The wine
Paring: Y/N x Wanda
Description: Just a seat-and-tea small drabble
Warning: none. Just fluff
It was a windy April the first time you decided to shield yourself in a small restaurant on your new neighborhood. You had recently moved into town, and you didn't know your surroundings very well, considering how busy you were.
As a nurse, you got use to your new job and late shifts over the last few week, but have never given yourself some time to appreciate the local commerce.
The restaurant was tiny, 10 tables at maximum. It had a book nook flare, serving wine, cheese plates and homemade pasta. The light was dim and the front of the store held a big window towards the calm street pass it. On the afternoon it worked as a semi cafe-wine bar, and you quickly turned that place on your crossword/sudoku bar for your Tuesdays evening.
A few weeks after your routine had settled, you were sitting by the window when you heard the door. Usually you pay no mind, but the crossword was proven itself a challenge so you humpfed and kept checking your surroundings. That was when you first saw her. A red hair, green eyes, fair skin, strong woman.
She came in with a closed expression which turned to a welcoming smile as she got to the counter to acknowledge the old lady who owned the place. You couldn't hear what she said, but they seemed friendly.
Over the next Tuesdays you frequently saw the woman there. Always in the same seat, with a book and a glass of red wine. Some days she was cranky and hard, another she was light as a breeze. Yes, you started to anticipate Tuesdays in a way you couldn't explain - that woman was consuming every spare time you had.
She caught you staring at her more than a few times, and you had the sensation of her staring back at you a few other. Not that you had the guts to do anything about it, you were a perfect romantic coward.
The woman was there again. She had been there for the last couple of months, every week. She became a regular when I was on a mission, according to Susan - the owner. She always sat there, on the seat that was my spot, and did her crosswords.
The first time I saw her there, I was just irritated with her stealing the window. Susan even offered to gently tell the regular that I was there first, but I couldn't find in my heart to do it. She always came in looking troubled, did her little crosswords and leave humming. She was beautiful and her reflexes back to the window dim light was a sight I wanted to commit to memory.
I found myself lost in my book every Tuesday. The woman captivated me and, I am even embarrassed to admit, I might have stalked her a bit. Not in the creepy way!I tried to focus on listening to her thoughts every once in a while. But goddammit, the woman was an immigrant and her thoughts were in... Spanish? Portuguese? Italian? I don't know. She thought often about her crosswords answers and what it seemed to be remarks about people. I couldn't quite understand it and that got me frustrated. So frustrated that I might have "googled her" - as in the Avenger's Stark way.
She was Y/N, 31 yo, nurse, Brazilian, 5 years living in Canada, recently moved in NY. So simple. And easy. And light. How could I have a crush like a teenager on someone who I haven't even spoken to?
It was already August when her thoughts finally became clear to me. She was making a English crossword. Oh, sorry, let me correct that. She was trying and failing hard to do a English crossword. That was funny. She did the hardest Portuguese one, and she was struggling with " 5 letters - the popes hat". < Come on, 'M-I-T-E-R'. You can do it. > she was stubborn, you quickly realized. She didn't look it up or took a quick look in the answer sheet. She stayed there for 2 hours trying to do all the other ones and find it out letter by letter.
The week after that I had a mission and couldn't go to the restaurant. Jesus, can you believe I missed the woman? How is that even possible. I did punch one or two guys a little harder than needed when I thought about her siting there alone as someone with actual guts hit on her. Argh! Ops, I punched someone again. "I am going to do something about it next week"
----- Y/N POV
The first thing you noticed that day was that it felt weird. The red haired wasn't there. After months of sharing the same routine, you felt her absence like a hollow feeling in your chest. Susan told you that Wanda - that was her name- often traveled and stayed out of town sometimes for months. It got you anxious thinking about not seeing her for that long. You craved her, her perfume, her giggles to herself, her polite nod towards you everytime you were caught staring.
She didn't come back for 2 other weeks, and your crossword was still killing you. You'd decided to make a English book, but it was so hard, that you were secretly hoping your wine glass would fall and ruin it, so you had an excuse to buy another -Portuguese- one.
"Miter" you heard above you. You turned pissed of. How dare this stranger just give you the answer you have been looking for weeks? Your pride was hurt and... the mothafucker was right! You wrote down the answer before taking a deep breath and turning to the stranger, you were ready to peel her down when you looked up and found the red haired with a playful smile. God, she was even more beautiful from this close.
"T-thank you" - You stuttered
"I am sorry. I just couldn't bare to watch you frown down that word for another Tuesday" She giggled "I thought you would be done with it after 3 weeks" She grinned.
She still had her purse on, so you knew she had just came into the restaurant and haven't sat down to her usual spot yet.
"Well, I would get it eventually." You shrugged it off with a small smile " but since you are here.... Do you happen to know a three word 'French delicatessen' that starts with an T?"
She smiled "I do. But you have to pay me a wine first"
"Deal" you smiled nodding her to seat across from you.
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4. FBT - The end
Description: This was the end of FBT that I wrote months back. Posting 'cause I didn't want to leave the series unfinished, but I haven't really edit it back than and it doesn't feel right to do it right now. So that is the ending we will get to that series. If you read it, sorry it took me so long to post it.
Warning: None
Two weeks has passed after the orchard incident. Wanda was back to Farmsville and you have yet to talk. Neither of you had the courage to initiate the conversation or to pick up your friendship from where it was before. So all you had was awkward moments on the corridors and teacher’s lounge.
None of your coworkers had noticed the vibe between both of you, as you pretended to be just too busy to talk or socialize. That is why Principal Jennings thought nothing wrong about letting Wanda take a bleeding Billy to the hospital.
You and your mother were in the custody hearing as it was costumary after an year of adoption. Initially you had asked Wanda to pick up the kids from school, but after the latest events you decided to ask your coworker instead - Lara Jennings was a dear to you, knew the boys and... honestly? She didn't keep creepy photos of herself and your kids on a illusionary suburbian home. But you didn't know that would be the day where Billy would decide to climb up a tree and fall down opening a cut in his forearm during recess.
When the elementary school dialed the Principal, she was busy in a meeting across town and Wanda was at a hearing shot when she heard Jenning' secretary picking up:
"She is not avaiable, can I take a message?"the secretary asked politely...
"Did he got hurt? I will call her"
"No, his mother is out of town, Jenning is looking after them"
"Let me try to reach her" she said turning off the phone
"Is everything OK, Glenda?" Wanda approached slowly
"Oh, yeah, Ms . Maximoff" She humpfed when she couldn't reach her boss over the phone "stupid meeting" she whispered to herself dialing again
"Is this about Ms. Tothes kids?" Wanda knew she heard something about someone getting hurt
"Billy got a scratch in his arm. They need to take him to the hospital but they need the tutor to go." She turned the phone off again frustrated "and Jennings is in a meeting and I can't reach her"
"I will go" Wanda said simply getting her bag "tell Jenning I went to pick up Billy"
"Are you sure, Ms. Maximoff? I can.."
"Don't worry, Glenda " Wanda said leaving the building not waiting to hear her response.
----- Wanda's point of view
When you got to the nursery on the elementary school, it was easy to see it wasn't a simple scratch. The little boy was whimpering softly and the bandage showed a small amount of alive red blood - it was still bleeding.
"Hey, Billy." You gave your best friendly smile. Your heart was pounding noticing how similar to your Billy that boy looked like. Yes, a different haircut and a little thinner, but they were the exact same person. "I am Wanda, you mom's friend"
"Where is my mom?" He looked at you with a tamed voice, showing that he was afraid
"Your mom will be here soon, sweetie. But we need to let the doctor see that now, ok? I promise she will be here in a flash, as soon as she get out of that super important meeting, ok?" You tried to appease him lowering your stand to be at his eye level
"I won't go! I am fine!" He acted out
"Billy, your arm needs to be cared for, darling. You were so brave climbing that tree, can you be brave again?" You cooed
"I am brave!" He whispered softly
"I know you are. Come, I will show you some cool magic tricks once we get to the hospital" you opened a reassuring smile and guided the little boy to your car.
As Wanda and Billy waited for the surgeon to evaluate him, she kept him entertained and distracted from the pain. She used all the tricks in the book, avoiding to use her actual magic. To be honest, Wanda could have fixed him up with her pinky: no stiches, no scars, no pain, definitely no bleeding. But she was sure you were not trusting her magic right now, and that you wouldn't like to know she used her magic near your kids. So Wanda avoided. Not even a little show of colors, or disappearing rings, noses, little party tricks - but even without it, Billy was comfortable and his scrunched up face had light up since Wanda arrived.
Wanda's phone rang and she smiled when she saw you were the one calling her:
"Hi, Y/N"
You barely heard Wanda's voice and already went on a worrisome rampage:
"How is Billy? Is he okay? Did he break something? Is he hurt? I am just getting in the car I will be there in a..."
"Honey, breathe. He is just fine." Wanda tried to calm you
"Don't tell me he is fine!! He fell! And I am not there!" You exasperated, frantically trying to push the car key in the lock and failing over and over again.
"But I am, Y/N. He is safe. He had a scratch in his arm and will probably need some stitches. The doctor is just finishing up with one more patient and we are up, ok?" Wanda said with confidence
"O-okay." You breathed and rested your head in the car seat. You let calm wash over you, still too unsettled to drive yourself the 100km back home. "Let me speak with him, please"
"Promise me you will come back to us slowly and safe?" Wanda cooed like she would do a child
"I will, Wands" Your brain hadn't register the "to us" part of Wanda's ask
"Me, Billy and Tommy will be waiting for you with some pizza and ice cream, ok?"
"And wine" You chuckled heartlessly. You had a long day. The hearing didn't went well as they kept asking about your relationship and financial status, openly questioning your ability to provide. Just the thought of having Wanda back in your life like the last few months were enough to take a little of the tension of your shoulders.
"It is a date" Wanda chuckled and handled Billy the phone "Your mom wants to talk to you, sweetie".
Later that day, Billy got 2 stitches and proudly displayed his "war scars" to his brother, friends and basically every single person on their way home. Wanda got your house keys from the principal and reassured her she would take the boys home and wait for you there. Wanda was selfish in her action. She was missing you and she knew you were avoiding her out of fear - not that you disliked her or were suddenly disgusted. But she also were enjoying her time with the kids - missing how it felt to have children not only as her own, but also in her life. Since Westview, she hadn't interacted with many children, and that night, spoiling them with pizza, icecream, a long bath and very exagerated bed night stories made her heart swell.
She had planned on letting the kids wait up for you - but you called them from the middle of the road telling you were late due to traffic and rain. So when you came home at 9h30 - both kids were already fed, bathed, sang to and dreaming.
You were so stressed of the hearing and Billy's situation, that as soon you crossed the door and saw a perfectly calm home, a chilled glass of wine and Wanda helding a small smile, you started sobbing and ran to her arms.
"Hey, is everything ok... " She held you close for what it seemed like eternity. Gently ranking her fingers over your hair, neck and back, whispering sweet nothings and slowly soothing you. "You are ok, he is ok... Everything is going to be just fine."
Her perfum reminded you of the autumn, just like her red hair and her soft voice. You felt completed and at home - something you haven't felt for so long. Your sobing slowly calmed and was replaced by gratitude and peace.
"You are an amazing mother, Y/N. You can do this, ok? Whatever it is, you can do it"
It was only natural for you to nuzzle on her neck and enjoy her proximity. it wasn't weird or intense. You felt safe, loved, cared for. All your worries were gently soothed and locked away.
"Thank you" you whispered still on her arms
"I missed you" She said softly tugging you chin up to look at you
You smiled shyly as she wiped away your tears with her thumb. "Sorry for pushing you away. I.. " You shurreged off, suddenly feeling shy with the proximity
"You don't need to explain, Y/N." Wanda smiled and handled you your glass "I imagine you have some questions about the Orchard?"
"Há" You laughed sarcastically "I don't even know where to start"
"Why don't you start from the beggining?" Wanda smiled softly sitting next to you on the couch.
"Ok. Who the hell is Scarlet and why does she looks like you and why is she that creepy and where is she AND WHY DOES SHE HAVE A PICTURE WITH MY KIDS?" You exaspareted and stared breathlessly at Wanda. She kept her body expression open and touched your free hand trying to reassure you.
"That is a very hard to explain. But lets put her as a magical being that once possessed me and my powers and did a lot of bad things. So now I am responsible for keeping her locked away."
"And you let her scape" She took her hand away
"I did." She humpfed "I was trying to make Stephen see reason, but instead he ... he crossed the line"
"What reason"
"That I am too dangerous to be kept" She whispered "But it seems they believe Scarlet would just possess another person once I am dead, so I am a 'worth the risk' situation"
"You are not a situation, Wands."
"You don't know what I did."
"You didn't do anything. She did."
"Can you tell me about the picture?" You asked reaching for her hand.
She took a deep breath and collected herself as your touch made her feel lighter.
"That is not Scarlet's. That is mine."
"How so?"
"Is too complicated"
"I am a smart person"
"Yes, you are" She squezzed your hand smilling "To make a long story short, there is something called multiverse - an infinitude or another universes where we all exist with different lifes and contexts. In all of those I have visited, I had children - all of them, expect this one, Earth 616. In every single one of them, they were called Billy and Tommy, and they were... Very much alike your Anthony and Thomas." She took a breath and looked at you with saddness "Then I found them here." She got up from the couch and fidget with her fingers "That is why I ran away"
"You ran away from Billy and Tommy?"
"I ran away to protect the three of you from me, Y/N" You could see tears prickling up her eyes, although she kept her stern look of selfcontrol
"I don't want that"
"You don't know..."
"Stop telling me I don't know! I know you, Wanda. You are loving and kind, you respect me, you took care of my children when you didn't have to, you are always taking care of me. You make me feel whole, complete and secure." You got up and kissed her "And I fucking love you".
The end
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Marvel Masterlist
.... Finding Billy and Tommy (1 part)
After Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, Wanda finds what she has been looking for in a small town - more precisely, in you.
.... LA Lizzie (1 part)
The one where you meet a known stranger.
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3. FBT - Scarlet's Orchard
Description: After putting the pieces together, Wanda takes a step back.
Warning: Angst? I think so. A sprinkle of violence, forced kiss.
Ps. I haven't done all my "grammar" steps this time. Hopefully, some of you can still enjoy it.
Word Counter: 2.7k
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 (this)| Part 4*
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You haven't heard from Wanda for the rest of the week. Some substitute came to teach her classes and the corridor gossip didn't give you any real motive about what happened:
"Maybe she was called back to the Avengers! Like a big green sticky dude that they need her help with!"
"Don't be silly. Everyone knows about the Starks November party. I bet Potts kept the tradition"
"Maybe she just decided to move out? She didn't stay long in the other school she taught..."
Unfortunately you didn't know any better. She wasn't responding to your texts or picking up you calls. She had vanished leaving you with no goodbye and you missed her.
That Saturday night, after you placed the kids in bed, you floped down the couch with an overfilled glass of wine. Just when your lips touched the liquid, you heard a zipping sound followed by a step behind you.
"Y/N. I am sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you" - you heard a male voice
Your heart twisted in fear as you let the wine spill and quickly go up in a very clumsy defense pose.
" WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" You looked around trying to figure out a scape plan to what you where sure to be a home assault.
"I am sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" A tall lean guy wearing funny clothes said raising his hands in a show of no-harm
"Who-how-What ARE YOU?" You trembling raised the now empty wine glass as a weapon
"I am Stephen - Dr. Strange" He said adjusting his stand a little offended that you didn't recognize his title "I am Wanda's friend"
"Wanda?" You let your arm down "Do you know where she is?" you asked trying not to show how worried you were.
"She is in trouble and we need your help. So let's go, shall we?" Dr. Strange wasn't known for his public skills, as he harshly approached you opening a portal to the Avengers compound with little to no explanation.
"Ok. It was very nice to meet you. But I am not about to jump into the Eye of Sauron just because you mentioned to be Dr. Stitch - Wanda's friend" You said crossing the living room to your kitchen leaving a fumming Stephen behind.
"First, it is Dr. Strange! God, haven't you heard of the Avengers? Thanos? The snap?" He rolled his eyes
"Oh. You are the green one?" You asked him while passing through him to mop the floor where you spilled the wine.
"DOCTOR STRAN... You know what? It doesn't matter" He took a deep breath " Look, Wanda needs help and I think you are the key to save her. Would you mind coming with me?" He pointed towards the portal with a grin full of sarcasm.
"Ok. Send me address I will go there tomorrow"
"Not tomorrow! Right now!" He exasperated
"Ok, Doc. And who is going to look after my kids?" You crossed your arms mocking.
"Wong" he said already summoning a new portal that showed a confused Wong
"Who is this?" Bith of you asked
" I am the Sorcerer Supreme.. Not a baby sitter, Stephen" Wong crossed the portal
"Life or death. Now come" Stephen said pulling you into the portal and closing a pissed off Wong behind.
"(...)Wanda has been the vessel to the Scarlet Witch for sometime now. She has trained to keep her imprisioned inside of herself until we can figure out how to kill or ademonish her for good(...)." Stephen was rambling while guiding you through one of the Avenger's Coumpound corridors. "(...)And she was just fine, stronger than ever - not even a hint of SW showing for months. But last Sunday she came in demanding to be imprisioned again because she was 'losing control'" he spat
"Last sunday?" It was the same day she left town with no explanation.
"Yes. And I didn't think much of it, because we all know she is stronger then Scarlet on her good state of mind. What brings me to you." He looked at you puzzled
"Me? I didn't do anything" You said stopping in your tracks "Why does that have anything to do to me? We are just friends"
"She loves you" he said plainly like he was just stating a ordinary fact.
You laughed. Wanda Maximoff? Yes, she became your frined, you had one or two nights taking some wine together, but she had never said or done anything to you to suggest any romantic interest. Not that you haven't tried once ou twice after meeting her closed reaction and obediently retracting to your 'friend zone'. Right?
"She doesn't love me" You scoffed
"Don't argue with me" he turned to you with a hard gaze "Come".
You finally reached a massive door with a observant glass window that showed a dark red and black dusty cloud. Near the window was Bruce and Steve discussing something on a low tone.
"Steve. Bruce. This is Y/N" Stephen introduced you
"Hi, Y/N" Bruce said friendly as Steve looked sternly to Stephen "I told you no"
"Well, do you have any other plan? This is the best one we have" Stephen retracted to analyze the midst
"What plan?"
Bruce answered: "You see that midst there?" You noded "That is Wanda"
"Wanda is in there?" You gasped
"No" Steve interrupted "Scarlet Witch is in there".
You gulped. You knew nothing about SW besides that she was supposely a demon that possesed Wanda in the pass, as Stephen had told you just know. But just the sight of the dark cloud sent shivers down your spine - how could anyone be stronger than that?
"I don't see where I can help" You said staring down the cloud looking for any shadow or movement that hinted Wanda's location.
"She loves you. You are the only one who can convice her to fight again and get SW under control" Stephen murmured
"We are just friends" You said between your teeth. That Stephen was getting into your nerves.
" You just need to get in there and called out for her" Stephen said reaching for the door
"Are you crazy?" You and Steve Rogers shouted
"I will not get anywhere!" You said stepping back.
You weren't the bravest person on Earth. That was true. You would shamelessly run away from a little bug if it came too close to you. But your refusal had nothing to do with that. You liked Wanda, truly. She was amazing and she made you feel all mushy and at peace - being frienzoned or not. But you were not just Y/N, anymore. You couldn't be selfish with your own life - you were now a mom. And you wouldn't put Tommy and Billy's mom at risk ever again - for crying out loud, the first thing you did was to sell your motocycle! Imagine getting inside the ring of hell with the demon herself to call out Wanda?
"I can't" You said crossing your arms in front of you and starting to walk back the corridor
"I am sorry. This is the only way" Dr. Strange said pushing you inside the room.
------- Dr. Strange point of view
"STEPHEN!" Steve shouted pushing Stephen away and forcing the door trying to go inside- now locked with more then just Jarvis AI. The three heros got shivers down their spine as they heard the sinister laugh that followed.
"How could you do that? We need to get her out of there- help me unlock the door, Bruce!" He kept pushing the handle
"We can't" The Hulk didn't agree with Dr. Strange actions, but he couldn't think of another solution to prevent the chaos from ever leaving that tiny room.
"The thing is that Wanda didn't lose control." Stephen slowly started to explain himself " She is in control of all that." He pointed towards the picture of chaos" if she wasn't, Scarlet would have already breached - don't be naive. We are not strong enough to contain her, you know that, Steve"
"I don't follow" Steve looked puzzled but stopped forcing the handle
"When she searched for me on Sunday, she had finally understood what me and America had already known for awhile." He breathed out "She always asked herself why she didn't have her 'Billy and Tommy' in this multiverse, giving that all other Wanda's had theirs." He stopped as a light flashed from the cloud followed by a loud sound "The thing she missed all this years, is that we have various ways to becoming parents - something that she had never considered. She always thought Billy and Tommy were hers and Vision kids. But no. They have nothing to do with Vision. They are her kids. And kids are not just the ones born from one's womb, are they?"
"What does that have to do with Y/N?" Steve looked puzzled
"Y/N's kids.. Are Wanda's Billy and Tommy" Bruce realized.
"And Wanda is trying to protect them, from herself" Stephen concluded
"... By convincing us to lock her away" Steve concluded "This is all happening because she wants it to. She wants to force our hand."
---------- Back to Y/N POV
You don't know what hitted you first. The ground, as you clumsy landed on all fours. The phosfor stench. Or the burn in your eyes as your sight was filled with a dense and hot air.
Your surrounding looked very much like an orchard. If the trees had any leaves and apples in them, it could even be a beatiful sight. As you catched your breath you heard a sinister laugh echooing from everywhere at once. Your heart was pouding as you desperately tried to find back the door that had vanish replaced by the ilusion in front of you.
You walked around that place for what it seemed to be hours. You haven't seen anyone yet, as the orchard extended for infinite lenghts. You were starving, thirsty and tired. The more you walked, the more you thought you would never find your way out of it, and the more you got anxious and desperate to get back to your kids. Suddenly appeared a white house down the hill, and you could swear you saw a shadow by the window.
When you reached the house, you soon realized how folish you were to literaly come knocking in the demons lair.
"tsc tsc tsc. I thought you were the smart one" Wanda's voice came from behind you with a reprimanding tone. You quickly turned and saw her. But not as her. She held her hair the redder it has ever been, dark circles around her eyes, black fingers and big red horns caming out of her forehead.
"Ste-Stephen " You sttutered walking backwards away from the witch
"Don't talk about him" She hissed crossing the ward and grabing your throat in a fury "He ruined everything!" She said through her teeth with a hard gaze. You whimped barely able to breathe through her hold.
"So-orry. I-I am not supposed to be here"
She tilted her head in confusion with a small smile "Haven't you come to save your precious little Wanda?" She loosened her hold on your throat and her eyes sparkled red as she read your thoughts "HA!" She laughed "Poor Wanda.. Not even her little human-pet came to save her!" She mocked "You have more important stuff to do, right, kitten?" She let go of you with a humorous laugh
"Will you let me go?" You dared to ask
"I could.. But you know.. You are pretty, aren't you? I might keep you for a bit." She turned and walked back to you slowly checking you out bitting her lower lip " I think I will just dumb you down, turn off that little brain of yours and use you to have some fun. Would you like that?" She said "I will keep you as my personal pet as I rise as the Master of Chaos" She gripped your cheeks strongly as you wiggled trying to get loose from her
"No, please. I need to get back" You begged
"How pathetic little girl you are, aren't you?" She smirked "You know what is the cherry on top of this? Our little Wanda loves you, but didn't have the gut to tell you about it." She smiled mischieveously " But she didn't even read your thoughts did she? She couldn't know you love her back" She laughed "And I am the one who is going to have you". She crashed her lips into yours. You could push her away with all your strenght and it wouldn't be enough: she was at least a thousand times stronger and you were powerless in her grasp.
And then she came.
"Leave her alone" Wanda's voice echoed loud and strong coming from the house. Scarlet smiled immediately detaching herself from you and pushing you aside in the ground.
"Well, well, well. The rabbit is out the hole, isn't it?" She held a wicked smile as Wanda calmly got herself in your direction
"You shouldn't have come, Y/N" She said extending you her hand and giving SW her back as she meant no threat at all
"Go inside the house and I will come for you" She said keeping her expression closed and avoiding your eyes
"That is a lovely reunion" SW said with a mocking tone "But I will have to cut in, you know? I think we have things to settle, Wanda" She said harshly sending a joltz of red light into Wanda’s back. The energy, though, dissipated before reaching her skin.
Wanda smirked "don't be silly, Scarlet"
SW growled sending another blast that ricochet back to her hitting her shoulder in an electrical pain.
"Argh!" She shouted and kept trying to reach Wanda growing beastial and frustrated at the lack of effectiveness of her attack.
While SW lost her control, Wanda calmly took you back to the house and closed you inside - apparently a fortress where SW hasn't been able to crack since Sunday.
As soon you were safe, Wanda felt relief washing her whole body. She didn't know you had come into the illusion when you did. She didn't think that was possible, so she just meditated and waited for her friends to be convinced of how dangerous she was. Maybe then they would be persuaded to take her out of her misery. But all plans came down in ruins when she heard your begging and saw SW holding you. At that moment she knew you wouldn't be safe without her, and that maybe she being in your storyline would be good for you - not just for her.
"How dare you touch Y/N?" She barked turning her red eyes to face an angry SW "How dare you try to hurt her?" Wanda stepped close hands ablaze with red fire...
As soon Wanda shutted the door, you were absorbed in another illusion. The world seemed to dim and turn Black and white. Old music was playing out of nowhere and you could hear a TV show on the back. The smell of fresh cookies and cut grass filled your senses still involved in the stench of the demon's orchard, completing the enchanted scenario. You felt at peace and at home, like inside a safe 50s TV show. You couldn't see the fight going on between Wanda and Scarlet outside, the window showed you a pristine garden and a row of suburban houses bathed in the early morning sun. Cars passing by eventually and birds singing could make you forget about anything else.
As you walked through what you assumed to be your home, you notice some photo frames on the table next to the couch. The picture showed a family of four, a blurred 4th person you couldn't quite place as a male or female, Wanda motherly hugging two little kids. Two little kids you knew awfully well.
The faint of recognition of the kids identities passed by you as the world trembled, lights flickered and the whole illusion shredded slowly. Bright lights hit your eyes in a painful intrusion as you blinked repeatedly trying to adjust. When you finally got to yourself, the photo was gone, and in front of you with a worried glance was a sweaty, flustered and tired Wanda.
"Let's get you home"
.... to be continued on part 4
About part 4, I am between the smut and the fluff final. I have already written them liked both. If you have an opinion, voice it.
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Where did the 👄 go?
- 🦖
please let me be dinasaur nonnie!!!
Hey, nonnie!
I have no clue of what that meant -my english is not that great 😅 ... but if it was the fic I promised today, just posted it. And of course: If you want to, little Rex is all yours :*
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2. FBT - opening boxes and settling down
Paring: F!Reader x Wanda 
Context: After Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, Wanda finds what she has been looking for in a small town – more precisely, in you.
Warnings: just comfort 
Word Count: 1.8k 
Part 1 | Part 2 (this)| Part 3 | Part 4*
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Although Wanda had been in Farmville for the better part of a year when you came in that Saturday, the majority of her clothes, kitchenware and decorations were still in their original moving boxes. Wanda did not plan to take her stuff out of the moving boxes: after so many frustrations moves, she preferred to be prepared to quickly grab her stuff for when she grew tired of town. However, since you came into her life, she saw herself a little less anxious about moving out and the daily things did not bother her that much anymore. And without any plan whatsoever, she surprised herself asking you to help out – even though she could easily do it with her magic, while comfortable laying on her couch sipping a tea.
In your side of the story, helping out Wanda to organize wasn't your favorite Saturday morning activity. Of course, you enjoyed her company and that week you realized how much you missed an adult friendship. However, the truth is that you simply needed the money. Your earnings as a teacher could easily support your single lifestyle; you never had a problem with that. But since adding a couple of twins necessities, the weekly therapy sessions and the need to move to a 2 bedroom house rent to your monthly bills, you were going through your savings on a dangerous speed.
Your brother and sister-in-law not-so-significant heritage were stored by the government until the twins were 16 years old, and the three of you would be starving if you waited for that. Your mom couldn't help regularly, and your sister-in-law family didn't even bother to show up in your brother’s funeral. So it was up to you to make the extra money.
You sold your old car for an old-old-super-old car. You gave up your mortgage and got a rental. You quickly sold and traded any of your extra belongings and now there was nothing left. The therapist helped you with a social fee and the elementary school gathered last year’s books, uniforms and everything that 6 yo could need to study. Your tutoring gave you a few bucks an hour, and the extra grading and online queering allowed a couple more. But it wasn't enough. Going out the academic route wasn't on your agenda, but the payroll Wanda offered could get your family through a week and you weren't going to pass that.
"Good morning, Ms. Maximoff" You said embarrassed.
"Good Lord, Y/N. Wanda." She said giving you a peck on the cheek like you were friends. "Come on in; leave your stuff on the counter. I just started on the kitchen" Wanda wore a set of sweatpants and white T-shirt with her hair up in a messy ponytail. She was a beautiful women, definitely the type you used to date - not that you were even remotely available to do anything about it in the crazy pace your life was going.
The morning passed by fast. Your company was even more enjoyable than Wanda thought, you held a light mood and you were becoming increasing more comfortable around each other. As you held the stairs for Wanda to clean an open cabinet, or you carried together a large and heavy box - you found yourself enjoying the domestic environment around her. It was pass noon when Wanda ordered a pizza and a couple of beers for you to take a break.
"Not that I am complaining... But aren't you, like, super strong?" You asked while taking a bite.
"Kind of" She dismissed getting both of you another beer "Why?"
"With all due respect, oh-miss-magical-fingers... Why the hell did we tore our back with the heavy lifting if you could do it with your pinky?" You looked at her confused both of your chuckling.
"Magical fingers?" she smirked and handled your beer. "Are you going to believe me if I tell you I forgot about it?"
"No" You smiled “But it is ok, I was just wondering why you needed my help in the first place."
"I didn’t. I like your company, Y/N. And it would feel lonely to settle down alone again." She looked into your eyes and gave a small smile "And I don't feel like being alone again"
"I know what you mean" You didn't. As much as you liked Wanda's company and her proximity made you feel all mushy and somewhat stupid; you didn't see Wanda in a romantic way. She, in the other hand, felt you cozy and warm, easy to talk to, easy smile and she was interested in a very non-platonic way.
"Sure thing" She laughed and followed you into the room.
"You don't. Yet" Her eyes quickly darted to your mouth and you instinctively licked your bottom lip flustering with the attention.
"Shall we go to the bedroom?" She lifted her brows mocking you "To organize!" you added embarrassed.
The bedroom was bigger than you expected from a 3-bedroom house. She had an on-suite and a walk-in closet - almost empty apart from couple row of clothes. You started organizing her bathroom, taking mental notes on her products, scents and a special crimson lipstick that had your dreaming about it a few weeks ago. Her skincare routine was neatly displayed on the counter, her extra towels folded under the sink and all her hair products on a basket as she instructed. There was just one box left behind and you opened it without a second thought the same way you had done with so many on that day.
But oh damn. That box was different.
You groaned low at the sight of it, your mouth watering as your mind wandered to where-how-when Wanda would use all of that.
Wanda was in her closet when she heard you and smiled to herself. She planted the box in there this morning, hoping that you would find it. Your thoughts weren't exactly innocent while sneaking a peek at the toys Wanda kept neatly organized in that box. Many sizes, shapes, different uses, intensities, a whole other world from your small bag back home. You were building a special mental image of Wanda wearing the big black strap you held when she called out your name to help. You almost let it fall as you quickly shut the box and placed it back on the cabinet.
“Thank you, sweetie.” She praised you, your cheeks burning due to the pet name.  “Do you know how to drill a hole in the wall?” She asked when you were almost over.
Once you got into the closet, Wanda was up the ladder, her ass pin up right on you eye level. She was reading your thoughts constantly since she heard your gasp, and the praise to her ass was exactly why she called you using a heavy box as excuse.
You offered politely to grab it for her, once again forgetting about how silly it all was considering she could magically get it down. As you got up in the ladder, Wanda's hands found your thigh in what seemed to be an innocent act. The proximity and the heat of her hand took a small whimper out of you, to the satisfaction of a greedy Wanda.
“Uhum. Do you want me to hang something?” You asked distracted while sorting some Knick and knacks into a smaller box
“Not hang. I just need a couple of wall mounts over there” She pointed towards her headboard hiding a mischievous grin “But I am afraid of the screwdriver” That was a lie. Wanda knew her way around a toolbox, as she often were on her own since her teen years.
“Why would someone need wall mounts near the bed?” You asked innocently while preparing the drill
She smirked “I can rope a couple of reasons” Your cheeks reddened immediately as you caught up with her meaning.
“Oh” you coughed out your embarrassment and focused on the task, your mind travelling a million directions.
All throughout the rest of the day, Wanda collected small touches and teases, observing your reactions and how your thoughts frequently traveled back to the toy-box.
In the days that followed that weekend, you two became close. You stopped by the teachers’ lounge more often, went out together to grab coffee and Wanda got used on waiting by your classroom door to escort you back to your car. Wanda quickly became an essential part of you daily life.
- What?
You and Wanda have been talking over coffee for a few minutes already when she suddenly tensed over something you said.
"What ‘what’?"
"What did you say your kids name were?"
"They are named Anthony and Thomas, you know that already" You frowned
"Yes, yes. Sorry. I was under the impression you said Billy and Tommy" She chuckled relaxing.
"Oh, I did. Sorry." You smiled fondly "Anthony's nickname is Billy, after his father. He always has been little Billy because they look so much alike. But after his passing, Billy just doesn't accept being called Anthony anymore" you said sadly.
When you got no response from Wanda, you lifted your gaze finding a conflicted Wanda staring down at her mug.
"Sorry. I-I have to go" She said storming off.
The thing is that when you told her your kids name were Anthony and Thomas, she thought nothing of it. You have never showed her even a photo of them - keeping their privacy on social media and personal relations due to the abuse they suffered last year. So she has never seen them, and honestly, it never crossed her mind. But today, after she heard you calling them Billy and Tommy, some piece snapped back into place and she finally realized the answer to what had been bothering her for so long since the Darkhold.
Wanda didn’t mean to upset you or your kids. Of course she knew about both of them, as you talked a lot about them.
You two had become closer the last few weeks and Wanda found herself specially drawn to you difficult but ordinary life. She wanted to know everything about you and she finally started to open herself to another person. Wanda knew it was stupid of her letting you get so close, she knew she could not ever be deserving of love again- she had it once and she blew it. Her self-vexing was more than enough to keep her from making any advances towards you, but the reality is that you were the first thing she thought about before sleep and the first thing in the morning. She was falling for you in the last few weeks. Not that you knew anything about it.
And no. That wouldn't do.
Part 3
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1. FBT - Finding Billy and Tommy
Paring: F!Reader x Wanda Context: After Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, Wanda finds what she has been looking for in a small town – more precisely, in you. ... This one might ring a little (lot) different. Is more of a fluff-comfort-family thing.  Warnings: just comfort, fluff, angst(?), light - grief Word Count: 2.5 Part 1 (this) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4*
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- “Are you there, Ms. Franco?” The voice echoed through your phone. You could hear the nurse loud and clear, you were just too shocked to say anything. Your brother had been on a car crash 5 days ago and were currently fighting for his life on the ICU - he had just lost the battle.
----- A couple weeks after your brother and sister-in-law passing, you were still getting use to not be alone anymore. On your 30’s, you have been living alone since after college, not even a serious relationship to keep you company. Your nephews rarely slept over, and now you had the two 6-year-old living with you. They hadn’t understood their parents’ deaths until 1 week after your brother’s funeral. Billy was the first one to miss them, but Tommy got the worst of it. For 5 days, the little kid did not sleep, crying day in and out, while Billy acted out making pranks and being loud– just as a normal grieving kid. You had to ask a leave from your work to be with them 24/7. Although your mother helped you, she simply didn’t have the energy to do more after losing her own child. You live in a small city and work as a math teacher in the only high school in town. Being a single woman in your 30’s were already hard on a small town where the gossip flew by. Being a lesbian single woman? Even harder. But when you added “mom solo” to being a single lesbian 30yo woman? The pitiful judging eyes of the whole city followed you everywhere. The market gave you priority in line. Your neighbors had the civic sense to feed you and your nephews for almost a month after the tragedy. Your coworkers no longer shoot you casual texts, but always hard and heavy “how are you”, “I know is hard, but if anyone can do it is you”. Gifts? The kids were swamp in clothing and toys. You know they were trying to help, but the intensity of it all, just made you fall even deeper in reclusion.
You opted to let the kids go to school to have some distraction, as their therapist suggested. Weeks passing by, the whole mood was getting better and lighter. Tommy no longer cried to sleep, although he still woke up to go to your bed every night. You got use to them, finally bought extra pillows and a mattress wrap – no longer a problem with the night leakages of Billy’s mind screaming for help. You grew calluses. You never had the proper time to grieve the loss of your brother and best friend, but you shrugged off any kind of fragility or overthinking. Your late nights with some stupid Netflix drama turned into Paw Patrol and some horrific YouTube channels of slimes and sticky gross toys. Your tacos Tuesdays at Amanda's? They turned into toasty bread and cheap butter you could barely afford with your only salary divided per 3. Your wine and crossword Saturday afternoons turned into puzzles, Lego and an exhausting game of chasing around kids. You were extremely pushed to your limits, but you didn't allow any self-pity, convincing yourself that you didn't have the time for it. It was mid-April when it happened. They had been with you for the best part of a year, and you always kept the idea of being their legal guardian and maintaining their parents image awoke on their minds. Tommy had gone to your bed just as usual, but this time he woke you up and asked to be cuddled. Once he was properly comfort in your big spoon, he said “Thank you, mommy”. It was sweet and spontaneous. From that day on, your little family finally found a new meaning, and you became their mom. ------ “Wanda Maximoff” – she said to herself in the mirror “You are Wanda Maximoff”. It was a grounding exercise she had learnt in Hong Kong Sanctum Sanctorum. After Mount Wundagore events, the Scarlet Witch used her last strength to teleport herself out of the mountain collapse – retracting back into Wanda’s to recharge her magic. Once Wang and Strange found Wanda wandering around the snowy mountains, she was brought back to the Sanctum where she trained to keep SW imprisoned inside.
They had tried to kill SW, to get her out of Wanda or to weaken her. Wanda tried and insisted that killing her was the only way – but SW wouldn’t let her pursue that route by herself and the Avenger's refused to go down that road after Natasha self-sacrifice. Soon they found out that Wanda and the SW where the same person, and the only person who could stop SW was exactly Wanda.
She trained day in and out, strengthening her hold on her own mind and body. After a few months, SW was no longer able to fully corrupt and possess Wanda, leaving her just a small part of her previous ability, still able to talk and get into Wanda’s mind in the days Wanda was specially distracted or exhausted. After a full year, SW simply resigned at her inner cell and stopped trying. That was when they concluded Wanda was free to live her own life out of the Sanctum. Of course, she wasn’t doomed responsible for the Westview or Wundagore accident, being obvious she wasn’t the one in control neither of the time. However, she still blamed herself and decided to retire her powers. She refused to use them for any harm or to go back to the compound; she was no longer an Avenger. The year after, she spent trying to find a little corner of the world where she could retire in a resemblance of peace. She decided to stay in the US due to the proximity to the NY Sanctum and Avenger compound in the eventuality SW got to possess her over again. After Thanos, Wanda was a celebrity and the public was fast to recognize her in every single character she tried to hide herself in. She tried to dye her hair brown, blonde, black, short, long, curly, straight, it didn’t work. She was too famous – and as the public didn’t know about Westview and the Darkhold: they saw her as a hero. The first town found out her secret in a week, and the over affection drew Wanda out of there last than a week after. The following ones were slower, they took their time to figure her out, but as soon the secret was gone, she was followed everywhere with hot meals and praises. Every damn grandma on those cities decided to cook her lasagna, cookies, and ever so sweet meat soup. At the last city, she gave up on trying hiding herself, and decided to assume her identity as a former Avenger and current history teacher. That is where she found a home. ------ Farmville, 20.000 habitants, 4 hours away from NY. After six months of your work leave, you were ready to go back to teaching. Leaving Tommy and Billy at school and going to your classes turned out to be a healthy new routine. When you got to the teacher’s lounge on the first day, you noticed something had change. Yes, your coworkers were still the same, kindly welcoming you back, but your gaze followed an imposing presence on the back of the room. There was the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. Wanda noticed the commotion in the room and spared a quick glance to see someone being hugged and kissed by the other teachers. She couldn’t decide if she was annoyed at the loud noise or interested on the new woman. You were on the pretty side of the people spectrum. Soft skin, hair held up, well-put together, nice formal clothing. Apart from the sleepless nights clear on your face, you could put a nice show. Wanda got herself staring at you more than once in that morning. You were the math teacher who had adopted your brothers’ twins. Even Wanda knew the gossip after being the history teacher on the same HS for a couple of months. She haven’t seen you around town, but it wasn’t a surprise: she kept to herself and your domestic life didn’t actually allow you to go out and be seen. You were reserved and introspective. Your lunch breaks spent in your classroom tutoring some students to get extra money. Once you got out work, you went straight to pick up your kids. You weren’t usually on the teacher’s lounge during your breaks or empty calendar, using the lazy time to grade in your classroom, run some errands or just tutor some more. Wanda got herself searching for you in the corridors, going round the square just to pass through your door and spare a quick glance. She was interested in the shy, cute and very busy woman you presented to be. Embarrassingly, she had even allowed herself to search for your thoughts during a special day where you looked more troubled than usual. Of course, you didn’t know any of that.
The gossip about the retired avenger moving into the city reached you as it did to everyone else. However, for you, it didn’t actually matter. You had your own life to sort through, too busy to be worried about some significant celebrity or superhero. At school, you quickly learned that Ms. Maximoff was a great teacher: she could keep even the most troubled student in her class, using her red magic to construct live presentations and scenarios of historic events. Even the teachers and the principal herself – a former history teacher- were caught in the interest of watching to one or two of her classes.
It was a Wednesday evening a couple weeks later, the first time you actually spoke to her. Both of you had a Parents and Teachers meeting that night, and the twins were with you mother. After your last class in the afternoon, you decided to pass the time grading and preparing your next class in the Teachers’ Lounge. When you got there, you noticed the fresh coffee scent and the red-haired sat in the only table of the room, lost in a thousand pages and books. You acknowledged her, but got silence in return.
She was concentrated, mumbling to herself while correcting what it seemed to be a particularly bad exam. Avoiding her papers and material, you sat in the far corner of the table and started to grade yourself. A few minutes later, a steamy cup of coffee was magically placed in front of you. “Black, no cream, no sugar” Wanda said with a small smile, still seated across the table, with her red eyes confirming that she was the one behind the floating Harry Pottery mug. “Thank you, Ms. Maximoff” you said shyly blushing. How could she know how you take your coffee? “Wanda, please” “Wanda. That was very thoughtful. You are the one who looks like you need a coffee, though.” You chuckled “How bad was that test?” “Bad. She just doesn’t get it.” She sighed, “I have tried everything, but she just…” “Have difficulties on an area that is not the one she is good at?” You said warmly “Who is she?” “Angela Brinks” She huffed “It is not it, she understands and pays attention- but fails every test.” “Angela? She is failing my class too. She was so good at math a year ago,” You thought going through you notes. “She is just having some trouble back home. “ Wanda slipped. She was not supposed to tell you that. She felt like invading someone’s privacy - is not like Angela told her about it. She couldn’t help: when the thoughts were too loud, too intense, or someone were just too close, sometimes their thoughts just invaded her mind and she couldn’t block it. “I just wished I could help. I am not used to be so powerless.” You smirked “Yeah, welcome to the ordinary” You said as a joke, but Wanda did not laugh or say anything about it for the pass hour. You thought it was a touchy subject so after long minutes of silence you spoke up. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude” “You weren’t.” She looked at you with a kind grin “You are a nice person, aren’t you?” You smiled shyly at the way Wanda was staring at you “Everyone has their demons, Wanda. I am as nice as anyone else” “Except that isn’t true” She dropped her pen and frowned as she tried to understand you. “See? If it is not true, then I am a liar – so, it is true. ” You winked “Plain old logical proposition” Both of you laughed.
You kept grading and making small talk until the parents meeting. You were clearly their favorite teacher, and the parents welcomed you back warmly, some brought gifts, others asked about the twins, and a few got your phone number for more tutoring lessons to their kids. After the meeting, Wanda stayed behind waiting patiently for you to finish a talk with yet another mother. “Someone is popular” She teased “Is nice to be back. I missed this” You sighed “Being a super mom isn’t enough?” Wanda said with a light tone, but she felt a sting of jealousy in her heart. You chuckled “Is definitely something. However, here I can just be me, you know? I am not their aunt, or mother, or whatever. I am not here for anyone else. Just… Y/N.” You blushed “Sorry, this sound so selfish” “There is nothing wrong with that. Being selfishly you is also part of being a mom. We need to be ourselves too” “Oh. Are you a mom too? I didn’t know” You stared at her. Did you miss that gossip? Wanda gulped. Yes, she had been. For a brief moment, she had her own set of twins and she was complete. After Westview, that feeling of nurture and love was just taken away, leaving a hollow vacuum in her chest that nothing or no one seemed to fill. You notice her eyes tearing up as she zooned out “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” “It is ok. I might tell you one of these days. Not today though.” She tight lip smiled as you reached the parking lot. “So, I hear you are giving tutoring lessons” “Yes. I need the money” You shrugged searching for your car keys in your purse “I am basically doing anything that brings me one-step farther from crippling debts” You said with a light tone. Wanda made your comfortable. Every time actually paying attention to you. It was refreshing. “I need some help on Saturday. I was just going to hire someone else, but do you want to help me?” Wanda asked. She didn’t really need any help, but she wanted you to say yes just to spend some more time with you. “Really? With what?” You asked interested, finally having found your car keys and opening the door. “Organizing” She said plainly. She had not properly taken her stuff out of the moving boxes since she got here. “I will be there at 8” You smiled getting into your car with a fresh smile and a warm heart.
Part 2 
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✎ 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚏𝚏
18+ only; priest's daughter!Wanda x college student!reader
Transferring to a new university was fairly easy, but boringly uneventful. Your interest in the studious girl everyone seems to hate is exactly the kind of impulsive excitement you were looking for— if only she'd acknowledge your existence past quick glances in your classes.
This is going to be a mostly fluffy series on the whole, but the idea did grow out of a kinktober request I received for a priest's daughter!Wanda AU with innocence and corruption kink so obviously, there's smut involved with those elements.
New chapters are scheduled for Sundays, with a week break after chapter 3 because it's the holidays and I have a special Christmas fic planned
Each chapter containing smut will be marked with a *
✎ 𝚂𝚢𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜 ::
✦ Lesson One; Introductions ✦ Lesson Two; A Brief History of Conflict ✦ Lesson Three; Observations & Further Research
Holiday Break
✦ Lesson Four; Real-World Applications* ✦ Lesson Five; Acute Environmental Change*
Break ✦ Lesson Six; Lasting Impacts ✦ Lesson Seven; Into Modern Times ✦ Lesson Eight; Wrap-Up
✎ 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝 ::
✦ coming 1/22
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𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛: 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
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a/n: anddd we're back! I'm loving how this series is going so far and with this chapter posted, we're halfway through unless I decide to add a chapter or two, we'll see. Anyways, welcome to the Beginnings of Smutty Content for smol babie Wanda
✎— priest’s daughter!Wanda x college student!reader ✎— confessions AU; in which Wanda ponders over her growing feelings for you, tries her hardest to deal with them and, when asked out to a date night at the local Fall Festival, she tests out Agatha's advice ✎— warnings: this is an 18+ series, minors DNI; fluff, smut; morning after deep thoughts, brief-ish make outs, a lot of kisses bc Wanda said so; masturbation; ice cream debauchery; thigh kisses and our favorite soft, flustered Wands
✎— words: 6.2k
series masterlist. || main masterlist.
It was almost noon when you woke up the next morning, groggy and disoriented. As your brain caught up with your body, you registered warmth under your cheek, a gentle hand lazily stroking your hair; Wanda. The gentle rise and fall of her stomach could’ve lulled you back to sleep, might have too, if a traitorous yawn hadn’t given you away. “Look who’s awake.” 
You turned over with a groan, hiding your face in Wanda as she giggled at your display. “You could’ve woken me up if you weren’t sleeping.” 
Wanda pretended to think it over, not once planning on giving away that she’d be a fool to pass up the chance to commit the sight of you peacefully asleep on top of her to memory. “You needed your rest.” 
Quiet moments like these happened to be Wanda’s favorites; where anything was possible and she could pretend that when you finally did awaken, she’d smother you in kisses and the two of you could roll around in bed for a lazy Sunday morning together. Where eventually, when she somehow pries you off of her, she’d stroll to the kitchen on shaky legs and make the apple cinnamon pancakes she remembered you telling her your mother used to make you as a child; the breakfast you missed most. And after a quick shower, you, not wanting to be anywhere else in the world, would sit at her small IKEA kitchen table and tell her all about your alcohol induced dreams. 
All of that was possible until you woke up and you, the real you, sat up and stretched with an even louder yawn, casually reaching over her to grab the glass of water she knew last night you’d need right this minute. You drained the cup’s contents in one long gulp, setting it back on the nightstand before perching on the edge of the bed, one leg folded under you while the other dangled. 
Wanda wished she could be the type to coax you back to bed, insist you sleep more and if not that, at least lay with her a little while longer, but the words sounded silly in her head and your imagined rejection stung her heart enough not to chance it.
You regarded her properly after a few slow blinks, taking in the sight of Wanda still half propped against her pillows, blankets now askew after you got up and tossed them aside. She looked smaller now, nestled amongst her plush bedding and looking up at you expectantly. The previous night’s events came back to you in a flash; the party, the game, the kiss that ended it, and the other that started something new. You cast a risky glance downwards, spotted perfectly patterned silk shorts and wondered whether the night’s hours alleviated any of that ache Wanda had tried subtly rubbing away with her legs as you fell asleep. Instead when you opened your mouth, a completely different line of questioning came out. “I shouldn’t be surprised you wear matching pajama shorts to bed.”
She knew you didn’t mean anything by it, but you were also blissfully unaware of the skimpier white one-piece she’d originally planned on luring you to bed with. The further away it got, the more Wanda wanted to hit herself for thinking she could ever stage such an after-party for you, on your first night out together no less. “I like to match! I shouldn’t be surprised you wear your street clothes to bed.”
Wanda was referring to your wrinkled t-shirt, the outstretched fabric and your underwear being your chosen sleepwear. Typically you did only wear a shirt, some old things you’d retired from your wardrobe and relegated to being strictly house wear until you officially wore it to shreds, “Well I didn’t have much choice, did I? You’re the one who asked me to stay, or would you rather I sleep naked?” 
Laughter erupted from deep in your belly when the brunette’s jaw went slack, eyes wide as saucers, “You know that’s not what I meant! I don’t care what you wear!”
“Hey, your bed, your rules, princess. Just let me know for next time.” Next time, you’d said with a suggestive wink; if Wanda wasn’t already stunned into silence would surely send her rambling on.
Beside her earlier fantasies, she hadn’t factored in clothing, much less the absence of it. That train of thought sent her spiraling; she could see your legs in their entirety, goose pimpled from the cold air, but devilishly soft looking, but she was more curious to what lay under where you were covered— what you felt like, where you were most sensitive, if anywhere else made you shudder like Wanda discovered you did whenever she trailed her short nails over the nape of your neck. 
“Think any harder and steam will come out of your ears,” you chuckled, getting up to uncover wherever you’d tossed your jeans. Messing with Wanda never failed to be an impeccably funny start to your day, but here, now, you had to put a stop to it. If you continued, you worried Wanda really would blow a gasket or worse, you’d push her so hard you’d break. “Don’t worry, I’m going off to go shower. I’ll leave you alone in a minute.”
Curious as Wanda was, you were exponentially so, wanting to snatch her up and take her and discover every place that made her tick. But Wanda was still drowsy, evident in the tiny yawns she hid behind her hands and how her head lolled against the headboard once she’d calmed herself down, and you needed her wide awake for everything you wanted. 
So, admittedly, you were a little shocked to turn around after slipping on your shoes to find Wanda not only sitting fully upright, but with a very obvious forlorn look across her features. “You’re leaving?”
You shrugged, so casually her frown only deepened, “I know you like to clean on Sundays, don’t want to be in your way.” Not the real reason, but true enough to be believable. Wanda was notorious for her Sunday cleaning, preferring to start her week out as organized as possible. You told yourself to stop, not to tease her anymore, but she looked so akin to a kicked puppy you couldn’t help it, “What’s wrong, miss me already?”
Maybe she hadn’t fully coped with the loss of her fantasy day, or she’d lost her patience altogether, but whatever it was, Wanda wanted to cry. Again. She hated it, despised that instinctive response, and wanted to do anything to deflect that energy. So she picked up an unused pillow and launched it. The fluffy object flew at your face before you could catch it, smacking you with a dull thud. “Not with that attitude, I don’t.” 
Her outburst gave Wanda enough time to wipe her eyes, ensuring there weren’t any tears that couldn’t be passed off as sleepiness; by the time your vision returned, she was sitting with her arms folded defiantly over her chest, pointedly avoiding having to look at you. Wanda was strangely huffy, but instead of catching her genuine disappointment, you wrote it off as morning crankiness and tossed the pillow back to her side. “Just for that, you’ve forfeit your goodbye kiss.”
You were joking really, having not even thought about giving her another kiss because she’d had yet to mention the others, but Wanda didn’t know that. She shot up in an instant, shuffling over to where you stood at the end of her bed and flinging her arms around you in an apologetic hug. “No wait, I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me I just-”
One gentle finger pressed against Wanda’s mouth, silencing her until all she could do was gaze up at you with pleading eyes from where she’d planted her chin on your chest. “You don’t want a kiss right now anyways, I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
Wanda shook her head, brushing off your excuse, “Neither have I…” If you were going to leave, she wouldn’t let you without the one thing she knew she could have. She’d make peace with her boring Sunday cleaning alone in her apartment, the lack of you, all of it, if she could face the day freshly kissed. 
“Just one. We’ll make it quick,” You couldn’t deny her, not when you felt envious of her own teeth, biting down on her pink lower lip like you’d briefly done last night. Your thumb pried the flesh away from her grip, promptly replacing it with your mouth. It was meant to be a simple peck, short and sweet, but when the tip of your tongue accidentally brushed Wanda, she gasped— a tiny, quiet thing that sucked you right in. 
Wanda parted her lips as you nudged against them once more, let the rough surface of your tongue slide over the straight row of her teeth and surrendered herself to whatever this new blissful feeling was. She could taste the last bits of alcohol on you, much less than the times previous, and having fully sobered up, your lead was more sure, more insistent, and it made Wanda’s legs tremble. 
Somewhere in your embrace, the brunette’s arms fell from around your midsection and you pulled away, allowing you both air and her to fall back to her seated position. She touched her fingers to her lips, tried to ignore the tingling in her core that begged her to press just a little bit harder into the mattress for the friction it so desperately craved. 
You had to leave Wanda there, her wildly lost expression too much for you to handle. “Text me when you’re free, princess.” You ruffled her already messy hair before leaving, the action coming across way too platonic for the intensity you’d just shared. 
She heard her apartment door click, signaling she really was alone, and she planned to get up, honestly. But as her legs parted to move, a thick fold of her comforter dragged over her clothed center and Wanda couldn’t talk herself out of doing it again.. and again… and again until the lace underwear she’d picked to hopefully show off to you when she got home were thoroughly soaked. 
It was all too easy to sink back into her fantasy land, the one where you hadn’t left, deciding instead to stay and waste the last half of your weekend kissing her instead. Eyes screwed shut, she imagined it was your bare leg she mounted instead, offering your thigh up to her as long as she let you have your way with her mouth. It was slightly uncomfortable, damp fabric pulled taut against her, but shaky fingers came to tug them to the side, pretending they were yours as her fingertips momentarily played with her clit before she forced her hips down swiftly. 
Wanda didn’t know what you’d say, if you’d say anything during her frenzied display, but she hoped you did; something less practiced than the videos she’d seen. You’re so gorgeous all worked up for me, princess, a name you’d called her before and each time her heart latched onto you a fraction more, I want to see you cum now, will you do that for me?
She nodded her head as if you were still right there with her, mouth falling open as she rut her bare cunt over her comforter at just the right angle. If she focused enough Wanda could see your sly grin, that look you gave when you knew you’d gotten her right where you wanted, pretended her fists were balled tight into your shirt instead of her wrinkled sheets, “Yes, yes… I’ll do it! I-I’m gonna…!” 
Wanda came with a whimper, weakly jerking her hips until she could no longer hold herself upright and fell forward. Dull aftershocks pulsed pleasantly through her body, but her pussy clenched around nothing, begging for something more Wanda never worked up the confidence to give it. The shame she felt having ruined not only her new undergarments, but also her shorts and sheets, laying limply in the cooling wet spot she’d made in her dalliance, was more than enough to leave her cheeks burning hot and she let out a loud, dramatic groan into her pillow. 
Luckily, it was already laundry day. 
♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
That evening, once Wanda showered the last of yesterday’s events away, washed her dirty clothes, and carefully remade her bed with new sheets, she flopped down on her couch in exhaustion. She pondered texting you, but the mere thought made her brain fly back to earlier activities and she wasn’t quite ready to face you yet. Instead she pressed Agatha’s name, thumbs hovering over the keypad as she tried to figure out how to even start the conversation she wanted to have. 
So we kissed… three times…
The text barely read as delivered before Wanda’s phone buzzed, Agatha clearly having been on her device already, Three times where?
She fought the urge to toss her phone as she read the message punctuated with a suggestive emoji. Of course Agatha would think the worst. On the mouth, obviously! We’ve only been out once! 
Once is more than enough, even nuns like you have to know thatWhat happened?
Wanda detailed the last twenty-four hours as positively as possible, leaving out the game context for what was technically your first shared kiss. She smiled as she recalled your little bedroom fall, your sleepy scramble to rejoin her; maybe she’d be willing to face another party in the future if it meant spending the night with you.
She stayed over and she didn’t try anything? Did you scare her off or something? Wanda sunk deeper into the couch, having convinced herself your restraint was more because you were drunk than her putting you off. But she was well aware you’ve slept with Carol before, much more intoxicated than last night and haven’t spent even half the time together she had with you; it wasn’t the setting or the timing that was the problem. As her thoughts wandered again, Wanda hoped she wasn’t the issue.
Unfortunate turn of conversation aside, it gave Wanda the perfect opening she needed to talk about what she texted her friend about in the first place. I don’t know how to tell her I’m interested in her in.. that way…how we talked about? But I don’t want her to think I’m too forward.
So what if she thinks you’re a bit of a slut, that’s hot!
Aggie! Be serious!
Even as Agatha assured her that she would never joke about something as serious as someone’s awakening, Wanda groaned; maybe she should’ve texted Natasha… she’d tell her roommate anyways. Just tell me what to do.
Take the opportunity when it comes and when it does, go with it.
The advice was easier said than done, Wanda first needing to know what an opportunity looks like to even have a hope of seizing it. Trading her phone for a pillow, she dropped the plush object over her head, squishing it to her face just enough to muffle the anguished sigh she couldn’t hold in one second longer.
The two of you were… terribly normal after that weekend. Still inseparable in your classes, you continued to come over in your free time, flirted with her until she shook— now though, Wanda quickly grew addicted to your kisses. Never as intense as Sunday morning, but whenever there was a quiet moment, walking behind a building or before you went back to your respective rooms, if she tugged at your hand and waited, you’d give her what she was after. Anyone else, you’d call them childish or brush the behavior off after a while, but each time you felt that shy pull on your sweater, you melted. You were falling for her so fast, so hard; if you ever crashed, it’d hurt like a drop from a skyscraper.
It was always private though, Wanda treating each touch or smooch as illegal levels of scandal. You tried not to think about it too much; she wasn’t ashamed of you, just introverted. When you tried to think of a time where you’d been so intent on secrecy, you were thrown back to your first girlfriend; everything was so special that you’d been obsessively possessive with keeping those butterflies between you and your partner, where no one could ruin them. Considering Wanda and what she’s been through, you couldn’t blame her for hoarding her joy. Besides, there’s something undeniably hot about sneaking around.
Nonetheless, however much time you spent with her, you always wanted more. Maybe that was your own greed amidst Wanda’s; as long as she’d have you, you’d keep her. “So Wands,” you whispered to get her attention, not wanting to scare her or disrupt your professor’s impassioned monologue on the global impacts of the evolution of the written world, “do you have any plans this evening?”
Wanda looked up from her detailed notes long enough to let you know she was listening, her pen still writing, “You know I don’t.” 
“I’m just checking!” You nudged her gently, winding your arms around her until your head rested on her shoulder. “Since you’re not busy, would you be up for checking out the fall festival with me?”
Wanda stopped writing then, turning to you again as your lips kissed her shoulder. You were looking at her in that peculiar way again, where your eyes got so wide they started to shine, the barest hint of a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of your mouth; she doubted you knew how often you gave yourself away like that. “Is this a date? Do I need to dress up?”
“Yes to the date, no to dressing up.” Last weekend, she’d gone so far out of her comfort zone for you; now you wanted to take her somewhere she could hopefully relax and have a more familiar type of fun. Wanda mentioned in passing her dad used to bring her and Pietro to the fair nearly every year and while she hadn’t outright said she wanted to go, you were sure she’d want to go. 
“Hm..” When Wanda returned to her notetaking, you figured she was just thinking it over, but she didn’t write anything, held her pen too tight, and chancing another glance at her face, her teeth worried her bottom lip how she did whenever she fell too deep in her head. A few days after Carol’s comment, Wanda dressed differently; it started with her party outfit, black and fitted, and while she’d gone back to her patterns, her dresses now were shorter, thinner. Today’s choice was a dark pink slip dress, adorable but modern, and while you wouldn’t complain or tell her what to wear, her pointed refusal to bring her favorite cardigan to classes made you wonder if Wanda felt like she had to make a change. 
You thumbed over the curve of her hip, pulling her close enough to nuzzle into her neck. It was the furthest she’d let you go in class without pushing you away; as long as you could reassure her somehow. “Wear exactly what you are right now. I’m just excited to take you out, silly.” 
“You look very pretty today, sunshine.” Wanda sighed long and deep, relaxing her shoulders and trying to absorb your reassurance. She loved the fair, missed not going the past couple of years, and she knew she was bound to have a good time if you were there; her nerves just wanted to eat her alive. “I’ll win you something soft and get you all the fair food you want?”
“It’s really not smart to keep offering me things before I’ve even said no.” She turned quickly, pressing a small peck to your warm forehead before scribbling away yet again, “Now I’ll make you win me the biggest teddy we can find.”
♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡
The fair was pretty much how Wanda remembered it, same layout, same variety of vendors, same rigged carnival games. You were happy to let her show you around, not that this small county fair was anything innovative, but Wanda was so thrilled to point out her favorite booths, it was only polite to let her guide the way. 
True to your word, after a dozen tries you’d conquered the bean bag toss, winning the brunette a pink bunny rabbit who she immediately dubbed Carrot. You’d paid for that thing at least twice over by the time you won, but Wanda snuggled it so lovingly, cooed over the object so sweetly… money well spent. “He’s going to sit right on my bed all the time so I can remember your perseverance!”
“Oh I’m honored, a coveted bed post for my little thing!” Your gasp was way too dramatic, a few people close by turning their heads to find the source of the sound. Wanda swatted at your arm before pulling you along, but you stopped her as soon as you felt her chilly hand in yours. “Are you cold?”
Wanda shrugged, taking her hand back to fold her arms over her chest as a gust of wind blew by. “A little, but…well…”
“You didn’t bring a jacket.” Wanda’s sweater rejection strangely carried into your date and the further into the afternoon it got, the worse of a choice today’s dress was. Usually she’d pull on a sweatshirt as soon as she settled into her apartment or you could persuade her to bring an outer layer if it wasn’t during school, but tonight she’d insisted three times not to worry about her. “I’m starting to think you’ve stopped wearing sweaters just to steal my jackets.”
“Would you be mad if I did?” A playful grin grew on Wanda’s expression, teeth biting her lower lip as she waited for you to give in. If there was one thing she loved more than her own collection of thick cotton knits, it was your hoodies. None of them braced against the cold as much as hers, but the embedded smell of you kept Wanda plenty warm. 
You sighed and shed your jacket, momentarily taking Carrot from Wanda’s arms before helping her into the sleeves. It was a little too big for her small frame, extra material slouching over her shoulders and to her wrists, and as she took her precious stuffed animal back, snuggling it to her chest, your heart leapt. “Not when you look as good as you do in them.”
Wanda didn’t know where to go with the compliment, still painfully lost on how to reciprocate such a comment, but she knew she didn’t want you to spot her blushing from something so small. In a panic, Wanda spun around, darting to the nearest stall and practically leaving you in the dust. “Come on, I want ice cream!”
“Are you sure you want something that’s gonna make you colder right now?” You went after her of course, catching up only when she paused to take a spot in line. Wanda really could run fast when she wanted to.
She nodded, pretending to study the menu that only gave her three different choices of soft serve, “You promised all the fair food I wanted. Right now, it’s ice cream.” 
Once she’d gotten it, she only took a few licks, taking much more interest in walking and talking with you than eating. You noticed and, figuring she might be the type that prefers to sit and eat rather than realizing her diversion for what it was, found a set of hay bales just off the beaten path of fair traffic. 
Wanda didn’t mind, let you help her onto the middle row of the haystack and tried not to visibly stiffen when you sat below her… between her legs. It’s just a convenient place to sit, she tried reasoning, willing herself to focus on anything besides the warmth of your back on the inside of her calf. Lost in thought, she missed the small drip of ice cream over her fingers until it fell onto her knee, “Great…I forgot napkins.”
Without thinking, you ducked down and licked the melted mess, your tongue making quick work of where she’d spilled it. You should’ve been even a bit more ashamed for the forward action, but in your head it was harmless. An easy and helpful fix for a lack of napkins, was all. “Finish your ice cream quickly, Wands. You’ll make a mess.” 
The brunette was stunned at how casually you’d licked her, having gone straight back to mindlessly scrolling your phone without a care in the world. Meanwhile a thin coat of your saliva cooled on her leg, prickling at her skin and daring her to wonder what that same action would feel like elsewhere on her body. You weren’t paying her any extra attention, giving Wanda ample chance to run through her options: act outraged and warn you not to do it again, something that was so big of a lie Wanda wasn’t sure she could believably play it off, or allow herself a stint of not so innocent curiosity. 
Her hand tipped before she’d rationalized it any further, a larger drop above her knee this time.  Wanda needed to see if you’d do it again; what she would feel if you did it again. “I’m trying, but it’s cold..”
Her whine from above caught your attention, turning around to see Wanda’s once again sticky leg and sighing. “You’ll ruin your dress and then I won’t hear the end of it-” You licked it off, forcing away your suggestive thoughts… until you looked up. Her face gave her away instantly, cheeks pink and eyes alert; she did it on purpose. 
The current position wasn’t wasted on you, perched perfectly in between her legs, just above eye level to her bottom half. To what extent Wanda caught on, you didn’t know, but you’d be a fool not to at least try, “Careful…” You shifted enough to place both hands on her legs, sliding the hem of her dress a few inches up as a small test of her comfort. If she pushed you away, you wouldn’t have been surprised, the public setting making this all more scandalous than you ever thought Wanda would agree to. 
But she didn’t move a muscle, not one utterance of protest; Wanda kept her eyes locked on you. The hay bales were faced away from any crowds, far enough that nobody walked directly past you; if someone knew the back of Wanda’s head they could spot her, but whatever lust clouded her brain, that was enough security for now. Another set of drops fell, purposeful now that you both were on the same page. Wordlessly, she watched as your tongue made another appearance, licking away her self-made mess. 
Each time she spilled the cold treat, you lapped it up with a slow sweep, lingering longer the higher you got. Wanda doubted you noticed you’d begun a series of low groans, fully leant over as you kissed each area you cleaned. Everything she knew taught her to be ashamed of both of your behaviors, overtly passionate and so very inappropriate, but honestly it only turned Wanda on more. If she had to be penitent for the rest of her life over this, so be it.
You had none of the same moral dilemma Wanda had, more than willing to play this little game all night. You’d yet to speak aloud how much her legs lived in your head, every sighting of them driving you just that little bit further into the depths of your growing need for the girl now leaning back to let ice cream fall higher. When you’d slept on her, you’d done so with thoughts running wild of how to touch them again, how sensitive she’d be if she allowed you even five minutes to focus on her impossibly smooth skin; never in your wildest dreams did you think Wanda would offer herself up like she was now.
At mid thigh, she was visibly twitching, either from damp skin exposed to the cold, arousal, or a combination of the two. “You just had to go and get yourself all wet and sticky?” Her ice cream trick, yes, but as you spoke, your eyes were trained under Wanda’s hitched dress, the barest hint of her underwear visible in the dim light of dusk. It was torture to only just be able to see her, restraining your urge to dive closer and confirm what you’d bet money on was a dark spot on the white cotton fabric.
Wanda was breathing so heavily her chest heaved, both mortified and flattered by your shameless ogling. She nearly snapped her legs shut, instinct screaming to hide and deny the effect you had on her; a louder voice remembered Agatha’s go with it advice and she had to admit, this proved a lot more fun. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I swear…”
It was a fake apology, accented with the largest spill yet, a heavy glob of her near fully melted dessert landing on her inner thigh… right next to where you were already staring. Countless times she’s asked for kisses; same principle, different area. “First my jacket and then wasting my money on something you had no intention of eating properly, what a naughty girl you’ve been.”
She thought sure her eyes would roll back into her head as you cleaned her up again, your tongue making slow, languid strokes Wanda vowed to commit to memory. When the last of the chill was gone, Wanda assumed you’d pull away, but if you had to give something up today, you’d grant yourself the reward of adding your own piece to her game. Lips making noises Wanda would only ever describe as obscene, you sucked a hickey into the sensitive skin of her thigh; a not-so-gentle reminder of what you could do should the other girl let you. 
When you backed up, it was to sit straight on your knees, hands glued to Wanda’s hips where you still had her dress pinned. She looked terribly disheveled, poor thing, free hand clutching her stuffed rabbit for dear life while her mouth hung open far enough to let you know she was seconds away from outright panting. “Think you’ll bring napkins next time or will you let me lick you clean forever?” 
It was those devious circles your thumbs rubbed into the join of her hips that did her in, so close to where she was scared she was now dripping, an unexpected shudder forcing Wanda to drop the entire cone, the sugary mixture splattering across her dress and your jacket. “Oh! I promise I didn’t want to do that!”
You remained unfazed, one track mind set on kissing lips bit so hard they’re now slightly swollen. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” And you were so close too, less than an inch from the trembling girl in front of you— Carol calling your name was the one thing that ruined it all.
It took you a moment to register you were on the ground, Wanda having shoved you back as hard as she could the instant she heard. You watched from below as she righted her dress, your ass stinging from the heavy fall while Wanda tried looking as normal as possible. She turned to see Carol approaching with barely contained laughter, having witnessed Wanda knocking you off balance. The blonde only wanted to ruin your moment, she had no idea her classmate would actually push you; that just made it all the more funny. “Might be pushing your luck after that one kiss, buddy. Think that was it for a lifetime!”
Wanda shot you an apologetic look as Carol passed, the shock and confusion on your face darkening her mood further. “I’m so sorry. It’s just, I heard her and panicked and I…” She wasn’t ashamed to be with you, not in the slightest; she was forever in awe of you being so willing to be seen with her. Maybe not for much longer, if she kept up her habit of sneaking around and shoving you off, “What if she tells? Oh god, it’ll be awful-”
“I’m fine, don’t worry. I get it.” You cut her off before she could spiral out of control, jumping up a little too fast for how much your back hurt and brushing the dust off your pants. Truthfully, you didn’t get it, you’d never had to experience anywhere near what Wanda grew up with, couldn’t imagine the lasting impact that might have on someone. Reminding yourself to be patient was hard but doable, picking up Wanda’s stuffed rabbit and placing it into her shaking hands at the same time you pressed a comforting kiss to the crown of her head. “We should get you home anyways, it’s getting late.”
The sun was nearly completely gone now, far off on the horizon, a deep purple sky replacing its bright light. Wanda wanted to ask you to stay, to try again and see if she could revive the moment she and Carol broke, but large globs of ice cream were soaking into her dress, splattered from when she’d dropped her cone and darkening the pink color; both she and her outfit needed a wash. “Yeah, okay. I’m sorry…”
“I didn’t ask you to apologize.” Wanda took your hand when you offered it, let you zip up your hoodie around her to somewhat cover the large stain; no matter how lighthearted your tone was, she couldn’t shake the embarrassment scratching at her, filling her head with now way too familiar thoughts of how stupid she’d been. 
You kept your arm around her the whole way to your car, constantly checking over to see if her slumped posture and shy mood improved; it didn’t. Every day you spent around Wanda, each time the two of you danced a little closer, your need for her grew. It was harder and harder not to just take her, especially when she came out of her bathroom freshly showered, shuffling over to her bed in yet another too sweet set of pajamas. 
She cuddled up to you wordlessly, choosing not to comment on how presumptively you’d settled into her bed because this time, it fit her needs. Natasha taught her the subtler way of flirting, close contact, small touches, things felt rather than seen. But even after wrapping her arms around your middle, fingering the edge of your shirt, letting her nails graze just barely over your hip, you didn’t make a move. In fact, you were notably less touchy than usual and Wanda hoped to god she hadn’t ruined her last chance back at the fair. 
In reality, you were just barely hanging on to the last bits of your restraint, rationalizing to yourself Wanda’s touches meant nothing more than absentminded fidgeting. You hadn’t bargained on how badly she could affect you, not her floral scented shampoo or whatever body wash she used that made her skin heavenly soft, but all of it was dangerous. You’d resolved not to try anything further tonight, wanting to give Wanda ample space to recover from whatever she felt with Carol’s sudden appearance; she made it nearly impossible to do the right thing. 
“So..about earlier?” You asked, giving in and pulling one of her legs until it lay over your lap, greedily demanding more closeness from her you didn’t know she was more than willing to give. 
“Yeah, I…I liked it.” Liked was a grave understatement, a laughable comparison considering how the mere reminder of it all made her thighs tense up all over again. This was where Wanda expected you to make some kind of move, anything really, some hint that gave her an ounce of reassurance that you wanted to try again. 
But your hand stayed still splayed over the curve of her hip, unmoving while a billion thoughts ran through your head. You didn’t even kiss her like she’d come to be accustomed to, what you knew full well she was expecting once you’d gotten her home. Whether she was aware you could feel every squeeze of her legs around your abdomen or not, you refused to speak up about it. If you had to be tormented by her fingers still scraping your warm side, Wanda could handle a little torture herself. No, you’d stay quiet as a mouse, just to see what leaving her wanting more would do. “Right, I’m glad.”
Wanda wanted to shake you, to sit on your lap, push you back, pin you down, and just… yell very explicit words until you understood how much she needed you to fuck her. Maybe it wouldn’t be the sexiest thing in the world to have to ask someone to take her virginity, but she’s never wanted it gone so badly. Something new had washed over Wanda in her time with you, some obsessive need whose intensity might’ve worried her if it didn’t always feel so damn good.
She knew you’d done it plenty of times before, last week you told her you’d have sex with her if she wanted to. Well, Wanda wanted it and she was determined to get it sooner rather than later, preferably before she exploded from sheer frustration.
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drunk words… (wanda maximoff x reader)
synopsis: you have a bad habit of calling wanda when you’ve been drinking. wanda, who you’re pretty sure you’re in love with. wanda, who you’re pretty sure is in love with you, too.
warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of alcohol, getting shot, swearing
words: 4.5k
a/n: i haven’t posted a proper fic in forever and feel bad about it so i figured why not post this thing that has been hiding in my drafts forever!
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It takes ten seconds for the headache to hit, and you groan heavily as you roll onto your stomach, burying your face into a pillow that smells distinctly of…
“Good morning, sunshine.”
You lift your head just long enough just to find Wanda at the end of the bed, an amused smile on her lips. You grumble in response, dropping your head back down and closing your eyes, wishing Wanda didn’t have to have her blinds open.
Keep reading
2K notes · View notes
4. LA - The Switch: Wanda comes to play
Paring: Elizabeth Olsen!top x Reader!bottom
Description: Lizzie gets in desperate need to control... you.
In this, you have a back and forth with the two points of view signaled as “POV”.
Warnings: smut, teasing, strap (reader receiving), role-play, a lil’ bdsm, pet naming, bondage, blindfold, gagging, oral (Lizzie receiving), slut naming. Descriptive anger and hatred.
This is part of the "LA" series: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (this)
Credits: This series directly cites the blog and works of themidnightcrimson blog on part 2.
Word counter: 4k
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Lizzie was in her office all morning. You knew she had a big shoot tomorrow and needed time to study her script. She had told you the night before that she wouldn't be much available today, so you took the day to go to the open market and buy some fresh ingredients to make your family's special recipe for lunch.
You were going back to Boston the day after tomorrow, and it felt bittersweet. Although you missed your home and your stuff and your routine, you would miss your time with her. Probably your whole thing was too intense exactly because it had a due date and you were grateful for that, but the time to go home was still dreadful.
You knocked at the door and excused yourself into the office. She had all the lights off, aside from the small desk lamp. She was over the mirror reading a line that sent chills through your bones. You knew the script was a little dense and she was always so drained after studying it. However, you have never heard a part of it and it shook you frozen. You slowly started to retract out of the room when Lizzie called you back. Her eyes were cold and her voice hard; she was totally impersonating whatever demon she was supposed to be in that movie. And why that turned you on was beyond reason.
"Do you need me?"
"Sorry. I was just going to offer you lunch." You excused yourself playing with the doorknob "I will leave it on the stove for when you are hungry" She noticed you could barely look at her
"That is sweet of you" She said shaking off trying to take the edge out of her voice “I am actually just done here. Would you mind waiting a bit for us to get lunch together? I need some time" She was slowly massaging her temples.
You noticed she was trying to snap out of it, so you went to her and unsurely reach out to take her on your arms giving her a small kiss on her forehead and leaving her.
"I am sorry about that" Lizzie came into the kitchen patting her wet hair with a towel. "Tomorrow is going to be so hard" She sorrowed "I tried to postpone it for after you left, you know"
"Why? Is ok. Is part of your job." You said heating up the pan with a soft smile "how are you feeling?"
"Angry, in need of control , sad, a little out of my mind and... Possessive" She looked straight in your eyes when saying the last one with a hard gaze and tight lip. You gulped. Seeing Lizzie out of her soft shell, just plain hard and rough was a sight to sore eyes. She looked perfectly hot and you were wet just imagining giving her all the control she wanted to take.
"You know... you should find a scape valve for that" you said suggestively "I can help you with that..." you cleared your throat trying to tame your inner needy brat "after your shoot, I mean. There is a few things we could do to help you."
"Would you do that? You can totally run, you know?" She flopped down the chair exhausted.
" Oh, believe me, it will be my pleasure" you placed the heated dish in front of her and gave her a small peck on the lips ”Now eat."
The next day you were waiting for Lizzie outside the Studio. As soon as you saw her, you knew it was worse than yesterday. She had her hair back on a high ponytail, her dark shades on, gripping strongly to the strap of her bag. Her face, though, was what alarmed you. She was breathing in a thigh manner, her lips shut in an angry line and her brow slightly furrowed. All of her exuded "pissed off".
The ride to the Smash place was a silent one. After saying hi to you, she shut her eyes and rested her hear on the seat, making some breathing exercises to try to ground herself. You had heard before about some actors having a hard time to snap back at their own personalities after some intense scene/shooting - so you were respectful to her space, time and need.
"Lizzie, we are here" you call her after parking "come with me"
She followed you into the storage yard without a second thought or question. When you got there you swore you could she a spark of mischief and fun as soon as she saw the smashed up scenario, broken, mended and bent metal bats. The place was a mess, no one besides you and the clerk that let you in and stayed out the door. You quickly handled her the protection equipment and while you were putting your own, she was already swinging her bat through a car window in a loud crash.
You didn't smash things, and just waited for her to ground herself into the reality and tactile world. Her shoulders started to drop in a semi-relaxed pattern after the first ten minutes of constant beating, groans and very meaningful screams. You would ran away if it were anyone else, but Lizzie? Damn.
You don't know what sick part of your brain thought that she looked the sexier she has ever looked when she was relentlessly beating up a wooden door and a metal trash can. She was beyond baby- Lizzie, beyond fluff and funny Lizzie. That person right there? The one she was fighting so hard trying to ground out of it? That was the whole Multiverse of Madness Scarlet Witch in action. And your poor little switch heart couldn't think of anything else but to let her use you.
Lizzie was supposed to be sore and tired after street fighting her way through the storage yard. There was not an inch in there she hadn't smashed, bent, hit or spit on. Her heart was still heavy and pounding, but her head got some clarity after the constant violence urge. She needed to get some control back, some tacit, pleasant, earthy, instinctive control. That was when she remembered you were there and turned to stare at you with a feline glare. She looked at you as if you were meat and she has been starving for days. You got instantly wet when she licked her bottom lip and hissed at you before throwing the bat away and reaching out to claim your mouth like she owned you.
The kiss was fire and deep. She didn't care about basic breathing needs: she would have kissed you dead if the need to fuck you didn't make her grab the car keys and basically drag you back to her place.
You barely heard the door loudly closing behind you as Lizzie pushed you flush against her body, attacking your mouth relentlessly the second you got out the elevator.
You could imagine the gasp of her neighbor giving Lizzie didn't even wait for the metal door to shut.
Lizzie ended the kiss with a painful bite in your lower lip, her eyes almost all black and her nails definitely leaving marks on your waist.
"I want you in bed, naked. You have 2 minutes," She whispered and left towards her office leaving you unbalanced in the middle of the leaving room.
It has been a few minutes since she left and you patiently waited for her in the edge of the bed when she came in on a lacy red lingerie with golden chains. She held a black silk fabric and stood an inch from you, without touching.
"Do you have a safe word?" Her voice was still silky and breezy, but held that same rage of the day before and a little rustier than usual.
"I have never... "
"Choose" She interrupted you still staring down at you
"Ahm... I don't know" You stuttered. You could feel yourself dripping all over her sheets and you could barely hold her gaze as your mind started to shut down one room at the time. A few seconds more of her this closeness, you wouldn't even be able to count to five anymore. "Jelly?"
"Jelly?" Lizzie smirked and a glister of humor past down her otherwise closed expression. "Well, it is your call. Jelly it is". As fast as the brief tender moment came, it was gone "I want you by the headboard. I won’t stop until I am satisfied. Remember ‘Jelly’. If by any means you can't remember or voice it, just pat my thigh thrice - do you consent?"
"Yes, Liz…"
"No-" she inhaled as she was punched at the sound of her name "You address me as Wanda" She punctuated by placing the silk fabric against your eyes, preventing you from seeing anything at all.
You heard a zipping sound, then silence. Her footsteps so low you could barely recognize the distance she was when she roughly grabbed your left wrist and tied it to something. You tried the rope and it barely moved an inch.
"Fuck" you whined pressing your thighs together to prevent the constant leakage to stain the sheets.
You felt a hard slap on you right thigh "Did I tell you to close them?" She held both your ankles and pulled, positioning your left arm stretch and held by the rope, and your legs open "Don't move". Then silence.
You counted your breaths and you could swear a whole minute passed without any other indications of movement. You could still smell her and feel her presence, she hadn't gone anywhere, and was probably just staring down at you.
----- Lizzie’s POV -----
The shooting was not easy. The director kept trying to drain you more and more, dragging you into the mental state of possessive and recurrent internal angst thoughts. You could taste the bitter coin taste on your mouth, your eyes glassy and unfocused as you mind got settle on a dark and uneasy dark place you always had trouble to move out from.
During The Multiverse of Madness, you had recurrent nightmares and it had taken you days and therapy to get it out of your system. This time you manage to leave this scenes all clamped together on the last day of shooting, so it would affect less your daily life.
What you did not anticipate was that you would be single and with no emotional support when today came in.
You were glad you had Y/N. She made yesterday more bearable, but you knew it was not fair to her to drag her into this. It was too much, and you have known her for what? 3 days?
However, you were also extremely selfish and self-centered when in this state of mind. So what could you do but let her take care of you?
Of course, Y/N would came up with the perfect after match. While Robbie always tried to calm you down with spa, tea, leafy baths and some freaking Celtics music, Y/N got deep into your soul and just decided to tire the angry out of you.
You don't know if this match the best feeling in the world, but the cracking sound of a realistic-fake skull under your bat could lift your spirits in the way that no salty-watery shenanigans never could. The little yellowish Taurus was unrecognizable when you were done with it.
You entered the circuit blind with red rage and superficial hatred that ran your mind on crazy and obsessive thoughts. You were so down the line, that maybe you did reach an actual mad multiverse. But after the gushing sound of a kicked spray can, you could feel the angriness leaving your soul - just a maniac need to grab back some resemblance of control filling its space.
When you looked back, Y/N was leaning on her bat, staring at you and biting her bottom lip. She was gorgeous. Yeah, yeah: her whole personality was incredible. Her light way to see and lead her life, the jokes and gentle way to expose her opinions and her own ethical dilemmas. The way she listened to you and cared, she honestly made you feel like the most special person ever. She was a remarkable person.
However, wasn't that you were thinking about today, was it? What mattered is the she was maybe the sexiest woman you have ever seen.
You were not usually attracted to girls and please, you have met some out of ordinary beauties on your line of work. But Y/N had her voice, her scent, her swang and confidence. She moves as if she knew exactly were her feet would land and where she would go next. Since the moment she first smirked at you, you were viciously trying to have her.
Yes, the whole mommy kink and bottoming Y/N were both the best and worse sex of your life… Best because -Jesus Christ!!- That woman knew your body. Worse? Because after the first time, you knew you could not last long before becoming addicted to her touch.
Yes, instinctive, animal, feral sex. That is what you needed.
And this time? You would bite.
---- Reader’s POV ----
The force she used to rope your right wrist on the other side of the bed made you flinch. It was hot, and pleasure leaked from every pore of your body. The way she was rough to you made you crawl even deeper into your brain, leaving little of self-awareness and control left. ‘Jelly’- you had it tattooed in the back of your cortex.
She could do anything to you. And you both knew it.
An itching feeling ran through your body as you felt a fluff and yet sharp object running down your collarbone, through your breast and stomach. You had been whipped before, and the anticipation took a low groan out of you. The acute pain came in your left thigh, leaving a delicious sparkling red feeling behind.
- " More" you whimpered arching your back out of the mattress
Another and then another leash came down, first to your right thigh and then to your collarbone, close to your breast.
The last was followed by her heated and wet tongue, soothing down the aching pain. She sucked your nipple first softly, increasing gradually until she bitted the tip earning a gasp.
- "Who owns you?"
- "You..." you breathed out weakly
- "You what, slut?" She hissed spanking your but
- "You, Wanda, you. Only you" you whimpered louder
She smiled without you knowing, satisfied of how fast you were giving up control to her. She claimed your mouth once more, discarding the whip while marking you with angry nail lines at your side.
Way sooner than you wanted, she got up and left you hot and cold in bed again. Your arm still tied to the bed frame, your legs too weak to move, eyes covered and you dumb brain constantly in search of any suggestion to where she was.
The snapping and zipping sound coming from your left followed the latex stench. Your mouth watered way before she removed the blindfold and you were facing the black harness. The same one you bought her what seemed to be years back.
The moment you took out her blindfold, you watched her pupils adjust to the light just to rapidly grow wide and focused on you. She was drooling and all the will she had left was clearly thrown out the window.
She wore it perfectly. Her fair skin and curves snuggled on the red lingerie complemented by the black strap: such a perfect composition one would think Michelangelo planned it. Your embryo brain wasn't able to form a single strain of words to react to it. Leaving you with a breathy "Damn" and open mouthed stare.
If you paid enough attention, you could hear doors shutting and lights flickering out all through the rest of your brain, leaving a lonely neuron holding a shaky warning sign ‘Jelly’. You were all hers to play with.
---- Lizzie’s POV---
The strap felt like it was physically yours. You could feel power coming from your inner self exuding through its shaft and pouring over its head. Patriarchal ethical dilemmas to be damned, you felt in control of the freaking world right now, and you knew exactly how to use it.
As you crawled above her, your breast hovering less than an inch from her skin, you could see her whole body alight and inclined to your touch. You have never fucked a girl before, but oh! You were so enjoying this...
It first surprised you how wet you were just from seeing her subdued to you. But the weight of the dildo right into your clit and the promise of ruining her, was almost enough to get you tumbled over the edge.
-"Fuck. You look so good, Y/N" You hissed on her ear biting down the sensitive skin behind it "Remember your safe word, because I am not stopping until I break you" the moan that left her lips was the best sound you ever heard.
You aligned your cock into her, bumping the tip on her clit, as it was a switch to make her bulk uncontrollable in search of it. She was sweaty and moved her hips deliciously in search of yours, almost making you lose your teasing mood and plain fuck her.
"Behave, pet" You spit holding back to your self-control. She grunted and reduced her bulking to a perceptive rhythmic clenching of her walls.
You held your cock and grind it through her wet folds: lubricating the whole toy before entering her. You did it slowly, stuck on your own pleasure of seeing her mouth falling open and her eyes wider with each inch you got into her; at the same time your throbbing and sensitive clit was stimulated by the pressure the strap provided.
She was a whimpering fucktoy for you to use.
Once you were inside of her, the surge of control and the blind possessiveness took out the best of you, moving your hips immediately rough, fast and deep. The sound of sloshing just intensified, while her moans got louder and your hip slapping into hers faster and faster. It was mesmerizing, the sight of she taking you so well, your cock sliding into her till the brim with no resistance whatsoever and the delicious realization that she was holding her edge waiting for you to allow her to come. You knew you wouldn't be able to stop.
- "Come for me, Y/N"
---- Reader’s POV ----
The orgasm that hit was strong enough to blind you. You had urgently waited on edge for her to release you, not even remembering how to let go if she didn't tell you how. Your walls clenched around her cock so hard, that the continuous fucking was painful and drove your climax even further.
-"Wanda!!" you were able to scream relieving some of the pressure of wave after wave of pleasure hitting you relentlessly.
Your legs grew limb and weak. They would fall from her waist if she hadn’t repositioned them over her shoulder; open you even more to her.
She did stop for a while leaving you full as she reached for something you couldn't see behind her, but not for long. Soon she was pounding on you slowly and painfully at first, but faster and blissful a few seconds later. Your legs so opened allowed her to hit your cervix so deep that you couldn't even acknowledge how or where you were being fucked anymore.
'Jelly' the last cell whispered to you trying to keep your brain awake.
---- Lizzie’s POV ----
Her second orgasm quickly followed her first after you turned your bullet* on pressing it down to her clit. The throbbing sensation of it on her clit reverberated into the dildo, strap and to your own clit. That made you come down on your first orgasm, screaming right after her.
<*vibrating toy>
It was late at night when she finally said it. You had lost count how many times you made her cum and how many you did. After sitting on her face for so long that her lips swelled and the pillow soaked with her tears. After fucking every hole she had on her body with strap, tongue and fingers. After spanking, marking, biting and choking her. She reached her limits while you pressed your mighty bullet on her oversensitive clit for so long she could taste the metallic shaft in her mouth.
"Jelly, Lizzie. Jelly!" she weakly rasped out
You stopped the bullet immediately.
"Are you ok, Y/N?" You asked snapping out from your “Wanda” state of mind like it was a simple switch on your head. The thought of hurting her frightened you enough to scare the shit out of the darkest of Wanda or Scarlet right out of your mind.
"Oh..I am… just... need to rest" You got up, untied her wrist, and gave her some water before pulling her into your arms.
"Yes, love. You were so good today."- You praised her while caressing her hair
It wasn't long before you could hear her sleeping completely drained with a satisfied smile on her face.
---- Reader’s POV ----
Let's just say that being fucked by Wanda was much better than your mind could ever imagine.
You could barely move in bed when you woke up to the smell of eggs and coffee. You were wearing your PJ and had showered sometime during the night -most likely Lizzie aftercare while you were sleeping.
Your brain was back to its normal state and the realization of your impending flight back home made you almost jump out of bed to enjoy the last few hours with the perfect woman.
"I need a wheelchair" you joked as you limped your way to hug a cooking Lizzie from behind.
"You can have my crutches" She smiled turning in your embrace to place a soft kiss on your lips and resting her head in your shoulder "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?"
"Hurt me?" You looked down at her "it was the best sex I ever had.... AND I HAVE FUCKED ELIZABETH OLSEN for Christ sake" both of you laughed "It was amazing, and I wouldn't mind playing with Wanda a few more rounds" you winked at her and gave her a sad kiss remembering you were going away a couple hours after breakfast.
"Yes, I know" She said understanding your mood "let's just have breakfast together and I will help you pack"
The drive to the airport was filled with unsaid words and unshed tears. You knew the way you felt right now was a small price to pay giving the perfect days you got with her. And she knew that opening up to your was worth it, although it felt like her heart was being stripped from her.
You couldn't be seen together as a couple because of the whole media situation, so your last good-bye neither had a kiss, neither had a long touch. You hugged tightly but briefly, leaving your expectations to trash themselves out as you boarded with no hope of feeling better soon.
**** few months later ****
Elizabeth Olsen sent you a text.
It came as surprise to you. You and Lizzie kept a close friend relationship during the first couple of weeks after you came back to Boston. But as it was getting harder for you to get over each other, you slowly drift apart. It has been a couple of weeks since the last time you texted her congratulating on her performance on the trailer of the movie she was shooting when you were together. You had seen some gossip headlines about her and Robbie getting back together, and it was enough for you to ignore the rest of her public life.
Three months later, and reading her name in your phone screen was still enough to race your heart.
(L) I miss you.
The end
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Tempting the Devil
Pairing: Stepmom!Wanda x Reader
Summary: You attend your fathers company holiday party. His wife may or may not fuck you on his desk ;)
Warnings: 18 + smut - minors dni, mommy kink, teasing, bondage (with magic), cum filled strap, cum plug, degradation, praise, jealousy
a/n: happy reading! i'll add it to the timeline shortly
3,822 words | Behind Closed Doors | The Isle of Temptation Masterlist
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“Y/n! Are you ready to go?” 
You adjust your wings, the white feathers soft to the touch. It was a hot costume, ironically one of the hottest you’ve ever worn. The skirt barely covered your ass resting just below it as the garter belt rested mid thigh. 
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t chosen this particular costume for a reason. You only hoped the reaction of your stepmom would be worth it. 
You adjust your top, running your hand down the fabric before reaching for your halo. 
“Almost done. Be down in a minute.” You call back, sliding on the head band as you smirk in the mirror. 
For an angel you looked absolutely sinful. 
You grab your phone, snapping a selfie to send to Natasha when you grab your bag and head downstairs. Your phone chimes not a second later. 
Fuck you look hot
You giggle at her reaction, it was exactly what you were going for. 
You’ve been attending your father’s holiday parties since you were a little girl. Normally it would be you and him wearing matching costumes, but this year he matched with Wanda.
You descended the stairs seeing Wanda’s pointy devil ears, and her blood red suit that brought out her red curls even more. Unlike your father, you loved when she wore suits, but you didn’t expect the deep v line showing off the swell of her breasts as she began to turn.
“Absolutely not.” You roll your eyes at your father as Wanda’s gaze lands on you.
Her wide eyes darkened as they rake over you. You lick your lips as her lips part, the words she wanted to say would have to wait, but you could tell by the faint blush on her cheeks that she wanted in that moment exactly what you did. For her to drag you upstairs and have her way with you.
“Darling, relax.” She rasped, clearing her throat as her eyes landed once more on the garter belts resting against your exposed thighs, “I think she looks - fine.”
“You look like you’re dressed for a frat party, you’re- 
“Sweetie.” Wanda cut in, giving him a pointed look as he huffed and shook his head.
“Fine. I have to grab one more thing from my office and we’re leaving.” He mumbled, the sharp curse under his breath didn’t go unnoticed, but it was hard to be upset when the red head stalked towards you with a predatory glint in her eyes you loved so much. 
“Are you trying to torture me?” She husked, backing you against the wall as you chuckled. “Jesus, y/n.”
You hum as her hands grab your waist, sliding up and down your side before she grew bold and rested it against your thigh.
“So I take it, you like my costume?”
“Like it?” She mocked, leaning forward to brush her lips against your ear as you spread your legs wider for her to rest flush against your center. “I want to ruin you in this, detka.” 
It’s been days since she’s snuck into your room. You missed her touch more than you’d care to admit. 
You whimper as she traces her thumb against the garter, her fingertips gliding up to caress the curve of your ass, “Are you not wearing underwear?” She gasped, groaning as you shook your head with a giggle.
“That’s very naughty of you angel,” She teased, cupping your ass as you roll your hips against her, “My sweet little girl shouldn’t be tempting me this way.”
“Tempting you how, mommy?” You ask, feigning innocence as she pulls back and squeezes your ass in her hand.
Wanda was seconds away from losing control, you could see it in her eyes as she clenched her jaw. You lean forward, kissing her neck as her grip tightened. The desire to mark her burned your belly. “Do you want to fuck your little angel, mommy? Is that what you want?” 
“Y/n.” She warned, the soft growl in her tone sent shivers down your spine as you lowered your lips to her collar bone, swiping your tongue over the ridge as she tangled her hand in your hair.
You yelp as she yanks your head back, eyes void of forest green as she licks her lips, “I- 
“Ok, I have everything.” Your fathers voice cut through the room as she pulled herself back. 
You smirk as she takes a deep breath, running her hand through her messy waves as you adjust your skirt. 
“Ready to go.” He grits, grabbing his keys. 
“Lead the way, darling.” Wanda said, her smile too wide to be genuine as he rests his hand against her lower back. 
You’ve never envied your father more. 
“What can I get you?” You’re taken away by the sight of Wanda and your father as you give the woman before you your attention. 
You headed straight for the bar the moment you walked inside, skipping the small talk and fake pleasantries you had no desire to participate in. 
“I don’t know, vodka soda I guess.” You sighed, tapping patterns against the glass as she smiles and prepared your drink.
“Are you having a fun night?” 
“Not really, no.” You said, grabbing the glass as she rests it in front of you. “But the night is still young I guess.”
“Hmm, let me guess. You’re either the daughter of one of these suits or, you’re the trophy wife that is this close to being jailbait that they can get away with it scotch free.” 
You choke on your drink as she chuckles and hands you a napkin. “Well fuck.” You wipe the side of your mouth as she leans against the bar. “The first one, god, definitely the first one.” 
“Well that’s good news for me then.” She winked, before turning her head as she was called down the bar by another guest. “I’ll be back gorgeous, don’t go anywhere.” 
You shake your head as she walks away. A flirty bartender was definitely not on your bingo card tonight, but you can’t say you were upset by the attention. Wanda would undoubtedly be glued to your fathers side the entire night, so what else were you to do?
You swivel in your stool looking out into the crowd as you catch the redhead's eye. Her head tilts as you raise your glass, but all you do is tilt it to your lips as a look remains on her face that you can’t place from so far away. 
The night goes on with flirty banter from Bridgette, who you learned is graduating this year from NYU. She’s nice, and surprisingly very easy to talk to. Even though you’d rather have the attention of another. 
“So you’re telling me that you have no desire to leave New York?” 
“I don’t see why I would.” You shrugged, “I like it here. Everything I need is here. The only other option would be, what? California.” 
She scoffs playfully as she hands you another drink, “I’m from Cali, you know. It’s nice there.” 
“Hmm, then why are you here?” You teased, biting your bottom lip as she grins. 
“Shut up and drink your cocktail.” She tossed back as you chuckled. “Just a heads up, there’s a man next to a beautiful redhead that is eyeing you.” 
“Hmm, that would be my father trying to catch my attention so that I can go make appearances and socialize.” 
“Which is the last thing you want?” She nods as you hum. 
“Well if it were up to me, I’d have you sit and talk with me all night.” 
“All night? Someone's clingy.” You jest, as she begins to scribble on a bar napkin. “It looks like he's sending reinforcements. If I don’t get a chance to speak to you more, here’s my number.” 
She places it in front of you as you suck in a breath. You had no intention of taking it any further than casual flirting, but it seems like the woman had other plans. She tosses you another wink as she leaves, and before you could grab it, it’s snatched away from the bar top.
“What’s this?” You curse under your breath as Wanda appears out of nowhere standing at your side, “A number?” She scoffs, “Figures. Well, you won't be needing that.” 
She crumbles it between her fingers, tossing it behind the bar as she narrows her eyes. You admit, you love this side of her. Up until now you’ve only ever seen it directed towards a certain blonde, but never like this. Never for a stranger that meant absolutely nothing to you. 
Before her, you never liked when someone behaved possessive over you. It was a huge turn off, but with Wanda, it was different. 
Everything with Wanda was different.
“Were you planning on calling her?
“That was rather rude of you.” You tease, purposefully ignoring her question as she takes a dangerous step forward. 
“Answer me.” 
Her tone was threatening as she invaded your space. You wanted to push her further, see how far you could go until she snapped, but you didn’t know if now was the right time. Your father was close, too close, and there were too many suits within earshot for your liking. 
“Well, I don’t really have the option anymore do I? So I can’t exactly say.” You grin behind your glass as she tilts her head. 
“Oh, really?” 
“Wanda, you found her.” Your father exclaimed as if he hadn’t known where you’ve been all along, “I wanted to introduce you to- 
You slide away before he could get a chance to pawn you off to their son. You could feel his glare burning the back of your head, but you no longer cared what he thought of you. The need for his affection and approval died before you hit puberty.  
You lean against the wall, watching them from afar as your stepmom plays the role of the dutiful trophy wife. She deserved better. You couldn’t give her the world, you knew that, but you would fight for it to be in her hands. It terrified you how strongly you felt for her, but you didn’t want to dwell on it, not tonight at least. You just wanted to be in the moment with her until it eventually came crashing down, because it inevitably would. 
She caught your eye once more, like magnets always seeking out the other no matter the distance. You could see how trapped she felt, how his touch made her crawl inward as he paraded her around like a shiny toy. You offer her a smile, mouthing a gentle hi as her first genuine smile of the night cracks her lips. She turns toward your father, whispering in his ear before she departs through the crowd. One look before she disappears behind the hall surges you forward following after her.
You push past the bathroom door to see her standing in front of the sink. She keeps her eyes downcast as you make your way behind her and wrap your arms around her waist the way you’ve been wanting to all night. She sighs as you kiss her neck, breathing in her scent as she tightens her hold against the sink. 
“You’re upset.” You stated, pressing a firmer kiss against her pulse as she tilts her head to give you more room.
“I think-” She sighs as she pauses, eyes meeting you in the mirror as she grabs onto your hand. “I think you’re the only one that understands me sometimes.” 
You hum as you hold her tighter, “What did he say to you?” 
You watch her go through her emotions as she thinks about the particular moment that led her here, away from him and back to you. Her expression changes by the twitch of her lips, her jaw, and the way her cheeks heat up as you caress the back of her hand with your thumb. 
She ultimately shakes her head at the end, deeming whatever he said unimportant as she leans her head against yours. 
“Did the bartender try to speak to you again?” She asked instead, her edge returning as you chuckle and shake your head.
“No, but she was nice.” 
“Was she now? Should I go get her for you?”
“Don’t be so dramatic.” You scoff, belly fluttering as her eyes begin to harden. “Ever since this morning I have been thinking of nothing, but having you inside of me.” She moaned as your lips caressed her ear, “Have you been thinking of me too mommy?”
She spun around, pinning you against the sink. “I always think of you.” She rasped, wrapping her hand around your throat as the other played with the strings of your white top. “Every single minute of everyday you’re on my mind, detka.” 
“You - you’re just saying that.” You chuckled, looking away as your cheeks warmed beneath her gaze. 
“No. I’m not.” 
She turned your jaw with her thumb, hand trailing down your thighs as she slid underneath your white skirt. 
“You are always on my mind, milaya.” She said, sucking in a breath as she’s met with your bare cunt. “Fuck, how are you this wet already?” 
You bite your lip as you buck against her teasing fingers, running through your folds as you wrap your arms around her neck.
“My dirty little angel.” She husked, attaching her lips to yours in a heated kiss. You whimpered against her as she caressed your bundle of nerves, parting your lips in a gasp as she sinks her tongue inside. Kissing her was like a drug, you’d never get enough. 
“Shit.” You jump when there's a bang against the door, followed by drunken giggles reminding you where you are. 
She pulls her hand away from your center as you both pant, hooded eyes unable to leave each other as she sucks your juices off of her fingers. 
“Come on, we can’t do this here.” She said, grabbing your hand to lead you further down the hallway. 
“Where are we going?” 
She didn't respond, only pulling you to a stop in front of a wooden door with your fathers name on it. She pushed it open, pulling you inside and locked the door shut. 
“Are we really doing this here?” You asked, smirking as she backed you up against his desk. 
The base of the music was muted as you lean back against it, her hips swaying as she approached you with hungry eyes. 
“Would you rather go back to the party, malyshka?” She asked, unbuttoning her blazer as you shook your head. “Words, baby.” 
Your mouth watered as she popped open the last button. Exposing her tits and toned belly as she settles between your legs. All you wanted was to touch her, to wrap your lips around her pink buds and suck them into your needy mouth. 
“No, I don- 
You gasp as she lifts you onto the desk, parting your legs wider as she sinks her fingers into your thighs. 
“I almost made an excuse to drag you back to your room when you came down the stairs in this.” She tugs against the garter belts, the slap against your skin only teasing you further as she begins to lift your skirt. 
“I’m glad you like it so much, I almost went with a nun.” You smirk, resting your hand against her chest as her eyebrows raise. 
You cut off her reply, cupping her tit in your hands not being able to wait any longer, but she smacked it away. “Hands to yourself, detka.” 
“But, mommy.”
“Hush.” She grinned, her eyes glowing red as she bound your wrist with red tendrils. You clenched around nothing as they grew tighter with a flick of her fingers, pushing you against your fathers desk as looks down with hooded eyes. 
You buck your hips into thin air as she unzips her pants pulling her strap from the confines of her underwear. “Whether it would have been here, or in your bed, I planned to fuck you raw with my cock.” She said, pushing your thighs further apart, slapping the tip against your aching clit. 
“Fuck, please.” You beg, clenching your fists as she circled it around the aching nub.
“You’re dripping detka.” She moaned, collecting your wetness on the tip as she ran it through your drenched folds to tease your hole, “I love how wet you get for me, always ready for mommy.” 
“Please, I need you.” 
“What a desperate little whore.” she groaned, sinking in the tip as she grabs your hips. “You would think it's been weeks since I’ve been inside you.” 
“Feels like it.” You moan, gasping as she smacks your tit. 
“Tell me how much you need me.” Her fingertips dig into your flesh as she squeezes your breast in her hands, biting her bottom lip as she swipes her thumb across your hardened nipple. “Tell me how badly you need mommy’s cock.”
“I need you, fuck me mommy, ruin me, please.” You felt more desperate than you’ve ever been, humping against what little she gave you. “I need you so bad mommy, please.”
She leaned over, kissing your chest as she groaned, pulling down your top to take your nipple into her mouth. She sucked hard as you squirmed underneath her, pushing her hips against you to sink more of her inside. 
“Oh, fuck.” You whimper as she pulls away with a pop, licking against the nub as she lifts up and wraps her hand around your throat. 
The desire to claim you consumed her as she tightened her grip. You were perfect this way, your halo bending against the desk, the feathers of your wings spreading haphazardly around you. She wanted to own you, every part of you as you look up at her with wide eyes. 
“Mommy, ple- oh, fuck.” 
She snapped her hips burying her cock inside to the hilt as you arch your back. She didn't give you time to adjust as she rutted against you. Every snap of her hips taking your breath away as your cunt burned and throbbed around her dick. 
“I’ve missed this pussy,” She groaned, “Can’t wait to fill it up, baby.” 
“Wh- oh fuck, fuck.” she raised your legs, holding them in place with her magic as she fucked you harder. Your eyes stung with tears as she pounded into you, rocking the desk on its hinges as her tits bounced above you. 
“I’ve trained your pussy so well baby, you didn’t even realize mommy’s cock was different.” She smirked as your glossy eyes being to glaze over, it never failed to make wetness gush from her cunt as she fucked you into submission. 
“My sweet little angel.” she cooed, reaching down to rub your clit as moans tore from your throat against your will. 
“Mommy.” You chanted, bucking up against her as she fucked you deeper, hitting your spot as you begin to slur the word until it became a babble and cry. 
She knew you were close, having to fuck you harder as you clenched tighter around her. “If I had more time, I’d fuck you on every serface of his office baby. Make you ride me in his chair, make you cum on that tacky leather couch.”
The pit in your belly began to burn at the thought, “yes, yes.” You whimper as her nails dig into your side. 
“He’ll never know I filled his daughters pussy with my cum, right on his fucking desk.” 
Your eyes widened as she pushed against your stomach, the bulge of her cock bumping against her hand as she quickened her pace, “Do you want that baby? Want mommy to give you her special treat?”
The thought made you wanton as you jerk your hips as fast as you can, “Want your cum.” You choke out, eyes rolling to the back of your head as she slaps your tits before leaning down. 
“I’m gonna fill your pussy to the brim baby, but first I want you to cum on my dick.” She tugs your clit between her fingers as tears slip down your eyes. “That’s it, cum for mommy.” 
You cry out as your body obeys her commands, every nerve on fire as she fucks you harder. A pornagraphic moan leaves your lips as you feel warm liquid shoot inside your pussy, her groans above you as she fucked her cum inside you made you arch your back against her as you rode your high. 
“Fuck, that’s so sexy.” She husked, watching the milky liquid squelch around the red silicone. She rubbed your clit languidly as you lay limp against the desk. Your thighs clenching, belly spasming as she continued to fuck her cum into you. 
“Mommy.” You whimpered, “So full.” 
She moaned leaning down to kiss you as you melted against her. She licked into your mouth as she slowed her thrusts. The cocktail still sweet on your tongue as she pulls away to breathe. 
You catch your breath as she tucks your hair behind your ear, “You did so good for me baby girl.” 
Your cheeks flush deeper at the praise. She sat up carefully, the twitch of her cock making you whimper as it shifted inside you. 
“Shh, baby.” She tutted, sinking her hand inside her pocket as you look up at her blissfully. 
“What’s that?” You ask, the shiny silver object in her hand looked foreign to you as she brought it to your lips. 
“Open up baby, get it nice and wet for me.” You part your lips as she pushes it inside your mouth, the metal begins to warm around your tongue as you suck. “Good, girl.” She cooed, licking her lips at the string of spit connected to your lips as she pulls it out slowly. 
She brought it down between your legs as she pulled out her cock, only to replace it with the plug as she pushed it inside of you. She ignored your whimpers as she pushed it all the way in, watching your walls flutter around it as it sank inside until the only part left was the flat round tip that rested against your drenched folds. 
“There, all nice and snug.” She whispered, undoing the binds around your wrist as she helped you to your feet. 
You felt her cum slosh inside of you as you stood, the feeling warming your core as she cups your cheek. “You’re gonna be a good little girl for me and keep that inside until we get home.” 
“I - ok.” You nod, shifting on your feet as you get used to the feeling.
You were afraid to admit you’d do anything she asked of you, but the evidence was futile as you played the part of the dutiful daughter, doing anything you can to distract yourself from the growing heat between your thighs.
- ☾-
Masterlist | Behind Closed Doors | Library Blog (follow and turn on notifs for fic updates)
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Wednesday: I've been told by many people that I 'light up the room'.
Enid: That was arson, and those were witnesses.
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3. LA - Good morning... LIZZIE?!
Paring: bottom!Elizabeth Olsen x topMommy!Reader
Description: Your casual extended for a bit and you decided so explain, graphically, some of her previous doubts.
Warnings: smut, teasing, strap and cockwarming (lizzie receiving), mommy kink, slut naming.
This is part of a series, initially meant to have 3 chapters, considering extending to a 5 part - don't know.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (this) | Part 4
Credits: This series directly cites the blog and works of themidnightcrimson blog
To my dear friend ohsugar-honey-iced-tea for the brainstorming and inspirational talks.
Word counter: 1.8k
The next day you woke up a little sore, your mind still confused as the events from last night crawled slowly back to you. Yes, that was right. You spent the night with Elizabeth Olsen and, by the way a cold silky sheet spread over your naked body, you were waking up in her apartment.
You took a few deep breaths to steady the increasing anxiety of the famous "next morning" to an amazing casual sex. It wasn't your first time doing it, but it certainly was different considering this was Lizzie.
You could sense your body tensing at thinking about how to proceed - should you joke? Be shy? Be sexy? Pretend to never wake up? Wait for her to go to the bathroom and slip away?
While your thoughts rambled on and on creating impossible situations, you heard Lizzie talking far away.
"Thank you, Allan. You are so sweet to bring it all the way here" Her voice was a delight, just as you remembered. Still rasp from the late morning but yet cheerful, you couldn't stop the smile crossing your face. You couldn't hear "Alan's" response- whoever he was, but you heard her closing the door and walking away. You decided to wake up and hit the bathroom to freshen up before she saw with in all your "after sex/sleep" glory - of course she probably looks perfect right now while you probably look like a squirrel after a fight.
“Someone is chipper today" You smirked leaning over the kitchen island.
The sight of Lizzie happily humming some pop song while sipping at her coffee and reading through a script was enough to send all your anxiety away. Her hair was up in a messy bun, while she wore your loose shirt and nothing else.
"I have no idea what you are talking about" She smiled looking at you "You look hungry"
"I am" you winked suggestively as she laughed at the joke
"You are beyond saving, aren't you?" She kept her smile while leaving her script to pour you some coffee "Did you sleep well?"
"I did wake up a little sore. Your mattress is too comfortable, I am not use to it" You smiled.
"Uhum. I am sure that is why you are sore" She placed a yogurt bowl in front of you
"Ew, healthy. Where are the waffles?" You mocked and she laughed it off "Shut up"
You spent the next hour talking amicably on a light mood. It was comfortable to be around Lizzie, she was an easy going person, with easy laugh and smile. You talked until your phone went off with a call from the airline company offering a flight back to Boston later that same day. You didn't want to assume she would like your company for a few more days, but you looked once at Lizzie washing the dishes and decided to postpone your trip back a few days - your work was only expecting you next week, anyway.
After breakfast you planned to head towards your fancy hotel to check-out and find a cheaper one to spend the next days.
"Would you like to grab a coffee later today?" You asked her while changing.
That is the thing with casual: it is casual until it isn't, right? And you didn't know how Lizzie felt about it. Does she secretly want you to leave as fast as you can? Does she want you to stay?
"Where are you going? I thought your flight was postponed" She asked looking over her script while lying in bed "I was… Well… Forget it" She blushed
"You were… What?" You stood in front of her on your jeans and bra, not wanting to ask her for your shirt back.
"Nothing" She lowered her gaze to the text in front of her.
You went to her and sat at her side raising her gaze to yours
"What?" You asked again
"I just assumed you would stay for lunch, that is all." She said dismissively
"I would like that. But I do need to fix my hotel situation and... Well... Get some supplies" You grinned.
Since yesterday you were dying to use your strap on her, but it was all the way over Boston. So you planned to go shopping fervently hoping you would have the chance to use it.
"You could stay here..." She blushed "Well, erh. I do have a spare bedroom and... Well, is kind of lonely… And..." She started to ramble
"Ok" You interrupted
"Ok." You smiled and leant forward to give her a kiss and steady her anxiety.
Although your time together today had been lovely, you haven't quite touched each other. You have been waiting for an opening, and unknowingly to you, so has she. So when your lips met, she eagerly took your mouth. The kiss was as soft and sweet as you remembered. Her taste would never leave your mind and it forced into you a sense of belonging that you so bad kept away for years.
" Buuut, I still need to go do some stuff." You broke the kiss before your thoughts took the best of you.
" I could come with..." She suggested taking out your shirt and handling it back to you.
" Uhm?" You asked losing the track of how to speak as you took your blouse and stared at a very naked Lizzie getting to her closet to change "I do think the paparazzi would have a field trip with you walking into a sex shop with a total stranger..." You smiled at her surprise face
" Oh... “She laughed and hid her face behind her hands.
" You don't really think I will take the spare bedroom, right?" You raised a brow with a silly grin.
" Well, I hoped you wouldn't..." she chuckled "That doesn't explain the sex shop" she asked curiously.
You gestured for her to come back to you "Are you fainting dumb, baby?" You play "Do I need to explain to you what do they sell on those grown-up shops?"
"I know what they sell there..." She blurred yet unaware of the path you were leading
" Tsk tsk, don't talk back to mommy, sweetie. Or I will have to punish you...." You guided her to straddle your lap as she smiled catching up with your meaning.
"No, mommy. I am sorry. Can you explain me?" She sat down on your lap circling your neck with her arms.
"Do you own any toys, sweetie?"
"No, mommy" she nodded.
"Don't you touch your pretty little pussy?"
"I... kind of feel so dirty using toys?" She confessed hiding her face on the crook of your neck
"But you are my dirty little slut, aren't you?" You pushed her hips to pressure against you
"Yes, mommy"
"We are getting you some toys, okay? I will teach you how to use them. Would you like that, baby?"
"You are so good to me, mommy"
"I am taking you with me, but you have to behave for me. Do you understand?"
"Yes, mommy. Thank you, mommy" she smiled innocently
Sometime later both of you were standing in front of a wall filled with dildos of different sizes, colors, width and settings
"You will look so pretty with that one inside you, kitten" You said pointing to a 5 inch black harness
"That is too big!! No way would that fit." She opened her mouth in surprise while reaching for a smaller one
"Are you suggesting that I don't know what is best for you, baby?"
She gulped
Shhhh... You shushed her “I want you to go inside the changing room and wait for me there"
You left towards the cashier without a second glance, certain that she would follow your instructions.
A few minutes after, you joined her and closed both of you in the changing room "Slide down your pants and bend"
"W-What? Why?" She asked with curious eyes staring at the bag you now carried.
You kept staring at her with a hard gaze and unamused expression until she broke and bent with her ass towards you and pants down to her ankles.
"Good girl. Now bite down your hand for me. I don't want to hear a single whimper, ok, sweetie?" You whispered as you put aside her damp panties and introduced slowly the new 4 inch dildo.
She muffled her moans as she felt her walls screaming at the unexpected but welcomed intrusion. You waited for her to get used to it before fixing her panties and buttoning her jeans back on.
"Now, you are going to warm my cock for me, do you understand, baby girl?" You whispered on her ear while pressing her ass against your hip making the dildo go even deeper inside of her.
"Yes, mommy" she said in a breathy voice
"Remember when you asked about it? You can't touch it, grid, clench, press… not even think about it, without my consent, ok, pretty girl?"
"Yes, mommy"
"Come, let's get you home"
The ride back home was longer but certainly more enjoyable. The store Scarlett suggested was 40 minutes away from Elizabeth's place - known by its celebrity’s clients and the respect for their privacy. The highway had a smooth path, although the same couldn't be said about the little access bumpy road you were now.
"Oh my god" Lizzie muffled out after the third bump shoved the dildo almost into her stomach. "Can we... Jeez… Slow down?" She basically whimpers out in a ragged breath
"You can take it, sweetheart" you cooed while again picking on purpose the bumpier path. Even though it was her car, you were the one driving back, giving the lack of coordination you expected from Lizzie on her current state.
The dirt road didn't extend much - unfortunately for you and Lizzie relief, but it was more than enough to get her edged simply by the arrhythmic fucking she had gone through. She was breathing heavily, her hair disheveled and her eyes usually so green were full with her dark pupils.
It wasn't long before you reached town traffic and Lizzie was almost back to comfortable, the cock still holding a steady place on her mind.
You were passing by a nice neighborhood when Lizzie noticed a few paparazzi on the next corner near a green traffic light.
"Can you pass it? There are paparazzi there" Lizzie asked pointing.
" I have a better idea" you smiled mischievously as you slowed the car in order to wait for the light turn red "I want you to grind my cook, baby"
"What? Now?" Lizzie asked looking at the paparazzi that had just noticed your car.
"We don't have much time, kitten. Do it know, or I will have to park."
"But, mommy, the..."
"Don't you want to please me, sweetie? Do it" you said looking sweetly at her "Grind for me"
She started grinding and immediately the warm of her arousal took hold of her hips making her apply more pressure and speed into it. As she had already been edged, by the time you stopped at the red light, her cheek was flustered, her grinding as intense as possible without being noticeable from outside the car and her breathing was ragged. The paparazzi approached the car in the matter of seconds taking photos from you and especially from her.
"Now I want you to roll your window down and give them your sweetest smile, baby" You said pleased at her obeying you.
She held the sweetest grin she could muster being so close to the edge. Your cock filled her and her grinding was getting sloppy because of the wetness pooling on her underwear and jeans.
"Good girl" you said as soon the lights were green "I will get that photo on print and remember that you were fucking yourself on my cock when you took it. You made mommy so happy, kitten"
Lizzie was waiting for you sitting restless in bed. She still had your cock inside of her and it was constantly sliding out of her due to how wet she had gotten. So every once in a while she had to put it all the way in, act that came with a sharp pleasure and increased the anticipation to be strap fucked. You told her you would prepare and put the strap on, but you were gone for more than 10 minutes, actually just teasing while she waited for you.
When you got back to the bedroom strap in your hands, she looked absolutely delicious. You made her take out your clothes and set the strap on your hip. Her unsteady hands made the task take the double amount of time, but you were not rushing.
"That is it, baby. Now, I want you on your fours, ass towards me, ok?"
"Yes, mommy" she quickly shredded her own clothes and got in position.
When she had her back to you, you placed the 5inch dildo on the strap and lined it on her back. She was the picture of perfect. Her juices were everywhere, making a mess on her ass and thigh. Her entrance was full with your previous cock, oozing wetness from it. You reached for her clit earning a loud moan. She was sensitive and anticipated you touch.
"Stop teasing me, Y/N" Lizzie rasped out in a commanding voice. You couldn't deny that the authoritative tone did speak directly to your clit.
"So eager, are we?" You teased "Is it feeling weird down here, sweetie?" Your hand reached the cock inside of her, taking it in and out painfully slow.
"Faster, mommy" she bulked again your hand
"How do we say when we want something so very bad, princess?" You cooed
"Please, mommy. I want you to fuck me faster" Lizzie's body was all sensitive, it was the first time she was turned on, edged and teased for an hour, she could barely hold in the anxiety for relief. So when you took the cock completely out of her, she whimpers feeling empty and desperate to be full again.
You aligned your bigger cock to her entrance and you knew she noticed the different size. So you slowly stretched her out until your hip hit her ass. She was clenching around you, mouth open wide with rapid and shallow breath as she got relief from the constant tickling feeling of being teased, evolving on increasing louder moans as you started to move, taking it all out, and hitting hard back in. Your nails were digging on her sides, pushing her against you on each thrust, timing her bulking with your own rhythm.
You fucked her hard and fast, and too soon her bulking started to get sloppy and her legs trembling almost giving up beneath her.
"Come for me."
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(Gif not mine, credit to creator)
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I Can Hear Your Heartbeat
“Cancelled! Something about the plants growing mouths and teeth and biting students and I totally think Bianca is behind it because who else, right? You’re really pretty. There’s this book in the library that I saw Bianca with and I think the title said something about dark spells–”
Did Enid just call her pretty? Really pretty?
“–so, what’d you say?” Oh. More words came after ‘pretty’.
Wednesday feels fear for the first time and realises she has feelings for her roommate and sometimes she uncontrollably bursts into Italian phrases of affection but Enid doesn’t need to know what that means, right?
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2. LA - Oh! THAT Lizzie...
Paring: bottom!Elizabeth Olsen x topMommy!Reader
Description: You figured out who she is. How do you explain to your celebrity crush that you follow her smut and dirty fandom?
Warnings: smut, teasing, mention strap and cockwarming, mommy kink, fingering (lizzie receiving), oral (lizzie receiving), casual.
Attention demi: casual sex – both of them are in their 30’s, just met, no emotional connection developed yet, not sure if there will be one.. Hm..Need to think about that..🤔
Word count: ~3,5K
This is part of the LA series: Part 1 | Part 2(this)| Part 3 | Part 4
Credits: This fic directly cites the blog and works of themidnightcrimson. A shout out to her writing skills and damn good fics. The links to her work will be on the fic itself, but also here
- themidnightcrimson blog | masterlist | innocence (+18) | mommy (+18) | strapwarming (+18)
"Yes. I did, Ms. Olsen. " You took a step back and sat in your bench with an embarrassed grin."And you owe me a rose wine."
"Don't get weird with me, please. We were having so much fun. " She cooed reaching and grabing your hand in hers.
"I am not. Is just...." You laughed at yourself. You read a very dirty fic about here just a day before all this: how was this happening?
"What is going on with that face, then?" She raised a brow grinning "Are you blushing, Y/N?" She teased. You tried to hide your face and laugh it off, but she grabbed you by the waist and turned you towards her "Tell me." She whined
"It is just silly, forget about it." You shrugged "I am just a Marvel fan." You lied.
"You wouldn't be blushing just because you are a Marvel fan, Y/N." She fake pouted and dove eye you "Pretty please?"
Probably was the wine talking and your unlimited boldness coming straight from the tannin, but you softly blured out: "I read fic about you."
She smiled widely "You what? Speak louder, Y/N.."
"Shit.. Ok. I kind of read a fic about you recently, ok? You....” You stalled until she motioned for you to keep going. “ You have a fandom on Tumblr... a very active fandom." You whispered
"Oh, that? I know about it" She chuckled "But I thought you were a lesbian" She looked at you genuinely confused.
Her producer had told her about her MLW fandom and it's contents, but she didn’t imagine she had also a WLW one. You looked at her with a raised brow and a condescending smile
"Oh, I definitely am.” You smirked “ You have a wlw fandom, darling" you mumbled
"Oh!" She startled" I didn’t know that... And what kind of fanfic are we talking about, hmm?" She smiled and pushed you teasingly by your arm "Do you read comfort and romantic stories about me before sleep, is it?" She joked
Your eyes darkened as you stared at her trying to decide if you where going to be honest about it or just ignore the subject.
"They do have fluff. But is not what I normally read." You said mysteriously rounding the kitchen island towards the stove
" I am starving, can I make us some pasta?" Trying to busy yourself with something else and change the subject. She made abluntly clear that you should make yourself at home, so why not?
"Show me" She asked with a small smile
"The pasta?" You said innocently while searching for some ingredients and pans through her cabinets. She rolled her eyes
"The fics, Y/N. I am curious..." She sighed as you ignored her still opening cabinets "Pan is in the bottom one. Oil and garlic on the left."
She got up and poured both of you another glass of wine. As she went towards you to give you your glass, she touched your forearm making you turn to her. Her gaze was full of mischief and she had a playful tone "Please show me. I have the right to know what people talk to me all over the internet..." She pouted
"Lizzie…" You blushed at the thought of showing her all the fics and kinks you had liked and reblogged in the last few weeks
"I already know is some kind of porn, Y/N. Just show me" she said harshly and corrected herself "Please " you laughed at her mini outburst.
"OK. But first, is your turn not to get weird out." You warned "Go grab your laptop, you can read while I cook"
A few moments after, the pasta was boiling as you towered behind Lizzie reaching the notebook and logged in your account. "Before you go stalking things. Let us start slow, ok?" You say slapping her hand away from the mouse. "This is one of my favorites writers. She is.. uhm.. very graphic with her language, let's put it like that."
You blushed slightly opening themidnightcrimson smut fics lists "This is about Wanda.. And this about you" You clicked on Innocence trying to easy her into it.
"Oh, my eyes look good in that picture" She squinted at the screen trying to get a better view
"Uhum" you nodded dryly
"Don't you agree?" She asked looking back at you with her brow furrowed
"All of you look good in that, Elizabeth" you rasped out shyly completely embarrassed" just read it. Tell me if you have any questions about.. uhm.. lesbian logistics? I don't know" you shrugged and got back to drain the pasta as an excuse to control your blushing.
While you busied yourself finishing dinner, you spared glances at her: she was concentrated, wearing her reading glasses and resting her chin up with her right hand. Of course, the picture of perfect. She held a small smile and and amusement expression, sometimes clearing her throat and taking a few deep breaths. You even considered that she was getting a little worked up with it, and now you couldn't wait to show her some more advanced ones and play.
"Did you like it?" You asked when she took of her glasses.
"I have questions." She took a sip at her wine "A few." She chuckled
"First... How does she know I have a yellow couch?" She pretended to be weird out about it and both of you laughed. " Secondly, is my finger really that interesting?" She said looking at her hands, making small movements with a mock pensive face.
You laughed and threw a cooked pasta at her as she dodged "Getting cocky, are we?" You smirked "Let's see what you think of these one"
A few fics after, dinner had come and gone, and you were taking out the plates while she kept scrolling throught the author's page.
"Have you ever done this one?" She asked showing you a fic titled "Strapwarming" .
You left the dishes on the sink and went to her, hovering behind her as she pointed to a page on her laptop.
You started to throb just thinking about that day, that fic, and the fact that Elizabeth Olsen had slightly leaned backwards touching her back at your breast didn't make any easier for you to hold down a soft whimper.
"I did, yes." You disguised with a cough
"And?" She looked up at you, her lips dangerously close to yours "Can you explain me? I don't understand"
" You don't understand that means a dildo inside of you?" You raised an eyebrow sarcastically
"No, silly! I understand the concept. I don't understand the appeal." She said turning her gaze back to the computer "It doesn't seem like the reader is enjoying herself..."
You took a deep breath trying to decide how much to push her. You were both a bottle in, not drunk or tipsy, but your inhibition definitely wasn't in perfect state
"Are you sure you want to know, Ms. Olsen?"
" Please, Y/N. Lizzie. Tell me. I feel like I have been under a rock and this 'imaginary me' got all the fun while I was gone" She chuckled, the vibration of her chest stimulating every part of you that was in high alert. This woman was inebrianting and you wanted to play.
"It is about the obvious being stretched out pleasure, but also about the power dynamics." You said pulling her closer to you by her waist.
Your mouth so close to her ear, that she could sense your breath before your voice became clear to her "The thing is that I, hypothetically, of course, can open your legs.." your hand traveled to her thighs spreading them earning a small gasp from her "and push my cock into you slowly and deep...." your hands traveled upwards in her inner thigh, so close to her core that you could sense the heat irradiating from her - just to push her legs close again. "...And tell you to warm it up for me."
Still behind her, you placed your hands to either side of her hips, harshly rotating it in a way where her ass was up and her core hit the cushion of her seat directly.
" You can't touch it. You can't let it fall off. You can't grind. You can't clench around it. You can't even think about it without my consent" You move her hips front to back rhythmically grinding her on the chair "can you imagine you being all filled up with my cock, how good this would feel, baby?"
"Yes." She whispered with her eyes shut close.
Although you acknowledged how receptive of your advances she was being, you dropped your hands and left her. You went towards the sink again, noticing the shiver that ran through her without your front warming her back. You opened the faucet and restarted hand washing the dishes like it isn't a big deal. In reality you could barely think straight of how much you wanted her right there.
"And then what? I just stay here?" She huffed showing a bit of frustration
"Hypothetically, I might leave you like that for a whole day. Or just while I do the dishes. Or do the groceries. Or while I watch you squirm." You smirked "Are you imagining it inside of you now?"
"Yes" She gulped
"Cross your legs for me, sweetheart" you cooed. She did as ordered and you could see the spark of pleasure as she pressed her thighs together to get some sort of relief.
"That is enough of that, baby" You said
"But that is just frustrating, Y/N!" She whimpered
"Just read it through, tell me if you have any questions" you said calmly and end the discussion.
After a few minutes
"What about this mommy thing? Is a little..."
"A little..." You went back to the kitchen island, resting your elbows on the countertop as leaning forward behind her laptop"
"I don't know" She bit her lip pensively
"Well, be honest with yourself. You don't have a reason to lie." You stood and round the table until you were behind her again. "Are you going to deny that you liked reading this? That it made you all hot and bothered?"
"Well, I had some wine and..."
"Don't do this, baby. Just be honest." You inhaled her scent as she closed her eyes to the sensation of you so close. She smelled fresh, orangy, sunny. You couldn't quite put your finger on it "We both know how horny you are right now. Aren't you? Tell me you can't feel your clit throbing..."
"I...." she gulped again leaning into your embrace
"Here. Read this one for me, will you? I will choose another wine for us, baby" You said nipping the soft skin on her neck and loving the way she catched her breath. You had pointed her to the Mommy fic.
As you were choosing between the several bottles on her wine rack, you noticed she began to grind slightly against the cushion and smirked.
"I can see you, baby. Don't grind. Be a good girl for mommy, will you?" You could see her tensing up on the term. But there was no turning back now "what is the problem, baby?" You grinned "Don't you like to play 'make-believe' with mommy?" You stared at her with a condescending smirk and waited.
Lizzie thoughts ran through her head at lighting speed. She was troubled by the same sex attention, by how you called yourself mommy. And worst, she was extremely confused about why did that made her so damn wet and needy. Is not like she was a sweet angels before tonight - she had her fun and her experiences, but she couldn't remember the last time she felt that throbing so intense.
"Yes" She whispered
"Yes what, sweetie? Use your words" you cooed. You wanted her to break that barrier that she was holding so weakly at.
"Yes, mommy" hearing her say that shoot a wave of pleasure throughout your whole body. It was all you could do not to drag her into the bedroom in that instant and fuck her brainless. Instead you smiled softly
"Good girl. This is right I am the one who knows that is good for you, isn't I? You poor baby can't choose for yourself, can you?" You pouted "You can grind for a bit, baby. But don't you come without my permission, ok?"
"Thank you. You are so good to me, mommy" she said downing her gaze back to the fic as she moved her hip rhythmically
"Anything for you, pretty girl" her cheeks blushed at the praise "As you are doing so good for mommy, kitten. I will let you make one more question, ok?" You cooed pouring some wine for both of you.
You noticed she stopped her movements suddenly and nodded slightly as getting off a trance.
"I don't get it" She pressed her hands in her face "How can you do this, Y/N? Why I am feeling this? I am straight, God be damned!" She said to you with a suprised but soft tone. Shit, you thought the barrier was already over with, but maybe you pressed too much.
"Lizzie.. Why does it matter? You are feeling good, aren't you? You are enjoying yourself?"
"Maybe. But.." she runs a hand through her hair " I am older than you... That makes no sense."
"That is why it is a fantasy.. It doesn't need to be logical, Lizzie. Don't be so hard and judgemental. Just enjoy it." you said taking her hands in yours "Why does it matter?"
"I don't know.." She said softly
"Do you want me to leave?" You asked softly
"No!" She answered a little more eager than she intended and that brought a smile to your face
"Than trust me, it doesn't matter" you said grabbing her chin to meet her gaze "Do you trust me, baby?"
"Yes, mommy" she acknowledged making you smile at her easy subduence. It was easier than you thought.
"So come, you have earned a reward, kitten" you smiled and guided her to the couch.
You sat down and placed her onto your lap straddling you. She swiftly obeyed, resting her hands you your shoulder and looking down on you.
"Do you want to kiss me, darling?"
"Yes, mommy, so much"
"Do you want me to touch you?" You asked bulking your hip upwards against her clit. She let out a whimpe "use your mouth for me, babygirl"
"Yes, mommy. Touch me" she whimps
You placed your hand behind her neck and guided her mouth down to yours. The second your lips touched both of your let out a moan, you taking advantage to quickly press your tongue into her mouth. She tasted heavenly, her glossy lips so sweet and tender that you almost felt sorry for bitting it down earning a gasp.
You let her deepen the kiss and guided her hip to grind on your lap, earning a soft moan. Lizzie was ranking her hands down your chest yanking at your shirt patientless
"Off, mommy. I want to touch you" You smirked proud of how she asked you
"Just because you asked so nicely, baby" You raised your arms letting her take your top off and eagerly lap on your neck with kisses and bites. Your own hands found her skin beneath her blouse, blindly undoing her bra.
"Strip for me, love" She got up on her feet and striped down to her panties. She was beautiful. She was covered with small brown spots, making a map on her soft skin. Her waist had the exact shape to support your hand and you were sure it was made specifically for you.
"So pretty for mommy, aren't you? Let me help you" you reached out and toyed with her waistband. Her eyes darkened with you touching her so close of where she wanted you and she bit her lip while moving her hip against your hand
"Oh, no, little one" you denied pulling her waistband and letting go with a loud snap against her skin "Don't rush me. Let mommy see you." You leant forward kissing her spots across her belly and thigh "do you know how long I have been wanting this?" You bit her inner thigh when she didn't answer you and she moaned softly
"No, mommy" You smiled against her skin and hovered right above her clit over her panties.
"Do you know how many times mommy touched herself thinking about fucking you, baby?" She moaned when you open mouthed kissed her over the damp fabric of her underwear. She tasted as good as you thought she would
"So fuck me, mommy." She said grabbing your hair and pulling you against her "Please, mommy. I need you"
"I told you not to rush me" You bit her clit slightly making her retract slightly and gasp "Don't ruin this for me, sweetie" you smirked as you noticed her dripping core staining her panties. You where seated the couch and she was standing between your legs. You took of he panties letting it fall on the ground as you took her right leg and placed her foot on the couch, opening her up.
The sight of her was enough to almost drive you out of control. Her glistening cunt was dripping making a mess all over her. You ran your tongue thru her folds earning a loud moan as she pressed her hip against your face. You steadied her hip with both of your hands while you slowly took her clit on your mouth sucking it. As you circled and flicked your tongue with increasing pressure, Lizzie kept whiping and moaning while pulling herself against you and holding your hair.
"Fuck ...me" she asked breathlessly
You sucked harshly at her clit and looked up at her "Mommy gave you better manners than that, kitten"
"Sorry, mommy. Inside, please. I need you inside"
"Do you want mommy's finger inside, baby?" You cooed looking straight into her eyes while teasing her entrance. She was breathing heavily, her hair a mess and you could see her bottom lip puffed from how much she was bitting into it trying to stiffle her moans. She nodded vigorously "yes mo--- Oooh" She moaned loudly as you plunged two fingers deep inside of her without warning. The sting of pain made her stop bulking, and you began to lap your tongue greedily into her, collecting all the wetness that came out. Soon she was moving against you fingers and you started to thrust in and out of her with increasing rhythm.
Her bulking started to lose rhythm and force and her walls clenched around your fingers. She was close.
"Mommy, can I come? Please"
"Yes, baby. Cum for mommy"
She came with a silent moan, closing her thigh against your head while you licked every drop that came out and steady your fingers deep inside of her until her legs trembled unable to stand.
"Mommy got you, babygirl" you said softly guiding her to straddle you again, keeping you fingers inside her and letting her rest her head in your shoulder.
"You were so good for mommy, pretty girl" you cooed giving her a small kiss on her neck.
She was still breathing hard when you started to thrust slowly inside of her and she stopped you holding your wrist
"It hurts, mommy". She whined
" I know it does, baby. But let mommy use your pretty hole, ok? You have been so good to me, don't act out now" you cooed taking her hand off your wrist
"No mommy, is too sensitive" she said biting down on your shoulder
"Trust me, baby. You are going to feel so good." you flicked your thumb over her swollen clit earning a gasp "Give me one more, ok?" You increased the speed of your thrusts as her soft moans became more frequent. You inserted the third finger
"Mommy" she moaned riding you
"That is it, baby. Ride mommy's fingers" you guided her hips downwards at each drive, meeting her halfway with your fingers hitting deep Inside of her. In and out, everytime you took out you coiled your fingers reaching her spongy point over and over again. The sloshing sounds and her ungodly moans were all you could hear.
It didn't take long until she was coming all over you lap.
Next day on Part 3.
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