really, what did words matter, anyway?
A lot, she knew. Words mattered a lot.
So when she saved Lena – who had just saved a cadre of DEO agents, because of course she had – from the clutches of yet another burning helicopter, she couldn’t help it.
“Ms. Luthor,” she nodded, almost bowed, with a reverence and respect bordering on a medieval knight. Maggie and Alex would crack up, she knew. She almost looked around instinctively for them. But this was a moment, in the settling dust and the nearly spilled but unshed blood, just for Lena and… and for Kara.
“Thank you again, Supergirl.” Lena’s eyes glistened, but Kara’s whole body ached from the effort of putting Lena down, of Lena slipping out of her arms and onto solid ground. Away from her.
She shook her head.
She never wanted Lena to be away from her.
But if she wanted that, this was something she needed to say.
It was one of the scariest things she’d ever needed to say.
And Kara Zor-el Danvers had had to say some pretty terrifying things. Make some pretty horrific choices.
But this was a choice she was happy to make. Lena deserved it.
She only hoped she still deserved Lena, when the words left her tongue.
“Lena,” she said, and watched her friend’s eyes widen at the familiarity of Kara’s address.
She took another steadying breath.
She was Supergirl for crying out loud. She’d just saved Lena and who knew how many other people without breaking a sweat, barely even trying, and…
But no. This wasn’t something that called for Supergirl’s hard-headedness. This was something that called for Kara’s bravery.
She was Kara Danvers for crying out loud. She could do this.
“Lena,” she said again, because the name was more comforting on her lips than she’d ever care to admit. Well, maybe one day… “Lena, I’m… I’m Kara.”
Superhearing be damned, every other sound faded to white noise. X-ray vision be damned, every other image faded to black.
Everything vanished except the woman standing, disheveled and breathless, in front of her.
Lena didn’t blink.
She didn’t move away.
She didn’t say anything at all.
She just stared. She stared and she waited.
“Say something,” Kara pleaded, barely a whisper, and she didn’t care how it looked that Supergirl was begging Lena Luthor for something in the midst of all this destruction, all this fading chaos.
“Why,” was all Lena said. A statement more than a question.
Because part of Kara knew that Lena wasn’t surprised, not entirely. A pair of glasses and a deeper voice couldn’t mask… what Lena felt like in Kara’s arms, so maybe it couldn’t mask what it felt like for Lena, to be in Kara’s arms…
Because I love you, were the words that died on Kara’s lips.
Because I love you and I’m terrified that if you saw all of me, you wouldn’t want me anymore.
Please say you want me.
Please say you love me.
“Because I wanted to keep you safe,” was what she wound up saying, Kara dressed up in Supergirl’s voice, or Supergirl dressed up in Kara’s voice, or an impossible mix of both.
Loving her, keeping her safe.
It wasn’t a lie. Those things, too, were impossibly mixed, wrapped up in each other.
Lena scoffed.
And if the roles were reversed, Kara probably would have, too.
“I know,” Kara pleaded. “I know, and I’m telling you now because I’m not…” She looked around them and she tossed up her hands in a helpless laugh. “I’m not this,” she gestured at herself, at her blue and red, at her cape.
Lena stared, waiting.
Kara stumbled on. “I mean,” she went to adjust her glasses before realizing she wasn’t wearing them, “I mean I am this. But I’m… I’m me, Lena. I’m Kara. And I wanted you to know, because it – because I –”
“Because you wanted to keep me safe,” Lena echoed, and for the first time in a long time, Kara couldn’t read her voice, her face, her body.
“Yes,” Kara whispered before shaking her head. “Yes, and… and I was a coward. I wanted you to like me for me, not for Supergirl. I wanted you to see me for me, not for…” She gestured down at her body again. “For this.”
“Kara Danvers,” Lena murmured, shaking her head. She took a step forward instead of the many steps back that Kara had expected. Hope blossomed in Kara’s chest before she reminded herself that hope was a fickle murderer.
But Lena took her hands, then, and maybe hope was actually her salvation.
“What did I tell you? Supergirl isn’t my hero. You are. You always have been. You always will be.”
Tears threatened to spill down Kara’s cheeks, and she found that she didn’t care.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Yes,” Lena nodded. She was looking at Kara like she’d never seen her before; she was looking at Kara like she was looking in the mirror, and finally saw someone she liked. Or maybe even loved.
Kara dared to hope.
Lena looked around them and chuckled.
“Now fly me away from here, Kara Danvers, before the press start to wonder why a Super and a Luthor are holding hands and crying while gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes.”
Lovingly. Maybe hope was what would save them after all, Kara thought as she took Lena into her arms and flew them both off into the night.
I mean I can continue this with smut if yall want tbh.
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winterskywrites · 4 years
I'm so glad you're writing again! You deserved the break but I missed you! Can you write something where the supercorp twins somehow get taken back in time and they meet Astra’s namesake (bonus if the encounter changes the course of history and Astra is still alive when the twins get back to their own time)?
Going back in time is... Well, it’s weirdly common for a lot of the people the twins know, which probably says something about them and the company they keep. This is actually the second time it’s happened to the twins, although the first was when they were so young they hardly remember it.
This time, though, they’ve gone further back. This time, it seems to be around 2015, and their ieiu is just starting to work as a superhero while their mom hasn’t even come to National City yet. And, for some reason, they’ve been transported into the DEO desert facility, so they’ve had to do a lot of sneaking around to make sure no one notices them.
“Who are you?” a voice demands when the twins duck into the closest room. They thought this room was empty. Instead, there’s a woman in a cell behind them, a woman who looks just like their grandmother Alura, but with a streak of white in her hair.
It seems they’ve gone far back enough that Astra’s namesake, their great-aunt, is still alive.
“Um...” Astra looks over at Kieran nervously. “We’re...”
“We’re from the future,” Kieran says boldly. “We’re Kara’s children.”
Great-Aunt Astra blinks, then frowns. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Do you still have your spy beacon?” Kieran asks in fluent Kryptonian. “Ieiu told us about it. She told us how much she loved you, and about what happened on Krypton. She told us all about who you were. How would anyone else know that?”
Great-Aunt Astra’s eyes narrow. “Perhaps you’re her friends and she told you.”
“My brother is telling the truth,” Astra cuts in. “We’re from the future. Your niece Kara Zor-El is our mother.”
Great-Aunt Astra drums her fingers on the wall of her cell. “If you’re from the future, tell me if I win.”
The twins share a look. “You don’t,” Kieran finally says, switching back to English. “But the planet is okay. There are better ways to fix things, Great-Aunt Astra. If you really want to help people, you need to work with them. Humans can do more than you think.”
Great-Aunt Astra purses her lips. “Do you two need help to escape from here?”
“We just need a minute to reset our time beacon,” Kieran replies. “Once we do that, we should be able to open a portal back to our time.”
Great-Aunt Astra nods. “Good luck. And if you truly are my niece’s children... tell her I love her, and I’m sorry I’m gone.”
The twins look at each other, startled. Great-Aunt Astra laughs bitterly. “You used the past tense to describe me. I’m dead in your time, aren’t I? Tell Kara I’m sorry.”
“She always loved you,” Astra says quietly. “She named me after you.”
Great-Aunt Astra’s face softens a little. “Be better than I was, then.”
Astra nods, and Kieran resets the time beacon. A moment later, a portal appears in front of them, and with one last glance at their great-aunt, they both step through.
“Where were you two?” Kara demands the second the come out the other side. “Or should I say, when were you two? You know you’re not supposed to mess around with time travel! And on today, of all days? You know we’re going to Krypton! Do you want to miss your grandmother and great-aunt’s birthday?”
“Sorry, Ieiu,” both twins chorus, then they freeze.
“Wait,” Astra says, “did you say grandmother and great-aunt?”
“They are twins, after all,” Kara replies. “Come on. If we leave now, we can make it there in time to wish them both a happy birthday at sunrise, as we planned.”
“Kara!” Lena calls from the next room. “I could use a hand with the bags!”
“Coming!” Kara calls back, already rushing out of the room.
Kieran and Astra look at each other for a long moment. “So,” Kieran finally says, “it seems like Great-Aunt Astra is alive now.”
“Yup,” Astra agrees. “I think we changed the past.”
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tortoisesforhire · 4 years
Fic a Thon Day 2
Letters to Superman
Kara teaches Clark about Krypton via letter writing. She is somewhat successful. In more ways than one.
Dear Clark,
You asked me to tell you about Krypton. Well, here goes nothing! I know uncle Jor-El sent his mind capsule with you as a guide but you can only program so much into a limited space, and there's more to a world than history and science.
You were a miracle baby. Did I ever tell you that? The first naturally born baby in over three centuries. Our scientists believed we'd lost the ability long ago but, there you were. Father always did say Jor-El was the smart one. Of course, Jor-El was a biologist and Father was a botanist but still. He always used to tell me I was meant for great things. I used to think he peaked at my gene-code and was trying to give me hints. On Krypton you're not born, not in the traditional sense anyway. You're grown using the genetic material from your parents and engineered to your greatest potential. We were very concerned with that; potential. To be our best selves. So, when you're born you have your whole life already laid out for you. Your career, social class, even who you'll marry. Although that's a bit less strict science and more woo-woo in my opinion. Mother used to say Rao had tied red strings of destiny to the inside of our ribs to lead us to our perfect match. I liked that idea better than being genetically engineered to love a specific person at first sight.
I know how that sounds to someone who didn't grow up there. But Krypton was utopia compared to other planets. Sure we had our faults, which of course led to our destruction. Humans have strange ideas about free will. Like it's the be all end all of happiness. We had free will to a point; you operated within your own will in the circle in which you were placed. We made our own choices, free to make mistakes, but the structure of our society limited those mistakes a great deal. We had no poverty, no issue with world hunger. Everyone fulfilled a purposeful function that gave them personal satisfaction while also benefiting society as a whole. That probably invokes some strange sci-fi robot dystopian image for you, nerd that you are. But it was what it was.
I still dream about it. The violet oceans of Turan, the Yalaran blossoms that grew outside my bedroom window, the smell of the wind in the hot season. I dream of day trips to the Haloran valley, swimming in the lake and Cara-Uam. The sound of Ora's laughter. I miss the sky. It was bigger than on Earth, wider and deeper. You could see the stars better. I miss our constellations; Saroium and Ulapturus, Calamara and Hamam Ura. We lived on the edge of Argo City, next to the Terraform compound were Father worked, trying to find a way for Kryptonians to inhabit other planets. If only he had succeeded.
Tuam moro, it means 'here are my thoughts'. As you know Krypton was centuries ahead of Earth in terms of technology. Holograms, voice messaging across interplanetary lines, the sort of stuff that only exists in science fiction here. That was reality for us. However, letter writing, tuam moro, was considered to be a gesture of great respect. If you wanted to make a good impression, or express deep emotion or show someone how much you trusted them; you wrote a letter. By hand. We had to practice in school. I used to hate it, I could never understand what the point was when you could just call someone and speak face to face.
I remember once, in academy, my best friend Ban-Ko would write little notes and pass them to me. Silly things, nonsense to distract me when I was frustrated, make me laugh. Mada-Ra caught us once during a test and I thought for sure we'd end up on punishment duty in the fields. We were supposed to be writing to our Academy head to express our gratitude or something. But she just stood there, holding Ban-Ko's stupid note and smiling before she handed it back to me. She said; 'My husband used to write me notes just like these when we were young,' and then winked at me! I was so red in the face Ban called me Galoran for the rest of the day. (I don't know how well versed you are in Kryptonian astrology, but Galoran was the name of a red giant four kriniks from our solar system, we'd just learned about it and Ban thought we was funny.)
I was going to marry him. Or the Kryptonian version anyway, it's not entirely the same as it was on earth but it's generally similar. It's more of a formality than anything else. He was my Halanath Morum, which means 'my heart in you'. It's essentially just a genetic matching of our respective DNA but still, he was my best friend. He died before Krypton, after a terrorist attack at the Academy caused the ceiling to collapse. That was the year you were born, a year before Krypton died. I never thought I'd be able to live without him. Losing a match, even a young one like that, unconfirmed... most don't survive it. Father said it was because your body couldn't compensate for the loss of it's partner so eventually it just died. I didn't have much time to grieve of course, after that happened they discovered the terrorists had disrupted a planetary fissure and jump started magnum pari-am which is basically the apocalypse.
It was a long year, let's just say. The highlight of which being you by the way. Our very own miracle baby. It's sad Ora never got to meet you, she would have loved you. She was our cousin, Astra's daughter. She was tri-born; engineered from a three-way bond. Triangle marriages weren't uncommon per-se, but they were seen as special, and the children born from them even more so. She was something else; artisan track, completely beautiful. She was five years older than me and I adored her. She looked like Astra for the most part; long blonde hair and the same fine bone structure. But when she smiled she was the spitting image of In-Ra. She had their eyes too, soft and brown with little crinkles at the corner when she laughed. In-Ra was my favorite relative, born with a genetic defect; a mistake in the DNA coding which resulted in a non-gender. At least that's what Father said. But In-Ra was beautiful, and funny and so full of love. You couldn't help but adore them, and who else could have put up with two people as stiff necked and stubborn as Astra and Non? Ora was just like them. She was slotted to travel to the neighboring system to study the masters in the Tan quadrant after she finished at the training school. She died in an earthquake in Haloran Jungle two years before you were born. In-Ra was never the same.
Well this is a gloomy letter, sorry about that! I'm sure you would much rather talk about the good things on Krypton than the sad stuff. I know! Your mother, Lara, she used to collect these beautiful little figurines, they were of fidiha, which are sort of like horses only they have two tails and they're gem colored. She had so many of them, all in this little room at their house. Tiny exquisit carved ones made out of jade rock or matekite, even one made out of wood from Trinia; a forest planet not far from ours. She had this one in particular; it was all black and a little shiny with bright blue gems for eyes. It was so life like. I used to run my fingers over the tail whenever I was at their house. She said it was given to her by her mother, who had been from the east. Apparently she was descendent from the Tilian Line, or the old Royalty. The Monarchy was dissolved centuries ago of course, but the bloodline never quite ran out. So I guess that makes you a prince huh? Lucky.
How is Metropolis these days anyway? I haven't been there since last Christmas when the General showed up and got in a fight with Lois. Lovely man the General. Really, what a riot. If I never see him again it'll be too soon. I met Jimmy today. Thank you for, you know, outing me to him. Appreciate it. How is it okay again for you to tell your best friend about the whole alien thing but I'm not allowed to tell mine? Winn is way more trustworthy than Jimmy is! Just because James is unfairly good looking does not make him better at keeping secrets.
Diana say's I should just tell him and damn the consequences and really, who am I to argue with Wonder Woman? Winn deserves to know, he's been my best friend for over five years. It feels weird not telling him, he's practically family at this point. Besides, if Bruce gets mad then I'll just blame Diana and let them duke it out. You know he's totally scared of her right? Wise man. I mean, I can bench press a bus and I'm scared of Diana. I know you like to pretend you're not but we can all see through that. Everyone is scared of Diana, she's terrifying.
Alex is here now. I have a date tonight, some online thing. Eliza said I should try and ‘get out there’ or whatever. I tried to explain that I don’t date but she wasn’t really listening. She gets sort of weird when I talk about Krypton or, y’know, the fact that I’m an alien. I think she likes to pretend I’m ‘normal’.
I know she's just worried about me but honestly, it's a little suffocating. It's one thing to have the League walk on eggshells around me like I'm a bomb or something but this? I'm not a naive little girl anymore, if I ever was. In spite of what you all seem to think I am entirely capable of taking care of myself. And what's so great about being normal anyway? I can fly! Being able to fly kicks the pants off 'normal' any day. I just wish she'd leave me alone about the whole dating thing. I've been resigned to being a cat lady for years now, or a dog lady. Bunny lady? I could totally be a bunny lady.
Alex is glaring at me now so I must leave. Wish me luck! And seriously Clark, if you ever want to talk about Krypton just ask me. It’s not like I have anyone else to talk to about it.
Balarath Iri-Rao By Rao's Light Kara Zor-El
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How Eliza Danvers Won a Nobel Prize
(Aka @thatsjustsupergirl​ is a bad influence. This spiraled out of control.)
Eliza was 13 when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Memories from that age were always a bit hazy. She remembers sneaking into her parents room, and overhearing that her mom had felt a breast lump and was going to the doctor. She remembers skipping through the door after a long day in the 8th grade, and stuttering to a stop at the look on her mom’s face. She was 13, and she knew that cancer was a poisonous word.
Cancer — “the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.” That’s the clinical definition. The problem with definitions is that they tend to fail to include what cancer means to a body, to a person, to a family. What do you do when your body is the one invading itself?
Cancer is what drove Eliza towards medicine. She remembers her mother through late nights at college, through stomach-churning study sessions in medical school, through every meticulously recorded failure in lab.
But then a little girl arrives to Earth in a pod. Five seconds after they meet, Eliza decides to push her cancer research to the backseat. She loves this little girl, and it drives her determination to understand alien physiology — to help Kara, Clark, and other aliens understand themselves.
And she loved her new work. There were so many unknowns — do aliens need vaccinations? (No, well… it depends.) What kind of nutrition does a growing alien need? What does a healthy heart sound like? Does blood even circulate the same way? What do aliens use for energy? Aliens deserved good health too.
Then, serendipitously, it was actually because of Eliza’s expertise in alien science that she was able to make a breakthrough in cancer research.
The Medusa virus was a truly terrifying creation, a devastatingly effective and desperately complex bioweapon, able to kill wide swaths of many species in one fell swoop. And unlike most viruses and bacteria, which were generally limited to infecting only a handful of species, Medusa could theoretically infect an infinite number of species. Eliza couldn’t understand how it was so efficiently lethal until she realized she had been looking at it all wrong. “Virus” was a misleading word. When Zor-El developed Medusa he created much more than a simple virus, he had developed something akin to a synthetic immune system.
Viruses have to have a “key” to gain access and cause infection, but an immune system doesn’t even need a key. It makes it simpler; it just recognizes what is “foreign” or “not self” and attacks that. So, Medusa didn’t have to recognize an infinite number of “aliens,” it only had to recognize what was “safe” and “self,” and not attack those, while attacking everything else.
(Not like me — attack.)
(Like me — no attack.)
It was brilliant. And once Eliza recognized the pattern, she realized that not only would she be able to save J’onn by reprogramming Medusa to attack any cells that were not his own, but perhaps there was a way to use Medusa to attack other cells that were “different.” To attack cancer cells.
It wasn’t as simple as she thought. It seemed easy, to just have Medusa target cancer cells like they had targeted White Martian cells in J’onn’s body. But no matter what she tried, Medusa would either attack every cell, cancerous or not, or attack no cells at all.
The problem was that cancer cells weren’t so clearly alien. Cancer was a wolf hidden in grandma’s clothes, and no one (should) want to potentially attack a grandma, so Medusa was stopped in its tracks. They would not kill without confirmation that this cancer wasn’t grandma. This was the reason why a human’s regular immune system couldn’t get rid of cancer.
But what was preventing Medusa from attacking these cells?
The realization came suddenly.
“It’s been incredibly frustrating,” Alex groused, “Winn and James keep insisting that they’re going to tell Kara about… you know, the shield… man… thing, but so far, nothing! Kara keeps wondering why they’re spending so much less time with her. I mean, Kara has been hanging out with Lena Luthor more now, which… is a whole other thing. But you know Kara, she needs constant stimulus. Between her and Maggie I feel like I barely have time to sit! Which, I’m not complaining about, because I obviously love them both very much, but sometimes…”
“Shields,” Eliza whispered, distractedly, “shields.”
Alex paused over the phone. “Oh, sorry, mom. Did you say something?”
Eliza blinked a few times, setting down her coffee mug on the countertop to reach over for a steno pad and hastily scribbling down, SHIELDS! “Sorry, honey, I was just distracted by my research for a second. Tell me more about how things are going with Maggie.”
“Are you sure? I know you’ve been struggling with Medusa, do you want to talk about it? Have you figured out how to prevent Medusa from attacking normal cells?”
Eliza smiled. “Oh sweetheart, I think you’ve already given me everything I need.”
Shielding — grandma’s clothes didn’t trick Medusa because it thought the wolf actually looked like Grandma. It was because grandma’s clothes were the signal, the shield that actually blocked Medusa. Take away the clothing, and the wolf would be exposed.
It was the breakthrough she needed. Eliza knew that this was it; this would revolutionize cancer treatment. So, Eliza and her team worked harder. And approximately thousands of coffee cups, hundreds of papers, and one potentially semi-permanent pipette shaped hand cramp later, they succeeded.
Eliza created a drug that blocked Medusa from recognizing grandma’s clothes, allowing it to attack the cancerous wolf. She saved countless lives.
Kara always knew that Eliza Danvers was a hero. Kara was the lucky girl who got to grow up with her kind smiles, warm hugs, and incredible intelligence. But today, everyone else would know that Eliza Danvers was a hero too.
Some would say it was a conflict of interest, but this was one piece she couldn’t let anyone else write. And anyway, how could anyone possibly be too biased about this?
A/N: October is breast cancer awareness month and this was my attempt to pay homage to that while also highlighting some very cool science.
Besides Eliza Danvers being the best mom, this was inspired by the work of Dr. James Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo, who were both just awarded the Nobel Prize for their work in cancer research. Their work (the discovery of what prevented immune cells from attacking cancer cells) paved the way for immunotherapy.
In this story, the discovery of immunotherapy obviously occurs much later in Earth-38’s timeline (but also flying blonde aliens also aren’t around on this Earth, much to my chagrin). Grandma’s clothes are an analogy for the checkpoint between immune cells and self, while Medusa is used as a stand-in for CAR-T-cell therapy (a procedure where a person’s own immune cells are changed in a laboratory to specifically target cancer cells).
I’m always happy to talk science and Supergirl, so hit up the ask box if you feel so inclined.
(Read here on AO3)
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man, i don't understand their insistence on shading lena so much(not her grey moral side, that's pretty cool and shows a yin/yang balance with kara), presenting her like a bomb ready to go off anytime. If they're so intent on making her evil why not actually have Lex show up, make her choose between her beloved brother and Kara so she can choose Kara and let supercorp be endgame like... i'm p sure the writers realize where it leads if they make Lena choose, so they just shade her "evilness"
They’re playing with the morality and darkness of the character because that’s who the character is.
Not who the person is—I’m not trying to say if you pop this person into reality that it’s inevitable that she’ll turn evil or even struggle in the same ways. I’m saying that when you take a character with her history and her issues and her fears you have to explore them for the story to work.
Who the character is defines what their story is about, and vice versa.
Let’s say you’ve started with an interesting premise and an awesome world, and all you need are some characters before you can get to the story. So you take your protagonist and begin throwing some of your favorite traits (and some other traits to play off of them in interesting ways) into a blender to see what sticks.
Perhaps they’re awkward, but funny. Insecure yet ambitious. Smart, but struggle with getting certain things. And then you go a little deeper. Where does the character’s insecurity stem from? Being socially awkward? Perhaps not. Perhaps you don’t feel you have a take on that idea that isn’t cliché.
Maybe the gaps in their intelligence, then. But why? It’s not interesting if it doesn’t go deeper. Absent parents who must be impressed for attention? Critical parents who are disappointed with anything less than brilliance? A formative experience in which the gaps in their intelligence resulted in something truly terrible?
You settle on something, and then you… write a story with nothing to do with their insecurity? I think not. The story is about your character, and your character is about this. (If you want your story to be about something else, instead create characters which are About that journey.)
Lena Luthor is about a deep ache, a need to be good.
Kara Zor-El Danvers is about finding home.
Alex Danvers is about being true to oneself.
We know this because of how they were built, the events which shaped them. Because of the setup before the real story begins:
Kara lost her entire world. Her home, parents, culture. Everyone and everything she knew. How could her story be about anything other than finding a home after that?
Alex had difficulty carving a space for herself as a kid because doing so would often result in Bad Things happening, and a heavy dose of perfectionism left her with very little room to be anything other than what she Had To Be. Do we not now want to watch her learn how to be healthy and to be assertive of her needs and to be imperfect and to just be?
And Lena. Lena Luthor, the emotionally abused kid in a family of terrorists, whose mother made her feel like she was never good enough, and who the world now never sees as good, full stop. Who fears becoming the monsters which hurt her above all else. Isn’t her story meant to be about recognizing and cultivating her own goodness to feel safe in her own skin?
Each of these characters strive to find happiness, but they all have different journeys to go on to get there. And these journeys examine the foundation of those needs to say something about them.
Lena can be good. Kara can feel at home. Alex can be true to herself. But, like in an essay, one must set up and address the counterarguments. This is where the story comes in. The story is the act of addressing the theme of the character’s counterargument.
If you have two characters in a fanfiction who do cute things with each other with no conflict internally, between each other, or otherwise externally, then you don’t have a story. You have a piece of a story (which people do love to consume anyway, because they’ve experienced the set up in canon that makes it feel satisfying).
But trust me, a 50 chapter fanfic of just this is not satisfying. Fluff only goes so far. It’s like eating only candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The characters must struggle and then surpass these struggles in order for the story to say, with confidence… anything. If you want to say that the intelligence of your character doesn’t matter as much as their heart, you have to prove it. Give them an obstacle they try to solve using their head and show them failing miserably. And then show them getting back up and using their empathy or their will to win the day, instead. Without that first failure, winning in that way falls flat.
And then with each success, offer a different counterargument. Another obstacle.
Your character who lost her world—who you wish to prove that one can overcome great loss through—is happy? In a relationship with a guy from a sister planet to her lost world who makes her feel pretty normal and at home? Rip it apart. Don’t just take it away, but make her feel worse than she was before he came into her life. And then have her build her life back up from scratch, with another angle to the argument.
“What if you tear away that answer? Can she still find a home? If the Romantic Love is destroyed, what is left?” the villain inside all of our brains asks.
Answer the question. Answer it a hundred ways.
Tell us the wrong thing: Supergirl. Just Supergirl.
Tear it down. Offer another: “And if I don’t have Supergirl, what do I have?” “You got me.”
The villain asks another question: “What if her home becomes sick at its heart? What if it becomes foreign to her through its hatred?”
It asks more: “What if her relationships became strained?” “What if someone she loves dies?” “What if she feels she doesn’t deserve her new home?” “What if this physical planet were destroyed?”
Answer them. Answer all of these questions with your story until your audience believes, “Yes, of course. She’s home. She’s home.”
Because once the character wins, really wins forever, the game is over.
If Lena Luthor is good, believes she’s good, is impervious to temptation or moral tests and doubts and the whole world believes in her goodness (or she finally feels free from needing that), her story is over.
Until then, this is the character playground we’re living in. Lena’s issues are about trying to defeat the monsters she fears within and have been since day one. The story can take breaks from tackling this theme so directly (slow burn, baby) but it’s always, always going to come back to this.
But it’s not always going to look the same! And it doesn’t mean she’s Secretly Evil or a time bomb.
The question is, “Can Lena rise above her emotionally abusive and ideologically toxic upbringing and be Good, or is she destined to be evil?”
Sometimes it’ll be about Lena wondering if being intelligent and cunning means she’s like her mother in other, nefarious ways. Or if she is responsible for what her intelligence results in down the line. Or it’ll be about proving to the outside world that she isn’t what they think.
Sometimes it’ll be about making mistakes which hurt people and how she can still be good even if she’s imperfect. Sometimes it’ll be about learning to recognize the parts of herself which need work—emotionally, relationally, and morally—and addressing those without self destructing because of her fears. Sometimes it’ll be about the nature of goodness. Maybe one day, it’ll be about helping someone with similar struggles while staying true to the lessons she’s learned.
Often, it’s about how healthy love can help her be good, and how refusing that kind of love can set her astray.
So, to address what you’ve said, of course the writers know what Lena would choose, in the end.
(Though the question isn’t really about two people, or choosing who she loves more. Even if Supercorp were canon, Lena would still be dealing with this until the story was over. Supercorp itself would be a tool to answer Lena’s goodness question.
And even without the shippy angle, Lena choosing Kara is a no brainer. Their relationship is clearly valued by the show and by Lena, and she has addressed how wrong her brother is already. That’s not her current struggle, nor the hardest one she’d face at this moment in time. Now, throw the perception of betrayal into it via Kara’s secret identity, and you’ve got something a little more interesting.)
It’s just that Lena has to keep making these types of choices until the show is over. Otherwise, she’s just furniture. A setting. Her real story is over.
If you’re not interested in various angles of Goodness™, or if you just love the character so much you can’t stand to see her morality under scrutiny all the time, I feel for you.
Personally, I think certain beats are a bit overdone (and that some of the undertones—like Lena fearing her own intelligence, for instance—could have been highlighted more to make it more dynamic) and that what we’ve seen so far could have been drawn out over more time while other, less obviously core issue-related things are happening.
But generally, I like it. This question of goodness is what drew me to the character to begin with.
Not just because of the Lex comparison—although it is connected to it.
It’s because it’s a story about emotional abuse and how it can get into your head and nurture qualities you abhor but fear you can’t escape emulating. It’s about feeling all twisted up because of what you’ve been through, and the struggle to keep those demons from hurting others while they whisper in your ear that it’s all useless anyway. That you’re just bad.
That’s something I’m interested in seeing, and one I haven’t really seen told this way before?
But it’s not enough to have her fear being evil and then just be good anyway. That doesn’t represent the insidious nature of emotional abuse nor the real work one has to do to overcome it. It’s complicated, and I want to see it be complicated, because when she overcomes all of that it will mean something.
Because the villain in our brains are already asking these questions (doubly so if you relate to Lena).
“What if she does do something bad? Really bad? Does that mean she’s evil? That she was evil all along and can’t escape it?”
I want the show to say, “No. She can come back from this. Goodness is a choice.”
Because I fully believe that their intent isn’t to make Lena evil, it’s to prove that she isn’t. To subvert our expectations set up by what happened between Clark and Lex. 
To say “No, this time friendship wins. Hope wins.” To refute that dread of inevitability caused by the familiarity of the story and, for Lena herself, that dread of inevitability because of who her family is and how she was raised.
It’s a hopeful show by design, and so it often has their main character try to get through to people, to change them for the better. Logically, this is the sort of story they’re going to tell, and personally, I’m here for it.
But it’s not going to go away.
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happypugstuff · 6 years
SuperCorp. Lena finds it incredibly hot seeing Kara in a strap on so asks shyly if she can wear it all day on their next date night. When Kara says Yes she makes visits throughout out the day to tease her. This ends in a night of soft love making. Please.
Well, I had fun writing this, so I hope it’s what you wanted. Please enjoy!  Explicit reading ahead!
The Situation
“Kara, please…”
She wanted to give it to her.  She wanted to burry the strap-on in Lena’scunt up to the hilt and fuck her till her pelvis bruised.  Kara could feel her own wetness as the nubinside the strap on rubbed sweetly…but there would be time for that.  For now, Kara exhaled slowly and continuedher slow work of making the CEO come undone. She listened carefully, hearing Lena’s breath catch.  She could feel her heart pounding in herears.
 “Right there.  Rightthere.  Right there!”
 Lena finds it incrediblyhot seeing Kara in a strap on so asks shyly if she can wear it all day on theirnext date night. When Kara says Yes she makes visits throughout out the day totease her. This ends in a night of soft love making.
 She isnot entirely sure how she managed to get into this situation.  Well, that isn’t entirely true either.  Kara knows precisely how she ended up thisway, a bulge straining against the inside of her khaki slacks.  As a secret Kryptonian with an insurmountableamount of strength for one and a cornucopia of other powers, she was alwayspacking.  Today she just happened to bedoing so in a second sense.
 “Try this on, darling,” Lena handed Kara along black box, wrapped up solely with a white ribbon.  The CEO had that look on her face that letKara know she was excited for something. They had been going out, formally, for a few months now and on this,their monthly anniversary date night, Lena Luthor had seen fit to grace herbeloved and sweet dispositioned Kara Danvers with a gift.
“Oh, Lee, I didn’t getyou anything.  I didn’t know we weredoing gifts,” Kara’s blush took up her entire face, pinkening her cheeks asthey scrunched up to her eyes in a bashful smile.  A hand rubbed at the back of her neckawkwardly, the black box in the other. If she had known, she would have gone out and gotten Lenasomething.  Kara knew she deservedit.  She had never dated anyone asthoughtful and caring and sweet as Lena before and she had come to cherish theirtime together, especially their date nights. Kara suddenly felt embarrassed, as if she may have ruined this one onaccident.
 “Kara, Kara, it’sperfectly alright.  It’s really a giftfor the both of us.  You’ll understandonce you open it,” Lena shifted her weight as she waited, a hand coming up torest under her chin to hold her head up as she watched the blonde godletcuriously.  It had taken her quite awhile at the store for her to find the perfect one.  Not ever harness would look good strapped toKara’s delicate frame…or well, what looked like a delicate frame.  Ever since Lena had had that dream though, she couldn’t get the imageout of her mind.  Something needed to bedone.
 She watched as Kara’sfingers grabbed the lace and pulled against the ribbon.  It came undone and fell abandoned to thefloor.  The blonde pulled apart the lidfrom the box, setting it down on Lena’s dresser and then pulled aside the thinpacking paper.
 “Oh,” As flushed as Kara’s face had beenbefore, it was even more so now.  Herface was burning so profusely that she might have thought her entire face wouldturn into a laser beam, instead of just her eyes.
 Kara really couldn’t believe she had agreed to this,although she knew that when Lena asked for anything, especially in that voice she just couldn’t resist, nomatter how hard she tried…or how embarrassing.  Thankfully, no one at her work had takenpause yet to notice that underneath her slacks, underneath her boxer briefs,Kara Danvers was wearing a strap-on.  Raowilling, it would stay that way; however, Kara wasn’t going to suffer throughthis alone.  No, if she had to suffer,then Lena Luthor was going to suffer too.
Tonight was her and Lena’s eight month anniversary and Lenahad procured them a table at one of Lena’s favorite high end restaurants.  Supposedly it took months in advance to getone’s name on the list but somehow a Luthor was able to do it in twoweeks.  Kara didn’t mind that, in fact,she was very excited.  When someoneneeded to eat as much as Kara Zor-El, then any place that served food was atthe top of her list.  What she minded waswhat she was going to have to wear to this fancy dinner, and all day, perLena’s wishes.
“I can’t believe itlooks so good on you.  Oh, well I can,”Lena laughed and let her eyes take in all of the super, lean muscle and all, aswell as the new appendage sticking out from the straps on her hips.  She could tell Kara looked a littleuncomfortable, probably due to the blush that was still across her cheeks andnow along her collarbone.  “Are you comfortable?”
 “I guess—I meanyes.  It doesn’t hurt or anything.  It’s just…strange,” Kara replied.  It was honestly hard not to blush when LenaLuthor was looking at her like Kara was an Oasis and she had been parched fordays.  “Are we going to try it out?”
 “In due time,darling,” Lena smiled and moved over to the blonde, taking her time, soaking inthe sight.  She was glad that she hadpicked the galaxy edition.  Any otherdildo just wouldn’t have looked as good against the pale, toned skin ofSupergirl.
 “I have an idea…”
 “Uh oh, a Luthor withan idea,” Kara giggled and pushed her glasses up higher onto her nose.  She didn’t technically need to wear them, butLena had specifically instructed to leave them on.
 “When is our next datenight?  I believe it’s next Friday?” Lenaquestioned.  She knew the date, she justwanted to make her sweet godlet sweat a little more before she revealed herlittle fantasy.  She had been keeping itto herself for weeks, but now she was ready to spill.
 “Y-yeah, I alreadytold Alex I wouldn’t be home,” Kara answered, still standing there as naked asthe day she was born in Lena Luthor’s bedroom. They had both seen each other naked before.  They had both had sex before, many times, onmany of the surfaces Kara could currently see, but whenever Lena looked at her,eyes full of want and love like she was doing now, Kara could barely handleit.  
 “I want you to wearthis,” Lena instructed, a grin spreading from ear to ear.
 “I am wearing it.”
 “Oh, Kara, I mean onour date night,” lips pursed together and Lena rolled her eyes.  Kara was Supergirl but sometimes she couldalso be too oblivious for her own good.
 “Like, you mean wearit after dinner?”
 “No, I mean wear it during dinner. In fact, I want you to wear it all day long for me,” Lena smiled and planted a chaste kiss on Kara’s cheeks.  She could feel the heat that had built upthere through her lips and it made her love the blonde even more.
 “Lena!  You want me to wear a strap-on all day?  To work? To dinner?  As Supergirl?!” Kara’s eyes were wide and for some reason, her hands instinctively movedfrom her sides to cover the galactic appendage between her legs, “I can’t dothat!!!”
 And yet here she was, lunch time, hand rubbing uncomfortablyat the front of her pants as she waited for Jess to inform Lena that she hadarrived for lunch.  It was a surprise,but Kara was betting it was one that Lena was going to appreciate.  Jess had said she was in a meeting, but itwas going to end soon, or should any moment. She honestly should have just flown here, instead of walking, making thebulge ever more awkward there beneath her trousers, but somehow the thought ofKara having to wiggle into her supersuit with that on under her skirt was horrifying.  She was by no means a prude, but she didn’tthink all of National City deserved to know what she and Lena Luthor did inbed.
Not that they had even used it yet.  Lena had specifically wanted to wait untiltoday for some reason.  Perhaps the anticipationwas what made it better?  Kara had noidea if she would even be any good.  Darling, you’ll be brilliant, I have nodoubt, Lena had said, but the blonde wasn’t sure if she believed her justyet.
“Kara?  What a lovelysurprise!”
Kara stood up, keeping her hand from rubbing at her slacksto straighten them out when she heard Lena’s voice, “Hey.  I thought I would surprise you.  Do you want to go to lunch?”
“Absolutely, let me just put these into my office and we cango,” Lena smiled, showing no signs of knowing or remembering what she had askedher girlfriend to do today.  She motionedfor the blonde to follow her in and Lena was already at her desk, dropping offsome files before she heard a click.“Kara, what are you—”
“You’ve made me wear this thing all day.  Do you know how hard this was to hide fromJames and Winn?” Kara asked, gesturing down to her unzipped khaki’s.  Her button up had come untucked, her beltundone, and a pink and purple star-swirled dildo hung out of her pants.  Kara could hear Lena swallow and her heartrate increase.
A normally rather cocky Lena had gone silent at thesight.  With a quick breeze, Kara was infront of her, leaning up against the desk, rubber cock dangling.  Truth be told, Lena wasn’t the only one whohad been looking forward to today, no matter how embarrassing Kara foundit.  When it came to Lena, she could pushit all away and not worry about anything else. Kara hitched some of her shirt up on purpose, exposing a few of her abs.
Lena thought she was surely crafted by a master, a work ofbrilliance artfully carved from marble. “I imagine it was fairly difficult, especially with something that big,”Lena finally managed a retort, and although she was smiling, it had not comeout as strongly as she had wanted.
“Well, you’re going to find out just how big,” Kara camearound to Lena’s side of the desk and stood tall in front of her, sporting awicked grin as Lena’s faded.  She couldhear her heart hammering and it made Kara’s own speed up and give her thecourage to say what came next, “Get down.”
“Kara, I—”
“On your knees, Miss Luthor,” Kara ordered with a raisedeyebrow and hands on her hips.  The‘super’ pose and the harder tone did it’s work and Lena pushed her rollingchair out of the way and sat on her knees in her green dress in front of KaraZor-El.
Kara wasn’t often this way. She was gentle and tender and did her best to love Lena hard enough sothe Luthor got what she wanted, but easy enough so that she never broke orbruised her.  The red sun lamps made iteasier, but Lena couldn’t deny that whenever this side of Kara slipped out, sheenjoyed it.  It was different from hershy personality and the hardness contrasted with her super alter-ego.  Lena felt a distinguishable throb at thewords.
“I believe you know what to do.”
Kara had to do a sharp intake of breath and reign herself inso she didn’t rip Lena’s hair out as she fucked her mouth.  Her hands on either side of Lena’s head weresteady, but not too firm as her hips jolted forward and back with a steadyrhythm.  Lena was moaning, one handholding tight to Kara’s hips to steady herself and the other tucked up underthe edge of her dress and in her panties.
Lena hadn’t anticipated spending her lunch break this way,but she couldn’t say she didn’t enjoy it. Slick fingers teased her entrance before running up to circle herclit.  Lena was in pieces.  She could melt at any moment, burned up by Kara’sradiance.  
Kara’s eyes were screwed shut as she thrust into Lena’smouth.  A nub on the inside of thestrap-on was rubbing up against her own clit, getting Kara worked up almost asquickly as Lena as she moved her pelvis at her steady pace.  One of her eyes peaked open, looking down atLena, mouth full with the rubber toy, soaking it with her saliva.
“God you’re beautiful…”
If Lena had the ability to pause to blush, she might.  Her cheeks were red for a different reasonthough.  She was close.  Veryclose.  Kara could hear her bloodrushing.  She could hear past everybreathy moan and from practice, could tell when Lena was close to coming.  She was now.
Kara pulled all the way out and easily out of Lena’s graspbefore she could get there.  
With the sudden emptiness, Lena’s hand had halted to seewhat the issue was.  When she looked,Kara already had the strap-on tucked neatly back into her briefs and her pantsall done up again, looking pristine as ever.“Now now, Lena.  You’ll just need to be patient.  You’ve got all day, remember?”
Kara had that same shit eating grin on her face, cheekspushing up her glasses and her eyes crinkled at the sides in victory.  Lena supposed she deserved it, but now shewas so worked up for nothing and all she wanted to do was rip Kara’s clothesoff right here right now.  Kara, on theother hand, seemed intent to make her wait, and so Lena sighed heavily andstraightened herself out, brushing her hands over the bottom of her dress,“Fine, have it your way.  I’ll be patient.”
“Good,” Kara smiled, her full self again and giddy as everas she moved over and gave Lena a peck on the lips.
“So, what do you want for lunch?”
“Oh Miss Luthor, I can’t stay.  And it looks like you’ve already eaten,” Karawinked and this time it was Lena’s turn to blush.  She abruptly rolled her eyes and groaned aKara waved goodbye and left Lena’s office. She hurried past Jess so she wouldn’t have to explain why she wasleaving so soon.
Of course this would happen. Of course there would be a super emergency today, while she had to wear this. The strap-on under her bright red skirt didn’t stick out as much as Karahad been afraid it would.  It wasslightly uncomfortable, as her supersuit was tighter than her normal clothes,but she had taken down the nuclear-waste-eating alien quick enough.  The DEO was already cleaning up the scene andSupergirl hadn’t lingered too long in the public eye for fear someone wouldnotice her ‘little something extra’.
Alex, however, had been most impressed with her speed today,and needed her take for the report.“Can we make this quick please, Alex?”
“Why, Kara?  Do youhave somewhere to be?” Alex asked as they walked down the hall.  She knew Kara and her sister was actingstrange today, “Is something wrong?”
“No, Alex, I just have things to do,” Kara lied.  She was a terrible liar, well, apart frombeing able to keep her biggest secret. Lying to her sister was something else entirely though and Alex sawright through it.  She stopped them inthe main computer hub, leaning against one of the consoles as she stared atKara.
“Uh huh.  Spill it,Kara.  I know you’re lying,” Alex had aknowing frown on her features as she waited for her sister to answer.  She could already see the blush on Kara’sface creeping up at having been found out. Not like it was that difficult.
“Well, I can’t—I mean, not here,” Kara looked all aroundwith her eyes and that cheesy smile on her face.  The brunette just rolled her eyes andmotioned for her sister to follow her, waving her on with a hand full of files.
The medical bay was empty, seeing as how Kara wasn’t in needof a sun bath and no one had been harmed in the latest incident.  Alex pulled them into a cell and shut thedoor only at Kara’s insistence that they weren’t alone enough just yet.“Alright, spill it already, Fort Knox.”
Kara mumbled something and shoved her hands to the front ofher skirt to hide it.  Alex’s browfurrowed and she leaned in a little closer, “What was that, Kara?”
“Lena made me wear a strap-on.   All day.”
It wasn’t yet time for dinner, but Kara needed to get awayfrom the extremely embarrassing conversation she had just had with Alex.  Apparently she had been very opinionated about the topic, but thankfully another emergencyhad called her away.
Kara had dispelled it easy enough and now she was flying toLena’s loft, intending to pay her a visit in her supersuit to taunt her alittle more for making her have to wear this today.  It worked out well enough because for asecond time, Lena was surprised, but it didn’t take her long to figure outKara’s intent.
She was spread open on her couch, legs outstretched and Karabetween them, rubbing the dildo back and forth across her swollen wet clit.  One had braced herself against Kara’s torsoand the other was gripping the back of the couch, knuckles white as Kara rockedinto her in her Supergirl outfit.  
Kara was biting her lip, trying to keep herself grounded asshe listened to Lena’s breathless pleas to fill her up, to fuck hersenseless.  Her cape draped over the bothof them, her skirt held up by Lena’s hand and her underwear pulled to the sideto make room for the glistening dildo grazing ever so slowly between Lena’sthighs.
“Kara, please…”
She wanted to give it to her.  She wanted to burry the strap-on in Lena’scunt up to the hilt and fuck her till her pelvis bruised.  Kara could feel her own wetness as the nubinside the strap on rubbed sweetly…but there would be time for that.  For now, Kara exhaled slowly and continuedher slow work of making the CEO come undone. She listened carefully, hearing Lena’s breath catch.  She could feel her heart pounding in herears.
“Right there.  Rightthere.  Right there!”
Just like before, Kara stopped.  Past Lena’s moans she had heard the distinctsound of a crash, and could now hear sirens.
“Kara!!! No!”
“I’ve got to go, Lee. Sorry.  I’ll see you at dinner,”Kara grinned again and leaned down and planted a firm kiss to Lena’s lips thistime.  There was a gust of wind andSupergirl was gone, window open and the super off to do her duty to the city,fully tucked again of course.  She knewLena would probably be frustrated to no end with her, and honestly Kara was alittle frustrated herself.
It was nearly devastatingly hard to focus on stopping thefive care pile up and get people to safety when all Kara could think about wasLena’s cunt, tightening around her.  Shestill needed to get through dinner before anything remotely sexual could happenagain.  The blonde felt she had teasedher girlfriend enough during the day to allow them both to relish after dinner.
Kara was a mess.  Shehad, of course, gone out to eat with Lena before at nice restaurants, but noneof them had ever been so formal.  She hadno idea what to wear and Alex wasn’t exactly being useful.  She was still a little peeved from theirearlier conversation.
Lena was fashionable and sexy and gorgeous and Kara didn’tthink she had anything in her closet at all that could match.  All she had were slacks, skirts, cardigans, ablouse or two, and some button-ups. Nothing nearly fancy enough.  Allshe knew already that she was definitely wearing was her briefs and the fungalactic dildo she’d been asked to wear all day long.
“Try this,” Alex laid the combination down onto Kara’s bedafter nearly losing herself in her sister’s closet trying to find somethingsuitable.
“Are you sure?” Kara tilted her head and stared but beforeshe could question it anymore, Alex shoved a red and white striped button-upinto Kara’s arms.
“Yes, now go put these on or you’re going to be late.  And don’t come out till you’re fully dressed.  I don’t need any more mental images of mybaby sister with a raging hard on,” Alex said firmly, but smiled as Kara tookthe clothes with a bashful smile and went into her bathroom to change.
Kara came back out seconds later, thanks to her powers,fully dressed as Alex had requested.
“Well, go take a look,” The brunette gestured over to Kara’smirror.  Kara went and stood in front ofit, almost admiring herself.  She had toadmit, she looked pretty good, thanks to Alex. Vertical striped red and white shirt tucked into black slacks with ablack and silver belt.  She had put onfun socks because, why not.  They had therubix cubes on them, but were hidden by the pants and her grey chukka boots.
“Thanks, Alex,” Kara moved to hug her as thanks, but Alexheld a firm hand out against Kara’s chest to keep her from getting closer.
“No thanks there, Rockstar,” She nodded down to Kara’s pants,“Don’t need that rubbing up on me.”
“Oh,” Kara blushed but nodded, “Good call.  I’ll just go rub up on Lena instead!”
“Oh wow, Lee…you’re—”Kara almost didn’t have any words.  Almost.  They weren’t hard to find, it was onlybecause there were so many. “Beautiful…you’re absolutely beautiful,” Kara finished, pink on her cheeksalready.  Her eyes were wrinkled at theedges with a shy smile as she admired the Luthor from head to toe.
 Lena looked ravishingin her dress.  The black, low cut tophugged at Lena’s shoulders to stay up and was no less tight around the rest ofher.  The dress conformed to her hipslike it was part of her body and it only made Kara want to grab them and pullthe Luthor closer.  She couldn’t help thecliché thought of how much better the dress would look on Lena’s floor.
 “You look lovely aswell, Kara.  I love that shirt,” Lenagreeted her with a kiss to the cheek.  TheCEO could feel the heat in Kara’s cheeks radiating through her lips.  What she really loved was how easily thosebuttons would come undone in her room later. She may have dressed up on purpose, knowing it would get a rise out ofKara.  The woman was already gettingclingy, standing there in front of the table, holding her hands tightly like alifeline.  Lena found it hard to imaginethat these same hands that could be so gentle with her, could crush steel andso much more.
 “Th-thank you.  Shall we sit?” Kara smiled wide, letting goof only one of her girlfriend’s hands to pull out Lena’s chair for her so shecould sit.  She was eager, and Lena couldtell.  Kara was always overeager toplease.  It was one of the many infinitethings she adored about her.
 “Oh god, Kara!”
Nails raked along her back, leaving nothing but light redmarks that faded soon after, even with all the force Lena was applying in herimpassioned state.  They hadn’t turnedthe lamps on yet.  The second they hadcrossed the threshold into Lena’s loft, Kara had flown them into thebedroom.  Literally.  
Lena’s dressed was hiked up to her stomach and pulled downto expose the expensive red laced bra. Her expensive red laced underwear were already on the floor.  They were likewise accompanied by Kara’sshirt and bra.  Her slacks and briefswere crumbled at her ankles as she leaned over Lena on the bed, thrustinglightly and sliding the strap-on through Lena’s soaked pussy.  
Their mouths were a clash of tongues and teeth and a mix ofgasps and pants filled the air around them like a hot fog.  As erotic as it was, it was a tease.
The super kissed at Lena’s neck, drawing out another gaspfrom her lover.  Lena’s hands tightenedaround Kara’s shoulders.  That same handthat could bend steel was on top of her bra, kneading at Lena’s breast andpinching her nipple through the thin fabric. Between that and the jerking of Kara’s hips, Lena was a mess.
“Kara, darling,please—”
Kara exhaled hotly, the muscles in her abdomen taut from thestrain of stopping when all she wanted to do was keep moving.  Some of the haze in her eyes cleared and shestared down at Lena in concern, “Are you alright, Lee?  Did I hurt you?”
“Never,” Lena assured and removed one of her hands from Kara’sback and placed it gently against her cheek. She firmly believed that even without the red kryptonite lamps on, Karawould never hurt her.  Still, it neverhurt to be safe either.
“The lamps, love,” Lena’s eyes darted to the remote she keptever present on her bedside table.
Kara’s eyes were instantly alight with understand and shelaunched herself off of Lena and grabbed for the remote with eager hands.  Deft fingers hit the proper sequence ofbuttons, Lena’s special code, and soon the CEO’s bedroom was bathed in a softred light.
Kara could instantly feel the difference, and it made hersmile at her girlfriend as she returned to her position on top of her, takingup her previous position between Lena’s legs.
The galactic dildo was still shimmering with Lena’s juicesafter having been rubbing so sweetly against her.  Kara now continued this in earnest, catchingthe Luthor off guard.  
Lena’s hands went straight back to Kara’s back, digging inand now finally leaving red marks that stayed. Kara appreciated the sting.  Withboth of her hands braced against either side of Lena’s head, Kara looked downbetween their bodies, watching the purple and pink cock coat itself once morein Lena’s wetness.  It didn’t take superhearing to notice the slick sounds as Kara moved and it made her bite her lipin excitement.
A throaty groan pulled her back and Lena grabbed her facemore insistently this time.
“Stop teasing.”
Kara managed to hang onto some semblance of control, herlast strand, and shook her head.  “You’renot getting off that easily, Miss Luthor,” She grinned, showing off herperfectly white Kryptonian teeth.  Shestopped her movements all together, making sure to lift her pelvis high enoughso Lena couldn’t rub herself on the strap-on without Kara’s help.
Lena was about to retort when a moan tore through her vocalcords and her head rolled back into the pillow. Kara’s mouth was on one of her nipples, red lace pulled down and heldthere by her hand.  The Kryptonianswirled her tongue around it, prodding the sensitive peak gently before suckingon it hard and rolling it between her teeth.
She released with a popand trailed kisses all over Lena’s collar bone and up her jawline to herear.  Hot breath whispered the rest ofher directions, causing Lena’s legs to tighten around Kara’s own, “Tell me whatyou want.”
As lewd as it was to think about, it was a little late tobother caring, Lena knew.  Her hips jerkedupward, trying to bring contact back between something, anything, and the throbbing she felt in her clit.  Kara was steadfast, and a firm hand held herhips back down onto the bed as she sat up, taking her face away.  She stared down defiantly at Lena, a writingmess under her, a cocky smile replacing the normally bashful one.
Lena mumbled something. She knew Kara could hear it, and Kara had, but the blonde remainedaloof.
“Say it, or I’ll tease you to the edge and when your body isready to fall, I’ll go home and leave you teetering there unsatisfied andwanting.”
Her voice had an unusual hardness.  Kara made sure of it, but it was abluff.  She wasn’t leaving this loftuntil she fucked Lena senseless and both of them were too wobbly legged toleave the bed, but Lena didn’t need to know that just yet.
“Fuck me, Ka—Oh god!”
Lena’s voice hitched as she was steadily filled, the strap-ongliding with little effort into her tight cunt. Inch by inch, her inner walls struggled and clenched around the foreignmember as Kara entered her.  The sightalone nearly made her come.
Kara leaning over, blonde hair to one side, arms strainingand hands grasping firmly at Lena’s knees as she pushed her pelvis forward toburry the rubber cock inside Lena until their hips were touching.  Her abdomen flexed, the ridges of muscletight as Kara gave a testing jostle, driving just a little deeper.
“F-fuck, fuck, fuck.  You’re beautiful, oh—"
The blonde pulled back but Lena had little time to adjustbecause soon Kara was pushing forward again. Soon her hips were pushing at a steady rhythm, the sound of sex loud inher sensitive ears.  
With the new movements, the nub on the inner lining of thestrap-on rubbed at Kara’s clit and she had to bite her own lip to keep herfocus.  
Lena’s hands had moved to Kara’s shoulders to supportherself while she helped to drive her hips down against Kara’s cock.  She tried to pull the Kryptonian lower so shecould kiss her, but even weakened by the lamps, Kara didn’t budge.  She just kept driving into Lena, slick noisesand moans and expletives until—
Suddenly, and with considerable force, Kara started slammingher hips against Lena’s, the strap-on burying itself each time, the tip hittingLena’s uterus each time while her walls clenched around it.  The faster movements caused more friction betweenKara’s legs and she groaned.  She rolledher hips to get more and it caused the cock inside of Lena to graze over aparticularly sensitive spot against her inner walls.
“Oh, Kara!  Right there, more!”
Lena’s head moved back into the pillow and this time hergrip finally lowered Kara down over her again.   Kara thrusts harder, rolling her hips andallowing the strap-on to rub up against Lena’s g-spot.  Kara’s grip on Lena’s knees was hard, her knuckleswhite from the effort.  
“S-so close.  Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop…”
 Kara was close too, and she said so.  Her hands left their posts on Lena’s kneesand slammed down into the bed on either side of Lena’s hips a she drove intoher as hard and as fast as she could manage. A tight coil was building in her gut and Kara wanted nothing more thanto set it free and do the same for Lena.
She kissed at Lena’s soft pale stomach, biting and leavingpurple and red marks the CEO could look at later and remember all the placesKara had been.  One hand came up andgripped at one of Lena’s thick thighs for leverage, leaving bruising indents ofher fingers.
Juices pooled down between her legs, soaking the sheets andsoon Lena’s inner walls began to spasm around the cock and made Lena’s bodyarch.  Kara’s name ripped through herthroat like a mantra and the blonde road the Luthor through her orgasm, notstopping until Lena tapped her shoulder.
Kara felt her own familiar tingle building in her abdomenand she didn’t want to stop, but she did at Lena’s insistence.  Her breath was quick and her face flushed,the both of them coated in a thin sheen of sweat form the effort.
Soft hands cupped Kara’s face and tried to pull her into akiss but when Kara moved to pick up one of her legs to actually get onto thebed, she nearly fell.  Her pants werestill rumbled around her ankles and the Kryptonian quickly kicked them off andcrawled on top of Lena.  Their mouthsconnected in a heated and needy kiss.
Lena was first to bite, nibbling on Kara’s lower lip,causing the blonde to gasp.  Lena licked themark to sooth some of the pain before she thrust it into Kara’s mouth.  The two let their tongues dance and slidearound the other before Lena pulled away breathless.
“Your turn.”
With the red lamps on, Kara was weaker, allowing Lena to dothings to her that Lena normally couldn’t. One such thing was rolling them over on the bed until the blonde wasunder her, Lena straddling her stomach.
Lena had just come, but that didn’t mean she was done by anymeans.  She rolled her hips forward,dragging her wet and now somewhat blood swollen pussy over Kara’s abs, leavinga damp trail.  Kara’s mouth hung open,eyes wide as she took in all of Lena while the woman shed herself of the dressat last.  
Lena reached behind her and unclipped her bra, letting itslide off unceremoniously before slinging it to the floor.  Kara’s hands went to Lena’s ass, holding onand helping pull her forward while Lena continued to ride on her stomach.  As much as Kara enjoyed it though, Lena’sbreasts were her favorite.
She took a firm hold on the brunette’s ass and sat upswiftly, connecting her mouth with one of Lena’s nipples.  She sucked on it hard before moving on to theother, planting kisses all around the soft flesh before she found the otherpeak.
Lena’s arms wrapped around Kara’s neck over her shoulders,and one hand found it’s way into blonde locks and pulled the Kryptonian’s facecloser into her chest.
“Kara—” Lena groaned as Kara gave a particularly rough suck.
“Kara, inside.  I n-need you inside.”
Kara’s nod was very insistent and she pulled her face awayfrom Lena’s breasts long enough to watch between their bodies as she helped Lenahoist up just enough.  The woman angledthe strap-on at her entrance and Kara couldn’t help but groan as she watchedLena slide down, taking it all into her soaked cunt again.  She thrust up, excited, and it caused Lena togasp.
They kissed hard again, eager, as teeth hit each otherbefore their mouths opened to swallow the others tongue.  Kara continued to thrust up eagerly, appreciatingthe sounds it created in Lena as she watched her girlfriend’s eyes screw shutas she rode her up and down, rolling her hips to take it deeper.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous like this,” Kara cooed.  She kissed Lena’s neck, careful this time notto leave a mark.  Lena liked to remainprofessional for work and it wouldn’t do to have hickies dotting her neck likea game of connect the dots.
The compliment made a flood gush from between Lena’s legs,coating the strap-on more and making it slide through her faster.  She was already getting so close again butLena knew that Kara hadn’t come yet.  Shehated to have another one before Kara had even gotten one, but she knew Karanever had a problem giving.  She wouldfuck Lena all day and never expect anything in return, and as flattering as itwas, it wasn’t what Lena wanted.
Kara was making it difficult though.  
“Fuck yes.  Kara…oh fuck…mmm more, more!”
A thumb was rubbing insistent circles into Lena’s clit, oneof Kara’s hands having left it’s firm grip on her ass.  Between that and the Kryptonian’s mouth onceagain on her breasts, sucking and licking to draw out a moan, Lena road thestrap-on faster, slamming her hips down onto Kara’s hips.  It caused the baseboard of the bed toperiodically hit the wall, a knowing squeakand a thud sounding off between throatymoans.
Lena’s aided work made the nub on the inside of the strap onrub exquisitely against Kara’s clit.  Itonly made her thumb on Lena’s rub faster. The coil was building again, fast.
“F-fuck, Lena—”
Kara’s thrust grew erratic but Lena continued to roll andslam her hips down.
“Come for me, Kara. Come for me, darling,” Lena encouraged, amazed she could even get thewords out past the rasp in her voice caused by her own spring loaded coil inher gut.
Kara nodded enthusiastically again, her own eyes screwedshut now, mouth agape and face buried into Lena’s neck, “Yes baby, yes baby, y-yes, yes, ye—”
The coil sprung free in the both of them and Kara gave onelast hard thrust up as she felt the spasms rake over her body.
“I love you.  I loveyou. I love you so much!”
Lena’s jerks became erratic as well while her orgasm rippedthrough her and suddenly she was falling. Kara’s back was on the bed, chest flush up against Lena’s who had herfull weight on top of her.
They laid that way in silence for a few minutes, justcatching their breath before Lena leaned her head back and smiled fondly at herlithe godlet turned mortal.  Kara ofcourse had returned to her shy self and had a hot blush across the tip of hernose and tops of her cheeks.
“I love you too,” Lena kissed her forehead and it only madeKara shy into herself a little more, her cheeks getting redder before shegrinned wide.
“I should wear this all day more often, huh?!”
It was Lena’s turn to blush while the room filled with Kara’slight giggles.
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keeloves · 5 years
Super Heroes that are people of color & can represent people of color.
As the title implies not all the heroes on the list will be people of color but they could be people of color and some of these people on the list will be people of color. I hope that makes sense and this will be in no particular order anyways enjoy.
Roy Harper (Could/Should be a person of Color as in a Native American Indian)
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From what I have heard he was raised by Native American Indians and we get a small taste of that culture but it wouldn’t be even cooler to make him a full on Native American? That group has little representation in the hero verse . They race bent several other characters so I think Roy Harper can be another race bent character. 
Aquaman/Arthur Curry.
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Aquaman has been the but of the jokes for decades, he was just another generic looking hot white dude with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was made to be the silly hero and really had no depth. Well Jason Momoa changed all that. He is the first Polynesian super hero and he brought something more to Arthur that we probably wouldn’t have gotten had it been another handsome blond hair blue eyed white guy. Aquaman is part of both land and sea. Arthur is bridge the gap between land and sea kind of like how Melody in Little Mermaid two where she brought two clashing worlds together in harmony. With Jason Momoa being biracial man I feel like this role suits him. Aquaman is no longer the guy that people will say “Oh haha he talks to fish” He is able to make peace with both worlds. As a biracial woman myself I could relate to this. 
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Fun fact Starfire was originally designed as a black woman. She face discrimination because she is of a different race/species entirely. Black Women especially dark skin black women have to face a lot of racism and colorism and just lots of discrimination in general. I find it fitting that a gorgeous dark skin black woman like Anna Diop to be playing Starfire just because of a lot of discrimination that Starfire goes through and I believe Anna can relate to that on a more personal level. They both have to rise above the hate they get and they do. (Also look HOW COMIC BOOK ACCURATE THIS IS) Here is a clip of from the orginal Teen Titans show from the early 2000s of Star fire and Cyborg talking. In this clip Starfire has been called a slur liken to the N word and also how fitting is it that she is having this conversation with Cyborg a disabled black super hero. 
Superman/Clark Kent
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I used Henry Cavil’s Superman/Clark Kent because he is my absolute favorite iteration of Clark Kent/Superman. This Superman embodies what people need and want. He is a metaphor for an immigrant and he he is also good representation for adopted children. People think that Superman is overpowered and is just good for punching things but he is so much more than that. In BvS and Man of Steel we are shown how prejudice people can be and in real life we would not treat Superman like the Boy Scout he is we would most likely be scared or at least skeptical of him. I mean he is from another planet entirely, he has the ability to shoot laser beams out of his eyes, he has the the ability to pick up a freight  train over his head and do so much more. With those abilities who wouldn’t want to study him or be curious of what he else he can do. Henry Cavil despite being a white guy has been the most relatable Superman to other minorities. I have seen so many brown people, Muslims and immigrants write about how much impact that the MOS superman has had on them. I absolutely adore this Superman. 
J’onn J’onnz/John Jones Martian Manhunter 
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This character is normally portrayed by a black man. Martian Man Hunter like Superman and Supergirl is representative of an immigrant and many more cultures or can be. All though unlike Superman and Kara he has green skin like a lizard so he would be seen as a freak and people would not be so accepting of him because of how his appearance. Luckily for him he has the ability to shape shift and blend in any crowd he is in. With this ability to shape shift he can empathize with just about everyone and see what discrimination they face. Martian Man Hunter deserves more recognition and is probably one of the most sympathetic/empathetic superheros. 
Kara Zor El/Supergirl
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Now despite being portrayed as a blonde hair blue white girl Supergirl could be any race other than white. Like her famous cousin Superman she would face a lot of discrimination as well because she has the exact same powers as Superman and most people would be afraid of that. Plus she would probably be discriminated against more because she is a woman. Imagine being a woman of color and being a Kryptonain on top of that she would face all kinds of discrimination and would have to over come all of that. 
M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian 
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M’gann is orignally a white martian but took on the form of a green martian because of the terrible history between the two White Martians. White Martians once declared war on the Green martians she shape shifted int a green martian because she didn’t want to be discriminated against. She was portrayed by a black woman on Super-girl which makes sense because of the amount of discrimination black women face. With M’ggan being a black woman she will have to deal with discrimination from all sorts of people but luckily she can shape shift like Martian Man Hunter and can piratically empathize/sympathize  with all sorts of people. With her being a green Martian she would face discrimination from humans in general and as a white martian she would face discrimination from Green Martians, and humans so it is only fitting that a black woman be cast in this role.
Dick Grayson/Night Wing
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Dick Grayson  is actually part Romani and we don’t often see Romani superheros because most of the time they get white washed. How cool would it be to see a full out Romani superhero and learn about that culture. Dick Grayson would still have the same back story but he would have some Romani culture incorporated in his story. This would be a great way to see more people of color and to give representation to a group of people who otherwise wouldn’t be represented. Yes Representation does matter.
Maximoff Twins
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Another white washed duo another pair of Romanian Jewish superheros. We have another missed opportunity to represent an under represented. I love learning about other cultures and seeing good representation my tv. I hope one day the Maximoff twins are portrayed by real Romanian people. 
So if you have more heros to add to this list please let me know. I would love to know your thoughts and feelings on this. Also keep the comments respectful and no racism or hate on this page allowed.
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iminyourhandskara · 6 years
Battles Lost and Won - Karamel One Shot
A rewrite of the season 3 finale.
in this version, winn didn't leave for the 31st century and brainy goes with the legion, it is not brainiac the legion is fighting in the future. enjoy!
“Well you did it. Just like a Greek myth. You went down to the underworld and slayed the three-headed monster and saved Persephone.” Mon-El approached Kara on the DEO balcony, somewhere they’ve found each other pretty often in the last few months, somewhere they shared a lot of advices and conversations only they could have. Kara smiled looking down before correcting Mon-El’s still flattering comment, “Uh, I think in the myth Persephone eats pomegranate seeds and is confined to the realm of Hades forever.”
“Yeah well that just strengthens my point because the Greek Gods have nothing on you.” He continued without missing a beat, overwhelming Kara for a second. “It was far from perfect, for many reasons but..I couldn’t have done it without you.“ He had been the partner she had always dreamed of, ever since he landed on Earth and she took him under her wing. They could understand each other so well and predict each other’s moves with a look: but that ability didn’t come from their trainings or fights together on the battlefield. Quite the opposite. “No, that’s not true. This victory was yours. And it was flawless.” Mon-El had always been so sincere when it came to complimenting Kara, she recognized his honesty by simply looking at his eyes, she swore she could still see the shadow of the boy from Daxam she loved over a year ago.
“What’s on your mind?” “Before we went to Argo, I just had this thought that I could be Kara Zor-El, ordinary citizen..I would feel like I was home. But when we were fighting Reign and the witches, I had this moment, this realization that Argo City is not my home anymore. National City is. Earth is. And my mission is to protect it. My whole life is here.” She took a breath, “Messy. Complex. Balancing Kara and being a hero, that’s…that’s who I am.” Was she satisfied with this realization, though? Was Kara actually happy to give up that girl from Krypton, because Earth had welcomed her? Because she felt like she owed something to this planet? There was no denying that she had no other choice than to be only Kara Danvers, how could she be Kara Zor-El without…
“I have loved fighting by your side. Being there through all of it, the ups and down, the particularly tough days.” Mon-El interrupted her with a broken voice, his eyes were visibly covered in tears; whatever was coming, Mon-El didn’t want to say it, and most importantly, Kara didn’t want to hear it.  “You know for a moment there, I thought that maybe this was my place. My time.”
“It is. It is.” An echo haunted both of their minds, it just couldn’t reach their lips. “But I learned some troubling things today about the future.” And finally..the dreaded words, came with a tremble in his voice. “I need to go back.“
His heart shut off, he shut out everything that anchored him to National City, giving voice only to Mon-El the Legionnaire, the Leader. “I can’t abandon the Legion or the world that I swore to protect right when they need me most.” ’Duty over happiness. Duty over love. Earth comes first. I don’t want to go. But I have to go.’
“I know you can’t. You wouldn’t be the man you are if you did, the man I admire so much.” ‘Don’t go. Don’t go. Please. I made that mistake a year ago. Don’t go. We can make it work. Don’t go.’ Looking at Mon-El and hearing what he had to say, Kara relived the day she hated the most. It was like he was repeating the same things she thought to convince herself that back then, sending him away was the right choice.
“Well I guess we both have some saving to do.” ‘There’s nothing we can do. We tried. We belong to different worlds.’ A bitter chuckle escaped his mouth, when all he wanted to do was scream. His feet started to walk away from Kara and Mon-El realized that this really was the end of their story, until he stopped in his tracks and removed his Legion Ring from his finger: “Hey. It’s about time you had one of your own”
He had her necklace, she had his ring. “Thanks.” Tears were forming in Kara’s eyes, inevitably, she almost wanted to yell at him to go away and make things easier: she didn’t want him to know how much it hurt to say goodbye once again, she didn’t want Mon-El to feel guilty of her pain, she didn’t want him to see her being so vulnerable.
“In case you ever need me.” He said so softly, like it was a dying breath, like it was his last caress on her cheek and just like that..he left. Mon-El said goodbye to the world he wished he could call his home, but just couldn’t; Mon-El simply was a piece of a game that was way bigger than him.
In the meantime, Kara cried on the balcony. The city below her feet was so loud, while she had been so quiet. Those words she couldn’t say before filled her stomach like a weight that hurt too much. Why was she back at the same point? Why couldn’t she let her thoughts come out? Why did she let Mon-El go again? Why? Why?
Kara’s elbows rested on the balcony, her hands were covering her face, her sobs barely audible when she felt a touch on her shoulder. “Kara.” “Imra?” She was definitely the person she least expected to see in that moment. “I know it’s a difficult moment, but I wrote this..you need to read it. You deserve to know all the truth.”
The Kryptonian dried her cheeks quickly, confused by whatever she meant, but thankful. “Thank you, Imra.” “You’re welcome.” She smiled before turning away, not wanting to make this more painful than it already was for Kara. “One thing..” “Yes?” “Keep an eye on him for me.” Imra nodded sadly, but determined to keep her word, she knew that the bond they shared was something she couldn’t even comprehend.
"Mom? I know you have to go back to Argo City but... can you please stay one more night? I would like to show you where I live and..I really need my mom right now.” Kara smiled at Alura, but the woman could easily see that something was broken inside of her daughter’s eyes: it didn’t take long for her to figure out what the problem was. “Of course, my dear.” The mother pulled Kara in her arms for a hug; she caressed her blond locks just like she did when she had nightmares as a child, Kara’s head rested on her shoulder as she breathed shakily. “It’s okay,” Alura consoled her, “I’m here, it’s alright.”
 Kara opened the door of her apartment, “And this..is where I live. Kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom’s on the left.” She pointed at each room. “It looks cozy in here! What do you usually do on nights like these?” “Nights like what?” “After such a big victory.” Kara laughed as she placed her purse on a chair and her glasses on the table, “I don’t really have..a tradition.” “You should have.” “I’ve only been doing this superheroing thing for a few years, I’ve had a couple of victories like this but..I never had the chance to celebrate.” The grin from her face had disappeared, after realizing that she never felt truly satisfied about those battles she had won: she always had a parallel battle lost. Alura’s voice shifted, she knew that her daughter was thinking about something heaving on her heart, “Come sit here.”
Kara chewed on her lower lip, “I was just thinking..when we beat Non and Indigo we were celebrating, until a pod crashed..and it was Mon-El’s.” “I guess it’s time to bring up that talk we mentioned back then on Argo, what do you think?” She inhaled deeply, “Then last year, we beat the Daxamites but I was more devastated than happy; we used a lead diffuser to have them retreat and I had to send Mon-El away. For months I believed I had killed him. Then it turned out, he actually hit a disruption that sent him to the 31st century and that’s where he spent seven years.. until we found his ship.” “That’s a lot to take in..” “And the worst part of it all, was that for just for one second I thought we could pick things up from where we had left them but.. he got married. Imra is his wife.” Kara had gotten so used to that word, to that phrase she pronounced many times, but it still hurt enough to make her close her eyes. “And are they still together?” “I guess, why do you ask?” “I saw them talking on the DEO balcony before, I saw them hugging but it didn’t seem like a..married couple hug.” “Mom, I appreciate you wanting to make the pill easier to swallow, but—wait. I just remembered that Imra gave me a letter to read.” “Really? What did she say?” “Not much, only that ‘I deserved to know the whole truth’, whatever that means.” “What are you waiting for? Open it!” Kara stood up and walked to take the letter in her purse, “What if I don’t want to read this? What if there’s something that hurts me written inside of this letter?” Her heart started pounding, she couldn’t bear more pain. “Then I’ll be with you, by your side.” Alura had a point, no matter what was written in that letter, Kara didn’t have to go through hurt by herself. She was going to be okay. Taking one more deep breath, she noticed a few crossed words and scribbles, she started reading out loud sitting near her mom: “Dear Kara, I’m writing this in a rush and I know we didn’t really have the opportunity to talk one on one while I was in National City and we often fought over our plans on how to defeat the Worldkillers, but I want to tell you all the things I couldn’t say or..didn’t want to say before. Just know that your example has truly shaped all of the Legionnaires into the heroes we are now, and I’m sorry if I lost sight of what we stand for when my family came in between. And finally..you probably hate the mention of the seven years Mon-El has spent in the 31st century but please, keep reading. You think you know the truth, but you only know the shell of it: when the Blight killed my sister, my parents took all their rage and fury on humans, planning on destroying Earth. This happened not long after I met Mon-El, right when the Legion was founded; we were team mates and friends, he was still suffering and mourning you, not knowing what he had to do to honor you or what you would have done in his place. We had to unite Earth and Titan to find peace, before it was too late. My father decided we had to get married. Mon-El was not in love with me, I wasn’t in love with him, but those were the rules if we didn’t want another war breaking out. Over time, my feelings became more real, and also his: that is, at least, what he wanted to think; we got used to each other but we were never truly in love. Not like you two were. For all those years I’ve seen him fidgeting with his necklace whenever he was depressed, conflicted, in a dark place. His necklace was his only anchor, it gave Mon-El hope in the most difficult times and I suspect you have something to do with it: he never told us anything about it, he’s really possessive of it. Him and I aren’t together anymore, his love for you never faded away, it’s clear to see. He still loves you with all his heart. I’m so sorry new missions got in the way and Mon-El needed to go back. I truly wanted him to stay with you: he’s different, he is happier, he seems healthier when he’s around your team at the DEO. The 31st century deteriorated him, but I promise you we will not let anything bad happen to him. Imra.”
The tears were now flowing down Kara’s cheeks, she didn’t even have the strength to say a word; she was petrified by all the words she had just read, the whole truth had overwhelmed her. Alura was just as shocked, but kept holding her daughter close. It surely wasn’t an easy bite to swallow. “Mom..I thought he moved on.” Kara managed to say through sobs, “Do you know how many times I told myself to move on and be happy because that’s what he did? How many times I had to pretend to be okay in front of them and repeat to myself that there was nothing to do?” Kara didn’t know if she had to be mad at herself, at Imra, at Mon-El, at Rao, at the whole universe that kept bringing them back together just to tear them apart again: she felt every single emotion flowing through her veins, yet she had never felt that weak. Then all at once, the realization: he had never stopped loving her. Kara had been afraid that all the words he had told her in Argo City, in that dream like garden, were just a product of an infatuation based on memories; she believed that was just a spur of the moment thing and he would’ve gone back to his wife, but now, she knew that she had fooled herself. “It’s too late now..I wasted too much time focusing on defeating Reign that I forgot to talk to Mon-El..about us. I should’ve told him to stay, mom..he would’ve stayed.” She threw that piece of paper on the floor. ”Before he left.. I- I gave him your necklace. Do you remember what you told me before sending me away from Krypton?” ”That the necklace would’ve kept you safe and I would’ve been with you in your dreams.” Her eyes closed once again, nodding, devastated. ”Mom, I loved him.” ”I know, Kara..” The brokenness in her voice had become prominent, her pauses were replaced by sobs and there was nothing Alura could’ve said that would’ve made that pain easier to handle.
The next morning, Kara hadn’t really woken up, since she hadn’t slept at all, but her alarm clock momentarily interrupted the tornado of thoughts that haunted her: it was the same cycle starting all over again. Loving someone always ended up with leaving. The regret covered all her face, Kara hadn’t let Mon-El stay. That was the thing she needed the most in that moment: someone who would stay. “I can’t leave you like this.” Alura said worryingly, she knew she had responsibilities on Argo City as part of the Council, but family came first. “No, no, you have to go. You have a city to take care of. I’ll be fine.” “Kara, please stop this.” “Stop what?” “Pretending you’re fine.” She paused, “I didn’t say I’m fine. I said I will be.” “Then let me stay until you are.” “I can’t let you stay here knowing that there’s a planet waiting for one of its leaders.” “Is this Supergirl talking? Or Kara, my Kara Zor-El?” Kara shook her head, not seeing the point in her mother’s question. “What do you mean?” “For a second, stop worrying so much about responsibility and work, stop worrying about what’s morally correct, stop caring about other people. Stop being Supergirl. For a second, be only Kara; now tell me, would you want me to stay? Until I know you’re alright?” That question opened a hole in Kara’s heart, she definitely didn’t expect such a thing: she had stopped seeing herself as “Only Kara” in the moment she put on that red cape, she had never allowed herself to see things from that perspective. Kara remembered what Cat Grant once told her, when she wanted to rescue Mon-El and Lena without hitting the Daxamite ship, “Wanting to rescue them is not selfish, it’s everything.” Feeling love, sadness, anger or wanting someone by her side wasn’t selfish, it wasn’t a favor she was doing for herself, it was everything. This was what being human was all about, it wasn’t about having a normal job and a normal life. “Yes.” With a weak voice, Kara finally replied truthfully.
It had been a week since Alura decided to stay, but since Kara was comfortable again in her daily routine, they both decided it was time to separate. “Let’s not make this more emotional than what it already is, okay? Winn is already working on a new spaceship with J’onn, but until then we have the portal.” Kara smiled, “Thank you for everything, mom.” “I love you.” “I love you, too.” They hugged each other for long seconds, before waving goodbye: Alura smiled back at her daughter and her team, which was also a second family she had loved to meet.
Obviously much time had gotten lost, but they knew now there was so much to spend ahead of the two of them, Kara had been so grateful to receive a second chance with her mom; she wished she could’ve said the same thing about Mon-El. Their second chance passed them by without realizing, one was wondering what the other was thinking, assuming they didn’t love each other anymore and their time was over. The loft was incredibly silent in that evening, a deafening silence she only noticed in the first months Mon-El was gone but then went away with time and help by her friends, whether it was a game or a movie night.
But again, Kara decided to not host those nights for a while, having to get used to loneliness once more: as she was sipping her coffee after dinner watching television, a knock interrupted the quietness; apparently, her friends were too stubborn and wanted to organize a surprise game night, or so she thought, until..she opened the door. “Hi.” Kara almost closed the door again, thinking it was a mirage, a bad prank her brain was pulling on her, but no. It was real, he was real. Mon-El was standing in front of her and she was doing absolutely nothing. except for breathing heavily. She couldn’t even get a word out, so she decided to pull him into her arms and let that do the talking. “How- how are you here?” His hands, just like hers, kept caressing her hair onto her back. “It might have been eight years, but I would never forget where your apartment is.” Mon-El smiled gleefully. “I meant here, in National City, in the 21st century.” “Oh, that! Well..Brainy dropped me here.” They finally walked into the apartment and closed the door, “Wow.” Mon-El hadn’t been in that place in eight years and he was overwhelmed, Kara smiled tearfully at that,“Come sit here.” A strange feeling of déjà-vu crossed both of them, “Tell me what happened.” “I- I don’t even know exactly what happened. All I know was that once we arrived in the future, things were different than what Brainy had told.” “But he’s never wrong, I mean, mathematically speaking at least.” “Yeah, I thought so too. But he said that the past changed because of a disruption, therefore the future had changed too. The enemy we were supposed to defeat had already been dead for centuries, because someone we both know had killed him.” “Wait, who?” “Technically, I’m not supposed to say it because it could change the future, but he has your same glyph but doesn’t wear a skirt.” Kara and Mon-El laughed like they hadn’t in months, both still not believing that they were on that couch together again. A little hesitantly, Kara asked Mon-El: “What made you..come back? I thought you said that this wasn’t your place.” Mon-El knew that that question was coming, he knew he was going to sound like a hypocrite: “In the moment I stepped back there, I realized that I didn’t belong to that place anymore. The Legion was the only thing that kept me there,but I had taught them all I had to teach. I used to call it my home because I thought that was the reality I was destined to live in. It was time to be a little selfish again, for once. Imra is the leader now, I’m not needed anymore in the 31st century. So, that’s why I’m back.” ‘It’s you, I’m here for you.’ was what he truly meant. Kara looked at Mon-El silently for a few seconds: “I..I hit that disruption.” “What?” His eyes went wide, “How?” “I used your legion ring. In the previous version of the timeline, I didn’t handle things well with Reign. I managed to kill her but..she killed my mom and..” “And?” Mon-El’s hand was absentmindedly stroking hers on her knee, something he once did every time he was worried about Kara. “And she hit J’onn too, but you pushed him out of her way. She killed you, too.” Her hand was now on top of his, her gaze lowered. Mon-El grabbed her chin, making Kara look at him. “But you’re here now.” “Now I am.” Both had learned an important lesson about time, and that was it wasn’t supposed to be wasted: his hand dropped from her chin, kissing her softly like the first time, but hunger and passion accompanied his sweetness. Kara leaned naturally into Mon-El’s hands, they were moving in a perfect synch. It was like a lifetime had passed since they last lay on that couch and their lips and tongues met, but not for their bodies that knew one another so well; their touches sent electric shocks down their spines, they could feel these wonderful sensations only when they were together. For so long they believed they couldn’t feel that way ever again, but despite all the odds, Mon-El was now carrying Kara to her bed and giggling between the kisses, high on love. That was definitely going to be the happiest night they’ve had in years. It had become so easy for them to give up on romance as superheroes, to be pessimistic and believe that the worst was yet to come; after all they had been through, thinking that happy endings weren’t meant for Supergirl and Valor had become the safest option. At the end they could see that even if it sounded like a cliché, love could find a way, love did find a way.
thank you for reading, i hope you guys liked this! i promised myself and all of you that i would've wrote something based on the finale in the moment i watched it, and two months later i finally did it! i apologise for mistakes or repetitions, let me know what you guys think in my inbox and in your reblogs❤️❤️
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handlewithkara · 6 years
Well, so much for the little story I tried to write about Mon-El and Kara deciding to go to Argo and help it rebuild. It was supposed to have Alura talking to Kara about Zor-El’s death and Thara showing up and Kara angsting about not fitting in on Krypton and then the show came and did it for me. 
Since it’s not getting finished, here is what I had. 
„You are staying, then?“
He nods, not taking his eyes off the shelf as he looks for the right tools. “It’s not every day that you get to help a culture that everybody thought was gone.”
Kara slinks closer. “Is that all?”
His shoulders slump.  “No.” He only half turns to her, unable to meet her eyes.  “I’m here, because I’m still in love with you.”
Her heart stops, she isn’t sure whether to smile or cry, whether to be happy or scared or angry.
“What about Imra?”
Mon-El winces. “We didn’t exactly choose to get married. There was a political situation, the concordate, we thought it would be the wisest thing, that it would save lives. I don’t have much to offer to you. I… I hurt you. I, I don’t even … The future has changed, Imra’s sister is alive, hopefully. I don’t even know if I’m still married anymore, if there was still a need for us to get married. I understand if that is not enough for you. I don’t expect anything from you, but I thought you deserved to know.”
Kara blinks, tears forming in her eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for telling me.”
“Is it okay, if I stay, or would you rather ...”
“No! I mean, yes. I want you to stay.”
Her mom leads her to her room with short, tepid steps. Some furniture has been moved in, covered by planes, but all the toys, all the pictures are the same.
“I didn’t change too much, I couldn’t bring myself to use it.”
Kara nods. A lump builds up in her throat. She grasps the picture that shows her on her cresting day, white robes, the ring of cresting on her head, her father beaming with pride.  She tries to smile through the tears.
She’s grateful for Alura’s touch.
“My mom, she kept my old room. It’s wonderful, it’s, it’s just bit much to take in.”
He nods.
“Can I come in?”
He blinks, because after all, she already is in his room. Then it dawns on him.
Wordlessly he lifts the covers and lets her slip in.
“You shouldn’t have to do this!”
“Kara, it’s okay. It’s fine, really.”
“But it’s not fair. Why just you? I don’t want them treating you, like,” she lowers her voice to a conspirative whisper, “like a lab animal.”
“Our species are closely related, by studying him, we could gain new understanding for our people,” the magister from the science guild interjects.
“I don’t like it. I’ve been away for a long time, too. You should study me as well.”
They sign up for the repair squad. It’s strange to be without her flight. Hovering underneath the city, the sounds from her breathing mask in her ear, watching soil and rock break away slowly and drift off into space.
They don’t have to say it.
It’s not a good sign.
The base of Argo has always been stable, to protect against quakes. It’s gonna take a long time for it to crumble, but something has to be done.
“Here take it. It’s from the future. Maybe it can help.”
There’s just the faintest hint of hesitation as he slides his Legion ring off his finger and hands it over to the science guild.
Kara fights the urge to grab his arm, to stop him. Ask him whether he is sure.
But his jaw his set, his eyes determined.
Their eyes meet. One of them has to say it.
“You have to make contact,” Kara blurts out.
“Trade, ask for help”, Mon-El adds.
“You could use our ship. The fuel won’t last forever, but now you can leave, it’s a start.”
The magister’s shoulder’s tense.
“Your city needs a real home. 2.4 million souls in Argo city. It will be hard to persuade an inhabited planet to take you in. Your people should prepare for it.”
“We will take your advice into consideration.”
The magister turns to her. “Do you wish to call another meeting of the council, Kara Zor-El?”
“No, I’m good. But promise you will discuss it.”
“Of course, Kara Zor-El.” The man hesitates. “Your father was a colleague. A good friend. The last time I saw you, you numbered less than 10 cycles. It’s a great joy to see you again.”
“You have done this before,” she asks as they walk, leaving the science guild building behind.
“Yes. Kind of. It’s a long story.”
“No, something different.”
“Are you gonna tell me about it?”
He stops. “Sure, if you want me to.”
She bites her lip. “You gave your ring away.”
Mon-El looks down on his feet. “I felt it might be needed here.”
The first time they do it without powers is in a rickety old garden shed, against a wooden wall.
They sweat more and it doesn’t last as long, but his mouth still tastes as it always has. She bites his lip and scratches the back of his neck. They do it fast, trying to swallow each other’s moans with hungry kisses, not wanting to be interrupted by the caretakers.
She feels it longer, afterwards.
And the hickey on her neck stays for two days.
This are changing around here. It’s not a bad change. Maybe Argo needs more change, Alura muses.
It’s little things, subtle. Like Kara coming out of his room in the morning, or when her daughter asks about the chances to get her own place (she can’t, real estate is among the most limited things in Argo City).
People come to visit, in overalls with dirt smudged faces.
Kara and Mon-El spend three days trying to recreate something called ice cream. It doesn’t seem to work and Alura is confused, because Kara tells her that this food is of limited nutritional value and even unhealthy.  
The house is no longer empty, people come and go. She realizes that she’s not used to it anymore, to the house not being empty.
They sit together, just the two of them. Her daughter, her pride, her joy. Alura squeezes her hand, no longer the hand of a little girl.
There are so many things left unsaid, undiscussed.
The words spill out of her. She tries to stop herself. She is Alura, esteemed council member.
But the words keep on spilling. She speaks of the darkness, the fear, right after they found themselves saved. The hunger, all that death.
It’s the first time she speaks to anyone about Zor-El’s death.
For a moment it is as if she has become the daughter, with Kara’s comforting arms wrapped around her.
“When I saw her disappear, swallowed up by the darkness, the same darkness that took in Fort Rozz… Part of me thought that maybe this was my punishment. For all those I sent away, I lost the thing I loved the most.”
One day Alura sees her necklace again, around Mon-El’s neck. It takes her a while to realize that he has always been wearing it, she has seen hints of the cord before, but only now he’s wearing it openly. It’s the same time when he moves into Kara’s room.
They’ve also taken to walking with their hands joined. It’s an unfamiliar sight, a gesture usually reserved for families.
It’s not respectful for a mother to pry into her daughter’s life, but who can blame a mother for wanting to know more? She knocks politely on Kara’s door and only enters after being invited.
She has come to see her daughter, to hold her hand, to ask her how she’s feeling. Getting to step into her daughter’s room is just a fortuitous side effect.
Her eyes sweep around the chamber. It’s not a little girl’s room anymore. Tools and papers from their work litter the table, male clothes hang from a chair.
“Kelex hasn’t been in yet, I’m, I’m not used to cleaning taking that long,” Kara says apologetically.
“Don’t worry, this is your home now.”
Kara beams and throws her arms around Alura’s neck.
A young women approaches her, wearing the gylph of house Ur.
“Greetings to you, daughter of Zor-El.”
“Greetings to you.”
Curiosity and respect battle it out inside her guest, if her face is any indication.
“You have been away for a long time,” she blurts out at all.
Kara nods. “Such is known.”
The woman settles back in her chair. “My mate and I are very forward thinking. We are non-matched, we selected each other.”  She pauses, unsure how to continue. “We couldn’t help but notice that the unusual behavior between you and your mate.”
She leans in closer. “Your hands are often linked when you are in public. Is that a Daxamite custom? Is there a special meaning to it?”
“Not really. Humans do it, too. It is a frequent custom. Many species have it.”
Her guest mulls over the answer, trying to fit this information into her worldview. “He kisses you often, doesn’t he?”
Kara tilts her head. “I guess he does.”
The next time she sees Janna Dax-Ur stroll across the market with her mate their hands are joined.
Kara smiles.
“Everything okay, babe?”
Kara grabs his hand tighter.
“Yep, all is good.”
She settles down in Mon-El’s lap, resting back against his chest.
“They look at me. Like, like they are curious where I will go, like they expect me to still make a decision.” They would never say anything. Kryptonians are respectful. Still, she feels the distance that is there. Their looks that say that they haven’t decided yet whether she has come to be one of theirs or just as a guest.
“I thought that it would be different here, that I would finally be home. Among my people. I’m too loud, impatient, not respectful enough of my elders.”
Mon-El runs his palm along her back. “They might not understand it yet, but you have the best of all worlds.”
She takes a hold of his hand and hides her face in the crook of his neck.
“Do you think that that’s my fate,” she whispers. “No matter where I go, I will never fully belong?”.
He ponders, quietly, for a while.
“I think your home is where your heart wants it to be.”
“I miss Alex, I miss her so much.”
She kneels down in the temple, her mother beside her. It is the Feast of Light, being held the traditional way. Only with more speeches to commemorate the dead.
Mon-El could attend they assured her, as a guest.
He is invited to share their faith and celebration.
As a guest.
Then the prayers swell. Kara clings to her candle. She can feel her mothers gaze on her, tears stream down her face.
“I have to do this. I hope you understand. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I didn’t at least try.”
“Kara, it’s okay. I get it, I really do.”
She searches his face, for any sign of dishonesty, but there is none.
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Dating Kara Danvers (a crush on you would include)
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Request: I really love your "Lena Imagine includes if she have crush on you" so much. Can you please do Kara version of it?? Thanks so much!! 
a/n: well, first off THANK YOU! :D and now... since I have nothing of substantial weight to add further, just let it be known that I love Kara Zor-El Danvers very much and she deserves to be happy and emotionally at peace, to be quite honest!!! That’s all, LOL
I hope you all have an awesome day! Thank you for reading! Send in some requests and prompts if you want to see me make something, I’ll finally be able to get back to actual fic-length stuff when I come back from vacation. Hopefully I can write something that y’all will enjoy! ;)
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it’s not hard to decipher Kara’s love language (for lack of a better term only - you wouldn’t call it that right now) and in fact, you were enamoured in a way the moment she stumbled hastily through apologizing to you when she’d quite literally ran into you at Noonan’s
luckily, that was before she had to somehow juggle two trays of coffee and a bag of pastries in her hand, much to either of your outfits’ fortune. You’d offered to help her out after realizing you were staring at her in amused perplexity as she (much more nervously than she normally would, you suspected) tried to balance everything in her hands under your gaze
she gave you a radiant smile once she found a solution to her having a lack of hands only shortly after you offered your assistance, and you acquiesced with a smirk as she gave you a hurried goodbye over her shoulder in departure; you were only able to half-concentrate on your work when you sat at your table even hours after the encounter
it was only a short matter of time days after when your attention caught onto a brightly coloured presence in your peripheral vision, and from where you sat in the restaurant, you could see it was the girl who ran into you just a few days prior. You grinned to yourself, smiling fondly at the memory and only lifted your eyes again from your computer to watch as she moved swiftly again out the door once she had her order in hand
it wasn’t difficult to deduce that the girl was a regular at Noonan’s, and it was only solidified with the very telling hint of “just your usual?” from the server, and her bashful, “yes, please” encounter you witnessed in amused fondness, and when she nearly bumped into you again was when you finally got her name
“Hey, you-I-almost-ran-into!” “That would be me, me-you-almost-ran-into-again”
you were so charmed by the blush on her face in reaction to your teasing comment, and you felt a certain lightness when you saw her smile - you wouldn’t think much of that until later; you finally knew the cute girl’s name, and under serendipitous, near-miss occurrences, you got to introduce yourself
for reasons neither you nor her would admit readily, you encountered each other much more often at Noonan’s, and who was to say it was both of your doing if you frequented the place with eager anticipation as of late?
it had become a little bit of a routine for her to join you sometimes around lunch time; you were more than willing to put your work aside and have a short conversation with her
you’d lost track of the amount of times you spent a good portion of your time at Noonan’s just talking to Kara instead of working, and you absolutely were not complaining. Eventually, she’d let it slip easily for you to visit her at work in her abrupt realization that she was almost late to return from her break
you were only the slightest bit hesitant, but more so curious, to visit her when you knew she had a direct line of contact to the infamous Cat Grant
you weren’t disappointed when you dropped by her office one time to bring her coffee and Cat Grant walked out of her office and merely stared at you, unashamedly studying you and said not a single word to you before yelling for some employee named Juan
you think you’re a little bit of an ass for it, but you get far too much entertainment in making Kara laugh and blush, and it’s just so easy to do it, and you’ve made it into an experiment of sorts to see just how much you can get away with
when Kara invited you to a game night with her friends, you were more excited than you thought you could be, and the nights leading up to it all you could think about was how fun it could be
she properly introduced you to the tall black man you’d seen around her office who had a friendly smile and a low, gruff voice and James shook your hand and welcomed you
you learned that Winn, the computer technician at Kara’s office, was the man Cat Grant always referred to when she asked for Juan, and you finally understood the deeper inside joke of the workplace when Winn mentioned how Keira was so excited about you finally coming to game night
her sister, Alex, was pleasant enough but you couldn’t shake the feeling that sat in you throughout the entire night that she was wary and suspicious of you, and you were only slightly unnerved when you’d look up and actually catch her gaze, and you were always the first to look away
you distracted yourself by poking fun at Kara, relishing in the feeling of her as she sat beside you on the couch and watching with fond amusement as she lamented the sheer insolence that is James thinking he can get away with trading one sheep for three of her bricks
you got along surprisingly swimmingly with Winn, having been able to relate to him over video games and how much he positively gushed when you’d mentioned you had a gaming channel on the side - the rest of the evening was spent trading impassioned opinions about certain games and developments, and also being as physically close to Kara as often as you could get away with
Kara often asks you if you’re hungry, even when she’s cognizant of the fact that you just had food a short while prior, or even when she’s actually watched you consume food in her presence regardless
“I just have to make sure, sometimes human biology is difficult-”
now that you thought of it, Kara often cuts herself off mid-sentence and always looks like she’d just witnessed something she shouldn’t have, but you never thought much of it
“This would take less time if I just heat it up with my-” “I could fly over to the store-” “That looks like it would hurt. Even I felt that, and I can’t bruise or-”
she always sends you pictures and videos of things that are objectively, so absolutely cute
she wouldn’t stop gushing over the video of the baby golden retriever puppy being taught how to go down the stairs by its owner, and you could only watch as she rambled excitedly about how much she’d love to have a dog of her own
you’ve gotten into the habit of sending each other selfies of making stupid faces over snapchat, and you would argue any day over the fact that Kara was so much more adorable than the puppies and kittens she sends you
it takes a while for either of you to broach the personal space boundary entirely. When Kara brushed her hand over your arm in passing after you made a particularly lame joke that she thought was pretty hysterical, you felt your skin ablaze at her touch and you figured, perhaps it was a small mercy on her part that she’s never touched you before
you have the thought for all of maybe a singular fleeting moment - after that, Kara becomes the touchiest, most content person you’ve ever encountered
you spent a rare night indoors just watching TV and after you’d gotten over the shock of her leaning her head on your shoulder under the blanket draped over the two of you, you could smile to yourself in endearment
there is so much seemingly platonic touching that if she were any other person, your senses would be absolutely overloaded and you’d perhaps malfunction at this point. You’ve made an impressive run, however, and you’ve just taken Kara’s clingy tendencies in stride
she loves hugging you, and you think she finds just any excuse to hug you, which you are more than happy to indulge. You figure you love holding her in your arms just as much as she loves feeling you close to her
she’s still just as much of the cute, bumbling mess that she was when you first met her, especially when Alex is around - you can’t say you really blame her. You’re still intimidated by her, but she’s become more friendly with you whenever you happened to see her by the apartment
you get the sneaking suspicion that Kara works diligently to avoid every single circumstance that would allow for even the mere possibility of you and Alex ever having to be in the same room together, and you have to wonder why that is
you get the answer in the form of a shovel talk one night - really, though, it’s mostly just Alex talking at you and you staring back in shock and with the very prevalent notion of what just happened
“you make her happy, and that’s more than I can say about anyone else she’s brought here. But make her cry once and you’ll be doing the same, and more - I’ll see to it myself”
after that, Alex seemed an entirely new person, joining you in heckling Kara and you think you can appreciate the mischief that is so very clearly part of her personality that you’d never seen before
much to your happy discovery, making Kara blush and making sure she knows how you feel about her is a one-stop solution, and you know you’re pretty great at the gestures of affection
you’ve become a regular at the flower shop, and the counter salesperson always smiles at you knowingly when you drop by. You don’t go for the grand bouquet of flowers; even in your attempts to court Kara, you prefer subtlety - she always has a small mason jar filled with water for whatever flower or two you’d give her to decorate her desk this time
you leave sticky notes on her desk of silly jokes or cute messages, and you frequent the office so often that Cat Grant has stopped staring cuttingly at you whenever you’re around and has instead conceded to giving you an indifferent glance as if it were indicative of her silent approval, which you think kind of is
Kara loves watching you play guitar - there’s always the softest smile on her face and she seems so entranced by it, and you marveled at the faraway look in her eyes
you’ve noticed she’s got a bit of a habit of making plans and changing them at the very last minute for some new emergency, to which her reasons have become more and more absurd
you were fine if Kara wasn’t in the mood to hang out - you’d just wish that her signals weren’t so mixed up and confusing
you only started getting suspicious about her when she started talking about Supergirl more frequently; that is, it was under this guise and of being a reporter that she’d know about Supergirl’s conquests way before any news outlet, even CatCo, would have been able to report
the way she’d fidget and look uneasy whenever you two got onto the discussion of outer space was enough to tip you off that there was something she was hiding, but you didn’t want to push her
there was a situation happening at the bank nearby where you were, and when you and the rest of the people on the street went to spectate just what it was all the the commotion was about, Supergirl flew out of the building with a suspect each apprehended in handcuffs and walked them over to the police after landing
somehow, with the bustle of the crowd and the small army of police cruisers and ambulances around, you caught Supergirl’s eye and you were floored when her face brightened in happiness and she gave you a beaming smile. You couldn’t shake the feeling that it felt so familiar, but you figured she was Supergirl and that was reason in itself - you’d seen her face often enough to justify it
it was only one night when you were reading through CatCo magazine and saw a high quality picture of Supergirl and Kara came out of the bathroom without glasses on that you realized where you’d recognized her smile from. You knew you could have placed those eyes anywhere, damn it! It’s just not every day people have a genuine crush on someone who happened to be a crime-fighting hero
you let Kara keep her secret until she’s ready to tell you, if at all, or until other circumstances alter her plans (you hope she isn’t forced to endanger herself like that any time soon)
this new understanding shakes you, and you feel that much more softer and, inexplicably, quieter when Kara brings your arms and wraps them around her, or whenever she seems to melt into your embrace when you hug her
you marvel at the fact that this same woman who saves the city time and time again is the same one who laughs for near hours when you share a particularly embarrassing story of your childhood; this same girl who nearly bumped into you at the favourite restaurant you two share is the protector of your city
you’re content with having to share a part of Kara with the world - you would never give her an ultimatum to pick you or the greater good, or to force her to fit you into her life which is worlds more complicated than any other person could fathom
yours is a uniquely challenging dynamic, and though you’ve never made her aware of your knowledge of her identity, you still feel protective of her all the same. You’re content with being the one who gets to hold her when she needs it, when she wordlessly tells you what she needs and not at all about the deeper exhaustion she must feel after a battle
besides this, not much else is different apart from the extra box of pizza you purchase whenever you visit her - the look of pure delight on her face whenever you do is the most gratifying feeling, you think
subtly, you bring more food to her, more often, and at first you’d thought it was an amusing quirk, but now you realize the need is a lot more dire than the utter appreciation of food (which Kara also has a healthy amount of, you’ve come to learn)
Kara was off doing an errand one day and was away from her desk when you happened to drop by with bags of takeout for her, and you’d barely registered what was happening to you when you’d just been able to unhand the bags and Cat Grant was pulling you into her office
“You,” she’d said, jabbing a finger into your chest, and your eyes widened. You didn’t share the same fear of Cat Grant as her employees had, but you would be lying if you said she wasn’t an intimidating woman in general. “You, whatever you’re doing with my assistant, you better not do anything to jeopardize the happiness you clearly have a monopoly over. Keira is impossibly perkier than I have ever seen her in the years she has worked for me, and I only have you to blame, or to thank. Don’t mess it up.”
only two thoughts came to mind when you stood speechless before Cat Grant: 1. she just gave me a shovel talk, and, 2. this will make such an awesome story to tell
you were only ripped back out of your reverie when she addressed you by name, “(Y/N), I know who you are, and everything I need to know, I will use to make your life a living hell if you make Keira’s, and by extension - much to my reluctant misfortune, my own life, anything within a hair’s width of inconvenient with any of your romantic misgivings.”
two shovel talks and one really important secret all in all, you wondered just how it is you still haven’t asked Kara out officially yet
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kierantc-blog · 7 years
DC Rebirth In Review - The Superman Family
So with Doomsday Clock just around the corner, we got news from NYCC that the branding of Rebirth will be coming to an end this December and that they are bringing back the corner box with hero symbols underneath them. And with the ushering in of a new stage in DC Comics, i thought i would take time to look back at how DC actually done with the initiative with small reviews for each comic.
First of all, i’m going to talk about the Superman family of titles.
Superman - Superman is DC Rebirth’s great success story and the best series of the entire roster. Tomasi and Gleason team up again after their success on Batman & Robin and bring back the Man Of Steel to the prominence he deserves. Tomasi had previously brought the story of the New 52 Superman to an end in Final Days Of Superman and now he and Gleason bring back the pre-Flashpoint Superman to the fore, along with the much missed marriage to Lois Lane and their young son Jon. Stories range from the lovable family dynamic the Kent family has with visits to the county fair and a road trip to American historical landmarks, to a fantastical story featuring all the Supermen of the Multiverse as well as the hard hitting ones that include villains trying to murder Jon and another that wants to manipulate him into killing Clark. The artwork of the series is handled by co-writer Patrick Gleason as well as Jorge Jimenez and Doug Mahnke and while they all have differing styles, their ability to work on story arcs in the same manner as Finch and Janin on Batman means that the artwork is solid throughout each story and wonderful to boot. If you love the old Superman you will love this book, if you love the New 52 Superman you also won’t be disappointed but i won’t spoil the reason why, all i can say is: SUPERMAN REBORN BABY. This is by far the best book at DC right now and the future for the Man Of Steel has never looked brighter. - 10/10
Action Comics - The Superman book lacked somewhat in the New 52 but Action Comics was fairly strong throughout. The Rebirth book keeps up that run, with strong art work and interesting story telling from Superman veteran Dan Jurgens. Whether it’s the intrigue of Mr Oz, “Clark Kent” or Lex Luthor as a hero, the Action Comics series has found a way of putting the action into the Superman family and including Lois and Jon too. - 9/10
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Supergirl - Taking some cues from the popular CW TV show, the comic takes place in National City and places a newly re-powered Kara Zor-El in the care of the D.E.O as part of an arrangement she made with them to get her powers back. She also finds herself living with two active agents Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers as well as going to school in National City, when a chance at working as an intern at Cat Grant’s media empire comes up. Pretty similar to the show i’d say but Steve Orlando does make changes based on Kara’s comic book situation. Most telling is that Kara isn’t as happy as she is on TV, she is in fact struggling massively to adapt to Earth. The story with her father the Cyborg Superman tackles it head on and it shows a level of emotion for Kara that we haven’t seen in some time. The artwork from Brian Ching for the majority of the series isn’t as good as you would find in other monthly books but with new artist Robson Rocha providing more palatable artwork, the series is on the up. If you love the TV show you will highly enjoy this comic, i know i do. - 8/10
Super Sons - Originally suppose to launch at the start of Rebirth, the highly anticipated Super Sons was delayed until the second wave earlier this year....and the wait was very worth it. On writing duties is Peter Tomasi, who holds the unique position in DC of being only one of two people who have previously written for both Damian Wayne (New 52 Batman & Robin) and Jon Kent (Superman Rebirth) and that experience shines through in this excellent series. The comic itself sees Robin drag a reluctant Superboy onto a case to try and get him ready for the life of a superhero. The boys are like chalk and cheese, a bit like their fathers in that way and the parallels are clear, but eventually they learn to work with each other in a way that doesn’t seem to compromise them as characters. As they are both kids still, Tomasi does allow for them to be childish and naive but not in a way that makes the book silly. Coupled with Jorge Jimenez’s fun style of artwork, Super Sons is one to watch and will hopefully be with us long enough to see these boys evolve. - 9/10
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Superwoman - Originally written and drawn by Phil Jimenez, Superwoman follows Lana Lang as she learns to harness the powers she received from the dead New 52 Superman as the heroine Superwoman. One of the better parts of the New 52 Action Comics series was the evolution of Lana Lang as more than just Clark’s childhood sweetheart and into a bad ass in her own right. as well as her romance with John Henry Irons AKA Steel. This book expands on that with both Lana and John living together and trying to work out her role as a superhero together while also investigating the death of the New 52 Lois Lane at the hands of a Bizarro-like Superwoman clone. The story is well plotted and drawn but without the star power of a bigger hero as well as the purposeful down playing of Lana’s abilities you will often feel like Jimenez doesn’t really allow her to go full on hero. It’s a good read but for a hero with the name Superwoman i just wanted more. - 7/10
New Super-Man - This book is probably the most underrated of the entire DC line up right now, it’s simply fantastic. The writing by former Superman writer Gene Yang is simply wonderful. It’s funny, action packed and full of drama but the best part of the writing is how he connects ancient Chinese teachings of I-Ching to the New Super-Man’s power set. If he channels his energies through his body correctly he will unlock a classic Superman power, such as his fists activating super strength. The cast is wonderful too and subverts the traditional Justice League in many ways, Super-Man himself is arrogant and a bit of a bully (although he changes over the course of the book) and Bat-Man of China is a rather meek man. The artwork by Viktor Bogdanovic and Billy Tan give the series a wonderful aesthetic and brings the series to life. If you’re not reading this comic you are missing out. - 10/10
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The entire Superman line in New 52 struggled. The main Superman book went through too many creative teams but one of the biggest complaints people had was how Superman was too “edgy” and moody. Coupled with a lacklustre relationship with Wonder Woman, it was feared that Superman would struggle to return to prominence.
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But then Convergence happened, and thank fuck it did because they gave us a door into the past and brought back the old Clark and Lois. The Superman family of titles has had the most success in Rebirth because the writing and art teams have been really good but also because they’ve brought back what works for these characters while looking forward too.
Clark and Lois aren’t the only benefactors however, new characters like Kenan the New Super-Man and new ideas like the Lex Luthor Superman have changed the scope of the Superman world forever, and for the better too.
Thanks for reading!
Next up: the Bat Family!
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spaceshipsarecool · 7 years
Happy Birthday @coop-writes!!! My attempt at supercorp for you came out a bit of a mess, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway <3
“Ten more minutes,” Alex pressed, trying to grab Kara’s arm as she walked towards the DEO landing-pad, but Kara shrugged her off easily, too intent on her aim. “Kara, please!”
 “I’m fine, Alex. I just need some air.” It was only half true. Physically she hadn’t taken any damage in that last fight, but her emotions were still spinning and ‘air’ wasn’t what she was after.
 The alien himself hadn’t been anything special, just another remnant of Fort Rozz with a grudge against her mother, but he had clearly spent enough time with Kryptonians to perfect the language. His taunts in her native tongue had been painful, cutting in a way that his claws and teeth could not, and when he had spoken the name of her house, Kara’s control had cracked. Technically, there was nothing wrong with his pronunciation, but the disdain that had colored his words had been all his own, and it had been unacceptable.
She had gotten good at playing Kara Danvers over the years, at pretending to be an awkward, but mostly normal human from an average middle-class American family. But ever since she had started to embrace who she was as Supergirl, she had been finding it harder and harder to simply shrug off the confidence the suit lent her, to distance herself from the memories of walking through Argo City with that crest on her dress. She hadn’t been Supergirl in those days, but she also hadn’t been Kara Danvers, and there was still a part of her that recalled what it was to be royalty, to see people bow their heads as she passed and speak her house name with reverence.
 “Kara…” Alex tried again, and a twinge of guilt that she was causing Alex to worry made Kara pause at the door. Alex would calm her down if she stayed, soothing her and reigning her in until she was back to being the little sister, and most of the time that was what Kara wanted. The Kara that she was in Alex’s presence was the closest she ever came to feeling like she fit on this planet, but looking down at her clenched fists she had to admit that this fit as well; the anger at hearing her house insulted, the pride at defending it so completely. Maybe the emotions didn’t quite match the culture she had adopted, but they did fit her. They belonged to her by right, and she wasn’t ready to let go of them just yet.
 “I’ll come by your place later for a sisters’ night,” she offered without looking over her shoulder, hoping it would be enough.
 A moment later Alex let out a resigned sigh. “Just… be safe, Kara. I’ll be waiting whenever you’re ready.”
 It was all she needed, and she was through the door and leaping into the sky before Alex had finished speaking, her destination at the forefront of her mind.
 It probably wasn’t the smartest decision to seek Lena out right then, but the crush that had started simply enough had grown into so much more. Kara had seen the vulnerability behind Lena’s strength, the questions behind her confidence, and whenever Kara saved Lena, or held her in her arms to chase away the fear, it stirred the ancient oaths in her blood, promises of shelter and care. It was a pull she tried to suppress most of the time because the way it wanted to manifest did not fit with who Kara Danvers was supposed to be, and Supergirl wasn’t close enough to Lena to address it with any real depth, but Kara Zor-El...
 If she kept the visit short Lena would brush off any odd behavior, and just once Kara wanted to be around Lena when she wasn’t struggling to police her inner thoughts. Kara wanted to spend a few minutes with Lena where she didn’t stop herself from wondering what Lena’s lips would taste like, or from savoring that little blush that sometimes adorned Lena’s face. Most of all, Kara wanted to look at Lena and let herself imagine how beautiful she would appear if she were to wear Kara’s crest. How stunning Lena would be when proclaiming to all who would see that she was deserving of such a title, and that like the mark, she was precious, was Kara’s to protect.
 It only took a minute to reach L-Corp, another few to change and make her way through the building to the correct floor. Nodding to Jess as she passed, Kara proceeded to push open the office door. She was greeted with a pacing Lena, one who’s step faltered and hand jerked at the sudden entrance, sending the pencil she had been twirling in her fingers flying across the room.
 “Kara! I wasn’t expecting… this is a nice surprise,” Lena’s smile was warm, and Kara’s heart beat faster, her own smile rising in answer.
 “I missed you,” she said, flicking her eyes over Lena’s body too fast for a human to follow, biting her lip as she took in the tight black top and matching skirt. Lena looked good in anything, but there was something deliciously tantalizing about her in black, almost a pretense that she was fiercer than she was, and all Kara wanted to do was peel her out of it and uncover the woman underneath.
 But Kara still had a line. Maybe it was different from the one she typically drew, but as long as it was only her own temptation, her own desires at play, she would not cross it. Not unless there was more at stake.
 “It’s a good time for a break, actually,” Lena continued. “Just let me find my pencil, and then we can…” she trailed off, waving her hand expressively before walking past Kara and casting her eyes downward.
 Lena’s breath caught at the firmness of the tone, unexpected from the woman behind her, and instinctively she froze in place.
 She hadn’t thought anything of it, of hiking her skirt up and sinking to her knees in front of Kara, of placing her hands on the floor as she prepared to lower herself even more in search of the missing implement. With someone else the idea of them seeing her like this would have been untenable, but this was Kara. Just Kara, only Kara, who was all sunshine and smiles and warm hugs. Kara who had never judged her, who put her at ease in a way that people so rarely did. Except that now...
 “No,” it came again, and this time Lena shivered as the voice moved over her, slipping through the thin barrier of fabric to settle directly against her skin.
 Suddenly her position no longer seemed so innocent.
 She had imagined it, of course. Imagined kissing Kara, gliding her fingers through that hair to work it loose from whatever restraint Kara had placed on it for the day. Imagined her hands trailing lower as she pushed Kara back into a wall, or a desk, or a bed. It was always gentle in her dreams though, Kara staring at her with an open trust as Lena worshiped her, Lena’s thoughts never straying too far into the dark.
 But that darkness was still in there, and sometimes the phantom of Kara’s hand would grip her just a little too tight, or the look in Kara’s eyes would turn possessive for the briefest of seconds before Lena could lock that desire away. It was one thing to let herself picture Kara, but she wouldn’t allow herself to take that next step, to betray the person that Kara was by warping her into someone different, no matter how much harder she came against her own fingers on those nights when a hint of that other, not-Kara seeped in.
 The not-Kara who she was sure would sound exactly like this one, if only Lena had ever let herself get that far in her imaginings.
 Slowly, Lena forced her head to rotate, the rest of her body still unable to move, but she needed to see, needed to understand, even as at the same time she wanted to close her eyes and crawl away so that she wouldn’t have to face the disappointment when the image didn’t match what she had heard; the further disappointment in herself at how badly she wanted it to.
 “Kara’s enough,” she tried to remind herself, but it felt hollow. “Kara’s enough, Kara’s enough, Kara’s-”
 Kara was standing over her, having moved closer without Lena noticing, and Lena’s throat bobbed at the power in that pose. She looked like royalty, a Goddess of War with her stance wide and her shoulders proud as she stared at the back wall. The illusion was accentuated by the way Kara’s hand was resting on her glasses; not in that cute, nervous way she normally had of fiddling with them, but rather with an almost calculated finesse as she held them down to look over the rim.
 “Lena,” Kara’s eyes drifted to the woman at her feet, not bothering to resettle her glasses, and for the first time Lena found herself under the full, uninterrupted gaze of Kara Danvers.
 “No, not the first time,” the correction was immediate, all the little oddities about her friend falling into place. “The lenses must be tinted,” even with everything else the scientist in her couldn’t help but wonder what alloy had been used to dampen the brightness of those eyes. It was the only explanation—how the glasses worked so well—an added quality that reacted to the blue and nothing else, so that when someone viewed Kara’s eyes through the lenses they didn’t appear to be quite so alien. Quite so... consuming.
 They were consuming her now, boring into Lena with single-minded intensity, and she almost moaned under the attention. Whatever hurt she might feel later that this secret had been kept from her couldn’t even begin compare to the heat of the moment, to the surge of want as her image of Kara blurred and shifted to accommodate this new information.
 “Is this why you’ve never invited me to your home? Because you’ve been living here all this time?”
 It demanded an answer, and Lena opened her mouth to give it, but her response died in her throat as the implication of Kara’s question sunk in. When Lena had initially moved into the small, single room ‘apartment’ hidden behind a panel in her office wall, it had been a temporary measure until she had time to look for a real place. But then one thing after another had surfaced, and when she didn’t have anything to look forward to after a long workday other than a glass of wine and one-sided dreams about her best friend, continuing to live at the office had just seemed more convenient. She had told herself that it was practical, not sad, buying into the argument enough to let the situation drag on for months.
 Only now Kara had figured it out because when Lena had dropped her pencil, Kara’s automatic inclination had been to use her x-ray vision to locate it for her, seeing through the wall in the process.
 Which was why Lena couldn’t speak, because the Last Daughter of Krypton, Heir to the House of El, had offered her power freely for something so insignificant. Because she wasn’t even trying to hide her identity anymore as that would mean hiding what she knew, hiding her concern.
 And there was concern there, in the commanding tone, the sharp gaze, and Lena blinked as her image of Kara shifted yet again. For all that Lena was the one on the floor, the one that could be crushed in an instant, it was Kara’s power and energy that were being directed for her, because of her—Kara’s otherness doing nothing to mitigate the care and bond that had been forming since that first, fateful meeting.
 “Lena,” the name was gentler this time, still steady, but there was a hesitancy seeping in as Kara became uncertain of how Lena would react. And that… now that Lena had seen this Kara, been gifted with this Kara, was not something she ever wanted Kara to feel around her again.
 Tilting her head, Lena exposed her neck, not out of any fear but as a way to even the ground between them, to reveal herself back to Kara as Kara had just done for her. It was only fair, after all. Kara had taken them this far, and it was Lena’s turn to be brave, to unveil to extent of her emotion; the desire that had lingered behind every interaction.
 Kara’s eyes darkened, time stretching out before them as she recognized Lena’s gesture for what it was, as she wavered over whether or not to accept.
 “Don’t leave,” the prayer was silent, and Lena could only hope Kara would hear it anyway.
 “I asked you a question, Lena.” Kara’s hand left her face, hesitancy fading as she made her decision, and she tossed her glasses to the couch without breaking eye contact. Then those same fingers were skimming along Lena’s neck, settling under her chin to hold her in place.
 “I…” Lena’s voice was raspy, although from relief of arousal she wasn’t quite sure, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips before trying again. “I-I’ll find a real apartment soon. I prom-”
 “You have a week,” Kara cut her off, grip tightening slightly to punctuate her words, and Lena shivered again when Kara’s thumb smoothed over her mouth to soften the touch, eyes slipping closed when Kara leaned down so that her breath fell against the shell of Lena’s ear. “You’re more than this place, Lena. More than the shadow of your name, more than your work, even. So I’m giving you a week to find someplace suitable, and it better be worthy of you, because if I judge that it’s not…” she let the words hang, more potent for their lack of clarity, and Lena knew that over the next week her mind would be in overdrive, conjuring up different scenarios to fulfill that threat.
 But that wouldn’t be all, because there was also an implied reward, a promise of what would come if Lena obeyed Kara’s command. And that was something she wanted even more.
“It doesn’t have to be expensive, Lena, or opulent, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Kara drew back, but Lena kept her eyes closed, pressing her face into the hand that was now caressing her cheek. “Don’t just have Jess find the most upscale building she can and sign the lease sight unseen. Find a place that’s you, where you want to be, where…” Kara paused, and then in a whisper that Lena had to strain to hear, she added, “find a home, Lena. You belong here now, and I’m going to do whatever I can to convince you of that.”
“Please.” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but she couldn’t be embarrassed by the raw need in her voice, not when the answering tremor that passed through Kara’s fingers proved once and for all that the desire Lena had been warring with for months had never been just her own.
Before Lena could say anything else there was a whoosh of air and when she opened her eyes she was alone in her office, the missing pencil spinning on her desk as a reminder of what was to come. 
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