splatattackz · 4 months
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something about love 🕸 a q!pac webweave
fatima aamer bilal, 'i can’t be loved, swallowed and digested. must i make myself smaller?' // hard sell by the crane wives // deb caletti // julian gough, 'minecraft end poem' // nora sakavic, 'the raven king' // unknown // vacation by florist // freight train by ewy
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flemlem · 3 months
okay so, ive been thinking real hard about why i was so like, off put by the original responses to Qtubbos death by the other characters. Like, it makes sense that theyd laugh, especially with how they tend to not take much tubbo says seriously.
I figured it out. Its specifically how they responded to the kids, in this case specifically Phil (but can be seen in Fit too(porbably other as well)) like, I get that phil probably doesnt take death seriously anyway, he doesnt take much seriously. But just, imagine. Your kid is cradeling someones body, virtually unresponsive. Said persons kid is sat in the corner, a little more responsive but not much, said kid also just lightly tried to drown themselves.
It doesnt matter if You know that theyll get back up, it doesnt matter if you think the person is totally fine. The kids Dont think that. Even if someone has just fainted, you wouldnt just laugh and go 'its fine theyre gonna get back up' to a couple of kids that are clearly taking this badly.
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Thinking thinking thinking about Nancy Wheeler breaking down to Northern Attitude because she doesn’t know how to show her emotions and her love for Robin, and she can feel her usual walls breaking down. She’s so so scared to be herself, to be vulnerable with this girl because what if Robin doesn’t like the girl behind the mask, the broken, terrified girl, so scared to let anyone love her in case she loses them. So she cries about it in her bedroom while Northern Attitude is blasting in her earbuds.
Thinking about how Robin sneaks up to her window that night and knocks to be let in, nearly breaking everything in the process. Thinking about how Robin sees the tears on Nancy’s face and softens immediately, laying crosswise on the bed with her and asking softly if she can listen too.
Thinking about how Robin hears the song, the melancholy tune, the lyrics, heart wrenchingly beautiful, but that’s not what she focuses on—she’s not hearing a song. She’s hearing Nancy. She’s hearing Nancy’s fears expressed in the form of music, and it breaks her, just a little, to think that this is how Nancy feels. So she scoots closer, presses a hand to Nancy’s cheek, wipes away her tears.
She smiles, presses her forehead to Nancy’s, listening as the song comes to an end before looping back—Nancy’s had it on repeat for hours. Thinking about her looking deep into Nancy’s eyes, those little chips of sapphire, navy pools that brim with every emotion the girl cannot express.
“It’s okay, Nance,” she’ll murmur. “You aren’t what I was expecting,” she’ll admit, and Nancy’s expression will crack—something fragile already crumbling at the edges. “But you’re so wonderful, Nancy. I love you. All of you.”
And fuck, if Nancy isn’t sobbing then. Robin pulls her close to her chest, kisses her forehead, tells her it will be okay. She whispers, in the softest voice she can muster, brimming with adoration for Nancy Wheeler—her Nancy Wheeler—as she whispers, breath warm against the girl’s ear, “I love your Northern attitude.”
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malakia215 · 8 months
I am having Kanan Jarrus thoughts (from someone who only has two more episodes of the final season and hasn't watched Ahsoka yet. Yes, I know what happens to Ezra.)
After Kanan's death and everything that happened, Sabine decides she wants to find out more about Kanan, but before he became Kanan. She knows his full name, and knows he was a Jedi so she looks through the records on Coruscant. Only Caleb was a padawan so there isn't much but Sabine learns about his master, Depa. And then learns that Depa was Mace Windu's padawan.
Each piece Sabine learns she shares with Zeb and Hera (wishing she could share this with Ezra). Because Kanan comes from a line of well respected Jedi, who served the Galaxy with such conviction and love that it led to their deaths. Jedi that were always there at the right time when they needed to be, just like Kanan always was.
And looking at Jacen, even though he will never be trained by his father, that little boy comes from the same lineage. Hera's family lives on but so does the Shatterpoint lineage- not just in Ezra but in Jacen too.
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paddysol · 1 year
Until the End
/ / limited life spoilers?
(im also trying my hand at creative writing for the first time in years im so sorry if its bad)
Something, something, the overall fear that festers throughout the server, in this case the literal time ticking on your life and knowing that any wrong move will push the clock hand forwards. Knowing that BigB killed Cleo out of desperation to save himself in Last Life, severing his friendship. Knowing that BigB didn’t stay with Ren in Double Life, a wariness that is harboured by every player, instilled deep within. A lesson learned. Something, something, it's a new game, and he is tired. Of loneliness, of fear, of the constant glance over your shoulder. So he chooses to be brave. He tries again. 
Something, something, Pearl knew friendship in Last Life. Despite the fear, despite the desperation to live and willingness to do whatever it took, she knew friendship and it didn’t break under the pressure so heavily applied to all the tentative bonds created. She may not have won but at least Scott did and that meant something right? She died but at least she was happy, not many could say the same. And then fate tied their strings together and the world came crashing down within moments. The warmth she knew so well from Scott was ripped away, a sharp gaze and sneered explanation of where she went wrong. A single twisting tower reaching for the sky built brick by brick on the ruins of the past. Something, something, she has been lonely for far too long and its a new game.
It's Limited Life now, there’s a timer on a player's wrist and a tick tock ringing through their heads. There’s the familiar scramble for tools, resources, anything they can get their hands on that will push that clock hand just a few minutes back. Alliances are quick, deaths quicker. 
Something, something, Pearl can't help but remember the past and this time she’ll do better. She makes her rounds from player to player, a friendly greeting and hesitant handshake. There's a reluctance to break herself into pieces again but there's a grim determination that accompanies that doubt. And then there's a mountain and Big B is staring down at her and there's a choice. 
He holds out an offer, of allies, of friendship.
The minutes are ticking down and in the cacophony of tick tock, an agreement is struck.
So it's until the end now. Whatever that may be. 
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dreamingmantis · 7 months
We all know what Rabbid Peach's insta looks like, but imagine if the others had instagram accounts...
Rabbid Mario poses in the mirror or flexes his mustache and uses irrelevant dad jokes as captions.
Rabbid Luigi's is a bunch of random pics of tacos he eats. Just on the plate or paper with no context.
Rabbid Rosalina has just one pic and it's the grass with a tiny blue flower that reminded her of Rosalina for some reason. She hardly uses.
Edge has an empty account she never uses only because the others made her get one and has never added a pfp.
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breezypunk · 8 months
Ending spoiler for PL:
Okay so I have some thoughts about the ending. This is just my own opinion and I won't go to in depth because I'm terrible at explaining my feelings, lol.
I didn't hate it. I didn't love it either. I get people's frustrations.
Personally for me sacrificing Johnny was a no brainer, and some may come for me for that lmao, I'm sorry. At least in my headcanon, Johnny and V were close but Johnny always made it very clear he'd never want V to die because of him. There was a brief moment where V would have given himself up for Johnny, until he found his family with the Aldecaldos. It gave him a reason to wanna keep going, and than falling in love with Goro kind of sealed the deal, he was going to find a way to survive, with or without Johnny. So back to this ending where it either wipe him or find another way, V chooses to wipe him and go for the surgery even though he isn't aware yet of what'll happen to him afterwards, because all he wanted to do was live.
Now what hurt me was seeing how fragile and frail he was, and this is where I didn't like it. The fact he can no longer have implants or it'll kill him. He has suffered enough in his life, in canon and in my own personal hc. What made him feel important was being a Merc, it was helping people. It was feeling like he meant something. He felt like a nobody his whole life, and in ways he truly was a nobody who wanted to be a somebody so fucking bad. He made a name for himself in NC and it got taken from him all because of a stupid mistake he made.
The price you pay for wanting to live but at what cost?
Now in my first playthrough of PL he didn't meet Kerry yet, and didn't romance Panam so it wasn't really sad. I hadn't even met up with River yet, so the only two people he had were Vik and Misty. And Misty was leaving too. V should have just run off with her to Poland. Seeing Vik as a corpo ripper rubbed me the wrong way but you gotta do what you gotta do and V wouldn't judge. He'd done questionable things in his life too.
For the holocalls.. I have to talk about it. Seeing Goro on the run was intense. The way he looked (which was so fucking good, his hair wjdbwjdje), but the fact that he's on the run for being accused of killing Hanako is insane. It still seems he's roaming around NC. I was thinking of some HC of meeting up with Goro and becoming fixers in the badlands. Give goro that nomad wish, they could be together and all that cute shit. I hate to see how all this ended for him. That "you are a very strong medicine" line struck me.. I'll take it as a compliment, lol.
Now I just need to figure out if I wanna change HC's or not. This ending is not a definitive canon ending for my kiddo. But it's a thought. This whole DLC was incredible and I'm ready for round 2. Not looking forward to Cerberus again though xD
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
The frog is staring at him again.
Quackity ignores it and pretends that he isn't being watched. Gods, that's the worst thing about living in Karmaland: he's always being watched. At least before he had the privilege of being allowed some semblance of privacy.
Before is a complicated thing, so he usually just doesn't think about it. It's hard not to, though, especially now as he wraps leather around the handle of his ax in a familiar way. Once upon a time, someone showed him how to do it this way, someone Quackity can't quite picture through the fog in the back of his mind. This way, he had said, Quackity's hands wouldn't get rubbed too raw by the rough wood. The leather would provide a grip.
A fucking grip, Quackity thinks. He wrinkles his nose annoyedly. Yeah, who here needs a fucking grip? Not him. He's having a perfectly rational reaction to election fraud and betrayal. It's something he thinks that he knows a lot about. Fraud. Betrayal. Cheating. Betrayal. Friendship. Betrayal.
It takes a real asshole to treat a friend like this. What kind of friend goes from saying that he just wants Quackity to be happy to treating him like a kid and ripping away the one thing he wanted in this world just to, what, protect him? Protect him from assholes trying to take advantage of him? What a joke.
The frog is staring. Quackity doesn't know how it got down here, but it's down here. There's an imposter little brother somewhere upstairs playing Call of Duty and cheering loudly every time he murders someone.
Quackity glances at the frog. "The fuck do you want?"
The frog blinks at him one eye at a time. It says nothing in response, but it looks like it's judging him. It probably is. Fucker.
Quackity rubs the top of its head, anyway. A thumb gently strokes a line between its buggy little eyes, and the frog devolves into little froggy purring, and Quackity wants to cry. But he won't. Not now, anyway. He can fake cry like a champ, but actual tears always dry up when he's got company.
This won't be Quackity's first revolution, he thinks. Maybe. The memories are blurry, but he's pretty sure that he's done this before. Somebody died. Someone important. Quackity killed them. He'll kill Luzu, too.
That's the one thing that Quackity knows best, after all. Not politics, not ducks, not music, and definitely not friendships, apparently.
No, Quackity knows one thing best of all: loss. It's all he's experienced on this server between the betrayals and carnivals and births and... everything.
(Rubius in his dress briefly crosses Quackity's mind, Sapo Peta helping him get justice, all the election rigging in his favor...)
Loss. Two universes in a row.
Well, Quackity muses as he raises his ax and inspects it in the light. Third time will be the charm, right?
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bboes · 11 months
so a couple months ago i wrote a big long thing about my thoughts and feelings regarding the pride night and general inclusivity in the NHL. and in light of the recent discontinuing of pride jerseys and any jerseys, i have a couple more thoughts.
firstly, this is not a win. the bigots are not winning, i promise. i absolutely promise you. this is absolutely bad for business. this is not how you run an organization, and it will hurt them. they are chosing hatred and silence over love and inclusivity and standing up for anything. that is not the role of a successful business, especially one that manages thousands of people. and not only is this bad for business, this is divisive. this is a divisive action that only appeases a select minority, and i promise, i fucking promise, there will be players on teams that think this is stupid.
secondly, they can stop having pride jerseys. but they cannot stop you from being proud, nor should they. i am so fucking proud of my queer brothers and sisters and siblings and everyone else inbetween. i am proud of the gay couple that got engaged at a seattle kraken game, i'm proud of the people who attended the pride night i have, i'm proud of the queer fans everywhere.
so go to games, and wear your rainbow jerseys or hats. wear rainbow t shirts. they can't stop you from being proud, they can't stop you from being who you are. be your truest most authentic self and be a hockey fan too. it's a great game. don't let a shitty organization take that from you.
and lastly, it's understandable and valid that it's disappointing and upsetting and angering. but i fucking promise, the hatred is not all there is. the fear is not all there is. we stick together. there are other rainbows in the crowd, there are people who will stand behind you. and at the end of the day, we are extraordinary. we are scientists and artists and explorers.
we have been writing history long before hockey was invented. we'll be here when the bigots are dead, too. because hate might be loud and big and bright, but you can't change who someone is.
i'm queer, and i'm a hockey fan, and fuck anyone who says those two things can't go together.
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I probably should be sleeping right now but I gotta say I started thinking about Salem and the fact she was named after the town that's famous for its witch hunts and trials and how all of those women were unfairly demonized by idiot men and how the gods are definitely two idiot men who gave a grieving woman a ridiculously unfair punishment that ended up fucking not only her but the whole planet...
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ive-been-ghosting · 10 months
there is a fluttering in my chest
and my bones are oh so hollow
you think flying would be best
but the ground is only here to swallow
me who yearns for freedom
and screams for the skies
a soul to never enter the kingdom
one who only weeps and lies
a tongue clumsy and silver
that only ever speaks ill
man who sees the birds and quiver
an excitement only seen - a strong will
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aaaaaaaaaa-squirrel · 8 months
I’ve had two slightly in my opinion profound things and now I’m going to share them with you
I am a ghost that haunts you and your life, waiting to take it as you did mine. Your mortal flesh will decay, and in your separation from all you held dear, you will find connection. (Response in a discord chat to “I’m the only one alive in this server”)
Your loyalty is just an excuse for your cowardice. If you will not join me on the battlefield, then there you will die by my hand.
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liliththunder · 1 year
Making Sakamoto a character of sense
Hakuouki - a game about the Shinsengumi - but why is there a Sakamoto Ryoma?
Let me create a sequal idea to make him more sense: 
(character designs are based on Mahoroba Kanata and Jinbaku)
story idea: the story envolves around Tosa, Satsuma and Choshu characters and their lives (content with the ochimizu/ demons might be added which allows different endings)
game play: otome with several heroines:
O-Ryo going down Sakamotos route of course
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O-Masa & O-Uno going down Takasugi Shinsaku, the historic death of him is the tragic ending
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Ikumatsu following Katsura Kogoro as a former geisha to his wife
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Sumiko, the tragic story about Itō Chunsuke former wife (and maybe a secret happy ending?)
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The "datable" guys:
Sakamoto Ryoma: a man of great dreams, a pacifistic mind set, who hopes to change Japan, without it becoming property of foreign countries
Takasugi Shinsaku: a smart guy who is often bored and tries to expand his horizon as far as even traveling to Shanghai, who suffers Tuberculosis.
Katsura Kogoro: a patriot that cares too much about his han and it's well-being. He gets injured in the Hamaguri Jiken and starts to rethink his life.
Itō Chunsuke: a carefree man, that realises he loses the most precious thing, can he stop it from happening?
Maybe as secret routes:
Fumi and Yamagata Kousuke sad love story??
Nakaoka Shintaro and a secret lover?
Or Kimotsuki Kanetake's story told from Komatsu Chika or his concubine Mikikoto
I mean Hakuouki made a similar idea based game named Hakuouki Uragata, which was less popular. Maybe it would help if they would completely cut off from Hakuouki so it can stand and shine alone.
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trustyalt · 2 years
The tableturf minigame reminds me of when I was a postal clerk
There was this big cart/cage that I'd put the packages in so the mailman could take em out to the truck, and my brain was like I NEED to organize these into the best possible fit so everything is in orderly rectangles. One of the ppl that picked it up said I must be really good at Tetris, and the usual guy told me that I'm smart and I have a lot to look forward to in life (which doesn't make the most sense in context but it made me feel super good about myself)
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bemuseing · 2 years
holy crap the POKEATHLON
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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