#Hooked on Veggies
noyzinerd · 1 year
Stiles: Um, sure. Let's see...hmmm...Oh! If you see a drowsy looking bee on the ground, you can give it a little drop of sugar water to help make it feel better.
Derek, in the middle of cleaning out a bullet wound:
Stiles: I'm now starting to realize that you were probably asking me for a "Q-Tip" rather than a "cute tip".
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vzajemnik · 7 days
ok well i need to hook up with someone bad
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thespacelizard · 9 months
ashenivir 32, rizeth 36 aaaaand vizeath 23!
asdjlkad i forgot i reblogged this ask game hi fox!!
(send me oc questions!!)
32 - Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?
Ashenivir dress up time! Choosing for himself it would be some simple yet elegant robes—plainer leggings, with a longer tunic overtop, plus some other like. Long bits. Some fancy sleeve covers, the kind that come halfway over your hand with subtle decoration on the back. Maybe a girdle style thing, to pull in the waist a bit for some kind of silhouette.
Colourwise probably going with dark blues/purples/black, with silver accents and little bits of decoration. A nice little half-cloak/mantle with silver edging I think, and enough Mystra stars for it to be a motif but not so many it looks silly.
(bonus fact, Rizeth plays dressup with him multiple times in arc 4, and he’s. he’s so fucking into it. it’s adorable)
36 - Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page?
oh that’s tough! there’s loads of backstory stuff for Rizeth that might end up in arc 4/5 but it’s not there now, so i’ll put a non-spoilery bit here.
He was originally of a house with no real importance, a secondboy, and got sent/chosen as a consort by the Matron of House Velkon’yss when he was uhhh pretty young. Younger than Shen was when he transitioned at least. He didn’t have a good time there, needless to say, and when they needed a new wizard he jumped at the chance to escape to Sorcere.
When he fled Menzoberranzan, he eventually stumbled on a group of Mythen Thaelan traders heading for Neverwinter. He hid with magic, but was caught by Seldszar T’sonri (who wasn’t yet Archmage). He told him ‘do what you want with me, just don’t send me back’ and Seldszar was like well. obviously i’m not going to do that. and now they’re friends :)
23 - What is your character's favourite food and who cooks it best?
you just want me to post more about Vizaeth’s Food Issues :p
i have been musing on this though, bc i want to know what Rhylfein would get for him to eat when he’s refusing to eat literally anything. i think he likes food that’s firm/crunchy, rather than soft or mushy. but then i do also think he likes hardboiled eggs. it’s just a vibe i get.
ohhh i think he really likes good roast veggies. idk what kinda vegetables they can get in the underdark but some oil, some salt and pepper. give that boy a carrot stick. also button mushrooms i know he likes to just pop in his mouth. but only if they’re barely cooked; if they’re squishy then it’s a 0/10
i think for maximum Viz suffering, his family had one cook years ago who made vegetables the way he liked them, but they ended up getting sacrificed to Lolth and he’s never had the Right Vegetables since.
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ghavialis · 3 months
As a proud Irishman I did get incredibly drunk last night but now I'm going to face the day and make shakshouka for breakfast
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memovia · 9 months
i love hook, she tiny
unprompted. | always accepting!
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Yes, that's right! You will love her―
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But what was that about her being tiny?! She shakes her fist. She won't be tiny for long!
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sttoru · 8 months
⟣ tags. gojo satoru x female reader. fluff. happy family moment t_t
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“she said whaaaat? no way!”
you were scrolling on your phone in the living room when you heard that familiar voice pierce through the comfortable silence — satoru’s voice, a bit more high pitched this time, almost like he couldn’t believe what he had heard.
your boyfriend was over at your parents’ place for the first time and seemed to get along just fine with your mother in the kitchen. you could hear their giggles and gasps every now and then whilst your body was resting on the couch.
their voices were getting louder by the minute, thus you decide to stand up and go check on them. you reach the doorstep and instantly smile at the heartwarming scene that greets you;
your mother chopping up some vegetables, chuckling whilst excitedly telling her recent gossips to satoru, who was leaning back against the kitchen counter next to her — his arms crossed and those pretty dimples of his apparent on his face as he carefully listens to your mother’s stories.
“seems like you two are getting along well already, eh?” you chuckle after observing them for a little while longer. your presence instantly make satoru smile even more (if that were even possible), his eyes glimmering at the sight of you;
“hey, baby!” the white-haired man walks over to you and hugs you tightly before letting go, though his hand remains at your waist. the grin on his face widens, “your mother has the most juiciest of gossips that i’ve ever heard around town, i’m telling ya — stuff’s got me absolutely hooked.”
your mother responds to that with a short giggle. she glances up from her cutting board and sends you a look — one that emits her approval of the lover you’ve chosen. it seems like satoru’s charming personality succeeded into mellowing even your parents’ hearts.
“heh, i do actually believe that.” you nod with your own cheeky grin. your mother was like a newspaper — you always hear all the recent stories and gossips from her.
it’s no wonder satoru instantly clicked with her; if it isn’t your mother you’re gossiping with, it would usually be that cheeky sorcerer instead. he’s a great listener after all, his reactions are priceless to you.
you move over to stand next to your mother and decide to help her out with cutting up the veggies. satoru starts to search the area in hopes to find an apron for himself, though was quickly interrupted by the gruff voice of your dad echoing through the house;
“satoru, c’mere, boy! help an old man out.”
you were a bit surprised that your dad was specifically asking for satoru to go help him (your mom as well; however she knowingly snickers afterwards).
you can’t remember the last time your father had directly asked help from someone he barely knew. sometimes he wouldn’t even ask your mother or you for help. that’s how stubborn your dad is.
or, was — satoru’s an exception, it seems like.
your boyfriend was also a bit stunned — though not in a bad way at all. the corners of his lips curl up in a fond smile, his blue eyes shining ever so brightly due to the feeling of being needed and accepted in this household. his beloved’s household.
it felt like he had achieved all he wanted in life — hell, satoru was ready to risk it all and ask for your hand in marriage right then and there; that’s how joyous and confident this moment made him.
“coming, sir!” satoru calls out. you could’ve sworn his voice cracked a tad bit, however you decide not to comment on it. your boyfriend turns around with the biggest grin on his face and quickly goes to stand between your mother and you.
one of his hands rests on your waist, the other on your mom’s shoulder as he places a sweet kiss to the crown of your head. a rush of warmth surged through his body as he saw you look up at him with those captivating and pretty eyes, making satoru feel even more content than he already was —
“i’ll be right back. if you ladies need a helping hand, just give me a holler.” satoru says and smoothly steals a kiss on your cheek before hurrying towards your father, whose voice sounded from the bathroom.
there was a spring in his step. a positive change in his already ethereal looks as you watch him disappear from the room. you shake your head and chuckle at satoru’s excitement. you knew exactly what he was feeling, because you felt the same once you realised just how fast your parents seemed to accept and approve of him;
relieved, comfortable and happy.
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rottenaero · 11 months
Saw someone say El gets found by Wayne instead of Mike and the gang to which I say hell yeah.
Waynes working late at the plant when hears these noises coming from the woods, then a girl with a shaved head rushes out to grab his coworkers sand which they’d forgotten about hours ago.
She dirty, wearing a hospital gown, and he approaches her. Asks if she has a place, and she’s so fidgety that he’s shocked she hasn’t run away. She must see something to trust in him because when he asks if she wants some real hot food, she says yes.
He grabs an extra coat from his trunk so she can cover up and brings her through a drive through, lets her eat her food in the back while drives back to the trailer. It reminds him of Eddie, when his father had first gone to jail. His hair was buzzed and he was cagey, but was quick to pick through his burger and fries.
He brings her home, learns her name is Eleven, and Eddie meets her. He’s excited to meet her an quickly gives her the nickname El which just sticks. She warms up to the pretty quickly.
About a week after she first gets there, Steve Harrington shows up, trying to get weed for Tommy because the fuckers to lazy to get it himself.
She pokes her head out of Eddie’s room and sees him. She immediately comes out. “Shit,” Eddie mutters, “El, just stay in there another minute.” But she doesn’t, she goes straight up to Steve and just stares.
“Pretty…Pretty hair.” Steve beams, and crouches down to her level. “Thank you. Wanna touch it?” He asks. She nods enthusiastically, starry eyed as she reaches out and runs her hands through it.
“Didn’t know you had a little sister, Munson.” He raises a brow between the two. Eddie doesn’t reply, just stares at the sight.
“I- Uh, yeah.”
“You don’t,” Steve starts, pauses. El’s still playing with his hair when he continues. “You don’t smoke anything around her, right?”
Eddie is quick to shake his head, “Jesus! No Harrington, I only do it when I’m out of the house.”
El pauses. “..Harrington? You are Steve then.”
Steve nods, and Eddie’s are blown wide mouthing nononono, “Yeah, why?”
“He talks about you sometimes.” She shrugs, and pulls away, before looking up at the long-haired guy who looked embarrassed.
“Eggos.” She states. He nods, “Alright, Harrington, the goods, they might take a minute.”
“Dude, are you serious? It’s like 3pm.”
“So? The girl wants Eggos, why not?”
“Because it’s not healthy?” He sighs, gets up, and walks into the kitchen like he owns it. He opens the fridge door, and the freezer. “Do you have panko crumbs and cooking oil?”
He approaches, and leans against the bar, a bit hunched so he doesn’t knock down a hanging mug with his head. “It’s a no on the panko, but we’ve got some veggie-oil.”
Steve grabs eggs and chicken from his fridge and setting them on the counter, and begins opening random cabinets. He gets to the one with the food and grabs half-eaten lays chips, flour, and oil. “Got any seasoning?”
“Dude, what are you even doing?” He asks, El comes up beside him and jumps onto the counter. Steve opens another cabinet and grabs a couple seasonings. “Cooking real food.”
“Well aren’t you a little house-wife.” He snorts as Steve takes a pan off a nearby hook and puts it on the stovetop. His eyes widen, “Oh wait, you’re serious?”
“Uh,” Steve fills it with a little bit of oil, “Duh?” He gets a couple bowls out, cracks some eggs into one, another he puts flour and some other shit into.
He pushes the bag of lays to El, “Can you crunch all of these into tiny pieces?” Before going back to whatever he was doing.
In the end, the chicken tastes good. El loves it, and when Steve leaves she mourns him.
“I like him. He’s nice.”
Steve starts coming over everyday, usually during lunch but sometimes dinner, and makes them foods.
She meets the party who are looking for Will when Steve suggests she meet some friends from Hawkins, and introduces her to Nancy’s little brother.
Eventually, they all get sucked into the upside down when Eddie learns she has powers, and Steve fights the demo-gorgon.
Then El disappears and they’re all super upset, and when they found out that’s she was alive they’re pissed.
She still loves Hopper, but she also loves Wayne so they do weekend swaps and shit.
Steve starts greeting Eddie at school, hanging out with him sometimes. Eddie notices how he doesn’t let anyone touch his hair, but the way that anytime El asks he’ll gladly let her.
Idk, I think it’s sweet. Wayne gets another kid he adores, Eddie as her lame-but-cool-to-her older brother, and Steve as the babysitter, not just for her but Eddie too, because he’s also not allowed Eggos at 3pm are you fucking kidding me??
El is at Hoppers the week the whole star court thing happens and him and Wayne goes to pick her up and she’s sobbing, and Steve’s got his face beaten in.
When Joyce suggests she being El with her to California, Eddie doesn’t want her too, but Wayne thinks it’s best so they hug goodbye.
Steve still drops by everyday.
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thebirdandthebee · 1 year
Act Accordingly
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Dipping my toes into the Rooster pool here. Using the jealousy prompt “I don’t like them all looking at you.” No real smut, but allusions to it. Thanks for all the love on Aw Honey Honey! If you like this one, don’t keep it to yourself :)
Title: Act Accordingly Rooster just wants you to act accordingly. WC: 3596
There were few things more relaxing than knowing your classes were done for the week, homework all taken care of, and not a single worry in the world for the next three days.
Your situationship was hosting a barbecue on the beach and he’d asked you to come and help set up a few things behind his friend’s bar, which had direct access to the sand.
Tossing on your favorite bikini and a pair of denim cutoffs, you threw a change of clothes amongst other essentials in a tote and head off toward the bar. You’d been hooking up with Bradley Bradshaw on and off for about eight months – sure, it sounded like a long time, but sometimes he’d disappear for two or three weeks at a time, and you’d get caught up in classes for nursing school as well.
Besides, you didn’t mind, he was an incredible lay and seemingly wasn’t looking for anything serious, so you went along with it – no matter how many times you wished your cut-short mornings could have dragged out a bit longer. You also thought it was kind of cool he flew planes for the Navy and didn’t seem to care when you’d pepper him with questions. He actually seemed pretty happy to answer your questions – but that might have just been the post-orgasm haze.
You’d been to this bar before – Bradley’s Uncle’s girlfriend (?) owned it and you’d met in passing once before. She seemed cool and would sometimes comp your bill, so they were good in your book.
“Hey!” Bradley waved you down from the back deck of the bar. He jogged over and you let your gaze rake down his shirtless body.
“I see you decided to skip sunblock again,” you commented, tilting your sunglasses down to the tip of your nose to take in his rosy skin.
“Not on purpose,” he rubbed the back of his neck, taking your tote from your shoulder and opening it up to grab the spray bottle he knew was in there. “Tits look great,” he commented, eyes darting up to your crocheted bikini top. There was a thin layer of nude fabric beneath the knitting to preserve some decency.
“Likewise,” you grinned, reaching up to tweak one of his nipples. “Now what can I help with?” You asked, looking over at a few empty folding tables next to an equally empty grill.
“Table clothes, plates, napkins, all that shit,” he listed off. “Pen and Mav are bringing food out, but I picked up some fruit and veggie trays, too.”
“Put me to work,” you smiled, sliding your sunglasses back up your nose.
“Wait a minute,” he tugged your wrist as you attempted to broach the table. You found yourself pressed tightly up against Bradley’s front, his hands lodged deep into the back pockets of your denim shorts. “No kiss for Daddy?” He grinned, that dumb, hot mustache stretching across his lips. “Can’t believe you just called yourself Daddy out here in the open where Penny and Jesus can hear you,” you scolded, a laugh ripping from your throat as he squeezed your ass hard.
“Okay, break it up,” you jumped away from Bradley as his Uncle stepped out onto the deck with two big rolls of vinyl in his arms.
“Good to see ya, Pete,” you greeted, running a hand through your hair. “I see you haven’t trained this one up at all since I last saw you.”
“Unfortunately some things are just inherent,” he shrugged but smiled anyway. “Mind helping me with this table cover while we have wonder boy go grab some propane?” He asked, tossing Bradley a look. The younger of the two men shook his head before disappearing into the back of the bar through the sliding door.
“So, you meeting a bunch of Bradley’s friends?” Pete asked, in a way that you were sure he thought was casual.
“I guess,” you smiled, “see ‘em from time to time here and there,” you added. “It’s all casual, Pete,” you added. The older man look contemplative but smiled nonetheless. All it took was half a roll of duct tape to get the table covers to stay down before you could start piling on plates, cutlery and big metal buckets filled with ice for drinks.
You were rubbing down Bradley’s shoulders with sunblock when the first wave of people started arriving.
“I’m gonna go plant myself,” you said, jabbing your thumb over you shoulder. Penny had set up a few beach umbrellas about halfway down the sand and you could feel your towel calling your name.
Bradley nodded and you could feel his hand skim your waist with a ghostly touch as you turned to walk away. Grabbing a White Claw, you headed down the sand, oblivious to the conversations taking place on the back patio.
“Who is that?” Coyote asked, eyes narrowing in on your figure. He, Rooster and Fanboy all paused in admiration as you peeled your denim shorts down your legs, stretching slightly before laying out across your towel.
“She looks…” Fanboy licked his lips, “smart.”
“That one’s mine,” Rooster said with definition.
“Your girlfriend?” Fanboy asked his brows creeping up.
“Well, no, I mean – we’ve been… seeing each other – like unofficially, we’ve been – ” He stammered out.
“What you haven’t planted your flag?” Coyote grinned wolfishly.
“I’ve planted my flag,” Rooster cut sharply, eyes narrowing.
“Sure doesn’t sound like it, Rooster,” Fanboy laughed. “Which means… fair game.” All three men returned their eyes to the beach, where you were rolling over on your towel, breasts pressed closed together and fighting against the seams of your top.
“Hey fellas, what do you want to eat?” Pete said, once again breaking up the conversation as he held up a big tray of burgers and chicken.
Down on the beach, you were trying your best to wiggle into grooves that didn’t tweak your back after standing for clinicals all week. Settling with your hands folded behind your head, taking the full brunt of the sun’s rays, it was a matter of minutes until a shadow cast over you.
“Couple of us are going to play some volleyball,” Bradley was blocking the sun from shining directly in your face. “Want to join?” He offered.
“Deal me into the second game,” you said, “the sun feels so good,” you sighed. “I want to soak it up a little bit,” you insisted. Bradley nodded, his eyes, covered by his sunglasses, trailing down your form. He knew what your skin tasted like, but imagined it sweeter in the hot weather, causing saliva to pool in his mouth.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he insisted.
“Give me a holler when you’re losing,” you smirked. He didn’t know, after all, that you played DI in college. He balled up his Hawaiian shirt, tossing it over to land on your half-empty beach bag.
The game started up as more and more of Bradley’s friend filtered in, joining him only about forty feet away from your little camp site. As the sun passed peak in the sky, it was getting a little more bearable out. You couldn’t help but notice Bradley’s friends were overwhelmingly male and were, as expected, a little disappointed.
“Couldn’t help yourself?” Bradley asked as you approached. His skin was covered in a layer of sweat and you were sure his sunblock was already long gone.
“Just let me serve, Bradshaw,” you said, plucking the ball from his hands. Traipsing to the back corner of the court, you rocked back on your heel, delivering a devastating serve to the other side of the net. The other team didn’t have a prayer.
“It’s not fair! Rooster’s friend is a ringer!” A chiseled blonde called from the other team.
“It’s good to meet Bradley’s friend,” you looked over to see a hand extended to you. “Fanboy,” he introduced.
“Right,” you nodded, introducing yourself, “I forget about the code names,” you smiled, shaking his hand.
“Call signs,” another man with a lantern jaw and dark eyes interjected. “Coyote,” he added.
“Okay, okay, are we playing a game here?” Bradley asked, trying his best to keep a petulant scowl off of his face.
“Hey, we want to trade!” The only other woman in the group called out, “we’ll hand over Bob for Misty Mae-Treanor,” she added, making you laugh.
“Deal!” You called, jogging over to duck under the net.
“I’m Nat,” the woman introduced, “Bradley’s told us a lot about you,” she added. You blamed your blush on the sun. “This is Bagman,” she nodded to the blonde.
“Jake,” he cut in, “and Bradley’s told me nothing about you,” he grinned. You recognized this man from a few of Bradley’s post-work stories.
“Hangman, right?” You asked with a tilt of your head. His grin only widened.
Bradley was no better than any other man and it took every ounce of willpower within him to focus on the game as you countered him on the other side of the net. He wondered how strong that bikini top was, where your tan lines stopped and if you still had that little bruise just on the edge of your nipple where he’d bit you just a little too hard last week. It was okay - he made it up to you.
And God, you were really good at volleyball.
“Just take the L, Rooster!” Natasha, who you’d come to learn was called Phoenix, called out.
“Who’s hungry?” Pete called from up the beach. “Burgers are done!”
“Starving,” you said, jogging over to your towel, stepping into your denim shorts, shimmying to get them over the round of your ass.
“She’s single, right?” Phoenix asked.
“Who cares?” Hangman laughed, dutifully trailing after you as you walked alongside Bradley up the sand.
“How did you get invited to this again?” Bradley asked Jake, making your eyes go wide.
“Bradley!” You scolded, bumping shoulders with Jake, “that’s not very nice.”
“Yeah, that’s not very nice, Bradley,” Jake taunted. “Where you been hiding this one, huh? Afraid she’ll show you up at everything else you do?” He asked.
“Oh, yes, I remember you now,” you grinned. “Dagger Spare, right?” Jake slapped a hand over his chest, causing Bradley to shout out a honking laugh. Bradley was impressed by your memory, he wasn’t sure how much you were really retaining as most of your conversations took place on the periphery of sleep.
You’d all settled around a few tables, burgers, fries and all sorts of other snacks abound. You squeezed between Bradley and Natasha, who was more than happy to let you dip your carrot sticks into her too-big pool of veggie dip. You liked Natasha, she could hold her own amongst the group of knuckleheads and had already complimented your manicure.
You were listening to Fanboy and Coyote going back and forth on some sort of training story when you dropped a cold, white glob of ranch on your chest.
“Whoops,” you murmured, swiping your finger down across the swell of your breast before popping it in your mouth – not noticing that the conversation had come to a complete standstill. You also hadn’t noticed that your nipples had hardened in your top, rendering Coyote completely useless.
“SO,” Phoenix said loudly. “I’m grabbing more drinks from inside, who wants to help?” She asked.
“I’ll help,” you volunteered, pushing your seat back, but with how tightly the chairs were crammed together, there was no easy way to get out. Grabbing the armrest of Bradley’s chair, you hopped over his seat, planting your bare feet on the wood deck. “Taking your shoes,” you tossed over your shoulder, sliding your feet into one of the many pair of brown leather sandals lined up by the sliding door.
Unbeknownst to you, you’d grabbed Coyote’s sandals, but there was no way you could’ve known.
“Big feet!” You called, following Natasha inside. All eyes cut to Rooster when you and Phoenix had disappeared.
“Stop looking!” He said, frustrated.
“What am I supposed to pluck my eyes out?” Coyote asked, gesturing wildly, “they looked at me first!” Hangman shook his head with silent laughter. Bradley really wanted to laugh, too, and he probably would have if it was anyone else that brought their girl around – because that’s what he was trying to do – make you his girl. And he certainly didn’t like all the attention you were drawing from everyone else.
“I mean it, stop flirting with my girl,” he said pointedly, his attention snapping over to Hangman who simply shrugged with a flick of his toothpick.
“I’ll stop flirting,” Hangman drawled, “when she says she’s your girl.”
Bradley blanched. Sure, he was crazy about you, but you’d agreed on casual – even when his feelings developed into something deeper.
He loved ending up at your place after weeks away – laying around your living room, sharing boxes of takeout as he helped you study for the NCLEX. He’d been your patient, sitting for cast wrappings and vital tests, and he knew the exact location of your birthmark, right inside of your thigh. He liked to think of it as the doorbell to get to exactly where he’d like to go.
“Fine,” he rolled his shoulders, taking a bite of his dinner. He only settled when you and Phoenix returned with fresh drinks – holding your hand for balance as you maneuvered your way back into your seat.
“So,” Fanboy grinned, “how long have you two known each other?” He asked.
“Like biblically?” You replied, making Natasha cough on her drink. Rooster’s blush burned bright on his scarred cheek. “Hmm, I think eight months?” You asked, folding your sunglasses into the pocket of his shirt.
“Sounds right,” Bradley nodded.
“And how long have you –”
“Fanboy, you ever get those mystery stains out of the common room futon?” Natasha interjected. Fanboy paled and took a sip of his drink.
“So who here can tell me the coolest flight story?” You asked, “I’ve heard all of Bradley’s a hundred times and I want to hear something new.” You gave your friend a little grin.
“Look no further,” Jake replied, launching into a list of his own accomplishments.
The next time you excused yourself to head inside and use the restroom, you were cornered by Bradley in the back hall.
“Hi,” you said with surprise, having just tied your hair up into a loose bun atop your head. To Bradley, your neck never looked more kissable.
“Put this on,” he said, holding open his button-up shirt.
“Why?” You asked, sliding your arms through the short sleeves anyway.
“Because I’m not trying to pop a chubby in front of my friends,” he said as if it was obvious. “Where’d you find this swimsuit anyway?” You laughed, but clocked the look in his eyes nonetheless.
“Why are you so bothered?” You asked, leaning back against the wall, shirt unbuttoned.
“I don’t like them all looking at you,” he said, pressing you up against the wall hips-first.
“You don’t like them looking at me?” You asked with a small smile, “then maybe you shouldn’t have invited me to your party,” you added.
“Let me be clear,” he pushed his body into yours with more intent. “I don’t like them looking at you like you’re up for grabs,” there was a darker tone to his words and he chose them very carefully.
“And who do I belong to, Bradley?” You asked, looking up at him through those thick lashes with a glint that made sweat bead at the base of his spine. It was usually a look he only saw before you swallowed his cock whole.
“You’re mine,” he tucked a piece of hair back behind your ear, “and it’s about time we both start acting accordingly.”
“What happened to casual?” You asked, reaching up to tuck your thumb into the cleft of his chin, focusing his attention solely on you. “I haven’t wanted casual with you since the day I memorized thirty gastrointestinal disease flashcards with you,” he said honestly.
“That’s what did it for you, huh?” You grinned, “all that talk of stomach ulcers got you hard for me?”
“Actually I think it was after you passed your test the next day and I bent you over the patio railing,” he recalled, “Yeah, I think that’s what did it for me.”
“Should’ve said something you big lug,” you chastised.
“I should have,” he nodded, hands on your waist, thumbs swiping across you ribcage. “I knew for a while but it took my friends eyeing up these titties like they were the cure before it drove me a little nuts.” He mumbled, making you giggle.
“Maybe they are the cure,” you shrugged, “you think I wore this by accident?”
“The cure is between your thighs, and I need to be saved,” he said, ducking down to kiss you firmly. “Can we please get the fuck out of here?”
“Ditch your own party?” You asked, smiling nonetheless. “Kinda tacky.”
“Says the girl in the Hawaiian shirt,” he countered.
“Touché,” you nodded. “Tell them we’re out and I’ll meet you at the car?” You offered.
“Actually,” Bradley sucked in a breath, “I need you to tell them we’re out,” he recalled Hangman’s comment. You rocked forward, pressing your lips to his once more.
“Okay fine, but when we get back to my place - I get to be pillow princess,” you said pointedly.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he grinned, and you couldn’t resist that stupid mustache, kissing him again. You pulled Bradley by the hand across the bar to the back door again, where Pete and Penny had decided to join the group as the sun went down.
“Sorry to say, it’s time for us to leave,” you announced, sliding your feet back into your own shoes. “But Bradley just recently found his ball sack and we’re together now – so we’ve got business to attend to.” Bradley narrowly escaped the shower of crudité that came flying his way and he parade-waved his way off the patio. “Penny, please bill Bradley for a cleanup!” you called, just before he could sweep an arm under your knees, lifting you from the ground. “He’s actually quite a good cleaner!”
You laughed as he deposited you right into the passenger seat of the Bronco.
“How was that?” You asked, “definitive enough for your friends?”
“Pretty good,” he nodded, bracing his arms against the top of the car, leaning into your personal space. “Better than what I had planned.”
“And what were your big declarations going to be?” You asked.
“Sorry to eat and run – but I gotta run and eat,” he growled, pressing his lips against yours in a hot kiss.
Your scream of laughter carried across the breeze to the back patio, where Pete had just clinked his beer bottle against Fanboy’s.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed Aw Honey Honey, you might also like Mighty Fine! This work is 18+
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sisitrip · 6 months
More Like Me, With You
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Palate cleanser from some heavy. Don't know what this is, but it made me feel warm.
Mickey’s key’s clatter against their door and Ian stretches on the couch, wiggling his toes in relief. Finally. A rare, full day apart from Mickey had reminded him of what it felt like to not have his husband at kissing distance.
What a shock. He’d hated it. 
He’s been askew in his skin all day and his mind sparked chaotic like so many pop rocks on a wet tongue. An empty apartment and being alone with his thoughts has never before, or now, been a good thing for him. 
Cold chapped and smiling, Mickey steps into the tropical heat of their apartment. Ian’s set up a trap house tailored to his husband’s tastes and he doesn’t feel guilty at all. The apartment was humidly redolent with dinner - a crock pot full of brisket, potatoes, and the veggie puree he’d snuck in. Cold beer was sitting in the refrigerator and various other items he knows Mickey loves are scattered around the apartment. He probably gets more out of doing these things for Mickey than Mickey does himself. It’s a poorly kept secret that he mainline’s Mickey’s happiness shamelessly.
“Ah fucking yesss,” Mickey hisses when he closes the door behind him and the warmth hits his face. “You’re getting all the blowjobs.”  
Ian laughs and drops his book on the coffee table. 
“That’s a pretty tall promise, husband.”
Mickey starts shedding his shoes and clothes as he walks over. 
“I mean that shit, husband. It’s jungle perfect in here,” Mickey says, finally stripped down to his boxers and tank top. He flops down onto Ian, pulling a laugh from him.
“We aim to please,” he chuckles, wrapping Mickey up in his arms. The cold clings stubbornly to his hair which makes Ian shiver in his own shorts and t-shirt. “How was it without me today?”
“You want a lie or the truth?” Mickey asks, burrowing. 
“The truth.”
“It sucked. Not the work, but the rig. That shit’s loud as fuck when you’re not in it.” 
Ian smiles and rubs Mickey between his shoulder blades. Loud is code for lonely. 
“Sorry I couldn’t be there. Lip rarely uses the emergency child care card.” 
Mickey snorts into his neck and hooks a leg over his thigh. 
“Fred, good?”
“Perfectly slobbery. He put applesauce in my hair.”
Mickey chuckles. “Fred put his favorite thing to eat on his favorite thing. That kid likes your hair as much as I do.” 
He hums and noses into Mickey’s hair, sniffing past the cold, smoke and city smells to find what he’s looking for. When he does, he inhales deeply. “Speaking of favorite things,” he murmurs and smiles when Mickey laughs.
“Fucking sniffer,” Mickey mumbles into his collar bone. “Repeat offender sniffer.” 
“Then stop being a human aromatherapy candle,” he teases, sniffing again. He stops when Mickey’s belly rumbles against his. 
“Tell me what you ate today and I better not hear Snickers once. Your last dentist appointment was a miracle.” 
“I had food.” Mickey shoves his hands under Ian’s back and hides his face. He can feel Mickey trying to cross his lying little fingers.
“Mountain Dew and a candy bar.” 
“What’d I say about the Snickers?” he faux gruffs. 
“I never said the word Snickers,” Mickey says with a sniff.
He grins, giving Mickey’s temple a peck. “You eat like a bachelor when I’m not around.”
“Then stop ditching me for Fred. He can’t even talk,” Mickey says, nipping his neck.
They lie quietly for a bit, listening to the muffled city sounds and wind pelting snow at their windows. Although the world is ordered now that he had Mickey close, he can’t quite let go of the discomfort he’d felt all day. It was like he wasn’t himself until Mickey was around. As a matter of fact, it’s been a long time since he’d thought about who he was without this soft, heaven-scented man in his arms.
“Did you feel like yourself today?”
Mickey makes a noise of confusion.
“Uh, kind of?”
“Explain please,” he says, stroking Mickey’s back.
“I mean, it’s having a routine, you know? If it gets out of whack, anyone would feel out of sorts or whatever.”
“Was it because I wasn’t there?” he asks softly.
Mickey pulls back, face comically sad. 
“My world caved in,” he begins, sober as a grave.
Ian flushes. Here it comes.
“I looked at the long devastation of the day and nearly gave up because you weren’t there.”
“Shut up,” he says, starting to laugh.
“When I thought the snow would drown me in the hole your absence made, I reached for a potion, nay!  An elixir.” Mickey bows his head solemnly. “Yes. A flagon of Mountain Dew. Without it, I might have perished.”
Ian’s laughing hard now. “You’re a dick.”
Mickey settles down, laughing too. 
“And you’re in your head again. Stop that shit. You’re Ian, and I’m Mickey even when we’re apart.” Mickey nuzzles into his neck. “But, truth? I feel more like me when we’re together.”
He kisses Mickey’s cheek. “Me too.” 
Mickey hums against his neck then stills when his stomach grumbles again. 
“Alright, are you ready to eat?” Ian asks, giving him a squeeze.
He makes as if to get up. “Come on then. I got brisket on.”
Mickey grumbles and sags his weight down fully, hiding his face in Ian’s shoulder.
“Wait a minute.”
“Why? Thought you were hungry.” 
“I am.”
“Then let me up so I can get us some food,” he laughs when Mickey doesn’t budge. “You need to eat, baby.”
Mickey kisses his neck and squeezes close.
“Need this more.”
He liquifies to absolute besotted goo, sliding his hands under Mickey’s tank and down into his shorts, squeezing softly. 
“You are several levels of sweet, Mickey Gallagher,” he whispers into his hair.
“It’s the Snickers,” Mickey mutters. 
Ian holds him tight, head and heart full of all the things that are completely true about Mickey, but would be brushed off by his husband as romantic nonsense. 
“Nope. The candy hasn’t got a damn thing to do with it,” he murmurs, accepting Mickey’s soft kiss.
“Yeah?” Mickey whispers. 
They curl into each other in the loving humidity of the life they’ve built together, needing nothing more than to be this close for a while. 
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vespertiliosworld · 3 months
Damian Wayne x Reader
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You were playing with the little Robin keychain that came with the menu you got at BatBurger. "Aw! That's so cute, I didn't know Robin could be so cute." You spoke while admiring the toy.
Robin was glaring at you like he had been doing for the last twenty minutes. He didn't like the toy, nor the way you played with it.
"So stupid." He grumbled before eating his veggie burger. You were all sitting together on the roof of one of Gotham's tall buildings, eating your burgers.
Superboy laughed at his situation with food scraps on his face. "I got Batman!" he said, holding up the keychain. He drank his coke while shaking Batman.
"Next time I'll get Red Hood." you said in an excited voice. Red Hood was your favorite, but you couldn't get him first while Robin next to you.
Robin felt enraged. "Why? He's such an idiot." he said in a disgusted tone. He had finished his burger and was waiting for you and Superboy.
You giggled slightly and rolled your eyes at him. "He's not! He's so cool! He never runs away from a fight, he's so cool, his body is so good, he's got muscles and oh my god I wish I could meet him!" You squealed with admiration and listed a bunch of things in one breath.
Robin looked at him with disgust on his face. He didn't understand why you liked Jason. To him, Jason was a total loser.
It seemed a little silly, but Red Hood was your favorite hero. "Well, I wonder if he's handsome?" You talked to yourself while picking up the garbage from your burger.
Robin grimaced and stood up. "He is not, he is very ugly." We all know that's a lie, right? Without waiting for you, he jumped off with a bat-hook towards another roof and jumped away.
"I don't understand what's wrong with him!" you said, rebelling.
Superboy shrugged and rose from the ground. "I think he's jealous." Then he winked and followed Robin without another word.
Not understanding, you quickly followed them. "Hey!" Night flights were very good. Especially with your friends. Your flying races with Jon, imitating Robin while he's bossing you around, eating burgers after long chases, and running around to warm you up in cold weather. It was all fun.
When the patrol ended and everyone started to disperse to their homes, you wanted to wander around for a while longer. You take every opportunity you have to use your powers freely.
As you flew over Washington, the houses with their lights on below looked like stars. The view was interesting, but you had to get back home before it was too late and Diana got worried. You stayed above the clouds to avoid attracting attention as you flew home.
When you got home, you noticed that Diana was getting ready to go somewhere in a hurry. She moved from room to room and you followed her. "Where are you going?" you said curiously.
Diana paused for a moment and turned to you. "Void, he's back. We're going to stop him with the team." she said quickly.
"Okay, I'm ready anyway." You said and held your sword.
Diana shook her head and put a hand on your shoulder. "You're not coming, his goal is to catch you anyway. It would be better if you stayed here." she said and turned to get ready.
You slumped your shoulders in disappointment. "You're right, okay." you said meekly. Of course you won't stay at home, you will follow.
When Diana hurried away, you silently followed after her, keeping some distance between you. She was too thoughtful and focused to notice you.
So it wasn't much of a hassle to follow her. The place where she met Batman and Superman was like an apocalyptic scene. Void's soldiers were everywhere, blood, severed organs, and dead people were scattered like decorations. As if Void was enjoying this, he was watching what was happening from above with satisfaction appearing in his black eyes.
You hid in the clouds to keep yourself away from it, but Void looked right at you, sensing the energy radiated by the relic you wore. You swallowed and hid further into the clouds, but he stared at you with bloodthirstiness, absorbing the dark energy emanating from dead bodies and scared people.
Feeling like you couldn't hide any longer, you pulled out your sword and gripped it tightly. When Void sent a large fireball towards you, you split it in half with your sword and quickly attacked him. When Void quickly retreated, you swung your sword at him once again. This time he caught your sword and smiled. "Hi dear."
You turned your eyes at him and tried to press your sword harder, but it didn't work. Void shattered your sword into pieces, this time he is very powerfully. While you didn't have time to pull away, he grabbed you by the neck and squeezed you. “When someone says hello to you, you have to say hello back, dear.”
When he threw you like dirt, you hit the ground and were dragged away. He screamed in pain with laser beams when he came at you and tried to attack once more. When you looked back in surprise, Robin jumped in front of you and stabbed Void in the eye with his katana. Just like you did before.
When Void stepped back, Robin came to you and extended his hand. "It must be hard being this powerless ." Even though he used a condescending tone towards you, you were happy.
You took his hand and got up. "Thanks." you said gratefully. Superboy landed next to you, punching one palm with the other. “Let's take this bitch down!” Robin grinned when you shouted loudly.
Although Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman saw you, they were too busy to help. There were Void's bloodthirsty soldiers everywhere. Wonder Woman turned to you as she shattered another one with a single punch. "Shivani! Be careful!"
You turned to her for a second and smiled. Your sword was broken, but you didn't necessarily need a sword. As you lunged forward and swung your fist at Void, he turned to you. Superboy took advantage of this by getting behind him and shooting lasers with his eyes. Before Void could realize this, Damian cut off his arm with sword.
You quickly jumped into the air and brought your fists together to deliver a solid blow to Void's head. Before he understand what was happening, you smiled proudly as Void broke the ground and created a dent.
"We did it! We won!" Superboy looked around, see the disappearing Void's soldiers.
You smiled and entered the rift, reaching for Void's necklace, which glowed black. "What's this?" The black stone was shining as if it was drawing you in. You reached up and took it off Void's neck and held it in your hand. It was an heirloom just like yours.
"I think I found something." As you looked hypnotized at the stone that pulled you in, you called out to the other two. Robin quickly jumped down and reached for your shoulder, but suddenly your body started shaking in pain. "Fuck!" You fell to your knees and whimpered in pain.
You screamed in pain as black veins of unknown origin appeared on your body. “Y/N!” You wanted to turn to Damian's shout, but everything suddenly went dark.
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cosmal · 2 years
thinking about my favorite boys…
james potter who will use u as a human bed/pillow/blanket. literally anything to feel u. “don’t get up, ur warm.” or “stop moving, m’trying to sleep.”
remus lupin who loves ur skin in an almost weird way. if ur shoulders are showing, he’s kissing them. bare thighs peeking out of shorts? they’re being covered by his warm palms.
no because you are so so right its not even funny I love u
james definitely gets all whiny when he's trying to lay on you. as soon as he's home from work he's on top of you. shirt untucked, glasses off, work hair all messy straight away. you're laying on the couch, trying to watch some stupid show, he's got his arms needled around your back and his face in ur tummy n is all like how was your day, lovey? and you fall into tired conversation about the mundane shit james absolutely loves to hear. he loves the feeling of your chest reverberating against his cheeks!!!!! and then you're remembering dinner, trying to get up and he's like where r u going :/ no, don't leave, m'not even hungry, let's skip dinner. you tell him you're cooking his favourite and he gets all torn up and helps you cook. but don't act like he's not hugging you from behind, chin hooked over your shoulder while you cut up all the veggies.
let's talk about the epidemic of remus's obsession with you in summer dresses >:((( summer picnics? he's laying over your thighs, fingers tracing up the skin of your calves. at the grocers? he's standing behind you with his palms resting on the inside of your thighs, listening to you trying to decide whether or not you should buy more mandarins. at home with you leaning up against his chest, reading or watching a movie? he kissing up and over the plane of your shoulders and neck. nibbling every once and a while. humming and breathing into your skin when you're trying to talk to him but he's just so distracted by the feeling of your soft skin against his lips. he's always distracted by your skin when you're showing even just the slightest sometimes. "remus are you even listening?" no, sorry, dove. when'd you buy that top?
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reallyromealone · 1 year
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Bonten x bunny male reader
Warning: hybrid au, nsfw, smut, male reader, bottom reader, MLM, gay, diet omegaverse themes (elements of Omegaverse but not quite there)
If you are
Are a fujoshi
Do not interact
I will block you
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Those who knew Bonten knew to run for the hills if they enter a room, the predator hybrids weren't to be fucked with by any means.
And whatever they saw, belonged to them.
And currently they couldn't take their eyes off the cutest bunny hybrid with long floppy ears and a fluffy cotton tail to boot.
Said bunny was their beloved mate so why wouldn't they watch him whenever they could?
(Name) was in bunny form curled up against Sanzus fox tail as the pink haired man cleaned his sword calmly, pleased his mate was so relaxed to be in such a vulnerable state with him.
Currently (name) was in preheat, conserving energy for the upcoming heat that Bonten was thankful that they could alternate because bunnies had a reputation for a reason.
"He still sleeping?" Ran asked as he walked in with bags of veggies and fruits, the pink haired man nodded as he glanced down at the bunny who was still snoozing away, the tiny fluff ball stretching out.
"Well enjoy it while you can, because he's not gonna let us go once he starts"
Six hours later was when Mikey fet a hand on his chest push him down from where he was sitting, catching the rest of Bontens attention as (name) made a chirping noise to the wolf who stared at him curiously, charcoal eyes staring into (name)s fully dialated ones "you need a good fuck baby?" Mikey asked, thankfully (name) was only wearing one of their botton up shirts as he began humping at Mikey's jean covered lap "that would be a yes" Koko said teasingly as (name) huffed, leg bouncing which usually indicates one thing.
He wanted a chase.
"Hey baby?" Sanzu said teasingly and (name) turned to look at him "run" he said with a rumble as all the men's eyes flashed to a more primal look and with a pleased shiver (name) bolted down the hall as the others counted to twenty before taking off behind him.
God they loved a good hunt.
Did they purchase a home with this in mind? Oh absolutely and all parties had a grand time with it.
Ran and Rindō worked together to hunt him, the Panthers feral with joy as they scanned the area for any sign of the bunny.
Walking down the hall they saw a flash of an ankle and both men immediately took off after him, almost manic only to see the Jaguar that was Koko pinning the bunny down "get the others" Koko said before looking down at his hunt, shaking and blushing as (name) hooked his ankle behind Kokos neck to pull him close "oh? You ready to be eaten bunny?"
In this relationship there were no rules on who got to fuck the bunny as long as it was mutually consentual.
And Koko was a bit pent up, none of them able to fuck (name) for one week before his heat, knowing to save their energy for when it actually happens.
Koko devoured (name)s mouth, licking anywhere he could as his hands groped around, feeling the others flesh under his skin "so good~"
Koko freed his cock and let (name) wrap his legs around his hips, trapping him successfully as Koko wasted no time pushing into (name), the bunnies biology making him ready anytime "oh!" (Name) gasped out as Koko began thrusting "gonna fuck you real nice angel"
(Name) rolled his hips to try and meet his thrusts as the rest of Bonten gathered around him "open wide babydoll" takeomi said pressing the blunt head of his cock to (name)s lips, the men watching with pure lust as (name) sucked on the tip before slowly taking it in deepee down his throat "so good baby" takeomi said softly, playing with (name)s soft bunny ears as the bunny let the fox and jaguar fuck him silly.
The others jerked off and played with the bunnies body, stroking his cock and playing with his nipples "we should probably head to a bedroom soon" Kakucho said as the snake took (name)s wrist to have (name) stroke one of his cocks.
"Once we stuff him real nice with a few kits" Mikey said having (name) use his other hand to jerk him off.
(Name) was a shaking mess as he let the predators around him use him as they pleased, to heat drunk to even remotely care as the pre-cum leaking from Mikey's cock got all over his hand and wrist.
"Gonna give me cubs baby? A whole litter for me?" Koko hissed as he fucked (name) senseless, enjoying the sight of the bunny full of cock as his hips pistoned into him, the sound of his cock fucking his lovers tight hole echoing along with the sound of his throat being thoroughly fucked.
"Take it baby! Take it!" And with that Koko came hard into (name), the others cuming as well to cover the bunny with cum as the poor prey shook helplessly from his own orgasm.
"Let's clean you up for round too, you got seven more to please angel"
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Listen to me physdisabled people who like to make home cooked food. Your body doesn't care if you used a mixer with a dough hook to knead that dough or pasta. Your body doesn't care if you used a dicer or mandoline slicer to cut those veggies. Your body doesn't care if that fruit was bought pre-cut. You're still getting all the physical benefits of home cooked food and you shouldn't rob yourself of the mental benefits because you took a different route to get to the same end result. Recipes were made to be completed by an able-bodied person. You're not "failing" at making home cooked meals, you're adapting a hobby that wasn't made with you in mind.
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imagineredwood · 5 months
"Enjoying the fruit?"
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Pairing: Yandere!Miguel Galindo x female reader
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: Triggering content possibly; read with caution. Dark Miguel, could be seen as kidnapping if you squint, more like false imprisonment really.
A/N: This idea came from booktok and also prompts from this prompt list
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You hummed as you swallowed the sweet fruit, your finger coming up to wipe away the dribble of juice that ran down your chin. The fruit Miguel got you was always sweet. The sweetest actually. He made sure of it. All of your food was always tried and tested before it made it to your plate to ensure you only ever got the absolute best of the best. Miguel was just like that when it came to you. With most things actually. 
You always had the sweetest fruit, the freshest veggies, the purest juices, the prettiest dresses.
Miguel loved you in dresses. 
He loved the way the style of the dress could change your energy. How the soft flowly dresses made you want to sit by the window and bask in the sunlight, maybe open the sliding door to feel the wind blow the fabric against your skin. 
How tighter dresses that were so short you could barely sit in them made you sometimes blush and rub your thighs together. Sometimes they were just nightgowns, plain but soft and cozy, making you feel ethereal and docile. 
You only ever wore dresses for that reason. Because that's what Miguel liked; so that's what he bought you. That's what your wardrobe consisted of. 
Your dress today was lilac, soft, and light against your skin. It was warm and ran a little past your knees, leaving your feet and ankles exposed. You shook your foot, the chain jingling against the shackle and frowned at the noise. 
Sometimes you forgot about it. It wasn't too heavy, light enough for you to be able to move around the house, but heavy enough that you had felt like a boulder was tied to you when he had first put it on. Now with the months that had passed, you were used to the feeling, sometimes the sight being what reminded you when the hem of your dress was shorter.
That and when you forgot and tried to venture out of the room. He allowed you a good bit of freedom. He let you go wherever in the house you wanted really; you just had to be secured. Metal hooks were bolted into random hidden areas of the house. You were currently stuck to the one fastened to the underside of the granite coffee table. 
It hadn't always been like this. Once upon a time, you had been able to walk around the entire house on your own, from room to room, inside to outside, then back again. You had been his little perfect girl, always on his arm to events or dinners. It had been going so well. 
That was until you had tried to leave him. 
It had been a small fight. Simple really. 
He had canceled on you and your pre-planned dinner date plans to have a business meeting for the third time that month and you had been angry. So you grabbed your purse and keys and left. 
You hadn't actually been leaving the relationship. You were simply taking a break. A night to yourself to drive around and blow off some steam. You hadn't told him that though and when three in the morning had rolled around with no sight of you, his guards patrolling the streets for hours looking for you with no such luck, he had been sure that you were leaving him for good. Gone like a thief in the night. No call, no text, no note. Just gone. 
And boy had it made him angry. 
After all he had done for you? The gifts? The wine? The vacations? The love? The adoration? The worship?
Oh, angry was an understatement, and the disarray in the living room had been a testament to that. Flipped tables and scattered shards of glass.  
You had returned early the next morning, of course, never having planned to truly leave. All you had needed was some time to cry and cool down. You had gotten that and now had calmed down considerably, ready to return to your husband and home. 
And that was how you had ended up with the shackle. 
Placed onto your ankle while you slept.
Your departure had been the straw that broke the camel's back and Miguel had become unhinged then, and swore he would never let you leave and put yourself into harm's way again. Only he could truly love and protect you. No one else. And he had to make you see that. 
The sound of his voice from behind you broke you out of your reverie and you turned to face him.  
His eyes were warm and full of love as he looked at you, crossing the way over until he stood in front of you. He smiled down at you, his eyes trailing to your mouth where the juice from the dragon fruit had stained a bit. He reached up and rubbed at your chin lightly, eyes crinkling in the corners. 
"Enjoying the fruit?"
You nodded and offered a smile of your own, but it didn't quite reach your eyes and Miguel noticed immediately. 
"What's the matter?"
You hesitated and then shrugged as if to make it seem like it weren't a big deal. Looking down, you shook your foot, the chain jingling loudly in the silence of the room.
Miguel looked down and sighed before reaching up to cradle your cheek in his hand.
"It's for your own good, mi amor. You ran away. You could've gotten taken. Hurt. Killed. Or worse. There are plenty of men out there who are evil and would love nothing more than you pick you up and steal you away from me. I can't let that happen, you know that. I'll let you go when you understand this is where you belong." 
You nodded, easing into his touch. You'd asked before a handful of times and had gotten the same schpeal. It had been months now though. Surely you had earned his trust back by now? 
"I just hate this thing. I don't need it anymore. I'm yours, I know that. I always knew that. I just...I want to walk around free again." 
Turning back slightly to look out of the sliding doors longingly. 
"I miss swimming."
Miguel sighed at your longing look and tone before nodding gently. He softly took your chin into his grasp, turning you to face him again. His touch was gentle, but the gravel in his voice as he leaned his forehead against yours was anything but. 
"I'll take it off. But remember, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. No matter where you run, I'll catch you."
You nodded, knowing all of his words were true. You offered him a smile and just like that, his voice was silk again as he reached into his suit jacket and retrieved the little key. Sitting down, he patted his knee and you lifted your leg, placing your bare foot down onto his slacks. He slid the key in and looked up at you before turning it. 
"This is your last chance."
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry @kaykaysuh @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon​  @abunnykisses​ @briana-mishell24​ @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver​ @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @krysiewithak​ @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name​ @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo​ @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog​ @emoengelfurleben​ @blowmymbackout​ @abby-splace​ @kola95​ @black-repunzel99​ @redpoodlern​ @xonickibaby @myakai13​
@cruzwalters​ @yosoynicolexo @mrsstevenbuchananstark @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty​ @lyly00​ @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​ @kaykaysuh @angel-121​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @90sisthenew80s​ @lovelytricia
Miguel taglist
@omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @maciiiofficial​ @jatriciaaa @black-repunzel99​ @ben-c-group-therapy​ @witchygagirl​ @xonickibaby @berniesilvas @myakai13​ @fanfictiontrash9​ @kaykaysuh @angel-121​ @90sisthenew80s
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bamsara · 2 years
i know "When did you stop loving me?" is an angsty one, BUT what if it was actually an overly dramatic lament bc someone didn't get their way?
(I love that twist! Note: This written prompt is fluff/domestic shenanigans with Y/N having a habit of poor self-care, but the DA helps that.)
(This is a bit long so maybe not a drabble but a one-shot, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway!)
You're a college student with a hetic, inconsistant schedule job and more stressers in your life that would make a therapist whistle, so you're not exactly the best at self-care, or even regular human maintence. Your eating schedule was flakey at best and the contents of your fridge wasn't anything healthy if just something to pop into the microwave very quickly to save time. Sometimes your apartment would get dirty quickly and with no mental energy or time to clean it up, you just lived a little gross for a while. Don't even get started on your sleep schedule.
The Daycare Attendant, you realize, became quite aware of your situation more-so than they already had after their 'permanent moving' into your home, and thus you've been subjected to more life changes in the last week than you'd ever be prepared for.
Sun uses your phone to order healthier groceries and and tsks at the instant-microwave meals in your cabinet. He's gotten into cooking, which is both incredably odd considering he's a robot, but amusing when you walk into the living room and he's watching an a show of middle aged women teaching the viewers how to make veggie pasta.
Maybe he misses arts and crafts back when he was at the pizzaplex, and just liked to work with his hands. Something hints at you this is a correct assumption because the fruit he cuts for you are star and heart shaped and he likes to take pictures with your phone afterwards. You don't get it, but it makes him happy and keeps his mind occupied elsewhere, so you don't mind.
Moon cleans up after your mess and threatens you (in a friendly manner, of course. You think.) to go to bed at a proper time or he becomes rather aggitated.
Any attempts at using your phone underneath the covers will result in a small EMP attack that takes out your phone and the neighbor's Television. You know, because Gramps mentioned that her TV only seems to cut out around the same time every night and nothing he does seems to fix it until morning. Moon holds no remorse, obviously.
It's nice. Even if they're a little bit pushy about about it. Honesty, you think these acts are just remants of their care giving programming, the need to feel useful after everything that happened or just trying to busy themselves with the human they're invested in. Maybe a mix of all of those things, but that's to be unpacked later.
The exchange wasn't unequel either. You've learned more about robotics in the last 6 months than you'd ever expect to know, for sure, along with some other things. You're an adult, you can keep yourself alive just fine, but it's nice to have the extra support.
It does, however, get a touch on your nerves at times.
"Moon, c'mon, I'm like, so close to the end-" You make a lunge for the remote, and it's closer to you than it was before. The animatronic holding it over your head doesn't even blink as you make a grab for it again and your fingers only brush air. "Dude! The season finale came out today. It's literally the last couple of episodes!"
"Sit." Moon states plainly. "Kitchen table."
"I'll eat later. It's not like the fridge is going anywhere, Moon. C'mon. Everyone has seen it but me and I'm already getting spoilers on my feed. Just another episode? You two said you've watch it with me anyway."
Moon blinks dully at you, and stuffs the remote underneath his hat. "No."
Fingers find your collar and hook underneath the fabric, and routinly, you are dragged away from your unhealthy habit of binging new series of media to attend to your oh-so-delicate human needs that are far too demanding for your liking. The Daycare Attendant has long become acustomed to your whining.
The dinner table chair because your metaphorical prison as Moon lightly pushes towards it, sitting with a slump and a over-the-top dramatic sigh as the animatronic walks through your kitchen. The lights are dimmed, but he still squints at the refridgerator lights that greets him when he opens the door. "What do you want."
You resist the urge to snatch his hat and run. "A robot that doesn't nanny me."
Red eyes and white pupils side eye you, and Moon pulls out a a few items. He speaks deadpan. "Cry about it."
"Maybe I will." You snark back. He makes a noise somewhat akin to a snort, and you pretend your pinching his head inbetween your fingers from across the room. You raise from your seat, resigining yourself to your fate and getting yourself a drink. It's a sugary soda (caffine free!) that Moon glances at but leaves be. Sun would have polietly recommended water by now.
It's almost a funny image: a tall, clown robot standing in front of your microwave in a t-shirt and slippers, just staring at the glass with mild dissassioance until the counter goes down. You duck, popping your head underneath his elbow and his arm raises to allow you. "So." You sip at your drink, and Moon makes a face above you. "What's on the menu, Starboy?"
"Leftovers." A pause. "That we made this morning."
Right. Sun must have made a meal set during the day for the opposite half to make for you at night. Clever bastard. "...Can I have the remote now?"
Moon, without looking at you, adjusts his hat to sit better on his head.
"Sit." He shoos you to the table. "And sleep after this. It's late."
Very late, actaully. Around the wee hours of 1AM and half-past god knows what. You'd been so caught up in your favorite show that you just sorta forgot to do everything else for the day, so eating, showering, studying were all at the bottom of the list. Regaurdless, your TV called to you.
You heave a dramatic sigh, falling back onto the kitchen chair and resting your elbow on the table, cheek resting in your palm. "I can't believe you'd treat me like this after all we've been through. Denying me the simple pleasures in life, for shame."
The microwave counts down to single digits and Moon's fingers hover over the handle. You can't see his face from this angle, but a faint chuckle is in his tone. "Tragic."
"Ugh, how could you?" You sigh again, more dramatically this time, and even go as far as to place the back of your free hand against your forehead and calling back to all the cheesy soap operas you and Sun watch in your free time. "I feel soooo betrayed. When did you stop loving me?"
The microwave starts beeping and Moon's fingers lock onto the handle, and freeze.
A couple of beeps ring by. You hand lowers and you raise a brow at the animatronic's still form. You give him a moment, because sometimes the Daycare Attendant stalls sometimes, and you chalk it up to being a robot thing. But the beeping was starting to get annoying. "Hey, man. The food's done."
Another two seconds. His fingers move and pop the microwave door open. You can smell heated up veggies and broth from across the room. "Funny."
"Yep. I can be a jester too."
"One episode." Moon grabs your dinner with one hand, and pulls the remote out from under his hat with the other. "To eat your food with. Then sleep. You're lacking."
The smile on your face comes naturally, and you swipe the remote from his hands. "Yeah, sure. Like I'd let you boss me around anyways. Come lay with me on the couch and watch it with me. There's aliens in this episode."
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m0nsterqzzz · 3 months
Paying Attention
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pairing: katniss everdeen x reader
summary: you girlfriend never pays attention....or at least nobody thinks she does
a/n: two fics in one night? I promise I have a life yall.
ahhhh this is so short but i haven't written for my girl in way to long. this is kinda based off that one request you sent me, @drima but I also kinda added my own thing. hope thats okay my love!!
Your girlfriend has a short attention span.
Everyone knows it; her friends at the Hob who have to remind her over and over again how much she owes them after she gets distracted by some pretty butterfly, her mother and sister who listen to her tell the same story over and over again because she always forgets she told them when she’s busy cleaning up the house or cooking dinner, and you, her person, the one who gets all her love, who knows how to keep on her task and focused most of the time.
It’s one of your most impressive skills really; the ability of turning the girl who can't seem to sit still for more than a few minutes into a contented statue with only a touch or a word. You don’t even know how you do it, but it works and that’s that.
Or at least, it usually works.
Right now, as you sit down with her in the forest surrounding district 12, explaining some of the plants you just planted while she sits next to you, knee bouncing up and down as her eyes scan the forest. Her bow held loosely in her hand, though you know that at any given second she could grab an arrow from the quiver hooked to her back and have dinner in less than five seconds.
“Did you know that some plants actually help improve air quality indoors? Plants like spider plants and peace lilies are great for removing toxins from the air and keeping it clean.” You speak softly, eyes moving from the garden Katniss helped you make a few months ago to look at her while scanning the small clearing in hopes of finding hunt and uses her free hand to pick at the grass beneath her.
“They’re low-maintenance and don’t require as much watering as others. They’re perfect for people with busy lives who don’t have the time to babysit their greenery.” You chuckle at your own joke about her hectic schedule and lack of ability to keep a plant alive for more than a month due to it, but it dies down in your throat when you realize your words are falling on deaf ears.
Katniss’s eyes dart around, only stopping on you when she realizes you stopped talking. “Mhm. That’s cool honey.” 
You stare at her side profile for a second before you scoff quietly, standing up and grabbing your woven basket that contains veggies, herbs for Mrs. Everdeen and Primrose, and a few flowers. “Let’s just go. I know you want to hunt.” She immediately takes notice of your mood, seemingly a bit upset about her not focusing on the conversation at hand. She’s always been good at that; being able to tell what you’re feeling and fix it in a quick second.
Right now though, she doesn’t seem to care, just nodding slightly as she stands up and follows after you. “Alright.” The archer mumbles, lining up an arrow with her bow as she slowly walks ahead of you as to not disturb any animals around.
You get over it, and everything goes back to normal with you and Katniss over the next month. You go with her to hunt almost every day, spending a bit of time at your garden tending to it before you join her to quietly walk through the forest in hopes of finding an unsuspecting animal. 
Tonight, you’re going to have dinner with the Everdeen family, invited by Primrose, Katniss’s sister, and reassured by your girlfriend that her mother would love to have you around. You help them out a lot whether it’s vegetables from your garden or part of the money you get from selling them in the Hob so they can enjoy a fulfilling dinner, and you try your hardest to hang out with the youngest girl when you have free time so that she has as many supporters as possible or go help out at their home by cleaning up and cooking so Katniss doesn’t have as much to do at the end of the day. It’s fun for you, and it’s great for them.
Anyway, Prim is the one who answers the door when you knock, grinning at the sight of the cookies you spent the last of the money you earned today to buy from some boy named Peeta at the bakery in town. “Katniss! Your lover is here!” You chuckle, and your girlfriend groans from somewhere in the house before gently shoving Prim out of the entryway so she can tug you by your arm inside.
Her mother is sat at the table, a book in hand as Katniss cooks and Primrose tidies up. No matter how many times you come over, the Everdeens are always trying to make their house in the Seam as clean as possible as to impress you.
Katniss goes back to cooking once she knows you're comfortable on the couch, brushing off your offers to help with a quick wave of her hand. She always feels the need to do everything possible to insure her loved ones don’t have to work too hard, and the urge includes you.
Before you know it, you’re washing dishes with Primrose after finally convincing your girlfriend to take a break, and said girl comes up to you two and leans her back against the counter while similtasntly holding something behind her back by the time the last dish is washed.
With a quick nod to her sister, the younger girl sighs before putting the last dish away and walking out of the room while mumbling about not even being thanked before she’s kicked out of her own kitchen.
Katniss holds out the item she was hiding for you to see, and your smile only grows at the sight. It’s a round flower crown, looking almost exactly the same size as your head. The adorableness of your big scary girlfriend holding such a pretty, delecit item is pushed into the back of your mind as you take notice of what flowers are on it. Peace Lilies.
“I was listening. I’m sorry it didn’t seem like it. And you were right, you know. I found some of these in the forest, re-planted them in a pot, and they’ve been growing on my nightstand ever since. I barely ever watered them yet they grew faster and bigger than any plant we’ve ever owned in this house.” The Everdeen girl chuckles, gently placing the crown on your head. “I want you to know that even when it seems like I’m not, I’m always listening to you. I love hearing you talk, and there’s a little file in my brain that holds every single thing you’ve ever told me.”
You nod with a small blush, adjusting the crown on your head before you hoist yourself up to sit on the counter. “I didn’t know you cared.”
 She stands in between your legs, her hands lifting to gently caress your cheek and then she places a chaste kiss on your forehead. “I care.”
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