#I HAVE to read the books soon
obsob · 5 months
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oooooooooough i love you i love you i love you!!!! hand in loving hand !!!!!!
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fairydrowning · 9 months
You believe romanticizing life means constantly striving to create a life extraordinary enough to romanticize. But the truth is it's not a matter of creating something extraordinary. It's a matter of realizing the beauty in the life you already have. When was the last time you appreciated the way gravity hugs you to the Earth? When was the last time you heard the wind and called it music? When was the last time you studied the lines on a stranger's face and tired to read the map of their past. Tell me, how long has it been since you submerged your head in the sea? How long has it been since you befriended the trees? How long has it been since you laid in the field and listened to the humming of the bees? There is romance in morning walks. There is artistry in a sunset sky. They is magic in late night talks. There is an entire universe in a person's eyes. So, if you are looking for extraordinary, you don't have to try.
– By "Whitney Hanson," Instagram account "whitneyhansonpoetry"
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deecotan · 9 months
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Completely, and perfectly, incandescently happy
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starvinginbelair · 3 months
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this tim drake panel in particular!!!
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vanillaflowerstuff · 7 months
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i read the starless sea again 🐝🗝️🗡️✨
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gorgonsagainstrape · 11 months
do you think forgiving rapists / abusers is necessary for healing? i've been reading a lot of essays and articles that all basically boil down to the same thesis: i couldn't heal until i forgave him. many of them also say that they wanted to reject the idea that survivors are all angry and want their rapists / abusers to die, which is something i have been struggling to find anywhere. there's margaret cho [Margaret Cho Explains Why She Wants To Kill Her Rapist] but beyond that i couldn't find much on this topic aside from people criticizing it.
there seems to be a consensus that all survivors want is accountability. all they want is their rapist / abuser to admit they did it and apologize. and then that's it? what about the research that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated? there is no known program to rehabilitate sex offenders that works in any meaningful way. they go through the program(s), learn how to game the system, get released, and immediately go back to harming women and girls.
why is it so taboo to hate them? hating them doesn't make us the same as them. it's quite literally the opposite. they love the violence they do and we abhor it, there is no way anyone can look at it and say our hatred is just as bad as theirs. we hate them for what they do, they hate women and girls for what we are. massive difference. if they don't want to be hated, they shouldn't rape. it's that simple.
i think a reason why it's generally frowned upon to want any kind of meaningful justice or to hold any rage or hatred in your heart for rapists is because men as a whole are aware of how many of their own are rapists. they know that if every rapist was imprisoned or killed, there would be maybe 5% of men left in the general population. and that scares them. i wish we lived in the world they think we live in, the one where being a rapist and being called out for it means your life is ruined or even ended. wouldn't that be nice.
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Books of 2024: WELCOME TO YOUR WORLD: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives by Sarah Williams Goldhagen.
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kindlythevoid · 1 month
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Part One, Part Three, Part Four
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sneez · 1 month
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beloved gwynplaine (please don't tag as body horror or anything similar)
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sallymew4 · 23 days
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some quick pre-mob terumob becuz i am sleepy [snore]
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vagabondjourney · 2 months
finn family moomintroll is a book abt the queer experience . LET ME COOK !!!!!!
moomin Coming Out the hat transformed and not being accepted as who he is after he came out [ of the hat ] . hes begging for ppl to see who he is , who hes always been before and only moominmamma accepting him as is . it’s the unconditional love that turns him back to who he is deep down , just a moomin .
moomin yearning for snufkin . That’s it . Literally that yearning turning to expectancy and knowing ur ‘ friend ‘ will come back , the trust they share in eachother is not Best friends behavior .
its been very well known that thingumy and bob are meant to be a representation of tove jansson and vivica bandler relationship , and how their red ruby are meant to be a metaphor for them hiding their love and only opening the case to those they trust . even the hobgoblin searching for it could be a metaphor for him wanting / searching for something to make him feel accepted or happy , but coming to the realization that it’s the people he meet that fills those wants he’s had for centuries .
if i dare even say , and this is a reach , the hat could be about how once you come out things can change severely , scary and good things can happen , it’s all just how people and urself continue on .
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arealtrashact · 1 month
Oooh, I'd love to hear some of your fav books! I actually have Wuthering Heights on my to read list because of your artwork.
A few titles I've found myself returning to consistently throughout the years.
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homunyas · 1 year
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the---hermit · 3 months
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Happy stabby stab day! After precisely one month I finsihed reading Babel today and I am really happy I finally decided to pick this book up. I keep thinking about what would have happened if I had this book when I was in high school, I haven't come to a conclusion, but I think it would have impacted me so strongly. I will be thinking about this book for a good while. I am very excited to move onto a shorter book. I think my next reads will be the last couple of books I got, so I will be rereading Carmilla from the beautiful edition edited by Carmen Maria Machado I just got and the graphic novel I also recently purchased. I plan on spending a quiet day next week reading that book on my beloved armchair. This week has been quite intense and I hope these two light and short reads will help me relax my brain and help with recovering from burn out. I am also really close to finishing my cross stitch project, so I am also looking forward to that.
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you guys need to read legends: darkstalker.
like, go have a book about the inevitability of your own downfall. a book about about the importance of love in the face of tragedy. about the nature of free will. about absolute power corrupting absolutely. about nature vs nurture. about trying to save what you know you have already lost. about the cycle of war and pain and hate. about the fear and horror of yourself and what you might do. about trauma and love and violence and hope and death and the spiraling loss of everything you love.
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only-horse-polls · 2 months
propaganda for Black Beauty: A gentle, hard-working, intelligent, loyal soul whose story is often relegated to just being a sentimental "kid's book". Beauty has one of the longest and most significant impacts of any literary horse. People read Beauty's story and felt for him, seeing how horses (and by extension all domesticated animals) are treated well, are treated badly, and in so many ways are helpless against the choices of the humans around them. That human's treatment of animals is so often unregulated, so it comes down to mere chance whether an animal can even have a good life. His fictional biography inspired animal-welfare reforms across both the UK and the US.
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