#Gor Koresh
burnwater13 · 8 months
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Grogu didn’t know why anyone went to watch other people fight. That seemed pretty ‘uncouth’ to him. Of course, he wasn’t quite sure what uncouth meant either. He tried asking his dad but Din Djarin just shrugged at him. That shrug either meant that the bounty hunter didn’t know or he didn’t care. Well, that was frustrating. Why couldn’t he just explain?
Sure there were plenty of times that Grogu hadn’t explained things to people, including to the Mandalorian. Sometimes he just shrugged. Other times he pretended that he hadn’t heard the question. Still other times he just opened his eyes wider, dropped his ears down and tried to feel as sad as he looked. 
That last one worked pretty well on Peli Motto. The first one worked well with Fennec Shand, and he could always count on Greef Karga falling for the middle one. None of them worked on his dad. That was frustrating as well. 
Din Djarin would just stand there, looming over Grogu, one hand on his hip, his head tilted, and his other hand at the ready for finger shaking.
“Kid, Buddy, Grogu,” he would say, depending on when it happened, “you better come clean now. I’m a bounty hunter. I know how to extract information from people with a lot more to hide than you.”
Grogu was under the impression that the only interrogation technique the Mandalorian used was the offer to bring people in warm, or bring them in cold. The cold ones never said anything and everyone ended up cold. Some technique. Harrumph. 
But then Grogu would reflect that he really liked the tall human, even if he was looming over him on purpose, and he would come clean. He’d chirp, coo, and whistle his whole story. Sometimes it only took a minute. Other times, well, let’s just say Grogu had heard the phrase, ‘Make it a short story, I don’t have time for novel’ more than once. 
It still annoyed Grogu that he didn’t have any good way to do that to the Mandalorian. He was too small to loom. He was too sweet to shake his fingers at the bounty hunter. And the one time he’d tried the hand on the hip thing with the head tilt he almost fell over because he managed, somehow, to step on his own ear. Ouch.
He asked various people he knew how to handle it and their advice was all over the place. 
The Armorer had said, “He is a Mandalorian first, Din Grogu. He must follow the Creed. Learn the Creed and he will have to abide by it. There are many loopholes in it that a clever boy like you can take advantage of.” 
Uff, that was like being told by Greef Karga that he should consult with the teaching droid. It would at least know the meaning of ‘uncouth’. He wanted a more direct solution. 
Fennec told him that he should just use the Force and take his dad’s sidearm and ask him his question. Nope. Nope. Nope. He was not going to get his vid watching privileges suspended again. It took forever to catch up with all the Diggle and Daggle episodes he’d missed that week.
Boba Fett had overheard Fennec’s advice and drew Grogu aside once she completed her disappearing act. 
“Grogu, he’s your dad. Just tell him you thought as his father, he’d want to help you understand the galaxy better. Then tell him it doesn’t matter, you will just as the Daimyo. Remember shake your head and sigh a little. That sort of thing worked with my dad every time.” The Daimyo advised with a sort of sad smile. 
Grogu liked that advice best. The Daimyo was the only who mentioned how it had worked with their dad, so that gave him a lot more credibility and Grogu remembered hearing stories about Jango Fett at the Jedi Temple. He seemed like a pretty hard character. Just like his dad. 
Din Djarin came down to the throne room to pick him up and bring him back to Mos Eisley and Grogu hoped he’d find a time to follow the Daimyo’s advice before he forgot it. 
“Did you have a good visit?” Din Djarin asked them both.
“Yes. We did. He had a lot of questions for me. It was a real pleasure to have the young one here today.” Boba Fett smiled far more brightly than he had before Din Djarin had arrived.
“Good. I’ll be seeing you soon. Give Fennec my regards,” the Mandalorian had replied. 
Then Din brought Grogu back to their speeder bike. Grogu asked what he’d been doing, while Grogu was with the Daimyo. The Mandalorian shrugged at him. 
Great! He could test the Daimyo’s advice now! 
Grogu chirped and coo’d at his dad, shook his head, sighed deeply and then began to walk back toward the palace.
Din just walked over and picked him up. 
“Buddy, that won’t work on me. It never worked on my dad either. I just thought I would spare you this, but if you want to hear all about my trip to the armor polish factory, then fine. Did you know they make thirteen different kinds of polish in that one factory?”
Dank Farrik! His dad was right. There were somethings it was better not to know.
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For May the Fourth Luz Media is shining a light on the incredible Latine actors in the beloved Star Wars saga breathing new life into iconic characters
These talented stars are breaking stereotypes and showcasing the rich diversity of Latinidad in a galaxy far, far away
But why does this matter? Representation in a universe as iconic as Star Wars underscores that heroes don't just look a certain way, but rather reflect the diverse reality of our world
Some of my favorites include John Leguizamo, Diego Luna, Lupita Nyong'o, Oscar Isaac, Pedro Pascal, and Rosario Dawson ❤️
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giasesshoumaru · 2 years
“Tell me where the Mandalorians are and I'll walk out of here without killing you.”
“I thought you said you weren't a gambler.”
“I'm not.” - Din Djarin and Gor Koresh (The Mandalorian, Episode 2.1)
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corazondebeskar-reads · 7 months
well it's love, make it hurt - chapter fourteen
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well it's love, make it hurt series
fourteen: we can't go back
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Words: 1.9k
Summary: your past comes back to haunt you in your new life.
Warnings: discussions of genocide, the purge of mandalore, descriptions of grief, survivor's guilt, bounty hunting, gratuitous batuu references, canon-typical violence
a/n: i just want to say thank you. yesterday's chapter had some of the loveliest comments and y'all have warmed my cold little heart. it was very short and so is this one, so here it is early. I almost made them into one chapter but thirteen needed to end where it did.
(if you make it past the first line without cursing my name, i love you. if you don't, well, i still love you but I'm not sorry 😂 i am, however, hella anxious)
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika
5 Years Later: 9 ABY - Fall
Din Djarin climbs up to the cabin of the Razor Crest. The Kid is still asleep, drained from the confrontation with Gideon, but Din is restless without a destination. Fortunately, the comm is flashing with a message, sure to be Karga with a lead. He hits the blinking button, and Karga’s holo flickers into view.
“There’s a man called Gor Koresh who allegedly knows where to find Mandalorians. Abyssian, a real shifty sort, runs Carnita Arena. Sorry I don’t have more for you, but he keeps his tracks covered.”
Din grins. Perfect. He doesn’t need more than that; he’ll find Koresh easily enough. He goes to turn off the holo before it repeats but freezes with his hand hovering over the button as Karga begins to speak again.
“There’s one more thing. And you didn’t hear this from me, understand? But there was a bounty turned in two days ago on Batuu that might be something you want to investigate.”
The loop resets, and he hits the button. His heart is pounding so loud he thinks he can hear it reverberate in the helmet. He checked Batuu. But when was the last time he was there?
Kriff, it’s probably been a couple of years.
At first, he’d done everything short of commissioning a fob or taking out a bounty. It wasn’t that he hadn’t considered it. But if you were hiding from him? Or at least, if you had left not knowing, if you had decided not to stay, then tracking you across the galaxy would be a betrayal you’d never forgive.
In his most desperate moments, he thought about—and once came very close to—slicing into the guild database. But in the end, as always, duty won out. He couldn’t wager the job that supported what was left of his people over one person.
As the years passed, he found himself fatigued, the search less of a cuff around his chest and more of a string tied around his finger.
It hurt to think about, but like the ache of a once broken bone in the cold rather than the maw that used to be in his heart.
He still took bounties in every crevice of the galaxy, still looked over every crowded market and every booth in every cantina, but it was more of habit than hope.
Something very akin to hope burns in his gut now, boiling the acid until it crept up his throat and threatened to smother him.
There was no place in the life of a Mandalorian for the kind of cowardice he was considering, so he swallowed hard against where his heartbeat battered, shook the static from his fingertips, and programmed the nav.
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Raga Bua has bounty hunting figured out. The rest of the guild needs to catch up, you think. The drop-off system is so much more efficient than carbonite freezing, and the tiny guild’s presence is so subtle that mid-level criminals keep thinking they can hide out here. After all, Black Spire has a reputation.
Lots of places for seedy types to lay low.
She has one rule—never take a bounty on a Batuuan. The locals are more than happy to keep the operation quiet for protection. Of course they are. The bounties are their competition.
It’s consistent, and the credits are steady. It took you a couple of years to get on the good side of things and get into the inner circle, but now, things are almost stable. You have your own place. An apartment, not a room in a shitty inn. Not an abandoned cargo unit. Two rooms and a fresher, all to yourself.
You don’t have friends, exactly. You think you could, since no one is afraid you’ll turn on them for a wupiupi, but you can’t bring yourself to try. You’re friendly, and on a first-name basis with almost everyone who runs a stand in the market.
It’s just. Despite the relative peace here, something never quite settled right in your bones after. You’re quick to anger, and you don’t fancy losing your cred because you pulled a knife on a drunk who got a little too close.
So you keep to yourself. You hunt. You train with new weapons, since the Batuuans prefer that the blaster fire be kept to a minimum. You spend most of your time outside the outpost limits, sitting on the banks of the Surabat River, or throwing knives at the old petrified tree trunks.
It’s a weird place. But it grows on you.
You almost start to think of it as home.
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When you apprehend today’s bounty, it’s too easy. You’re too skilled, too dangerous, and he gives himself over to you.
“Thanks for not shooting me. I’m just glad you weren’t that Mandalorian.”
You jerk to a stop, yanking the Heptoonian to a halt with you. “What did you say?”
“There was another hunter, a Mandalorian, at the market earlier. Gave him the old slip, though.”
“There are no Mandalorians left.”
“Then someone got their hands on a full, shiny set of armor. Bet those go for a lot now.”
Your knife is at his throat. “Shut up,” you snarl and drag him into the nearest drop spot, heavy automatic lock sealing him in.
After scanning in and swapping his location for your credits, you go home. You change into something less equipped for hunting and better suited for blending in before sneaking through your neighbor Moshi’s apartment. Your apartment isn’t close enough to reach any of the huge beams that cut through the adobe, but you can swing over from Moshi’s window from the back of the building to hoist yourself to the roof.
Most of the buildings here are either connected or close enough to jump between, though your knees won’t thank you later. The idea that there’s a surviving Mandalorian isn't something you really consider. No, you're much more seduced by the idea that there's some scumbag with stolen beskar. It makes your vision get fuzzy around the edges, that sickening rage that you haven’t been able to shed threatening to spill out. You almost hope it’s true, because then you’ll get to slit a throat tonight.
It doesn’t even cross your mind to hope. Your Mandalorian has been dead for five years, and part of you with him.
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From your vantage point, he’s not hard to find. He thinks he is, holed up in the ruins of the old outpost, a few klicks from town. You wait, and when night starts to fall, he leaves. It’s a mistake a lot of the outsiders make, thinking the outpost has a nightlife, that their target will be getting pissed at the cantina or stealing from the market.
But the streets are quiet, and they are yours.
The beskar is all silver, shiny and spotless. Not pocked and scratched with battles won. You grin. It’ll be an easy kill.
He doesn’t even see you until you jump, but the ease at which he defends himself is a bit troubling.
It doesn’t take long before he’s on the ground, your vibroblade to the cowl around his neck. You’re strong, but you know that you wouldn’t have been able to take him down that easy if he had any idea how to fight back. You don’t fancy cleaning blood off the beskar when you peel it from his corpse. (What you’ll do with it after hasn’t come under consideration yet).
Instead, you dig your knee into his lower stomach, where the plate doesn’t cover. “Take it off, or I will,” you hiss.
“Going to kill me, cyar’ika?” says the man wearing the metal face of your dead lover. He glances quickly to the pod, making sure the kid isn’t waking up to choke you out for threatening him.
You follow his gaze and seem to notice it for the first time.
“Is that a pram?” you ask, but you’re already up and off him. Your eyes are wide, moving between the ghost and the apparent baby.
He raises his hands in supplication, sitting up and nodding.
You run.
You’re off before he can even register it, leaping over the gate of a stall and through the back.
He swears and gets up, forced to follow your path because he can’t remember where it would exit, where you will go.
When he pushes through the curtain into the street, you’re gone.
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Your leather shoes barely make a sound as you flee. You can’t go home. You can’t go anywhere that might put someone between you and what you’re starting to think is a nightmare you’ve summoned into reality.
You’ve lost him for now, but—and it makes you sick to consider this—but if it is a Mandalorian, you know their abilities. You slow down and let yourself be seen, looking around you before going into Oga's Cantina. Slipping into the refresher, you’re relieved to see the vent panel already open. You go into a stall, and then another, and another. You double back to the first stall, walking backward to further confuse any tracking capabilities in the visor, and pull yourself up to the top to straddle the divider.
It’s really un-fucking-comfortable, but you manage to open the ceiling access panel and leave the covering on the top of the toilet to set a second trail. Then, you stretch over to swing to the next dividers before pushing off and tumbling through the open window. You close it behind you, climb up the side of the roof, and ease your way down the back of the apartments that connect to Oga’s.
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You figure you’ll head to Peka and lay low for a few days, maybe a week or so. You’ve got a few connections who might let you crash in a barn. There’s an open valley through the forest between the Outpost and the small town, but it runs along the most direct route, so you stick to the trees along the edge.
Now, you’re alone in the dark in an area you’re not very familiar with. The wildlife here are mostly harmless, and you’re fully armed, but it’s irritating. And you’re mad at the Mandalorian about it.
Their modulators must all sound the same, you decide. And he never told you what cyar’ika meant, but it was clearly a pet name. It was a coincidence. Your Mandalorian had red armor. Your Mandalorian didn’t have a jetpack.
Your Mandalorian was dead.
There's one logical answer, and so the question was, how did you end up with a bounty on your head?
You’re losing your nerve. Every noise makes you jump. You're mad about that, too. So one piece of bantha shit shows up in Mandalorian armor, and you fall to fucking pieces?
Your heart had finally stopped leaping into your stomach every time something shiny caught the sun about two years ago.
Kriff. The sooner you find a pile of hay to sleep in, the better. As it is, you’re pretty sure you’re going to cry.
You’ve managed to talk yourself down, and you’re more than halfway through the valley. Once you pass it, you’ll have another hour’s hike to Peka, but you’ll still have the cover of darkness. As dark as you can with both moons overhead, anyway.
That’s when you see it. A flash of silver. You freeze and consider if you should run or climb. He has a jetpack, you remind yourself, but you haven’t seen him use it. And the branches would be a good obstacle.
Quietly, you scale the tall, broad tree and find a sturdy branch. Silver catches the moonlight again, and you peek down through the leaves to nail down his location.
But it’s not a suit of beskar. It’s a ship.
Someone has parked their ship at the back of the valley, cradled but not covered by the dense canopy.
It’s the Razor Crest.
*title from "Error Operator" by Taking Back Sunday.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Clan of Three - Chapter 8
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Chapter Eight: The Marshal
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 11.2K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, angst, our first fight with Din, little history time, some wholesome moments
An industrial city filled with luxury and wealth to those that live in the safety of the rest in poverty saw the truth of this city. Crime and death lined the streets the second the street lights turned on. A man armored in the metal of his kind his helmet a signal of his kind. The Mandalorians, a small pram holding a child hovers beside him as they walk under the street lamps, and on the other side of the man an orphan of Tatooine with powers to bring any person in the galaxy to their knees.
The Mandalorian sees the wild dogs hidden within the shadows avoiding the light and stalking them waiting for them to leave the light for just a second. Arriving in front of a smaller house he raises his hand knocking and it quickly slides open revealing a dark-skinned Twi’lek.
“I’m here to see Gor Koresh.” He says and the doorman steps aside holding his hand out.
“Enjoy the fights.”
The shouts and cheers grow louder as the three enter the underground fight club, benches filled with people shouting out at the fighters, two Gamorreans wielding vibro-axes as they fight to win. The Mandalorian makes his way to the front row seeing the Abyssin he was meant to me, Gor Koresh. Sitting down in front beside him as the girl takes a seat as well.
“You know this is no place for children,” Koresh says looking at the small child in the pram before glancing over at the girl who could only look over sixteen.
“Wherever I go, they go.” The Mandalorian says and Koresh chuckles having heard the rumors. “So I’ve heard.”
“I’ve been quested to bring them to their kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I’m told you know where to find them.” The Mandalorian states his business as Koresh watches the fight, not all interested in listening at the moment.
“It’s uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.” He says watching the Gamorreans fighting one of them gaining the advantage as the crowd cheers, “Bah! My Gamorrean’s not doing well. Kill him! Finish him!”
Koresh glances over at Mando who wasn’t watching the fight but staring at him, “Do you gamble, Mando?”
“Not when it can be avoided.” The Mandalorian responds making the Abyssin laugh.
“Well, I’ll bet you the information you seek that this Gamorrean’s going to die within the next minute and a half. And all you have to put up in exchange is your shiny beskar armor.” He points at the one fighter that looks to be winning, the bet not in his favor.
“I’m prepared to pay you for the information. I’m not leaving my fate up to chance.” The bounty hunter retorts
“Nor am I.” A blaster fires at the one Gamorrean it falls dead the crowd is shocked many of them fleeing as blasters from Koresh’s associates come out aimed at the Mandalorian and the girl whose hand rest on her blaster. “Thank you for coming to me. Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells. Beskar’s value continues to rise. I’ve grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now or I will peel it off your corpse.” He mocks him laughing.
“Tell me where the Mandalorians are and I’ll walk outta here without killing you.” The hunter says not caring he was at gunpoint.
“I thought you said you weren’t a gambler…” Koresh retorts reminding him of his earlier statement
“I’m not.” Whistling bird fires from his wrist temporarily blinding Koresh’s thugs. The Mandalorian pushes the child away, the pram closing protecting him as the girl throws out her hands disarming the blasters from the thugs and sending them flying back. The surviving Gamorrean lunges at Mandalorian but misses and crashes on a wooden bench. The doorman from earlier and a Zabrak man grab the Mandalorian to restrain him but he breaks free knocking one of them out the other pulls out a knife and he shoots them. The girl dodges out of the way from a knife headed towards her holding her hand up the knife freezing in place as she whips around sending the knife flying back into one of her opponents. Kicking the black curly-haired alien in the chest making him crash into the benches and she pulls out her blaster shooting him in the chest after pulling the trigger twice.
With his associates either incapacitated or killed, Koresh attempts to flee from the Mandalorian rushing up the stairs and soon the chase begins. Reaching the outside running under the streetlights when his movements are frozen in place, the girl appears in front of him holding her hand out as he is paralyzed in place. She drops her hand and a grappling line wraps around his legs knocking him to the ground. Trying to scramble forward but is dragged back by the Mandalorian who throws the wire over a lamppost hanging him upside down and tying the end on the pole as he sways upside down.
“All right, stop, stop! I’ll tell you where he is,” He begs, waving his hands out, “But you must promise that you won’t kill me.”
“I promise you will not die by my hand. Now, where is the Mandalorian you know of?” The Mandalorian agrees, stepping towards him.
Koresh groans revealing the location, “Tatooine.” The location was familiar to the girl having been raised there.
“What?” The girl speaks up for the first time,
“The Mando I know of is on Tatooine,” Koresh explains and the Mandalorian shakes his head.
“I’ve spent much time on Tatooine. I never saw a Mandalorian there.”
“My information is good, I tell you. The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra.” Koresh promises the name of the town striking deep in the girl beside the bounty hunter.
“Tatooine it is, then.” The Mandalorian says turning and beginning to walk away the two children follow after him and Koresh struggles in his binds having no upper body strength to free himself.
“Wait, Mando! You can’t leave me like this. Cut me down!”
The Mandalorian glances back at him further away from the light pole, “That wasn’t part of the deal.” Firing at the light darkness covers Koresh and red eyes appear in the dark swarming their prey.
“Wait, what are you doing? Mando! I can pay! Mando! Mando!” Koresh's screams fill the air as the animals tear through him. Their destination is known…Mos Pelgo, Tatooine.
“Cinarin gar tracy’uur,” (Clean your blaster) Din calls out heading towards the cockpit the words of his creed thick on his tongue. Your travels had taken you all over the galaxy trying to find out more about the child and yourself. The information given by Moff Gideon and the Armorer had sent you in a spiral questioning your family and who you were. Din as your newly appointed father to take your mind off those very pressing thoughts began to teach you. You and the child were foundlings, they were meant to be trained until he either returned you to your kind...the Jedis if there were any around or you would come of age. You had only a year until you could decide whether to leave to live your own life or if you wanted to join the Children of the Watch. This meant you would learn of the Mandalorian’s ways, how to think like a Mandalorian, how to fight, and also how to speak.
“I don’t know what cina-ren means?” You call out your pronunciation of the word shaky, you had recognized the last words though. You had learned basic things that seemed relevant to you, blaster, knife, mainly Mando’a of weapons but the more normal words and phrases you were still learning.
“Cina-rin” He enunciates the word for you, “Cinarin means clean. You should always be checking your blaster before a mission. I saw it jammed out there.” Din says as you join him and the child in the cockpit as he puts in the coordinates to Tatooine. Your face flushes with embarrassment he had seen that.
“Fine okay I’ll cinarin it.” You say using the word in Mando’a and you see the look he gives you before facing forward.
“Mir’sheb.” (smartass) He mumbles and you look away from cleaning your blaster.
“What did you say?” You say and he doesn’t look back speaking quickly as the Crest jolt enters hyperspace, “Nothing.”
“Ner gai cuyir y/n. Ni cuy' teh Tatooine.” (My name is y/n. I am from Tatooine) Din says as he watches you try to learn the language.
“N-ner…gaai curiyr…y/n. Ni cuy’ teh Tatooine,” You stumble over some words repeating them back slowly the slight accent of Mando’a slipping away when you say ‘Tatooine’ in Basic. You groan leaning back as the child watched the two of you with interest. Maker this whole language was complicated, “Why did this language have to be so complicated, just saying a word wrong gives a whole different meaning.”
“You just need practice, you can’t just learn Mando’a in a few weeks,” Din says turning back in his seat and you continue mumbling in your seat.
“Easy for you to say you practically grew up on the language. Besides, it’s hard to learn a language when I can’t even see how I should be shaping my lips with that helmet on.” You scoff and silence fills the air knowing you hit a sensitive subject, “I’m sorry…I know how much your Creed means to you.” Din is quiet his hands clutching the controls a bit tighter hearing your comment. He couldn’t be mad at you, for learning a new language and not being able to see his face and how to correctly pronounce the words were going to be difficult. So all he could do was give his best criticism which still didn’t help but he was doing his best as well he had learned Mando’a with other foundlings so it came fast for him unlike you learning all alone.
“It’s fine…” He says looking forward as the ship jolts out of hyperspace to the desert planet before them, “It’s not easy learning a new language..and you’re doing better than most foundlings learning. Your pronunciation is better them some of the most fluent Mandalorians.” His words did cheer your guilty mood the compliment warming your chest. Din could tell it worked as he could feel the confidence and happiness radiating off you as he flew down the open dunes with the occasional Tuskan Raider as they grew close to Mos Eisley landing in Peli Motto’s hangar bay. The ramp opens up the three of you exit the ship ready for your next mission as the pit droids scamper to the ship and you hear the female’s voice
“All right. Hey, hey, hey! Sorry, gang. Come on. You know he doesn’t like droids.” She scolds the droids who make sad chittering noises.
“May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once-over.” Din gives them the all-clear surprise on Peli’s face.
“Oh! So he likes droids now. Well, you heard him. Give it a once-over.” She claps her hands and the pit droids run to the ship starting to work on the Crest. “I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos… Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing has had me worried sick. Come here, you little womp rat.” She spots the child in Din’s satchel coming forward grabbing the child and stroking his ears as the child coos, 
“Looks like it remembers me. How much do you want for it? Just kidding. But not really. You know, if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring.” The sound of air hissing and you look over seeing the droids tangled with a coil spewing out air, “Hey! Oh, jeez! Watch what you’re doing up there. He barely trusts your kind. You want to give all droids a bad name? Thank you!”
“I’m here on business. I need your help.” Din asks and Peli nods,
“Oh, then, business, you shall have. Care for me to watch this wrinkled critter while you seek out adventure?” She offers and Din refuses,
“I’ve been quested to bring them back to their kind.” Not fully explaining the history of you two. To the child, it looked like he was from a different planet, but to you, it looked like you could fit in here and you did as a child born here.
“Oh, wow,” Peli chuckles and returns the child to Din, “I can’t help you there. I’ve never seen any like it. And trust me, I’ve seen all shapes and sizes in this town.”
“A Mandalorian Armorer has set me on my path. If I can locate another of my kind, I can chart a path through the network of coverts.” Din explains as Peli thinks,
“You’ve been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell.” She says and Din nods bringing up the information you had learned from Koresh.
“Where is Mos Pelgo? I’m told there’s one there.”
“Oh. Boy, I haven’t heard that name in a while.” Peli says rubbing her chin.
“It’s not on any of the maps.” Din brings up and Peli sighs,
“Because it was wiped out by bandits. Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I didn’t dare leave the city walls. Still don’t.” You agree with her sentiments the second the empire had fallen all hell broke loose resulting in the death of your parents. You were lucky to make it out alive and soon you left the city walls traveling the dunes of the desert planet for a new life.
“Can you tell me where it used to be?”
“Depends who’s asking. You want to see it?” She says before yelling out, “R-five! Bring the map of Tatooine.” An astromech droid rolls over appearing from the office, “No, take your time. Seriously. You just can’t get good help anymore. I don’t even know who to complain to. Let’s go, let’s go. Waiting. Okay. This is a map of Tatooine before the war. You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and up around this region, Mos Pelgo.” She points at the cities on the map of the planet the droid brought up before pointing to space.
“I don’t see anything,” Din says and Peli nods that being the point,
“Well, it’s there. Or at least, it used to be. Not much to speak of. It’s an old mining settlement. They’re going to see that big hunk o’ metal long before you land.”
“You still have that speeder bike?” He asks and Peli nods pointing over outside the hangar,
“Sure do. It’s a little rusty, but I got it.”
The journey to the forgotten settlement had taken them a few days, sitting behind Din as he drove with the child in the bag on the side of the bike. The winds blew across your face, using part of your cloak to protect your face from the sand from getting into your nose and mouth a pair of goggles over your eyes. The dual suns beat down on you though the wind cools you off. Nights spent around a campfire you would make or one night with having encountered Tusken Raiders before they could attack Din thankfully understood them. The night had been quite pleasant as you listen to their stories as Din translated before falling asleep under the stars. Your journey continued through open dunes or large rocky canyons, as you enter a flare desert plain further on the horizon you could see the shape of a town. Din slowly rides through the town the people making their way through the town many giving looks not expecting visitors. Their homes are practically huts as he comes up to a cantina parking the bike as the two of you get off him leaving the child in the pack. The people watch the three strangers enter their town moving to the cantina.
“Din I gotta tell you something about Mos Pelgo,” You say as he enters the cantina you following after him. The establishment is empty only a single bartender there polishing glass to get rid of the dust,
“Can this wait until after we get more information about the Mandalorian?” Din says stepping towards the counter and leaving the conversation as you sigh stepping into the cantina and removing your cloak from covering your face. The Weequay bartender looks at Din as he puts a glass down.
“Can I help you?” He says looking over Din and examining his armor.
“I’m looking for a Mandalorian.” He asks and the bartender gives him a look,
“Well, we don’t get many visitors in these parts. Can you describe him?”
“Someone who looks like me.”
He thinks for a bit focusing on Din before he glances past him and he looks at you his eyes widening. “Y/n…is that really you?” He says and Din looks at you.
“Taanti hey…how are you.” You greet the bartender who rounds the bar he towers over you slightly taking into your appearance with shock.
“How am I? You were the one that went missing, it’s been how long. You had the Marshal tearing apart Tatooine looking for you.” Taanti says and you wince hearing the reference to the Marshal. It had been months since you had been kidnapped and taken from here before you had met Din and this whole journey began.
“The Marshal? Kid what’s he talking about.” Din gives you a look as you open your mouth trying to explain yourself but Taanti cuts you off,
“The Marshal will be looking like you.”
“Your Marshal wears Mandalorian armor?” Din says still looking at you wanting an explanation.
“See for yourself,” Taanti says motioning at the doorway and you both turn seeing the man in a set of Mandalorian armor though scuffed and not as pristine as Din’s was. His figure cast a large shadow from the sunlight outside bleeding inside. The man you were quite familiar with, after all, he taught you everything you needed to know to protect yourself. Cobb Vanth.
“Y/n…” He whispers you can hear the shock in his voice as he steps towards you before looking past you at the other man dressed in shiny Mandalorian armor.
“What brings you here, stranger?” He says entering the cantina.
“I’ve been searching for you for many parsecs,” Din says and Cobb nods holding his hands out,
“Well, now, you found me and you returned my daughter,” You can hear Din’s neck snap over looking at you the shock clear even through the beskar helmet.
“Daughter..” Din’s voice is stiff and Cobb taps his hand on the bar,
“Yes, Weequay, two snorts of spotchka. Why don’t you join me for a drink? I hope this is a suitable reward.” He says grabbing the two cups and the bottle of spotchka. You could feel Din’s gaze burning into your skin as your gaze is glued to the ground.
“Mando-” He instantly cuts you off his voice harsh, “Gar cuyir shev'la” (You are silent) Your mouth snaps shut looking away as Cobb looks at the two of you taking a seat at one of the tables removes his helmet, and adding another shock to Din. Cobb pours himself a drink throwing it back,
“I’ve never met a real Mandalorian. Heard stories. I know you’re good at killing. And probably none too happy to see me wearing this hardware. So… I figure only one of us walking out of here. But then I see the little guy…and you got my kid…and I think, maybe I pegged you wrong.” Cobb says and you look behind and standing by close to you is the child who is looking up at you with wide eyes.
“Who are you?” Din’s voice is cold and sharp. He couldn’t believe the words coming out of this man…this fraud’s mouth. His daughter…his kid. He was your buir and you were his ad. The two of you don’t even look remotely alike and then there was you who wasn’t even trying to reject the words coming out of this man’s mouth. The rage building in his chest. His title of clan leader threaten at the thought of losing a clan member made Din sick to his stomach but also full of rage.
“I’m Cobb Vanth, Marshal of Mos Pelgo.” Cobb introduces himself with a grin.
“No who are you to her.” Din barely glances at you and you felt part of your chest strain. Cobb looks over at you, his face softening looking over you. It had been months and you had already looked so old so mature, not the scrawny kid he knew you as.
“A troublemaker I ran into years ago…took her under my wing and looked after her if she was my own. Orphan no parents so I became one for her.” Cobb explains and your gaze meets Cobb’s fatherly gaze looking at you and Din’s emotions were about to explode.
“Where did you get the armor?” Din grits his teeth as Cobb responds, “Bought it off some Jawas.”
“Hand it over.” Cobb laughs at the comment giving you a look as if he was serious but when you don’t return the sentiments he straightens up rising from his seat.
“Look, pal, I’m sure you call the shots where you come from, but ’round here, I’m the one telling folks what to do.” Cobb rests his hands on his belt and you see Din’s hand twitch beside his blaster.
“Take it off. Or I will.” Din says coldly and Cobb gives him a look.
“We gonna do this in front of the kids?”
“They’ve seen worse,” Din says glancing at the two kids and then back at Cobb.
“Right here, then?” Cobb says as a last warning his hand hovering over his blaster.
“Right here,” Din responds and you felt helpless to stop the impending fight but a tremor shakes the building stopping the potential fight. Cobb quickly walks outside the two of you following after as the klaxons blare an alarm, villagers scurry away from the sands rushing to their homes that are on platforms. Further, in the distance, you can see the sands moving as a creature you had seen before swims under the sands. The krayt dragon goes straight through the middle of the town the sands moving stray items and it disappears under the ground silence filling the air before its mouth shoots out from the ground devouring a Bantha that was drinking water from the nearby trough.
“Maybe we can work something out,” Cobb says looking over at Din who hadn’t expected the monster. The three of you walk through the street as the residents begin repairing any damage, you could feel the looks and hear the whispers as the people of Mos Pelgo recognize the girl who had been practically the daughter of their Marshal. “That creature’s been terrorizing these parts since long before Mos Pelgo was established. Thanks to this armor, I’ve been able to protect this town from bandits and Sand People. They look to me to protect ’em. But a krayt dragon is too much for me to take on alone. Help me kill it, I’ll give you the armor.” Cobb explains and Din nods wanting the armor and to get as far away from this man as possible.
“Deal. I’ll ride back to the ship, blow it out of the sand from the sky, and use the bantha as bait.” Din says and Cobb warns him
“Not so simple. The ship passes above, it senses the vibrations and stays underground. But I know where it lives.” He offers and Din looks over at you before back at Cobb,
“How far?” “Not far.”
Din, the child, and yourself grab the speeder meeting Cobb in front of his home…well yours. The memories of your years alone, two tiring years fighting to survive on this planet with only your wits. You had stumbled upon Mos Pelgo running away from a group of bandits after they caught you trying to steal in Mos Espa. You had escaped from them in the city but with nerves, you stole a speeder and drove straight into the desert. You weren’t sure if it was luck or some meaning for you to stubble upon Mos Pelgo but you had survived the vast deserts. You thought your stay here was going to be short, take some credits and food, then hotwire a speeder and be off again until you were caught by the town’s Marshal. Instead of throwing you in jail or worst, he took you under his wing, and for the first time since losing your parents, you had somewhere to call home. A roof over your head, food on the table, and someone that looked over you..and raised you to be the young woman you were now.
“Kiddo!” Cobb’s voice draws you from your thoughts and you look past Din on the bike seeing him on his modified podracer and beside him a speeder bike that was still in good condition, the same bike you had arrived in so many years ago. “Thought you might want your own ride.” Before Din could counter you’re already off his speeder moving to your own your hands lightly tracing the details. It was probably one of the other things you could call yours, it had been modified and crafted all by your own hands with the help of Cobb and the wisdom your father had told you as a child when fixing smaller droids or tech.
“You kept my bike…” You say looking at Cobb with shock and he nods as if it was obvious.
“It’s a decent speeder, wasn’t going to get rid of it when you returned.” He says and you pick on the wording at the end, he said when not if. He had faith you would come back following your disappearance. The rumble of the speeder from Din makes you look back at the intimidating Mandalorian watching the display his veins filled with disgust.
“We should go,” Cobb says and you nod slinging your leg over the speeder looking feeling familiar as you turn on the bike the engine makes a roar before growing silent with a low hum; a feature you added taking away the normally loud sound of the engine. The bike glides over the sands the dunes passing by you with a flash the wind blowing through your hair and you couldn’t wipe the grin off your face. You were ahead of Cobb and Din being told the general direction as the bike goes over a dune getting some air before hitting the ground and speeding forward. The two men hear the laughter you let out as you ride through the dunes.
“You don’t understand what it was like. The town was on its last legs. It started after we got news of the Death Star blowing up. The second one, that is. The Empire was pullin’ outta Tatooine. There was blaster fire over Mos Eisley kid lost her parents then. The occupation was over. We didn’t even have time to celebrate. That very night, the Mining Collective moved in. Power hates a vacuum and Mos Pelgo became a slave camp overnight.” Cobb says over to Din whose gaze is glued to the girl in front of him. He hadn’t known exactly how you had lost your parents but he was learning more about it. You could have only been twelve when your parents left you. “I lit out. Took what I could from the invaders. Grabbed a camtono. I had no idea it was full of silicax crystals. I guess every once in a while, both suns shine on a womp rat’s tail. I wandered for days. No food, no water. And then… I was saved. The Jawas wanted the crystals. They offered their finest in exchange. And my treasure bought me more than a full waterskin. It bought my freedom.”
Cobb speeds his speeder forward so he could match with you leaving Din behind as he thinks about what Cobb said and the new information he learned. The three of you enter a canyon riding through it when howls echo throughout the canyon making you stop the bikes. Appearing from around the bend is a pack of massiffs the dangerous hunters that can tear apart any man if they aren’t careful.
You watch Din climb off his bike stepping forward as you and Cobb pull out your blasters. He makes a growling noise similar to the massiffs as they stalk closer to the Mandalorian. “What the hell you doin’?” Cobb says as one massiff comes forward and Din strokes the head of it petting it. The shouts of Tusken Raiders as they appear as well and Din speaks Tusken to them signing as well and they respond as well. “Hey, partner, you want to tell me what’s going on?” Cobb asks and Din turns to face the two of you
“They want to kill the krayt dragon, too.”
Seated around a fire the Tuskan Raiders speak to Din as you sat by the fire with the child who watches the massiff laying in the sand beside them. One of the raiders being their chief holds outs out two black melons, you accept the drink having already tried it during your first encounter with them. While the taste wasn’t appealing it was their only source of water so you didn’t complain. Cobb on the other hand looked at the item confused.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” He says and you crack the melon open taking a sip from it the bitter taste hitting your tongue.
“You drink it.” You say and he cracks his open taking a smell leaning back in disgust holding it away from him.
“It stinks.” He says repulsed by it.
“Do you want their help?” Din says to him and Cobb is reluctant, “Not if I have to drink this.”
The Tusken chieftain speaks to Din who translates to the two of you mainly aimed at Cobb “He says your people steal their water and now you insult them by not drinking it. They know about Mos Pelgo. They know how many Sand People you killed.”
“They raided our village. I defended the town.” Cobb raises his voice and you see the Tuskens growing agitated.
“Lower your voice.” Din snaps at him.
“I knew this was a bad idea.” Cobb throws the black melon on the ground and the chief shouts at him in Tusken and you stand up as well with them.
“You’re agitating them.” “Cobb stop it.”
Cobb points at the raiders hissing at them, “These monsters can’t be reasoned with. Sit back down before I put a hole through ya! I’m not going to say it-” He pulls out his blaster as the Tuskens stand up grabbing their weapons. Flames shoot out into the air silencing them as Din turns to the chief speaking to him
“What are you telling them?” Cobb asks and you hold your arm out in front of him from attacking the Tuskens.
“Same thing I’m telling you. If we fight amongst ourselves, the monster will kill us all. Now, how do we kill it?” Din says and the tension is thick and hard for the night to continue as sleep came unease for you with the thought of another fight breaking out. At daybreak, you returned on the speeders and the Tuskens on their Banthas before you reached where the krayt dragon's cave.
Watching from a cliffside as a lone Tusken and his steed ride to the cave. You watch Din listen to the Tusken translating while he speaks, “They say it lives in there. They say it sleeps. It lives in an abandoned sarlacc pit.” He points at the mouth of the pit that is known for sarlacc to occupy.
“Lived on Tatooine my whole life. There’s no such thing as an abandoned sarlacc pit.” Cobb says looking down at the pit and shaking his head.
“There is if you eat the sarlacc,” Din says looking through his macrobinoculars before passing it to you. You watch as the lone raider ties the bantha to a stake, “They’re laying out a bantha to protect the settlement. They’ve studied its digestion cycle for generations. They feed the dragon to make it sleep longer. Watch, the dragon will appear.” Din says. Silence fills the air as the Tusken hollers out to the dragon quickly running away the ground rumbles as you watch the krayt dragon emerges from the sand expecting it to go for the sacrifice but devours the Tusken Raider leaving the bantha retreating into its cave.
You look over at the raiders who look fearful turning to Din, “They might be open to some fresh ideas.” You opine lowering the binoculars.
Drawn in the sand using rocks and bones to create a plan as the Tuskens speak to Din.
“What are the bones?” Cobb points at the very large bones.
“That’s the krayt dragon,” Din says and Cobb points over to the small little rocks beside the bone.
“And those little rocks?” “That’s us.”
Cobb shakes his head in disbelief, “It’s not to scale.”
“I think it is.” You say while you had only seen the mouth of the dragon you could only imagine how long the body was.
“Can’t be. That’s too big.” Cobb says and Din listens to the Raiders making gestures before turning back to the two of you, “It’s to scale.”
“I’ve only seen its head and neck,” Cobb says holding his hand to his head feeling faint at the thought of the large creature they would have to kill.
“It’s bigger I guessed.” You say trying to interpret the Tuskens’ plan.
“Might be time to rethink our arrangement,” Cobb says as Din listens to their plan, and with the small pebbles representing you more are added in.
“That’s more like it. Where are they getting the reinforcements?” Cobb asks and Din looks over at him, “I volunteered your village.”
The four of you ride back to Mos Pelgo Cobb unhappy to be working with the Tusken clan, “They attacked us less than a year ago. Killed half a dozen of us by the mining camp. I’d say I took down about twice as many Tuskens.”
Din looks over at Cobb as you grow closer to Mos Pelgo, “The town respects you. My guess is, they’ll listen to reason.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.“
The empty cantina is filled with every one of Mos Pelgo, yourself, Din with the child, and Cobb standing in the front of the village. Everyone talks to themselves you can see them glance your way before the recognition crosses their face.
“This here is a Mandalorian.” Cobb calls attention to the crowd and points to Din who steps forward slightly, “You know what that means?”
“We’ve heard the stories,” Taanti speaks up,
“Then you know how good they are at killing,” Cobb says, “Now, this one’s got a problem. I got a suit o’ salvaged armor and the Mandalorian creed says it’s his to take.” The crowd murmurs not appealing that their Marshal losing his armor as Cobb continues speaking.
“But I’ve got a problem, too. A krayt dragon has been peeling off our pack animals, and sometimes, taking our mining haul with it. It’s just a matter of time before it grows tired of banthas and goes after a couple of you townsfolk, or even, so help us, the school.” The crowd grows louder at the thought of the children being hurt, “As much as I’ve grown fond of the armor, I’m even more fond of this town. The Mandalorian is willing to help us slay the leviathan in exchange for returning the armor to its ancestral owners.”
“Well, that settles it.” Someone in the crowd says having a Mandalorian help in the fight would keep their town safe.
“There’s more…” Cobb says and the people quiet down, “We can’t take on the krayt alone…and the Sand People are willing to help.”
The cantina is in an instant uproar all of them shouting insults towards the Tuskens, ”They raid our mines!” “They’re monsters!” “Over my dead body!”
“I’ve seen the size of that thing, it will swallow your entire town when the fancy hits it. You’re lucky Mos Pelgo isn’t a sand field already.” Din speaks up looking over the crowd trying to appease them, “I know these people. They are brutal. But so is the Dune Sea. They’ve survived for thousands of years in these sands and they know the krayt dragon better than anyone here. They are raiders, it’s true. But they also keep their word. We have struck a deal. If we are willing to leave them the carcass and its ichor, they will stand by our side in battle and vow never to raise a blaster against this town until one of you breaks the peace.” The crowd seems hesitant many of them are upset with the idea of partnering with the same people that would raid and have probably killed many of the people they knew.
The meeting ended with the plan for you to prepare at dawn with Tuskens and travel over to the krayt dragon’s cave. Many people went off to their own some staying behind to speak to Cobb or get a drink, but you were surprised to have many people come to you speaking to you.
“You had everyone worried sick when no one could find you, Marshal went everywhere he knew you might run off to.” Milla one of the older women of the town says cupping your face something she would do normally as she scolds you. “You look so old now, you’re not some skinny little thief from before.” She pinches your cheeks and you pull away only to be grabbed by another elder as she holds your arms out.
“Look at all these scars on you, what have you been doing with a Mandalorian?” She gives Din an accusing look from across the room and you finally free yourself.
“It’s a really long story,” You say rubbing the back of your neck and you see them giving you a look that shows they had time.
“Kid, K’olar.” (Kid, come here) You hear Din call out and you look over seeing him standing by the doorway the child in his satchel. You give a faint smile to the elders before slipping past them and coming over to Din.
“Thank the maker I was going to be with them all nigh-hey!” You yelp when he grabs your arm pulling you out of the cantina, it was less busy out here than in there allowing you privacy.
“When were you going to tell me you had somewhere to go back to?” He says and you could feel the anger coming through the modulated helmet.
“I didn’t think it was important… besides we have more pressing things to worry about than this,” You say and you can tell your words were only making him more upset.
“Not important? You have a life here! People who know you…a fath-” He cuts his words short looking away and you pick up the disgust in the word father…was he talking about Cobb?
“You mean Cobb?” You ask and he’s still, “Sure he looked after me but he wasn’t…I mean. I don’t know! Why does any of this matter?!” You throw your hands in the air, sure he took care of you after everything but could you call him your father?
“Because you already have one!” He shouts and silence fills the two of you, the child shrinking back into the satchel seeing the two of you argue. “You have a clan…you have a vod,” (brother) He points down to the child and then to himself, “You have a buir. (father) If you are meant to be Mandalorian you don’t betray your clan.”
“Who said I wanted to be a Mandalorian!” You shout and he takes a step back your words cutting through his beskar, “I had a normal life before all of this, and now I have so many responsibilities and people after me. I don’t even know who I am anymore?!”
“Everything alright.” A voice calls out and the two of you look over to make matters worse it was Cobb standing there, while he couldn’t see the expression on Din’s face he could clearly see the frustration in yours.
“Everything’s fine.” You say pushing away from Din hurrying past Cobb as well, your leg is swinging over your speeder, and before Din could realize you’re peeling away from Mos Pelgo.
“Kid!” Din starts to go after you when an arm stops him from moving forward.
“Let her go, give her time to cool off. You’ll only make things worse.” Cobb says and Din smacks away Cobb’s arm but doesn’t move to go after you only seeing her speeding off into the quickly arriving dusk.
The twin suns set behind you the stars soon appearing in the night sky as it was almost muscle memory traveling through the dunes. The winds whipping your hair back flying past creatures searching for their next meal, quick guidance with the bike through the canyons. Crossing the Mesra plateaus and entering the normally dangerous Jundland Waste the destination you were after had made the trip originally a day’s journey to a few hours. The old hut on top of the canyon came closer stopping your speeder in front of it and climbing off. The place has been abandoned for years since the destruction of the first death star, it was said when you found yourself in Mos Pelgo and words in Mos Elisey as well that a man had lived in this home. Someone from before the rise of the empire… said that he had gifts and properties that no ordinary man could do. The man who lived in this home was rumored to be a knight of the republic…sworn by his religion and oath..he was said to be a Jedi.
You had heard rumors about the jedi from what Cobb and anyone at Mos Pelgo could tell you and the fact that Luke Skywalker was a jedi as well from Tatooine it was only a coincidence that this other jedi was on Tatooine. Cobb had learned of your gifts a few months into meeting him, you had expected him to turn you in or something worse. However, he taught you many things, to hunt, to fight, and just like your father made you keep your gifts a secret. You learned many things about what you were, the jedi and sith, the force, and the republic from him. When you learned the news about this rumored jedi that lived out in the Jundland you had begged Cobb to take you there, but he refused. The area begin dangerous for someone your age and he was Marshal as well, he couldn’t just leave to go searching for a man’s home that probably didn’t exist. You were determined to find it, taking your speeder leaving in the night taking the directions of what the locals said it was meant to be. Any normal person would have gotten lost or worse killed, but you had to thank that feeling for reaching out to guide you until just as you had now stumbled upon the old hut on top of the canyon.
Pushing the door a loud creak from the rusted metal as you slip inside, the lanterns you had left spread across the home, lighting one of them moving around to give light to the whole home. It was small which made sense for someone living on their own. When you had first arrived you barricaded yourself inside so no raiders or creatures tried making their way inside. The place looked frozen in time objects left in place and dust covering the place. Now it had been slightly cleaned up with a small layer of dust given the fact you haven’t been back in months.
You had explored the entire place planning to stay the night before returning to Mos Pelgo, you had expected something more exciting but it just looked like a regular home. It wasn’t until you stumbled across a trapdoor hidden underneath a rug you opened it though struggled at first prying the heavy metal door up. Dust floats in the air the light catching it as you climb down taking in the cellar. There were the normal things, storage of items, the power generator, and a tank for the water but in the corner a large workbench with a chest beside it. Painted with dust your fingers wiped away to reveal the text written in basic and other older languages. Records and personal entries of the Jedi, of their history of them, to the time of the republic and the galactic wars. It was all in the books that you scoured over trying to understand all its histories and secrets and one of the books taught you of certain arts. The light and dark…the jedi and sith..the ways of the force.
That night you created the weapon of the jedi.
The texts this jedi had left to either return to but never did or for someone else to find, taught the ways and the tradition of building their weapon, to create a lightsaber. The chest beside the workbench contained everything the texts described as the ‘parts’ you would need to create your saber. The idea that each lightsaber for the jedi was custom and made by the user made the connection between saber and user even stronger. Finding more lanterns in the cellar to light up the workbench as you spent your night there working. You thought you had an idea what you were doing the instructions in the book beside you as you fused wires, creating the hilt, everything that would be needed. You had almost blown yourself up multiple times with the power cells and other parts but the saber was complete but one aspect was missing. The saber was only a weapon with a crystal inside, said to be a kyber crystal attuned to the force that with the proper energy can power the saber. You felt like a complete idiot, you went through all this for you to not have a crystal. Tossing the incomplete saber back on the table it knocks against your bag and out rolling a small pearl falling off the table. The pearl floats in mid-air your hand held out and the white pearl glows shifting color as you put it back on the table. Grabbing the pearl and examining the shifting in colors, you were gifted the krayt dragon pearl as a gift from Cobb for your fifteen birthday. It shines different colors before staying an orange shimmer. Looking back at texts reading the principles of the kyber crystal you thought ‘why the hell not’ and place the pearl inside the crystal chamber.
The saber is complete after working through the nights and falling asleep at some points. Standing up you hold the saber in your hands your fingers moving to the activator when the sound of a speeder comes from overhead. You freeze hearing the bike stop just outside the home. Leaving the cellar covering the trapdoor and you hear the sound of footsteps drawing closer to the door. You had nothing on you to defend yourself except a small knife and the saber that you weren’t sure was going to work. You weren’t given time to come up with a plan as the door opens and you activated the blade a large howling sound emitted from the blade as you hold it out to your enemy. Both you and Cobb were shocked at the appearance of each other, you weren’t expecting him here you thought it was raiders or tuskens and or Cobb he wasn’t expecting you holding the glowing orange saber pointed at him.
That had been 3 years ago and that secret had been kept between the two of you, you spent any free time returning to this hut to learn more about the Jedi and to practice with your saber. You felt safer keeping the objects here than in Mos Pelgo where they could be discovered or stolen by raiders. Opening the trapdoor and dropping down your lantern lighted the room and the workbench had been relatively clean except for dust. Moving towards the large metal chest you hold your hand out and it’s moving to the side and hidden in the wall is a small box. Kneeling grabbing the box you lean against the table opening it. Inside holding the books you had kept from and underneath an object wrapped in cloth. Pulling out the object and leaving the books in the box unwrapping it. The weapon looked as pristine as it did when you first constructed it, the open view of the pearl as it shimmers orange under the lantern. It melds in your hand, the weight distribution, and style exactly how you preferred. The saber and its user…perfect for one another.
The blade makes a howling sound igniting the orange blade it highlights your face. A low humming sound fills the air before you feel the presence of someone with you.
“y/n…” A voice whispers out and you whip around to the sound blade held out in front of you looking into the darkness to find no one there. “These are your first steps.” The voice echoes out in the room and you look around trying to find a ghost coming up empty. The blade retreats into the hilt and you clip it to your belt, grabbing the box holding the texts and the lantern going over to the ladder, glancing at the workshop before climbing out of the cellar and leaving the home putting the box in the bag attached to your speeder you climb on setting off back to Mos Pelgo. The home goes out of view as the ghost of a man watches the speeder fade over the horizon he crosses his arms his robes flowing with his movements as he turns disappearing into the hut.
The moon was high in the sky it was late at night when you return to Mos Pelgo your speeder quietly cruising through the town before you park the bike in front of Cobb’s home. Avoiding the main door moving to the back of the home finding the window cracked open as you push it further, tossing your bag inside you climb inside landing on the ground silently. Your room was in the same condition as you left it that night. Your few extra clothes lay on the dresser your bed unmade but it looked like an ordinary room, nothing of your items left. You didn’t have anything to call your own, except what you had on your body or in the bag. The sound of footsteps makes you freeze until you hear a voice,
“You should get some rest Mando, Y/n is fine where she at,” Cobb says and your heart cracks slightly. You had been gone for hours and while you expected everyone to be asleep he was still awake. Your mind goes back to the fight and the words spoken on each side.
“I’m fine worry about yourself.” Din spits back and you move closer to your door pressing your ear against it. You hear Cobb step away moving towards his own room but pausing turning back.
“You care about her deeply I can see that…” Cobb speaks up and Din makes no response, “I care about her too…but she deserves a life outside of this. But I’m not the person who can provide a better chance for her…she’s someone special.” It’s quiet outside and you hear Cobb says his farewell retreating to his room you step away from the door sitting down on your bed.
You are far more important to me than anything in the galaxy. I know more about you than you know about yourself…you have a much more important role in this than you think you do. Information I know about you…your family…your bloodline can shift the roles. That can alter your dear Mandalorian’s Creed.
Tatooine may be where you were born but your blood, that is not. Features old but familiar…qualities of those from Mandalore.
Their words ring deeply in your head. What about your past made you so important? Sure you were force-sensitive but that was it, what were you that made you so important to Moff Gideon? Then there were the Armorer’s words, not a child of Tatooine but features of someone from Mandalore. You had no way to understand this information and you had no one to ask about your family, except Moff Gideon and you weren’t going anywhere near him.
Those thoughts plagued your mind until sleep pulled you under and your thoughts went silent. Dawn came quickly the sound of people outside woke you up. Sitting up in bed you rub the sleep out of your eyes and you hear shouts and the distinctive language that is the Tuskens. Looking out into the hall seeing neither Din nor Cobb in the home you go to the fresher doing your business and fixing yourself up. Returning to the room you grab your bag slinging it over your shoulder, holstering your knife and blaster you see your saber resting on the small table beside your bed. Clipping it to your belt you move out of the house seeing the people of Mos Pelgo moving munitions and explosives to the Tuskens who were strapping them to Banthas.
Din and Cobb stand watching the interaction of the people and the raiders, it was tense between them all. Both sides have lost people to each other so working together would be hard.
“Think it’ll work?” Cobb asks looking over at Din who scans the area.
“It better,” Din says watching one resident passing a shell to a raider, “Joining forces is their only hope.” They see the raider’s grasp on the explosive slip it hitting the sand.
“Hey! What are you doin’? That’s explosive. Are you trying to blow the whole place up?” The man yells at the Tusken who makes a response back that angers the villager more, “What? Is that what you want?”
Din and Cobb move to diffuse the situation when they see you slip in between the two arguing people. “Take it easy. It was an accident, okay?” You say looking at the villager before turning to the Tusken, “I’m sorry for him.” You sign very shaky Tusken but it seems it understands grunting before grabbing the shell. You can feel stares on your back you look back to see Din and Cobb watching you before you move to grab your speeder.
After loading the weapons you all with the Tusken Raiders and townsfolk travel towards the cave of the krayt dragon. Reaching the ridge that overlooks the cave, you all watch as a lone Raider moves towards the cave stopping and kneeling resting his hand against the sand before turning signing to the chieftain who speaks to Din.
“What’d he say?” Cobb asks as Din translate.
“He says it’s sleeping. If we listen carefully, we can hear it breathing.” While everyone tries listening in you could feel the vibrations of the ground deep in the sands rumble with each inhale and exhale it takes. Din signs to the Tuskens before facing you all. “Let’s get to work.” The Tuskens and townsfolk start working on the plan while the three of you with the chief watch, the child resting in the bag on Din’s speeder.
“The Tuskens say the belly is the only weak spot, so we have to hit it from below. First, we bury the charges at the opening of the cave. Then, we wake it up. We have to get it angry enough to charge. Once it’s far enough out and the belly is above the explosives, you hit the detonator.” Din says pointing out at the large horseshoe-shaped pit they dug out that was going to be filled with enough explosives that should kill it off. Jo comes over to Cobb handing off the detonator,
“Careful, Marshal.” She says and Cobb nods accepting the device, “Thank you, Jo. And you stay safe.”
The townsfolk and Raiders stand in the open sands at the cave their weapons and defense ready while you, Cobb, Din, and the child watch from the ridge.
Three Tuskens approach the cave the tension high as they make war cries summoning the dragon to awaken. They quickly flee the cave as the ground begins to shake underneath you all and appearing from the sand is the krayt dragon it lets out a roar rushing forward to attack. The Tuskens fire their ballistae which pierces the krayt’s hide but it’s no use as it begins to retreat into the cave.
“Dank farrik, it’s going back in. It’s retreating.” Din says as the Tusken tries pulling the creature further out to no avail.
“I’m going to hit it.” Cobb’s finger rest above the large button and Din shakes his head,
“No, wait. We only have one shot. We’ve gotta get it out.” The townsfolk and Tusken fire their blasters and hurl objects in an effort to lure the creature out. The raiders pull on the ropes to further bring the beast out when it roars vomit spewing from its mouth and you watch as it hits the raiders their bodies burning from the acid killing them.
“Now?” Cobb asks as the people of his town and the raiders run away as the krayt begins advancing further out.
“Not yet. It’s gotta come out further. Almost, almost.” The creature moves further out before being right above the explosives, “Now!”
Cobb ignites the explosives a loud explosion fills the air as the krayt dragon falls back into the sands it grows quiet as the settlers and Tusken approach the blast site to find the remains.
“I don’t think it’s dead.” You call out when nothing appears to be dead,
“Me either,” Din says as a large tremor shakes the sands and emerges from the top of a hill the rocks destroyed falling as it roars spewing more vomit on the Tuskens and settlers.
“It’s picking us off like womp rats. Let’s get after it!” Cobb says moving to his speeder grabbing his helmet and his blaster while Din grabs his rifle.
“Din!” “You stay with the child.” Din points at you quickly taking off with Cobb towards the mountaintop. Looking through the binoculars seeing the two of them shooting at the creature narrowly missing and consuming them as they fly back down onto the sands with the villages.
“This ain’t doing a thing!” Cobb says as they look around for the krayt that disappeared back into the mountain. The creature appears from the sand the two of them shoot at it,
“Just keep shooting. There he is.” Din says firing his rifle reloading and looking over at Cobb, “I’ve got an idea. Get its attention.”
His viewfinder drops in front of his helmet as he aims to fire a rocket it flies hitting the creature in the eye it screeches before turning and heading straight towards them. “I got its attention! Now what?”
The sound of a speeder kicks the sand up as you slide off it letting it rush forward the bike explodes in the creature’s face making it screech louder moving towards you faster.
“Kid!” Din yells his orders for you to stay with the child quickly thrown out the window.
“I’m not just standing aside while you fight this thing,” You yell looking over at Cobb and Din, “Cobb you still have that detonator?” You say coming up with a very shitty plan.
“Take it! What’s the plan?” Cobb passes it to you as you clip it onto your belt, you pull out your blaster firing at Cobb’s jetpack while holding your hand out. Cobb is sent flying into the air as Din’s rifle rips out of his hands into yours.
“Kid?!” “Ni'm Ni ceta Din.” (I’m sorry Din) You say shoving your hand out and his jetpack malfunctions sending him up into the air as well. Flipping the switch arming the explosives on the bantha steed that was tied up. The stake pulls from the sand and you hold your hand out holding the rope from letting the bantha from escaping as the creature draws closer.
Din and Cobb crash into the sand both of them standing quickly looking over right at the moment the krayt dragon swallows you and the Bantha whole disappearing underground.
“Y/n!” “Kid!” Both men scream out as silence fills the air. Din felt his heart get torn out and obliterated in front of him. He still couldn’t process how quickly you have been ripped away from him.
The settlers and raiders look around shocked at what they just witnessed when a small rumble vibrates the sands as the fight is not over when the krayt rips through the sand high in the air and it lets out a screech, appearing from the mouth you’re holding Din’s rifle electrocuting the monster as you sling the rifle onto your back, running up the practically vertical incline you throw yourself out of the mouth slamming your hand against the detonator. A large explosion underground sends a massive earthquake through the sands and rocks as the dragon explodes. You pull your saber from your belt igniting it and digging into the rocks as you slide down the rock it slows your rapid descent down the mountainside. You hit the ground rolling to release the momentum as you stand saber held out in front of you, as you’re covered in the green saliva that sticks to your body. A pin could drop as they look at this girl who finished off the krayt dragon but what drew all their attention even Din’s was the glowing saber in your hand.
The thought quickly left the rest of their minds as the townsfolk and Tuskens cheer, shout and war cries over the victory as you wipe the saliva from your face flicking your hand to the ground. Cobb and Din come over to you as the Tuskens make quickly work beginning to carve the creature for the meat and other resources. You lower the saber it retracting into the hilt as you clip it onto your belt. Din steps forward and you already start apologizing,
“I know I shouldn’t have done that but there was no time to explai-” You’re cut out and pulled into his chest as he holds your head close to his chest not caring the saliva was getting on him. This surprises you and Cobb as well who feels like he’s intruding on a moment. Din felt his breath stolen from him and quickly given back that he wasn’t sure how he was standing. You were real…you were in front of him.
“Ni vor entye gota'la par ner ad's oyay” Din mumbles so quickly that you could barely pick up any of the words he rushed in Mando’a. Din holds one hand on your upper back the other clutched within your hair though it doesn’t hurt you. You had expected him to be yelling at you scolding you for your actions but here he was hugging you as if his life depended on it. He pulls away holding your face quickly scanning over for any injuries. “Are you hurt, are you alright? Kid!” His voice shakes you out of your thoughts and you nod and his shoulders sag in relief.
“I thought you would be mad..?” You say.
“I’m more glad that you’re alright to be mad at you right now.” He says and you nod, you would get that scolding later but right now he was still riding that adrenaline of seeing you safe. He looks down at your belt and you follow knowing he was looking at the saber. You pull it off your belt holding it between the two of you, “I’ve never seen anything like it.” He says and you let him hold the saber looking over the details and seeing the open chamber showing the pearl inside.
“That’s a..”
“Krayt Dragon Pearl…yeah,” You whisper as he returns the saber to you, “I’m sorry about everything I said yesterday. I should have just told you everything from the beginning-”
“It’s fine kid,” He holds your arm making you look up at him, “What matters is that you’re alright.” You nod and he pulls you into his side the two of you watching the Raiders dig through the dragon before pulling out a similar pearl though this one is much bigger, almost the size of your head. Din could finally settle his rapid beating heart knowing you were safe back with him again.
Din places a large block of meat onto the side of the speeder bike the child eyeing a hunk of meat with hungry eyes. You stand beside Cobb who is stripped of the armor that is tied to the speeder.
“Sorry, I didn’t have time to explain.” You say and Cobb shakes his head resting a hand on your shoulder though quickly removes it feeling the saliva that coats you.
“It was risky, you’re lucky you made it out alive.” He says and you nod watching Din strap the final things to the speeder. “Well, I guess this is it…” He says and you turn to look at him.
“You think I was going to make you stay at Mos Pelgo? You got a larger purpose than that kiddo. And I’m sure you have someone who is going to raise you well.” He says he tried to sound strong but you could feel the hurt of knowing he was truly losing you. “You stay safe out there you hear me, Y/n.” You throw your arms around his shoulders pulling him into a tight hug which he doesn’t reject holding onto this last moment. You pull away and he swipes at your face a tear you hadn’t realized had fallen.
“Make me proud kiddo,” He says a smirk on his face and you nod moving towards the speeder as Din comes towards his side, “You keep her safe you hear me,” Cobb warns him a final warning to the Mandalorian and Din nods looking over at you smiling at the child stroking his ears.
“I always do.” He says before looking at the armor, “This was well-earned.”
Cobb nods holding his hand out, “It was my pleasure. I hope our paths cross again.”
Din accepts the hand firmly grasping it, “As do I.”
Din climbs onto the bike you following after him as Cobb watches you all, “Oh, and you tell your people I wasn’t the one that broke that.” He points at the jetpack with a grin as Din turns on the speeder. With a final wave, you’re set off riding away with Din and the child, together remaining a clan of three.
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anonymousewrites · 11 months
Clan of Three (Book 2) Chapter One
Father Figure! Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Teen! Reader
Chapter One: The Path
Summary: Mando and his foundlings are on the search for Mandalorians, and Mando is afraid of getting attached.
            (Y/N) hit the ground on their back but rolled over onto their back quickly, dagger still firmly in their hand. They tensed, remaining carefully in form for a fight before standing up.
            “Well?” they asked, looking at Mando.
            He nodded. “Good reaction time. And you kept your balance.”
            (Y/N) grinned. They had been training with Mando, and they were happy to be improving. They weren’t as skill as him, but more and more they were able to hold their own in a fight. (Y/N) was going to be strong enough to survive in this world.
            They had even been trying to figure out how to use their magic or whatever. (Y/N) had found that both strong emotions and calmness seemed to bring it out. But it had to be madness in the moment or peace beyond just living. It felt like it needed some balance, and (Y/N) had no idea how to really achieve it. So, for now, fighting with weapons and bare hands would have to be enough.
            They holstered their dagger and cocked their head. “So, what’s the job today?”
            “A man named Koresh owns a gambling den,” said Mando. “He has connections across several plants. It’s likely he knows where to find other Mandalorians.”
            (Y/N) nodded. Ever since their escape from Nevarro, Mando had been on the hunt for his Covert on top of finding any trace of “Jedi,” whatever those were. (They seemed harder to find so Mando was trying to find the Covert and the Armorer again to get more information, and to find his family again but he wasn’t talking about that part).
            “Kid, are you coming?” asked (Y/N). The Child cooed happily and smiled. “That’s a yes.”
            Mando smiled beneath his helmet at the interaction.
            (Y/N), Mando, and the Child in his cradle walked into the town. The only light as they headed towards the gambling house was a few lanterns lighting the way. Red eyes peered out of the darkness, avoiding the lighted path. (Y/N) had a sneaking suspicion that whatever lurked there would attack if not for the lamplight.
            Luckily, it wasn’t a long walk to the bar. The door slid open, and a tall Twi’lek stared down at them.
            “I’m here to see Gor Koresh,” said Mando succinctly.
            The Twi’lek stepped to the side, giving them passage in. “Enjoy the fights.”
            The small clan walked into the bar where a large ring was laid in the middle of the room. Two Gamorreans were battling within the ring while people clamored and shouting encouragement.
            (Y/N) wrinkled their nose distastefully and moved closer to Mando as they pushed through the crowd. Mando sensed their slight nerves and kept them close. He wouldn’t allow anyone in the crowd to separate them.
            (Y/N) and the Child hovered beside Mando as he sat next down Koresh, a one-eyed man regarding the fight with interest.
            “You know this is no place for children,” said Koresh, glancing at the Child and (Y/N).
            “Wherever I go, they go,” said Mando simply.
            Koresh chuckled. “So I’ve heard.”
            (Y/N) looked at Koresh appraisingly. Something didn’t sit right with him.
            “I’ve been quested to bring them to their kind,” said Mando.
            (Y/N)’s chest tightened at the reminder that they’d have to leave. Mando wanted them to leave, go with some…Jedi sorcerers. (Y/N) just didn’t feel right about it. The Jedi weren’t their home.
            “If I can locate other Mandalorians,” continued Mando, “they can help guide me. I’m told you know where to find them.”
            “It’s uncouth to talk business immediately,” said Koresh. “Just enjoy the entertainment.”
            Evasive, thought (Y/N). They glanced at the fighting Gomorreans. And his “entertainment” is gruesome.
            Koresh observed the fight and scoffed. “Bah! My Gomorrean’s not doing well. Kill him! Finish him!”
            “Oh!” gasped the spectators as one Gomorrean had to roll on the ground to evade a killing blow from the other.
            “Do you gamble, Mando?” asked Koresh.
            “Not when it can be avoided,” said Mando.
            Koresh chuckled. “Well, I’ll bet you the information you seek that this Gomorrean’s going to die within the next minute and a half. All you have to put up in exchange is your shiny beskar armor.”
            Crossing a line, there, thought (Y/N).
            Mando looked at Koresh, his gaze harsh even through the helmet. “I’m prepared to pay you for the information. I’m not leaving my fate up to chance.”
            “Nor am I,” said Koresh simply. He raised a blaster and killed the enemy Gamorrean. It’s body fell with a thud as multiple men emerged from the crowd to point blasters at Mando, (Y/N), and the Child.
            I knew something was off about him, thought (Y/N), keeping calm as their fingers itched to reach for their weapons.
            The patrons of the fighting ring screamed and ran for the exits, leaving the group silent and alone.
            “Thank you for coming to me,” said Koresh. “Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells.”
            One of the men grabbed (Y/N) and held a blaster to their head while the rest pressed their blasters closer to Mando’s neck. Mando’s eyes darted to (Y/N) and the Child, instantly on edge and worried for their safety.
            “Beskar’s value continues to rise,” said Koresh. He smirked. “I’ve grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now, or I will peel it off your corpse.”
            “Tell me where the Mandalorians are, and I’ll walk outta here without killing you,” said Mando in response.
            “I thought you said you weren’t a gambler,” remarked Koresh.
            (Y/N) smirked slightly. Koresh had no idea what was coming. Mando’s wrist arrows glowed lightly. The Child, sensing what was about to happen, closed his cradle to keep out of the way. (Y/N)’s hand went to their belt, even as the soldier pressed the blaster into the side of their head.
            “I’m not,” said Mando.
            His whistling birds whipped out of his gauntlet and landed in the necks of the bodyguards, killing them quickly. The one behind (Y/N) was hit in the arm and grunted. (Y/N) used his momentary distraction to drop their weight and slide from his grip (and the blaster’s muzzle). They crouched and slashed backwards at his legs, and the guard crumpled. (Y/N) stood, slammed their foot on his wrist to keep him from grabbing his blaster, and then kicked him into the chair behind him to knock him out.
            Mando (gently) kicked the Child’s cradle away as the remaining Gomorrean jumped from the ring to attack him. Mando shot it, and it fell to the ground. The Twi’lek grabbed Mando next, and another enforcer rushed in. (Y/N) dodged between them to allow Mando to grapple with the Twi’lek while they handled the other.
            Mando took down the Twi’lek and turned to the remaining fighter while (Y/N) ducked around the attack of the enforcer rushing them. He grabbed for them, but when he pulled (Y/N) towards him, they were ready. They twisted around and rolled across the floor as the enforcer through them. (Y/N) turned to their feet, now behind the enforcer, twirled their dagger around, and threw it into the man’s back. The man fell, and (Y/N) pulled their knife out of his back as Mando watched his last opponent fall.
            On the other side of the room, Koresh was fleeing into the night. Mando and (Y/N) nodded at each other and followed. Mando fired his grappling wire, and it twisted around Koresh’s ankles, and he tripped to the ground. He scrambled on the ground like a rate trying to escape, but Mando pulled him back and then tied the wire to a lamppost. He hoisted Koresh into the air, hanging like a sack of cellar meat in the cold.
            “Alright, alright! Stop! Stop! I’ll tell you where he is!” cried Koresh desperately. “But you promise that you won’t kill me.”
            “I promise you will not die by my hand,” said Mando.
            I think he should die. He’s a pig, thought (Y/N).
            As if sensing their thoughts, Mando continued, “Or by the child’s.”
            Kriff, thought (Y/N).
            “Now, where is the Mandalorian you know of?” questioned Mando.
            “Tatooine,” grunted Koresh, wheezing as his lungs struggled as he hung upside-down.
            “What?” asked Mando.
            “The Mando I know of is on Tatooine!” repeated Koresh.
            “I’ve spent much time on Tatooine. I never saw a Mandalorian there,” said Mando.
            “My information is good, I tell you!” insisted Koresh, coughing. “The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra.”
            “Tatooine it is, then,” said Mando, nodding to (Y/N). He began to walk away, and (Y/N) followed quickly.
            “Wait, Mando!” cried Koresh. “You can’t leave me like this! Ushti, come back! Let me down!”
            “That wasn’t part of the deal,” said Mando. He paused for a moment, turned, and shot the light above Koresh. He was thrown into darkness.
            “Wait, what are you doing?!” cried Koresh.
            Mando and (Y/N) kept walking.
            “Mando! I can pay! Ushti! Mando!” cried Koresh.
            Soft growls echoed through the alley as the creatures with red eyes approached Koresh, the light no longer holding them back. He screamed.
            (Y/N) really couldn’t find it in themself to feel sorry.
            The hull door of the Razorcrest opened to Peli Motto’s repair depot. (Y/N) smiled and waved to Peli as the curly-haired woman shooed the small droids away since she knew Mando’s policy.
            However, after IG, Mando had changed (a little bit. Almost not at all). “May as well let them have at it,” said Mando. “The Crest needs a good once over.
            “Oh! So he likes droids now!” cried Peli. “Well, you heard him. Give it a once-over.” She chuckled as the droids stumbled to the Crest to begin working. “I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos…” Peli grinned at (Y/N). “At least you kept the kid. Good job. Looking tough, kid.”
            “Someone has to be,” said (Y/N) cheerfully.
            “And how’s the baby?” asked Peli eagerly.
            Mando turned the brown satchel he was holding around. The Child cooed happily from within.
            “Oh! Thank the Force!” said Peli. She quickly picked up the Child. “This little thing had me worried sick. Come here, you little womp rat.” The Child cooed. “Looks like he remembers me.”
            “Who could forget?” said (Y/N), crossing their arms with a smirk.
            “Exactly!” said Peli. “How much do you want for him? Just kidding. But not really. You know, if this guy ever…divides or buds, I will gladly pay for whatever comes out of it.” (Y/N) snorted in amusement.
            “I’m here on business,” said Mando. “I need your help.”
            “Oh, then, business you shall have,” said Peli. “Care for me to watch this little guy while you seek out adventure?” She glanced at (Y/N). “I’m sure the Ushti can handle themself. They look it.” (Y/N) grinned.
            “I’ve been quested to bring them back to their kind,” explained Mando.
            “Well, Ushti is a pretty…rough place now,” said Peli apologetically.
            (Y/N) nodded shortly and averted their eyes. The Empire had pillaged and plundered Ushti for its resources and left ruin and pain in its wake. (Y/N)’s parents, farm, and village were gone. They had no home on Ushti to return to.
            Mando’s heart clenched slightly at their reaction. They were growing stronger, but the lack of home clearly weighed on them. He wanted to give them a home, and that was why he was trying to find these “Jedi.” He could give them a home, but…Mando knew they’d have to leave. He’d have to let them go to where they really belonged.
            “And with this one…” Peli glanced at the Child. “Oh, wow, I don’t know where to begin. And trust me, I’ve seen all shapes and sizes in this town.”
            “A Mandalorian Armorer has set me on my path,” said Mando. “If I can locate another of my kind, I can chart a path through the network of coverts.”
            “You’ve been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell,” said Peli, shrugging.
            “Someone told us there might be one in Mos Pelgo,” said (Y/N). “Do you know where that is?”
            “Oh. Boy, I haven’t heard that name in a while,” said Peli.
            “It’s not on any of the maps,” said Mando.
            “Because it was wiped out by bandits,” explained Peli. “Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I didn’t dare leave the city walls. Still don’t.”
            “What about where it used to be?” asked (Y/N).
            “Depends who’s asking. You want to see it?” questioned Peli. “R5! Bring the map of Tatooine!” The droid beeped nervously before rolling over. “No, take your time. Seriously,” said Peli sarcastically. “You just can’t get good help anymore. I don’t even know who to complain to.”
            R5 shone an amber hologram of Tatooine in front of the group.
            “This is Tatooine before the war,” said Peli. “You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and up around this region, Mos Pelgo.”
            “I don’t see anything,” said Mando.
            “Well, it’s there,” huffed Peli. “Or, at least, it used to be. Not much to speak of. It’s an old mining settlement.” She nodded to the Razorcrest. “They’re going to see that big hunk o’ metal long before you land.”
            “You still have that speeder bike?” asked (Y/N), remembering the one they’d left after dealing with Toro Calican.
            “Sure do. It’s a little rusty, but I got it,” said Peli, nodding.
            (Y/N) grinned. They remembered the feeling of flying over the sand dunes on the speeder. It would be fun to do it again with Mando.
            The Child squealed and put his hands in the air as the speeder sped over the dunes. (Y/N) grinned and gripped the handles tightly as Mando held on as well, covering them from falling. The three of them were having fun together, and it was relaxed between them all. Even Mando, although focused on his task, looked at his the two kids and found it nice to see them happy.
            The knowledge of his mission, the knowledge that they would leave him—no, he would give them up—overtook him, and he lost his peace of mind. This—the three of them, their little clan—would not last, even if Mando wanted it to.
            So Mando focused intently on the task at hand. He worked clearly and briskly with the Tuskan Raiders to find the true direction of Mos Pelgo. He tried not to be proud when (Y/N) stumbled through the few signs they understand to thank the Raiders for their help. He tried not to become familiar with the peace of having the Child sleeping on one side of him and (Y/N) on the other.
            Mando tried, but it was growing more difficult.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Instinct: Din Djarin x F!Reader - Chapter Fifteen
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Chapter Fifteen: A New Journey
Plot: Din and Y/n begin their quest to find both Jedi and Mandalorians.
Warnings: canon typical violence, hints of fluff
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: We’re back!! I’m trying to finihs up the series by the time s3 comes out, but no promises with how my life goes from calm ot chaotic so quick. This is very much a filler chapter, the story gets going soon though, so hang tight. Hoep you enjoy!!
Along with our quest to find Jedi, we were also searching for the Mandalorians.
The Armorer hadn’t been much help, only saying that some may have escaped Nevarro and gone off world. The galaxy was wide and we had to try and narrow it down.
Din, the kid and I disembarked the Crest on some dark and dank planet I couldn’t remember the name of. Din had gotten word that there was an Abyssin with information on a rogue Mandalorian.
It was the strangest family outing ever.
We traipsed through the alley, the child floating in his pram and taking in the scenery. He seemed to be adapting to our vagabond way of life. He wasn’t turned off at all by the glowing red eyes of creatures unknown, which felt mildly concerning…
We walked with our eyes trained ahead, but I felt Din’s glove brush my hand. He tapped out our signal, two beats against my palm. It worked as a code of sorts in different situations. Today, it was a comforting gesture.
We approached the building we’d been told we’d find our contact in, the doors were guarded by a Twi’lek male. Din and I approached as equals, but I let him do the talking.
“We’re here to see Gor Koresh,”
The Twi looked us over before opening the door, “Enjoy the fight.”
Din stepped in first, I let the child’s pram pass me before bringing up the rear. We descended into the madness that was the arena, a Gamorrean fight serving as the main attraction. Rowdy crowds surrounded the ring, gamblers betting away their lives. It felt scummy enough to remind me of Guild hideouts.
Din led us to a few empty seats, next to an Abyssin who matched Gor Koresh’s description. We sat down, first row to the fight that was getting uglier with each passing second.
“You know this is no place for a child,” Koresh commented.
“Wherever we go, he goes,” Din replied.
“So I’ve heard,” Koresh looked me over, “Your woman might have been more comfortable waiting in the ship.”
“I’m fine where I’m at,” I said, keeping my tone even. It would always be a man’s galaxy.
“We’ve been quested with bringing the child back to his kind,” Din turned the conversation around, “If we can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide us. I’m told you know where to find them.”
Koresh shook it off, “It’s uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.”
Fights as a performance had always seemed barbaric to me. I’d picked up plenty of bounties at them throughout the years and had never seen the appeal. Apparently, I was the only one who held that opinion. The child cooed at my side when one Gamorrean made a particularly nasty swing. Yeah, I thought, he’s getting way too comfortable with all this…
“Bah!” Koresh exclaimed, “My Gamorrean’s not doing well. Kill him! Finish him,” he turned, “Do you gamble, Mando?”
I chuckled, we’d need something to gamble away to even answer.
“Not when it can be avoided,” Din replied.
“Well, I’ll bet the information you seek that this Gamorrean’s going to die within the next minute and a half. And all you have to do is put up in exchange is your shiny Beskar armor.”
I leaned forward, “And that’s fair how?”
“If you’re looking for fair, sweetheart,” Koresh said, “You’re on the wrong rock.”
“We’re prepared to pay you for the information,” Din got us back on track, knowing I’d have pushed the ‘sweetheart’ comment, “I’m not leaving our fate up to chance.”
Koresh leaned closer to Din, “Nor am I.”
He reached into his cloak and pulled out a blaster, firing a shot at one of the Gamorreans. The crowd exclaimed and ran for the exit at the same time three men behind us rose and pointed their blasters at my and Din’s necks. We didn’t move.
“Thank you for coming to me,” Koresh chuckled, “Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells. Beskar’s value continues to rise. I’ve grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now or I’ll peel it off your corpse,” Koresh’s eyes flicked over to me, “And I might let you keep your girl.”
The whole thing would have bothered me a lot more if Din and I hadn’t planned for betrayal.
“Tell us where the Mandalorians are,” he said confidently, “And we’ll walk outta here without killing you.”
“I thought you said you weren’t a gambler.”
My hand twitched with anticipation.
Mando’s flicked his wrist, activating the Whistling Birds.
The child reached over the side of the pod and closed it.
“I’m not.”
Din sent the Whistling Birds into the chests of Koresh’s men, the shock giving us time to get to our feet. I pulled my new, significantly longer, vibroblade from my gauntlet and sliced one of their throats. Mando kicked the kid’s pod away from the action before diving back in.
One of the benefits I had discovered about having Jedi powers was my heightened senses. I could feel everything going on around me without ever seeing it. I’d always thought I just had good instincts, now I knew it was a special skill. Behind me, I could sense the remaining Gamorrean coming for Din. As he ducked out of the way, I fired at the Gamorrean to make sure he stayed down.
The Twi’lek guard put Din in a tight hold, while another patron handled his front. While he escaped the Twi’s arms, I stabbed my Vibroblade through the other attacker’s shoulder. I used his shock against him and wrenched him backwards before kicking him against the ring. Din was handling another one of Koresh’s men, it was almost too easy.
The guy I’d just taken out rose, blood running down his arm from the wound. He came at me with fists raised, I ducked and swerved to the side. Carefully, I led him backwards and just as he was about to throw a punch, I dropped to the floor so his hand hit the metal wall behind us. He screamed, giving me the opportunity to leap onto a bench and launch myself onto his shoulders. I squeezed his throat until his airways constricted and once his knees hit the ground, I tuck and rolled off and landed a kick to his head.
Din was to the side of me, fighting off the last two still standing. As the final one approached, the two of us each withdrew our blades and flung them in perfect synchronization.
“Glad we practiced,” I said, trying to catch my breath.
A noise at the door made us both turn, Koresh was trying to escape.
“You go,” I told Din, “We’ll bring up the rear.”
He strode out as if he had nowhere to be, his confidence in his abilities had bothered me when we first met. Now I loved it.
I walked over to the kid’s pod after retrieving our knives, opening up the hatch. He looked up at me as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
“We’re absolutely scarring you, aren’t we?”
The kid squeaked in response.
“You seem okay with it,” I shrugged, programming the function on my gauntlet Din had recently installed so the pram would follow me, “Let’s go find your dad.”

If Din would have been with us, he would have clenched up. I’d taken the Armorer’s words to heart and had begun calling us the child’s mother and father. Jokingly, of course, but I’d noticed that we both had settled into our new roles with ease. We were finally getting the hang of being “parents.”
I climbed the staircase out of the arena to find Din stringing Gor Koresh up on a lamppost.
“Stop,” Koresh relented, hanging upside down, “I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you where he is. You must give me your word that you won’t kill me.”
“I promise you will not die by my hand,” Din finally said, “Now where is the Mandalorian you know of?”
Koresh struggled, “Tatooine.”
“Huh?” I couldn’t help but say. Wouldn’t we have heard about it last time we were there?
“The Mando I know of lives on Tatooine,” Koresh stated again.
“I’ve spent much time on Tatooine, I have never seen a Mandalorian,” Din said.
“My information is good, I tell you,” Koresh grunted, “The city of Mos Pelgo, I swear it by the Gottra.”
Din and I shared a look, or rather, he caught my look. I only had to barely raise a shoulder and he knew we were in agreement.
“Tatooine it is then,” he said back to Koresh, leading our little party away from the Abyssin.
“Wait, Mando,” Koresh called, “You can’t leave me like this! Cut me down!”
Din didn’t break stride, “That wasn’t part of the deal.”
“Lady, are you gonna let him do this to me?”
“Oh, you were right,” I said, turning around to let him take in my innocent expression, “This is no place for a woman.”

Mando and I switched directions and he shot out the streetlight Koresh hung from, giving the red eyed creatures we’d seen earlier a late night meal.
“Your turn to pilot,” Din said casually.
“Nu-uh,” I replied, “I took over last night.”

“That was two nights ago.”

“Really?” I scrunched up my nose, “Huh, time flies, I guess.”
With the distant sounds of Koresh’s screams, we continued our conversation all the way back to the Crest.
By morning, we were on our way back to the desert.
I sat in the pilot’s chair, watching the stars streak past us in hyperspace. Flying had always seemed like a chore, until Din and I came together. Now even the simply act of flying through hyperspace was enjoyable.
Sometimes I couldn’t even recognize myself. A few months ago, I’d been content to never touch another person again. I’d sworn I was going to live and die on my own. Then Din came along, and then the kid. Now it was difficult to imagine my life without them. It was starting to become impossible.
“You throw on the landing gear?” Din asked, practically twitching from the co-pilot’s seat. We were nearing our destination.
I pursed my lips, trying to keep my tone even, “Yes.”
“Security protocols?”
“Mm-hmm.” I tried to put on a loving smile.
“Make sure that you tell them-“
I swung around in my seat, “Din, would you feel better if you landed us?”
“No,” he rushed out.
Turning back to the control board, I smirked, “In that case, I actually hadn’t thrown on the landing gear yet.”
The leather of his gloves strained and I smiled bigger.
I did, indeed, get us there in one piece. Peli’s hanger was open and we were permitted to land there. Din settled the kid in a satchel and slung it over his body. It warmed my heart to see him a little more relaxed, a little softer. When he was done, he came and put a hand on my shoulder, digging his fingers in and rubbing.
We had established a rule in both our professional and personal partnership. No affection could be shown outside of the Crest. If people saw us as anything but associates, it would give them something to exploit. Any and all affection between us was saved for the cockpit or our bunk.
We disembarked the Crest and entered the familiar hanger we’d only last seen a few weeks ago. Despite it being Tatooine, I didn’t feel the need to keep one hand on my blade. We were among friends.
“Come on!” I heard Peli before I saw her, “You know he doesn’t like droids.”
“May as well let them have at it,” Din said, “The Crest needs a good once-over.
I raised an eyebrow at him and I think he purposefully didn’t turn. Then again, he didn’t have to explain to me why his stance on droids had changed.
“Oh, so he likes droids now,” Peli said for us both before directing her droids around, “Well, you heard him. Give it a once-over.”
As we got closer, I could see her eyeing both our persons. “Well, I guess a lot had changed since you two were last in Mos-“
Din flipped the satchel around to show the child. I liked to imagine he was smiling underneath his helmet as Peli excitedly reached for him.
“Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing has had me worried sick. Come here, you little womp rat,” she took the child, who was happily babbling, into her arms, “Looks like it remembers me. How much do you two want for him? Just kidding. But not really. You know if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring.”
A loose hose hissed from the Crest.
“Hey!” Peli cried to the gonks, “Watch what you’re doing up there! He barely trusts your kind. You want to give all droids a bad name? Thank you!”
Din and I waited in humorous silence, we never had to do much talking around Peli. She did it all for us.
“We’re here on business,” Din explained, “We need your help.”
“Oh, then business you shall have,” she replied, “Care for me to watch this wrinkled critter while you two seek out adventure?”
If only you knew how much adventure we’d seen recently, I thought.
“We’ll keep you posted on that one,” I said, “We’ve been tasked with getting him back to his own kind.”
Ignore the little pain that comes with saying that, ignore…
“Oh, well, I can’t help you there,” Peli scoffed, “I’ve never seen any like it. And trust me, I’ve seen all shapes and sizes in this town.”
“A Mandalorian armorer has set us on our path,” Din continued for me, “If we can find one of my kind, we can chart a path through the network of coverts.”
Peli shrugged, “You’ve been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell.”
“We’ve got reliable intel that there’s one in Mos Pelgo,” I continued, “We searched every map possible, nothing came up.”
“Oh. Boy,” Peli exhaled, “Haven’t heard that name in a while. It was wiped out by bandits. Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I didn’t dare leave the city walls. Still don’t.”
Sighing, I looked up at Din. “We don’t have much of a choice,” I replied, “Where’s the body?”
“Normally, I’d charge for the information, but,” Peli tucked a rogue corner of the kid’s robe into place, “House discount. R-5! Bring the map of Tatooine!”
The astromech chugged along at its own speed. “No, seriously. Take your time,” Peli huffed, “You just can’t get good help these days. I don’t even know who to complain to.”
I stifled a chuckle as she continued to lambast the droid. If I’d have had any semblance of a normal life, I could have been perfectly content working alongside her in the hanger.
“Okay,” Peli started as the droid projected the map in front of us, “This is a map of Tatooine before the war. You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa,” she moved the holo to a completely bare part of the planet, “And around this region is Mos Pelgo.”
“I don’t see anything,” Din said.
“Well, it’s there,” she replied, “Or at least it used to be. Not much to speak of. It’s an old mining settlement. They’re going to see that big hunk o’ metal long before you land.”
A completely remote part of the planet couldn’t be inhabited by that many people, if any. Mandalorians were hunted so viciously, it made sense one would go to the furthest corner of the galaxy to remain undetected.
“You still have that speeder bike?” Din asked.
“Sure do,” Peli nodded, “It’s a little rusty, but I got it.”
Once she found it and dusted it off for us, I got the child’s adjusted on the back of the bike. When I reached over to grab the handles and take the front of the seat, I ended up holding a very familiar hand.
“I was going to drive,” I told Din.
“You drove last time we were here,” he replied, not stopping his check of the machinery.
“Yeah, technically the last ride we took, I was on a Bantha and you were leading,” I shot back, “My turn.”
Din said nothing as he continued to fiddle with a few knobs. He was a control freak to the highest degree.
Rolling my eyes, I relented. “Fine,” I swung my leg over the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing myself to him, “I’m actually getting the better end of the deal.”
I didn’t have to see him to know comments like that added a twinge of pink to his cheeks.
“And when will you two be back?” Peli asked loudly, hands on her hips, “I like you and all, but renting space ain’t free.”
We had no timeline, no semblance of a timeline, not even a thought of one. “Hopefully within a day,” I answered, regardless, “Maybe two. With payment.”
She gave us a once over before nodding and rubbing the kid’s ear as she walked away.
“Ready?” Din asked over his shoulder.
I tightened my hold on him, “Let’s ride.”
With that, we were off.
The journey to Mos Pelgo was tiring, even if all we were doing was riding. The dunes were dizzying after a while, the sun was scorching and stray grains of sand were lodged in my eyes.
The kid, on the other hand, was loving every minute of it.
Din convinced me it was a good idea to camp with the same Tuskens we’d met the last time we were across the Dune Sea. He could sign enough to communicate that we were just trying to pass and wanted no fight with them. That was enough to be let into their clan for one night.
I admired that as hardened and war scarred as he was, softness surrounded Din. He was diplomatic in a way that most hunters weren’t. He took his time with people. His heart, no matter how protected by Beskar, bled nothing but love. As we settled in to sleep against our bike, I pressed a kiss to the side of his helmet. Where I would have been chastised for such a public display of affection, he simply lowered his gaze and wrapped an arm around me.
The next day, following Peli’s exact coordinates, we made it to Mos Pelgo. It was a dreary little town that couldn’t have housed more than maybe thirty people. Still, a decent place for a rogue Mandalorian to be hiding.
I parked the bike outside of what looked like the cantina, hopping off with Din and striding up the steps. The child would naturally follow us.
Inside were only one or two afternoon patrons, along with a bartender. “Can I help you two?” He asked.
“I’m looking for a Mandalorian,” Din said at the counter.
“Well, we don’t get many visitors in these parts, can you describe him?”
Din paused for half a second, “Someone who looks like me.”
“Mmm,” the bartender hummed, “You mean the Marshal?”
“Your Marshal’s a Mandalorian?” I asked in disbelief.
The bartended nodded toward where our backs were turned, “See for yourself.”
Din and I turned to see a male figure, tall and confidant, standing in the doorway. Dressed in old, rusty, Mandalorian armor.
“What brings you here, strangers?” He asked, his true voice hidden by the modulator.
“We’ve been searching for you for many parsecs,” Din answered, this was his business to handle.
The new Mandalorian stepped forward, “Well, now, you found me. Weequay, three snorts of Spotchka,” he took the jug from the bartender, along with the glasses, and headed for a table. “Why don’t we have a drink?”
Now THIS I’d love to see, I thought, they really forget the helmets are there, don’t the-
My thoughts were interrupted by the hissing of the new Mando taking off his helmet. It revealed a handsome, middle aged, bearded man. The shock washed over Din and I.
“I’ve never met a real Mandalorian,” the man started, “Heard stories. I know you’re good at killing. And probably none too happy to see me wearing the hardware.”
Not too happy? He’s gonna tear every last shred off your body, leave a tip, and walk out like nothing happened…
“So,” the imposter kept talking as he poured glasses of Spotchka, “I figure only one of us walking out of here,” he held up a hand to me, “Ladies not included, of course,” he turned back to Din, “But then I see this little guy…”
I whipped my head around to see the child, peering into a spittoon.
“And I think, maybe I pegged you wrong.”
Din finally gathered the presence of mind to speak, “Who are you?”
“I’m Cobb Vanth,” he introduced, “Marshal of Mos Pelgo.”
“Where’d the armor come from?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity any longer.
“Bought it off some Jawas.”
“Hand it over,” Din ordered, his voice like steel.
Vanth smiled, as if the whole exchange was amusing. “Look, pal, I’m sure you call the shots where you come from. But ‘round here, I’m the one tells folks what to do.”
Internally, I cringed. That response wasn’t going to fly…
“Take it off,” Din took a menacing step forward, “Or I will.”
Vanth looked over to the spittoon, “We gonna do this in front o’ the kid?”
The child cooed from behind me as if to give his approval. We had definitely messed him up.
“He’s seen worse,” Din replied, unphased by anything the guy could throw at him. He had tunnel vision when it came to his religion.
“Right here, then?”
“Right here.”
I was calculating how long it would take for my knife to reach Vanth if he raised his gun. Could I make the shot that fast? Or was I better off using one of my blasters and saving the one strapped across my back for if things got really ugly?
The three of us stood in a triangle, hands hovering over our weapons. Tension mounted by the second, my heart thudded in my chest as I waited for Vanth to make the slightest move.
The ground shook under us suddenly, drawing our focus away. Vanth held up a finger and an eyebrow before heading out the door. Din and I wordlessly followed him.
The town had an alarm system set up, a blare echoed down the main path. Citizens ran for cover, diving into any building that would give them shelter. If Vanth wasn’t moving, I had to assume we were safe where we were.
The sand began to sink in on itself and it wasn’t long before a set of scales made itself visible through it. Whatever creature it was swam through the middle of the town as if it knew the way. On its way out, it swung out from under the sand and swallowed up a Bantha, whole.
Then it was on its way.
Words failed me as we stood in silence. What were you supposed to say to something like that?
“Maybe we can work something out,” Vanth said, turning on his heel and heading back into the bar.
Din and I had a delayed reaction, glancing to one another before following him in.
I let Din take over talking with the Marshal and I went to retrieve the kid. He peeked out from inside the spittoon, having taken shelter there during the monster’s attack. I grimaced, that was going to equal a bath once we were back on the Crest.
“Come on,” I coaxed, helping pull him out, “You’re okay.”
As soon as his feet hit the floor, he was seeking comfort against my leg. I bent down to rub his head, despite his well-adjustment to our chaotic life, he was still just a baby.
We caught up with Din and Vanth outside, scoping out the town post-attack. The citizens were lifting evaporators and generators that had fallen and sweeping sand off their decks. They didn’t seem phased by it. As if this were a normal series of events.
“That creature’s been terrorizing these parts since long before Mos Pelgo was established,” Vanth explained, “Thanks to this armor, I’ve been able to protect this town from bandits and Sand People. They look to me to protect ‘em. But a Krayt Dragon is too much for me to take on alone.”
He paused, thinking his next words over. “Help me kill it, I’ll give you the armor.”
Din looked to me, I felt it was less to see how I felt and more of a check to see how annoyed I’d be when he agreed. Knowing how much the armor meant to him, I wasn’t going to raise a fuss.
“Deal,” he confirmed, “We’ll ride back to our ship, blow it out of the sand from the sky. We’ll use the bantha as bait.”
Vanth shook his head, “Not so simple. The ship passes above, it senses vibrations, stays underground.”
“So we’re going at it on foot?” I raised an eyebrow, maybe the armor wasn’t that important…
“I’ll let you scope the place out,” Vanth said, “I know where it lives.”
“How far?” Din asked.
“Not far.”
On our way to the creature’s hideout, Vanth entertained us with the story of how the Mando armor came to be his. He explained that after the second Death Star blew up, the Mining Collective moved in on Mos Pelgo. During a near-deadly shootout, Vanth was able to escape into the Tatooine desert. He wandered for days until a Jawa Sandcrawler found him, bringing him aboard and giving him food and water. When they discovered he was carrying Silicax crystals, they offered him any of their treasures in exchange for them. His eye caught the armor, thinking he could use it to run the Collective out of town, and asked for it. Sure enough, he rid Mos Pelgo of all crime and had carried on the same ever since.
In my mind, it was alright that at least he was using the armor for something good. Wearing Mando gear wasn’t anything I ever wanted, but if I’d have been in Vanth’s position, I wouldn’t have chosen any different. Din didn’t seem to take too much objection with it either.
Vanth guided us through one of the canyons until he came to a quick stop. Not too distantly, there was growling. Din and I took up our weapons and kneeled behind the bike. From behind the rocks of the canyon, a herd of massifs approached. Looking particularly unhinged, I was ready to fire, but Din gently pushed my gun down.
The noise that followed was…unprecedented.
Din shouted in Tuskan, drawing both mine and Vanth’s eye.
“What the hell you doin’?” Our companion asked for us both.
Din only held up a hand as he approached the animals. I prayed that whatever he was doing would save us so I got the chance to live and tease him about it forever.
He kept speaking until one playfully charged towards him. Din kneeled down and gave it a rub, having diffused all the tension.
Tuskens came out from behind the rocks, their body language wasn’t threatening on account of hearing their language spoken. Din began to converse with them while Vanth and I stood together, ready to point and kill at a second’s notice.
“Please tell me he knows what he’s doing,” he whispered under his breath.
“Trust him,” I said, the suspicion in my voice cancelling out my words, “Mando?”
Din looked over his shoulder, “They want to kill the krayt dragon too.”
“Well,” I sighed, slinging my gun over my back, “Lucky for us.”
Din ended up getting us an invitation to camp with the Tuskens for the night. Their cordiality continued to surprise me, considering their particularly aggressive reputation. But if we didn’t have a problem with them, they didn’t have one with us.
We (Din) held a conversation around a bonfire around dusk. I couldn’t speak Tusken, but I could tell from their signing that they were discussing the dragon. At one point, Vanth got offered one of their black melons. In the spirit of diplomacy, I had choked one down.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” He asked.
“You drink it,” Din answered.
“It stinks.”
“Yes, it does,” I replied, nearly gagging at the scent again, “Bottoms up.
“Do you want their help?” Din asked.
“Not if I have to drink this,” Vanth shook his head.
The Tusken to our right had picked up on Vanth’s tone and began to speak, raising its hands in outrage.
“He says your people steal their water, and now you insult them by not drinking it,” Din translated as the Tusken continued, “They know about Mos Pelgo. They know how many Sand People you killed.”
Vanth wasn’t having any of it, “They raided our village. I defended the town.”
“Calm down,” I held out a hand, peace needed to be kept.
“I knew this was a bad idea,” Vanth scowled.
“You’re agitating them,” Din warned.
“These monsters can’t be reasoned with…” Vanth got to his feet and got in the Tusken’s face, “Sit back down, before I put a hole through you!”
Din and I were up instantly, me pulling Vanth by the arm and him using his flame thrower to separate the two. Din took over speaking to the Tusken while Vanth shook off my hold.
“What are you telling them?” He asked.
“Same thing I’m telling you,” Din replied, “If we fight amongst ourselves, the monster will kill us all.”
Vanth glanced over to me, I only reenforced Din’s words with a nod. He sat back down.
“Now,” Din continued signing to the Tuskens, “How do we kill it?
He translated the Tusken’s grunts and informed us that in the morning, we’d set back out for where we’d met them. They would show us where exactly the creature lived and what we were up against. With the plan in place, we all settled around the fire, Vanth keeping one suspicious eye on our hosts until he physically couldn’t stay awake.
“This armor better be worth it,” I grunted as Din and I made ourselves semi-comfortable in the sand.
“If you want to go back, I won’t stop you,” he replied, “The Mandalorians are-“
I pressed a hand to the mouth of his helmet, as if it would do something. “We’re not doing this. Your fight is my fight. It would just be nice if we weren’t fighting a giant sand monster’s all I’m saying.”
Din laid down first and held out his arm, I tucked myself in next to him. We were breaking our no-contact rule, but it didn’t really matter anymore. Vanth was an ally, and even if he got himself in trouble, the Tuskens liked us. We could afford a little vulnerability. And once the kid slipped into my arms, everything turned from chaos to calm.
Instinct Taglist: @toribentleyvq @pan-ini @simp-for-corpse @spacedaddydinn @never-no-locomotive @cozyballofanxiety @miraculousreader @welcomethepedroverse @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @dindjarinsspouse @fishthemenace @aliyryun1401world @that-girl-named-alex @ssophiebirkas @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @lycaonpictusphotography @morganlefaye13 @pancakefancake @eternallyvenus @kalea-bane
Din Djarin Taglist: @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @dindjarinsspouse @aliyryun1401world @elinedjarin @mads-weasley @kalea-bane
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kaysfanficcorner · 1 year
Out of This World Chapter 8:
Island in the Suns
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Author’s Note: The bitch is back! My life’s been a little topsy turvy as of late so this chapter took me way longer to finish than originally anticipated. My schedule is about to change, but worry not as I fully intend to ride this story out until the ending I have planned out. Also, I may start doing little one shots set in this universe. So keep an eye out for those! As I said before, this story is going to be spicy from chapter 7 forward so be prepared!
Mando’a phrases:
Ad’ika - little one Aliit - Family Jate Ca - Goodnight Jate Vaar’tur - Good morning Yooba solus mesh’la, ner cyare - You are beautiful, my beloved
Summary: The relationship between the Mandalorian and the Earthling blossoms as they make their way to Tatooine in search of the mysterious Mandalorian last seen in Mos Pelgo. Once on the infamous desert planet, the plot thickens.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Female Earthling Reader/oc
Warnings: Cursing, FLUFF! SMUT! 🌶️ If you are under the age of 18, you are prohibited from this work of fiction.
Music Inspiration:
Island in the Sun - Not really an inspiration aside from the chapter title, but this song just makes me think of Tatooine
Aerials - Mentioned in the chapter thanks to a conversation with @missbabyjay
Art at the end of the chapter by my love, Justin Wood
Din Djarin is seated alone in the pilot’s seat of the Razor Crest, setting a course for a nearby star port to refuel again as he gazes upon on the vast star field before him. Because of your presence aboard his ship and the childlike wonder with which you still treat life in space after all these months, Din has gained a newfound appreciation for the beauty this galaxy has to offer. Every so often, Din now takes a moment to stop and admire his surroundings rather than go about his business without paying it much mind. Among all of things you’ve brought to his life and the ways you’ve changed him for the better, that is surely one of his favorites.
Gor Koresh had practically been on the other side of the galaxy from Tatooine, so the planet of sand and sun is still nearly two weeks away, even with the speed of hyperspace aiding in the Razor Crest’s travels. It’s been six days since the fight in Koresh’s arena, and since he’d consummated his romantic connection to you. In those six days, the parameters of the relationship have changed dramatically. 
There’s no longer any need to pretend that this isn’t a real thing anymore. Neither of you is concerned with timid behavior or caution in the way you address one another as both companions and lovers. Din feels proud to have you openly be by his side in that way, and you seem to be over the moon with the fact. The kid also seems to be on board with this, acting happier than usual around the two adults in charge of his care. You take the concept of belonging to one another very passionately, which Din admires a great deal. Loyalty is the most attractive attribute to a Mandalorian such as him. 
As your daily training continues on, Din is aware that the reverence you display for his lessons has increased exponentially. He hasn’t caught you daydreaming about something in the middle of an explanation once, which is something he used to catch you doing all the time. It never really used to bother him before, but the increased displays of character mean a lot to him. Because of this you’re also improving, and that in it of itself fills Din with so much pride for you. Keeping up while lightly sparring with him is something you hadn’t been able to do up to this point, and now you seem to hold your own against him quite well. Din still has much to teach you, but your progress is undeniable.
Seeing how seriously you take the act of learning about his culture, Din has decided to take equal steps in learning about yours. He’s been asking you to teach him more things about Earth, and he’s taken to using your personal device more often.
You dote on him even more now, treating him with the utmost affection as you constantly offer to do little things for him. Usually he declines your offers, all except for one. You like to bring him a mid day caf without being prompted almost daily, and he’s come to look forward to the ritual of it. Sitting in the pilot seat at the correct time (even if he has nothing ship related to do), hearing the cockpit door swish open, feeling your hand rest upon his shoulder, the cup of caf coming into view as you lower it in front of him, and finally, the kiss you place upon his beskar covered head. It’s the same each day, and you always whisper something sweet about him before you continue on with whatever it is you’re up to. Nothing makes him feel more loved. He’s been on his own for most of his life, and not a single person has ever wanted to take care of him in the way that you do. 
Then there’s the matter of sex. 
Din physically cannot get enough of you, just as you cannot seem to get enough of him. The two of you have stayed up well past the child each night, spending a few hours together up in the cockpit enjoying each others bodies. As soon as the child is tucked away in the cot, Din is practically tearing the clothes from your body and the helmet from his head, ready to feel your walls clench around him and taste you on his lips once more. As the days go on he starts to slowly learn what makes you tick, and vice versa. Getting to know your sexuality quite intimately is something Din has begun to treasure. Aside from Xi’an, which was only a few times, this is the most he’s ever had sex with one person. The most he’s ever gotten to know another’s body so intimately, and vice versa. 
On the second night, you’d been the one to put the child to bed and Din had used the opportunity to strip down to just his helmet. The way you reacted to his naked form waiting in the pilot seat, legs spread with your blindfold already in his hands, is a reaction he’ll cherish for many years to come. 
On the third, it had been you who stripped down to nothing and waited in the pilot seat with your legs spread. One hand playing idly with one of your nipples while the other slid two fingers into your slick entrance, you’d made desperate little noises and begged him to take care of you. Hyperspace whirling behind you, it had truly been a sight to behold.
The theme of the fourth night had been exploration, when you’d grabbed his hand and brought it to your throat before begging him to choke you a little bit. Din was amazed by the reaction it caused in you, eyes rolling back in your head as your muscles clamped around him in mini bursts of intense pleasure. He’d been a little worried at first, but you seemed to adore the feeling of your air supply being partially cut off as he thrust into you at full force. The strangled noises you made had been indication enough, let alone how much you’d soaked him. Your entire body convulsed and twitched until he could tell you’d had enough and gently pulled his hand away. Then in a moment wanting to fulfill his own sexual fantasies, he’d grabbed the cuffs from his utility belt and asked for your permission to use them on you. With a gorgeously deviant smile playing at your lips, you’d agreed to this and Din could tell that he’d uncovered a similar dark desire within you.
The fifth night had been more loving and soft than the rough neediness of the night before. Both participants seemed to be in the mood to treat each other’s bodies with delicacy, gently bringing pleasure through the act of admiring one another. Dirty talk on that night sounded more like showers of doting compliments rather than lewd remarks and lustful demands. You’d declared to him in basic that you loved him so sincerely while at the peak of an orgasm, that Din know’s he’d been blushing. Heat in his cheeks and fluttering in his belly were unmistakable.
After you’ve had more than enough of each other, the two of you will retreat down to what Din now considers to be your shared bed. Cramped as it may be, there is no “taking turns” in the cot anymore. The two of you have slept in it together every night. The kid almost always makes his way down from his hammock to snuggle with the two of you. As much as it still scares him to admit it, the three of you truly do feel like a family. 
The only real problem with this current schedule, is that neither adult has been getting enough sleep. You in particular do not seem to be handling the lack of rest well, having looked so worn out during caf this morning that Din feels as if perhaps tonight a break will be in order. It would probably do the both of you better to just get a good night of sleep.
Din suddenly hears the familiar little sound of his foundling saying something that sounds like  “patu” from behind him, and he swivels the pilot’s seat fully expecting to see you standing there with the child in your arms. His gaze is pointed upwards, so when he doesn’t see you at all he tilts his head down to see that the child is standing in the center of the cockpit all alone. 
“Hey ad’ika, you okay? Did you climb up here all by yourself?”
The kid looks both unsettled and unwell, which raises the alarms in Din’s head. A small green hand reaches back to point to the door he just came in from and he makes another little “patu” sound. 
“Show me what’s wrong, buddy,” Din says as he rises from the chair, scooping the kid up in his arms.
Making his way down to the deck below the cockpit, Din can hear the unmistakable sound of your voice as it groans in pain. Tucked in his arm, the kid looks up at Din with worry in his dark eyes as he points again. This time he points to the fresher. 
Din’s eyes flick to that direction, where he finds you laying on the floor beside the toilet. Your eyes are open and you’re holding your stomach as you curl up on your side, face scrunched in discomfort.
Din puts the kid on a crate and comes to kneel beside you. “Cyar’ika? What’s wrong?”
“Sick,” you grumble out, face contorting as if struck by a sharp pain.
“Sick how?” 
“Fever, and I just threw up breakfast.”
“Shit,” Din curses, ripping a glove off and moving to place his hand on your damp forehead. Your skin is on fire. “When did this start?”
Struggling, you prop yourself up on an elbow to look at him. “When we woke up. My head was pounding and something didn’t feel right.” 
“Sounds like a stomach flu of some variety,” Din says matter of factly. You look at him with a shocked expression before laughing, and under the helmet his brow raises in surprise. “Why’s that funny?”
“I just figured you’d have a cooler name for it here. Ugh,” you stop to groan again, clutching at your belly, “I feel like ass.” 
“I’m sure you do.” Din chuckles a little when you glare at him, “What? I’m just acknowledging your pain.” 
“Make it go away,” you plead miserably. 
He feels truly bad for you, brushing the hair from your eyes as he cups your cheek. “I can give you bacta pills, but I’m worried you won’t be able to keep them down.”
“Yeah I don’t know if I can keep anything down right now.” 
Just as you say this, the kid makes a pained little noise from where Din left him, and the Mandalorian turns his head just in time to watch the kid vomit a sickly orange color all over the floor. He looks up at Din with weary eyes, wobbling until he falls back on his little bottom. Then he starts to cry.  
“Shit,” Din curses again, “If both of you have this it’s probably contagious.” 
“Go comfort him,” you say, “I’ll be okay for a moment.”
So Din moves over to the wailing green child, scooping him up to cradle him over the beskar chest plate. “Shh,” he soothes, “I’m here buddy. I know it hurts, but I’m here and I’ll take good care of you.” 
The child then looks up into Din’s hidden eyes and lets out a little sob before clinging to his foster father’s shoulder as hard as he possibly can. A fatherly feeling of warmth washes over Din Djarin, and his overwhelmed heart encapsulates this child so completely that his brown eyes fill with tears behind the beskar. Seeing his foundling like this, sickly and in pain, is heart wrenching.
And so Din makes quick work of making up what is essentially a sick room on the first floor of the ship. He gets a small bucket and sets it up for the kid to throw up in, then he sets up a comfortable little space for the two of you to lay together on the floor. Not wanting to risk either of you getting sick in the cot, he figures that the floor is probably the best option for now.
Once the two of you are as comfortable as you can be, he gets each of you water and insists that once the liquid can be kept down for a half hour he’ll give out doses of bacta pills. After treatment is given, the symptoms will be gone in two hours and the illness itself should completely go away within a twelve hour period.
At first you can’t even keep a sip of water down for longer than two minutes, rushing for the fresher as soon as the bile in your throat rises once again. Din rubs small circles into your back as you dry heave and cry. The kid can’t keep it down either, so Din spends a good part of his day rushing back and forth between the two of you as you each take turns vomiting up the minuscule contents of your respective stomachs.
The vomiting eventually starts to slow down to a halt, so he’s got you both laying down with cold compresses on each of your foreheads. The kid shivers so violently in the throws of his fever that Din decides to stick him in the shower under cold water for a few minutes. Poor little guy seems to be getting the worst of whatever this sickness is, possibly due to the difference in species or his young age. Afterwards Din has him wrapped up in a towel, cradling the child lovingly as he hums a Mandalorian chant. 
“Quit fussing over me,” you say as you later throw back the bacta pills, chasing them with a generous sip of water, “I’m an adult, Din. I’ll be fine after these kick in and I go to sleep. Take care of our sweet little boy. I appreciate you so much, but he needs you more than I do right now.’ 
Soon enough you’re passed out in the cot, and Din is left alone with the sick little child in his arms. Redressed, full of bacta, and wrapped up in the blanket, the kid is also finally starting to fall asleep. 
“I’m so glad that you came into my life, ad’ika,” Din finds himself whispering to the sleepy child, “You’ve changed me for the better, kid. No matter what happens, I want you to know how important you are to me.”
The child seems to understand this, smiling up at him as his huge eyes slip closed. A little hand reaches out, so Din lets him hold onto his bare index finger until he falls asleep. Once the kid is out cold, Din gently places him next to you inside the cot. Sitting on the ground just outside of the open sleeping chamber, Din finally feels his shoulders begin to relax. Jupiter appears out of nowhere then, jumping into his lap to rub her neck along the beskar on Din’s chest as she purrs. Scooping her up, Din takes comfort in the vibrations of her purring while she lets him hold her and stroke at her head.
And then Din feels it. Chills all over his body, and waves of nausea low in his belly. The back of his throat starts to heat up, mouth watering. In record time Din is closing himself in the fresher, tearing the helmet from his head as he curses, “dank farrik,” before emptying the contents of his stomach into the toilet.
A few days later, once everyone is no longer sick aboard the Space RV, you find yourself examining your naked form in the fresher after taking a quick shower. Training with Din had been particularly vigorous today, and the need for hot water on your skin was completely necessary. You felt great going from what was essentially a hard workout session to a what was about to be a relaxing shower, but you when you caught a glimpse of your reflection while undressing, something in you shifted. You can’t get it out of your head enough to enjoy the heat and the steam, so once you’re out and clean you wipe down the fogged up mirror for another glimpse at yourself. 
Moving towards the mirror above the sink, you frown at your body’s reflection. Swiveling to examine your thighs and ass, your gaze starts shifting up to your stomach, and then to your breasts. You stop there for a moment and feel them, wondering why in the hell a man like Din Djarin finds them so attractive. Why he finds any part of you attractive. 
Leaning forward, you take a good look at your face. Poking here and here, pushing your cheeks up before dragging them back down under your palms. Smiling, frowning, sighing. Then your hands move to the still purple hair atop your head, a little longer now that many weeks have past since you’d gotten it cut. You’d wanted to change your look drastically, almost as if in some way to erase the version of you from before. Now you’re used to the alteration, but a part of you worries that the dramatic shift in appearance had been a mistake. Do you actually look as good as you thought you did or had that been in your head?
It’s not lost on you that your period is only about a day or two around the corner. Your breasts are sore, you’d felt as much just a moment ago, and your body feels incredibly bloated. Weighed down, even. The sudden change in mood after a good day is also a major indication.
“Ugh, just get over it and move on. You’ll feel better once you start to bleed,” you say to yourself quietly. This isn’t the first time that a long bout of confidence has been rivaled by the hormones of your monthly cycle, and you know that listening to your own advice is the best bet. Reaching for your change of clothes, you find that they are not hanging on the hook that you usually use. Looking around the room, its quite obvious that you’d forgotten to bring anything to change into with you to the fresher. 
“Fucking seriously?” You mutter, irritated as you begin to wrap up in a towel. As the moments tick on you are growing increasingly annoyed by your own presence. 
The fresher door slides open when you hit the little control pad to the right harder than you mean to, hissing as you shake your hand and poke your head out of the passageway. Coast clear, you rush over to where you keep your clothes in a compartment by the cot and start rummaging around for something comfortable to wear. 
“What are you doing?” 
The Mandalorian’s voice is suddenly behind you and you jump, nearly dropping the towel all together. The last thing you want is him to see you naked while you feel so uncomfortable. 
“I forgot my clothes,” you say awkwardly, not turning around to face him just yet. You even pretend to pick through the small amount of clothing you own for an extra few moments after finding what you want to wear. 
“Are you okay, Cyar’ika?” Din moves in closer to you, so you finally turn to face him.
Standing there looking as he always does in his beskar armor, which is handsome as hell, you feel even less confident. “I’ll be fine,” you say, avoiding his gaze. Even though you can’t see it, you know it’s fixed upon you.
“Something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes,” he says confidently, looking you over. 
Feeling him look you up and down makes your skin want to crawl right off of your skeleton. “I’m fine,” you repeat, firmly this time. 
Din then says your name in a vulnerable tone, “I don’t think you are. Have I transgressed in some way?” 
“No, you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Then please let me help.” 
“I’ll just go get dressed.” You try to push past him and he stops you with an arm out. He’s careful not to touch you, at least that’s how it comes across. 
Din’s voice shifts octaves as he speaks to you very tenderly. There is no firmness to the tone, only gentle support from your partner. “We do not pull away from one another, remember? We talk about it.” 
Damn him for quoting you back to yourself, because once he says that you realize that he’s completely right. If you expect him not to shut you out then you owe him the same courtesy. With a great sigh, you squeeze your eyes shut for a moment before opening them again as you tell him, “I don’t feel very attractive right now.” 
“Huh?” Din says, clearly confused. 
“I feel gross and unattractive,” you say, using additional language to further your statement along.
“But you are neither of those things,” he replies matter of factly, tilting his head. 
“Ugh,” you groan as this back and forth becomes tedious, “I didn’t say I was. I said I feel like I am.”
Din’s silence worries you for the prolonged moment that it exists, and then he surprises you with the commanding tone he occasionally uses during sex, “Take the towel off.” 
“What? Why? Where’s the kid?”
“Sleeping upstairs,” Din answers quickly, “Let it drop, and let me remind you that you are ner mesh’la.” 
“I’m not in the mood for that,” you say firmly.
“This is not about sex. This is about worship,” Din matches your firmness.
After a moment of hesitation, the towel drops from your person. Being in the main living space of the Razor Crest like this feels alien. It feels even stranger when Din slides the gloves from his hands and moves to stand in front of you. His fingertips gently rest upon the curves where your shoulders end and your arms begin. Instinctively, a hand starts to reach up for him and he shakes his head.
“Hands down. Chin up. Eyes on me.” Din adjusts you to stand a little straighter, better posture in your neck as you look at him. A finger comes to rest under your chin as you position your eyes to look directly into the black visor. In your mind you’re trying to imagine the brown eyes on the other side of the beskar barrier, locking onto them.
The pads of his fingertips being to gently sweep over your skin, touching all over as he makes his way around your upper half. It feels so good and you’re barely being touched. Lids trying to slip closed as little sparks of pleasure find you, a shudder runs through your body. Through every sensation, you keep your eyes locked on him.
Din leans in slightly, brushing beskar against your forehead. “Tell me something you don’t like about yourself, and I will tell you why I love it.”
And so you do. You run over the entire list of things you’ve had a problem with since your teen years. Superficial little things that don’t truly matter or take away from your natural beauty, but things you wish you could change nonetheless. Din responds to each of these small grievances by ghosting his hands over the area, describing what about it he finds so endearing. 
By the end of this worshiping of your form, Din is again standing at full height with his hands on your shoulders. His left hand slides down your right arm, taking your hand and moving it towards his tented groin.
Before you can say anything, the Mandalorian quells any worries of his intentions, “I do not wish to do anything, but I want you to feel what you do to me. Feel how much my body yearns to be connected to yours. Yooba solus mesh’la, ner cyare.” 
His hardness beneath your hand causes none of the heat to rise in your core or wanting in your mind. It serves it’s intended purpose, to solidify everything that Din just said to you. Every compliment, every kind remark. All for you and all real. Tangible. So many emotions flood your system after such an experience, and you feel even more spent than you would if you’d had sex with him after all. Leaning most of your weight onto him, it feels like you may collapse if he were to move away from you. Cramps are starting to swell down in your belly, waves of pain and physical exhaustion rolling through you.
“Thank you, ner burc’ya. Have I told you that you’re my favorite person?” 
“Not in those exact words,” Din sounds so playful, and your heart swells for him.
“Oh,” tittering, you turn your head so that your mouth is positioned right under the edge of his helmet, “Well, you’re my favorite person, Din Djarin.”
“Mm,” Din’s hum greets your ears, sounding almost like it does when you’re blindfolded because of how close you are to the lip of beskar. 
Then a small little panic attack tries to break through the sense of calm Din just helped you achieve, body quivering. “I really need my best friend right now. What you just did helped, but I’m still not okay.” 
With his metal clad forehead pressed to your bare one, Din offers little shushing noises of comfort, “I’m here. I’ve got you. Get dressed, let me go get the kid, and I will hold you in our bed.” 
The following week it finally occurs to you why things with Din are so different to you. You’re mulling this over during the morning caf routine, mixing the bitter but sweet hot beverage as you think about how it feels like things between the two of you are moving incredibly fast.  Din’s treating you as if you’ve been together for a significant amount of time. Like a spouse, one might say. Oddly enough, you conclude that you’re also very okay with it. 
That’s when it hits you. It’s because on Earth you would have had to jump through all of the awkward, uncomfortable hoops of dating before a relationship would have ever progressed this far. Months worth of time, if not more, would have been spent trying to figure out if the two of you were even a good match for each other. Putting on airs to impress one another, fumbling through weird social situations, fitting time in for each other between careers and personal lives. 
Here, in the galaxy, dating doesn’t seem like a concept that makes any sense. Not with a nomadic Mandalorian, at least. Just saying in your head sounds fucking silly. If you had never come to live on his ship, care for his foundling, and ultimately become his close friend, Din probably would have never considered you in that way. You’ve known him for nearly half a year at this point, lived with him for nearly half a year. Aside from the hunts he would leave you behind for, almost every single day in that six month period has been spent in the presence of one another. With him, this must be a very significant thing. Din Djarin seems very much the type that would not jump into something frivolous. He only feels comfortable being like this with you because there is real trust and love involved. 
You’ve never experienced anything even close to this in your life. Not a single time. Any boyfriend back on Earth had either been an aloof dick, or a sex hungry moron. You’ve never taken the time to truly become friends with someone prior to dating them. 
So yeah, things have been hot and heavy with your Mandalorian while somehow also being the most meaningful emotional connection you’ve likely ever had or ever will have. The kind you used to pine for when you’d stay up all night reading romance stories only to just bum yourself out the next day. With Din it’s like you’re getting to have your cake and eat it too. 
“Din, caf’s ready!” You call up to the cockpit. When he doesn't answer you frown and call for him again. He still doesn’t answer, so you make your way up the ladder, forsaking the steaming cups of caf down in the galley. 
When you reach the top and make your way into the cockpit, the sight before your eyes stops you in your tracks. 
Din’s flying the ship with the kid in his lap, and he’s bobbing his silver head as he lightly sings to himself. What gets you, is that you can see the white chords of your headphones sticking out from under the base of his helmet and that you know exactly what song he’s singing to himself. When you step further into the room, you see that the kid is holding the iPad in his little green claws. Din doesn’t notice your presence at all, in fact he starts to sing even louder as it would seem that he’s getting into it. 
Clearly, he’s been stealing your iPad and listening to your music. For how long, you couldn’t even guess. Long enough to for him to learn the words to one of your favorite nü metal songs, as he’s been singing it correctly this whole time. The biggest grin stretches across your features, heart melting as you hear your Mandalorian’s beautiful baritone singing the chorus of Aerials by System of a Down. 
Not wanting to disturb him, you listen for a moment before you turn to go back downstairs. But then the kid notices you, making little noises of excitement as he waves his right hand at you. 
Din sees this, and stops singing to turn around and look at you. He pulls on one of the chords attached to his ears, and you watch as the little white bud falls out from under the helmet to limply lay across his beskar chest plate. 
“Hi,” you greet them, moving in to close the distance between you and your two favorite boys.
“Hi,” Din replies, reaching a gloved hand out to graze over your hip before leaning his head on the same area and wrapping his arm around your thighs. 
Turning your attention to the child, you reach a hand down to stroke his head. “Hey Green Bean. You want breakfast, buddy?” 
The kid nods his head and reaches up for you, so you scoop him up in your arms. Din chuckles and sits back up straight. “If he ever says no to food, we should be worried.”
“True. So… looks like you’ve developed a taste for Earth music,” chuckling, you grin down at Din.
“Some of it is very pleasant to the ear,” he agrees, gesturing to the iPad in his lap. “I hope you don’t mind that I’ve taken the liberty.”
You shake your head, telling him, “Exchanging cultural information with each other is never something I will mind. You’re welcome to use that thing whenever you want to. If I’m learning all about the life of a Mandalorian, it’s only fitting that you learn about the life of an Earthling. Use up all the battery and it’s your responsibility to charge it, though.” 
Din chuckles, “Fair enough.” 
It isn’t until your group arrives that you truly realize how unbearably hot Tatooine is going to be. With twin suns (a concept you had yet to consider until Din had explained it to you) heating it’s vast desert surface, the planet is sure to be stifling during the day. Risk of not only sunburn but severe skin damage is an issue, and the planet is supposed to be chilly at night, so wearing shorts and a tank top isn’t really an option. You’re forced to wear the thick clothes you normally need out in space, and you know that you’re going to be drenched in sweat within the first hour. How Din can manage these conditions covered in armor you will never know. 
“I have to warn you,” Din says as the hatch begins to open, “Peli is a trusted friend, but she is a little… eccentric.”
“I can get down with eccentric,” You reply, laughing at Din when you realize he’s confused by your phrasing. You don’t bother to explain, grinning up at your cosmic companion.
He simply shakes his head and begins making his way down the ramp. You can hear a woman’s voice speaking to a group of small droids, and when you exit the ship you are greeted with the sight of a short little lady who looks to be in her late fifties or early sixties. She’s got a wild mane of dark curly hair, either no eyebrows or ones that are very faint, and she’s wearing a dark red jumpsuit much like the ones mechanics wear back on Earth.
“May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once over,” Din says as he reaches the bottom of the ramp, turning back to take a look at the ship’s outer hull. 
“Oh,” the woman says with her arms splayed out as she looks over the small group of intelligent robots, “so he likes droids now. You heard him! Give it a once over!” 
As you make your way down the ramp, smiling as you watch Din avoid the little droids running by him, Peli finally stops to realize that Mando did not travel to Tatooine alone. She looks you up and down, and then back to Din with her non-existent brows raised. 
“Who’s that?” The engineer asks skeptically, jabbing a thumb in your direction.
“This is my companion,” Din replies. Your heart is ready to burst from your chest upon hearing him say that. You hadn’t expected him to announce you in such a way, which indicates to you that he truly views this woman as a trusted friend. He tells Peli your name, and you nod to the woman as he does so. 
“Nice to meet you, Peli,” you say politely. 
“Yeah yeah, likewise,” she waves at you almost dismissively before squinting at the Mandalorian, “Since when do you have a companion? You never came off as the romantic type, Mando. I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos-” 
In what you assume is an effort to save himself from having to explain further, Din pulls his satchel out in front of him to reveal the green child nestled inside of it to Peli. She cheers with her hands in the air and the kid makes happy little noises upon recognizing her. Din holds the satchel out to her and she begins peeling the kid from the bag, practically forgetting that you exist.
“Oh thank the force! This little thing has had me worried sick! Come here you little womp rat.” Peli holds him out in front of her as the green baby makes little noises up at her. “Huh! Looks like it remembers me. How much do you want for it? Just kidding, but not really. You know if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring.”
Your eyebrows raise as you look over to Din, who shrugs at you in a silent response. He wasn’t kidding when he called her eccentric. Just then a loud clanking noise comes from the Razor Crest behind you, and Peli turns to yell at her droids.
“HEY! Oh jeez. Watch what you’re doing up there! He barely trusts your kind. You want to give all droids a bad name? Thank you!” 
Din interjects then, “I’m here on business. I need your help.”
Peli nods, “Ah, well then business you shall have. Care for me to watch this wrinkled critter while you seek out adventure?” 
“I’ve been quested to bring this one back to it’s kind,” he explains.
The Tatooine resident rocks the child a little as she replies, “Oh wow. I can’t help you there. I’ve never seen any like it. And trust me, I’ve seen all shapes and sizes in this town.”  
Din explains why your group is there, and why finding another Mandalorian is necessary to navigate through the various hidden coverts in order to chart a path. She argues that he’s the only Mando that’s been on Tatooine for years, and he asks her about Mos Pelgo. 
An old beat up droid named R5 wheels out to display a map of Tatooine, and Peli explains to Din why Mos Pelgo, an old mining settlement, isn’t on any of the maps while pointing out its general vicinity. She then points out that the Space RV is basically going to stick out like a sore thumb, so Din asks if she still has her speeder bike. 
Obliging, Peli gets the bike out for your group to borrow. You’re both surprised and not surprised that it’s basically a motorcycle that hovers off the ground. While Din is preparing it or travel, the odd little woman takes the opportunity to approach you as you’re surveying the odd little desert workshop.
“So how in the hell does a pretty girl like you end up as Mando’s companion? What does that even mean for a guy like him?” 
Looking at her, you smile a little, “It’s a long story. The short version of it is that I needed transport and he needed help with the child so we exchanged services. The rest of it, the companionship, just kind of fell into place on it’s own. No one was searching for it when we met.”
“Ah, as it usually does with those things,” Peli nods, chuckling a little as she throws you a knowing glance. You briefly wonder how many dalliances this woman has had in her day. “I just would have never pegged him as the sort to get involved with another. You seem very sweet, and he’s always been so… grumpy.” 
“He’s still a huge grump,” you laugh, glancing over in his direction to see him working so diligently to make sure that the bike is drivable and that there are enough provisions packed to last a few days. Watching his armored body move around with precision is mesmerizing. The way he tilts his head, squatting down to adjust something at the back end of the bike. Each movement is worth admiring. Eventually, though, you stop ogling him and tun back to Peli, “but sometimes I get to see a side of him that he doesn't show to anyone else in the galaxy.” 
“And you don’t care that he’ll never take that beskar helmet off in front of you?”
“Nope,” you reply honestly, blushing as your mind wanders to the night before when he’d made you cum twice in one sitting as you laid there with your blindfold on. You plan to take his almost nightly tasting of you to the grave at this point, knowing full well that Din upholds his privacy just as much as his creed. 
“Must be the real thing, then. I’ve only known him for a short while, but I’m glad to see that he’s got someone who cares about him,” Peli says sincerely, “Everyone deserves that.” 
“I couldn’t agree more,” you reply, noticing that Din seems to be ready to go. “And I hope that you find or have already found that for yourself. You’re a nice woman, I’m glad that I got to meet you today.” 
“Likewise,” Peli agrees with a nod, handing the child over to you. She hasn’t let go of him since Din let her take him and that was nearly an hour ago. You appreciate the fact that she seems to genuinely love your little green bean so much. The kid is popular, you’ll give him that.
Walking up to Din, you see that he’s secured the satchel onto the back of the speeder. Handing the child over, you watch as Din puts the child down in the leather bag before climbing onto the back end of the speeder’s long seat. On Earth you would have never climbed onto the back of a motorcycle willingly. Even with a driver you trust, those things always felt like glorified death traps. But here on a planet called Tatooine? With Din? Climbing onto the back of the speeder feels like a no brainer. Like going off with Din Djarin on an adventure is the easiest decision in the world.
Finding Mos Pelgo ends up taking a lot longer than you thought it would. It feels like you’re clinging to Din on that speeder bike for the better part of the long day. He stops a few times so that everyone can get a bathroom break, and you find out that being a woman and peeing in the middle of a hot desert is not fun. Staying hydrated is key in a place like this, but that also means frequent needs to relieve full bladders.
Eventually the three of you stumble upon a small group of locals that Din informs you are called Tusken Raiders. These people are clad head to toe in lightly colored fabric and wear interesting looking face coverings.
“Let me do the talking,” Din says as you detach from his back and climb off the bike. 
“I was planning on it,” you reply, amused with your cosmic companion. Picking the baby up, you hold him to your hip and offer him a sip of water. The child slurps it up happily, seeming mostly unbothered by the heat.
You, on the other hand, come from a colder region of Earth where the winters are filled with snow and sub-zero temperatures and the summers are gorgeously mild. Being cold is your least favorite feeling in the world, but the heat on Tatooine is borderline too much for you with the amount of clothing you have on. It seems as if nightfall will be approaching soon, but even still it’s hot as hell on this planet. Luckily the eye protection Peli let you borrow is helping with how bright everything is, but damn if two suns isn’t one too many. 
The Tusken Raiders begin speaking to Din in a language that you can only describe as throaty high pitched noises and gurgles, with what appears to be some kind of sign language thrown into the mix. When Din starts speaking the language back to them, you nearly choke on your own sip of water. It doesn’t even sound like his voice, the noises coming from his modulator are so foreign to you. But, in an attempt to be polite you try not to react in a way that would come off as if you are being judgmental. 
Din gestures back to you and the kid as he speaks, and the Tuskens all turn their heads to look at you. Feeling as if you should do something, you come to stand beside your Mandalorian and smile at them with a bow of the head. 
“I do not speak your language, but it’s nice to meet all of you,” you offer, just in case one of them knows basic. The kid seems to also get the picture, waving at all of them.
One seems to understand you, also bowing their head politely. Din nods at you in approval, so apparently your decision to say that was the right one. As the conversation continues, eventually they offer your group a spot at the small campfire and some of the food they are preparing once the twin suns begin to set. 
All they seem to be cooking is some kind of indistinguishable meat, and as much as it pains you to have to do so, you very politely eat a portion of it. Then you are offered a strange, unpleasant smelling fruit from which you are expected to drink it’s juice. With a grimace, you slurp the nasty liquid down. It’s not as bad as it smells, but it’s definitely not something you would ever seek out to taste again. Once finished, you offer them a kind smile and a nod, and all of the Tuskens seem to be pleased with your appreciation of their culture. 
One even leans over to Din, elbowing him slightly as he says something in his native tongue. Din laughs in response, head turning to face you as he speaks back in Tusken. 
“What was that about?” You ask later, as the three of you try to get comfortable by the fire. Days may be hot as hell on Tatooine but, true to deserts back on Earth, the night is very chilly. 
The Tuskens have mostly gone off to sleep in their tents or curled up in the warmth of a bantha. Apparently this small group is in the midst of travel themselves, being on their way to join the rest of their tribe at their village. Luckily they are well aware of Mos Pelgo, and have pointed Din in the right direction. By first light the three of you will be back on the speeder bike in search of this rogue Mandalorian once again. 
“Hm?” Din asks after a moment.
“When the Tusken made you laugh and you looked right at me.” 
“Oh,” Din turns is head towards you, “He said that it was too bad that you’re my woman because you would make a fine wife.” 
“I would make an excellent wife,” you agree with a smirk, playing it cool as your heart skips a beat. You’ve always wanted to be a wife, to be tethered to another for the rest of your life. Having a husband is the most romantic thing you can think of, so just hearing Din even say the word wife makes you feel all giddy regardless of the fact that you’re no where near ready to consider something like that with him. It’s no more than a nice thought in this early stage of the relationship. “Why did that make you laugh, though?” 
“Well he also said it looks like you know your way around a bedchamber. He meant it as a compliment. I didn't know what to say to that, so I just laughed.”
“What?!” You whisper yell, smacking the part of his arm that is not covered in indestructible metal. The kid is sound asleep between you, so you’re careful not to wake him. “Why is that funny?”
Din’s reply is very matter of fact even as he chuckles, “It’s not funny, it’s just true.” 
“Hm,” your eyes narrow playfully, “We’ll see who’s laughing when we get back to our bedchamber, Chrome Dome.”
The following morning Din wakes up just as the twin suns are beginning to rise, the planet’s surface already feeling a good ten or fifteen degrees warmer than it had when he’d drifted off to sleep. You’re still snoring in his arms, and the kid is curled up next to your face. Sleeping on a blanket in the sand hadn’t been exactly comfortable, but Din is pleased that his aliit managed to find rest. 
Cramped as it may be, he misses the comfort of the cot on the Razor Crest. Sleeping with you pressed against him is his newly preferred way disengage from consciousness each night. Holding you in his arms as his tired brain replays all of the lewd sexual acts that had just been committed up in the cockpit, or listening to the sweet nothings you whisper to him as you fall asleep.
When he told you that the Tusken had made the comment about you being a good candidate for a wife, Din hadn’t been entirely honest with you. He hadn’t really laughed just because the Tusken made the reference to sex. Din had laughed because of the wife statement. The exact same thought has been on his mind for the last few days, and he told the Tusken as much knowing that you could not understand. 
Having a riduur was never something Din ever concerned himself with prior to meeting you. Perhaps once or twice as a young man the thought of finding a wife one day had been appealing, but that had been many cycles ago. Once he hit his mid thirties and had pretty much come to terms with his perpetual solitude, the idea of a spouse just seemed especially childish and incredibly far off from his lifestyle. It wasn’t until the Armorer brought it up during their brief meeting on Nevarro that he’d even thought about it where you are concerned. Things hadn’t progressed enough with you for it to be in consideration yet.
Din Djarin never expected a family, an aliit, to fall into his lap the way that this one has. Now that he’s had a glimpse of what life is like with you by his side, the word wife has been floating around in his mind more and more frequently. He doesn’t plan to address this any time soon, but the simple fact remains that the idea of marriage is suddenly more feasible for Din than it had been six months ago. 
Din just lays there for a moment, watching you. Watching your chest rise and fall. Watching the curve of your lips tugging upward. Watching your eyes move behind your lids as you dream. He imagines introducing you to others as his wife, to the Mandalorians of his covert as his riduur. He imagines bestowing you with a betrothal weapon and asking for you to join his clan permanently. He imagines your voice as you take the vow to be his for the rest of your lives. Clan Mudhorn could become a clan of three, and truthfully the thought of it causes Din’s chest to swell as his stomach does a somersault in his belly. 
Part of him already considers you to be a part of his clan, but he knows that you also deserve the right to choose what path you would like your life to take. Eventually, if things continue in this direction and when the time seems right, Din plans to ask you this significant question. Until that time comes, however, he will enjoy the courtship between you and the sensations of peace that it stirs within him. It may not always feel like this, so enjoying it while it lasts seems like the only logical thing to do. 
Your breathing pattern changes a little then, face contorting into one of dismay. Lips parting, a little noise escapes you that sounds both pained and fearful. A nightmare seems to have found your subconscious. This doesn’t occur nightly, but Din has awakened to you in the throws of a nightmare twice now. Apparently this happens to you from time to time, and most of the nightmares you have tend to be hyper-realistic representations of past traumatic events in your life. He’s learned that there is only one good way to help you wake up from it and avoid a panic.
“S’not my fault,” you mumble, body beginning to twitch around. 
Din places a gloved hand to you face, “Shh, Cyar’ika. It’s only a dream. You are here with me and our foundling on Tatooine. We camped with Tusken Raiders last night. You are safe.”  
Voice hoarse, your eyes blink a few times at him and a hand finds his wrist. “Din?”
“I’m here. Nightmare?”
“Yes,” your breathing starts to return to a normal rhythm as you clutch him, “about my parents this time.”
“It was only a dream. Whatever happened is in the past,” Din soothes. This worked the last time, and it seems to be doing the trick as your body’s tension lessens.
Just then the kid wakes up, blinking up at his adults as a tiny yawn escapes him. Holding the small green child even tighter to your chest, Din can see a few tears rolling down your cheeks as you squeeze him.
“I’ll never treat you the way they treated me,” you whisper to him, “As long as you’re with me, all you’re ever going to feel is love and understanding, my little green bean. I love you so much, buddy.”
Another long, hot ride on the speeder bike later and a tiny little town finally comes into view. With maybe a dozen buildings on the one short strip, this has got to be the tiniest town you’ve ever seen in your life. It looks like something out of an old black and white western and as if your observation isn’t already spot on, you find yourself following Din what into what is clearly a saloon. 
Inside, an alien behind the bar who sort of reminds you of the creature from Jeepers Creepers, asks if he can help your traveling party. 
“I’m looking for a Mandalorian,” Din says, hands on the bar as he leans forward. 
“We don’t get many visitors in these parts. Can you describe him?” 
You try not to chuckle as Din sounds vaguely annoyed. “Someone who looks like me.”
The man seems to understand. “Oh, you mean the Marshall?
“Your Marshall wears Mandalorian armor?” 
“See for yourself,” the bartender gestures towards the door of the saloon, and both you and Din turn your heads to see a skinny figure approaching the establishment wearing what is most definitely Mandalorian armor. 
It’s beat up to hell, and you’re shocked to see that this armor is decorated with various colors of paint. The idea of Mandalorians personalizing their equipment never occurred to you until now, and when you look over Din’s own sleek design you realize that it is an intentional choice. You’d assumed they all look shiny like Din. The silver fits him so well, and it occurs to you how much it actually fits his personality.
“What brings you here, strangers?” The Marshall asks, a certain twang in his voice only furthering along the old western comparison. 
“I’ve been searching for you for many parsecs,” Din explains. 
“Well, now you found me.” The Marshall walks up to the bar and orders a bottle of blue liquor and three cups, taking them over to a nearby table as he offers you and Din a drink. Then, to your complete surprise, the Marshall takes his helmet off and places it on the table. He’s a handsome enough middle aged man, with neatly combed gray hair and a beard.
Din stops dead in his tracks as the man speaks. “I’ve never met a real Mandalorian. Heard stories,” the stranger pours the drinks, smirking up at the two of you, “I know you’re good at killin’, and probably none too happy seeing me wearing this hardware. So, I figure, only one of us is walkin’ outta here. But then I see the little guy and the fine lady standing behind you, and I think maybe I pegged you wrong.” 
“Who are you?” Din asks, voice on edge.
“I’m Cobb Vanth, Marshall of Mos Pelgo.” He tips his drink to Din before taking a sip. 
“Where did you get the armor?”
“Bought it off some Jawas.” 
Din’s tone is even but firm, “Hand it over.” 
“Look pal, I’m sure you call the shots where you come from but round here I’m the one who 
tells folks what to do.” 
“Take it off, or I will.” Din takes a threatening step forward.
Vanth points to where the kid is standing by a ceramic pot on the floor. “We gonna do this in front of the kid?” 
Din nods his head, and the way he says the next few words makes something in your core shift, “He’s seen worse.” 
God, he’s so fucking sexy when he’s in Mando mode. But, you’d rather not see a bloodbath today so you step forward as Cobb begins to stand. “Perhaps there is a way you boys can solve this peacefully, though.”
Just as Din turns to look at you as if to say, “Really?”, the ground begins to shake violently as if in the throws of an earthquake. 
Everyone runs out of the saloon just in time to see the sand moving like a great creature is moving around beneath the surface. It reminds you of movies like Tremors and Dune, and to your horror a huge creature is exactly what it turns out to be. The sand peaks move towards the bantha tied to a post just outside of town, and suddenly a great mouth opens up to swallow the poor thing whole. Between your ankles, the kid makes a scared little noise and hides his eyes against your leg. 
After that, Cobb Vanth explains that his town is in need of help with the creature and that perhaps they can come to an arrangement about the armor. If Din helps him kill it, he’ll give Din his armor. Ever true to his Mandalorian creed, Din takes Vanth up on the proposal so the beskar can be back in its rightful place among his people.
As the boys discuss why Din can’t just fly over with the Razor Crest and blow the thing to shit, you look down at the green baby in your arms and feel the tiniest bit of relief that Vanth is not a real Mandalorian. This means that instead of being one step closer to giving up the kid, your makeshift family is now taking an unexpected detour which is will only serve to prolong your time together. 
Back on the speeder bike, now your group is traveling with the Marshall through the desert as he rides along on his own odd looking bike. His looks like its made of the parts of multiple vehicles, thrown together by some crazy mechanic. You’re willing to bet that it might be Peli’s handiwork, despite knowing only a little bit about her.
During the ride, he regales you and Din with the story of how he got the armor and how he came to be the Marshall of Mos Pelgo. You grow a little bit of a soft spot for the man as he talks lovingly of his home town and the people in it for which he cares a great deal. You’ve never had a sense of community in that way, and it makes sense to you why Cobb is so desperate to keep it in tact. 
Eventually the group comes to a sharp angled rocky outcropping in the sand, Cobb leading everyone into the thin valley between the steep peaks. After about a half a mile, a loud noise can be heard and both speeders skid to a halt, the men both hopping off of their bikes to ready a weapon. Din grabs his rifle and pulls you down to crouch beside him on the ground. Raising your own blaster in the same direction, you try to ready yourself for a fight. The kid hides down in Din’s brown satchel. 
The noises get louder, and suddenly a dog-like reptilian creature approaches from the other side of a rock. Din’s rifle lowers a little, even as two others appear. He puts the weapon down all together, and Cobb looks at him in shock as Din begins approaching the animals. 
A little smile finds your lips as he begins speaking Tusken to the creatures which you learned the night before are called massiffs. As Din slowly moves towards them saying who knows what, the massiffs’ moods seem to change completely. So you watch as your mandalorian kneels down to pet one and scratch at it’s scaly neck as if the thing were a friendly golden retriever. 
Then the Tuskens appear, a different group then the ones you met the night before but likely from the same tribe. Din speaks to them a little, and Cobb leans over to speak to you.
Clearly he’s shocked by how civil the exchange between the Mandalorian and the Tuskens is. “Your fella’s quite the diplomat, ain’t he?” 
“He’s just a good man,” you say honestly, shrugging as you feel the weight of your words in your chest. It’s the truest statement you could have made, resonating with you that he’s the best man you’ve had in your life besides your grandfather. “He’s a bounty hunter and a Mandalorian warrior, but at the end of the day he's just as good at helping people as he is at killing them.”
Vanth nods, seeming to be alright with this answer. “How’d you end up by his side, if you don’t mind me askin’?” 
You chuckle, grabbing the kid from the satchel to hold him on your hip. “This little green bean, actually. I joined the Mandalorian to provide extra care for the child.”
“He’s a cute little fella, that’s for sure,” Vanth says, reaching out to wiggle a finger in front of the kid’s nose. “For what it’s worth, odd of a mix as it is, the three of ya make sense in a strange sort of way.”
Heart swelling, you nod at him in appreciation as you grin, “Thank’s, Marshall.” 
“You can call me Cobb, Ma’am.”
After Cobb successfully makes a dick out of himself around the blazing campfire of the Tusken village and Din has to put out the metaphorical flames of the situation with the real ones of his flamethrower, the sand people inform Din that they have set up a small tent for you. But only for you. 
“What? Why just me?” You ask, confused. A shiver runs through you as the night becomes increasingly colder, the thought of being enclosed in a tent sounding pretty great right about now. 
Din explains, “The Tuskens are showing hospitality. They appreciate women in their culture, and since you have treated them with such respect both last night and today, they have prepared a tent so that you do not have to sleep in the conditions of the desert. Because we are not married, I cannot join you nor can the kid. We’ll sleep by the fire with Cobb, but if you decline this offer they will be greatly offended.” 
“Oh,” you say, eyebrows jolting upwards, “well I guess I can’t say no then. Too bad you guys can’t snuggle with me.”
“Soon enough, Cyare,” Din says quietly, knocking his head gently into yours.
And so you later find yourself trying to get comfortable in the small tent, feeling odd being in the surroundings of a completely foreign culture. Although the Tuskens are a nomadic people and never stay in the same place for very long, they’ve managed to make the interior of their non-permanent homes quite cozy. A few tapestries are hung up, and the ground level bed is far more comfortable than you expect it to be. The thick animal skin that makes up the sturdy tent walls does a good job of keeping the thing closed off from the outside. Once you douse the lights, everything in the tent is pitch black. 
Eventually you’re able to drift off to sleep for a while, until you suddenly awaken to a palm covering your mouth. Body going into survival mode, you start to thrash around and yell behind your attacker’s palm. That is, until you hear who it is.
“Shh, Cyar’ika. It’s me,” Din’s modulated voice is speaking to you in the darkness. You can barely see a thing, unable to find him until your hands land on his armor plated chest. His bare hand slowly lifts from your lips, allowing you to speak again.
“What are you doing in here?!” You whisper-yell, shoving at the beskar above your hands. “If the Tuskens catch you, won’t they be pissed?” 
“The Tuskens aren’t going to catch me,” he whispers back confidently, “I’ll be back in front of the fire before anyone gets up.” 
“What about the kid?” 
“He’s sleeping right by Cobb. I wouldn’t have left him alone.” 
The hand that had been covering your mouth is now snaking down past your stomach, below the fabric of your underwear. You’d taken your heavy pants off in order to sleep comfortably, having no access to the light stretchy pants you have back on the ship.
“You’re a maniac,” you giggle, back arching as his index finger slips between your delicate  folds. A shiver runs through you and you have to force back the little moan that wants to escape from the confines of your throat. 
“Perhaps,” Din agrees with a low chuckle.
Your hands find the helmet and come to rest at the back of his neck. “So what’s the plan here, Chrome Dome?” 
“The plan is I fuck you a little bit, and then I go back to the fire as if nothing happened at all,” he says matter of factly. 
“You really do love using that word now, don’t you?”
“Only when it’s appropriate.” 
In the same instant that the last syllable leaves his lips, the finger teasing you slips inside of your already moistening slit. It’s all you can do to not make loud, lewd noises as it enters you. 
“Fuck,” you hiss as quietly as you can, “is it bad that the prospect of being caught is a turn on?”
Din chuckles, “Why do you think I’m in here right now?” 
“Mm,” you hum, “So Din Djarin is kinkier than we thought.” 
“Enough talking,” Din says in that commanding tone that makes you weak in the knees. Then his finger vanishes, and your underwear is being yanked from your legs. He brings his hand up to your lips, and you eagerly pull the finger that had been inside you into your mouth as you lap up your own wetness.
When the finger disappears again, the unmistakeable sound of Din’s own trousers being unfastened comes next, followed by the feeling of his hands spreading your legs apart. He’s fully clothed, and you realize that until now he’s yet to fuck you in full armor. Even though you can’t really see anything, the concept sends a jolt of elation through you. You love a man in uniform. 
When he’s positioned at your entrance, you have to brace yourself a little. The handful of times you’ve had sex with him, he hasn’t been able to enter you without a loud noise of pleasure erupting from your wanting mouth. He seems to also be aware of this, as his palm once again comes to cover your parted lips. 
“Try not to be loud,” he whispers, and in that instance he’s slowly pushing into you. 
Whimpering from behind his hand, you grasp at his upper arms and squeeze as hard as you can to stop yourself from crying out. 
“That’s it, Cyar’ika,” Din breathes, modulator hissing right above your face, “be a good girl and take it quietly.” Suddenly the beskar helmet is pressed to your right ear as he quietly adds, “although I do love the slutty little noises you make for me. When we’re back home on our ship, you can scream my name as loud as you need to.” 
His voice is almost doing more to you than his body is, core heating up at his words. He knows how much you love dirty talk during sex, or rather, he’s been learning how much you love it.  Each time the two of you are together like this, you both manage to learn so much about one another. Your Mandalorian seems to love it too, reacting in the most lovely ways when you whisper depraved things to him in the throws of passion. You’ve never been more vocal during sex than you are with Din Djarin. It’s almost as if he’s been able to unlock a part of you that was hidden away, desperately waiting to be released. 
Din works himself in and out for a few moments, your legs coming to wrap around his waist. Soon he’s sweeping both of his hands under your upper back, and then in one fell swoop he’s scooping you up into the air while simultaneously sitting back on his ass. Your bodies never cease being linked, and now you’re the one on top as your Mandalorian lays himself down beneath you. Eyes having adjusted to the darkness of the tent, you can faintly see the silver glimmer of the beskar below you. 
With your hands braced against the cool metal, you slowly begin gyrating. At this angle he’s pushed so deep inside you that you feel almost pegged there, but eventually you work up enough momentum to really ride him. Somehow, this is the first time you’ve been on top with him. You’d nearly forgotten how quickly tiring it is on your thighs, but hearing Din’s soft little whimpers and moans makes it all the more worth it. 
You go until your hamstrings cannot take it much longer, collapsing forward onto the Mandalorian’s chest. Panting heavily, you rest your head on his shoulder. His arms circle you, one hand cradling your head while the other pins your shoulders down. Sharp little thrusts find you then, Din’s hips jerking upwards to crash into you. Eventually he slows down to a stop, fingers running through your hair as he begins to soothe you. 
“I’m going to let you get back to sleep,” he says.
“Already?” You pout, “What about finishing?” 
“I told you, I only wanted to fuck you a little bit. Do you need to finish?” 
“Honestly, no. This was perfect. Besides, I’m fucking tired and we have a giant sand lizard to kill tomorrow.” 
“Precisely. We can resume this at a later time.” 
Din pulls out as you peel yourself off of him, feeling around for your underwear.  He notices that they’re bunched up right beside his head, so he holds them out as he looks you over.
“Let me put these back where I found them,” he chuckles quietly, sitting up while simultaneously pushing you down onto your back. He finds the right legs for each hole, easing the soft fabric slowly up your legs. When he reaches your upper thighs he chuckles, “Lift up, Love.” 
So you lift your ass, noticing that its the first time he’s ever called you “love” in basic as he moves your underwear the rest of the way on. Then he comes to hover over you, and you smile contently up at him.
“What, Chrome Dome?” 
“Close your eyes,” he says.
You comply, feeling his hand come to cover your closed lids. A small hiss can be heard, and then his lips are capturing yours in a short lived but heated kiss. 
When he pulls apart, your voice is breathy, “I wasn't even going to ask you to do that.”
“That was for me,” Din says, modulated once again as he removes his hand. “Sleep well, Cyar’ika.” 
You pull his hand back down to your face, kissing his palm. It feels like sleep will reclaim you at any moment, so you curl up in the blankets and close your eyes. “Goodnight, Din.”
“Jate ca,” he says your name, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Just as you hear him moving for the exit of the tent, a sleepy little smile crosses your features and you hear yourself say, “love you… so much.”
The tent is silent for a short moment, before you hear Din lowly reply, “I love you,” in basic rather than Mando’a. For some reason this makes you blush, as if hearing him say it both in his native tongue and yours makes it seem more like you're on even footing with each other.
Then he’s gone, and you’re alone once again. Feeling as if all of that had been a lovely dream, your mind drifts back to unconsciousness.
At first light the Tusken Raider camp is up and about, and you find yourself exiting the darkness of your tent to already blinding sunlight assaulting your eyes. Din and the kid are waiting patiently for you just outside of the tent, and your face forms into the happiest of grins when you see them. Din hands the kid over as you approach, the small green child reaching eagerly for his foster mom.  
“Good Morning, my little love bug,” you say happily, rubbing the tip of your nose onto his. The kid giggles and grabs your face in response. “And good morning to my favorite Mandalorian,” you say as you turn your head to Din with a knowing grace. Under different circumstances, in the sanctity of the Razor Crest, you would have kissed his helmet where his lips ought to be. 
“Jate vaar’tur,” Din responds with a tilt of the head.
Cobb looks between all of you with a raised brow before sarcastically saying, “Well good morning to you guys too.” 
You like to think that Din just rolled his eyes behind the beskar, hearing him sigh. You chuckle as you wave over to the Marshall of Mos Pelgo. “Morning, Cobb.”
A few Tuskens come to speak to Din, and after a short breakfast of nutrition packs, everyone seems ready to get the show on the road. 
A speeder bike ride later, your group is back in Mos Pelgo with the sand people following behind on bantha back. Cobb calls a town meeting, to which all residents show up at the bar where you’d first met this Tatooine gunslinger. 
He explains the situation to his people, filling them in up to the point where he tells them that the sand people are the ones who are going to help kill the krayt dragon. At this, the people of Mos Pelgo become slightly uproarious and once again Din is forced to step in to help Cobb keep the peace. 
An agreement is finally settled upon, and the two factions of Tatooine locals are forced to team up. Things are heated and uncomfortable, but eventually everyone is able to work together for the most part. Din explains the plan to everyone, and after another long journey across the sand you find yourself back at the mouth of the dragon’s cave.
It feels like it takes well over an hour for the plan to be set up. Burying the explosives, setting up the huge crossbow-like structures, getting everyone into position, making sure everyone knows their role. Din, Cobb, the kid, and yourself are situated further back and off to the side to observe everything. Cob’s got the detonator and you can tell he’s anxious to press the damn thing and get this over with. 
And so the plan begins. The krayt dragon comes when the Tusken Raiders call for it. Shooting it with the large arrows seems to only just piss the thing off, and Cobb nearly pushes the button too soon. You’re horrified when the dragon opens it’s great mouth and a disgusting stream of what looks like bile is vomited all over some of the poor people down there. Whatever it is, it must be acidic because from what you can see it appears to melt their skin and clothing. 
“Almost,” Din is saying as he watches it slither forward through his miniature telescope, “Almost… Now!”
Cobb presses the detonator, and the explosives hit dead on. The ground quakes beneath your feet and you can feel the heat of the explosions even from this vantage point. Only, they don’t seem to do the kind of damage that Din was hoping for. Angry, the krayt dragon retreats into the ground, only to reappear at the top on the small mountain it’s cave resides under. It once again sprays the acidic bile all over the people below, and this is when Din and Cobb decide to get involved. 
Din turns to you and grabs your shoulders, “You stay here and keep the kid safe. I will return.” 
“You fucking better,” you squeeze him once.
The rest of it almost goes by in a blur. Din and Cobb fly down to fight the thing off for a while, until Cobb uses the rocket on his jet pack to get it’s attention and your stomach drops as it begins slithering towards them. Then you see Din hit the jet pack on Cobb’s back, sending him flying into the air until he lands hard just a few yards away from you. Din struggles with the bantha’s ropes and you turn your attention to the man splayed out in the sand before you.
“What the fuck is he doing?” You call out to Cobb, who shakes his head at you.
“I don’t know, I think your fella is crazier than skinny hutt!” Cobb calls back, and the both of you turn your attention back to the scene down below just in time to see the krayt dragon consume both the bantha covered in extra explosives and Din Djarin before diving back down into the sand.
The kid makes a squeak of fear beside you, and you start sprinting forward as your stomach drops down to your feet. “Mando! DIN!” 
It feels like the moment lasts forever, everyone just watching in stunned horror. For you, you just watched your partner get swallowed up by a giant sand lizard. For the people below you, they just watched their one hope at saving their land get eaten alive. 
And then the ground begins to shake, your booted feet vibrating beneath you. Rumbling can be heard before the sand suddenly breaks free and the dragon re-emerges. It’s great mouth opens wide, and you finally release the breath you’d been holding in when Din’s form comes flying out of the opening. 
He hits the detonator, and you watch in awe as the krayt dragon explodes from the inside out before your very eyes. Grabbing the child, you take off in Din’s direction, running right past Cobb at full speed. 
“Mando!” You shout, barreling right into him. He’s covered in some sort of nasty green slime from the krayt dragon’s belly, and in this moment you could care fucking less as you cling to him. “Don’t fucking scare me like that.”
“I told you I would return,” Din says simply, looking you and the child over. The kid coos up at him, so Din’s beskar covered head tilts down as he nods. “I’m okay, buddy.”
The kid nods in return, and you’re just glad that your little family is still in one piece. 
The Tuskens make quick work of harvesting the dragon’s meat, even giving a generously huge hunk to Din as a thank you. You look down at the bloody red meat and gag a little. It looks so gross.
Noticing this, Din chuckles in your direction. “I know you don’t love to eat meat, but this will come in handy. I’ll make us a krayt dragon stew when we return home to the Crest.”
Sarcastically, you pat your stomach and say, “yummy,” with the final syllable drawn out to sound more like, “yum-eeee.” Din laughs even harder, and the sound of it fills you with so much joy.  
Cobb comes to say his goodbyes and return the beskar armor to Din as agreed upon, and you sincerely hope that your paths cross with the Marshal again in the future. Stubbornness and hot headedness aside, the man has a good heart and he’s a good leader to his people.
Soon enough Din is slowing the speeder bike down as Peli’s hanger comes into view, and you sigh with relief against his back. The prospect of being home sounds so lovely to your exhausted, overheated body. After going on what you easily consider to be your first true adventure, you’re ready to curl up in the cot with your Mandalorian pressed against you and your foster child in your arms as the three of you drift off into much needed sleep.
Din is still filthy from being inside the belly of the krayt dragon, and frankly he stinks to high heaven of the large sand creature, but you lay your head on his back regardless while he’s bringing the bike into a full stop just inside the hanger.
Peli is there to greet you with her small gaggle of droids.
“The Razor Crest is all tuned up for ya, Mando. My associate and I even upgraded a few of your more outdated parts, free of charge if you let me hold that womp rat for a while before you leave. In fact, you should stay for supper and leave in the morning! I’ll cook up some of that meat you have there and babysit him to let you two have some proper rest.” 
You climb from the bike, knowing full well that the green goop from Din’s clothing is now all over the front of you. You pluck the kid from Din’s satchel and give him a once over before handing the baby over to the eccentric little engineer. 
“Your associate?” Din asks skeptically, coming to stand next to you. “I thought all under your employ are droid.” 
“Oh did I not mention that before? I have another human working with me now. A business partner of sorts. That’s right, your old Peli here found herself a fella. Sorry you missed your chance, Mando.” Peli sends a wink your way, clearly joking. Then she bounces the kid in her arms while looking down at him. “And to think, I could have been your mama.” 
You can’t help but laugh a little and elbow Din in the side as you play along, “You didn’t tell me I had competition here on Tatooine, Mando.” 
To which, Din just sighs heavily and shakes his silver head.
Peli’s curly hair bounces as she laughs at the Mandalorian before going on, “Best engineer I’ve ever met, almost as good as me. He was off at the Tosche Station picking up power converters for me when you landed last week.” Peli turns to the Razor Crest and puts a hand to her mouth, “RICHARD! Come out here and meet the little green creature I told you about.” 
You’re completely taken aback when you hear the familiar name, feeling an odd pang of sadness. It’s not often that you meet people in the galaxy with a name that reminds you of Earth, but it’s also not entirely uncommon either. This one just happens to coincidentally remind you of someone you loved dearly. 
Then you see a man in his late sixties or early seventies emerge from the other side of the Razor Crest, wiping his oily hands on a rag. He’s got a prominent gray mustache and beard covering the lower half of  his wrinkled face and he’s wearing an engineer jumpsuit suit similar to Peli’s. He lifts the dark safety goggles to rest in his unruly gray hair as he approaches and when his face becomes completely clear to you, you nearly faint on the spot. 
“Well I’ll be damned,” the man says, stunned in his tracks as he looks directly at you. 
You must be having some sort of mirage experience from being in the heat of the binary suns for too long. This can’t possibly be real. 
“Mando, is that guy really standing there or am I hallucinating?” You whisper to your beskar clad best friend with wide eyes.
“He’s really standing there. Why? What’s wrong?”
“I think that’s my fucking grandfather.” 
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@luc-k-y | @theslytherinwriter | @somewereinthegalaxi | @leithatnight | @missbabyjay | @theyoutubedork
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kermodeiiii · 1 year
Forgive Your Heart
Chapter 6: First informant
Summary: Mando needs help finding more of his people, you didn't realize how valuable he was.
A/N:Almost positive I already used this GIF but screw it
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You startled awake, the child was gone from your lap, you nearly panicked thinking he had fallen off you in his slumber. Then you realized you had already landed, the cockpit was pitch black aside from the various control lights. As you stood, feeling against the wall to the door of the cockpit you mumbled incoherent curses for not waking you up sooner, you made your way down the ladder and into the hold of the Razor Crest. Mando stood there with the child in his pram, the ramp touched down on the planet's surface as you spoke up.
“Planning on leaving me?”
“You looked like you needed the rest.”
You walked closer standing to the side of the kids pram, petting his fuzzy head “Well, I’m up, so let’s go”
Mando didn’t say anything as he started walking, the planet was dark, eerie in its silence. You followed after him the child training next to you. The only thing separating the town from the rest of the planet was its poorly lit street lights, and the red eyed monsters that lurked in the shadows. You were still unsure of where exactly you were going but you trusted Mando wouldn’t intentionally put the child in danger. You soon came up to a building guarded by a Twi’lek. Mando stated his business.
“I’m here to see Gor Koresh.”
His eyes moving from the Mandalorian, to you, then the child that cooed up at him. Something didn’t feel right as the Twi’lek opened the door.
“Enjoy the fights.”
Mando was the first to walk in, and you quickly followed, the childs pram trailing you. As you stepped foot into the building you could feel the blood lust in the air, it sapped your energy from you, the smell of blood and sweat filled your nostrils. What kind of place is this? There was a ring in front of the hallway with two creatures fighting inside, you couldn’t make out their species but they fought brutally, their heavy weaponry clashed together as they fought. It almost reminded you of home. You never really understood this kind of thing, why people cheered as they watched others get hurt or killed. Mando stalked past the crowd, the kid looked uneasy as one of the green men fell to the floor, you blocked his line of sight with your body, giving him a reassuring smile. People yelled and screamed as the creature got back up on his feet, it was getting a bit too brutal even for your taste, you knew they couldn’t keep this up for much longer. Mando took a seat next to who you assumed was Gor Koresh.
“You know this is no place for a child, or a lady.”
“Wherever I go, they go.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment but kept your mouth shut, you knew he needed this info to get to more Mandalorians.
“So I’ve heard.”
The fight continued in front of you, their heavy axes giving off powerful waves of sound as the battled.
“I’ve been quested to bring him to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I’m told you know where to find them.”
You saw the child still watched the fight, Koresh was right, this is no place for a child, you turned the pram to face away from the ring.
“It’s uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.”
The child coos, hearing their weapons clash again and again, the same green man that got knocked down when you first came in was knocked down once more.
“Bah! My Gamorrean’s not doing well. Kill him! Finish him!”
You gripped the side of the kids pram so tight your knuckled started changing shades, how could he be so careless of anothers life? It made your blood boil as more people started shouting the same thing, you had to keep your composure, you had to stay calm for the kid. The Gamorrean, still standing, strikes down, almost finishing his opponent before he rolled away.
“You gamble, Mando?”
“Not when it can be avoided.”
Koresh chuckles “Well, I’ll bet you the information you seek that this Gamorrean’s going to die within the next minute and a half. And all you have to put up in exchange is your shiny beskar armor.”
Your head turned, staring at the one eyed man, did he really think that was going to happen? The Mandalorian did the same, staring him down through his visor.
“I’m prepared to pay you for the information. I’m not leaving my fate up to chance.”
The Gamorrean reeled his axe back, ready to strike again. Something was wrong here.
“Nor am I.” Koresh took out a blaster and shot the Gamorrean in the chest; he fell backwards onto the floor. Blasters were pointed at you and Mando before you could blink. You counted five in total, two pointed at you and three at Mando, that was their mistake though.
Koresh chickled again, “Thank you, for coming to me. Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives, to harvest your precious shiny shells.” another chuckle as he continues to threaten to peel it off mandos corpse.
“Tell me where the Mandalorians are, and I’ll walk out of here without killing you.”
“Thought you said you weren’t a gambler.”
You saw Mando clench his fist, small lights emitting from his forearm, you closed the childs pram.
“I’m not.”
The blasters pointed at your head fell to the ground after Mando launched his attack, but there were more than just those five. The Gamorrean left in the ring jumped over the ropes missing you and Mando, one of the gamblers wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the floor, you were really getting tired of being manhandled. You swung your legs up and down, using the momentum to throw the man over your shoulder, you pulled a small pipe out from your belt, when you swung it downwards it extended into a full spear. The man was uncoordinated on his attacks; it was easy to dodge him, with every missed punch he stumbled forward, you couldn’t help but play with him a bit. You sweeped the end of your spear under his feet making him fall face first onto the hard floor, while you were playing around Mando was taking on the Twi’lek and another gambler. This was child's play for him and it was obvious, however he showed them no mercy, there was purpose with every move he made.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Gor Koresh escaping, and if you saw it the Mandalorian did too. It was time to leave, taking that sharp end of your spear you plunged it into the man's back, Mando did the same, sinking his knife into his opponent's chest. You both made it out of the building, watching as Koresh made a pathetic escape attempt. But Mando wasn’t about to let that happen, he shot a wire out his armor wrapping it around Koresh's legs, tripping him. Mando dragged him towards one of the street lights, swinging the wire over its arch and pulling him to hang by his feet then tying it off. You tucked your spear back into your belt as it retracted.
“All right, stop, stop! I’ll tell you where he is. But you must give me your word you wont kill me.” You could hear the stain in his voice, you stood next to mando glaring down at this repulsive excuse for a man.
“I promise you will not die by my hand. Now where is the Mandalorian you know of.”
“The Mando I know of, is on Tatooine.”
“I’ve spent much time on Tatooine. I've never seen a Mandalorian there.”
The man continues to struggle trying to convince Mando there is, in fact, another Mandalorian on Tatooine. He even tells the name of the city, swearing on his life that he’s in Mos Pelgo.
“Tatooine it is then.”
You both begin to walk away, the childs still closed pram following next to you, Koresh is begging Mando to not leave him, telling him he can’t be left like this. You turn around pointing your blaster at the light.
“That wasn’t part of the deal.”
You fire, sending the street into almost total darkness, the red eyed creatures start surrounding him, growling as he screams. As the three of you return to the Razor Crest you opened the childs pram and scooped him out, holding him against your chest. You hated that he had to see that kind of violence, the kind that you grew up with, it wasn’t fair to him. He cooed, grabbing your attention, Eat.
“Hungry huh? Let’s fix that.”
Mando watched as you set him down on one of the crates in the belly of the ship.
“How can you tell he’s hungry?”
“Can’t you hear his little stomach growling? It’s like an engine!” You lied
You grabbed something for the kid to eat out of the cooling unit and making your way back over to him. Mando went up the ladder to fly you to your next destination, as you fed the kid he gargled and smiled at you. It wasn’t right to lie to him, but what else could you do, he would never believe you. You felt the ship lift off from the planet and out of the atmosphere, you’d have to tell him eventually…
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elfan22 · 2 years
Broken Soul sneakpeek - Chapter Thirty-Two
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(credit to gif creator)
A/N: the beginning of season two of the Mandalorian for my fic :) I hope y'all enjoy this snippet
Warnings: blood, fighting, death, violence
You pop up from the ground, turning back to the main fight only for you to see someone punch Din in the helmet. The man screams in pain as his fingers break and he clutches his hand against his chest while a woman slashes at Din with a knife.
The man with the broken hand tries to swing at Din again, but Din ducks and the man stumbles from the effort. With a shriek, you run and jump on the man as he turns to face you at your scream. Your legs straddle his neck, and he reaches up to grab your thighs to try to shove you away as he starts to stumble forward. You start to pummel his head, raising your arms into the air and slamming your elbows down into the crown of his head continuously as he stumbles forward toward a table. The man pries your legs from his neck, slamming you down on the table and wrapping his hands around your neck. His thumbs dig into your trachea, compressing it as he grimaces through the pain of broken bones. Letting out a strangled grunt, you turn the handle of your blade to bring the knife around in one fluid motion.
One quick slash to his throat and the man falters. His eyes widen and he releases the hold on your throat to reach up to touch the blood dripping from the ghastly smile carved on his own.
"What did you do?" he gurgles. The man is clutching his throat, desperately trying to hold in the blood that's pouring from the wound.
You wipe your face with the back of your hand as you sit up from the table, brushing away drops of blood.
"You attack him... you attack me," you gasp, spitting on the floor.
You watch as he collapses, knees buckling and blood splattering everywhere as he hits the floor.
There's a thud as someone falls from across the room, a knife sticking out of their chest. Din's staring at the body, his entire body is heaving with breath and anger as he surveys the room. Bodies were littered everywhere. You can see the Twi'lek who had been guarding the building lying a few feet away, sprawled out dead. Gor Koresh is nowhere in sight.
"Where's Gor?" you huff, wiping your knife on the sleeve of your inner elbow.
Din spins to look at you and rushes over to your side as you sheath your knife. He cups your chin, lifting your face to meet his gaze.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" His gaze must've fallen on your bruising throat because his anger spikes again. "Who did that?" His hushed voice was filled with rage, and his gloved hand softly touches the fingerprints on your throat.
You gesture to the man slumped by the table, grimacing at the disturbing sight of the growing pool of blood. Another reminder of the blood on your hands from this life you've led.
"I'm fine, Din. Where's Gor?"
"He ran out once the fighting started."
You scan the room as you walk with Din towards the door, counting the number of bodies that lay strewn about. "You beat me this time."
"How many did you get?"
"Two," you snort.
"Yeah, I won," Din chuckles, holding the door open for you and the child's pod as you exit the premises.
"In my defense... They were choking me when the fight started."
"Whatever you say, cyare," he teases.
"Hey, don't tease me. I'll beat your ass, Buckets." You point the knife at him in a loose grip, smirking at him as you step into the street. Catching a glimpse of the man running away, you let out a sigh.
"He's running."
"They always run," Din snorts, walking down the street calmly.
"We're not that scary, are we?" you say teasingly, twirling the knife in your hand.
"No," he says simply, going along with it. "We're just a Mandalorian and a Jedi. Why would they be scared?"
"Hmm, I guess we'll never know," you muse.
Continue on Wattpad and AO3 ❤️
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burnwater13 · 8 months
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Grogu didn’t understand why the Mandalorian was explaining anything to Gor Koresh. The mob boss certainly hadn’t deserved an explanation. On the other hand, Grogu was glad to get that insight into the bounty hunter’s life. He had no idea that Din Djarin had spent a lot of time on Tatooine. It seemed absurd really. All that sand. Uff.
Grogu could believe that Din Djarin had not seen another Mandalorian there. Mandalorians were pretty rare anywhere and Tatooine was in the middle of nowhere. Sure, maybe if you had to collect bounties there, you’d go to Tatooine, but how did Din Djarin manage to go to Tatooine and never meet Peli Motto before that trip he made there with Grogu? That made no sense. You would have had to skip going to Mos Eisley entirely. 
Hmmmm. Maybe the Mandalorian had skipped going to Mos Eisley. But then, where had he gone? Mos Espa? Anchorhead? Tosche Station? Where ever it was, Din Djarin had learned Tusken customs and their language. That hadn’t happened by mistake. You wouldn’t learn that just to collect a bounty, would you? Or would you? Grogu didn’t really know much about how a bounty hunter learned to be a bounty hunter. He decided to ask the Mandalorian and see if that would help. 
So, when they were in hyperspace, and Din Djarin wasn’t sleeping, fixing stuff around the Razor Crest, or telling Grogu to sleep, Grogu managed to ask him about Mandalorian training for bounty hunters.
“Kid, even with the things you can do, I don’t think you’re cut out to be a bounty hunter. Maybe you should plan on being a healer.”
Grogu snorted at that. He wasn’t asking the tall human for career advice! He just wanted to understand why Din Djarin knew anything about the Tuskens and how that came to pass. He tried his question again. 
“You don’t need to yell or go that slow. I got it. I know Tusken because I learned it when I was living with a Tusken tribe near the Dune sea. Pretty hard to survive on Tatooine if you don’t know some Tusken.”
The Mandalorian went back to running diagnostics on the port engine. 
Grogu grumbled at him that they’d been traveling together for some time and Mando hadn’t really made much effort to learn his language. 
“I let you think that, kid. Plus, you seem to be mostly interested in eating, sleeping, and asking me questions about when we’re going to eat next. It’s hard to pick up a lot of vocabulary from that.”
Din Djarin replied without looking up from what he was doing. Which was good because Grogu was caught somewhere between being really aggravated at the bounty hunter and admiring how he’d handled that. He figured that his face looked like it was caught between a sneeze and a ‘Dank Farrik’ and that wasn’t a look he wanted the human to figure out.
Once he was calm again, Grogu waddled over to the Mandalorian and asked him in a polite tone with a moderate volume level if he would please tell him the story of how he came to live with the Tuskens on Tatooine. 
“Buddy. I appreciate your interest. I do. But if I tell you then you’ll know all my secrets and how will I find a way to surprise you again?” Din Djarin replied as he stood up and walked over to a panel on the command console and looked at the read out. 
Grogu was about to protest when he heard the faint sound of the Mandalorian chuckling to himself. Then it struck Grogu that Din Djarin was practicing a trick on him that the bounty hunter had once been the victim of. Ha! The Mandalorian’s mentor or teacher or master, whatever, must have said the same to thing to him once, or a thousand times. Likely the later. 
Hmmm. That meant that Grogu was going to have to out clever his protector. Well, he had been Ian’s best friend at the Jedi Temple, and if anyone could teach you ways to handle and mete out mischief it was Ian. So, what did Ian do when anyone tried to put one over on him? Hmmmm.
Ah ha! Ignore them. Just pretend that what they did or said hadn’t happened. You didn’t notice. It didn’t affect you. Great. He’d try that with the Mandalorian and see how long it took for the bounty hunter to just start blabbing to him.
Grogu waited and waited for the Mandalorian to come around and insist on telling him all about his time on Tatooine, but nope. Nothing. They just ate, slept, and did chores. Uff. Chores. Grogu needed to recheck his Ian playbook and see what else had worked. Maybe he needed to use the other variant of pretending you hadn’t paid any attention to them, which was pretending you still needed the question answered, no matter what answer you were given. 
Grogu had noticed more than once that Ian had asked the librarian for access to restricted data cards so many times that she did one of two things. She either called Master Beq and asked him to address the youngling’s hearing issues or, after Master Beq made it perfectly clear that Ian had perfect hearing, she just gave him partial access to the data set he was interested in.
Since Ian was excellent at working out puzzles, the redacted information always ended up visible and he’d gotten what he wanted. Grogu never asked him why he wanted it. Ian was all about 'wheels within wheels’, annoying enough. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was that repetition had worked. 
Grogu tried it and then realized, sadly, that Ian had never been pitted against a stubborn Mandalorian bounty hunter. Dank Farrik!
“Kid, why is it so important to you that you learn about how I learned my trade? I thought we already established that bounty hunting wasn’t a likely career path for you?” 
Now, that was a good question. Grogu was reminded of another person he knew at the Jedi Temple and explained it to Din Djarin. 
“As long as you keep learning, you will be able to follow your path, no matter where it takes you? Okay, that’s pretty good advice.” The Mandalorian commented after Grogu had explained it several times. 
Grogu waited impatiently for his answer. The Mandalorian finally noticed the look of irritation and sighed.
“I was an exchange student. Since I don’t know how to swim, I wasn’t allowed to go to Canto Bight or Naboo.  Two years on Tatooine and I needed to learn something other than how to smuggle spice. Does that help?” Din Djarin replied. 
Grogu nodded his head but he also waited to see if the Mandalorian was going to laugh again. If he did that, then Grogu would have to try another way of getting information from him. Too bad the Razor Crest didn’t have a street light.
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corellianhounds · 6 months
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This is just a quick list of the finished fics I’ve posted here and on AO3. Check under the #hounds speaks and #my writing tags for essays, criticisms, meta analysis, and general thoughts.
Banner and grey dividers courtesy of @/saradika-graphics
Mudhorn divider by @/thecutestgrotto
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The Mandalorian
• Geroya: One-shot. 1k words. Gen. Set pre-show, leading into Season 1. Worldbuilding, filling in the spaces within canon.
“The children of the covert have a game they play when Beroya comes back to Nevarro.”
• Fate Sometimes Steps In: One-shot. 1k words. Gen. Set after “The Gunslinger.” Filling in the spaces within canon.
The time that passes in the liminal space between life and death is one few people can claim to recall. Fennec is guided back from the brink of the void by another who very nearly shared the same fate.
• Gaa’tayl: One-shot. 3k words. Gen. Set pre-show.
Paz Vizsla heads up the scouting party to rescue three children separated from the covert.
• Stranded In the Desert: One-shot. 3.1k words. Gen. A missing/added scene to the beginning of “The Passenger.”
The Mandalorian treks across the desert with a foundling and one of the Fallen in tow.
• Nightfall: One-shot. 1.8k words. Gen. Set during Order 66, an alternate take on the child’s escape.
What circumstances could have compelled Grogu to heal someone for the first time?
• The Exodus: One-shot. 5.7k words. Gen. The third act of “The Sin” from the covert’s perspective, retconning the later idea that only Paz Vizsla and the Armorer escaped Nevarro.
The covert on Nevarro wouldn’t have risked the entire tribe to save only one of their own, not without contingency plans in place.
• The Oldest Profession: One-shot. 4.9k words. Gen. Set prior to the show.
The Mandalorian is forced to find lodging through unconventional means during a long hunt.
Toro Calican Lives AU
An alternate universe where the eponymous gunslinger in Season 1 lives past his first hunt to have a more meaningful role in the show’s story. Series, WIP.
• Chapter 1 — First Shot: 5.3k words. Gen. An alternate ending to “The Gunslinger,” where the timeline diverges from canon and runs parallel to it.
Toro Calican makes a different choice.
• Chapter 2 — Fate Steps In: 879 words. Gen.
Fennec’s body had to end up somewhere.
• Chapter 3 — Refuge: 1k words. Gen.
Bandits attack Omera’s village.
• Chapter 4 — First Impressions: 14.1k words. Gen.
Mando, Toro, and the kid make landfall on Sorgan.
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Rogue One
Soldier, Princess, Farm Boy, Spy
Comparing and contrasting four of the heroes of the Rebellion. WIP.
Chapter 1 — Disparity: 1.9k words. Gen.
Jyn and Leia meet as children.
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Original Trilogy
• Bar Talk: One-shot. 2.7k words. Gen. Set a short time after Return of the Jedi.
Luke struggles with issues of self-doubt and faith. Lando’s good at helping people see things objectively.
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Prequel Trilogy
• Amidala the Resilient: One-shot. 3.9k words. Teen, but with heavy themes. A revised ending for Revenge of the Sith.
Amidala plans to face Vader on Mustafar. It’s clear to her he’s no longer the man she thought she knew.
Analyses & Criticisms
The Mandalorian
• Theory about Mando’s parents
• Mando lets Karga live, “The Sin”
• Peli Motto’s intuition
• Character analysis: Toro Calican
• Theory about Boba Fett’s original connection to Fennec Shand
• World-building: The covert on Nevarro
• Script analysis: Gor Koresh, and Mando’s justified violence
• Loose story threads: Minor changes to “The Passenger”
• Further details on potential themes “The Passenger” episode could have had (In a reblog for Stranded In the Desert)
• Character analysis of Mando: Protective vs Worrisome
• Strengthening characters: Cara Dune and Carson Teva, criticism of “The Siege”
• Peli Motto’s regard of Boba Fett
• Wasted Potential: Jack Black on Plazir 15
• Analyzing Mando’s fighting style — “The Prisoner”
• Analyzing Mando’s motivations: Criticism of “The Heiress”
Reblog with Character Analysis on Bo-Katan
• Analyzing Mando’s fighting style and motivations, Mando’s lack of agency as a character and being sidelined as a protagonist — Criticism of “The Heiress” and “The Rescue”
• Inconsistencies and weak world-building regarding where Mandalorians should live, Season 3
• Criticism of Bo-Katan being praised/focused on instead of Mando, Season 3
• Criticism of the writers’ usage of Bo-Katan’s character, end of Season 3
• Criticism of Mando settling down, end of Season 3
• Comparing and contrasting Din Djarin to Aragorn and Éomer of LotR
• Proposal for a different season 2 to fix some pacing and character development issues
• Director’s commentary for the writing process for Nightfall
The Book of Boba Fett
• De-aged Boba Fett scenario
• The Marketability of Star Wars Merchandise: Production design and its ties to storytelling
• Kill Your Darlings: “The Gathering Storm”
Original Trilogy
• Spitballing a Bail Organa lives AU
• Racial disparity in who gets to live: Criticism of Andor with suggested changes
• Short character analysis: Davo Sculdun
• Luthen’s ruthlessness and Cassian’s potential response
Prequel Trilogy
• Character Revision for Anakin Skywalker
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Original Character Ideas
• Someone from Fennec’s past shows up on Tatooine
• Peli Motto’s ex-husband
• Koziol and Bobo: an informant and his enforcer
• Kung Fu Panda parallels
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archetypesanalysis · 1 year
The Mandalorian Season 2: The Lover
Now that Din Djarin has passed his first trial as the Warrior, the Armorer sends him off for his second trial when she makes him and Grogu “a clan of two”, and tells him to act as a father to Grogu until he returns Grogu to the Jedi or that Grogu comes of age. The second trial involves the Lover archetype. This is further evident with the season 2 promotional poster and logo depicting Din looking at Grogu because Grogu is now his priority.
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The Lover desires physical sensations and emotional connection. A person connected to the Lover can appreciate sensory experiences like eating food and listening to music, which helps them to enjoy life and be creative. The Lover is empathic and compassionate as it helps a person to experience the joy and pain of themselves and others. The Lover also helps people to embrace others for their differences.
Din Djarin does not start as a great Lover due to his questionable parenting. In “Chapter 9: The Marshal”, he says that Grogu goes wherever he goes, even that means going to a gambling arena where Gor Koresh says that it’s no place for a child. In addition, he does not mind doing a shootout with Cobb Vanth in front of Grogu because the kid has “seen worse”. Fortunately, Din does have some positive Lover traits, and this is evident when he teaches Cobb Vanth to respect the Tusken Raiders, and he later unites the people of Mos Pelgo (now renamed Freetown) and the Tusken Raiders to kill the krayt dragon. Season 2 puts Din on a journey to access the Lover archetype in its fullness.
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“Chapter 10: The Passenger” serves as a warning for Din about the active Shadow Lover: The Addicted Lover. His willingness to bring Grogu wherever he goes puts Grogu in danger, and this is evident when a raider threatens to hurt Grogu in the beginning of the episode. Din’s inability to set proper boundaries puts him at risk of leaning towards the Addicted Lover. This in turns affects Grogu when he keeps eating the Frog Lady’s unfertilized eggs – a sign of an Addicted Lover. A person possessed by the Addicted Lover is eternally restless as he is forever searching for something to satisfy himself. When Din does not allow Grogu to get close to the Frog Lady’s eggs, Grogu wanders over to the eggs of the knobby white ice spiders and eats one of the eggs to satisfy his hunger, which awakens the mother and baby spiders.
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The restlessness of an Addicted Lover is like a person struggling to find his way out of a spider web, which is described as maya in Hinduism. He thinks his way out is to go deeper, but it only traps him there. Din Djarin, Grogu and the Frog Lady are stuck in a web of maya, surrounded by the spiders. Din chooses to run away and heads to his half-repaired ship is the right decision as he is taking the only way out of the spider web. He is rewarded with the New Republic X-wing pilots coming in to kill the spiders, allowing him to live another day.
On the other hand, “Chapter 11: The Heiress” serves as a warning for Din about the passive Shadow Lover: The Impotent Lover. A person who is possessed by the Impotent Lover lacks connection with others, lacks the ability to feel, and lacks the capacity to enjoy life – basically, these are symptoms of depression. The depression becomes a barrier that causes the person to be detached from the Lover. Din rejecting Bo-Katan, Koska Reeves and Axe Woves as Mandalorians just because they take off their helmets puts him at risk of leaning towards the Impotent Lover. Although Bo-Katan says that Mandalorians are stronger together, she herself does show signs of an Impotent Lover: she calls the Children of the Watch as a cult, she puts her mission to retake Mandalore over Din’s quest to return Grogu to a Jedi, and she does not accept Boba Fett as a Mandalorian just because he is a clone. She is a Warrior disconnected from the Lover. Din choosing to accept the Nite Owls as Mandalorians and continue his quest to return Grogu to a Jedi is the right decision as he values the connection with others. He is rewarded with Bo-Katan telling him to find Ahsoka Tano in the city of Calodan on Corvus.
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After experiencing the bipolar Shadow Lover, Din Djarin begins to make adjustments to his parenting skills in “Chapter 12: The Siege”. He begins testing the waters by lifting his helmet slightly when having a meal with Grogu, shifting himself away from the Impotent Lover. He leaves Grogu in a school under Greef’s advice as it is unsafe to bring Grogu on their mission to take down an Imperial base, shifting himself away from the Addicted Lover.
His Lover archetype gets expanded upon meeting Ahsoka Tano. She teaches him about the Force, describing it as an energy field created by all living things. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette describe the Lover energy having an immediate and intimate contact with the universal consciousness like “the Force”. This connection helps people to value and appreciate all living beings regardless of their differences. Din’s acceptance of the Nite Owls as Mandalorians even though they do not follow the strict helmet rule is his first step to become the Lover to its fullness. In “Chapter 13: The Jedi”, Din teams up with Ahsoka to free the city of Calodan from the control of Morgan Elsbeth, despite the Mandalorians and the Jedi are ancient enemies. In “Chapter 14: The Tragedy”, he accepts Boba Fett as a Mandalorian despite both of them have different values. In “Chapter 15: The Believer”, he and Mayfeld develop a newfound respect, and he lets Mayfeld go, forgiving his transgressions. Din’s ability to love those who are different than him shows that he is becoming a great Lover.
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“Chapter 16: The Rescue” serves as the final test for Din Djarin in becoming a balanced Lover. He gathers Cara Dune, Boba Fett, Fennec, Bo-Katan and Koska Reeves to aid him in rescuing Grogu. Everything he does is out of his love for Grogu. When Din removes his helmet for Grogu to see his face, he finally lets down the barrier between them and avoids the pitfalls of the Impotent Lover. He also lets Grogu go with Luke Skywalker, establishing an appropriate boundary that helps him to avoid the pitfalls of the Addicted Lover. With that, Din has passed the test.
Now with the Darksaber in his possession, his next trial will involve the Magician archetype.
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pascalsky · 3 years
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The Mandalorian - Making of Season 2 [Part 4]
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galactic-fanatic · 3 years
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The Mandalorian: End Credits Visuals
Season 2 Chapter 9 - The Marshal
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Gor Koresh: go to Tatooine
Peli Motto: go to Krasst
Bo-Katan: go to Corvus
Ahsoka: go to Tython
Din: do you people have any idea how much fuel costs??
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