#I also considered something along the lines of naomi going in for a check up
qeyond · 1 year
Beyond…..dentist…..please…..I am decomposing
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"oh the decor? I actually did it all by myself, can you tell? I took a color theory course in college."
The framed photo is actually from his own personal collection! He thought adding the motivational posters and the "rest in peace" would help calm patients. :) He's very proud, please don't be rude.
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laora-inn · 4 years
Supernatural - Some speculations about the last 7 episodes of 15th season
Well, after 2 trailers, episodes descriptions on IMDB and some unfinished plot-lines of SPN story I’d like to share my own speculations. Some of them are definitely wrong. 
Destiel positive, happy end positive, don’t like - don’t read. 
Season 15 | Episode 14. Last Holiday
A filler - that’s how we anime fans call episodes which have no deal with the main plotline, though can contain some interesting moments and nuances. In “Supernatural” these episodes usually have no Cas in them. Sometimes they are very good... but mostly not. They are “just for fun”, and fans enjoy them, because they can be really funny. No angst.
Like this one - no angst, no Cas, a wood nymph who looks like Mary Poppins to me (or Mrs. Marple whatever). Some British origin of the character. 
That’s the episode which shots with Dean in purple nightgown are from (trailer short version).
I suppose the shot with Dean, Sam and Jack flying in the air could also be here from. But maybe not.
I don’t know where Cas may be. His absence should be explained to us in some way. In episode 10th he was missing because of talking to the angels. What’s now? Some preparations for the next Jack's trial? 
In this episode Dean should come closer to Jack’s forgiving.
Season 15 | Episode 15. Gimme Shelter
I have NO IDEA what this episode is about. Maybe the next trial for Jack? Or not?
I think the shot from the last trailer with Cas protecting Jack on the truck bed is from this episode. Also, some tortured person on the bed with the “lust” written above could be from it. 
And what about Sam and Dean? Where are they? 
I think they may have their own journey here, separate from Cas and Jack. Possibly the epic shots with them entering some building are this episode from. Possibly not. 
Season 15 | Episode 16. Drag Me Away (From You)
I don’t like this episode title. It looks like Destiel mocking to me - maybe, I just don’t have enough faith. I want to trust SPN writers but can’t. Somebody help me to believe, we all need that now! :)
THE ONLY episode in ALL THE SHOW except this one that had brackets in the title was 12x12, Stuck in the Middle (With You). Yahoo. 
Obviously, 12x12 was a parody to the Reservoir Dogs, a movie by Quentin Tarantino. Parody in a good sense of this word, but still. The plotline, the scenes (oh, this lunch scene from different points of view!), the scenes’ order, the roles, though changed - all of them. In case you didn’t watch Reservoir Dogs, just go and watch it, and then re-watch 12x12. You will understand. 
"Stuck in the Middle with You" is Stealers Wheel song which was in the OST of this Tarantino’s movie. This allusion should deal with boys’ and Mary relationship - because it’s her who betrayed them involuntarily, and now they are stuck in the middle with her. 
But somehow this episode title also deals with Destiel relationship. Maybe ‘cause that’s Cas who is dying, not Mary. Maybe ‘cause even on his deathbed he doesn’t confess something important - not about his betrayal, there was no one, but about his feelings. He says "I love you”, but then adds “I love all of you”, and Dean is literally stuck in the middle with Cas here. 
Back to the brackets in the episodes titles. Because of them I suppose that 12x12 and 15x16 could be connected. But how exactly?! That’s the question. I want them badly to be connected in Destiel way, but know too little. 
Back then I supposed that Dean could be dying in this episode and it would be his turn to confess something to Cas. But now I don’t know if there will be Cas in this episode at all, I just don’t have enough information. 
I hope he will. 
Btw, the words “Drag Me Away (From You)” are in Toto’s song “Africa”. And in case you didn’t know, in 2018 this song was used for half-an-hour Destiel video made by fan here. It covers ALL the Destiel moments then far. Link for this video is in Supernatural wiki, in the Destiel article. Half an hour, 10 repeats of the song, author’s comment: 
Along the way it stopped being funny and started getting insulting because this has been a literal decade (as of 2018 the vid features seasons 4-13) and the show has explored ALL of the tropes and yet and yet and yet...
I mean the fangirl shipper part of me also loves it. And then I get mad because I love it. I have a very complicated relationship with Supernatural but that's okay.
Have you heard the good news about Tragic Widow Dean?
TLDR: Have a supercut of all the DeanCas stuff set to Toto's Africa.
We can speculate a bit about this fact, but the truth is we know only about young Sam and Dean, who certainly will be in this episode. 
I think shots with Billie talking to Dean from the last trailer also belong to this episode, as well as shots with young Dean with Samulet, who is a ghost now. But these assumptions could be totally wrong. 
What circumstances will take us to the young Sam and Dean? Time travelling? Flashbacks? The parallel world?
Personally I think it will be the third option. Because how the hell young Dean can be a ghost in “our” universe? Unless it’s not Dean, though I doubt it. But if it’s not Dean, it can be a flashback, you know, with the young boys. Yep? 
We’ll wait and see.
I don’t think that Sam’s appreciative words to Dean refer to this episode. 
Also I don’t think Sam is going to sacrifice himself AGAIN (I’ve heard such an opinion). But maybe it’s my hope that makes me think in a wrong way.
Season 15 | Episode 17. Unity
I think some of Chuck’s shots are from this episode. Maybe the red lights in the bunker too. Maybe not. 
There also should be Amara and some angels. I saw Uriel in the cast! Maybe there also be some light lit on the all situation in Heaven now, when Jack made new angels. 
Some interaction between all of them + Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack should take place. Here the shot with sigil could be taken from. 
What side the angels will take? How it happened that Uriel is alive? Was he resurrected by Chuck or Amara? What plans does Amara have, how is she planning to deal with Chuck?
And what’s for Naomi? Will she come back or not? I think she won’t, not in this episode for sure, and I’m already disappointed ‘cause you know, she should be alive. Dumah said she is. For me Naomi is an important figure considering Destiel, and I think she’d be the best Heaven runner. 
All in all, in this episode should happen something that will make Cas happy. I suppose by the end of 15x17 or in the beginning of 15x18 they all will be sure that they have won the game, and Dean will forgive Jack for Mary.
The episode title may refer to angels’, Winchesters’ and Amara unity. 
Season 15 | Episode 18. Despair
Well, in Supernatural wiki I also saw “The Truth” title for this episode. 
Most of us are convinced that in this episode Cas will tell Dean about his deal with the Empty and will be taken by it. I believe the same. 
I think shot with Billie knocking with her hand rotten belongs to this episode. 
I have some doubts, but also think a shot with Dean leaning on Cas is from here. 
I’m sure that “You fought for this whole world” and Dean’s crying scene belong to this episode. ‘Cause you know. Despair. And the truth - about Cas’s deal and possibly about their fake win. 
Billie’s with her scythe and bunker intrusion symbols could also be from here (or from one the previous episodes ends, especially for Billie - as a cliffhanger). And it should be the case for Sam and Jack, I suppose. Because there is no other way for Dean and Cas to face Cas’s deal with just two of them. 
Destiel confession will be here, in more explicit form that it could be in 15x16, because there will be A TALK, but I don’t think we’ll see something real explicit. 
Maybe, Dean’ll say he loves Cas. Maybe not. I’m sure only about the fact that we’ll cry by the end of this episode. And that will be AN UGLY CRYING, just as Jensen said.
Well, maybe there will be a hint that Cas can be brought back, but I think it won’t. So prepare yourselves, my friends. 
Season 15 | Episode 19. Inherit the Earth
Here I think Sam’s appreciative words to Dean are taken from. They are definitely comforting. ‘Cause you know, Cas is dead, Chuck is alive. Possibly Cas was in his way and Chuck erased him by making him believe in their win.
I also think Dean’s crying words “this whole mission, saving the world” belong to this episode and will be in conversation with Sam. 
They still need to fight Chuck, and Jack is still alive. Here Michael will appear and helps. And there is one moment Sergey mentioned in 15x07, about the key to the Death’s library. He even described what it looks like! Cas heard that as well as Eileen. Well, if Cas is taken, then Eileen should return to the Winchesters, maybe with Sam and Jack, or just tell them about this key. 
I don’t know what they are going to do after. Open this library? How? Find how to kill God? Or not? Will they try to save Cas?
I think they will not talk about Cas’s saving. And he will be dead in this episode for sure.
Also I think they’ll deal with God in this episode, one way or another.
Season 15 | Episode 20. Carry On
This is a land of unlimited speculation!
I hope Dean’ll have Cas back by the end of episode. I think Cas’ll save himself from the Empty, ‘cause, you know, he has a big goal there. The Empty tortures all the dead angels and demons, as far as we know. It should be fixed - Cas’s already made a promise to Ruby. And we know that Cas has no problem with ruining something and messing it up - he is basically THE GREAT TRICKSTER of this show. 
Rebelling against Heaven and ruining angels’ plans? Check. Stopping Apocalypse? Check. Opening Purgatory? Check. Becoming a new God? Check. Bringing the Leviathans? Check. Casting all the angels out of Heaven and burning their wings? Check. Becoming human? Check. Becoming an angel by devouring other angels’ grace? Check. Getting an army of angels? Check. Giving up this army for one human? Check. Kidnapping angels’ prisoner? Check. Letting Lucifer in? Check. Helping “an abomination”, Devil’s son, to be born? Check. Annoying Empty so much that it brought him back to life? Check. Making a deal with the Empty? Check. 
It’s very dangerous to mess with Cas, you just don’t know what he could do for the greater good, and yep, in some way Dean was right when he said that Cas is “something that’s always going wrong”. So I think the Empty is in trouble here, not vice versa.  
Also, there is one more thing that bothers me. When Nick in 14th season was praying to Lucifer, he woke him up in the Empty. Theoretically, Lucifer can be awake by now. It could be a dead end, but still. Lucifer’s “true face” is similar to the Empty’s, sooo... 
I don’t know what to think about it and the fact that Nick could reach Lucifer and return him from the Empty, so let’s move on.  
I hope for the happy end for Sam (maybe with Eileen) and for all the hunters we know. They are family. 
NO MCD here! If someone’ll die - they shouldn’t be Sam, Dean or Cas. I don’t want to see Eileen’s death either. I don’t know what about Jack. I don’t want him to die, but he is 100% supernatural being, and I am not sure what it means for him to die. 
Monsters should stay, hunters should hunt them. We’ll see that the “family business” thrives.    
There should be an order on the all levels - in Heaven, Hell and on Earth. There should be the new Death - of they should return Billie. Rowena running the Hell would be perfect. Wonder if Naomi could run Heaven. Maybe it will be Chuck? If he will be redeemed. Or Michael. 
I don’t know what’s for the Empty and Amara. 
I don’t know what the end for Jack will be. I’d like he will be alive, but I just don’t know. He can’t be a human. That will be right thing for Cas, but not for Jack. 
I hope for Destiel endgame, as well as for Sam/Eileen. Cas should become a human, maybe, with some supernatural skills left.   
I doubt that we have proper scenes of these ships together or Cas’ humanity. Just hints. But they can be very obvious - especially if we’ll see Dean’s reaction to Cas’s returning. 
So, I hope to see them. 
But, as I said, it's a land of unlimited speculation. We’ll wait and see. 
What else should be resolved:
- Kevin can’t stay a ghost! It’s my main point here. He also can’t go to Hell. What will happen with him and in which episode? I don’t know. I just hope they won’t forget about him. 
- There is the shot with Bobby from? 15x20? He should be somewhere. 
- Also, there should be Charlie in this season unless something’s changed. Where is she?
- What are they going to do with alternative!Winchesters from 15x13? They will rest? They will make another HunterCorp? They will be gone?! Come on, something needs to be done with them! Of course, they are not so important here, so the writers can forget about them, but still, I’m interested.
What am I going to do:
I'm going to watch all the last episodes of the season. AND THEN, if there will be no happy end for the Winchester boys and Cas won’t be with them, I'm going to rebel. :) In every possible way - petitions, letters, actions etc. We are grown-up people here. We can fight for our rights, and it's my crucial right - to be happy about my favorite show ending. :) 
Feel free to ask me anything or to comment. My ask is working!
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incarnateirony · 4 years
DM Questions, Round 3.
So yet another list of questions I’ve received in DM that, though anonymously (until the person decides to say it was them), I’m posting for the class because these questions may be bumping around other people’s heads and these answers may help other people too, as the other answer lists seem to be doing. And also to further encourage IT IS OKAY TO DM ME AND ASK THINGS, it doesn’t make anyone stupid or anything, it’s a VERY DIFFERENT THOUGHT PROCESS to try to digest.
Who or what is Death? I kind of had the idea of everything having an opposing/flip side so God/Amara, Adam/Eve, Heaven/Hell, Purgatory/The Empty and had put The Shadow/Death together and it just led to who or what is Death? Life/Death. You’ll notice something though: beyond maybe Adam and Eve, these aren’t necessarily true dualities. God is Light (or stolen Light), Amara is the Absence of Light, because Darkness isn’t a thing, it’s a nonthing. Heaven is supposedly union with God (be that Chuck or understanding man as the true god), hell is the absence of God. Life is the time we know in our bodies on earth, Death is the absence of that. These are non-things humans take as dualities: but again, Absence. Just like the soul as the true good: “What Jack did isn’t evil, it was the absence of good.” We do not take “Has a Soul” and “Soulless” as true dualities. 
If you read the corpus hermeticum, you can actually read about the art of man becoming Deathless--and will recognize some of the base dialogue/concept of Jack talking to the subconscious serpent in the garden (eg, who art thou), but the simple point is, it takes thinking outside of the box of life (and life, in SPN, is literally illustrated as Chuck’s playground) to understand the limitlessness of Death. Life is just a small box in which we adventure, but everything beyond that is technically in “Death.” Death is an infinite vessel, because Death is all the things Life is not in its limited definitions. 
For example, technically the Shadow exists within Death, despite being in the Empty. Why? Because it is not in Life. It births the soul into the idea of Life, but itself exists outside of Life. Ergo, the shadow exists in death, an infinite vessel. This can be hard to wrap around when there’s avatars, but I mean, like Amara: Amara is The Darkness. Ok. It’s nighttime. The sun has gone down so it isn’t putting out light (beyond what the moon reflects (teehee [x] )or unnatural lights provide.) In your home, turn off all your lights. Is the darkness something that exists, or is it something that just doesn’t exist (light) in that space? 
These are the kind of embodied elements they are having run around on our screen right now. Death is everything Chuck’s world is not. Which is also why it tries to be what escorts you into the mental realms once your time in Chuck’s world passes. Once the reaper comes and your clock stops ticking in Chuck’s Swiss Watch. It is your Absence in the sandbox of Life, and something Life Itself was built on top of. To put it simply, Death is the shadow of the world if you will.
With regards to those different places: Heaven = humans with pure souls after death Hell = humans with twisted souls after death Purgatory = monsters (soulless or not?) after death The Empty = Angels/\demons +no souls)after death? That's the long and short of it, yes. Though I think ultimately the point will be disbanding most of these in the end.
So if Cas has a soul why did he go to the Empty? But Jack when he died first time round didn't? Even though the Shadow thought he should have, and then when soulless Jack died he did go there? Same reason the Empty came for Jack to begin with, it considered that made of grace its' own. Even if he had a soul. Now keep in mind I also delineate the hard divide of soul and grace. They are... very different and yet not. I speak of energy in transfer often, be it AC/DC conversion or-- well, I talk of Sun (Soul) and Moon (Mind/Grace) a lot. The moon reflects the light of the sun, the sun is the true light but the moon is a necessary part to maintain life on earth. Now at some point we may propose that there was a conversion (eg, Sacrifice, "When you die and your soul comes to heaven"), but in the back and forth that is Castiel, he's been riding a very fine line about what is what. The Mind, or in our case Grace, is still born FROM light of the souls in creation that it reflects, but at some point Castiel did end up in a very unique condition. Consider it a form of proto-soul, a shadow--*drumroll* that has not had a chance to take its complete journey yet, one that while Metatron spoke he would have, could not yet dream or experience the same way, and still ends up under the weight of the Mind or Grace that was his original form. This is a different construct than, say, being an actual Nephilim as a mixture of the two or embodiment of the Occultum. I will play a game though. If Castiel, hmmmm. I don't know. I'll play fun. Let's sayyyy the Empty comes for Cas in 15.18 like we're all talking about. And thennnnn somewhere amidst Dean taking a hit for Cas (as it looks like will happen) Castiel GATHERS THOSE LAST SPARKS OF GRACE and LOBS IT ALL INTO THE SHADOW to protect Dean, right? That grace is still really only valid within the universe, but with the Shadow entering the universe and soaking it, if the Shadow is the progenator of the human soul, what do you think happens at this point? After all, the soul dreams the world, and births the mind and the body (of self and the universe both), right? So Cas just threw his entire mind, in this TOTALLY PRESUMPTUOUS AND MADE UP idea, into the proto-soul-- what do we imagine happens at this point? And because I'm TOTES MCGOATS being TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL here, I'm just pitching that as a far more... hm, violently visual version of a more subdermal kind of transit going back and forth over the course of our show here. The Mind never truly ceases to exist, even if the power it manifests is only as valuable as the world it is thought of in. On the other hand, the soul is beyond that even still, and can go in and out past these walls, maintaining its form. But a Lesser Mind does not itself have place within the group mind made by Higher Being like souls, ergo, yeeted out into the empty where it floats like a lost part. Does that clarify the idea at all?
Did Cas have a soul before Dean? No. Even in season 6 he confirmed he had no soul. The quote about him receiving a soul happens at the end of season 8, in episode Sacrifice.
If so is this the crack is his chassis which has ultimately caused him to be reset time and again? Unclear what causes that. Maybe Naomi was just being a bitch, IDK.
If he didn't, and it is the Profound Bond that has caused his soul what is the crack in his chassis? Because it seems clear he has never been like other Angels. The Profound Bond at least deeply antagonized any rebelliousness he may have had. It's something Ishim talked about--why they're supposed to stay away from humans. Not because angels are a danger to them, but because humans are a danger to angels, and if you check out the Soul Meta I recently reblogged I have some verrrry long hypothesis about this. (x)
Did Chuck give the orders to reset him, and did Angels other than Naomi know this was happening? Chuck was absent from the world for thousands of years, and I highly doubt the same guy that forgets Cas is around on the daily left a specific aeon-long order list to do X things to Y random angel. We all love Cas on a story front but in the cosmic scale he's just one of a bazillion rando footsoldiers from the heavenly perspective. Naomi seemed more than well aware though since she was partaking in it. Angels were just doing their best to follow daddy's draft notes before he "went out for a pack of smokes and never came back." (season 11)
I can't remember which post I was reading earlier today, but you will know because it was recent, or at least reblogged by you recently: So Cas as the Empress - who feeds young from her own heart - Jack has been eating Grigori hearts - will Cas' be the last one for Jack to be able to "kill" God - which ultimately sends Cas to the Empty - Cas returning in the finale is them defeating the Empty/Death (God is already defeated) and Cas relinquishing his Grace so he is left with just a Soul and can then reside in Heaven after his death? That last chunk was just word vomit after reading the Empress feeds young from her own heart and my brain just wouldn't shut up. Basically, yes, but I bet you dollars to donuts they are gonna make us shit bricks about it between here and there. Be it say, my totally presumed idea above, or even somewhere during the reclamation attempt in the Empty seeming to disappear--IE, the way the fandom lost their SHIT about Rowena following a similar goddess path before HELLO BOYS!! MY SOUL WENT TO HELL BIG SURPRISE!!! -- everyone just spent a few episodes going bananas along the way and then, PLOT TWIST!!!
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weebeestie · 4 years
                                                                                                                                Anonymous said:                                                         
Oct 16 · 13 hours ago
Hi, I’m pretty sure I feel the same way about spn right now as you do. I wish very much for a deancas something at the end, but am very doubtful anything will be acknowledged... One of my least favorite things about the later spn seasons has been that there are so few meaningful character interactions or dialogue exchanges... like there’s episodes are filled with plot basically just to keep characters apart? It’s so boring? I live for interesting character interactions/dynamics.
Hey there. I’ve been generally satisfied with the deancas interactions this season (esp. compared to the norm) and was frankly shocked by the amount of focus on their “breakup” and reconciliation given how this show usually goes. That being said...while I want an unambiguously romantic ending for the two of them, I also strongly doubt we’ll get anything close to that. Even if they do bring Cas back in some fashion after his likely departure in 15x18, I think the best we can reasonably hope for is a recognition of their “closeness” with enough left unspoken that there’s plausible deniability. More subtext.
What’s pissed me off is more about Cas specifically rather than his dynamic with Dean. This show has always played notoriously fast and loose with this poor guy’s character, and over the years one of my biggest frustrations with Cas is just how unevenly he is written depending on the writer(s) of the episode. You had writers like the Edlund, who was great about keying in on the perspective of this cosmic being who can’t help his attraction to humanity and all it entails (har har har--but also seriously, not just Dean ‘Humanity’ Winchester--though part of what made that line so maddeningly, frustratingly perfect was that there is that conflation there--and that’s part of what’s so interesting about deancas, that Dean is a representative of all that is beautiful and terrible and perfectly flawed about humanity but he’s also just Dean, and what does that mean for this angel who is new to even the concept of emotion, let alone desire?), and then you have writers who are like “ok well he’s awkward and doesn’t understand things” and play on that for a weak laugh rather than actually demonstrating any real understanding of his deeper character. And it’s inconsistent. Sometimes they’ll show Cas speaking in a way that’s very human and wise and emotionally complex--he can be insightful, he can make jokes, he can be snarky and sarcastic--and sometimes they’ll give him these weakass robotic speeches that they imbue with this weird, flat sincerity that just feels regressive, like they’re reaching for an emotional beat but not even really trying to make it real. And this specific idea that Cas had a purposeless existence and blind faith before Jack came along is just...it’s just so regressive? It makes no sense. He’s a rebel. He defied Heaven, threw away blind faith, a decade-plus worth of seasons ago. And as we learned from Naomi in season 8, it wasn’t just Dean and Sam who made him that way. He always had a “crack in his chassis,” he never obeyed, he had to be reprogrammed who knows how many times. So what about that? Is all that just retconned? And even apart from his “missions,” Cas has consistently demonstrated an appreciation for what Hannah called “human things.” This isn’t some robotic toy soldier with wings and he never has been. I have further issues with the specific emphasis placed on the father-to-Jack theme (not that it exists--I enjoy it--but the specific weight they’re giving to it in terms of character resolution) that I already alluded to. But in general, meh on this jettisoning of Castiel’s character.
Also, back to your point about them being kept apart: yes, this has always been extremely annoying as a viewer, even though I understand it’s a reality of their production schedule and the needs/contracts of the actors that they just have to work around. SPN has always been a spin on the procedural cop show, which I don’t usually care for exactly due to the boring “filled with plot” thing you mention. This was less irritating when it was just Sam and Dean as the core characters because you saw them together every episode. Once they introduced other core characters that we cared about--particularly Cas--routinely not getting to see these core characters interact became extremely dissatisfying, especially considering that the separation is considerably more pronounced in this show compared to most where your core cast are together in most eps. I’m glad that they’ve at least started acknowledging onscreen where Cas is when he’s gone in recent seasons, but even then they often come up with the stupidest reason. I couldn’t believe in 15x14 (which I otherwise really enjoyed!) when they had him off “tracking down his angel contacts.” Excuse me, what? The angels are basically all dead, right? There’s like five angels, and they can’t leave Heaven or the lights go out, right? Did I make that up? So if Cas just needs to go to Heaven, why tf is he gone for like weeks on end “tracking down” angels? It just doesn’t make sense. I hate that kind of shit, it just comes across as sloppy.
Sorry to rant! I should add that I have been mostly enjoying this season. I finally rage-quit after season 13 after several seasons of becoming increasingly annoyed with the show, but was so pleasantly surprised when I checked back in for 15 that I went back and caught up. There’s just nothing I hate more than wasted potential, and it absolutely kills me when I feel like something that so many people care about that has so much potential to be so good is treated in a way that feels sloppy or careless or like they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel rather than swinging for the fences. Five episodes left. After 15 seasons. C’mon, ya’ll can do better than that!
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hamzaofegypt · 5 years
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- ̗̀✰ •【 RAMI MALEK / MALE / 31 】announcing the arrival of his royal highness, ( HAMZA FAHMI ), the ( PRINCE ) of ( EGYPT ). I’ve heard that he is ( PRAGMATIC ) & ( RETALIATORY ) but can also be ( ADVENTUROUS ) & ( CONFIDENT ). ( HAMZA ) is arranged to marry ( JOHANNA BRADDY, DEBORAH A. WOLL, MARGOT ROBBIE, TROIAN BELLISARIO, AJA NAOMI KING, ELEANOR TOMLINSON, CARLSON YOUNG, IMOGEN POOTS, KAYA SCODELARIO, SHELLEY HENNIG, CANDICE KING + OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS BUT THE CHARACTER MUST BE 27 OR OLDER ). Rumor has it ( HIS FAMILY IS NEARLY BROKE ). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!【 OOC: elle, 20+, gmt, she-her 】 + 1 brother i always say my intros will be short but listen at this point i just gotta embrace the fact that i write a lot in my bios .... it's my brand.... anyway this is hamza and i hope you like him bc i love him a lot already yikes!
name: hamza fahmi, prince of egypt age: 31 family:
omar   (father,  egyptian) mona  (mother, egyptian) _____ (brother, crown prince)
language(s) spoken: arabic (fluent), english (fluent), greek (fluent), italian (decently), armenian (decently)   betrothed: open main secret: his family is nearly broke   secondary secret(s): was presumed dead for a year but his family covered it up
personality: sociable, energetic, good listener, adventurous, fun-loving, observant, independent, pragmatic, jester, confident, easily bored, manipulative, unforgiving, good leadership skills, vengeful, strong sense of justice 
hamza’s parents have never been great rulers. they aren’t bad ones either, the people don’t hate them per se, it’s just that they are both bad at solving conflict and often either allow themselves to be pushed into a corner or just hand out money to keep people in line. there’s a lot of... not corruption per se but something in the likes of it. as a consequence, over the past 35 years there has been a lot of money ( both legally and illegally ) leaving but not enough coming in. on the surface things are fine, but the cracks are starting to show.
there was always a lot of pressure on hamza’s father to succeed. his mother despised weakness and had a very black or white view of things. right before he was crowned he admitted to his wife that he didn’t feel ready to rule and that he wished they could spend more time just enjoying their early married life with their child.
before hamza and his twin brother came along their parents had two children who died. one was a stillborn and the other choked on food when she was three. honestly, they thought they were cursed and destined not to have children.
by the time hamza and his twin were born when their parents were in their late 30s.
initially, they were both educated to be rulers but it soon just started making sense that hamza’s brother would the one wearing the crown and frankly hamza was perfectly ok with that. he didn’t mind being his right hand man if necessary, but if he picked other people to help him hamza wouldn’t mind. it’s not that he dislikes his family, not at all, it’s that he has always loved the idea of being his own person and not being immediately connected to his family. it's the whole "i'm so much more than my family & my ancestors, i'm my own person" thing.
the boys have always been very alike in nature, both social and slightly boisterous, truly two peas in a pod, it’s always been the fine details of their personalities which set them apart. for example, hamza always comes off as the most irresponsible sibling but when it comes down to it he’s incredibly dutiful and takes “the greater good” into consideration, whereas his brother is seen as the most responsible and diplomatic one but usually generally follows his heart in the end.
even though his brother is the one under the spotlight most of the time, hamza has never minded attention and always stops to chat with the press (which some people think is attention seeking and hamza doesn’t care to correct them, however, the truth is he’s just being polite/nice? they’re just doing their job and hamza doesn’t mind giving them smth quick and irrelevant to talk about and make their jobs easier). 
both brothers are popular in the press only you’re more likely to find his brother’s name in respected newspapers and hamza’s in gossip magazines lmao
hamza very much had a talk shit get hit mentality when he was younger. he has grown out of it (primarily because of his experience in the army)... for the most part.
he has an odd relationship with food. he was a very chubby child and deep down he’s scared of putting on weight. he often indulges when it comes to alcohol but he’s very careful with what he eats and works out regularly.
he doesn’t smoke nor do drugs. “my body is a temple” etc etc etc. also he thinks only boring people need drugs so there’s that!
when he was in his late teens some paparazzi got photos of him leaving a nightclub, completely plastered, making out with some girl and then later he and his friends were stopped by police for being rowdy and publicly indecent and the whole thing was a small scandal. hamza framed one of the photos published and still has it in his living room. it pisses his parents off to no end but he just finds it funny. 
he has always loved a good joke. and a good party. it’s true that he has some hedonistic tendencies but they’re not AS BAD as people think. 
IT’S IMPORTANT TO NOTE that, as opposed to his brother, hamza never had to face  his personality flaws and shortcomings head-on, and there’s parts of his personality that he has never gotten the chance to fully explore yet and likely never will unless he becomes more politically active or until he finds out how bad the country’s finances are. if that happens, he’s going to surprise a lot of people - both for good reasons ( he’s a good leader and strategist ) and bad ones ( he can be very vengeful and has no time for bullshit, those who mess with his family and country will suffer the consequences. all the checks his father wrote to keep people in line? he would close that tap and piss a lot of people off ). politically speaking, hamza has never had to step up to the plate, he has never had to be a serious person, but if he does, if he’s forced into that role ... it’ll certainly be special.
wears bright colours, and patterns like he doesn’t give a fuck (and he doesn’t). also a big fan of leather jackets and has a huge collection of sunglasses.
he has always been an adventurous and independent kid, always very sure of himself, and never minded spending time away from his family.
actually, when he was a kid he wanted to be an archaeologist.
had like, a bunch of gfs growing up. loved the company, enjoyed giving attention just as much as receiving it, hated when they stuck around for too long or tried to impose on him
surprisingly, hamza is actually incredibly loyal and ride or die for those he considers worthy and he is not nearly as irresponsible and self-centered as he comes across. he also gives great advice and is a good listener. 
hamza is a really fast reader and he was always a decent student but he never liked school, he always found it too boring ( he often played pranks and spread rumours to keep himself entertained - he didn’t take any of it seriously ). he did study but just enough to pass and get okay grades. as soon as it was possible he joined the army, while his brother pursued higher education.
the first time hamza realised that there was likely something wrong with the country’s finances was when he was in the army. back then things weren’t as serious and he spoke to his parents and his brother about it. he was told things were under control, and he believed that his brother (and parents) knew how to handle everything. or he wanted to believe it. looking back, he’s not sure which one was it.
when hamza was in his early 20s he was presumed dead for a whole year. this isn’t public knowledge ( although there were random reports - “conspiracy theories” - about it and the journalists were either fired or paid off to keep quiet ) as his parents kept the whole thing under wraps. the plan was to keep saying he was on missions until it was impossible to keep the facade going and then they would make it public that he had died in some grandiose self-sacrificing manner.
surprisingly (once he returned home) hamza understood his parents decision, it was his brother who was beside himself. his brother had been a nervous wreck for the past year and was constantly at war with their parents about telling the public the truth. hamza’s disappearance was quite traumatic for his brother.
recently his brother has become more aware of the state of the country’s finances (hamza’s still not fully aware of how bad it is yet) sometimes when his brother has a drink too many he talks about abdicating / not wanting to be king and hamza always laughs like “heavy is the head...” and never takes him too seriously but lmao maybe he should.
one of the reasons why hamza doesn’t take his brother’s words too seriously is because he always seemed to fit the role of king just fine.  another reason is because his brother didn’t have to be at the summit as he could be in a relationship right now, but he ended things which hamza interpreted as the relationship not being serious ( unbeknownst to hamza this is also one of the reasons why his brother is thinking of abdicating, he regrets ending the relationship and doesn’t want to marry a stranger )
hamza has been nonchalantly vocal about how little interest he has in getting married. not just to his parents and friends but when talking to the press as well. he doesn’t take any of it too seriously, primarily because he’s not the one who is going to be king.
he likes having his space and independence. he has mild ptsd ( he’s been working on it for literal years tho so it’s not as bad as it used to be ) and doesn’t like to have to explain himself to people. he has insomnia, and pools, lakes, etc are a big trigger for him. 
best friend 
people who dislike him pls lmao
people he used to prank when he was younger
someone to seriously keeps up with politics and is good at them and has noticed smth is a lil off with his country.
his twin brother (name up to you) who low-key thinks about abdicating far too often. listen i.... have a lot of feelings about these two already and i’m a huge sucker for sibling dynamics so pls make him?? like i kind of hc that his brother might be spiraling down a depression but hiding it very well and look hamza has NEVER been the kind of twin who liked switching places with his brother, he takes a lot of pride in his individuality, but i love the idea of him having to pass for his twin a couple times during the summit bc his twin is not doing well at all. 
hamza has a bunch of exs so pls toss them my way. i haven’t given his sexuality a lot of thought. he’s heterosexual? mostly? but he’s been with guys in his youth and it really wasn’t a big deal to him. 
his current girl-friend - they will NOT be finals. honestly i’m only requesting this character 4 the drama. she and hamza have been more less dating for some months but the relationship was never public and hamza enjoyed that, as well as the fact that they weren’t always together. honestly, hamza isn’t nearly as serious about their relationship as she thinks he is - he does like her but he’s not in love with her. they are to have a break up soon and tbh i just want her to think he’s an asshole lmao
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
05/05/2021 DAB Transcript
Judges 21:1- Ruth 1:22, John 4:4-42, Psalms 105:1-15, Proverbs 14:24-25
Today is the 5th day of May, Cinco de Mayo, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire to take the next step forward. In the Old Testament we’ve been reading from the book of Judges and we've found our way into a pretty difficult story, a very…a horrible story yesterday and it happens to be the last story in the book of Judges. And, so, we will conclude what we began yesterday by concluding the 21st chapter of Judges and then we’ll turn the page into the next book and we'll talk about that when we get there. It's the book of Ruth. So, let's dive in and bring to a conclusion the book of Judges and this difficult story that we find ourselves in, where a woman has been raped to death then her body parts have been sent to all the tribes who have come together to go against the perpetrators of the violence which were people…the people of the men of Gibeah, which is a town in the tribe of Benjamin. As it turned out, Civil War broke out and the tribe of Benjamin, although many non-Benjamites lost their lives in battle, the tribe of Benjamin is nearly completely destroyed. And, so, we kind of pick up the story in the aftermath of that final battle when Benjamin…when Benjamin's men are nearly annihilated. Judges chapter 21.
Introduction to the book of Ruth:
Okay. So, that concludes the book of Judges, which is its own thing…like it's his own territory. We really do see what it's telling us. There is no king and everybody's doing what they want and it's a tribal time, and there is no cohesive leadership. And, so, this is what happens. And the people have…they're chasing the foreign gods of the…of the other people in the land. And, so, I mentioned that the book of Judges continually reminds us that there’s no king. And that's how it ends. “In those…” that…that's the last verse, “in those days Israel had no king. Everyone did as they saw fit”, which lets us turn the page. And really at this time of the year after going through what we've gone through, through the book of Joshua and the conquest of the settling of the promised land and then the slide of the next couple centuries into the time of the Judges, turning the page feels like a sigh of relief. And the territory that we’re turning the page into is a breath of fresh spring air. Basically, the story that we’re about to read is not a long story. It's mainly the story about three people, two women and one man who show character and honor. And these women are valiant women. And after what we just read it's…it's such a kindness to read a story of valiant women. And this isn't just a transitional story to kind of give us a little bit of relief from what we've been experiencing in Judges. It's a story with consequence because of Ruth's and her mother-in-law, Naomi's faithfulness. One day king David would be born. And through the line of King David Jesus would come. So, let's go ahead and take a deep breath and exhale as we turn the page and move into some new territory. Ruth chapter 1.
Okay. So, we concluded the book of Judges with a pretty riveting story and we worked our way through that story, found out that there were just 600 people, 600 men left in the tribe of Benjamin and the move that the rest of Israel made to try to preserve that tribe so that it would disappear from the face of the earth. And then we ended being told, “this is…this is what everybody was doing. They were doing whatever they thought was right. They were doing whatever they wanted. There was no king”, which…which has been the story of the Judges.
Then we turned into the book of Ruth and…yeah…it's just like an exhale. The complexion changes, although we are still in the time of the Judges, which is what Ruth tells us right from the get go. We’re not really dealing with a specific judge, somebody who rose up to lead Israel into battle against her enemies. Rather, this is a story situated in the time of the Judges but it's dealing much more with…with family, with how people were living during this time. Everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes, which implies that everybody was doing wrong. But that's not true. Some people wanted to do right. Doing right was right in their eyes, and we see this beginning to play out in the story of Ruth.
In the gospel of John we have…we have an interesting concept that we need to kinda get our minds wrapped around because it would explain a lot of things. We have talked plenty about like the wilderness and the message of the wilderness and the lessons that we need to learn, that we are utterly dependent upon God, and what a relief that is, that we don’t have to worry about everything, that we are utterly dependent on God. And all of the anxiety and all of the depression and frustration that we can experience often is that we can't control things. But we could just fall. We could just surrender. We could lay back and understand that we are utterly dependent upon God. But that's kind of how this all works. That's kind of how His kingdom works. And that kinda plays out a little bit in John with some things for us to consider. I mean let's…let's just consider our own lives. Let's say that we want to…we want to invest in something. We have little money, and we see this little piece of property and we think, “wow...if I but this low I can sell it high. And, so, we buy it and we hold onto it so that it can double, triple, whatever, and so we can make a profit. We took the risk, we made the investment, we waited the time, and then we sold when we could, or any other kind of thing. Basically, we have this concept of if I put in X amount of effort or money than I should receive no less than X, but I should receive Y, I should receive more. You win some you lose some. But the whole idea is, my effort, whether that be financial effort, investment effort, or just sweat equity effort or just work, my effort toward this goal will give me back more than I started with in the end. And that's fine. That’s a fine way to think. It's just slightly different in God's kingdom because we kind of carry this theory. Like my effort should yield to me more than I put in if I do this right. This kind of carries over into our spirituality. I put in this amount of effort for God then He turns around and sends me back my direct blessings because of my direct effort. So, I quote Jesus here. “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work and you have reaped the benefit of their labor”, right? So, the converse would also be true. There will be times where you will sow and not see that harvest. Somebody else is gonna come and reap that harvest. In other words, we’re all sowing and reaping all the time. There are seeds that have been planted in people's lives, people that you know or people that you will know but you do not know yet, seeds have been planted in their lives and have been watered along the way by other people so that one day you could come along and reap the harvest. And you are planting seeds. You may not even know that you planted one, but it will be watered and someday somewhere somebody's gonna reap that harvest. So, what's the point here? The point is in God's kingdom we are all in this together because we are all on a level playing field. We are all ultimately utterly dependent upon God. And if we would get about the business of opening our eyes and seeing His kingdom and revealing His kingdom and participating in the love of God for this world, and for its people than we…we would understand that we are in this together. There is no lack. Lack comes when we get divided from each other and then we have to hoard and then we have to go through this process of thinking, “if I do, X then I should receive Y in return.” Basically, what we learn from the Scriptures is that if we will believe and trust then our eyes will be opened, and we will realize that it's all already ours. And, so, let's pour that into our coffee and stir it around, think it over today because it…it gives us a check on our motives and it realigns us to the truth of our dependence on God.
And, so, come Holy Spirit. Help us to look at things this way, that we don't put in a bunch of effort with a certain expectation, that we follow Your leading and we do whatever is necessary, whatever we can wherever we are, whenever You need us knowing that we are in this together. And when we give, we may not get right back from that same person or that same entity but it's coming from somewhere because we are dependent on You. And ultimately everything we have is a gift from Your hand including this next breath. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudibible.com is home base, it’s…well…its home base, it’s where the Global Campfire burns. It's the website, it's the whole backend enterprise that is home for us and that's how you access it at dailyaudiobible.com or just use the Daily Audio Bible app. Check it out. This is where to get connected as we continue to take that journey forward.
So, check out the Community section. Be familiar with the Prayer Wall. Check out the resources that are available in the different categories of the Daily Audio Bible Shop, resources for the journey that we are on together that we are taking together. And, so, check that out as well.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage and I thank you with all my heart for your partnership. We wouldn't be in this if we weren't in this together. And, so, thank God that we are and that we continue to take steps forward every day. Thank you for your partnership. So, there's a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey this is Natalie from Kansas City it's my first-time calling in. My boyfriend Micah, I know you guys have heard him, he calls and often, Micah in Awe. He called in and asked for prayers for my thyroid nodules that I was getting biopsied, and they came back benign. So, those prayers worked. I wanted to call and say thank you so much for all of you that prayed for me, that sent good positive thoughts. I appreciate it because I was really struggling on not worrying about it. I wasn't sleeping. I was just not trusting God to…to take care of me and he did, and I want to thank all of you for praying for me. I know this is my first time calling but I listen to you guys and I pray for you guys and I cry with you guys. And I'm not really one that calls in. I'm kind of shy. So, I just wanted to say thank you and maybe I'll call in again. Bye.
Hey DAB family this is Stephanie from Bangalore and I feel like I should have probably called in prayer requests earlier and maybe I will continue to…to keep you updated. I know that this may not play. It’s Saturday here and now and it may not play until Saturday of next week. I don't know but things are dire in India right now. I know that the temptation is to see what's on the news and think oh it's being, you know, over…over exaggerated. And there may be some of that. I haven't watched the US news so I don't know but I will say that I know of many people in my church right now who are sick. And I know that the…I mean there's one guy who came to test my father-in-law…yeah…I’ll get to that in a minute...and he's been testing 80 people a day himself. So, it's…it's very bad and the shortages are very, very real. We just had a church member lose her mother because they couldn't get an ICU bed and couldn't keep her oxygen saturation's up. So, it's a very difficult time here in India. So, pray for all of us. For my family. Specifically, my mother-in-law has covid. For reasons the doctor didn't want us to get her tested for a while. And, so, she finally got tested and tested positive. Seems like she's on the upswing now. She's had a…we know she's had it for at least a week, a little over a week and she's on medications and everything but my husband and my father-in-law have been tested. My sister-in-law also probably has it. I think she finally got tested as well. So, prayers needed please for India. Thanks. Love you family.
Hi family this is Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. Thank you, Brian for opening my eyes to the story of Jephthah and letting me see how doing things according to our own ways can cause us to make decisions which God has never asked us to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Song of Solomon from India, I heard you call in and I was so happy because I've been praying for you. I've been praying for India. I'm asking God to send help into India as the people are in desperate need and only our provider can send the doctors and the resources and the equipment, everything that is needed. Leah from Detroit, I heard your…your cry to ask this community. You're going through this emotional upheaval. You have some physical issues that the doctor aren't able to diagnose. While the great physician is our Abba Father and I'm asking him to look down upon you today, guide the doctors, give them wisdom and you too so you can see the part you can play in your own health. I pray that you’d be able to do your job and do it well. Father God deliver her from that which is trying to keep her in bondage. Renzo from Florida, I am so praying for you today. You're always calling in to pray for others, never yourself. Father God open the windows of heaven. Pour forth such a blessing in…in Renzo's life and may he be an instrument of Yours to bring others into the…Your Kingdom. Thank you, God for all those that listen in on this podcast, for those that their prayer requests come into you. I join them in prayer, and I thank You Father God.
My name is Angie, and this is my first time calling but I'm very new to Daily Audio Bible and I'm just learning so much. And, so, I wanted to say thank you first. The stories just come alive to me whereas before I haven't really been able to follow them very good or understand them. But anyways so my prayer request is for a relationship with God, and Jesus I guess that I’ve never really had that I’m searching for. I'm searching for it because I've sort of kind of lost my own family. Anyways…and in order to get my family back, and this sounds wrong, but in order to get my family back this is what I know I need to do. And…and it's also what I want and what I've always tried to get in my life but somehow it never has happened, I guess, in the way that I feel happy or fulfilled, the way I believe you do feel once you have that relationship with Jesus that everybody talks about. So, that's what I'm searching for…just happiness and security in Jesus and understanding and relationship. Thank you so much. Thanks again. Bye.
You gave us your word to clearly revealed to us our own powerlessness and then you turned around and gave us your own dear son to clearly reveal to us your own magnanimousness help me truly internalize the message that these two wonderful gifts reveal first that you knew I would never be able to transcend my own fragility unless you provided a catalyst through which I could heal secondly that all I had to do at least for my part was to acknowledge and confess my condition and believe in Jesus your son with all my heart believing that he really is your son and has all power to save not only in this life but also beyond the grave it sounds so simple so easy to do but I can definitely confess that that is not true because every day is a struggle every step of the way because there's a part of me that always wants to do things my own way to work out my own problems with the strength of my own hands to draw my own line of demarcation and to make my own stance but after repeatedly trying and failing over and over again I'm happy to confess that I've reached my wits end and I'm very thankful father for the catalyst of your son and for showing me how easily this battle can truly be won
[email protected]. I'd like to give a shout out to Egbert. It was nice hearing your voice again and knowing that all is well with you. And also, Tony the truck driver. It's good to…definitely good to hear your voice again and to know that AJ is doing well. It's hard to believe he's 20 now. Time is passing so fast. And once again Brian and the Hardin family, first off congratulations on the birth of Reagan and I want to thank you for this wonderful...
Hello family it's Shannon from Salem Oregon and I am calling to rejoice, and we are rejoicing with the Browns and the Hardin’s - China and Ben and family. Congratulations! We are so excited for you and we pray you that the Lord blesses Reagan and all of your family, that He would continue pouring out those blessings of the generations over Reagan and all of you. So, welcome Reagan. I also am rejoicing and would love too for you all to rejoice with me. I graduate on May 8th. Woo Hoo! With my Master of Arts in school counseling. I started my school program an August of 2019 and none of us had any idea what was around the bend with COVID-19. It has been a challenge to do my master’s program and be here for my family, do my different internships and…and come through. And the Lord has done it. He has brought me through. He is faithful. So, I get to walk across the stage next week. I don't get to have any guests with me in person because of the all the covid regulations and I'm not going back into extreme risk, but at least I get to do a ceremony because last year’s cohort didn't get to do that. So, I am celebrating in all the ways that I can including sharing this story with all of you. So, thank you. I know many of you have prayed for me and my family over the last couple of years as I've called in. So, thank you. I love you. God is faithful. And please continue to pray for me and all of those educators out there who are working hard to care for kids and families. Thank you.
0 notes
pleasesavetanaka · 7 years
Well, it’s been a bit over a year, but I finally hit 500 followers! This is a pretty big milestone for me--the largest follower count on any of my accounts--so I wanted to celebrate it a bit!
I’m currently not writing anything, but I’ve finished up True End, and I just finished up moving! That took up a ton of my time, so instead of writing something new I wanted to highlight some older fics which newer followers might not have read yet, so I went through and touched up a lot of the shorter ones, as well as making a nice little directory.
That said, I do want to thank everyone who follows me - this is my first ‘real’ fandom, and it’s been a pretty interesting ride! My writing in particular has changed a lot (touching up some older fics to correct errors was an adventure in cringing at my own writing), and I’d like to say it’s gotten better over time. Hopefully you’ll find some older stuff to enjoy under the cut!
Some fics have been updated to fix tense issues, typos, etc. I’ve marked those fics in italics. Lots have content warnings, so check when clicking through.
General Fics:
Fics with no set romantic (or sexual) relationship. Often non-romantic at all, or focusing on familial relationships.
Ajin Week 2016, last years ajin week stuff! Contains a whole bunch of drabbles for a variety of prompts and characters, with associated content warnings.
Between, a series of drabbles, almost all of which are now non-canon, set between Pokerface playing ball and the present day. Focuses primarily on Satou and his Vietnam war buddies. Chapter 2 is a favorite of mine, and could still be canon! Lots of mentions of suicide as well.
Houseguest, Satou visits Carter not long after Tosaki does.
Come Home Again, a fic that I absolutely love but kind of slid under a lot of people’s radar. It’s hugely Tanaka-centric, and follows a ‘what if’ - specifically, what if Satou rescued Tanaka not long after he was captured? Heavily Features Thomas Owen, AKA Satou’s father as a major character.
Thin Red Line, Super short but also super popular. A soulmates AU with no romance, jumping between a lot of different characters to show how they adapt to it.
Not the Last, Post-anime canon and the saddest thing I’ve ever written. A oneshot.
Satou / Tanaka:
I write my Satana pretty manipulative, and that’s not for everyone. You’re not likely to get much romance out of these.
Like Riding a Bike, explicit, one of the first things I wrote, it’s some pwp smut.
Heat, explicit, another pwp smut one, this time with ABO dynamics. People really liked this one, even though I wrote it on a whim.
Bad End, explicit, the first of four parts in a much longer series. The first part stands on its own, even without the later parts (which eventually shift to Tanaka / Takahashi / Gen as a relationship).
Life After, a post-canon short fic about Tanaka’s life after Satou is caught. Very sad.
Demons are Like Dogs; They Come When Called, explicit, my secret santa fic from last year! Hard to summarize this without spoilers, but it’s teenage!Tanaka getting seduced by kindly-old-man Satou and all the horrible consequences. Primarily Tanaka POV, so very unreliable narrator.
Satou / Ogura:
One of my fave ships, even if I haven’t written much of it lately. Ogura is just so snarky...
Near Miss, explicit, the first big satogura thing I wrote. Comes with a lot of drabbles and porn. Set in an AU where Ogura got caught by Tanaka during the lab invasion and everything went to shit from there.
Double Down, explicit, technically this is a spinoff of Near Miss but I think it stands decently on its own, assuming you know the premise of Near Miss. That said, I freaking love this one and it’s some of my favorite smut. Pokerface shows up in the Near Miss universe and Satou gets territorial over Ogura.
Satou selfcest:
Man I love these. They’re all more or less plot-what-plot style stories, but some of them get a bit of angst involved even though it’s literally crack. I throw a lot of Pokerface in the mix, and I throw a lot of hat (the now non-canon mercenary Satou) into the mix as well.
Go _____ Yourself, explicit, in order, this one has smut, violence, and feelings. Satou meets three of his younger selves and does his best to impart wisdom on them in his own very Satou way. I still really like this one, mostly because I still really love Satou selfcest.
Satou / Vietnam Squad:
Satou and his teammates! It’s canon in my heart, at least in the manga universe. I call the bearded guy ‘Deck’ and the other guy is ‘Jack’.
Bettings Odds, explicit, two parts speculation about Satou’s time as pokerface, one part porn. 
Defender, explicit, technically a sequel to betting odds, this leads into Not the Last, only Defender can be read on its own. Predates the release of chapter 47, and thus is no longer canon. Effectively follows Satou’s life after the war, speculating what he might have done, and his relationship with the members of his old team. Part three is completely non-canon. Please enjoy sad ossans.
Tanaka / Naomi:
My ‘please let it happen in canon because I want Tanaka to be happy’ ship.
For Good to Do Nothing, a longer fic that serves as my primary Tanaka/Naomi fic. Has a lot of followups and drabbles that go along with it, as well as a ton of fic art. Set in an AU where Naomi does save Tanaka when he asks, rather then not and regretting it.
Tanaka / Ogura:
Restraint Series, explicit, bare with me here because it’s weird. The first part is effectively romanceless, with hints of Satou/Ogura. Second part is heavily Satou/Ogura in a very unhealthy manner. Third part? Tanaka/Ogura, with a heavy focus on recovery. Set in an AU where Satou’s IBM doesn’t save him during Grant, and he gets caught by the Japanese Government.
Takahashi / Gen:
The standby ship that EVERYONE seems to ship to some degree. I consider them pretty much canon, and they act like they’re in a relationship even in fics where they aren’t the focus characters.
First Death, mature for drug use and themes, one of many fics I’ve written about potential TakaGen backstories.
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irondestinypolice · 7 years
The Dancer: Jennifer Reddington
This is Part II of my theory that Elise/Janet may be Jennifer Reddington, and that she is behind the attacks on Red.  If you haven’t read my earlier post, look on my tumblr. I propose that getting into Red’s account and making it look like he ordered the payment to Isabella Stone is the work of a hacker. Hiring Stone on the Dark Web seems like something a hacker might do too. No matter who Red really is – the real RR, Katarina, or an imposter, Jennifer would have motive to attack him.
First, consider the words that started and ended the first third of Season 4. In Esteban 4.01, Red makes this vow in front of the two-way mirror:  “Elizabeth, I will come for you.”  In Dr. Adrian Shaw Conclusion, Liz says those words back to Reddington after he trades his life to Kirk for hers.  Where did we hear these words before? Back in Season 2, and they were about Jennifer. While Red and Liz say the line to assure and comfort each other, the words in connection with Jennifer are about her fear and possibly, anger.  In Dr. Linus Creel 2.04, Naomi/Carla tells Red: “I don’t know where Jennifer is. She knew you would come for her one day, and she left. I think this foreshadows Jennifer is coming for Red, and it’s not in a good way.
While we don’t know for sure if Jennifer is Red’s blood daughter, stepdaughter, or child in a “cover family,” we do know he was supposedly coming home to Carla and her the Christmas he disappeared. From Liz in The Monarch Douglas Bank 2.02, we know: “I confirmed your daughter was placed in protective custody with her mother in 1990. The Marshal Service lost contact seven years ago. She is unaccounted for.”  I think this dangling thread is about to be woven into the Blacklist fabric.
I think Jennifer is why Season 4 Blacklist episodes so far have had mentions and plots about Witness Protection. The first reference to Witness Protection comes in Dr. Adrian Shaw when Red describes The Coroner as having a Witness Protection program for criminals. Then in The Harem, Red tasks Liz with getting the stolen Witness Protection list. While Red gives the story of Kaplan’s sister being the reason, I think the fact Carla and Jennifer’s names were on the list are a reason too.
We have also been inundated this season with references to dancing and dance classes. In some of the episodes these nods toward dancing seemed strange and out-of-place. But I think they are clues pointing to Elise/Jennifer as ballerina girl and the person after Red. First, she has the name Elise as her alias. The tiny dancer we think of as Red’s daughter in Season 1’s Mako Tanida appears in Red’s memory as he watches Swan Lake performed by the Elise LeBlanc School of Dance.  We also have a character named Odette, who was the main ballerina in the Swan Lake ballet. Kirk’s Odette, by the way, was exactly the opposite of vulnerable, gentle, and caring Swan Lake Odette.
Check out how many references there were to dancing and dance classes:
Esteban – Salsa dance music plays on the radio when Tom is trying to get out of his trunk prison. Red walks through a nightclub with disco lights and dance music.
Mato episode: Mato performs a Native American ritual dance of protection for Agnes. Red tells Mato a story about getting to witness the Sun Dance ritual.
Miles McGrath episode: In the bar where Miles McGrath is meeting with the Sabateur, there is an adjacent dance floor where people are dancing.
Gaia episode: The hunter says to Kaplan: “Okay, sweetheart. We’ve got to get you upright. You’ve been down too long. I’m going to put my hand behind your neck, just like a dance.” Odette first appears in this episode.
In The Thrushes, Elise appears to be in a ballet dance pose when she jumps off the couch and onto Aram.
In Dr. Adrian Shaw, Red asks Samar how she keeps in shape and suggests it might be Jazzercise. He says he wants to go to a class with her. “I’ll see you in dance class, Samar!”
Adrian Shaw conclusion:  Kirk and Red are reminiscing about Katarina when Red finishes Kirk’s sentence about Katarina, having scaled a fence and jumped over, just … dancing.
In the Lipet Seafood Co., Red interrupts President Diaz’s dance lesson when he’s practicing for the inaugural ball.
In The Forecaster, Mr. Mom Tom dances around Agnes singing along with The Romantics’ That’s What I Like About You.
In The Harem. the Emma character looks like Christine the ballet teacher setting up the Swan Lake dance performance in Mako Tanida. Emma wears two outfits that resemble dancewear and wears her hair in a ballerina’s bun for much of the episode. We also have exotic dancers at a strip club.  At one point, the pole dancers are gossiping, much like the ballerinas were in Mako Tanida, and a supervisors scolds them.
Who is slouching toward Red? That echo from his past, The Dancer: Jennifer Reddington
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loradmurphy · 6 years
Weird and Wonderful 1920’s Carnival Wedding Shoot
I have something really cool for you today with this epic weird and wonderful 1920’s carnival wedding inspiration. If you are considering a carnival wedding but want a new take on the theme then check out these ideas.
There’s a real ambience about this incredible concept. Combining old carnival traditions like fortune telling and kissing booths with magnificently edgy styling details makes for a real show.
The colour palette of rich, dark reds teamed with vibrant teal and gold create an amazing warmth and would be perfect for an autumn or winter wedding. The beautiful tablescapes have been created using teal silk runners, gold candlesticks and small vases of flowers. I love the place settings with gold chargers, mismatched ornate plates, place name and cute gold animal. And what carnival would be complete without a toffee apple?
The fabulous props, from the furniture to the kissing booth, the carnival photo stand to the gramophone, make this styling so special. For a carnival wedding you want the cake to be a showstopper too, and this wedding cake is certainly that! Complete with carousel-look top tier, it really is a masterpiece!
Hazel Parsons and Jenny Wren created such a spectacle with these awesome weird and wonderful 1920’s carnival styling ideas. I just know you are going to love these pictures, captured perfectly by Grant Lampard Photography.
Quirky Props
“This eclectic 1920’s carnival shoot is a combination of pretty to weird and wonderful, and captures the grandeur of a 1920’s American Carnival with a touch of modern day glamour.
“The shoot took place at the Penventon Park Hotel in Cornwall, a Georgian mansion where old world charm meets modern luxury. The woodland surroundings inspired us for the first element of the shoot – a tipi nestled within the hotel’s grounds. Fairy lights adorned the interior of the Tipi twinkling in the dark winter light.
“With an abundance of quirky props, from the freak show set to the fortune teller’s tent and everything in between, the shoot screams fun with a strong dash of charisma.”
Bold, Bright and Daring
“Think intense teal blues, poppy reds and gold. These colours along with the flowers gave a bold, bright and daring look to the tablescapes. Velvet red Naomi roses complemented the velvet wedding dress and and gave a rich look against the gold vases on the tables. Red skimmia and berries added texture and a natural feel, while bright red carnations and gerberas added a pop of colour to lift the darker reds.
“The bouquet consisted of the red Naomi roses, spray roses, skimmia, limonium and rose hips. A lovely selection of foliage including eucalyptus and thalespi gave a dramatic, natural look with lots of texture and movement. Red spray roses looked beautiful placed in the model’s hair and matched her bouquet, as did the red Naomi rose buttonhole with matching berries and foliage.”
Carnival Flourishes
“Little gold toy animals added an amusing element to the place settings, and along with toffee apples hinted to the carnival theme. Gold chargers framed the vintage plates, creating a bold contrast in style and adding layering to the table. Blue runner cloths flowing down the middle of the tables gave texture and depth to the look, with individual gold vases and candlesticks placed in between.
“Anon Design wanted their stationery to be bright and bold, but also retain an element of clean, modern lines. Strong geometric shapes overlaid deep red, turquoise and pink giving depth of colour. The geometrics were a nod also to the old style fairground signage style, which would have used bright diamond patterns and strong lines. A traditional fairground style font was an opportunity to introduce further colour with gold, mustard and green. A few extra carnival flourishes, such as the winged shapes and the banner, created a strong nod to the traditional carnival style but with a modern twist.
“Finally, the wedding cake – a masterpiece which took different elements from the theme – sat pretty on an ornate gold vintage drinks trolley.”
Creative Team
Photography: Grant Lampard Photography
Shoot Location: Penventon Park Hotel, Cornwall
Styling and Coordination: Hazel Parsons Wedding and Event Consultancy and Jenny Wren Weddings and Events
Flowers: Sweet Pea Floral Studio
Props: The Prop Factory
Décor Items: Stargazey Wedding Hire
Vintage Plates: The Creative Crockery Co
Charger Plates: Wedding Flowers in Cornwall
Stationery: Anon Design Studio
Wedding Cake: Claire’s Sweet Temptations
Toffee Apples: Proper Job Parties
Red Wedding Dress: Christine Trewinnard Couture
Black Wedding Dress: The Bridal Studio
Groom’s Attire: Moss Bros
Hair: Hair by Kylie Marie
Make-Up: Penny Pascoe
Jewellery: Stephanie Stevens Jewellery
Models: Natalie Jayne Whear and Treve Stephens
The post Weird and Wonderful 1920’s Carnival Wedding Shoot appeared first on The Wedding Community Blog.
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danaeekh3573-blog · 6 years
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