#Hong Kong limited company
panchitacarmensita · 5 months
A Guide to Navigating Corporate Legal Requirements in Hong Kong
Operating a business in Hong Kong comes with ample opportunities but also an array of legal and regulatory requirements that corporations must comply with. Failing to adhere to the rules around company formation, securities trading, taxation, employment and other key areas can land your business in hot water. This guide outlines the major legal landscape that HK corporations should be aware of.
Choosing a Business Structure
One of the first steps is deciding how you will formally constitute your HK company. Common structures for small to mid-sized companies include a Private Limited Company and Limited Company. Key legal paperwork includes filing Articles of Association and a Memorandum that specifies company objectives and structure. You’ll also need to formally issue company shares and understand share classes as well as share types like ordinary or preference shares with varying ownership rights. Statutory meetings must be held annually.
Following Securities Trading Laws
If your company seeks investment from the public, then you must comply with Hong Kong securities regulations around registering prospectuses, issuing financial reports and disclosing shareholder equity changes, governed overall by the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO). Listed firms face continuing regulatory burdens around price sensitive information – any data that may impact share prices must be announced. Insider trading is also tightly regulated under SFO, least employees use undisclosed financial information for profit.
Paying Taxes and Filing Returns
As a HK corporation, key taxes will include Profits Tax on company earnings as well as potential Withholding Tax on payments like royalties or service fees sent overseas. Proper calculation of tax residency status is essential to determine tax exposure. Audited accounts may be required, and tax returns generally must be filed annually under strict guidelines. FAILURE_DETECTED
Meeting Employment, Payroll Regulations
Critical employment law issues span offering employment contracts that meet government standards on pay, overtime, leave policies and more per Hong Kong’s Employment Ordinance. Preventing discrimination and sexual harassment is also mandated. Retirement schemes equivalent to at least the Minimum Wage level (currently HK$37.5 hourly) must be provided. Consult deeply on hiring and termination best practices.
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
Register trademarks and patents early to establish legal ownership over key company innovations and brands in the Hong Kong market. Also enact document management procedures focused on retaining contracts, transaction records, board minutes and other materials that may be involved in potential disputes or investigations for 6-7 years as best practice.
The regulatory pressures on HK corporations are significant, but with proper legal guidance around formation, trading, hiring, tax policies and IP rights, your company can securely navigate the Hong Kong landscape. Government agencies like InvestHK provide additional resources on ongoing compliance requirements as corporate policies evolve. Taking a conservative approach with oversight from your company secretary or legal team is wise as your business grows and expands.
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byuntrash101 · 1 year
preview: first flight to hong kong
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pairing: sub!reader x ot8!ateez
synopsis: you're suprised when your company offers you a vacant spot in the vip crew. you're even more surprised to discover what kind of service your company provides the vips
tags preview: idol!au, a tad bit of plot, kink negotiation, color system safe words, flightattendant!reader, dom!ateez (some are gentle some are meanies depends on the member), gangbang, oral (f & m), multiple orgasms (f), cum play (more to be revealed in the full version)
word count: 18k (preview is 0.7k)
link to full fic
a/n: tell me if u wanna be tagged <3. also this is taking place right after the last show in paris.
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But when everyone is served with either a cool refreshing soda or a warm cup of coffee you can't stall any longer. You have to address the elephant in the room. You intend do it as you would discuss any other subject. You just have to stay very professional. 
You seat yourself in front of all of them and grab a clipboard, a piece of paper and a bullpen. You cross your legs sideways, your skirt ever so slightly curling up your thighs, just enough to hint away at the white lace of your thigh high tights. Instantly their chatter dies down and you find yourself under the scrutinizing gaze of the eight men. 
"Now for the VIP service.” You speak as confidently as you can. “The form stipulated that the preferences were to be discussed with the hostess. Is there any particular request you'd like to make? Any preference you'd like to share?" 
"I think it would be more efficient to know what is off limits." The blonde one spoke. From what you saw online. That was the leader of the group, Hongjoong. 
You stayed completely silent, dumbfounded by the sudden change of dynamic. The client is supposed to state what they require from you and you are supposed to do everything in your power to fulfill their wish. 
"What are the no go's for you, sweetheart?" On another question when you failed to provide an answer in a normal, reasonable time frame. That one looked carved in marble, he had delicate features that looked hand crafted to perfection, beautiful long raven black hair resting on his shoulders which you could guess were muscular even under the thick black hoodie he was wearing. 
The pet name somehow made your toes tingle, sparking nervousness in your stomach again. 
"I don't know the usual" you replied and immediately followed by an awkward laugh. Hongjoong smiled at you, maybe picking up on the nervousness showing through your micro habits. 
"What about submissive/dominant dynamics?" The blonde man kindly asked, hinting on how to answer. "Would you be fine submitting to us?" 
At the question the tingles in your toes rose in your legs. To properly answer the question you had to imagine yourself kneeling before the eight men and the thought alone made your guts stir in something that wasn't just stress. You swiped your tongue on your lower lip in an attempt to pull you out of your thoughts. 
"Yes, that would be fine" you replied as plainly as possible. You spotted one of them smirk from the corner of your eyes. That one was also particularly handsome. He had sharp cat-like eyes that were piercing holes in you. The smirk grew bigger when you made eye contact with him as he was rubbing his chin with his index finger that was decorated by a simple elegant gold ring. 
"What about impact and pain play?" Another one asked. This one looked the tallest among all of them, even with all of them seated you could tell by how his legs bent, his knees sitting higher than the others. His face looked the softest among all of them so much that it was hard to believe he could ask such a question with this benevolent expression on his face. 
"'Like spanking?" You manage to ask without squeaking or stuttering. Which was a miracle in itself.
"Yes, like spanking, slapping, pinching, hair pulling... All that good stuff." The tall one continues. 
"What do you say, doll? Would you like us to hurt you?" Hongjoong adds. 
You bite your bottom lip as you feel your insides quiver. Only managing to give a shy nod to the question. 
"Use your words, princess" another one intervened. This one seemed to be more mature than the others, he also had dark hair, long parted bangs tickling his lashes.
"Y-yes... that would be fine." You gulped.
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a/n: FEEDBACK IS SO GREATLY APPRECIATED <3333. im so excited to publish this soon!!!!! ive been working on it for so long! if you want to be tagged tell me <3
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odinsblog · 1 year
Twitter will help spread misinformation: As we head into an election year, Elon Musk has turned off all of Twitter’s filters for stopping propaganda and genocidal hate speech. Because “free speech”
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Dmitry Medvedev, a leading government official and former president of Russia, took to Twitter earlier this month to denigrate Ukraine in a post using language reminiscent of genocidal regimes.
And Twitter didn't stop him.
In his 645-word tweet titled, "WHY WILL UKRAINE DISAPPEAR? BECAUSE NOBODY NEEDS IT," Medvedev called Ukraine a "Nazi regime," "blood-sucking parasites" and "a threadbare quilt, torn, shaggy, and greasy."
The post garnered more than 7,000 retweets and 11,000 likes.
One response, though, asked Twitter CEO Elon Musk why he allowed Russian officials to broadcast tweets like this, especially when they used language often associated with genocide.
"All news is to some degree propaganda," Musk responded. "Let people decide for themselves."
Twitter applies "visibility filtering rules" to certain accounts to make sure less eyeballs see those accounts' tweets.
In the past, the company's Trust and Safety Team has used them for Russian government accounts and state-affiliated media accounts from countries "that limit access to free information." Medvedev's account was included in that cohort, according to the former employee.
Without visibility filtering, these accounts can now be more easily amplified and reach a much wider global audience. The implications could mean an increase of pro-government propaganda across Twitter and lead to real-life consequences for people who disagree with the authorities.
Taking the restraints off state-affiliated media accounts could also lead to more general disinformation on Twitter, said Sarah Cook, a senior advisor at the nonprofit Freedom House who researches China, Hong Kong and Taiwan and authored the report Beijing's Global Megaphone.
"It's not just about making the Chinese Communist Party look good. It's not just about making activists or Hong Kong-ers look bad," Cook said. "In some cases, it's also about spreading disinformation about COVID or sowing divisions within Taiwan or the United States."
👉🏿 https://www.kuow.org/stories/twitter-once-muzzled-russian-and-chinese-state-propaganda-that-s-over-now
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kp777 · 1 year
By Gene Marks
The Guardian Opinions
April 9, 2023
Everyone seems to be worried about the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) these days. Even technology leaders including Elon Musk and the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak have signed a public petition urging OpenAI, the makers of the conversational chatbot ChatGPT, to suspend development for six months so it can be “rigorously audited and overseen by independent outside experts”.
Their concerns about the impact AI may have on humanity in the future are justified – we are talking some serious Terminator stuff, without a Schwarzenegger to save us. But that’s the future. Unfortunately, there’s AI that’s being used right now which is already starting to have a big impact – even financially destroy – businesses and individuals. So much so that the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) felt the need to issue a warning about an AI scam which, according to this NPR report “sounds like a plot from a science fiction story”.
But this is not science fiction. Using deepfake AI technology, scammers last year stole approximately $11m from unsuspecting consumers by fabricating the voices of loved ones, doctors and attorneys requesting money from their relatives and friends.
“All [the scammer] needs is a short audio clip of your family member’s voice – which he could get from content posted online – and a voice-cloning program,” the FTC says. “When the scammer calls you, he’ll sound just like your loved one.”
And these incidents aren’t limited to just consumers. Businesses of all sizes are quickly falling victim to this new type of fraud.
That’s what happened to a bank manager in Hong Kong, who received deep-faked calls from a bank director requesting a transfer that were so good that he eventually transferred $35m, and never saw it again. A similar incident occurred at a UK-based energy firm where an unwitting employee transferred approximately $250,000 to criminals after being deep-faked into thinking that the recipient was the CEO of the firm’s parent. The FBI is now warning businesses that criminals are using deepfakes to create “employees” online for remote-work positions in order to gain access to corporate information.
Deepfake video technology has been growing in use over the past few years, mostly targeting celebrities and politicians like Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Cruise, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. And I’m sure that this election year will be filled with a growing number of very real-looking fake videos that will attempt to influence voters.
But it’s the potential impact on the many unsuspecting small business owners I know that worries me the most. Many of us have appeared on publicly accessed videos, be it on YouTube, Facebook or LinkedIn. But even those that haven’t appeared on videos can have their voices “stolen” by fraudsters copying outgoing voicemail messages or even by making pretend calls to engage a target in a conversation with the only objective of recording their voice.
This is worse than malware or ransomware. If used effectively it can turn into significant, immediate losses. So what do you do? You implement controls. And you enforce them.
This means that any financial manager in your business should not be allowed to undertake any financial transaction such as a transfer of cash based on an incoming phone call. Everyone requires a call back, even the CEO of the company, to verify the source.
And just as importantly, no transaction over a certain predetermined amount must be authorized without the prior written approval of multiple executives in the company. Of course there must also be written documentation – a signed request or contract – that underlies the transaction request.
These types of controls are easier to implement in a larger company that has more structure. But accountants at smaller businesses often find themselves victim of management override which can best be explained by “I don’t care what the rules are, this is my business, so transfer the cash now, dammit!” If you’re a business owner reading this then please: establish rules and follow them. It’s for your own good.
So, yes, AI technology like ChatGPT presents some terrifying future risks for humanity. But that’s the future. Deepfake technology that imitates executives and spoofs employees is here right now and will only increase in frequency.
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somerabbitholes · 2 years
hi! can you recommend some books by indian writers? both fiction and nonfiction. thank you
Hi! I read your other message and here you go (I've also linked other asks where there are more relevant books mentioned)
[x] | [xx]
Serious Men by Manu Joseph — about a low-caste man in a chawl in Mumbai and all that he does for his son to escape the limits of his position; satire on caste and class, scientific education in the country
Raag Darbari by Shrilal Shukla (trans. Gillian Wright) — really, really good satire on an village in the north a few decades after Independence; looks at how systems fail on ground, how clearly incapable most of them are at dealing with problems; also about the early years of the nexus forming between criminals, politicians, and businessmen and corruption taking root
High Wind by Tilottoma Misra (trans. Udayon Misra) — about a Sanskrit scholar who in the 19th century moves to colonial Shillong; explores the changes happening in Assamese culture and society during the time, how different communities and 'tribes' take shape and negotiate the colonial order
A Burning by Megha Majumdar — how the lives of three people intersect at the crossroads of law, justice, class aspirations and in an increasingly volatile political atmosphere
Baluta by Daya Pawar (trans. Jerry Pinto) — a memoir by Pawar about being a Dalit and how the identity changes as it moves from the village to the city
Name Place Animal Thing by Daribha Lyndem — it's like a bunch of character portraits of people who are all connected to each other and together they paint a picture of one girl who's growing up in a turbulent community in Shillong
The Lives of Others by Neel Mukherjee — an old and joint family in Kolkata in the 1960s; looks at how it adapts or fails to; it's really good at how it shows a very distinct social class in decay in specifically post-Independence Kolkata but also at the same time could be about similar stories of the zamindar/landholding class unravelling elsewhere
A similar but older take on the joint family decaying in Maharashtra is Old Stone Mansion by Mahesh Elkunchwar. I read the original and I do vaguely remember there being a translation, but I'm not sure so do check that out. I think it'll be in this.
Battlefield by Vishram Bedekar (trans. Jerry Pinto) — about a Hindu man and a Jewish refugee who meet on a ship going from Europe to Hong Kong just before World War II; looks at what it means to be in exile, what it means to aspire to nationhood
I would also recommend the Aleph Book Company series on Greatest Stories Ever Told. I've only read a few but they seem quite well curated.
about northeast India | the revolutionary movement | military history | [x] | colonisation and aftereffects |
A People’s Constitution by Rohit De — how people experience the constitution; how they participate in the legal and political process; really great because it takes the constitution beyond its documentary role
India Trilogy by V. S. Naipaul — An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization, and India: A Million Mutinies Now; one of the best commentaries on 20th century but post-Independence India; also very different from other commentaries because Naipaul worked to see the country as something other than a former colony; also great because you get to see him traveling and changing his mind and arguing with himself over the three books
Sixteen Stormy Days by Tripurdaman Singh — about the first amendment of the Indian Constitution which has been a controversial one given that very soon after the Constitution being ratified, it put curbs on freedom of expression and property rights and gave birth to the Ninth Schedule
India: A Sacred Geography by Diana L. Eck — how precolonial and ancient Indians imagined the geography through religion and vice versa; how Hinduism and generally Indic religions are closely tied with the land
India Unbound by Gurcharan Das — it's a personal economic history of sorts where he looks at the post-Independence economic growth (or lack thereof) through the routes his life has taken; really good because he brings to a table the experience of living in a 'mixed' economy and can really get across why 1991 was such a big deal
Castes of Mind by Nicholas Dirks — essays on how caste and race interacted to reorder the social structure in colonial India; how law, policy, politics, and profit all worked together when it came to matters of social categories and identity
The Eastern Gate by Sudeep Chakravarti — sort of journalistic history on how 'mainland' India has seen the Northeast, how insurgency took root; how conflicts have been navigated, solved, worsened
Modern South India by Rajmohan Gandhi — South India from the 17th century to the 20th; a little information heavy at times but useful
Our Moon Has Blood Clots by Rahul Pandita — memoir on the Kashmiri Pandit genocide; also see his Hello Bastar if you're interested in the Naxalites
Kanshiram by Badri Narayan — a biography of Kanshiram and through him looks at Dalit politics and the whole world of OBC and Dalit consolidation
The Emergency by Coomi Kapoor — like India Unbound, a personal account of sorts of living through the Emergency; and she was a journalist then so it's really in-depth
Army and the Nation by Stephen Wilkinson — the relationship between the Indian Army and the Republic; how India has managed to keep the military establishment away from politics unlike Pakistan, which to all intents and purposes, inherited the similar institutional setup as India
Happy reading!
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mariacallous · 5 months
In 2024, increased adoption of biometric surveillance systems, such as the use of AI-powered facial recognition in public places and access to government services, will spur biometric identity theft and anti-surveillance innovations. Individuals aiming to steal biometric identities to commit fraud or gain access to unauthorized data will be bolstered by generative AI tools and the abundance of face and voice data posted online.
Already, voice clones are being used for scams. Take for example, Jennifer DeStefano, a mom in Arizona who heard the panicked voice of her daughter crying “Mom, these bad men have me!” after receiving a call from an unknown number. The scammer demanded money. DeStefano was eventually able to confirm that her daughter was safe. This hoax is a precursor for more sophisticated biometric scams that will target our deepest fears by using the images and sounds of our loved ones to coerce us to do the bidding of whoever deploys these tools.
In 2024, some governments will likely adopt biometric mimicry to support psychological torture. In the past, a person of interest might be told false information with little evidence to support the claims other than the words of the interrogator. Today, a person being questioned may have been arrested due to a false facial recognition match. Dark-skinned men in the United States, including Robert Williams, Michael Oliver, Nijeer Parks, and Randal Reid, have been wrongfully arrested due to facial misidentification, detained and imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. They are among a group of individuals, including the elderly, people of color, and gender nonconforming individuals, who are at higher risk of facial misidentification.
Generative AI tools also give intelligence agencies the ability to create false evidence, like a video of an alleged coconspirator confessing to a crime. Perhaps just as harrowing is that the power to create digital doppelgängers will not be limited to entities with large budgets. The availability of open-sourced generative AI systems that can produce humanlike voices and false videos will increase the circulation of revenge porn, child sexual abuse materials, and more on the dark web.
By 2024 we will have growing numbers of “excoded” communities and people—those whose life opportunities have been negatively altered by AI systems. At the Algorithmic Justice League, we have received hundreds of reports about biometric rights being compromised. In response, we will witness the rise of the faceless, those who are committed to keeping their biometric identities hidden in plain sight.
Because biometric rights will vary across the world, fashion choices will reflect regional biometric regimes. Face coverings, like those used for religious purposes or medical masks to stave off viruses, will be adopted as both fashion statement and anti-surveillance garments where permitted. In 2019, when protesters began destroying surveillance equipment while obscuring their appearance, a Hong Kong government leader banned face masks.
In 2024, we will start to see a bifurcation of mass surveillance and free-face territories, areas where you have laws like the provision in the proposed EU AI Act, which bans the use of live biometrics in public places. In such places, anti-surveillance fashion will flourish. After all, facial recognition can be used retroactively on video feeds. Parents will fight to protect the right for children to be “biometric naive”, which is to have none of their biometrics such as faceprint, voiceprint, or iris pattern scanned and stored by government agencies, schools, or religious institutions. New eyewear companies will offer lenses that distort the ability for cameras to easily capture your ocular biometric information, and pairs of glasses will come with prosthetic extensions to alter your nose and cheek shapes. 3D printing tools will be used to make at-home face prosthetics, though depending on where you are in the world, it may be outlawed. In a world where the face is the final frontier of privacy, glancing upon the unaltered visage of another will be a rare intimacy.
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nattaphum · 1 year
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Mileapo in Hong Kong ❤️
Pond: When I started making KinnPorsche the Series, I had a mood inside. I wanted to mix Asian cultures. Last night, I felt very energetic. There are top-level brothers in the industry and thy came to meet and hug each other for encouragement and support. Many of them flew from Beijing just to meet us. Just for one day. Now I feel very proud of my good will. I have a chance to meet great people. I feel more energetic. Excited for myself, the company, and more importantly, excited for nattawin and milephakphum. This will be a great opportunity for both of them. Unite the forces to create a work that everyone, the viewer and the doer, is proud of. ‘be honest and be balanced’
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The men who are with them are:
Daneil Shiu-ming LAM, CEO of Universe Entertainment and Culture Group Company Limited
Xianghua Yang, President of iQiyi Film and Overseas Business Group
Andrew Chan, Managing Director, SONY Music Greater China
Alex Fong, famous Hong kong actor. He has acted in more than 100 films and tv show!
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popomocco · 3 months
deSPIRIA's staff interview
Interview given by the creators of deSPIRIA, published by the Dreamcast magazine in 2000-06-09. The interview is located at pages 44 and 45 in this pdf.
Many thanks for the person who archived this issue! You can see other deSPIRIA articles in here, but this is the only entry that has an interview, the other JPN ones are game guides.
Translation done by rio 🧬🦠🧬
Title in page 42: STAFF INTERVIEW The up-and-coming
Text on the first photo: How was 「deSPIRIA」 unique system and setting made? We will now chat with the staff of Dennou Eizou Seisakusho and a producer from Atlus to better understand the development of this piece of work.
Text under the second photo: Dennou Eizou Seisakusho, a company based in Osaka, situated right next to Higashiyodogawa. It has approximately 20 staff members, the game 「deSPIRIA」 has been developed in a garage modded into a production room. The scenery in this room is very different when compared to most game companies.
行澤星人 ・ seito YUKUZAWA
Dennou Eizou Seisakusho (limited). Managing director
President and CEO of Dennou Eizou Seisakusho and deSpiria's art director. His most prevalent work is the PS game 「Dark messiah」  [Hellnight] (published by Atlus).
[Please get lost in the peculiar setting os this game]
藤本裕 ・ Yutaka FUJIMOTO
Dennou Eizou Seisakusho (limited). Planner
DeSPIRIA's director. He was responsible for the script, setting and such. His body of work includes RPG computer games and 「Dark messiah」 [Hellnight].
[Please have fun in this peculiar cybernetic world]
上田清隆 ・ Kiyotaka UEDA
Dennou Eizou Seisakusho (limited). Planner
DeSPIRIA's director.  He has been involved in works such as 「Last bible」and 「ぐるぐるガラクターズ」(published by Atlus).
[Please pay attention to this dark script]
田中裕之 ・ Hiroyuki TANAKA
Atlus (incorporated). Producer
DeSPIRIA's producer. His body of works include 「Princess crown」 and 「Growlanser」.
[Please get absolutely hooked on this game's world]
- I want to know how did Dennou Eizou Seisakusho and Atlus get involved with each other.
Tanaka We have been associated with them since the release of the PS title 「Dark messiah」. Yukuzawa went to study CG in america, we started talking to each other about how I knew that there are people like this out there but how I had never met any one them. We talked a lot and as a result I got interested in this company Dennou Eizou Seisakusho that Yukuzawa and company created  and asked them to proceed with the development of 「Dark messiah」.
- What is the reason for the company to be established in Osaka?
Yukuzawa Three years ago when we made 「Dark messiah」 and whatever location was fine for us really, but I was born and raised in Osaka and by pure coincidence the garage of a company building happened to be vacant. We didn't have any money we could borrow for the company, "so let's set it here" and that was it.
-What occasion caused the creation of deSPIRIA?
Yuzuzawa  When we finished working on 「Dark messiah」 and we started talking about what we should make next, and made 「Dark messiah」 is also like this but, our scenario planner Fujimoto said he wanted to create a setting with an even stronger appeal and that is what kickstarted this project.
Ueda And then while thinking about the components in this dark world, we were shaping to this idea of making it a traditional RPG but then we thought "what if we make a system where we are able to read the opponent's true feeling without speaking to them" and then we fleshed it out.
Fujimoto 「Dark messiah」 is a horror adventure game set in Tokyo, but this time we wanted to produce a chaotic city based in Osaka, Hong Kong and such other places. But at that time we didn't plan for it to be a dark work. But then we incorporated the idea that Ueda mentioned and it resulted in a darkly cool Osakan setting that you can see in its visuals, script and such.
-Is there any building that was used as reference?
Ueda While talking with Fujimoto about creating a fictitious city based in Osaka, we talked about things like Naniwa and joked around about a tsūtenkaku robot, takoyaki missiles and making a game with an image like that, but we wanted to try creating a more serious game. We wanted to make a motif with a significance similar to the image of 「Black rain」 but not overly so. This is Fujimoto's own unique setting.
-What does this reinstated Osaka look like?
Yukuzawa Setting wise rather than a parallel world, it is like a possible future. It has the feel of a place that has the remains of the once destroyed city, but also has things that are completely different. It has areas that feel incredibly realistic with a setting that is completely different. It has many things that will make a resident of Osaka go "Ah, it is that thing".
-What is the theme of this piece of work?
Fujimoto The theme is "dread".  This expression also means fear, but it is a type of fear that originates from internalized feelings, like desolation. Many other horror games have things like monsters and other things that are scary to look at, but we wanted to express through the dialogue a type of internalized fear that stems from the ambience and such.
-To express such a theme, the team also had to represent things that are taboo in the game industry though
Tanaka We worked on the game while being conscious of those restrictions, but once the game was finished, we looked back and saw that at some point it became a half-assed effort. It was something we wanted to avoid the most, but while trying to create this new setting while imposing those restrictions, that world ended up disintegrating mid-air. So we decided to adopt a creation style where we create whatever we wanted to create and fix any portions that were troublesome later.
Title in page 43: The staff's goal is...?
-How did the MIND system come to be?
Fujimoto As we mentioned before, the general idea stemmed from being able to read people's minds. To create a game in the RPG genre means you can't leave battles out, right. The MIND system was created by applying our concept into the battle format. That system has 3 functions: listening, absorbing and peeping into people's minds. The materialized shape of these beings is similar to that of a monster. Since they aren't proper living beings nor monsters, they were shaped in such a way that their function can be easily understood. Since there is no way for them to actually have a body we actually didn't want them to be shown.
-So MIND battles became a sort of combat that happens in the mind, is that right?
Fujimoto Yes. But, it is not a fight that happens completely inside the mind, or the subspace so to speak. It is simply the protagonist's point of view which changes. There are enemies who aren't MIND users after all.
-Was there anything referenced for the creation of MINDs?
Yukuzawa We didn't reference anything in particular. The designers came with a bunch of ideas and then we decided amongst those ideas. Rather than looking like a monster, an animal or anything of the sorts, we wanted something with the impression of something that lives inside a human, so we set on this depiction of a parasitic insectoid.
-How many MINDs are in the game?
Ueda We have planned more than 60 of them.
-Are the battles planned encounters or random encounters?
Ueda There are both event battles and encounter battles.
-Is there a set amount for the number of MINDs the protagonist is able to release?
Ueda In the battle field it is 2, 3 if you include her. But there is an outer layer of consciousness where she can hold the 2 MIND previously mentioned plus 4 others, making it 6 in total. There is also a deeper level of consciousness, if you go to a special facility you can access those MINDs in the deeper recesses of the mind and interchange their places.
-How did the explorational spheric system come to be?
Yukuzawa There was a feature in QuickTime movie where you could see a static image with a 360 degree view, right. I think it came around 7 or 8 years ago, but it gives the images such an incredibly realistic feel to them and since it is basically a flat image it can look incredibly pretty even without any rendering. Thanks to it we were able to display the environments seamlessly.
-The idea for the messages in the mind diving sequences to be displayed in movement is really innovative.
Ueda From the start we wanted it to be a type of expression method that was done through a message rather than something graphic. We reached the feel of it by wanting to show a message in a representational manner, so the emotions can be felt around through how they are displayed. Actually, it would have been fine to present the information all at once using something graphic, but we set out from the place of wanting to show that by seeing how the words are displayed in the other party's consciousness the feeling they are experiencing can be understood. By the way they move I believe it is possible to form an image of how they are feeling.
-How many patterns are of this display?
Ueda It changes according to the other party's condition, circumstances and such. If it is a peaceful moment, if it is a violent moment. Since there are also cases in which the main point is hidden in between the text, in such times the sentence stops and forms in a way in which it can be readen. There is no standardization at all. The movement of the messages are manually created.
-What are the circumstances surrounding the conception of Allure, the protagonist?
Fujimoto It started with this image of her being raised by the sisters in the church. In the process of incorporation of the MIND user setting, she became this character who was born without a heart, who was raised in the sterile environment of the church, she kills those who interfere with the church, heretic leaders and such. She doesn't speak to other people and is solely focused on her duty. She herself does so without questioning the morality of it and behaves only according to the success or failure of her mission.
Since she is this emotionless human being who gradually acquires these emotions through the choices she makes, one of the reasons why we chose a girl protagonist was so this change could be easily understood.
-What is the origin of this work's title?
Fujimoto It is a made up word, but in this game's world 「SPIRIA」 while mainly referred to as a memory solution, it is also the name of the process of the materialization of a human's memory, so we wanted to name the game by expanding upon this word. We thought that 「SPIRIA」 by itself felt weak, so we added 「デス」 [read as desu, but it also reads as death] so it would have more of an impact.
-Lastly, please pitch this work to us.
Ueda I want the players to see this profound setting, with a world that is a little off. It is a bit text heavy, so please take your time and play it without haste.
Yukuzawa I want the players who play this game to get lost in this peculiar world that cannot be found in any other game. I want them to have a first hand experience of wandering in this world through the eyes of the protagonist.
Ueda I want people to play through the dark scenario in the game while deliberately reflecting upon its contents. I also think that the cyberpunk setting is another point of interest.
Fujimoto I think that an unprecedented setting has been made. I want people to enjoy this peculiar cybernetic world.
-Thank you very much
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1. FBT - Finding Billy and Tommy
Paring: F!Reader x Wanda Context: After Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, Wanda finds what she has been looking for in a small town – more precisely, in you. ... This one might ring a little (lot) different. Is more of a fluff-comfort-family thing.  Warnings: just comfort, fluff, angst(?), light - grief Word Count: 2.5 Part 1 (this) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4*
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- “Are you there, Ms. Franco?” The voice echoed through your phone. You could hear the nurse loud and clear, you were just too shocked to say anything. Your brother had been on a car crash 5 days ago and were currently fighting for his life on the ICU - he had just lost the battle.
----- A couple weeks after your brother and sister-in-law passing, you were still getting use to not be alone anymore. On your 30’s, you have been living alone since after college, not even a serious relationship to keep you company. Your nephews rarely slept over, and now you had the two 6-year-old living with you. They hadn’t understood their parents’ deaths until 1 week after your brother’s funeral. Billy was the first one to miss them, but Tommy got the worst of it. For 5 days, the little kid did not sleep, crying day in and out, while Billy acted out making pranks and being loud– just as a normal grieving kid. You had to ask a leave from your work to be with them 24/7. Although your mother helped you, she simply didn’t have the energy to do more after losing her own child. You live in a small city and work as a math teacher in the only high school in town. Being a single woman in your 30’s were already hard on a small town where the gossip flew by. Being a lesbian single woman? Even harder. But when you added “mom solo” to being a single lesbian 30yo woman? The pitiful judging eyes of the whole city followed you everywhere. The market gave you priority in line. Your neighbors had the civic sense to feed you and your nephews for almost a month after the tragedy. Your coworkers no longer shoot you casual texts, but always hard and heavy “how are you”, “I know is hard, but if anyone can do it is you”. Gifts? The kids were swamp in clothing and toys. You know they were trying to help, but the intensity of it all, just made you fall even deeper in reclusion.
You opted to let the kids go to school to have some distraction, as their therapist suggested. Weeks passing by, the whole mood was getting better and lighter. Tommy no longer cried to sleep, although he still woke up to go to your bed every night. You got use to them, finally bought extra pillows and a mattress wrap – no longer a problem with the night leakages of Billy’s mind screaming for help. You grew calluses. You never had the proper time to grieve the loss of your brother and best friend, but you shrugged off any kind of fragility or overthinking. Your late nights with some stupid Netflix drama turned into Paw Patrol and some horrific YouTube channels of slimes and sticky gross toys. Your tacos Tuesdays at Amanda's? They turned into toasty bread and cheap butter you could barely afford with your only salary divided per 3. Your wine and crossword Saturday afternoons turned into puzzles, Lego and an exhausting game of chasing around kids. You were extremely pushed to your limits, but you didn't allow any self-pity, convincing yourself that you didn't have the time for it. It was mid-April when it happened. They had been with you for the best part of a year, and you always kept the idea of being their legal guardian and maintaining their parents image awoke on their minds. Tommy had gone to your bed just as usual, but this time he woke you up and asked to be cuddled. Once he was properly comfort in your big spoon, he said “Thank you, mommy”. It was sweet and spontaneous. From that day on, your little family finally found a new meaning, and you became their mom. ------ “Wanda Maximoff” – she said to herself in the mirror “You are Wanda Maximoff”. It was a grounding exercise she had learnt in Hong Kong Sanctum Sanctorum. After Mount Wundagore events, the Scarlet Witch used her last strength to teleport herself out of the mountain collapse – retracting back into Wanda’s to recharge her magic. Once Wang and Strange found Wanda wandering around the snowy mountains, she was brought back to the Sanctum where she trained to keep SW imprisoned inside.
They had tried to kill SW, to get her out of Wanda or to weaken her. Wanda tried and insisted that killing her was the only way – but SW wouldn’t let her pursue that route by herself and the Avenger's refused to go down that road after Natasha self-sacrifice. Soon they found out that Wanda and the SW where the same person, and the only person who could stop SW was exactly Wanda.
She trained day in and out, strengthening her hold on her own mind and body. After a few months, SW was no longer able to fully corrupt and possess Wanda, leaving her just a small part of her previous ability, still able to talk and get into Wanda’s mind in the days Wanda was specially distracted or exhausted. After a full year, SW simply resigned at her inner cell and stopped trying. That was when they concluded Wanda was free to live her own life out of the Sanctum. Of course, she wasn’t doomed responsible for the Westview or Wundagore accident, being obvious she wasn’t the one in control neither of the time. However, she still blamed herself and decided to retire her powers. She refused to use them for any harm or to go back to the compound; she was no longer an Avenger. The year after, she spent trying to find a little corner of the world where she could retire in a resemblance of peace. She decided to stay in the US due to the proximity to the NY Sanctum and Avenger compound in the eventuality SW got to possess her over again. After Thanos, Wanda was a celebrity and the public was fast to recognize her in every single character she tried to hide herself in. She tried to dye her hair brown, blonde, black, short, long, curly, straight, it didn’t work. She was too famous – and as the public didn’t know about Westview and the Darkhold: they saw her as a hero. The first town found out her secret in a week, and the over affection drew Wanda out of there last than a week after. The following ones were slower, they took their time to figure her out, but as soon the secret was gone, she was followed everywhere with hot meals and praises. Every damn grandma on those cities decided to cook her lasagna, cookies, and ever so sweet meat soup. At the last city, she gave up on trying hiding herself, and decided to assume her identity as a former Avenger and current history teacher. That is where she found a home. ------ Farmville, 20.000 habitants, 4 hours away from NY. After six months of your work leave, you were ready to go back to teaching. Leaving Tommy and Billy at school and going to your classes turned out to be a healthy new routine. When you got to the teacher’s lounge on the first day, you noticed something had change. Yes, your coworkers were still the same, kindly welcoming you back, but your gaze followed an imposing presence on the back of the room. There was the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. Wanda noticed the commotion in the room and spared a quick glance to see someone being hugged and kissed by the other teachers. She couldn’t decide if she was annoyed at the loud noise or interested on the new woman. You were on the pretty side of the people spectrum. Soft skin, hair held up, well-put together, nice formal clothing. Apart from the sleepless nights clear on your face, you could put a nice show. Wanda got herself staring at you more than once in that morning. You were the math teacher who had adopted your brothers’ twins. Even Wanda knew the gossip after being the history teacher on the same HS for a couple of months. She haven’t seen you around town, but it wasn’t a surprise: she kept to herself and your domestic life didn’t actually allow you to go out and be seen. You were reserved and introspective. Your lunch breaks spent in your classroom tutoring some students to get extra money. Once you got out work, you went straight to pick up your kids. You weren’t usually on the teacher’s lounge during your breaks or empty calendar, using the lazy time to grade in your classroom, run some errands or just tutor some more. Wanda got herself searching for you in the corridors, going round the square just to pass through your door and spare a quick glance. She was interested in the shy, cute and very busy woman you presented to be. Embarrassingly, she had even allowed herself to search for your thoughts during a special day where you looked more troubled than usual. Of course, you didn’t know any of that.
The gossip about the retired avenger moving into the city reached you as it did to everyone else. However, for you, it didn’t actually matter. You had your own life to sort through, too busy to be worried about some significant celebrity or superhero. At school, you quickly learned that Ms. Maximoff was a great teacher: she could keep even the most troubled student in her class, using her red magic to construct live presentations and scenarios of historic events. Even the teachers and the principal herself – a former history teacher- were caught in the interest of watching to one or two of her classes.
It was a Wednesday evening a couple weeks later, the first time you actually spoke to her. Both of you had a Parents and Teachers meeting that night, and the twins were with you mother. After your last class in the afternoon, you decided to pass the time grading and preparing your next class in the Teachers’ Lounge. When you got there, you noticed the fresh coffee scent and the red-haired sat in the only table of the room, lost in a thousand pages and books. You acknowledged her, but got silence in return.
She was concentrated, mumbling to herself while correcting what it seemed to be a particularly bad exam. Avoiding her papers and material, you sat in the far corner of the table and started to grade yourself. A few minutes later, a steamy cup of coffee was magically placed in front of you. “Black, no cream, no sugar” Wanda said with a small smile, still seated across the table, with her red eyes confirming that she was the one behind the floating Harry Pottery mug. “Thank you, Ms. Maximoff” you said shyly blushing. How could she know how you take your coffee? “Wanda, please” “Wanda. That was very thoughtful. You are the one who looks like you need a coffee, though.” You chuckled “How bad was that test?” “Bad. She just doesn’t get it.” She sighed, “I have tried everything, but she just…” “Have difficulties on an area that is not the one she is good at?” You said warmly “Who is she?” “Angela Brinks” She huffed “It is not it, she understands and pays attention- but fails every test.” “Angela? She is failing my class too. She was so good at math a year ago,” You thought going through you notes. “She is just having some trouble back home. “ Wanda slipped. She was not supposed to tell you that. She felt like invading someone’s privacy - is not like Angela told her about it. She couldn’t help: when the thoughts were too loud, too intense, or someone were just too close, sometimes their thoughts just invaded her mind and she couldn’t block it. “I just wished I could help. I am not used to be so powerless.” You smirked “Yeah, welcome to the ordinary” You said as a joke, but Wanda did not laugh or say anything about it for the pass hour. You thought it was a touchy subject so after long minutes of silence you spoke up. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude” “You weren’t.” She looked at you with a kind grin “You are a nice person, aren’t you?” You smiled shyly at the way Wanda was staring at you “Everyone has their demons, Wanda. I am as nice as anyone else” “Except that isn’t true” She dropped her pen and frowned as she tried to understand you. “See? If it is not true, then I am a liar – so, it is true. ” You winked “Plain old logical proposition” Both of you laughed.
You kept grading and making small talk until the parents meeting. You were clearly their favorite teacher, and the parents welcomed you back warmly, some brought gifts, others asked about the twins, and a few got your phone number for more tutoring lessons to their kids. After the meeting, Wanda stayed behind waiting patiently for you to finish a talk with yet another mother. “Someone is popular” She teased “Is nice to be back. I missed this” You sighed “Being a super mom isn’t enough?” Wanda said with a light tone, but she felt a sting of jealousy in her heart. You chuckled “Is definitely something. However, here I can just be me, you know? I am not their aunt, or mother, or whatever. I am not here for anyone else. Just… Y/N.” You blushed “Sorry, this sound so selfish” “There is nothing wrong with that. Being selfishly you is also part of being a mom. We need to be ourselves too” “Oh. Are you a mom too? I didn’t know” You stared at her. Did you miss that gossip? Wanda gulped. Yes, she had been. For a brief moment, she had her own set of twins and she was complete. After Westview, that feeling of nurture and love was just taken away, leaving a hollow vacuum in her chest that nothing or no one seemed to fill. You notice her eyes tearing up as she zooned out “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” “It is ok. I might tell you one of these days. Not today though.” She tight lip smiled as you reached the parking lot. “So, I hear you are giving tutoring lessons” “Yes. I need the money” You shrugged searching for your car keys in your purse “I am basically doing anything that brings me one-step farther from crippling debts” You said with a light tone. Wanda made your comfortable. Every time actually paying attention to you. It was refreshing. “I need some help on Saturday. I was just going to hire someone else, but do you want to help me?” Wanda asked. She didn’t really need any help, but she wanted you to say yes just to spend some more time with you. “Really? With what?” You asked interested, finally having found your car keys and opening the door. “Organizing” She said plainly. She had not properly taken her stuff out of the moving boxes since she got here. “I will be there at 8” You smiled getting into your car with a fresh smile and a warm heart.
Part 2 
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donnaajah · 7 months
Foreign media is now highlighting the boycott of products believed to be linked to Israel. This is no exception in Indonesia.
Singaporean media Channel News Asia (CNA), for example, made a special analysis of the ongoing boycott. A special article was written with the title "Analysis: A war of opinions brewing in Malaysia and Indonesia over the impact of anti-Israel boycotts".
Also highlighting Indonesia's neighbor, Malaysia, it was mentioned how a number of companies were affected by the boycott. Such as McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut to Burger King.
Grab was also targeted, after screenshots circulated of posts by CEO Anthony Tan's wife, Chloe Tong, regarding support for Israel. Tong said he "completely fell in love" with Israel because of his past visits.
However, unlike Malaysia, the impact in Indonesia is said to be invisible. A number of media monitoring even stated that business was still running normally.
"In Indonesia, although netizens have encouraged a boycott of products produced by companies suspected of being pro-Israel, the situation on the ground has not reflected this because there is still skepticism about the real impact of these actions," wrote the media, quoted Thursday (9/11/2023).
"Business is still going on as usual at some Starbucks and McDonald's outlets in Jakarta, as seen by CNA, and one expert noted that the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) movement has not received much attention in the country," he added explaining the boycott, divestment movement and sanctions to pressure Israel to comply with international law, initiated by Palestine.
Citing visiting researcher at the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore Made Supriatma, CNA wrote how "the success of the BDS movement" is still limited in Indonesia. Moreover, domestic political issues are still a top priority.
"Even though the public may be sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, their attention and involvement seems to be more focused on domestic issues that directly affect their daily lives," said Made.
"One of them is the upcoming general election," he stressed, referring to the Indonesian presidential election published in the media.
He said that although there was a boycott of McDonald's, for example, many consumers did not seem to be aware of it. Due to this, the outlets continued to operate normally without any noticeable decrease in customers.
"This shows that the success of boycotts can vary greatly based on factors such as consumer awareness, local ownership, and brand perception," CNA quoted him as saying.
The same thing was also published by Hong Kong media, South China Morning Post (SCMP). The media wrote an article entitled "Anti-Israel boycotts in Indonesia hit McDonald's, Pringles, as Malaysians quit Singapore's Grab over war in Gaza".
"The boycott list has been circulating on Facebook and TikTok Indonesia for weeks, naming 121 brands that claim to be affiliated with Israel," he wrote.
"However, not all Indonesians support the boycott, amidst warnings about the unification of the Jewish religion as a whole with the actions of the Israeli state," the media added.
It should be noted that in an Al Jazeera report in 2018, it was revealed that the boycott movement has the potential to result in losses of up to US$11.5 billion or around Rp. 183.37 trillion per year for Israel. However, according to data from a non-profit organization based in Washington, United States (US), the Brookings Institution, the BDS movement will not drastically affect the Israeli economy.
This is because around 40% of Israel's exports are "intermediate" goods or hidden products used in the production process of goods elsewhere, such as semiconductors. Additionally, about 50% of Israel's exports are "differentiation" or non-substitutable goods, such as specialized computer chips.
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tamapalace · 2 years
Hong Kong: 11JAN x Tamagotchi Plushes
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Who doesn’t love a Tamagotchi plush? Bandai Namco Hong Kong has partnered up with 11JAN to deliver exclusive Tamagotchi plushes. 11JAN is a manufacturing company that sells high-quality and well-designed character goods that can be used and worn in everyday life.
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Mametchi, Violetchi, Mimitchi, Kuchipatchi, and Violetchi are all available in 40 centimeter plushes which is almost 16 inches! These “giant” plushes are adorable and are exclusive to the 11JAN Limited shop online where you can order them for HK$350.00 which is roughly $44 USD.
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11JAN Limited has also made a smaller version of these polishes that are 20 centimeters which is almost 8 inches! These smaller plushes are exclusive to Namco arcades throughout Hong Kong, and will be available in the arcade claw machines.
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The plushes were released on August 25th, 2022 at 10:00! Available both on the 11JAN Limited website (40 centimeter version) and in Namco Arcades throughout Hong Kong (20 centimeter version).
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heir-less · 1 year
I would like to understand why people are pretending that the live-action Little Mermaid is going to be good when it's another terrible remake that will misinterpret and butcher the story and moral of the original like the 900 other remakes. Like, I swear there are people on Twitter making this movie their whole personality when it doesn't even look good. After Avatar, you'd think Disney would really devote money to make the water effects look impressive, but nope.
I don't really care if Arial is black, either. Disney did fuck all to defend Halle Baily from the wave racism she experienced (I believe Freeform spoke out back in 2019 and some cast members defended her, but it wasn't enough). Also, reading the behind-the-scenes, it seems like Halle was exploited on set and forced to work beyond her limits. Putting an actor in water for 13 hours a day is dangerous and not something that should be framed as resilient. It would be nice if people stopped acting as if the live-action Little Mermaid is something groundbreaking for Black women and girls when it's clearly just Disney trying to cash on diversity at our expense. They don't actually care about supporting us, based on how they treated their leading lady.
We need to stop supporting these creatively bankrupt pieces of shit. Look at the Lilo & Sitch casting, they clearly don't care honouring POC stories or valuing actors of colour. The Mulan remake was literally filmed within view of Chinese concentration camps and stared an actress who supported Chinese police brutalizing Hong Kong protesters. A lot of people like to pretend that people only have issues with The Little Mermaid, but it's a problem with all of these movies in general. It seems to be more of an issue with Disney as a company, not the actual people working on these films.
Like, I saw the live-action Lion King in theaters and now my sister wants to see this, too. Like, I genuinely think these films are bad on principle.
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livemeofficial · 1 month
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aviaposter · 2 months
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Boeing 747-400 Cathay Pacific
Registration: B-HUJ Type: 747-467 Engines: 4 × RR RB211-524G/H-T Serial Number: 27595 First flight: May 14, 1995
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, more widely known as Cathay Pacific, is the flag carrier of Hong Kong, with its head office and main hub located at Hong Kong International Airport. In 1979, the first Boeing 747 VR-HKG arrived in Hong Kong. With its introduction into the company's fleet, Cathay Pacific has transformed from a regional carrier into a global player with a network of long-haul flights. This legacy continued with the new and improved 747-400, introduced in 1989, which opened up many more non-stop, long-haul destinations across Europe and North America – connecting people across all corners of the world. For the last memorable flight, marked by a flight over Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong, tickets were sold out in a matter of minutes.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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mariacallous · 11 months
Earlier this month, several prominent outlets carried news that artificial intelligence will not pose a danger to humanity. The source of this reassuring news? A bunch of humanoid robot heads connected to simple chatbots.
The news stories sprang from a panel at a United Nations conference in Geneva called AI for Good, where several humanoids appeared alongside their creators. Reporters were invited to ask questions to the robots, which included Sophia, a machine made by Hanson Robotics that has gained notoriety for appearing on talk shows and even, bizarrely, gaining legal status as a person in Saudi Arabia.
The questions included whether AI would destroy humanity or steal jobs. Their replies were made possible by chatbot technology, somewhat similar to that which powers ChatGPT. But despite the well-known limitations of such bots, the robots’ replies were reported as if they were the meaningful opinions of autonomous, intelligent entities.
Why did this happen? Robots that can visually mimic human expressions trigger an emotional response in onlookers because we are so primed to pick up on such cues. But allowing what is nothing more than advanced puppetry to disguise the limitations of current AI can confuse people trying to make sense of the technology or of recent concerns about problems it may cause. I was invited to the Geneva conference, and when I saw Sophia and other robots listed as “speakers,” I lost interest.
It’s frustrating to see such nonsense at a time when more trustworthy experts are warning about current and future risks posed by AI. Machine learning algorithms are already exacerbating social biases, spewing disinformation, and increasing the power of some of the world’s biggest corporations and governments. Leading AI experts worry that the pace of progress may produce algorithms that are difficult to control in a matter of years.
Hanson Robotics, the company that makes Sophia and other lifelike robots, is impressively adept at building machines that mimic human expressions. Several years ago, I visited the company’s headquarters in Hong Kong and met with founder David Hanson, who previously worked at Disney, over breakfast. The company’s lab was like something from Westworld or Blade Runner, with unplugged robots gazing sadly into the middle distance, shriveled faces flopped on shelves, and prototypes stuttering the same words over and over in an infinite loop.
Hanson and I talked about the idea of adding real intelligence to these evocative machines. Ben Goertzel, a well-known AI researcher and the CEO of SingularityNET, leads an effort to apply advances in machine learning to the software inside Hanson’s robots that allows them to respond to human speech.
The AI behind Sophia can sometimes provide passable responses, but the technology isn’t nearly as advanced as a system like GPT-4, which powers the most advanced version of ChatGPT and cost more than $100 million to create. And of course even ChatGPT and other cutting-edge AI programs cannot sensibly answer questions about the future of AI. It may be best to think of them as preternaturally knowledgeable and gifted mimics that, although capable of surprisingly sophisticated reasoning, are deeply flawed and have only a limited “knowledge” of the world.
Sophia and company’s misleading “interviews” in Geneva are a reminder of how anthropomorphizing AI systems can lead us astray. The history of AI is littered with examples of humans overextrapolating from new advances in the field.
In 1958, at the dawn of artificial intelligence, The New York Times wrote about one of the first machine learning systems, a crude artificial neural network developed for the US Navy by Frank Rosenblatt, a Cornell psychologist. “The Navy revealed the embryo of an electronic computer today that it expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence,” the Times reported—a bold statement about a circuit capable of learning to spot patterns in 400 pixels.
If you look back at the coverage of IBM’s chess-playing Deep Blue, DeepMind’s champion Go player AlphaGo, and many of the past decade’s leaps in deep learning—which are directly descended from Rosenblatt’s machine—you’ll see plenty of the same: people taking each advance as if it were a sign of some deeper, more humanlike intelligence.
That’s not to say that these projects—or even the creation of Sophia—were not remarkable feats, or potentially steps toward more intelligent machines. But being clear-eyed about the capabilities of AI systems is important when it comes to gauging progress of this powerful technology. To make sense of AI advances, the least we can do is stop asking animatronic puppets silly questions.
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filmyfact · 6 months
Expats: Release Date, Plot, Cast, and Everything We Know
Director Lulu Wang, known for the success of "The Farewell," is set to release a limited series titled "Expats" later this year. Adapted from Janice Y. K. Lee's 2016 novel, the Hong Kong-set drama is backed by Amazon Studios and Nicole Kidman's production company, Blossom Films.Kidman is set to executive produce and star in the series. The project faced challenges, including controversy over Kidman's quarantine exemption during filming, COVID-related production shutdowns, and concerns about addressing Hong Kong's political unrest.
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