#Good ol Macbeth
berensteinsmonster · 27 days
coverted Toppats to Cowwoys for the hv au
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The Cowwoy Posse are a group of cowboys, usually on the outskirts of Red Mesa, who do everything in their power to do good.
Usually they're sent on missions to go help people :) They regularly fight petty criminals or more bust organized crime factions. Or they travel to other locations if trouble arises there. Though not all Cowwoys use the airship or train, if they're skilled enough (such as being of ranger rank) they ride their own horses. Crease and Piercings have their own and they're named Crane and Hoops respectively, those horses are also lesbians.
All Cowwoy members are also required to learn basic survival skills, such as foraging or hunting, for when they take trips across the Red Mesa that'll quickly deplete their resources.
If there's one crime syndicate that have really gotten the most of their attention towards dismembering, it'd be the TVOGXART corporation. And all Cowwoys hate the TVOG.
They're not swindled or easily tricked by promises of riches, because they REGULARLY beat up rich people who are affiliated with the TVOGXART corporation. They've all sworn to do good because as bleak as things can be they want to prove that there is a beating heart of kindness in a world that regularly profits off of misery.
They are kind and they are good. because the hv au society wants people to believe that is no longer possible.
Thank you to @digital-roots for sending me 5 toppats to turn into cowwoy members :) I had a lot of fun doing these, I really love making good-ified mirror characters just as much as I like making evil dopplegangers. I'm so proud of how these guys turned out. like look at them. Theyre so cool and awesome and theyre gonna save the fucking day. even though the world they live in worsens, it's in Cowwoy honor to still try and make it a bit more bareable.
Bonus: original draft sketches
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btw just take the messages as like, unpolished draft only for the descriptions of the characters. I was just playing around with the idea process. I think Piercings knows how to use a phone and Ms Hero is (eventually) fine with the Regal Bronzeage since that guy's an actual superhero. The more the merrier. two cakes
Also ignore the message where it says ms hero ues he/him cuz i updated it. ms hero uses he/she because while his pronouns may interchange, her sense of JUSTICE!!! does not :)
Bonus: hey its her sidekicks The Fairy and Wilhelm Krieschen!!! they will get their own post eventually
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brine-in-my-eyes · 28 days
EHEHEHEHEHHE FINISHED MY COWWOY POSSE ART AAAAAAA IT LOOKS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! aughhhh i love it so fuckign muchhhhh....... Oh man Im so happy :)))
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
Top 5 worst Callas roles. Go on do your worse
1. ROSINA (t's just horrible. horrible.)
2. Mimì (thank god she only recorded it and never performed)
3. Gilda (just as with Mimì, i just don't believe her in that role, she's not an innocent young girl, she's a bitch - also hate how she kinda. artificially thins out her voice for that one. talk about things that ultimately ruined it...)
4. Konstanze (yes, I know there is no recording of her in this role, only the one aria which is horrible and I hate it, she shouldn't have been allowed to even look at Mozart, next)
5. ANYTHING she sung in the 1960s (and, oh god, the 1970s...).
go on, boo me, you know I'm right.
#TO BE ENTIRELY FAIR. this is a thing ive always said and i was never ashamed of it. she was AMAZING in the early 1950s#and in the few recordings we have of her in the late 1940s#her Lady Macbeth and Abigaille and Violetta and all she sang back then. even the Sweet Innocent roles like Puritani or Lucia. great.#cant say a bad word about them.#y'all need to understand i dont hate her for her singing. i think i could even say i dont hate HER per se. i just hate the fandom lol#i genuinely do think she'd never be such an 'icon' if not for the scandals and the media exposure and if people didn't love a good ol'#'tragic backstory' (which. she aint special! many singers had horrible lives come on lol). and while i do think she was one of the best#in her early years i just hate hate hate the approach that she was objectively THE best and people treating it like a fact and not even#bothering to listen to other amazing sopranos who could easily be called her equal or even better.#so yeah. say what you want but Callas's fandom is worst than m*rvel or sherlock or even spn fans.#there. here you have my full confession. but for the sake of the old traditions.#lets still pretend that i hate her with a passion <333 it's much funnier that way#ALSO. having said what i said about her Mozart. i would have LOVED to hear her Fiordligi and Vitellia.#she would have rocked it with that fearless chest voice of hers. also Elettra - since she loved those insane bitches so much.#sadly she has not been Enlightened and found Mozart boring which shows. so much. in her recordings of him. well fuck you too Maria.#and yes this goes into her tag mwah#maria callas#opera tag#ask#there you have it miky. are you happy now?????
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Here's THE masterpost of free and full adaptations, by which I mean that it's a post made by the master.
Anthony and Cleopatra: here's the BBC version, here's a 2017 version.
As you like it: you'll find here an outdoor stage adaptation and here the BBC version. Here's Kenneth Brannagh's 2006 one.
Coriolanus: Here's a college play, here's the 1984 telefilm, here's the 2014 one with tom hiddleston. Here's the Ralph Fiennes 2011 one.
Cymbelline: Here's the 2014 one.
Hamlet: the 1948 Laurence Olivier one is here. The 1964 russian version is here and the 1964 american version is here. The 1964 Broadway production is here, the 1969 Williamson-Parfitt-Hopkins one is there, and the 1980 version is here. Here are part 1 and 2 of the 1990 BBC adaptation, the Kenneth Branagh 1996 Hamlet is here, the 2000 Ethan Hawke one is here. 2009 Tennant's here. And have the 2018 Almeida version here. On a sidenote, here's A Midwinter's Tale, about a man trying to make Hamlet. Andrew Scott's Hamlet is here.
Henry IV: part 1 and part 2 of the BBC 1989 version. And here's part 1 of a corwall school version.
Henry V: Laurence Olivier (who would have guessed) 1944 version. The 1989 Branagh version here. The BBC version is here.
Julius Caesar: here's the 1979 BBC adaptation, here the 1970 John Gielgud one. A theater Live from the late 2010's here.
King Lear: Laurence Olivier once again plays in here. And Gregory Kozintsev, who was I think in charge of the russian hamlet, has a king lear here. The 1975 BBC version is here. The Royal Shakespeare Compagny's 2008 version is here. The 1974 version with James Earl Jones is here. The 1953 Orson Wells one is here.
Macbeth: Here's the 1948 one, there the 1955 Joe McBeth. Here's the 1961 one with Sean Connery, and the 1966 BBC version is here. The 1969 radio one with Ian McKellen and Judi Dench is here, here's the 1971 by Roman Polanski, with spanish subtitles. The 1988 BBC one with portugese subtitles, and here the 2001 one). Here's Scotland, PA, the 2001 modern retelling. Rave Macbeth for anyone interested is here. And 2017 brings you this.
Measure for Measure: BBC version here. Hugo Weaving here.
The Merchant of Venice: here's a stage version, here's the 1980 movie, here the 1973 Lawrence Olivier movie, here's the 2004 movie with Al Pacino. The 2001 movie is here.
The Merry Wives of Windsor: the Royal Shakespeare Compagny gives you this movie.
A Midsummer Night's Dream: have this sponsored by the City of Columbia, and here the BBC version. Have the 1986 Duncan-Jennings version here. 2019 Live Theater version? Have it here!
Much Ado About Nothing: Here is the kenneth branagh version and here the Tennant and Tate 2011 version. Here's the 1984 version.
Othello: A Massachussets Performance here, the 2001 movie her is the Orson Wells movie with portuguese subtitles theree, and a fifteen minutes long lego adaptation here. THen if you want more good ole reliable you've got the BBC version here and there.
Richard II: here is the BBC version. If you want a more meta approach, here's the commentary for the Tennant version. 1997 one here.
Richard III: here's the 1955 one with Laurence Olivier. The 1995 one with Ian McKellen is no longer available at the previous link but I found it HERE.
Romeo and Juliet: here's the 1988 BBC version. Here's a stage production. 1954 brings you this. The french musical with english subtitles is here!
The Taming of the Shrew: the 1980 BBC version here and the 1988 one is here, sorry for the prior confusion. The 1929 version here, some Ontario stuff here, and here is the 1967 one with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. This one is the Shakespeare Retold modern retelling.
The Tempest: the 1979 one is here, the 2010 is here. Here is the 1988 one. Theater Live did a show of it in the late 2010's too.
Timon of Athens: here is the 1981 movie with Jonathan Pryce,
Troilus and Cressida can be found here
Titus Andronicus: the 1999 movie with Anthony Hopkins here
Twelfth night: here for the BBC, here for the 1970 version with Alec Guinness, Joan Plowright and Ralph Richardson.
Two Gentlemen of Verona: have the 2018 one here. The BBC version is here.
The Winter's Tale: the BBC version is here
Please do contribute if you find more. This is far from exhaustive.
(also look up the original post from time to time for more plays)
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zforzelma · 10 months
A list* of Shakespeare characters for which casting a trans actor is the strongest choice.
Take a look at your complete works of Shakespeare. You can pack so much Gender in those plays. I am of the opinion that casting should be undertaken to highlight the text and make new discoveries.
Really, any Shakespeare role can and should be played by a trans person of any variety, but there are some roles in particular that I think would unfold incredible revelations about the text. I'm leaving out magical characters and fools because that's too obvious.
Lysander - Mids; why don't you want me to marry your daughter? Say it, you coward.
Helena - Mids; This one would be psychologically intense for the actress, so really only attempt if you've got a good therapist. Having a trans woman in this role would be such a gut-punch for so much of the text, I honestly think it would make the audience uncomfortable at some parts. To which I say: GOOD.
I have so many more.
Viola - 12th; Also pretty psychologically intense with all the cross dressing, and the wow-you-look-just-like-your-brother, but her equivocation about gender in her conversations with Orsino would absolutely sing.
Orlando - As You Like It; His older brother won't let him go to college with the other men. Proves himself by winning in a wrestling match. Doesn't recognize his crush when she's cross dressing.
Mercutio - R&J; At this point I feel like everyone knows Mercutio is a nonbinary lesbian or trans masc. Right? Like, we all know that. Jokes aside, I think his difficult relationship with masculinity and honor would be interesting if interpreted by a trans actor.
Hamlet - Hamlet; Obviously. I mean duh. trans masc, trans fem, man, woman, both or neither. Any queer person probably gets Hamlet on a visceral level better than any cis straight person. Who's even casting a cis man as Hamlet in the year of our lord 2023? Yawn.
Laertes - Hamlet; Yeah I don't know what it is. This one is purely vibes based.
Macduff - Macbeth; I actually made Macduff a woman, changed all the pronouns and made him a lesbian when I directed, and I'd probably do that again. But I think Duff could also - or alternately - be trans. I think it would say something interesting about violence of his journey, the scene with future King Malcolm, and the fact that Duff is the one to behead ol' Mack.
What do you guys think? Did I miss an obvious one?
* this is not at all a comprehensive list
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hausofmamadas · 2 months
PRIMOGENITAL | the Wisdom of Fredward Horniman
From The Gentlemen, Episode 1 - Refined Agression
Look, you guys. He’s really suffered, okay?
He’s been STABBED in the heart, he’s been London-BRIDGED(?), he’s been FUCKED in the face, DOGGED on the floor.
And it’s true. He has, despite being the firstborn son, been relegated to the truly harrowing fate of being the most embarrassingly, painfully, mediocre progeny in the family line, that his dad had no choice but to break with 600yrs of tradition and cut him out of the will, passing everything to younger, much cooler more responsible brother, Edwina “Eddie” Horniman. And isn’t not having a bullshit title, nor the crushing debt of his father’s failed above-board business, nor having to deal with the surprise! extensive, underground potfarm on the estate grounds and all the accompanying stress and criminal hijinx with it— well, isn’t it just the most traumatic thing you can imagine???????
Now all Freddy gets to do is:
live in historic mansion with way-too-cool-to-be-caught-dead-with-him, Inexplicable-Stunt-Driver-Wife Tamasina (known by abs legendary nickname of Wham Tam) who also, when asked by Freddy in a moment of desperation if she thinks he’s a cock, rightly points out, “all men are cocks, Freddy”
pal around in chicken costume and steal cars with chill asf brother that he only occasionally wants dead, Steady Eddie who’s legit so good at everything that Freddy doesn’t have to be good at anything
go “fishing” aka chuck live grenades into lake full of salmon, a method worthy of Park-Tuna-Assassin Ramon Arellano Félix and invent Crack!Weed another Ramon-coded pasttime with bestie-botanist and lover of all things hydroponic, hallucinogenic, and Special Sauce, Jimmy Chang …. AND
Skeet shoot out in picturesque estate garden with creature-whisperer, actual live angel, and all around Dilf-of-the-manor, Geoff
Oh, the horror.
No, but honestly, I cannot summon from memory a single character I have so biblically despised on first watch, only to full 180, violently swing in the opposite direction to straight glee/appreciation for the comedic marvel that is Mr. (not!)Duke-SirFancyPants-RoyalDumpsterFire-LordSomethingErOther, the one, the only, Frederick “Fredward” Horniman aka thisprince👇
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Yeah, talk about refined aggression? I had some refined ass aggression toward ole Fred, here. Like when I tell you I hated this “man,” I h a t e d this man.
All I could think the whole time, on first watch was, wowowow, y’know what’s worse than a useless, entitled, infantile, drug-addled, narcissistic man-fetus …?
A loud useless, entitled, infantile, drug-addled, narcissistic man-fetus.
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My mans, Eddie is wayyy too generous here☝️and every other time he bails Freddy out of whatever pigshit he manages to shove his full face into bc I’d be throwing more than paper. That antique furniture would regrettably be sailing thru the air, straight at that fat melon of this nepo-baby dressed in DivineRightofKings drag, if only to get a precious few fucking seconds of silence.
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Like the only one reacting appropriately here is Charly☝️who Freddy snarkily calls Lady Macbeth with a mix of love and contempt only a sibling can display which like, not the best? insult? To be called one of the most groundbreaking female characters of all time? But our boy is nothing if not scholarly, right. So im sure he super paid attention when the class was reading Macbeth
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So, yeah. He’s basically the worst. There’s a metric fuck ton of evidence to support that. AND YET, this mf isn’t completely useless bc after my 2nd and 3rd rewatch specifically witnessing the genius that is his alter ego, plastic Russian gangster, Anatoly Givenchy Romanov who laavs orange cars and Siberian tigers let me do tell you, against my better judgment, I found myself growing to love and adore the (2nd) funniest character in an already hilarious show (crown goes to beautiful tropical fish Jimmy bc mans always proper vibin’)
And now, when I watch this scene, instead of berserker levels of enraged, I’m struck with a disorienting combo of secondhand cringe + juvenile glee??? Like instead of wanting to aggravated manslaughter my own tv, I’m just “awww, Fredward. What a little nothing you are. Look how silly you look in your lil boarding school jumper.” And it feels good(?) but mostly bad. And then I do this
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like the true American scum that I am.
taglist: @drabbles-mc @when-did-this-become-difficult @narcolini, @ladygoatee ⇝ tagged bc even tho you have zero intention of watching, you were diligently taking notes
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hubristicassholefight · 2 months
Hubristic Assholes fight round 1 part 3b
Macbeth (Macbeth) vs Adam (Nier: Automata)
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Propaganda below cut (Beware spoilers!)
Witches say he shall be king, so with Lady Macbeth’s help he murders his way to the throne, then backstabs his only allies for fear of them plotting against him. According to the witches, he can only die if the forest marches to his gates, so he’s good to go! Until an army carrying a forest of branches arrives at his gates. a classic
macbeth was too caught up in being manipulated by his hot wife that he failed to notice his declining mental state or the fact that treason is, in fact, Not Good; scottish white boy breaking it down ne’er-be-cleaned style
He fucked around and found out! Adam was a humanoid machine created in front of androids 2B and 9S. He nearly died to them another guy came out of the stab wound but that's irrelevant to his hubris lol. Connected to a network of machines, he became fixated on humanity (which has "fled to the moon" thousands of years ago), and more importantly, their emotions. He started copying the BIBLE, going "hm yes I'll name myself Adam my brother can be Eve ig, oh lookie here apples make you smart, we don't need to eat but let's eat those" and just like. Buddy. I'm not even Christian or Jewish or anything but I don't think that's what the Bible meant. Anyways, he wonders how androids feel emotions, so, as one does, he kidnaps 9S, just kinda puts him through some good ol' psychological torture, and then stabs him and sort of crucifies him, leaving him alive Now onto the hubris! He leaves 9S there, so when 2B finds 9S, Adam tells he he wants to see HATE firsthand. He disconnects from the network, making him completely mortal, and decided he wants to see 2B fight him. And, obviously, she does, bc she is PISSED. Aaaand Adam promptly gets stabbed and bleeds out on the floor. Fucked around and found out lol;
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fandomsnstuff · 10 months
This is for that au roulette thing i reblogged uhh yesterday
AU: Community theatre
Barry's in hell. He died in a horrific car crash and everything that's happened in the last hour has been the universe punishing him for stealing Alex J's cupcake on the last day of 3rd grade. This is the only explanation.
It couldn't possibly be because he's smitten for a very pretty girl he's known only since he forced himself to socialise and volunteered to do lights at the city theatre. How long has it been? Three weeks? Twenty years? Fifteen minutes? 
But she caught him singing to himself and convinced him to sing to her for real. Then when the guy playing the titular character turned out to be an absolute jerkwad, he was shoved into an audition room and now he's sitting in a chair trying not to cringe as Taako paper machés half his face. 
Why they decided to do Phantom of the Opera, Barry will never understand. Their funding is about 20 dollars and a paperclip, but the things Magnus can rig up with some plywood and a quick trip to Home Depot are truly magical. 
The dressing room door opens and in the mirror he sees Lup come up behind him, very obviously suppressing a smile. 
"You're laughing at me," he deadpans.
"No I'm not!" She looks offended at the notion. "It just looks silly before the mask is painted." 
He chances a look at himself, and she's not wrong. There's some glue-water dripping down his chin, he has a makeshift cotton-ball-and-medical-tape eyepatch, and there's a full colour Garfield comic across his forehead. "I can't believe I agreed to this." 
"You'll do great." 
He resists the urge to shake his head as Taako puts another strip of paper on his face. Moving too much is what got him stuck with Garfield. "I haven't been on a stage since I was thirteen. I'm a backstage kind of guy."
"Who can sing like a leading man." 
His face flushes, and even with his half vision he can see Taako roll his eyes. "I'm just glad Greg's finally fucked off," he says. "That guy was getting way too into it." 
Barry frowns. "Really? How?" 
Taako snorts. "You know that guy who played the joker who left, like, gross shit on people's doorsteps?" 
"Nnnnno? I'm not really a celebrities kinda guy." 
Taako covers up the Garfield strip with the last of the newspaper (probably because he knows Lucretia would throw a paintbrush at him if she had to cover a full colour comic with the theatre's mediocre paint) and starts washing his hands. "Well some dude was being a freak about playing the joker cause he's "method" and Greg was also being a freak." 
"It was like he was trying to be the phantom of this theatre," Lup says, "but he didn't seem to realise it doesn't work when we all know he's doing it." 
"Well, I, uh," Barry clears his throat, "I promise I won't be a freak? But, you know, who's gonna do lights now? I mean I-" 
"Magnus," Taako says, flicking the water off his hands. 
"He couldn't take over the phantom?" 
Taako barks a laugh. "Trust me, you do not want to hear Maggie sing." 
"He's not that bad," Lup defends.
"He's not that good either. He's better off sticking to Shakespeare and woodworking." 
Barry's eyebrows raise. "Shakespeare?" 
"Face," Taako scolds. Barry drops his surprise back to neutral. "But yeah, the guy can't sing for shit, and he won't be acting in any blockbusters any time soon, but jeezums can he recite a soliloquy." 
"I can actually understand ol' Willy Shakes when Magnus does it," Lup says. "He was Macbeth last year." 
"Oh, I remember that!" Barry says, "my mom and I came, and afterwards she kept saying how-" 
He's cut off by loud, thundering steps out in the hallway. Somewhere outside the door a booming voice shouts, "TO BE, OR NOT TO BE," the door's thrown open and reveals Magnus, "THAT is the question." 
The three of them stare at him, bewildered. He smiles, "I heard someone say Shakespeare?"
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vieraslaji · 9 months
mielenkiintoista, olisipa täälläkin sata teatteria yhdessä kaupungissa 😄 itse en ole edes haaveillut yhdysvalloissa työskentelystä, kun koen, että siellä on ihan erilainen taso kuin oma osaamiseni on. kuulostaa mielenkiintoiselta tuo, mitä kaikkea oot tehnyt! sellaiset teatterit, joissa saa tehdä vähän kaikkea, on tosi mukavia. omasta mielestäni se lisää yhteisöllisyyttä. joissain teattereissa kun ollaan niin tarkkoja, ettei saa puuttua muiden osastojen töihin 🙄 aa, niin siis, tarpeistonvalmistajat/hoitajat on usein naisia! mutta täälläkin lavastemestarit ja näyttämömestarit on usein miehiä. myös stage handit (näytäntötyöntekijät/näyttämöhenkilöt, eri teattereissa puhutaan varmaan eri termeillä, sillä ennen heitä kutsuttiin näyttämömiehiksi, mutta nykyään nuo mies-loppuiset ammattinimikkeet yritetään neutralisoida käytöstä) oli ennen vain miehiä ja joissain teattereissa on kuulemma yhä sitä, että VAIN miehet saa siirrellä lavasteita. naurettavaa. pukijat, ompelijat ja tarpeistonhoitajat on tosi usein naisia. meillä on vain yksi ammattiliitto, teme, joka ei kovin aktiivisesti tosin hoida liittolaisten asioita. mutta se on kyllä hyvä juttu, jos teillä on siellä toimiva liitto! on tärkeää pitää oikeuksistaan huolta, etenkin tauoista ja jaksamisesta.
meidän työpäivä on usein siis kaksiosainen ja se jakautuu päivittäin, että ensimmäinen työpätkä on klo 10-14 ja toinen klo 17.30-21.30, noissa molemmissa työpätkissä on siis vain yksi 15 min tauko. mutta jos päivä on esimerkiksi 9-17, niin sitten on tunnin ruokatauko ja pari kahvitaukoa. tosi harvoin on ylitöitä ja pomo yleensä varmistaa, haluaako jäädä ja saa kieltäytyä. sen ylityön saa myöhemmin sitten vapaapäivänä tai rahana. meillä on muuten kahden kuukauden palkallinen kesäloma 😊 (johtuen siitä kun tekee lauantaisinkin töitä)
onko teillä muuten jotain onnentoivotuksia ennen ensi-iltaa? täällä "potkitaan" polvella pyllylle.
kahden kuukauden kesäloma 😭😭😭 älä tuu tänne, meillä ei oo loma lainkaan paitsi kun oot työtön. mut hyvä asia niin monta teattereista on se että kaikki tasot on hyväksyneet ja arvostaneet! mä alotin ilman mitään tosielämässä kokemusta lmao ja useita teatteria silti halusi toimia mun kans.
luulen et näyttämömestärit täällä on usein naisia, mut en oo varmaa... se vaan tuntuu oikealta mun kokemuksen mukaan. teatterinala on vielä liian miehillä johtavaa mut se paranee (ja tulee enemmän queer, mikäli ku näen valoteknikkona - olipa kerran valoteknikot oli kaikki vaiteliaat, vihaiset miehet ja nyt monet on lesbot :D)
siitä ensi-illan onnentoivotuksista... no me sanotaan aina "break a leg", ei "good luck", koska good luck sanominen saattaa aiheuttaa onnettomusta haha. näyttelijillä on omien rituaaleja mut mä ite yleensä vaan toivon parhaan :D
oot varmasti kuullut siitä ettei me sanota "macbeth" teatterissa (vaik mä itse en usko kiroukseen), ja jos sanot sitä jonkun ihan taikauskoisen lähellä niin sun täytyy heti juosta teatterin ulkona ympäriin kolme kertaa. uskooko jotkut suomessa macbeth-kiroukseen? tai et jos teatterin sisällä viheltää niin se tuo epä onnin?
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thealogie · 3 months
so I went to check the Olivier awards wiki page after reading one of your last anons to check the odds on mr Tennant's Shakespeare outing making the list, and found out there's been plenty of good ol' Shakes nominations for best actor this century, and even two wins. in fact all major Hamlets were nominated except for the Tennant one lol. so I'm pretty confident his Macbeth is going to make the list. would be interesting if Fiennes' Macbeth makes it as well, though it would be rather excessive and the reviews suggest it should be the Tennant one, if any. though it would be just his luck to miss out, despite the Donmar reviews being overwhelmingly better lol. But the strangest thing is, I couldn't find anything on either of the Fiennes brothers nominations for best actor, best supporting actor or best newcomer (retired). i don't get it, can this be that neither of them ever got even a nomination for an Olivier? i can't believe it, they've had such an illustrous stage career, esp.Ralph, I was sure he had at least a couple of wins, leaving aside nominations. maybe I miss something crucial in my search, I just search 'fiennes' on the wiki page with the lists of winners and nothing comes up. googling it also brings nothing, and I am now invested. maybe some of your anons could explain what am I doing wrong or how is it possible that they never received a nomination?
Wow you’re right I can’t find anything either. Could it be that we’ve found a new set of incredibly snubbed British actors? I’ve never seen either of them on stage though is it possible they’re just not good stage actors? that can’t be right???
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bargarraninc · 5 months
teddy bear waltz; visit 16, dec 3rd, 2023
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QUICK NOTES: - Long recap, we know the drill. Yes, I continue to spew analytical nonsense about Malcolm in this one too — love that silly detective. - The 1-1s discussed in this post are Malcolm and the Taxidermist. Spoiler portions are clearly marked by red headings!
TL;DR: Holy shit Tim Creavin.
Thanks to a momentous birthday gift of a spoiler from Mr. Tim Creavin himself, I stand in line for the evening show, with my Ovest arancini in hand, visibly trembling with adrenaline, excitement and a little bit of the cold despite having just spent three hours running around the hotel. A shoutout must be made to the lovely folks in line with me who I tried to convince (for the better part of 30 minutes) to dedicate themselves to a loop with Malcolm. It brought me immense joy watching their familiar silhouettes rushing behind Malcolm later on in the show.
Entry is quick and we make it into bar alongside the Oz’s, greeted by the lovely Katie and Audrey. I have brought a friend with me to this show, so we get water and loiter in the correct spot to be on the first elevator up. We talk about our small game plan — ballroom, up with Malcolm (where I was hoping she would get the 1-1) and then through the floors for a quick walkthrough before we split. Aces are called and we all shuffle in.
Spoiler in mind, I am already giggling as I put the mask on — excited for what I was (rightly) sure would be an incredibly entertaining show. The elevator door opens as Karen finishes her spiel and it is Mr. Tim Creavin as good ol’ James Bargarran. Tim’s Taxi is a drawler. He lazily gestures us in and leans against the lift-wall during his usual spiel, in which he points at me and my friend holding hands and asks for us to ‘detach’. The body language, the characterisation is so different from his sweet (if nervy) Malcolm countenance that I am immediately floored. From moment one, I know this is going to be a very Taxi-heavy visit to the Hotel.
We are all let out onto 3rd with a sardonic wave and I guide my guest to move down to ballroom through the Macbeth’s apartment for those stairwells are emptier. Not realising just how quickly we’d been let in, we almost rush past Nate Carter’s Macbeth doing the graveyard solo. Thankfully, I catch movement out of the side of my eye, so me and her stand there entirely alone watching Nate gracefully twirl, entangled in a fight seemingly with himself. It is gorgeous and I am reminded that Nate is truly a star — what a beautiful Macbeth. We descend with Macbeth to the ballroom and I take up my usual post by Malcolm’s trench on instinct.
As all the dancing kicks off, I am made giddy by the night’s cast — Will is on as Malcolm and the coven is Mio! Sexy, Michaela! Bald (a personal favourite) and Aaron! Boy. My friend latches onto the Banquo and Sexy duo as her favourites but I am centred in on Will’s Malcolm and his little shimmying dance with Aaron, both of them not letting the other take lead in the dance, raring up against rather competitively.
This happy, beautiful scene comes to an end and Will, as always, absolutely books it out of ballroom, first stumbling up from crypt and then seemingly running. We break after him, only a crowd of 4-5, my friend lagging behind already as I try my best to keep pace with Will and his ridiculously long legs. Despite the pain of being reminded of how short I am, Will’s scramble up from ballroom is my favourite out of all the Malcolms. It is so violently physical, the groaning and the sounds of Will hitting the wall on his way up, making the whole thing seem so much more urgent. We run into the back room, Will has his antidote and Agnes enters.
Taylor Ann Massa is on as Agnes and she is a treat — so fluid and quick, flitting away from Malcolm with ease. With Taylor on, Agnes feels a little bit more in control of this situation, her movements more calculatingly flirtatious. Will picks her up a little as they kiss and the lighting makes the whole scene look dreamy — my friend adores it, she returns to watch it in the next loop as well. Agnes rushes away, this show not taking anyone with her, and Will (along with the now amassed crowd) runs back to the backroom, egg in hand. I position my friend in front of me, hoping her still catching breath would indicate her loyalty to Will enough to get her the 1-1. This does not work and for the second time on the 3rd of December, I am dragged by a Malcolm into the room of ash and eggs.
WILL WILL WILL — I am such a huge fan. I have said this many a time before but Will’s Malcolm is a scary, scary bitch and I eat up every second of it like a starved woman at her last supper. Every moment of this 1-1 feels tonally different to the exact same one I had earlier in the day — drenched in pure, hostile suspicion rather than the more naïve seeming near-curiosity of Tim. Will’s walk to the curtain is a proper hold, keeping me in line, instead of a gentle side-hug of sorts and when we are in the room, there is no softness in the querying look Malcolm implores you with. The egg pick is rapid but the breaking is slower, perfectly synced to the soundscape in a way where the tension of knowing what is going to happen but not when makes your heart quicken. Will searches through the ash, less desperate and more sure — as if he knows I know something that he doesn’t.
I am pinned to the wall tightly, eyes widening on instinct. Will does the dialogue — again, things are different and I am beyond thrilled to see these two conflicting versions of this beloved character so close together. I adore Will’s vocal choice in this scene — the gruffness, the difficult tone. For some reason, I am reminded of a Good Cop-Bad Cop shtick except Tim is Anxious Cop and Will is Angry Cop. I refuse to break eye contact, enthralled by Will’s ability to communicate sheerly through body language. There is no stumbling or clawing (as if tortured and asking for help) like with Tim, Will’s choking up of the feather is frenzied and vicious. Shit is pure daunting. The lights go off, there is a tight grasp around my shoulders (rather than a damning hug) as the last lines are delivered and then I’ve lost Will, who moves at insane speeds and is gone before I squeeze my eyes open.
I make it down to Duncan discovery right as Malcolm discovers the feather and despite all of my times seeing this scene, the goosebumps return as if on cue. There is something about the gravity of this scene with an older Malcolm — this beautifully soul-crushing world weariness attached to it. It is not the heartbroken crumbling of a young son but the disparaged understanding of an older one — well-aware of his father’s mortality from the start, but beyond angry at the manner of death. I watch Will! Malcolm, Elias! Macduff and Omri! Banquo bring Andrew P’s Duncan down to the crypt, enjoying the sheer height at which Andrew P was hoisted due to how tall the Boys™ are. The suspicious look at Banquo in the crypt is beyond perfect — a clear sign of Malcolm’s growing distrust in everyone around him. I loved the glance first falling to Macduff and only slowly following the line to Banquo and the choice from Will to be the first to remove his hand — something I have never seen the younger Malcolms do.
I follow Malcolm up to Hammertime but am distracted by the reappearance of my friend. We don’t make it in to watch Hammertime as a consequence but I position us by Malcolm’s office window on High Street just as Natebeth comes screeching down the hall from Rep Bar. She clutches onto my hand, Macbeth and Macduff come running down the street and without much issue, we make it into the room. Again, I am blown away by Will’s physicality as Malcolm — every movement is sharp and gruff, in character and scary. The sound of both Malcolm and Macduff’s feet hitting the ground and them moving around the room is chillingly good — Will and Elias are perfectly synchronised. There is a moment where Malcolm stands facing this small audience and me and Will make eye contact. It is fleeting but it feels like I have been vetted and approved as innocent, as a potential co-conspirator and I am exhilarated. We dutifully follow the Boys into the office to watch them conspire the moving of the trees and then they are gone. My friend holds me in the office and tells me about watching Fulton inspect Sexy in the mortuary while I was away and as she tells me more, we walk quietly to Paisley’s.
Armed with candy (no gumdrops </3), we hang out with Bret’s Fulton — a sweet cowardly Fulton if I have ever seen one. He rushes off to pick for the 1-1, which neither of us get, and I move both me and my friend into Agnes’ apartment (which was relatively empty, expected when she is asleep) so we can see him creepily emerge. He emerges, we continue following (chowing down on sour balls) and watch him tidy up, endeared. As loop two begins (indicated to me by Malcolm moving down High Street in his fun little trench), she stays with Bret and I abandon ship to go check if Tim’s Taxi has made an appearance. He has not so again, by habit, I wander over to Malcolm’s office where Will is busy typing away on the typewriter. He has a crowd now so I don’t bother trying to squeeze in, opting to watch from the doorway. The razor scene starts (which is decidedly not my favourite) so I slip away again, going into the Taxidermist’s to say hello to our favourite stuffed animal friends.
My friend notices me on my way back and joins me so I spend a few quite minutes showing her the different strange taxidermy and the office in the back, all of which are some of my favourite set details. She is less interested in petting the moose than I am so a few pets later, we look around the apothecary (which she loves). I am distracted again by the need to pet the moose and as I do so, a stomping blur cuts past me — who else could it be other than our local nutjob, Mr. Bargarran. The noise is frightening and draws out my friend, we follow out into the office to see Tim rampaging towards Fulton, angry as all hell and my god… scary ??
Bret’s Fulton sees him coming and steps back, fear palpable and as Tim! Taxi literally kicks the door open to the shop, he disappears speedily. This Taxi is insane and I am literally paralysed into a constant gasp by the sheer manic, freakish energy of this performance. As he watches Taxi rush off, Taxi groans/ growls in frustration and rushes into High Street, body posed like a predator ready to pounce and to rip the other into shreds. Fulton appears, there is a small fight where Bret scurries away from Tim as fast as possible, disappearing with a White Mask into the funeral parlour. At this point, I am holding onto my friend’s arm in a tight grasp, gagged by this display, and I proceed to only be more stunned as Tim begins to genuinely punch the windows and doors of the parlour. I can’t help but break out into disbelieving, quiet laughter as he punches the right window hard enough that the entire panel comes clean off. I don’t think Tim could believe it either — he stepped right back, glanced at it, at the genuinely terrified crowd (in which I was trying so hard to keep it together) and then scoffed. It was beyond glorious.
I had spent the whole first hour of this show thinking about Tim C’s Malcolm, deliciously different as it is to Will’s, and about how much I loved his characterisation. Previous to this show, I had seen and for the most part, looped Tim on as Malcolm 10 times. As I told him mid-him spoiling the Taxi surprise, I had never had the luck of seeing him on as anything else so in my mind, I had formulated his Taxi to be very similar to Vik’s in energy — mildly threatening (for obviously taxidermy) but mostly goofy fun. THIS was not what I was expecting at all and the confidence with which Tim carried the character of this feverishly riotous nutjob blew me allllll the way away. The aggression in the body language — the slight hunch in his walk, the constant clenching of his fingers, the crazy eyes — was otherworldly. My commitment to two-looping this Taxi only grew every second I saw of this performance, my entire being incensed by the need to watch this wacko do all the strange shit I knew was coming. I was not disappointed at all. AT ALL.
From my own rampant chicken-scrawl notes from the day of, here are a list of highlights from Mr. Creavin’s Taxidermist in the first full loop he was out.
The bone-themed art piece he made by sticking all the dead leaves and flowers from the tray into a skeleton to create a Taxidermist’s bouquet.
The little square made out of all his tools that he kept watching me try to fix and continuing to mess its symmetry up on purpose.
When he grabbed the sharpest looking bone he could find and kept circling it around his skin, before holding it like a dagger and moving towards the door of the shop, pointing it at Fulton threateningly (long enough my friend thought we were about to witness a with-bone murder)
His insistence on straightening the little dinosaur and then running past it and wacking it.
Stomping around exclusively — this man did not walk anywhere.
When Bret Fulton was in his 1-1, Tim swivelled around into the Fulton Tailor Shop, slammed all of the little crosses off the wall, threw drawers everywhere, played concerningly too long with the scissors and put the only red string in Fulton's box in his mouth. When Bret came back to fix the coat, he rifled through the box and Tim drooled the spool of thread (needle and all) out onto the table. BRET'S FACE...
Fondling the hammer while sitting in the office before taking it off the wall, holding it for some time and then putting it back.
Kicking the cemetery dirt instead of digging through it, leading to it being all over the audience (who were all fucking petrified of him).
Pulling out many many things from the inside-shop moose’s nose — including the blood will have blood note.
The smug little look he shot people when he very smoothly pulled his first 1-1 pull into the room, smoothly enough that even they seemed shocked.
While Tim C Taxi was in the 1-1, I slipped down to 2, wanting to check on our dear pal Porter and to see who was on. I had spent the majority of my show in the stairwells with Malcolm and then on 4 with Taxi and didn’t want to be left unawares for writing the cast list after. I amble down and who do I see? VIK. Most shows, this discovery would end any other plans but I had committed myself to the nutjob upstairs so I let myself stay for only long enough to watch the phonebooth dance. Aaron and Vik make for an amazing BW-Porter pair and Vik came across as much bolder, leaning in actively, with Aaron’s relatively kinder Boy than with Noah’s mean one (the only other combination I have seen). The 1-1 pull took place by Lost Luggage and while Vik looked at me, they (excitingly!!!!) took the loveliest older guest (who I had been talking to in line outside) in instead.
Taking this as my sign for a natural transition back upstairs, I returned to Four to watch Tim (as mentioned in the bullet points) cleaning his tools and pissing me off by messing up their symmetry. During the cleaning sequence, he had about 2-3 people in the shop including me but as Lady Macduff made her entrance, this number quickly grew to 15-20. Only a few who arrived with her left as she did, waiting around to see Tim C do something interesting. Having moved away for Lady Duff’s scene, I stood at the corner of the shop counter, arms resting on top and Tim moved outwards, gesturing for me to remove my arms. I follow instructions and as he rests the door down, letting it go with a thud, he takes my hand. There is a short pause, I nod as we lock eyes and then again with a quiet, smug smirk, we disappear into the Boy shower room.
The second we are in this room, the threatening vibe of this Taxi is more potent. I had only ever had this 1-1 once before with Vik, who again (in my mind) is an incredibly non-threatening Taxi. Tim’s Taxi was quieter, it felt like I was someone who was being inspected, scientifically broken down into benefits and weaknesses. For a minute, I feel strangely foreign in this situation, slightly overwhelmed by the intensity of this dim room. Tim takes my mask off, and in what I believe is a habit of his, ducks his head slightly to see my face before its entirely off. The familiarity of this (especially just from that morning) is centring and I break into a nervous smile — this is a theatrical performance, there is no need to be afraid.
He nods and I feel the air relax a little — now that I am less tense, I am able to enjoy the scene a whole lot more. Taxi moves my arms up and down, inspecting still but I don’t feel stiff and it is easy for me to follow the dramatic flow. He, very gently, leads me into the dark cubicle and sits me down, telling me to stay still as he leaves to wash his hands. The sound of water rushing starts and like in my previous instance in this room, I peek through the gap to see what Taxi is up to. While Vik had been by the sink, possibly actually washing their hands, Tim was just standing around which made me unconsciously chuckle. Tim moves back into the cubicle seamlessly in the dark and as the light comes on, I jump a little.
The injection comes out and for a second, I am convinced by the way that he looks at the needle and by his prior, well-established fascination with sharp things, that he is going to prick himself on it or inject it or something insane. Instead, he brings it down, squirting the dark green onto my beloved beloved gumdrops. Both are covered entirely in the green, eliminating choice, so I grab the one nearer to me, give a cursory nod at Taxi and begin to chew. The green stains are all over my hands and as I look up expecting Taxi to eat the other, he simply pushes the tray away and smiles wickedly. I gasp and suddenly we are standing up, the cubicle door is pushed open and we are facing the moose inside. Dialogue is delivered that I cannot fully recall but in a rough, manic manner that makes my body shudder. I am commanded — “Come with me” — and I take Tim’s hands, pulled out of the shower-room and through into the rave. The pull is powerful but I am relatively used to being dragged by Tim C as Malcolm so I find my footing quickly.
At the rave, Tim! Taxi quite literally shoves unwilling guests out of the way, pushing us mostly to the front. The crowd is incredibly pushy but thanks to Tim’s death grip on my shoulder, I survive to watch the raise up of Sexy by the rest of the coven. I feel the grip lighten as the scream starts and I follow Taxi straight out — I have seen the rave in the morning twice and Hour Six in the hotel no longer have the capacity for it. PLUS, he is making his way down to my favourite Taxi scene: the Teddy Bear. There is absolutely no one around as we go down the stairs to 3rd and I witness my friend loitering around in Macduff’s office on pure chance as me and Taxi skate by to the children’s bedroom. I grab her and rush over, watching Tim’s green-stained hands deftly stitch the bone into the poor bear.
Taxi finishes up and stomps over (as is key) to the front of the apartment fixing his own tie as well as the bear’s bow in the mirror. There is a quiet moment where me and my friend stand behind him, all visible in the mirror and he looks up, makes eye contact and then fixes his hair. Once he’s satisfied, Taxi picks up the bear perfectly on cue to the soundscape beginning to play a sweet waltz number and WALTZES THE LITTLE BEAR. Adorable, even if the bear has a bone in it and he is a psycho. We watch relatively endeared and leave with Tim after he places the bear upside down on the sofa.
As we get up to fourth, there is a waiting crowd of curious folk in the shop but Taxi slips straight into the office instead, opting not to clean up his messy bouquet and instead…. take a nap. Legs up on the desk, dead squirrel over his eyes like a mask, there are about twenty of us who stand around watching the man doze before he is up again. The dead squirrel, quite unfortunately for Elspeth-the-fox-lovers like me, goes over the her snout and Taxi stumbles over to the much beloved moose. We all watch, genuinely petrified and personally concerned for Tim’s lack of germ awareness, as he smooches for quite some time the Moose. A white mask turns around and leaves — it lasts long enough for that. Again, Tim C Taxi has left me completely gagged.
He turns around as the makeout… finally ends and we lock eyes. The hand goes out and I am being walked down for the second show in a row. I struggle down the stairs with my skirt because the people behind us seem to not understand personal space, which leads to Tim turning around to level glares and to grip my hand tighter so I don’t faceplant down the stairs. We get to the hanging and much like at the rave, Tim flings people out of the way until we are right up front. The normal removing unwitting White Masks from the Banquo spot process takes place and then Tim’s Taxi is right behind me, again death gripping my shoulder as Natebeth is hung.
The walkout is quick and relatively giggly. We slip away from the crowd very very quickly and as we climb up the crypt stairs, I look up at Tim, still struggling with this damn skirt, and we both stifle a laugh. We go up the stairs with him slowing down for my struggles and as we reach the Manderley, he finally laughs gleefully. I am pinned to a wall and my mask comes off before I am chuckling. We hug and I am given a little souvenir — the Blood will have Blood note. I tell Tim his Taxi is a complete nutjob and my now favourite take on the character before he slips off saying Happy Birthday.
The performance in bar by Karen was wonderful and I spent some time chuckling away with other fans from the server and with my friend (who had her own expectedly wondrous time following Vik! Porter after slipping away from Tim post-first-1-1), ending what is surely one of the best birthdays I have ever had. What a ride!
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furiarossa · 2 years
What are your favorite gargoyles pairings? 👀 I know Xanatowen and Demona-Macbeth, but do you also like Goliath/Elisa? Anything else?
Hi! Thaaank you for asking! I'm A LOT into Fox x Xanatos (maybe my favorite one, well, just look at my curent icon with WereFox and the good bad ol' David), but OF COURSE I do like Goliath and Elisa! Who doesn't love them? ;) Strong and smart hero girl with kind but incredibly powerful monster, "slow burn" relationship, TWO seasons of waiting for just one kiss, a lot of respect and they're fun fun fun to see on screen! So, yeah, of course I do like them, but I didn't have the time to draw it yet because, eh, I had also other ideas to draw (and the fandom already created a lot of absolutely beautiful art of these two, so it didn't feel like they needed me).
Also, my really really favorite ship dynamic is Fox x Xanatos x Owen. This means also Fox x Owen, another thing that I didn't draw yet, oh oh :) It's cute to think that they're kinda a family: poly villains, with an ace henchman that they dearly love and respect, and cuddle a lot.
Anything else? Hmmm...
Anything with Xanatos really. A itsy bitsy sprinkle of Xanatos x Goliath (c'mon, that man is obsessed with the gargoyle...). Maybe also an itsy bitsy of Xanatos x Elisa? Weird but good. Pan and poly Xanatos is a common headcanon in the fandom and we embraced it like, immediately.
So, OF COURSE, also Puck x Xanatos (this is one of the big favs of my sister too, the other artist that shares the account for me), and I feel like you’re gonna see fanarts of them.
Oh, and it may be a very niche one, but also the Magus x Katharine. They deserved each other.
And, last and least, Demona x Thailog. They don't have a particularly wholesome relationship, and in canon we wouldn't like to see them again as mates on screen, but they're hot together, so... this one is just visually pleasing. Maybe Demona x Macbeth x Thailog? Deliciously wrong. Poor Macbeth XD But it would be fun to see once, hey.
And that's all, folks!
(And we are also two artists on this account, that share very similar views on the show, but I wrote everything with the singular person instead of writing “we” because, ugh, I forgot? And because I’m not asking my sis for revisioning this text. I just want to talk about gargoyle ships and that’s it. That’s my guilty pleasure and it’s personal XD).
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countesspetofi · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags!
Thank you @celestial-alignment for tagging me to share my 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms!
(Favorites subject to change without warning, void where prohibited. I'm just proud of myself for finally actually completing a tag post. I had a hard enough time narrowing down the fandoms!)
Star Wars: Princess Leia Organa
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The original galactic girlboss. She is beauty, she is grace, she will shoot you in the face, and kick your ass to outer space. She fights hard because she loves hard. She doesn't know who we are or where we came from, but from now on, we do as she tells us.
Star Trek: Commander Deanna Troi
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Patron saint of situational disability. Does a thankless job and does it well. If she makes you uncomfortable it’s probably for your own good. (Just like Mom, but don’t let her hear you say that.) Hair goals.
Batman ’66: Batman
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The Bright Knight. The man himself. He’s a weirdo and he leans into it. Pulled off a conference call with Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne. Has his own dance craze and a killer theme song.
Night Court: Judge Harry Stone
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Has every right to be sad and bitter, chooses laughter instead. Will drag you kicking and screaming out of your own bad mood. Turns down the lights and plays Mel Tormé for lesbians. 
Babylon 5: Lennier of the Third Fane of Chudomo
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To right the unrightable wrong, and to love pure and chaste from afar, this is his quest to follow that star. Sweet boy who came to a bad end.
Dark Shadows (Original Series): Jenny Collins
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If you read Jane Eyre and stanned the mad wife in the attic, Jenny’s your girl. I know if I married a Victorian cad who ran off to Egypt with his brother’s wife, MY big sister would turn him into a werewolf, too. Trivia: I once played the Third Witch in Macbeth by just pretending to be Jenny Collins.
The Vampire Chronicles: Louis de Pointe du Lac
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Bit of a Gloomy Gus? Sure. Brings the room down sometimes? It’s a fair cop. But boy, can this dude weave a story. The author might have switched her allegiance to the bad boy, but the first book is what drew people in and it’s all Louis and his Byronic brooding. (Using an image from the 1994 film adaptation, but it’s more about the books for me.)
Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs
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Reminds me of my oldest friend, who I met in junior high school. Sometimes you just need a friend to tell you you're going to end up another leather-clad, middle-aged sad sack dying alone in a puddle of your own piss, so hang onto him.
The Muppets: Forgetful Jones
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You’re spoiled for choice with this bunch, right? But ol’ Forgetful was my first love, consarn it. Miss you, Richard Hunt. I had more to say, but… I FORGOT!
Forever Knight: Nick Knight/Nicolas de Brabant
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With the face of a fallen angel and the blackest silk pajamas in the Greater Toronto Area, our vampire himbo prince was the best undead Canadian homicide cop of the late twentieth century. Being cute covers a multitude of sins
ETA: How the hell did I miscount? I’ve been working on this forever! I bumped Miss Parker, so she might come and kill me..
I tried to come up with a fancy system for randomly selecting blogs to tag, but it didn't go so well, so I just picked the first ten blogs I instantly recognized from my followers list (which is sorted however tumblr sorts these things). If you're tagged and don’t want to do it (or have already done it), that is cool! If you're not tagged and do want to do it, that may even be slightly cooler.
@ilovemesomevincentprice @tunglo @agent-troi @oysterloaf @dunkaroosandglitter @megalokalypse @gooosetooth @rose-of-pollux @righteousnerd​ @gaslightgallows​
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forget-mad-not · 1 year
Alas, I have not read Macbeth and therefor cannot judge or analyse you on your references. If I miss or misinterpret anything blame it on that. English classics are still difficult for me in terms of english, for the most part, so I tend to avoid them. Schiller, Büchner or Goethe references are very welcome though. /j
I love how everything, even before the last paragraph (the revelation) points to the fact that this is not the height of the plot, the story reaching it's climax of an organic development but a perfected, practiced tale being told to the audience.
"Once upon a time: all as it should be."
The very first line, fairy tale opening. This is the Actor introducing his audience to the tale. I really love how fond you seem to be of repetitions. How it is repeated again in the last paragraph, promising that nothing will change.
"Revenge is always predestined, a necessary heartbeat. If it is a good story, it must be fulfilled, because every good story is a promise kept, like ‘till death do us part’ or ‘I’ll protect you’."
Well, this is just foreshadowing to DAMIEN in the best way possible. Again, drilling in the fact that Celine is a character in this, by the Actor perfected, tale. Repeated actions over dozens of the same day all coming to a climax where she buries the axe in Marks chest. Revenge being fulfilled, planned, leading to Damien taking the leading role. As planned.
To me, it almost seems like sentences in italics are either thoughts planted by the Actor or direct comments of his (I'm obsessed with him, I can't help it).
Your use of stylistic devices is fantastic. The frequent use of anaphoras, parallelisms and repetitions combined with your fantastic use of metaphors? Perfection
Keeping this short as it is 00:29 here and I am tired.
Spoiler for anyone out there, we're talking about this fic of mine:
And now I'd like to shove all the thought-forming tools of my entire academic career into the answer /hj /lh
First of all, I swear I'm going to put a Woyzeck-quote in a piece of writing just for you :"D ✨
In this piece of writing, by the way, I didn't so much refer to the plot of Macbeth as use fragments of its more known speech because intertextuality is a wonderful thing:
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Small allusions, I know, but first of all: they sound good ✨ On the other hand, the mental image of theatre evoked by these lines are to further build associations that are meant to suggest the reality-creating function of a story (which is an important point of the characters in WKM?, especially in relation to Actor and the DAMIEN-video).
The loop-mechanic, the act of continuous repetition, also evokes a sense of rehearsal, which can develop the classic rules of storytelling and the methods that can give a story its most powerful form. One might think, of course, that a self-regarding all-mighty story-creator like Actor would be aware of them and use them to the verge of obsession.
HOWEVER. Of course, there has to be a 'however' :"D
You point very well here to the self-reflexive nature of the text and, more importantly, the story, probably my favorite canon element of the Markiplier Cinematic Universe.
Because Actor may be aware of the elements that make up a good ol' perfect story, but on the one hand: fiction is not life, and on the other hand Mark as a writer (consciously or in his usual 'sounded cool' way) has very cleverly in DAMIEN subverted the audience's expectation and literally put a gun on the wall that didn't fire and said 'fuck Chekhov'.
Basically, he managed to take his Markiplier-promises to the level of storytelling meta-criticism. Brava.
So this fanfiction was trying to be a lyrical expression of that idea, as Celine, thinking like Actor, tries to adjust and win in this twisted world, because until the story is over, she can win. (The tragedy: the story will never be over.)
From that point of view, your point about the italicized sentences is absolutely correct, on some level Actor did indeed plant those ideas there, but they are more Celine's (otherwise correct-seeming) assumptions about Actor's strategies.
However, Celine's downfall in this situation is, ironically, that she is trying to play Actor's game, following in his footsteps, trying to make sense of his arcane, stupid story-beats, trying to use them to her (and Damien's) advantage. However, all this does is make us go round and round in circles and we just tire ourselves out.
Maybe, a solution (won't solve everything, though, some things can't be fixed, and that must be accepted): if you don't play by the rules, there is no play.
You can only break out of the loop. But look, it's cracking around the edges like ice anyway. Leave the gun on the wall. Here's an axe, more practical.
Fuck Chekhov.
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But hey, that's just a theory, a dead author's theory! (Next time our lesson respectfully will be 'fuck Roland Barthes', just watch :"D)
Meo dear, thank you so much for your thoughts and for taking the time to reflect on my story and share your interpretations with me, it means a lot! :"3 💜
And, I haven't forgotten, I will definitely keep in mind your offer of beta-reading and German proofreading ;) ✨
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milesofsoup · 9 months
📓 give me a Homestuck one if u can
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
the Alpha kids ended up in a dead session. Like, moreso than usual for a dead session. Their classpects are different as well; jane is Maid of Doom, jake is Mage of Hope, dirk is Heir of Mind and roxy is Seer of Void.
this affects their pre-game dynamics, sure why not, but that's not the plot
The four of them are on a desolate and empty planet. It bears no name. It has no guardian. Left without even the option to reach god tier, roxy makes a best attempt to reach out, look for something anything, to see. and unfortunately she does, the vast soundless and depthless void of space. she can hear the echoes of another reality, see the heat shimmers of a different session, but it's lost now. their luck rests in her NOT seeing, in her being uncertain.
even without full god tier access, their spirits are restless. she puts them all to sleep to pass the time. they all stand vigil for a shapeless vessel that may or may not be carrying passengers, could be traveling faster than light, and might have help aboard.
it'd be a short and sweet oneshot
there'd be lots of bad shakespeare references cause Doomed Narrative just reminds me of Hamlet and Macbeth and i cant resist a “Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest” "roxy what the dang ol FUCK are you on about" "te-hee nofin dirky~" *insert BANG onomatopoeia visual effect here*
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doskorogorpg · 9 months
the cast as shakespeare characters??? 🫶🏼
Good ol' Willy Shakes! Here you go:
Anton Zaytsev — Mercutio
Asli Yildiz — Ophelia
Igor Lazarev — Macbeth
Maksim Kedrov — Bottom
Mikhail Voronin — Julius Caesar
Nastia Berezin — Brutus
Octavia Kaverin — Viola
Sasha Nechayez — Cleopatra
Sofiya Maryin — Lady Macbeth
Svetlana Belyakova — Beatrice
Varyis Zhuk — Romeo
Yekaterina Volkova — Bianca
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