#Hilary Putnam
amouramaryllis · 10 months
I think it'd kinda just be funny if the "brain-in-vat scenario" turns out to be real.
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innabesedina · 2 years
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sophiaphile · 7 months
pieces of a philosophy of mind lecture, out of context, pt. 2
H2O is wet Twin Earth me is thinking XYZ is wet
water is wet XYZ is wet but H20 is not XYZ
molecule for molecule in that world everything in my head is in that guy's head
but it is different they are identical in what is in their bodies now
Fodor got real upset
if you are molecule for molecule the same, you will have same thoughts
Fodor O Fodor! you have a real problem.
the content of your thought is determined solely by what is in your body content could be the same way but we see that it is not
Twin me is the same but he has a different thought—
if you buy the thought experiment
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opisthotonos · 1 year
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Why did the philosopher refuse to believe in the existence of chairs?
Because he thought they were just a figment of his imagination, like everything else!
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nicolae · 2 years
Contemporary realism: Karl Popper, Saul Kripke, Hilary Putnam
Contemporary realism: Karl Popper, Saul Kripke, Hilary Putnam
From the middle of the 19th century, a form of anti-realism imposed itself with the development of positivism (Comte, Mach, Duhem), then of neo-positivism and empiricism in the first half of the 20th century (Vienna Circle, A.J. Ayer, Ryle). These positions all have in common the rejection of metaphysics and the realism associated with it. According to Rudolph Carnap, one of the leading members…
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lizhowlski · 9 months
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yknow i think it’d be pretty funny if they used twitter
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withering-iris · 2 years
Every time Charles and Oliver bond over some old people stuff it adds ten years to my life
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lighteraryloredump · 2 years
hey there! was feeling under the weather for the past week or so and I've not been posting much but I realized I have a (small) backlog of stuff to post, so I guess I'll start with this! (ft. some ramblings under the images if you're interested in that ;)
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two versions bc like i said last post, i think seeing the flats are neat :) also because i only really added some basic soft shading because it was needed for the atmosphere of the background i made the art for ahaha
anyways! this illustration based on characters from a musical I'm currently in + doing the art direction for! if you're a big musical theatre person, you can probably (maybe? hopefully?) guess who these guys are! they're the spellers from the 25th annual putnam county spelling bee! 🐝✨ half based on typical costuming half based on what i could remember of our costumes from trying them on earlier in the rehearsal process hehe :') i tried to draw them with slightly exaggerated proportions to bring out the fact that they're supposed to be kids and to go along with the show being pretty all over the place with its feel since they're actually adults playing kids bahaha
funnily enough i sketched some character designs for these guys and this is not quite how I would've designed them for a TV show or something similar, but the people we have in our cast eerily embody each of these characters really well and that's who i ended up making them resemble most for this illustration :)
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running-tweezers · 5 months
🎭Theater Kid Guy Headcanons🎭
As a former theater kid and current lover of all things musical theater, I can sniff out a fellow theater kid from a mile away, and Guy Redacted made my alarms go crazy. So here’s some roles I think he’s played
His first time on stage was in a 3rd grade play where they acted out various fairy tales. Being a talkative class clown kid of kid, his teacher gave him the role of Rumpelstiltskin and encouraged him to ham it up. As soon as he heard the audience laughing along with his antics, he was hooked.
His first time in a real official show was when he played Jojo in a community theater production of Seussical while in junior high. He still has a big soft spot for the show today, the themes of creativity and imagination really stuck with him.
He was in a musical all 4 years of high school
Freshman year he played Leaf Coneybear in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. He wasn’t expecting to be cast as a Freshman, but he was just So Perfect in the role they had to.
Sophomore year he played Lefou in Beauty and the Beast. His “Gaston” was legendary.
Junior year he had his first big leading role as The Leading Player in Pippin. The role requires a TON of stage presence, and he enjoyed delving into a more serious role while still getting to have fun with it. He didn’t love how much dancing he had to do, (he’s always been what’s we call “a mover” rather than “a dancer”.), but he did his best. It remains one of his favorite musicals.
Senior year he returned to his earliest theater experiences with fairy tales and played Cinderella’s Prince in Into The Woods. It wasn’t as big of a role as the previous year, but he had a BLAST with it. Guy absolutely SLAYED Agony, he had amazing chemistry with Rapunzel’s Prince, and their duet was as over the top and hilarious as a good performance of Agony should be. Occasionally when Honey is giving him shit he will still respond with “Am I not sensitive, clever, well-mannered, considerate, passionate, charming, as kind as I’m handsome, and heir to a throne?? Honey, I’m everything maidens could wish for!!”
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Ride the Cyclone Kids Performing The Crucible
i have no excuse for this one. i just have had an unhealthy addiction to The Crucible since i had to read it in 11th grade. it’s been three years, and it still has a chokehold on me.
also i know they’re a choir, not a theater group, but shhhhhh
Ocean is Mary Warren
Noel is Reverend Hale
Mischa is John Proctor
Ricky can’t perform, but he is a stagehand, so he’s around quite often!
Penny is Abigail Williams
Constance is Elizabeth Proctor
All the other characters are played by random students
Noel, playing a priest: i feel like there’s some irony here
He’s pretty damn good at pretending to be religious, though!
Ricky, to Ocean: Ocean! You’re already so prepared for the role!
Ocean: Really?
Ricky: Yeah!
Ricky: Ginger
Get it? Cause The Crucible is about the Salem Witch Trials… Gingers were/are called witches/demons…
Ocean isn’t amused
Noel in movie!Hale’s getup
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Penny, whenever Noel has to interact with her: hello, gay boy
Okay okay, Penny as Abigail? ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING
Like, Holy Shit
She’s so scary, in fact, that she makes Ocean sit down like a fucking red heeler during her whole monologue about Abby’s dead parents
Penny: Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam’s dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night, and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. And you know I can do it; I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on the pillow next to mine, and l have seen some reddish work done at night, and l can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!
Ocean, who’s in the same scene:
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Mischa as Proctor is terrifying, too, but not quite on Penny’s level because he’s already an intimidating dude
It’s just daunting seeing Penny act so cruel
She’ll finish a scene where her character literally shattered the psyche of another character and forced said character into a mental breakdown and will be like “great job, guys! 🥰”
(The other character was Ocean’s lmao)
(If you’ve read TC, y’all know what scene I’m talking about)
You know the part where Abigail hits Betty? Yeah, Penny is merciless with that scene
The actress of Betty damn near saw god that day
Poor girl went SPINNING off the bed she was on
The script literally says “smashes her [Betty] across the face” and Penny took that WAY TOO SERIOUSLY
The duality between Penny nearly decapitating a kid with her hand alone and Penny being like “i’m so sorry!!! are you okay?!” immediately after
After that, the director tells her to lighten up a little lol
The slaps are still real, though
Just less likely to One-Hit KO Betty’s actress straight into the afterlife
Noel, when Penny does Anything: whore behavior
And speaking of whore behavior
Penny and Mischa. Their characters fucked
These two have NO interest in each other whatsoever, but that doesn’t stop them from acting as slutty as possible because they think it’s hilarious, especially when the other choir members react in the most disgusted way
Mischa: I can’t believe my character is an adult man fucking a teenager.
Penny: I am the teenager
Mischa: Thank you, Penny. I did not know that
Meanwhile, there is NO chemistry between Mischa and Constance, even though they’re supposed to be married, and it’s really funny
But honestly, kinda fitting
Since, you know. Proctor cheated on Elizabeth, and there’s meant to be a noticeable rift between them
Ricky, holding an imaginary microphone up to Constance: Constance! Constance! What’s it like playing a canonical milf?
Constance: Pretty cool
One time when Constance and Mischa were sitting at the dinner table set piece for act 2, waiting for the scene to begin, Constance whispered “I can’t believe I bred with you” and Mischa LOST IT
Constance wore Birkenstocks for some time. You know, before their costumes came together
Constance: They’re my Jesus slippers!
Mischa: I don’t think Birkenstocks were around in 4 BC Bethlehem
Constance: Go eat a fridge
Meanwhile, Ocean had an absolutely VISCERAL reaction to these fucking Birkenstocks
Ocean: I’m onto you, Elizabeth, you slippery weasel. I see those things. My mother eats, sleeps, and BREATHES Birkenstocks. I can smell those uncomfortable, mold-soled jerks from a mile away. I can SEE your footprints in them. I know what you’re hiding. I swear, my mother has a pair of those in that exact color, but I don’t know for sure because I’m not at home to check right now, and I’m not allowed in her closet anyway. I bet you stole them, didn’t you? Well, you doubt my willpower to rat you out, she-devil. I know. I see everything. My quietness makes me watchful. I’m practically invisible. I know you paid 99.95 shillings or more for shoes that feel more like solid stone than proper footwear. You snake. You fool. You absolute devil woman. You deserve no rights. Why would you make this purchase if you know what our world is like? You’re a woman in the 1600s for god’s sake, Elizabeth, you’re making chump change! You can’t spend your money on freakin’ Birkenstocks. Go to the general store and get some slippers because at least they would be cheaper and MATCH YOUR DRESS. I may be ace, and I may be aro, but even I know those two colors DO NOT go together. You are pure evil. Purple and that color? That brown? What were you thinking, woman?! You deserve no rights. I hope the shoe mold harvests every last one of your toes. Rapture is nigh, lady, and I don’t think your feet are prepared for judgement.
Meanwhile, the whole theater is SHRIEKING with laughter
At one point Mischa asked the director if he can just pick Ocean up instead chasing her in act 2 because it’ll “be easier”
In response, the director says, “It’s not going to happen because it’ll kinda ruin the illusion of terror, but I would like to see what you would do.”
This then led to Mischa throwing Ocean over his shoulder like she’s a sack of potatoes
In retaliation, Ocean grappled onto him with all of her limbs like a rare species of red koala
Ocean can cry on command, which is good because of how emotional Mary Warren is
She spends more than half her stage time sobbing uncontrollably
Ocean: oh yeah, crying on command is easy! i just have to remember my Whole Life
Ricky: so have you ever considered the school counselor
“Mary Warren is holding the weight of my mental health on her tiny, Puritan shoulders” -Ocean
Mischa gets to use a REAL WHIP for the play
He once accidentally hit himself with it when trying to crack it
The others have never seen him crumple to the floor like that before
He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t even manage a scream, so he was just silently shrieking in pain
Noel, coming up behind Ocean during this, whispering in her ear: that’s gonna be you soon
Ocean isn’t nervous, though
She trusts Mischa!
Anyone else playing Proctor, though?
Before the whip came in, Mischa would take his belt off and threaten Ocean with it
But 3/4 times he couldn’t get the fucking thing off quick enough
Mischa: I’ll official y— Uh. Hang on. Sorry, just— fuck, this thing is on good. COME OFF!
He just starts fighting it
Meanwhile, Constance and Ocean are just there like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
They decided to start using a stick instead (pre-whip era)
They call it the “Beating Stick”
Mischa accidentally hit Ocean with it once
Ocean folded like a goddamn chair
When Mischa gets the whip and is like “I’ll official you!” Ocean jumps on the WHOLE DINNER TABLE to get away from him and ends up flipping the entire thing
Ocean, hiding under the dinner table while Mischa prowls around with the whip: i feel this on a personal level
Mischa: W H A T
It’s method acting 😌
During Elizabeth’s arrest at the end of act 2, when everyone starts yelling at each other, Constance pushes Ocean behind her like she’s trying to keep her safe from the mayhem, and Ocean Almost Cried
You know what she DID cry at, though?
When Elizabeth is actually arrested
She’s acting like Constance is actually getting arrested and put into jail for witchcraft 😭
Great acting, though
Mischa, to the director, about the arrest scene in act 2: Hey, so you know how Proctor is threatening everyone and is really angry?
The director: Yeah?
Mischa: Okay, so, hear me out. What if he had a gun?
The director:
So Mischa gets a gun
Unlike the whip, this one is fake!
But still
He feels so POWERFUL
Ricky has made it his personal mission to condition the actors into acting and staying in character through Anything, so he just does random shit in the wings during practice
Even the very emotional scenes
Mischa: l will bring you home! l will bring you soon!
Constance: Oh, John, bring me soon!
Mischa: I will fall like an ocean on that court! Fear nothing, Elizabeth.
Constance: I will fear nothing.
Ricky, in the wings: 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃
Ocean is so short compared to Mischa that the scene between Mary and Proctor at the end of act 2 looks like the violent assault of an elementary school student
This is the scene
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Mischa, holding Ocean by the throat: I could break you like a potato chip
Ocean: Do it then
Mischa fuckin FLINGS Ocean to the ground so hard there was this loud ass THUMP
A visual representation of what this would look like from an actual version of The Crucible online
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(Side note: the version this comes from is fucking AMAZING. Mary is SO GOOD)
Okay, so, act 3? Ocean’s acting? HOLY SHIT
She puts her fucking SOUL into this performance
She cries so hard during act 3 that Mischa, who is with her most of the time, is genuinely concerned that she’s having some kind of episode
She keeps holding her head in her hands, curling up on herself to seem smaller, rocking back and forth, breathing shakily, whimpering and sobbing, and Mischa can’t tell if she’s just a really good actress or is in need of psychological assistance
(The answer is both)
She’s constantly being told to drink water afterward because she gets dehydrated from crying so much
There’s this one point in act 3 where Mischa and Noel are standing around Ocean because she started crying again, and they looked like her gay colonial parents
Ocean, to the director: Hey, so the script says, “They all watch as Abigail, out of her infinite charity, reaches out and draws the sobbing Mary to her, and then looks up to Danforth.” Does this mean that I get to be hugged by Penny?
The director: Yes, it does.
The director: Why are you crying??
At the very end of the play, they actually have an execution scene, where they pretend to hang Mischa with a harness and stuff
Noel: Did you guys hear about that one wardrobe malfunction during a school play?
Constance: No, what happened?
Noel: Well, they were doing a hanging scene, as we’re doing now, and apparently the harness broke or something because the kid started to actually hang. Nobody knew he was dead until after the scene because they just thought his struggling and stillness was just acting.
Penny: That sounds awful. Imagine getting into a school play and inviting your whole family to come watch you, and then you fucking die.
Ocean: His parents were probably out in the lobby with flowers afterwards, waiting to congratulate him, and then someone had to go out and tell them that not only he was dead, but they also watched him die without realizing it. Probably got videos of it and everything.
Noel: It gets worse. He was an understudy. The kid who was supposed to go on got sick and couldn’t perform, so this guy went on for him and died because of it.
Mischa, in a harness above them, about to be hanged: I’m feeling a little unsafe
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richincolor · 1 year
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With six books out this week, we've got a little something for everyone! Which of these are on your TBR list?
In Limbo: A Graphic Memoir by Deb JJ Lee First Second
Deborah (Jung-Jin) Lee knows she's different. Ever since her family emigrated from South Korea to the United States, she's felt her Otherness. For a while, her English isn't perfect. None of her teachers can pronounce her Korean name. Her face and her eyes—especially her eyes—stand out. As the pressures of high school ramp up, friendships change and end, and everything gets harder. Even home isn't a safe place, as fights with her mom escalate. Deb is caught in a limbo, with nowhere to go, and her mental health plummets.
But Deb is resilient. She discovers art and self-care, and gradually begins to start recovering. And during a return trip to South Korea, she realizes something that changes her perspective on her family, her heritage, and herself.
This stunning debut graphic memoir features page after page of gorgeous, evocative art, perfect for Tillie Walden fans. It's a cross section of the Korean-American diaspora and mental health, a moving and powerful read in the vein of Hey, Kiddo and The Best We Could Do. -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
My Dear Henry: A Jekyll & Hyde Remix by Kalynn Bayron Feiwel Friends
London, 1885. Gabriel Utterson, a 17-year-old law clerk, has returned to London for the first time since his life— and that of his dearest friend, Henry Jekyll—was derailed by a scandal that led to his and Henry's expuslion from the London Medical School. Whispers about the true nature of Gabriel and Henry's relationship have followed the boys for two years, and now Gabriel has a chance to start again.
But Gabriel doesn't want to move on, not without Henry. His friend has become distant and cold since the disastrous events of the prior spring, and now his letters have stopped altogether. Desperate to discover what's become of him, Gabriel takes to watching the Jekyll house.
In doing so, Gabriel meets Hyde, a a strangely familiar young man with white hair and a magnetic charisma. He claims to be friends with Henry, and Gabriel can't help but begin to grow jealous at their apparent closeness, especially as Henry continues to act like Gabriel means nothing to him.
But the secret behind Henry's apathy is only the first part of a deeper mystery that has begun to coalesce. Monsters of all kinds prowl within the London fog—and not all of them are out for blood... -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Chloe and the Kaishao Boys by Mae Coyiuto Putnam
Chloe is officially off the waitlist at USC, and thus one step closer to realizing her dream of becoming an animator in the United States. But before she leaves home, her auntie insists on planning a traditional debut for Chloe’s eighteenth birthday (think sweet sixteen meets debutante ball). To make matters worse, her father, intent on finding Chloe the perfect escort for the party, keeps setting her up on one awkward kaishao—or arranged date—after another. But . . . why does her dad suddenly care so much about her love life? And what happens when she actually starts to fall for one of the guys, only to have to leave at the end of the summer? -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
There Goes the Neighborhood by Jade Adia Disney-Hyperion
Fifteen-year-old Rhea and her best friends, Zeke and Malachi, are South L.A. born and raised, but a recent wave of gentrification has been transforming the place that they call home. When an eviction notice from a greedy landlord threatens to split up the crew, Rhea and her friends manipulate social media to form a fake gang in hopes of scaring off developers. Their scheme appears to work at first… until a murder is pegged on the nonexistent gang. Yikes.
THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD is a love letter to communities of color everywhere, a middle finger to the destructive powers of gentrification, and a hilarious adventure about three teens who have the best intentions, if not always the best solutions. Perfect for fans of Tiffany Jackson's Let Me Hear a Rhyme and Netflix's On My Block, this is an uproarious novel about power, friendship, and what really makes a neighborhood. -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Study Break: 11 College Tales from Orientation to Graduation Edited by Aashna Avachat Feiwel Friends
College...the best time, the worst time, and something in between.
What do you do when orientation isn't going according to your (sister's) detailed plans? Where do you go when you're searching for community in faith? How do you figure out what it means that you're suddenly attracted to your RA? What happens when your partner for your last film project is also your crush and graduation is quickly approaching?
Told over the course of one academic year, this collection of stories set on the same fictional campus features students from different cultures, genders, and interests learning more about who they are and who they want to be. From new careers to community to (almost) missed connections — and more — these interconnected tales explore the ways university life can be stressful and confusing and exciting and fulfilling.
Gen Z contributors include Jake Maia Arlow, Arushi Avachat, Boon Carmen, Ananya Devarajan, Camryn Garrett, Christina Li, Racquel Marie, Oyin, Laila Sabreen, Michael Waters, and Joelle Wellington. -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Jump by Brittney Morris Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
Influence is power. Power creates change. And change is exactly what Team Jericho needs.
Jax, Yas, Spider, and Han are the four cornerstones of Team Jericho, the best scavenger hunting team in all of Seattle. Each has their own specialty: Jax, the puzzler; Yas, the parkourist; Spider, the hacker; and Han, the cartographer. But now with an oil refinery being built right in their backyard, each also has their own problems. Their families are at risk of losing their jobs, their communities, and their homes.
So when The Order, a mysterious vigilante organization, hijacks the scavenger hunting forum and concocts a puzzle of its own, promising a reward of influence, Team Jericho sees it as the chance of a lifetime. If they win this game, they could change their families’ fates and save the city they love so much. But with an opposing team hot on their heels, it’s going to take more than street smarts to outwit their rivals. -- Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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For Lacan, human culture (the symbolic order) creates a break from the biological real, capturing and restructuring the experience of life through mediating symbols. The body, for example, is conceptualised and organised by labels and categories that under ordinary circumstances stand in the way of any direct experience of its existence.
For Lacan, human culture (the symbolic order) creates a break from the biological real, capturing and restructuring the experience of life through mediating symbols. The body, for example, is conceptualised and organised by labels and categories that under ordinary circumstances stand in the way of any direct experience of its existence. As the philosopher Hilary Putnam has stated, we have no access to such a thing as a language independent-reality. In Lacan’s idiom, we would say there is “no pre-discursive reality” (1972–1973, p. 72). But the symbolic order always falls short of totally capturing lived experience, inevitably excluding a part of the real in which we are rooted. This insufficiency is attributable to the very nature of symbols, which represent missing or absent objects. A symbol, after all, refers to an abstract concept, so that language can only allude to a concrete external referent without totally capturing it. For Lacan, the inability of the symbolic to totally encompass its referents and to represent fully what has been lost creates a constant gradient of desire, a perpetual reaching out for the pure reality behind representation. In the Lacanian formula, desire “insists” in the signifying chain of human speech, straining toward dimly perceived goals and the deferred promise of complete satisfaction. Because achievement of this aim is impossible, we substitute fantasies of sexual, romantic, narcissistic, or material accomplishment that stitch desire to the fabric of social reality, and we convince ourselves that we will be satisfied by realising them. Desire thus becomes “libidinized” and diverted to existing symbolic objects.
Lewis A. Kirshner. Rethinking Desire - the objet petit a in Lacanian Theory. Journal American Psychoanalytic Association. (2005).
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sophiaphile · 7 months
pieces of a philosophy of mind lecture, out of context, pt. 1
no one cares about meaning anymore, huh? semanticists take you to fairyland you had to eventually think about thought so Putnam is transitioning— natural progression from meaning to thought
god i wish i had a glass of beautiful clear Water, so chill and refreshing
Now Putnam completely imagined this where you got a substance Chemically, structurally of XYZ
of course there is no element XYZ
alright. leave that aside
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max1461 · 7 months
hilary putnam up the butthole. neo stick a finger up your agmatism.
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ok i just watched up to the first bit in episode 6 of Only Murders in the Building and i gotta say, the one character i did not think would be queer in this show is the cop. i love that they did that for her character and i love her personality but honestly from your gifs i genuinely thought that steve martin and oliver putnam were going to become a couple
i cant even be super mad thought because the bassoonist that steve martin's dating is hilarious it's definitely reminding me of the bassoonist i knew
anyway just wanted to update you on my viewing experience because you're the reason im watching it lmao
I was not expecting to love Detective Williams as much as I did. As for the rest, I will say no more. Because spoilers!
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Who would you put in an American statue garden? Assume no limit for how many
all the best presidents (i won't name them all but just to list a few: washington, adams, j. q. adams, jefferson, madison, monroe, fdr, teddy roosevelt, lincoln, etc), franklin, alexander hamilton, friedrich list, henry clay, henry carey, samuel adams, ethan allen, thomas young, john jay, james wilson, gouverneur morris, christopher columbus (tbh i'm tempted to include figures like leif erikson and prince madoc because even though they were never americans, like columbus, there is a mythopoetic/cultural value), lafayette, john winthrop, cotton mather, nathanael greene, friedrich wilhem von steuben, nathan hale, johnny appleseed, emperor norton, robert e. lee, william tecumseh sherman, daniel boone, lewis and clark, sacagawea, davy crockett, emerson, thoreau, walt whitman, longfellow, hilda doolittle, emily dickinson, nikola tesla, einstein, eli whitney, abigail adams, edgar allen poe, john brown, herman melville, butch cassidy, wyatt earp, doc holliday, wild bill hickok, sundance kid, john henry, andrew carnegie, nathaniel hawthorne, washington irving, horace mann, john dewey, wernher von braun, j. robert oppenheimer, john marshall, wiliam penn, junipero sera, john d. rockefeller, clara barton, fanny wright, thomas edison, alexandar graham bell, ezra pound, kerouac, william faulkner, steinbeck, hemingway, dolley madison, john muir, annie oakley, lovecraft, eleanor roosevelt, john browning, samuel colt, elvis presley, claude shannon, henry miller, kanye west, stanley kubrick, john von neumann, thorstein veblen, edward bellamy, henry ford, cornelius vanderbilt, betsy ross, black hawk, sitting bull, tecumseh, hart crane, h. l. mencken, tennessee williams, charles sanders peirce, william james, quine, hilary putnam, richard rorty, charles hartshorne, walt disney, mark twain, etc.
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