#I also expected the characters to be bland as fuck for some reason
blazing-spectre · 1 year
My distaste for Troy Baker has lost to my enjoyment of Higgs I didn’t think it was possible
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wanderingswampbeast · 4 months
Long Post: Why I Don’t Like The Drow
I’ve been ranting about this to a friend on discord (a lot of points I make will come from him) but I’ve finally figured out what my issue with the drow is outside of inherently evil groups being dumb.
The drow are boring. Drow lore is less of a dive into a unique culture and more of a list of fucked up things they do. Like, I cannot name a single interesting aspect of typical drow society that does not directly involve murder, sexism, or slavery, or Lolth. And even then, most of those things are written about in an incredibly bland fashion with them.
The Drow don’t really have much depth to them, and are just kind of evil for evil’s sake (or “because Lolth said so”). They do slavery, but the only real purpose of doing slavery for them is “because Lolth said so”. It isn’t for cheap labor, it’s to be more evil. They betray each other purely because that’s what evil people do. They’re misandrist, not for any real societal reason, but because Lolth hates men. There’s none of what would make slavery an interesting topic or story element, no justification for why they should be allowed to commit one of the worst injustices possible, no real economic reason for it. They just do it because Lolth says they should, and from a writing perspective it hammers home the fact that they’re evil. They aren’t evil because they enslave and murder, they enslave and murder because they’re evil, if that makes any sense.
Them being written as comically evil as they are also hurts them from a worldbuilding perspective. They’re so reliant on slaves for menial labor that the lower class of their society struggle to get jobs. Drow culture so obsessed with betrayal and dumbass house wars that even when actively under attack from the outside they sabotage each other. They’re so decadent that their buildings are held up with magic and semi regularly collapse when a spell fails. To put it bluntly, drow society feels like one that should have collapsed in a few centuries, which, funnily enough, is way longer than D&D elves live.
Their culture being so monolithic also makes writing anything about them difficult. Every drow antagonist is going to have near identical motivations, methods, and ideologies as every other drow antagonist. Every drow protagonist is going to ultimately feel very similar to Drizzt, because leaving their fucked up society to become a do-gooder is such a common backstory element that they added a whole extra god just for doing that. In fact, you can divide 90% of drow characters from any official materials into these categories:
Ambitious male, usually a wizard (5 bucks says he has long hair and a widow’s peak)
Dommy Mommy Warcrime Woman
Drizzt Do’Urden or one of his many duplicates
Self-loathing and/or resentful Drider
And finally, their existence almost purely to be humanoid enemies you can fight at nearly any levels is just kind of lazy. This is a problem that I have with the “evil races” of a lot of fantasy but having a group that’s evil by birth just feels like an excuse to not have to write actual motivations for your antagonists. It’s the difference between “go attack this camp of soldiers because they’re part of the SkullMurder army and their general wants to use our land to build a dread fortress” vs “go attack this camp of soldiers specifically because they’re drow/goblins/orcs/the dreaded peepee-poopoo folk”. Using stuff like this just feels like an excuse to not have to write an actual antagonist since it comes pre-written in the group’s lore. This has the side effect of whenever such a group is the antagonist of the plot, the players or audience know near exactly what to expect. The orc is here to conquer, the goblin is here to steal, and the drow is here to enslave or do some dark ritual.
I’ve legitimately heard people say “well if XYZ can’t be inherently evil anymore, who will we use as bad guys?” It’s very simple: whoever the fuck we want. Write an evil queen, or a scheming wizard, or an underground slave trade network. For God’s sake, anyone can be evil, you don’t need to tie that to a specific ethnic group and write it as “they’re just like that”. Write an actual character for your antagonist.
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littlemisstired · 2 months
something that has always fucked me up is the frankly terrifying exponential skill acceleration in the creative field. so many of the young artists I know now, even myself, are at a skill level that 25-30 years ago could have gotten them real jobs in animation or game design, even lauded as being top of their line of work, but are hardly even a blip on the radar in today’s industry where the skill ceiling is now miles above achievable for so many.
I look back at the kinds of art that was being made by the professional artists back in the 80s and 90s for comics and animation and some of it is downright amateurish compared to today’s work. It was roughshod, silly, scratchy, experimental. It wasn’t preoccupied with fitting into the bland Triple A standards or warping to fit what huge corporations expected, because those expectations simply didn’t exist yet in a world where video games and animated film and fantasy illustration were still in their infancy. The art in concept art felt so much more alive, more human. Nowadays I see people trying to get their feet in the door slaving for years trying to learn rendering techniques or portfolio tricks to even get their work in front of a recruiter, making stuff they don’t even care about just for the chance to be taken seriously. Strange how now more than even bigger studios are being ridiculed for their bland and uninteresting design/writing choices, where smaller studios with more creative control and more ready access to independent voices and visions are cranking out wildly popular, original titles left and right.
this sort of ended up longer than I expected, and rambling, but it’s something I’ve felt for so long as an artist who spent 15 years desperately trying to “get good enough” for a professional studio. The problem is that in the corporate capitalist hell we live in here in the US, “getting good enough” is almost never achievable, because those goalposts are always moving. You want to be a background artist? Well you need to learn how to do 3D modeling, texture mapping, physics simulation, how to use lighting in game engines. You want to be a character designer? You need to know rigging and clothing simulation and how to apply animation in X software. Also you need to do every style known to the world plus more, except in the end the studio will probably just ask you to photobash three dozen designs that all look the same anyway.
I understand there’s more to this than I’ve mentioned, that the world has changed in the 3 decades since the mid 90s, that there are millions of artists and only a few hundred thousand jobs in any creative field at any given time, that it’s reasonable to expect people to learn new things to better work as technology advances… but it seems so particularly crushing to artists, who oftentimes pour so much of their own heart and soul into what they do, and who are still expected to monetize, adapt, and distribute their skill like it’s some corporate tool and not a gift from evolution for us to record and express ourselves. Art and design are the building blocks for humans to understand and capture beauty and pain, joy and sorrow, and it’s disheartening to see that vulnerable creativity stripped away in favor of producing sterilized, corporate friendly “products”.
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aquaburst3 · 5 months
I've seen TikToks where people dunk on Rollo and Honest Fellow, and others, mainly in the Spanish and JP fandoms, being confused about this reaction. To play devil's advocate, the main reason is how the game handled them and that they're poorly written characters. I can pinpoint a few reasons why that is...
Honest Fellow: His motivations to make him sympathetic and his actions are at odds with one another.
In that arc, Honest Fellow gleefully turns people into puppets to sell off to the highest bidder, even hinting at some people using them for sexual pleasure in the JP version. Why is he doing this? Because the school system is hard and he wants to get back at rich people. Yes, really. That's one of the dumbest villain motivations I ever heard! How does that justify what he did or put his actions into perspective? He's a human trafficker! By making the reason why he's doing this something so disconnected from the story makes him seem like a sociopathic monster on par with the Coachman. It's like if someone murdered your pet and said they did that because had a hard time in school. That's horrible, but that has nothing to do with that action nor does that make you like that more any more.
(Personally, if I was writing this arc, I would've made his boss the TWST Coachman, who is threatening to turn Giddel into a puppet if he doesn't do what he says. That makes far more sense, and makes his actions more understandable. I think a lot of us had shitty bosses that forced us to do things we disagreed with or would do a horrible act to protect a loved one. It makes him more like his movie counterpart due to Honest John and Gideon being threatened by the Coachman to convince Pinocchio to come to Pleasure Island, despite Honest John thinking it was fucked up. Idk, that's just me.)
Rollo: While he's better written than Honest Fellow due to his motivations at least making sense, he's still not the best written character either. Shitty and lazy character name aside, being a woobie and not adapting the character in a...questionable manner.
A woobie, for those of you who don't know, is an older fandom term used to describe bland pretty characters with a tragic backstory that the author expects you to feel sorry for them and get away with everything. Oh, boy. Does he fit that definition in spades. He's pretty bland. His only real standout personality traits are that he hates magic and the fae, prideful, traditional and possibly athletic. That's it. He has a sad backstory where his brother died in a fire after his magic got out of control. Fine, that's cliche, but it works. Hell, it's kinda clever in a sense where it's inspired by the Hunchback of Notre Dame off-broadway musical. Characters like Idia point out the hypocrisy in Rollo's ideology and that he is really doing this thanks to his own guilt for his brother's death, which is a good thing. The problem is, outside of him being boring as a character, that despite wanting to suck out all of the magic in the world, he got away with it scott free, and his only form of "punishment" was living with the guilt of knowing everyone thinking that he was some sort of hero…despite Malleus wanting revenge on him five minutes earlier. (I don't get it either.) I think a lot of this problem plays into a reoccurring one the game has a whole—the character stagnation and Yana's utter unwillingness to let them face any consequences for their actions. Rollo is also prejudice against the fae if him covering his nose whenever he's around one is to be concerned, which is also never addressed.
I think the way he was handled was in poor taste. Frollo is one of the most realistic villains in the Disney canon and is triggering to a lot of westerners due to his ties with the Catholic church. Unlike the other Great Seven, there's no way to possibly turn his story to make him seem like a hero nor are their any admirable traits. The fact of the matter is that by making Noble Bell honoured after Frollo, who is such a realistic character and is tied up in a lot of religious baggage for westerners, the game is glorifying his actions to an extent. While I know Christianity is a minor religion in Japan, so adding Christian elements to "spice things up" is common in anime, the developers know that the game is being distributed internationally and should've known better. The game should've made Rollo like the staff where he has no dorm or school honoured after his counterpart. That would've lessened the impact a lot.
Both of them: Like I said with Rollo, they completely get away with their crimes, despite everything they did. That is asinine. All actions have punishments, and that goes for them. Plus, the NRC boys are based on villains! Wouldn't they want to exact their revenge on them, especially in Honest Fellow's case who wanted to turn them into living household items and sex dolls! You are based on villains, act like it!
(This is also a huge problem with the game as a whole, but I wrote other posts about that before, so I don't wanna get into it here.)
So, yeah. There reasons why many English speaking fans dislike or despise these characters. Hell, if anything the reason why they are so beloved in JP and Spanish fandom circles is more bizarre to me. I get it. Honest Fellow is hot. But outside of that...Really? So I guess it goes both ways and we can be baffled at each other's choices. xD
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This is kind of long.
I find it really interesting how many people had super high expectations for hazbin. Not saying it's a bad thing to have high expectations for shows. It's just interesting because most of these people seem to be newer fans. cool, whatever. With this, I think people need to remember shows that start out on YouTube, at least in my experience, never are top quality and everything they say it'll be. With Hazbin is seems to be for a few reasons.
I know this has been talked about a fuck ton, but yeah the pacing kind of sucks. Maybe that's because of it being 8 episodes, maybe it's because animation is still not taken seriously, maybe it's just shitty writing. As a writer I don't think any of these are really great excuses. As a viewer, I'd rather have it end on a cliffhanger and not get a season two if it means we'd have a fleshed out plot line.
2. Vizi can't take constructive criticism to save her shows lives. I want to be clear that I've heard she's a shit person but don't actually know what the reasoning is behind it. But this seems to be a common occurrence with her works. It doesn't help that she's side lining her main character in favor for the men either.
3. This is tied in to pacing but the plot is kind of everywhere. There's countless characters introduced and then ignored like they aren't quite sure why they've been added. SHE SIDE LINES HER MAIN CHARACTER!! Charlie is in no way my favorite but we're supposed to empathize with her and root for her but her story is bland.
4. I know it seems crazy but the fandom tends to play a part in this as well. I can't even begin to count how many people in the fandom blatantly ignore canon sexualities and say they'll never recognize them just so they can write smut fics about the characters. I really don't care about the fanfic but it seems like erasure if you say you'll never accept it.
I will say there are some things the show does pretty well. The songs are catchy, and are done well. The VA's are putting their all in to it and you can really tell. The animation is good, I've seen people talk about wonky angles but I didn't really notice them. It's a good premise, it's unique and has the chance to be really, really well done, but it has yet to truly live up to the expectations the fans have had since the pilot.
That being said, I did like the show, it's good for what it is, an adult cartoon filled with crude humor, with so-so writing. There isn't anything inherently wrong with that either. But I feel like we've been tricked it trying to consume only "smart" shows when sometimes "trashy" shows are just as fun. Point is, yeah the shows not great, but it's not horrible either. If you liked it cool, if you didn't, also cool. You gotta accept that people's likes are subjective. Otherwise you may end up living a miserable life.
until whenever
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streetlamped · 1 year
God, I miss the ot5 of the titans so much help.
Can we have like one comic issue about THEM and only them? Being a family? With no character bias.
Idk what the hell happened but, even if some of the og members are popular now, theyre still never in the same og team with all the newer teams and even more newer characters to replace the old ones that were shittily rebooted from the 90s and no one gave a fuck.
Like, the only two that stay relatively in touch and are significant to each other across issues NOT in titans comics, and have NO changes done to their character/dynamic is Dick and Wally.
Roy is.... different. His character is relatively the same but one minute hes a spunky teen and one minute hes some gruff uncle and sometimes hes an alchaholic and an asshole and other times hes just... weird. For roy hes really 50/50 in comics in whether I like him there or not. Hes the same character, he still has Lian (different...moms???) and he still shoots arrows but his character is so all over the place.
I dont see Donna much. Also, shes bland. Very. Shes barely there, as an adult, and has no personality. Even in like the sort of "newer" teams she is never as good with the old teams. Is my expectations too high? Shes mostly usually the sensible grounded character. But, she isnt as WARM anymore. Some issues she has a kid. Idk. Her characters a fling too. Nothing is solid.
I hate what they did to Garth. I dont hate Kaldur. I hate that people REPLACE Garth WITH Kaldur. Im pretty sure its established theyre both VERY DIFFERENT. No one can write Garth truly as accurrate as the old comics. Even the rebirth. Garth is. Bland. Left out. The character developments that were meant to make the timeskip/growup of these characters, like make me happy to see them grow up, isnt there. Garth was never really popular and well done much, anyways.
Wally is popular. Im happy about that. I think him being the Flash as Robin upgrades to Nightwing is cool too. Sometimes him and Dick are in the same team, sometimes theyre not. Ages for some reason are always different. Sometimes Wally is in the teen titans. Sometimes the JL. Hes a fan favourite, so I suppose him and Dick are easy. They have outside content by their own/with their associated hero family that the others dont have as much of. No shit, the nightwing series is amazing. So is the flash. But the aqua one is like, kinda meh.
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The rest of the sticky notes:
- Kind of fucked up that the dreks used to be people. Fortunately they were Nightshades so it's okay.
- I love the idea of Nightbane as a potent drug with healing properties when processed correctly, because I'm a scientist. The metaphor for Isla as "both curse and cure," however, is incredibly forced. Also not a strong enough motif to justify having the book named after it.
- Please please please stop with the segues into the flashbacks. It reads like a fifth grade essay I'm begging you
- Being able to teleport everywhere kind of kills the tension and urgency
- All Of The Spicy Scenes Are The Same
- Also if the book is allowed to have this many straight-up sex scenes, I kind of feel like they should also be allowed to swear, or at least use less tepid insults. Isla calling Grim a bastard or a son of a bitch would soothe my soul
- I want to scruff Grim like a kitten and toss him in the ocean. He's still not a good character and he has no personality and he's awful. Every time I feel a shred of warmth for Grim I have to remember that it's because my version of him is so unrecognizable against canon that I probably need to start from scratch again just to be able to call him the same character
- Cleo ily never change (but also shoehorning in a dead son just to give her a reason to side with Nightshade is so bland I'm losing my sense of taste)
- And They Were Married (Oh My Unnamed Gods They Were Married)
- Is. Is this a normal amount of sex scenes for a YA novel.
- Some of this feels like borderline retconning (eg. Isla surviving being shot through the heart in the first book not just because of the Heart of Lightlark but also because of the ill-defined power of the love bond)
- No training montage for Isla learning to steal Grim's powers :(
- There Are Hot Air Balloons. The Event Is Called The Launching Of The Orbs.
- Grim and Isla have a moment where they both gush about everything they've learned about each other, and it's nothing. It feels like they don't know each other at all, but of course we're supposed to find their relationship heartwarming and intimate
- Am I going to have to make a spicy sideblog for this oh my god
- Pointless baby dragon. Did I zone out at the wrong time or did nothing become of that?
- The Terra fight is also nothing :((((
- Just like the first book, so many bombs are dropped at the end of the book because simply resolving the existing plot threads isn't enough I guess. Anyway the founders of Lightlark came from another world and created Lightlark in its image like reckless teenage gods but anyway GUYS there are HOT AIR BALLOONS
- Unearned final battle. Book once again lacks the guts to kill a major character and expects us to be moved by the deaths of interchangeable background cast members
- Damn crow-caller is right this REALLY aggressively sets up a third book. I'm wondering what middle book syndrome looks like for something like the Lightlark Saga and whether this is it
- This book was Not Good. It feels like poor fanfiction of the first book and I cannot stress enough that I enjoyed every second of it no matter how frustrating it was. Thank you Ms. Aster I owe you my life
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corhore · 2 years
What did bendis do im not a comic geek
Brian Micheal Bendis is a comic writer who worked for Marvel for about 20 years and while has a few decent stuff has done irreputable damage to countless characters and teams.
He made House of M (tho that was also Joe Quesada's fault too)
He fucked up Scarlet Witch's character for like 10 years
He fucked up the Guardians of the Galaxy.
He fucked up the X-Men
He fucked up Moon Knight
He fucked up tons of characters that took years if not decades to fix. He's only been at DC for a few years, but he aged up Jon Kent to a young adult and became an absolute bland ass cardboard of a character.
He tends to make massive bad status quo changes to characters that for some reason stick for way too long. Also his writing style got noticeably worse and worse I mean look at this shit.
Tumblr media
Like bro you really expect me to read all that hogwash by you?
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see-arcane · 1 year
I think the thing that bothers me more than Dracula media killing off/sidelining Harker is the "Since he's so bland in canon, let's make him a cheater to give him some spice. (And because we can't think of other ways to create drama between couples.)" Like. You might be projecting here my dudes, but this man is physically incapable of cheating.
And if you want to make him flawed, he actually has flaws in canon, go focus on those instead of inventing OOC ones like being a cheater. (Even if it's a sequel and they've learned their lesson to always communicate, there are other flaws that aren't infidelity. Like maybe his xenophobia toward eastern Europeans won't affect his relationship, but his recklessness and single-mindedness could.) (Also they could have conflicts that have little to do with personal flaws or sex, damn!)
See, all of this is making the assumption that these people are actually reading and comprehending the material. Or reading it at all, rather than doing a Wiki skim of Francis' Gary Oldman fanfic film.
But yeah, highlighting his actual flaws as a character would be an interesting change!*
*I have said it 1000 times, but I'll say it again: Jonathan and Mina's clinging to physiognomy and/or outright xenophobia feels so SO ripe for examination as two people in an Othered demographic hiding behind the expected norms (putting down other Othered groups) as a defense mechanism. They both came up poor, Mina's an Irish immigrant and orphaned girl, and Jonathan's quick leap to a kukri as his weapon easily drops a hint of potential Very Not-Anglo heritage.
My main theory for why Jonathan specifically clings to physiognomy and selective ugly attitudes to Dracula's choice of cohorts (leaving aside the direct Bram influence of him only having his info secondhand from biased guides) is that, growing up, Jonathan maybe got treated to some fun racial remarks from some prick classmates. But, being that he's Jonathan, he still draws friends like flies--said friends coming to his defense with the 'science' of physiognomy. They point out that, sure, he's not white, but just look at his face. He's got good bones.
Read: He was attractive enough by everyone's standards that he 'passed' the bullshit pseudoscience test. And Jonathan clung to that as one of few small shoddy shields he had as a lower class, also parent-less (or at least fatherless) boy trying to claw up the rickety social ladder. Same goes for Mina, whose whole character--from the New Woman put-downs to her own unfortunate belief in Lombroso--screams Dutiful Orphan Who Must Be Good and Useful and Not Like [INSERT ICKY BAD GROUP HERE].
It would make sense for them both. It wouldn't be an excuse, but it would be a reason. And, in light of all the very sudden, very harsh, very world-shaking thresholds they were forced to cross in the wake of Dracula's mess, I'm betting this is a good foundation for both Harkers to start growing past these old biases.
There's definitely a wide open door to start with--learning new languages, cultures, and beliefs from the so-called 'Old World.' Because hey, those superstitions have proven themselves pretty fucking real and it was only by the locals' warning, aid, and charity that Jonathan made it out unbitten and with his mind intact. And it was their exact same aids that Van Helsing employed, bar the wafer crumbs.
There is SO MUCH POTENTIAL here for the Harkers--and, we can assume, the Suitors and Benignly Misogynistic 'Hooray for Man's Brain' Van Helsing--to evolve under the right adaptation or sequel.
But I'm not holding my breath.
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cantstoptheimagines · 3 months
just finished watching journey to bethlehem so i could see milo manheim and uhhh... here are my “train of thoughts” notes, meaning there is literally no organization here
@multifandomsimagine must hate me rn because i basically gave her a play by play of the entire movie bc it's just so campy. it's literally just a bible dcom to be quite honest. (also i am officially campaigning for milo manheim to play flynn rider and it’s all based on his role as joseph alone) 💀
They think I wouldn’t notice the inclusion of a Pair of Kings actor, but I did
Not even two minutes in, I can already tell this movie is going to be fucking hilarious
The narration sucks, it’s so bland
Why is the “Journey to Bethlehem” song suddenly a pop ballad?
The costuming is okay, but the language is so modern. This feels like a play written by TikTok
The first song is a bop
The facial expressions so far are very bland
I feel like it’s trying to provide some feminism anecdotes, which I find very interesting. Not what I expected at all to be honest
Feels like a play you’d do in high school for extra drama club credits
Joseph is literally just Wally Clark if he were in a Bible study club
I genuinely can’t tell if this is meant to be satirical or not
I’m living for Puss in Boots as an evil king, iconic
Good to Be King is the ultimate showtime villain song. I will die on this hill
Love the choreography in this villain song. Love men who can dance in sync while stomping their armored boots
Love Mary’s betrothal outfit
This dialogue is so fucking funny and for what reason?!
Office camera glance
I really like the shot of them behind the water wheel thing, it’s gorgeous
His hand is so much bigger than hers, oh my god
Gabriel. Iconic. Hilarious.
Far more Mary centered than I expected. It’s definitely her movie
Camera work during Mother to a Savior is beautiful
Love the map graphics
That cut from Mary/Elizabeth to Joseph. The editing in this movie is so smooth
Good Joseph, Bad Joseph. Why is he dressed like evil Legolas? Their outfits are giving Anakin and Padme
The Ultimate Deception is definitely one of the best songs. Joseph fighting against himself in his own subconscious, singing a duet with himself! Are you kidding me?!
Officially considering Joseph fanfiction
The Magi are everything musical theatre needs right now
The donkey as a running joke lol
We Become We is a love song for the ages, try to prove me wrong, I dare you
Dancing with the fireflies?!!!!!! When will it be my turn
The way she turned her head away, this is so funny oh my god
A prince with daddy issues?! Guess I found my husband for this movie. He has a great song, definitely one of the best but it’s probably the least promoted. I’ve never even heard it before even though it’s so good
Why wouldn’t you just lie about where you’re from lol, am I missing something with that part?
Joseph jumping into action after Mary says she wasn’t the only one chosen for this. We love a Milo Manheim character
“we’re meeting the lord, surrounded by sheep shit” lmaooo
Mary and Joseph are just the smart girl, dumb boyfriend trope and I love them for it
Joseph carrying her through the streets. He should’ve been a girl dad
Bro just got knocked out by a donkey lmao
Silent Night scene with a donkey pacing outside the barn where Mary is giving birth is honestly great
A shining light over the world with an angel choir concert glowing and sparkling in the sky, hot damn, who would’ve imagined
“I’m holding all the answers in my arms” is such a good lyric
“Mine is the kingdom, mine is the power, mine is the glory forevermore” changing into “thine” was a pretty clever idea
“One who has come to save the lost.” “Am I lost?”
“You are not your father” CALL OUT THOSE DADDY ISSUES, MARY
Damn, ok, Antipater
*finally kisses Joseph* “You’re welcome” WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN
Stay for the end credits just to hear Brand New Life, it’s a great song too. The credits also feature Go Tell It On The Mountain
Would I be weird if I wrote fics for this movie lmao
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medicallista · 1 year
So I made some realizations about Helio and Helidea and I'm not sure if I like them or what to do with them. So I'm dumping these thoughts and opinions here
I really did not like Helio and Helidea for a really long time. Like among the main five characters, Helio was my least favorite, and his relationship with Medea was my least favorite between any of the five.
My opinion of Helio was "just another case of shounen love interest syndrome". Basically the thing with het romances where the love interest sucks ass and the mc's friendship with another character of the same gender is honestly way more romantic and meaningful? Cuz heteronormativity and gender roles and misogyny (for male mcs) and blah blah. He spends most of his screen time being a Medea simp, being Medea's right-hand man/assistant/servant/dog?? We're given hints of his backstory but it felt like most of it was just to support the Medea simping. I found him really boring and bland compared to the other four main characters.
And his relationship with Medea? It's toxic, which was pretty obvious way before the story started spelling it outright in chapter 100+. The relationship was stalling his character development in favor of what... some mid one-sided romance? (See, shounen love interest syndrome) His entire character was just his devotion to Medea, and we barely see Medea give a fuck about him. I lost all respect for him at that one scene where he kissed Medea's foot and called her his god. Like, gurl get the fuck up??
However, I did recognize back then that Helidea actually had tropes that I really like if they were handled differently. Even more now, that my taste has changed a bit from when I was reading Your Throne back in 2020-2021. I'm a sucker for devotion and loyalty actually. I fucking love "I'd do anything for you, I'd die for you, I'd go to hell and back for you." Dependency and toxic relationships are actually things I'd sometimes enjoy. So there was an inkling of "maybe in a different world or handled differently" even back then.
I said I enjoyed those kind of relationship in fics because usually the ships/characters I like are the ones where I'd root for them to be in a healthy relationship over a toxic one, cuz usually those are the type where you're rooting for what's "good". I do enjoy them outside of fics and headcanons, but it's usually when the story actually is the kind of story that tells and explores a toxic relationship. But with Your Throne, I didn't think it was that kind of story. Given Medea's development, I was rooting for her success and happiness and for her to end up in a good relationship (if there is an endgame ship). So whenever I looked at Helidea I was like "this is supposed to be canon???"
I do want Your Throne to break the norms, not just in terms of tropes but also societal norms (like a not heteronormative romance or queer characters), but I didn't really expect much from it. Even if I didn't want Helidea to be canon, I still judged them through the lenses of "this is supposed to be canon???" cuz I expected it to be, and that was my mistake.
Yes, Helidea's kinda fucked up. They're pretty ass if you judge them on the basis of a good healthy romantic relationship. But as a toxic fictional relationship between morally dubious mentally ill characters, they're great actually. That's what the author intended to portray (I think so anyways), they're doing their job? They're interesting as a concept, something I'd wanna poke around at when I have brain worms. Kind of similar to how I feel about Medea x Eros (Mederos?). I never wanna see them in an actual relationship though, unless there's some huge development at Medea's end.
Speaking of Medea's end in their relationship: one of the reasons why I disliked it was because Medea never treated Helio like an equal. She cared for him to an extent, but that's more of how a master would love their favorite servant, nothing like the devotion Helio had for her. I would've been fine with that toxic master/servant dynamic if that were the point. But seeing how Medea treats Psyche, how she treats her like an equal and encourages her growth, while with Helio she just enables that toxic behavior and let him worship her? It really just didn't feel like she cared for Helio at all. But with rereading, and the more recent chapters with Helio's backstory (i havent caught up to it tho), I can see now that that behavior wasn't just a "she really don't give a fuck", but something more complicated. I don't think Medea could ever love Helio back the way he loves her, but she does care?
Anyways, as frustrated I am about Helio's backstory being way too long, he kinda needed it. He hasn't developed much for nearly the entire story, so like thank fuck he has an arc? The fact that it's so late tho?? I've had a negative opinion of him and Helidea for such a long time that idk what to feel about them even when my views are kinda changing.
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
gossip!dan is definitely fake, but if you were to entertain the idea enough to au it, what do you imagine dan’s motivation should have been for running the gossip girl blog with jenny? the “dan was evil and/or psychotic!!” explantion that 🪑s love to peddle strikes me as both boring and reductive, but the finale’s explanation that it was all out of love for serena also seems implausible, given that dan had already ““won”” serena by mid-season one, and was in fact the person who initiated their breakup even though serena still wanted to be with him. in light of that, i’m curious how you might change things up in the hypothetical gossip!dan and jenny-centric reboot universe lol
ooooooh interesting question! and a head scratcher for sure.
I agree that doing it All* (*starting an exploitative gossip blog online) to get a girl to notice him is kinda....bland? I guess? of daniel humphrey, or at least, it feels to boring for me to want to make that his reason. and the Simply Evil reason isn't interesting enough for me either.
but let's entertain this premise of gossip dan, and why the dan humphrey we know and acknowledge and hold in our hearts might take this villain's journey, and for me, the answer feels pretty obvious: jenny.
b/c he did do something like that in the show (pre-retcon ofc), when 🪑 is 🪑-ing and dan finally lets himself be pissed off enough to fuck with 🪑 on jenny's behalf, babygirl is pretty fucking devious (karaoke!blair never forget!)
so in this universe, I think the genesis of gossip girl would come from jenny being hurt in a similar way that she is in the pilot. this jerks around the timeline of course, because in the pilot, GG is an expected and common trapping of UES teen living, but for me, it's the motive that's most interesting.
like, think about it, tender young dan has been dealing with these trust fund chads at st. jude's for two years now, he's pushed around and ignored, and on some level, he can deal with it because he's the only one getting hurt, but then his little sister is a freshman, thrown into this veritable shark tank that she isn't equipped to deal it (and shouldn't have to!) and his mom is gone and his dad doesn't understand it (when jenny said you can't send us uptown with a bag lunch and a metro card and think that's enough) but he's been around these rich jerks long enough to understand how desperately appearances matter, and he may not have much, but he can write, and that's all he needs to do to bring these people to heel.
vengeful gossip blogger dan....i kinda dig it.
and maybe he brings jenny in on it and she gathers intel alongside him, but then kids start submitting tips and ratting on each other and they're like "damn. they're doing the hard work for us."
how this would play out with the rest of the characters, I don't know. bc making the choice to have the humphrey sibs behind gg be intentional form the beginning would shape how their relationships form with the rest of the dramatis personae. maybe after serena comes back from boarding school she starts a revenge campaign of her own and tracks the humphreys down.
oooh like, the parallel elder sibling journeys of derena in the first season??? dan is getting back at the people who hurt jenny, and eric (baby) is hurt when rumors about his health and identity circulate, and serena would be like "i think the fuck NOT" compelling. compelling stuff.
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ijusthavesomanyblorbos · 11 months
hi guys. so i saw rotb. unfortunately i fucking hated it. lemme talk about why. (spoilers, obviously. be warned this is very long.)
first of all, lemme preface this by saying two things. number one being i did not have high expectations for this movie in the first place. because lets be honest, this is the transformers fandom, and hollywood has almost never done us justice. also, the trailers and teasers weren't exactly encouraging. number two being i am a huge fucking movie nerd. okay. i love movies. so just keep that in mind.
i think it's worth pointing out that my number one critic of this movie is that for almost the entire runtime, it's something worse than bad: it's boring.
i mean, how do you make giant robots boring??? how is that even possible? let's unpack that.
first of all, it has the most generic, cookie cutter action movie plot ever. we have to get the.... thing! you know, the thing! and we have to do it before the.... other guys! who are working for the BIG guy! and if we don't... the world will end! wahhh!
how is anyone supposed to be invested in that. there are no stakes. there's no tension. there's nothing. we've literally seen this exact plot played out one million times. THERE'S NOTHING NEW!!!
furthermore, the characterization of literally everyone is dogshit. the villians are bland, and have absolutely no motivation behind "darkness and evil." that's NOT INTERESTING!! there's no backstory! i literally could not even tell you the NAMES of the three main antagonists that are on the screen for half the movies runtime. that's how unimportant they are.
and god, the autobots are even worse. first of all, optimus prime and mirage are the only actual characters. i can't remember a single line any other robot says. not one.
but optimus is so under-hyped. they claim he's some big warrior (optimus primal even goes "i'm named after you") but we don't get ANY backstory. we don't know anything about cybertron, or the war, or even what the hell they're doing on earth. we know they "crash landed 7 years ago, and haven't been able to get off since". and they "have to get back, or cybertron will be destroyed!" do they ever tell us WHY cybertron might be destroyed? NOPE!
now we, as an informed audience, can reasonably assume it's because of the war.
but.... what??? friends, the decepticons are never even MENTIONED.
lemme repeat that. the decepticons are never. even mentioned. SO WHY WOULD ANY AUDIENCE BE INVESTED IN THEM RETURNING TO CYBERTRON? THERE'S NO STAKES!!!
back to the autobots though. also mirage is just annoying. he's literally just a"POP CULTURE REFRENCE" machine. that's it. that's all he does.
i... i can't even address what happens between him and the human guy (literally can't even be bother to remember his name) in the finale. i can't. i need to leave that alone or we'll be here all day.
god, i have so many things to say about this movie i need to speedrun a couple okay let's go
humans. boring. why are these movies about giant robots so determined to shove human characters in our faces they DON'T COMPARE EVER!!! the two humans are? fine? but the dude is literally just hero fantasy and the girl is. unimportant. nothing in this movie is important. you could cut any of them.
the action. mediocre. impossible to enjoy when "GENERIC ACTION ONE LINER!" is being crammed down your throat literally every five seconds.
why did the movie market so heavily with arcee wheeljack and bumblebee. they literally have like 15 total lines of dialogue. i can't express to you how much they don't matter.
and you know what. all of that could have even been forgivable. if they had just bothered to put some classic characters in there, with classic character designs, and make a product that actual fans could at least appreciate in aesthetic/homage, if not writing!
but they didn't. they used random ass characters who NOBODY cares about and gave them all SHIT designs too!
and it's so tragic when you consider all the amazing source material that they have to offer. i mean, i have been begging for YEARs for a movie set on prewar cybertron following megatron. the political conflicts and class wars! the origin of megatron is literally the MOST INTERESTING PART OF HIS CHARACTER! BUT IT HAS NEVER A SINGLE TIME BEEN ADDRESSED! HE GETS REDUCED DOWN TO BIG MUSCLE SCARY GUY WHICH IS LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! THE VERY THING HE REBELLED AGAINST!!!!!!!!!! ITS THE WHOLE FUCKING REASON FOR THE WAR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
can you tell i have a lot of feelings about this. wow. okay this is so long. i'm sure nobody's acutally read this far. alright. what's left.
what'll i'll say is this.
there is literally no appeal to this movie. NONE. it isn't watchable as a fun, transformers piece come to life. it's not watchable as a quality action movie. hell, it isn't even worth a hate watch!!!!!
and somehow. some fucking how. it is still the second best transformers movie. OUT. OF. SEVEN.
friends. how is this possible. how could this have happened.
to all the fan creators making fan art and writing of this movie. you guys are fucking heros, alright. you are taking this incomprehensible garbage, and making actual art. you guys make this franchise worth staying in. thank you, and i wish someone put you guys in charge instead of MICHEAL. FUCKING. BAY.
in conclusion. fuck hollywood. someone give money to the people who actually care about this franchise. or i'll die.
thank you and goodnight.
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seakrisp · 2 years
Wednesday spoilers: even though what ill say has been said already but I need to finally let it out.
again these are just some of my personal thoughts and what I think!
I'm so happy alot of ppl agrees the the "two main possible male lOvE IntERest" had little to no chemistry with her.
but first,
I'll start with everything I like:
I love everything in the show except the "love triangel romance/ romance in general" that they pushed unto Wednesday. it doesn't rlly add anything. Tyler would have had more impact if he had been a platonic trustworthy friend.
i love the Christina ricci's character was the real villain. that's a really nice bow on everything.
I love we actually saw alot of The Addams Family Dynamic in the show! like in this rendition and universe ykyk. Also always great to have more Gomez and Tish and they're relations with the town and Nevermore.
ofc how could I forget, Jenna Ortega's performance was phenomenal. I really did like the casting.
ofc wendays and enid's dynamic was everything I expected and more. everything about them I loved.
I hope we get to see more bianca bcs I'm curious to her and wendays more chilled rivalry/frenemies dynamic will be like. now that bianca don't really give a shit about xiaver. (hopefully. yall are too good for that boy. that boy needs therapy.)
Enid is literally a Walking Queer Allegory. I said what I said.
wenday and Thing are everything to me. we day's friendship with Eugene to me as well.
oke. now my complainly part/things j wished that happened instead and parts that made me say "that could've been written, chosen better.."
I've TRIED to be unbiased while watching, mostly in the "romance aspect". and I think they should've really just focused on its being about Platonic relationships yk.. they like, they didn't even have a ball to drop Yk. Like you expect Me to believe these wet limp dick white boys are gonna be.. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS 'S.. Potential.. love interest..?? youre joking.
the most annoying part about this was both Xiaver and Tyler were so... fucking entitled. like, WOW. a Girl wasn't mean to you and spoke to you with very basic surface level human decency!
Xiaver, just has a Resting Bitch Face. He didn't do anything wrong but like he's still shithead. And was annoying. (to me)
Tyler, I really wanted him to be the MLM Best Friend :(
but nay, I was wronged ofc. Tyler at first didn't really bother me as much. first few episodes, HE'S JUST SOME WHITE GUY. then it progresses He Annoys Me With a Burning Passion.
my thoughts were like: there's no way. Wednesday liked this boy. she's be manipulated and gaslit.
And yeah Last few Episodes I was correct. it gave me more reason to hate Tyler's ass and I think he should've been brutally murder yk.
I love hunter doohan's performance though, thanks for taking one for the team King <3 He played the bland straight white boy monstour murder.
Now, Enid and Ajax. they were fine.. Ajax is the basic textbook goofy, nice guy who does weed, that just has madusa snake hair—
and omg I laughed so hard when he stoned himselfed like that, it's so perfect and stupid that a teenager with that ability would have the happen to them. it was so fucking funny to me.—
they're relationship is so shallow and mid to me idk. I mean, they do act like a typical teenage het couple.
it's just that, Enid liking a boy who she barely talks obsessesing over him but then also when she got stood up by him. Enid started liking another boy that she just talked to sharing same interests but mostly again just very bare minimum.
I'm not saying she's a shallow person, more say.. yk just a subconsciously finding and filling that, " you have to have a nice boyfriend bcs that's how the world is supposed to be " box...
in short yk, compulsory hetero normativity.
like cmon.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN UR MOM WANTS YOU TO GO TO "CONVERSION CAMP" ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU WANTED HER TO ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WOLFED OUT JUST IN TIME YOU WANTED TO SAVE WEDNESDAY? what do you mean you didn't run into ur bf's after something traumatic but instead run into ur roommates to give her a hug like she'll never let go?
yeah. basically most of my complaints are in the romance. it's Criminally hetero. and I've dealt with alot of hetero relationships endgame media that would have made more sense and thematical it was queer.. augh. I'm gonna watch warrior nun.
I genuinely hope they were very intentional with writing Enid and Wednesday literally the only one with romantic tension and queer subtext..
like, cmon. Wenclair has paralleled Gomez and Tish so much in this show. be for fucking real.
okay that's it. most of what I've said has been said. last thing I wanna say is thank you for your time and effort to read this and.. Wednesday is both queer coded and autism coded.
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fereldanwench · 4 months
so i finished my rewatch of s1-s3 and new watch of s4-s7 of the 100 aaanddd i wanna ramble
spoilers and, from what i've gathered, unpopular opinions under the cut lmao
i watched the first three seasons in 2015-16, iirc (binged s1 and s2 on netflix; watched s3 as it aired)--i remember losing interest towards the end of s3 so i wasn't super hyped about s4 and just kinda forgot about it. on rewatch, i was also getting bored with s3, lmao. it starts off pretty strong, and the end revelation is a banger, but the last 4 eps or so just draaaggggg
i really liked seasons 4 and 5, though, with one big exception: giving clarke a daughter-figure to go all mama bear over was quite possibly one of the most obnoxious character development choices they could have given her
clarke in general is kind of a frustrating character for me because on one hand, i fuckin love a female character who does awful things for what she believes are good reasons, and that is clarke 100%
but in spite of that awesome set up, she manages to be so fucking boring
i think a lot of it is the actress' performance, tbh--the acting on the show overall generally isn't anything spectacular, but i find her particularly bad. i cant quite pinpoint my gripes, i just find her very bland
and given that the show is basically one extended trolley problem and there are dozens of characters who are also constantly put in the position of making the most difficult decisions in the universe, that just isn't enough to make her compelling
i found myself really drawn to echo in the later seasons because i am predictable af and i love a character who is loyal to a fault and bases their entire identity off being a loyal follower. i do feel like the relationship with bellamy was a little shoehorned, though. like i see the enemies to lovers potential there, but i think having most of that transition happen off-screen took all the fun from it
and i was stunned when i went looking for echo gifs to find out that most people hate her but love clarke apparently, lmao. hard opposite
s5 also delved into one of my favorite dark apocalypse tropes: what will push people to become cannibals to survive? it's always been a morbid fascination and i wasn't expecting them to get as fucked up with it as they did, but it was compelling shit
s6 had interesting elements to it--the worldbuilding/lore i think is part of the reason i got so sucked into the show, and seeing how becca's influence managed to reach a whole other planet was cool. i also liked the personality chip stuff bc it gave me ideas for valerie, haha. i also liked russel as an antagonist--love a very polite and calm villain being pushed to their limits
but i could see it was starting to lead into a setup for a whole metaphysical aspect to everything that had happened, and i just really don't like that shit
oh, also, kane and abby were my absolute favorite couple and i'm very sad they didn't get their HEA
so s7 was very meh to me. lovedlovedloved echo, dioyza, octavia, and hope getting to be badasses together, but that's about it. the transcendentalist shit was so fucking tedious, and bellamy got done dirty. and i've found myself overly fixated on the logistics of the "finalkru" situation with clarke and her buddies living on earth for the rest of their lives with no hopes of procreation or extending the human race
like at some point there's just gonna be one person remaining, right? and they have to spend their remaining days all alone? unless they do some kind of death pact? or how exactly do the transcendents ensure there are no babies? can the humans undo this? like what if they clone themselves or do in vitro fertilization? i have questions!!!
i don't mind a story ending with unanswered questions--i even really like that sometimes--but ending with a bunch of new unanswered questions is annoying lmao
plus i find the premise of finalkru surviving and maybe trying to figure out a way to continue the human race to be more interesting than 87% of the plot of s7
also two of the big themes throughout the show was never giving up hope and always seeking to rediscover their humanity after doing horrible shit--i just don't feel like this ending really tied those motifs up in a satisfying way. 99.9% of the human population no longer experiencing pain because they basically don't exist anymore feels less like a reward for Good Behavior and more... idk, just unsettling to me.
i mean, it's basically sci-fi rapture, and the whole idea of the rapture always freaked me out too lmao
i know the show is based on books, which i haven't read and don't plan to, so maybe some of this would be better explained there, but i've also seen commentary that it deviates a lot from the novels so who knows
anyway, i do like the show overall. there's a lot of juicy stuff here, but very weak ending. reminded me a bit of how i felt watching lost, actually, although not as egregious
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juneviews · 11 months
how would you personally rank Off's characters?
also Gawin's and Mond's characters
I have a full post of me ranking off's characters already! but here it is for mond & gawin :)
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sun (midnight motel): ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS PERFORMANCE!!! carried the show!!! slayed beyond all expectations!!! truly incredible as the villain, one of my fave acting performance EVER I loved it so much. also sun in himself is the most interesting villain I've seen!
namnhao/namnuea (the judgement): shit show with problematic tropes but mond ATE!!! him as namnhao is not only unrecognizable & absolutely adorable, but really had some fucking top tier acting!
badz (boy for rent): the role that started it all. made me fall in love with this cutie & unable to ever go back. badz is hot af, the only character that didn't annoy me at some point during the show & the acting is very good.
kluay (water boyy): the first role I saw mond in!!! kluay honestly carried the show, he's so fun & flirty & cute and we love him in this house!!!
gram (not me): I love gram, but not the storyline he was stuck in for the whole show. I love how political gram is, how much he can be a debate-lord at times lol, and even that he's a scaredy cat. I LOVE the way he spits on dan when he betrays the gang & how he hugs sean after he gets shot. I LOVE his banter with nuch & will forever be a gramnuch stan. however, I didn't like how withdrawn from the rest of the gang they made him in order for him to pursue eugene, who looked uncomfortable the whole time & was his best friend's ex. gram had so much potential, but sadly he ended up being my least favorite character from not me bc he got the short end of the stick. mond did a great job though!
tee (the underclass): kinda forgettable show tbh but tee was a very cute love interest & I watched the whole show just for mond so slay!
matt (kiss me again): even though kiss me again is legit the worst gmmtv show ever made with ugly duckling: pity girl & turn left turn right, and matt's love interest is THE FUCKING WORST, he was kinda sorta okay I guess. to be frank I forgot everything from this storyline bc the way his love interest wanna prove he's gay is YIKES.
dodo (saneha stories: bar host): a hot, struggling stripper who becomes a literal dad??? if the show wasn't so short & rushed this would be way higher, mond ATE!
term (ps: I hate you): a hot dummie who forgives lies for love, which... couldn't be me lol so he's there.
por (fabulous 30): I really liked fabulous 30, and it wasn't because of the main character played by mond. por is bland AS ALL HELL, pushy & disregards his best friend's feelings, and he just... gave us nothing. at least he's cute thanks to mond's good looks though :')
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pisaeng (be my favorite): so it's very hard for me to decide which is my favorite gawin role, simply bc imo pisaeng, dan & mork are all my faves for very different reasons. but I will put pisaeng here bc I literally don't see how anyone could dislike him? like he's perfect but not boring & does have struggle, which we LOVE around here! also the depiction of him finding his sexuality in bmg ep.5 was INCREDIBLE I loved it so much!!! so pisaeng will be number one (for now!)
dan (not me): now, dan is on another plane of existence for me. I literally adore him & am a dan apologist THROUGH & THROUGH bestie. I genuinely think he's one of he most interesting characters I've EVER seen, and that makes it so he shouldn't be in this ranking. he EXCEEDS this ranking! I absolutely adore imperfect characters & I think the depiction gawin gave dan was perfect. BUT dan also gave me THE MOST PAINFUL betrayal scene in existence that literally has changed my dna TO THIS VERY DAY, so just for that I'll give him the number 2 spot :')
mork (dark blue kiss/kiss me again): girllllllllll, my heart aches having to put mork in number 3 bc I LITERALLY ADORE HIM!!! I was a huge dbk stan but since then I've legit rewatched the show only for mork lol, I absolutely love him & he's an amazing character! so as I said previously, mork is number one in my heart on a equal playing field as pisaeng & dan, I can't choose!
saifa (enchanté): literally the tiniest role but he was hot af AND played a guitar rendition of offgun's too cute to handle on the show???????? AN ABSOLUTE BLESSING THANK U! also he legit played cupid for akktheo so slayyyyyyyy!!!
mile (girl next room: motorbike baby): honestly better than the actual love interest cpodiuygsuichdisucodihb, hot & ALSO plays guitar (duh), too bad that he's a cheater lmao!
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