flingpossecule · 1 year
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happy pride everyone.
(thank u @mamesuke for this idea)
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wavechime · 1 year
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Why are you crying?
Answer: Because it's a messy drawing done too hastily
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lake-archive · 7 months
A Mother Changes
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CATZ Discography
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Ann Wolff (OC), Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Synposis: Having a mother who is a loyal follower of the Party Of Words can be a pain… And yet, Ann’s mother had not always been like this. It was a sudden change, to say the least. A little too sudden in fact…
Tags: Family Dram, Dysfunctional Family, Family Issues, Past Relationship(s), Past, Trust Issues, Pre-The Dirty Dawg Era (Hypnosis Mic), Backstory, Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), POV Original Character, Original Character-centric, Canon Universe, Pre-Canon, Canon Era POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited
Words: 1,715
AO3 Link
It had all started that day, a bit before the H Age had taken effect. Ann recalls that day better than any other, sometimes it is haunting them in their dreams. Though at the time they thought nothing of it. Their mother always had different views and was outspoken about the state women find themselves in. It had never been to the extreme it was ever since shortly after the H Age had started. In fact, back then she was more an avid supporter and mesmerized by Tohoten’s appearance on television. That was the day the change would kick in… 
The family of three sat at the table, eating dinner as usual. Ann was still in highschool back then and their father was still within the house as well. They had turned on a political debate, given both of the parents were heavily into politics, though their father especially. And yet, it was their mother who spoke up shortly after the debate had been over, with an unusual shine in her eyes. 
“Finally! Someone who I can stand behind! It was about time!” She exclaimed happily, somewhat eager in fact. “She is saying the things I have been saying all this time!”
Both Ann and their father had been surprised by this reaction, not having expected anything like this. But they were not complaining, not necessarily. It was great to see her this eager in fact and they both understood fully. “Sure, everyone talks about how ‘women are equal to men’ but seeing society as a whole… In fact, I earn way less than my male co–workers and I do the same thing! Need I say more!?” 
“No, not at all…” Ann threw in, though a bit more quiet, mostly because they knew what their mother said next.
“Oh don’t sound like that dear! It affects you too, doesn’t it? You have to give double your effort to one day match this!”
“Yeah yeah, you’ve been saying this all the time. I get it.” They countered with a sigh, then stuffing their mouth with some rice from their own bowl. “I’m fine though, don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, Mom’s just worried about your future.” Their Dad responded, though sounding calm of course. And there was nothing off with this at the time, he had no reason to be on alert. “And so am I. So just keep doing your best.”
And all they could do was nod. After all, this was the truth. Regardless if things would change or not, it was important to get a proper education. Especially if they want to follow through with their own dreams. 
“That aside, I am more than eager for the change! This Tohoten seems like a woman who can follow through with her promises!” Their mother continued, clearly mesmerized at this point, sounding like an admirer in fact. “I also think we women need to have as much of a say as men!”
“Hey, am I like this towards the both of you?” Their father asked, though sounding rather light-hearted about it than anything. He knew how his wife meant it and yet it had caught her somewhat off guard, looking at her husband with somewhat of an embarrassment. A near chuckle had escaped Ann’s own lips in fact. 
“Ah– No dear. I didn’t mean that every man is like this. You know that I’m more than aware!”
“Hey, I know. Just messing with you dear.”
“Hah… Please don’t… You know what I’m trying to say…”
“Of course I am. And I don’t disagree with you on that.”
Yeah, none of the two would. There was truth to those words, certainly. And it sounded like a noble goal at the time — Make the voices of women heard, make them speak louder. They face difficulties and Tohoten sounded like she wanted to change that at the time. a first step towards equality. And back then Ann believed what this was: A cry for equality, its first step in fact. No one could say anything against that and wouldn’t. Of course not! There was literally no reason to! 
“Say, would you two mind if I joined this Party Of Words?” Their mother suddenly brought up, making the other two look yet again. “I’m sick of just talking and preaching myself.”
“Join the party?” Ann repeated after having swallowed the rice in their mouth, looking at the face their mother had at the time. She seemed ecstatic, truly happy and more than eager to make a change. She wanted this more than anything and saw it as a chance to finally stand up to her beliefs. After all, what can a no name do? She had been the regular salary woman at the time, the average office worker. She had no chance even if she tried, outside of the small changes at the workplace she helped to achieve. But not to make a big difference. Now though? This may be her opportunity to get her word out there, with others who share this belief, having people to stand behind…  
“Hey, you’re not a kid. I’d say go for it. If it makes you happy.” Their father responded, being encouraging even.
“But it would be an opposing party to the one you are—”
“That’s alright. We both have our beliefs. Really, go for it. We will support you all the way. Right, Ann?”
They nodded. “Yeah.” Despite the softness at the time they meant it. If that was what their mother wanted to do, there were no objections from the entire family. 
If they had known what this would result in, they might have never agreed. Both them and their father. Sure, it took a while yet it had taken shape shortly after they had graduated highschool… 
One day when Ann returned home from a part time job they took at the time, merely to pass the time before university started, they were greeted with their father right on the streets, two bags in hand and one on his back. Given his age it was far from healthy for him to carry all of this himself so they rushed over, worried… Shortly after hearing the following: “And don’t show your face here ever again you pig!” 
It had them in disbelief for a moment, it was their mother’s voice. This was not normal, far from it, and nothing had indicated this. It was a clear 180, so sudden that anyone would be in shock to be honest. 
That was even more reason to rush over, then asking nearly panicked: “Dad!? What’s going on!? Did you do something!? What–”
“Ann, calm down and take a deep breath. Everything will be fine.” He interrupted them, grabbing them by their shoulders. “Your… mother will explain. I have to go.”
“Eh? Mom? Why? What’s happening? Can’t you two talk it out or—”
“I’m afraid not. Your Mom is set on this. I… am moving out.”
“Moving out!? Wha—”
“Ann! Get inside here! Stop wasting time talking to him!” They were interrupted by their mother who had opened the door yet again it seemed, her voice awfully loud and strict in fact. It made anyone almost tremble and it was hard to refuse. She had never been like this unless truly upset. Sometimes she was when it came to her kid’s cleaning habits but… With the man of the family? 
They did not respond at first, only looking up at their father, the shock in their eyes. “D… Did Mom throw you out?”
A moment of silence, he did not respond, at least not verbally. All they got was a nod in response before he let go of their shoulders, passing by them. “I have to go. Please, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
“Wha— Wait Dad, you can’t just—”
“Ann! I told you to get here! Now! We need to have a talk!”
Mom… She was ignoring this! At this very moment, she was just ignoring this fact and did not pay attention to her own husband! That alone was infuriating, making them turn for a moment to their mother and starting to yell right back: “We!? I think you need to have a talk with—!”
“Please, just go talk to your mother. Worry about your future, not mine. I will find a way.” These had been the last words they would hear of their father for some time, silencing Ann on the spot and making them stand there in disbelief. In their head they were screaming, this wasn’t happening. This shit… How? What was going on!? It was confusing and… Infuriating. Ever since back then, the party— No, they couldn’t shove the blame onto the party just yet. Even if it had been suspicious, it was not enough to blame them at that moment… 
Things had moved fast and the rest was history by then. Their mother forced Ann to quit their job and join the Party Of Words, essentially the Chuohku. Why? 
‘Your future is not at some market and putting things onto a shelf! Your future is with the party! If you want to make something out of yourself you will join, climb the ranks and become a full fledged member of the Party Of Words! Do you understand!?’
It was a lot to take in and yet at the time Ann was afraid to say no. Their mother had changed ever since, now insisting on them joining. It would only benefit them in their dreams, talent would only get them so far, and they could pay off their tuition on their own. Or it would get sponsored in some way, two birds with one stone! And at the time the offer sounded appealing, very in fact. But it would not last for long, obviously not. Because once getting an idea of the corrupt ways the Chuohku had, performing the same acts they had criticized if not worse, it was not an environment Ann felt comfortable in. It felt weird… Something they just couldn’t support. And yet their mother had ordered for them to stay with the party, whether they liked it or not… They felt stuck, at least for some time.
If it had not been for the Party Of Words, perhaps their family would still be the same… 
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xxfillerxx · 1 year
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bktsjkko · 12 days
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is it gay to blow smoke on your homies face 🚬🚬
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akkivee · 4 months
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modern-oedipus · 1 year
I started watching Moriarty The Patriot 3 days ago— I don’t know why I even kept it waiting since 2021. It has been just 3 days into this masterpiece and I have already bought the first volume of manga, styled a cosplay wig, drabbled fanfiction scripts, memorized DYING WISH (opening 1) and made stickers out of it. I don’t know why, but it hit me so hard. It is the first time in two years that something other than Hypnosis Mic excited me this much!
Though, Hypnosis Mic itself is the reason I started Moriarty in the first place— I went there only with the expectation of listening to the brilliant voice actor Saito Soma’s voice acting! He voices the lead role, Moriarty himself! AND moreover!? The plot reminds me a lot of Psycho Pass, especially season 1! Makishima Shogo is the favorite character of all times in my heart, and in this plot not only does Moriarty have a very similar role to Shogo, they have the same character designer with the person who illustrated part of Psycho Pass’ manga. The story is less gore and more light hearted compared to Psycho Pass, the art and music is wonderful and the characters are gorgeous.
I have never been someone specifically into crime and murder, I know Sherlock Holmes stories of course, from my childhood books, but I don’t go out of my way to seek detective stories. Again, I only seeked Moriarty The Patriot because I wanted to watch Soma Saito’s voice acting performance. BUT oh boy, not only Soma-san is AMAZING (though Moriarty The Partiot feels like it all is Gentaro’s tale he is telling to Dice in his smooth cute voice and he will finish with Uso desu yo), BUT THERE IS SO MUCH MORE! I am so so so happy and amazed of this work by all means!
Definitely recommended!
And if you are a Hypnosis Mic fan, just check it out for Soma Saito. Plot is different, but he is the same gorgeous actor. You can hear Gentaro amongst the lines and it just ADDS UP a lot to the fun! ❤️
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jounetsunosymphonia · 3 months
i put like so much stuff in my queue. goodbye again
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valittlecorner · 8 months
Ryuji is my fave from B-pro so far but why is bro a Lilia Vanrouge x Ramuda Amemura fanchild
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toyama-division · 2 years
What if... The leaders of each division suddenly swapped between teams? What would become of them?
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The city can be big and intimidating, especially when you’re unfamiliar with the area. A feeling that the Toyama division leader Asato seemed to be experiencing at that very moment. Slowly waddling around the narrow streets, his yellow and green phone in hand, the farmer cautiously looked around.
“I think… I went the wrong way.”
Asato muttered to himself as he wandered about. The poor young man was sent a message by Chuuoku to participate in an event: “Try trading leaders for a period of time and work with your rival’s team members,” it said. Seeing that there was no choice in the matter, he took the earliest train over to the division he was assigned to, which is where he found himself at.
“Kyoto is confusing… Though I feel like most cities are like this.”
Tapping away at this phone, the farmer squinted as his screen. It was hard to tell where exactly these two team members wanted to meet. Was it one of the restaurants around here? Or was it some residential building elsewhere?
Adjusting the out of character hoodie that he had put on to fit in better with his new, temporary team, Asato began to debate.
What if he went home? There’s a chance Asato could pretend that his temp team didn’t show up, and he could leave to take that relaxing nap at his family’s estate. But in the back of the empty space that made up Asato’s head, he could hear the shrieks of Yano warning him against disobeying orders from Chuuoku.
“But… What’s the worst that could happen?”
Asato huffed. Tapping his phone, the man quickly put in the directions to get back to the train station. He didn’t feel intimidated by Chuuoku one bit. What could the Chuuoku city officers even do to him? Arrest him? He knew that while his grandmother wouldn’t be happy with it, they could easily bail the man out no problem. Besides, could the government blame him for getting lost? The poor man lived in the countryside, not the city. He avoided such places, even in his own division territory.
But right as he started to make his way back from where he had come from, the voices of some people calling out stopped him in his tracks, making him turn towards the source of it with his ever bored expression.
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I'm just sucking it up and throwing this shit out there. Been seeing Tokyo and Minato start their interactions so I'm starting my interaction with @kyoto-division! Please be nice to the lost country boy. ;つД`)
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hanamuranobuyuki · 10 months
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Heyyyy so I thought about it and I decided I would like to find more fellow Jiroshi friends to talk to! I've been alone for a while, and I can't tell if I'll ever find new comrades, but I'm definitely gonna try my damn best to make that happen!
If you would like to join, by all means join! I intend on making this hypmi in general, with jiroshi, and whatever I'm into at the moment for general talks and chaos. Since I really can't make servers, I don't know what else to do but I would love the company and the comradeship! Jiroshi friends, let us join our hands to summon official content for us XD
With love
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wavechime · 2 years
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My ego is stronger than you.
Posting old works for the meantime while recovering, but I hope to show more recent stuff when I'm better..!
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lisxdumbr · 1 year
Every time I see rythm game players trying to fight a hypmic fan on Twitter over anything 'problematic' I am reminded that if they ever found out what happens in the hypmic plot their brains would explode.
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catboirights · 2 years
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Listening to Scenario Liar -> Listening to Sougyaran BAM
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rinneverse · 2 months
listening to the nausa de zuiqu samaichi duet and .. dude….. the part where they’re moanin n groaning in my ears???
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