#I can't warm up with NMJ
Thinking about LXC and his harem of clan leaders.
For the fact, that I don't actively ship 3zun, this actually did escalate quite a bit in a completely different direction.
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
same anon who asked about crossposting: in that case can i have the fic where jgs sells out jgy after an attack on nmj fails?
Can do.
"Silenced" Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, A Mystery, Implied Sangyao, Warnings: Description of injuries left by torture, Implied Emotional Abuse
When Nie Mingjue survives an attempted assassination and eyes turn to his most vocal rivals, Jin Guangshan immediately denounces Jin Guangyao and has him severely punished before handing him over to the Nie sect for execution in what most see as a performative gesture to maintain the extremely tenuous relationship between the sects.
There's just one problem...
Jin Guangyao wakes to find that he can't open his right eye.
Disoriented and confused, he looks around with the eye that still works and finds that he is lying in a cell. As the numbness in his body from having been sedated fades and the pain returns, the memories come trickling back in with it.
Someone had attempted to assassinate Nie Mingjue.
And it hadn't been him.
Not that his protestations to that effect had done him any good whatsoever. The very moment that suspicion had turned to the Jin sect, his father, entirely ignoring everything he'd done to help the sect and only seeing an opportunity to both protect his ambitions and rid himself of an unwanted bastard, had immediately and publicly denounced him as having gone rogue and attempted to kill Nie Mingjue to satisfy his personal grudges.
The irony.
He makes an attempt to roll off his back to alleviate the vicious burning from the mess the whip made out of the flesh of his back, but that only aggravates his ribs and other fractures in his arms and legs.
Gods, even just not moving at all hurts.
Having been caught up in mentally trying to catalog all of his injuries, he suddenly becomes aware that he's not alone in the cell and nearly jolts off the thin straw mattress at the realization that he hadn't even heard the door open. The startled movement causes pain to explode throughout his shattered and lacerated body, his mind momentarily going completely blank to the point he isn't even aware of whether or not he's screaming-
-and then warm, comforting qi washes into his cracked and frayed meridians, soothing the agony.
When he can open his eyes -both now, he distantly notes- he finds Nie Huaisang kneeling beside him, one hand pressed so lightly against his sternum that Jin Guangyao can barely feel his fingertips.
Staring up into unreadable green eyes, Jin Guangyao opens his mouth-
to plead his case to beg for mercy
-but nothing comes out except breath and a guttural rattling noise that sounds so completely alien to his ears that for a moment his mind refuses to acknowledge it as a actual sound he made.
Ignoring the pain in broken fingers, he brings a shaking hand up to his throat and finds bandages.
Ice cold panic seizes his mind at the realization that he has been robbed of his only remaining defense against the damning charges his father laid against him.
The gentle flow of qi being channeled into his body twists slightly, forcing every tensed muscle and jangling nerve to relax, and only then does he notice the feeling of wetness leaking from his eyes and nose, the sharp metallic taste of blood in his mouth threatening to gag him.
Oh... had he been on the verge of a deviation?
Considering the circumstances that had brought him here, that strikes him as indescribably funny.
Unfair, but funny.
The hand not currently resting over his heart delicately brushes his cheek, then tilts his chin, forcing him to look at Nie Huaisang again.
Oh, but his A-Sang looks so tired. Everything about the way he holds himself reads as having been worn down to his last dregs by having been pushed into temporarily taking up his brother's role and handling all the resulting fallout... except his eyes. Nie Huaisang's gaze is steady and still shielded, and Jin Guangyao finds himself unnerved by the fact that the silly child he once read as easily as a book has become a mystery to him almost overnight.
'What are you thinking, A-Sang?'
"I have read the reports, San-ge," Nie Huaisang says softly as he tenderly brushes Jin Guangyao's hair out of his face and out from under his neck before it can become sticky from the blood. "All of them. Unfortunately, it seems they disagree with each other about some important things."
Never in his life would Jin Guangyao have expected to be grateful that another sect was apparently spying on his without him knowing about it, and yet he finds himself silently offering thanks to whoever might have been funneling information to Nie Huaisang that refuted the official story given by his father.
"I have questions for you, San-ge. A simple yes or no will suffice, so don't hurt yourself, okay? But if you lie to me," Nie Huaisang says, voice turning icy and gaze turning sharp, "Then I will reverse this and give you back all the pain I've taken. Understood?"
A few weeks ago -a few days ago, even-  Jin Guangyao would have laughed outright at the idea that Nie Huaisang could ever be a threat to him. But now, he finds his mind lingering on the fact that the qi stream healing his broken body has flowed unhindered for far longer than someone like Nie Huaisang should have been capable of maintaining it and shows no sign of petering out soon.
He inhales shakily and nods.
"Alright, then. Were you the one who attacked Da-ge?"
A simple, easy answer. He shakes his head as much as the damage to his neck will allow.
"Do you know who was?"
Another shake. Little by little, Nie Huaisang pushes him through the questioning, never once breaking the healing transfer even though it's clear he doesn't like some of the answers. Jin Guangyao has gotten to the point that he is breathing much more easily and thinks he could sit up on his own when-
"Did you ever have plans to hurt Da-ge?"
His first instinct is to lie. But if Nie Huaisang isn't bluffing...
He nods.
Anger flickers in those bright green eyes, but the flow of qi doesn't falter even a little.
A relief.
"Was it on Jin-zongzhu's orders?"
He nods again. Unless Nie Huaisang asks about his own grudges, he will not volunteer that information.
Let his father choke on some irony himself.
Nie Huaisang closes his eyes, then lets out a slow breath and gently disengages the qi flow, leaving him cold, but once again whole save for a number of new scars that he can feel pull when he shifts. There is a visible tremor in Nie Huaisang's hands as they pull away, but it's far more faint than Jin Guangyao would have expected after the extensive work he has done.
"Alright, San-ge," Nie Huaisang murmurs, sitting up straight despite his even more pronounced exhaustion. "I have a great deal of things that need to be discussed with the sect elders, but your answers fit into what our own investigation has uncovered so far. I will have you moved into a better room and send someone to bring you a bath and clothes. Dinner, as well," he adds after noting the angle of sunlight through the single high window.
Okay. Good. At least he was going to get out of this with his head still attached to his body.
He unsteadily heaves himself up into a sitting position and grabs Nie Huaisang's wrist, bringing the other man's hand to press to his bandaged throat. 'What about this? Why haven't you fixed this?' he tries to convey without sound.
The way Nie Huaisang's face softens in sadness makes his stomach twist in fear, and his hold on a pale wrist involuntarily tightens.
'A-Sang,' he tries to whisper pleadingly, but again, there is nothing but that disgusting rattle.
"San-ge... I'll talk to the healers, but I don't know that there's anything that can be done for an injury that's already been forced to heal wrong. Certainly nothing I'm capable of."
Forced to-
His breath leaves him in a weak, horrified wheeze. His own hands shaking, he lets go of Nie Huaisang and rips off the bandages to run his fingers over the skin they'd covered.
There isn't a wound... there isn't even a scar.
The one place on his whole body that had been-
His sect really... His father really... 
He flinches when arms fold him into an embrace clearly meant as an attempt to comfort, then buries his face into Nie Huaisang's shoulder to claim the solace he's been offered.
For what seems like forever, he can only breathe in short hiccups and his heart is beating so fast he thinks he might be going into deviation again.
Then the tears come.
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rcmclachlan · 1 year
Wip game : Arbor Day!
This is another NieLan fic. It has nothing to do with Arbor Day, but it does have everything to do with trees! Specifically, one tree that has very interesting properties. The story begins when LXC and NMJ first meet at the Cloud Recesses as teenagers and NMJ is punished for assaulting a Lan disciple.
"I do not know what was said, but you needn't have… done what you did and suffer the consequences for it. It was mine to handle."
At that, Nie Mingjue glances up, and his gaze is so sharp that Xichen has to consciously stop his hands from touching his own face to check for open wounds. "Would you have?"
Xichen lifts his brows, confused.
"Handled it," Nie Mingjue clarifies. "At that moment, after what he said, would you have handled it?"
"I would have discussed the issue with an elder and let them remand the punishment," he says. It is what the rules would have called for, but the answer feels as though he's chewing ash. "As I said, you should not have, ah… laid him out."
Nie Mingjue snorts. "You're right. I should've laid them all out for what was said. If this were the Unclean Realm, they might have left the arena alive but they wouldn't have been much use for a while. It's hard to draw a sword when all your fingers are broken."
When his uncle and Sect Leader Nie had been apprised of the situation, the visiting sect leader obviously felt similarly, even as he acquiesced to his son sitting punishment. "From the sound of it, it was hardly unprovoked," he'd said. "If anything, we should be rewarding my son for exhibiting such restraint; he didn't even draw blood. Mingjue, when you threw the punch did you put your weight behind it?"
"No," Nie Mingjue had grumbled.
Oh, but Nie Mingjue had clearly wanted to. Xichen had watched him watch the other boys help Lan Yijun up from the ground, all four of them struggling to maneuver him in the direction of the medical building, but Lan Yijun was clearly too addled to remember how his feet worked and had to be carried on Lan Háo's back. Nie Mingjue's head never moved from its proud perch where it faced his father and Xichen's uncle, but his eyes followed Lan Yijun until the disciples disappeared around the corner, clocking their every step, and at his side his fist clenched until his fingers bled white. Despite the late autumn wind for which he hadn't dressed properly that morning, Xichen had felt warmed to see that predator's gaze go dark with unslaked bloodlust.
Xichen's skin goes uncomfortably tight at the memory and he shifts to try and stretch it out. "Fighting without permission is prohibited, Nie-gongzi."
"Number four," Nie Mingjue agrees. "Talking behind other people's backs is also prohibited—number thirty-seven. So is sowing discord—number one hundred and forty-three. And let's not forget number seven hundred and ninety: Do not take your own words lightly. I think he forgot that one when he started running his mouth."
It isn't funny. Assaulting a Lan disciple is an unforgivable offense, but Xichen's mouth twitches with a smile he can't stop from growing large enough to show his teeth. His top lip pushes up against the gum. A target.
"Number three hundred and fifty-nine: Do not succumb to rage," Xichen counters. "Number eighty-four: Do not bully the weak."
"He was weak. One hit and he crumbled like one of my brother's fans. Number forty-one: Uphold the value of justice. I think that one's my favorite; it's neck and neck with Concealed weapons are prohibited, which is kind of funny, because I've been breaking that one since I set foot here. I've got about thirty on me right now."
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Feeding (nsfw-ish)]
MingCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi 12-04-2021
Jc has been sitting on nmj lap for a while now, unable to slip away because of the strong arm looping around his waist to keep him in place. "I am not hungry! I have things to take care of too, I don't have the time for that!" But nmj has none of it and keeps holding the spoon full of soup and veggies to his mouth. "No. First day in UR you only ate once and barely took anything in for the rest of the day" he argue.
Jc can't argue that, but he had just /forgot/ to eat because he was busy with the work He was here for. Plus it wasn't a reason to /hand feed/ him either! He isn't a child either! Sure there was no one else but nhs, but he still felt embarrassed.
He gave up after more arguing, the spoon pressed to his mouth. He decided that eating would be easier than arguing With the stubborn man who had trapped him on his lap.
Nmj would /not/ have a guest not eat under his care and he was showing it rather well here.
When he was done feeding jc he patted his thigh with a small smile. "Good boy, see? It wasn't so hard and now You can go back to work".
Jc feels a bit warm and weird from the praise, unsure what to make of it, walking away a bit flushed.
All this time nhs was just sitting there like: you go da-ge, make him eat
Feeding ain't one of my kinks but here have it akskakzbdue (and I ended up projecting on jc, oups).
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jaggededges123 · 10 months
yes, absolutely! there are... so many XD i'll put this under a cut just in case it gets long! i wish i could ask you which ships you were interested in, because i have so many that it's hard to narrow them down, but i will assume you enjoy niecest as one of my followers and go with one of those!
i present to you, a basic skeleton of my beauty and the beast au (niecest version).
it's nsfw, but mostly just in the abstract, i'm not going to be getting into the nitty gritty today.
so, basically, nmj was cursed (by jgs) when nhs was just a child, so the two don't know what each other looks like--or at least, nhs doesn't know what nmj looks like, not anymore. when this happened, nmj was presumed dead, the nie territory became overgrown and so dangerous that no one goes there. nhs was sent away to the lans to protect him at the last minute, so he grew up under their care. nhs is technically the heir to all of that land, but he can't take control of it until he comes of age.
jgs plans to marry jgy off to nhs so that he himself can benefit from all of that land. jgy resents this because he thinks nhs is pretty but also extremely frivolous, but also he does appreciate the kind of status he'll gain if he marries nhs. they basically have a pretty standard courtship, except nhs feels like they aren't connecting properly so instead, he begs lwj to go and see if the land is still cursed, if nhs can just take the unclean realm without going through with the marriage.
lwj goes to the overgrown and cursed lands, but when he doesn't come back (lxc is somewhere else idk) nhs has to take responsibility for sending him there in the first place and goes after him. it's his ancestral home, and having grown so close to both lwj and lxc over the years he wouldn't be able to bear lwj's death being his fault. so he goes.
he finds himself in dense forest, and before long there are many yao surrounding him. they're weak, but he's weaker, and he fears that he might die before he even reaches his ancestral home, but then he sees the remains of an old stone fortress. he flees in that direction, and is able to escape into it.
when he enters the fortress, it's warm; there's a fire in the hearth and a comfortable place to sit. and nhs is exhausted from his travels, so he takes a seat for a long time, even dozing off...
and then, without any warning, a massive and angry beast interrupts his calm rest, snarling at him. nhs is afraid that it's a yao from the forest come to kill him, but it very quickly becomes apparent that that's not the case. he thinks instead, it is some sort of creature which has come to inhabit the unclean realm when there was no one living in it--and this beast claims to own this place, so nhs decides (in fear) not to tell him that this is his home.
somehow, the beast shows nhs the dungeons, and lwj is there, locked up. he's so remorseful that nhs had to come looking for him, and encourages nhs to run back to gusu and leave him, because it's his own fault for getting caught.
the beast, seeing nhs's displeasure with this, offers to let lwj go, on one condition--nhs stays. and of course nhs agrees, even though he's afraid. at least if he's here, he doesn't have to get married... besides, he'd never be able to face xichen-ge again if he left lwj behind.
(meanwhile, nmj hopes that his "love can break the spell" curse can be broken platonically, to turn him back into a "loveable" form. he also recognizes that nhs must be his brother, but how could he tell nhs that this monster is what he's become? there's no way.)
queue nmj trying desperately to reconnect with his didi, but... his anger issues get in the way sometimes, and nhs's temper flares in response, because he won't be treated like this, even if he's a prisoner.
so nmj tries, he tries really hard. he has to re-learn how to be gentle, how to not just lash out constantly. what happened to him was unfair, but equally unfair would be to unload it all on nhs. sweet, precious nhs, grown up so pretty...
it's with horror that nmj realizes that he's falling in love with nhs, without being able to stop it, and equal amounts of horror again when he sees that nhs is falling in love with him back. he can see it, in the way nhs's smile is so bright when nmj finally gets a bird to rest on his talons, the way nhs looks straight to him for his own reaction.
things progress, and nmj feels like the spell should have been broken by now--he can see that nhs loves him. but it hasn't happened yet, and one night when they're dancing around, just having fun with each other... one thing leads to another and then they hit nhs's back before he knew it. nhs is small and vulnerable under his claws, and looking at nmj with such huge "fuck me" eyes... nmj can't resist.
nmj gifts nhs an aviary at some point, a bit dilapidated from years of disuse, but together they put it back in good order, and nmj finds himself falling a little more in love with nhs with the way he looks at each new addition. but still, still the curse isn't broken.
is this not true love, nmj thinks? he's afraid, if this isn't it. his time is running out.
one night, nhs is poking around the unclean realm, cleaning up a bit, and he finds both a painting of their family, carefully kept and cleaned regularly, and the signifier of how much time nmj has left (still haven't figured out what that's supposed to be, a rose feels wrong but idk what to replace it with). and nmj finds nhs there and feels a spark of anger that nhs would go snooping, but nhs just asks without delay--
"are you my da-ge?"
and nmj can't keep the truth from nhs any longer, no matter how painful it might be. he admits to it, puffing his chest out in a desperate attempt at bravado, ready for nhs to be disgusted and furious and to leave him behind forever, to die. but then, he feels arms around that puffed-up chest, hugging him tight. there's a face in the crook of his neck, lips breathing out, "you're alive. da-ge, i missed you so much."
and it's that moment, when nhs knows who nmj is and loves him for it, that nmj's curse is broken--or, partially. he feels something coursing under his skin and he sees the curse object shatter into light, and he floats into the air--except, when his feet hit the ground they're still oversized, with claws at the end. he's still extremely hairy, extremely dangerous.
"why?" he asks the air, only tangentially toward his brother who loves him. "i was supposed to become loveable--"
"da-ge, you're more than loveable just like this," nhs soothes him, still clinging to him. "this is just how i love you."
anyway they get to keep fucking with nmj as a massive hairy beast (and you better believe he's got a knot) and they get to live together forever the end. <3
"skeleton of an outline" my ass, i do this every fucking time XD i hope you appreciate my effort, anon lmao
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paradoxspaceheater · 4 years
tbh i think the ideal nielan dynamic should do more with the fact that nmj is one of the most emotionally honest and expressive characters in the cast and lxc is incredibly reserved and controlled. i just think that’s a neat contrast that would be cool to explore
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songofclarity · 3 years
I heard today is your birthday and since I saw you like catboy!WRH so I will rise to you cat!WRH
When he's young WRH finds an old scroll in the Wen treasure room, the scroll is so old and damaged it's unreadable but WRH never backs down from a challenge and decides to decipher it.
After months of hard work WRH figures out the scroll contains instructions on a array that allows the caster "to turn into a powerful and fearsome beast at will". WRH is very intrigued and immediately tries the array but to his shock he doesn't turn into a powerful and fearsome beast! Instead he is only a cat!
"useless" WRH thinks.
He spent months racking his brain to understand the scroll and in the end it turned out to be an elaborate prank some ancestor of his thought to play on their descendants!
"What a waste of time!"
Forget that shape-shifting is an extremely difficult skill very few cultivators mastered through history. WRH thinks being a cat is silly and not worth the spiritual energy!
Frustrated, WRH burns the scroll and forgets about it.
Years later WRH learns to appreciate his secret skill. Being a cat is especially useful for sneaking around and spying on things undetected, also after he becomes a sect leader turning into a cat becomes WRH's go to method to get a break on days people can't seem to leave him alone. If his duties get too much and he needs a moment to himself WRH will turn into a cat, spend a whole morning chasing butterflies all over nightless city, feast on a nice plump chicken he stole from the palace kitchen, and then spend the entire afternoon napping in the sun and watching his attendants lose their minds looking for him.
Another upside to being a cat is he can be as petty and rude as he wants to be but often can't when human.
He will for example relieve himself on JGS's new insanely expensive carpet after the latter spent two hours earlier in the day telling him the story of how he had the carpet especially commissioned and imported all the way from Persia.
Or he will sneak into YZY 's personal quarters and use his tiny but very sharp cat claws and fangs to destroy her best robes after she made him sit through the most painfully awkward dinner in his life when visiting lotus Pier to discuss sect matters with JFM.
Or he will go under LQR's window after midnight and practice his best impression of a demon cat in heat for hours and then in the morning he will find out where the lans hang their laundry and drag all their pristine newly washed robes in the mud because LQR made a thinly veiled remark about his manners the day before.
Or he will climb into NMJ's lap to annoy him but NMJ only looks mildly surprised at the strange cat that's currently laying in his lap looking very smug and proud of itself before he starts to pet it, WRH is shocked, confused, baffled... NMJ is doing a great job at petting him, his hand is very big and warm and he knows exactly the best spots to pet and scratch and he smells so nice and his lap is actually very comfortable! Soon WRH is purring and drifting to sleep when he catches himself, pukes a hairball on NMJ's robes, and runs away...
I'm also thinking WRH would be one of those very pretty "tuxedo" cats that are all black except their mouth, belly, and "socks" that are white
I am now a big, BIG fan of cat!Wen RuoHan, thank you for this!
"The reason cats are so pissy is they're God's perfect killing machines but they only weigh 8 lbs and we keep picking them up and kissing them" applies to young cat!Wen RuoHan vs. adult cat!Wen RuoHan getting his revenge game on with “It’s a beautiful day in the cultivation world, and you are a terrible cat.”
I'm imagining people in Nightless City picking up young cat!Wen RuoHan and kissing his cute little kitten head...! “Useless,” he sputters! “What a waste of time!” he thinks, after spending the last thirty minutes chasing a fuzzy toy on a string. He has important sect leader training and cultivation to get to!
But those sweet, lazy days lounging around as a cat are too tempting to ignore~
I am HOWLING (although not like Wen RuoHan lmao) at cat!Wen RuoHan making a racket outside of Lan QiRen’s room at night. (I have a headcanon that Wen RuoHan has a particular yet subtle dislike for the Lans and all their rules, so this is delightful.) RIP to all the Sect Leaders, nothing you own is sacred or out of bounds...
And then Nie MingJue prizing nothing but his saber, which Wen RuoHan knows better than to touch, leaves only Nie MingJue’s person as a target. His lap? Vulnerable! Enjoy getting fur all over your nice robes, Sect Leader Nie!! Feel the conflicting dread of not wanting to push a warm, innocent animal off your lap as your legs go numb and you go hungry!
Wen RuoHan getting unexpectedly nice scritches from Nie MingJue:
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A powerful counter-attack...
I love tuxedo cats with their gorgeous, tailored coats! Although because I also love Wen RuoHan maintaining some red in his coloring, might I also suggest him as a turkish van! Those amber eyes, pure white bodies, and the colorful tails are just gorgeous.
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r95irth · 3 years
Yes Hello I have been thinking none stop since your latest chapter of JAD came out about NMJ being so accepting and saying they have an aunt like that. I keep imagining a pop up above NHS' head say New Achievement Unlocked: Your brother is incredibly accepting of the lifestyle he thinks you have.
Also imagining a buff Auntie Nie is 😍🥰🥰🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Thank you for the mental image
Aw thank you ! I'm happy this small scene made you this happy, NMJ is not always at his best in JAD so it was important to show he couldbe great too xD Like hisNie aunt who probably kicked many, MANY butt in her life ;)
The unlocked trophy made me laugh xD Definitely that ! Maybe if i have time this week i will try to draw it ! (though i can't promise you anything i must do a lot of extra hours at work u-u°)
Though the follow up of the scene would be...a KUZCO-like screech, then the image freeze, and JGy would be like "excuse me sorry i need to correct this" and then scribbles over the :
"New Achievement Unlocked: Your brother is incredibly accepting of the lifestyle he thinks you have."
and writes : "Unless it involves not doing saber training or murder."
While in the bakcground you can hear NMJ screaming "YEAH LIKE THIS IS BASIC MORALITY LEVEL? WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING??"
Anyways thank youf or taking the time to send me a message it warmed my heart <3 Feel free to imagine lot of Nie aunt and uncle, and lgbt pride in Qinghe x) I like to imagine them very accepting in such matters x)
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mxdberries · 4 years
I can't stop thinking of fem!LXC being a pretty tall lady, elegant and kind and with what LXC's himbo behavior, being too oblivious at how she drives her sworn brothers up a wall trying not to just fuck her when she teases them on accident. JGY is at perfect height to have a faceful of soft tiddies when she goes in for a hug. Mingjue's been holding back since they're fifteen and his resolve is hanging by a thread. Also imagine the two of them totally noticing the other's struggle and hating it.
O///O Xichen-jie I would describe her as very pretty, head empty, tiddy soft & warm, big heart.
Most men are actually intimidated by her, like not only is she well versed in the six arts, she's tall! Considering how most men are now with tall women, it might be the only hindrance in offers for her hand in ancient China. But not for her boys. She's got such a sweet smile, it makes her phoenix eyes look like crescent moons when she's really happy, she tilts her head when she smiles and her hair falls away from her long neck, drawing the eye. Her laughs are never hidden by her sleeves. Like all she needs to do is give you a look and you'll be tripping over yourself to help her even if she doesn't need it. She looks delicate & alluring as she plays her flute but could also probably bench press you. And that's hot.
Childhood friends to lovers is such a good trope; the sweet innocent loving gestures shifting to 'Oh no s/he's hot' & being awkward as they try to deal with the change, and then when they're together it's just so easy (except if they fight it's also too easy to hurt bc they know so much about you), so Nie Mingjue half in love fem!LXC since they were young is so good. When they're together at Cloud Recesses it's very formal, but in Qinghe, they're more casual. LXC even took off her boots once and laid her bare feet on NMJ's lap, who nearly combusted from seeing her pale pink toes, like little pearls. He used to give her a pass for being a pacifist since she's a woman 🙄 but she quickly changed that after trouncing him half a dozen times, NMJ drinks respect women juice. Their spars get intense, her robe damaged around the shoulders and he gets distracted by her arm muscles flex as LXC swings her blade cause she rarely takes off, and he loses even worse than usual. It's hard to be so restrained.
But being Jin Guangyao wouldn't be so bad either. Rescuing & hiding a vulnerable naive beauty. Claiming it's safer to sleep together in case someone tries to take her in the night, LXC cuddles so JGY wakes up to soft tiddies in his face and his lower half hard. Touching her face, dolling her up under the pretense of needing a disguise, almost kissing after putting on lip color LXC very trusting with her eyes closed.
Now when the boys finally meet, sparks fly, they know of each other through LXC and they know the other has pulled some moves. The only thing holding them back from beating the shit out of each other is LXC's bright smile as she says "I'm so happy we can all be here together. My dearest friends."
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songofclarity · 3 years
AU where everytime WRH is having an "evil thought " NMJ bends him over the closest horizontal surface and f***s him until he can't think anymore 😔
Wen RuoHan: "It's ridiculous to keep sending juniors to Cloud Recesses to learn little more than those 3,000 Lan rules. Today's youth are our future and they are being robbed of critical thinking skills... Xu-er volunteered to go help that QingHeng-Jun clean up house and that is a great idea, actually. The next camp can be held here in Qishan and I know Chao-er will do it right."
[10 minutes later]
Wen RuoHan, chest to desk, hands splayed against cool bronze, backside kept toasty warm by Nie MingJue: No thoughts 💖 head empty 💝 a-- heart full 💕💓💗
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