#I am a simple adult
goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 25 Imposter or “The Egg Plant” Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush. 17 Colors, 40 minutes. Did you know the Eggplant, was named that because when the Brits first encountered it, it was a smaller pale varietal that was the shape and color of an egg? The reason Eggplant (or Aubergine as some call them) are known by the wider western world to be big purple phallic things of emoji fame is because, well, the purple ones have an attractive color and a higher yield because the fruits are bigger. So we just kept the name for the initial variety and slapped it on the big purple things we started growing and it stuck around to the point that we basically don’t even see the namesake variety anymore and it took me some embarrassingly long number of years to learn that Eggplants got that name for, well, an obvious reason. But that leaves a question... Is the eggplant in my painting an aubergine? Or is it an egg that someone “planted” there to bamboozle you all? Is the title leading you to an assumption? Or is the art? A very tricky art for a very tricky holiday coming up. I have something special planned for Halloween, but this was going to be my Halloween entry before I came up with a better idea. A trick and a treat, so to speak. It was always my intent to be cheeky on at least a few of these, but my intent was to have as few inedible eggs as possible (for example, a Fabergé Egg would be intricate and exquisite to paint, but the restriction to eggs that are edible not only spares me hours of learning to paint filigree, but also challenges me to come up with an edible egg every day. Similarly, while many eggs in their shells are quite interesting to draw, including some famous video game eggs, I feel like it would be a bit cheep (haha, get it? Cheap? Bird pun?) to just... throw up a robin’s egg one day and an ostrich egg the next and keep just relying on the shape and shell color to tell you something.) All manner of eggs are a decent challenge, of course, and I would never disparage anyone for doing an entire eggtober of just eggs in their shells, but as Eggtober was primarily inspired by @quezify and his fried eggs, I wanted to stick with that edible theme. I may even come back next year and do an Eggtober just entirely of eggs in their shells, or entirely inedible eggs like those of video game fame. But I promised myself that for this Eggtober, I would strive to do nothing that wasn’t an incredible, edible, egg. So whether or not this egg is an imposter, it should be perfectly edible! As always, big thanks to the Egg Master, @quezify for all that is Eggtober.
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ryllen · 5 months
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ninjasmudge · 11 months
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heres my oc for today, shī tóng, hes a guardian lion brought to life by a wealthy dragon household, but when his other half died (guardian lions almost invariably come in sets) he left to go wander. he was almost consumed by his own magic in grief until he came across two kids, one of whom had the ability to cancel out magic for a short time. long story short hes a dad now.
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maretriarch · 2 months
being a mentally ill woman fucking sucks ass around misogynistic men you just confirm everything they think about all women is true and you become a being with less sentience than a dog to them
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everykonan · 8 months
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ch. 436
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im-smart-i-swear · 9 days
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can you remember being born? were you born at all
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swagging-back-to · 5 months
if youre over 17yo and you cant cook youre useless
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taddymason · 5 months
I've been looking at the way I drew ninjas before, especially Jay, and what's changed the most is that I went from drawing Jay as a young adult in his 20s to drawing him now in his 30s.
And I blame DR for that.
And also my Dad Jay AU
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mrmcflowers · 5 months
Small rant in the tags!
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thehardkandy · 2 months
Travelling back home tomorrow hoping for a smooth groove
#i did have a really nice week last week but now im back to everything feeling busy#(its not really that busy)#and oh i miss being slow like idk ever since i was a literal child doing ONE excursion weekly#for an hour#always felt like such s draining burden#and tbh i would like to know why thst is because while it's easy to see as poor habit as an adult reinforcing itself#as a kid i was always made to do things. see people.#i did a summer camp every year at least during the day#i did sports i went hiking in forests#but i remember so distinctly like an age where i stopped asking my parents to try new things#because i would get so excited!!!! but then every week it would become this overwhelming presence#despite being something that i actively enjoyed#and it eventually felt so awful i was like okay no more wanting things you dont use them wisely#like ouch yeah actually that's a big one. wanting things usually wraps back#around to shame or guilt just about always#anyway how is this relevant to travelling?#it's just that i have to travel tomorrow and i have a doctors appointment Friday i have to go to in person#ive changed beds ive slept in 3 times in 5 days#and all i can say at the end of it is that even these little things are JUST enough to be on edge#to feel like im putting my hands over my ears and closing my eyes and pretend nothing bad is gonna happen#even thougu DEFINITELY something bad is going to happen#but of course it doesnt because this is all benign stuff ive done a trillion times before of no note#crazy how complicated it can be to be a person#it is why i dream of living in a small village where i am an apprentice tradesperson and i live simple house#and the house you can walk to anywhere you need to anywhere you need in an your#but no one is that urgent about anything anyway.#beautiful little place that has never actually ever existed for anyone in anytime#but i am still wanting to scream and pull my hair out just asking why why cant everything slow down and be smaller
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walks-the-ages · 10 months
need to make an HD 2023 version of the Retail Robin meme at some point. so I can make memes of the daily occurances of dealing with the public.
Customer: *puts card into pinpad and does not do anything but stand there for a full minute*
me, wondering if the pinpad froze again: "Does it have any questions on the pinpad?"
Customer: "No."
Me: "oh, it must be frozen again--"
Customer: "It's just been asking me if I want cash back."
Me, internally, 'yeah, that counts as a '''question on the pinpad'''''
Customer: "But I don't want cash back."
Me: "if you look at the touch screen, there will be an orange button right there that says 'no'. You can press that to go to the next screen."
Customer: *hits button*
Customer: *continues standing there not doing anything further for a full 30 seconds*
Me: "Annnd does it say anything else, or does it just say 'processing'....?"
Customer: "Now it's just asking me for a pin."
Me: "In that case you can enter your pin to run it as debit, or you can skip the pin and run it as credit by hitting the green enter button."
Customer: "I don't want to use my pin though. I want to do credit."
Me, repeating, "Okay, to do credit, all you have to do is hit the green button."
Customer: "this is too complicated."
Register: *error noise-- transaction has been canceled due to timing out-- which is around 3-5 minutes of inactivity*
Me: "Okay, the register timed out due to inactivity, if you could remove your card and re-insert it for me--"
Customer: *rips card out and shoves it back in* "This is too complicated!!"
Me: *stands up, leans around register, confirms "no cash back and credit, right?" *and presses the exactly 2 buttons that it takes to complete the transaction and has the card processed in 2 seconds* "Okay, go ahead and remove your card."
Customer: "Don't I get a receipt??"
Me, pointing at the printer which is audibly and visibly chugging away: "As soon as it's done printing, yes, it takes a second,"
Customer: *ignores me and reaches over to the register printer and physically rips the receipt in half and almost jams the printer trying to yank it out before it's done*
Me: *has to open up the printer and carefully extract the other half of the receipt and reset the roller*
Customer: "Why is this taking so long??"
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blujayonthewing · 10 months
what is even the point of having so many tiny OCs if I can't indulge the single most basic wish fulfillment of 'be held very gently in the arms of someone much much larger' through them smdh
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months
i have a very peculiar life where i've often, due to chronic illness and the resulting reclusive tendencies from said illness, just plain not associated with people of my own age on a regular basis for months or years at a time. but when i do go out, i'm, like, not an unattractive or socially unsuccessful person. well i'm not necessarily socially successful but i'm not unattractive. and i'll look back on like a certain period sometimes and realize that i had a lot of people trying to pursue me romantically, and i'm like "hey what happened to that? its been such a long while since anybody asked me out........."
"oh yeah i dont leave the house"
#at my work i am the kid between kids#i am DEFINITELY too young to be considered to strike up a workplace tryst with lol. at least relative to my coworkers#most of my coworkers are women anyway#im one of the only 20-somethings who works in the entire district too.#tales from diana#not necessarily to say that i desire to be asked out in fact im very uncomfortable w it naturally. as an aroace person#who only ever has the pleasure of letting people down.#when i was a teenager though (especially before i realized i was aroace) no one ever asked me out#i felt very undesirable/unnoticed bc of it. in retrospect ppl did find me cute they just didnt talk to me.#i was kind of unapproachable. if i want to be really cruel to my teenage self then i could call her a pariah.#whatever ppl thought of me... nobody talked to me. and i never talked. plain and simple#then i entered the young adult world and it felt like everywhere i went there would be some man i hardly knew#asking me out when he had just learned my name. very strange to me!#im like why should you do that? i realize it's bc these men want a girlfriend#& they see me & i seem pretty & nice enough. theyre just like 'she will do'#no i wont! lol#sometimes i think like 'have i changed? that hasnt happened in quite awhile'#yes that kind of thing has ceased to happen since ive ceased to hang out w new ppl.#in the past year especially ive made more deliberate attempts to extricate myself from various social spheres#and i dont see really anyone socially except for some friends ive had for years.#if one of them were to suddenly express romantic interest in me. well. boy would that shake things up! lol#they know me though. they know i dont love.
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
first chapter of my lil prpr drabble series is complete and im VERY EXCITED to write more of this...it's a very low effort fic for me so it's not gonna be super plot driven in the hope that i can write it more easily and frequently. but im still Hype to write more of it so i can finally start publishing some chapters. gonna be so much fun
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sbrn10 · 3 months
You know what this site needs? A specific way to filter specific tags from specific blogs. I don't want to block the entire #blorbo tag, and I don't want to block/filter [insert person], I just don't want to read anything [insert person] has to say about #blorbo.
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Oh did something happen with Jon Anderson???
Nothing happened to Jon Anderson, it is what people are DOING with Jon Anderson.
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